CSReality Lives: Tao Te Silver

2002-11-03 Thread SilverMedicine.org
Re: CSReality lives !!Thanks, James that was good reading, but:


There is no such thing as an empty glass.

That is the true nature of reality, as expressed in The formula of a
Vaccum in an alternate translation of the Tao Te King.

Of course, the same conception was taught by the Essenes, the esoteric
jewish mystics, Christ, and as far as I know every authentic tradition that
spans the globe.  BUT that would be religious controversy

Perhaps a wise man might say:

Don't read between the lines, rather
Drive through them with your soul.

Let me just quote a stanza from the Tao Te King ( Ching ), and then we can
begin our own Tao Te Silver!

Heaven and Earth appear indifferent
They view the ten plus thousand things as unreal.
The wise appear indifferent
They view society as unreal.
The space between Heaven and Earth
How like a bellows it is!
Empty but never exhausted the shape changes but not the form.
The more it moves the more it yields
More words count less
Too much senses lead to utter exhaustion.
Maintain the perfect freedom of your nature -
Hold fast to the center.

Tao Te Silver

( Silver and the Way )

The ions that can be measured are not the real ions
The zeta potential that can be gauged is not the real potential
The current IS the father of  particles and ions
The water is the mother of atoms and particles; proteins and salts

Ever managing the current one can see the mystery
Ever managing the water one can purify the expression.

The silver ions and particles spring from the same source but differ in
To the uninformed, this appears as darkness
Darkness within darkess!
Heed well!
The gateway to good colloidal silver.


Contaminate not the water lest it fill with compounds
You can create silver ions
but you cannot prevent reactions
You can create silver particles
But you cannot guarantee cellular union:
When false claims fill your mind
You become unguardable.

Claim superiority and authority
And you bequeath misfortune upon yourself
Rather:  Just make your CS
And withdraw when the work is done
For that is the Way of Silver.

- Original Message -
From: James Allison
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: CSReality lives !!

I think I may have finely found what is real!  And somebody was correct
earlier, when they said it could be found on the net!


Half Empty or Half Full?

The study of Chaos often leads to what we call eureka moments. Eureka is
an expression of triumph upon discovering a startling truth. Archimedes, one
of the greatest intellects of antiquity, used this expression (literally I
have found it!) when he figured out how to determine the purity of gold
We get closer to this eureka moment when the study of Chaos changes us and
gives us a new way to examine the world. This transformed perspective lets
us take something ordinary and familiar, and suddenly see in it all sorts of
interesting new insights.
For example, let's take a glass and fill it with water to the halfway point.
We then ask the customary, time-honored question, Is the glass half empty
or half full?
Haven't we all seen this a zillion times? What new insights can we possibly
squeeze out of this tired old platitude?
As we all know, the glass serves as a metaphor for life, and water
represents the good things in it. So, seeing the glass as half empty means
you're a pessimist, because you dwell on the lack in your life. Seeing it as
half full means you're optimistic, because you focus on the good things in
life. Most people choose the latter and describe themselves as optimists. In
all likelihood, this means you, too.
Notice an interesting social phenomenon here. Most people want to be seen as
optimists, even those who are usually morose and glum. Aren't we just a
planet full of upbeat, sunny cheerleaders? How interesting! Why do we have
such a social pressure to be relentlessly optimistic?
Let's look at it from a completely different angle and turn this paradigm
upside down. Is it always a negative thing to see the glass as half empty?
Suppose such a perception motivates you to fill the glass - so to speak -
whereas seeing it as half full leads to complacency. Focusing on the lack in
one's life can then be a driving force for success. Not so negative now, is
Look at the overachievers who accomplish great things in any field. They
probably started out life with the idea that there wasn't enough water in
their glass to suit them, so they worked to fill it up. On the other hand,
at the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the underachievers who dawdle
away their lives in torpid passivity. Perhaps they do so because their focus
is on what they already possess, rather than the areas of life that can use
some improvement.
Another similar idea is to recognize the inherent usefulness 

CSA request for user data...

2002-11-02 Thread SilverMedicine.org
Greetings, all!

An associate of mine asked me to forward a request to colloidal silver

A simple email with one's name from those who have been using colloidal
silver on a daily basis for in excess of four years ( 10-15 PPM ); I would
add that the quantity of the amount ingested daily would be beneficial.

Our list member is working in India to introduce colloidal silver in a local
area, and according to the health authority establishment that our lister is
working with, email can have the authority of a written statement, and they
are requesting one hundred examples of users that have not experienced
negative side effects from the long term use of colloidal silver.

All should be aware that this involving a commercial endevour, albeit one
where the heart is in the perfect place ( my judgement ).

After considering the issue for about a week, I feel that this request could
serve two purposes.  For those who wish to validate colloidal silver use for
the health authorities, but do not want this information used publically,
please simply state that the statement is only for use with the health
authorities.  For those who wish to release their testimonial for our
project's use, please simply include a statement that we can use the
information for not-for-profit use on http://testimonials.silvermedicine.org
( up-and-coming ).

Please send any email to the following email address:


Warm Regards,



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSSovereign Silver Vs the Rest

2002-10-30 Thread SilverMedicine.org

Natural Immunogenics is one of the few companies that we openly endorse, and
there are many reasons for this.

First, they avoid promotional language that can cause harm to others.  They
don't use fear tactics in advertising, and they have strong data to support
their claims ( even if much of it is not publically revealed ).

Second, I've tested their products and found them to be extraordinary.  I
especially recommend the use for nebulizing, as another lister is correct in
that many people cannot afford the costs of using their CS as a daily

Third, they are not parasitic.  They understand business in the old school
way.  They don't take the money and run, they are deeply involved in
extraordinary research.  They understand that clinical results are superior
to theories, and work ardently to understand colloidal silver and its
applications in the body.

Fourth, they don't justify away the risks involved in over-using silver,
which puts them high on an ethical scale.

I understand that people talk about air-bubbling and CS production, and
claim that it makes a fine product, which it likely does, but the claim for
a superior product violates common sense and good science: the idea in any
production process is to limit variables, not create them.  Natural
Immunogenics understands the principles of the CS production, and are one of
the few companies out there that, in my opinion, deserve to be making a
profit off of pre-made colloidal silver.

I'm glad Brooks shared about their own results in product testing.
Mesosilver and Sovereign silver compete on the high-end of the pre-made CS
market ( In the US ).  They have distinctly different products.  Both
companies have alot to offer in terms of technical expertise and experience
( and zeal ).  I have not evaluated Mesosilver, as determining what high
quality silver is better for what and when and why is not an easy task to
accomplish without a great deal of statistical data.  I prefer the ionic
silver as the benefits of silver ions have been firmly established, even if
the mechanisms of biological delivery are still in doubt.

How clinically better Natural Immunogenics silver is as compared with the
SG6 or 7 is unknown.  Trem ranks right up their with 'Ole Bob's best CS...
I've seen data on both, and I'm aware of the results of anti-bacterial
comparison studies conducted with each.

How any of this translates inside the body is truly unknown.  Keep in mind,
all of this said, I'm still an advocate for CS made with four nines,
although I see the nines as an emergency measure ( and an easy method ), and
as a stepping stone to more refined methods of production.

I personally maintain a great interest in further research on highly
particulate colloidal silver...  But mild silver protein has met its match
many times over against isolated silver; greater effectiveness against
pathogens with far lower concentrations of actual silver.

I see the point about MSP used externally being beneficial, due not to the
quality of the silver but to the high concentration and the nature of
treating a condition in external environment.

I'm not aware of any data that suggests that silver ions or particles,
unassisted, can penetrate normal skin tissue; however, considering damaged
tissue, burned tissue, or infected tissue, sizing may matter.


- Original Message -
From: silversw...@yahoo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: CSSovereign Silver Vs the Rest


 I recently talked with the president of Sovereign
 Silver, and we had a lenghtly conversation concerning
 his product versas all the rest out there.  First I
 talked with him about Mild silver protein, and was
 informed, even though i have been having good results
 using it for a week, that long term use would more
 than likely lead to a build up in  your tissues
 causing the coloring agyria.  2nd I also addressed the
 issue, an I am sure many on here will disagree, that
 their product is 10-40 times better than most
 home-made collodial silver products that manly use the
 constant current generators, due to the larger
 particle size and the fact that AIR is contaminating
 your process when you make it in a bottle.  He
 informed me that they use water that is made in the
 lab, under a special high purity process, and then the
 water is covered with argon gas, to elimate any
 reactions such as silver oxides that might be produced
 from being exposed to Co2, O2, N2 etc.  He told me
 they have compared there product to about 75 other
 types of colloidal silver and NONE of them stood up to
 theres, based on test results with variuos pathogens,
 at various levels of ppm.  I did suggest however that
 it doesnt neccesarrily mean that constant current
 devices are harmful in any way, and that you do get a
 product produced even though it has silver oxides and
 and a larger particle size, and is a much less
 inferior product, one could still use ift 

Re: CSTDS/PWT meters [survey?]

2002-10-29 Thread SilverMedicine.org

I'd love to see Stephen @ Natural Immunogenics do an analysis and a
antibacterial comparison on your best batch...  I'd also like to see the
characterization done by Frances Key et al w/ silvercolloids.com

Both at least have extensive experience working with colloidal silver.

Best Regards,


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSHydrogen Peroxide...FYI

2002-10-27 Thread SilverMedicine.org
Greetings, all:

I'm trying to create a measureable standard to calculate how much H2O2 to use 
with colloidal silver to achieve suitable benefit.

In so doing, my first step has been to find a method to quantify the levels of 
H2O2.  My chosen method is utilizing peroxide strips, which measure H2O2 
concentration ( in this case, theoretically accurate, since there are no 
chlorides in the CS ) in PPM.  The scale of the strips I purchased is from 0 - 
100 PPM.

I know that all the testing papers are not completely accurate.  However, I 
figured I could get close enough to draw some conclusions using this affordable 

I added one drop of 35% hydrogen peroxide to 32 ounces of 11 PPM colloidal 
silver.  This is far below the concentration I use with mouth and throat 
infections, but I had to create a solution that fell within the low measuring 
parameters of the testing paper.  My H2O2 is actually relatively old; newly 
purchased 35% H2O2 might show greater levels of concentration.  The CS measured 
roughly 47 PPM H2O2.  

8X4X3X47 = 4512 PPM H2O2 :  4512:11 = 410 to 1 ( PPM H2O2 to Colloidal Silver ) 
--- three drops of 35% added to 4 ounces of CS is the strongest concentration 
I've used.

The colloidal silver used was a high quality CS - made with Trem's SG7 Pro.  
Therefore, there is never any visible reaction with the hydrogen peroxide, 
because any particulate silver is in the form of minute particles.

This presented me with my first problem, as 24 hours later there was perhaps 
only a change of 1-2 PPM in the hydrogen peroxide reading.  The hydrogen 
peroxide stabilized far faster than I thought it would.  

Of course, this has to be kept in perspective, as the concentration of silver 
is only 11PPM, and silver flakes or agglomerated particles will cause a greater 
reaction with the H2O2 ( considering lower quality colloidal silvers ).  My 
next tests will center around a CS with a greater particle content.

The container was also left open during this trial run.

Kind Regards,


CSBlue Senator Candidate...

2002-10-24 Thread SilverMedicine.org
Greetings, all...

Although I swore I wouldn't bother Stan Jones, after reading an email
response by silverfacts, I sent an email to Stan.

Stan informed me that he wrote that the initial photographs may have been
altered.  After doing so, he contacted the photographer who took the
particular shot in question.  After speaking to the photographer, Stan
states that he is convinced that the photos were not altered.

The difference in different photos would thereby be attributed to either
different lighting or digital rendering ( total light/color balance ).

Kind Regards,


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSBlue Senator Candidate...

2002-10-24 Thread SilverMedicine.org
One thing I almost forgot to mention:

Stan does have a copy of a video tape recording of the event, and he states
that the blue is not pronounced in the video.

I don't know if the difference has to do with the flash used on the camera,
the digital rendering, the light settings, the color balancing, or all of
the above...

- Original Message -
From: SilverMedicine.org silvermedic...@silvermedicine.org
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 5:44 PM
Subject: CSBlue Senator Candidate...

 Greetings, all...

 Although I swore I wouldn't bother Stan Jones, after reading an email
 response by silverfacts, I sent an email to Stan.

 Stan informed me that he wrote that the initial photographs may have
 altered.  After doing so, he contacted the photographer who took the
 particular shot in question.  After speaking to the photographer, Stan
 states that he is convinced that the photos were not altered.

 The difference in different photos would thereby be attributed to either
 different lighting or digital rendering ( total light/color balance ).

 Kind Regards,


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSMS info and Silver...

2002-10-22 Thread SilverMedicine.org

In your writing, you state that you began taking colloidal silver @ 2 ounces 
twice daily.  I'm assuming you purchased this silver premade... Do you remember 
what brand?

When you started using your colloidal silver ( week 14? ), can you describe the 
process or machine you used?

I see that the second section in your writing is dated August 2002...  When did 
the writing first begin?  Or at least, about when did the silver start?  About 
August 2000?

Can you confirm, just for the record, that the product used via IV was 
Argentum 23 by Natural Immunogenics?  Were they doing 5 ml infusions?

I don't suppose you happen to have ( or could possibly get from the MD ) a copy 
of a before and after MRI?

And, when were you initially diagnosed with MS?

Sorry about all the questions!

An amazing journey indeed.

Warm Regards,

Jason Eaton

Re: CSMS info and Silver...

2002-10-22 Thread SilverMedicine.org
Sorry, folks... that was supposed to be going directly to Nancy...


  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Ladendorf 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 8:12 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMS info and Silver...


  I'm a little confused here. In one of your posts you wrote: 

  I have had IV therapy recently.  I HAD MS, it is gone.  Originaly I just 
drank CS, It did wonders.  It killed the MS mycoplaysma.  I then began to drink 
the CS with H2o2 and the lesions began to go away, and the myelin began to 
repair.  I finally tried 
  IV infusions and after five weekly IV drips, I no longer have any symptoms 
  from the MS.


  When I talked to you on the phone I thought you said that the MRI showed no 
new lesions. I don't remember you saying anything about the old lesions 
healing. This is a very critical issue so I would appreciate you clearing this 



   SilverMedicine.org silvermedic...@silvermedicine.org wrote: 


In your writing, you state that you began taking colloidal silver @ 2 
ounces twice daily.  I'm assuming you purchased this silver premade... Do you 
remember what brand?

When you started using your colloidal silver ( week 14? ), can you describe 
the process or machine you used?

I see that the second section in your writing is dated August 2002...  When 
did the writing first begin?  Or at least, about when did the silver start?  
About August 2000?

Can you confirm, just for the record, that the product used via IV was 
Argentum 23 by Natural Immunogenics?  Were they doing 5 ml infusions?

I don't suppose you happen to have ( or could possibly get from the MD ) a 
copy of a before and after MRI?

And, when were you initially diagnosed with MS?

Sorry about all the questions!

An amazing journey indeed.

Warm Regards,

Jason Eaton

  Do you Yahoo!?
  Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

Re: CSMild Silver Protein

2002-10-19 Thread SilverMedicine.org

I agree that'd be the better question!  I certainly don't!

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote coyote...@earthlink.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: CSMild Silver Protein

   The better question would be, does ANYONE agree with it.

 At 02:45 AM 10/19/02 -0700, you wrote:
 Does everyone agree with the following about mild
 silver protein
 COLL/AG-40, mild silver protein is attenuated silver
 that has been broken down into it microscopic
 particles which are .001 microns in diameter,
 electrically charged, and are in a colloidal state,
 bound with a mild silver protein, EDTA which is a
 chelating agent. It has been re-engineered from the
 early 1900s with a state of the art space age
 ##Re-engineered means they do the same thing a different way...but it's
 still the same thing.
 ..possibly, binding a particle to a protein stabilizer so it doesn't drop
 If it needs a stabilizer, doesn't that mean it's unstable without it?
  They are certainly not the only people to sell MSP. Read the fine print
 the labels at the store.
 ..wonder why it's in fine print if it's so good?

  It is nitrate and nitrate free and has a
 balanced ph. COLL/AG-40, mild silver protein is
 non-toxic and now due to the 1994 HATCH ACT is a
 nutritional mineral supplement.
 ### Labeled as  Supplement not because it IS one but because it can't be
 called anything else and still be labeled.
 Why our Brand of COLL/AG Mild Silver Protein?
  ##  Because that's what you're selling?
 There is considerable information concerning colloidal
 silver if one wishes to read. There is also
 considerable misinformation concerning colloidal
 silver which tends to confuse someone who has not
 taken the time or does not want to make an in-depth
 study of colloidal silver. Therefore, let me try to
 summarize the information so one can tell a good
 product from a bad product.
 ##IOW,  Now that we've established that you are ignorant, let us feed you
 OUR line.

  First colloidal silver
 should be a yellow color with a small particle size.
 If it is made properly, light will reflect a yellow
 color but if it is made as most competitors make it
 the particle size is not small enough to reflect a
 yellow light and it will be a clear color.
  ## Try, not big enough to reflect yellow light..or..so extremely big so
 to reflect all light and not be colloidal at all. [Way past red or violet]

 of what those who make clear colloidal silver product
 say it should be yellow. If one does not know how to
 make it yellow, he does not know how to make it
 ##  Heck , anyone can make yellow CS. That's the easiest thing to do and
 can be done very fast [which is very convenient for a mass producer]

 Those who do know how to make it yellow are
 not going to tell someone how to improve their methods
 of manufacture to show and prove it to them.
 ##  And those who can only make yellow [or don't take the much longer time
 required to do so] aren't going to admit they don't know how to make
 anything else.

  We have
 photographed about 23 competing companies with a
 90,000 power electron microscope and all clear
 products that we photographed were large particle
 ##  Is clear being used to mean colorless ?  Did the 23 competing
 companies use salt? Who chose what products to compare?  What about the
 other 156 or so?

  If someone is making it a yellow color, then
 the particle size should be acceptable but they need
 to also incorporate the next two items.
 ##  Which are complete BS
 Second, colloidal silver should be chelated with a
 mild protein base or it can't be assimilated properly.
 ##  Apparently, even inhaled silver dust can be assimiliated. It goes out
 the rear end.

 Plain colloidal silver is an inorganic product that is
 repulsed by the colon walls and cannot get into the
 blood stream unless it is chelated with a free amino
 acid in the digestive tract.
 ### It lasts long enough in the digestive  tract to get to the colon?
 that somewhere near the area that things get 'eliminated' from the blood
 stream? I sure am glad my colon walls can repulse all those toxins and
 prevent their re-entry into my blood stream.  At that point, 'repulsed'
 would mean retained 'in' the blood stream?

 All minerals are chelated
 in some form before one takes the mineral for better
 assimilation. When it is chelated it can be utilized
 or excreted depending on the needs of the body.
 Inorganic minerals are hard on the body causing
 hardening of the arteries, etc. and should never be
 taken in volume. Most (about 85%) of chelated
 colloidal silver is excreted within about three weeks,
 but acts to stimulate the immune system during this
 period of time.
 ##  According to the EPA, inhaled silver dust is 94% eliminated within 48
 hrs. Chelated colloidal silver sounds a bit more dangerous.
 Third, all colloidal silver must be 

Re: CSRe: Tom Kotynski - Thanks Bill - confused

2002-10-18 Thread SilverMedicine.org

Sorry!  My post was a general useless ramble...

I answer quite a few emails on a daily basis; when I write my emails, I sit
down start typing and press the send key.  If I didn't, I wouldn't have
nearly enough time to respond on a daily basis.

All of this wasn't directed at you personally.

Different images are going to look very different with Argyria, especially
if a digital camera was used.

In order to determine if an image is doctored, you would need the original
media to do a comparison with any variations that exist.  A talented eye
would need to look at the modified media with a fine magnifying glass.
Media-doctored images are  best done with airbrushes.  A pixle by pixle
comparison on digital images would shed some light on any modifications that
were rendered digitally.

If one is really as interested as claimed, then the simple solution is to go
see him.  I'm personally impressed with his attitude, I bet he's a great

The conflict was created; it did not exist before it was created.  The plain
issue is that it's natural for people to throw out opinions based on little
more than passion.

You've now read personal accounts of witnesses that notice the difference;
you've now read the statement that the candidate says he has a skin
pigmentation problem.  On whose authority will you rest your belief on?

Personal investigation is the best authority.  I don't have that great of
interest, because it doesn't surprise me that the gentleman contracted
Argyria.  You ought to try brewing what he brewed.  In fact, maybe I will do
that this weekend, and take a picture so that folks can see what the man was
drinking.  I'd even do it with distilled water and a touch of salt rather
than tap water, as the mineral content of this tap water would be quite
different than his. He would likely have been ok for another few years if he
hadn't run the batch for an hour.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message -
From: samma...@aol.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Tom Kotynski - Thanks Bill - confused


   There are the plain issues in conflict here.  Stan does look like that
 he doesn't; the photo was doctored or it wasn't.

   There are very many threads out there in cyber world stating as fact
 the candidate is blue.  I would like to give an accurate rebuttal to those
 threads if possible.

   Package it or label it any way you wish, but that's all I hope to do.


 In a message dated 10/18/02 12:07:51 AM Central Daylight Time,
 silvermedic...@silvermedicine.org writes:

   The problem here is the same problem that often occurs...  Those who
   threatened begin by striking back; they enter attack mode.  This in
   sets a tide in motion that results in end confusion.
   Stan Jones has Argyria.  If there are differences in the photographic
   display of the images, there could be several reasons, most of them
   non-intentional, including what color profile was used to digitally
   the images.
   It's just like the incorrect story that STILL floats around about
   Rosemary... Stating that some diabolical scheme was put into place,
   including the rendering of images...  When the truth is:  The Argyria
   condition was severely aggrevated when some uneducated doctor decided
   perhaps dermabrasion would cure the condition... Dermabrasion being
   to taking sand paper and removing layers of the skin.
   The diabolical story is repeated here, as it is on the news:  people
   sensationalism, people like power, and people like attention.
   Nothing gets one's attention like a good conspiracy theory... However,
   truth is, again, that the real conspiracies are seamless, well-thought
   and unbreachable.  The amauteurish stuff?  Fear not the truth...  The
   catches up with those who enjoy the games for the sake of ego.  Let
   types of people be handled by those who are trained to do so.  Those
   trained to do so know how to go about doing it without destroying
   along the way.
   Fighting ignorance with ignorance is ill-advised.
   Just like one doesn't have to be afraid of the truth, one doesn't have
   afraid of the lies...  When one studies truth for long enough, not only
   one discover how much one doesn't -- and cannot! -- know, but one
   how impotent the lies truly are.  The power of lies is executed through
   those who believe them, not the lies themselves.  People are
conditioned to
   accept lies.  Don't fight the lies, fight the conditioning.
   There is either a desire to know the truth, a desire to believe the
   a lack of caring...
   Beating confusion means accepting when one walks in the unknown.  This
   relinquishing a bit of control.  Those who need to be in control also
   need to be controlled.  The fear becomes too great, the power

Re: CSRe: Tom Kotynski - Thanks Bill - confused

2002-10-17 Thread SilverMedicine.org

The problem here is the same problem that often occurs...  Those who feel
threatened begin by striking back; they enter attack mode.  This in turn
sets a tide in motion that results in end confusion.

Stan Jones has Argyria.  If there are differences in the photographic
display of the images, there could be several reasons, most of them likely
non-intentional, including what color profile was used to digitally render
the images.

It's just like the incorrect story that STILL floats around about
Rosemary... Stating that some diabolical scheme was put into place,
including the rendering of images...  When the truth is:  The Argyria
condition was severely aggrevated when some uneducated doctor decided that
perhaps dermabrasion would cure the condition... Dermabrasion being similiar
to taking sand paper and removing layers of the skin.

The diabolical story is repeated here, as it is on the news:  people like
sensationalism, people like power, and people like attention.

Nothing gets one's attention like a good conspiracy theory... However, the
truth is, again, that the real conspiracies are seamless, well-thought out,
and unbreachable.  The amauteurish stuff?  Fear not the truth...  The truth
catches up with those who enjoy the games for the sake of ego.  Let these
types of people be handled by those who are trained to do so.  Those who are
trained to do so know how to go about doing it without destroying everything
along the way.

Fighting ignorance with ignorance is ill-advised.

Just like one doesn't have to be afraid of the truth, one doesn't have to be
afraid of the lies...  When one studies truth for long enough, not only does
one discover how much one doesn't -- and cannot! -- know, but one discovers
how impotent the lies truly are.  The power of lies is executed through
those who believe them, not the lies themselves.  People are conditioned to
accept lies.  Don't fight the lies, fight the conditioning.

There is either a desire to know the truth, a desire to believe the lies, or
a lack of caring...

Beating confusion means accepting when one walks in the unknown.  This means
relinquishing a bit of control.  Those who need to be in control also have a
need to be controlled.  The fear becomes too great, the power too demanding.
The unknown elements become paralysing.  Thus is the unwise ruler ruled.

Confusion is paralysing.  This is the one principle one really needs to
grasp to understand how large populations are nuetralized.  Whether or not
there are those shouting the truth from roof-tops is irrelevant.  If there
is enough confusion generated, the confusion will prevent action.

To overcome confusion where the truth is displayed in blinding clarity?
Screaming louder doesn't work.  Another scientific study... doesn't work.

Attraction works.

Where you really want to focus your attention is reaching those who have the
desire for the truth...  You can't be doing two things at one time.  Someone
who is seeking the truth will not be attracted to the ensuing fight of the
idea sellers -- those trying to convince those who could care less,or those
who want to believe the lies because they are too afraid to accept some
personal responsiblity.

The truth is often lost in the conflict.

There are those who would like to state that we know the absolute truth
about Argyria.  We have mounting evidence, but we do not have the absolute
truth.  What we do have is threshold levels that have been scientifically
established with relative certainty.  Whether or not isolated
electro-colloidal silver exceeds this maximum intake, like many of us
suspect, and how much it can exceed the threshold levels, has not been

To claim that is has been established is an insult to the very thing that
some are trying to stand for:  The truth.

This claim sets to stone confusion.  The interested party becomes confused,
because they are trying to believe propaganda. It is very hard to make a
distinction between two equally shared lies.

It's the same thing with hydrogen peroxide.  Those seeking the truth will
find it.  The journey in finding the truth will teach them how to safely use
it.  In the end, there will be no fear, nor confusion.  The iteration is the
same:  The desire drives the interest -- the caring -- the caring becomes
more important than having to be in control -- in having to know the
absolute truth right now yea but.

The one secret is in the power of attraction backed by an authentic ( and
rare ) honesty.

My thanks to Bill for opening up a senseable conversation with the

( Las Vegas, Nevada, USA )

- Original Message -
From: samma...@aol.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Tom Kotynski - Thanks Bill - confused

 In a message dated 10/16/02 6:22:33 PM Central Daylight Time,
 pott...@wlink.com.np writes:

  It's been a little confusing that subsequent to the story Stan Jones did
   tell others on the list that 

Re: CS(no subject) and TOTALLY off topic

2002-10-17 Thread SilverMedicine.org
That's funny James...

But I'm a bit confused as you didn't mention which Universe.

I bet that's why they would keep pestering...

  - Original Message - 
  From: James Allison 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 4:46 PM
  Subject: Re: CS(no subject) and TOTALLY off topic

  True story...

  When I was filling out an application for an FBI background check so I could 
do childcare many many years ago, there was a spot to put down where I was 
from.  To make a long story short, suffice it to say that the FBI will call for 
further details when you answer Planet Earth.  And on a side note, when they 
ask you to be more specific, Northern Hemisphere doesn't seem to please them 

  Many people talk the talk when it comes to giving laughter as the best 
medicine, I have always chosen to walk the walk ;)

  Yours in health,
  James Allison

- Original Message - 
From: stepbystep...@aol.com 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: CS(no subject)

  Vitale Fayngersh-   Brooklyn, NY 
Originally from Ukraine (former USSR) 

CSot edible zapper...

2002-10-13 Thread SilverMedicine.org
Greetings, all:

As many of you know, I follow James Carr's work ( Alpha Omega Labs ) fairly 
closely, and utilize a number of his products.  I've also been a fan of the 
Russian Scientific Community for quite some time, as well.


I thought those of you who are familiar with DC Zapper technology would get a 
kick ( literally? ) out of a family of products developed in the ( former ) 
Soviet Union...  Edible zappers, at about 40.00 US a pill.

Now, who's going to be the first to develop the first in-blood-stream zapper?

Happy reading and kind regards,


Re: CSStan Jones e-mail address

2002-10-09 Thread SilverMedicine.org

Sorry, I would never send a barrage of questions such as listed to a
politician who would be unwise to answer them anyway...  At least one of the
questions are self-damning no matter how it is answered.  I have the
information I need, I don't personally see further need to waste the
candidates time.

Best Regards,


- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour mdev...@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 3:52 AM
Subject: Re: CSStan Jones e-mail address

 Ken writes:
   No need the deluge the man with inquiries.
   One e-mail will do for us all.

 Errr, could you do it Ken? Or Jason? You already seem to have gotten
 more info than the rest of us...

 I'm kinda swamped over here.

 Mike D.

 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: CS a Scam

2002-10-09 Thread SilverMedicine.org

I have a small piece on the BYU test:


On the page there is the link to ASAP's website, and the original study
figures:  http://www.amsilver.com/bacteria.htm

To date, I have elected to respect the microbiologists' request that only
ASAP be allowed to display the material.


- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey pott...@wlink.com.np
To: silver list silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 5:20 PM
Subject: CSRe: CS a Scam

 Thanks for your message rebutting a skeptic, but regarding the
 following, which you wrote in part,
 ..You went on the internet in search of medical evidence for CS.
 I'm afraid you will not find it.  It's not there

 Actually there *are* quite a number of proofs, many available on the
 web.  I think one of the most convincing proofs is the series of tests
 done by the Microbiology Dept. of Brigham Young Univ., comparing CS with
 popular antibiotics.  Not long ago I found the study at the silvercures
 web site, but now I'm only getting a link to an article:
 It appears there's tons of hard evidence on the effectiveness of CS,
 that the powers that be work overtime to discredit.  Does anybody else
 have the link to the BYU test?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS Tap Water

2002-10-08 Thread SilverMedicine.org

Who knows what compounds are made in such a process.  However, the increased 
conductivity of tap water causes the reaction to start out of control 
immediately.  This greatly increases the actual amount of silver deposited into 
the water.  As with using saline solution as a primer, a great deal of silver 
will remain in the solution.  The end result is a poorer quality product with 
too much actual silver content.

It wouldn't surprise me if one discovered that metallic silver was actually 
plating out in the process, in small quantities of course.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Meissner 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 6:44 PM
  Subject: Re: CSCS Tap Water

  Dear Jason:

  I do know how to make CS with distilled water.  I use low voltage and current 
limiting.  It is about 15 uS as measured on a PWT and has low Tindell as shown 
with the laser.

   But, I have experimented making CS with tap water which in my case is well 
water.  I have been reluctant to drink it though.  Do you think that the 
process causes silver to be electroplated onto the mineral content of the well 
water?  I seem to get a brown residue in the bottom of the jar and a thin black 
coating or plating on the sides of the jar.  Does this mean that I am 
precipitating the minerals in the water?   I am undecided whether this is good 
or bad.  

  What do you think?

  Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
  Check out my Website at www.MeissnerResearch.com
  Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.

- Original Message - 
From: SilverMedicine.org 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: CSCS Tap Water


There's nothing wrong with taking isolated silver and adding it tap water;
the issue in question would be whether tap water was used during production.
There are plenty of salts in the body to convert silver ions into silver
chloride.  Not adding CS to tapwater is not going to make one bit of
difference.  In fact, silver ions are not going to get out of the body as
ions, period.  At some point, most if not all ions will be converted to
salts or proteins, and perhaps reconverted to ions, then back to any number
of possible compounds.

To think anything else is nothing more or less than unclear thinking.  What
happens between point A ( drinking CS ) and point Z ( the silver either
exits the body in particulate/compound form or is deposited in the body in
particulate/compound form ) is the miracle of CS.

The point I've been trying to make for several years now is that not
everyone is at equal risk for Argyria.  Joe can take CS for thirty years and
have no problem.  Joe builds a website that says it is completely non-toxic,
add a pinch of salt in the production process because we are impatient...
Then, six people get Argyria between 5 and 15 years down the road.

I'm betting the candidate used salt in the production process, as he was not
even aware of the term Argyria...  Judging from the date, he probably used
Metcalf's instructions on CS generation ( or some derived from Metcalf's
work ).

Like I said on a post earlier this year, lawyers are already listing
colloidal silver as a topic for lawsuits.  Those manufacturers who do not
educate their customers on the risk because they don't feel the risk is
there may be getting some surprises down the road.  It's hard to know
because it is impossible to truly know how people are using products.

I've been working on some theoretical programs for quite awhile to reduce
the risk of Argyria This for those with terminal illness who for
whatever reason need to be on colloidal silver long term, taking amounts
exceeding eight ounces daily of 10PPM CS.

While on topic, I also have a problem with the SilverFacts page on this
issue, as the site simply plays the propaganda game on the other side of the

As far as whether or not cosmetic argyria is a real issue, I deal with
people on both sides of the coin... Those who could really care less, and
those who have a lot to lose as they make a living on their appearance.

I still do not believe that taking sane mounts of quality, isolated
colloidal silver places one at risk.  I keep my own silver intake well below
the EPA established guidelines for lifetime consumption of silver.

However, I would like to comment on one more issue:  By the time silver
starts to deposit in the skin, it will likely have already started
depositing in organs.  When the skin, fingernails, and hair start to show
signs of a condition, it is a warning that the elimination system is not
functioning properly.  Dehydration is probably the first place to look.  The
body's ph levels are likely a good second place

Re: CSCS Tap Water

2002-10-08 Thread SilverMedicine.org

That's really interesting.  In fact, fascinating.

It's hard to argue with measured observations, so instead I'd like to ask a few 

What kind of water is it that you are using?  From the conversation, my initial 
understanding is that it is tap water.  However, most tap water I've had 
experience with would test off the chart on a PWT meter.  You give ending 
measurements at about 15 - 20 uS.  Am I to assume that the process you are 
using does in fact precipitate out all dissolved solids?

Have you playing with magnets again?  *j/k*

The fact that the ionic portion of the CS levels off is not so surprising to 
me.  Slowing the reaction down ( this is in regards to distilled water ) can 
increase the ionic content by reducing agglomeration, allowing one to achieve a 
higher concentration of silver ions through proper hydration of the ions ( 
for lack of a more suitable term ).  However, the result of the measurement of 
silver ions stabilizing usually means that agglomeration is occuring, easily 
gauged by the laser.

So pray tell Jim - how are you stablizing the reaction?

As far as pool water goes, I can only guess at effective concentrations.  
Someone else may have more definitive data.  I would start with a beginning 
concentration of .5 - 1 PPM and begin monitoring growth in the water.  One 
shouldn't need anywhere near the end concentration needed to fight an infection 
in the human body, or as high as would be needed in a bacterial friendly 
environment ( such as waste ).  If chlorine is being used in the water, the 
idea would be to taper it off.

Of course, the greatest challenge is measuring everything, including the total 
silver concentration in the water and organism growth.  I know that quite a few 
people simply gauge by lack of algae growth, but I'd be more comfortable with 
actual testing of the water at different stages.

Kind Regards,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Meissner 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 12:07 PM
  Subject: Re: CSCS Tap Water

  Dear Jason:

  Thank you for your reply.  Just like you I try to be very careful and attempt 
to research things before blindly following standard methods.  I purchased 
several brands of generators and also built kits from the available 
information.  I was not satisfied with the somewhat uncontrolled results.  It 
seems that with the 27 volt method, 90% of the product is produced in the last 
10% of time and if you are not watching carefully you will have either mostly 
pure water or mud and silver flakes floating on top of the water.  Since I 
like to measure things, I bought the Hanna PWT and Laser from Trem and did some 

  I have come up with a method that self limits the concentration of silver 
ions to about 15 uS as measured with the Hanna PWT.  Even after 5 days of 
brewing, the concentration stays below 20 uS and there is very little Tindel as 
shown by the Laser.  What does happen is that as the concentration increases, 
the silver ions plate back out onto the negative silver electrode.

However, the increased conductivity of tap water causes the reaction to 
start out of control immediately.  
This greatly increases the actual amount of silver deposited into the 

  So, let us say that your above statement does not apply.  ( Please feel free 
to argue this if you like. )

  Then what would you say?  

  Would this be a good method of purifying water by precipitation of solids and 
disinfecting the swimmers?  I would prefer using silver instead of chlorine 
unless there are some negative factors.  What would be a proper dilution, 10 to 

  Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
  Check out my Website at www.MeissnerResearch.com
  Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.

- Original Message - 
From: SilverMedicine.org 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS Tap Water


Who knows what compounds are made in such a process.  However, the 
increased conductivity of tap water causes the reaction to start out of control 
immediately.  This greatly increases the actual amount of silver deposited into 
the water.  As with using saline solution as a primer, a great deal of silver 
will remain in the solution.  The end result is a poorer quality product with 
too much actual silver content.

It wouldn't surprise me if one discovered that metallic silver was actually 
plating out in the process, in small quantities of course.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Meissner 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 6:44 PM
  Subject: Re: CSCS Tap Water

  Dear Jason:

  I do know how to make CS with distilled water.  I use low voltage and 
current limiting.  It is about 15 uS as measured on a PWT and has low Tindell 
as shown

CSCandidates uses tap water...

2002-10-05 Thread SilverMedicine.org
Greeting all:

An individual on another list spoke with the candidate in question.  The 
colloidal silver he made was disasterous, as thought:

He used tap water to create the colloidal silver, and ran the brew for an hour.

This readily explains why he contracted Argyria so quickly.

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 4:59 PM
  Subject: Re: CSFw: CSBlue is the Color of My Candidates Skin

  Actually I believe the first place silver goes in to the fingernails and 
hair.  Thus I would expect his hair to be almost black, which it is not. 

  Lynda Khula wrote: 

just saw the pictures on fox news why would his hair be orange looking 
would the silver change the color of his hair as well, the picture they are 
comparing it to has his hair grayLynda- Original Message - 
From: sol
To: silver-l...@eskimo.comsent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 6:20 PMSubject: 
Re: CSBlue is the Color of My Candidates Skin
 The only photos in which he looks blue (to me) are the ones which look 
doctored, but also consider that he might be using makeup to conceal the 
blue(grey)? Or the photos in which he does not look blue could be re-colored or 
touched up. The possibilities are endless.paula compare this photo in 
marshall's post to the photo in reid harvey's post. looks like someone is using 
blue filters or something to misinform.jim 

 He doesn't look blue to me in that photo. 

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. 
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). 
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CSCS Tap Water

2002-10-05 Thread SilverMedicine.org

There's nothing wrong with taking isolated silver and adding it tap water;
the issue in question would be whether tap water was used during production.
There are plenty of salts in the body to convert silver ions into silver
chloride.  Not adding CS to tapwater is not going to make one bit of
difference.  In fact, silver ions are not going to get out of the body as
ions, period.  At some point, most if not all ions will be converted to
salts or proteins, and perhaps reconverted to ions, then back to any number
of possible compounds.

To think anything else is nothing more or less than unclear thinking.  What
happens between point A ( drinking CS ) and point Z ( the silver either
exits the body in particulate/compound form or is deposited in the body in
particulate/compound form ) is the miracle of CS.

The point I've been trying to make for several years now is that not
everyone is at equal risk for Argyria.  Joe can take CS for thirty years and
have no problem.  Joe builds a website that says it is completely non-toxic,
add a pinch of salt in the production process because we are impatient...
Then, six people get Argyria between 5 and 15 years down the road.

I'm betting the candidate used salt in the production process, as he was not
even aware of the term Argyria...  Judging from the date, he probably used
Metcalf's instructions on CS generation ( or some derived from Metcalf's
work ).

Like I said on a post earlier this year, lawyers are already listing
colloidal silver as a topic for lawsuits.  Those manufacturers who do not
educate their customers on the risk because they don't feel the risk is
there may be getting some surprises down the road.  It's hard to know
because it is impossible to truly know how people are using products.

I've been working on some theoretical programs for quite awhile to reduce
the risk of Argyria This for those with terminal illness who for
whatever reason need to be on colloidal silver long term, taking amounts
exceeding eight ounces daily of 10PPM CS.

While on topic, I also have a problem with the SilverFacts page on this
issue, as the site simply plays the propaganda game on the other side of the

As far as whether or not cosmetic argyria is a real issue, I deal with
people on both sides of the coin... Those who could really care less, and
those who have a lot to lose as they make a living on their appearance.

I still do not believe that taking sane mounts of quality, isolated
colloidal silver places one at risk.  I keep my own silver intake well below
the EPA established guidelines for lifetime consumption of silver.

However, I would like to comment on one more issue:  By the time silver
starts to deposit in the skin, it will likely have already started
depositing in organs.  When the skin, fingernails, and hair start to show
signs of a condition, it is a warning that the elimination system is not
functioning properly.  Dehydration is probably the first place to look.  The
body's ph levels are likely a good second place to look.

Best Regards,


Re: CSCandidates uses tap water...

2002-10-05 Thread SilverMedicine.org

There was no mention of it, but I shall enquire.

Also, I forgot to mention that the setup was a straight 3 volt batteries 
attached to silver wires; apparently no current limiting.

Best Regards,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Ladendorf 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSCandidates uses tap water...



  An individual on another list spoke with the candidate in question.  The 
colloidal silver he made was disasterous, as thought. 


  Did this person find out how much he was using? 



  Do you Yahoo!?
  Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos,  more

Re: CSCandidate uses tap water...

2002-10-05 Thread SilverMedicine.org

He drank eight ounces daily for about three years.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Ladendorf 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CSCandidates uses tap water...



  An individual on another list spoke with the candidate in question.  The 
colloidal silver he made was disasterous, as thought. 


  Did this person find out how much he was using? 



  Do you Yahoo!?
  Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos,  more

Re: CSSilver Facts: hints at CS in drinking water Argria and Stan Jones

2002-10-03 Thread SilverMedicine.org

Much more silver chloride will form in the stomach upon consuming CS than would 
form by adding CS into water.

The problem with generating CS using salt, saline solution, or tap water is 
not primarily in the formation of silver chloride.  The quality of the end 
product is disasterous. The problem is that the reaction immediately goes out 
of control-- not only are vast amounts of silver chloride produced, but also 
very large silver particles.

I wouldn't really want to venture a guess at the total amount of silver 
contained in eight ounces of such a brew...  But I'd imagine such a batch run 
for five minutes would have at least 10X the silver content of a quality 

I don't believe the candidate is lying, or is part of a conspiracy...  I would 
like to know how he made his silver though.  It would be extremely difficult to 
reach the commonly accepted level of silver accumulation via isolated colloidal 
silver in such a short time.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nancy-Silverworks 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 9:36 PM
  Subject: CSSilver Facts: hints at CS in drinking water Argria and Stan Jones

  Did anyone else see this reference? Looks like he did either make or mix his 
CS in drinking water if this is accurate. This definitely could cause formation 
of silver salts. (The site is pro-CS). Maybe the site owner of SilverFacts is a 
member here. Sorry for my ignorance if that's the case. See excerpt below.


  By Tom Kotynski
  Great Falls Tribune
  September 30, 2002 

  He started taking the supplement in 1999 in anticipation of Y2K, in the 
event that such remedies might be in short supply in the wake of an anticipated 
worldwide computer disruption. He made his own dietary supplement by 
electrically charging a couple of silver wires in a glass of water. The charge 
created particles that he mixed with his drinking water.

  Some people asked for my web addresses regarding Lyme  CS. Here's a couple: 
http://oikourgos.com/silverworks/cs_info1.html and 
http://oikourgos.com/trisha/lyme_stories.htm (follow links for My Lyme Story, 


Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread SilverMedicine.org

I've done a bit of further research concerning ceramic filters, and I do
understand that using a low PPM silver product would not be adequate for
such a purpose.  I've seen a study where a 50 PPM high quality CS was used
for such a purpose, and the results were not satisfactory.

As far as the MD's go, my personal opinion is that anyone could use any
substance safely ( provided it could be used safely! ) with proper product
knowledge...  But it is apparently contrary to successful business practices
for some of these companies to fully disclose information to their
customers.  Thus, the ethical solution is to have MD's purchase the
substance and supervise use.

I would love to see the MD's role switched more to the role of an educator
and advisor as far as general health goes.  Of course, critical care is an
entirely different ball game.

Warm Regards,


- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey pott...@wlink.com.np
To: silver list silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 6:55 PM
Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 Dear Jason,
 Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that it
 would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.  But
 how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
 educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
 also the victims of the dis-information.

 You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
 high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
 to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this CS
 primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
 100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
 various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no

 For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
 while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had had
 this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
 after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
 antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the game
 park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
 red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
 diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second glass
 she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
 she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
 subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

 It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
 self treatment with Microdyn.  I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
 your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
 form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
 viewpoint may be.  So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
 own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
 advice.  Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
 extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS.  But what
 with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
 have to make do.  For example, peace corps doctors around the world tend
 to warn their volunteers about the hazards of self prescription/ self
 dosage.  Then they give the volunteers prescription drugs, like
 antibiotics, prior to their going to their various postings, usually

 So I may see your point about unethical sales of high ppm in the U.S.,
 for example.  But given the climate in third world countries, where self
 dosing is de rigeur, I think the ethical aspects get thrown out the
 window.  In a fair and just world your wisdom would perhaps prevail.

 Jason said,

 My greatest concern with the high PPM solutions is misuse.  You'll note
 in a previous message, the original company that manufactured what was
 likely MSP only sold the product to doctors...  That this doctor then
 decided to retail it to others is besides the point!

 There are reasons for this.  I consider companies that only sell these
 PPM products to doctors ethical companies.  I consider companies that do

 not, unethical, in that all the companies ( all that I have been able to

 find with similiar products ) do not claim that there is no risk to use.

 The fact of the matter is, there is no risk to use, provided that the
 instructions on the label are followed.

 Judging from the emails I've received over the last two years, there are

 many people out there using high PPM MSP as if it were electro-colloidal

 silver; undiluted, and taking amounts that certainly do produce a
 considerable risk, even if only a cosmetic one.

 I'm very certain that silver citrate is a bit different than many of the

 products out there, including the one in a recent post... But the

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread SilverMedicine.org

I've corresponded with three individuals over the last year who have
developed Argyria, and I'm aware of two other cases.

The two other cases were caused by Mild Silver Protein.  One was caused by
the mass consumption of poorly made silver chloride for five years daily.
One actually posted to the list earlier this year, and the mild Argyria was
caused by Water Oz.  The third was also caused by consuming Mild Silver

Not everyone, apparently, is at the same level of risk for Argyria.

I don't consider ten drops of CS excessive use, even undiluted.  The
individual whom developed severe Argyria consumed either eight or sixteen
ounces of CS daily, religously, for five years.

Those who consume bentonite regularly will likely have a metabolism that is
more capable of processing any number of toxic substances used in the body;
the body's elimination system is well cared for with such a habit, and liver
functions are greatly supported.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett miss...@prodigy.net.mx
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until this
 discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could NOT
 cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause
 Is there any evidence to support this contention?

 I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six
 at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.

 During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
 Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
 (There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't want
 be one of them.)

 Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt, bentonite
 clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.

 I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
 Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.

 If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's blue
 my eyes.

 - Original Message -
 From: Reid Harvey pott...@wlink.com.np
 To: silver list silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
 Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  Dear Jason,
  Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that it
  would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.  But
  how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
  educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of CS,
  also the victims of the dis-information.
  You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on the
  high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will hope
  to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this CS
  primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have tested
  100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
  various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no
  For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
  while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had had
  this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the doctor
  after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
  antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the game
  park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
  red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm Microdyn,
  diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second glass
  she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was indicated, so
  she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
  subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch
  It would be interesting to know how Mexicans fare at the business of
  self treatment with Microdyn.  I suppose I have not tuned in sooner to
  your concern about improper dosage simply because, CS in any shape or
  form is considered improper by most doctors, misquided as their
  viewpoint may be.  So it may appear that the laymen need to hazard their
  own dosing, dependent on their own good instincts in seeking proper
  advice.  Of course your concern about a doctor's supervision would
  extend to many kinds of remedies and not only those of CS.  But what
  with lack of medical facilites, educated people in third world countries
  have to make do.  For example, peace corps doctors around the world tend
  to warn their volunteers about the hazards of self prescription/ self
  dosage.  Then they give the volunteers prescription drugs, like
  antibiotics, prior to their going to their various postings, usually
  So I may see your point about unethical sales of high ppm in the U.S.,
  for example.  But given the 

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-29 Thread SilverMedicine.org

In my opinion, correct!

However, that said, I'm not exactly certain what Microdyn is, as I've never
researched it.  High PPM colloidal silvers are rarely isolated silver...
Usually they are compounds, either silver salts or silver proteins.  The
higher the PPM, the harder it is to stabilize CS without some sort of


- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett miss...@prodigy.net.mx
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 But silver chloride and mild silver protein are not true collodial silver,

 - Original Message -
 From: SilverMedicine.org silvermedic...@silvermedicine.org
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 12:24 PM
 Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

  I've corresponded with three individuals over the last year who have
  developed Argyria, and I'm aware of two other cases.
  The two other cases were caused by Mild Silver Protein.  One was caused
  the mass consumption of poorly made silver chloride for five years
  One actually posted to the list earlier this year, and the mild Argyria
  caused by Water Oz.  The third was also caused by consuming Mild Silver
  Not everyone, apparently, is at the same level of risk for Argyria.
  I don't consider ten drops of CS excessive use, even undiluted.  The
  individual whom developed severe Argyria consumed either eight or
  ounces of CS daily, religously, for five years.
  Those who consume bentonite regularly will likely have a metabolism that
  more capable of processing any number of toxic substances used in the
  the body's elimination system is well cared for with such a habit, and
  functions are greatly supported.
  Kind Regards,
  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Missett miss...@prodigy.net.mx
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 6:02 AM
  Subject: Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS
   There seems to be a major shift in philosophy developing here.  Until
   discussion began, the dominant Silver List thought was that CS could
   cause arygria.   Now we are hearing that high strength CS CAN cause
   Is there any evidence to support this contention?
   I have been consuming Microdyn CS, whatever its strength is, for six
   at times heavily, straight out of the bottle into my mouth.
   During a bout of Australian flu three years ago, I drank 10 drops of
   Microdyn every hour, right out of the bottle, for three straight days.
   (There were elderly people dying in NYC from that flu, and I didn't
   be one of them.)
   Additionally, my drinking water is a prepared mix of sea salt,
   clay and Microdyn, which I consume daily.
   I have never had any adverse reactions to this practice, and consider
   Microdyn safe for consumption undiluted.
   If I turn blue, I'll let you know. So far the only part of me that's
   my eyes.
   - Original Message -
   From: Reid Harvey pott...@wlink.com.np
   To: silver list silver-list@eskimo.com
   Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 8:55 PM
   Subject: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your very thoughtful message.  I can see your point that
would be best for concentrated CS to be administered by a doctor.
how ironic that the vast majority of otherwise-reliable, western
educated doctors would appear to tend not to accept the validity of
also the victims of the dis-information.
You asked about the possibility of my having a comparison done on
high ppm CS I make, to see how effective it really is, and I will
to do that at some point in the future.  But at present I use this
primarily to saturate ceramic candle filters, all of which have
100% removal of fecal coliforms.  I use the high ppm secondarily for
various treatments on my family while traveling, 'where there is no
For example, my wife Catherine had a very nasty bout of strep throat
while we were in a Nepali game park, far from any clinic.  She had
this kind of severe strep several times before, only going to the
after it hit her like a ton of bricks, and each time she'd go on
antibiotics and be laid up in bed for nearly a week.  While in the
park, when seh finally admitted that it was severe strep (her throat
red) we put her on a careful regime of the labelled-3200ppm
diluted to ~20ppm, a 200ml. glass every four hours.  By the second
she was already feeling better and no further bed rest was
she didn't miss out on any of the fun activities of the family. (We
subsequently rode an elephant out to a place where we could watch

Re: CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-27 Thread SilverMedicine.org

My greatest concern with the high PPM solutions is misuse.  You'll note that
in a previous message, the original company that manufactured what was
likely MSP only sold the product to doctors...  That this doctor then
decided to retail it to others is besides the point!

There are reasons for this.  I consider companies that only sell these high
PPM products to doctors ethical companies.  I consider companies that do
not, unethical, in that all the companies ( all that I have been able to
find with similiar products ) do not claim that there is no risk to use.
The fact of the matter is, there is no risk to use, provided that the
instructions on the label are followed.

Judging from the emails I've received over the last two years, there are
many people out there using high PPM MSP as if it were electro-colloidal
silver; undiluted, and taking amounts that certainly do produce a
considerable risk, even if only a cosmetic one.

I'm very certain that silver citrate is a bit different than many of the
products out there, including the one in a recent post... But the statement
that the colloidal silver was effective at 250 PPM + is frightening.  I'm
almost willing to bet that either someone didn't do the testing correctly,
or that someone crossed their information somewhere.

I certainly understand your point.  If I were in a third world country
without access to distilled water, I wouldn't hesitate to use what was at my
disposal, including tap water if necessary.

Have you considered having a comparison done on your product, to see how
effective it really is ( once diluted to useable )?

That might be revealing, and might either put your mind at ease, or give you
something more to shoot for...

Kind Regards,


PS:  Yes, I certainly agree and know that high concentrations of CS can be
made, but it is good to keep in mind that the nature of the products with
high PPM are different!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe:CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

2002-09-25 Thread SilverMedicine.org

500 PPM is not unheard of, actually...  But, when the PPM is that high, it
is almost always silver compounds one is dealing with--  either ionic salts
or silver proteins.


- Original Message -
From: ascottsil...@aol.com
To: r...@kc.rr.com
Cc: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 8:25 PM
Subject: CSRe:CSreply from a company selling 500ppm CS

 I sent her the below email. Let's see if she answers...

 Best wishes,
 Andy (^_^)

 Dear Dr. Schwartzman,

 Your name and web site recently came up on a discussion group for
 silver. These people are not dummies. You state that your colloidal silver
 500 ppm which is unheard of. This brings up two questions: What laboratory
 tested your colloidal silver and what is your doctorate in? The right
 would be very helpful to us, the wrong answers or no answer would be of
 interest to the FDA and the FTC.

 Thank you for your time.
 Andrew Scott

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSregulations

2002-09-21 Thread SilverMedicine.org

Yes, the issue at hand is not the validity of the studies done by the fine
microbiologists at Brigham Young University, but rather the administration's
attempt to seperate the University from the study done.

The testing was not sponsored by the university.  Since the testing was done
on university property, with university equipment, and done on university
paid time, I believe that the university owns the work done, although they
do not display any copyrights with the work ( which is part of the problem
here ).

BYU lawyers have been using strong-arm tactics to try to remove the
University's name from the study... and more.  They also want to reserve
their copyright.  However, they refuse to, from what I have seen,
acknowledge the copyright in print, in a manner that fits the legal
definition of copyright display and notification of infringement.

This is certainly not an issue with the staff at BYU...  I was told that the
head microbiologist only wanted the study available through ASAP, as it was
their product that was tested.  He did not want other, perhaps inferior
products, profiting from the work done -- especially since doing so is truly
misrepresenting the work.

This is certainly understandable, although while I would term ASAP silver an
effective silver, it is hardly one of the best out there.

The BYU study information will be forever available through our website.
Currently, I simply give a brief synopsis, and link over to ASAP.  If ASAP
is ever forced to take the study down, I will relocate the data.

The problem I have is not with the University's position.  The problem I
have is with trying to remove information from the public domain, and doing
so with unethical methods.  I'm a very strong freedom of speech advocate.

I have quite a bit of information that I cannot release to the public
domain...  Respecting those who have done work, that, if it gained too much
attention, might jeopardize the work being done.  I see this as different
from microbiologists granting newspaper interviews, and then a University
trying to come up behind and clean it all up for political reasons.

Best Regards,


- Original Message -
From: Malcolm Stebbins s...@asis.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 4:39 AM
Subject: Re: CSregulations

 They didn't deny it, just insisted it was not for public consumption and
any use
 of it would be met with legal(istic) sanction.  I believe Jason
(silvermedicine ??
 site) has the whole bit including his response to the threat.

 Ian Roe wrote:

  Hasn't the Brigham Young research report already been debunked?  I
  the university had denied it entirely.
  - Original Message -
  From: James Osbourne, Holmes a...@cybermesa.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 7:26 PM
  Subject: RE: CSregulations
   Go to argentumresearch.com  Find some juicy quotes by Dr. Flick, and
   him. Also, find the Brigham Young research report, and quote it.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSregulations

2002-09-21 Thread SilverMedicine.org

No I do not...  Those copyright grants are a part of any good contract.
I've always had to sign one, specifically granting rights to the companies
I've worked for, if the work was done with company resources ( including
time ).

The contract specifying rights of work to the corporate entity is the
standard these days, not the exception.


- Original Message -
From: Bill Missett miss...@prodigy.net.mx
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: CSregulations

 I believe the BYU staff microbiologists, as authors, own the copyright
 under the revised 1987 copyright law, unless their BYU contract
 states all published papers are the sole property of the university.  Do
 if the copyright has been registered with  the Library of Congress?

 The situation certainly presents some pretty sticky legal issues, to be
 sure.  But sorting out the copyright ownership process should be a simple
 matter, bullyboy BYU attorneys or not:  The authors own the copyright,
 their contracts give BYU the rights to all published work.

 What is the ASAP website URL?

 Thanks for your information and insight.

 - Original Message -
 From: SilverMedicine.org silvermedic...@silvermedicine.org
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 10:31 AM
 Subject: Re: CSregulations

  Yes, the issue at hand is not the validity of the studies done by the
  microbiologists at Brigham Young University, but rather the
  attempt to seperate the University from the study done.
  The testing was not sponsored by the university.  Since the testing was
  on university property, with university equipment, and done on
  paid time, I believe that the university owns the work done, although
  do not display any copyrights with the work ( which is part of the
  here ).
  BYU lawyers have been using strong-arm tactics to try to remove the
  University's name from the study... and more.  They also want to reserve
  their copyright.  However, they refuse to, from what I have seen,
  acknowledge the copyright in print, in a manner that fits the legal
  definition of copyright display and notification of infringement.
  This is certainly not an issue with the staff at BYU...  I was told that
  head microbiologist only wanted the study available through ASAP, as it
  their product that was tested.  He did not want other, perhaps inferior
  products, profiting from the work done -- especially since doing so is
  misrepresenting the work.
  This is certainly understandable, although while I would term ASAP
  effective silver, it is hardly one of the best out there.
  The BYU study information will be forever available through our website.
  Currently, I simply give a brief synopsis, and link over to ASAP.  If
  is ever forced to take the study down, I will relocate the data.
  The problem I have is not with the University's position.  The problem I
  have is with trying to remove information from the public domain, and
  so with unethical methods.  I'm a very strong freedom of speech
  I have quite a bit of information that I cannot release to the public
  domain...  Respecting those who have done work, that, if it gained too
  attention, might jeopardize the work being done.  I see this as
  from microbiologists granting newspaper interviews, and then a
  trying to come up behind and clean it all up for political reasons.
  Best Regards,
  - Original Message -
  From: Malcolm Stebbins s...@asis.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 4:39 AM
  Subject: Re: CSregulations
   They didn't deny it, just insisted it was not for public consumption
  any use
   of it would be met with legal(istic) sanction.  I believe Jason
  (silvermedicine ??
   site) has the whole bit including his response to the threat.
   Ian Roe wrote:
Hasn't the Brigham Young research report already been debunked?  I
the university had denied it entirely.
- Original Message -
From: James Osbourne, Holmes a...@cybermesa.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 7:26 PM
Subject: RE: CSregulations
 Go to argentumresearch.com  Find some juicy quotes by Dr. Flick,
 him. Also, find the Brigham Young research report, and quote it.
The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSBuyer Beware

2002-09-19 Thread SilverMedicine.org

You need to hit the books a bit before levelling accusations.

There are two factors involved in considering particle sizing with colloidal 
silver.  The one that most people are concerned with is large particles through 
agglomeration.  This happens via inferior production methods, mainly losing 
control of the reaction.

The second is large particles, sparklies and flakes and even dentrites 
deposited as metallic silver into CS.  In this variety, the end quality, 
whether high or low, is not directly effected.  It is extraordinarily hard to 
eliminate absolutely all flaking in CS production. Some people choose to use a 
variety of different filtering methods.  Some people don't worry about it.

Considering TEM's there are two types of opinions:

1.  Those who have seen their own TEM, understand the significance of what they 
are seeing, understand the limitations, and have learned a great deal thereby.

2.  Those who have seen their own TEM, didn't like the looks of it, and have 
therefore declared it irrelevant.

Now, Francis Key is right when saying that AAS is entirely superior for 
particle sizing.  I don't believe he is correct when stating it is useless, as 
the data I've viewed shows a direct correlation between bacterial efficacy ( 
in-vitro ) and data derived from TEM analysis.

In fact, I clearly remember two scientists from Malvern in disagreement as to 
how valueable TEM would be for this type of analysis.

The value in ANY scientific measurement is in the information gained from 
analysis, not the information NOT gained.  When using the same instrumentation, 
even if it is only a laser light, and applying the measurements accurately 
across the board, recording the data, analysing the data, and drawing 
conclusions based on accurate analysis and comparison, a whole world of 
relevant data can be explored.  In the case of TEM's and silver, I find them 
extremely revealing, and significant as applied to clinical considerations...  
I don't think a TEM of a particulate silver should be considered in the same 
light as a predominant CS.

I understand Francis' reservations about TEM, especially concerning his own 
product.  I classify Frank's product differently than electro-colloidal silver. 
 Same as I do products made with baking soda  They are different, and 
cannot be equally classified with the same analytical tools.

If there were 40 types of particulate silver out there, then I imagine that 
TEM would be just as revealing to compare differences.  I think that Frank 
would likely have to grudgingly admit this!

Awhile ago, I had a TEM done with a combination of silver and natural 
bentonite.  I also had bacterial comparison work done.  The result showed that 
the colloidal silver was about 15% less effective with the natural clay, as 
studied with a gram negative pathogen.

Rather than not understand what I was seeing and getting all upset, screaming 
to the world how invalid such work was, I studied the information carefully.  
My study of the work performed answered some key questions.  I published the 
data as is, with a commentary explaining the action of bentonite.

It's like that individual who looked at colloidal silver with blood using 
darkfield microscopy  Never understanding the difference between viewing 
the action of a substance with blood in the body and on a plate...  So much 
ignorance, and no time to address it all.

James is right -- simple silver works.  He's not correct in assuming that there 
is no difference.  He has no basis to make this claim, and such a claim can 
bring harm to others.  I haven't been studying Trem's silver for that long, and 
so I certainly don't have any stastically signficant numbers, nor real 
scientific data beyond my own experience with simple generators and more 
advanced generators...  But my initial work shows that ear infections are 
reduced more rapidly, and sore throats as well, with alot less silver than I 
used to use with battery generated CS...

Now, one must keep in mind that in my testing, it's either myself I'm testing 
on or working with those who have already tried allopathic medicine and 
experienced no results; or have chronic conditions that are never 
satisfactorily resolved through standard protocols.  This is changing with our 
public outreach program, but in the past, one of my requirements to work with 
others is that they have already tried the doctor routine.  This usually means 
that there are contributing factors involved... It's not just your average Joe 
who has a cold...

With the ear infection in question, the individual was a small child, and was 
on a double dose of antibiotics...  The pharmacist almost wouldn't fill the Rx 
script.  When I say ear infection, I mean an ear infection that had the child 
vomiting and thus dehydrated.  The infection was brought under control within 
24 hours via two 20 minute per ear treatments twice ( a day, in that it was 
repeated for 3 days ), and the child 

Re: CSTo Jason Re: Buyer Beware

2002-09-19 Thread SilverMedicine.org

Tem's are normally characterized exactly as specified... Trem was not 
stretching the truth as you so claim.  He was reporting the data as it was 
reported to him.  Those larger particles are irrelevant ( in Trem's case ) when 
considering colloidal silver effectiveness.  If Trem had made microgram 
calculations of silver content based on the particle range specified, then 
there would certainly be a considerable issue.  In fact, it is likely that 
there are even smaller particles than the TEM represents...  When you do a TEM, 
you don't search for the smallest particle, list that, then search for the 
largest particle, and list that.  That's not the design or purpose.  Doing so 
would not be characterizing the colloidal silver in a meaningful way.  For that 
depth of analysis, AAS should be used.  That's why there's the little 
measurement gauge on each and every TEM.  So the viewer, whom one must assume 
either understands how to read a TEM, or asks how to read one, can see the 
standard range.

If you were to look at a TEM with significant agglomeration, you'd instantly 
see the difference.  And yes, how the ionic silver evaporates out is truly 
significant, and differs depending on many factors.  But here I'm jumping 
beyond my level of solid education.

I shouldn't have been sarcastic, for that I apologize.

If you want to be accurately critical of CS sales, I can point you to several 
hundred products that deserve that sort of scrutiny... Trem truly is not one of 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Ladendorf 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 8:23 PM
  Subject: Re: CSTo Jason Re: Buyer Beware


  You need to hit the books a bit before levelling accusations. 

  Please don't put words in my mouth. I made no accusations. What I did was 
state a fact: Trem claimed that his generator produced .0006 - .005 particle 
size as confirmed by lab analysis. According to the lab, the report was not 
consistent with what Trem advertised. Plain and simple. He even admitted that 
he strettched the truth a bit. 


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