CS>Re: Re: CS>Chewing Gum Releases Mercury From Dental Fillings

2000-12-28 Thread toscano2
I think your friend deserves a pat on the back and an honorary degree from a 
university for standing up for his profession-- to HELP people-- rather than 
bowing down to the money machine we call the ADA.

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
> I have a friend who was a dentist.  He became aware of the problems that
mercury was causing his patients, and stopped using amalgam fillings,
and started replacing the almagam fillings of his patients who were
getting sick.  He reported most got immediate amd marked improvement.
However the ADA got wind of this and pulled his licence, so he can no
longer do this.  He said that the ADA is well aware of the problems, but
is like the tobacco industry, scared to death that once the information
is documented well enough, they will be susceptable to billions of
dollars in lawsuits.


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CS>RE: Procyanidins in chocolate article

2000-12-26 Thread toscano2
I really enjoyed today's batch of articles, and especially intriguing for me 
was the chocolate piece...mention of procyanidins as the beneficial compounds 
in choc. 

How do those compare to proanthocyanidins (spelling may be off...could be 
proanthrocyanidins), which IIRC are usually the desirable compounds in grape 
seeds, etc?

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CS>Different POV on HGH

2000-12-05 Thread toscano2
Well folks I have been debating whether or not to step in with my HGH comments 
but I feel it's time.
I was a "hardcore" bodybuilder just a few years ago and still keep somewhat 
up-to-date with that scene. In the muscle world there is always much talk of 
using HGH an/or supplementing with amino acids (arginine and ornithine come 
right to mind) that are SUPPOSED to promote GH release. 
Last I knew HGH was legal to possess and obtain but illegal once "recombined" 
(with saline?) for injection. I just placed a quick call to a bodybuilder 
friend who's in the know on this and he says it's actually a Schedule III 
"drug" to the best of his knowledge. 
My point here is to watch where you ask about HGH and with whom you discuss 
obtaining it, my friend agreed that those in the pharm world will probably jump 
to assume anyone interested in HGH (those who are already in therapy would 
presumably be educated by a physician already) is in it for the muscle-bulking 

Comments welcome, maybe I have it all wrong, but that's where I come from.

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CS>Re: Re: CS>misinformation on CS

2000-11-28 Thread toscano2

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
> Hmmm, wonder how he can explain why the 6 members of my family who averaged a
cold or flu every month or two, have now gone 3 years without getting sick
(except for one time for my wife).

Exactly the kind of rebuttal we should be shoving in the bureaucrats' faces. I 
have always trusted actual happenings to prove something rather than "tests 
under sterile laboratory conditions" and all that crap.

I say it maybe every two months, and I will say it again. The reason I am here 
is because Marsha told me about it after she saw a post I made to 
misc.health.alternative. The post told my tale of how the only change I made 
was bringing CS into my life and I cured (I know it's a strogn word, but it's 
the best) a foot affliction I had been getting treatment for for a few years. 
That problem has never returned and I still supplement with CS. I noticed minor 
improvement with oral CS then within days of beginning to apply CS topically my 
foot was good as new.

That's all the proof I needed that CS is effective. 

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CS>Re: Re: CS>Advice needed: CS + DMSO?

2000-11-21 Thread toscano2

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
> Russ,
A friend of mine who got me started on making colloidal Silver has had great
success with mixing CS half and half with DMSO.  He has internal and
external infections, caused by foriegn material throughout his body from an
explosion in Viet Nam, which are treated this way with better success than
anything else he has used.

According to Ole Bob's analysis, his CS is only about 2-3 ppm.  I'd say at a
minimum this proves it doesn't take much CS to greatly help health problems.

I don't know about MSM and how it compares with DMSO.


Is the CS/DMSO applied topically or taken orally? DMSO is, to say the least, 
very unpleasant-tasting.

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CS>Soy v. Rice

2000-11-21 Thread toscano2
I have always been more fond of rice milk than soy, but how is the protein 
quality in comparison to whey?
For overall health (taking negative effects or rumors thereof into account) 
would rice milk be preferred over soy?

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CS>Re: Re: CS>'Triple Jab'

2000-11-06 Thread toscano2
   While this is a great suggestion, I would like to point out that everyone 
may react differently to drinking aloe vera juice. My brother and I get awful 
diarrhea from even the smallest quantity, while my mother and father can 
tolerate a glass a day. 
   I would advise Mary to have her son sample some juice before drinking a full 

   -David Toscano

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
- Original Message -
From: "Mary" 
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 5:36 PM
Subject: CS>'Triple Jab(MMR) Autism

> Dear List,
> My son has this bowel problem from the vax. No matter what I do, he has
> inflammation of the colon (autistic enterocolitis) Does anyone have any
> suggestions? I have him on a paleo diet and he has improved but there is
> this artificial measles virus (from the MMR)  in the colon that invades
> mucosal tissues. All suggestions appreciated. Thank you, Mary

Have you tried Aloe Vera gel? It's wonderful for healing the intestinal
tract, the skin, in fact all mucous membranes. I drink 2-3 ounces a day.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Re: CS>diabetes

2000-11-03 Thread toscano2

What about vanadyl sulfate? I've seen it touted as an 'insulin mimicker'.

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
Joanne Thomason

Dear Joanne, Have you heard about Vanadium?? I take it daily 
to prevent diabetes, and so far, so good. I eat a lot of sugar, and am 48, and 
quite heavy, but my BS is about 112.
I had the doc in a tizzy...He was so sure my blood pressure 
would be high. I told him I take Potassium for it, and when it measured normal, 
he didn`t say a word.
Amazes me how little these guys know of 

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CS>Acoustic effects

2000-10-30 Thread toscano2
I realize this may be wandering out of the scope of this list, but nonetheless 
I love the speculation we are generating here.

Not much info out there about ULF/ELF healing, but plenty about its 
applications as weapons.

I once heard mentioned a "Soviet Alpha-Beta Device" that the US military had 
been studying some years ago. I think it generated/manipulated brain 
waves...for mind control or for other purposes is beyond me.

Found this from 7/7/97 US News, SARA has a site at www.sara.com:

Acoustic pain

The next debate may well focus on acoustic or sonic weapons. Benign sonic 
effects are certainly familiar, ranging from the sonic boom from an airplane to 
the ultrasound instrument that "sees" a baby in the uterus. The military is 
looking for something less benign--an acoustic weapon with frequencies tunable 
all the way up to lethal. Indeed, Huntington Beach-based Scientific 
Applications & Research Associates Inc. (SARA) has built a device that will 
make internal organs resonate: The effects can run from discomfort to damage or 
death. If used to protect an area, its beams would make intruders increasingly 
uncomfortable the closer they get. "We have built several prototypes," says 
Parviz Parhami, SARA's CEO. Such acoustic fences, he says, could be deployed 
today. He estimates that five to 10 years will be needed to develop acoustic 
rifles and other more exotic weapons, but adds, "I have heard people as 
optimistic as one to two years." The military also envisions acoustic fields !
being used to control riots or to clear paths for convoys.

SARA's acoustic devices have already been tested at the Camp Pendleton Marine 
Corps Base, near the company's Huntington Beach office. And they were 
considered for Somalia. "We asked for acoustics," says one nonlethal weapons 
expert who was there. But the Department of Defense said, "No," since they were 
still untested. The Pentagon feared they could have caused permanent injury to 
pregnant women, the old, or the sick. Parhami sees acoustics "as just one more 
tool" for the military and law enforcement. "Like any tool, I suppose this can 
be abused," he says. "But like any tool, it can be used in a humane and ethical 

Toward the end of World War II, the Germans were reported to have made a 
different type of acoustic device. It looked like a large cannon and sent out a 
sonic boomlike shock wave that in theory could have felled a B-17 bomber. In 
the mid-1940s, the U.S. Navy created a program called Project Squid to study 
the German vortex technology. The results are unknown. But Guy Obolensky, an 
American inventor, says he replicated the Nazi device in his laboratory in 
1949. Against hard objects the effect was astounding, he says: It could snap a 
board like a twig. Against soft targets like people, it had a different effect. 
"I felt like I had been hit by a thick rubber blanket," says Obolensky, who 
once stood in its path. The idea seemed to founder for years until recently, 
when the military was intrigued by its nonlethal possibilities. The Army and 
Navy now have vortex projects underway. The SARA lab has tested its prototype 
device at Camp Pendleton, one source says

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Re: CS>Magnetics, EM, etc.

2000-10-30 Thread toscano2
I am sure we could get some answers by examining these devices:


Though those produce more negative effects, it's a starting point.
There's mention of 40KHz, but isn't that within the range of "conscious" human 
hearing anyhow? 

Also I own an ultrasonic dog barking deterrent (little wand called Easy 
Trainer, produces a barely-audible hum) that works well on animals and if I use 
it for more than five seconds or so I quickly feel "motion sick" and get a 
strange sort of headache.

As we do not own a dog anymore I could butcher the device and see what makes it 
tick if that would be of any help.

Perhaps there's an adjustable pot somewhere inside.

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
> i know that different ELF and ULF frequencies can produce different
physiological effects, but does anyone know which frequency does what?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnetics, EM, etc.

2000-10-30 Thread toscano2
This is certainly most interesting. 
How realistic is it to make a "counter-EMF" device? Shielding is one thing, but 
to defeat common 60Hz with something EM would be incredible. I can't even 
fathom the equations or principle one would have to bear in mind when 
developing such a device.

(at least, to me) horizon in what I'd call 'VIBRATORY MEDICINE'...and it
might be the most accessible form of "jamming" apparatus against EM

Audio transducers (voice coils) are optimized for converting electrical
signals electromechanical vibrations; we probably need a device that's
optimized for converting electrical frequencies into tuned *magnetic*
fields, which would be lighter that a voice coil & more wearable in a
headband, hat, etc.   


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Re: CS>Urinary Tract Infection---CS plus other helpers

2000-10-23 Thread toscano2
I would add cranberry concentrate and dandelion root to your supplement regimen 
immediately. Those two, along with MSM and garlic, have done wonders with a 
friend of mine over the years.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Re: CS>nebulizer

2000-10-19 Thread toscano2
N-acetyl cysteine, or as I understand they spell in the UK "cystine."

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
> Hello, All--

What's NAC, pls?  Thanks.


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CS>Tainted calcium supplements

2000-10-19 Thread toscano2
The FDA released some info just a couple of weeks ago, I remember the brands to 
really watch out for all had "Nature" in their names.
A friends tole me that any sea-sourced calcium could be tainted with lead, 
cadmium, mercury, or other pollutants.
I also heard that calcium carbonate is only about 10% absorbable by the human 
body...so that attractively-priced 500mg calcium supplement will only yield 
50mg of nutritionally available mineral.
I get most of my calcium from supplements and I take GNC's Calcium Citrate 
Malate, which seems to have a high absorption like the company claims and my 
limited research seems to agree with their other claims that they do not use 
contaminated sources for calcium.
I have no financial interest nor am I an employee of GNC, I just wanted to 
spread the word.

Hi. Per this discussion, would anyone know which 
calcium supplement for children contains the LEAST amount of lead?(chewable or 
liquid) How bout us adults?

-Original Message-
> From: 
KIM BROWN dreamcoun...@sprint.ca>
> To: 
> Date: 
Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:44 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>root 
canal fillings
> Sorry but I fail to see how 
this substance can make a difference.  I thought
> the problem is that 
the tubules that feed your tooth are what cause the
> problem.  As I 
understand it your teeth have thousands of miles of tubes
> which actually 
feed your teeth calcium etc.  This is why it is possible to
> get 
cavities even with proper dental hygiene as these tubes will also 
> sugar to your teeth (explaining why children who eat alot of sugar 
and not
> enough calcium have weak teeth).  When a tooth is pulled the 
tubes to that
> tooth die.  Root Canals don't kill these teeth and 
tubules.  The tubules
> continue to feed the teeth and this food is 
deposited in gum tissue, etc.  I
> fail to see how any product can 
stop this process in the tubes.  The only
> way I know of is 
> Please enlighten me,
> Kim
> > Dean, 
> >
> > Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the biocalix which 
is a brand name for a
> > type of calcium hydroxide works as a root 
canal fill as it pushes the
> > infection out of the remaing root 
tunnels and it also dries up the nesting
> > grounds of the 
bacteria.  Gutta percha does nothing but fill the hole.
> >
> > 
Huggins reccommends the biocalex
> >
> > Barb
> > Michael Lee 
> >    mailto:michael.fin...@acm.org";>michael.fin...@acm.org
> >    

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>simple generator

2000-10-19 Thread toscano2
What about doing the same thing using more voltage? I have a 15V adaptor I 
could "butcher" to try this method with...

for those who are reluctant generate at 110 Volt or 240 Volt, here is a
description of a very simple but most effective low voltage generator I

The circuit operates at about 12 V DC.

1 x 9 Volt DC 200 mAmp (amperage doesn't matter, this was the cheapest),
AC mains adaptor.
2 x alligator clips

1. Chop the DC socket off the mains adaptor.
2. Split the lead for a couple of inches, strip the ends and attach the
alligator clips.
3. Plug the adaptor into the wall.
4. Secure the alligator clips to your silver wire, place in distilled
water (keep clips dry).
5.Switch on.
Thats all...

I have tested this arrangement, and it produces 10 PPM (+ or - 2) CS:
in hot d. water -- 1.5 hrs
in cold d. water -- 3.0 hrs
in 1cup (200mls, 7 - 8 oz) distilled water, with electrodes in the
2 x 2mm silver wire (14swg), wetted depth 45mm (1 3/4"), 45mm apart.
I used a sterilite 1 cup, soft clear lidded plastic container with the
electrodes pushed through the lid and parallel. The container dimensions
are, 85mm
(3 1/4") diameter by 65mm (2 1/2") deep.

Colloidal Silver produced in this manner is clear (cold water) or has a
slight yellow tinge (hot water) and needs no filtering. There is little
metallic build up on the cathode (no trees etc.) and little black build
on anode.
The plastic container will develop a yellowish tinge after a few
which will not wipe off. This is not a problem, and may in fact serve to
isolate the colloid from static build up.
I give the container a *swirl* every half hour or so.
I wipe the cathode (grey) after I am finished and leave the anode
(black) alone.

Can't think of anything else... Hope this is of help to someone.

Regards - Ivan.>>>

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2000-10-17 Thread toscano2
I am helping a co-worker put together a supplement program for asthma right 
now. As I see it the keys are oral doses of NAC (n-acetyl cysteine), vitamin C, 
a B complex, magnesium, and alfalfa. 
I don't know about DMSO, but do a search for some of those I mentioned and 
educate thyself.

Best wishes!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Combination CS generator/Clark Zapper performance

2000-10-16 Thread toscano2
I have been very happy with the results from my simple 27VDC homemade CS 
generator for years. I also own a Hulda Clark Zapper that I built and have 
modified. I don't actually get on the 'net much but today I found instructions 
for making a combination CS generator/Clark zapper at 
wed.indirect.com/~showcase/althealth/cspulse.htm. I am intrigued by the 
possibility that one device could do both tasks. My main question is, "does it 
make sense to use a 9VDC Clark zapper to make CS?" I am no electronics whiz but 
I understand the basic functions of electric devices, especially RF circuits. 
One part of my mind figures the pulsating of the capacitors within the timed 
circuit of the Zapper would compensate for the low (9VDC versus 27VDC) voltage 
when making CS (let's say that's making square wave voltage spikes-- am I 
right???). Another part of my mind thinks this is also like using the silver 
rods as antennae for a square wave of weak RF and nothing more-- not even 
enough power to caus!
e significant ionization of the silver in the rods (the process basically 
If the CS generator/Zapper device is viable, could someone please explain 
why/how? I'm sure I am not the only one intrigued.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>natural antibiotic????

2000-10-13 Thread toscano2
Biocidin, yes, I have. I believe it is used to restore intestinal flora and 

Just took a moment to do a 'net search...


seems to be the manufacturer's site. It reveals...


Impatiens pallida  (isn't this a flower???)
Hydrastis canadensis   (goldenseal)
Ferula galbanum(???)
Hypericum perforatum   (St. John's Wort???)
Villa rubris   (???)
Fumaria formosa(cayenne???)
Frasera carolinensis   (???)
Gentiana campestris(???)
Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot)

Sounds to me like it's all herbs, maybe some flower essences in there.

silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:
> Has anyone heard of Biocydin (not sure about spelling). My chiropractor
wants me to take it.


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Re: cs usefulness

2000-10-13 Thread toscano2
Excellent message on CS usefulness, thanks.
I have been on the list a couple of years now and will reiterate what brought 
me here in the first place. It was Marsha who saw my post to 
misc.health.alternative, defending CS against skeptics. 
In 1993 I suffered a foot injury that resulted in me getting a recurring 
ingrown toenail for years. I had bi-monthly podiatrist appointments to keep 
cutting the wild nail and keeping out infection.
In 1996 or 97 I discovered CS from cruising the 'net. I bought a bottle at GNC 
(yes, impulse purchase, I know) just because I am a curious health nut who will 
try almost anything once. After just a couple of weeks of only 10cc a day or so 
orally I actually noticed it seemed to help my toe. I bought more and used a 
greater quantity orally and started applying it topically to my toe. Within a 
month and a half I was no longer walking in pain and had one final podiatric 
appointment, at which the doc was amazed at how well my toe was doing. I can't 
say that CS alone was responsible, but it was the only change that was made in 
my supplement regimen and I had only had very slow gradual improvement with my 
toe before I started CS both orally and topically.

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Re: CS>sinus congestion

2000-09-28 Thread toscano2
What foods are of concern in this diet? I would imagine dairy but what else?

ma...@chaldea.com wrote:
> For sinus congestion:

Go on the mucusless diet.

Chop some onions; grate some horseradish. Inhale these and eat some.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Containers for storing CS?

1999-12-10 Thread toscano2
Hello list,
First of all since I admit I am mainly a "lurker" and only post
once in a while, let me say "thank you" to you all for the wonderful
discussions and information here.
I am wondering if it would be okay to store CS in an opaque plastic
bottle.  Usually I use thick blue glass bottles because I always thought
that CS must be stored in a glass container.  I am aware that the container,
whatever the material, must be resistant to light transmission and I always
store my CS in a cool, dark cabinet.  
Would the plastic be okay for short-term storage?  Long-term?  The 
concern is that I am making up batches of CS to send off with relatives who
are visiting for the holidays and I do not have enough little glass bottles
to go around.


-D. Toscano

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>How to clean silver ingots?

1999-08-25 Thread toscano2
Hello list,
I have been making my own CS for about two years (thanks to
Marsha for getting me silver and introducing me to the list) and
have been reading this list for about a year.  
Well I finally had my silver tested by a friend and it seems
I am making in the neighborhood of 2ppm at best.  I always run my
"CS generator" for 15 minutes at a time.
I know I may not be running it long enough, but it is also
clearly time to clean my silver ingots.  How can this be done
safely?  I am afraid commercial cleaners will add unwanted contaminants
to my CS solution.  I also believe the conductivity has been getting
very low due to tarnish.

Your friendly lurker,

-D. Toscano

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Laser Pointer

1999-06-11 Thread toscano2
On 06/11/99 16:44:51 you wrote:
>There are tons on the auctions Ebay.com. I bought a metal one for $11 sells 
>for $50 at radio shack.

Perhaps I missed something, but what are the practical applications
of laser devices in relation to CS?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-06-23 Thread toscano2
Does anyone know if CS or even colloidal gold would help with killing HPV, or 
human papillomavirus?  Any facts, ideas, or anecdotes (positive or negative) 
are appreciated.  Tahnk you.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Silver sources

1998-01-12 Thread toscano2
Could someone please repost some sources for silver wire? I only want the 
quantity that I need and do not want to spend more than is necessary with these 
"minumum order" places and such. Thanks.

RE: Last postings...

1997-12-21 Thread toscano2
Reid I assume you meant Naessens, as in Gaston Naessens? You said "Rife and 

Which prompts me to ask:
1) Is there a Naessens mailing list or group?
2) I should have asked this long ago...how do I join the Rife list?


CS generator

1997-12-04 Thread toscano2
Could someone please repost the URL for the simple generator plans? I hope to 
construct it and modify it any way I can and share the results with everyone. 