Re: CSbitter versus metallic taste

2012-05-31 Thread Craig Chamberlin

Hi David,

Mine (made with a Silver Puppy) is always a bit metallic tasting.  I 
have never noticed any bitterness.



David AuBuchon wrote:

Sometimes I would describe EIS as bitter, and sometimes metallic.  Am
I just imagining, or is this actually indicative of an actual


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Sun Flower Lecithin

2012-05-31 Thread Ole Alstrup
Hi Melly,

Thanks for the alert. Who did you communicate with about this at Blue Mountain?



 From: Melly Bag
Sent: Thursday, 31 May 2012, 6:37
Subject: CSRe: Sun Flower Lecithin

I still have several bottles of the Blue Mountain sunflower raw lecithin.   
stopped using it because when i called them to confirm if they used hexane, 
they said they can't tell me.  So i said, your answer is either yes or no, and 
they said sorry, can't tell.  I assumed they do use hexane otherwise they 
would have  denied it.

CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread Melly Bag
Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the tomato 
genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial genes  as 
they gmo the plant.

RE: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread PTFerrance
I hate to be the one that shares this because I consider it truly awful.
From what I have read and been told Monsanto's aim is to have what I believe
are called 'kill seeds'.  They will not reproduce so every year people will
have to purchase new seeds from Monsanto thus increasing their profit.  Just
another way to control populations via food chain.



From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:22 AM
Subject: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato


Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the tomato
genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial genes  as
they gmo the plant.





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Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5035 - Release Date: 05/31/12

Re: CSUpdate on 6yr blister burns on ears (sunburn)

2012-05-31 Thread phoenix23002
Lisa.. Wonderful news and great outcome!!  Thanks for keeping us posted.

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Lisa wrote:

  Hi All,

 ** **

 I have to say that I am VERY pleased with the results of the treatment(s)
 I did on my son’s blistered ears!  I used a combination of EIS (probably 90
 or 95%), with some comfrey tincture and lavender essential oil and I was
 able to add some melted coconut oil to this. We sprayed this on his ears as
 many times a day as we could – even had the school nurse doing it while he
 was at school! In between I merely rubbeb (softly mind you) a small amount
 of coconut oil on them.

 ** **

 The blisters never broke and overnight they started to shrivel up. Over
 the course of 5 days…they got smaller and smaller. He received his sunburn
 on Sunday and treatment started that afternoon and continued until they
 were healed. The smaller of the two blistered sloughed off on day 3 or so
 and the bigger blister started to lift off on day 5. I worked it gingerly
 with coconut oil until I could remove the whole thing (it had shrunk to at
 least half its original size) and knowing that it was hanging there as it
 is, my son probably would have ripped it off at some point and I wanted to
 ensure that it was removed as carefully as possible.

 ** **

 On day 6 (Saturday) there was no sign whatsoever of his burns (actually
 after I worked the bigger blister off – you could really say it was Friday)
 that healthy skin was there. I agree with the many people that said the EIS
 was evident in healing the skin underneath the blister first and everything
 else helped it along. I do remember using a bit of DMSO the first day or
 two which my son tolerated but when you get DMSO on “good” skin it has a
 tendency to burn and tingle which he could not handle (it dribbled a bit
 down his ear and I heard about it for sure). After the first day or two I
 just used the “spray” I had and would make sure I covered the blisters well
 and even used my fingers to make sure they were definitely coated with the

 ** **

 So, lesson learned: EIS works wonders with burns!!!

 ** **

 Thank you everyone J

 ** **


Re: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread Steve G
When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the natural 
process with some coaxing.    I'm not so comfortable with other methods, but 
mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not found in the 
species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal DNA of one kind or 
another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if that's true or not.

So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.    So I suppose if the GMO was being 
done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with it 
considering their total disregard for human safety.


--- On Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag wrote:

From: Melly Bag
Subject: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM

Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the tomato 
genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial genes  as 
they gmo the plant.

RE: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread PTFerrance
I personally don't like having Roundup GMO into my food.



From: Steve G [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato


When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the natural
process with some coaxing.I'm not so comfortable with other methods, but
mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not found in the
species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal DNA of one kind
or another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if that's true or not.

So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.So I suppose if the GMO was
being done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do
with it considering their total disregard for human safety.


--- On Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag wrote:

From: Melly Bag
Subject: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM

Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the tomato
genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial genes  as
they gmo the plant.





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Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5035 - Release Date: 05/31/12

CSeyes, flax oil and DMSO

2012-05-31 Thread PTFerrance
For those of you who use flax oil or add DMSO to products like Can-See, how
do you handle the sterility issues?  I don't believe flax oil or DMSO are
sterile and most of us don't have autoclaves to sterilize the tools we use.
I would like to try some of these methods but am concerned about introducing
a microbe into my eyes that could cause problems.



Re: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread phoenix23002
It was in the news a few months back that.. 'they' were going after farmers
who were saving their seeds to replant from year to year.  Little mom and
pop businesses were saving, cleaning and prepping for replanting, the seeds
for various farmers.  They were threatened with criminal charges if they
didn't cease and desist this practice.  Farmers were also threatened by
Monsanto.  I thought when you bought a product it was yours to do with as
you please?  What is the old saying about 'follow the money'? Anyhow, many
seed companies are now offering 'heritage' seeds for sale which is a very
good thing and may help to keep the gene pool of 'pure' seeds available in
case disaster strikes.

As for GMO's?  Remember the potato famine in Ireland?  When the blight hit,
because most people had planted the same type of potato, few escaped the
blight and resultant famine.  The fear is that GMO plants will escape their
confines thru cross-pollination  and 'infect' all similar crops and no pure
seeds/crops will be left.  Imagine some plant disease hitting all our corn
crop because of a common ancestory/suseptibility.

This isn't the only fear, of course.  The other fear is .. what are these
wierd gene splices doing to our bodies when we ingest them as food?
Inserting fish genes into plants to make them more cold resistant??
inserting pesticides to make a plant more pest resistance?  This isn't
science fiction.  It is happening now.
In California, war has been declared on organic, natural farmers with a
court judge declaring that the milk produced by farmers' cows is not theirs
to do with as they please.  HuhAnyone else see the hypocrisy?  On
the one hand the government is being heavy handed in dictating what our
schools must offer in the way of foods and then with the other harrassing
natural food producers.

The powers that be gleefully support chlorine and fluoride (known poisons)
being added to our drinking water but 'sic' the FDA on Celestial
Seasonings, demanding that they destroy all their teas that contain added
Stevia, a safe sugar alternative.

I am not making a political statement but.. am appealing to common sense.
Until people wake up and become educated and realize that the FDA and many
government agencies  are nothing but the lap dogs and attack dogs of Big
Pharma and Monsanto, these outrages will continue.  No.. I don't trust GMO
seeds/plants and I don't trust any of our government agencies/bureaus.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Steve G wrote:

   When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the
 natural process with some coaxing.I'm not so comfortable with other
 methods, but mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not
 found in the species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal
 DNA of one kind or another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if
 that's true or not.

 So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.So I suppose if the GMO was
 being done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do
 with it considering their total disregard for human safety.


 --- On *Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag* wrote:

 From: Melly Bag

 Subject: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato
 Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM

Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the
 tomato genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial
 genes  as they gmo the plant.



Re: CSeyes, flax oil and DMSO

2012-05-31 Thread Lena Guyot
For any drops I put into my eyes, either with MSM or DMSO, I use CS as a base, 
which should sterilize the solution. Also, by making my own, I can keep cost 
down and feel free about discarding the drops regularly and making new, to 
avoid contamination from touching eye or lids. Works for me.
Be well,
On May 31, 2012, at 11:18 AM, PTFerrance wrote:

 For those of you who use flax oil or add DMSO to products like Can-See, how 
 do you handle the sterility issues?  I don’t believe flax oil or DMSO are 
 sterile and most of us don’t have autoclaves to sterilize the tools we use.  
 I would like to try some of these methods but am concerned about introducing 
 a microbe into my eyes that could cause problems.

Re: Brooks / Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Brooks Bradley
No, I am suggesting this protocol be considered in addition to CMO.
Sincerely,  Brooks

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:27 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:
 Dear Brooks are you recommending this protocol in place of the CMO protocol?



 - Original Message - From: Brooks Bradley
 Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: CSArthritis

        Dear Asif,
 Our research group has conducted investigations/evaluations of a
 number of protocols
 designed to alleviate the more pernicious effects of the various
 arthritis insults. One of the crown jewels for addressing arthritic
 insults to the articulating joints, has proven to be CMO.  I have,
 over the last few years, made brief posts as to our progress.
       Recently, we restarted some of our evaluationsmost
 especially those involving enzymatic
 approaches.  Central to these evaluations were bromelain and
 serrapeptase .  Additionally, boswellia
 was evaluated to demonstrate effective inflamation reduction/control
 for presentations non-responsive
 to the conventional allopathic NISAID family (that is, as long-term,
 non-toxic, addresses).
 One can Google these substances for general informationbut should
 be advised that CONVENTIONAL, allopathic medicine is quite out-spoken
 in their criticism ,demonstrated by their
 unrelenting  attacks against these alternative substances.
        Suffice it is for me to say that our researches demonstrate
 each of these substances to be of genuine value in reducing the pain
 and swelling presenting in joint tissue and environs.   Bosewellia
 revealed to be especially helpful in addressing pain issues
 accompanying intense inflammation.
 Serrapeptase was, at the very least, 50% to 100% more effective than a
 variety of patented drugs...
 at least among those we evaluated.  Additionally, the cost difference
 in the allopathic, patented types,
 over the alternative enzyme-based materials.was at least ten to
 one--in favor of the agternative  materials.
          I encourage list members to use their browsing systems to
 further investigate these substances for themselves.
          I now include one of the more effective protocols which we
 developedin our EXPERIMENTAL medical endeavors.
          Boswellia (preferably capsule form) 500 mg  {twice daily):
 Serrapeptase (free powder or capsules)  20 mg (twice daily) :
 Bromelain (free powder of capsule)  1000mg (twice daily.)
      NOTE  These substances work MUCH better when ingested on an
 empty stomach.  Bromelain and serrapeptaseespecially.  Taking one
 of the protocols just before bedtime yielded better results.
 It is of substance to note that one obtained best results when
 consuming 8 ounces of plain water
 each time the volunteer ingested the three-substance combination.
 They were, all, consumed  togethersimultaneously, both

                               I must go now,  Sincerely,   Brooks
   p.s.  I almost forgot..we were able to achieve NOTICEABLE
 improvement in at least 50%
 of all caseswithin the first 4 days.and PRONOUNCED IMPROVMENT
 in 75% of all cases---within 14 days.  It should be noted that
 some of these cases had calendar histories greater than one year.  It
 is true that the more powerful NSAID's did yield much more rapid pain
 relief within the first
 24 hour time-envelope .but ALL NSAID substances presented some
 unwelcome, sometimes TOXIC reactions among some of the body's more
 susceptible (liver, pancreas and  digestive) systemswhen they were
 consumed for.continuous times beyond 10 days. At least that was our

 On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Asif Nathekar wrote:

 Hi silver list,
 I wonder if you you guys have any good treatments for arthritis in the
 joints. Knees and fingers especially.
 The person has been taking around 10ml of 15ppm silver once a day and
 reports its helps.
 The person is being put on increased painkillers for this condition which
 has its own side effects .
 So I seek the wisdom of the usually very helpful people here.
 Thank you.
 Peace to all.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

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Re: CSeyes, flax oil and DMSO

2012-05-31 Thread phoenix23002
You ask a very good question and I can't speak to the sterility of these
products but..  they do transport organs destined for transplantation in
DMSO??  There is a pharma-grade DMSO that doesn't have any pollutants or
additives but it does require an rx.  I assume they use this grade of DMSO
to pack the organs in.   You just have to find a supplier you trust.  A
website.. offers what they call a pharma grade of
DMSO but.. I can't swear to it.  But the price sure reflects a higher
quality product.   I read somewhere that people had some success with
cataracts by putting a drop or so of castor oil on their eyelids at nite
and allowing it to be absorbed into the eye that way.Lola

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:18 AM, PTFerrance wrote:

  For those of you who use flax oil or add DMSO to products like Can-See,
 how do you handle the sterility issues?  I don’t believe flax oil or DMSO
 are sterile and most of us don’t have autoclaves to sterilize the tools we
 use.  I would like to try some of these methods but am concerned about
 introducing a microbe into my eyes that could cause problems.  Thanks.


Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Marshall
The body has miraculous healing powers.  After the CMO stops the 
destruction, then the body has a chance to heal it.  It is like if you 
have a house that is on fire.  No matter how fast you rebuild it will 
still be destroyed.  And if the fires is being set by firebugs, then 
putting out the fire will only help for a while.  First you get rid of 
the firebugs, then you put the fire out, then you rebuild.  The CMO puts 
the fire out.


On 5/30/2012 11:29 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

Marshall how did the joints rebuild if CMO doesn't serve that function?

- Original Message -
*From:* Marshall
*Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:31 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSArthritis

CMO only stops the damage being done by the autoimmune attack.  It
does nothing to repair the damage.  The best way to handle it is
use a 3 step protocol.

1. Get rid of any pathogens that could be triggering an autoimmune
response.  CS is one very good way to do that.
2. Once clear of pathogens, take the course of CMO.
3. Once finished with that, take Glucosamine sulfate and
chondroitin and/or other supplements to rebuild the damage.

My arthritis did not completely go away until around 3 months
after finishing the CMO, as it took that long to rebuild the joints.


On 5/30/2012 3:43 PM, wrote:

I just finished a bottle of CMO (30) capsules because my
good knee caused so much pain I had to use the artificial knee
going up and down stairs. PT said to go up with the good knee and
down with the bad knee.The day after finishing the bottle I could
go up the stairs with the hurt knee. I thought it did not work,
but it was a delayed reaction. I use Puritan Pride CMO that used
to be about $6 a bottle
In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:26:42 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

**cetylmyristoleate.  It resets the body's immune system so
it stops attacking your joints so they can be repaired.  Lyme
causes this autoimmune response**

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Re: CSeyes, flax oil and DMSO

2012-05-31 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Me too on the eyes issue of sterol?
Tel Tofflemire

 From: PTFerrance
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:18 AM
Subject: CSeyes, flax oil and DMSO

those of you who use flax oil or add DMSO to products like Can-See, how do you
handle the sterility issues?  I don’t believe flax oil or DMSO are
sterile and most of us don’t have autoclaves to sterilize the tools we
use.  I would like to try some of these methods but am concerned about 
a microbe into my eyes that could cause problems.

Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Brickeyk
I buy when they have a sale, buy 3 get 2 free, so 5 bottles come to $6+ a  
bottle. I gave some bottles to my son, 6 tablets and he quit taking it, said 
his  problem was fixed. I told him to take the 30 tablets but as usual he 
would   not listen. 
In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:39:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Well if you go to Puritan Pride which  you have to do to purchase the 
product they don't stock it - I just went  through 61 products to check - the 
price is amazing.

CSSunflower Lecithin

2012-05-31 Thread Melly Bag
I can't remember the name of the woman I've dealt with.  We had conversation 
over the phone for a few days.  When i called i was passed around until i 
landed on her.  This incident took place three years ago.

Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread sol wrote:
I buy when they have a sale, buy 3 get 2 free, so 5 bottles come to 
$6+ a bottle. I gave some bottles to my son, 6 tablets and he quit 
taking it, said his problem was fixed. I told him to take the 30 
tablets but as usual he would  not listen.
Do they ever? My son didn't listen to me when he was 12 and 30 years 
later he still doesn't listen, LOL.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread 123 456
Look into the organic seeds from www.Johnney'

On 5/31/12, phoenix23002 wrote:
 It was in the news a few months back that.. 'they' were going after farmers
 who were saving their seeds to replant from year to year.  Little mom and
 pop businesses were saving, cleaning and prepping for replanting, the seeds
 for various farmers.  They were threatened with criminal charges if they
 didn't cease and desist this practice.  Farmers were also threatened by
 Monsanto.  I thought when you bought a product it was yours to do with as
 you please?  What is the old saying about 'follow the money'? Anyhow, many
 seed companies are now offering 'heritage' seeds for sale which is a very
 good thing and may help to keep the gene pool of 'pure' seeds available in
 case disaster strikes.

 As for GMO's?  Remember the potato famine in Ireland?  When the blight hit,
 because most people had planted the same type of potato, few escaped the
 blight and resultant famine.  The fear is that GMO plants will escape their
 confines thru cross-pollination  and 'infect' all similar crops and no pure
 seeds/crops will be left.  Imagine some plant disease hitting all our corn
 crop because of a common ancestory/suseptibility.

 This isn't the only fear, of course.  The other fear is .. what are these
 wierd gene splices doing to our bodies when we ingest them as food?
 Inserting fish genes into plants to make them more cold resistant??
 inserting pesticides to make a plant more pest resistance?  This isn't
 science fiction.  It is happening now.
 In California, war has been declared on organic, natural farmers with a
 court judge declaring that the milk produced by farmers' cows is not theirs
 to do with as they please.  HuhAnyone else see the hypocrisy?  On
 the one hand the government is being heavy handed in dictating what our
 schools must offer in the way of foods and then with the other harrassing
 natural food producers.

 The powers that be gleefully support chlorine and fluoride (known poisons)
 being added to our drinking water but 'sic' the FDA on Celestial
 Seasonings, demanding that they destroy all their teas that contain added
 Stevia, a safe sugar alternative.

 I am not making a political statement but.. am appealing to common sense.
 Until people wake up and become educated and realize that the FDA and many
 government agencies  are nothing but the lap dogs and attack dogs of Big
 Pharma and Monsanto, these outrages will continue.  No.. I don't trust GMO
 seeds/plants and I don't trust any of our government agencies/bureaus.

 On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Steve G wrote:

   When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the
 natural process with some coaxing.I'm not so comfortable with other
 methods, but mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not
 found in the species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal
 DNA of one kind or another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if
 that's true or not.

 So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.So I suppose if the GMO was
 being done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do
 with it considering their total disregard for human safety.


 --- On *Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag* wrote:

 From: Melly Bag

 Subject: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato
 Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM

Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the
 tomato genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial
 genes  as they gmo the plant.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMay we talk about Shngles vaccine vs. CS?

2012-05-31 Thread ZZekelink
It occurs to me that intake of CS for other purposes may have  killed the
virus -- especially if we are 10-year some-time  users.
Anybody here actually gotten shingles? Thanks for any  information.
At almost 77, having had chickenpox, I am  interested in opinions and
information .  Vaccine is my lowest choice  anyway, and without Rx 
coverage, it's about
$200.  Judy Down  Maine

Hi Judy, I have not had shingles myself but a friend  got them  the Dr. 
prescriptions worked but only for a short time  they  came back with a 
vengeance...   I offered some CS to her as I had just  read that it helped 
{ I 
was fairly new to CS then  I was making it  with 4 nine volt batteries }  
She said she would try anything--- this is  now going on  3 yrs now  she 
has not had a reoccurrence .  She  took it orally  applied it to the 
shingles.. Also used the   Brooks  Mix   topically   {{ Brooks Mix is--75% 
CS---10% DMSO  15%  glycerinLois


RE: CSMay we talk about Shngles vaccine vs. CS?

2012-05-31 Thread Judy Knowlton
Thank you. Believe in CS over a vaccine, I can
tell you!
I also suspect, because of CS use in the past for
other infections,
that shingles is unlikel;y

 -Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSMay we talk about Shngles vaccine
vs. CS?

  It occurs to me that intake of CS for other
purposes may have killed the
virus -- especially if we are 10-year
some-time users.
Anybody here actually gotten shingles? Thanks
for any information.
At almost 77, having had chickenpox, I am
interested in opinions and
information .  Vaccine is my lowest choice anyway,
and without Rx coverage, it's about
$200.  Judy Down Maine

Hi Judy, I have not had shingles myself but a
friend got them  the Dr. prescriptions worked but
only for a short time  they came back with a
vengeance...   I offered some CS to her as I had
just read that it helped { I was fairly new to
CS then  I was making it with 4 nine volt
batteries }  She said she would try anything---
this is now going on  3 yrs now  she has not had
a reoccurrence .  She took it orally  applied it
to the shingles.. Also used the   Brooks Mix 
topically   {{ Brooks Mix is--75% CS---10% DMSO 
15% glycerinLois

Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Jane MacRoss
Thanks Marshall - I was led to believe that CMO rebuilt the cartilage at the 
ends of the bones forming the joints and HA then filled the joint capsule with 
synovial fluid - the instructions on that one were to take the Hyaluronic Acid 
and then walk briskly for ten minute and stamp to shock the joints into getting 
lubricated - it certainly did something when I tried that but I was taking a 
liquid preparation - the capsules haven't done much since I found them years 
later.  (All the good CMO  HA did in '08 were undone when I used magnets in 
'10 - or so it appeared)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 2:17 AM
  Subject: Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

  The body has miraculous healing powers.  After the CMO stops the destruction, 
then the body has a chance to heal it.  It is like if you have a house that is 
on fire.  No matter how fast you rebuild it will still be destroyed.  And if 
the fires is being set by firebugs, then putting out the fire will only help 
for a while.  First you get rid of the firebugs, then you put the fire out, 
then you rebuild.  The CMO puts the fire out.


  On 5/30/2012 11:29 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote: 
Marshall how did the joints rebuild if CMO doesn't serve that function?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall 
  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:31 AM
  Subject: Re: CSArthritis

  CMO only stops the damage being done by the autoimmune attack.  It does 
nothing to repair the damage.  The best way to handle it is use a 3 step 

  1. Get rid of any pathogens that could be triggering an autoimmune 
response.  CS is one very good way to do that.
  2. Once clear of pathogens, take the course of CMO.
  3. Once finished with that, take Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin 
and/or other supplements to rebuild the damage.

  My arthritis did not completely go away until around 3 months after 
finishing the CMO, as it took that long to rebuild the joints.


  On 5/30/2012 3:43 PM, wrote: 
I just finished a bottle of CMO (30) capsules because my good knee 
caused so much pain I had to use the artificial knee going up and down stairs. 
PT said to go up with the good knee and down with the bad knee.The day after 
finishing the bottle I could go up the stairs with the hurt knee. I thought it 
did not work, but it was a delayed reaction. I use Puritan Pride CMO that used 
to be about $6 a bottle

In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:26:42 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
  cetylmyristoleate.  It resets the body's immune system so it stops 
attacking your joints so they can be repaired.  Lyme causes this autoimmune 

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5033 - Release Date: 05/30/12

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - Release Date: 05/30/12

Brickly Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Jane MacRoss
I still cannot find CMO in the stock list of PuritansPride! If you can find it 
can you send me a link to that page?
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:27 AM
  Subject: Re: CSArthritis

  I buy when they have a sale, buy 3 get 2 free, so 5 bottles come to $6+ a 
bottle. I gave some bottles to my son, 6 tablets and he quit taking it, said 
his problem was fixed. I told him to take the 30 tablets but as usual he would  
not listen. 

  In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:39:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Well if you go to Puritan Pride which you have to do to purchase the 
product they don't stock it - I just went through 61 products to check - the 
price is amazing.

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - Release Date: 05/30/12

Re: Brickly Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread HARSHA GODAVARI
Hi :
  I followed  PT Ference's advice and ordered from ''. 
100g/12.00USD + shipping (6.75 to Canada, cheaper within US). Hope that helps.
both might want to look into CMO at




Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:50 PM


Subject: Re: CSArthritis


Yes. Looks like inflation has kicked in. I bought like 5 bottles
several years ago, used about 3 bottles then decided to get a knee replacement,
still had 2 left. I was about to throw them in the garbage when my other knee
started to act up. Looks like old CMO is still good.



- Original Message -
From: Jane MacRoss
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:56 pm
Subject: Brickly Re: CSArthritis

 I still cannot find CMO in the stock list of PuritansPride! If 
 you can find it can you send me a link to that page?
   - Original Message - 
   Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:27 AM
   Subject: Re: CSArthritis
   I buy when they have a sale, buy 3 get 2 free, so 5 
 bottles come to $6+ a bottle. I gave some bottles to my son, 6 
 tablets and he quit taking it, said his problem was fixed. I 
 told him to take the 30 tablets but as usual he would  not 
   In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:39:22 P.M. Pacific 
 Daylight Time, writes:
     Well if you go to Puritan Pride which you 
 have to do to purchase the product they don't stock it - I just 
 went through 61 products to check - the price is amazing.
   No virus found in this message.
   Checked by AVG -
   Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - 
 Release Date: 05/30/12

Re: Brickly Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread jaxi
I don't think they have it any more because I couldn't find it either.


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 7:55 PM, Jane MacRoss

 I still cannot find CMO in the stock list of PuritansPride! If you can
 find it can you send me a link to that page?

 - Original Message -
 *Sent:* Friday, June 01, 2012 3:27 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSArthritis

 I buy when they have a sale, buy 3 get 2 free, so 5 bottles come to $6+ a
 bottle. I gave some bottles to my son, 6 tablets and he quit taking it,
 said his problem was fixed. I told him to take the 30 tablets but as usual
 he would  not listen.

  In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:39:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Well if you go to Puritan Pride which you have to do to purchase the
 product they don't stock it - I just went through 61 products to check -
 the price is amazing.

 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - Release Date: 05/30/12

Re: Brickly Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Jane MacRoss
Harsha kindly sent me a list and only about 5 out of 20 on the list acutally 
stocked CMO
  - Original Message - 
  From: jaxi 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 11:16 AM
  Subject: Re: Brickly Re: CSArthritis

  I don't think they have it any more because I couldn't find it either.


  On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 7:55 PM, Jane MacRoss 

I still cannot find CMO in the stock list of PuritansPride! If you can find 
it can you send me a link to that page?
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:27 AM
  Subject: Re: CSArthritis

  I buy when they have a sale, buy 3 get 2 free, so 5 bottles come to $6+ a 
bottle. I gave some bottles to my son, 6 tablets and he quit taking it, said 
his problem was fixed. I told him to take the 30 tablets but as usual he would  
not listen. 

  In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:39:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Well if you go to Puritan Pride which you have to do to purchase the 
product they don't stock it - I just went through 61 products to check - the 
price is amazing.

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - Release Date: 05/30/12

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5037 - Release Date: 05/31/12

Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Marshalee Hallett
CMO sure worked for me!!!

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Jane MacRoss

 Thanks Marshall - I was led to believe that CMO rebuilt the cartilage at
 the ends of the bones forming the joints and HA then filled the joint
 capsule with synovial fluid - the instructions on that one were to take the
 Hyaluronic Acid and then walk briskly for ten minute and stamp to shock the
 joints into getting lubricated - it certainly did something when I tried
 that but I was taking a liquid preparation - the capsules haven't done much
 since I found them years later.  (All the good CMO  HA did in '08 were
 undone when I used magnets in '10 - or so it appeared)


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Marshall
 *Sent:* Friday, June 01, 2012 2:17 AM
 *Subject:* Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

 The body has miraculous healing powers.  After the CMO stops the
 destruction, then the body has a chance to heal it.  It is like if you have
 a house that is on fire.  No matter how fast you rebuild it will still be
 destroyed.  And if the fires is being set by firebugs, then putting out the
 fire will only help for a while.  First you get rid of the firebugs, then
 you put the fire out, then you rebuild.  The CMO puts the fire out.


 On 5/30/2012 11:29 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

 Marshall how did the joints rebuild if CMO doesn't serve that function?


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Marshall
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:31 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSArthritis

 CMO only stops the damage being done by the autoimmune attack.  It does
 nothing to repair the damage.  The best way to handle it is use a 3 step

 1. Get rid of any pathogens that could be triggering an autoimmune
 response.  CS is one very good way to do that.
 2. Once clear of pathogens, take the course of CMO.
 3. Once finished with that, take Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin
 and/or other supplements to rebuild the damage.

 My arthritis did not completely go away until around 3 months after
 finishing the CMO, as it took that long to rebuild the joints.


 On 5/30/2012 3:43 PM, wrote:

  I just finished a bottle of CMO (30) capsules because my good knee
 caused so much pain I had to use the artificial knee going up and down
 stairs. PT said to go up with the good knee and down with the bad knee.The
 day after finishing the bottle I could go up the stairs with the hurt knee.
 I thought it did not work, but it was a delayed reaction. I use Puritan
 Pride CMO that used to be about $6 a bottle

  In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:26:42 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 *cetylmyristoleate.  It resets the body's immune system so it stops
 attacking your joints so they can be repaired.  Lyme causes this autoimmune

 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5033 - Release Date: 05/30/12

 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - Release Date: 05/30/12

Re: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread olushola camara
This is good information you provided and I hope people pay attention. No
one knows the full ramification of GMO's on our health, especially our DNA
structure. I've read that the sharp increase in auto immune illnesses are
due to GMO's. GMO;s just have too many unknowns to be consuming it.


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:20 AM, phoenix23002

 It was in the news a few months back that.. 'they' were going after
 farmers who were saving their seeds to replant from year to year.  Little
 mom and pop businesses were saving, cleaning and prepping for replanting,
 the seeds for various farmers.  They were threatened with criminal charges
 if they didn't cease and desist this practice.  Farmers were also
 threatened by Monsanto.  I thought when you bought a product it was yours
 to do with as you please?  What is the old saying about 'follow the money'?
 Anyhow, many seed companies are now offering 'heritage' seeds for sale
 which is a very good thing and may help to keep the gene pool of 'pure'
 seeds available in case disaster strikes.

 As for GMO's?  Remember the potato famine in Ireland?  When the blight
 hit, because most people had planted the same type of potato, few escaped
 the blight and resultant famine.  The fear is that GMO plants will escape
 their confines thru cross-pollination  and 'infect' all similar crops and
 no pure seeds/crops will be left.  Imagine some plant disease hitting all
 our corn crop because of a common ancestory/suseptibility.

 This isn't the only fear, of course.  The other fear is .. what are these
 wierd gene splices doing to our bodies when we ingest them as food?
 Inserting fish genes into plants to make them more cold resistant??
 inserting pesticides to make a plant more pest resistance?  This isn't
 science fiction.  It is happening now.
  In California, war has been declared on organic, natural farmers with a
 court judge declaring that the milk produced by farmers' cows is not theirs
 to do with as they please.  HuhAnyone else see the hypocrisy?  On
 the one hand the government is being heavy handed in dictating what our
 schools must offer in the way of foods and then with the other harrassing
 natural food producers.

 The powers that be gleefully support chlorine and fluoride (known poisons)
 being added to our drinking water but 'sic' the FDA on Celestial
 Seasonings, demanding that they destroy all their teas that contain added
 Stevia, a safe sugar alternative.

 I am not making a political statement but.. am appealing to common sense.
 Until people wake up and become educated and realize that the FDA and many
 government agencies  are nothing but the lap dogs and attack dogs of Big
 Pharma and Monsanto, these outrages will continue.  No.. I don't trust GMO
 seeds/plants and I don't trust any of our government agencies/bureaus.

 On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Steve G wrote:

   When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the
 natural process with some coaxing.I'm not so comfortable with other
 methods, but mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not
 found in the species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal
 DNA of one kind or another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if
 that's true or not.

 So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.So I suppose if the GMO was
 being done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do
 with it considering their total disregard for human safety.


 --- On *Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag* wrote:

 From: Melly Bag

 Subject: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato
 Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM

Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the
 tomato genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial
 genes  as they gmo the plant.



RE: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

2012-05-31 Thread Neville Munn

Wait 'til the market starts to get flooded with engineered meat, which they are 
doing in a test tube in Sweden I think it is.
With all the hullabaloo about smoking etc etc ad nauseum, I don't see too many 
stats showing a decline in cancer - of ALL ages!  I'd wager it's on the 


Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 23:08:08 -0400
Subject: Re: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

This is good information you provided and I hope people pay attention. No one 
knows the full ramification of GMO's on our health, especially our DNA 
structure. I've read that the sharp increase in auto immune illnesses are due 
to GMO's. GMO;s just have too many unknowns to be consuming it.


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:20 AM, phoenix23002 

It was in the news a few months back that.. 'they' were going after farmers who 
were saving their seeds to replant from year to year.  Little mom and pop 
businesses were saving, cleaning and prepping for replanting, the seeds for 
various farmers.  They were threatened with criminal charges if they didn't 
cease and desist this practice.  Farmers were also threatened by Monsanto.  I 
thought when you bought a product it was yours to do with as you please?  What 
is the old saying about 'follow the money'? Anyhow, many seed companies are now 
offering 'heritage' seeds for sale which is a very good thing and may help to 
keep the gene pool of 'pure' seeds available in case disaster strikes.

As for GMO's?  Remember the potato famine in Ireland?  When the blight hit, 
because most people had planted the same type of potato, few escaped the blight 
and resultant famine.  The fear is that GMO plants will escape their confines 
thru cross-pollination  and 'infect' all similar crops and no pure seeds/crops 
will be left.  Imagine some plant disease hitting all our corn crop because of 
a common ancestory/suseptibility.  

This isn't the only fear, of course.  The other fear is .. what are these wierd 
gene splices doing to our bodies when we ingest them as food?  Inserting fish 
genes into plants to make them more cold resistant??  inserting pesticides to 
make a plant more pest resistance?  This isn't science fiction.  It is 
happening now.

In California, war has been declared on organic, natural farmers with a court 
judge declaring that the milk produced by farmers' cows is not theirs to do 
with as they please.  HuhAnyone else see the hypocrisy?  On the one 
hand the government is being heavy handed in dictating what our schools must 
offer in the way of foods and then with the other harrassing natural food 

The powers that be gleefully support chlorine and fluoride (known poisons) 
being added to our drinking water but 'sic' the FDA on Celestial Seasonings, 
demanding that they destroy all their teas that contain added Stevia, a safe 
sugar alternative.

I am not making a political statement but.. am appealing to common sense.  
Until people wake up and become educated and realize that the FDA and many 
government agencies  are nothing but the lap dogs and attack dogs of Big Pharma 
and Monsanto, these outrages will continue.  No.. I don't trust GMO 
seeds/plants and I don't trust any of our government agencies/bureaus.   Lola

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Steve G wrote:

When they play around with hybrids, I have no qualms, it is just the natural 
process with some coaxing.I'm not so comfortable with other methods, but 
mostly I want nothing to do with inserting weird genes not found in the 
species.  I've heard that some GMO plants have taken animal DNA of one kind or 
another and inserted it into plants.  Don't know if that's true or not.

So I'm open to GMO if it is not reckless.So I suppose if the GMO was being 
done in China, for instance, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with it 
considering their total disregard for human safety.


--- On Thu, 5/31/12, Melly Bag wrote:

From: Melly Bag 

Subject: CSThis is Worrisome -- Now it is our Tomato

Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:21 AM 

Our tomatoes are in trouble.  Whatever they do they will alter the tomato 
genetically.  I sincerely hope they do not take out the beneficial genes  as 
they gmo the plant.


Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Jane MacRoss
Me too - amazing and then 2 years later I used magnets and lost all the 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshalee Hallett 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 12:31 PM
  Subject: Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

  CMO sure worked for me!!!

  On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Jane MacRoss 

Thanks Marshall - I was led to believe that CMO rebuilt the cartilage at 
the ends of the bones forming the joints and HA then filled the joint capsule 
with synovial fluid - the instructions on that one were to take the Hyaluronic 
Acid and then walk briskly for ten minute and stamp to shock the joints into 
getting lubricated - it certainly did something when I tried that but I was 
taking a liquid preparation - the capsules haven't done much since I found them 
years later.  (All the good CMO  HA did in '08 were undone when I used magnets 
in '10 - or so it appeared)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 2:17 AM
  Subject: Re: Marshall / Re: CSArthritis

  The body has miraculous healing powers.  After the CMO stops the 
destruction, then the body has a chance to heal it.  It is like if you have a 
house that is on fire.  No matter how fast you rebuild it will still be 
destroyed.  And if the fires is being set by firebugs, then putting out the 
fire will only help for a while.  First you get rid of the firebugs, then you 
put the fire out, then you rebuild.  The CMO puts the fire out.


  On 5/30/2012 11:29 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote: 
Marshall how did the joints rebuild if CMO doesn't serve that function?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall 
  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:31 AM
  Subject: Re: CSArthritis

  CMO only stops the damage being done by the autoimmune attack.  It 
does nothing to repair the damage.  The best way to handle it is use a 3 step 

  1. Get rid of any pathogens that could be triggering an autoimmune 
response.  CS is one very good way to do that.
  2. Once clear of pathogens, take the course of CMO.
  3. Once finished with that, take Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin 
and/or other supplements to rebuild the damage.

  My arthritis did not completely go away until around 3 months after 
finishing the CMO, as it took that long to rebuild the joints.


  On 5/30/2012 3:43 PM, wrote: 
I just finished a bottle of CMO (30) capsules because my good 
knee caused so much pain I had to use the artificial knee going up and down 
stairs. PT said to go up with the good knee and down with the bad knee.The day 
after finishing the bottle I could go up the stairs with the hurt knee. I 
thought it did not work, but it was a delayed reaction. I use Puritan Pride CMO 
that used to be about $6 a bottle

In a message dated 5/30/2012 8:26:42 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
  cetylmyristoleate.  It resets the body's immune system so it 
stops attacking your joints so they can be repaired.  Lyme causes this 
autoimmune response

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5033 - Release Date: 

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - Release Date: 05/30/12

  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5037 - Release Date: 05/31/12