2002-07-27 Thread David Reese
I agree.  I recieved the spam also.
Dave Reese

Connie wrote:
> I received unsolicited SPAM from this websiteHealix.
> Notice they spell Argyria wrong all through the site.
> What crap!!
> HEALlix
> Ionized Silver
> Fulvic Acid
> Health Conditions
> Antibiotics
> Super Bugs
> Suggested Use
> Contact Us
> The only active ingredient in electrolytically produced colloidal silver is
> the amount of dissolved silver that goes into solution.  Dissolved silver is
> referred to as "ionized" silver.  Colloidal silver is not ionized silver.
> Only ionized silver can destroy pathogens [a specific causative agent (as a
> bacterium or virus) of disease] in the human environment.
> Colloidal Silver is defined by Webster as "a substance that consists of
> particles dispersed throughout another substance which are too small for
> resolution with an ordinary light microscope but are incapable of passing
> through a semipermeable membrane".  When prepared chemically the integrity
> in the size of the particles is protected by a protein coating and the
> product is referred to as "Silver Protein".  The smaller the particles the
> more effective the product and the longer the shelf-life.  For most
> purposes, chemically produced colloidal silver is inferior to
> electrolytically produced silver and is seldom used for supplemental
> purposes.  The bulk of colloidal silver products now being marketed as food
> supplements are electrolytically produced.
> Researchers agree that the safest form of silver ions are those produced by
> electrolysis.  This method of preparation was introduced and published prior
> to 1916 by G. Van Amber Brown, M.D.  Case histories of patients treated
> intravenously with electrolytically generated colloidal silver, demonstrated
> conclusively its superiority over chemically produced colloidal silver.
> When produced electrolytically each particle of silver receives a charge
> that repels every other particle and contributes to the stability of the
> product.  Although electrolytically generated colloidal silver is superior
> to chemically produced silver... it too eventually loses its charge and
> settles out.
> Colloidal silver is not ionized silver.  Only trace amounts of ionized
> silver are found in the colloidal silver products now being marketed... or
> produced by home generators.  We get a much cleared picture of the silver
> question when we understand that these products usually contain less than 15
> parts per million of colloidal silver, and that it takes approximately 5,000
> parts per million of colloidal silver to yield 1 ppm of ionized silver.
> Remember: it is only the ionized silver that destroys pathogens.
> The internationally recognized authority on Electromagnetic Pollution,
> Robert O. Becker, PhD; outlined in his book "Cross Currents" the
> experimental discipline successfully used to combat infections in wounds
> that would not respond to conventional treatment.  It involved patients;
> "who not only had large open wounds with exposed and infected bone but also
> had unhealed fractures of the bone in the infected site."  Through the use
> of electrolytically generated silver ions, Dr. Becker & associates not only
> controlled the heretofore uncontrollable infection, but achieved a startling
> added bonus as well.  He states;  "What we had actually done was rediscover
> the fact that silver killed bacteria, which has been known for centuries...
> The electrically generated silver ion was doing something more than killing
> bacteria...  it was also causing major growth stimulation of tissues in the
> wound."  When they finally traced down exactly what was happening they found
> that as human fibroblast cells were exposed to electrolytically generated
> silver ions, they changed back into primitive or embryonic cells...  which
> in turn changed into whatever specific cell types was needed to heal the
> wound.  He further states;  "So what we were in fact doing was turning on
> regeneration in human tissues, which I had thought we would never be able to
> do."
> A common test for determination of the presence of colloidal silver is to
> pass the beam of a laser light through a clear bottle containing the
> solution.  If colloidal silver is present there will be a solid beam of
> light reflected from the suspended particles.  You will be able to see a
> beam of light.  Solutions containing only ionized silver will not display
> this phenomenon since there are no un-dissolved particles of silver present
> to reflect that light.  With solution containing only ionized silver there
> is no beam of light.
> Recent major breakthroughs in processing technology has made possible the

Re: CS>Different phenomena

2002-06-04 Thread David Reese
Nope. Haven't tried that yet.

"John A. Stanley" wrote:
> In article <>,
> David Reese  wrote:
> >I have a distiller too but the water isn't pure enough to use even when
> >I take out the filter.
> Have you tried double distilling? I fill my distiller with reverse
> osmosis water, and the resulting DW registers .6-.8 on the Hanna PWT.
> --
> John A. Stanley
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Different phenomena

2002-06-03 Thread David Reese
I have a distiller too but the water isn't pure enough to use even when
I take out the filter. About the only water in this area that works is
"Absolute" distilled water from the grocery store. All other brands I
tried and the green light comes on immediately.
Dave Reese

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Interesting....and promising technology.

2002-02-28 Thread David Reese
Hi Brooks,
I could not get the url. I really enjoy your emails through the years.
David Reese

Brooks Bradley wrote:
> I have, for some time, enjoyed the fruits of
> "swimming upstream" through following the advice of a maverick economist
> and stock analyst named Bill Bonner.  He publishes a periodical named
> The Daily Reckoning.  This acknowledgment has absolutely nothing to do
> with my impending disclosure.other than to identify its original
> source.
> For those among the list membership interested
> in, what I regard to be, the more genuine aspects of the
> presently-manifesting medical technologies.especially with an eye to
> possible investment strategies, a study of this article might be
> appealing.
> While these particular companies (those
> identified in the article) may not be THE
> ANSWER, such approaches do seem (to me at least) to offer a more
> sensible alternative than do those presently receiving the bulk of media
> attention.
> My comments are not intended to recommend
> anyone;  but rather to share a source of information I
> have
> found to be quite helpful in making my own decisions relating to
> sectors/business firms of our economy.
> The concept of  "heat shock proteins" and
> "anti-angiogenesis" compounds do indeed appear to suggest a swift and
> impending shift in medical protocols...especially regarding the
> address of some of the more threatening
> afflictionsincluding cancer.
>  I found this article to be quite informative
> and to reflectat least in partmy personal convictions regarding
> the general direction which the more efficacious (among alleopathic
> methodologies) research is headed.
> Do be advised this communication is in NO way a suggestion
> that one consider or be encouraged to purchase stocks or securites
> from ANYONE.
>Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> p.s.  It is possible persons attempting to contact the url will be
> rejected by the electronic filtering
> system at Agora. It may reject interrogations not emanating from
> members. If this occurs to interested parties.just email me.  I have
> the article archived and can just copy and email it to you.  The
> analyses do appear quite clever and well done.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Athlets foot

2002-01-18 Thread David Reese
I would like to get an instruction sheet.
Dave Reese

Terry Chamberlin wrote:
> JCBarton said:
> "I've had athletes foot (and now toenail fungus-ugh)
> for 40 years. Can't get rid of it."
> Terry Responds:
> There are several factors to be considered. One report
> described soaking socks in CS and allowing them to
> dry. This works well, but a bit of a hassle (you could
> soak 6 pairs at a time).
> Another is Tea Tree oil (between the toes), which also
> has worked for me. (So have the socks, but you have to
> keep doing them.)
> My experience has been over the years, so far without
> exception, that folks with athletes foot problems (and
> corns, bunions, etc.) have an overly acid urine or
> urine/saliva pH, caused by a deficiency in alkaline
> calcium. The cheapest (but still bioavailable)
> alkaline calcium around is calcium hydroxide. A
> pharmacist can get it (if he will) in bulk (not in
> capsules), or you can order it from Daily
> Manufacturing, in North Carolina, 800-782-7326. They
> won't give me a dime for referring you to them.
> They also carry a mixture of calcium hydroxide and
> Coral calcium which is even more alkaline.
> Dr. Carey Reams explained that pH is not a reflection
> of acidic or alkaline foods, but of a deficiency of
> acidic or alkaline calciums. The primary acidic
> calcium is calcium lactate (there are others, but they
> are all more expensive and less available). Calcium
> citrate, gluconate and hydroxyapatite are all neutral
> forms of calcium, good as an extra source of calcium,
> but having no effect on ones pH.
> If you have good pH paper (measures in .2 increments,
> not .5 increments), the goal is to achive a pH for
> both urine and saliva of 6.4, not 7.0. Because the pH
> range is 0-14, 7.0 is the logical balanced medium, and
> so is in a laboratory, but in the human metabolism,
> balanced is 6.4.
> I know there is a widely-held assumption that it's
> better to be alkaline than acid, but one imbalance is
> not better than another. The clients who come to me
> who are too acid (depending on how much too acid) may
> be heading towards cancer, their digestion is too
> fast, they may be also heading towards diabetes,
> arthritis and osteoporosis. The folks who are too
> alkaline (depending on how much too alkaline) are
> usually constipated (maybe one BM per week),
> frequently struggle with headaches, allergies, and may
> be heading towards heart disease, diverticulitis,
> Crohns's disease, irritable bowel syndrome or CFS.
> At 6.4, one's digestion is at its best and
> assimilation is greatest.
> An acid pH person, depending on how long they've been
> acid and how acid, is losing minerals more from the
> bottom half of their body, so will tend to have feet
> problems like athlets foot (other problems as well).
> If you stop the migration of minerals upwards, your
> athletes foot should disappear.
> Vit D has an alkalinizing effect on the pH, so acid
> folks should take large doses of it. I give my acidic
> clients 6,000-8,000 i.u. of Vit D per day, until their
> pH balances. The commonly-held assumption that calcium
> is better absorbed with Vit D is only true of acidic
> people. Overly alkaline people should not even take
> Vit D. When I was in the US, when working with cancer
> clients, I would have them take 50,000 i.u. of Vit D
> per day, with never any hint of overdose. Of course,
> these were people with pHs of 4.3-5.0, very serious pH
> numbers.
> Many Health Food stores sell pH paper made by Greens
> Plus. It measures in .2 increments (7.0, 7.2, 7.4,
> etc.). To get an accurate picture of your true pHs,
> you should test urine and saliva, morning and evening,
> for six days, keeping a record. I have an instruction
> page with spaces to record your numbers in that I can
> email you upon request.
> Terry Chamberlin
> Metabolic Solutions Institute
> RR1  314 Carleton Rd
> Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
> 902-584-3810 voice
> 413-826-7641 fax service
> __
> Web-hosting solutions for home and business!
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Virus Alerrt

2001-03-24 Thread David Reese
Me too!!! Wasn't "Black" the same guy we got the last one from. My
apologies to Black if my memory is foggy.

Kehoe wrote:
> Just got a virus alert from the last post from "Black" Anyone else get it???
> CK
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HGH (Human Growth Hormone) & Cancer

2000-12-07 Thread David Reese
I do have cancer and don't take any of them.  Dr. Gerson lost most of
his patients years ago when he started giving the hormones because of
the success of early treatment that suddenly reversed after taking the
hormones awhile.
Karl Kristianson wrote:
> >Hi Karl, Wouldn't that (HGH) make prostate cancer cells divide and grow 
> >faster
> Dave Reese
> Hello!
> A LOT of supplemental hormones that people take as they age can have that 
> effect. If you
> have cancer of any type, depending on the type, you may have to discontinue 
> one or more
> supplemental hormones that you are taking (DHEA, melatonin, pregnanolone, 
> HGH, and
> others). This effect can also happen with some vitamins and minerals! If you 
> know someone
> who has cancer, that is taking hormones, too, they will just have to research 
> it to know
> if it is safe.
> HOWEVER, that does not mean that supplemental hormones CAUSE cancer; so 
> unless you are
> diagnosed with cancer, don't worry about it!
> Karl Kristianson
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

2000-12-05 Thread David Reese
Hi Karl,
Wouldn't that make prostate cancer cells divide and grow faster
Dave Reese

Karl Kristianson wrote:
> >Hi Karl, if a farmer does not live close, where would you obtain lGF-1?
> Know
> a form of GH is available at   CellFood Concentrado Thanks.  suzy
> Hello!
> Cheapest price I have found for colostrum is Fermentation Engineering.
> They charge $45 plus $9.95 shipping for a 1 KG (approximately 2.2
> pounds) bag of low temperature processed powdered colostrum standardized
> to 15% IGF-1.
> Address is:
> 501 S. Parallell Ave.
> Ripon, CA 95366
> I'm afraid I don't have the phone number handy. They can't take credit
> cards, so
> you'll have to send them a check.
> Approximately 3 grams per teaspoon. We use a little hand blender to
> blend it in
> with a little juice. It does not mix easily because of the fat in it.
> Take it
> away from meals. My wife and I take about 10 grams a day each. At ten
> grams a
> day, a bag will last 2 - 3 months for one person.
> DO NOT buy from CellFood Concentrado. I read the "info" on their site.
> As with most of these crooks, they conveniently "forget" to mention how
> much HGH is actually in their product. Typically, there is some, but in
> nano-gram quantities. WAY too little to you any good except by the
> placebo effect. I have not yet seen ONE spray HGH product that actually
> has enough HGH in it to do you any good.
> Hope this helps.
> Karl Kristianson
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fleas OT

2000-11-23 Thread David Reese
Hi Mary,
Read a blurb in Readers Digest many years ago and have used it on many
dogs and cats since.  Get some pure orange extract, must be pure, from
grocery store.  Rub some onto the animals fur.  They run around for
awhile trying to rub it off on the ground for awhile so don't know but
it may sting them somewhat. For that reason I don't think I would use it
on any raw spots. Need very little though as I think this last small
bottle has lasted about 5 years now. I only need to use it about once a
year in the spring. I did have a dog once that needed it a couple times
a year.
Dave Reese

> Mary Montalvo wrote:
>  Hi, i know this is off topic, but i was hoping someone on the list
> could help me, my son found a young dog in the street and brought him
> home, the poor thing is infested with fleas, I don't want to use
> poison on him, but i have given him 3 baths and he still has tons of
> the buggers. His hair is missing from his rear and he is raw from
> bites. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mary

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT- fasting

2000-11-15 Thread David Reese
Hi Kim,
I answered this before but think it may have been on another list. I
fasted for 38 days while on the "Bruess Cancer Cure". It allowed only a
precise amount of certain juices, (less than 2 cups per day) and
different teas per day. No solids at all.  The program was supposed to
last 42 days but I only made it for 38 days.  For 30 days I had an
incredible amount of energy but after the 30 day my energy factor
slipped badly each day beyond the 30 days.
Dave Reese

> KIM BROWN wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Out of curiosity...because I'm on another list...has anyone here ever
> fasted for 30 days+???
> I don't think it is a good thing to do and would like your opinion.
> Thanks,
> Kim (I love this list!)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT- fasting

2000-11-15 Thread David Reese
I fasted for 38 days on the "Bruess Cancer Cure". Designed to be 42 days
but I didn't make it that long.  Had an abundance of energy for 30 days
on the prescribed juices and teas but went down hill rapidly after 30
Dave Reese

russ e rosser wrote:
> Kim--I, for one, regard fasts of reasonable, lesser duration as THE most
> beneficial althealth practice there isbut a protracted endeavor like
> 30 days would be perilous for a slim guy like me.)  BTW, what other list
> are you on?  --Russ
> On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 20:57:57 -0500 "KIM BROWN" 
> writes:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > Out of curiosity...because I'm on another list...has anyone here
> > ever fasted for 30 days+???
> >
> > I don't think it is a good thing to do and would like your opinion.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Kim (I love this list!)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Sciatica

2000-10-25 Thread David Reese
Hi Mamabear,
You may want to buy the book "Bruess Cancer Cure". Its a small book but
quite a few things mentioned besides cancer. Basically it explains how
to use St. Johns Wort oil for damaged discs among other things toward
the back of the book.
It doesn't explain how to make the oil though.  Mix in the ratio of 4
oz. Virgin Olive Oil with 2 oz. St John Wort. Get the St. John Wort from
a health store that sell fresh herbs, etc. Not the extract.  Simmer for
12 hours and strain the mixture.  What is left if the oil. We just put
the mixture in a slow cooker on low for the 12 hours. 
Don't know if we are doing it right or not but I massage and stretch the
lower spine area for quite awhile and then rub in the st john oil. My
wife had a lot of problems with sciatica and she had immediate relief (
after she woke up the next morning. Did it late at night.). Didn't have
to do it again for over one month then that was the last time so far.
Also helps some with pain for arthritis. She washes arthritic knees well
then puts on some DMSO and then applies the St. John Wort.  Doesn't
relieve the pain completely but she claims she has a lot of relief by
doing it that way.
Dave Reese wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good remedy for sciatica?  Thanks.  mamabear
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Just Say NO To Canola-or Got Lear?

2000-06-25 Thread David Reese
I think I answered in another spot awhile ago. 
You should be able to get all the unprocessed coconut oil you want at
Omega Nutrition.  Phone # 800-661-3529
Dave Reese

Stephen Hessler wrote:
> Hi ..Where can one get a quantity of coconut oil?  Like 5 Gallons.
> TIA,
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>coconut oil

2000-06-25 Thread David Reese
You should be able to get all the unprocessed coconut oil you want at
Omega Nutrition. PH# 800-661-3529
Dave Reese wrote:
> Available at
> A bit pricey though.
> It's been had for about $5 lb but you'll have to search. The last place I got 
> it
> from has vanished.
> Chuck
> A Freudian slip may be revealing, but a Jungian slip is just a mythstake !
> On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 05:32:34 -0500, "Stephen Hessler"  wrote:
> >
> >Hi ..Where can one get a quantity of coconut oil?  Like 5 Gallons.
> >TIA,
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-06-20 Thread David Reese
Hi Quiksassy,
I have a problem taking the flax oil with cottage cheese also but can
take it with yogurt.  I can't take just the flax itself.  When I get
tired of taking it with yogurt I put in some pineapple.  NOT CANNED.
Gerson and others say to take it with 8 oz. ( 1 cup ) of cottage cheese
or yogurt.  You need the cottage cheese or yogurt because they contain
sulfur that it apparently needs to activate the flax.
Always use fresh flax oil. I get it sent to me in a case of 12 at a time
(cheaper), from Omega Nutrition from Washington state. One bottle goes
into the fridge and the rest in the freezer. The frozen flax oil will
last many months without going rancid but once you open a bottle they
claim it can go rancid in as little as two weeks in the fridge. Once you
open it the air and light affect it greatly.
If all else fails you can try Budgies Blend that was on the net awhile
Put in blender
1 cup organic cottage cheese or yogurt (non-fat PLAIN)
2-5 Tbs. of flaxseed oil
1-3 Tbs. of freshly ground up flaxseed ( electric coffee grinder ($
15-30) works fine.
Enough water to make it soft or to drink
Little cayenne ( red hot chilly pepper )
Little red pepper
Eat some every day.
If you have cancer I can't recommend it enough.
Are you sure the flail you have if fresh?  Be sure to read Dr. Joanna
Budgies book
I have prostate cancer the flax oil and yogurt brought down my spa 32%
in one month.  Also brings down cholesterol and trigs.
I hasn't cured my cancer but certainly helps to keep it under control. I
have read of many people that it apparently has cured their cancer.
I personally take 5 tbs. with yogurt  but started with only 1 or 2 for a
week or so to get the system used to it.
David Reuse

Quiksassy wrote:
> Thanks for the advice.  I have a small problem.  I went out and bought the
> plain cottage cheese and mixed it with the flax oil and then tried to eat
> it.  First, I don't like cottage cheese, and second, it tastes really bad
> with the flax oil.  Now I know why it helps to kill the bacteria.  Its the
> taste Uck, Uck, Uck!! I don't think I can get it down, if you know what
> I mean.  Ok, maybe I can see if I can take the flax oil, just by itself.
> Maybe this will help something.
> - Original Message -
> From: Pamela Grant 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 10:12 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Kawasaki/ Dotsie
> > >I have a silly question.  Does the cottage cheese need to be the plain or
> > >can I use the kind flavored with real fruit (to kill any ucky taste)?
> >
> > That is not a silly question at all. I cannot find the book. It had
> > belonged to my father.However, I do remember him saying that it should be
> > consumed on an empty stomach. It seems that that would rule out that use
> of
> > cottage cheese with flavors--due to the sugar content. I also remember him
> > saying that the
> > proportion of cottage cheese to Flax Seed Oil is very important. too.Be
> > sure  the flax oil is fresh (no older that 3 mo.). There is a great
> > distributor for Cleinosan's Flax Seed Oil---always guaranteed frrresh. The
> > company is called "Nature's Distributors"--1-800-624-7114.
> >
> > Perhaps the "rules" have changed on the above recommendations. If anyone
> > knows for sure I would I appreciate the info also.
> >
> >
> > In Search of TRUTH Always,
> > Pam
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Kawasaki/ Dotsie

2000-06-20 Thread David Reese
Commercial yogurt with fruit added is also loaded with sugar.  Since
cancer feeds off glucose that is a no no. You could add your own fruit
if you really need to change the taste and be better off.
David Reese

Quiksassy wrote:
> I have a silly question.  Does the cottage cheese need to be the plain or
> can I use the kind flavored with real fruit (to kill any ucky taste)?
> - Original Message -
> From: Todd Horton 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:35 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Kawasaki/ Dotsie
> > On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 23:04:10 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
> >
> > >>Dr. Budwig in Germany has used some simple food to cure a lot of real
> > >>serious medical conditions:  Cancer, diabetes, liver disease, and many
> > >>more.  Its quite simple:  Water soluable oil is needed to cary oxygen to
> > >>cells of the body so it can heal itself.  The best one is flax oil.  It
> > >>must be taken with cottage cheese to energize it.  Read her book, "
> > how does cottage cheese do this.?
> > >>Flaxoil as a true aid against arthritis, heart infarction, cancer and
> > the flaxoil I have heard of but the cheese is a new one.
> > >>other diseases."  Dr Johanna Budwig.  Also, in "Optimal Wellnes" by Dr
> > >>Ralph Golan.  These simple foods are so plain that anyone can add them
> > >>to their food intake with no concern.  Two tablespoons of flax oit with
> > >>three tablespoons of cottage cheese is all that is needed each day.  The
> > >>above diseases were cleared up in 3 months.  I think it would help.
> > >>Al
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Fleas (OT)

2000-06-01 Thread David Reese
Hi Diane,
You can use pure orange extract and rub a LITTLE bit on the animals
stomach and a dab on other places. I think it does burn the skin
somewhat as the animal,( my cat & dog) run around a few minutes but they
are good from fleas for the rest of the year. For some reason it has to
be Pure orange extract.
Dave Reese

"d.linen" wrote:
> What is the supplement that can be given to animals to get rid of fleas?
> Thanks,
> Diane
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>anyone there?

2000-04-29 Thread David Reese
Where did everyone go?
Dave Reese

Tai-Pan wrote:
>  Hi Girl,
>   Bob here, just got home and no messages on silver list. You and Samantha
> are all there is, and me.
>  Bless you Bob Lee
> Marsha Hallett wrote:
> > Hey, Mike,
> >  Did I get dropped again?  Or did no one write to the Silverlist at all
> > today??
> > Marsha
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> --
> oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

Re: CS>oil

1999-12-19 Thread David Reese
In the book he advises Extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed.  NEVER any oil 
that has been altered so
that takes in almost every oil on the store shelves.  Quite a few surprises in 
the book.  At least
it was for me.
One thing that may be of interest to others is unrefined Flax oil.  It will 
lower cholesterol and
trigs., and also with plain non fat yogurt or cottage cheese in the proper 
amount will lyse or
dissolve cancer cells.  I know the last to be true with the chol and trigs and 
does bring down the
PSA.  It didn't bring it down all the way but did have a 32% drop in one month. 
Perhaps if you have
cancer you should also read Dr. Johanna Budwig's book.
Sorry to have taken up so much space off topic.
Dave Reese

D G wrote:

> what would it advise?
> Dennis
> Subject: Re: CS>oil
> Resent-Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 08:27:50 -0800
> Resent-From:
> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 11:26:33 -0600
> From: David Reese 
> Reply-To:
> To:
> References: <>
> Read  "Fats that heal, Fats that Kill" by Udo Eramus.   Great book.
> Dave Reese
> "James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:
> > I have been thinking Olive is the best bet, but tomorrow we may be told it 
> > is an alien plot...
> > James Osbourne Holmes
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From:   D G []
> > Sent:   Saturday, December 18, 1999 8:17 AM
> > To:
> > Subject:CS>oil
> >
> > is there a veggie oil that isn"t
> > toxic waste?
> > i LIKE mayonaise but wanna be here
> > to enjoy it.
> >
> > Dennis
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>oil

1999-12-19 Thread David Reese
Read  "Fats that heal, Fats that Kill" by Udo Eramus.   Great book.
Dave Reese

"James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:

> I have been thinking Olive is the best bet, but tomorrow we may be told it is 
> an alien plot...
> James Osbourne Holmes
> -Original Message-
> From:   D G []
> Sent:   Saturday, December 18, 1999 8:17 AM
> To:
> Subject:CS>oil
> is there a veggie oil that isn"t
> toxic waste?
> i LIKE mayonaise but wanna be here
> to enjoy it.
> Dennis
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Carol's sister

1999-12-10 Thread David Reese
I believe Ann Wigmore died about age 87 in her rooms above the Wigmore mansion
in an electrical fire. Heard some of her students run the Wigmore places in N.M.
Dave Reese

Carol M. Ryan wrote:

> Sharon,
> I meant chemo I also should have included radiation.
> Carol
> - Original Message -
> From: Sharon L. House 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 11:16 AM
> Subject: CS>Carol's sister
> > Carol,
> >
> > Yes, I surely would appreciate if you could ask him about the cultures.
> I'm
> > glad to hear that your sister is on the Schultz program. I have all his
> > tapes and manuals etc. As far as Ann Wigmore, I know I've heard of her but
> > can't think where. I'm wondering if she's the author of a book I have on
> > intestinal health. Bugs me when I can't remember where I heard about
> > something. Candida brain fog (brain frog).
> >
> > You wrote "tests came back like a person who never had chime". What is
> > chime, Carol?
> >
> > Sharon
> >
> >
> > >Sharon,
> > >Yes it is digestive enzymes and jeff makes a high potency formula for me
> > >with the cultures I would have to ask him what cultures.
> > >For serious illness this combo should be taken between meals and at
> bedtime.
> > >My sister is taking so many of Jeff's formulas that are either high
> potency
> > >or extremely high potency that I could not tell if Cs is helping her.
> She
> > >had chemo and radiation during that time she was very ill with the
> > >radiation, she drank Miso which helps to take radiation out of the body
> and
> > >it was the only thing that stop her from being sick, she had to stop
> taking
> > >it because it is full of salt, no salt for cancer patients.  Beta glucans
> > >does the same as Miso only better.  After her chemo and radiation she
> went
> > >for blood tests and the doctor was quite surprised yesterday that her
> blood
> > >tests came back like a person who never had chime.  I know it was Jeff's
> > >formulas that did it.  He designs formulas for just that purpose.  She
> > >continues taking CS.
> > >She is also on Dr.Schultz's incurable disease program and she is thinking
> of
> > >going to The Ann Wigmore Foundation in NM.  Do you know anything about
> her
> > >results with illness?
> > >Carol
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
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> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Re:

1999-12-09 Thread David Reese
Hi Sharon,
Keep in mind that Gerson did not believe too much in doing a high enema or
fasting. He believed more or less in shoving the toxins out faster with many
carrot and green juices per day and the retention coffee enemas to release the
extra toxins from the liver.  As many as 5 enemas per day in some cases. .
Dave R

"Sharon L. House" wrote:

> I did high coffee enemas for 2 winters in a row coupled with fasting. I got
> out unbelievable amounts of old material but I still felt the same
> generally. Sick. I know I failed to get everything out as I just could not
> continue the fasting and enemas any longer. That's why I'm using the HSOs
> now to break up the old stuff without having to do the high enemas. It's
> just that the dieoff is horrible.
> Sharon
> >Hi Sharon,
> >Have you tried using Gerson's method of coffee retention enemas to help
> >get rid
> >of the livers toxic load from the die off from colliadial silver, etc.?
> >Just a
> >thought.
> >Dave R
> >
> >"Sharon L. House" wrote:
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:Pig fat, cancer

1999-12-05 Thread David Reese
If you like to be amazed here is another book that is quite amazing that you
could also order through the Price-Pittinger (sp) foundation. 800-266-5564 , by
Aajonus Vonderplanitz titled " We want to Live".  He claims to have cured 236
out of 240 cancer patients.  Partly by eating raw meats.
David Reese

Katarina Wittich wrote:

> If this is true -- and it sure sounds like it is - it's one of the most
> amazing things I've ever read.
> It seems most of the things I believed as little as a year ago are not true.
> Milk does not build strong bones -- it leaches calcium out of them.
> Flouride does not build strong teeth and prevent cavities -- but it does do
> awful damage to you.
> Vegetable oils are not better for your cardiovascular system than animal
> fats.
> Tofu is not the best thing since sliced bread.
> Sliced bread is pretty questionable unless it is sprouted or whole grain
> etc etc
> Katarina
> > Hi V,
> >
> > According to Dr. (phD, not MD ) Mary Enig,  pig fat is much healthier than
> > hydrogenated veggie oils.  See if you can find her site.  Mind boggling.
> >  Another example of how bad we've been had.
> >
> >
> > James Osbourne Holmes
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:electroporation.

1999-12-04 Thread David Reese
Hi Sharon,
Have you tried using Gerson's method of coffee retention enemas to help get rid
of the livers toxic load from the die off from colliadial silver, etc.?  Just a
Dave R

"Sharon L. House" wrote:

> >Debbie McDonald wrote:
> >
> >> wrote:
> >> I did take my medications and herbs as usual BUT I kept a
> >> > cordless phone in my lap so I could call 911 in case electroporation.
> >>set in
> >> > since I live alone
> >>
> >> So how would you know electroporation is setting in??  Deb
> >
> >There is no simple answer because it increases the effects of any toxins.
> >If you
> >drink a beer you may get drunk as if you drank 20 beers.  If you smoke,
> >you may
> >get nicotine poisoning. If you eat garlic, you could get very sick as if
> >you ate
> >20 times as much.
> >
> >Marshall
> Marshall,
> Does this mean that if I'm in dieoff resulting from circulating toxins that
> this process would "enhance" the effects of it? I have such severe candida
> dieoffs as it is that I'm afraid if they were any worse, I would drop dead
> from it. Is that something to think about before using this?
> Sharon
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #765

1999-11-20 Thread David Reese
According to Paul Bragg, the Japanese do have a lot of high blood pressure.
According to an Gerson newsletter, soy is processed differently in the Far
East than it is here.  Also , Monsanto mixes genetically altered soy with
natural soy and does not have to inform the consumer.

D G wrote:

> i don't understand why, if things lilke salt and soy are so funky, the
> japanese are so healthy. they eat tons of both and thrive.
> Dennis
> 51/50
> 24/7
> Subject: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #765
> Resent-Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 06:08:59 -0800
> Resent-From:
> Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 09:08:49 EST
> From:
> Reply-To:
> To:
> In a message dated 11/20/1999 5:59:50 AM Romance Standard Time,
> writes:
> << For those interested in the history of oils and why they are bad for
>  us, and the 'bill of goods' we have been sold:
>  Also soy online service is back on line, for info about the negative
>  properties of soy products:
>  particularly interesting is the affect of Phytates on mineral
>  absorption, (thanks Harvey):
>   >>
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: The answer to cancer has been known!!!

1999-10-16 Thread David Reese
This may have worked for everyone but me, but sure did not
work for me in any which way.  PSA kept going up, up, up.  Blood
pressure stayed the same , meaning it stayed hight.
David Reese
P.S.  I have talked to people that say it worked for them but most that
I talked to had either radiation or chemo., so it is hard to tell. wrote:

> There are many web sites out there that are showing that the answer to
> cancer has been known. The evidence shows that when a person adds
> bitter seeds to their diet which contain the vitamin B17, the
> possibilities of contracting cancer is very slim. The evidence also
> shows that even after a person has been diagnosed with cancer, simply
> adding seeds and vitamin B17 to their diet can shrink the tumors and
> will protect the rest of the persons body. Some of these companies
> have hundreds of success records posted right on their web site with
> phone numbers and addresses for others to contact. In almost all of
> the cases that these websites record, blood pressure is lowered and
> blood sugar levels improve.
> The websites show that a person should not only depend on the B17 and
> Seeds, but also clearly states that individuals should include other
> nutritious immune system building foods in their diet.\~It also shows
> that a person who still decides to stay on chemo and takes the apricot
> seeds live many times longer then if they took the chemo alone.
> The FDA has made it very difficult for companies to advertise
> information concerning Vitamin B17 and the Apricot seeds. To order
> apricot seeds, or complete information concerning this subject or to
> ask a few questions, call 1-800-395-7379. To do a search on apricot
> seeds click here and then type in apricot seeds in the appropriate
> spot.
> If this is your first time ordering, order one of the packages which
> includes one bottle of the B17, one pound of the apricot seeds, the
> book, the video, the journal and complete instructions
> You may order by credit card by calling 800-395-7379
> Book: World Without Cancer, by Edward Griffin
> Contains most of what's mentioned in the videotape 'World Without
> Cancer' and much more on studies that were covered up and great
> scientist who where arrested when they began telling others about the
> truth with vitamin B17. Highly annotated for the serious student who
> wants to research the information for himself. Contains studies on
> Amygdalin (vitamin B17, laetrile) that were conducted at the famous
> cancer institute, Sloan Kettering and covered up. Full explanation of
> the politics of cancer from Mr. Edward Griffin.
> Videotape: "World Without Cancer" Length 55 min.
> By Edward Griffin. Features how the answer to cancer has always been
> known and was pushed out of the U.S. This video will blow you away. It
> brings to light in an organized and simple to understand fashion the
> politics of cancer, the scandal, the biologics scientifics, the
> cultures that have never had a case of cancer and some success
> stories...including my own which was featured on Inside Edition's
> Extra in 1996. $19.95
> Apricot Kernels
> These seeds have the highest content of B-17 on earth. These are not
> the same as the ones that are sometimes found in the health food
> stores. The ones in the health food store are sun- dried. Sun dried
> kernels are not effective, that's why they're allowed to be sold in
> U.S. stores without problem. Our kernels are fresh, chewable and
> bitter and a necessity in out diet. Dr. Krebs says 7 per day for
> absolute prevention. As therapy for existing cancer, between 20 and 50
> per day is recommended. Although they are bitter, they must be
> integrated into our diets. Stores do not sell fresh apricot seeds
> because of what the FDA did years ago. $12.95 per pound, approx. 860
> seeds per pound already cracked out of the shell.
> Vitamin B-17
> Fruit seed extract is called Amygdalin, Vitamin B17 or Laetrile. We
> carry this vitamin in tablet form in 100mg and 500mg quantities. They
> are 99% pure fruit seed extract from Cyto Pharm of Mexico. Cyto Pharma
> of Mexico are the pioneers of the seed extraction of Vitamin B17 for
> over 20 years.. They are the only ones who have followed Dr. Krebs
> exact specifications for the production of vitamin B17. For prevention
> the 100mg capsules are recommended by Dr. Krebs, one or two per day;
> If existing cancer is the case, between 2000-4000mg for the first 30
> days is recommended along with 2-5 seeds per hour (waking hours). $95
> per 100 500 mg tablets. $34 per 100 of the 100 mg tablets.

Re: CS>Off Topic/soy/sesame seeds/nutrition questions

1999-08-24 Thread david reese
Hi Katarina
In a Gerson newsletter a couple years ago an article stated that the only part 
soy  that is processed the same in this country as in  the Far East is the soy
sauce. If I remember right the sauce has too much sodium in it so none of it is
acceptable on the Gerson Therapy.  Not even for prostate cancer.
Dave Reese wrote:

> Hi Listers,
> since so many of you are so knowledgeable about nutrition, I wonder if anyone
> can answer these questions.
> Someone just told me that unfermented soy is bad for you because it contains
> tripsen (sp) inhibitors which create incomplete digestion of proteins and
> negatively affects the bodys use of calcium, zinc and iron and also that it
> harms your thyroid. She said that supposedly the only healthful kinds of soy
> are tempeh and miso and soy sauce. This concerns me because I don't eat dairy
> and thus often eat tofu or use soy milk in things. Any feedback?
> Another question I had was on the sesame seed issue of oxalates (sp?) in
> hulled sesame seeds. What are they and in what way are they bad for you? I
> like the idea of using sesame seeds as a calcium source so I've been making a
> morning shake with flax seeds, flax oil, hulled sesame seeds, soy yoghurt and
> fruit. Any ideas on how much sesame seeds is good and whether it would harm
> them to be roasted and whether hulled or unhulled is good would be helpful.
> And then, at the recommendtion of someone on the list I read "Fit for life"
> about food combining and found out that according to the theories of food
> combining fruit and protein is bad for you.
> I've gotten to this place of tremendous frustration because every time I find
> out one interesting thing, I find something else to contradict or confuse it.
> So -- I liked the idea of flax seed oil and cottage cheese, but I believe the
> studies which show that dairy promotes osteoporosis so I don't eat it. So I
> combine the flax oil with soy yoghurt or tofu and hope it has the same
> effect. But now maybe soy yoghurt and tofu are bad for you - or maybe they
> are fermented enough to be okay.
> And I love making morning shakes, but fit for life says fruit only in the
> mornings and without anything else. However, trying that for even a few days
> made my candida very happy and me miserable. So I'd like to stick with the
> shakes. One thought was to make them with just oranges and banana and sesame
> and flax but no soy. Does anyone know if seeds are allright to combine with
> fruit? And I sometimes take MSM -- does anyone know if since Johanna Budwigs
> flax oil theories have to do with combining flaxoil and protein and sulfur --
> would I get enough protein from the flax and sesame and enough sulfur from
> msm to activate the flax oil?
> Sorry if this is very off topic, but I think you guys are the best people I
> know to ask.
> Thanks again,
> Katarina
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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CS>Canker sore

1999-08-01 Thread david reese
Hi Marsha,

If you feel a canker sore coming on just take one gram of lysine a couple times
a day and it will usually be gone in one day.

Dave Reese

Marsha Hallett wrote:

> Dear Listers, Just wanted to say, Hi, I`m back again! My monitor gave up the
> ghost 10 days ago, so today, we got a new one. Boy, computer withdrawal is a
> real pain!!!
>  Also, my missing son called last week. He is fine, working and living
> incognito in Phoenix, I presume. He did admit to Arizona. I`m hoping to
> convince him to do the honorable thing and return to the Navy, and get out
> honestly. (I thought I raised him better than that...)
>  Thanks all, for being there for me!
> Marsha, cool and comfy in Vallejo... :o)
> PS, I had a canker sore last week. By 3 days of CS use it had skinned over,
> and by the 5th was gone. Normally, one is a real pain for 10 days!
>  (I did use some melaleuca oil for pain relief.)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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