Re: CS>So Long

2021-12-13 Thread Neville Munn
I think Mike has relinguished the Silver List.  I believe Tony might still be 
checking this, if so, he will let you know they have started another site to 
discuss silver, and Off Topic stuff.  If this comes through, this is the new 


From: Theresa Swift 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 2021 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: CS>So Long

Why are we saying goodbyes?  Have I missed something?

On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 10:00 PM Neville Munn>> wrote:


From: Phil Morrison>>
Sent: Saturday, 11 December 2021 12:40 PM
Subject: CS>So Long

May I say, "Goodbye to Siler-List ... the best damn blog ever."


Re: CS>So Long

2021-12-12 Thread Neville Munn


From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Saturday, 11 December 2021 12:40 PM
Subject: CS>So Long

May I say, "Goodbye to Siler-List ... the best damn blog ever."


Re: CS>How many SilverListers are SOAKING masks in SILVER

2021-11-19 Thread Neville Munn
Nope, I don't, I don't care about this C'rona crap, I have a nebuliser if I 
need one, that will destroy it before it starts to multiply in my lungs 
(opinion), besides, my immune system should be tough enough due to my daily 
regimen of EIS anyway, the nebuliser is an addition.

I had to get my script for  my BP 'life savers' re-filled the other day, I said 
to the Doc, "I thought YOU was supposed to be a Medical Practioner, it seems 
you are not, the Government dictates to YOU, your training is worth nothing."  
Then I immediately changed the subject, I thought I had said enough already 
.  Then she just said, "I guess you won't be getting the vaccine" I just 
looked at her and smiled.

The fact is, it is NOT a vaccine, it's just another drug, if you have to line 
up for another jab, or a third, or a fourth, or a fifth, or more, then it's 
just a drug, the same as any medication people take for whatever reason, and 
have to take it for ages, or forever, just like my BP 'live savers'.

That tells me the vax is a complete and utter nonsense.


From: Smitty 
Sent: Saturday, 20 November 2021 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS>How many SilverListers are SOAKING masks in SILVER

I wear a mask going into stores,
but keep my nose free.
Nobody says anything.

Re: CS>Moving The Group

2021-10-31 Thread Neville Munn
Well not really Phil, I think Mike explained it before, it was going to happen 
eventually, even without that - 'individual'.  It's been a good 17 years or so 
I have been here on the List, so that's been good, I've learnt more here than 
anywhere else I can think of.  I researched bucket loads of information before 
I joined this Group, this Group was the only place where people could actually 
get truth and honesty, that's why I joined.


From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Monday, 1 November 2021 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Moving The Group

Cyndiann finally shut down the Silver-List.

And The Winner Is ...

The Mad Cow

Re: CS>Pure Blooded Anthem

2021-10-30 Thread Neville Munn
Yeah, Eric Clapton and Van Morrison made some songs as well regarding this 
shyte .


From: MaryAnn Helland 
Sent: Sunday, 31 October 2021 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Pure Blooded Anthem

Loved it!

On Friday, October 29, 2021, 12:33:24 PM CDT, Rick  

Re: CS>Moving the group...

2021-10-29 Thread Neville Munn
Well, I guess it's goodbye from me and goodbye from him .


From: S Khanna 
Sent: Saturday, 30 October 2021 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Moving the group...

Thanks Mike!  This list has been wonderful. I've learned from and appreciated 
the many knowledgeable people on here.


On Friday, October 29, 2021, 10:22:34 AM PDT, M. Devour  

Re: CS>Cansema(R) Black Topical Salve - The Internationally Recognized Skin Cancer Treatment System - basal cell, squamous cell, melanoma, carcinoma, epithelioma

2021-10-28 Thread Neville Munn
If you want to wade through the archives there will be my experience with a 
Basal Cell thingo, on the nose, a few years ago.  Before I noticed it on my 
other half it was deep, red and spreading, showing some white 'substance', 
which I guess was cartlidge, hence the flesh was gradually being eaten away.  I 
killed it anyway, with EIS treatment.  I can't prove that of course, only by 
observation and treatment and recovery.

I think I explained it all in those posts.  I can't even find that information 
now I documented before on the follow of treatment and recovery.  I always 
document any treatment I did/do, but I can't find this one..DO'H.


From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Friday, 29 October 2021 7:48 AM
To: ; MaryAnn Helland 

Subject: Re: CS>Cansema(R) Black Topical Salve - The Internationally Recognized 
Skin Cancer Treatment System - basal cell, squamous cell, melanoma, carcinoma, 

Hallo MA,
You could ask Greg Caton
  I can also be reached by phone at: (305) 851-2305.


On 2021/10/28 21:57, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
> Hi Elizabeth.  Thank you for responding.  This is a very small spot too
> -- but on a nose, it's relative.  Did you get a deep hole before
> healing?  I'm also worried that it would go all the way through the nose
> flesh.
> MA
> On Thursday, October 28, 2021, 02:32:54 PM CDT, Elizabeth Williams
>  wrote:
> I have used cansema and it didnt leave a huge hole, but the initial spot
> was small. It eventually healed completely.
> Elizabeth

Re: CS>Illegal to mandate an experimental gene therapy, aka "vaccine"

2021-10-22 Thread Neville Munn
That's what I've been waiting for, someone who actually used EIS.

Now, don't get me wrong MaryAnn, this is just a friendly question .  People who had a Flu in the past will still have 'remnants' or 
'fragments' of it in their immune system, so, either way, if it was the 'lab' 
Flu or the seasonal Flu, I suspect EIS would get rid of both.

To my knowledge they don't have an adequate testing procedure anyway, why, 
because they don't know what to look for.  Can't test something if they don't 
know what to look for.  That's who some scientists etc say, they don't know.

Nebulising will deliver the silver directly into the lungs etc, so if it used 
early it will over-ride the Coronavirus before passing through too many cells 
to replicate.  That is my opinion anyway, if you understand.

I only say this because I have been ingesting an amount every morning for 
years, so my system and my immune system is well acquainted with EIS.

Thank You.


From: MaryAnn Helland 
Sent: Friday, 22 October 2021 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Illegal to mandate an experimental gene therapy, aka "vaccine"

Hi Jean.  So does Novid.  I got the virus -- treated it with a Godzilla and 
nebulized Colloidal Silver.  Knocked it out in about four hours.  CS is 

Re: CS> Who Knew V

2021-10-20 Thread Neville Munn
Block, I did.  The only her/him/its name appears is when others reply, delete 
button is easy.  She/him/it will not sway me to leave here.

I said months ago, she/he/it hasn't mentioned one use of EIS since blabbing 
here, what does that tell people here.


From: MaryAnn Helland 
Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2021 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS> Who Knew V

Sorry Cyndiann -- you are the ignorant mindless lemming, not Jean.  Everyone 
here has been very tolerant and patient with your insults.  I am not so 
inclined.  You have every right not to agree with anyone here -- you do not 
have the right to denigrate them.  And in doing so, you demonstrate your 
arrogance on a daily basis.  If you learned something here once, about 
Colloidal Silver -- maybe if you shut your mouth, you would learn something 
even more important now.

CS>Re: re:topical use of silver

2021-10-07 Thread Neville Munn
For skin tags, I just use scissors or similar. Done it several times over the 

From: Elizabeth Williams 
Sent: Friday, 8 October 2021 1:56:22 AM
Subject: CS>re:topical use of silver

I would be very interested to know anyones experience on using CS topically for 
warts or skin tags, or if anyone has another suggestion would love to hear it 
with an open mind.
thank you

Re: CS>silver effect on sperm

2021-09-28 Thread Neville Munn
Don't worry, if Billy Goates get his way, that will be the next sterilisation 
mandate, drop your strides gentlemen. (ouch)


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Tuesday, 28 September 2021 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>silver effect on sperm

They used pretty high concentrations and direct exposure.
98% of silver is eliminated within 48 hours.
If you want to get preggers..don't use silver for a few days ?
...and don't inject your testicles with 50 PPM silver that night. [ouch]

Re: CS>AUSTRALIAN DEAD or DISABLED BY COVID VAX -- families/disabled victims speaking out . . .

2021-09-26 Thread Neville Munn
I would have said he made the right decision, but, I am a retired geriactric 
, so I can't say that.

I do applaud him, he stands on his principles.  He obviously has done some 
research, as I have, and many others have, and it appears he does not follow 
the propaganda machine.

Of course, if I am wrong, then I will just shut up R.


From: Rowena 
Sent: Sunday, 26 September 2021 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: CS>AUSTRALIAN DEAD or DISABLED BY COVID VAX -- families/disabled 
victims speaking out . . .

 My son refused the jab and now he is unemployed; did he make the right
decision? Works in Aussie Hospital, knew all the facts, presented them
... cheerio, bro! He even had an exemption from his GP, who took off for
the hills when he suddenly became popular.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

2021-09-24 Thread Neville Munn
No worries Linda.  That's one of the reasons I won't move, I'm sick and tired 
of writing down passwords .


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Friday, 24 September 2021 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

Neville, you are one I will sorely miss, but I'm faced with limited options.  I 
have done all I can to block the Troll, including contacting my email provider. 
 Somehow, she/he/it has penetrated all efforts.  I think my only remaining 
option is to change my email address.  Just what I need - another email address 
to monitor.  As I mentioned in my original boost, I now have over 700 emails to 
deal with.  A large number are The Troll.  Just the process of deleting 
him/her/it unread has become exhausting.

Re: CS>From Navy Surgeon

2021-09-23 Thread Neville Munn
Hahaha, this one is the same, "Video unavailable" is all I get.  The Gremlins 
don't want anyone to see .


From: Ed 
Sent: Friday, 24 September 2021 3:40 PM
To: Silver list 
Subject: Re: CS>From Navy Surgeon

somehow the A was not attached at the end, here is the proper link, sorry

On 9/23/2021 9:05 PM, hanan bissar wrote:
Says have another link or title to search?

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 10:11 AM Ed>> 

-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Rules 
and Instructions: Unsubscribe: Archives: Off-Topic 
discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

2021-09-23 Thread Neville Munn
Hmmm, well I blocked her/him/it/them.

Don't let one rotten egg spoil things for you Linda, there is a clown in every 
class, or in this case, a village idiot.

He/she/it/them will not deter me from being here.  There are 'plants' 
everywhere on the internet nowadays, we have to live with it I'm afraid.


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Friday, 24 September 2021 10:24 AM
Subject: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

As much as I've tried, I'm not able to stop posts from the Troll.  I have done 
everything I can, including contacting my email provider, but her posts 
continue.  I'm  working on that.  At this point, I have almost 700 emails - 
most of them from The Troll.  I just can't deal with this.  What are my 
choices?  I hate the idea that I have to cut off all contact with this list, 
but honestly, since there seems to be no way to suppress The Troll, I have no 
idea what else to do.  Yes. I have done everything I can think of to block her. 
 Even having my email provider do some special things to block her. It just 
didn't work.From: "Cyndiann Phillips">

Re: CS>CS and Cancer?

2021-09-23 Thread Neville Munn
Edit:  I hope this doesn't come through twice, I had to cull.

Thanks for your reply Max.

No, no idea what caused it, and I wasn't, and still not, trying to kill 
anything.  I had a few scans, a couple of mri's, blood etc etc, and nothing 
showed up in all my internal organs, looking at the test results they checked 
pretty much every organ in my body.  Mainly it was that comment from some 
Professional that got me thinking my ingestion of silver every day shows there 
are no underling issues in my blood, that's why I assume my blood is "fairly" 
clean, I repeat though, "fairly" clean for my age back then (65 then).

Bob Beck did say it cleans the blood, and I am of the opinion that he was 
correct going on all my test results.  One of our daughters was convinced I 
would have some issue with my lungs, (I have been a smoker for over 50 years), 
but nothing was said going on my results, to use a medical terminology here, 
everything is 'unremarkable' .

Hmmm, I don't think I 'sailed' through though, couldn't speak properly for a 
couple of days, but my spelling, forgetting words, constructing sentences etc 
means some of the brain cells went 'walk about' 6 years ago and seemingly ain't 
coming back .

"Stupid as a child"...LOL.  Yeah, well, my philosophy is, there's no point in 
changing anything now Max. .

Thanks anyway Max.


From: Max 
Sent: Thursday, 23 September 2021 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and Cancer?


Im so glad you sailed through the brain bleed.   Thats really serious of 
course.   Do you have any idea what caused the hemorrhage?

What microbes were or are you trying to kill?   Someone has a tag line from 
Bernard or Enderlein that the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.   
Killing microbes prophylactically is an interesting presumption of chronic 
silver drinkers.

We normally have some bits of microbes in the blood.  This is a 
lipopolysaccharide material or endotoxin.  A theory goes that this is 
responsible for ongoing inflammation, not a good thing, which can progress in 
severe cases to sepsis and death.  This may be related to 'leaky gut syndrome'  
which itself may be related to a lack of healthy microbial diversity in the 
gut.   Yet Ive read that a certain amount of this endotoxin is a biological 
requirement.   "data suggest that environmental exposure to endotoxin, even in 
the absence of infection, may protect against the development of allergic 

How does silver kill these microbes?  Part of the mechanism is production of 
ROS,  reactive oxygen or 'free radicals'.   Not only from silver action but 
also the biological reaction of the immune system trying to deal with the 
silver.   This is also 'inflammation'.   If I had sepsis, I would drink a lot 
of silver, but if I didnt, Im not sure I would risk it.  Silver can 
de-differentiate cells, cause DNA damage,  can get in the brain...

The idea of sterilizing ourselves of microbes is not something thats going to 
happen, nor would it be healthy.  A healthy terrain, or tissues free from 
pollutants and heavy metals and all kinds of waste products may be the best 
approach.   That said,  probably everyone has read Bob Becks miraculous health 
turnaround using silver and his vein pulser.   Its tantalizing to think we 
could get super healthy by killing a bunch of microbes.   After decades of 
using Rife and electrotherapy, that path to super health remains elusive, and 
problems occurred in my kidneys and my head.

I guess if the doctor looked at your blood and said there arent many antigens, 
thats probably true.  I hope this leads to less inflammaging and a healthy 
happy life

Ive learned two things in my life;  Firstly, I was stupid as a child, and I 
secondly, I havent changed much



Re: CS>CS and Cancer?

2021-09-23 Thread Neville Munn
Max, it sounds like you are quite knowledgeable, so I have a simple 
question...6 years ago I had a brain episode (bleeding), prior to that I was 
ingesting an amount of EIS every morning for 10 years or so, and still am 16 
odd years later, a Professional remarked to me back then that I am low in 
antigens.  To me that means my blood is "fairly" clean...Yes/No?

I'm no academic, but that comment suggests to me that my blood if "fairly" 
clear of bugs or pathogens, am I right?


From: Max 
Sent: Thursday, 23 September 2021 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and Cancer?

Robert Becker did the seminal experiments on silver for regeneration and
cancer.  As I recall, voltage is also involved. But heres the thing;
cancer is probably not caused by a lack of silver.  To correct cancer, a
comprehensive approach may be required.  Ive tried to treat cancer with
silver, electrotherapy, herbs of all kinds, vitamins and more.   I wasnt
successful, except for the use of black salve, and even that backfired
with more aggressive cancer return.   Im not saying you wont be
successful using silver, Im saying if anybody is fighting cancer, you
should really work at it from all angles, starting with diet and
elimination of toxins.

Best of luck


On 9/22/2021 5:24 PM, Williams wrote:
> I heard (from a reliable source) drinking a couple of quarts of CS per day 
> kills cancer cells.
> didn't get all the info.  This is a miracle breakthrough, or a cruel hoax.  
> Anyone had any experience with CS and Cancer?
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2021-09-20 Thread Neville Munn
Thank Christ someone else understands Elizabeth.  "You can't argue with an 
idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". 
Mark Twain.


From: Elizabeth Williams 
Sent: Tuesday, 21 September 2021 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

really, she is just a plant, dont engage. Just somebody to stir up trouble, 
dont let her waste your time on her nonsense. We all know better here.

Re: CS>Vaxxed Zombies - YouTube

2021-09-17 Thread Neville Munn
And that head honcho of the 'bought' WHO muppet gang said two days ago to PAUSE 
the booster shot until 2022.  The smell is certainly getting stronger, in fact, 
it's insufferable.


From: Max 
Sent: Saturday, 18 September 2021 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Vaxxed Zombies - YouTube

Oh this is timely,  Oregon State Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum 
jointly filed a formal petition for a federal grand jury 
 into both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  and U.S. Food 
and Drug Administration (FDA) for inflating covid deaths.

Interesting also; after Robert Kennedy sues the FDA (coincidence is not 
causation though), coincidentally FDA   Overwhelmingly Rejects Pfizer Booster 
for 16 and Older.  Guess the vaccinated are out of luck now, as they walk 
around spreading the latest vaccine escape variant

The people peddling the lies are on loosing ground, yet they have the military 
behind them, plus popular sentiment

Re: CS>the speech

2021-09-15 Thread Neville Munn
It's been said by some why the introduction of Nuremberg hasn't been used, 
(experiments on humans), but they can't, the 1% of the "consortium" has bought 
ALL Organistations persuading them to state the vaccine had/has been trialed 
blah blah to get their way, hence they introduced a vaccine, and "They" know it 
is STILL an experimental drug but there is no comeback, it's been given the 
green light from all the Authorities.

Simply put, there is NO SCIENCE BEHIND THE VACCINE!  There is NO "variant", 
it's simply the mutation of the Coronavirus, (the Flu), which has been mutating 
since Adam wore short pants.  Those who got/get the jab are simply carriers, 
and are spreading the 'Flu' among the otherwise healthy individuals.  It's a 


From: Max 
Sent: Thursday, 16 September 2021 7:30 AM
Subject: CS>the speech

I found Robert Kennedy's speech interesting.  Amazing times.  I think
people make a mistake when they think these lawyers can sue our way to
social sanity. Ive been watching the impressive Reimer Fuellmich for a
year.  How naive I was to imagine something was going to happen.  The
change people feel must happen, the shift towards a just, ethical, noble
society will only occur to a small part of society, to those who are
already of a higher mindset.. This implies to me skirmishes, radical
life changes, perhaps civil war. You can see people are itching to fight
and even kill

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>WOW: Facebook Post from TV Station Accidentally Reveals More People are Dying from the Vaccine than the Media is Reporting

2021-09-14 Thread Neville Munn
I've heard said of a nasal spray as well.  Hmmm, I wonder what's in that?


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 September 2021 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>WOW: Facebook Post from TV Station Accidentally Reveals More 
People are Dying from the Vaccine than the Media is Reporting

Phizer is coming out with an "Oral Vaccine" ingredient, you 
guessed it:  ivermectin

Re: CS> Still More Herd Immunity

2021-09-04 Thread Neville Munn
Well, I gotta put in my two bobs worth.

We have succumbed to the C'ronavirus (the Colds and Flu's) for centuries, 
people die, people live, that's the facts of life.  The only difference since 
2019 is the laboratory spiced C'rona, (which the labs have done in the past, as 
we should be aware) but, as more people get this so called "C19", and get over 
it, then more their immune system will recognise the C'rona componant next 
week, next year, or whatever, and other people's immune system will recognise 
it.  "They" cannot stop the Coronavirus, it's a human failing, but our immune 
system has dealt with it for eons.  NOW, "They" want to interfere with our 
natural immune system, and besides, other plans "They" already have in store 
for us, and some of us are full aware of where "They" are taking civilization.

I still believe EIS via ultrasonic Nebulizer will help, if people think they 
have the Flu, early invention, ASAP.  I'm not concerned about the age old Flu, 
but this one was spiked to make it more potent, but, is it really so different, 
regardless of what the Establishment portrays in the MSM?  It seems the immune 
system has been dealing with quite well, even though those who had the one, 
two, three vaccines are actually spreading it around among the otherwise 
healthy individuals in society, which "They" try to disprove.  Two words comes 
to mind, the US so called "Breakouts" and our so called "Outbreaks", hmmm, two 
sides of the same coin, and at the moment that 'double speak' is in favour of 
our immune system.

That's enough I think.  My opinion, then so be it.  "I think, therefore I am".


From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Saturday, 4 September 2021 9:46 AM
Subject: RE: CS> Still More Herd Immunity

FYI  Basic Survival

Re: CS> Herd Immunity

2021-09-02 Thread Neville Munn
Our bodies immune system is a wonderful thing is it not.  These "breakouts", or 
here in Aust the call it "outbreaks"...LOL.  One doesn't need  much of a brain 
to figure out 'what' those two are, and/or what caused it.  I think I've said 
before, how come for decades people only needed to get one jab for the Flu, and 
that Flu was only a guess from many strains of Coronavirus each year, seemingly 
now they are trotting out several jabs for several months in one year...LOL.  I 
can't believe so many haven't woken up yet?


From: Max 
Sent: Friday, 3 September 2021 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS> Herd Immunity

Good news for people who profit off six month booster shots

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity:
reinfections versus breakthrough infections
Sivan Gazit, \

Re: CS> clots vax vs covid

2021-08-31 Thread Neville Munn
Max, I'm only going to say one thing, "Never argue with an idiot, they will 
bring you down to their level and beat you on experience".


From: Max 
Sent: Monday, 30 August 2021 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS> clots vax vs covid

I couldnt find the paper.The wording in the article was unclear. They only 
used single dose vaccinated.  They didnt age stratify it, and this is very 
important.  But I think its about 12 to 1  more clots after covid vs 
vaccinated.  This is because nobody treated patients for covid with Ivermectin, 
vitamins and herbs,  nattokinase,  outdoor sleeping,  .Half of them were 
living in care facilities, which means bad health, no exercise, bad diet, 
comorbidities.WIth timely and comprehensive treatment, I would bet you 
could reduce that blood clotting and other severe covid problems by 80%.   Then 
how do the vaccines compare?Not good by any standard, criminal by any moral 

  We dont know the long term effects.   Youre looking at a booster every six 
months.   Would you still take a vaccine if the risk of vaccine was equal to 
the risk of covid?   Not in your right mind you wouldnt.  We just saw Lee Merit 
talking about data suggesting the vax will be worse than covid in service 
personnel.   Not surprising since those young and healthy people have 
approximately zero risk from covid.

Those mRNA shots are the most dangerous 'vaccine' ever.   The current amount of 
suffering,  millions, and deaths, tens of thousands, is dire and will only get 
worse.  Insanity on a global scale.  Great profits though!


Re: CS> clots vax vs covid

2021-08-29 Thread Neville Munn
The HMS Queen Elizabeth has/had C'rona.  Those who had C'rona had been 
vaccinated.  New term, 'outbreak', which is double speak for those who HAD the 
jab GOT the C'rona.  Let's see some toerag 'Fact Checker' dispute this?


From: Max 
Sent: Monday, 30 August 2021 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS> clots vax vs covid

I couldnt find the paper.The wording in the article was unclear. They only 
used single dose vaccinated.  They didnt age stratify it, and this is very 
important.  But I think its about 12 to 1  more clots after covid vs 
vaccinated.  This is because nobody treated patients for covid with Ivermectin, 
vitamins and herbs,  nattokinase,  outdoor sleeping,  .Half of them were 
living in care facilities, which means bad health, no exercise, bad diet, 
comorbidities.WIth timely and comprehensive treatment, I would bet you 
could reduce that blood clotting and other severe covid problems by 80%.   Then 
how do the vaccines compare?Not good by any standard, criminal by any moral 

  We dont know the long term effects.   Youre looking at a booster every six 
months.   Would you still take a vaccine if the risk of vaccine was equal to 
the risk of covid?   Not in your right mind you wouldnt.  We just saw Lee Merit 
talking about data suggesting the vax will be worse than covid in service 
personnel.   Not surprising since those young and healthy people have 
approximately zero risk from covid.

Those mRNA shots are the most dangerous 'vaccine' ever.   The current amount of 
suffering,  millions, and deaths, tens of thousands, is dire and will only get 
worse.  Insanity on a global scale.  Great profits though!


Re: CS>magnetic vaccine withdrawn

2021-08-27 Thread Neville Munn
I watched a YT video a month or so ago.  People were placing small magnets on 
the vaccine site and it stuck there.  I wasn't sure if that was just a beat up 
or was it for real, hmmm, seems it might be real after all, a chip?


From: Max 
Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2021 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>magnetic vaccine withdrawn

1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan because they react to magnets

even though they withdrew them they see no safety or efficacy problem.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>magnetic vaccine withdrawn

2021-08-27 Thread Neville Munn
Edit:  The first one didn't go through, so I'll try again.

I watched a YT video a month or so ago.  People were placing small magnets on 
the vaccine site and it stuck there.  I wasn't sure if that was just a beat up 
or was it for real, hmmm, seems it might be real after all, a chip?


From: Max 
Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2021 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>magnetic vaccine withdrawn

1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan because they react to magnets

even though they withdrew them they see no safety or efficacy problem.

Re: CS>Natural Immunity superior to vaccine

2021-08-27 Thread Neville Munn
It's funny isn't it, for years people have gotten a one jab for the Flu, for 
this crap they started with one, immediately followed by a second in quick 
succession, now there is a third coming out.  Hmmm something definitely has a 
rather odourous about it.  One doesn't need to be a brain surgeon to work this 
out can one.


From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Friday, 27 August 2021 3:39 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Natural Immunity superior to vaccine

Yo Max,  you are gaslighting us again.

Vaccines cure people.

OTOH the covid vax stimulates the growth of pathogens in people thru computer 
generated gene sequences.

This gene sequence acts like an artificial virus in people, turning us into 
pathogen factories.

So, the covid vax isn't a vaccine after all, it's a bioweapon.  And the word, 
vaccine, is used solely to hype a pandemic.

Dr. David Martin nails all bioterrorists to the wall.  Point, set, and match.

Re: CS>

2021-08-25 Thread Neville Munn
Sorry Smitty, I blocked her/him/it/them so the SilverList will remain.


From: Smitty 
Sent: Thursday, 26 August 2021 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

Don't block her.
I'm enjoying her funny comments.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 8:51 AM Elizabeth Williams>> wrote:
Just block her, makes it so much easier and we can continue on with like minded 
people talking about the subject of the list.
Everybody have a great day and stay positive!

From: Rick>>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: CS>

All she does is parrot the opposite of what we now know is the actual truth of 
the matter.
It wouldn't matter what evidence was provided, she's locked into her 
Koolxxxaide as surely as she is locked onto her breathing apparatus.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 12:21 PM pal joey>> wrote:
I think every one has grown tired of the Prima Donna Researcher. Now she 
demands evidence in written form only.

Re: CS>Suramin the Covid Vaccine Antidote | As per Dr.Judy Mikovits Ph.D. - Holisticgear

2021-08-23 Thread Neville Munn
Who gives a shit what you say.  LOL.

From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Monday, 23 August 2021 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Suramin the Covid Vaccine Antidote | As per Dr.Judy Mikovits 
Ph.D. - Holisticgear
May is the month when we and colleagues in our close-knit family of retrovirus 
researchers usually descend on the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories on Long 
Island for a week of camaraderie and intense scientific discussion. It was at 
this meeting and others that the full scope of Judy Mikovits fraud and 
malfeasance became clear to the research community, so clear that we came to 
expect, if not hope that we would never have to hear her name again. Yet here 
she was popping up all over the right-wing news, reeling off a story of how 
COVID-19 was the result of animal experimentation in the development of 
vaccines, and how vaccines themselves were contaminated with mouse retroviruses 
that were causing untold ills. Naturally this information, and her research in 
particular, was being suppressed by Big Pharma and the “corrupt mainstream 
scientists” on their payroll. And the villain of the piece is none other than 
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious 
Disease and long-suffering clinical advisor to Trump's COVID-19 Taskforce. The 
trouble with this conspiracy theory is that not only is it demonstrably untrue, 
much of it derives from a scientific fraud that Mikovits and coworkers 
perpetrated in 2009.

If you don't read this entire article to the end you are a fraud too.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 7:59 AM Cyndiann Phillips>> wrote:
Judy is a fraud and that has been proven a long time ago. Judy was fired from 
her job as well. She has no reputation but you keep listening to frauds and you 
will die.

On Sun, Aug 22, 2021, 12:47 PM Richard Atkinson>> wrote:
Cyndiann , you really do make the most ridiculous statements !!
How is Judy making money out of any of us 
By speaking the truth ?
Richard Atkinson
The Chaos Oasis


On Aug 22, 2021, at 1:24 AM, Cyndiann Phillips>> wrote:

Dr.Judy Mikovits is a liar and is making money off you all.

On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 10:51 PM T. J. Garland>> wrote:

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for a few good men to do 
nothing. Edmund Burke

Re: CS>How many people are active on this list?

2021-08-18 Thread Neville Munn
Rude isn't a challenge anymore. I said it before, this dipstick is a 'plant', a 
'sleeper', this it/him/her/them knows nothing about silver, that's blatantly 
obvious because nothing had been discussed, only MSM, it's like a parrot, or a 
poor case with a stammer.


From: Theresa Swift 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 2021 8:22:34 AM
Subject: Re: CS>How many people are active on this list?

I do the same.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 6:16 PM Da Darrin>> wrote:
Being rude is a lot more fun.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 1:39 PM>> 
> when I see her name I just delete it because she has no info I need.  
> Everyone should do the same.  Like arguing with a spoiled child who wants 
> their way all the time.  It's better than being rude.
> Edith
> -Original Message-
> From: siriusley13>>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, Aug 16, 2021 8:40 am
> Subject: Re: CS>How many people are active on this list?
> Not sure why the need to dismantle this list entirely due to one trollbot? 
> Those who want to move move those who are on both are on both. I don’t like 
> the feel of taking charge to dismantle anything. It will hang on with a few 
> open to wider discussion or it will fizzle. No big deal in my way of 
> thinking. A tighter moderated list is nice in some ways but also more 
> censorious and I am getting itchy from too much censoring. I can ignore and 
> relish the helpful links more open minded folks provide as long as they are 
> here.
> On Aug 16, 2021, 6:51 AM -0600, p c 
>>>, wrote:
> I’m still here and on the new list.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 15, 2021, at 5:38 PM, Linda Ellis 
>>> wrote:
> In order to fix an email problem I was having, I had to "unblock" everybody 
> in order to be able to see my own emails and posts. Which means, I had to 
> "unblock" The Troll.
> Is there any way we can figure out how many people are active here, and work 
> to get them all moved to the new silver list - then dismantle this list 
> entirely?
> I'm guessing Mike has to do that, but he seems pretty uninterested in this 
> group any more. If anybody has any suggestions, I'm happy to do some work to 
> accomplish the goal.
> Linda
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> ?subjectsubscribe>
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> >
> List Owner: Mike Devour >

Re: CS>

2021-08-12 Thread Neville Munn

From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Friday, 13 August 2021 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

I'm the one listening to science, doctors and real news. You all should try it.

What you are posting isn't about experts at all. Could you have it any more 

Stop killing your families with this crap.  internment camps? Really?

It would stop covid from making the rest of us sick and I could finally take 
off my mask. All you conspiracy nuts are why we still have to wear them.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 9:21 PM Rick>> wrote:
Well, likely a severe case of micro blood clots is in her future, especially if 
she continues dosing with additional boosters and yearly. It is only a matter 
of time and we won't be hearing from her anymore. Not that it makes me feel any 
better, but we have all tried without positive results. So if she is unwilling 
to read and listen and watch the experts herself and only wants to repeat the 
propaganda and smear campaigns, then what are we to do? It is all on her 
now...maybe she doesn't wish to live much longer? I guess we'll know when she 
stops commenting?

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 4:45 AM pal joey>> wrote:
I think by now, all of us can see thats its pointless to try and school our 
resident brainwashed victim. No method of reaching a conclusion is going to be 
good enough.We're already hearing from the vax 
zombies, that a "wait and see",  "err on the side of caution", position is not 
going to be tolerated. If and when internment camps for the refusenics are 
employed, the vax zombies will cheer. This isn't speculation,  they already, 
actually think like that.

Re: CS>CDC urges COVID vaccines during pregnancy as delta surges

2021-08-12 Thread Neville Munn

From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Friday, 13 August 2021 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CDC urges COVID vaccines during pregnancy as delta surges

Only when Trump was threatening them.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 11:50 PM Richard Atkinson>> wrote:
whatever the CDC status , it is known to be corrupt to the core

Richard Atkinson
The Chaos Oasis


On Aug 11, 2021, at 6:47 PM, Cyndiann Phillips>> wrote:

But it's not. ROFLOL!

This is why you believe all that crap they throw at you. You don't fact check.

The CDC is a federal agency, always has been.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 4:56 PM Jean Baugh>> wrote:

I said the CDC is a privately owned company and Robert Kennedy is my source:


On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 3:48 PM Cyndiann Phillips>> wrote:
That's wrong too.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the national public health 
agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the 
Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, 

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 4:09 PM Jean Baugh>> wrote:

You do know the CDC is a privately owned company, and they are controlled by 
pharma.  Why the media gives them any publicity is strange.


On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 2:47 PM T. J. Garland>> wrote:
CDC people are evil.

The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.
Louis Pasteur

Re: CS>Bombshell: FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many Covid Cases Among the Fully Vaccinated - LewRockwell

2021-08-12 Thread Neville Munn

From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Friday, 13 August 2021 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Bombshell: FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many Covid Cases 
Among the Fully Vaccinated - LewRockwell

Yet the hospitals are full of unvaccinated sick people.  A very few are 
vaccinated, not many. Most vaccinated people that do get covid (not many) don't 
end up in the hospital at all.

The FDA had no idea the Delta variant would be much stronger than the last 
ones. This is all new. We are learning as we go. The numbers in that article 
don't even come close to what is going on in the real world.

Another loser website that can't tell the truth. Why keep passing on fake news? 
It's killing you!

On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 4:34 PM T. J. Garland>> wrote:

The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.
Louis Pasteur

Re: CS>bitchute

2021-08-10 Thread Neville Munn
WOW, well that's different?  So, the Coronavirus DOESN'T mutate, it's the same 
one every year, and THAT one will have a Flu party with this C19 shyte?  What a 
moron, it's just laughable.  People don't get just "a" Flu strain, it changes 
all the time by mutation.  That's the intellingence of this bloke, and of 
course no doubt people with suck it up, that's the intelligence of the human 


From: Max 
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2021 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: CS>bitchute

I dont believe a word Fauci says...because I found it on bitchute.  Thanks 

On 8/10/2021 3:15 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
How delusional are you Brenda? If anyone was doing any fact checking at all we 
would not see bitchute links at all. There is a reason Youtube takes down 
videos. They are not true! You should try what you think others are doing just 
once. You'd never use bitchute again.

Re: CS>Re: intranasal vaccine

2021-08-10 Thread Neville Munn
Hmmm, I wonder if that is laced with the good old Ionic Silver?  Of course we 
won't know because it will be proprietary.


From: Max 
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2021 10:15 AM
Subject: CS>Re: intranasal vaccine

actually, Im waiting for an intranasal vaccine.   Heres a question;  if Mike 
Adams says something correct, will you disbelieve it because you believe he has 
no credibility? Covid exposed the fact that 80% of the population is crackers

Scientists debate potential benefits of intranasal Covid-19 vaccines

On 8/10/2021 2:07 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
 scientists say trying to administer a vaccine with a swab would likely not be 


2021-08-10 Thread Neville Munn
Very good, I'll vote for you any day .  This shyte definitely puts divisions 
between EVERYBODY, (which was the plan to begin with), and planting 'sleepers' 
everywhere.  A family member tried to argue with me regarding this rubbish, 
whoops, theres a division now.  I looked into this, from both sides, tried to 
sort out the facts from fiction, bucket loads of research, (as I did with EIS 
years ago), and I have to say, the fiction certainly outweighs the facts hands 
down.  The family member has only looked at one side before he made his 
decision, but I understood it was hard for him to be objective when the MSM is 
bombarding everyone, day in and day out relentlessly, the old WW11 Minister of 
Propaganda ploy, any wonder there are divisions, and that's because people 
don't THINK anymore, sadly.  He started to say something and I cut him off and 
asked "DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION​", hmmm, silence, so I dropped it, he was 
obviously parrating the MSM, what a dissapointment, nevermind.

I live by this, and always has - cogito, ergo sum.


From: Brenda Delozier 
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2021 12:37 AM

Thanks for the tip, Cyndi...since this is an alt-med email list, most if not 
all of the members here are very good at "investigation" of websites and 
information.  FYI - bitchute is a video platform, and many videos posted there 
are from content creators that have been censored by Youtube.  Censorship is 
generally seen by humanity as a bad thing.  What are they trying to hide?  In 
an open society, ALL information should be available for viewing, so that the 
consumer can use critical thinking and "investigation" to validate the content. 
 So instead of criticizing a certain platform, how about you embrace the 
diversity of viewpoints, sort through the info with your own critical thinking 
mind, and form your opinions and truth from that.  Casting stones at the 
"heretics" only ends with you getting stoned.  Your mind is like a only works when it is open.
You may choose to align with the official narrative (lies) of the MSM and .gov  
But please respect the fact that other people choose alternative voices and do 
like to use their cognitive abilities to sort out the facts from fiction. It's 
fun - you should try it sometime.
Have a nice day, where ever your mind may take you!


On Monday, August 9, 2021, 10:33:35 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 

Not if it comes from bitchute. Have none of you investigated where this website 
came from? Totally bogus, you guys just eat it up don't you?

On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 6:08 PM T. J. Garland>> wrote:

The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.
Louis Pasteur

CS>Unconscious for two years

2021-08-07 Thread Neville Munn
Now follow me here, but you might get eye strain because the goal posts move 
all the time, more often than I change my undies, in fact, they move those goal 
posts move quicker than I can change those undies.

>From day one...Elderly are at most risk, shortly after the goal posts move to 
>60, then the goal posts moved again to 50, then the goal posts moved to 40, 
>and so on, then the goal posts moved yet again to kids...WTF?  There have been 
>3 so called 'Health officials' here in 'straya, and one of those morons 
>actually said..."If you are at a football game whereby there are thousands of 
>spectators, and the ball gets into the crowd DON'T TOUCH THE BALL", and 
>another dim wit said "If you are in the Supermarket and you meet a 
>friend/family member etc, and if you see your neighbour next door walking out 
>to get their mail, DON'T TALK TO THEM!  ROFPMSL.  Is that most ridiculous 
>bloody statements you could ever hear?

The cabal,(the WHO, and others), said you need a mask, whoops, hang on, the 
next day those goal posts moved again and they said masks don't work, then Dr 
Taphead(Fauce-et) said you have to wear a face nappy, whoops sorry, correction 
again because "I am making this up as I go along", the next day, it's OK now, 
you don't have to wear a mask, they don't work, the CDC said you need to wear a 
mask, OH, NO, those goal posts moved yet again, it's OK, you don't have to wear 
a mask, and so on.  Geeze, slow down, I can't keep up, and there is plenty 
more.  Any wonder people are head f_cked.

Have you been following this comic strip so far?  Give you eyes a break if you 
want and I will just continue without you, make a cup of coffee and come back.

"Delta strain"...WTF is that?  So it moved from "Novel", then it went to C19, 
now it's the "Delta...STRAIN".  Geeze I can't believe those goal posts can be 
planted in the ground anywhere and everywhere on the oval it seems, what the 
hell can the team aim for if they keep moving those damned goal posts?

By the way, "Delta" means deep sleep.  Hmmm, funny they would call it that 
isn't it?  Why did they call it that I wonder?  Because most people are too 
dumb to figure it out and have been "unconscious" for near on 2 years.  There 
is no help for people like that, a quarantine place is not good enough, or 
useful, all they need is to be put in an asylum, in a padded cell so they can't 
hurt themselves, AND throw the key away.

This comic strip is written up every single day, and will be written up as long 
as 'Garfield', or 'Superman', or 'Zorro'.

Conclusion:  This him/her/it/them is/are a complete dumbar_e, I know it, you 
people who can still think know it.  If you want to remain intelligent, IGNORE 
THIS COMPLETE MORON FOR CHRIST SAKE.  You are playing right into the hands of a 
complete idiot.  I'm sure you are familiar with the term "sleeper"?  They are 
planted everywhere.

DELETEDELETEDELETE...DELETE.  Do not be dragged down to the level of a 

Now, if anyone has anything intelligent to say regarding Silver, fire away, 
just ignore the 'interuption', just carry on with your lives while this 
'hic-up' is around, just pretend him/her/it/them is a haemorrhoid, or a bad 
case of acne, it'll pass.


Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

2021-08-05 Thread Neville Munn
Hahaha, very good.  They got that right then, most people have been unconsious 
for near on 2 years now.  I'm amazed they can still breathe?


From: V 
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2021 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

Good point! Also someone else pointed out the Delta choice of name being 
Delta brainwaves are associated with being completely unconscious, and in this 
state we do not remember or know anything.
Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal 
mind and the collective unconscious. This is where you can receive Information 
that is unavailable at the conscious level.

On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, 8:35 AM Neville Munn,>> wrote:
Whoops, here's an edit or an addition.

Remember when this crap first started they called it  - Novel - well "they" 
were stomped on, they had to stop using that Novel label because Novel means 
New​, and this is Not new, there's the giveaway for an engineered 'disease'.  
For some they think it is some 'strange Coronavirus' or a somehow it's 
something new, when in fact it's not.  Now it's mutated so now "they" call it 
the Delta Strain, LOL, I wonder what "they" will call it when it mutates AGAIN?


From: V>>
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2021 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

Yup every person who says they have or had it, by what test do you assert that 
as fact? I have had nasty flu in the past way pre scary so called novel virus. 
I am not saying people were sick. I am asking what test? And what are they 
really finding ? Fragments. Jon Rappaport and I and just a few others I guess 
not buying any of the numbers or narratives.

Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

2021-08-05 Thread Neville Munn
Whoops, here's an edit or an addition.

Remember when this crap first started they called it  - Novel - well "they" 
were stomped on, they had to stop using that Novel label because Novel means 
New​, and this is Not new, there's the giveaway for an engineered 'disease'.  
For some they think it is some 'strange Coronavirus' or a somehow it's 
something new, when in fact it's not.  Now it's mutated so now "they" call it 
the Delta Strain, LOL, I wonder what "they" will call it when it mutates AGAIN?


From: V 
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2021 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

Yup every person who says they have or had it, by what test do you assert that 
as fact? I have had nasty flu in the past way pre scary so called novel virus. 
I am not saying people were sick. I am asking what test? And what are they 
really finding ? Fragments. Jon Rappaport and I and just a few others I guess 
not buying any of the numbers or narratives.

Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

2021-08-05 Thread Neville Munn
Thank Christ, someone knows something about it.  Geeze, I thought I was the 
only one who knew .  At least there are two people now who can think and 
reason while everyone else seems to be bereft of any intelligence.  Hmmm, I 
guess they have all been indoctrinated and programmed.

All "they" find are remnants or fragments of "A" Coronavirus.

I just had to say something while I'm still sane.


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Thursday, 5 August 2021 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: CS>YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All 
Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped

  *   To test serum collected from people who have recovered from COVID-19 to 
look for antibody that might block viral infections
  *    "Might Block..infections"  No proof of a specific virus or antibody. 
[Just circular evidence of 'something'.."the Bible told me so" ..who told the 
Bible, I don't know. The BIBLE did..IT says so. ]
  *   To determine when people shed live virus during the disease.external 
icon This information has 
shaped CDC’s guidance on when to discontinue transmission-based precautions for 
  *   "Shed live virus"  what , ANY virus?
  *   Known to shed by making a culture, but not specifically identifying what 
virus it's a culture of.  [ A BOX called COVID-19 with who knows what rattling 
around inside being "called" COVID-19 because it's in the box ]
  *   There is no test to distinguish covid 19 from any other flu.
  *   Like, why are symptoms so widely varied...mild to even no symptoms? 
[Everyone has something different?]
  *   The "Seasonal Flu"..hundreds of specific organisms... has gone extinct.
  *   #
  *   They say that AIDS is caused by a virus, but can't make a vaccine for it 
as they say it's a SOUP of different viruses  ???, is AIDS **A** virus or 
is it a "condition" where many viruses thrivewhich is what "Acquired Immune 
Deficiency Syndrome" means.
  *Therefore, AIDS is NOT 'caused' by a specific virus, but the presence of 
random viruses indicates AIDS. ...and they DON'T know what 'causes' the 
"condition"...just that it's communicable, *whatever* it is. [and it "escaped" 
from a lab]
  *   By that metric, any flu, pick a flu and, today,  it's COVID -19and no 
traditional  virus specific vaccine can be made...because

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Neville Munn
Yep, no worries Tony.


From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Thursday, 5 August 2021 12:05 AM
To: ; 

Subject: Re: CS>cs for covid

On 2021/08/04 12:36, Neville Munn wrote:
Tony, you being a member of the Silver fraternity, I would have one 
question...Why didn't you use EIS and inhaled it, as I have been suggesting?  
Protocols or anicdotes will never be known about if people don't use/try it?

It seems you swallowed a plethora of stuff but not EIS?  Don't you trust it?  
If you had done that, then you would have been able to report on what EIS can 
do, or CAN'T do?

Just a question.



Oh, I love CS/EIS and always have some fresh on the shelf but I was not drawn 
to it much. Maybe because I was so full of snot and the CS doesn't have much 
effect on mucous and oil/fat tissues.

Also I do not have a nebuliser.  In retrospect I could have made an effort and 
misted and breathed  with h202 +cs. I really did not have much brain at the 

OK, Tony

PS I'm going to copy this over to the new list as well.T

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Neville Munn
Tony, you being a member of the Silver fraternity, I would have one 
question...Why didn't you use EIS and inhaled it, as I have been suggesting?  
Protocols or anicdotes will never be known about if people don't use/try it?

It seems you swallowed a plethora of stuff but not EIS?  Don't you trust it?  
If you had done that, then you would have been able to report on what EIS can 
do, or CAN'T do?

Just a question.


From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2021 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>cs for covid


I also sent a longish post last night which has disappeared.  In this case it 
was a good thing because i edited myself quite drastically

I had covid officially in December2020. I was not hospitalised but did self 
isolate. I was declared symptom free after about a week but had to stay away 
until 10 days of being symptom free.

Everyone is reacts differently. I was left with extreme physical weakness , I'm 
normally steady at 80kg but went down to 70kg and now up to 90kg and battling 
to return to 80 or less..

I am a mild health nut using a plethora of supplements sparsely. Not on any 
chronic medication. my main c19 problems was lung capacity and snot. I steamed 
my face with various aromatics Vicks, Friars Balsam, genuine turpentine. I 
sniffed and gargled with weak salt/bicarb a lot. I did a lot of hawking and 
spitting of copious amounts of nasal mucous. A lot of gross, disgusting 
behaviour.  i did not want to swallow so there was a lot of spitting.

I did not use much EIS, VitC during the episode but was drawn to extra 
Multivitamin/multimineral , Calcium/Magnesium powder, Magnesium skin spray, 
codliver oil and zinc, selenium, folic acid and vitBcomplex,  Iron tablets.

My skin came up in lots of red spots so was aware that liver was probably 
compromised so would have been easy on fats ad oil. Was off my feed anyway. I 
did use drops of a bitters daily.

Breathing was the most beneficial thing I did. My breath was virtually non 
existent, very shallow but by concentration and diligence i was able to breath 
deeply again. Now better than ever.

I'm left with compromised brain function, a vague feeling of loss and being 
lost which is slowly 'improving'.

I hope this helps.

OK, Tony

Re: CS>cs for covid

2021-08-04 Thread Neville Munn
Here's my two bobs worth Max.

I have always refused to call it 'CS', mainly because it CAN be produced by a 
different method, and by using powder or whatever ingredients or whatever.  
Yeah, I know, this can be argued, but again I have always said not with me.

The home made product breathed directly into the lungs, and that is where this 
Covid crap resides upon entry to the body, so, the quickest way to attack it is 
directly - and it cost nothing.

When I had my brain eposide some years back, a medical guru remarked I am 
fairly low in antigen 'count'.  My head was still dealing with speach and 
writing etc and dumbed down from the episode, but, I never forgot that comment 
he made to me.  Silver apparently does keep the blood fairly clean.  People 
would know I have been ingesting a small amount of EIS every morning before 
breakfast for over 15 years now, so, I have to opine that the home made 
product, (perhaps), keeps my blood rather healthy and fairly clean or pathagens 
or bugs. (supposition based on Bob Beck he used to state all the time)  Based 
on that I would say what better way to attack this C'rona crap than by inhaling 
EIS directly into the lung, where this C'rona crap resides upon entry before 
spreading thoughout the system or body?  Adding to that, plenty of evidence has 
found that EIS will take viruses out, it kills viruses.


From: Max 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2021 6:58 PM
Subject: CS>cs for covid

Several of my posts do not make it to the forum

This is a part of a longer post, as a test

Severe covid includes severely ruined lungs. Severe covid is a dangerous thing 
requiring prompt treatment  using herbs, vitamins, fresh air and sunshine,   
ivermectin and various other treatments. I have collected many that have at 
least some scientific/clinical basis.

Colloidal silver may be good in the early phase, perhaps up to five or six days 
after symptoms, but not likely helpful afterward.  Severe covid care requires a 
reduction in the hyper-inflammatory response.  If you get severe covid, youre 
going to wish you tried something more than silver!

If anyone wants to discuss this, better make it snappy because Im not going to 
join the new silver list and this one is going to dissolve



Re: CS>

2021-08-03 Thread Neville Munn

From: Dave Darrin 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2021 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

** Yes Dave, I agree with that.  This will be a Generational thing, it won't 
happen overnight, or 5 years, or even 10 years. Thank Christ I'll be well past 
my 'use by date' by then.  I'm the wrong side of 70 as well .

If people could read the WEF Manifesto, that nazi (K S and his clan) poor 
excuses for a humans, they would understand.  Unfortunately people are morons, 
they just sit in their loungerooms watching that idiot box, they haven't the 
intellignence or the responsibility to research, they just follow propaganda 
like sheep.  People have been indoctrinated and have been programmed for years. 
 You can see that any day of the week, they are walking around with face 
nappies, I rest my case...ROFPMSL.

ALL Governments are in on it, they ALL are signatories to it, why, because they 
attend those 'Summits' and rub shoulders with the global billionairs and the 
elite and follow the grand Plan.

If anyone gets the Flu, and it's NOT this Covid crap, it doesn't exist, that is 
just a name they put on it because they haven't and can't isolate the 
'particular' Coronavirus in question, mainly because it had been bioengineered, 
even blind Freddy would know that by now, now back to it, all people need to do 
is atomise home produced EIS through an ulstrasonic Nebulizer and see what 
happens. (opinion)


On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 5:46 PM Da Darrin>> wrote:
I think a flu that only lasts a couple days even with a 103 degrees
fever for a few hours is mild, Whenever I have had the Flu in the past
it lasted two weeks or longer.

As far as young people goes I am 85,I don't think that the deaths from
Covid were from it but from a duplicity of other factors as well as
reports designed to scare people into taking the shots.
If you don't think they did a very good (they are still pushing it
hard) job of it wait a few years and see how many of the people that
got the shots are still here.
" If people dropped like flies  the sales of vaccines would come to a
screeching halt". That's one of the reasons it will take 10 to 15
years to finish the job.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour >

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-01 Thread Neville Munn
No worries Linda.

In the big wide world of communications, people are going to be pestering other 
people one way or another at some stage.

The reason I won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down to someone 
elses level, and two, because sites end up being like FB, all buddy buddy, 
friends, a club, everything is controlled, any agenda, and three, I have been 
here too long, "I live in my own world, they all know me here", so to that end, 
I just prefer to ignore or delete, everyone has an opinion, or has a voice, 
right or wrong, that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to have a disenting voice 
occasionally, keeps the world going round , and I can use the 'delete' 
button anytime I choose, I have the control.

I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed the next day, there was no 
point for me, I would eventually be booted out for one reason or another 
eventually.  At least here people can just delete me or ignore me anyway .


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there is no 
way to correct the situation with the Troll.

Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Neville Munn
Why would you want to leave?  Just because there are some toe rags 
who/her/him/it/them infiltrate and cause a little inconvenience occasionally, 
so be it, that's the life of Social Platforms.

One gets plenty of stuff on the internet, (rubbish, scams, adverts etc etc), 
one only has to ignore/delete what one doesn't want to see/read, the same 
applies here, one cannot get away from it, and one will never get away from it, 
so just live with it, they don't control your life, or do they?  They don't 
control my life that's for sure, I'm bigger than that.

The one person in question here, him/her/it/them don't control my life, people 
see or read plenty of rubbish, so what?

Leaving was/is the plan, like the Great Reset, but, at least one can control it 
if one wishes to.

I know the end game, that makes me prepared, I can still think and reason.

Conclusion:  Nope, it doesn't faze me I'm afraid, I will still stay here, there 
are plenty of buttons on my keyboard, eazy peazy.


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2021 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long time - 
maybe 15 years, I don't recall.

I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there.

I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder.

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Neville Munn
Hmmm, Delte...Now! Done.

From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Saturday, 31 July 2021 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS 
-- CDC NON!!

Neville, it mutated faster because of people spreading it so fast and that 
happens when you don't think it's real, when you don't wear masks, when you 
don't stay away from people and when you don't get the vaccine.

I'm not provax in any sense of the word. This is the first shot I've gotten in 
20+ years and with good reason. My chances of living increased greatly when I 
took the vaccine. There is no doubt about that. It got as close as right in my 
face when my 86 year old neighbor caught it and I went over his house to give 
him money I made for him by selling his pecans from his tree. He was obviously 
sick at the time, coughing and sneezing and that was the last time I saw him.

Christmas time, he spent his last one on a ventilator and died right after.

If you don't do what it takes to stop the spread you are being selfish, it's 
not about rights. It's about doing what is right to stop killing and maiming 
people. Long haulers are real.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 9:11 AM Neville Munn>> wrote:
Yep, you're right.  That's where this COVID-19 name came from some brainchild, 
the Coronavirus, i.e. 'CO' refers to CORONA, 'VI' refers to virus, 'D' refers 
to Disease, and '19' is the year it was named.  I remember when this shyte 
first started they called it 'NOVEL', but NOVEL means new, that's why they had 
to stop calling it NOVEL.  There's the giveaway, it's not new, it was the stock 
standard C'rona virus, but bioengineered, example for one, MERS, engineered and 
able to infect humans, like the Avian Flu, the Swine Flu etc, it's been 
spliced, hence covid19.  Like this "Delta" bs variant "they" go on about, 
variant is doublespeak, it just means it's mutated, as it does every year, or 
probably every second day for all I know, and I don't care.


From: Ode Coyote>>
Sent: Friday, 30 July 2021 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS 
-- CDC NON!!

"Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common Corona 
variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a bit more 
risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack>> wrote:
I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid Virus 
DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .

BANNED from YOUTUBE Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .

/.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a 
virus" . . . .
“I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have 
tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. 
California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates 
and observation under a SEM (scanning

Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- CDC NON!!

2021-07-30 Thread Neville Munn
Yep, you're right.  That's where this COVID-19 name came from some brainchild, 
the Coronavirus, i.e. 'CO' refers to CORONA, 'VI' refers to virus, 'D' refers 
to Disease, and '19' is the year it was named.  I remember when this shyte 
first started they called it 'NOVEL', but NOVEL means new, that's why they had 
to stop calling it NOVEL.  There's the giveaway, it's not new, it was the stock 
standard C'rona virus, but bioengineered, example for one, MERS, engineered and 
able to infect humans, like the Avian Flu, the Swine Flu etc, it's been 
spliced, hence covid19.  Like this "Delta" bs variant "they" go on about, 
variant is doublespeak, it just means it's mutated, as it does every year, or 
probably every second day for all I know, and I don't care.


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Friday, 30 July 2021 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS 
-- CDC NON!!

"Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common Corona 
variety] of many different onesa bit more contagious...a bit more 
risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack>> wrote:
I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid Virus 
DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .

BANNED from YOUTUBE Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .

/.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a 
virus" . . . .
“I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have 
tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. 
California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates 
and observation under a SEM (scanning

Re: CS>Resending - appreciate response to figure out if it made it to the main list

2021-07-28 Thread Neville Munn
.  Another thing I have noticed over the years being on this List, 
if I write too much in a post I never see it, it doesn't go through, too many 
characters I guess.

To ensure this post goes through I culled it severely to make sure it goes 


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Thursday, 29 July 2021 1:58 AM
Subject: CS>Resending - appreciate response to figure out if it made it to the 
main list

Once again, I'm making sure that "" is in the "To" field. 
 Please, if you see this, respond so I know it went through.

Re: CS>Thanks, Neville. Now, where are my other two posts?

2021-07-28 Thread Neville Munn
Dang it, you're right Rowena, I forgot about that.  I've done just that myself, 
not looking to see if it's going to the List or to a persononal email, DO'H.  
Have to make a note for self again .


From: Rowena 
Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2021 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Thanks, Neville. Now, where are my other two posts?

If you just  hit reply, you are liable to find you  have answered only
the person who wrote that post.

My previous reply didn't show up either, I  had just hit reply without
all the fiddle my email program puts me through. Check the To line and
you may find you have to modify it.


Hi all.

Re: CS>Thanks, Neville. Now, where are my other two posts?

2021-07-27 Thread Neville Munn
The only one I found was..."I've been following this whole thread".  Some 
posts I don't get as well, I only find them when someone answers with a reply 
.  It's our wonderful communications network nowadays .


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2021 9:53 AM
Subject: CS>Thanks, Neville. Now, where are my other two posts?

I'm glad to see that I'm still here, but I'm still concerned about my other two 
recent posts.

In both posts, I provided details of our personal decisions about - and 
experience with - the "I" word.

Did I cross a line?  Is there a moderator who would censor those and not let me 
know why?


From: "Neville Munn"
Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2021 6:42 pm
To: ""
Subject: Re: CSHello, Max - I'm confused

  Yep, you're still here thumbs up.


Re: CS>Hello, Max - I'm confused

2021-07-27 Thread Neville Munn
Yep, you're still here .


From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2021 9:01 AM
Subject: CS>Hello, Max - I'm confused

Max, about six hours ago, I responded to one of your eloquent posts.  I haven't 
seen it in my inbox yet.  About three hours ago, I responded to a post by 
Cyndiann - I also haven't seen that one.

I'm wondering if I've somehow been "cancelled" from this list.

If you see this, or my other posts, could you please respond so I know I'm 
still on the list?

Thanks!  Linda


2021-07-26 Thread Neville Munn
There is one person/group/entity, him/her/it/them, which is trying to destroy 
this site, and it's been working damn it, by her/him/it's hand, all I ask is 

STOP REPLYING!  IGNORE HIM/HER/IT/THEM!  Can't you people see what is 
happening?  Stop being baited.

I know there is a strong urge to reply, myself included, but, for the sake of 
this excellent siteRESIST THAT URGEYou are more intelligent than 
that surely.

Don't be fodder for fools.


Re: CS>How to Get Ivermectin | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

2021-07-26 Thread Neville Munn

Sorry Max, yeah, I should have clarified that statement, I know I won't die, 
that was just a passing jibe for those who are scared .


From: Max 
Sent: Monday, 26 July 2021 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: CS>How to Get Ivermectin | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical 
Care Alliance

people dont die from the sars cov 2 virus, they die from a sort of hyper-immune 
dysfunction. Its as if we all have a suicide bomber inside us, our immune 

'Vitamin D and inflammatory diseases'



On 7/25/2021 6:32 PM, Neville Munn wrote:

Sent: Monday, 26 July 2021 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Re: CS>How to Get Ivermectin | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 
Critical Care Alliance

Most likely yes but Ivermectin has more research behind it.
Sent using myEarthLink

On Sun Jul 25 15:08:15 PDT 2021 Deborah Gerard wrote:
**Doesn't the colloidal silver do just as good of a job as the Ivermectin? 

That's why I'm waiting to get this bs so called "Covid 19" rubbish so I can use 
my ultrasonic nebuliser.  If I don't come back to report, then I'm dead, either 
way, everyone will then know if it works or not.  My money is absolutely 100% 
on the home made product, the Ionic Silver solution.  I'm sick and tired of the 
regulated information in the MSM.


Re: Re: CS>How to Get Ivermectin | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

2021-07-25 Thread Neville Munn

Sent: Monday, 26 July 2021 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Re: CS>How to Get Ivermectin | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 
Critical Care Alliance

Most likely yes but Ivermectin has more research behind it.
Sent using myEarthLink

On Sun Jul 25 15:08:15 PDT 2021 Deborah Gerard wrote:
**Doesn't the colloidal silver do just as good of a job as the Ivermectin? 

That's why I'm waiting to get this bs so called "Covid 19" rubbish so I can use 
my ultrasonic nebuliser.  If I don't come back to report, then I'm dead, either 
way, everyone will then know if it works or not.  My money is absolutely 100% 
on the home made product, the Ionic Silver solution.  I'm sick and tired of the 
regulated information in the MSM.


Re: CS>Endless Victims Of Vax Shedders - Transmission Is REAL And These People Got SICK - Read

2021-07-16 Thread Neville Munn
Yep, that's it, it's the Flu, it's just been tampered with in a laboratory 
that's all, but in my opinion people are developing the age old 'herd 
immunity', so again in my opinion, it will pass as our immune system recognises 
it, as the Flu has for centuries, or thousands of years.

The "testing" they do is only picking up the 'remnant' of 'a' Coronavirus (flu) 
and you probably will have the 'remnant' in your system anyway if you've had 
the Flu before and or gotten that Flu shot that people get each year.  Don't 
believe the MSM, nothing to see there.


From: Smitty 
Sent: Saturday, 17 July 2021 10:07 AM
Cc: Robert Dotson ; David Stanley ; 
Kevin Desmond ; Val ; Ben Chambers 
; Carol Bridge ; Elisabeth 
Winkler ; Jack Prepper ; 
Andrew Garland ; Andy 
Subject: Re: CS>Endless Victims Of Vax Shedders - Transmission Is REAL 
And These People Got SICK - Read

Think flu..

On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 4:51 AM T. J. Garland>> wrote:
How much truth? How is shedding transmitted? Can another person be contaminated 
by one who was shed upon? If so, this is an extinction level event(ELE).

Inflation is taxation without legislation.  Milton Friedman

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour >

Re: CS>Dr Judy Mikovits - PLANDEMIC VIDEO

2021-05-24 Thread Neville Munn
Quote; "bringing this Silver List into disrepute" end quote.  I think 
that's the intent Tony.


From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Monday, 24 May 2021 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Dr Judy Mikovits - PLANDEMIC VIDEO


That is enough now. You are coming over as a list cop. That is against the 
rules on this list.
Please stop this abberant behaviour.

Maybe you could preface your utterances with 'my opinion is ..'  or something 
like that.

My opinion is that you are not an authority of anything pertaining to this 
list. This list is basically
about alternative, or complementary health.  So your incomprehensible anti- 
this list blurts are
bringing this Silver List into disrepute.


> Judy is a quack. Why do you keep believing her and posting her links here 
> when we know that?
> On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 10:26 PM Gmail  wrote:


2021-05-18 Thread Neville Munn
Well, I don't really want to interfere but, sounds like it's to do with the 
immune system from what I have read.  EIS enhances the immune system, so, the 
thing I would do is ingest 20-30ml every morning every day.  I've been 
ingesting similar of my home made EIS for near on 15 years, or perhaps longer, 
swallowing half and swishing the rest around the mouth, so it won't hurt to 
try.  I would make it a point to ingest an amount every morning as habit, as I 
have done for years.  At least it might prevent any further occurrence.

Just my two bobs worth .


From: Rowena 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 May 2021 7:31 PM

Would anyone like to advise me on how I could use CS to  treat Erythema
nodosum? I took some capsules the Dr gave me - was scared it  was blood
clotting - will  you believe I only just thought of CS? The
Flucloxacillin did not like  me at all and I don't trust it an inch.
Scratch scratch.

I  have in mind dabbing the skin with CS and taking a small glass full
every hour or so ...


I should also perhaps connect up 6 v battery and zap it with

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Moderator?

2021-04-22 Thread Neville Munn
"Ere, ere", I second that.  Just let it go, it starts and stops, so don't worry 
about it.  It's only a push of a button, you probably do that all the time with 
all other shyte which comes over the Internet.


From: edvon 
Sent: Friday, 23 April 2021 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Moderator?

We should be able to moderate ourselfs.  We don't  need others to do it.  Let's 
be responsible adults.

 Original message 
From: JD 
Date: 4/22/21 2:15 PM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Re: CS>Moderator?

Re: CS>Silver cancer bullet?

2021-04-14 Thread Neville Munn
Because I didn't know if EIS would work I didn't document it.  It was an open 
wound, a hole, and growing/spreading, initially before I found or saw it.  
Biopsy, confirmed BCC.  Only problem, it was Summer, 500 degrees in 'sunny 
Orstraya'.  Dressed a bandaide and soaked it with EIS, and repeated, and I mean 
"repeated" using a syringe every day, many times over due to sweat stuffing up 
the bandage and replacement.  The BCC was spreading around that hole, redness 
all around it.  Eventually, maybe a week or so, that redness was receding, and 
eventually completely gone and left with white fresh flesh.  As I said, 8 weeks 
later there was skin graft and a biopsy done again.

I asked the surgeon, or whoever it was, if it was dead, he couldn't answer, I 
told him I had treated it and believed it was dead.  He asked what I did, I 
told him "don't worry about it", he insisted, so I told him I used Ionic Silver 
preparation, no response from him of course, but I didn't give a hoot anyway.

I usually document most regarding treatments with EIS in this family, but I 
didn't know if my adminstration of EIS would actually work, stupid of me, but 
there it is. The thing is, as I said earlier, they can't see the cells under 
the microscope without staining it, hence they kill it anyway, IF​ it was still 
alive, but following inspecting the site for several days etc it ended up just 
good flesh in my opinion, and remained that way for 8 weeks until the skin 
graft, it had stopped eating the flesh prior to that 8 weeks.

My 'medical' opinion, redness indicates some issue, redness totally gone and 
white flesh indicates the 'issue' was fixed.


From: JD 
Sent: Thursday, 15 April 2021 3:23 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver cancer bullet?

How did you treat it?

On 4/13/2021 10:07 AM, Neville Munn wrote:
Well I can testify for a Basal Cell Carcinoma.  A family member had one (by 
biopsy, twice) on the nose.  I treated it with home made EIS, it stopped eating 
the flesh (redness around the area) and then ended up as white flesh around the 
wound.  I asked if it had been killed, but I forgot that a biopsy stains the 
cells and kills them anyway, so I can't prove I killed it, but I am absolutely 
convinced I killed it with EIS.  That white flesh was there for 8 weeks before 
a skin graft and the second biopsy was done.


Re: CS>Silver cancer bullet?

2021-04-13 Thread Neville Munn
Well I can testify for a Basal Cell Carcinoma.  A family member had one (by 
biopsy, twice) on the nose.  I treated it with home made EIS, it stopped eating 
the flesh (redness around the area) and then ended up as white flesh around the 
wound.  I asked if it had been killed, but I forgot that a biopsy stains the 
cells and kills them anyway, so I can't prove I killed it, but I am absolutely 
convinced I killed it with EIS.  That white flesh was there for 8 weeks before 
a skin graft and the second biopsy was done.


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 April 2021 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver cancer bullet?

...didn't mean to include the SPAM's safe.

Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

2021-03-25 Thread Neville Munn
Hear, hear.  If they felt the need to engineer some vaccine, then the question 
should be asked, why, and why would they put so much energy into pushing an 
agenda to the people to get that jab?  It's simply the Coronavirus, the Flu - 
or is it?  But then, it's not the conventional Flu is it, we all should know by 
now that this C'rona is not the conventional Flu is it, it was spiked to make 
it more potent.  That is when the so called "science" reared its ugly head, as 
it did 20 or 30 years ago.

Yep, I'm happy to be considered a conspiracy theorist, but then all the others 
who believe this C'rona crap is serious are conspiracy theorists as well, 
touche', nothing more to be said.  I get my information from my particular 
sources, they get their information from different particular sources, so be 
it, tit for tat.  It could be argued until the cows come home.  The Media is 
complicit in this, it's called 'programming' and 'brainwashing', as they did 
with the propaganda minister under Hitler. I am different from the animal 
kingdom and insects, I was given a brain for a reason, I can think and reason 
and use logic.


From: david moskovits 
Sent: Friday, 26 March 2021 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear 
or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

why would anyone willingly take a gene therapy that failed when tested on 
animals 10 years ago. . The ceo of Liezer wont take it and Liezer been fined 
countless times for fraud? Besides f you got covid you have a 99.97 chance of 
recovery with this gene therapy ?  chance of recovery.

From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear 
or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

Congrats to the DUMMY you are a ticking time bomb people are dying daily after 
these shots from hell are WILLYFULLY IGNORANT
On Thursday, March 25, 2021, 05:52:02 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 

Re: CS>Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response | bioRxiv

2021-03-23 Thread Neville Munn
Yeah, that bloke in Canada makes, or used to make an oil, it apparently works 
on cancer by all accounts.  From what I had found years ago about him it was 
more of a 'paste'.


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2021 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the 
Host Innate Immune Response | bioRxiv

It has been said that CBD is useful for treating cancer too.

On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 11:34 PM Gmail>> wrote:

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Lord Acton

Re: CS>nasal Spray I use white PE plastic -- one can carry/ppcket when out shopping etc ....

2021-03-22 Thread Neville Munn
I stuffed up there.  I meant to say 'yes', get a nasal sprayer and use your own 
home made EIS.  Anything which might be needed would be the nebuliser.

Sorry 'bout that.  I'll just put it down to 'elderly confusion' .


From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2021 1:07 PM
Subject: CS>nasal Spray I use white PE plastic -- one can carry/ppcket when out 
shopping etc 

Sure, for sure!! I too ahve used nebulisers now for 15 plus years -- I have a 
report of mine in the archives with photos -- not as neat as the small Chinese 
models that we now have, I ahve purchased 4 of these small units

The nasal spray I use is white PE plastic and one can carry in the ppcket when 
out shopping etc 

be well, dh

In SILvation ...

On Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 12:58:39 pm AEDT, Neville Munn 

LOL...People don't need to purchase that whatever that is, all they have to do 
is get an Ultrasonic Nebuliser, problem fixed.  As you say, just fill up that 
medicine cup with neat home made EIS and snort it until it's empty, job done.  
Decide for yourself when/why and how often you use it.


From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2021 12:44 PM
To: Silver-List 
Subject: CS>I do in my CS Nasal Sprayer -- go buy one, empty and fill with CS 
-- I did .

Israel, New Zealand OK sale of Virus/Covid killing NASAL spray

I do with my CS Nasal Sprayer -- go buy one, empty and fill with CS -- I did 
. so fundamental

Re: CS>I do in my CS Nasal Sprayer -- go buy one, empty and fill with CS -- I did .....

2021-03-22 Thread Neville Munn
LOL...People don't need to purchase that whatever that is, all they have to do 
is get an Ultrasonic Nebuliser, problem fixed.  As you say, just fill up that 
medicine cup with neat home made EIS and snort it until it's empty, job done.  
Decide for yourself when/why and how often you use it.


From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2021 12:44 PM
To: Silver-List 
Subject: CS>I do in my CS Nasal Sprayer -- go buy one, empty and fill with CS 
-- I did .

Israel, New Zealand OK sale of Virus/Covid killing NASAL spray

I do with my CS Nasal Sprayer -- go buy one, empty and fill with CS -- I did 
. so fundamental

Re: CS>

2021-03-08 Thread Neville Munn
What do you mean by "successfully"?  I've treated two family members, one by 
him ingesting 250ml home produced EIS a day, morning and night, ( and pain 
killers), when he had it on one side of his head and down to behind the ear, 
the other was around the midriff right around to the back (on one side).  To 
treat the second one I kept her shirt/singlet or whatever damp for days with 
EIS to minimize scarring as the blisters burst etc, 2 Nurofen pain killers for 
6 days, also she was still ingesting our morning ritual, around 20ml every 
morning before breakfast, swishing around in the mouth under the tongue of 

>From the above, and from my experience, you have to just ride it out for a 
>fortnight or so, but, no scarring, one with no residual  pain upon recovery, 
>the other one had minimal residual pain (Postherpetic Neuralgia) for another 
>couple of weeks after recovery, (midriff), but her bout of Shingles was pretty 
>ugly I have to say.


Sent: Tuesday, 9 March 2021 3:09 AM
Subject: CS>

My friend has shingles and my question to all you knowledgeable people
.Has anyone ever treated shingles with C/S successfully?

Re: CS>Covid: The Predatory Testing Labs Are Complicit in the Crime - LewRockwell

2021-02-19 Thread Neville Munn
There are two doors to this room, one is signed Enter and the other one is 
signed Exit.  The Enter door is for Free Thinkers, so if you believe you are 
one of those "smart ones", then why haven't you left through the Exit door 
already?  Just close the door on your way out when you leave Please, and make 
sure you take your Negativity with you, we don't want it cluttering the place 
up, Thanks.


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Saturday, 20 February 2021 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Covid: The Predatory Testing Labs Are Complicit in the Crime - 

The smart ones leave. Please stop killing people

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 2:02 PM Gmail>> wrote:
Why would someone be tested unless they had flu symptoms?
Look up the deaths by TB annually.
It is more contagious and deadly than a simple flu virus.
BTW, I make my customers remove their masks to enter my jewelry store.
Almost almost all thank me. They realize it is BS virtue signaling.
The other 5 percent leave.

  *   The brutal reality is that the dollar was worth 1/40th ounce of gold 
fifty years ago and now is worth 1/1,900th ounce of gold. Someday, perhaps 
soon, it will be worth 1/10,000th ounce of gold.


2021-02-19 Thread Neville Munn
I have to say, I started that way myself, over 15 or more years ago, the old 
3x9 battery unit, but, upon bucket loads of research and information, and 
questions I put on this Site years ago, I changed the 3x9 idea very quick.

I also have to say, that article Marshall is speaking of, is a Bible, it's one 
of the articles I found very soon after I started on this journey.  I give full 
marks for that paper, he went to the top of the class 18 years ago. 


From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Saturday, 20 February 2021 1:18 AM

He was also using a borrowed unregulated/uncontrolled SOTA Instruments 
generator...little better than a 3 nines at the time.
SOTA has improved their design since then.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 12:20 AM Neville Munn>> wrote:
There are conflicting reports on that Paul Karensen bloke drinking the amount 
of his concoction a day.  I have found, years ago, over 1 litre a day.  Most 
reports state 10 ounces a day, which in my language is over 1/4 of a litre, or 
295.74 millilitres.  Maybe this should be added so people know how much to 
ingest is way too much, just to give some perspective on what he was making and 
drinking .


From: Marshall Dudley>> on 
behalf of Marshall>>
Sent: Friday, 19 February 2021 2:39 PM

On 2/18/2021 8:00 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
Lifted from
This is really OLD [~18 years old?] and contains a few 'errors' and omissions.
If you would delineate them, I will make corrections.


Ode Coyote

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 8:09 PM Gmail>> wrote:

Mark Twain said, "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of 
Congress...ah, but I repeat myself."


2021-02-18 Thread Neville Munn
There are conflicting reports on that Paul Karensen bloke drinking the amount 
of his concoction a day.  I have found, years ago, over 1 litre a day.  Most 
reports state 10 ounces a day, which in my language is over 1/4 of a litre, or 
295.74 millilitres.  Maybe this should be added so people know how much to 
ingest is way too much, just to give some perspective on what he was making and 
drinking .


From: Marshall Dudley  on behalf of Marshall 

Sent: Friday, 19 February 2021 2:39 PM

On 2/18/2021 8:00 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
Lifted from
This is really OLD [~18 years old?] and contains a few 'errors' and omissions.
If you would delineate them, I will make corrections.


Ode Coyote

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 8:09 PM Gmail>> wrote:

Mark Twain said, "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of 
Congress...ah, but I repeat myself."

Re: CS>Re: Give it a rest.

2021-02-18 Thread Neville Munn
No, there are no insults, if I wanted to insult you I would have done a better 
job, but I don't want to do that, I'm just stating facts, by your own admission.

I'm off now then, I don't want this to go into a tit for tat thing, I enjoyed 
our little conversation though, staved off some boredom. 


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Friday, 19 February 2021 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Give it a rest.

So you are reduced to personal insults because you can't defend your stance. I 
guess I win!

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 9:20 PM Neville Munn>> wrote:
Well, I don't know where you get your information from, perhaps because you 
stay home and just watch TV as life passes you by.

Quote: "This country is the laughing stock of the World", end quote.  Nope, 
sorry, you can't take credit for that I'm afraid, the State of Victoria here, 
('Orstraya'), has JUST come out of ANOTHER lockdown a couple of days ago, that 
would be number - "?" - yet another State Premier who is a retard. (opinion)  
We have the same crap as every other country on the planet.

You really do need to get out of your house more, you are beginning to develop 
into a germaphobe from seeing all those bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, 
statistical graphs and the Media propaganda, but in reality, they are nothing 
but "manipulations" suited to a particular agenda.


Re: CS>Re: Give it a rest.

2021-02-18 Thread Neville Munn
Well, I don't know where you get your information from, perhaps because you 
stay home and just watch TV as life passes you by.

Quote: "This country is the laughing stock of the World", end quote.  Nope, 
sorry, you can't take credit for that I'm afraid, the State of Victoria here, 
('Orstraya'), has JUST come out of ANOTHER lockdown a couple of days ago, that 
would be number - "?" - yet another State Premier who is a retard. (opinion)  
We have the same crap as every other country on the planet.

You really do need to get out of your house more, you are beginning to develop 
into a germaphobe from seeing all those bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, 
statistical graphs and the Media propaganda, but in reality, they are nothing 
but "manipulations" suited to a particular agenda.


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Friday, 19 February 2021 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Give it a rest.

Yeah, there is no pandemic, just half a million people dead. How did we end up 
with so many people believing in fake news?

This country is the laughing stock of the world. We have by far the most deaths 
and they were preventable but instead you all are gonna ignore it. I've heard 
some people are denying they have Covid on their deathbeds. Strangest thing 
I've seen in my long lifetime.

Because of you all I have to stay home. What you do affects everyone else.

I sure wish I lived in Australia right now. I'd have a life. It's a pandemic, 
not politics.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 8:05 PM Victor Cozzetto>> wrote:
Well said Neville, Marshall, Deborah,

CS>Re: Give it a rest.

2021-02-18 Thread Neville Munn
Fact check:  You are making ME sick with your lies as well.  I'm a "Fact 
Checker", just as qualified and credentialled as all the other "Fact Checkers", 
of whom you DON'T know.

I can't help it if your health is compromised, my health is not compromised, 
but it *is* becoming compromised with your incessant waffle.

You want to remain scared and live in fear, what's left of it, then so be it, 
it's your choice, but don't expect to pass your personal fears onto others.  
Oh, by the way, I am of the 'geriactric' age, and all I can say is..."only dead 
fish go with the flow."


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Friday, 19 February 2021 4:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>hydroxychloroquine

Fact check: Coca cola does not cause positive tests. Please stop, you are 
making people sick with the lies.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 10:50 AM Marshall>> wrote:
Not only has flu dropped to almost 0 cases last year, and the number of flu 
cases plus covid 19 cases last year are almost identical to the number of just 
flu cases in the previous years,  but even things like mangos and Coke soda 
have tested positive.


Re: CS>Make your own HCQ

2021-02-15 Thread Neville Munn

This Covid thing had apparently been 'spliced' or 'spiked' from an earlier 
thing, (from bat shyte or something), to do with HIV years ago, so, my question 
would be, then why not just treat this 'Covid' thing in the same way as the age 
old Coronavirus (Flu) with EIS, using a Nebulizer directly to deliver it to the 
lungs?  Research has shown that EIS has efficacy on Viruses has it not?  Silver 
shows that it surrounds it and passes through the cells unchanged, (not picking 
up any Protein that it needs from the cell), and passes straight through?  


From: Marshall Dudley  on behalf of Marshall 

Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2021 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Make your own HCQ

Quercetin is an analog of HCL.  Studies have shown it, when used with zinc like 
HCQ, has almost identical therapeutic results against Covid and other RNA 


CS>How about that?

2021-02-07 Thread Neville Munn
Went into a hardware store the other day, on the counter as I was walking out I 
noticed a box of tubes, like toothpaste tubes, clear with clear gel inside, on 
closer inspection the tubes were titled "Sanitiser Silver"...WTF?  Is that the 
most ridiculous thing you have ever seen?  What hypocrisy from the 
Establishment, they have never stopped criticising, banning, censoring or 
hiding silver efficacy for years, and yet NOW they have the bloody audacity to 
allow it to be put in tubes and sell it to the public.  I guess our TGA allowed 
some manufacturer to make it and sell it, and make money on it.  This goes from 
the sublime to the ridiculous.

Thank Christ I know, and others here, know what silver can/does treat besides 
ones hands.

Actually, when I saw these I was quite angry.  I felt like stuffing that box up 
someones place where the sun doesn't shine.

Just a little rant.

Hi Ho Silver 


Re: CS>Why I use CS - And not EIS

2021-01-16 Thread Neville Munn
Hmmm, my belief...Both have their own efficacy, but I personally would not 
ingest that 'CS' product.  We have come a long way since the 1800's product.

But then, each to his/her own opinion and/or belief I guess.


From: Phil Morrison 
Sent: Sunday, 17 January 2021 4:23 AM
Subject: CS>Why I use CS - And not EIS

Silver nanoparticles, and not ions, work best.

Re: CS>Nebulising EIS

2021-01-05 Thread Neville Munn

From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 9:07 PM
Subject: CS>Nebulising EIS

Well, I have to admit Tony, I haven't actually used it yet, haven't had a need 
to, but that would be the first thing I would reach for if/when necessary, My 
other half has used it, two or three times, using an Ultrasonic Nebuliser.  She 
used only home made EIS I add Tony, no diluting etc, just strait from my 
storage vessel.

Whoops, I tell a lie, I did use it once, just to see how those things work when 
I first bought it.  Dang it, two lies, I bought an old Ultrasonic Nebuliser 
several years ago, and then I bought one of those little hand held ones early 
this year when this 'flu' thing raised its ugly head.  We got one each now, 
if/when necessary .

I am with you.

How do you nebulise EIS?
I've tried various ways,  basically using a spray bottle and breathing in as I 
spray. Have never got
any deep satisfaction from that.

Heh, curiously enough I think I do get some silver in by spraying my face mask.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Carol Tierney | Facebook

2021-01-04 Thread Neville Munn
The thing is MaryAnn, I think for myself, have always done that.  If people can 
show me proof of something, and it will have credence, then I will bring it on 
board.  Stats and studies and data blah blah can be all manipulated, as this 
fiasco is being manipulated for instance, so, at the end of the day people just 
have some home grown common sense, critical thinking, reasoning and 
rationalising without the 'data', the 'studies', the 'stats' etc because you 
just can't trust or believe anything anymore nowadays.  The best way to get 
into the minds of people is using these two age old words, fear and emotion, it 
works wonders.

So, if 'a' flu attacks the lungs, them what better way is there to stop or 
treat it than by nebulising EIS, (I will never term it CS), so I'd like to see 
some 'data', some 'studies' or some 'stats' on this protocol, but I will never 
see any of those, except from reading information from a bygone era when we had 
"real" researchers who had humanity in mind.

For those who think this List is getting a bit off the track, I have mentioned 

OK, I'm picking up my hat now and leaving .


From: MaryAnn Helland 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Carol Tierney | Facebook

I believe that, Neville.

On Monday, January 4, 2021, 05:41:42 PM CST, Neville Munn 

It's a fact, this "Covid-19" doesn't exist, it's simply called that because 
it's 'CO rona'-'V Irus'-'D isease'-'19' which is the year ie 2019.  All they 
find with those 'tests' is the remnant of Coronvirus, or flu, which anyone who 
has had a flu in the past or the flu shot will have it, due to their immune 
system which recognises it, that's how we evolved from the Neanderthal age.  
This Covid19 was the flu which had been 'spiced' from years ago 'manipulated' 
flu in a laboratory for HIV I believe.  Look at the list of "systems", it's 
laughable.  People watch too much propaganda on the idiot box in their lounge 
rooms and are gullible.  If people want to know the truth, they had better use 
a sledge hammer on that TV and find better sources of information.  There is so 
much information available out there, but most is censored and hidden from the 


Re: CS>Carol Tierney | Facebook

2021-01-04 Thread Neville Munn
It's a fact, this "Covid-19" doesn't exist, it's simply called that because 
it's 'CO rona'-'V Irus'-'D isease'-'19' which is the year ie 2019.  All they 
find with those 'tests' is the remnant of Coronvirus, or flu, which anyone who 
has had a flu in the past or the flu shot will have it, due to their immune 
system which recognises it, that's how we evolved from the Neanderthal age.  
This Covid19 was the flu which had been 'spiced' from years ago 'manipulated' 
flu in a laboratory for HIV I believe.  Look at the list of "systems", it's 
laughable.  People watch too much propaganda on the idiot box in their lounge 
rooms and are gullible.  If people want to know the truth, they had better use 
a sledge hammer on that TV and find better sources of information.  There is so 
much information available out there, but most is censored and hidden from the 


From: MaryAnn Helland 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Carol Tierney | Facebook

Wow.  I'm beginning to hear/read things like this in a variety of places.  I'm 
also beginning to think there might be some credibility to it.

On Sunday, January 3, 2021, 06:18:49 PM CST, Gmail  

All warfare is based on deception. - Sun Tzu

Re: CS>Test -- I'm not receiving any emails from the list SilverList

2020-11-23 Thread Neville Munn
You should have one now Doug .

From: Douglas Haack 
Sent: Tuesday, 24 November 2020 12:15 PM
To: Silver-List 
Subject: CS>Test -- I'm not receiving any emails from the list SilverList

Test -- I'm not receiving any emails from the list SilverList

Re: CS>Ammonia?

2020-09-04 Thread Neville Munn
Thanks Nenah, yeah, I have read about that.  This was to do with the 
interaction between the stomach acid and ammonia in the body/blood of EIS from 
memory.  I think it was about the ammonia seperating the ions from those 
'particle' clusters which have formed, breaking up those 'particles' and 
reverting to the ionic state.


From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Saturday, 5 September 2020 11:01 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Ammonia?

I don't recall a discussion regarding ammonia and CS per se, but I can tell you 
a bit about ammonia in the body. Too much ammonia (a waste product) is a sign 
that the liver isn't detoxifying as well as it should. Laboratories have a 
range of what's acceptable levels. However, even an "acceptable" level, if it's 
on the high end of normal, may result in fatigue, weakness, insomnia, and brain 

A neurologist friend told me that taking ornithine and citrulline together, 
between meals, will help the body excrete the ammonia.

I am eager to read the reponses of others.


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases

NEW 5th Edition

NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop:

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment


2020-09-04 Thread Neville Munn
Many years ago, before I joined the List, there was discussion here among 
several people regarding ammonia in the body.  This discussion was stopped and 
a particular member was banned.  I think enough time has lapsed for it to be 
re-opening of that discussion.  I only have a snippet of that conversation as 
most of it had been deleted.

I am not interested or care about the personalities involved, but, I would like 
to find out more regarding ammonia in our bodies, which apparently negates 
efficacy when in the blood/body regarding our EIS.

Those who are/were involved with that discussion may have more information 
which they might be willing to impart onto others.

There is still much which has not been researched and understood thoroughly 
enough regarding the home made product over many years.

Perhaps someone could enlighten me regarding the cessation of that 
aforementioned ammonia vs EIS discussion many years ago.


Re: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

2020-08-13 Thread Neville Munn
LOL, yeah, I'll be 70 in a few days.  For what it's worth, I had those 
'external' ones, I figured if I can push them back in (pushing the blood 
getting back into the body), with my thumb or finger, yeah, I know what you are 
thinking , but I did it over several days, and it works, well, it 
worked for me anyway, I did that every time I could feel one starting, so I 
kept doing it over time, I haven't had 'em since, and that was years ago.


From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Friday, 14 August 2020 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Hemorrhoid HELPP

Reid wrote: I just turned 70 and that seems to be around the time the body 
begins giving out.  Does EIS/ CS help with hemorrhoids?  For other reasons the 
Beck Protocol seems to make sense as well.  Silverlisters, you are the salt of 
the earth.


For hemorrhoids, I use the homeopathic remedy Hamamelis Virginiana 30C. A few 
pellets every several hours for several days. Boiron makes it; you can buy it 
at Swanson online. Works like a charm.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases

NEW 5th Edition

NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop:

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment

Re: CS>Colloidal silver removed from all Whole Foods stores...

2020-08-05 Thread Neville Munn
I wish a TRUE researcher could fund his/her own research on our product, the 
home made product, he/she would be a gadzilliianaire overnight.


From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Wednesday, 5 August 2020 7:00 PM
To: Silver-List 
Subject: CS>Colloidal silver removed from all Whole Foods stores...

Colloidal Silver Removed from All WF
Whole Foods has officially removed all colloidal silver based products from 
their store shelves and online search products. Step by step we are seeing a 
direct campaign to remove colloidal silver at every turn. The concerted 
campaign against colloidal silver started immediately upon the COVID-19 
pandemic. Surely it is not hard to read between the lines at this point. Spread 
this news to your family and friends who have been skeptical about colloidal 
silver and remind them it may be sooner than expected that colloidal silver 
will be an outlawed element of nature. We soon expect Amazon, GNC, Vitamin 
Shoppe and similar retail outlets to be targeted and will continue to keep you 
informed as of the latest news concerning colloidal silver and the agenda to 
remove it from the general population.

Re: CS>Practical information from OrMNS

2020-07-19 Thread Neville Munn
Hmmm, I'm a trained EIS, helping many family members.


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2020 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Practical information from OrMNS

I'm a trained herbalist, make a living on herbal remedies so there is that. The 
 hydroxychloroquine was found to cause dangerous side effects and should not be 
used for this. A study that was recently done was shut down over that. Tony 
you've posted some fake news on here more than once so follow your own advice.


2020-07-10 Thread Neville Munn
No, I don't store my EIS in plastic, only glass.  However, I do use a plastic 
water drink bottle when I go away at any time.  I decant from my glass storage 
vessel into that plastic drinking bottle.  If there is still some in the bottle 
when I come back home, I just sit it on top of a cupboard in the kitchen until 
it's empty, I drink some every morning anyway so it doesn't stay there too long.

No, don't use soap and water.  Keep it FREE from ANY contaminants.  I never 
wash my storage vessels out, never.  I produce my EIS in the same glass vessel 
I store it.  All I do is quickly wipe the vessel out with paper towel when it's 
empty and it's ready to go again.

I have been doing this for over 15 odd years.


From: Williams 
Sent: Saturday, 11 July 2020 8:52 AM

Can you store CS in a plastic water/soda bottle or must it be glass?  And if 
you wash the glass jar

with soap and water does that pollute the cs? Thank you in advance.

Gladys Williams

Re: CS>What's going on behind the scenes: some VERY Important Links

2020-07-07 Thread Neville Munn
Many many years ago, when I was just a young punk, I watched a report from a 
member of the CIA, he told how he was sent to Rwanda to make up a story, with 
pictures, to get the Western World to agree with an agenda, (I remember seeing 
that photo in our newspaper, from memory it was a family which had been slain). 
 I have never believed ANYTHING in the Media since then.

FANTASTIC Nenah, I can't believe I have always had my own opinions on so much, 
and those reports you posted makes me even stronger in my personal opinions and 
convictions on so many things.



From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Wednesday, 8 July 2020 11:11 AM
Subject: CS>What's going on behind the scenes: some VERY Important Links

These may be the most important videos I have been told about lately, and I 
have seen many excellent ones (from interviews with Dr. Judy Mikovits to 
analyses by Amazing Polly). I saw only the first one, but from the written 
descriptions associated with each part, they promise to be mind-blowing.

Professionally produced by award-winning Netherlands researcher Janet 
Ossebaard, each part (about 15 to 20 minutes, and there are 10 parts) explains 
different aspects of "The End of the World As We Know It: The Fall of the 
Cabal." WARNING: It takes an OPEN MIND to watch these videos. Someone I know 
compared watching them to going down "a deep rabbit hole." For those new to 
this material--and even to many who already have inklings of it--the topics are 
scary and may seem almost unbelievable. However, I am assured, when you get to 
the last two videos there IS light at the end of the tunnel!

All ten parts of this series are on Bitchute:

(All parts used to be on You Tube, except recently it banned #5 because it's 
about organized child sexual abuse and pedophilia, encouraged and participated 
in by some of the world's top "elite.")

Please forward this to everyone you know. We are indeed being sent down the 
rabbit hole, but in the end it's for a very good purpose.



Re: CS>The truth about mask wearing and covid-19 transmission

2020-07-07 Thread Neville Munn
From my experience, there aren't too many people left on this planet who can 
think and reason and have a modicum of sanity nowadays.  I look at it this way 
Sandee,  research shows there is NO test for this C'rona crap, all they do is 
like me rummaging through my garbage bin to find something I ate last week, so, 
I sift through all the garbage until I find a "REMNANT" of what I ate a week 
ago, HEY BINGO, I have C'rona19, but, for every person on the planet who has 
had a Flu in the last several years, especially the Flu shot, you have the 
Coronavirus, (not C'rona19), in your system anyway, your immune system 
recognises it, (and THEIR test does), but it won't recognise this C'rona19, 
why, because it was 'manipulated' in a laboratory, a part of the SARS 
Coronavirus thing component several years back was 'spliced' into the 
Coronavirus last year so it can penetrate human cells.  People are only going 
by information splashed in the Media, and we all know how Media 'manipulates' 
information to suit an agenda.  We need the herd immunity, (it's called 
Evolution), then when/as it mutates, like the Coronavirus Flu has done for 
centuries, the 'herd' will be able to recognise it, again, as it has done for 

Yes, people will die, but then plenty die EACH year with the Flu, whats' new.  
Statistically, the figures just don't stack up.  People have to turn their TV's 
off when the News comes on, I do, I can't watch it anymore.  Two strategies 
which have been used since Adam wore short pants - Fear and Emotion - in this 
case FEAR.

If people looked at that paper Arnold put up here a while back they would see a 
diagram showing how silver combats Viruses, this C'rona thing is a VIRUS.  The 
Establishment won't look at silver, why, because we can combat it with our 
little home made product, which cost us next to nothing.  Of course, there are 
two people we all know who fund everything health related on the planet, and 
those two have a "Foundation".  Of course, there is a much, much, much bigger 
picture of which people are not seeing.

All my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. 


From: Sandra George 
Sent: Wednesday, 8 July 2020 1:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>The truth about mask wearing and covid-19 transmission

Nev thanks for the laugh I miss you all when you do not post 

Peace, love, happiness and good health be yours
Sandee 
An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness are Everything!!!
Life Wave X39 patch -
I buumerang -
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>The truth about mask wearing and covid-19 transmission

2020-07-06 Thread Neville Munn
Here's Me who has this to say about this whole sorry affair...

For every "report" in the Media, I can negate each one, one by one from outside 
Mainstream, but it's not worth wasting my breath on.


"OK, here's my rant..."

Nope, I won't be wearing one.  "They" change their minds about everything more 
often than I change my undies with this debacle.  Critical thinking and 
rationale is needed.  Live in fear if you want, I'm too old for that sh_t.


From: Dan Nave 
Sent: Tuesday, 7 July 2020 1:03 AM
Subject: CS>The truth about mask wearing and covid-19 transmission

RETIRED SURGEON Sam Laucks, has this to say about wearing masks:

“OK, here’s my rant...

I have spent the past 39 years working in the field of surgery.

Re: CS>Moderating

2020-07-03 Thread Neville Munn
Hmmm, I can see why Off Topic won't work here.  There are many other Groups 
available to discuss different modalities regarding health Alternatives, but I 
can see it will rapidly bleed over into the Silver List.  I was referring to 
exactly what you said Lola, quote: "Yes, the occasional political 
statement/observation makes it's way into the conversation but it rarely lasts 
very long and once in a while it really, really is pertinent."  Eventually the 
List will be overrun and lose it's integrity.

If people wish to discuss other modalities, it should be done on those relevant 
"alternative" Groups or Platforms else the essence of the Silver List will lose 
its long standing relevance and position.

Just my opinion.


Sent: Friday, 3 July 2020 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Moderating

I must be totally weird but I LOVE OT.  lol... as long as it is about 
alternatives.  Yes, the
occasional political statement/observation makes it's way into the conversation 
but it rarely
lasts very long and once in a while it really, really is pertinent..  What does 
your momma
say?  Don't talk religion or politics socially.

It is amazing the things I have picked up from various members in various 
groups and
their willingness to share their experiences.  As a three time cancer survivor, 
my eyes
are always open and my ear to the ground, eagerly waiting to hear about the 
latest research
and/or findings.  And I do like alternatives that have some solid science 
behind them
because it is the wild, wild west 'out there' and you have to be careful, smart 
and always
do your due diligence and homework.


Re: CS>Moderating

2020-07-01 Thread Neville Munn
I agree, this IS a knowledgeable group, at least we get the 'right' information 
by and large.  What concerns me the most in 2020 is that eventually we will 
disappear, one by one, by natural attrition, and I don't mean to sound morbid, 
but that's just a fact of life unfortunately.  Where is this List going to go 
then?  Some formats may look fancy, but the content leaves a little to be 
desired from my experience.

In my opinion, I would not change this email format, this way it keeps a lot of 
'undesirables' out, and it's worked well from my years of involvement in this 
Group.  For me it's not about a 'numbers' game or members, it's more about 
getting "factual" information.  Those who wish to learn about Silver will find 
this place, just as I did years ago.

Sorry, I forgot to get my coat when I left before. 


From: S Khanna 
Sent: Thursday, 2 July 2020 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Moderating

Agreed, MaryAnn. I had written and sent a note a few days ago, but it hasn't 
yet shown up in my inbox, so I guess it got lost.

I was saying that I have been on this list a long time also and have really 
appreciated sharing issues related to health, colloidal silver and
other forms of medicine and modalities. This is a knowledgeable group. OT 
really doesn't bother me; we can label it so and then it can be deleted by 
those not wanting to read a particular message.

Or, I am also open to switching to IO.



2020-06-30 Thread Neville Munn
If people take a look at the Internet today, in the print medium, on the TV, in 
their mailbox at home, everywhere you go today, they are bombarded with rubbish 
Advertising etc blah blah, all they do is either have patience, stop buying the 
print medium, turn the TV off, and add "No Junk Mail" in their home mailbox, 
and then go on to what they want to see or hear.  It's the world of Internet, 
so, if they can deal with that rubbish, then surely they can do it in the same 
way on here.  I don't see a problem.  If one wishes not to read something, then 
just ignore it and delete it in the same way they have dealing with it for a 
decade or more.

Frankly, I don't see an issue if OT stuff was here as well as Silver.  I can 
deal with it in the same way I deal with it any other Social Platform, I can 
take it or leave it, my choice, it's simply one button to push to delete 

My opinion is, this List will probably die a natural death when most of us on 
here die out.  No disrespect or whatever, but that's how I see it.  We can 
already see that the List goes quite quiet from time to time, there is only so 
much which can be known, (if you get my drift), then it's the next generation 
which will have to hold the torch and carry it on.  If you want to keep this 
List alive, then I reckon it should be joined with the OT stuff.  Like I said, 
people can participate or take it or leave it, their choice.

This Silver List was created way before I joined, but over the years I think 
the best way to keep this alive is to allow a different direction.

My opinion...I'll put my hat on and leave now. 


Re: CS>How this group is (not) being run

2020-06-29 Thread Neville Munn
Well, here's my two cents worth.  Look, it gets pretty boring here sometimes, 
which happens occasionally, so look at this as a 'stop gap' while there is 
nothing else to discuss at the moment.  This group self regulates/moderates 
from what I have seen, and it does a damn very good job at it, so, that being 
said, don't worry, it WILL return to silver at the end of the day.

If any Off Topic strays too far, it will die a natural death anyway.

OK, not for me to say of course, but there it is, my opinion.


From: Nintaka Tuyo 
Sent: Monday, 29 June 2020 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>How this group is (not) being run

Thanks for your comments. I was not aware of that history. I rarely, if ever 
post here, but i find the CS. Info of great interest,and my involvement goes 
back to the days of BBS's so, quite a long time now. I may have to leave again 
as my resources are quite limited, both physically financially and timewise. 
Love & light to all.

On 29 June 2020 11:11:03 am "Nenah Sylver"  wrote:

I do agree that there should be an "off topic" section for people who aren't 
directly discussing colloidal silver.

Re: CS>Cell phone Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones

2020-06-28 Thread Neville Munn
LOL...No, there is only one person who walked through the door, which someone 
left ajar, 0h, that's right, that would be YOU who is 'trying' to ruin the 
group...LOL.  It won't work though, we are smarter than that, see ya .

Now, where were we people?   Dang it, there are trolls everywhere nowadays.


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Monday, 29 June 2020 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Cell phone Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones

Throw your phone out and your computer too in case they track you. That should 
at least stop all the garbage being posted here. Nenah, please stop posting 
here. You are ruining a great group with your paranoia.

It's a notification system. not for tracking.

Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

2020-06-20 Thread Neville Munn
A rather large  on that.


From: Terry Ward 
Sent: Sunday, 21 June 2020 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

"Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.”


On Jun 20, 2020, at 9:27 AM, Cyndiann Phillips>> wrote:

Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so often 
by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.

Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

2020-06-19 Thread Neville Munn
People need to understand of which ANYTHING appears in the media or other 
sources are edited, censored, banned, blocked etc.  The only information people 
get is what THEY want people to know, NOT the truth.  If you want any truth, 
you need to find outside Mainstream, and that is more difficult to find.  Think 
of our Silver just as one easy example, then people will clearly understand.


From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Saturday, 20 June 2020 12:09 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

Steve G wrote: I was curious about the L-Tryptophan, so I looked it up on 
WebMD, which I consider to be pretty trustworthy.


Steve, just so you know, WebMD is partnered with Google. In other words, both 
websites are interested in maintaining the status quo.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases

NEW 5th Edition

NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop:

Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from

semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment

Re: CS>free 763-page ebook, The Wuhan Lab

2020-06-18 Thread Neville Munn
Well, you have included one in your post.  There are several, so it's your 
choice, pick one, they are all funded by the same group, (Gates Foundation is 
one in that group), pushing their own agenda and suppressing and 
censoring/banning the real truth from the masses.  Do some research.  The thing 
is, people who spread the same dictate or script from Mainstream could be 
ripped apart from another person who can support a different narrative from an 
alternative information source.  So to that end, I read a different narrative 
from you, or anyone else who follows the Mainstream dictate.  Choice, my 
choice, you choose yours.  That's all which can be said.


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Thursday, 18 June 2020 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>free 763-page ebook, The Wuhan Lab

What fact check site?

On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 3:11 AM Neville Munn>> wrote:
I've read a couple of your posts, but I gotta reply to this, find out who runs 
that "fact check" fake information site, and then ask why that "fact check" rag 
deletes FACTS from reputable Medical Professionals.

Now I've got that off my chest I can delete all your posts.


From: Cyndiann Phillips>>
Sent: Sunday, 7 June 2020 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>free 763-page ebook, The Wuhan Lab

Not true, the masks keep you from spreading the damned virus on to others like 
me. Stop spreading fake news, you gonna make someone sick.

Re: CS>Epsom Salts?

2020-06-18 Thread Neville Munn
Just use straight EIS. Doesn't matter if the dog licks it, it will be in the 
blood then anyway, two fold, external and internal.


From: Beth Toraason 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 June 2020 3:49 AM
Subject: CS>Epsom Salts?

There’s a wound on my dog’s foot, and the vet said to soak it in an Epsom Salts 
solution.  May I add EIS/CS to this solution?
TIA, Beth T

Re: CS>free 763-page ebook, The Wuhan Lab

2020-06-18 Thread Neville Munn
I've read a couple of your posts, but I gotta reply to this, find out who runs 
that "fact check" fake information site, and then ask why that "fact check" rag 
deletes FACTS from reputable Medical Professionals.

Now I've got that off my chest I can delete all your posts.


From: Cyndiann Phillips 
Sent: Sunday, 7 June 2020 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>free 763-page ebook, The Wuhan Lab

Not true, the masks keep you from spreading the damned virus on to others like 
me. Stop spreading fake news, you gonna make someone sick.

Re: CS>please ignore this

2020-05-17 Thread Neville Munn
Tony, sometimes that happens to me, I have to remember to delete 90% of 
someones post I answer or reply to, else it doesn't go through.  Some people 
can email a full page and it gets through, I can't, it won't go through, that's 
why I have to edit.


From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Sunday, 17 May 2020 11:30 PM
Subject: CS>please ignore this

My sincere apologies for this.

I sent in an email and have not seen it .


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions: 
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