Re: Slide User Base Oracle Support

2005-06-28 Thread Martin Kalén

Martin, Tammy (US SSA) wrote:

I am investigating Slide and noticed that the last release 2.1 was Dec
26, 2004.  Is there another release planned or currently being worked
on?  Also, I read on the site that ports for Oracle were in preparation.
Do you know when these will be ready?

I don't know anything about the Slide relase plans/roadmap but I do know
that Oracle support is working in 2.1 and 2.2pre (CVS HEAD).

There has been some minor bugs in permission-related SQL for Oracle but
this was recently fixed both on the 2.1 release branch and in CVS HEAD.

However, this means that you should get a CVS snapshot build either from
the stable branch or from the 2.2-preview in HEAD if you plan to deploy
with Oracle RDBMS.


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Re: filespath in Domain.xml

2005-06-07 Thread Martin Kalén

Brusic, Ivan wrote:

The filespath value is appended to the nodestore/contentstore value

...and it might seem confusing or redundant when using a disk-based
Store, but consider that filespath is used for URI:s also with
eg RDBMS-based stores such as JDBCStore (then the JDBC settings
can be considered somewhat equivalent to root/work paths).

A try to distinguish the two:

* filespath is a path concept for the DAV paths in the Slide repository

* workpath and rootpath are implementation-specific configuration
  for the disk-based stores


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Re: A sporadic ConcurrentModificationException

2005-06-06 Thread Martin Kalén

Andrey Shulinsky wrote:

After upgrade from Slide 2.0 to 2.1 I'm getting the
java.util.ConcurrentModificationException followed by the
org.apache.commons.transaction.file.ResourceManagerException from time to

at java.util.AbstractList$
12 May 2005 21:40:35 - file-meta-store - WARNING - Could not process URI
'/files'! Thread Thread[TP-Processor4,5,main] marking transaction branch
null for rollback
org.apache.commons.transaction.file.ResourceManagerException: 103d3b5c86a:
Unknown transaction

Since this seems to be releated to Commons Transaction and thread-safety/
concurrency, I think it can be related to bugzilla ID 35201.


Oliver Zeigermann just fixed this i Commons Transaction and committed
a new JAR to Slide. (It's both in HEAD and 2.1 branch.)

Try upgrading Slide to get commons-transaction-1.1.1pre1.jar and see if
this resolves your problem.

If not, I am sure Oliver can verify if this is another similar
Commons Transaction issue and produce a fix.


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Re: Slide authentification

2005-06-06 Thread Martin Kalén

galihhari wrote:

I use bundle Tomcat 5.0.28 and slide 2.1

I can login to slide server with username = root and password = root,

But, why do i can't login to both Tomcat's Administration and Tomcat's
Manager with username = root and password = root ?

Access to the Tomcat Manager and Administration servlet is disabled by
default in a Tomcat binary distribution (for security reasons).

To enable access, you have to configure a user for the Tomcat realm
you use that has the following roles:

app required login role
--- ---
admin   admin
manager manager

Neither have anything to do with Slide authentication or authorization.

By default, Tomcat uses a realm that reads usernames, passwords and
roles from CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml.

Also see Tomcat manager documentation [1].



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Re: Store object

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Guillaume Chervet wrote:

Do you know where I can find more informations about slide? I don't
understand the store system. I am using (org.apache.slide.content) but I
don't find how to store some java objects. I can store String object
using this example, but nothing
Do you know how it works?

If you can serialize your objects, you can use Java serialization to
byte array or ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream and store the
contents by calling:

void store(SlideToken token, String strUri,
   NodeRevisionDescriptor revisionDescriptor,
   NodeRevisionContent revisionContent)

The NodeRevisionContent is the Slide API object carrying the content
itself and you need to attach content to it like so:
  NodeRevisionContent content = new NodeRevisionContent();
  content.setContent(bytes[] or char[] or Reader or InputStream);

To understand how to use the API it's a good idea to browse through
different methods in the WebDAV servlet implementation. Or you can
try WCK for an API that might be easier to digest than the full
Content / Storage etc in Slide.


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Re: Deadlock in Slide 2.1 RC 1 /Tomcat 5.0.29

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Scott Lewis wrote:
We are working with/using the Slide libraries (2.1RC1) on Tomcat (v 
5.0.28 currently).   We are having what seems to be a deadlock condition 
inside the Slide server code.

Are you using different RDBMS-based stores pointing to the same database?

I have a reproducable case where Slide from CVS HEAD (pre-2.2) deadlocks
if permissions for two stores are configured to the same DB through
DBCP pools in each store.

(My usage pattern is that I share permissions in DB but have content for
one URL-tree on disk and content for another URL-tree in RDBMS.)

When Slide loads the initial permissions entries from Domain.xml on
a blank DB it will deadlock when it tries to grant permission on one
store and calls assertUri for the root note just created by the other

I haven't had time to debug this further or work on a patch, but you
can easily verify if your condition is similar by starting Tomcat in
JPDA debug mode, attach a debugger with the Slide source code available
and check if the deadlock is in a executeUpdate call to your JDBC driver
called from grantPermission and assertUri on top of that in the stack.


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Re: Deadlock in Slide 2.1 RC 1 /Tomcat 5.0.29

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Scott Lewis wrote:

Is there a version of Slide that runs on 5.5 (jvm 1.5)?

P.S. Slide kernel from CVS HEAD runs fine under Tomcat 5.5.x,
at least with JRE 1.4 and the Tomcat compatibility JAR installed.

I have not tried with either JRE 5.0 or the Slide WebDAV servlet.


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Re: Retrieving namespace definition / store properties

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Kalén

Brusic, Ivan wrote:

I am trying to access the /slide/namespace/defintion/story/contentstore
properties defined in domain.xml via code.  NamespaceConfig obviously
doesn't have them, and there are no get methods defined in ContentStore.
I am basically trying to retrieve the value of path to the content root.
Is this at all possible?

I didn't find any easily accessible API methods to retrieve this.

However, if you are using an EmbeddedDomain and don't mind extremly
ugly code (major hack-warning!) the answer is:
 yes, it is _possible_
(bot not supported by the API, not nice or clean,
 and as far as I could see not possible under a strict JRE
 security model since the hacky solution includes looking
 up protected fields by reflection).

//EmbeddedDomain domain;
//...init domain...

String namespaceName = yourNamespace;
String principal = yourUser;
String uri = /your/path/of/choice;

String key = rootpath;

Namespace ns = domain.getNamespace(namespaceName);
CredentialsToken credentials = new CredentialsToken(principal);
SlideToken slideToken = new SlideTokenImpl(credentials);
Uri slideUri = ns.getUri(slideToken, uri);
slideStore = slideUri.getStore();
if (slideStore instanceof AbstractStore) {
  try {
Field contentStoreField = 
ContentStore contentStore = (ContentStore) 
contentStoreField.get((AbstractStore) slideStore);
if (contentStore instanceof AbstractTxFileStoreService) {
  Field storeDirField = 
  System.out.println(storeDir= + 
storeDirField.get((AbstractTxFileStoreService) contentStore));
  } catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(Could not retrieve storeDir);

I wonder why it's only possible to retrieve Domain level config
params easily using the API? Any Slide developer care to comment
on the API thoughts behind this? (Maybe it's just considered
not to be a generic use-case.)


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Re: Use slide to transmit XML?

2005-05-02 Thread Martin Kalén
Linuxhippy wrote:
I would like to send pre-written XML to my WebDav server, since slide is 
too complex for me.
I already tried to upload it with HttpURLConnection or Jakarta's 
HttpClient but both only seem to support Http-Methods like Get, Post...

Is it possible to use slide to transfer the pre-written webdav-xml, like 
the XMLHTTP-Class allows to:
Set xmlReq = CreateObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP), strApptURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord);
xmlReq.setRequestHeader(Content-Type, text/xml);
xmlReq.send(strApptRequest); //Send the xml
You can use the Slide WebDAV client library for this.
Typically, it will look like a bit like the Microsoft COM-object
with the strApptURL, strUserName and strPassWord-paramaters
bunched together and set on an instance of:
The xmlReq.send will be replaced by opening a connection to
the WebDAV server through a WebdavResource constructor.
ONJava has a pretty good article with some introductory information:
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Re: Set up slide WebDAV server

2005-05-02 Thread Martin Kalén
newuser wrote:
- Could you please tell me how to set up slide as a webdav server an how
to integrate it with Tomcat, i use Tomcat 5.0.28 and slide 2.0 ?
You could use the Tomcat bundle [1].
- Is it possible to have a manipulation namespaces, locking and metadata
management accessed by web browser?
Slide by default only provides a Servlet for read-only access to this
information, but you can use any WebDAV client for changing the metadata.
Also check out the Apache Cocoon Slide-block [2], [3] if you are considering
writing a simple content repository using Slide.
- I have try my second question using Javascript-IIS and it work, now i'm
trying to use slide-tomcat but i do not know where should i start.
It depends a bit on what you want to do. If you are on the client-side of
things and want to talk to WebDAV (Slide server) you want to use the
Slide WebDAV client library [4].
If you want to start writing integration code on the server-side, you
should have a look at the Slide WebDAV Construction Kit, WCK [5].
HTH - regards,
[3] To build the Slide block make sure your Cocoon
does *not* contain these lines (comment them out with #):
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Re: Problem with the webdav lib and common http client 3.0rc2

2005-05-02 Thread Martin Kalén
Laurent Michenaud wrote:
I'm trying to use the webdav client lib with the library Jakarta common
http client 3.0rc2.
http-8080-Processor25, 02-mai-2005 11:38:04, root, PROPPATCH, 400 Bad
The xml, that is sent to the slide server, is the same as with the http
client 2.0 :
Any idea ?
I have not looked at the Slide source code in that area, but a general
hint for debugging the communication on this level would be to sniff
the HTTP-data with eg Ethereal [1], Apache Axis TCPMonitor [2]
or any other HTTP- or TCP-proxy of choice.
Compare the request headers before/after changing the HTTP lib and
you might get some clues...
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Re: Versioning: Conent cloning on PROPPATCH.

2005-04-29 Thread Martin Kalén
Denis Zvonov wrote:
Another issue with Oracle store implementation. Revoking of privileges 
from resources has error in SQL statement and does not work. We use Slide 2.1
Yes, there was a missing right parenthesis in the SQL since one of the Slide
developers (presumable without the possibility to test on Oracle) applied
a user-submitted patch in CVS.
I have already sent in a simple patch for this that Stefan Lützkendorf applied,
so this is fixed in CVS (v2.2pre). Applies to Oracle and DB2, that share
the same code for the SQL-generation for those calls.
Another user noted a similar issue for PostgreSQL, where I wrapped his
suggestions up in another patch and attached it to the bugzilla issue (#34343).
This one it still pending (not yet reviewed/commited by someone with
slide CVS-karma). This should however only apply to PostgreSQL.
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Re: WCK setup problems

2005-04-27 Thread Martin Kalén
Joakim Verona wrote:
- I'm using a jpackage environment, and the jpackage ant didnt work
  for some reason with, so I built an ordinary ant, which works
- I've set the catalina.dist to /usr/share/tomcat5, which is
  supposedly correct for jpackage tomcat
- I build with ant, everything seems ok, but the last patches fail.
I added this line:
  JAVA_OPTS= -Dpython.home=/net/builds/jython21/Jython-2.1${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/jaas.config
to /etc/tomcat5/tomcat5.conf instead
Ok, so now when I try to access the /slide context I get this exception:

If jpackage splits Tomcat5 into bin (/usr/share/tomcat5) and conf 
I would suggest adding a symbolic link from bin to conf to avoid similar 
Many products will look for Tomcat's configuration in $CATALINA_HOME/conf, so
if you add a symlink /usr/share/tomcat5/conf = /etc/tomcat5 and set
CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/tomcat5 in your environemtn you might get a bit 
Another thing might be that the JAAS conf have to be named according to the Ant-
script before your change. If you have JAAS configuration in tomcat5.conf, I 
suggest splitting that file into tomcat5.conf and jaas.config and rolling out
the patch you did to the Ant-script (ie the change of
${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/jaas.config into /etc/tomcat5/tomcat5.conf).
The reason that your jpackage Ant did not work is probably because you were
missing some optional tasks, like patch for example. There is an optional
jpackage bundle which adds many misc tasks like XSLT etc, you could try that
bundle and see if it helps you getting going without a src-build of Ant.
(I don't remember the bundle name, but you should be able to get it now
that you know what to look for...)
Running Ant with the debug flag (-d or -debug) will tell you exactly why it
fails (and LOTS more, so you only want it for troubleshooting).
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Re: Howto access the Calendar of Exchange accounts?

2005-04-25 Thread Martin Kalén
* Is it possible to use slide to access the calendar of excange accounts?
Is there any example-code available doing this or similar tasks?
Personally I don't like Exchange at all (non-windows user) but my boss 
wants to have support for it, so I have no way out ;-)
Most things you can do via WebDAV, you should be able to do with the Slide
WebDAV client library.
On the Slide website and Wiki I think you will only find example code
focused on using or integrating Slide, not specific server protocols or
API:s. Try to search for Microsoft documentation and newsgroups for this.
Two random links from Google ([1], [2]) to get you started... ;-)
(I know the last one is C#, but you want info about the MS Exchange WebDAV
protocol regardless of language. After you know this and have tried it out,
you will probably have more Slide-specific Java questions to ask here.)
* Are there any other groupware servers with support for webdav. I do 
not want to only support a MS products :-(
Try searching for products implementing CalDAV [3], an upcoming WebDAV-
based standard.
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Re: null pointer when enabling contentindexer

2005-04-25 Thread Martin Kalén
Jérémy Soula wrote:
I have the same error with the same config.
at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.init(
Are you running 2.1 final release?
I checked CVS for line 73 of and saw that
there was a bugfix for a local vs global variable, as you can see here
(note String indexPath vs indexpath):
If you still get exceptions with v2.1 release, I would assume that Lucene
throws this NPE if the directory does not exist.
Since you are using a relative directory store/index, make sure that
this directory exists relative to where you start the JVM with WebLogic.
Alternatively, specify an absolute directory as indexpath.
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Re: slide WCK question : CVS down ?

2005-04-20 Thread Martin Kalén
Jean-Philippe Encausse wrote:
Strange ... I got the same problem :-(
Any idea ?
The ASF hosting facility had a power outage (hitting most CVS and SVN 
Everything should be back up again.
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Re: How to change Slide debug level?

2005-04-19 Thread Martin Kalén
Denis Zvonov wrote:
After adding logger=log4j.Log4jLogger I see
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Log4J needs to be configured using a property- or XML-configuration.
A simple approach is to put in your CLASSPATH (eg
in WEB-INF/classes if using Slide in a servlet environment).
Example (change CONSOLE to LOGFILE for the
Slide logger to redirect log messages to a rotating logfile,
adjust the WARN level to suit your verbosity needs):
# -- start
# Apache Jakarta Slide-logging, CONSOLE
# Appender CONSOLE: ConsoleAppender for current System.out-stream,
# filter out everything but errors
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%-7p %d{ISO8601} [%-20c]: %m%n
# Appender LOGFILE: RollingFileAppender with max 5 rotations @ 10MB per file
log4j.appender.LOGFILE.layout.ConversionPattern=%-7p %d{ISO8601} [%-20c]: %m%n
# -- stop
In a production environment you will probably want to integrate these
settings in an existing or log4j.xml and deploy it
in a JAR/WAR.
(Just remember to remove it from WEB-INF/classes since that one has higher
classloading prio and can confuse you for long.) ;-)
See Log4J website for more info (eg how to use JVM system properties to
let Log4J pick up properties from a file named differently than
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Re: can't remove any role through webdav

2005-04-18 Thread Martin Kalén
delbd wrote:
We have got a problem here to remove a role using a webdav client.
When we select any role and ask for deletion, we get this in console:
18 Apr 2005 07:15:12 - 
- ERROR - SQL error 2292 on /roles/PublicationManager: ORA-02292: integrity 
constraint (DIRECTION.SYS_C0035428) violated - child record found
Either debug Slide or, for better overview on the SQL level, use P6Spy [1] 
get a trace of the SQL statements being issued.
The last SQL statement in the P6Spy log should tell you exactly the SQL that 
If you know this, it might be easier to figure out what constraint you are
trying to violate.
I would first look for users belonging to the role or permissions entries for
this role, since both would have child records from the role entry in DB.
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Re: microsoft webfolder + authentication

2005-04-15 Thread Martin Kalén
Jean-Philippe Encausse wrote:
And i don't understand why this #$# of Windows XP remember my
I think they consider it a feature. :-)
I was thinking of a timeout server side problem but event if I kill the
webserver, the web link ... Widows remember the password. It's so
strange that I was thinking someone already get the same issue ?
I did a quick google about this and it seems you have the choice:
[ ] Save this password to your password list
the _first_ time you logon.
Go to your network places, delete the WebDAV connection, and create it
again (if you are using HTTPS do _not_ enter :443 as port, just https
as protocol, this was another well known quirk).
The first time you logon again after re-creating the network place
the password box should popup again, now with the choice to uncheck
Save this password to your password list.
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Re: Copy and Move macro events - a question

2005-04-14 Thread Martin Kalén
Robert r. Sanders wrote:
You could try using a ThreadLocal...  they kind of worry me, but I've 
seen a lot of people use them for data passing when there isn't a more 
straightforward way.
That only keeps an object local to the current thread, so unless these
things are actually executed in different threads I don't think
there would be any difference.
And here's the problem - the Move
macro operation is performed as the combination of the Copy and Delete
operations. So a _Copy_ macro event is fired whenever a _Move_ action
happens. Therefore, the moved resource's ID property is changed by the 
Copy event handler!
Sound like a design flaw to me. I haven't seen the code in that area,
but would it not be possible to refactor out the common code from
the copy macro and call it from both macros?
The copy event could then be fired only in the copy-specific macro
(that would also call the new common function for performing the
actual copying).
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Re: workflow on slide

2005-04-14 Thread Martin Kalén
Tim Williams wrote:
I eventually want a Forrest site that is contained in Slide that has a
workflow engine built on top.  It seems that plugging Forrest and
Slide wouldn't be that difficult but I also want it to follow some
sort of workflow which neither has built in.
Workflow means a lot of different things to different people,
could you specify a bit more what you mean?
I overlooked something or is this just something that's generally not
needed or expected that a CMS would have to build on top of the
At my day-job company we have a CMS using Slide as repository impl
and Cocoon as presentation engine. This particular CMS uses Cocoon
Flow-script for the controller logic and the workflow processing
is mostly implemented in Cocoon Flow (with some sanity checks
in the Java Repository integration code on top of Slide).
Workflow state tracking is done by a specific property on each
Slide node (with predetermined constant values for each state).
For more advanced workflow processing, eg with some sort of
description language and processing engine, I think you sould
try to find and existing implementation from the bussiness
process workflow side of things (rather than CMS/publishing).
There are many XML-standards for process descriptions and
advanced engines to handle them. A quick google led to:
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Re: microsoft webfolder + authentication

2005-04-14 Thread Martin Kalén
Jean-Philippe Encausse wrote:
My Windows Explorer Web folder always remember login/password
how can I logout user or timeout login ?
For application server portability I remove  Slide security an set a
Servlet Filter
doing BASIC Authentication. That's work fine !
To expire inactive HTTP logins you use the session-timeout value
of the web.xml Servlet descriptor (specified in minutes).
XPath for session-timeout is /web-app/session-config/session-timeout

To actively terminate a HTTP session (including authentication)
from Java you use the HttpSession class from Servlet API and call:
In Slide this is done in AbstractWebdavMethod on SlideException
with status code WebdavStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED.
(In the current code I didn't find a way of programatically
terminating the session other than on this exception handling spot.)

As for making MS Windows webfolder forget a filled in name/password
until next logon try, I think you are out of luck trying to control
this through Slide.
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Re: workflow on slide

2005-04-14 Thread Martin Kalén
Tim Williams wrote:
Workflow means a lot of different things to different people,
could you specify a bit more what you mean?
I'm thinking something fairly simple.  I'm clearly no expert in either
CMS or WFE's so my terminology coule be a bit off but something like:
o) A document has multiple states -- new, in-edit,  in-review, published
o) A simple routing logic associated with child nodes of the site
element of site.xml in Forrrest.
o) Obviously some sort of permissions associated with the routing
logic above (e.g., person X has the ability to create new content and
Person Y can publish that content.
That's similar to what the Cocoon Flowscript implemented solution I
mentioned do, but this is unfortunately not freestanding enough to
package as a separate workflow handling so I can't help you with code
(and I guess you are not using Flowscript as controller logic anyway).
But just to get you started: it's not much code reuqired to implement
something like this on your own on top of Slide.
Slide kernel gives you all the access control you need and since
repository nodes in Slide can have arbitrary properties, you can easily
define your own property for workflow state, preferrably outside of the
DAV: namespace.
You also mentioned a notification scheme, which would of course also
have to be implemented by something else than Slide.
I've got a rough idea of what's needed but flexible enough to use
what's out there (if anything).
Unfortunately I don't have any good links to existing simple
workflow engines, I would be as interested as you in any hints!
At my day-job company we have a CMS using Slide as repository impl
and Cocoon as presentation engine. This particular CMS uses Cocoon
Flow-script for the controller logic and the workflow processing
is mostly implemented in Cocoon Flow (with some sanity checks
in the Java Repository integration code on top of Slide).
Can I ask what CMS you use on top of Slide at work?
Sure; it is a custom open source integration project initially done
for a Swedish government body. The recepient has not yet decided if
they want to donate the integration bits back as open source.
(Sorry, I know that's not what you wanted to hear.) ;-)
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Re: microsoft webfolder + authentication

2005-04-14 Thread Martin Kalén
Jean-Philippe Encausse wrote:
On client side:
- Login as a new login/pass in a web folder windows remember my login
pass and so always
resend it without asking me
With a browser it's working very well but with WebFolder I don't know
how to explitly logout do not save login/password.
OK, then I see this a 100% Microsoft-specific issue and (personally) do
not think that Slide server-side can help you control the behaviour.
Maybe you can try some MS usergroups for info re. registry tweaks or
administrative settings to prevent WebFolders from persistent storage
of username/password?
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Re: sending emails using exchange and slide ?

2005-04-11 Thread Martin Kalén
Mark Breitner wrote:
because I just don´t get it working :
has anyone here been able to send an email via microsoft exchange by using
slide ?
I think it's easier for you to do things the other way around:
1) learn Microsoft Exchange specifications for submitting the mail via WebDAV
2) see how you can use the Slide WebDAV client lib to do this
If you don't know exactly what #1 is all about you will have a really
hard time working out #2...
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Re: sending emails using exchange and slide ?

2005-04-10 Thread Martin Kalén
Mark Breitner wrote:
I think you misunderstood me.
Yes, after reading your explanaition I see that I did.
It´s not about sending emails by webdav, it´s about connecting by webdav to
exchange and then sending an email.
Then the Slide WebDAV-client library should be able to help you.
JavaDoc for the API is available here:
Getting-started hint from the list archives:[EMAIL
Code-snippet to get an idea of where to start
(extracts content from a WebDAV resource, meta-code - not complete):
 HttpURL url = new HttpURL(remoteUrl);
 InputStream result = null;
 InputStream webdavStream = null;
 try {
  Credentials cred = null;
  if (user != null) {
   cred = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password);
  WebdavResource remoteResource = new WebdavResource(url, cred, 
WebdavResource.NOACTION, DepthSupport.DEPTH_0);
  webdavStream = remoteResource.getMethodData();
  if (webdavStream != null) {
   result = new BufferedInputStream(webdavStream, HTTP_CHUNK_SIZE);
 } catch (HttpException httpe) {
  // handle HttpException
 } catch (IOException ioe) {
  // handle IOException
 } finally {
  if (result == null  webdavStream != null) {
  try {
  } catch (IOException e) {
   // handle IOException
 // TODO: check API if removeResource.close() kills result stream,
 //   if not it should probably be called here
I know I have to extract some kind of mail submission URI (typical
complicated ms stuff ;) ) to use to send the email.
This sound MS Exchange specific...
And I think I got this URi ... but I don´t know how to use it to send
OK, then try to connect to the URI with the Slide WebDAV client.
The exact WebDAV-methods used to send the mails is also Exchange-specific
and you will have to try Microsoft resources for more info on that.
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Re: sending emails using exchange and slide ?

2005-04-10 Thread Martin Kalén
Martin Kalén wrote:
Then the Slide WebDAV-client library should be able to help you.
P.S. The JAR files you need for using the client lib only are:
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Re: sending emails using exchange and slide ?

2005-04-08 Thread Martin Kalén
Mark Breitner wrote:
does anyone of you know how to send emails with slide ?
Hmm... Slide is a repository kernel and WebDAV client/server library [*],
so I think your chances are slim to actually send e-mails with Slide. :-)
You probably want to go here:
[*] For the full what is Slide? see homepage,
section Overview.
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Re: Slide installation problem

2005-04-07 Thread Martin Kalén
Paul Dorman wrote:
am I missing something or does the /webapps/slide not get created any
more when extracting the jakarta-slide-2.1-tomcat-5.0.28.tar.gz file? I
notice only the slide.war file is there in the /webapps directory, not
the directory.
If you use default Tomcat settings, the WAR should be deployed/unpacked
automatically. If you have production settings (ie not polling for new
WAR-files to deploy), you can use the Tomcat Manager or Deployer
applications to deploy the WAR. See the Tomcat manual for more info on this.
(Like JAR, a WAR is just a ZIP with some metadata info, so you can spy
on the contents with jar or any unzip-capable program.)
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Re: Problems in adding user

2005-04-06 Thread Martin Kalén
Sandeep wrote:
Hi, i am new as far as using slide is concerned. I am having problems in 
creating users using DAVExplorer. The user created using DAVExplorer cannot log 
into SLIDE unless and untill i add it to tomcat-user.xml. Is there any way 
where in i can add users without making the changes to tomcat-user.xml. And if 
there is no way of adding user for SLIDE w/o making changes to tomcat-user.xml, 
then is there a way where in the changes are automatically reflected in the xml 
file and i dont have to mannually make the entries for the user.
Tomcat handles authentication (letting someone in) and Slide handles
authorization (determining what authenticated users can do).
See for some more details on 
To make Tomcat use Slide for getting it's users and roles for authentication,
you can change Tomcat's default UserDatabaseRealm into
wrappers.catalina.SlideRealm (this is the setup in the Slide+Tomcat bundle),
or use JAAS authentication as described here:
See also FAQ Where do I configure authentication and security?:
There is a good hand-on example of configuring Tomcat+Slide here:
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