
My greatest concern with the high PPM solutions is misuse.  You'll note that
in a previous message, the original company that manufactured what was
likely MSP only sold the product to doctors...  That this doctor then
decided to retail it to others is besides the point!

There are reasons for this.  I consider companies that only sell these high
PPM products to doctors ethical companies.  I consider companies that do
not, unethical, in that all the companies ( all that I have been able to
find with similiar products ) do not claim that there is no risk to use.
The fact of the matter is, there is no risk to use, provided that the
instructions on the label are followed.

Judging from the emails I've received over the last two years, there are
many people out there using high PPM MSP as if it were electro-colloidal
silver; undiluted, and taking amounts that certainly do produce a
considerable risk, even if only a cosmetic one.

I'm very certain that silver citrate is a bit different than many of the
products out there, including the one in a recent post... But the statement
that the "colloidal silver" was effective at 250 PPM + is frightening.  I'm
almost willing to bet that either someone didn't do the testing correctly,
or that someone crossed their information somewhere.

I certainly understand your point.  If I were in a third world country
without access to distilled water, I wouldn't hesitate to use what was at my
disposal, including tap water if necessary.

Have you considered having a comparison done on your product, to see how
effective it really is ( once diluted to useable )?

That might be revealing, and might either put your mind at ease, or give you
something more to shoot for...

Kind Regards,


PS:  Yes, I certainly agree and know that high concentrations of CS can be
made, but it is good to keep in mind that the nature of the products with
high PPM are different!

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