CS>Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

2006-10-26 Thread DotsieBoo
My niece is in the hospital with E Coli.  They removed her appendix  and are 
now watching for Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.
Any alternative suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


2006-06-16 Thread DotsieBoo

Re: CS>Baggage screening

2006-04-30 Thread DotsieBoo
I travel with CS in a Grolsch beer bottle and my carry-on was searched 
because the metal lock on the top of the bottle was suspicious on X-Ray.  When 
found it in the bag I just told her it was colloidal silver and she let me go.  
This was a screening for a cruise ship and with the recent Norwalk virus on 
ships, I need it more then when I'm home.  I now pack the CS in my luggage to 
avoid problems at the pier.  


Re: CS>Re: Far infrared bulbs

2006-03-16 Thread DotsieBoo
This website shows photos of two free standing FIR heaters in a bathroom to 
create a FIR sauna environment.  

The Bathroom for FIR Sauna:
In this article I show how I use two free standing FIR heaters in the 
bathroom to create a FIR sauna environment similar to that in the expensive box 
sauna. The cost using this method is about 1/10th the cost of a box sauna, 
about what it cost to ship the box sauna. An added benefit to using the free 
standing FIR heaters is that the heaters can be used to provide comfortable FIR 
heat to the living area of your home during the cold winter months. 



Re: CS>Thank you's

2006-01-11 Thread DotsieBoo
Paradigm Shift

...Think of a Paradigm Shift as a change from one way of thinking to 
another. It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It just 
does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change. 



2002-08-23 Thread DotsieBoo
Anybody know where it is? >>



To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part
of the body.

To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.

To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.

To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and

To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood

To build a healthy blood stream.

To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years.


When sickness has developed-for all acute and chronic conditions.

When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing.

When overweight has become a problem.

When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.


Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more-up to 40 days and beyond
may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the
nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do
wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy conditions. The diet may be
undertaken more frequently for serious conditions.


2 Tablespoons lemon or lime juice (approx. ½ lemon)

2 Tablespoons genuine maple syrup (Not maple flavored sugar syrup)

1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste

Water, medium hot

Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz glass and fill
with medium hot water. (Cold water may be used if preferred.)

Use fresh (organic) lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or lime juice
nor frozen lemonade or frozen juice.

The maple syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative sugar and must
be used, not some "substitute". There are three grades of maple syrup. Grade
A is the first run-mild in taste, sweet and with less minerals than the
other grades. It is more expensive and less desirable but it may be used.
Grade B is the second run with more minerals plus more maple taste. It is
more suitable for the diet and is less expensive. Grade C is the third run
with even more minerals and still stronger taste of maple and slightly less
pleasant for most people, although acceptable in the diet. It is lower in
price. As Grade C is less expensive it can be used as an excellent
sweetening agent in preparing foods. The strong maple flavor blends very

The maple syrup has a large variety of minerals and vitamins. Naturally the
mineral and vitamin content will vary according to the area where the trees
grow and the mineral content in the soil. These are the minerals found in
average samples of syrup from Vermont: Sodium; Potassium; Calcium;
Magnesium; Manganese; Iron; Copper; Chlorine and Silicon. Vitamin !, B1, B2,
B6, C, Nicotinic acid and Pantothenic acid are also present in the syrup.
Information on the need and effect of these properties will be found in the
Biochemistry in the back of the boo, "Healing for the Age of Enlightenment".

Some uninformed operators of the sugaring of the maple syrup do use
formaldehyde pellets, run through polyethylene tubing but there are many
more that don't. Search out and demand the kind not using formaldehyde.
Spring Tree of Brattleboro, Vermont does not use it. This is the kind I

Dozens of letters weekly, from around the world highly praise the many
superior benefits of the lemonade diet. Thus, we must conclude that since it
does so much for so many it is truly The Master Cleanser. The following is a
quote form one of the letters: "I tried the lemonade diet with exceptional
beneficial results. I would like to order at least six at whatever your
wholesale price would be-I know I will need many more as I do push the
books. I believe they are the best in their field."

An ideal formula involves freshly extracted juice from the sugar can
(readily available in India, but not generally in the US at the present

10 ox. Fresh sugar can juice (medium hot or cold)

2 Tablespoons fresh lime or lemon juice

1/10 teaspoon cayenne (red pepper) or to taste

Another possible but lesser replacement could be pure sorghum. (Do not use
for Diabetes). It does not produce equal or close to the benefits of maple


Honey must not be used at any time internally. It is manufactured from the
nectar picked up from the flowers by the bees-good enough in itself,
perhaps-then predigested, vomited and stored for their own future use with a
preservative added. It is deficient in calcium and has many detrimental
effects for the human being.

According to one authority, honey is "a magical and mystical word in
Healthfoodland. It is one of the most overpromoted, overpriced product being
sold to gullible health foodists. The great value attributed to honey is
delusive.honey is only a little less empty and more dangerous than sugar."

Just as with alcohol, honey, being predigested, enters the blood directly,
raising the sugar content very rapidly above normal. To correct this, the
pancreas must produ

CS>The Great Man has passed away

2002-06-25 Thread DotsieBoo
The Great Man has passed away.

Last night, Sunday June 23, 2002 at 11:40 PM, Robert (Bob) C. Beck, 
D.Sc. departed from this world. After a nasty fall which created 
water on his brain, Bob's heart eventually gave out and cardiac 
arrest followed. Bob is survived by his loving wife, Johanna Beck.

I have had the supreme honor to know and work closely with Bob Beck. 
Over the many years Bob and I have become very close friends, and his 
loss saddens me deeply. What I remember so fondly of Bob was his 
loving heart and desire to help mankind. This he did without ever 
seeking rewards, and did so tirelessly. Always there to listen, 
always there to give. His dream was to give to the people of the 
world technologies that would help them "take back their power" in 
health and in life. Bob relentlessly pursued his passion, and 
succeeded where most others failed. His amazing intellect was 
eclipsed only by his generosity. So many people today owe their lives 
to Bob, and his revolutionary discoveries. Many people have benefited 
from Bob's work, and are grateful that he followed his dream. I 
salute you Sir, and bow my head in reverence and respect. You did 
very well My Friend, and I will hold your memories in my heart for 
safekeeping. Thank-you so very much Bob for allowing me into your 
very private life. The journey has been wonderful, and I will 
continue to keep your dream alive as long I am able to. You have 
given me a life mission, and I thank-you. You will not be forgotten, 
ever. Godspeed to your new shores Dear Friend.

In loving memory,

Russell Torlage
SOTA Instruments Inc.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>GMO ACTION ALERTS Fight against Monsanto vaults farmer into spotlight

2002-04-25 Thread DotsieBoo
From: http://www.theglobeandmail.com
Fight against Monsanto vaults farmer into spotlight


Monday, April 8, 2002  Print Edition, Page A3

Monsanto did not know what it was getting into when it tried to teach Percy 
Schmeiser a lesson.

Two years after losing a patent dispute with the biotechnology giant, the 
71-year-old grain farmer from Bruno, Sask., has taken his story -- and his 
message about farmers' rights -- from Brazil to Bangladesh, from Australia to 

He has at least as many international gigs as boy band 'N Sync this year, yet 
the jet lag is not slowing him down.

In the fall, he visited South Africa. In March, he was in Thailand. This week 
he kicks off a tour that will take him through Europe. Then he's off to 
Seattle, followed by a spin through South America.

"It has been pretty hectic," he said recently.

Farmers groups, environmentalists and United Nations policymakers all want to 
hear Mr. Schmeiser's tale of being taken to court over the kind of canola 
found growing in his fields four years ago.

Some will pay his air fare and expenses to have him tell it in person (he 
doesn't charge speaking fees.)

And the next time this grandfather of 14 will be back home in Saskatchewan is 
mid-May, when a Saskatoon judge is to hear his appeal of the March, 2000, 
ruling that made him an international folk hero.

"Monsanto couldn't have picked a worse person to get into a fight with," said 
Pat Mooney, the executive director of the Winnipeg-based technology watchdog 
group ETC, who has seen Mr. Schmeiser speak at international forums.

"He's articulate and emotional, and he always creates a stir when he tells 
his story."

Born and raised in Bruno, a farming community 90 kilometres northeast of 
Saskatoon, Mr. Schmeiser has grown canola, wheat and legumes on 1,400 acres 
of land for the last 47 years.

In the last two years, it has become increasingly difficult for him to 
maintain his packed travel itinerary and his grain farm. This year, he will 
rent out most of his land to neighbours and cultivate just 300 acres himself 
with the help of family.

In 1998, Monsanto informed him he was infringing on their patent for a 
herbicide-resistant strain of canola, called Roundup Ready, because they had 
found it growing in his fields. He had not paid the necessary fees to 
cultivate it.

Mr. Schmeiser argued that the seed had blown into his field or had been 
dumped there by accident, and that made Monsanto's patent invalid. Monsanto 
wanted to settle out of court, but Mr. Schmeiser refused.

A federal court judge ruled in March, 2000, that it was unlikely the patented 
canola ended up growing in Mr. Schmeiser's fields by accident and that he 
must have knowingly harvested the patented strain without informing Monsanto. 
"What the judgment said was it doesn't matter how Monsanto seeds get into 
your fields; it's their property. All the farmers' rights go out the window," 
Mr. Schmeiser said.

The case cost Mr. Schmeiser and his wife Louise $200,000 in legal fees. To 
pay, they mortgaged their land and gutted their retirement savings. But the 
judge also awarded costs to Monsanto, which this fall asked for nearly 

"Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night and ask ourselves, 'What did 
we get ourselves into? We could lose everything we worked our whole lives 
for,' " Mr. Schmeiser said.

But rather than sit at home and fret, Mr. Schmeiser has turned himself into a 
global poster boy for the rights of small farmers.

Through his Web site (http://www.percyschmeiser.com), which touts his story 
as "the classic David vs Goliath struggle," he has raised tens of thousands 
of dollars to pay for next month's appeal.

The site sports a photograph of him holding the Mahatma Gandhi award, 
presented to him in Delhi in 2000 for his work promoting non-violent 
improvement of humanity.

Meanwhile, Monsanto Canada is resigned to losing the public-relations battle, 
as long as it wins in court.

"We knew going into this that this was a no-win situation for us in the 
public's eye. It has all the classic things that people can take a spin on," 
said Trish Jordan, Monsanto Canada spokeswoman. "The bottom line is that this 
case for us is about protecting intellectual property. There are 30,000 
farmers who use this technology in Canada and pay to use it."

Ms. Jordan said the company is not at all worried about Mr. Schmeiser's 
appeal and she noted he has not paid "one cent" of the costs owed to Monsanto.

But high-profile lawsuits against Monsanto are not likely to end with Mr. 
Schmeiser's appeal.

Earlier this year, the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate launched a 
class-action suit against Monsanto and Aventis claiming that pollen drift and 
contamination from their genetically modified strains of canola have made it 
impossible for Saskatchewan farmers to grow certifiably organic canola.

Mr. Schmeiser has also registered a lawsuit against Monsanto for damages 
related to 

CS>Town Mayor's Endorsement Of Anthrax Cure Retracted

2001-11-24 Thread DotsieBoo
A follow up to the Howey in the Hills story

From:  http://tampatrib.com/floridametronews/MGA040Y0FUC.html
Town Mayor's Endorsement Of Anthrax Cure Retracted
The Associated Press 
Published: Nov 24, 2001

HOWEY-IN-THE-HILLS - The town council is telling citizens to ignore the 
mayor's touting of a silver-laced liquid as a cure for anthrax. 
This month's town newsletter tries to set the record straight on Mayor Greg 
Bittner's view of colloidal silver. 

``As a follow-up to last month's Council Talk regarding Mayor Bittner's 
recommendation of colloidal silver as treatment for anthrax and a host of 
other ailments, the town council of Howey-in- the-Hills does not endorse or 
encourage the use of colloidal silver,'' the statement said. ``If you are 
sick, your doctor should prescribe the medication best for you.'' 

Last month, Bittner told council members that colloidal silver (an elixir of 
metallic silver particles in demineralized water) can ``offset the impact of 

The mayor later expounded on his beliefs in the town newsletter. 

``Government officials have indicated anthrax is the terrorists' biological 
threat of choice,'' Bittner wrote. ``A simple solution of colloidal silver is 
effective in killing over 600 pathogens that can be introduced to the human 
body and doesn't harm the host.'' 

Bittner proposed buying a colloidal silver generator for the town of 956 
residents, 30 miles northwest of Orlando. 

The Food and Drug Administration blasted his promotion of silver colloidal's 
supposed healing powers. 

Officials said colloidal silver is not the cure-all supporters say it is. A 
ban on marketing it as a remedy for any disease, with a warning that it can 
turn human skin permanently blue and gray, was enacted two years ago.



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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-10-24 Thread DotsieBoo
There are many other antibiotics that can be used against the strains of 
Anthrax currently being found. 
In the CDC report below Antimicrobial Susceptibility means that that 
antibiotic was able to kill the Anthrax bacillus. 

This is an official CDC Health Advisory

Distributed via the Health Alert Network

October 22, 2001, 21:12 EDT (9:12 PM EDT)

Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Bacillus anthracis Isolates Associated with 
Intentional Distribution in Florida,  New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, 
Virginia, and Washington, D.C.,  September - October, 2001
The antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of eleven Bacillus anthracis 
isolates associated with intentional exposures on the east coast have been 
determined.  The susceptibility patterns of all the isolates were similar and 
are described below.  CDC will be issuing updated treatment recommendations 
for anthrax and will disseminate them as soon as they are completed.

Ciprofloxacin  <0.06 µg/ml (susceptible)

Tetracycline = 0.06 µg/ml (susceptible)

Doxycycline <0.03 µg/ml (susceptible)

Penicillin <0.06 µg/ml - 0.12ug/ml (“susceptible” but see below)

Amoxicillin < 0.03 µg/ml (“susceptible” but see below)

Erythromycin = 1 µg/ml (intermediate)

Azithromycin =2 µg/ml (borderline susceptible)

Clarithromycin =0.25 µg/ml (susceptible)

Rifampin = 0.5 µg/ml (susceptible)

Clindamycin  <0.5 µg/ml (susceptible)

Vancomycin = 1-2 µg/ml (susceptible)

Chloramphenicol = 4 µg/ml (susceptible)

Ceftriaxone = 16 -32 µg/ml (intermediate or resistant)

The penicillin MICs were <0.06 to 0.12 µg/ml, which, using the NCCLS 
staphylococcal breakpoint for penicillin, would be considered susceptible 
(resistance is defined as  >0.25 µg/ml). 

All of the B. anthracis isolates were also susceptible to ciprofloxacin (MIC< 
0.06 µg/ml), chloramphenicol (MIC = 4 µg/ml), tetracycline (MIC=0.06 µg/ml),  
doxycycline (MIC=0.06 µg/ml), rifampin (MIC<0.5 µg/ml), and vancomycin (MIC 
1-2 µg/ml).  

Although there are no amoxicillin breakpoints defined for staphylococci by 
NCCLS, the amoxicillin results (MIC <0.03 µg/ml) were considered susceptible 
for B. anthracis. However, the erythromycin MICs of all eleven strains of  B. 
anthracis would be categorized as intermediate (MIC= 1 µg/ml ). The MICs to  
clarithromycin (MIC=0.25 µg/ml) and azithromycin (MIC=2  µg/ml) are 
susceptible (but azithromycin MICs are at the susceptible breakpoint).  Using 
the NCCLS ceftriaxone breakpoints designated for gram-negative organisms 
(since there are no breakpoints specifically for ceftriaxone for 
staphylococci) all isolates would be considered as intermediate (MIC =16 
ug/ml) or resistant (MIC=32 µg/ml).  These MICs  suggest the presence of a 
cephalosporinase in the isolates. Additional studies are in progress to 
define the beta-lactamases of B. anthracis. 

The current  B. anthracis strains associated with the intentional exposures 
are  susceptible to ciprofloxacin and doxycycline, the two drugs approved for 
post-exposure prophylaxis to B. anthracis and recommended  as part of  
initial  therapy of  inhalational or cutaneous anthrax.

The current strains also are susceptible to chloramphenicol, clindamycin, 
rifampin, vancomycin, and clarithromycin, but limited or no data exists 
regarding the use of these agents in the  treatment or prophylaxis of B. 
anthracis infections.  

Cephalosporins should not be used for post-exposure prophylaxis or treatment 
of B. anthracis infections.

The likelihood of a beta-lactamase induction event that would increase 
penicillin MICs is significantly higher in infections where high 
concentrations of organisms are present. Thus, treatment of known B. 
anthracis infections with a penicillin type drug alone (i.e., penicillin G, 
ampicillin, etc.)  in the setting where high concentrations of organisms are 
present is a concern.

The likelihood of a beta-lactamase induction event that would increase 
penicillin MICs is lower when only small numbers of vegetative cells are 
present, such as during post exposure prophylaxis.  Thus, amoxicillin or 
penicillin VK may be an option for post-exposure prophylaxis where 
ciprofloxacin or doxycycline are contraindicated.  

Additional studies are in progress to assess the susceptibility of the 
penicillinase activity observed in these strains to beta-lactamase 

Clinical experience is limited, but combination therapy with two or more 
antimicrobials may be appropriate in patients with severe infection. 





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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilve

CS>Bio Protection/Nebulizer Dr. Mercola

2001-10-09 Thread DotsieBoo
I think this is the article you read.  Dr. Mercola's said that a CIA 
Biodefense microbiologist he has been in contact with does NOT recommend 
"that" (colloidal silver).

Anthrax Protection Update
As events unfold it becomes increasingly clear the United States will be 
subjected to continued terrorist attacks. While we pray for our government to 
stop these attacks from being carried out, there is little we can do 
personally to prevent them. There is, however, much we can do to protect 

Perhaps the greatest threat we face is the release of biological agents that 
infect and overpower the body to the point of death. Inhalation exposure to 
these deadly pathogens is considered the most likely way these agents will be 
used. In other words, the terrorist simply releases the active agent into the 
air and allows the wind to carry them where they may.

Anthrax bacillus is considered the most likely pathogen to be used, though 
there are others available, simply because it can be quickly and 
inexpensively mass-produced. Anthrax is odorless and colorless, so there is 
no immediate indication one is inhaling the airborne pathogen.


The time of onset and rate of progression of disease depend to a great extent 
on the inhaled dose. Within 1-6 days the victim may experience tiredness, 
muscle aches as well as mild chest discomfort and dry cough. 

After an additional 2-3 days there may be a brief improvement, followed by a 
rapid progression of shortness of breath, mid-chest pain, hypoxia, stridor 
and sweating occur. Neck swelling may be seen with chest X-Ray findings of a 
(characteristic) widened mediastinum. Pleural effusion and mild pneumonitis 
may develop. 

Meningitis (hemorrhagic) is seen in up to 50 per cent of anthrax cases. 
Occasionally victims have seizures. Death typically occurs 24-36 hours later. 
Coetaneous exposure occurs through a skin lesion, not through intact skin. A 
small painless black lesion that ulcerates follows an incubation period of 
1-5 days. There is often massive surrounding edema. Fever, chill and lymph 
node inflammation may also occur. Untreated, mortality is approximately 20 
per cent. 


There are as yet no reports of human-to-human transmission of anthrax by 
exposure to airway secretions, bodily fluids or intestinal content. 


Anthrax organisms do not penetrate intact skin. Aerosol exposure requires 
relatively large numbers of organisms to produce disease. Such exposure is 
not likely to occur from contaminated clothing. 


The first line of defense is to posses a healthy, vibrant immune system. 
Anthrax, or any natural pathogenic agent, cannot overpower such a body. Such 
a body's defense system goes into an attack mode to kill and rid the body of 
the foreign invaders. 

Sickness may occur before the body's defense system comes in to full play, 
but the body will eventually win out over the anthrax and defeat its spread. 
Compromised immune systems will likely fail to defeat an anthrax invasion of 
the body.

Since many people have compromised immune systems, it is absolutely vital to 
feed the body with foods (supplements) designed to rebuild and strengthen its 
defenses. This should not be an option as it has been in the past.

This is why it will be especially important to follow the eating plan and the 
juicing program. These are some of the most potent physical measures you can 
implement to optimize your health.

I am working on a vaccine program that can be administered and will provide 
notice on it when my research is complete. In the meantime please recognize 
that many are advocating essential oils and colloidal silver for anthrax.

Please understand that the CIA Biodefense microbiologist I have been in 
contact with does NOT recommend that. He tried them on live cultures of 
anthrax and they did not work.

I imagine they would be better than nothing, but my guess is that they will 
not help. Antibiotics like doxycyline and Cipro would be useful, but 
certainly impractical for the entire country to stockpile. Additionally, the 
microbiologist told me one would have to be on antibiotics for many months 
because as soon as they were stopped the spores would activate and likely 
kill the person. 

That is where the immunization program would come into place as one's natural 
immune antibody protection with antibiotics were the only combination that 
seem to work for the monkey's this microbiologist infected with anthrax as 
part of his work with the CIA.

Surgical Filter Masks

People with open lesions, cuts, etc, should keep them covered from exposure 
to the air. Long sleeve shirts help to cover exposed arms. Gloves cover cuts 
on hands.

One can use the 0.1 micron surgical filter masks I identified last week to 
protect from inhaling the spores.

The masks only need to be used if an attack occurs. They obviously do not 
protect the eyes

Re: CS>Anthrax & CS

2001-10-01 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 10/1/2001 6:55:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
mdud...@execonn.com writes:

<< This is not correct.  Nothing is toxic to anthrax spores >>
Hi Marshall,
I'm sorry if this has been covered on the list in the last two weeks.  I've 
been busy attending memorial services for the victims in my area.  I'm still 
a little jumpy and I'm concerned about the threat of a bioterrorist attack.  
I will never trust my safety to anyone ever again.  My daughter is back at 
ground zero every day breathing in God knows what but that's a different 
I'm trying to find a solution to the very real threat of Anthrax.  I would 
like to know if CS would be effective against Anthrax or not.   If you're 
saying that "nothing is toxic to anthrax spores", I guess I have my answer to 
that one.   

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Anthrax & CS

2001-10-01 Thread DotsieBoo

Some years ago, an independent research laboratory sent a sample of colloidal 
silver to the University of California to be tested against AIDS and Anthrax. 
U.C.L.A. undertook tests and proved; conclusive colloidal silver was a highly 
effective remedial application against both disease pathogens. The 
independent researcher had obtained the results in his own laboratory, and 
sought out confirmation from U.C.L.A. When The UCLA director called to 
confirm the findings, the director of the independent laboratory asked to 
have, as a professional courtesy, a statement of their findings on UCLA 
letter head. The UCLA director said that he would do the on receiving payment 
of $10,000.00. The UCLA laboratory report confirming the effectiveness of 
colloidal silver remains unofficial! 

Harold Davis the consumer safety officer for the Food and Drug Administration 
stated in a letter dated September 13, 1991 regarding colloidal silver (which 
was considered to be a pre-1938 drug): "Colloidal silver may continue to be 
marketed without submitted evidence of safety or effectiveness, provided 
labeled for use as in 1938." 

If the supergerms released have been produced in sophisticated biowarfare 
labs, they will probably have been genetically altered to make them resistant 
to the antibiotics normally used to treat that species microorganism, e.g. 
tetracycline/doxycycline is normally used to treat Anthrax (the number one 
favorite of "biowarfare warriors" worldwide). It is interesting to note that 
Silver-both in liquid suspension and as an airborne aerosol-has been known 
since 1887 to be extremely toxic to Anthrax spores. It is widely reported in 
the medical literature that various forms of Silver, often at surprisingly 
low concentrations, routinely kills bacteria that are known to be 

Most antibiotics have an optimal effectiveness against only a few different 
infections. Even broad-spectrum antibiotics may kill only 10-20 different 
types of bacteria. Most antibiotics that kill bacteria do not affect 
fungus/yeast, protozoal parasites or viruses. Nor will antifungal agents 
eradicate bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. Virtually all viruses are immune 
to all known, general use antibiotics. For additional research data [click 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Asbestos

2001-09-13 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 9/13/2001 3:00:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
mdud...@execonn.com writes:

<< It seems that the Port Authority is above the law, so maybe they used it 
anyway. >>
Yes, they did use it.  The World Trade Center is owned by the Port Authority, 
it was exempt from conforming with asbestos removal regulations - only recent 
renovations.  The WTC decided 10 years ago to treat the health risk of 
asbestos by encapsulating the asbestos to prevent the particles from being 
inhaled.  I don't know how or what encapsulating the asbestos means but I'm 
sure that it's airborne now.  

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Survivor's Database

2001-09-13 Thread DotsieBoo
In case anyone has a loved one unaccounted for in NY here is a survivor 
database.  They are trying to edit out the false entries.  Unfortunately at a 
critical time like this, some morons think it's funny to issue bogus 
information to make matters worse.  



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2001-09-13 Thread DotsieBoo
I just found out why they hosed my daughter down after the WTC bombing.  The 
building was covered with asbestos.  I would appreciate any information on 
precautions even though it's a little late.  Since I didn't know what I was 
dealing with, I laundered her clothing.  Did I spread whatever it is to the 
other clothing in the machine?  Is everything that she was wearing 
garbageshoes, etc?  Is there anything I should be doing for her?   I 
would also like to pass along any information I can find to rescue workers.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>PEACE Please

2001-09-12 Thread DotsieBoo
My son-in-law spoke to the former HVAC Chief Engineer of the World Trade 
Center and he said that the building has 6 inch gas pipes rising up to the 
top and no sprinkler system.  
The planes were headed for a 3,000 mile trip to LA loaded with fuel which 
burns much hotter than a regular fire would.  NY Fire Dept said that the 
temperature inside the building was over 1,500 degrees.  The steel was never 
meant to withstand anywhere near those temps for any length of time.  The 
steel was only required to last a few hours at even lower temperatures.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-09-12 Thread DotsieBoo
Please bear with me because this is health related but I have a few comments 
I can't begin to describe what these last 24 hours have been like for me and 
my family and we consider ourselves fortunate to be alive.  May God bless 
those poor souls who have died in this disaster.  My children work in the 
financial district close to the World Trade Center.  My son just started his 
new job yesterday.  I was on the phone with my daughter when building #1 went 
down and she thought they were bombing her building which is a block away and 
then we were disconnected.  All I had to rely on the entire day was the 
footage that they kept replaying and each time I saw it, I thought it was 
another building and my heart was pounding all day.   My heart is filled with 
sorrow and with love for all who are suffering through this horror.  They 
never made any mention in the media that there are two day care centers in 
the WTC.  
In my neighborhood, school children were left at the school because their 
parents are missing.  Neighbors never came home last night still unaccounted 
for.  One neighbor said she was in building #2 and they made an announcement 
that it was safe to go back to work but to go to the other side of the 
building.  They actually told them to stay in the building.  She left the 
building and is alive because she did.  Another pregnant neighbor was on the 
phone with her husband as he was dying.  His last works were, "I love you 
babe."Another left a message for his wife saying "The other World Trade 
Center building was hit but I'm fine - I'm in the other building on the 101st 
floor" - she's still waiting to hear word.  The stories are heart wrenching 
and I am still jumpy.
My son-in-law is an essential employee and he is still on the job.  He said 
it's like a war zone and the military and police are guarding everything.  As 
soon as this happened my daughter's building was on lock down with everyone 
in it.  A relative tried to get my daughter out and they wouldn't let him 
near the building.  The only announcements they made were to go to the 
stairwell and then they announced it's safe to go back to your work stations. 
 It's disgraceful that they made these employee's stay in these buildings 
after this happened.  I'm told that they announced to the people in the WTC 
to go back to work.  When she finally was able to leave she made it to the 
boat and they hosed her down and took her name.  She came home covered in 
white soot even after the hosing.  There is still a dark cloud in the sky and 
I'm 70 miles away.   I had to get as close to the city as possible to pick 
her up and it's worse there.  I just heard one brief reference to the 
possibility that this could have been a chemical bomb.  The fact that they 
hosed her down and took her name worries me. They know it was a bomb but 
never said anything about chemicals.   We all took a healthy dose of 
colloidal silver - I don't know what else to do.  
There was a show on Fox last season from the producers of the X-files called 
The Lone Gunman (?) I don't even know if it's still on the air.  I remembered 
it last night - funny how the mind works.  The one episode I remembered was 
the hijacking of a plane from Boston to bomb the World Trade Center.  The 
show had a better ending.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Vitamin C revisited

2001-08-27 Thread DotsieBoo
I wonder if this is equal to the high dose you get in IV.

Oral alternative to High-Dose I.V.-C protocols...
Have you ever wished you could receive intravenous level doses of Vitamin-C 
Well, now you can!

Arrowhead HealthWorks™ is pleased to introduce our latest innovation - oral 
Beet-Derived Ascorbic Acid Concentrate. The patent applied for delivery 
system encapsulates high purity, beet-derived Vitamin-C inside micro-droplets 
of lecithin. The delivery system greatly enhances transport through the 
intestinal wall and blood/cell barrier, thus significantly reducing the 
possibility of diarrhea and increasing efficacy. Introduced at a recent 
Clinical Workshop, 35 physicians each took the entire vial (10,000 mg) with 
cranberry juice, on an empty stomach. Three out of 35 experienced soft-stools 
- none experienced diarrhea.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Radiation to prevent bone growth

2001-08-22 Thread DotsieBoo
Last Saturday, my brother-in-law fell from a 10 foot ladder.  His elbow was 
exposed/fractured and his hip socket is shattered.  They operated on the 
elbow first  because they couldn't perform the necessary hip procedure at 
that hospital.  He was transferred to another hospital in Tampa yesterday for 
hip surgery that will take place tomorrow morning.  The doctor said that he 
will eventually need a hip replacement in the future after they rebuild the 
hip joint.
They informed my sister that he will need radiation to "prevent bone growth". 
 I've been researching organic silica for mineralization and bone mending but 
if they are trying to prevent bone growth, would this would be 
Has anyone ever heard of using radiation for this purpose?  Is it possible to 
refuse the radiation and is there an alternative?   I'm aware of the side 
effects of radiation but in an emergency situation they are at the mercy of 
the doctors.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-07-15 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 7/15/2001 2:18:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
liat...@flash.net writes:

<< CMO  is the acronym for Cetyl Myristoleate, a distinctive fatty wax 
derived, primarily, from a series of reductilon treatments of animal tallow 
(cattle principally). >>
Hi Brooks,
Thank you for posting your findings.  I found information on the below 
website that states that cetyl myristoleate must be given by injection.  Will 
the capsules of CMO be as effective?Dotsie

The following is from:
4. Cetyl myristoleate is not CMO. Cetyl myristoleate is a liquid and was 
studied as an injectable. In his own journal article, the discoverer of cetyl 
myristoleate himself states that it works best when it is injected. It has a 
very low bioavailability level in oral administration.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fw: [candidiasis] msm

2001-04-03 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 4/3/01 6:30:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
nwgr...@inet.net.nz writes:

<< My mum-in-law is allergic to sulphur drugs and foods, but she tolerates 
MSM well, as do other people with the same problem.  >>

I thought I was the only person unable to tolerate MSM.  I'm allergic to 
Sulfa and I thought the sulphur in MSM was different.  I don't get the same 
reaction with MSM as I do with sulfa but it's not pleasant.  I have the same 
response to onions that I get with MSM.  

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread DotsieBoo
Here is a link with a good explanation of the differences between Zappers and 
Beck Blood Purifier's

Do You Know the Differences Between a Magnetic Pulse Generator,a Zapper, and 
a Beck Blood Purifier?

by Dennis Harwood

The Hulda Clark Zapper is a small electronic device that uses two copper 
handholds to deliver an electrical current of approximately 7 to 8 volts to 
the body.  This current produces a square wave with a frequency of about 
30KHz (Kilohertz).  There are some units that have frequencies as low as 2KHz 
to 5KHz and some that even have a variable frequency.  The lower frequencies 
are supposed to make it easier for the current to penetrate into the body and 
be more effective.  Regardless of the frequency used, all of the Clark 
Zappers work on the same principle of a DC current with a square wave applied 
to the body through the handholds.  These handholds can be placed on any part 
of the body desired, not just held in each hand.   As a matter of fact, it is 
recommended that you routinely switch the position of the handholds to 
different parts of the body to promote penetration of the current to all 
areas and extremities.The Bob Beck Blood Purifier (Silver Pulser) is also an 
electronic device that uses two small electrodes that are placed over major 
blood supply arteries or veins on the wrists or ankles.  It produces a small 
micro-current in the blood stream as the blood circulates past the 
electrodes.  It uses a higher voltage, typically about 27 volts, but a much 
lower frequency than the Zapper.The Magnetic Pulse Generator does not use 
electrical currents, but instead uses a high intensity, short duration 
magnetic pulse of approximately 21 Kilogauss as its means of killing or 
immobilizing parasites.   The unit consists of a small box which holds the 
electronics and a round coil attached by a cord.  It is the coil which 
produces the pulse every 5-8 seconds.   The coil can be placed anywhere on 
the body, including the head and face.  The ability to place the coil 
anywhere means that areas not covered by the Zapper or the Black Box/Blood 
Purifier are easily treated, including the Lymph system, stomach, head, and 
intestines.All three devices are attempting to do the same thing, i.e. to use 
either small electrical currents or high intensity magnetic pulses applied to 
various areas of the body to kill living organisms that are in your body that 
shouldn't be there.  This includes organisms such as: viruses, bacteria, 
mold, fungi, and parasites, which includes such nasties as tapeworms, 
ringworms, roundworms, flukes, HIV, Flu bugs, etc.  I'll be using the term 
parasite from here on to mean any and all of the previously mentioned 
organisms.  So please keep that in mind while reading the remaining text.The 
number of microscopic and non-microscopic invaders that are in the human body 
on a regular basis is truly astounding!  What's even more astounding, though, 
is the fact that the medical establishment seems to be completely oblivious 
to their presence.  The damage they do, however, is very real and is a major 
source of suffering for an almost completely unsuspecting public.  The World 
Health Organization and other knowledgeable health groups around the world 
have stated that parasite infestation is the number one health problem in the 
world.  Yet your friendly, local doctor is unaware for the most part.  Or it 
may be that he is simply unwilling to waste time trying to convince people of 
the problem.  In the United States we, as a people, seem to believe that 
parasites are only problems for poor people from some third world country.  
We are too clean and civilized to ever have parasite problems.  Think again!  
Read the article In any event, to get back to the task at hand:  How do these 
devices differ and do you need to use all three of them?  In short, they are 
different in major ways and, Yes, you do need to use them all to be more 
effective in eliminating parasites of all types.  The Zapper kills by passing 
an electrical current through the body.  Electricity travels on the surface 
of muscle tissue and will not penetrate the body like radio waves or x-rays 
do.  Therefore, there are large areas of the body that the current cannot 
reach, making it ineffective in eliminating parasites in those locations.  
Areas such as the contents of your stomach and your intestines, your sinus 
cavities, parasites inside gallstones in your gallbladder and/or liver, and 
the blood stream and lymph tend to be impervious to the Zapper.  
Unfortunately, large numbers of parasites live in all of those areas.  So you 
need different devices to reach different areas.The Bob Beck Blood Purifier 
differs from the Zapper in that it's sole intention is to clean the blood 
stream by immobilizing the parasites found there by means of a small 
micro-current applied directly to a blood vein or artery.  It takes 

Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 10/31/00 11:02:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
serit...@webtv.net writes:

<< I still don't see why we can't start a grass-roots movement to disband
 the FDA. >>
There already is a movement for health freedom


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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Vaccines

2000-09-26 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 9/26/00 5:35:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
seri...@webtv.net writes:

<< Oops! Sorry, not Betty!   Barry! >>
Not Betty or Barry but here is the info:

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, established by the National 
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, is a system under which compensation 
can be paid on behalf of a person who was injured or died as a result of 
receiving a vaccine. The program, which became effective on October 1, 1988, 
is intended as an alternative to civil litigation under the traditional tort 
system in that negligence need not be proven.
The law establishing the program also created a vaccine injury table, which 
lists the vaccines covered by the program and the injuries, disabilities, 
illnesses, and conditions (including death) for which compensation may be 
paid. The table also defines the period of time during which the first 
symptom or substantial aggravation of the injury must appear. Persons may be 
compensated for an injury listed in the established table or one that can be 
demonstrated to result from administration of a listed vaccine. Injuries 
following administration of vaccines not listed in the legislation 
authorizing the program are not eligible for compensation through the 
program. Additional information about the program is available from:

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Health Resources and Services 
Administration Parklawn Building, Room 8-05 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 
20857 Telephone: (800) 338-2382 (24-hour recording).

Persons wishing to file a claim for vaccine injury should call or write to:

U.S. Court of Federal Claims 717 Madison Place, NW Washington, DC 20005 
Telephone: (202) 219-9657

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Vaccines

2000-09-26 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 9/25/00 8:38:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
galing...@chariot.net.au writes:

<<  England and USA both pay compehsation for
 injuries as a result of vaccinations.  Australia doesn't! >>

>From Barry Forbes - Tribune Columnist
The number of adverse reactions and deaths associated with vaccines have been 
so onerous that the feds set up the U.S. National Vaccine Injury Compensation 
Program (NVICP).  Conveniently, profitably, that shifted the liability from 
the pharmaceutical companies and physicians onto the backs of the U.S. 

Every year since 1988, NVICP has paid out more than $90 million in taxpayer 
dollars for vaccine-related injuries and deaths.  The pay-out is approaching 
$1 billion: a backlog of 2,000 cases are yet to be heard.  Meanwhile, 
thousands of new victims are created with every passing year.  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OFF TOPIC - Need Computer Help for HP Pavillion 8565C

2000-08-23 Thread DotsieBoo
When you restart the computer, it will give a message: "which way do you want 
to start", then just choose normal.  You may need the startup disk (boot 
disk) for Windows to fix it.  When you shut it down - just shut it down 
"normal".  If it's in DOS mode, just shut power down - can't hurt it.  
Restart and choose "start in normal".  Let me know if this works.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Malathion spraying (for the West Nile Virus)

2000-08-18 Thread DotsieBoo
I need advice on the malathion spraying (for the West Nile Virus) that is 
scheduled to be sprayed tonight in New Jersey.  The sprayings have been going 
on in the five boroughs of New York since last year for a few rare cases of 
Encephilitis - everytime I read the paper, they have a different death 
toll.from 1 to 7 deaths.  Since the spraying in Brooklyn last year, I 
personally know of three different cases of cancer in very health concious 
people.  One woman was at an outdoor block party while they were spraying 
overhead and this year she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Even the 
Mayor of New York announced that he has prostate cancer this year.  I thought 
I was safe from the sprayings in New Jersey and they announced today that the 
spraying will take place where my daughter lives, 25 miles from here.  I 
asked her to come here tonight but I need to know when it would be safe for 
her to go back to her house (she has a 5 month old infant).  Can somebody 
tell me how long the effects of the spraying will remain?  If they start 
spraying where I live, how many days would it take for the spray to diminish 
and also, what is the radius of the danger?  Currently, they use low flying 
planes and (street sweeper type) trucks to deliver the spray.  They seem to 
postpone the spraying when it rains, which it's doing now so I may have 
another day to decide where to run.  I would appreciate any information I can 
get concerning the amount of time I would have to be away.
For additional information: http://www.sightings.com/general3/bog.htm

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:Encapsulator

2000-08-12 Thread DotsieBoo
http://www.beyond-a-century.comCap-M-Quik   Capsule filler holds 50 "00" 
caps - $9.60


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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fwd: [Beck-blood-electrification] FTC attack OT

2000-08-11 Thread DotsieBoo
--- Begin Message ---
To read of the communication between Jaguar Enterprises and the Federal Trade 
Commission please go to http://www.ioa.com/~dragonfly/FTC.html
It will be updated with each new letter as time goes on.

Get free personalized email at http://email.lycos.com

Save up to $300 on your auto insurance with Esurance. Get 
a free quote.

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>Jaguar Enterprises

2000-08-10 Thread DotsieBoo

He sent this reply to the list today.

In a message dated 8/10/00 9:01:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
mforr...@lycosmail.com writes:

<< --
 Please send all testimonies to ceswiz...@yahoo.com and specify what units 
you used.
 If anyone has any advice such as a good lawyer thats experienced with this 
type of thing please let me know.
 Also if you know a foreign country where I could live and continue this 
business without fear of extradition to the US then I'd appreciate it.
 thank you in advance

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Jaguar Enterprises

2000-08-09 Thread DotsieBoo
I just received this from Michael Forrest from Jaguar Enterprises if anyone 
is interested.
Hello there
The federal trade commission is trying to bust Jaguar
Enterprises for "unfair and deceptive acts or
practices in violation of sections 5 and 12 of the FTC
Act". They have requested many things, among them
being support for the health claims being made for my
devices. If you have experienced any help or cures
from my devices then please email me a report of this
so I can present it to them. Even though there is no
risk to you, you may request me to leave off your name
from your report. In advance I thank you for this and
also for any prayers you may say on my behalf.
take care


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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Sota Website

2000-07-28 Thread DotsieBoo
The new website about Sota Instruments with an update on their situation:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Government control...will it happen in the USA

2000-07-23 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 7/23/00 12:53:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
t...@silvergen.com writes:

<< If anyone knows the real story, how about letting us know what you have.
I wrote to them last week and asked them to give me an update so I could 
inform the bloodelectrification list.  Here is the response:

Hello Dotsie:

"It is important for you to know these units and protocols have not been
evaluated by the FDA in the U.S. or the Health Protection Branch in Canada
for safety and effectiveness.  No scientific research studies have been done
to prove the safety and effectiveness of the units.  We have collected
testimonials, but governments state these are misleading and deceptive."

As you can read our new disclaimer above, we are trying to be proactive in
our dealings with the government.  They haven't tried to shut us down,
however, we have received letters.  Any letters we receive along with our
responses will be able to be viewed on our new site

We want to stay in business and be able to offer support to our customers at
the same time as dealing with the political and bureaucratic realities of
our times.  Our new site, plus our regular site will be up and running at
the end of the month.  There is some changes in the language used, but
generally the information has been retained.  At this point, we no longer
sell the audios or videos, but we do sell the Lecture Handout.

I would be very interested in speaking with you about your egroup.  Many
people ask us if such a thing exists and it would be nice to have the
information, since it may become a matter of the public to share
information, as what we can share may become less as time goes on.

Our number is 1-800-224-0242. Thanks for contacting us.

Vicki - SH
Sharing Health From the Heart Inc.

We are dedicated to bringing you honest, up-to-date health
information to help each of us better enjoy this precious life.
E-Mail: shar...@sharinghealth.com
Website: http://www.sharinghealth.com/
Tel: 1-250-814-0046
Fax: 1-250-814-0047

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Re: CS>Bob Beck machines

2000-07-15 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 7/15/00 1:16:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time, pj20...@home.com 

<< But I just want to hear about this
 from a disinterested party. >>
Hi pj,

I use Sota's black box so I'm not familiar with the two choice hz settings.  
I would also like to hear from a disinterested party who has used the device 
and ingests herbs or medications at the same time.  The following was the 
response I received from Sota on the subject of electroporation dated April 
6, 1999: 



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bob Beck machines

2000-07-14 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 7/14/00 11:00:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ritz3...@aol.com writes:

<< How do you join the list?
Just go to www.egroups.com and type "bloodelectrification" into the search 
box in the blue section. Then click [search] and then subscribe yourself by 
entering your full email address and a password.  If you have any trouble, 
let me know.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bob Beck machines

2000-07-14 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 7/14/00 9:28:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, pj20...@home.com 

<<  do you know if the Beck device from Sota can be used without
 danger of electroporation or not? >>
Hi Henry,

I think people confuse the Beck device with zappers so it's difficult to know 
the answer to that one.   Electroporation was discussed on the list and this 
was the reply from Michael Forrest who owns Jaguar Enterprises:  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bob Beck machines

2000-07-13 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 7/13/00 2:43:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
bradki...@webcombo.net writes:

<<  You have to use
 "bloodelectrification" in one word for it to work. it seems like they are
 trying to hide it. >>
Hi Brad,

When I started the bloodelectrification list last year, I was having a 
difficult time finding information/testimonials from people who actually used 
the Beck protocol and was hoping that someone else would start a list - no 
such luck. At the time, I didn't know what to name it but I am always open to 
suggestions.  I agree, it's a little confusing.

List Moderator - bloodelectrificat...@egroups.com

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Violet Ray

2000-07-11 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 7/11/00 3:22:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
mdud...@execonn.com writes:

<<  Anyone know anything about these devices? >>
You can purchase an 88 page Violet Ray Book from here:   


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme

2000-06-21 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 6/21/00 6:28:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
pjgr...@northnet.org writes:

<< What is Beck's 4 step protocol? >>



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>NY Board of Health checked my CS!!!!

2000-06-19 Thread DotsieBoo

Well, the NY Board of Health checked my Colloidal Silver last Friday.  The 
doctor said to my nephew, "do you know that this can turn a person blue" 
(expected typical response).  When they ruled out that CS could be the reason 
for the symptoms that the baby had, they went ahead with the intravenous 
immune globulin treatment and he responded favorably right away.  For anyone 
who is not familiar with Kawasaki Disease, the treatment must be given within 
ten days or there is a risk of heart disease - untreated patients develop 
weak coronary arteries.  A caution to parents with small children - an 
association between exposure to rug shampooing and Kawasaki disease has not 
been confirmed in recent studies. Kawasaki disease is now the leading cause 
of acquired heart disease in children in the United States. Rheumatic fever 
used to be the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children.  There is 
no specific lab test that definitively diagnoses Kawasaki disease. The 
diagnosis is established by meeting certain criteria. 

Because of my experience with this whole affair and the fact that this 
disease seems to be rampant, I would recommend taking precaution when giving 
colloidal silver to children under the age of two.  I believe that it may 
have masked some of the symptoms that the doctors were looking for before 
they treated him for the disease.  His eyes were clear and there were no 
enlarged lymph nodes (which I attribute to the CS taken orally and in ears) 
so they thought he had something else and delayed treatment for a few days.  
As a matter of fact, the doctor saw him on a Friday and diagnosed an ear 
infection and when he went to the emergency room on Monday (last week), the 
ear infection was gone.  There was a three month old baby in the crib next to 
my nephew who was not so lucky - they waited 14 days before treating and he 
has heart damage already.  We will never know how much the colloidal silver 
would have helped if continued.

Thanks to all who offered kind words and support - I really appreciate it. 



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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Hospital wants to check my CS!!!!!

2000-06-15 Thread DotsieBoo
I've got a real problem here.  My nephews son (just turned two) is still in 
the hospital with what we thought was Kawasaki.  They now say that he is 
lacking some of the symptoms - lymph nodes on neck and conjuctivitis.  The 
doctors have no idea what he has because he is presenting with most of the 
symptoms but not all of them.  He has had a high fever (sometimes as high as 
105) since Friday.   Intravenous immune globulin must be given within the 
first 10 days of illness (Kawasaki) to reduce the risk of cardiac 
complications - twenty percent of untreated patients develop weak coronary 
arteries.  Now they think he may have ingested something that caused a severe 
allergic reaction and the only thing new he had (Friday) was Colloidal Silver 
that I made for him.  His mother gave him a small amount to drink and placed 
some in his ears because he was complaining of an earache.  Now the doctors 
want the hospital to test the colloidal silver.  I feel horrible about this 
because I advised them to give him the CS.  I ingested some CS from the same 
batch that I gave to him.

Is it possible to have a severe allergic reaction to Colloidal Silver?  He 
has a rash on 80% of his body.  Could the CS have eliminated some of the 
symptoms by the time the doctor finally saw him on Monday thus preventing an 
accurate diagnosis? 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Kawasaki/ Dotsie

2000-06-15 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 6/15/00 2:04:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
sue-al-slo...@webtv.net writes:

<< The best one is flax oil.  It
 must be taken with cottage cheese to energize it.  Read her book, "
 Flaxoil as a true aid against arthritis, heart infarction, cancer and
 other diseases."  Dr Johanna Budwig.   >>
Hi Al,

I have read her book and it didn't occur to me that this would help Kawasaki. 
 I'll have to read this information again.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Kawasaki Syndrome

2000-06-12 Thread DotsieBoo
My nephew has a son in hospital diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease - anyone have 
any information on this.  Would CS help?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver Pulser intstructions??

2000-04-01 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 4/1/00 7:53:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
on_ne_change_...@yahoo.com writes:

<< instructions are VERY vague! >>
Here are the instructions for the Jaguar unit.   http://www.ioa.com/~dragonfly/bbxinstr.html";>Device Usage Instructions 

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS-Nebulizer

1999-12-30 Thread DotsieBoo

I have a nebulizer that was never used and I need some advice on how to use 
it with CS.  The nebulizer is for use with medication and it comes with a 
saline solution (in an aerosol can).  Can I use the CS in the cup without the 
saline or does the nebulizer need saline to work?  

Hubby has the flu and it seems to have settled in his lungs now.  We did the 
3% peroxide in ears and it has helped with everything else.

Thanks in advance,



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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-11-21 Thread DotsieBoo

Another all natural herb you might want to research is Maca.

Re: CS>Re: CS>vaccines

1999-11-18 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 11/18/99 11:01:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
mardic...@aol.com writes:

<<  I am a "fringe" brand of christian, so I cannot use the religious 
 exemption.   >>

Actually, it doesn't matter what your religion is - they can't ask you and 
you are not required to tell them. 

Here is the link.  http://www.909shot.com/";>National Vaccine 
Information Center 


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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS>vaccines

1999-11-18 Thread DotsieBoo

I reside in New Jersey and below is the letter I used for my son.  I just 
mailed it to the school nurse.  If you're interested,  I can send you a link 
to the National Vaccine Information Center, a non profit organization that 
may have information on your state.  This is covered in my state under New 
Jersey State Sanitary Code Immunization of Pupils in Schools (New Jersey 
Administrative Code Citation 8:57-4.1 to 8:57-4.17).  Good luck.  


Dear (School Nurse or whoever it has to go to):

 RE:  Religious Exemption from Immunization Requirements

Please be advised that I am hereby requesting a religious exemption for my 
(daughter/son), name.  (Select and continue here with (A), (B) or (C).

(A:)  Our family follows the tenets and practices of a religion which 
strictly forbids..

(B:)  Our family are members of (or: have recently joined a) religion whose 
tenets and proctices strictly forbid...

(C:)  Although my (daughter/son) previously received some immunizations, our 
family are now members of a religion whose tenets and practices strictly 

immunizations of any type, including those injected, ingested or infused 
into the body.

Kindly enter this religious exemption into my (daughter's/son's) school 

Thank you very much.

(Your Name)

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>mail order source for brown glass bottles?

1999-11-12 Thread DotsieBoo
I use Grolsch beer bottles to store CS.  The cap has a rubber seal and stays 
attached with wire.  Follow this link to see a picture of it  http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~theazz/beer/grolsch.html";>Grolsch Premium 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Pure Silver 1100 PPM

1999-09-23 Thread DotsieBoo
Hi Everyone,

Last month I advised my nephew to buy some colloidal silver from the health 
food store.  He purchased a product that says it's 1100 ppm colloidal silver. 
 The ingredients list: De-ionized water, Silver (99% pure micro fine silver 
in suspension).  The product is from Innovative Natural Products.
Can anyone tell me why the potency is so high?  



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Genetically engineered food

1999-07-13 Thread DotsieBoo
Below is an article from the June 14, 1999 issue of PRWeek magazine.  I think 
the public relations spin has already started because they now call it 
biotechnology instead of genetically engineered food.

GMA kicks off $1m job to laud biotech foods
By Phil Rabin
Washington, DC:  Global food and pharmaceutical giants are planning a major 
PR campaign to champion the merits of biotechnology, in a bid to preempt the 
kind of anti-genetic modification backlash seen in Europe.

Biotech produced foods have come in for scathing criticism in Europe in 
recent months, with consumer activists and environmentalists claiming they 
may pose health threats or threats to nature.  

To prevent a repeat on this side of the Atlantic, the Grocery Manufacturers 
of America - representing 132 firms, including global giants such as Heinz, 
Kraft and Proctor & Gamble - is planning an educational campaign on the 
merits of foods developed from biotechnology, including corn, tomatoes, 
potatoes and canola.  

PRWeek has learned that three firms are in the finals for the GMA project - 
BSMG, Fleishman-Hillard and Porter Novelli.  The year-long effort is thought 
to be worth $1 million.

GMA's preemptive effort may begin later this month or next month, and will be 
designed to educate a number of audiences about food biotechnology, including 
retailers, policy makers, farmers and consumers.  He said the goal will be to 
provide "balanced information" to consumers.

GMA plans to "act before a potential crisis" hits, said Gene Grabowski, the 
organization's VP for communications.  He added that concerns overseas stem 
from people's lack of faith in technology, which results in activists 
fighting to block the biotech-developed foods.

"In the US, approximately 60 million acres of biotechnology-derived crops 
already have been planted, and that number is growing," Grabowski added.

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