CS>dmsoand cs for mange and human scabies

2006-10-15 Thread Linda Hefferman
Anyone have any experience with this? I don't know what type of
mange/scabies the dog and I have, pretty sure this is what it is 
been noticing it for a month or more, working with it for the last
couple weeks. I am working long distance with homeopath and trying
mezereum 30c for 3 days.
  This message is for Wendy from Canada.  I think your problem can be 
alleviated with the use of diatomaceous earth.   You have to make sure you get 
the food grade amorphous type though.  I too live in Canada and I purchase mine 
from Pinnacle Farms in Nova Scotia.  The following is a link to their website:
  If you follow that link it will give you instructions on how to use it.  I 
give it to my two dogs with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 1 tablespoon of 
flaxseed oil each.  You have to sprinkle some where they sleep too.  I would 
also rub some onto the coats where they are having the itching problems.  It is 
also safe for people to use and I hope you have some success with it.  This is 
a natural product and does not have any bad side effects like so many other 
things out there on the market.  That said, I would try to keep the dust down 
when putting it on the coats as I do not think I would want to be breathing it 
in too much since it is made from tiny shells of the diatoms and I am not sure 
it would be good to collect too much of that in your lungs.Just my 
thought---could be being overcautious there.
  Good Luck
  Canada also

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CS>Using plain text in Hotmail

2006-07-19 Thread Linda Hefferman
To those of you using hotmail and wish to use plain text:
  When composing a new message click on tool and then when it arrows down just 
click on turn rich text editing off---that is all there is to it.  It will give 
you a warning that you will lose the format that you have used so far, but for 
plain text just go ahead and say ok.
  Good Luck

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2006-05-27 Thread Linda Hefferman
Hi there.  I am a cat lover also and understand how you feel.  I have 4 cats 
and 2 dogs right now and they are all very healthy.  The youngest animal is now 
6 years old and the oldest is now 14.  They are all very frisky and I do 
attribute this to my daily use of colloidal silver.  Since I make my own, I 
feel free to use as much as I want without worrying about cost.
  Both my cats and dogs drink it mixed in their water.  I use the water bowls 
that have a quart bottle attached to the top for distrubution.  I put around 3 
ounces or so for each bottle.  They all have nice white teeth and no problems 
with bad breath at all.  These animals have been getting this mixture for about 
6 or 7 years now---can not remember for sure when I started its use.   
  Should any of my animals appear to be having any health problems I would up 
the amount of CS used even giving it to them as their only source of water at 
times.  I usually use anywhere form 15 to 20 ppm CS.  My final product is 
always nice and clear.  I have also used it in a nebulizer for one of my cats 
that was having some congestion problems (sneezing etc and runny eyes).  It 
helped him out a lot and I did not even have to go to the vet.
  One of my friends own a Basset Hound dog and he was diagnosed with hemangioma 
cancer of the mouth.  The had removed a small lump from his mouth and sent it 
to be tested.  They wanted her to send him to Guelph for surgery--going to 
remove part of his jaw at a cost of $5,000.00.  His life expectancy was not 
long.My friend opted out and refused to do that to her dog.  Instead she gave 
him catsclaw that is supposed to shrink tumors and gave him nothing but 
colloidal silver to drink.  She even used a syringe to force him to have 
more---boy did he hate that.  When my friend took him to the vet shortly after 
his diagnosis he was amazed to see how his mouth had healed and said he could 
not even tell where thay had done the biopsy.  He wanted to know what she was 
  That was about 6 years ago now and today Chuckie the basset hound is alive 
and well and doing just fine.  
  I have just discovered diatomaceous earth and think it is great stuff.  I am 
all for natural if I find it is effective.   When you purchase diatomaceous 
earth make sure you buy the food grade kind not the pool type.  I purchased 
mine at pinacle farms from Nova Scotia.  Here is the link if you would like to 
check it out:
  There is a lot of information in there and it should help you to make an 
informed decision.  I actually ordered 3 15 pound pails of it for myself as I 
intend to use it in my yard also.  I have never liked to use poisons to control 
the pests in my yard because of my animals.   I definitely want to keep the 
earmites away from my cats and I know this will do the trick--prevention is so 
much cheaper than trying to find a cure for that.
  The site for the de will tell you how to use it for your cats.  I sprinkle 
some on my cats, especially around the ears before they go outside.  I have 
been adding it to my dogs food for a while now to just to make sure they have 
no internal parasites and will have to start to do that with my cats soon too.  
There are lots of minerals in it and it will not harm them---as long as you get 
the right kind---but the site will tell you about that.
  I know the above suggestions will be of benefit to your animal, but I cannot 
guarantee you will have the same miraculous results as my friend did with her 
basset hound.  I do not understand why or how it worked but it did.  Make sure 
you feed your pet a very good quality food also as that has a lot to do with 
their health.
  Good health and God bless
  PS   Am sending a copy to the silver list to encourage others to not give up. 
 I am sure there are many more out there who have had some miraculous results 
like my friend did with its use.

EmoTap  wrote:
v\:* {behavior:url (#default#vml);}  v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url 
(#default#vml)  }2A5ECBB7-1FE0-47390AF1E-225F053647FD  4.0  Letter  
Letter\plain.imf  Dan Stackhouse's Collection  Untitled  Plain  
no-repeat  #ff  0px  0px  
X-ASN,X-ASH,X-AN,X-AP,X-AD  ;  Hi Linda,
  I am very interested in your post to the silver-list about giving your cat CS 
and diatomaceous earth.  One of my precious cats lived to 20, but developed 
cancer in her mouth.  It was awful. I would hate to have my other cat go 
through the same thing, and she is still fairly young.  I make my own CS, and 
would like to know how you gave your cat CS and how it cleaned her teeth and 
  Also, I would like to know how to give my cat the DE?  I would go to the ends 
of the earth for my little sweetie.
  Thank you very much. 

CS>Treating pets with CS

2006-05-26 Thread Linda Hefferman
  Wed, 24 May 2006 17:04:00 -0500From:  "Maritza E. Kincaid" 
To:  silver-list@eskimo.comSubject:  CS>Treating 
pets with CS 
  Hi there.  I have found that CS has been very helpful in keeping my cats 
teeth and gums in good shape.  The vet felt she may need some teeth removed as 
he said she had gingivitas.  She was 14 at the time.  I gave her colostrum and 
CS daily and she lived to be 22 years old---not bad as that would be 154 in 
people years.
  For worms in your cat I would definitely get hold of some diatomaceous 
earth---also known as DE.  It is totally natural and cannot harm your cat in 
any way.  The price is negligible compared to the stuff the vets prescribe and 
it really works.  Do a search for diatomaceous earth in your area and once you 
receive it you will never look back.  It is good for so many things, including 
flees also.  I wish I had known about this a long time ago, but I am so glad I 
am using it now.
  Good luck and good health---CS can help in that area.

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with the All-new Yahoo! Mail  

CS>CS on plane

2006-04-30 Thread Linda Hefferman
I have travelled from Buffalo to Las Vegas by plane and took a bottle of cs 
with me in my baggage (not my carryon) and in the process went through several 
screening checks.  When I arrived at my destination it was very hot and I did 
get a bit of a sunburn.  The cs sure came in handy and from what I could tell 
was none the worse for the wear.  I did not have my cs in a plastic bottle 
though--it was in a cobalt blue glass bottle, but I do not think that would 
make any difference.
  I never go anywhere without my cs and I think you are wise to take some with 
you.   I also have a small homemade generator that will only make a glass at a 
time and I took it with me too---just in case---but I never needed that.  It 
was also in my luggage, but had no problems with that either.  I remember I had 
an S on my ticket and I joked with my niece that I was "Special".  I found out 
how special when they grabbed me from the regular lineup and put me through the 
third degree.  Yes they even make you stand with your arms and legs spread 
eagle while they run this device over your body---guess the silver that was in 
my body did not put off any alarms either. lol   I would not worry about your 
cs setting off any bells and whistles---by all means take it with you.
  I am sending this to the list as well as your address.  Have a safe journey 
and good health to you.
  God Bless
  Linda J. Hefferman

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CS>RE Brown-sequard syndrome

2005-12-22 Thread Linda Hefferman
Hello fellow cs users. I am writing to say thank you to all the help I received 
when I wrote concering a friend of my daughter's who was diagnosed with 
brown-sequard syndrome.  She does not live near me but did visit her family who 
live near me for a short while after she was first diagnosed.  I passed on all 
of the information that I was given to her and she thanked me.  She has a 
family member who is into holistic medicine and she has been following her 
advice.  She did refuse to take the steriods and at present is taking some sort 
of crystal under her tongue---have no idea what that is about---as part of her 
treatment.  I am glad that she is looking into alternative medicine and I am 
hoping she will find her answer to her health problem and continue to live a 
normal life.
  To Ernie, who gave me the information concerning a lady who is working in the 
Toronto area and has considerable success in the ms area, I want to say a 
special thanks.  Right now she is not using this information as she is in 
Western Canada, but should she return to her native home she would definitely 
be able to put that information to good use.
  Once again thank you to all for your generosity and sharing your expertise 
with me.
  God Bless and good health to all,  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
  LJ Hefferman

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CS>Brown-sequard syndrome

2005-11-28 Thread Linda Hefferman
Hello fellow cs or eis users.  I am writing to see if anyone on this list can 
shed any information on the subject of brown-sequard syndrome and I am also 
wondering if cs would be of any help.  My daughter's friend has been diagnosed 
with this syndrome recently and up until now has been very healthy.  She was 
having problems walking and was hospitilized for a while.  They did an mri and 
told her she had lesions on her spine and also on her brain.  They said they 
will have to wait to see if she has any further episodes before they and 
positively identify what is going on with her.
  I have been doing some research on the internet, but find there are a lot of 
blank spaces that are left unanswered.  The girl who has been recently 
diagnosed said she is returning to work tomorrow, but she really has to 
concentrate when it comes to walking.  She said her leg actually feels numb.   
They wanted to start her on steriods, but so far she has said no to that 
option.  She is just 25 and I am hoping that she will have a positive outcome 
to all of this.   I am not exactly sure what a lesion is, sounds to me like 
some kind of sore or wound, but I do wonder if colloidal silver would be of any 
help.  Since she also has a brain lesion I do not think that cs would be able 
to get to that part of her body, even if it would help.  Maybe this is where 
DMSO could be of some use???
  If there is anyone out there with any answers could you please email me at 
lindahef...@yahoo.caIf there is any information out there that would help 
this girl then I will be happy to pass it on to her.  Right now, she is having 
a struggle just coming to terms with the information she has been given and I 
do not believe she is ready to start doing her own research at the moment.
  Thank you and good health to all
  Linda J. Hefferman

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2005-05-10 Thread Linda Hefferman
Hello fellow cs users.  I am writing this message to see if anyone has had any 
experience (good or bad) at using colloidal silver for myositis.  A friend has 
a daughter who is 21 and has just been diagnosed with this disease, and from 
what I understand it is an autoimmune disorder.  They use steroids and NSAID's 
to help with the disease.  
 Her daughter was bedridden with this disorder for 3 months about 3 years ago.  
It looked as if she was on the way to recovery but it has come back again and 
she was told it could have been caused by a virus.  Since they use NSAID's I am 
assuming that would be for the pain and inflammation and am wondering if DMSO 
would not be better for her.
Any help that anyone is able to give me in this matter would be very much 
Thank You
Linda J. Hefferman

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CS>Friend With Breast Cancer

2005-01-17 Thread Linda Hefferman
Hello list.
I have been gleaning information from this list for sometime now and am very 
grateful for all the help I have received.  I have been making colliodal silver 
for about three years now and it is used by me and some of my family and many 
of my friends, not to mention all of my 7 furry friends that reside with me.  
My friend's basset hound was actually diagnosed with cancer (think it was 
hemangioma)  and they wanted to remove most of his jaw bone.  My friend just 
could not imagine poor Chucky having most of his jawbone removed and refused to 
do this.  Instead she gave him catsclaw and colloidal silver.  That was 3 years 
ago and Chucky, to the amazement of our local vet, is doing just fine today.  
Of course she continues to give him colloidal silver daily but has since 
stopped with the cats claw.  
Since I have seen this work with Chucky I am wondering if it could help a 
friend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She has undergone surgery 
and they started her on chemotherapy over the Christmas holidays.  She took one 
treatment and came away from it feeling like her body was being poisoned.  She 
had talked to me about it and said she has decided not to take any more chemo 
treatments.  I gave her some alternative information that I had taken from the 
internet and she has since stopped her treatments.  She is taking colostrum to 
help build up her immune system and is starting to take some of the colloidal 
silver that I make.  It is usually between 15 and 20 ppm as tested with my pwt.
She said she had this cancer for sometime now and had never felt sick until the 
chemotherapy.  She feels that it was all removed with the surgery and does not 
understand the urgency of the chemo treatments anyway.  I pray that she makes 
the right choice in how to treat this as I have seen so many people around me 
that have passed away with cancer lately.  Right now she is only taking small 
amounts of colloidal silver as she is still weak from the treatment but will 
increase it as she is feeling better.  If anyone out there has any positive 
suggestions that I could give this lady I would appreciate it very much.
She did say that they would probably try to make her take interferon next, 
since she  is not doing the chemo.  I am not sure what that is myself.  Would 
the colloidal interfere with that if she does have to take it.
Thanking you all in advance.
Linda J. Hefferman

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2004-03-30 Thread Linda Hefferman

Hi Carol--this is an old message from daddybob that I saved---it has a recipe 
in here for xylitol and cs nosespray--hope this is the one you were looking for.


Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 21:48:08 - 

From: daddybob52954 

Subject: CS & Xylitol vs. Sinus Infection 

I've got a story to tell about CS & Xylitol nasal spray. It's one of the most 
interesting things I have seen happen in such a short time. I'm posting this to 
several groups and forums to which I subscribe. Somebody will need this. I've 
not had a full blown cold or flu for about 3 years. In that time I have 
successfully avoided them usually with CS, Bragg's Vinegar, and Four Thieves 
Vinegar made with Bragg's, and other things as well. Those that I haven't 
avoided altogether by those methods, I have successfully killed off quickly 
with Beck Blood Electrification (BE). This winter I have headed off the flu for 
a week, then finally killed it with BE, and had a herx the next day. About 3 
weeks ago I killed off a little cold a couple of days after I caught it with 
only a few sniffles. It has been a cold, wet 10 weeks here since the first of 
the year, with lots of colds and flu passing through. The weather has worked 
hard on my livelihood and my attitude, and I have gotten slack about all
 my precautions. Several days ago I knew I was exposed to a nasty cold. I knew 
to get started with all my precautions but I just plain didn't do it. By Friday 
3-5-04 I was getting a nasty scratchy throat. Whatever this crud is, it starts 
that way instead of in the roof of my mouth like usual. I used my Walgreen's 
Personal Ultrasonic Humidifier with CS to fix the closing-in-feeling in my 
throat. The next day, Saturday, it migrated to my sinuses. It put me on the 
couch by Sat. night and all day Sunday 3-7. I did all my usual stuff 
religiously. By Monday I was ambulatory but not well. Tuesday 3-9 I had most of 
my strength back. It was over late that day. BUT! I couldn't stay out of the 
weather because of the demands of work, and a sinus infection began to form. I 
haven't had one in over 4 years. I fought it first with a nasal spray of 
CS/MSM/H2O2/Xylitol but it wasn't doing too much. I then fought it with nasal 
spray of 2 oz. CS & 1/3 dropper of DMSO. That helped a lot and nearly
 knocked it out, until the weather got colder and work demanded that I stay 
outside. After being out in cold winds Fri. & Sat., my left sinus was impacted 
and I sounded like a foghorn. My left upper teeth were all starting to ache 
around my root canals. It was getting bad. I knew by Sat. afternoon that I had 
to try something different. I mean it was getting BAD and I have the medical 
history to know what bad is. It was then that I remembered about using Xylitol 
as a decongestant. Oops, the FDA won't let anyone say that will they? You have 
to call it a "Nasal Wash". What hogwash. Also, in Finland, the antibacterial 
properties of Xylitol are well proven. I mixed a fresh batch of 2 oz. CS and ΒΌ 
teaspoon of Xylitol, and immediately began nasally inhaling all I could stand. 
At least when this stuff runs down the back of your throat, it's sweet! To 
describe fully what happened in the next 10 minutes would sound disgusting. 
You've all seen it. Let it suffice to say that the drainage was
 immediate and overwhelming. For nearly 10 minutes all I could do was blow my 
nose and inhale more of the mixture. When it was over I was breathing fully, 
all drainage was gone, all mucous was gone and my voice was normal. In all the 
17 years of suffering from Chronic Sinusitis I never, ever saw anything like 
this from any kind of medicine. That was 24 hours ago. It's still all gone. The 
pain was gone in an hour and has stayed gone. In all the 17 years of suffering 
from Chronic Sinusitis I never, ever saw anything like this from any kind of 
medicine. Despite the many life changing alternative therapies that I have used 
to wonderful effect in the past nearly 5 years, I've never seen anything this 
rapidly dramatic. In ten minutes I cured a sinus infection. Any downside? Yeah. 
Some who know me from years past on these forums know that my miracle started 
with MSM healing a Chronic Sinus Infection over a period of several days 
starting back on 7-13-99. That incident made me really bitter
 at the doctors who had treated me for years with loads of antibiotics, all to 
no avail, and to the eventual loss of some of my hearing and the affliction of 
tinnitus that I am still stuck with. Downside? The flood of emotion all over 
again, now realizing how fantastically wonderful this treatment is, juxtaposed 
with the knowledge that people still suffer every day at the hands of the same 
sort of people that treated me. I better stop now. I better go take a walk. 

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Re: CS>Stone Deodorant

2003-11-11 Thread Linda Hefferman
Hi there.  I just wanted to let you know that I have been using these stone 
(crystal) deodorants for sometime now.   I believe I have solved the problem of 
the sweat bacteria they pick up---I simply spray the tops of them with my 
colloidal silver before each use.  In this way the first thing to touch my skin 
is the colloidal silver anyway and it works wonders for me.  Definitely no 
bo---Also I get the added benefit of the stone to back up my cs---not that it 
needs it. (My opinion anyway)  
Yes I know I could simply just spray on the cs or splash it under my arms, but 
this is so similar to the way that I have been applying the deodorant that I 
like it better.  And the deodorant stones last for a very long time so why not 
pull those stones out of your bathroom cupboard and give this method a try.  I 
can guarantee you will have no more "smells like my brother" complaints.  Thank 
you and good health to you
Linda J. Hefferman

Rowena Evans  wrote:
I bought these for a few years, and was a bit puzzled by an odour on
them. Then my daughter started complaining that they smelled of her
brother. Around the same time I saw on another forum that one needed
to wipe the tops over with an antibacterial solution to kill the sweat
bacteria they picked up. It did seem to work wiping them over, but I
was further put off when I found that these "natural" stones contained
aluminium. (Wasn't that a Hulda Clark observation?) I hadn't been
able to find out what the ingredients were, though had a surprise on
one to see the word "alum". They are just standing in the bathroom
cupboards now.
What is potassium alum, then? Where do they get it from? To what
degree can it be called natural?


> A good alternative is a deodorant stone/crystal. I
> was amazed at how well these work when I first tried
> them. They are made of potassium alum which kill the
> bacteria so there is no odor.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>.9999 fine silver wire, etc.

2003-11-11 Thread Linda Hefferman
This is where I buy my . silver wire and I am very satified with the prompt 
efficient service too.  The product is 12 gauge wire too ( a bit thicker than 
the 14 guage) if I remember correctly.
This is Abe Beland's store and he is also a member of the silverlist here.  I 
get one ounce ---3 feet of silver wire --- for $12.00.
Linda Hefferman

Shirley Reed  wrote:
  I have bought wire- 14 guage-- from this company.  It is CCSG Inc.  and the 
web site is at www.ccsilver.com   and I was thoroughly satisfied with their 
service and the product seems to be exactly what it says.  It cost $2.95 per 
foot for the . Super fine round.  This company was recommended to me by a 
person on this list or some other--I forget which.  I got 7 feet in order to 
get a better deal on shipping.  Total was $26.65

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RE: CS>Re: DMSO in Canada

2003-10-26 Thread Linda Hefferman
I am just writing to let others in Canada know that I did order from  
and my 16 ounces of dmso arrived within the week.   Although I myself do not 
own a horse I did enter clydesdale in the questionaire they had on the site.  
If that is what it takes to get some dmso---so be it.  
Good health to all
Linda J. Hefferman (ljheffer...@yahoo.ca)

Richard Harris  wrote:
Maybe Four-legged horse? Sorry, couldn't resist & like you, off the top I
can't name a horse breed. I'll look forward to a proper answer.
Best regards
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
-Original Message-
From: Grant [mailto:nes...@shaw.ca]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 11:04 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Re: DMSO in Canada

As an afterthought I think maybe they would ship to Canada. If you go
through the motions on their
site as if you were ordering, I don't see anywhere that they are asking
for a prescription, their drop down
shipping list has all the Canadian provinces on it. They do ask what
breed of horse you own, anyone know what
a reasonable answer to that might be??


Grant wrote:

> I would be interested in knowing if they will ship to Canada ..???
> Grant :-\
> silversurfer1952 . wrote:
>> Hi Lisa,
>> I'm wondering if they will ship DMSO to just anyone... guess I'll
>> contact them and ask. Also, I'm not that familiar with the product
>> and am curious what "harmless when used with the proper precautions"
>> means. Can someone elaborate on what the proper precautions are when
>> using DMSO?
>> Thanks very much.
>> Ellle
>>> From: "Lisa MacDonald" 

>>> I apologize if this was already posted - I sent this info earlier
>>> but it didn't seem to show up on the website archives.
>>> I found a cheap source of DMSO in Ontario from Peak Equine -
>>> http://peakequine.com
>>> $9.95 Can / 16oz, $44.95 Can/4L
>>> Shipping is - 16 oz would be about 5.75 and the gallon would be
 about 8.00.
>> _
>> Never get a busy signal because you are always connected with
>> high-speed Internet access. Click here to comparison-shop providers.
>> https://broadband.msn.com
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
>> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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CS>CS and MS Protocol

2003-07-22 Thread Linda Hefferman
Hello fellow cs users.  I have a friend who has ms and has been confined to a 
wheel chair for the past 5 years.  She also has fibromyalgia and takes 
medication for the pain.   She has to go in the hospital soon to have her 
kidneys checked as she is having problems in that area also and there is talk 
that she may have to go on dyalisis.  There was someone on this list --Nancy 
--who had ms and managed to get things under control by using colloidal silver. 
 If anyone on here has that information could you please email it to me.  I 
have been trying to go in and search the archives but so far am unable to get 
in.  It appears they have not gone in and fixed the problem yet or I would look 
the information up myself.  If anyone is able to help me with this it would be 
much appreciated.  My friend's hubby is stopping by this afternoon and I would 
like to have some of her info to pass on to him.  Any help anyone can give me 
in this directoin would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
Linda J. Hefferman

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RE: CS>OT Master cleanse requests....

2003-05-18 Thread Linda Hefferman
When you sign into Jays yahoo email just go to the inbox.  I found the master 
cleanser there.  Good luck
   Linda Hefferman

"edkas...@pacbell"  wrote:
Jay, I went to yahoo.com and signed in using your info.
but do not know where in yahooland to look. :((


-Original Message-
From: Jay Ice [mailto:guess...@msn.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 9:27 PM
To: silver-list
Subject: CS>OT Master cleanse requests

My computer has gone wacko. I can't send the master cleanse out for some odd
reason no matter what address I use. but never fear I have set up a free
account at yahoo for anyone who wants it...all ya gotta do is go and get it.

USERNAME: mastercleanse2003
PASSWORD: getclean

Good luck and happy reading :)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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CS>Hanna PWT

2003-04-26 Thread Linda Hefferman
I am a little confused on how to accurately measure the ppm of my homemade 
colloidal silver.  I purchased a Hanna PWT and it states that the reading on 
display is directly expressed in uS/cm and the resulting number should be 
divided by 2 in order to be expressed in ppm.  In other words if my meter shows 
22 that would be 22/2  which is 11ppm.  However on this list I have read that 
the resulting number should be multiplied by 1.2 in order to get the ppm of my 
colloidal silver.  In this case the same cs that reads 22 on the meter would 
actually be 26.4 ppm.  Could someone on this list please enlighten me as to 
which is the proper method to calculate the ppm of the colloidal silver that I 
am making.

  Thank you very much for you reply

Linda J. Hefferman 

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>acne

2003-04-12 Thread Linda Hefferman

I am not sure if it will help everyone with acne, but my 16 year old nephew was 
having a terrible time with acne until he started using the colloidal silver 
that I make at home.   He no longer wants to be without his cs, and all he does 
is spray it on his face.  He does not take it internally at all.  It sure would 
be nice if it worked like that for everyone but I doubt that would be the case. 
 Linda Hefferman
 jay ice  wrote:
will colloidal silver cure acne.


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Re: CS> proper CS

2003-04-12 Thread Linda Hefferman

My apologies Ken for the error.  It was definitely your site that I got the 
thermal stirring info from and I have been making good use of it.  By the way, 
with my set up I am able to make 40 ounces at a time and it turns out perfectly 
clear.  With the way I am making it the water temperature increases very little 
also.  I thank you for your words of wisdom.  It has made the world of 
difference in the product I am making.  I just do not have the funds to buy a 
more expensive machine and so I have to make do with what I have.  I guess it 
is true,  necessity is the mother of invention.
  God Bless and good health to you and yours
  Linda Hefferman
 Ode Coyote  wrote:
>The info would probably have come from www.silverpuppy.com vs 
>www.silvergen.com as I use thermal stirring and Trem uses mechanical.

Heat only the center bottom of the container as this creates a narrow 
updraft right where you need it and lets the outside surfaces loose heat.
Don't exceed 110 deg F. It's not the temperature that does the job but 
the difference between heat soak and head shed... or ...heat gain in the 
center compared to heat loss at the outside surface. It takes very little 

You can cut a 1" hole in a flattish can such as a beef stew or tuna can, 
[or punch a pattern of holes near the center] turn it hole up on a coffee 
maker hot plate as well as using a 7 watt nightlight bulb.

This does not limit the current. It distributes and hydrates the ions as 
they are formed.

Hydration tends to isolate the ions from each other so they don't have as 
great a tendency to agglomerate later.
Distribution removes high ion concentration zones near the electrodes so 
the water doesn't reach its saturation point [ the concentration point at 
which crystals start forming] in localized areas.

Any form of stirring greatly improves the performance of even the most 
primitive generator.

The nice things about thermal stirring is that it's easy to do, can't 
ever break or wear out and it never goes too fast. [Just keep an eye on the 
heat gain and don't exceed 110 deg F so as to avoid Brownian collision 

If you stir too vigerously, other weird things start to happen. This, 
among a few other reasons is why I abandonded mechanical stirring. It 
worked well, IF, you had a clue as to how to use it. Some folks just don't 
have many clues. [Trem may have designed the clues in so you don't have to 
have one. I'm not sure, but he's a pretty good designer and works hard at 
it. ]

Down side...thermal stirring has batch size limits with the little 7 watt 
bulb as larger containers are generally taller. Works pretty good on a 
quart but better [flawlessly?] on a pint and less. Heat gain is no 
The coffee pot trick might be strong enough for a gallon.


>If you do not have a potpourri pot in your home a heater is easily made by 
>cutting a 1 inch hole in a can and placing it upside down on a night 
>light. The bulb is usually 5 or 7 watts and is sufficient to keep your 
>water in container moving. This is called thermal stirring and I think I 
>gleaned this piece of info from Trem's site---not sure though.
>Hope this is of some help to you. By the way the thermal stirring 
>controls the current or so I am told and that is why you do not get the 
> Good health and good luck to you
> Linda J. Hefferman

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CS>9999 silver wire

2003-04-11 Thread Linda Hefferman
Try the following link.  It should take you right into Arnold Belands store at 
Ebay.  I already purchased some silver wire from him and I am very pleased not 
only with the quality of the wire but also with the speed it was delivered to 
me.  Good luck and good health  

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Re: CS> proper CS

2003-04-11 Thread Linda Hefferman

Hi there.  It would appear that we both have the same generator.  I however no 
longer make cs that has any sludge in it with the same generator.  At first I 
would follow the instructions that came with the book and I would make a 16 
ounce glass of cs in an hour.  I would have to interupt the production at least 
two times in order to take the black accumulation off of the silver rods.I 
have always kept a log of the cs I have made and my first batch  was a tan 
color--not so good.  Also the tyndale effect was very strong.  Making cs this 
way proved to be a bit of a pain as you had to stay nice and handy to the 
product to wipe those increasingly blackened wires every 15 minutes or so and 
the product most always turned yellow.  You would have to stop about 30 into 
the process if you wished to have a clear product.  According to the book that 
came with our generator 30 min gave 3-5 ppm and 60 min gave 15-17 ppm. 
Then I read about thermal stirring.  I now use a pot pourri pot in my 
production of cs.  In the bottom pot I put my candle.  In the second pot I put 
boiling water.  Over the second pot I put a flat lid from a large mason jar.  I 
have also read that it is better to concentrate the heat to the centre or edge 
of the cs container so I took a rather thick piece of tin foil from a coffee 
can and cut a hole about the size of a quarter in the center and put the 
tinfoil over the lid with the hole in the centre.  I also double the tinfoil on 
the edges to keep the heat from the side of my cs container.  I know it is not 
too technical but I was using what I had at home.  I next put my container with 
distilled water on the lid that was on the top pot of my pot pourri container.  
Doing things this way I have found that I am able to leave the container on for 
a full hour without so much as stopping to wipe a single wire.  Even better 
than that there is absolutely no sludge or anything to be found in the cs.  And 
when all is done the finished product is nice and clear with a faint tyndale 
effect.  I do not know what ppm  (15-17 is what our little manual says) I am 
making as I do not have a hanna pwt to test it with but if the clarity and 
light tyndale effect mean anything I would say it is pretty good stuff.  I can 
even leave it running for another 30 minutes and the product is still clear.  I 
have had good reports from people that have used it---I have given it to many 
friends and family members. 
For all you techies out there I know this sounds rather strange but hey it 
works.  To me that is all that matters.  I simply do not have the money to 
afford anything too fancy. 
If you do not have a potpourri pot in your home a heater is easily made by 
cutting a 1 inch hole in a can and placing it upside down on a night light.  
The bulb is usually 5 or 7 watts and is sufficient to keep your water in 
container moving.  This is called thermal stirring and I think I gleaned this 
piece of info from Trem's site---not sure though. 
Hope this is of some help to you.  By the way the thermal stirring controls the 
current or so I am told and that is why you do not get the sludge. 
Good health and good luck to you 
  Linda J. Hefferman 
 INGRID KROPP-OVERSTREET  wrote: so far I've had my CS 
generator for maybe 2 weeks. it's from www.sunstoneherbals.com (you might be 
able to get a better picture than my description. it's the plastic casing type. 
fresh batteries, 2 week old . silver electrodes. make about 8OZ of CS 
daily. i guess thats it.  

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CS>Re: ADHD and Colloidal Gold

2003-04-08 Thread Linda Hefferman

Ingrid here are two links about colloidal gold.  The second link will take you 
to some information about adhd and colloidal gold.  Just type colloidal gold in 
Goggle search or whatever search engine you want to use and you can research a 
lot for yourself.  I have never tried it myself but I had read about it being 
good for adhd.  Hope this is of help to you.
 Good health to you. 
   Linda J. Hefferman
 INGRID KROPP-OVERSTREET  wrote: yes finally some info on 
colloidal gold. i asked a while ago for info on colloidal gold and colloid 
silver but received nothing. if you happen to know a link to begin my 
investigating that would be a large help. i will begin for now at ask.com - 
Original Message -From: Linda HeffermanSent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 2:15 
AMTo: silver-list@eskimo.com 

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Re: CS>OT New Jersey!

2003-04-07 Thread Linda Hefferman

Hi Ingrid.  I just thought I would take the time to tell you to look into 
colloidal gold for add/adhd.  It is supposed to be helpful for that.  Good 
Health to you
  Linda J. Hefferman
 INGRID KROPP-OVERSTREET  wrote:ohhh don't take my comment 
the wrong way. i know it is very frustrating to get ha...@$$ed info. I am 
trying to find a natural way to cure or at least deal with the A.D.D./A.D.H.D. 
see cs I think is becoming effective to cure any physical ailments but my 
mental status is getting in the way of a lot. besides the ADD/ADHD. the 
Tuckerton e-mail buddy that's pretty cool i have never heard of Tuckerton. i 
live in Burlington county its central jersey.   

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Re: CS>deodorant effective or not

2003-04-05 Thread Linda Hefferman

Hi Ingrid.  I just read your comment about cs and deodorant.  Such has not been 
the case for me.  I am not sure what ppm I am making but it is clear and i do 
ingest about 2ounces a day and also use it as a deodorant.  For me it is 
great---absolutely no more bo.  I have not used deodorant since I have 
discovered it.  I have read that since deodorant blocks your sweat gland under 
your arms that it causes toxins to build up in the lymph nodes and it is 
believed to cause cancer.  Since cancer runs in my family I want to avoid that 
if I can.  Sorry to hear that yours did not work for you,  Hopefully someone 
out there may know the answer as to why yours did not work.
 Linda J. Hefferman
ABOUT THE MANY USES OF CS. well i don't know about deodorant. i used CS with a 
ppm of probably somewhere between 8-12 and it didn't quite work like expected. 
maybe more or less ppm will help. i figure with summer around the corner i 
don't want to expirament with B.O.  

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Re: CS>Making CS

2003-04-05 Thread Linda Hefferman

Here a a couple of good links for those who wish to make their own colloidal 
silver generator




Good luck on your generator ventures

Linda J Hefferman 

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