CS>Alchoholism treatments?

2005-04-15 Thread lindaellis
This may be off-topic, but I figure y'all may be interested in other innovative 
therapies and can direct me properly.
A long time ago, I remember reading that some big rock star (I think he was one 
of Chicago, but can't be certain) attributed his recovery from drug addiction 
to some innovative medical device, and was very vocal about it.  Either he or 
someone else tried to approach some of those fancy rehab centers, but were 
rebuffed.  Finally, someone told him that they agreed the device probably 
worked, but they would never use it because it would put these rehab centers 
out of business.
Back then, drug and alchohol rehab wasn't a topic I had much interest in, but 
it turns out we have a family member who is now afflicted.  I'd like to find 
that info on the medical device, since the detox centers sure aren't working

Re: CS>fluoride

2003-07-07 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 7/7/03 12:14:13 AM Central Daylight Time, 
pj20...@yahoo.com writes:

>It is my understanding that the flouride compound that is added to water 
> is not the same fluoride compound that occurs naturally in some water.   pj

Further, it is my understanding that the fluoride added to water is not 
pharma grade, which is too expensive, but is actually a byproduct of scrubbing 
chimneys in industrial plants.  They have found a way to make us pay for the 
garbage they would otherwise have had to pay to have safely removed!


CS>OT maybe - rash

2003-09-22 Thread LINDAELLIS
I'm hoping some of you people can help me solve a problem I'm having.  It 
seems that I'm a bug magnet, and now that we've decided to spend more time 
outdoors, I get bitten all the time.  I'm searching for solutions - first, to 
the bites, and secondly, to deal with them in the aftermath.

A few years ago, something bit my wrist, and within 24 hours, my arm up to my 
elbow was hard and red and hot.  About a month ago, I again got bitten in a 
couple of places, and got a terrible rash in three spots.  While the scabs have 
finally all healed, the areas are still red and bumpy.  I'm looking for 
something to do that will help me heal faster, and am open to all suggestions.  

I'm also trying to research what I can do in my diet or supplement regimen to 
maybe make me less attractive to these pests.  We're planning on spending 
several years full-time in an RV, and I just don't want to live with these 
rashes and bug bites everywhere!

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT maybe - rash

2003-09-23 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 9/22/03 10:49:12 PM Central Daylight Time, 
goldenok...@hotmail.com writes:

> Agood double dose of eichanacea tincture.

Would that be orally?  What dilution?  I have echinacea here, and could try 
it this weekend (though the only thing left around here this time of year are 
the yellowjackets).


Re: CS>making cs by the gallon cheaply

2002-05-01 Thread LINDAELLIS
I still would like to know how to make CS by the gallon, because I want to 
use it not just internally, but I want to start using it instead of, or added 
to, other household products.  With so many potential uses, it just makes 
sense that making it by the gallon would be better.

Which brings up another question - is there a "shelf life" for CS?

Linda Ellis

> Making a glass of CS and dumping it into your sprayer with regular water 
> making
> up the difference should work fine. It doesn't have to be all CS.
> Chuck
> List, I want to use cs to spray for Mexican white fly.  I have tried it on 
> 2 small areas and am encouraged by the results.  So I want to make it in 
> large amounts.  Question:  Can this be done cheaply? I am not very 
> knowledgeable about electricity.  I have a Beck silver pulser, but it makes 
> only small amounts at a time.  So what is recommended for making large 
> amounts cheaply?  Sorry if this has already been discussed.  It is very 
> hard to search the archives. Anyway, thanks for any input.  pj

CS>CS Maker -- Looking for the one I saw

2002-05-08 Thread LINDAELLIS
A while back, while surfing around, I saw a CS maker that attached right to 
the top of a mason jar - screwed on just like the top.  Can't find it now, 
and wanted to check it out again.  Does this sound familiar to anybody?  Send 
me the link, please

Linda Ellis

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Colloid Master 777 or Silvergen SG6???

2002-05-09 Thread LINDAELLIS
Okay, I've been lurking here for awhile, and I'm now ALMOST ready to make the 
leap to buying my first CS generator.  While I'll eventually buy a combo unit 
BEer/CS maker from Alvin or SOTA, I've decided to go ahead right now with a 
dedicated CS generator.  I think I've narrowed it down to these two units, 
but I'm having a tough time deciding.  I'd love to hear opinions from some 
veterans out there.

I like the Colloid Master 777s price ($50 less) and all the info on the site 
leads me to beleive these guys know their stuff.  Also like that I can get a 
combo with a distiller and all the adapters (to use in our RV or dry 
camping), and a nice carrying case.  The front panel of the unit seems more 
user-friendly to me, also.  

The SG6 is more expensive, but he has shown the guts, and it sure looks 
well-made.  The big feature I like here is that it appears to screw right 
onto the receptacle jar.  

Price is not going to be the deciding factor here.  I'm really interested in 
others' experience with ease of use, how long it takes to make a batch (say, 
32 oz.), and quality.  

Opinions, please

Linda Ellis

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>More water questions, please

2002-05-11 Thread LINDAELLIS
Just when I think I've got this issue settled, you guys start giving me all 
kinds of new things to think about!

Here's what I had JUST YESTERDAY decided to do for home water:

Buy a whole-house purifying system that would take out chlorine and fluoride 
and other stuff.  Just had the yellow pages out to call local companies and 
start investigating that.

ON TOP OF THAT, get a small distiller to make my own distilled water for 
sprouting, CS making, etc.  

Having made those decisions, this morning I turn on the computer and there 
are all these messages about Prill Water, which I now think I misunderstood, 
and using MAGNETS at the water supply!  Okay, I'm off researching again, but 
would appreciate comments

LASTLY, we're getting our little camper ready for the summer, and I want to 
add a purifying system to that, also.  I seem to recall seeing something that 
would connect right into the hose before it hits the camper, and I'm off 
looking for that.  However, I get the feeling that there are a lot of people 
on this list who may already have solutions to this...


Linda Ellis

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Can't find Prills Thin Water

2002-05-11 Thread LINDAELLIS
Ian mentioned a website that had a lot of information on this - 75 pages.  
Can someone please post that site name.  My search engines aren't turning up 
Prills Thin Water anywhere...


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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More water questions, please

2002-05-11 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 5/11/02 10:03:15 AM Central Daylight Time, 
neilinthegar...@aol.com writes:

> As for myself, I have the magnets on my water pipes, so the water arrives at 
> my tap magnetized, then goes through a home filter to remove cooties, then 
> I make Prill water with it.  So by the time I drink it, it has been fiddled 
> with to within an inch of it's life. 
> Neil 

Yes, I hope Ian tells us the site URL.  I'm really interested now.  I think I 
want to put in a whole house filter - I LOVE long baths in my whirlpool, and 
now that I understand how much junk you can absorb through the skin, I'd 
prefer not to have to deal with special treatment at each tap.  What does 
magnetizing the water do?  I guess I'm still early in the learning curve - 
but I sure am learning fast, thanks to all you more experienced people on the 

Linda Ellis

CS>New topic - Survival plans.....

2002-05-11 Thread LINDAELLIS
Okay, maybe I'm a little obsessive, but I must make a confession here.  While 
I was mildly interested in checking out CS and other "home" remedies I could 
do myself, our health is pretty good at this time, so I was moving at a 
pretty slow pace.

Until September 11.  As those towers were coming down in NYC, I was driving 
into Chicago with the radio on, with the Sears Tower in my windshield the 
whole way.  As the morning progressed, we had a lot of reports that there 
were still planes missing, and on flight patterns that would take them over 

The way I cope with stress best in cases like this is to make an assessment 
of my personal risks, figure out all the possible scenarios that may threaten 
me personally, and work out plans for what we'd do IF.

In our case, risk assessment includes job sites within spitting distance of 
many high-profile locations in Chicago, home two blocks from a railroad track 
that regularly transports freight (including toxic/hazardous), a fuel storage 
facility between us and the nearest expressway entrance, and several nuclear 
plants and nuclear waste storage facilities "upwind" of us.  Not to mention I 
had no idea how close we were to several "charities" that have been 
implicated in Al Qaeda.  That guy that was arrested a couple of weeks ago?  I 
drive right past his office building and apartment all the time.

In putting together our personal survival gear, I decided to speed up my learn
ing curve on alternative remedies to combat various potential problems.  Have 
stocked sufficient Potassium Iodide, and am slowly putting together our 
personal "natural" first aid kit.  Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Oil of Oregano, 
garlic, and so on.  In my view, these are all things I was slowly working on 
anyway.  I've just factored in the potential of an imminent threat, and have 
decided to work gradually towards total self-control over life-preserving 
matters like water quality, food supply, etc.  I've even learned to sprout, 
with good success (besides, it's healthier for us!)

As I've spent time on this list, it would seem that many others are out there 
who are far ahead of me on the self-sufficiency line.  If this topic is 
appropriate for this list, I'd love to hear if others are doing anything, or 
be referred to a forum where this topic may be discussed more.   Thanks!

Linda Ellis

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New subject: cs and VCO

2002-05-15 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 5/14/02 10:23:56 PM Central Daylight Time, j...@natel.net 

> Just FYI, the www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com site is a distributer for
> coconut-info.com's coconut oil. I order from Wilderness Family Naturals
> because they take credit cards. 
> >It's very nice stuff. I buy it by the 5 lb bucket.

Coconut oil is new to me.  Could we have a dialog about the uses that would 
make it practical to buy in 5-gal buckets?  That seems like a LOT of stuff!


Re: CS>Potassium iodide

2002-05-17 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 5/17/02 12:48:02 AM Central Daylight Time, 
rhar...@nstep.net writes:

> Millenium Concepts has them on sale 5 bottles (200 pills) for $100. 
> 1-888-803-4438  It is Potassium Iodate, which is longer lasting, and better 
> shelf life.
> Richard

I got Potassium Iodide from ki4u.com 100 pills per bottle for $24.  This site 
also has a ton of information, but I don't know the difference between 
Potassium Iodide and Potassium Iodate, except that the site says tests on the 
shelf life of the RadBlock they sell found near 100% strength after 11 years. 
 I figured that was long enough for my purposes!

Linda Ellis

CS>Just Got my ZBB4!

2002-06-14 Thread LINDAELLIS
Okay, my brand-new SOTA BEer is here, and I'm ready to try my first shot at 
making my own CS.  I have a few questions:

Per recommendations, I will use Walgreen's distilled water, until I get my 
own distiller.  I will try two cups first, just to see if I can, and 
hopefully to make a "starter" for larger batches.

I went to pull something out in which to make the CS, and realized that I 
don't know what to do to completely clean the glass without leaving a 
residue.  My drinking glasses have all gone through a dishwasher with liquid 
dishwasing detergent.  Is that sufficient?  Or, I could use H2O2 or common 
chlorine bleach to clean the glass, but I don't know if either of these would 
impact the process.

I eagerly await a response so I can get started!  I'm SO excited!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Source for recipes?

2002-06-17 Thread LINDAELLIS
Okay, now that I'm started on making my own CS, is there a good place to go 
looking for recipes?  I want to make solutions to kill mold and bacteria on 
countertops and camping gear; how much to take daily as a prophylactic; what 
solution to use for nose drops; etc.

Linda Ellis 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Source for recipes? Clarification, please.

2002-06-17 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 6/17/02 10:04:41 AM Central Daylight Time, 
liah...@utah-inter.net writes:

> Here`s how to make Colloidal Silver:
> You`ll need 3 nine-volt batteries, the square ones.
>   (the Lithiums last 4 times longer than the alkalines, if you can afford
> them;

Sorry, I must not have been clear.  I have a ZBB4 from SOTA to make the CS, 
what I'm looking for now is, once I have it, what do I do with it besides 
swallowing it?

If I want to use it topically, do I add it to a cream?  Dilute it with 
regular water and spray it, or spray it straight?

If I want to use it to disinfect countertops, do I use it full-strength?  If 
I dilute it, how much do I add to water?

If I want to use it to get mold and mildew off the canvas of our camping 
gear, what do I do?  Just spray it on straight, or mix it with a cleaning 
solution of some kind and scrub?

You say to add a "dollop" to milk to keep it fresh.  What's a "dollop?"  Does 
it matter?

If I want to use it to clean vegetables, do I just add some (how much) to the 
soak water?  If I'm already adding H2O2, am I being redundant in adding the 

THOSE are the kinds of recipes I was referring to


2002-07-23 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 7/23/02 9:00:44 AM Central Daylight Time, 
cking...@nycap.rr.com writes:

> >That is a ridiculous statement, "ant poison"?
> >The burden of proof is in your lap!
> >
> >Jack
I don't know about the statement that was made on this list that the original 
PURPOSE of aspartame was as ant poison, but it sure works for that purpose.  
When I demonstrated that fact to my husband, he IMMEDIATELY switched from 
Diet sodas to bottled water!  Previously, he pooh-poohed the whole idea of 
paying for water in the same way you pay for soda, when you can get it 
"freely" from the tap.  I've also been working on him on the junk to be found 
in tap water.  I think what will do it is the whole-house water purification 
system I'm getting ready to have installed, when another house project is 
completed.  I'll bet he'll come around when he sees what's been going through 
the pipes...


Re: CS>Aspartame

2002-07-23 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 7/23/02 1:48:42 PM Central Daylight Time, 
jack...@harbornet.com writes:

> You are doing your husband a big favor with that water filter 
> system, but you said the whole house, are you referring to a 
> water-softening system?  Because if you are, that is not what
> you want for your drinking / cooking etc. water.  You need a 
> "solid carbon block" filter for that purpose, we've been using
> a carbon-block counter-top filter  since 1975 - and Yes I Did 
> My Home Work before I decided on that type.

Hi, Jack.  No, I don't mean a water softener.  I've been realizing that, 
given my affection for whirlpool baths (long ones!), I would like to get as 
much junk out of all house water as I can, so I'm not sitting and soaking it 
in through my skin.  Somewhere I read an experiment to try, to see how fast 
you absorb through the skin.  I think it goes:  purchase chlorine measuring 
stuff from a pool supply house.  Pour a gallon of water and test its chlorine 
level.  Then put your hand in the water for a count of 30 and retest the 

I'm still investigating purifiers for the house, so it wouldn't surprise me 
if I ended up with a countertop model for the kitchen, as well.  Or maybe to 
take along RVing...


Re: CS>Unsupported denials & claims

2002-07-31 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 7/31/02 12:23:35 AM Central Daylight Time, 
david.j.bor...@direcway.com writes:

> Guess what the first meal my father was fed to him by the hospital after
> his quadruple bypass???
> I still cant believe it.
> David

On the subject of hospital food, I noticed this as well.  Went to visit my 
father-in-law after his heart surgery at lunchtime one day.  He had been 
served a burger and french fries!  In my personal journey toward better 
health, I've come to realize that dietitians are not the best place to go for 
nutrition information.  In a previous life, I sold institutional food 
products, and I found it curious how many hospital dietitians were very fat!


Re: CS>West Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes....

2002-08-05 Thread LINDAELLIS
I seem to be a magnet for mosquitoes, spiders, and other little biting 
critters every time we go camping.  Last weekend, I ended up with 6 nasty 
welts, mostly quarter-size, with one about the size of a deck of cards.  
Since my husband and I are planning to retire to a full-time RV life and 
spend a lot of time in the woods, I'm actively seeking solutions to make the 
bugs hate me without having to slather myself in DEET every minute of the 

The only thing off-limits are those noisy bug zappers - banned by most 
campgrounds.  I'm trying to come up with an electronic repellant or a natural 
supplement or lotion that will repel bugs.  If it works on raccoons, also, 
that would be a plus.  We had an especially brave raccoon couple join us at 
our campfire one night - and I mean right at my elbow before I realized they 
were there!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>West Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes....

2002-08-05 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 8/5/02 10:16:08 AM Central Daylight Time, res00...@gte.net 

> i had read an article in the "prevention" mag., stating that taking a good
> amount of vitamin b-3 would repell the critters.  so, i loaded us all with
> b-3 for about a week before we went. 5 days in the wild and not one bite
> till the last day. and that was only because dad forgot to pack the b-3, 
> and
> it was wearing off.

Okay, B-3

Re: CS>West Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes....

2002-08-05 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 8/5/02 10:16:08 AM Central Daylight Time, res00...@gte.net 

> i had read an article in the "prevention" mag., stating that taking a good
> amount of vitamin b-3 would repell the critters.  so, i loaded us all with
> b-3 for about a week before we went. 5 days in the wild and not one bite
> till the last day. and that was only because dad forgot to pack the b-3, 
> and
> it was wearing off.

Okay, b-3, so far, and garlic, and permethrin.  I'll try them all, and keep 
those suggestions coming, please!  Thanks for the input so far.  Any advice 
for the Raccoons?  


Re: CS>mercury

2002-08-06 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 8/5/02 4:44:59 PM Central Daylight Time, 
a...@concentric.net writes:

> When I had all my mercury fillings removed 15 years ago, the dentist I
> > consulted in San Diego wanted $175 per tooth for the work.   My dentist 
> in
> > Tijuana removed all at $25 a tooth.

I can't speak to the specifics of the cost difference here - Mexico does do a 
lot of things cheaper than in the U.S., so this may be legit.  However, for 
those looking to have mercury fillings removed and replaced, I would caution 
that you interview your dentist very carefully to make sure s/he knows the 
proper procedure to do this without causing further damage.

I have had all mine removed, but I had to switch dentists.  My friendly 
neighborhood dentist continued to assert that mercury fillings were inert 
(question:  what does the dentist do with the filling once it's out?  He has 
to dispose of it as hazardous waste!).  But, if it would make me feel better 
(I had already been told by my doctor that I had a mercury toxicity problem), 
he would just drill them out.  My doctor had cautioned me to ask if he had 
received the special training to do this.  When I asked, the dentist just 
laughed at me and said "how do you get them out except drill them?"

Just drilling without taking proper precautions can cause more damage.  The 
small particles end up down your throat and in your sinuses.  The dentist who 
did the removal placed a rubber dam in my mouth to prevent particles from 
going down my throat, and gave me air over my nose to breathe through a mask 
so I wouldn't breathe in particles.  He and his assistant came in fully 
masked (with those haz-mat masks, not the little paper ones) and goggled and 
rubber gloved.  Then he prescribed chlorella and a bunch of other things to 
chelate the mercury out of my system.  I haven't been back to be retested 
yet, but I feel confident that this dentist did it right.

By the way, most insurance companies won't pay to have the fillings changed 
just because you want to, or even if your doctor says to have it done because 
of a known mercury toxicity.  But a dentist who does this regularly will know 
how to complete a superbill to maximize insurance payments.  Mine was almost 
all covered (not the supplements, just the procedure), because all my 
fillings were so old he got them to pay to have them replaced due to wear & 
tear (I don't know the technical way he wrote it up, but that was the 


Re: CS>West Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes....

2002-08-08 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 8/8/02 7:01:44 AM Central Daylight Time, 
coyote...@earthlink.net writes:

>   According to my Dads friend, his $800 unit doesn't do much of anything.
> Shucks!
> Ken
> At 03:23 PM 8/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >On Tue, 06 Aug 2002 08:50:18 -0400, Ode Coyote
> > wrote:
> >
> >>  One of the proported best mosquito traps on the market uses a propane
> >>burner to attract and kill the critters.
> >
> >And two versions of it (made by Coleman) have just been recalled due
> >to minor explosions -- manufacturing defects.
> >

There was a segment on last night's local news which said those propane units 
"do a better job attracting mosquitoes than repelling them - you'll have a 
better effect if you put them in your neighbor's yard."

Oh, well.


Re: CS>CS Lotion - Jean

2002-08-27 Thread LINDAELLIS
I'd be interested in making a lotion for my mother-in-law to try.  She has 
developed a case of psoriasis, and the prescription cream is $800/MONTH!  
I have been hesitant to suggest any alternatives, since a) she has ultimate 
faith in all these "expert" doctors who keep experimenting on her and my 
father-in-law, as long as the insurance company keeps paying, and b) her 
oldest daughter is now freeloading (oops, excuse me, living) there, and she 
is a self-proclaimed "expert" on alternatives, so I don't know how well my 
suggestion will be received.  But, I'm willing to try.

So, Jean, if you hit on a formula that works, could you share it?  Also, for 
your information, my local health food store did have a cream on its shelf, 
which I tried to buy, but the owner insisted on opening it to check it before 
he rang it up.  He said he had been having a lot of trouble with the cream 
drying up and turning into a little ball in the jar.  Don't know if there's a 
problem with shelf life or something that you might need to consider if 
marketing it.  He tried all the jars while I stood there, and all of them had 
the same problem.  This apparently wasn't the first time...


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2002-10-24 Thread LINDAELLIS
Can somebody who is following this thread please change the subject line to 
something that others can identify and open or delete, as desired.  
"unidentified subject" is not very useful.

Thank you in advance

Linda Ellis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2002-10-25 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 10/24/02 5:11:01 PM Central Daylight Time, 
cking...@nycap.rr.com writes:

> >Can somebody who is following this thread please change the subject line to 
> >something that others can identify and open or delete, as desired.  
> >"unidentified subject" is not very useful.
> >
> >Thank you in advance
> >
> >Linda Ellis
> You had your chance.
> Why does always fall to somebody else?

I'm not following the thread, and the ones I have opened to try to see if I'm 
interested in the topic have been too cryptic for me to figure out what 
you're talking about..


Re: CS>It means to change the subject line

2002-10-25 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 10/25/02 10:57:06 AM Central Daylight Time, 
rtr...@bellsouth.net writes:

> It would be good to go ahead and open up all the ones, even with the subject 
> lines you are not following, because most of the times the subjects lines 
> do not get changed.

Actually opening and scanning all the messages I get is just impossible.  I 
guess I'll just have to miss the fascinating and vastly informative messages 
that aren't identified in the subject line. 


CS>Black CS!

2002-10-29 Thread LINDAELLIS
I'm new at trying to make my own CS with my SOTA silver pulser, and last 
night I fell asleep with the unit running.  This morning, it's very dark 
brownish black.  I know I won't be drinking this stuff, but before I throw it 
out, is there any other use I might make of it, or did I just ruin it?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS NEW USES, CS in the holding tank

2002-11-12 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 11/12/02 8:23:36 AM Central Standard Time, 
medwi...@tacom.army.mil writes:

> To make a long story short I used CS in my holding tank on my boat, the 
> other chemicals do not seem to last. 

Our camper has three holding tanks - a freshwater tank; and gray-water waste 
tank; and a black-water toilet holding tank.  Did you use the CS in all 


CS>Requesting help - Boulder, CO

2002-12-01 Thread LINDAELLIS
Dear listmembers:

We are trying to figure out how to help a relative who lives in Boulder and 
is reported to be desperately ill and destitute.  She believes strongly in 
alternative medicine, and I don't think goes to allopathic doctors at all.  I 
am trying to pin down exactly what her ailments are, but in the meantime, I  
thought I'd ask if there is anybody who lives in or near Boulder who may have 
information about any alternative medical facilities that offer free care to 
the indigent, or have suggestions about how we may be able to get her 

While we're at it, I could also use some contact information about housing, 
food, and clothing sources.  I've looked on the Boulder County website, but 
could sure use more info.

So as not to clog up the list with this off-topic request, please feel free 
to email me privately.

Thanks for any help anyone can give.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Virus Comment

2002-12-17 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 12/17/02 12:01:47 PM Central Standard Time, 
mdev...@eskimo.com writes:

> Major research organizations run on grant money, and *that* is 
> controlled by people who are necessarily interested in profit. Things 
> like CS, inexpensive chemicals like DMSO and MSM, and the countless 
> other things that we do-it-yourselfers come up with are *not* easily 
> controlled nor exploited.
> The FDA makes the approval process so arduous and expensive that 
> *official* medicine must keep leaping from one exotic option to another 
> in order to secure the profitability and long term survival of the 
> industry.

It seems to me the only hope we have of getting any mainstream attention to 
our experiments and inexpensive options is if the National Center for 
Complementary and Alternative Medicine, in the National Institutes of Health, 
were to be given the mandate to study these options HONESTLY.  They are doing 
some work, but the head is an allopathic MD, which automatically makes me 
suspicious.  Congressman Dan Burton has been very helpful in getting the 
message out and getting better funding for this group, but much more needs to 
be done.  I guess, for those of us willing to go out on a limb, getting more 
involved in pressing for the government to fund studies of inexpensive, 
non-controllable therapies would be one way to go.  

I can't believe that what just came out of my mouth is EXPANSION of a 
government agency in any way, shape, or form.  Those who know me would find 
this astounding!  But what we're dealing with here are substances and 
therapies which are cheap, easy to administer, and impossible to patent or 
control in most cases.  Mike is right, that profit-motivated companies and 
the research institutions they control aren't going to be interested in 
"discovering" cheap, non-toxic methods of curing illness, which have the 
potential of rendering many more expensive, patentable, and toxic therapies 
obsolete.  So, the only place to get that work done, if what we want are 
documentable studies, is the government, under the guise of searching for 
less expensive alternatives to control the spiraling cost of health 

Of course, I bet a whole lot of pharmaceutical and medical lobbyists will 
have a lot to say, and a lot of money to distribute to kill that idea


CS>Character map - OT need help

2002-12-30 Thread LINDAELLIS
I think it was on this list that someone described how to access the 
character map in windows.  I did that, and I think I have lost the character 
map entirely.  I know I had one - I have used it, but I followed the 
procedure of "start-run-charmap" and also tried a "find file or folder" and 
can't find the character map at all.  

I've tried going to a few Windows help sites, but I couldn't find out how to 
reinstall character map, and the MS site itself is overwhelming to try to get 

Is there a computer guru out there who can help me figure out how to get my 
character map back?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Character map - OT need help

2002-12-30 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 12/30/02 1:59:13 PM Central Standard Time, 
t...@silvergen.com writes:

> If you have WIN XP I can tell you what to do.  If you have another version,
> I no longer work with it and will leave it up to someone else to help you.

I think I have Windows 98..

Thanks, anyway


Re: CS>Character map - OT need help

2002-12-30 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 12/30/02 2:15:25 PM Central Standard Time, 
ian_onta...@hotmail.com writes:

> Hope this helps. Linda - Long Shot - Are you from Scarborough, ON, Canada?

Nope - we live in a suburb just outside Chicago - only visited Canada to ski 
so far, but we're planning a dream trip through Canada and into Alaska for 
the minute we retire and are able to take a lengthy tripa couple of years 
away, yet


Re: CS>Character map - OT need help

2002-12-30 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 12/30/02 2:15:25 PM Central Standard Time, 
ian_onta...@hotmail.com writes:

> Go to Control Panel, then, "Add Remove Programs" then go to "Windows Setup"
> then go to "System Tools" and click on "Character Map".  If the option is
> not there, then you may have to reinstall windows but it should be.

Thanks, Ian - this worked, and I now have Character Map back on my desktop!


CS>OT - Need help recovering data!

2003-02-24 Thread LINDAELLIS
I figure that, if there is any way to repair my goof, someone on one of these 
lists will know where to go!

I just returned from a breathtaking trip to Barcelona, and had taken hundreds 
of pics with my Sony Cybershot.  In the confusion of trying to remember how 
to download directly to my photo program, I accidentally hit the "format - 
ok" button while one memory stick (nearly 100 pics) was in the camera  I 
realized my mistake INSTANTLY, and popped the stick out within a fraction of 
a second, but now that stick reads "not formatted."  I can't believe that it 
had time to erase all 128 mg of memory in that tiny fraction of a second, and 
wonder if there is anybody out there who might be able to recover my pics.

Does anybody know of a tecchie out there who can do this?  I'll gladly 

Thanks, Linda Ellis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2003-02-24 Thread LINDAELLIS
I'm adding to my arsenal of equipment here, and decided the next pieces will 
be a nebulizer and a humidifier for the bedroom - in part because DH has had 
a bit of sinus congestion that has been hanging on for a few weeks.  

When I plug it in tonite, what would you suggest I add to the humidifier to 
help break up this congestion.  I should add that he spent the day yesterday 
in bed, feeling a bit weak - like maybe a flu was coming on, though he 
clearly doesn't have the flu yet, if it's even coming.  Might also have been 
my announcement at breakfast that we needed to clean the basement..:-)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>New CS question

2003-04-21 Thread LINDAELLIS
I've been away from making CS for a little while, and yesterday I decided to 
make up a batch.  I took out my mason jar, swished some distilled water 
around to clean it out, and then used my Walgreen's distilled water for the 
CS.  I don't have a Hanna tester yet (I'm working on that!), so I've been 
kind of gauging that it was "done" when the color was a little golden.  

Well, last night, I saw no visible change in color in FIVE HOURS of "cooking" 
(using the SOTA unit).  I finally fell asleep, and woke up this morning to 
realize that I had left the unit running for twelve hours.  The silver wires 
were "bearded," but the color is still pretty clear.

What did I do wrong?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour