Re: CSSilver-resistant micro-organisms?

2003-12-06 Thread colloidal . silver

If we soon se a silver-resistant strain of the flu, that can be genetically 
traced to these bacteria, then that's rock solid proof for a class action suite 
against the vaccine  flu flim flam business...  Will they pick up on this tid 
bit and promptly breed a new flu strain using part of the rna  dna of these 
bacteria ?
Only time will tell. However if it is done, the charges should be both treason, 
and genecide.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Trem 
  Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 4:25 PM
  Subject: CSSilver-resistant micro-organisms?

  Hi Mathew,

  DO you happen to have any more info on the outbreak?  That is, did they use 
CS internally, how much, etc.  Or was it some other silver compound like MSP?

  I tried to get the article mentioned by Warren in his book but the search 
function for the company he mentioned in his book is out of order and no note 
of how long it'll be down.

  I find it fishy that silver doesn't kill ALL bacteria except the ones we 
speak about in silver mines and their environs.  I wouldn't be surprised to 
find it was a sham to put CS in a bad light.  I wasn't aware any allopaths were 
using silver in 1999 and admitted to it...especially to knock it.  Sounds fishy 
to me.

  Best regards,

- Original Message - 
From: Matthew McCann PE 
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 12:11 PM
Subject: [silver_list] CSSilver-resistant micro-organisms?

Hi, Marshall.

Thanks for your information about
the silver-mine micro-organisms.
The outbreak of Ag+ resistant
Salmonella in Massachusetts
was reported in 1999. Maybe it
was a fluke. Has anything like it
been observed and reported since

It is a concern, to be sure. But
judging from news reports today,
we have bigger fish to fry, pronto.
New reports indicate that influenza
vaccine stocks are low and perhaps
depleted , sooner than expected.
And it seems the vaccines were not formulated
for the A-Fujian-H3N2 strain, which
is expected to be the main culprit
this season (which runs to May.)


Re: CSSilvergen SG7

2003-11-23 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Simon :)

These generators are very common sense. I have one too, and it makes the best 
C.S. of any system I've had the chance to examine. It's maintenance free, and 
can make so much C.S.,
that you could litterally put down the plague in a medium sized town with it. 
What you have is not just a simple cs. generator, it's 
a poste-9-11 - terrorism survival tool.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Simon Heywood 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:21 PM
  Subject: CSSilvergen SG7

  I Have just finished making my first 5 gallon batch of Colloidal Silver using 
Trems SG7 Pro.  The hole production only took 2hrs, which has resulted in a 
very high Ionic CS.  First impressions are that this is a great generator.

  Simon  (Downunder)

  Hot chart ringtones and polyphonics. Click here -- The silver-list is a 
moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for 
unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your 
message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSDiabetes

2003-11-16 Thread colloidal . silver
Try making very spicey indian meat dishes, that use honey, not refined sugar, I 
think thats easier on you...
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 10:56 AM
  Subject: Re: CSDiabetes

  It was about 2 months on Atkins before my wife was able to completely get off 
her pills.  She went from the doctor saying that he was going to have to 
increase her gluberide again, to taking none at all. 

  Charles Sutton wrote: 

Only if you stay on it!  I have always had an uncontrollable addiction to 
ice cream.  Sometimes eating a half gallon per day.  Since I have been on 
now for a while the sugar cravings have dissapeared.  I hope they stay 
I think the urgency of the condition this time, instead of just being 
overweight, is keeping me going.   I have to get the sugar levels down in 
days or the Dr. is going to put me on meds.. 
- Original Message - 
From: mamapug 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 6:55 PM 
Subject: Re: CSDiabetes 
  That's the first thing that I did.   Been on almost zero carbs for 
  weeks now.   I have used the Atkins diet to lose weight since 1968. 
  lost 11 lbs in 12 days, but blood sugar still in 140 to 170 range.   I 
  always heard that the Atkins diet would cure diabetes, and I'm going 
  cure it.. 
 Since 1968??? Doesn`t work, then, does it? 

Re: CSDiabetes

2003-11-16 Thread colloidal . silver
Just toss a table spoon of baking soda in a glass of distilled water, hold
your nose and drink... You'll Be alkaline in no time...

- Original Message -
From: Robb Allen
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: CSDiabetes

 This is what I said...this is a copy/paste.
 I have heard some people say that the Atkins diet makes people
  prime candidates for cancer
  then I said .
 The argument is that it lowers your ph

 lowering the ph because of all the meat and cheese would mosts likely
 your ph making you more suceptable to cancerthat is what I

 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 3:48 PM
 Subject: Re: CSDiabetes

  Well this is the exchange:
  I wrote:
  I have never heard that before.  Why would anyone think that
  decrease the risk of cancer?
  Your answer was:
  The argument is that it lowers your ph.which may be true..?
  So I totally confused.  If you say that sugar lowers ph, and that
  cancer, I would read that as saying that low ph is good.
  How are you interpreting it?
  Robb Allen wrote:
   ummmnoI didn'tI have been saying all along that a
   decrease is bad..I'm well aware of how ph works...Robb
   - Original Message -
   From: Marshall Dudley
   Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 12:50 PM
   Subject: Re: CSDiabetes
You said that sugars lower your pH. That means they make you more
I say that acid makes you more likely to get cancer.
You said that more sugars make you less likely to get cancer. Thus
 that is
opposite of what I am saying.
We have a disconnect here somewhere.
Robb Allen wrote:
 Thats what I just said.Robb

 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 10:26 AM
 Subject: Re: CSDiabetes

  Everything I have read indicates that low pH increases the
  reduces it. And that in some cases simply raising pH will
  cancers.  That is why everyone wants to alkalinize the body.
  increases cancer, but give lots of other problems such as
  arthritis and kidney stones.
  Robb Allen wrote:
   The argument is that it lowers your ph.which may be
   true..?I can't seem to stay on it so I can't
   ph is already low anywayRobb
   - Original Message -
   From: Marshall Dudley
   Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 5:31 PM
   Subject: Re: CSDiabetes
I have never heard that before.  Why would anyone think that
decrease the risk of cancer?
Robb Allen wrote:
 I have heard some people say that the Atkins diet makes
 candidates for cancer..any comments on

 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 2:51 PM
 Subject: Re: CSDiabetes

  My wife use to have type II diabetes.  She no longer
  going on the Atkins diet.
  Charles Sutton wrote:
   I was diagnosed with type II diabetes last week.   I
   prevent it.   I hear the feds say there is no cure, so
   somewhere.  any clues..??
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
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   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAllergic to CS?

2003-11-12 Thread colloidal . silver
Yes it's very tough sorting through it, but it sure helps if you can find a
MD who's at least a little open minded...

- Original Message -
From: Rowena Evans
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: CSAllergic to CS?

 Husband of friend here had big scare, v aggressive kidney cancer of a
 type caused by petrochemicals (worked for years in garage, forecourt
 also).  Has done well (is also taking CS and H2O2).  Went for checkup.
 Specialist said he would not consider any information gathered from
 the Internet.  Wife said she had questions to ask, and needed answers.
 Well, where is she supposed to get information?  Sorry Drs, you
 believe what you were taught, as you should be able to, but who is
 pulling the strings?

 On the other hand, so many Drs are open to less pharmaceutical
 solutions and tending to more natural or safe methods.

 So much to learn, life so short, vested interests so aggressive.


 level of
  biological stealth ! You will have to be very agressive about
 demanding that
  level of medical compitence. It will not ever be readilly offered to
  Md's are no longer held to their medical
  oaths, only their credits  debits. If your a MD reading this, then
  but take a good long look in the mirror, because your arrogant creed
  legally murdered quite a few of my kin.
  I considder the great majority of them to be both money gluttons,
  absolute unadultrated cowards. They know quite well, what they are
  and don't give even a little bit of a damn about it.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSStone Deodorant

2003-11-11 Thread colloidal . silver
Yes Rowena !

Aluminum sure darn well is a toxin. Tragically some poor suckers still cook
their food on pans made of it.

See Back to Eden Jethro Kloss Book on How cooking with or any biological
internal exposure to Aluminum is highly toxic.


- Original Message -
From: Rowena Evans
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: CSStone Deodorant

 I bought these for a few years, and was a bit puzzled by an odour on
 them.  Then my daughter started complaining that they smelled of her
 brother.  Around the same time I saw on another forum that one needed
 to wipe the tops over with an antibacterial solution to kill the sweat
 bacteria they picked up.  It did seem to work wiping them over, but I
 was further put off when I found that these natural stones contained
 aluminium.  (Wasn't that a Hulda Clark observation?)   I hadn't been
 able to find out what the ingredients were, though had a surprise on
 one to see the word alum.  They are just standing in the bathroom
 cupboards now.
   What is potassium alum, then?  Where do they get it from?  To what
 degree can it be called natural?


  A good alternative is a deodorant stone/crystal.  I
  was amazed at how well these work when I first tried
  them.  They are made of potassium alum which kill the
  bacteria so there is no odor.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSulphur

2003-11-11 Thread colloidal . silver
My Sypathy goes out to you Grant,

I've some friends that have that in their well, and it's really tough to
drink... Maybe you could set up on your roof, a solar distillery for
drinking water... ???


- Original Message -
From: Grant
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: CSSulphur

  But there is no overwhelmingiron   in our well, only
 overwhelming   Sulphur
  Big time   sulphur
Grant wrote:

 Hi Grant :)
 I would read up on the difference between Inorganic-Sulphur /
 Organic-Sulpher. I don't believe the body can
 utilise Inorganic-Sulpher, but The Organic version is readaly usable by
 the body, because a plant has attached it to a organic molecule chain.
 stuff comming out of your well is probly not doing you any more good,
 all the Inorganic Iron comming out of ours, but dammit, it sure tastes
 like crap !
 - Original Message -
 From: Grant
 To: Silver - List
 Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 10:06 PM
 Subject: CSSulphur
 You know:
   I have been reading for   eons  now that sulphur is beneficial.
   However I happen to be on well water which isvery high
   in sulphur...   I drink it every day, and wonder if  the Sulphur
  perhaps  depleting something  in my body ??
   Any  opinions ??
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
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 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAllergic to CS?

2003-11-10 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello :)

Are you historically allergic to waring silver jewelry ? If so the C.S. may
be tough for you to tollerate. Also you may have a pretty bad build up of
toxic anti-perpirant chemicals in your skin under your arms...  Yes by all
means use a gental solution... If you are experiencing this durring
excercise, then common sense dictates it's simple chaffing from friction.
Try a little corn starch powder under there before each workout...

Best Regards,
- Original Message -
From: kittykat
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSAllergic to CS?

 Is anyone allergic to CS as a deodorant?  Would cutting the CS with DW
 reduce the rash?  I am using about 20-22 ppm CS made with the Silver


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSulphur

2003-11-10 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Grant :)

I would read up on the difference between Inorganic-Sulphur /
Organic-Sulpher. I don't believe the body can
utilise Inorganic-Sulpher, but The Organic version is readaly usable by
the body, because a plant has attached it to a organic molecule chain.  The
stuff comming out of your well is probly not doing you any more good, than
all the Inorganic Iron comming out of ours, but dammit, it sure tastes
like crap !


- Original Message -
From: Grant
To: Silver - List
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 10:06 PM
Subject: CSSulphur

 You know:
   I have been reading for   eons  now that sulphur is beneficial.
   However I happen to be on well water which isvery high
   in sulphur...   I drink it every day, and wonder if  the Sulphur is
  perhaps  depleting something  in my body ??
   Any  opinions ??

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAllergic to CS?

2003-11-10 Thread colloidal . silver
One additional note here...

What at first may appear as a topical aversion to C.S. may actually be an
invasive imbedded in the dermal layers, as wall as in the inner body. The
invasive's destruction by the silver, is what produces, the mimmicked
appearance of an allergy, but in actuality the c.s. is ridding your body of
an invasive that has the ability to mimic your body. You then stop trying to
heal your self so that you can enable the pathogen to continue living in you
and ultimatly you succumb to it 100%='s Death... It will take a MD.,
 who is not the typical idiot selling pills, to discern this level of
biological stealth ! You will have to be very agressive about demanding that
level of medical compitence. It will not ever be readilly offered to you.
Md's are no longer held to their medical
oaths, only their credits  debits. If your a MD reading this, then sorry,
but take a good long look in the mirror, because your arrogant creed has
legally murdered quite a few of my kin.
I considder the great majority of them to be both money gluttons, and
absolute unadultrated cowards. They know quite well, what they are doing,
and don't give even a little bit of a damn about it.

You are awlays better off trusting a scientist with a good biology,
chemistry, and electrical background, as they have often not sold their
soul... Example Robert Beck ( Doctorate in Physics) NOT MEDICINE... OF all
MD's in the US not even one came forward to the public, with what Robert
Beck proved to be common knowedge to the MD trade. This is literal proof
that 100's of 1000's of MD's nation-wide have with certain intention, and
completely  lucid consciousness betrayed their medical oaths 100%...

Alexander J. Federowicz
Providence, RI

- Original Message -
From: SilverTedEBear
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: CSAllergic to CS?

 A good alternative is a deodorant stone/crystal.  I
 was amazed at how well these work when I first tried
 them.  They are made of potassium alum which kill the
 bacteria so there is no odor.  I had to try it as
 regular deodorant was starting to make me break out.
 I've since switched to the liquid form in a spray pump
 bottle as the stones tend to break up too easily from
 wetting them repeatedly.  A couple of spritzes under
 each arm and on each foot to stop my feet from getting
 stinky and I'm good to go for the day.  You can find
 it at just about any health food store or online.
 Their website is


 --- |SilverList| wrote:
  Hello :)
  Are you historically allergic to waring silver
  jewelry ? If so the C.S. may
  be tough for you to tollerate. Also you may have a
  pretty bad build up of
  toxic anti-perpirant chemicals in your skin under
  your arms...  Yes by all
  means use a gental solution... If you are
  experiencing this durring
  excercise, then common sense dictates it's simple
  chaffing from friction.
  Try a little corn starch powder under there before
  each workout...
  Best Regards,
  - Original Message -
  From: kittykat
  Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 6:08 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAllergic to CS?
   Is anyone allergic to CS as a deodorant?  Would
  cutting the CS with DW
   reduce the rash?  I am using about 20-22 ppm CS
  made with the Silver
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  discussion of colloidal silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
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   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

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 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew member--IV silver, lyme, candida

2003-11-09 Thread colloidal . silver
Go look up a guy named Trem on this sites messages... He runs . I suggest you get an SG-7 model, which makes 5 gallons of 
20+ ppm C.S. crystal clear. Drink 1/2 gallon a day for the next half a year 
minimum. Also go imeadiaitly to the pet store and get yourself a fishtank 
ozonation kit. Use it to Ozonate, at least two glasses of 
chilled-distilled-water per day. This will neutralize your Herxzimers syndrom.  
About your candida... That is probably the fact that all those previous 
antibiotics and drugs you used for the Lyme-Dis. litterally killed off most / 
all of your immune system.  C.S. does not kill off your immune system. It acts 
as an additional one. Also about the herxzimers, obtain a large industrial tank 
of oxigen, and a tank valve, a long peice of hose for it, and a mask. (make 
sure you have some ventilation in the room) Now set you self up with the 
oxigen, and a execise cycle, gently riding the cycle for around 1/2 hour while 
breathing the oxigen. This is a very powefull way to assist your body in 
eliminating herxzimer, provides you with greatly increased energy for the day, 
and the oxigen is toxic to the bad pathogens in your body too. Don't waste your 
money buying medical grade oxigen, it's the same damn thing as the industrial 
grade, and it's absolutly not any purer. If you ask them where they sell the 
medical grade oxigen, the will most certainly lie to you about this fact... 
Well it's you pocket my my friend...
Finally, switch over from drinking or cooking with any form of water, to only 
pure-100%-distilled water. I'll provide a few other tips, if you e-mail me 
  - Original Message - 
  From: mamapug 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 10:37 AM
  Subject: Re: CSNew member--IV silver, lyme, candida

Hi, Kell, and welcome. I`m a former Lymie myself!! 

This is my first post to this group.  I am battling chronic lyme disease 
after only minor success with antibiotics for one year.  
I took Doxy for 6 years!!! 
Barely kept me alive, and made me put on 45 pounds. They never tell us 
about the weight gain! :o(

In the past few months I have seen some improvement using CS administered 
IV.  The silver is 23 ppm and I am taking about 60-80 cc twice a week.  
 Try taking it by mouth, works fine.

Last Thurs, I took the silver and late that night thought I was having a 
worse than normal herx.  By later the next day, I had developled a mild sore 
throat with some whitness on the tongue and some ulcerations around my tonsils 
and some smaller ulercations on my throat.  Along with these visible symptoms, 
I was completely drained.  Despite taking Diflucan, garlic, oregano oil, candex 
for the past 5 days I am still suffering from this.  I NEVER had this kind of 
reaction with antibiotics

 CS kills candida, doesn`t cause it. If you take it orally, and let it sit 
in the mouth for 4 minutes, it will kill off the candida. Don`t forget to get 
Vitamin C, a good B complex, and minerals to help the body heal. Don`t use 
anything with caffeine, not even chocolate.

I have read some of the archives and there seem to be conflicting reports 
whether silver causes or helps fight candida.  In my case, it seemed to have 
caused it.  Since I am a newbie, I would appreciate any advice.  Am I taking 
too much ? Is there more risk for candida taken IV ?  Anyway, this has been a 
discouraging episode because I can tell that silver is potentially a big gun in 
fighting lyme and I hate to stop.   Thank you.

I`m in the doesn`t cause it camp, obviously, but I never took CS by IV, 
there is no need. 
Please tell me, what CS are you taking? Did you make it yourself? Do you 
take vitamins and minerals, and if so, how much of each?
Hang in there, friend, CS will work, I`m proof that it does.
Do you want me to email you my story? Or better yet, can I call you? I`d 
prefer to chat, and I have 1 cent a minute long distance! If so, email me 
privately with your number.
I`m glad to help!!! 
Marshalee (in Provo, Utah)

Kell Wilson

Re: CSElectroporation and toxicity

2003-11-09 Thread colloidal . silver
Yes there are some tricks to doing this better... Rather than just ozonating 
distilled chilled water, go buy a very large tank of industrial oxigen right 
away, have her sit on a comfortable
stationery execise cycle for @ an hour, while breathing moderate oxigen through 
the mask. There is a lot more here, but I would rather you just call me at : 
(401) 272-9178

Alexander J. Federowicz

- Original Message - 
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 2:58 AM
Subject: CSElectroporation and toxicity

 My friend's wife continues to take conventional chemotherapy for 
 stomach cancer (metastatic)  with no change in the prognosis thus far.  
   (She will not live past March, say the MDs of a leading private 
 hospital. )
 My friend has ordered a SOTA Silver Pulser to do the Beck Protocol,  
 but worries about the electroporation risks.I could advise only 
 that he proceed slowly;  I think it would be good to wait until the 
 chemo is finished,  but of course with the grim prognosis he is loathe 
 to wait.
 I wonder if any members with actual clinical experience in this matter 
 could offer advice, either on list of privately.
 Thanks in advance.
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMaintenance Dose

2003-11-09 Thread colloidal . silver
1/8 - 1/4 gallon per day most in the early am on enpty stomach.
Been doing it for over 1-year now... No flu's no colds, no illness
what-so-ever has even touched me since starting this. Also a severe toe nail
fungus has receeded slowly to about 1/8 of it's former infection area. The
fungus goes slowly, becaus it's inside the nail...

Alexander J. Federowicz

- Original Message -
From: Jack Dayton
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSMaintenance Dose

 Garnet   11/7/03 10:33 AM  Wrote:

  Just curious, what is everyone's daily maintenance dose, for those who
  use it preventatively, and what ppm?

 When I'm in maintenance mode it's
 2oz of 5ppm first thing in the AM
 on an empty stomach -- hopefully
 no contact with stomach acid which
 would change the CS.


 Be Nice

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMaintenance Dose

2003-11-09 Thread colloidal . silver
1/8 - 1/4 gallon per day, @ 20-35 p.p.m., most in the early am on enpty
stomach. Been doing it for over 1-year now... No flu's no colds, no illness
what-so-ever has even touched me since starting this. I live in a large
building where the flus in the city regularly circulate though all of our
building population. Every one else gets these flu's exept me.  those who
are intelligent enough to drink the stuff when I offer it to them. Also my
severe toe nail fungus has receeded slowly to about 1/8 of it's former
infection area. The fungus goes slowly, becaus it's inside the nail... but
it's almost history, and i didn't have to destroy my liver with lamacil to
do it ! No, while I still will turn beat-red if out in the sun too long, I
damn well have not truned grey even slightly.
Small particle size ionic silver  water passes 100% out of the body over a
relatively short time period...

Alexander J. Federowicz

- Original Message -
From: Garnet
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: CSMaintenance Dose

 Just curious, what is everyone's daily maintenance dose, for those who
 use it preventatively, and what ppm?



 On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 09:44, Richard Harris wrote:
  I agree with Marshalee,
  I feel it a wonderful idea to take CS Continually (meaning every day).
  these Stressful times, Most of us put anything that's doesn't DEMAND our
  attention to the side and forget it until we need it. Until someone
  impresses me with an argument that taking CS daily, I shall continue
  my loved ones and others who will HEAR to keep their guard up and put
  CS on the table so we won't forget it.
  Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
  -Original Message-
  From: silversurfer1952 . []
  Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 11:59 PM
  Subject: CSCS and the Immune System
  At the risk of raising some people's ire, isn't it a good idea to let
  bodies get the occasional cold?  Doesn't that help strenghthen the
  system?  Are we trying to *replace* the immune system by taking CS all
  time, or what?  I'm not attacking anyone or any point of view.  I'm just
  questioning.  If, for example, Marshalee got a cold shortly after
  her CS, that tells me that CS doesn't boost the immune system, but
  works very much like an anti-biotic/anti-viral.  Not that that's a bad
  thing, I don't know.  It just seems to me that unless there are very
  reasons for taking CS all the time, are we not doing our immune systems
  disservice by not challenging it with the odd cold or flu?
  thanks for any thoughts on the topic.
  From: mamapug
  You know, if you take one swallow of CS a day as a preventive, you
  have to fight off a cold or infection!!
  It is much easier to prevent them than to fight them off, as I`m
  to right now. Got lazy, didn`t take my CS, and had a nasty cold last
  along with torn chest muscles from all the coughing!
  MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSProstate Infections ?

2003-10-29 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi :)

The biggest question on my mind here is, the person with the prostate
trouble, still drinking tap water. Filters / spring water helps a little,
but is a poor substitute for Distilled water used for all cooking and
drinking . Chlorine and Fluoride are carcinogens  poisons. While the A.D.A.
says fluoride is somehow good for us, are they not the same group of
assholes that have been allowing mercury to be an ingredient in our dental
fillings... Fluoride has a notorious history in the U.S., and either banned,
or being rapidly banned all over the rest of the world.
By the way, it does not prevent cavities, it actually make the tooth enamel
brittle, and your bones too... Refined sugar / the physiological formation
(Amalgam occlusions) of your teeth are the real factors in preventing tooth
decay , not fluoride. Why die from prostate cancer just to help make the
U.S. Aluminum manufacturing industry rich, from selling their (E.P.A.
Banned)chemical waste (fluoride) to our federal water treatment plants...
Drink Distilled water, live to be 100. Don't die for their damnable

Also, to really treat the prostate with C.S., you need to consume @ 1 quart
at 20p.p.m. per day minimum at least for 2 weeks after all infection /
cancer is gone... If your smart, you will just keep on drinking it. Remember
though, if you keep on drinking tap water rather than distilled water, then
you will never get well.
By drinking tap water you are actively poisoning
yourself to death.

Alexander J. Federowicz

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: CSProstate

 Jack Dayton wrote:

  Marshall Dudley   10/26/03 9:21 AM  Wrote:
   What evidence do you have that CS made it into the prostrate,
  and especially  in the open areas of the prostrate?
  Absolutely none. Are you suggesting that IF the silver HAD
  reached ...the open areas of the prostate I wouldn;t still be
  bothered with BPH?

 No, I am simply saying I don't see how you can reach that conclusion since
 you don't really know if any silver was there or not.

 BTW, I did my first overnight zapping.  I used a home made unit built from
 Clark's schematic, and running on a 9V AC adapter instead of a battery. I
 used two pads from a muscle contractor toner machine I had laying
 and put them on the inside of the top of my leg with the elastic bands
 came with the exerciser.

 It does appear that I am having less trouble now, but should know for sure
 in a few days.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour


2003-10-23 Thread colloidal . silver
In addition to following this protocol, Intake of C.S. should be @ 1/2 gallon 
per day at a strength of at least 20-p.p.m., and ask here Dr. to prescribe here 
lots of medical oxigen. The C.S. should be home made. Not the crap you buy at 
the store. Leave nothing to chance, and you will be a happy camper at end of 
day. She should sit there breathing the oxigen while she uses the protocol... 
Buy a Juiceman Juicer and Juice up a big glass of: Carrot, Apple, Beet, Parsly, 
and Deep Blue/Red Grapes every single day ! Do not drink Tap water ever again, 
under any circumstances. Use only distilled-water from this point on.   
Drinking tap water, is probably why she developed it . Silver Gen makes a very 
good SG7 unit. The C.S. it makes is very small in size, and it make 5-gallons 
at a time, so she can focus on the protocol, insted of wasting time having to 
brew C.S. every 5-minutes !

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:05 PM

  In a message dated 10/22/03 4:54:19 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

  cs and dmos (lots)
  good luck,

Re: CS was: sick from cs/is: BAKING SODA in CS

2003-10-23 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Nena :)

How do those enzyms work, and can they work to adust the PH in the tummy
either way ? Thanks for what sounds like a better solution than sodium
bicarbonate for the C.S. !

- Original Message -
From: Nenah Sylver
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS was: sick from cs/is: BAKING SODA in CS

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:01 AM
 Subject: Re: CS was: sick from cs/is: BAKING SODA in CS

  Hi Nena :)
  Hey There Doc ! Remember when I steared you to the site that showed the
  about baking soda... We're talkin about adding a 1/2 teaspoon to a
gallon of
  C.S., Mix it well, pour some in a beaker, and test with PH-paper...
  be around 7 / 8 p.h. at least... But hey, If you added so much you can
  it, then you must be using @ a teaspoon to a cupfull... Well, enjoy your
  antacid  prepair for a mighty burp :)

 Hi Al.
 Actually, I followed the directions for the recipe. I think that amount is
 too high. If I were to do it again (which I won't), I'd use about 1/8 of a
 teaspoon. After lots of inquiries, thanks to our resident pharmacist
 advice, I was finally able to order some food-grade (or better) Potassium
 Hydroxide. As soon as I get it, I'll begin with a brand new recipe and let
 know how it turns out.

 By the way, I never drink bicarbonate of soda. Most people have too little
 hydrochloric acid in their stomach, rather than too much. A base or alkali
 as much as an acid does; so when they burp and have that acid taste,
 erroneously think that their stomach is too acid. Then they take bicarb
 soda as an antacid. But in doing so, they are actually diluting the
 little hydrochloric acid they need! Better to take digestive enzymes.

 Just thought you'd like to know  ;)


 Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.
 Products, services, and information about health
 Author (under the name Nina Silver) of
 *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*
 Order the book and read excerpts at

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

2003-10-21 Thread colloidal . silver
Please list the one's for me that you understand first, and detail for me
why it is that you understand each of them to be valid... Then We can
proceed with the discussion, relative to your level of understanding JOH...
That is..., JOH, Besides the fact that they have been conceived of,
constructed, and are presently tangible  repeatable proofs of theory.

With Patience,
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 11:50 PM
Subject: RE: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

 Hello A.F.,

 Which of Bearden's experiments are you going to do?

 Thanks in advance,


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 7:17 PM
 Subject: Re: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

 Hi Mike :)

 Please go look up Dr. Thomas Bearden on the web. There may well be some
 factors your overlooking with classic entropy-based theory. In two days
 Iwill have duplicated this experiment pretty closely... I'll post the


 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Monett
 Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 8:26 PM
 Subject: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

  CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment
  From: Peter Rebaudo
  Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 18:59:26
 Get a hold of this tale !
 The positive  silver electrode is introduced into a  DW container,
 300cc, the other is outside the glass container.
 DW measures 1.0 u Siemens
 Voltage= 34V
 Supply: Sota constant current set a 1mA.
 After 2 days, 2.4uS
 After 5 days, 14.0 uS and a heaviest, by far, Tyndall I  have ever
 The final product have zero taste.
 The electrodes have no darkening or coating what so ever.
 There was no sediments.
 The container was glass 2 in diameter by 7.5 high
 Electrodes 12 Ga, 5.5 summerged.
 The voltage stay constant at 34V, there was no measurable current.
 I am looking forward to comments.
 Peter R
Hi Peter,
You have requested comments, but have not responded to any.
You are  technically  literate.  You have  posted  accurate  data on
led's. You  have downloaded Mercury - you posted a  link  to Roger's
web page  where  people could download  Eureka,  the  predecessor of
Mercury. Roger wrote both programs.
A quick  check in Mercury shows the current required to  liberate 14
ppm of silver in 300 ml of dw in 5 days is 14.77 uA.
Here's the data:
days = 5
hrs  = 24 * days
ml   = 300 ; volume of dw
mnt  = 0 ; minutes
ppm  = 14
Here's the result:
Cou = 6.381685
I   = 1.477241E-05
sec = 432000.0
gm  = 0.004200
k   = 0.000658
lt  = 0.30
ml  = 300.
mg  = 4.20
phr = 0.11
ppm = 14.0
hrs = 120.
Most dvms can easily measure 14 uA. You state the current  was zero,
as expected. You know how to measure currents this low. So there was
no electrolysis. Even leakage currents would not suffice  to explain
your data.  Glass is a very good insulator, and would not  support a
current of 14 uA.
You know the conductivity of air is zero for all practical purposes.
You also know placing the cathode outside the glass means no current
can flow, and there can be no electrolysis.
With no  electrolysis, there can be no liberation of  silver  at the
Silver is insoluble in water. If you doubt this, please see  a paper
on Frank's  web  site  that discusses the  solubility  of  silver in
distilled water.  The statement is the first sentence in  the second
Yet your  measurement  implies the equivalent of  4.2  milligrams of
silver was released. This cannot be true. Silver is insoluble.
If it  were contamination, it would be released at the start  of the
experiment. The  conductivity  would increase  rapidly,  then remain
constant. It  would not show a steady increase over 5 days.  So it's
not contamination.
You have not done a salt test to see if silver ions are present. You
know it will prove there are none.
So this is a hoax, right?
  Best Regards,
  Mike Monett
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS was: sick from cs/is: BAKING SODA in CS

2003-10-20 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Nena :)

Hey There Doc ! Remember when I steared you to the site that showed the info
about baking soda... We're talkin about adding a 1/2 teaspoon to a gallon of
C.S., Mix it well, pour some in a beaker, and test with PH-paper... Should
be around 7 / 8 p.h. at least... But hey, If you added so much you can taste
it, then you must be using @ a teaspoon to a cupfull... Well, enjoy your
antacid  prepair for a mighty burp :)

- Original Message -
From: Nenah Sylver
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: CS was: sick from cs/is: BAKING SODA in CS

 - Original Message -
 From: Richard Harris
 Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 8:53 PM
 Subject: RE: CSRE: sick from cs

  Hi Nenah,
  The other 97% is purified water--the 3% is Stabilized Hydrogen peroxide.
  Unless you purchase the 35% food grade and dilute with distilled water,
  are using regular medicinal H2O2 which is fine and much easier and
  The food grade, 35%, is highly explosive; the cosmetic grade, 6%, is
  explosive as is the medicinal grade, 3%. Handle each carefully, without
  shaking and keep away from heat. I believe they store it in dark plastic
  bottles, since flying glass bottles in explosion is so dangerous.
  Best regards,
  Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Phamacist

 Thanks Richard. I didn't ask the original question (what's the other 97%
of the
 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution), but it's still good to get the details. I
 only food grade and love it.

 As long as we're on the topic, I have a question for you or anyone else
 the effects of baking soda in my distilled water when I make CS. I just
made my
 first batch of CS using baking soda, and I'm not totally comfortable with

 I don't have a meter so I'm not able to read particle size or
concentration --
 OR see what else is in the water -- but from the taste, it's clear that
 baking soda is prominent.

 My questions are:

 1) Is the silver still effective?

 2) Are there any dangerous compounds in the fluid (or compounds that might
 one argyria)?

 I'd really appreciate knowing this, as I'd love to start using the CS

 Perhaps I used too much baking soda. Richard, Bob, Trem, Ode? Anyone?

 Thanks much.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEbay ban of CS

2003-10-20 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Frank :)

Is Ebay willing to say which FDA Office, and specifically which Government
Employee made the Ban-it Statement to ebay ???

I think, that the FDA is probably required by the F.O.I.A. to disclose fully
: The Who, When, Where, and What on this issued statement to E-Bay...

Alexander J. Federowicz, D.A.V.

- Original Message -
From: Frank Key
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: CSEbay ban of CS

 List members may be interested in the response from Ebay on why they ban
 sales of colloidal silver. Ebay considers colloidal silver to be a
 controlled substance the same as narcotics.

 frank key

 Hello Frank,

 Thank you for writing eBay.

 I am sorry for the confusion with this issue.  However, colloidal silver
 is regulated by the FDA, and they have asked us not to allow the sales
 of this production on our site.  Our policy regarding such items does
 not mention every item specifically, if this were the case then the page
 would be to large and most like crash most of the web browsers that try
 to view it.  Our policy states that we do not allow Narcotics, steroids
 or other controlled substances.  Until further notice, this product is
 considered a controlled substance and not permitted on our site.

 For more information on this policy, please view the following link:

 I wish you the best with your future transactions.


 eBay Community Watch

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

2003-10-20 Thread colloidal . silver
Can one draw the connection here that the negative electrod should be a
large piece of silver sheet, lined against the inside of the glass...
Thereby distributing the pull of the positive charge against a very large
surface area, and making the particle size very much smaller ?


- Original Message -
From: Peter Rebaudo
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 2:57 AM
Subject: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment


 Experiment #1, Posted before said:

 The positive  silver electrode is introduced into a  DW container,
 300cc, the other is outside the glass container.

 DW measures 1.0 u Siemens Voltage = 34V supply: Sota constant current
 set a 1mA.
 After 2 days, 2.4uS After 5 days, 14.0 uS and a heaviest, by far,
 Tyndall I  have ever seen.
  The final product have zero taste. The electrodes have no darkening or
 coating what so ever.
  There was no sediments.
  The container was glass 2 in diameter by 7.5 high
  Electrodes 12 Ga, 5.5 sum merged.
  The voltage stay constant at 34V, there was no measurable current.

 This experiment was performed on a glass container, with electrodes,
 that were previously used (4 times) to make CS.

 The enormous Tyndall was due , in - today's- my opinion to:
 The release of silver particles from the container walls.
 Since silver clusters seem to be formed from several silver molecules so
 arranged as to present a negative charge to the outside world, when a
 positive charged electrode is introduced in the water, the particles
 trapped in the wall get released.
 For the high conductivity exhibited in that experiment I have no guess
 at this time.

 Experiment #2

 Electrode: 6 feet long coiled on a 4 inches tight coil, wiped with clean
 paper towel and rinsed twice  with DW. Never used before.

 Container : Glass 4 diameter, 4 deep, never used before.

 PS: 58 V Wall wart. no second electrode anywhere.

 Staring conductivity = 1.0 uS
 1 day  = 1.7 uS
 3 days = 2.4
 5 days = 3.3 uS
 7 days = 3.8 uS
 The meter was cleaned in DW before measurements.
 Very slight Tyndall in a dark room was noticed.
 There was no sediments, taste or change in the electrodes.

 This is not a very impressive show but the change in conductivity ,
 still, must be explained without invoking  Faraday or any
 electromagnetic phenomenon, since a microamp meter was connected from
 the electrode to the glass and no current was  registered.

 This of course has no use as CS production goes, perhaps it can be used
 to clean container without solvents or touching them.
 Further investigations may help to answer some of the very perplexing
 questions found in the production of CS.

 Peter R

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

2003-10-16 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Mike :)

Please go look up Dr. Thomas Bearden on the web. There may well be some
factors your overlooking with classic
entropy-based theory. In two days Iwill have duplicated this experiment
pretty closely... I'll post the results.


- Original Message -
From: Mike Monett
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 8:26 PM
Subject: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

 CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment
 From: Peter Rebaudo
 Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 18:59:26


Get a hold of this tale !

The positive  silver electrode is introduced into a  DW container,
300cc, the other is outside the glass container.

DW measures 1.0 u Siemens
Voltage= 34V
Supply: Sota constant current set a 1mA.
After 2 days, 2.4uS
After 5 days, 14.0 uS and a heaviest, by far, Tyndall I  have ever
The final product have zero taste.
The electrodes have no darkening or coating what so ever.
There was no sediments.
The container was glass 2 in diameter by 7.5 high
Electrodes 12 Ga, 5.5 summerged.
The voltage stay constant at 34V, there was no measurable current.

I am looking forward to comments.


Peter R

   Hi Peter,

   You have requested comments, but have not responded to any.

   You are  technically  literate.  You have  posted  accurate  data on
   led's. You  have downloaded Mercury - you posted a  link  to Roger's
   web page  where  people could download  Eureka,  the  predecessor of
   Mercury. Roger wrote both programs.

   A quick  check in Mercury shows the current required to  liberate 14
   ppm of silver in 300 ml of dw in 5 days is 14.77 uA.

   Here's the data:

   days = 5
   hrs  = 24 * days
   ml   = 300 ; volume of dw
   mnt  = 0 ; minutes
   ppm  = 14

   Here's the result:

   Cou = 6.381685
   I   = 1.477241E-05
   sec = 432000.0
   gm  = 0.004200
   k   = 0.000658
   lt  = 0.30
   ml  = 300.
   mg  = 4.20
   phr = 0.11
   ppm = 14.0
   hrs = 120.

   Most dvms can easily measure 14 uA. You state the current  was zero,
   as expected. You know how to measure currents this low. So there was
   no electrolysis. Even leakage currents would not suffice  to explain
   your data.  Glass is a very good insulator, and would not  support a
   current of 14 uA.

   You know the conductivity of air is zero for all practical purposes.
   You also know placing the cathode outside the glass means no current
   can flow, and there can be no electrolysis.

   With no  electrolysis, there can be no liberation of  silver  at the

   Silver is insoluble in water. If you doubt this, please see  a paper
   on Frank's  web  site  that discusses the  solubility  of  silver in
   distilled water.  The statement is the first sentence in  the second

   Yet your  measurement  implies the equivalent of  4.2  milligrams of
   silver was released. This cannot be true. Silver is insoluble.

   If it  were contamination, it would be released at the start  of the
   experiment. The  conductivity  would increase  rapidly,  then remain
   constant. It  would not show a steady increase over 5 days.  So it's
   not contamination.

   You have not done a salt test to see if silver ions are present. You
   know it will prove there are none.

   So this is a hoax, right?

 Best Regards,

 Mike Monett

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and DMSO; OT: need Scars/Adhesions help

2003-10-16 Thread colloidal . silver
If these adhesions are pure scar tissue? Then there are ways to disolve
them... I'l try to look up the info I came accross :)

- Original Message -
From: silversurfer1952 .
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 11:51 PM
Subject: CSCS and DMSO; OT: need Scars/Adhesions help

 Hi everyone,

 I'd like to get some DMSO but have no idea where to look for it.  I'm a
 slicker and don't know of any farm supply stores near where I live, which
 in Montreal.  Can anyone suggest where I might buy this stuff?

 OT: Also, hoping this isn't the wrong place to ask... I have extensive
 abdominal scarring, internal and external, from high dose radiation and
 surgery.  I have internal adhesions which has resulted in my not being
 to eat a healthy diet anymore... long gone are the days that I can eat
 salads, lightly cooked veggies, whole grains, etc.  Foods like these cause
 my small intestine to torque and block.  It's an awful thing to go
 I had the radiation 20 years ago and the surgery 10 years ago, and it's
 since the surgery that I have trouble with diet and adhesions... even had
 two surgeries (one emergency) to remove the adhesions but that just
 more.  Anyhow, I'm wondering if any of you might know of some
 means of dealing with abdominal adhesions.  It would be a god-send to be
 able to eat veggies again!  Juicing alone just doesn't staisfy.

 best regards to all.  This is an amazing list.


 Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAnecdote -- pink eye

2003-10-16 Thread colloidal . silver
I've experienced identical results to these, and to boot the friend had
already used a whole bottle of antibiotics / @ $40.00 cost...
I hand them a spray bottle of C.S., and it's gone in 8 hrs.

- Original Message -
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 9:29 PM
Subject: CSAnecdote -- pink eye


 A quick anecdote:  last week my daughter woke up with a very swollen
 right eyelid,  apparently a case of conjunctivitis.I gave her
 Silvergen-made  CS in an eyecup -- she cleaned her eye with this twice
 -- and a bottle of CS spray to use every few hours.

 By the time she got home in the late afternoon,  her eye was clear and
 the pain was gone.   I was surprised at the speed of the effect.   She
 was very pleased and surprised also.   Pink eye often lingers for a
 quite a while. . .


 On Friday, Oct 17, 2003, at 01:13 Asia/Tokyo, kittykat wrote:

  Having lurked on this list, I knew when I got a cold 2 1/2 weeks ago I
  needed to get something to get the CS down into my lungs to get rid of
  cold before it turned into an asthma problem too as it often does.  I
  a sunbeam ultrasonic humidifier and modified it to have a hose at the
  of the mister so I didn't have to stick my face in the machine.  I
  used that
  humidifer for over one week, and I got no relief.  In fact I had
  coughing so
  bad, I couldn't breathe.  So two days ago I went to my doctor who
  wrote a
  prescription for a nebulizer.  It was delivered that night and I
  put CS in it and got immediate relief.  The coughing was greatly
  and I was able to finally get some sleep and start healing.   My
  iswhy didn't my humidifier help me?  It is ultrasonic, I breathed
  but got no relief.  I wonder if the hose was too long?  Could the CS
  gotten caught in the hose and not delivered to my lungs?  My hose is
  about 2
  feet long.
  Thanks for your insight.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHas anybody heard of the FOODZAPPICATOR ?

2003-10-11 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello and yes that is correct...

I would think that the central part of the field shoul be
north/bio-north/eminating the blue light if you can see auras... but yes
that same field redirects back, so as to form visually a torroidal donut.
That outer part of the field which is far mor dispersed in terms of
guass/sq.inch will be effectivly a south polar field relative to the target
of healing effect.  Ideally you should be (aiming and closely distancing)
the inner north field that eminates from the center part of the magnet over
the area that needs the healing, as when you get off target the healing
effect is reduced by probably the square of the distance you are off

Condensed version= position it close and aim carfully at the spot needing

Best Regards,

- Original Message -
From: Peter Rebaudo
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 4:02 AM
Subject: CSHas anybody heard of the FOODZAPPICATOR ?

 I have read about the  Zapicator and built a couple of prototypes.
 Dr Clark makes a point in her last book, that the magnet pole facing the
 treatment area must be the north.
 Even when by the compass test,  the magnet seems to indicate a north
 pole, the fact is that all speaker have both poles on the same side.

 All North speakers when measured by a accurate gaussmeter will
 indicate a large outside north polarity and a  intense central south
 So, when treating a small area, like inside the mouth  with a North
 speaker the area of concern will be under a an intense South pole.

 I will be very interested in hear your comments.


 Peter Rebaudo

 PS: This message was send to
 but I never heard from them.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment

2003-10-11 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello Peter R. :)

Well, I'm taking a guess here but it sounds like 100% pure ionic
silver, with no non-ionic silver of ag4o4 silver-oxide, like is regularly
seen with both wires in the h2o...

Also of great interest is of coarse exactly where the out-of-container
silver wire was positioned...  I have a small c.s. production unit like
yours, that is currect adjustable... I will try the same and report the
results to you in 5 days... I will attach the outer electrode to the outer
side of the jar with a gumband, this shoud provide maximum capacitive charge

I'm thinking that maybe a large piece of silver foil around the outsid of
the jar would be an field-effect augumentor, and increase production rates

Best Regards,
Alexander J. Federowicz

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: About a extraordinary experiment



 At 07:06 PM 10/10/2003 -0700, you wrote:
 Get a hold of this tale !
 The positive silver electrode is introduced into a DW container, 300cc,
 the other is outside the glass  container.
 DW measures  1.0 u Siemens
 Voltage= 34V
 Supply: Sota constant current set a 1mA.
 After 2 days, 2.4uS
 After 5 days, 14.0 uS and a heaviest, by far, Tyndall I have ever seen.
 The final product have zero taste.
 The electrodes have no darkening or coating what so ever.
 There was no sediments.
 The container was glass 2 in diameter by 7.5 high
 Electrodes 12 Ga, 5.5 summerged.
 The voltage stay constant at 34V,  there was no measurable current.
 I am looking forward to comments.
 Peter R
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT Stones and parasites

2003-10-09 Thread colloidal . silver
Here is a different unit that dose H. Clark sysle zapping, Dr. Beck style
blood pulsing, makes C.S. too...

However the unit literature only explains the modes, it dose not explain
either the Dr. Clark protocals, or the Dr. Beck protocols... You will need
to go buy the books for that, which can be found at this sitE or numerous
While I use this one personally, please take note that sota instruments, has
a refurbished unit section... I highly reccomend this, because they are far
less $$$'s, and just as good as new !!!


- Original Message -
From: Sharon
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 7:02 PM
Subject: RE: CSOT Stones and parasites

 Richard, I found a link to a Sota Zapper that was supposed to be a clark
zapper, are they one and the same? It
 was $110 too. I sent dh the schematic for the clark Zapper, figuring
 he can probably make one, but whether it will be cheaper, or just a
 PITA, I don't know.  Check out the zapper museum, I thought the pet
 Zapper they show is pretty funny

 Hi Sharon,
 Sota makes a Bob Beck Zapper for parasites. They are very nice, helpful
 people and I recommend them highly. My wife  I recently purchased one
 alternate using the Zapper for 2 hrs almost every day. I'm sure it's
 helping, but want to use it for at least 90 days before really
 There are several adjustments and it operates on a 9 volt battery. I
 it was $110 + shipping--It's a brand new model and very well designed and
 attractive. They have a well-informed staff and are customer
 an 800 # 1-800-224-0242. Check Sota Instruments on your internet and read
 about all their fine products. Tell them I referred you--when we can
 our successes, I hope to sell some of their items here in FL.
 Best regards,
 Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
 -Original Message-
 From: Sharon []
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 4:20 PM
 Subject: Re: CSOT Stones and parasites
 Jason, or anyone wanting to contribute-
 I was checking out the altcancer site on your silver medicine site,
 and wandered into the parasites section. I noticed that there was a
 lot of information suggesting the formation of stones in the liver
 and gallbladder may be due to parasites. Some have suggested that my
 dd's problems with uti's could be a result of kidney stones. Do you
 think there is any link between kindey stones and parasites? And does
 anyone have any formula for getting rid of the creatures ( since the
 altcancer stuff is not available any more. )
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHelp please with asthma

2003-10-08 Thread colloidal . silver
HellO :)

With c.s., I spray my eyes, drink at least two large glasses per day, and if my 
lungs are fealing stuffy, I breath a c.s. mist from a nebulizer, while riding a 
staitionary excecise bike at a gentle pace. That works the c.s. well into my 
lungs, and gives a really good shot of it directly into the blood stream too... 
I am saving up for a oxigen breathing regulator, which will be used 
with welding oxigen... 
it up so that the oxigen comes in right alongside the nebulized c.s. while on 
the exercycle. I'm betting that this is possibly a powerful way to quick kill 
the invasives that build up in the lungs, blood  lyphatic system...

Best Wishes,

  - Original Message - 
  From: kittykat 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 11:42 AM
  Subject: Re: CSHelp please with asthma

  Yes I do take it orally, but don't know how much to take orally.I'm 
probably taking too little, about 2 oz a day.

- Original Message - 
From: sol 
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: CSHelp please with asthma

   Try using CS as nose drops, filling your sinuses as much as you can and 
holding there as long as you can. Also spray your eyes with CS frequently, and 
your hands and face, to avoid continually re-infecting yourself. ARe you taking 
oral CS as well.
   I haven't caught a single cold, or flu since I started spraying my eyes 
daily several times. And I always spray them if I've been out in public...When 
I started doing the spraying, I must say, I didn't really believe it would 
help, but its amazing. 

Re: CSHelp please with asthma

2003-10-08 Thread colloidal . silver
HellO :)

With c.s., I spray my eyes, drink at least two large glasses per day, and if my 
lungs are fealing stuffy, I breath a c.s. mist from a nebulizer, while riding a 
staitionary excecise bike at a gentle pace. That works the c.s. well into my 
lungs, and gives a really good shot of it directly into the blood stream too... 
I am saving up for a oxigen breathing regulator, which will be used 
with welding oxigen... 
it up so that the oxigen comes in right alongside the nebulized c.s. while on 
the exercycle. I'm betting that this is possibly a powerful way to quick kill 
the invasives that build up in the lungs, blood  lyphatic system...

Best Wishes,
  - Original Message - 
  From: kittykat 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 11:13 AM
  Subject: CSHelp please with asthma

  If I could ask help from the list.  I have asthma and started to have a cold 
a week ago Monday.  I bought an ultrasonic humidifier and started breathing in 
the mist twice a day for about 20 minutes.  Nevertheless, my cold advanced to a 
body wracking  cough as it usually does and I usually have to have steroids to 
knock it out.  I truely believe in CS and want to avoid steroids.  I have 
modified my Sunbeam ultrasonic humidifier and have put a medical grade flexible 
hose on it, so I am getting all of the CS mist in my lungs by breathing through 
this hose.  I do this a half a hour at a time twice a day.  What else can I do 
to stop this horrible cough that keeps me up at night?  

  Thank you all for your helpfulness.


Re: CSRe: silver-

2003-10-08 Thread colloidal . silver
Finally !!

Some one else, that can see that Stalin  Mao were fascists just like Hitler or 
worse... Yes the FDA's behavior, can truly be said, at this point, to be 
supportive of the formation of corporate fascist-dictatorships. Specifically we 
can observe this type of action in the FDA's attempts to ban C.S. in their 
hopes of supporting the Chemical-Pharmacutical Indistries attempts at 
controlling  stopping the American citizen's constitutionally guaranteed right 
to access both C.S. and information about C.S., in a Stalinist / Hitleresq 
fashion... Bottom line: Fascism is Fascism is Fascism..., ..., ... As of yet, I 
have only seen true communism practiced within a few intentional communities in 
the U.S.A.
It works very well for them too...

Best Regards,

- Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 12:15 PM
  Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-

  In a message dated 10/5/03 1:32:11 AM Central Daylight Time, 

The Grandfather Clause protects the silver from the communists at the
FDA. Since the FDA protect Industry without much regard for the poisons
they sell to the public, they do the best they can to prevent anything
that is natural and cures many problems

  It is interesting that, in the pursuit of the truth and with more knowledged 
acquired in this pursuit, one can find the subtle flaws in each of our thoughts 
and translations of the truth.

  The point is, not to take this clarification of the truth as a personal slam 
on what you think is the truth, but to examine this clarification in order to 
gain clarity of past confusions.  This is the only way to break through.

  What this confusion is; is the use of the word communism.  The vision of 
communism is nothing more than what exactly millions of good hearted, 
anti-corrupt authority people have been and are still trying to accomplish.  
The correct historical definition of what this person is trying to explain is 
called marxism.  It was not the non-truth-informed people who were the 
problem, it was and still is the very-informed, corrupt people who are the 
problem.  And it is statements like the above, that have 90 percent truth and 
the rest confusion, whether conscious or not, that have to be clarified to the 
good hearted confused people, in order to achieve 100 percent clarity.

  From my experience, it is not easy, but it is possible and the result of this 
will make the effort very, very worth while.


Re: CSHelp please with asthma

2003-10-08 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Debbie :)

Every day I drink (2) glasses full (thats at least a quart a day)
I use a silvergen sg7 machine to produce this, and just have the generator out 
in the kitchen 24/7 for ease of access... The strength is set to full: 

I also ingest C.S. along with the organic milk I drink, as adding @ half a cup 
to a gallon of milk, litterally makes it spoilproof up to a month... But then I 
never actually saw any milk spoil with c.s. in it.

My opinion of Dr.'s is in trouble these days, as I have directly observed a 
number of them being a little too eager to get paitents off oxigen therapy... 
I'm starting to supect that they are litteraly afraid of their patients getting 
better perminently from the oxigen alone, (((and figuring out that it cured 
them too))) ???

This method I'm trying can also be combined with Dr. Robert Beck's 
electro-medical blood treatment...

On the nebulizer I'm using a full face mask, so as to make it easy to sit there 
and peddle the exercycle... Eventually I'll set up my digital camera and take 
some pics of this all in action for U-all...

Also I consume quite a bit of distilled water, and do not under any 
circumstances consume tap water / soda pop etc... I figure part of the 
(intentionally undisclosed) cause of asthma, is that the lymphatic system in 
our bodies, which has twice the fluid volume of our blood, gets backlogged with 
trying to flush dead pathogens  ingested garbage out of the blood  body, and 
this back log builds up into the lungs... So... if the lungs are getting 
clogged up why not give the body an effective  alternate route to flush this 
material out... Enter stage right...((The Kidneys  bladder!!!))

Best Regards,

  - Original Message - 
  From: kittykat 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 9:37 PM
  Subject: Re: CSHelp please with asthma

  Hi Alexander, that idea of nebulizing while exercising is an interesting one. 
 Thanks for letting me know.  Also, do you drink two large glasses everyday or 
just when you feel you are getting a cold?   Thanks again!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSHelp please with asthma

HellO :)

With c.s., I spray my eyes, drink at least two large glasses per day, and 
if my lungs are fealing stuffy, I breath a c.s. mist from a nebulizer, while 
riding a staitionary excecise bike at a gentle pace. That works the c.s. well 
into my lungs, and gives a really good shot of it directly into the blood 
stream too... I am saving up for a oxigen breathing regulator, which will be 
with welding oxigen... 
set it up so that the oxigen comes in right alongside the nebulized c.s. while 
on the exercycle. I'm betting that this is possibly a powerful way to quick 
kill the invasives that build up in the lungs, blood  lyphatic system...

Best Wishes,

  - Original Message - 
  From: kittykat 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 11:42 AM
  Subject: Re: CSHelp please with asthma

  Yes I do take it orally, but don't know how much to take orally.I'm 
probably taking too little, about 2 oz a day.

- Original Message - 
From: sol 
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: CSHelp please with asthma

   Try using CS as nose drops, filling your sinuses as much as you can 
and holding there as long as you can. Also spray your eyes with CS frequently, 
and your hands and face, to avoid continually re-infecting yourself. ARe you 
taking oral CS as well.
   I haven't caught a single cold, or flu since I started spraying my 
eyes daily several times. And I always spray them if I've been out in 
public...When I started doing the spraying, I must say, I didn't really believe 
it would help, but its amazing. 

Re: CSFTC Trying to Shut Down Hulda Clark Website

2003-09-23 Thread colloidal . silver
Truely Said :)

But... It takes only a handfull of misdirected nice-guys, who take no 
responsability for the results of their actions, to turn those keys, and push 
those little red buttons... And then your babies will turn to ashes in front of 
you denighing  disbelieving eye's

Would you have this happen with a terrorist sponsored bio-attack, because these 
nice  reasonable men decide to remove your access to C.S. Snap out of that 
damn Nice  Reasonable
Self induced Alpha wave like state of mindlessness friend.


- Original Message - 
From: Wayne Fugitt
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: CSFTC Trying to Shut Down Hulda Clark Website

 Evening Dan,
 Which fellow did you talk to?
 The one listed at the bottom of the original message
 He was very nice, polite and seemed  telling me the real cause of the suit.
 I see no need to bug this guy with tons of phone calls.
 If you want to call him, you can do so.
 1) Michael Milgrom: the FTC attorney that brought the case against us.
 direct phone number 1-216-263 3419
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver Injections

2003-09-22 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello :)

I think you are talking about a form of silver oxide (ag4o4)
The Isrialies are stockpiling this in IV / Injectable form...
Ironically you can buy the exact same compound ag4o4, in a inexpensive form
called: Sildate. Sildate is a new generation of non-toxic swimming-pool
care products... It's identical to what the nation of Israel is stockpiling
against the advent of an all out bio-attack  As far as I know both C.S.
and ag4o4, can be used intravenously, but sterility and purity are
critical... There must be almost no contaminents, just pure h2o, ag4o4 /
(colloidal / ionic) silver... While the C.S. basically interferes with the
invasive pathogens respiation process ???, the ag4o4 inparts a 1volt carge
to the pathogen cells litterally exploding them...

Hope This helps ???
- Original Message -
From: Lisa MacDonald
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 2:29 AM
Subject: CSSilver Injections

 Could someone please explain to me about silver injections please:  why
 a different type of silver need to be used and what is it?  How is it made
 (not to technical;)  How is it given - only IV or can it be given IM?  Is
 there an average dosage rule?  Why is it supposed to be harmful to give CS
 as an injection?

 Sorry for so many questions, just very curious.

 Lisa D. MacDonald
 Veterinary Assistant
 C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
 Nova Scotia, Canada

 MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVirus definition from the boss

2003-09-20 Thread colloidal . silver
The Only thing I will speak up about here, is that the modality of science
used here, absuloutly and insistently  (on penalty of herasy) envisions
viruses as being 100% constructions of chemical / mechanistic medical
science (The Alopathic System) Also,only entropic theory is allowed for
these viruse's basis of existence...   Bottom Line: They are using a
literally decapitated version of what Real medical science could be...
The motives for this behavior again all boil down to the GREED problem
that is being imposed on ALL present U.S. citizens by the Chemical
Pharmecutical Industry...


- Original Message -
From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 8:19 AM
Subject: CSVirus definition from the boss

 The PhD says the virus is not alive. . . . agreeing with Paula's son .
 . . .

 Good site . . .


 On Thursday, Sep 18, 2003, at 21:15 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:

  Actaully a virus is no more a crystal than one molecule of salt is.
  But both
  form crystals when they aggregate.
  Stuff wrote:
  A virus is a crystal which I suppose is why many think it is not
  But maybe, just maybe, it's a crystalline based life form.
  If that be true, it's alive.
  Who knows?
  At 09:15 AM 9/17/2003 -0600, you wrote:
My son keeps reminding me viruses are NOT alive, so how can CS be
  said to *kill* them? Anybody know or have a guess at what the
  mechanism is of CS disabling viruses? I notice in the personal
  many references to CS *killing* viruses but my son insists you can't
  kill something that isn't alive, so what does happen? Is this just
  sloppy wording?
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage..Yes, but...

2003-09-17 Thread colloidal . silver
I'm confused about the statement, that the C.S. is going to kill off the 
friendly flora in the milk as well as the bad... Pasteurization initially kills 
them all... Correct ? Therefore, the natural mother cows antibodies  friendly 
flora are long gone from the Mothers milk. Right ?  

If there is something I'm missing here, like for example, that the same good 
bacteria, that were all killed by the pasteurization, re-colonize the milk 
shortly after the pasteurization, and that the c.s. then kills them. Please let 
me know about this...  Are you possibly talking about Acidophilus milk ? In 
that case, yes, it would be silly to add c.s. to either it or yogurt...

 Also, raw milk contains the natural mothers antibodies, so  using c.s. with it 
is going to kill off the good and bad bacteria. I would think the idea would be 
to use c.s. with it so that you could get the benefits of the raw-milk 
enzymes  amino acids etc... without worry of the deadly bacteria  viruses 
that can crop up in Raw-Milk from time to time ! It's a good trade off... The 
loss of only the bacteria, but still having a living-food product, that has not 
been reduced to the typical dead-food-state, that most all of are foods are 
these days for the ever necessary gods of product shelf life extension

 I would never think of using the c.s. with the Acidophilus milk or yogurt. 
Rather, those I would consume only on a separate schedule in order to balance 
out my intestinal flora etc... Which I do by the way... :)


- Original Message - 
From: James Holmes
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 5:52 PM
Subject: RE: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage..Yes, but...

 Yes, a little CS does stop spoilage of milk and cream.
 It also kills the bacteria that are responsible for about the only benefit
 drinking milk gives; replacing the friendly flora of the gut. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Stuff [] 
 Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:21 PM
 Subject: RE: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage...
 At 10:06 AM 9/15/2003 -0400, you wrote:
 Gretings Alexander,
 As the only 1% milk user in my household, I purchase 1/2 gal at the 
  use only on cereal about 3 days a week. It usually passes the Exp date 
 while I still have almost a qt. My granddaddy's name was Burns (about as 
 Scotch as you can get)  I was raised during the Depression and learned to 
 NOT WASTE anything; especially food. I added an ounce of 10-20ppm CS soon 
 after opening the 1/2 gal  it stays fresh until I use the last drop.
 Also, the City water lines were broken last year  we were ordered to boil 
 the city water to use safely. I filled 4 1 gal jugs, added 1 ounce CS,
 Was that 1 oz for the 4 gal. or 1oz per gal?
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPersonal studies / try these

2003-09-17 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Trem :)

Alex here...

This info below is so damn excellent ! Can you send me a sort of suede
bibliography on all the ref. sources !

Best Regards,
Alexander J. Federowicz

- Original Message -
From: Trem
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 7:30 PM
Subject: CSPersonal studies / try these

 Hey Jack,

 That pretty much covered it..


 - Original Message -
 From: Jack Dayton
 Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:05 PM
 Subject: Re: CSCSPersonal studies / try these

  Marv Hacker   9/14/03 5:28 PM  Wrote:
   What software is required to open the *.sit attachments?
  Sorry about that -- I had my brain on stand-by,
  it takes a Mac to open those.
  I don't like to use up so much room.
   - - - - - - - - - - -
   At the turn of the century, scientists had discovered that the body's
   important fluids are colloidal in nature; suspended ultra-fine
   Blood, for example, carries nutrition and oxygen to the body cells.
  This led to studies with Colloidal Silver. Prior to 1938, Colloidal
  was used by physicians as a mainstream antibiotic treatment and was
  considered quite high-tech. Production methods, however were costly.
  The pharmaceutical industry moved in, causing colloidal research to
   be set aside in favor of fast working, more toxic and potentially
  drugs. The Food and Drug Administration today classifies Colloidal
  as a pre 1938 drug. A letter from the FDA dated 9/13/91 states: These
  products may continue to be long as they are advertised
  labeled for the same use as in 1938 and as long as they are manufactured
  the original manner. Some of the manufacturing methods used before 1938
  still used today. An electrocolloidal process, which is known to be the
  method, is used.
   Laboratory tests in 1988 by Larry C. Ford, M.D., UCLA School of
   and other researchers showed that destructive bacteria, virus and
   organisms are killed within minutes of contact with simple metallic
   While studying regeneration of limbs, spinal cords and organs in the
   1970s, Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of The Body Electric, discovered
   silver ions promote bone growth and kill surrounding bacteria he
   a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said silver
   deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune
   system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full
   spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to the body.
   also states that silver does more than kill disease-causing organisms.
   also causes major growth stimulation of injured tissues. Burn patients
   even elderly patients notice more rapid healing. And he discovered that
   cancer cells can change back to normal cells. All strains of pathogens
   resistant to other antibiotics are killed by silver. The March 1978
  of Science Digest, in an article, Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,
   Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is emerging as a wonder of
  modern medicine.
  An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease
  organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop.
   Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic. The article ended with a
   Dr. Harry Margraf, a biochemist and pioneering silver researcher who
  worked with the late Carl Moyer, M.D., chairman of Washington
   Department of Surgery in the 1970s:
  Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have.
   The presence of Colloidal Silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any
   other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its
   chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates
   dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and
   elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy
   beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes
   intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primative
   single-celled life. Thus Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for
   reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter. Colloidal Silver
  theresult of an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic
  froma larger piece of silver into a liquid, such as water. These
   particles can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body.
   Colloidal Silver works as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all
   celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism. In
   short, the bad guys

Re: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage..Yes, but...

2003-09-17 Thread colloidal . silver
Hey folks, I agree 100 % here, but I been cheetin', as I was able to find a
brand of 100% organic milk, that in addition, has no m.g.h., etc...
what-so-ever ! Look around for the stuff before you give up on that there
moo juice !

Hope this helps,
- Original Message -
From: James Holmes
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 11:18 PM
Subject: RE: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage..Yes, but...

 Hello all,

 Yes, I agree with Bill about

 I do so much love chocolate malts.

 But I have not done one in a couple of years.

 Most of  the unnaturally giant-titted adolescent girls that are cropping
 are probably due to the fact that bovine hormones are similar (some
 structurally identical) to human.

 My dairy products consumption was cut by about 85% after perusing that


 -Original Message-
 From: missett []
 Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 7:39 PM
 Subject: Re: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage..Yes,

 Check out before you start consuming any milk products.

 - Original Message -
 From: Charles Sutton
 To: James Holmes;
 Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 7:48 PM
 Subject: Re: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage..Yes,

  The milk from the grocery store is dead.  Killed by pasteurization.   No
  good bugs at all.
  The best treatise on this is The Milk Book  can't remember the
  author...list; who knows who wrote it?
  - Original Message -
  From: James Holmes
  Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 5:52 PM
  Subject: RE: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage..Yes,
   Yes, a little CS does stop spoilage of milk and cream.
   It also kills the bacteria that are responsible for about the only
   drinking milk gives; replacing the friendly flora of the gut.
   -Original Message-
   From: Stuff []
   Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:21 PM
   Subject: RE: CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage...
   At 10:06 AM 9/15/2003 -0400, you wrote:
   Gretings Alexander,
   As the only 1% milk user in my household, I purchase 1/2 gal at the
   time,  use only on cereal about 3 days a week. It usually passes
   the Exp
   while I still have almost a qt. My granddaddy's name was Burns
   Scotch as you can get)  I was raised during the Depression and
   NOT WASTE anything; especially food. I added an ounce of 10-20ppm
   after opening the 1/2 gal  it stays fresh until I use the last
   drop. Also, the City water lines were broken last year  we were
   ordered to
   the city water to use safely. I filled 4 1 gal jugs, added 1 ounce
   Was that 1 oz for the 4 gal. or 1oz per gal?
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
   To post, address your message to:
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and viruses,

2003-09-17 Thread colloidal . silver
Viruses are not arobic organisims, like us.  Howevever, they do self
organize energy into coherent systems that increase over time, and therefor
they do have the over unity functions that the basic building block of
life...  You son is playing semantics with you...  Viruses are a diferent
type of life form than us...- Original Message -
From: mamapug
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS and viruses,

 Would the word destroy sit better??
 Either way, silver works!!

My son keeps reminding me viruses are NOT alive, so how can CS be
  said to *kill* them? Anybody know or have a guess at what the
  mechanism is of CS disabling viruses? I notice in the personal studies
  many references to CS *killing* viruses but my son insists you can't
  kill something that isn't alive, so what does happen? Is this just
  sloppy wording?
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and viruses,

2003-09-17 Thread colloidal . silver
Tell him to look up the work of Dr. Robert Beck, Ph.D. (Physics) Beck was a
much more accomplished person than your son will ever become, unless he
learns to swallow his unadulterated arrogance towards his mother who
loves him very much :) College dos not teach wisdom... Often it only put out
another flock of parrots each semester at best...
Tell this kido to get his nose out of the clouds,
and his feet on the ground...

- Original Message -
From: sol
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and viruses,

   That's what I told him, and to my mind this is a simple semantic
 issue, sloppy wording, but he being a know-it-all, and of a very
 scientific bent (degree in Physics from Cornell) is adamant that this
 wording casts all info on colloidal silver into the camp of
   No need for this to generate a whole off topic thread of relatives
 who will not even try CS, but I would like to get some hard facts on
 exactly what CS does to viruses...
 - Original Message -
 From: mamapug

  Would the word destroy sit better??
  Either way, silver works!!
 My son keeps reminding me viruses are NOT alive, so how can CS
   said to *kill* them? Anybody know or have a guess at what the
   mechanism is of CS disabling viruses? I notice in the personal
   many references to CS *killing* viruses but my son insists you
   kill something that isn't alive, so what does happen? Is this just
   sloppy wording?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and viruses,

2003-09-17 Thread colloidal . silver
Orpha, that was beautifully said 

- Original Message -
From: Orpha Yoder
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and viruses,


 Sometimes I get tired of trying to explain the scientific reasoning behind
 products like Colloidal Silver. Some people who want the hard facts are
 truly seeking information but then there are others who are just wanting a
 debate and will NOT in any way or form take the product. I try to discern
 the motive once the accusations get thick and heavy.

 For instance, someone approached me last week about a nutritional product
 was selling. I thanked him and told him that I am very happy with the
 products I am using and am in good health. Then the man became upset and
 tried to prove to me that the products I am using are a hoax and will do
 no good!!!

 Well, I let him rant and rave for a bit and then I told him that I
 understand if he does not care for the products, but, there are people who
 like this product because they have experienced miracles with it, and
 therefore it would be hard to convince them the product is no good! I also
 told him that if he wants to promote what he is selling, he will do better
 by just telling people why he likes it instead of putting down other
 companies and their products! The man then turned obnoxious and I had to
 turn away and leave him on the street. Makes you wonder why he is in
 business if he can't be respectable and tolerant of other companies!

 So this is what I do with Silver, when someone tells me that it is toxic,
 dangerous, or whatever and is on a mission to convince me to not take it,
 usually let them talk and get it out of their system. But I will tell them
 that it is hard to convince someone to not take a product that has
 their health!  : )

 I will let the technical and scientific brains on this group get the info
 you want on the Silver, I could look it up but am pressed for time with
 preparing for a family reunion. I just wanted to encourage you to NOT let
 those people get you down who are concerned about hoaxes!

 Best wishes,
 3 John 2
 Especially for your feet

 - Original Message -
 From: sol
 Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:08 PM
 Subject: Re: CSCS and viruses,

That's what I told him, and to my mind this is a simple semantic
  issue, sloppy wording, but he being a know-it-all, and of a very
  scientific bent (degree in Physics from Cornell) is adamant that this
  wording casts all info on colloidal silver into the camp of
No need for this to generate a whole off topic thread of relatives
  who will not even try CS, but I would like to get some hard facts on
  exactly what CS does to viruses...
  - Original Message -
  From: mamapug
   Would the word destroy sit better??
   Either way, silver works!!
  My son keeps reminding me viruses are NOT alive, so how can CS
said to *kill* them? Anybody know or have a guess at what the
mechanism is of CS disabling viruses? I notice in the personal
many references to CS *killing* viruses but my son insists you
kill something that isn't alive, so what does happen? Is this just
sloppy wording?
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSC.S. and Coffee Creamer Half and Half Spoilage...

2003-09-14 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello All :)

I am doing a simple test with the Half  Half Creamer...

Using a Silvergen SG7 tuned at @ 25 PPM per 5 gal. batch...

Half  Half:
Garlick Farms, Pasteurized, no additives, no preservatives brand, Dated use by 
August, 27, 2003...

Common refrigerator at @ 36_f.

1. Produced the C.S. @ August,25,2003...
2. Purchased the Half  Half on August, 24, 2003...
3. Added 1/2 cup of the C.S. to the full quart of half  half on
   August, 26, 2003...

Results so far: Creamer retains an absolutely fresh  pleasant odor
to present date ( Sept., 14, 2003 ). Taste remains absolutely fresh and 
pleasant to date. Absolutely no signs of spoilage / souring what so ever...

Request to All... Will others please repeat this test up to point of spoilage 
at least... I'm getting suspicious that the C.S. will keep the half  half 
spoilage free almost indefinitely ???  

I will also begin test of Creamer with C.S. at room temperature...

Regards to All,
Alexander J. Federowicz
Providence, Rhode Island

Re: CSRE: Are we Photonic Bandgap Crystalline Beings ?

2003-09-03 Thread colloidal . silver
Reg. the Below claims about R.J. ...

I personally offered Rosemary Jacobs, free therapy under my Cousin down at
Virginia Beach, who is a very highstanding MD at the local hospital
there Her reaction to my every effort and offer were Don't you dare try
to help me get rid of my precious argyria. So considder my testamony a 100%
confirmation of the below claim about her intentions... But mind you... She
has an acomplice... He's an M.D. ,Stephen Barrett, who no longer has a valid
lisence to practice medicine, and runs a web site known as Barret apears to be heavily invested in the chem-pharm
industry, and makes amazing claims against any and all that would think of
using anything else...

Alexander J. Federowicz, E.E.
Providence, Rhode Island

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSRE: Are we Photonic Bandgap Crystalline Beings ?

 BioSil wrote:

  There is a solution at long last for  Argyria
  presumably by taking
  high particulate colloid silver by taking edible
  Photonic Bandgap Polyner combinations.
  With reference to the above, perhaps we should send this information to
  Rosemary who was paraded on prime-time TV (Ripleys) here with her
  argyria story!

 It would be a waste. She doesn't want to be cured, she bathes in fame her
condition (and
 likely money) has brought her. Others have offered her help, but have been
turned down.


  Does anyone have the truth behind the blurb - I did once read it but
  keep it!
  Yvonne :o)
  - Original Message -
  From: Lew FH
  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:57 PM
  Subject: CSRE: Are we Photonic Bandgap Crystalline Beings ?
What are photonic bandgap crystals?
Microscopic structures known as photonic crystals, unlike pigments,
  absorb or reflect certain frequencies of light as a result of their
  composition, the way that photonic crystals reflect light is a function
  their physical structure. That is, a material containing a periodic
array of
  holes or bumps of a certain size may reflect blue light, for example,
  absorb other colors even though the crystal material itself is entirely
  colorless. Because a crystal array looks slightly different from
  angles (unlike pigments, which are the same from any angle), photonic
  crystals can lead to shifting shades of iridescent color
Fink has even found some band-gap polymer combinations that are
  edible. My idea was to create colored food without using dyes, he
  You could have benign colorants - with very high control over color
  quality. Since he made this suggestion publicly, representatives from
  Mars candy company have been in contact with MIT, although nobody will
  precisely what the men from Mars have in mind. Maybe we'll see some
  photonic sweets sometime in the next year or so -Fink has even found
  band-gap polymer combinations that are edible. My idea was to create
  colored food without using dyes, he says. You could have benign
  colorants - with very high control over color quality. Clothes are
  possibility, says Fink. 
There is a solution at long last for  Argyria  caused presumably by
  taking high particulate colloid silver by taking edible Photonic Bandgap
  Polyner combinations.
   With regards
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   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
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   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSColloidal gold

2003-08-30 Thread colloidal . silver
Hi Trem :)

Alex here... I'll take you up on the C.G. guinea pig offer...
I know my leg joint and disc injuries may benefit from it...
I will send you detailed reports of every change I notice... Also, I will
schedule some liver tests at the V.A. clinic and submit the report info to
you about any change in my liver... That's a very good way to track any
toxic build ups...


- Original Message -
From: Trem
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:45 PM
Subject: CSColloidal gold

 Hi TJ,

 I've been drinking it for several weeks.  No twitches or anything out of
 ordinary so far.  I'm quite sure it's not harmful as long as it's not in a
 salt form.  Gold salts are poisonous but that's a different story.

 I'm so healthy it's going to be difficult to see any benefits.  Once I get
 the process working better I'll look for someone who needs help and offer


 - Original Message -
 From: TJ Garland
 Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: CSColloidal gold

  I live in Oak Ridge ,Tn the Secret City. In the 40's and 50's hundreds
  millions of tons of flouride were used and dumped during the uranium
  enrichment process -making UHF (6). There is some discussion here about
  only way to remove Flouride from the body is using gold. Is your CG fit
  human consumption? Does anyone else have in ancedotal or studies of
  that will chelate Flourine from the body? BTW- $2B was just approved to
  continue operating this place. No one here will even discuss Flourine
  contamination. The stupid dentists still want to give everyone  flouride
  treatments. Colgate puts stannus flouride in all their toothpastes-
  everyone  dental flourisis(dicolored and mottled teeth) and then sells
  a $50 tooth whitener system. What a racket!!!
  TJ Garland, CMO supplier
 there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.
  From: Trem
  Subject: CSColloidal gold
  Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 13:25:20 -0700
  Hi List,
  I've been recently making CG using HVAC underwater arcing.  It
  comes out violet and sometimes more of a gray color but it's always
  clear .  It seems the arc spacing has a bearing on this.  Does anyone
  make it using HVAC and if so would you be interested in comparing
  Off list will be fine unless others want to hear too.
  I'm not sure what the ionic/colloidal ratio is but the PWT reads
  and 10 usually.  And it doesn't seem to be any different on the two
  I've been drinking it but also want to compare notes with others about
  their responses to it.
  Help protect your PC: Get a free online virus scan at
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSfw: Five Reasons to Avoid Genetically Modified Crops

2003-08-21 Thread colloidal . silver
'. And ActionAid calculates
 that those crops `stand only a one in 250 chance of making
 it into farmers' fields'. As the UN Development Programme
 points out, `technology is created in response to market
 pressures - not the needs of poor people, who have little
 purchasing power'.


 Sustainable agriculture projects have led to millet yields
 rising by up to 154 per cent in India, millet and sorghum
 yields rising by 275 per cent in Burkina Faso and maize
 yields increasing by 300 per cent in Honduras. Combined with
 reforms aimed at achieving more equitable land ownership,
 protection from subsidised food imports and the
 re-orientation of production away from export crops to
 staple foods for local consumption, sustainable farming
 could feed the world.

 In 1998 a delegation representing every African country
 except South Africa submitted a joint statement to a UN
 conference on genetic research. The delegates had been
 inspired by a Monsanto campaign that used images of starving
 African children to plug its technology. The statement read:
 `We strongly object that the image of the poor and hungry
 from our countries is being used by giant multinational
 corporations to push a technology that is neither safe,
 environmentally-friendly nor economically beneficial to us.
 We do not believe that such companies or gene technologies
 will help our farmers to produce the food that is needed in
 the 21st century. On the contrary, we think it will destroy
 the diversity, the local knowledge and the sustainable
 agricultural systems that our farmers have developed for
 millennia, and that it will undermine our capacity to feed

 Sources: Briefing papers by Genewatch, Friends of the Earth,
 the Soil Association, GM Free Wales, Farm

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 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSafe Water

2003-08-19 Thread colloidal . silver


- Original Message - 
From: Robert Berger
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: CSSafe Water

 Hi Bob,
 I would suspect that the water department has increased the chlorine
 content to speed up the decontanination. The chlorine will precipate the
 silver ions into silver chloride, which is 1/10 as effective as the
 Ole Bob
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
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 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: New and Confused

2003-08-01 Thread colloidal . silver
If you look at old traditional neck ties they basically were scarves, but
then poor folks started keeping silverware in them, and probably anything
that could be pilfered too... So Personally it's my viewpoint that the
hanging version of the necktie we see today got it's form from necessity...
Now,  of coarse your hard core separatist feminists with naturally call it a
phallic symbol etc.. etc... But remember, back then a sore throat often
meant fatal illness, so you needed to keep your neck and face warm etc...
These poor folks did not have C.S. !!!


- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: New and Confused

 Actually I have read it is a phallic symbol.


 Ode Coyote wrote:

   Is the neck-tie a symbol of a noose or a leash?
  At 07:13 PM 7/31/2003 -0700, you wrote:
  Jack writes:
  ...Also I found that there are people and Doctors who
  reccomend REBOUNDING on a trampoline. Now I
  once had read that rebounding might help alleviate
  an astigmatism...
  Yes, I heard about the trampoline, too.  Something about
  it forcess the lymph glands to do their job better.
  Also, there was a report on the news last night about
  the long-term negative effect of men wearing neck-ties
  on their vision, from circulatory problems.
  Old and still confused,
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDoes CS taken orally have a negative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-07-26 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello :)

I encourage you to fresh make your own yogurt  @ .5 gallons a day should be 
the max you give the puppy a day of @ 20ppm C.S.
Of course the puppy will never drink that much... But that's based on 
converting the ration for human max consumption / @ 66 gallons per day... 
However please not that the only danger here is possible development of argyria 
if you drink @ 60+ gallons a day of 20ppm C.S., no toxicity, just possible 
development of blue skin if you can somehow manage to drink 60+ gallons per day 
for a period of several months !!!

The home brewed yogurt is very good at maintaining intestonal balance...

Of worthy note, I think, is my personal observation, that C.S. apears to get 
the bacteria, that my intestins use to digest red-meat... If I eat red meat 
after / durring ingestion of C.S., I end up just passing the red meat right out 
of my bowels... Noew normally red meat sits around rotting in your intestins 
for days... However dogs really need this red meat, and please take note... 
they cannot digest the soy protein crap in the purina dry-type dog chow that 
the b.s. label on the bag says staight faced that they can...

please take a look at this URL

These folks use C.S. to treat their dogs too, so don't be shy about contacting 
them, and talking about puppies !


  - Original Message - 
  From: Denise Every 
  Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 12:55 PM
  Subject: CSDoes CS taken orally have a negative effect on benefical gut 

  I have a friend who just called, she has a puppy almost 3 weeks old, about 20 
ozs, who was doing well and this morning for no apparent reason took a turn for 
the worse, temperature dropped  crying out, so she gave it some drops of 
colloidal silver and a homeopathic remedy for fading puppies (don't know the 
name of it offhand), and in the past couple of hours the puppy seems to be 
showing some improvement.  

  She is concerned, though, how much CS would be safe to give a puppy, she was 
told by another breeder that the CS will destroy the beneficial gut bacteria as 
well as harmful ones.  She is giving a few drops every few hours, or planning 
to, as well as a bit of organic yogurt.  

  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  

  Denise Every

Re: CS H2O2, ag(+), NaCl

2003-07-07 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello Mike Monet...

I think you are sincerely working to further C.S. knowledge...
However, I have seen you repeatedly criticize very knowledgeable people on
this list (out of context)... I suggest that you post your degree/degree's,
the university / universities they came from 
, and any relevant experience in exact detail... Then allow us poor stupid
idiots out here the chance to verify your claims to expertise... etc...
Frank Key most certainly knows more about
C.S. than you  so dose Trem at Silvergen...

It's time for the competitive  and sales oriented verbal abuse to end...
This is a democratic and egalitarian forum, not a character assignation
training ground, for would be c.e.o.'s of advertising firms...

Myself, I have 5 years cumulative of college , am a trained
(10-yrs.)Telecommunication tech., (3yrs.)Quality control Tech., 6 years in
the service as a microwave systems tech. etc... Am I a PHD. in physics like
Dr. Robert Beck, who you acused of being a snake oil salesman on this
forum...No... And I will never pretend to be... However, no background is
certification for the crap you keep launching at people here, in such an
obviously derogatory fashion... If you keep this up Mike I am going to put
forth the request that you be perminently banned from this list for
repeatedly using verbal abuse tactics.

Learn Some manners,
Alexander J. Federowicz
Providence, Rhode Island

- Original Message -
From: Mike Monett
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS H2O2, ag(+), NaCl

 Re: CS H2O2, ag(+), NaCl
 From: Frank Key
 Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 09:37:41

 The electrons are supplied by current passing through the ionic solution
 which is electrically conductive.

 frank key

 I don't think so, Frank. The entire field of chemistry would collapse if
 this were true. You would not be able to start your car - the battery
 would not work. Your car would not have nice shiny chrome bumpers -
 electroplating would not work. The simple water electrolysis experiments
 shown in grade school would no longer produce oxygen at the anode and
 hydrogen at the cathode. It wouldn't matter much. You would not be around
 to see it - biological processes would cease to function.

 Also, silver carbonate is tan or brown. I sometimes saw this with high
 current density, but most often the residue was dark black. This is
 silver oxide.

 Best Regards,

 Mike Monett

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSDr. Beck's protocol, Dr Clark's Protocol C.S.

2003-07-01 Thread colloidal . silver
Dr. Beck's Protocol uses pulsed DC @ 20-30 volts and I think @ 5-10 milliamps 
of current. It Electrocutes any pathogen in the blood they have tested it on... 
Dr. Hudra Clark's method uses much weaker AC voltage, and current, it's effect 
is far less measurable, but also is said to affect organ  body tissues in the 
area of treatment... Clark uses very proven and powerful herbs, to help kill 
off parasites in the body etc... As far as I can tell
Dr. Clark has emulated some of Dr.Becks method, but my advice would be to treat 
with both methods simultaneously... Why ? because they are definitely 
complimentary, and because
a number of device manufacturers produce a very good device that will do both 
forms of blood and tissue treatment, plus make acceptable colloidal silver to 
boot !
above is  just such a example device...

To boot you should definitely get a damn good chlorine  fluoride filter for 
your shower head, and stick to steam distilled spring water too... 

Beyond this getting yourself a good juicer like this :
   stick juicing organic stuff only... Avoid those pesticides !!!

If you really like red meat, then I suggest you learn to hunt, and keep a deep 
freezer stock with fresh dear, turkey, etc. that you have hunted yourself, and 
therefore damn well know isn't pumped full of genetic garbage, antibiotics, and 
mystery hormones etc...

For fish...Stick to ocean fish that are not raised on farms... The farm fish is 
genetically engineered, and is capable of passing things on to you, that don't 
particularly like the way your DNA is coded :)

Do all this, and all those greedy little M.D.'s out here will have a real tuff 
time killing you off in one of their so-called modern hospitals, while your 
under their so-called (((CARE)))..

Learn to avoid becoming a planned statistical casualty of these federal 
policies, that are fast moving into a position for, what appears to me at 
least, to be the regulation of the population of the U.S. It seems pretty 
clear, that Cancer research and the almost inversely proportionate cure rate 
vs. research spending is already playing a big part in this possible plan... 
But then, what do I know ?
After all I'm just a little old E.E., not an all knowing and wise career
politician :)

Regards to You All,
Alexander J.F., D.A.V.
Prov., RI

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: CSBeck's protocol...

 Sara wrote:
  Interesting.  How does the Beck protocal relate to the Dr. Clark
  protocal?  They sound familiar.  I have used the Clark protocal for
  parasite cleansing and organ function, and magnetic pulsing is a big
  part of that, also ozonated water (or olive oil) plus CS are
  suggested. What is blood electrification thought?  Sara
 Ummm, I thought Clark's protocol was Zapping, parasite cleanses using 
 certain tinctures and herbs, plus liver and bladder cleanses.
 The Beck protocol uses 4 specific devices for blood electrification -- 
 similar but significantly different from a Clark Zapper -- colloidal 
 silver generation, magnetic pulsing, and ozonated water.
 Maybe that's what you used, and somebody confused it with Clark? Or are 
 they using a scattergun approach and using all of it at the same time?
 I believe that Colloidal Silver was revived in modern times by Beck
 for this protocol.  It's surely something we should know about.
 I've changed the subject on this message, in hopes we can get some input
 from people who've used Beck's full protocol, or seen it used. 
 I see comments in some of the articles posted here and elsewhere about 
 few people using it. I wonder if that's true?
 Be well,
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSBob Beck interview garlic toxicity...

2003-07-01 Thread colloidal . silver
I believe Dr. Beck was refering to the requirement the a flight surgeon was
placing on test pilots at company that was testing high performance
aircraft... Now many of us know that halon systems could be installed on all
passenger aircraft, and that most passenger aircraft tragedies that have
involved  fire, could have been prevented by this simple effective safety
measure... Dose any one see it happening 

Simple fact: If any one I know tries to pilot a plane after eating a big
dose of garlic, they are not going to see that budgeon  comming, but beleive
me, I'll put their lights out first, and apologise later... I was a private
pilot for a spell, and there is just no excuse for ignoring the cosequences
of  performance imparing substances...

But... is garlic going to make you drop dead from brain failure ?
I think not..., but any airline pilot who would consciensiously get behind
the controls of a heavy, after learning the little known fact about garlics
effect on reflex times, dose desearve to do just that ! Drop Dead from
Brain Failure, and I wouldn't shed even one tear for them.


- Original Message -
From: Mike Monett
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: CSRe: Bob Beck interview

 RE: CSRe: Bob Beck interview
 From: James Holmes
 Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 22:08:32

I haven't had a chance to research the toxic garlic  syndrome yet,
but my  sensors tell me it is probably being promoted by  the same
people who say vitamin C causes cancer.

   Some of the claims are easy to prove false.


   Pilots are  not  permitted to ingest  garlic  before  their flights
   because it slows down their reaction times.

   I have been a pilot since 1959. All pilots operate under the Federal
   Aviation Regulations  (FAR's). There is no reference in  any  of the
   regulations to garlic.

   You can search the Federal Aviation website:

   The single reference to garlic is in a listing of aviation articles:

   There is an article on heat stress. The only reason it showed  up in
   the search is the url has garlic as the domain name:


   From the Bob Beck Interview:

   He is also the inventor of the strobe flash light

   Dr. Beck  was born in 1925. He was six years old  when  Doc Edgerton
   invented the strobe flash in 1931:

   Prior to this, spark photography was used, but it was too dim:

   Dr.  Edgerton's   strobe   flash   was   used   for   nightime arial
   reconnissance during World War II:

   His work  on  high-speed  strobe  photography  allowed  him  to take
   pictures of atomic explosions with a 10 nanosecond aperture time:

   For reference, he donated his lab notes to the MTI Archives:

   I knew him quite well. His lab was across the hall from mine at MIT.
   Every time  he  fired  a  gun  to  take  a  picture,  the  noise was


   If it  is  so easy to prove these claims are  false,  why  should we
   believe any of the other Beck claims are true?

   I pay  little  attention  to  these  posts.  They  sound  like scams
   intended for those who will believe anything.

 Best Regards,

 Mike Monett

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPancreatic cancer

2003-06-28 Thread colloidal . silver
Hello Nancy :)

Just some cancer basics...

1. Install a very good quality anti fluoride  chlorine filter in friends 
2. Have fried drink only a good quality steam distilled water... example 
poland springs distillled water... Drink lots !
3. No antiperspirants=aluminum toxicity / cooking with Aluminum Cookware...
4. Have friend begin Juicing large amounts of fresh organic-only fruits and 
vegetables !
5. Then Begin friend on C.S. @ 10-p.p.m. or more up to 20-p.p.m., have them 
drink several cups a day on an empty stomach, and have them also ingest live 
culture, plain white yogurt every evening... The yogurt balances the intestinal 
tract vs. the C. S.
6. Also have friend use this protocol... Dr. Robert Beck Protocol

Sota Instuments worked closly and directly with Dr. Beck...

Dr. Bob Beck developed a procedure for obtaining good health that involved four 
distinct treatments.  These are widely referred to as the Beck Protocols.  
These are the four steps that he has put together that allow anyone to follow 
the path to a healthy life.  Good health is possible and a great place to start 
is with these four protocols.  There are other treatments, other devices, and 
other people with good ideas that have also proven to be effective.  Use your 
own judgment as to what is beneficial for you.  You have the right to choose 
your own medical treatment.  Use that right to choose for yourself. 

1. Blood Electrification/Purification: Electrical micro-currents are known to 
eliminate all viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and pathogens in blood. The 
concept has been revealed in many revolutionary patents and research papers 
over the past 100 years (going back to 1890), but these breakthroughs were 
typically lost, suppressed, ridiculed by mainstream medicine, etc. The method 
was rediscovered by Kaali (click here for info) at the Einstein College of 
Medicine as an AIDS cure in 1990, but, as usual, it was promptly buried and all 
but forgotten until Bob Beck read about it and decided to research it.  Blood 
electrification takes 2 hours daily for about four weeks to get significant 
results.  The Silver Pulser is our version of Beck's blood electrification unit.

2. Colloidal Sliver: Home-made, pennies-per-gallon colloidal silver acts as a 
second immune system according to Bob Beck.  It has been shown in numerous 
studies to be the only substance known to eliminate hundreds of viruses, 
bacteria, fungus, etc., more than any modern antibiotic or miracle drug yet 
developed by the pharmaceutical companies.  It greatly assists in eliminating 
pathogens and guards against opportunistic infections.  It can be used anywhere 
in or on the body.  You can buy just a colloidal silver maker, the Silver 
Maker, or get blood electrification and a colloidal silver maker in one unit 
with the Silver Pulser.

3. High-intensity Pulsed Magnetic Fields: Externally applied magnetic pulses to 
the lymphatic system, the spleen, kidney  liver, help neutralize germinating, 
latent and incubating parasites of all types, helping to block re-infection. 
This speeds up the elimination of disease, restores the immune system, and 
supports detoxification. Permanent magnets, no matter how strong they are, will 
not produce the same results as the pulsed fields of Bob Beck's device, which 
produces induced back-emf currents. You must have a high-intensity, 
time-varying, magnetic impulse, not just a magnetic field.  Magnets have their 
uses, but they work in different ways with different results.  Our Magnetic 
Pulse Generator produces the correct high-intensity field as specified by Dr. 

4. Ozonated Water: Water that has been properly ozonated offers rapid, safe, 
and totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage. Universal 
detoxification is accomplished by oxidation of dead and neutralized pathogens, 
without the need for colonics, heat, hot tubs, exercise, liver and kidney 
flushing, herbs or other modalities. While these treatments have their uses,  
Bob Beck feels they are not necessary if ozonated water is used daily with the 
other three protocols he recommends.  Our Water Ozonator is a high quality unit 
that can fully ozonate an 8 ounce (250ml) glass of water in just a few minutes.

I've personally watched cancer melt away under this combination of clean eating 
+ hygene  augumentation of imunological system...

Alexander J. Federowicz, E.E.
Providence, RI

- Original Message - 
  From: nancymike 
  Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 5:45 PM
  Subject: CSPancreatic cancer

  I've had such great results with CS IV's for my MS.  I'm wondering if there 
is any thought of what it might do

Re: CSRe: [sillver_list] Re: CSRe: Nebulizing CS for SARS Redux

2003-06-19 Thread colloidal . silver
 out there are about 1.41252 X 10+18 atoms in
   teaspoon of CS made to 20+ PPM.  I would think it wouldn't take too
   an intravenous solution to see some dramatic results.
   And let's remember, an IV of distilled water isn't going to do any
   why wouldn't someone try this just to see if it works?  Or as I said
   earlier, is there something I missed.
   Best regards,
  I became involved with this group and actually had the opportunity
present CS to them during a conference call.  At that time, my
running along the lines of nebulizing.
  Since then, they've considered oral (very difficult because most
are too ill to drink) and IV.  They are really skeptical about the
because I can't produce enough material that speaks of efficacy with
The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSYour life is being monitored by wal*mart!

2003-06-19 Thread colloidal . silver
ay cphel thuh caim whey, dowen't yah noe...

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSYour life is being monitored by wal*mart!

 On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:03:11 -0500, Robert Berger

 Ole Bob Electircal Engineer

 WOT's a Electircal Engineer???

 Capt'n!  The spellchecker kinna take this abuse!

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour