CS>Re: another alternative in trouble.

1999-09-28 Thread johnphil
Thanks for posting this.  I hadn't heard about it.  I makes perfect
sense to me--apparently the milk doesn't make people's hair fall out and
make them deathly sick, and once you buy the cow your expenses are

The only name of the game is money.  The FDA cares less about us.  It
cares about the pharmaceutical and medical estblishment.  If the FDA
bans it and the alternative method makes sense and doesn't make someone
a fortune, it's worth looking into.

My dentist told me an interesting story the other day.  He has a brother
who is a sales rep for one of the big pharmaceuticals who mfr those
expensive cancer meds.  The brother's company is having a problem with a
competitive company which is eating into their sales.
To keep the doctors in the home camp, he is authorized to offer them a
"research" opportunity.  They give patients this company's cancer drugs,
keep some records on it, and are paid --sit down, please--are paid
$12,000 a MONTH for their research.  In return, the company makes
boocoos $ on all the drugs they sell.  As the dentist said, it's not
which drug is best for the patient but which drug is best for the
doctor's wallet.

If cows milk can take the place of the drugs which have side effects
which can ruin your life--and your pocketbook--to what lengths do you
think the big guys will go to to assure the early demise of a cheap
alternative method which profits them nothing?

This court battle is brought to you by the guys who are pushing a law to
make you pay an office visit and a prescription to take 1000 mg of
vitamin C a day.

Re: CS > ointment > Cindy

1999-09-08 Thread johnphil
If you go to www.elixa.com, they have a CS ointment kit so you can make
your own.  John

CS>Re: Magnet Therapy > Vilik

1999-09-08 Thread johnphil
When you hang a magnet by a string, the side that faces north is the
north-SEEKING side, in otherwords, the south side.  You are correct.

CS>Re: Wonders of Colloidal Silver > Carl

1999-09-06 Thread johnphil
I wasn't able to find this in any bookstore. Found it on a C.S.
generator site, but he wouldn't sell it to me unless I bought a
generator.  He did give me the number of the author though, so this is
where I finally bought it:

Dhyana Coburn
$24.20 with shipping

CS>Re: z.z. > Wong

1999-09-06 Thread johnphil
My first contact with Tai Chi (or whatever discipline it was) was about
15 years ago.  I was walking beside a lake in Tallahassee (Fla).  On the
other side of the lake there was a man under a tree doing a dance (as I
thought of it then) that was so graceful, so beautiful, so much at peace
with the tree and the lake, that I sat and watched him for a long.  He
literally took my breath away.  It was only recently that I realize what
he was doing.  So when you are out under a tree somewhere doing your
practice, you never know whose life you will be influencing somewhere
down the road.  If not for this man, I would have no interest in this
subject today, although it took 15 years for it to actually materialize
in my life.  John

Re: CS > article

1999-09-05 Thread johnphil
I'd like it too.
If you don't soon say that you're going to post it you'll be drowning in
"me-too's." : )

CS > Falun Gong

1999-09-04 Thread johnphil
Strange.  I got my books/video/CD about three days ago and was feeling
pretty isolated about it, and all of a sudden there is a falun gong
thread.  Neat!

Here is a materials site.  I got mine from SUP:

I hope you won't take the subject to email because I would like to

To whoever is considering the list, please count me in on magnet therapy
and falun gong.  Thanks.  John

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CS>Re: falun gong (falun dafa)>Wong

1999-09-03 Thread johnphil
I didn't see the orignal post, so I'm jumping in in the middle of the
conversation, but if you are looking for a source for the VCR tape of
the five falun exercises, I have the source somewhere.  John

Re: CS > purifying water > Jason

1999-09-02 Thread johnphil
Jason wrote:  "Friends of mine have used colloidal silver for a boost to
avoid colds. I recently heard about the use of it for purifying water.
Specifically, I am interested in purifying water in wilderness areas
that might contain giardia, cryptosporidium and other things. Any info
or experience with this? Thanks.  -Jason R."

Jason, I'd like to know how to use CS to purify water too, what ratio of
CS to water to use.  This site isn't about CS but does have a lot to say
about purifying water out in the wilderness, which you could combine
with CS.   John


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Re: CS>sprains >Brooks B.

1999-09-01 Thread johnphil
I would like to have seen your post last year on soft tissue trauma and
the magnetic pulser, but I wasn't here then. Any chance of reposting it?

I read the info on the mag. pulser on Beck's site but all it talked
about was HIV and aids, so I decided it wasn't for me.  Is there
anywhere I could find out its other uses?John

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Re: CS and braces

1999-08-27 Thread johnphil
The question about CS and braces and dentures makes me wonder if it
would harm metal fillings.  Discoloration wouldn't matter but wouldn't
want to harm my fillings from swishng CS or if there would be a chemical
reaction that would release something toxic.   John

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: biocircuits

1999-08-27 Thread johnphil
In response to my request for a buicircuits
source, Dennis Page from nz sent me this site:


Even if you're not interested in biocircuits, check out this site
anyway, it's fantastic. It also everything you want in biocircuits.
Thanks, Dennis.

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CS>Re: Biocircuits

1999-08-26 Thread johnphil
A while back we had a thread on biocircuits.  Does anyone know a source
for these?  I found one from New Zealand but haven't gotten a reply from
them. Amazon had a book but it is out of print.  I'd sure like to follow
up on this.  Putting biocircuits in search didn't lead anywhere but to
New Zealand.John

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CS>Re:CS>magnets >Tom T.

1999-08-25 Thread johnphil
Tom, you're identifying the poles correctly but marking them wrong.  The
traditional way is red-south and blue-north.  It doesn't matter how you
mark them for your own use, of course, but if you should buy marked
magnets you will be thinking red means north when it won't, and it will
be confusing to have half your magnets marked one way and half the
other. John

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CS>Re: Parasites > Edith

1999-08-19 Thread johnphil
Thank you so much for the link you posted on parasites.  It has a
detailed cleansing diet, the Burroughs Lemonade Fast, that is exactly
what I have been looking for.  I wanted one that would make sense, would
not require buying expensive ingredients and not require colonics.  This
only requires lemons, maple syrup and cayenne.  Everything I need to
know is here on this site, no need to even buy the book.

You were answering my post re Hulda Clark's walnut hull tincture for
parasites. I should have added that if anyone wants to make their own
(cheaper) you need to order the green walnut hulls now as they are
available in September, then you have to wait a year.  I got mine from
Blessed Herbs last year.  They're not particularly cheap, but you can
make it much cheaper than an equal quantity of 4-ounce bottles of
commercial tincture.John

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CS>Re: deodorant crystal stones>Ron

1999-08-17 Thread johnphil
Ron, Hulda Clark has this to say:

"I have seen rocks sold as 'Aluminm-Free Natural Deodorant.'  You rub
the rock under your arms.  It works because the rock is made of

As you probably know, aluminum is not something you want in your body.

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CS>Re: sick kitty > gabrielle and vilik

1999-08-16 Thread johnphil
Green walnut shell tincture.  Plus some other things that I forget.
Hulda Clark explains in her book and also gives the home-made formula if
you don't want to buy it.John

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CS>Re: citric acid/lemon pH > Vilik

1999-08-14 Thread johnphil
Lemons and citric acid give an alkaline ash even though they are acidic
before digestion.  John

Vilik wrote: "I am trying to understand what the treatment is actually
doing in the body, and if at least part of its success could be coming
from changing pH. So I am trying to understand what a basically
vegeterian and alkalinising diet along with lemon and citric acid DOES
to the body."

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Reams lit & info > Terry

1999-08-10 Thread johnphil
Just want to thank you for posting the Dr. Reams material.  This is
great information. John

CS>Re: silver-digest #445

1999-08-09 Thread johnphil
If anyone has #445 still available, would you be kind enough to mail it
to me?  I got only the headers but no messages. Thanks. John

CS>Re: best CS book to buy > Chuck

1999-08-07 Thread johnphil
Chuck, my problem is I don't have a printer.  There is too much material
to make notes on and my brain won't memorize all this.  I decided
Wonders of Colloidal would be the best bet, but unfortunately they can't
obtain it. I've written a couple other places with no luck either.
Thanks for all your info.  I'll just keep on a-tryin'.  John

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Best CS book to buy > Chuck

1999-08-06 Thread johnphil
Hi Chuck. Not to belabor this thread, but the blurbs that booksellers
put out with each book do not help.  They tell you the subject, but not
the quality.  They will hardly say, "this is a second-rate book by an
uninformed author."  A second spent posting by someone who knows which
books are written by definitive authors will save a newbie from wasting
money by buying one book and then, when he knows more about the subject,
having to go back and buy the book he should have bought in the first
place.  This has happened to me a hundred times.  John

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Best CS book to buy

1999-08-05 Thread johnphil
Chuck, it's true you can go to Amazon to find what books they have on
CS.  That is not the same as a recommendation, as all books are not
equal.  I was hoping someone would answer Becky as I would like a
recommendation also.  I did go to Amazon and I ordered one of the books
at random with no idea of which one was best. Books are so expensive to
guess at.  Those of you who know the field know the best works and
authors, just as I posted references for biomagnetics.  John

CS>Repeat posts

1999-08-05 Thread johnphil
The following post was on the list more than a week ago, and here it is
again.  I see a lot of repeat posts.  If you want to cut back on so much
space and posts to wade through, why not eliminate these repeats?  John

Monday, July 26, 1999 10:57 PM
Subject: CS>pH 
Can someone give me the source forAlkalife
mineral drops and Coral   calcium? My wife has osteoporosis and it I
think this might help her.   Thanks. John

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CS>Re: Want info CS & H202

1999-08-05 Thread johnphil
Peter wrote:

>I am looking for a simple, straightforward
> list of ALL the benefits of drinking both
>peroxide, and colloidal silver. Can
>anyone help me here, beyond suggesting
>going to a library? I'd be very

I hope anyone who answers will post instead of email because I would be
very interested in this too.  Thanks.   John

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1999-08-03 Thread johnphil
Mike, I don't really care whether you split off another list for the
other alternative healng topics, or use the accuracy-of-topic method,
but I do hope that you won't just close off this group to OT and leave
the OT topics with no where to go.  I came here because I was interested
in CS.  In the process, I have picked up so many alternative ideas that
are equally as helpful and interesting.  I must not be alone in this
opinion, or the OT threads wouldn't be so long.   John

CS>Re: magnet companies>Margie

1999-08-02 Thread johnphil
I bought from a bunch of companies.  Here are the two I settled on.
Their prices are much less than you will find the same items advertised
for in other catalogs.

American Health Service Magnetics

OMS Medical Supplies

They will both send you a catalog.  OMS prices are always the same, but
if you send a small order to AHS to get on their mailing list, they send
out sale catalogs from time to time with very good prices, like 30-50%
off.   John .

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re magnets > Vilik

1999-08-02 Thread johnphil
I was the one who posted on Dr. Davis' chance encounter with worms and
magnets back in l936.  It's true that the worms on the positive pole
flourished growth-wise, but not in a desirable way. They also became
aggressive.  He went on to eggs and seeds and chickens and mice and kept
finding the same thing--faster growth with undesirable side effects,
like for instance, the mice stopped cleaning their cage and slept in

For my part, I don't care how the mice and worms do, but the fact that
pathological microorganisms and cancers are also stimulated to rapid
growth leaves me with no desire to try the south energy to see if it
would help me in some way.

Are you really going to return your magnetic mattress?  Why don't you
call their technical department and ask why they use both north and
south?  Maybe their explanation will satisfy you.   John

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CS>Magnets (was magnetized water) > Art

1999-08-02 Thread johnphil
I really don't know enough to answer to what you say, other than to
remind you that Dr. Philpott et al consider the north pole to be the
negative energy pole.  Since all of these authors are from the northern
hemisphere it may be that things would be different in the southern
hemisphere.  After all, water goes down the drain clockwise in one
hemisphere and counterclockwise in the other.  Or maybe proximity to the
pole has nothing to do with the strength of energy from magnets.  You
have to ask someone who is a professional in this field.  For me and
where I live, I have made the decision to consider the north pole of a
magnet the energy that I want to use.  John

CS>Magnets > Vilik

1999-08-02 Thread johnphil
Vilik, I have a magnetic mattress from another company and it is also
alternating. They do say not to use it every night and also that
bedridden people should not stay on it all the time.  Their magnets
(talking about my mattress) are not bipolar but alternating unipolar,
for whatever difference that makes.  On the other hand, the dog mattress
and chair cushions seem to be all north one side and all south on the
other.  i don't know what the difference with mattresses would be.  That
would be a good question for one of the biomagnetics authors.  I have
found that if you write authors with a reasonable question, they will
answer.  If you ever get the answer, I'd like to hear it because they do
seem to be contradictory.  But isn't it that way on all of these
subjects?  Even medical doctors can't agree on everything.  John

CS>magnetized water > Art

1999-08-01 Thread johnphil
OK, Art, you made me do it--I found my biomagnetics books (the house is
a mess with y2k stuff right now) and found the answer in BIOMAGNETIC
HANDBOOK by William H. Philpott, M.D.  Dr. Philpott is one of the
pioneers in this field and one you will always see quoted in later
books. I am quoting him now:

All magnets have two poles--north pole and south pole.  Electrons from
the north pole spin left (counterclockwise) generating negative magnetic
energy while electrons from the south pole spin rght (clockwise)
genrating positive magnetic energy.  This discovery has been reported
and confirmed by sophisticated space-age instruments which measure
magnetic energy.

In this publication [referring to BIOMAGNETIC HANDBOOK] north pole
magnetic energy will be referred to as negative (-) magnetic field
energy and south pole energy will be referred to as positive (+)
magnetic field energy.  The terminology "negative" and "positive" has no
reference to "good" and "bad" but rather relates to the laws of
electricity and physics.

Again, remember that negative and positive polarities have separate and
opposite effects on biological systems!

Not all magnets are created equal and persons working with magnets must
be aware of the differences.  There are unipole magnets and bipolar
magnets.  Unipole magnets are polarized with negative energy on one side
of the magnet and positive energy on the opposite side.  Researchers and
health professionals applying magnetic energy to biological systems must
always use unipole magnets so negative or positive energy can be applied

When both positive and negative energy are present on the same side of a
magnet, the magnet is referred to as bipolar.  Bipolar magnets, popular
in industrial use, are NOT TO BE APPLIED TO BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS [caps
mine] since both poles are present and cannot be separated.  For
example, it would be unwise to grab the decorative magnet from the
refrigerator door and use it for therapy since it is bipolar to enhance
sticking quality.  If bipolar magnets are applied to the humahn body,
positive pole energy would be absorbed along with negative. Horseshoe
magnets are not suitable for biomagnetics either since the two poles are
physically too close together to allow either pole to be applied

Remember, since negative and positive magnetic energies have opposite
effects on biological systems, only UNIPOLE magnets are appropriate for
application in biolmagnetic therapy described in this book.


(This is what you asked about, Art, and what we have been discussing the
last few days)

Another warning!  In purchasing magnets, the reader must be aware and
cautioned that the poles of magnets are identified by TWO OPPOSITE
SYSTEMS [caps mine]. (l) traditional method of identification used in
industry and navigation (opposite of the earth's polarity) and (2)
physics identification of the magnetic poles corresponding with the
earth's magnetic poles.  Biophysics recognizes and equates cellular and
tissue polarity with the earth's magnetic poles.

Another caution, some authors (especially foreign authors) and medical
practitioners have continued to use the traditional industrial method of
identifying polarities.  It is, therefore, of utmost importance before
getting involved in biomagnetics that the reader understand the Law of
Polarity and establish the true identity of the poles (corresponding to
earth's poles) of the magnets to be used.

The Law of Polarity:  Opposites attract while like forces repel.


Compass method:  When the compass needle (north-seeking) marked N points
to the magnet it indicates the negative (north) pole side of the magnet
(opposites attract).

Magnet method:  Use a correctly identified and marked magnet to
determine the poles of an unmarked magnet.  Simply try stacking the
magnets and remember the Law of Polarity--opposite polarities attract
and like forces repel.

Another simple method to determine polarity is to suspend a unipole
magnet on edge from a string.  Keep in mind, the Earth is a magnet with
a North Pole and South Pole.  The south (+) pole of the magnet will be
attracted to and face the North Pole of the Earth.  No matter how many
times the magnet is spun, it will always reposition itself in alignment
with the Earth's poles--opposites attracting.

End quote.  

As I said before, if you like your compasst, use another method because
a strong magnet will totally disable your compass. I hope Dr. Philpott
has helped to clear up the pole confusion.   John

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CS>Pyramid posts > Sharon

1999-07-31 Thread johnphil

Sharon, I for one hope if you have more discussion on pyramids, you will
post it here.  What you write to someone privately won't help me or
anyone else here who is interested, and private email is time consuming
and helps only one person.  

I have seen pyramids advertised, but to be honest I put them away in my
voodoo file. What you have posted has interested me enough to find some
books and start reading up on it.  This seems to me one of the purposes
of this group--to open others' minds to new possibilities.John

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CS>Magnetized water >Art

1999-07-31 Thread johnphil
Which polarity faces the north pole?  i thought I knew, but after the
discussion in here a few days ago I'm as confused as anyone else.  I
have a little gadget I bought where I get most of my magnets which is
positive and sticks to the negative side of a magnet.  I use that.  On
the ones that are colored north and south for you, I have hung them on a
string and the south (red) points north, so I put a blue sticker on the
opposite side for negative.   Don't use a compass--I ruined two good
ones, they ended up not knowing where north was.

I called the manufacturer when I first got interested in magnets a
couple of years ago and was even more confused than I am now.  I found
that biomagnetic people and manufacturing people are also totally
confused and test for north differently. I then wrote the author of one
of the biomagnetic healing books and frankly, I forget what he said.  I
assume he advised the way I have been doing it, or I would have started
doing it a different way.

If you take a known magnet, marked by a biomagnetics company, then
whatever sticks to the red (positive) side is negative, and that's what
I consider the north negative pole for use in healing.

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CS>Magnetized water > Dennis

1999-07-30 Thread johnphil
I have been magnetizing all my drinking water for about two years.
Whether it does any good or not I don't know, have to take it on faith,
but I will say that I have not "been sick" in that time, no colds, no
flu, no nothing.  I have had back surgery, but I don't count that as
"being sick."

I use a large probably 4" by 6" magnet north side up (toward the water).
The lady who taught me to do this swore it would purify dirty water, but
I don't know that I would go that far.  I see it more as a supplement
once the water is clean. 

She showed me that if you put a small bolt on a string and hold it over
tap water, it won't move, but if you put it over magnetized water it has
energy and will move in a circle.  This does the same thing with food.
She said she never eats anything that has not spent a short time sitting
on her magnet.  I have to add that she was in her 80's and still
teaching and doing magnetic healing.  John

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CS>Distilling water, a simple method > Nancy

1999-07-30 Thread johnphil
I have been looking for ways to make distilled water without electricity
or making a complicated solar still.  I thank you for your great
suggestion.  Here is another one I found last night but have no idea
where (hope it wasn't on the CS list).

"Well, if it was me, and I was in Africa, I'd probably try a solar still
to distill my own water. You'd need a large clean container to hold the
water to be distilled, say a large kettle with an inch or so of water in
the bottom. In the center of the large kettle put a smaller clean
container, say a drinking glass. Now cover the kettle with clean plastic
sheeting, and place a small weight, like a stone in the center of the
plastic so that the weight of the stone makes the plastic droop down to
a point, directly over the smaller container. Set this whole contraption
out in the sun and let it cook. If you've set it up right, the heated
water in the kettle will condense on the inside of the cooler plastic.
The condensation will coalesce and run down to where the stone is and
drip into the smaller vessel in the center of the kettle. This sounds
like a slow process, but if the sun is really hot you'll be surprised
how much it will make in a day."

CS>anthrax > Dennis

1999-07-30 Thread johnphil

There are 240 cc (ml) per lC (8 ounces).
There are 30 cc (ml) per ounce.
l60 cc (ml) divided by 30 = a little more than five ounces.

There 2 T in one ounce, or 6 tsp per oz.
6 tsp x 5 ounces = 30 tsp or l0 T

CS>Pyramid experiments>Sharon

1999-07-30 Thread johnphil
I would love to read your information. John

CS>Subject Line > Bob Lee

1999-07-29 Thread johnphil
Mike is right.  The CS posts are drowning in a sea of off topics.  On
the other hand, the other topics have been as helpful to me as the CS
ones, and judging by their quantity, to others as well.

If you want to maintain this list for CS only, which after all is the
purpose of the list, I hope we will have another place to go for the
other information.  Or, as Bob says, keep the subject line accurate and
we can skip on by the topics that don't interest us.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Osteoporosis > Dr. Vergini

1999-07-28 Thread johnphil
Dear Dr. Vergini,
Thank you for your information.  We are going to take your advice.  For
those who are interested, the best site I found for this product costs
$14 per l20 caps or tabs (1 month supply), as compared to other sites at
$19 or $20.  For orders over $50 shipping is free.  This is the url for
Vitanet:   http://st1.yahoo.com/vitanet/phytopharmica.html

I have one question.  Is this a complete vitamin-mineral supplement, or
will my wife need to take an other supplement with it?  She also takes
Glucosamine Sulfate DS from Biomax.  

Thank you so much for your help.  John

CS>Trouble posting

1999-07-27 Thread johnphil
When I send a post I get a letter from the postmaster saying it can't be
sent because the address is wrong.  Then in the meantime the post comes
up TWICE on the screen.  That's why you're seeing my posts twice.  John

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1999-07-27 Thread johnphil
Can someone give me the source forAlkalife mineral drops and Coral
calcium?  My wife has osteoporosis and it I think this might help her.
Thanks. John

Re: CS > pH and microbes

1999-07-26 Thread johnphil
If we agree that body acidity is responsible for disease, how can the
body be alkalinized?  John

Re: CS > pH and microbes

1999-07-26 Thread johnphil
If we agree that body acidity is responsible for disease, how can the
body be alkalinized?  John

CS>Which side of the magnet is negative?

1999-07-25 Thread johnphil
I have been reading the last week's posts all at one time. Now _I'm_
confused too and am going to have to get out the ref books to read up on
it again.  It seems to me that a foolproof way to tell which is negative
energy is to buy a marked healing magnet from a biomagnetics
manufacturer (generally red south and blue north) and use that to test
your unknown magnets. The red side will attract the negative side that
you want to use for healing.   John

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1999-07-21 Thread johnphil
I have a bottle of Musselman's ACV which states 5% acidity on the label.
I can't find my detox books but did find ACID AND ALKALINE by Herman
Aihara.  He states vinegar has a pH of 2.9.  He lists vinegar as an
acid-forming food.

I was very interested in finding out which foods were acid ash (acid
forming) and which alkaline ash a couple years ago.  I only found two
books with tables, and the two books, one of which was Aihara's book,
disagreed on some items.  Nutrition books didn't have the information
and neither did the County Homemakers Extension.

He addresses the confusion between acid foods and acid-forming foods

"There are two types of acid and alkaline foods. One is acid or alkaline
foods; the other is acid or alkaline FORMING foods.

"Acid and alkaline foods means how much acid or alkaline the foods
contain [measured by their pH]. A pH of 7.0 is neutral; less than 7 is
acid and more than 7 is alkaline.

"By acid forming or alkaline forming, nutritionists mean the condition
foods cause in the body _after being digested._. If a food leaves an
acid ash the body must neutralize it as blood pH must be 7.4, slightly
alkaline."  If it is not neutralized the body is acidic, which as stated
in other posts, is conducive to disease.

He states that fruit and most vegetables are considered alkaline-forming
foods, while high protein foods and most grains are acid-forming foods.
However, he lists vinegar as acid-forming  although he did not
distinguish between white vinegar and apple cider vinegar--so it may be
that ACV is alkaline forming.  In flipping through Bragg's books I could
not find mention of the acid or alkaline ash of ACV.  Maybe someone else
can solve this mystery.  John

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CS>Re: apple cider vinegar > Charles M.

1999-07-19 Thread johnphil
Charles, I thought I saw in the paper quite a while back that raw ACV
was to carry a warning because of the potential for the growth of
pathogenic organisms.  Please correct me if I'm wrong because I too
believe in the beneficial effects of raw ACV but have stayed away from
it for this reason.  Thanks.  John

Politicians are like diapers.
 Both need changing often,
  And for the same reason.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Cancer: acid or alkaline > Vilik

1999-07-19 Thread johnphil
Read Dr. Hulda Clark's A CURE FOR ALL CANCERS.  John

Vilik wrote: I've very interested in this discussion of cancer starting
out in an acidic body and then turning the body alkaline...and the
absence of HCL acid in cancer causing the lack of appetite and the
alkaline condition. 
Does anyone have real facts and references? Anything further on this? 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Magnet therapy > Vilik

1999-07-19 Thread johnphil
For people who laugh at the idea of magnetic energy, Vilik, what you say
is proof that magnetic poles DO emit energy that affects the body.  My
wife, like you, is very sensitive to a magnetic mattress.  She has to
get used to it in very gradual steps and even after using it a while has
definite physical sensations.  On the other hand, I can sleep on one
from the first night and not notice anything.  

On all of these alternative methods we're talking about, one really has
to take on faith that the effects are desirable and are due to the
remedy.  You know the old saying about see the doctor and a cold goes
away in 5 days, do nothing and your cold goes away in 5 days.  I do know
without doubt, though, that when my hand acts up and I put a magnet on
it overnite or for a day, the pain almost always goes away, and magnets
are the only thing I do for pain.  

I'm no scientist--I can only go by what the original researchers say. It
was Dr. Albert Roy Davis who first discovered by accident in l936 that
the two magnetic poles have very different effects on biological
systems. (See his book _Magnetism and its effects on  the living
system_)  One night he left three boxes of fishing worms on his work
counter overnight, planning to go fishing the next morning,  There was a
large horseshoe magnet on the counter which happened to touch one
cardboard box of worms with each end, while the third box was further
away from the magnet.  The next day he canceled the fishing plans, and
the worms were left in this position for another day and night. 

When he went to move the boxes, the worms in the box touching the
positive (south) pole had eaten through the cardboard box while the
other two boxes were intact.  The story is too long to write here, but
he began to experiment with the nagnets and the worms and found that
after l2 days, the south pole worms chewed on the cardboard box, were
l/3 larger, longer in length and larger in diameter and were unusually
active.  Many babies had been born.  Many of the worms in the north
(negative) pole box had died, the rest were thin and inactive. The worms
in the third box (control) were unchanged.

His final conclusion after his worm experiments was that there are two
types of magnetic energy:  one that arrests life (north, negative) and
one that increases life, growth and development (south, positive).  He
then went on to experiment with seeds, chicks and finally rats and mice.
In all cases, the south pole produced rapid growth, aggressiveness and
strength, while the negative produced the opposite results. His book is
well worth the time and money to read for anyone who wants to work with

The point I am making here is that while  positive energy produces
results that sound good (more strength, faster growth), microorganisms
and cancer cells are also enhanced by this energy--NOT the result one is
looking for.  As far as biomagnetic companies who alternate n/s poles in
their mattresses, I'm sure they know what they are doing so that the
negative cancels out the harmful affects of the positive poles.  I have
not read where anyone recommends use of south pole in home use--because
it is dangerous.  South energy can be used for such uses as decreasing
the time needed for a broken bone to reknit, but _only_ under the
supervision of a professional. 

The best advice is, before you jump in and begin using any alternative
healing modality, read up on it first.   John

Politicians are like diapers.
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: magnet therapy >Bonnie

1999-07-18 Thread johnphil
Bonnie, the energy from the north pole of a magnet is not the same as
from the south pole.  Refrigerator magnets and I suppose sign magnets
don't have the poles separated, north on one side, south on the other,
like magnets used for healing.  I have several books on biomagnets and
the authors all agree that the use of the south pole energy is dangerous
in the hands of non-professionals.  All of them recommend use of the
north, or negative,  pole only.

Basically, negative magnetic energy normalizes and calms.  It normalizes
acid/base balance (alkalinizes), increases cellular oxygen, fights
infection, supports biological healing, reduces inflammation,
relieves/stops pain, increases cellular oxygen.  There is agreement
between authors that the negative pole is safe, although  Washnis
cautions that prolonged use after initial success can cause reduced
adrenal production and therefore recommends that maintenance use be
limited to 30-60 minutes  a day.

Positive energy decreases cellular oxygen, increases intracellular
edema, stimulates wakefulness, accelerates microorganism growth
(increases infection), inhibits biological healing, can increase
inflammation, increases body acidity, increases pain.  It stimulates
cell growth, not what you want if you have cancer.
Magnetic strength is measured in gauss. Healing magnets are not
effective below l00-300 gauss up to a max of 3500-4500 gauss.

The above is merely an overview and by no means complete as far as
effect of magnetic energy on the body.  The important thing is to be
sure to use only negative (north pole) energy.

Three difinitive authors are William H. Philpott (_Biomagnetic
Handbook_), Albert Davis and Walter Rawls (_Magnetism and Its Effects on
the Living System_) and George Washnis (_Discovery of Magnetic Health_).
There is a book titled _The Body Electric_ that tells you a lot more
than you want to know if you are only interested in the healing aspects
of biomagnetics.

The point I am making is that magnetic energy like electricity can be
beneficial or dangerous.  It would be best to read a good book first,
and then buy a magnet from a reputable company so that you know which
pole you are using.  If the poles aren't color coded or marked, hang the
magnet by a string.  The side that turns toward the north will be the
south pole, usually colored in red.  Don't use this side against your

Sorry this turned out so long.  John

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CS>acidity/cancer link >Ivan

1999-07-18 Thread johnphil
I have read this too.  Without going to her books to look it up, I would
guess that if you have read Hulda Clark's books you read it there, among
other sources.  Many authors blame acidity for medical problems and
recommend alkaline-ash diets to get the body back into proper pH balance

Politicians are like diapers.
 Both need changing often,
  And for the same reason.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Arthritis > Dana

1999-07-17 Thread johnphil
About three years ago I had DJD in my right hip to the point where the
range of motion in my right leg was about 3 inches in any direction.  I
had an appointment scheduled to arrange for replacement of the joint of
my right thumb. Sometimes I couldn't use my hand at all.

Before the surgery got scheduled, I bumped into Hulda Clark's CURE FOR
ALL DISEASES.  For a year or two I followed 80% of her suggestions, I
cleaned up my diet and eliminated meat, sugar and milk,  started on
glucosamine, started using biomagnetics.  The arthritis dropped to a
level where it wasn't more than an occasional annoyance.

In the last six or seven months, I have gradually gone back to old
habits.  My hip is getting "hot" again and  my hand has its moments, but
I can still control the pain with magnets.  I have never taken any
pharmaceutical meds for pain, even during bad periods.

I'm glad I came across this group because you remind me that I must get
back on track.  I have been considering CS for several years but never
got around to it.  Now I will.  Thanks to all for your posts, John

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