CS>What color is Silver?

1999-12-31 Thread Ascottx0x0
CS Test Results

1. 30 volts DC. Unregulated current.
Results: Yellow color.

2. 30 volts DC. Regulated current at 1 ma.
Results: Clear color.

3. 100 volts DC unregulated current.
Results: Amber color.

All of the tests were performed using the same distilled water with no 
additives, same temperature, volume, spacing between electrodes, covering the 
container with cellophane, etc. This was all described in earlier posts. The 
main difference was the time to produce the end result.

All three methods indicated silver in suspension using the following analysis:

1. Visual indications of bubbles on electrodes. (hydrogen and oxygen gas)
2. Visual indications of silver oxide crystals on the negative electrode.
3. Visual indications of silver particles coming off of the positive 
4. Taste.
5. Tyndall effect using a laser pointer.
6. Resistive measurements of the solution.
7. Reactive measurements of the capacitance of the electrolyte solution.


The color of the solution will determine the particle size rather than the 
ppm of the solution.

I would like to suggest the following:

Silver reflects the visible spectrum of light according to the particle size.

Clear would indicate a particle size to small for refraction.

Yellow would indicate a slightly larger particle size.

Amber or red (honey colored) would indicate a still larger particle size that 
can barley stay in suspension.

Blue would indicate particles that are no longer in suspension. This would 
explain the condition of Argyria where people that are exposed to large 
amounts of silver turn blue or grayish. (The Blue Bloods of England)

Any thoughts on this?
Andy (^_^)

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #882

1999-12-29 Thread Ascottx0x0

 I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
 resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
 is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
 supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
 the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
 really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery. 
 I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
 about the syndrome and possible help for it. 
 Diane >>

Hi Diane,

I think colloidal gold is what you are searching for.

Best wishes,
Andy (^_^)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dowsing????

1999-12-26 Thread Ascottx0x0
  From: Nicole Fraser 

 "Well, I don't think that has to do with ignorance at all! I am QUITE open 
minded in  fact, or I would not have asked this list.. In answer to 
your question I refuse to open a   door that the bible says to stay away 
from and keep CLOSED.. I would not like to even PEEK inside because God has 
reason for that and I don't think I need to explain. I think I found my 
answer from a private response...the door is now CLOSED! ;0/ I don't mean to 
offend but I do not think I am the ignorant one hereI   pity that:0( 


Hi Nicole,

Perhaps I am "the ignorant one here" I don't understand what "door" you are 
talking about. Could you please elaborate on that?

My thoughts are that if God didn't want us to open doors he wouldn't have 
given us brains and an opposing thumb.

Best wishes,
Andy (^_^)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Chunky Style

1999-12-20 Thread Ascottx0x0
Chunky Style…

Test Setup:

Kepco power supply; 0-100 volt, 0-1A
Micronta  DMM 22-194
Water Glass apx 3/4 full of Alhambra distilled water. Apx 10 oz. 68 deg. F.
14 AWG .999 fine silver wire 1 1/2" spaced. About 4" in water. About 1/2" 
from bottom of glass.

Hit electrodes with 100 volts DC. Lots of activity started after about 15 
min. Yellow brown clouds streaming off of the positive electrode. After a 
while, too cloudy to see electrode. Long black crystals streaming off of the 
negative electrode. Breaking off at about 1/2" and falling to the bottom of 
the glass. Tried cleaning electrodes at first but gave up after a few times. 
Things just going too fast.

After an hour I cleaned the electrodes again. I ran the CS twice through 
coffee filters. Both filters had sediment. The solution is translucent. 
Measured the following:

Current at 100 volts - 27 mA.
Resistance - 6K
Capacitance - 81 nF

Interesting note. * The bottom of the glass was covered with bubbles but 
there were no dark stains as previously experienced with lower voltages and 

I'll give it some time to settle and then try and get a Specific Gravity 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-12-18 Thread Ascottx0x0
 Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 10:17:54 -0500
 From: June Narber Harrison 
 (authored by June Narber Harrison, unless otherwise noted)
 Before you call a woman a feminist, maybe you should look in
 the mirror and ask yourself if you are a sexist. Words may
 appear to fit, but look twice before you label people, because as you
 label people, you are really labeling yourself.
 (Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks)
 What does it say about the individual who can always try to
 control others, yet cannot seem to manage or to make their own life better?
 Health is not just about being disease free; it is about having a peaceful 
 mind and a calm-quiet countenance that is with you all day long. Take time to
 breathe properly, sit up straight, stretch out every day to balance the 
 Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are
 great because of their passion-Martha Graham
 Genesis clearly tells us we are to be stewards of the Earth.
 Does that not technically make us biblical environmentalists?
 If so, we should be working to protect wildlife and natural lands
 from pollution, and over-development.
 Be the change you want to see in the world.-Ghandi
 Reality is not always what is perceived by the senses, it is what
 is perceived by the heart.
 I am not religious...I am spiritual. I bow down to no human created
 religion. I follow only the invisible God, known as the GREAT CREATOR.
 So, what are you?
 STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Do not allow anyone to live your life for you.
 Follow your heart, listen to you mind and reason, and ask God to lead you
 in your path. JNH
 Husbands, have you told your wife today how beautiful she is to you?
 When was the last time you brought your wife home roses?
 Wives, have you told your husband how much you love him today?
 When was the last time you did that special something for him?
 Singles, when was the last time you told your best friend how much they mean 
 Add COLOR to your life, stop living like a blotch of gray on white paper!


I don't know what any of the above has to do with CS but since we're off 
Things you'll NEVER hear a woman say:

1. You know, I've been complaining a lot lately. I don't blame you for 
ignoring me.

2. That was fun! When will all of your friends be over to watch porno movies 

3. The new girl in my office is a stripper. I invited her over for dinner on 

4. While you were in the bathroom, they went for it on fourth down and 
missed. If they can hold them to a field goal they'll still cover.

5. Bar food again?? Kick ass!

6. I liked that wedding even more than ours. Your ex-girlfriend has class.

7. That girl is wearing the same outfit as I am. Cool, I'm gonna go over and 
talk to her.

8. I love hearing stories about your old girlfriends. Tell me more.

9. I like using this new lawn mower so much more than the old one...what a 
wonderful Valentine's day present!

10. Let's just leave the toilet seat up all the time; then you won't have to 
mess with it anymore.

11. It's only the third quarter, you should order a couple more pitchers.

12. Honey come here! Watch me do a tequila shot off of Stephanie's bare butt!

13. I'm so happy with my new hairstyle, I don't think I'll ever change it 

14. Damn! I love when my pillow smells like your cigars and scotch.

15. You passed out before brushing your teeth again, ya big silly!

16. You are so much smarter than my father.

17. If we're not going to have sex, then you have to let me watch 

Best wishes,
Andy (^_^)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Pets and CS

1999-12-17 Thread Ascottx0x0
 Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 01:08:16 EST
 From: bli...@aol.com
 Question concerning using CS with pets.  I presently have a total of 20 cats 
 in my home.  13 are my own plus I have 7 foster cats for Friends of Animals. 
 With this many under one roof, when one comes down with something, it can 
 spread quite quickly from one to the other.  With new cats coming in all the 
 time, you never really know what can show up even with vet checks and safety 
 procautions.  Is it safe to give them CS  daily in their drinking water?  I 
 have bowls of water down so that it is available to them at any time - thus, 
 there is no way to really gauge how much intake each one is getting.  
 with it diluted in their water, I kind of doubt that they'd really be taking 
 in too much.  I have tried it with them for two weeks now and believe it or 
 not, I have not seen any hairballs being chucked up.  Plus, my one cat seems 
 to be more perky and less crabby.  Maybe that's my imagination, but Ido know 
 for sure that I've been hairball free for a few days.  One other concern I 
 had with them taking CS daily is the breakdown of good bacteria in their 
 digestive system.  Any ideas?  I'm hoping I can continue as I have two cats 
 that have eye infections that the vet says will be with them for life.  I 
 have an antibiotic salve I have to put in when it flairs up.   CS gives me a 
 lot of hope that it will clear up/help many things that aflict cats.  
 Appreciate any feedback and experiences of others with pets and CS.
 Also - can Olive Leaf Extract be used with pets?  
 Thanks much.

Hi Barb,

Call your local county health dept. Tell them that you have 20 cats. That 
should take care of it!

Best wishes,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-12-17 Thread Ascottx0x0
This time I ran several batches through a current limit of 1 ma for 4 1/2 
hours each. The equipment, water and everything else were identical. The 
visual observations of bubbles, strands coming off of the electrodes, stains 
at the bottom of the glass, etc. were the same but took much longer. The end 
result was CS that had the same taste, the same high reactance and the same 
optical effect with a laser pointer. The only difference was that it wasn't 
yellow, it was clear. Now I'm wondering if the yellow color is due to light 
refraction off of a larger particle size that was generated with the 
unregulated current. Any thoughts on this?

If this is the case I can make the "chunky style" for topical use and the 
"good stuff" for internal use.

One other thing. Has anyone besides myself experienced sensitive to light due 
to the use of CS? I wanted sunglasses all day and I don't usually wear them.

Best wishes,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: LED's

1999-12-13 Thread Ascottx0x0
Hi Bil,

I picked up some 15K resistors at Radio Shack today. I thought I would just 
solder 2 of them in series. I'll have to dig through some old data books and 
look for an active current limit circuit to use in the future. Any thoughts 
on optimal current limit for small particle size? I don't think the current 
limiter on my power supply will go down to micro amps and that's where I'll 
probably end up.


 Hi Andy,
 To limit the current to 1mA when using
 30VDC use a 27k resistor.  Of course
 this will not give you 1mA from the start.
 For that you will need a current regulator
 With this resistor the current will gradually
 build up to 1mA just as it normally builds
 up to 5mA, then 10 etc.  The LED is
 really only needed for people that are not
 using an ammeter.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 11:47 AM
 Subject: Re: LED's
 > Hi Bil,
 > I was thinking I would want to limit the current to 1 ma max. I don't know
 > what good an LED would be for that? I was thinking of something more along
 > the lines of a 300K ohm resistor in series with 30 volts. It would most
 > certainly take a lot longer but might guarantee minimal particle size.
 > do you think?
 > Andy
 > In a message dated 12/12/1999 8:10:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,
 > x2...@qnet.com writes:
 >  If you look in a good parts catalog
 >  you will find that almost every LED
 >  avail. does not contain a resistor,
 >  etc.  And there are many dozens
 >  to choose from.
 >  If you have a current limit resistor
 >  in series with an LED you can see
 >  at a glance roughly how much
 >  current is flowing.  You may want
 >  to choose one of the ultrabright
 >  LED's.
 >  Radio Shack only stocks a tiny
 >  fraction of what you will find in a
 >  good mail order catalog such as
 >  Mouser Electronics.  They are
 >  by far the best source that I have
 >  ever seen for variety, low cost
 >  and great service.
 >  - Original Message -
 >  From: 
 >  To: 
 >  Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 7:13 PM
 >  Subject: Re: CS>Intro and questions
 >  > A lot of the LEDs on the market now have built in current limit,
 >  > etc. It seems to make more sense to me to use a current limiting
 >  in
 >  > series rather than a light bulb or an LED though. Any thoughts on this?
 >  >
 >  > Andy
 >  >
 >  > In a message dated 12/11/1999 8:02:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
 >  > x2...@qnet.com writes:
 >  >
 >  >  All single LED's have a voltage rating of
 >  >  approx. 2 volts DC (not 5 or 14V!).  The
 >  >  max. current rating for most LED's is
 >  >  around 20mA.  They will light up (not too
 >  >  brightly) at 1mA or less and gradually
 >  >  increase reaching full brightness as you
 >  >  approach 10mA.
 >  >
 >  >  O.K. to use in series with ANY low voltage
 >  >  DC circuit (up to 20mA).  Best to use a
 >  >  current limiting resistor.  Otherwise the
 >  >  LED will burn out right quick when the
 >  >  silver wires touch (or get shorted by the
 >  >  silver growth on the cathode).  Won't
 >  >  happen if you limit current.
 >  >
 >  >  Bil
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >  - Original Message -
 >  >  From: G&B Rogers 
 >  >  To: 
 >  >  Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 7:41 AM
 >  >  Subject: CS>Intro and questions
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Hello listers from a newbie,
 >  >  > I bought a CS generator and after seeing how simple it is, have
 >  my
 >  >  > hand at making some, hopefully to give to family for holiday gifts.
 >  The
 >  >  > version I am using is the one that comes from the Beck papers.  My
 >  >  > difficulty is getting a 24 grain of wheat bulb.  I substituted a 14
 >  >  > green LED bulb on the first one I made, (as a similar LED bulb was
 >  on
 >  >  > the generator I purchased - although it uses only a 9 v. battery)
 >  it
 >  >  > was quite difficult to see if the bulb was even lighting up.  The
 >  >  > through the silver wire electrode was somewhat slow, I thought it
 >  >  > work "faster" with the 27 voltage of batteries soldered in series
 >  the
 >  >  > 9v powered purchased machine, but it didn't.
 >  >  >
 >  >  > My second version used a red 5v LED with integrated resistor, but
 >  I
 >  >  > tested it, within seconds the water became cloudy.
 >  >  >
 >  >  > My questions are these:
 >  >  > 1) Can this be built without a bulb - just the three 9v clips in
 >  >  > connected to alligator clips via zipper insulated wire?
 >  >  > 2) What would cause the second version (5v red LED) to make the
 >  >  > cloudy so quickly, and is there a way to fix this?
 >  >  > 3) can other bulbs besides the recommended one (24v) be used for the
 >  27v
 >  >  > battery version?
 >  >  > 4) I have been using the CS mostly for external disinfection so have
 >  been
 >  >  > using primarily purified water, not distilled.  When I use
 >  even

Re: CS>LONG: Some Notes and a Few Questions on CS

1999-12-12 Thread Ascottx0x0
Could you repeat the question please?

   To All,
   I have been searching the CS archives, and I must say this  group is
   an extraordinary collection of knowledgeable individuals. Hopefully,
   someone can help answer a few questions on CS.
   As a newcomer, I should introduce myself.
   My name  is Mike Monett, and I design instrumentation  and automated
   test equipment for high-volume production of hard disk drives.  I am
   fortunate to  have  been  awarded  6  patents,  some  of  which were
   breakthroughs in  the technology that allowed the  disk  industry to
   I have very little knowledge of chemistry.
   I'm trying  to  get  an   understanding  of  the  process  of making
   colloidal silver and the variables that affect the process.
   My first  attempts did not come out the way I expected,  so  I began
   monitoring the  current. I have some interesting GIF's  that  I will
   discuss later.
   I found the electrode spacing has a large effect on the  results, so
   I cut  the handle off a Colgate toothbrush and drilled  a  series of
   1/16" holes along the handle.
   The core of the handle is soft, and grips the 14 ga. silver so I can
   adjust the  spacing  and  immersion depth. I  am  currently  using a
   spacing of 1 1/8". My beaker is approximately 2 1/2" in diameter and
   5 1/4" tall.
   The silver electrodes are immersed in plain distilled water  at room
   temperature, and  the  length  of  the  black  area  on  the cathode
   measures about 3 1/4" after a run.
   I refer  to  Peter Lindemann's article "A Closer  Look  At Colloidal
   Silver", available  at various places on the web. One place  is:
   Peter recommends using 30 volts to keep the electrodes clean,  but I
   use 18  volts to slow the process so I can see what is going  on and
   make notes.
   I generally  stop the process at 2500 to 3000 microamps,  when black
   fingers start forming on the cathode and fall into the solution.
   Here are  the  relevant  equations from my  very  rusty  high school
   chemistry (please make corrections wherever needed!)
   At the Anode:
 Ag + e(-) ---> Ag(+)(aq)
   At the Cathode:
 Ag(+)(aq) + e(-) ---> Ag
   Also, hydrogen bubbles can form at the cathode:
 4e(-) + 4 H(+)(aq) ---> 2H2(g)
   First Question
   The current  starts  at  about  200  to  300  microamps,  then rises
   exponentially. Bubbles  start   forming   at   different  currents -
   sometimes 700 ua, sometimes never.
   At about 1250 ua, a brown mist starts leaving the cathode.  I assume
   these are  neutral silver atoms, because they do not move  under the
   influence of the electric field between the electrodes.
   Peter confirms  this in the section starting at "The Best Is  Yet To
   Come". He states:
 "These particles  will  hang in the water at  the  level  they are
 produced, and  for the most part, will not fall to  the  bottom of
 the glass. This is what a "colloidal" preparation of  silver looks
   My question  is: Why does this mist occur, and why  does  the silver
   stream away from the cathode in this manner?
   What is the force that applies the mechanical push to the atoms?
   Second Question
   A couple  of paragraphs further down, beginning at "The  Brown Glass
   Bottle", Peter states
 "Once you  have  gone to the trouble  of  making  colloidal silver
 particles as  small  as .001 microns, it is  important  to protect
 them. The  particles  stay  away  from  each  other  in suspension
 because they each have a positive electrical charge (+)  and these
 "like charges" repel each other."
   If these are the particles Peter refers to immediately above, why do
   they now suddenly have a charge? How did they get ionized?
   If they  are now positive ions, should they not  stream  directly to
   the cathode instead of drifting aimlessly around?
   It seems there are two types of silver in the solution:  silver ions
   which we cannot see, and neutral silver atoms which form the mist.
   The ions  provide  the increased  electrical  conductivity,  and the
   neutral atoms are the colloid we are after.
   My question: Is this interpretation correct?
   Third Question
   What is the effect of colloidal silver on the body?  Which component
   is the active one?
   Are the  silver ions the active component, or the  silver  atoms, or
   Fourth Question
   Peter recommends  against  using salt to speed  up  the  process. He
   states this produces silver chloride, which is undesirable.
   In fact, I test for silver ions by pouring an inch of liquid  into a
   small glass and adding a few grains of salt.
   In a few minutes, a beautiful pale blue/white dispersion forms. When
   I put the glass in direct sunlight, the color changes from pale

Re: CS>Intro and questions

1999-12-12 Thread Ascottx0x0
A lot of the LEDs on the market now have built in current limit, flashers, 
etc. It seems to make more sense to me to use a current limiting resistor in 
series rather than a light bulb or an LED though. Any thoughts on this?


In a message dated 12/11/1999 8:02:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
x2...@qnet.com writes:
 All single LED's have a voltage rating of
 approx. 2 volts DC (not 5 or 14V!).  The
 max. current rating for most LED's is
 around 20mA.  They will light up (not too
 brightly) at 1mA or less and gradually
 increase reaching full brightness as you
 approach 10mA.
 O.K. to use in series with ANY low voltage
 DC circuit (up to 20mA).  Best to use a
 current limiting resistor.  Otherwise the
 LED will burn out right quick when the
 silver wires touch (or get shorted by the
 silver growth on the cathode).  Won't
 happen if you limit current.
 - Original Message -
 From: G&B Rogers 
 Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 7:41 AM
 Subject: CS>Intro and questions
 > Hello listers from a newbie,
 > I bought a CS generator and after seeing how simple it is, have tried my
 > hand at making some, hopefully to give to family for holiday gifts.  The
 > version I am using is the one that comes from the Beck papers.  My only
 > difficulty is getting a 24 grain of wheat bulb.  I substituted a 14 v.
 > green LED bulb on the first one I made, (as a similar LED bulb was used on
 > the generator I purchased - although it uses only a 9 v. battery) but it
 > was quite difficult to see if the bulb was even lighting up.  The flow
 > through the silver wire electrode was somewhat slow, I thought it would
 > work "faster" with the 27 voltage of batteries soldered in series than the
 > 9v powered purchased machine, but it didn't.
 > My second version used a red 5v LED with integrated resistor, but when I
 > tested it, within seconds the water became cloudy.
 > My questions are these:
 > 1) Can this be built without a bulb - just the three 9v clips in series
 > connected to alligator clips via zipper insulated wire?
 > 2) What would cause the second version (5v red LED) to make the water
 > cloudy so quickly, and is there a way to fix this?
 > 3) can other bulbs besides the recommended one (24v) be used for the 27v
 > battery version?
 > 4) I have been using the CS mostly for external disinfection so have been
 > using primarily purified water, not distilled.  When I use distilled, even
 > when I leave the electrodes in for an hour, I do not get the golden color.
 > I have been adding only a drop of a baking soda solution to the distilled
 > water that I read helps with the process.
 > Any suggestions for making these CS would be appreciated!  I'm rather in a
 > time crunch since I need to get these done for the holidays.  I figured
 > that with Y2K, all of my family could use having a generator on hand!
 > I haven't done any of this kind of thing since I was a kid building Heath
 > kits with my dad, so if my explanations aren't clear enough, please
 > me.
 > Thank you,
 > Beth
 > --
 > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
 > silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
 > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
 > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>RE:Particle size -LV and HV

1999-12-12 Thread Ascottx0x0
Mine is...

djg5...@webtv.net writes:

 powered by D-9 thc??

 From: "James Osbourne, Holmes" 
 To: "'silver-list@eskimo.com'" 
 Subject: RE: CS>RE:Particle size -LV and HV
 Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 17:05:27 -0700
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet E-mail/MAPI -
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 I've got an organic one but it is not for sale!
 James Osbourne Holmes

 Subject:   Re: CS>RE:Particle size -LV and HV
  does anyone have any advice to offer about purchasing a C.E.S. unit?
 (cranial electrical stimulation)
 anyone have a used one for sale?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Electric Blanket / O.T.

1999-12-10 Thread Ascottx0x0
Thanks for clearing that up Fred. I was taught that the mho (ohm spelled 
backwards) was the reciprocal of resistance. I hadn't heard of the 
micro-Siemens/cm before.

Do you check the Tyndall effect after it is filtered? I've been running it 
through a coffee filter as suggested by others on the list.

You're probably right about the specific gravity. I have the instrument that 
floats in a solution to a depth determined by how "thick" the solution is. 
PPM probably wouldn't register. I'll try it anyway just for fun.

Best wishes,

In a message dated 12/10/1999 9:14:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
f...@health2us.com writes:

 Sorry Andy, never know who is familiar with  what - uS/cm referred to
 micro-Siemens/cm, the common unit of measurement for electrical
 conductivity, the reciprical of electrical resistivity! For CaCO3 the 
 conversion to PPM is 2uS/cm = 1 PPM. For Cs it is less then 2 but
 subject to debate, I prefer 1.6uS/PPM. Basically an ohmmeter with 
 conversion but calibrated to compare to a one sq. cm electrode, to
 measure the conductivity of one cubic cm of the solution. At $50 each
 and 2% accuracy the TDS meters are a bargain, but get the PWT or
 pure water tester as that has a lower range and thus is more accurate!
 For Tyndall, any beam of light is fine, a flashlight or laser pointer is OK
 but I prefer the flash light as the beam is big enough to see contaminates
 such as crystals or other larger particles, which will sparkle. You aim for 
 a fog type cloud only, as the finer the particle, the better the product, 
 more stable and thus longer storage life.
 Not sure about beer making equipment, but specific gravity would not be
 measurable with the typical spigmomanometer (spelling?), as you need an 
 accuracy of better then 1 PPM or 0.1%.
 Andy said: Thanks for responding Fred,
 I'm confused. Is us/cm the same thing as microseconds/centimeters? Wouldn't 
 that be a time measurement? How can you convert that to PPM? Are TDS meters 
 just ohmmeters that do a conversion or is there more to it than that?
 How about the "Tyndall affect of "light dispersion"?" Can I measure that 
 the gizmos that winegrowers use out in the field to measure the sugar 
 of grape juice? I'm trying to figure this all out on a budget.
 I have some old beer making equipment. Do you think the specific gravity 
 tell me anything? 
 I was planing on using my test results for quality control but I am looking 
 forward to hearing the results of your extreme tests. Keep us posted.
 Best wishes,
 In a message dated 12/09/1999 6:38:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
 f...@health2us.com writes:
  Welcome Andy,
  There are a lot of expensive scientific instruments that could be used for 
  testing but for such extreme limits of testing simple stuff can be used!
  We use two separate TDS digital meters, as made by Hanna Instruments, which
  measure in us/cm, which can be translated into PPM. TDS or "total dissolved
  solids" measures via conductivity, what is in the solution, not settlement 
  it would detect agglomeration, settlement, crystallization, plate out, etc. 
  of course had to bring the solutions back to room temeperature, as the temp.
  effect is around 1%/degree F and we went from 70 to 212F.
  We check the Tyndall affect of "light dispersion" when a strong beam of 
  is shown thru the solution and we can see the beam of light, as if shown 
  a fog. A visual color check is also made, against part of the same batch, 
  the same size jar.
  The former is good for any time of test, even to check a year later, while 
  latter being visually subjective can only be relied on for very short term
  where you can keep some of the batch to compare to! Both of these used
  together provide a good low budget  measure of extreme outside effects
  such as freezing, heating, strong magnetic fields, strong UV light, etc. 
  UV light test was actually from last year, but 3 weeks at 1/2" away, which 
  would be equivilant to years of bright room light levels.
  The other important element to consider in simple tests, is  to use the
  extremes, as we did, so any effect would tend to be profound! All of these
  outside forces definately have an effect, but being so trivial should not be
  of a concern. There is a possibility these forces could exhibit a profound
  effect on less "pure a silver colloid", since we tested with the best we 
  make. I will repeat the tests next week with some low quality product that
  has been produced with silver salts only (starting with high PPM water) and
  then some with silver crystals (heavy cloud formation and stringing) and
  finally some good stuff but with the "sludge" mixed into it. That should 
 cover   (guess I
  the extremes of all of the home brew

Re: CS>Electric Blanket / O.T.

1999-12-10 Thread Ascottx0x0
Thanks for responding Fred,

I'm confused. Is us/cm the same thing as microseconds/centimeters? Wouldn't 
that be a time measurement? How can you convert that to PPM? Are TDS meters 
just ohmmeters that do a conversion or is there more to it than that?

How about the "Tyndall affect of "light dispersion"?" Can I measure that with 
the gizmos that winegrowers use out in the field to measure the sugar content 
of grape juice? I'm trying to figure this all out on a budget.

I have some old beer making equipment. Do you think the specific gravity will 
tell me anything? 

I was planing on using my test results for quality control but I am looking 
forward to hearing the results of your extreme tests. Keep us posted.

Best wishes,

In a message dated 12/09/1999 6:38:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
f...@health2us.com writes:

 Welcome Andy,
 There are a lot of expensive scientific instruments that could be used for 
 testing but for such extreme limits of testing simple stuff can be used!
 We use two separate TDS digital meters, as made by Hanna Instruments, which
 measure in us/cm, which can be translated into PPM. TDS or "total dissolved
 solids" measures via conductivity, what is in the solution, not settlement , 
 it would detect agglomeration, settlement, crystallization, plate out, etc.  
 of course had to bring the solutions back to room temeperature, as the temp.
 effect is around 1%/degree F and we went from 70 to 212F.
 We check the Tyndall affect of "light dispersion" when a strong beam of light
 is shown thru the solution and we can see the beam of light, as if shown thru
 a fog. A visual color check is also made, against part of the same batch, in 
 the same size jar.
 The former is good for any time of test, even to check a year later, while 
 latter being visually subjective can only be relied on for very short term
 where you can keep some of the batch to compare to! Both of these used
 together provide a good low budget  measure of extreme outside effects
 such as freezing, heating, strong magnetic fields, strong UV light, etc. (Our
 UV light test was actually from last year, but 3 weeks at 1/2" away, which 
 would be equivilant to years of bright room light levels.
 The other important element to consider in simple tests, is  to use the
 extremes, as we did, so any effect would tend to be profound! All of these
 outside forces definately have an effect, but being so trivial should not be
 of a concern. There is a possibility these forces could exhibit a profound
 effect on less "pure a silver colloid", since we tested with the best we 
 make. I will repeat the tests next week with some low quality product that
 has been produced with silver salts only (starting with high PPM water) and
 then some with silver crystals (heavy cloud formation and stringing) and
 finally some good stuff but with the "sludge" mixed into it. That should 
 the extremes of all of the home brew, unmetered stuff.
 Will report back! Others may wish to run a few of these simple extreme tests
 on their production, before I get back to it.
 ANDY SAID: Hi Fred,
 Please excuse my ignorance as I am new to the list. Regarding your recent 
 tests: How do you measure what does and doesn't have an effect on colloidal 
 silver? Do you measure the volume of silver in the solution, the ionic 
 charge? What do you measure it with?
 Best Regards,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hello List

1999-12-09 Thread Ascottx0x0
Hi Trem,

After making a second batch and running some simple experiments (measuring 
conductivity, current flow, adjusting voltages and observing visual 
indications) It appears that you hit the nail on the head with constant 
current flow for small particle size. After several hours I was able to draw 
silver off of the electrode with only 7 or 8 volts. And yes, I did get the 
nice yellow color you mentioned.

On the next batch I am thinking of taking the easy way out and just using a 
current limiting resistor in series. I might put together an active circuit 
with feedback at some future time if necessary.

Any idea on what the current should be limited too? My measurements seem to 
indicate that it is in the microamp range once the solution starts becoming 

Best wishes,

In a message dated 12/08/1999 10:12:52 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
t...@silvergen.com writes:

 Hello Andy,
 We don't recommend heating the water.  It speeds the process but also makes
 large particles, especially if you are using a constant voltage setup which
 you are.  Never add salt or anything else to the water.  You want a silver
 colloid; not silver compounds.  They are not the same.
 The strands you speak of are what we all can see during production if you
 shine a strong flashlight or laser beam through the water.  That is the
 silver.  The particles will separate and disperse in several hours and then
 you will see the yellow color.  If you don't see it, it is probably because
 you didn't deposit enough silver in the water for it to become apparent to
 you.  Try running for a longer period of time and then you will probably see
 the yellow color.
 Plating out is not exactly the same as fallout.  Plating is the golden or
 yellow color you will see on the inside of your vessel after a while.  Some
 fine particles can plate out.  Fallout is what is in the bottom of your
 vessel.  That is from large particles which couldn't stay in dispersion.
 The dregs will stay in the filter paper.  If your CS isn't very clear at the
 end of your filtering process, most likely you made it using water which
 wasn't pure enough.
 We have golden colored CS sitting on the shelf which is a year old with no
 fallout.  Small particles tend not to fall out.  I guess that is my
 recommendation to use a constant current source when you make CS.  Using
 constant voltage will make a mix of large and small particles, so I suspect
 you will not have long shelf life.  However, you can easily make more
 anytime with your setup, so why worry about it.
 Good luck.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 8:46 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>Hello List
 > Thanks for the response Trem,
 > I've heard of people heating up the water, adding things to it, and using
 > previous batch as a starter to speed up the process but hey, who's in a
 > when you're just getting started? Also, I've heard the above increases
 > particle size. Any thoughts on that?
 > I've also heard that it is supposed to turn yellow. Mine didn't, It just
 > thin strands coming out of the electrodes. Should I care about a yellow
 > The coffee filters sound like a good idea. I did see dregs (silver oxide)?
 > floating around in it.
 > You mentioned "plating out." Is that sediment falling to the bottom of the
 > container?
 > One last question. I guess we're concerned about the silver being ionic.
 > long before it looses it's charge? More specifically, what kind of shelf
 > should I expect before I need to make a new batch?
 > Thanks for your time
 > Andy
 > (^_^)
 >  Hello Andy,
 >  Welcome.  You did good.  The only thing I would suggest is to wait until
 >  particles have dispersed throughout the water.  This will take about 12
 >  hours.  That way you  are sure of an even distribution of the silver.
 >  Storing in brown containers is OK if you don't want to see how it is
 >  Storing in clear HDPE containers such as soft drink containers will let
 >  see whether the CS is plating out.  Don't store in direct sunlight or
 >  magnetic fields or in the refrigerator.  They all cause fallout.  Don't
 >  shake it before use.  Filter it through a coffee filter after you make it
 >  get rid of dregs.
 >  You have made what we call basic CS.  It may have particles of various
 >  sizes.  The large ones will fall out.  Fine ones will stay in suspension.
 >  Make sure you use distilled water.
 >  Most persons start with a small amount and work up to the amount they
 >  comfortable with.  I suggest you start with one teaspoon a day and work
 >  way up to what you feel comfortable with.  If you don't have problems,
 >  may be a good prophylactic dose.  If you have problems, take more and
 >  observe your reactions.  It is pretty hard to overdose unless you have
 >  your CS improperly.
 >  Good luck.
 >  Trem
 >  t...@s

Re: CS>Hello List

1999-12-09 Thread Ascottx0x0
Hi again James,

Okay, here is what I got so far. After about 20 min I dropped the voltage 
down to 25 and went to the store. Came back an hour later and dropped it down 
to 20. Still lots of activity in the glass. Found my BK TEST BENCH 390 meter 
and decided to take some readings. At 2 hours I stirred the solution, cleaned 
the wires, gave it 5 min at 25 volts to stabilize and measured stuff through 
the silver wires. Here is what I got:


15K gradually climbing to 20K in about 5 min. Looked like a capacitor 

Current Readings:

5 volts351 ua
10 volts  726 ua
15 volts  1.231 ma
20 volts  1.745 ma
25 volts  2.232 ma
30 volts 2.68 ma

These are to a first approximation with the conditions I described earlier. 
It's been about 3 hours now and it is set at 5 volts. There is fine sediment 
in the bottom of the glass and the strands seem to be going down indicating a 
path for conduction. This seems to support Trem's suggestion of using a 
constant current source to reduce particle size. At least if I don't want to 
look like a smurf in the future. (^_^)

There are also some neat looking holograms in the glass. Maybe optical 
refraction off of the bigger silver particles.

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

Best wishes,

In a message dated 12/08/1999 4:03:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, a...@trail.com 

<< Subj: RE: CS>Hello List
 Date:  12/08/1999 4:03:57 PM Pacific Standard Time
 From:  a...@trail.com (James Osbourne, Holmes)
 Reply-to:  silver-list@eskimo.com
 To:silver-list@eskimo.com ('silver-list@eskimo.com')
 Hello Andy,
 Do you know how many amps you were drawing?
 James Osbourne Holmes
 -Original Message-
 From:  ascottx...@aol.com [SMTP:ascottx...@aol.com]
 Sent:  Tuesday, December 07, 1999 7:59 PM
 Subject:   CS>Hello List
 Hello List,
 My name is Andy and I just subscribed while making my first batch. I haven't 
 had time to look at any of the posts so far so please bear with me. This is 
 what I did. Please let me know if it was right.
 I suspended two pieces of 14 AWG .999 fine silver wire in a glass of room 
 temperature distilled water (Alhambra) about 1 1/2" apart. I connected a lab 
 bench power supply to them and set it at 30 volts. After about 1/2 hour 
 bubbles started to come off of the wires and what appeared to be fine 
 of something started to come out of both of the wires and slowly move 
 each other. I kept power to it an additional 15 minutes.
 I swished the glass of water around and shot a laser pointer through it. 
 There's definitely something in there. I took a mouthful and swished it 
 around and gargled for a minute or two and then repeated. It had a strange 
 taste and I felt like I got a buzz but that could have been psychological.
 1) Can anyone tell me if this is the correct procedure for the desired 
 particle size?
 2) How about the shelf life for bottling the stuff? I thought I would use 
 amber beer bottles with crown caps. Store in a cool dark place.
 3) Dose anyone know if CS has been known to compromise a damaged liver? (HCV)
 4) What quantity should be taken for a chronic condition? (killing a virus)
 Thank you for your time
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
 silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Wed, 8 Dec 1999 16:03:32 -0800
 Resent-Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 16:03:32 -0800
 Message-ID: <01bf419e.26d20700@trail.com>
 From: "James Osbourne, Holmes" 
 To: "'silver-list@eskimo.com'" 
 Subject: RE: CS>Hello List
 Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 00:58:30 -0700
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Re: CS>Electric Blanket / O.T.

1999-12-08 Thread Ascottx0x0
Hi Fred,

Please excuse my ignorance as I am new to the list. Regarding your recent 
tests: How do you measure what does and doesn't have an effect on colloidal 
silver? Do you measure the volume of silver in the solution, the ionic 
charge? What do you measure it with?

Best Regards,

In a message dated 12/08/1999 10:35:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
f...@health2us.com writes:

<< Subj: RE: CS>Electric Blanket / O.T.
 Date:  12/08/1999 10:35:26 AM Pacific Standard Time
 From:  f...@health2us.com (Fred)
 Reply-to:  silver-list@eskimo.com
 Per my recent tests and posts, there is little that will effect a good
 colloid of silver - boiling had no effect, very strong light including
 heavy doses of UV light had no effect and freezing had no effect!
 Magnetic fields do have some small effect on water - see others
 posts about using magnets or swirling of water to get "structured
 or empowered or energized water" BUT a very strong magnetic field
 has also shown no effect, so the weak fields in every day life will
 have no deleterious effects.
 What is more important, in storage in a car (I keep some in mine
 for that sip I forgot to take at home), is the vibration or agitation of
 the colloid, limiting its life to probably less then 6 months. You
 will note on a spray bottle, the deposition of silver particles right
 at the spray exit (sever agitation), after just a few months use!
 My spoof about avoiding some of the things in nature that might
 hurt you was based on the "crises posts" by many lately! Yes,
 everything effects everything else in this universe but the effects
 are so low with most, that they become trivial!
 Be concerned with your simple household staples:
 * 11 Extra Strength Tylenol can be fatal, or even 4-5 if you have
a compromised liver?
 * excessive drinking of orange juice or of eating bananas can
be dangerous, giving you a serious potassium imbalance!
 *vitamin D at ten times the recommended dose can be very
   toxic to  children.
 *mango's belong to the poison ivy family and the unripened 
   peel can cause sever reactions to those sensitive to poison ivy!
  My sister has to only walk by the green fruit and gets hives.
 *potatoes that are damaged, have turned green or are sprouting
  contain a toxic chemical Solianine. Also, tomatoes, bell peppers,
  chilies, potatoes, eggplant are part of the nightshade family and
  aggrevating to the pain and inflamation of rheumatoid arthritis.
  * etc., etc., etc
 At 06:58 AM 12/8/1999 , you wrote:
 >Hello !
 >Could the mimxed magnetic fields in one's car affect cs whilst it is being
 >transported at all and if so, is there some way to counteract this?
 >-Original Message-
 >From: Fred [mailto:f...@health2us.com]
 >Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 7:10 AM
 >To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 >Subject: CS>Electric Blanket / O.T.
 >Actually, you would be better off to turn off your main
 >circuit breaker (except when you wish to see at night,
 >wash clothes, heat water, make coffee, cook, etc.) and
 >avoid using your car which has many mixed magnetic
 >fields (unless you want to drive someplace) and keep
 >away from electric poles and their wires as they usually
 >have very high voltages and thus high fields (unless you
 >want to go outside sometime!). As a further protection
 >from the earths magnetic fields always sit in a tall chair,
 >and if you do drive try to keep on the dark side of the earth
 >to avoid the strong particle radiations from the sun!
 >OH, never mind, just forget it and be happy!
 >>>Not unless you unplug it too, I think...
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>Hello List

1999-12-08 Thread Ascottx0x0
Hi James,

I'm repeating it tonight. The supply is set for 30 volts and I'm using about 
3/4 of a glass of distilled water. I'd say there is about 4" of wire in the 
water spaced at about 1 1/2" with a 1/2" space at the bottom. The power 
supply goes up to 5 amps and is graduated in 200 ma. increments. So far, the 
needle hasn't moved. I might try to measure the current later with a more 
sensitive hand held meter. I also want to try and measure the resistance to 
see if that will give me a clue as to the concentration.

There is a current limiter on the supply but I imagine I am drawing microamps 
and that is probably to sensitive to set it for.
 Hello Andy,
 Do you know how many amps you were drawing?
 James Osbourne Holmes
 -Original Message-
 From:  ascottx...@aol.com [SMTP:ascottx...@aol.com]
 Sent:  Tuesday, December 07, 1999 7:59 PM
 Subject:   CS>Hello List
 Hello List,
 My name is Andy and I just subscribed while making my first batch. I haven't 
 had time to look at any of the posts so far so please bear with me. This is 
 what I did. Please let me know if it was right.
 I suspended two pieces of 14 AWG .999 fine silver wire in a glass of room 
 temperature distilled water (Alhambra) about 1 1/2" apart. I connected a lab 
 bench power supply to them and set it at 30 volts. After about 1/2 hour 
 bubbles started to come off of the wires and what appeared to be fine 
 of something started to come out of both of the wires and slowly move 
 each other. I kept power to it an additional 15 minutes.
 I swished the glass of water around and shot a laser pointer through it. 
 There's definitely something in there. I took a mouthful and swished it 
 around and gargled for a minute or two and then repeated. It had a strange 
 taste and I felt like I got a buzz but that could have been psychological.
 1) Can anyone tell me if this is the correct procedure for the desired 
 particle size?
 2) How about the shelf life for bottling the stuff? I thought I would use 
 amber beer bottles with crown caps. Store in a cool dark place.
 3) Dose anyone know if CS has been known to compromise a damaged liver? (HCV)
 4) What quantity should be taken for a chronic condition? (killing a virus)
 Thank you for your time
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
 silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour 
 --- Headers 
 Received: from  rly-yd01.mx.aol.com (rly-yd01.mail.aol.com []) 
by air-yd05.mail.aol.com (vx) with ESMTP; Wed, 08 Dec 1999 19:03:57 -0500
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Re: CS>For the HV experts - SHOCK HAZZARD

1999-12-08 Thread Ascottx0x0
I've touched the anode on a "discharged" TV tube. It didn't clear any viruses 
but it knocked me on my butt... Watch out for those stray capacitance's.


In a message dated 12/07/1999 9:13:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
mdud...@execonn.com writes:

 The problem is that at high voltages even the wires can have a capacitance to
 infinity, and although the supply may be limited to 2 mA, a spark discharge 
of a
 few thousand volts from just a few picofarad capacitor can deliver amps for a
 few nanoseconds or microseconds.  I have never killed myself with this, but 
 kill my digital ampmeter that way.
 2001 TV VCR wrote:
 > I guess I should have mentioned that I
 > was only planning on shocking him if it
 > would be safe.  It is well known that 2mA
 > (two thousandths of an Amp) is not
 > considered dangerous when applied to
 > the body (externally).
 > And if I did do this it would only be for a
 > second or so, and only if experts in the
 > field of electromedicine, etc agreed that
 > there would be no risk.  I have been
 > shocked by 5,000 to 25,000 Volts DC
 > many times (during 30 years) while
 > working on TV's.
 > Bil
 > - Original Message -
 > From: Jeff Gilman 
 > To: 
 > Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 6:16 PM
 > Subject: Re: CS>For the HV experts - SHOCK HAZZARD
 > > Boy, I woudn't do this!  What if his heart fails, he is already in poor
 > > health!  I agree, talk about setting yourself up for trouble!  I am sure
 > > your intentions are great, but your taking
 > > a chance on hurting him and you getting blamed for it
 > >
 > > Jeff
 > > -Original Message-
 > > From: Charles King 
 > > To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
 > > Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 9:28 AM
 > > Subject: Re: CS>For the HV experts - SHOCK HAZZARD
 > >
 > >
 > > >Talk about setting yourself up for a lawsuit.
 > > >BTW, read your first paragraph again.
 > > >Some people are ill because they choose that experience for this
 > lifetime!
 > > >
 > > > Chuck
 > > >"Life's tough. It's tougher if you're stupid"
 > > >John Wayne
 > > >
 > > >On Mon, 6 Dec 1999 22:46:46 -0800, "2001 TV  VCR"  
 > > >
 > > >>Hi
 > > >>
 > > >>Trying to help a friend with MS.  He is
 > > >>unable to walk without a walker. He can't
 > > >>ever seem to get around to using the
 > > >>Beck blood electrifier or the "Rife" type
 > > >>frequency generator which I built for him.
 > > >>
 > > >>I have heard that some people have been
 > > >>cured of lyme and other conditions by
 > > >>acidentally contacting an electric fence.
 > > >>Quick high voltage shock and no more
 > > >>viruses!
 > > >>
 > > >>He is willing to do something like this and
 > > >>I am planning on hooking him up to a
 > > >>television flyback (hi voltage) transformer.
 > > >>The voltage is 25,000 DC at about 2 mA.
 > > >>
 > > >>Since there is not enough current available
 > > >>to cause tissue damage it seems like
 > > >>this would be safe.  Has anyone heard of
 > > >>someone be seriously hurt with very low
 > > >>current HV DC.
 > > >>
 > > >>Bil
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >--
 > > >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 > > >
 > > >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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 > > >
 > > >To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 > > >Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 > > >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
 > > >
 > >
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 From: Marshall Dudley 
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Re: CS>Hello List

1999-12-08 Thread Ascottx0x0
Thanks for the response Trem,

I've heard of people heating up the water, adding things to it, and using a 
previous batch as a starter to speed up the process but hey, who's in a hurry 
when you're just getting started? Also, I've heard the above increases 
particle size. Any thoughts on that?

I've also heard that it is supposed to turn yellow. Mine didn't, It just had 
thin strands coming out of the electrodes. Should I care about a yellow color?

The coffee filters sound like a good idea. I did see dregs (silver oxide)? 
floating around in it.

You mentioned "plating out." Is that sediment falling to the bottom of the 

One last question. I guess we're concerned about the silver being ionic. How 
long before it looses it's charge? More specifically, what kind of shelf life 
should I expect before I need to make a new batch?

Thanks for your time
 Hello Andy,
 Welcome.  You did good.  The only thing I would suggest is to wait until the
 particles have dispersed throughout the water.  This will take about 12
 hours.  That way you  are sure of an even distribution of the silver.
 Storing in brown containers is OK if you don't want to see how it is doing.
 Storing in clear HDPE containers such as soft drink containers will let you
 see whether the CS is plating out.  Don't store in direct sunlight or near
 magnetic fields or in the refrigerator.  They all cause fallout.  Don't
 shake it before use.  Filter it through a coffee filter after you make it do
 get rid of dregs.
 You have made what we call basic CS.  It may have particles of various
 sizes.  The large ones will fall out.  Fine ones will stay in suspension.
 Make sure you use distilled water.
 Most persons start with a small amount and work up to the amount they feel
 comfortable with.  I suggest you start with one teaspoon a day and work you
 way up to what you feel comfortable with.  If you don't have problems, that
 may be a good prophylactic dose.  If you have problems, take more and
 observe your reactions.  It is pretty hard to overdose unless you have made
 your CS improperly.
 Good luck.
 > Hello List,
 > My name is Andy and I just subscribed while making my first batch. I
 > had time to look at any of the posts so far so please bear with me. This
 > what I did. Please let me know if it was right.
 > I suspended two pieces of 14 AWG .999 fine silver wire in a glass of room
 > temperature distilled water (Alhambra) about 1 1/2" apart. I connected a
 > bench power supply to them and set it at 30 volts. After about 1/2 hour
 > bubbles started to come off of the wires and what appeared to be fine
 > of something started to come out of both of the wires and slowly move
 > each other. I kept power to it an additional 15 minutes.
 > I swished the glass of water around and shot a laser pointer through it.
 > There's definitely something in there. I took a mouthful and swished it
 > around and gargled for a minute or two and then repeated. It had a strange
 > taste and I felt like I got a buzz but that could have been psychological.
 > 1) Can anyone tell me if this is the correct procedure for the desired
 > particle size?
 > 2) How about the shelf life for bottling the stuff? I thought I would use
 > amber beer bottles with crown caps. Store in a cool dark place.
 > 3) Dose anyone know if CS has been known to compromise a damaged liver?
 > 4) What quantity should be taken for a chronic condition? (killing a
 > Thank you for your time
 > Andy

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Hello List

1999-12-07 Thread Ascottx0x0
Hello List,

My name is Andy and I just subscribed while making my first batch. I haven't 
had time to look at any of the posts so far so please bear with me. This is 
what I did. Please let me know if it was right.

I suspended two pieces of 14 AWG .999 fine silver wire in a glass of room 
temperature distilled water (Alhambra) about 1 1/2" apart. I connected a lab 
bench power supply to them and set it at 30 volts. After about 1/2 hour 
bubbles started to come off of the wires and what appeared to be fine strands 
of something started to come out of both of the wires and slowly move towards 
each other. I kept power to it an additional 15 minutes.

I swished the glass of water around and shot a laser pointer through it. 
There's definitely something in there. I took a mouthful and swished it 
around and gargled for a minute or two and then repeated. It had a strange 
taste and I felt like I got a buzz but that could have been psychological.

1) Can anyone tell me if this is the correct procedure for the desired 
particle size?
2) How about the shelf life for bottling the stuff? I thought I would use 
amber beer bottles with crown caps. Store in a cool dark place.

3) Dose anyone know if CS has been known to compromise a damaged liver? (HCV)

4) What quantity should be taken for a chronic condition? (killing a virus)

Thank you for your time


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour