Re: [SLUG] Scripting literature suggestions

2000-10-24 Thread James Wilkinson

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Aaron Binns generated:

>I have the "Sed & Awk" O'Reilly, but I was wondering if anyone out there who
>works with shell scripting had suggestions for other scripting based books? I
>would like to find a book (or two) which teach how to shell script in general,
>rather than concentrating on one or two commands (even if they are two
>incredibly useful commands). Anyone?

Sorry, but RTFM :)

I learnt how to shell from the manpages to bash, sed and other
textutils.  Man, that sounds pretentious.

Anyway, if you have a specific thing in mind, flicking thru the manpages
for each component is good.  Learning the whole of shell without a goal
is going to be tough to remember the specifics.

And if you ever get really stuck, someone on this list can give you a
few[1] bytes of shell script to do what you want :)


[1] i.e. less than 10

 erk, The Bandwidth Slayer.

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Re: [SLUG] Running Linux headless

2000-10-24 Thread James Wilkinson

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Peter Faulks generated:

>The box won't boot without a monitor. If I stick a monitor in (without
>turning it on), it boots fine.

If it isn't set in the BIOS, like Matt said, then get yerself a cheap
video card that doesn't refuse to boot without a monitor.  Boot sequence
tends to start with the video card, and if it isn't happy then no go.

out of interest, what kinda card have you got in there?

 erk, The Bandwidth Slayer.

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Re: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

2000-10-24 Thread Dean Hamstead

Having missed the first email of this thread, (so i dont
know whats going on) I have a working adaptec 2100s raid
(on a dual p3 800). Needless to say install was boot strapped
on but now the drivers are in place everything is fine.

Anyway yeah, so i may be able to help.

But as far as RAID setup went, the disks (ibm) went in the
rack, i grouped them in pairs, mirrored them, and they are
working perfectly...


George Vieira wrote:
> I guess that your running *nix? WHat OS and version are you running?
> I have seen problems with RH6.2 until you use the latest version ( i used
> bleeding edge )
> thanks,
> George Vieira
> Network Administrator
> PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
> PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C
> -Original Message-
> From: Alan Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 2:56 PM
> To: SLUG
> Subject: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S
> Anyone played with the Adaptec 2100S SCSI RAID card before?  Anyone got it
> working 100% correctly with hot swappable drives/racks?
> We are using RAID1 with 2 drives.
> We get the problem after we build the array within the RAID bios, and as
> soon as we try and do any data transfers/access it fails, claiming the 2nd
> drive has died.  We swap the drives over, and get excatly the same on the
> 2nd drive again.  We have used 2 diffrent brand drives, latest firmware
> everything, diffrent motherboards, diffrent size hdd's and everything else
> we can think of.  We have used RH seires racks, Kingston ones and also
> another brand which is worth $1000AU+ per HDD rack.  All of them say they
> will work, but dont.  As soon as we take the drives out of the racks, it
> works fine.  Also it works on SCSI2, but this is "too slow" according to the
> customer.
> Any idea's?  Ive tryed every thing really, even M$!
> I know of another company haveing excatly the same problem. But, using RAID5
> and RAID0 on the same card, with 6 drives in total
> Regards, Alan Lee
> Ecom Computers Australia
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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ICQ: 16867613

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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Jamie Honan

> The older folk hardly ever come to dinner these days anyway (perhaps
> it's too late for their bedtime), so I don't think the wander will hurt
> so much.

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Is Mama's licensed? Good to have a cold glass after.


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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread James Wilkinson

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Michael Lake generated:

>Im a bit stumped here and the topic is a bit OT as it would
>also prob occur if I was on a windows machine :-)

Well, of course it's off topic if you say it like that :)

>... PHP code ...

The page is shown with < and > where it means < and >?  Perhaps
Netscape is doing the Right Thing for a change and interpreting all the
code between the < and > as a tag, and ignoring it.  In which case it's
a bug at the website, so you should inform them of their b0rkenness.

I'm assuming all along that php stuff is example code that gets
displayed on the page when you view it.

 erk, The Bandwidth Slayer.

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Re: [SLUG] CPIO problem porting from SCO to Linux

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

What flags are you passing cpio in SCO?  There is a -c flag that write
steh header in text instead of binary, and it says in the SCO cpio man
page that this is required for archives being moved between different
system types.

Also check the block size - if they are different between systems I'm
sure it would cause problems of some sort.

 - Doug

George Vieira wrote:
> Yes, a tar works BUT on the linux box I had to use DD. I tried DD already
> with cpio and no go..
> > If you write to the tape using tar, will it work on both systems?

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[SLUG] Linux Market Penetration

2000-10-24 Thread Kevin Waterson

Is there a reliable source of numbers 
of just how many people are using linux?

I ask as I wish to be able to present to some
financial institutions some figures that at 
least look authoritive. eg 
MS - 83%
Mac - 3%
Linux 11%
Other- 3%

Kind regards

Kevin Waterson

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RE: [SLUG] CPIO problem porting from SCO to Linux

2000-10-24 Thread Jill Rowling

My guess is SCO is writing a different default block size compared to the
linux default.
I think you might need to check what it is on the SCO box, then, on the
Linux box you would have to specify -B to be the same value.
I'd man cpio on each os and see what each one has under the -B option.



Jill Rowling
Snr Design Engineer & Unix System Administrator
Electronic Engineering Department, Aristocrat Technologies Australia
3rd Floor, 77 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018
Phone:  (02) 9697-4484  Fax:(02) 9663-1412

-Original Message-
From: George Vieira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
I have a tape which I'm trying to move the customers data from the old SCO
box to the new Linux server but my CPIO won't read the tape.

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Re: [SLUG] Routing help (was Re: IP masq timeouts...)

2000-10-24 Thread Alex JuniorBurger

> > Here is the output from route (formatted to fit):
> Which machine is this the route table of? The
> gateway?

Yep, it's from the gateway.

> > *fake, but accurate for the purposes of the
> question
> Did you forget to fake the gateway ip in the routing

No, everything's in context to the fake gateway. I
have just replaced the 2 middle bytes of the IP (with
 So, any ideas?


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Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

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[SLUG] CPIO problem porting from SCO to Linux

2000-10-24 Thread George Vieira

Hi y'all,

This problem has me beat. I've tried just about everything except for what

I have a tape which I'm trying to move the customers data from the old SCO
box to the new Linux server but my CPIO won't read the tape. The tape has
been checked OK under SCO.

Funny thing is that I made a simple CPIO from SCO and DD to a file. I ftp
the file over to the linux box and I CAN CPIO the dat out but it just won't
work from the tape. Real weird.

Anybody done this type of thing with SCO?

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

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[SLUG] Re: apt-get

2000-10-24 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{John Ferlito}
>   Anyone know if it's possible to get apt to use a different
> sources.list even if it's via an option i atp.conf. I've trawlled the
> docs but can't find anything.

all apt.conf options are listed in
/usr/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz (woody) or
/usr/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf (potato, iirc)

grep for sources.list

 - Gus

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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Apart from not being particularly interested in the topics

At the meetings? Please tell us what you'd like to hear, see, yada yada
yada. Post to the list!

We're not really clairvoyant. Gus can be, but only if you think purely in
punctuation. Oh, and Anand can do it often enough, but everyone in the room
gets a headache. Conrad just hears voices.

It's always nice to hear about what can be done better, etc. :)

> Q & A should be only a token affair at meetings (30 mins max), then get
> stuck into it. Out the door to the chow by 8:45pm at latest.

Oh. I kinda like Q&A. But yes, we should tighten it up a bit, and make sure
the conversations don't wander off too much. It would be sad to lose that
little bit of anarchy at the beginning, because we really concentrate more
on 'presentations' now, instead of really involving things. The meetings are
a bit big...

Any ideas, send them here or to [EMAIL PROTECTED]!

- Jeff


- What inspired you to become a bus driver? 
 - Linus Torvalds.  

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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Terry Collins

Jeff Waugh wrote:


> The older folk hardly ever come to dinner these days anyway (perhaps it's
> too late for their bedtime), so I don't think the wander will hurt so much.
> Is the choice of restaurant the main reason why people don't come to dinner
> these days?

Apart from not being particularly interested in the topics, the major
factor why I don't attend and go to dinner is that dinner starts too

Q & A was/is allowed to drag on and so did the rest of the meeting so
that it was often very late before the meeting even looked like heading
off. Then we had to troop there, wait and finally start to get fed. It
made for a very late night when I then have up to 30mins on a cold
Central platform for the next train, then a 60 minute journey home. So
arriving home after 1am is a bit late for my bed time.

Q & A should be only a token affair at meetings (30 mins max), then get
stuck into it. Out the door to the chow by 8:45pm at latest.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 
   snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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Re: [SLUG] bpay / online banking / direct debits

2000-10-24 Thread John Morrissey

Hi Kevin,

May I suggest Win4Lin or similar.

We have just dealt with the same problem/bank for one of our clients who
is Macintosh based.

The saga started over a year ago with their request that we supply and
set up a Dos PC to do online banking with the National and save
statement files to the server so they could be imported into their Mac
based accounting system.

After trying many alternatives we finally dealt with the matter by
installing Soft Windows on a Mac in their accounts dept.  Everything
works well, the client is happy and even braggs that his Mac is faster
than PCs.

Although some of their people went to great lengths to try to help us,
the National remains beligerant.

Good Luck

Kevin Waterson wrote:

> The assumption from the bank was that "of
> course you are using windows 95/98 or better".
> The bank is the National Australia Bank but
> I am willing to change if this can be done
> from linux.

John Morrissey

Marketing Manager
Powermedia Systems Pty Limited
Providers of Quality Graphics Solutions to the
Design, Advertising Video and Print Industries.

Phone: (02) 9518 9111 Fax: 9518 9199

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[SLUG] Routing help (was Re: IP masq timeouts...)

2000-10-24 Thread Alex JuniorBurger


> When you are doing things on the gateway they will
> not get masqueraded!
Yes, but I was thinking that maybe some of the TCP/IP
stuff goes haywire when the machine is masquerading
for others, as it did work fine before it was a

> Only the ones behind the gateway machine will get
> masqueraded.  This is
> not the problem.
> And since the machines behind the gateway work fine
> I suspect that the
> problem is with the gateway machine's browsing setup
> - possibly DNS,
> routing.
Yes, I think it may be a routing problem. I don't
think DNS is an issue, as performance remains this way
after names are resolved.

The machines are numbered 192.168.0.x, the gateway in
question has an IP of*, and it's private
IP is
Here is the output from route (formatted to fit):

Destination   Gateway   Genmask Flags Metric Ref
Use Iface UH   0  0 0
eth1 U0  0 0
eth0   U0  0 0
eth1   U0  0 0 lo UG   0  0 0

If someone could kindly comment on this, that would be
great. I don't know what the first entry is doing
there, but the rest looks reasonable to me...


*fake, but accurate for the purposes of the question

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Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

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Re: [SLUG] Sorry!!!

2000-10-24 Thread Arunava Sen

Alan L Tyree wrote:

> Apologies, everyone. I didn't mean to start a war.

I think I speak for most people here in saying that: this should have
been obvious to the flamer(s).
Man, dont worry about it.

(my 2 cents)


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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Michael Lake

Anand Kumria wrote:
> Bathurst St., (and the Mamma's Kitchen near the Cinemas) are a lot further
> than we currently walk to HoGZ. Do people want more exercise or less?

I think anything near the cinemas will be very crowded
Fridays. Even if we had a booking, service would be slow.
The one near Broadway would be best. I have never been there
but prepared to try.


Michael Lake
University of Technology, Sydney
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02
9514 1628 
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything

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[SLUG] apt-get

2000-10-24 Thread John Ferlito

Anyone know if it's possible to get apt to use a different
sources.list even if it's via an option i atp.conf. I've trawlled the
docs but can't find anything.


The difference between a good man and a bad one is the 
choice of cause - William James

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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Michael Lake

Rodos wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Michael Lake wrote:
> > I am looking at
> > which has some excellent PHP tutorials but when I try to
> > print the article (even the printer friendly one) the code
> > within the  tags does not show. Im using Netscape, I
> > tried Opera also. I can see it on the screen as follows:
> >  > phpinfo();
> > ?>

> So if Netscape has problems printing it use something else. Take the URL
> and
> w3m -dump |
> a2ps -o /tmp/

Just for interest I tried w3m's dump and it works fine. So
many ways to skin the cat;  
and yes my vi (yes Jeff vi->vim) was overly verbose :-) 

>  You need to get hour hands of that mouse and onto the
> keyboard man! 


Michael Lake
University of Technology, Sydney
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02
9514 1628 
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything

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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> The one we are thinking of is near Glebe and I didn't find it bad at all.

Yeah, there's a difference. The Broadway one doesn't suck too much, plus I
think it suits our budgetary requirements.

> About 2 `don't mind, just decide before the meeting so I can choose
> where to park'.

Oh - good point. When we decide, I'll put that up on the website.

> Bathurst St., (and the Mamma's Kitchen near the Cinemas) are a lot further
> than we currently walk to HoGZ. Do people want more exercise or less?

The older folk hardly ever come to dinner these days anyway (perhaps it's
too late for their bedtime), so I don't think the wander will hurt so much.

Is the choice of restaurant the main reason why people don't come to dinner
these days?

- Jeff


For a list of points detailing how technology has failed to improve 
 our lives, please press 3. 

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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Ben Leslie

> Wrote Anand:
> > 
> > Mamm's Kitchen is an Italian restaurant which is located near the
> > Broadway shopping centre. Its distance from UTS is similiar to
> > the HoGZ but it is further from train transport (but corresspondingly
> > closer to Glebe).
> My experience is that Mamma's kitchen is yuck. Bad food, bad service, bad
> smells, etc. And anywhere that resorts to handing out paper fliers to
> passers-by can't be too great.

Sorry got to agree here, times I've been to Mamma it hasn't been fantastic
 (I've only managed to make it to a couple of meetiings though so my say 
doesn't count too much).



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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> My experience is that Mamma's kitchen is yuck. Bad food, bad service, bad
> smells, etc. And anywhere that resorts to handing out paper fliers to
> passers-by can't be too great.

Come on - they have a higher readership than the SMH, and that's saying

> If you like chinese, I'd go for BBQ King, an excellent chinese eating house
> on Goulburn or Bathurst St (just down from Delifrance). Reasonable prices,
> and the best Szechuan pork I've ever had. I think they take bookings, and
> they are very popular.

Trouble is, we'd prefer to keep prices below $20... We have heaps of younger
people coming who wouldn't want to pay much more than that.

Conrad mentioned the pub down the street (I can never remember names of
pubs), and asking them to keep the kitchen open late. That could be cool -
and it's not a lame pub either.

That said, I have yet to sample their food.

- Jeff


 She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had already  
  lost it.  

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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Anand Kumria

On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 03:53:07PM +1100, Adrian van den Dries wrote:
> Wrote Anand:
> > 
> > Mamm's Kitchen is an Italian restaurant which is located near the
> > Broadway shopping centre. Its distance from UTS is similiar to
> > the HoGZ but it is further from train transport (but corresspondingly
> > closer to Glebe).
> My experience is that Mamma's kitchen is yuck. Bad food, bad service, bad
> smells, etc. And anywhere that resorts to handing out paper fliers to
> passers-by can't be too great.

I think the fliers one is near the Cinemas ... my own experience with
Mamma's Kitchen has been a mixture. When its good, its very good. When
it is bad its *really* bad. The one we are thinking of is near Glebe
and I didn't find it bad at all.

So, far I've had about 4 -- "where ever Conrad shall lead I shall follow."
About 3 people in favour of Mamma's kitchen and only yourself against.
About 2 `don't mind, just decide before the meeting so I can choose
where to park'.

One advantage of Mamma's Kitchen is that is nearby Broadway and so there
is plenty of parking available.  So I'll take the easy decision to leave 
this to Conrad. :-P

> If you like chinese, I'd go for BBQ King, an excellent chinese eating house
> on Goulburn or Bathurst St (just down from Delifrance). Reasonable prices,
> and the best Szechuan pork I've ever had. I think they take bookings, and
> they are very popular.

Bathurst St., (and the Mamma's Kitchen near the Cinemas) are a lot further
than we currently walk to HoGZ. Do people want more exercise or less?


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RE: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Richard Hayes

Wrote Anand:
>> Mamm's Kitchen is an Italian restaurant which is located near the
>> Broadway shopping centre. Its distance from UTS is similiar to
>> the HoGZ but it is further from train transport (but corresspondingly
> closer to Glebe).

>My experience is that Mamma's kitchen is yuck. Bad food, bad service, bad
>smells, etc. And anywhere that resorts to handing out paper fliers to
>passers-by can't be too great.

>If you like chinese, I'd go for BBQ King, an excellent chinese eating house
>on Goulburn or Bathurst St (just down from Delifrance). Reasonable prices,
>and the best Szechuan pork I've ever had. I think they take bookings, and
>they are very popular.

Mamma's Kitchen is a shocker!!

BBQ King (assuming we can get in) is the best BBQ restaurant in Sydney.

In fact, most of the big name Chinese restaurants get their meats from them

Richard Hayes


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Re: [SLUG] Scripting literature suggestions

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

> > I have the "Sed & Awk" O'Reilly, but I was wondering if anyone out there who
> > works with shell scripting had suggestions for other scripting based books? I
> > would like to find a book (or two) which teach how to shell script in general,
> > rather than concentrating on one or two commands (even if they are two
> > incredibly useful commands). Anyone?

I have got a copy of 'Unix Shell Programming Tools' by David Medinets

It covers basic bash scripting as well as having some information on
Perl and Tcl/Tk (neither of which I've read)  It also has a chapter
giving brief (several page) descriptions of a lot of utlities like grep,
find and test.  (but it doesn't cover awk or sed, which probably won't
bother you)

I found it a lot of help when I was starting to deal with shell scripts.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread Adrian van den Dries

Wrote Anand:
> Mamm's Kitchen is an Italian restaurant which is located near the
> Broadway shopping centre. Its distance from UTS is similiar to
> the HoGZ but it is further from train transport (but corresspondingly
> closer to Glebe).

My experience is that Mamma's kitchen is yuck. Bad food, bad service, bad
smells, etc. And anywhere that resorts to handing out paper fliers to
passers-by can't be too great.

If you like chinese, I'd go for BBQ King, an excellent chinese eating house
on Goulburn or Bathurst St (just down from Delifrance). Reasonable prices,
and the best Szechuan pork I've ever had. I think they take bookings, and
they are very popular.


Cantanker /

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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Rodos

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Michael Lake wrote:

> In vi :1,$s/<\?/\<\?/g

Oh, this is a much better thread.

I raise your command by 2 characters



[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better
Camion Technology | idiot.   [unknown]
+61 2 9873 5105   | 

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Re: [SLUG] Scripting literature suggestions

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I have the "Sed & Awk" O'Reilly, but I was wondering if anyone out there who
> works with shell scripting had suggestions for other scripting based books? I
> would like to find a book (or two) which teach how to shell script in general,
> rather than concentrating on one or two commands (even if they are two
> incredibly useful commands). Anyone?

Yes, it's called:

  echo "Gus, how do I..." | mail -s "Scripting problem" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

:) - Jeff


  "One World, one Web, one Browser." - Microsoft promotion  
 "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler  

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Rodos

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Michael Lake wrote:

> I am looking at
> which has some excellent PHP tutorials but when I try to
> print the article (even the printer friendly one) the code
> within the  tags does not show. Im using Netscape, I
> tried Opera also. I can see it on the screen as follows:
>  phpinfo();
> ?>

> I just want to save the pages and view/print them later to
> teach myself PHP.

So if Netscape has problems printing it use something else. Take the URL

w3m -dump |
a2ps -o /tmp/

w3m marks up the page quite well. Just save it as HTML and view it that
way or dump it out, convert it to postscript and print it.

 You need to get hour hands of that mouse and onto the
keyboard man! 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] | It is a simple task to make things complex, it is a
Camion Technology | complex task to make things simple. [Tom DeMarco 1989]
+61 2 9873 5105   | 

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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> In vi :1,$s/<\?/\<\?/g
> and of course sed could have come to the rescue as well :-)

Oh, sorry - I thought you were "Addicted to VIM" (that's a cover if ever I
saw one...)

  "In spite of all those keystrokes, you're addicted to VIM!"


- Jeff


  We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's  
  wetter around the edges.  

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Re: [SLUG] Scripting literature suggestions

2000-10-24 Thread Howard Lowndes

ORA also have one on bash

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Aaron Binns wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have the "Sed & Awk" O'Reilly, but I was wondering if anyone out there who
> works with shell scripting had suggestions for other scripting based books? I
> would like to find a book (or two) which teach how to shell script in general,
> rather than concentrating on one or two commands (even if they are two
> incredibly useful commands). Anyone?
> Aaron
> **

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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Michael Lake

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Doesn't matter what I replace them with as Netscsape is
> > interpreting the  
> We don' need no steenkin' Perl!
> %s/ %s/?>/?\>/
Yeah!!! Problem solved. Thanks Jeff, I hadn't though of

In vi :1,$s/<\?/\<\?/g
and of course sed could have come to the rescue as well :-)

I don't even have to replace the ?> 
Thanks all.


Michael Lake
University of Technology, Sydney
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02
9514 1628 
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Scripting literature suggestions

2000-10-24 Thread Jill Rowling

Frisch (Essential System Administration; O'Reilly) covers basic scripting as
well as some more complicated stuff. Also a good general book if you have to
admin lots of different *-ix.
Has appendices specifically covering scripting and Linux systems. The
version I have (2nd ed, can't remember what reprint!) is set around the
beginning of last year however shell scripting hasn't changed much and the
concepts are still valid.



Jill Rowling
Snr Design Engineer & Unix System Administrator
Electronic Engineering Department, Aristocrat Technologies Australia
3rd Floor, 77 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018
Phone:  (02) 9697-4484  Fax:(02) 9663-1412

-Original Message-
From: Aaron Binns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
would like to find a book (or two) which teach how to shell script in
rather than concentrating on one or two commands (even if they are two
incredibly useful commands). Anyone?

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Re: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

2000-10-24 Thread Alan Lee

Ive tryed calling em, they are no help.  Ive tryed Seagate and Quantium
also, still no help.  Even the creater of the racks and stuff'

Ive used a BX motherboard (Abit board), MSI Dual CPU board (VIA) as well as
a SuperMicro dual CPU board (Server works chipset)

The drive that fails is always the drive which isn't the first one. Dosnt
matter what place I put it on the cable, nor what ID i give it.  As long as
its the 2nd drive, it will complain about it.

Regards, Alan Lee
Ecom Computres Australia

- Original Message -
From: "George Vieira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Alan Lee'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Sydney Linux Users Group in Sydney (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 3:17 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

> Better call Adaptec and give them your TSID number for support. They can
> help you then.
> Swapping the 2 drives around, does it give the same drive error or it's
> always drive 1?
> Can you test this card and drives in another PC.. mainly different
> Motherboard..?
> thanks,
> George Vieira
> Network Administrator

> PGP Fingerprint : 43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
> PGP KeyID: 0x38A9A10C

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Re: [SLUG] RARP [On Topic] no blasts....

2000-10-24 Thread DaZZa

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Aaron Binns wrote:

> What is RARP? I havent even heard of this one before...

Reverse ARP.

You know what ARP is, right? A metyhod used to find out the MAC address of
a particular NIC from its IP address?

RARP is the reverse of this process. A method by which a workstation can
find out its IP address when it only knows its MAC address.

It's used usually for diskless workstations.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Scripting literature suggestions

2000-10-24 Thread Aaron Binns

Hi all,

I have the "Sed & Awk" O'Reilly, but I was wondering if anyone out there who
works with shell scripting had suggestions for other scripting based books? I
would like to find a book (or two) which teach how to shell script in general,
rather than concentrating on one or two commands (even if they are two
incredibly useful commands). Anyone?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Doesn't matter what I replace them with as Netscsape is
> interpreting the /?\>/

- Jeff


  "Life is short. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly." - Robert Doisneau  

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RE: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

2000-10-24 Thread George Vieira

Better call Adaptec and give them your TSID number for support. They can
help you then.

Swapping the 2 drives around, does it give the same drive error or it's
always drive 1?
Can you test this card and drives in another PC.. mainly different

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Alan Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

It is failing before the OS.  Here is an example.

Setup the RAID array

Boot to a M$ FDD



Boot to a M$ FDD

Format C:

Copy a few files to C:


Reboot, Enter the RAID BIOS.

"Drive ID1 FAILED!"

Regards, Alan Lee
Ecom Computers Australia

- Original Message - 
From: "George Vieira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 3:01 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

> I guess that your running *nix? WHat OS and version are you running?
> I have seen problems with RH6.2 until you use the latest version ( i used
> bleeding edge )
> thanks,
> George Vieira
> Network Administrator

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Re: [SLUG] Running Linux headless

2000-10-24 Thread Howard Lowndes

Is it hanging in the BIOS or at the start of booting Linux.  If it is in
the BIOS then check the "Halt on:" settings.  If it is in the start of
Linux then is it an early kernel.  I did find a similar problem  in a
2.0.X kernel with no keyboard, where it got past the BIOS but wouldn't
start booting Linux after the LILO prompt.

LANNet Computing Associates 

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Peter Faulks wrote:

> I know this subject was discussed recently, but I have a new twist..
> I need to demonstrate a cgi programme to a client. (So I can ask them
> 'whaddya want to happen here')
> I've got a spare box I can stick Linux on, but it's not got enuf grunt for
> X / Netscrape.
> So, I want to run the box as an appache server without X, and plug in a
> mate's notebook to demo the cgi app.
> The box won't boot without a monitor. If I stick a monitor in (without
> turning it on), it boots fine.
> There is a card - - that looks pretty
> neat, (but sounds expensive), but all I really want at this stage is to be
> able to boot the box with or without a monitor...
> So, does anyone know of a dongle that plugs into a monitor jack and says
> 'hey I'm a monitor'?, or could one be knocked up by bunging a few resistors
> on an old monitor cable? (and if so how?)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Michael Lake

Matthew Dalton wrote:
> Write a filter to get rid of the  tags, or replace them with
> something else.
> Stick it in a printcap entry, then use that printer definition to print
> from Netscape.
> I'd use perl, but you might prefer something else.
vi, too small a job for perl :-)

Doesn't matter what I replace them with as Netscsape is
interpreting the mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02
9514 1628 
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

2000-10-24 Thread Alan Lee

It is failing before the OS.  Here is an example.

Setup the RAID array

Boot to a M$ FDD



Boot to a M$ FDD

Format C:

Copy a few files to C:


Reboot, Enter the RAID BIOS.

"Drive ID1 FAILED!"

Regards, Alan Lee
Ecom Computers Australia

- Original Message - 
From: "George Vieira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 3:01 PM
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

> I guess that your running *nix? WHat OS and version are you running?
> I have seen problems with RH6.2 until you use the latest version ( i used
> bleeding edge )
> thanks,
> George Vieira
> Network Administrator

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

2000-10-24 Thread George Vieira

I guess that your running *nix? WHat OS and version are you running?

I have seen problems with RH6.2 until you use the latest version ( i used
bleeding edge )

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Alan Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 2:56 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

Anyone played with the Adaptec 2100S SCSI RAID card before?  Anyone got it
working 100% correctly with hot swappable drives/racks?

We are using RAID1 with 2 drives.

We get the problem after we build the array within the RAID bios, and as
soon as we try and do any data transfers/access it fails, claiming the 2nd
drive has died.  We swap the drives over, and get excatly the same on the
2nd drive again.  We have used 2 diffrent brand drives, latest firmware
everything, diffrent motherboards, diffrent size hdd's and everything else
we can think of.  We have used RH seires racks, Kingston ones and also
another brand which is worth $1000AU+ per HDD rack.  All of them say they
will work, but dont.  As soon as we take the drives out of the racks, it
works fine.  Also it works on SCSI2, but this is "too slow" according to the

Any idea's?  Ive tryed every thing really, even M$!

I know of another company haveing excatly the same problem. But, using RAID5
and RAID0 on the same card, with 6 drives in total

Regards, Alan Lee
Ecom Computers Australia

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Re: [SLUG] RARP [On Topic] no blasts....

2000-10-24 Thread Ken Yap

>I'm running RedHat 6.1 Kernel 2.2.12-20 and want to try the /etc/ethers file
>with RARP.
>when I run `rarp -a` I get "This kernel does not support RARP.".
>Any ideas why?

Probably because you need to compile the RARP option into the kernel?
BOOTP and DHCP seem to be preferred for autoconfig protocols these days,
IIRC RARP is used by some diskless Suns and some old X-terminals.

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RE: [SLUG] RARP [On Topic] no blasts....

2000-10-24 Thread George Vieira

Yes your right.. It's a module and insmod worked fine..

Sorry I didn't even think about it as a module... ddeee...

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: John Ferlito [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 1:51 PM
To: George Vieira
Cc: Sydney Linux Users Group in Sydney (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [SLUG] RARP [On Topic] no blasts

On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 02:46:38PM +1000, George Vieira wrote:
> Hi all,
> Hopefully we've cooled down now and as usual we blame the 1 question with
> threads after it.. defeats the purpose really any, here's my question.
> I'm running RedHat 6.1 Kernel 2.2.12-20 and want to try the /etc/ethers
> with RARP.
> when I run `rarp -a` I get "This kernel does not support RARP.".

Because it doesn't :) RARP is a kernel option and isn't usually
cimpiled into the kernel by default. try insmod rarp as root as it may
be compiled as a module otherwise you're going to have to do a kernel
compile and compile it in.

> Any ideas why?
> I basically just want to be able to do a `ping printserver1` when there's
> entry in /etc/ethers as below.
> 00:00:B4:45:35:5F   printserver1
> Can this be done or am I undestanding it wrongly..?
> thanks,
> George Vieira
> Network Administrator
> PGP Fingerprint : 43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
> PGP KeyID:0x38A9A10C
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:


The difference between a good man and a bad one is the 
choice of cause - William James

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Running Linux headless

2000-10-24 Thread Ken Yap

>The box won't boot without a monitor. If I stick a monitor in (without
>turning it on), it boots fine.
>So, does anyone know of a dongle that plugs into a monitor jack and says
>'hey I'm a monitor'?, or could one be knocked up by bunging a few resistors
>on an old monitor cable? (and if so how?)

Possibly, I seem to remember that there are a couple of lines in the
connector connector that comprise a binary code to tell the video card
what type of monitor is connected so you *should* be able to wire up a
dummy plug. Try doing a Web search.  Alternately just bung in a
different video card, since you don't care about the display, any cheap
one will do, just drop by and I'll give you an old VGA card. I know lots
of video cards don't care whether anything is plugged into the monitor
port. What about the BIOS, can you set it to not care about the display?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] RARP [On Topic] no blasts....

2000-10-24 Thread Aaron Binns


What is RARP? I havent even heard of this one before...


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[SLUG] Adaptec 2100S

2000-10-24 Thread Alan Lee

Anyone played with the Adaptec 2100S SCSI RAID card before?  Anyone got it
working 100% correctly with hot swappable drives/racks?

We are using RAID1 with 2 drives.

We get the problem after we build the array within the RAID bios, and as
soon as we try and do any data transfers/access it fails, claiming the 2nd
drive has died.  We swap the drives over, and get excatly the same on the
2nd drive again.  We have used 2 diffrent brand drives, latest firmware
everything, diffrent motherboards, diffrent size hdd's and everything else
we can think of.  We have used RH seires racks, Kingston ones and also
another brand which is worth $1000AU+ per HDD rack.  All of them say they
will work, but dont.  As soon as we take the drives out of the racks, it
works fine.  Also it works on SCSI2, but this is "too slow" according to the

Any idea's?  Ive tryed every thing really, even M$!

I know of another company haveing excatly the same problem. But, using RAID5
and RAID0 on the same card, with 6 drives in total

Regards, Alan Lee
Ecom Computers Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] RARP [On Topic] no blasts....

2000-10-24 Thread John Ferlito

On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 02:46:38PM +1000, George Vieira wrote:
> Hi all,
> Hopefully we've cooled down now and as usual we blame the 1 question with 20
> threads after it.. defeats the purpose really any, here's my question.
> I'm running RedHat 6.1 Kernel 2.2.12-20 and want to try the /etc/ethers file
> with RARP.
> when I run `rarp -a` I get "This kernel does not support RARP.".

Because it doesn't :) RARP is a kernel option and isn't usually
cimpiled into the kernel by default. try insmod rarp as root as it may
be compiled as a module otherwise you're going to have to do a kernel
compile and compile it in.

> Any ideas why?
> I basically just want to be able to do a `ping printserver1` when there's an
> entry in /etc/ethers as below.
> 00:00:B4:45:35:5F   printserver1
> Can this be done or am I undestanding it wrongly..?
> thanks,
> George Vieira
> Network Administrator
> PGP Fingerprint : 43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
> PGP KeyID:0x38A9A10C
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:


The difference between a good man and a bad one is the 
choice of cause - William James

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Matthew Dalton

Michael Lake wrote:

> Im a bit stumped here and the topic is a bit OT as it would
> also prob occur if I was on a windows machine :-)

Shame on you, Mike!

> I just want to save the pages and view/print them later to
> teach myself PHP.
> Suggestions?

Write a filter to get rid of the  tags, or replace them with
something else.
Stick it in a printcap entry, then use that printer definition to print
from Netscape.

I'd use perl, but you might prefer something else.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Running Linux headless

2000-10-24 Thread Matt Hyne

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Peter Faulks wrote:

> I know this subject was discussed recently, but I have a new twist..
> I need to demonstrate a cgi programme to a client. (So I can ask them
> 'whaddya want to happen here')
> I've got a spare box I can stick Linux on, but it's not got enuf grunt for
> X / Netscrape.
> So, I want to run the box as an appache server without X, and plug in a
> mate's notebook to demo the cgi app.
> The box won't boot without a monitor. If I stick a monitor in (without
> turning it on), it boots fine.

When you say it wont boot - what do you mean.  Do you get a BIOS message
if you plug the monitor back in.

Most BIOSes allow you to turn off the BIOS video support, so it
doesn't need a monitor.  

You can even re-direct lilo and the kernel message output to the serial
port and make it really headless like most other unix machines.

I've been running a headless box for ages.


> There is a card - - that looks pretty
> neat, (but sounds expensive), but all I really want at this stage is to be
> able to boot the box with or without a monitor...
> So, does anyone know of a dongle that plugs into a monitor jack and says
> 'hey I'm a monitor'?, or could one be knocked up by bunging a few resistors
> on an old monitor cable? (and if so how?)
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] RARP [On Topic] no blasts....

2000-10-24 Thread George Vieira

Hi all,

Hopefully we've cooled down now and as usual we blame the 1 question with 20
threads after it.. defeats the purpose really any, here's my question.

I'm running RedHat 6.1 Kernel 2.2.12-20 and want to try the /etc/ethers file
with RARP.

when I run `rarp -a` I get "This kernel does not support RARP.".

Any ideas why?

I basically just want to be able to do a `ping printserver1` when there's an
entry in /etc/ethers as below.
00:00:B4:45:35:5F   printserver1

Can this be done or am I undestanding it wrongly..?

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Running Linux headless

2000-10-24 Thread Peter Faulks

I know this subject was discussed recently, but I have a new twist..

I need to demonstrate a cgi programme to a client. (So I can ask them
'whaddya want to happen here')

I've got a spare box I can stick Linux on, but it's not got enuf grunt for
X / Netscrape.

So, I want to run the box as an appache server without X, and plug in a
mate's notebook to demo the cgi app.

The box won't boot without a monitor. If I stick a monitor in (without
turning it on), it boots fine.

There is a card - - that looks pretty
neat, (but sounds expensive), but all I really want at this stage is to be
able to boot the box with or without a monitor...

So, does anyone know of a dongle that plugs into a monitor jack and says
'hey I'm a monitor'?, or could one be knocked up by bunging a few resistors
on an old monitor cable? (and if so how?)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] OT? Printing and viewing PHP code from WWW.

2000-10-24 Thread Michael Lake

Hi All,

Im a bit stumped here and the topic is a bit OT as it would
also prob occur if I was on a windows machine :-) 

I am looking at
which has some excellent PHP tutorials but when I try to
print the article (even the printer friendly one) the code
within the  tags does not show. Im using Netscape, I
tried Opera also. I can see it on the screen as follows:

and if I save the HTML its there as I can see the

but it doesn't print and if I save it them I can't see the
code on screen anymore.  I get the  at the start and end
only. If I save as PostScript the code doesn't print. If I
save it as text its a mess because of the way the HTML is
layed out.

I can hack the source and get it to show and print by
inserting a space between every instance of a < and the ?
immediately following (hurrah for vi) but yuk. Clearly the
PRE tag is interpreting the two char sequence mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02
9514 1628 
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Sorry!!!

2000-10-24 Thread Michael Sztachanski

Alan L Tyree wrote:
> Apologies, everyone. I didn't mean to start a war. I only asked since
> there seemed to be a discussion about cheap ISPs (admittedly in the
> North of Sydney).
> Alan
> --
> --
> Tel: +61 2 4782 2670
> Mobile: +61 419 638 170
> Fax: +61 2 4782 7092
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

No need to apologies - the response you recieved was uncalled for!

Michael Sztachanski
Snr. Technical Engineer

Turbolinux Aust. Pty Ltd
Lvl1, 255 George Street,
SYDNEY NSW Australia 2000
Ph: +61 2 9252 6011
Fx: +61 2 9252 6022

+  On the Sixth Day the GODs created LINUX   +
+  and on the Seventh Day they rested and+ 
+  surveyed what they had done and they saw  + 
+  that it was GOOD! +

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Sorry!!!

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Apologies, everyone. I didn't mean to start a war. I only asked since
> there seemed to be a discussion about cheap ISPs (admittedly in the
> North of Sydney).

Don't worry Alan, everyone's just a little tetchy after the last rant
against off-topicness. I try not to pop up in these threads, but I find the
rants a little more alarming than the off topic posts. :)

You seem to be posting fresh mails to the list instead of replying to the
various threads - you may find it better to reply directly to those threads
so people who aren't interested can just go on deleting those threads.

I think a combination of the 'D' key, and a reluctance to respond to off
topic posts is more productive than the flames we've seen recently, but
that's just me. :)

- Jeff


 She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had already  
  lost it.  

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Sorry!!!

2000-10-24 Thread Alan L Tyree

Apologies, everyone. I didn't mean to start a war. I only asked since
there seemed to be a discussion about cheap ISPs (admittedly in the
North of Sydney).


Tel: +61 2 4782 2670
Mobile: +61 419 638 170
Fax: +61 2 4782 7092

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Re: [SLUG] bpay / online banking / direct debits

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

Kevin Waterson wrote:
> The bank is the National Australia Bank but
> I am willing to change if this can be done
> from linux.
> Anyone with any knowlege of this, I would
> like to hear from you

I don't know how it works for Business connections, but for National
Personal Internet banking 

1) It's windows 9X/NT 4 only.  

2) It uses 1024 Bit RSA and 3DES (secure!) but stores the certifactes
and keys in your netscape user directory in what appears to plaintext
(not secure!)

I sent them off a few customer feedback email earlier today - I got a
letter this morning explaining it will now cost me 60 cent to find out
how much money I using phone/internet banking.*   So I finally was
motivated enough to tell them what a crap service they offer, and ask
when they plan to support linux.

I sugest everyone here who may be interested in using internet banking
goes to and asks about linux -
if they see enough interest, they may do something about it.

* Tertiary/Graduate Student account, not sure about other accounts.  I
should also mention that the first $12 a month are free, but I suspect
they will begin to reduce this amount over time.  And $1.50 non-national
ATM fee, not covered in the $12 

Account balance please.
> Ten Dollars and twenty eight cents.
That can't be right!   Check it again!
> Nine dollars and sixty eight cents
Huh?  But youjust said...
> Nine Dollars and but eight cents

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] networksolutions reply time

2000-10-24 Thread Anand Kumria

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 09:11:51PM +1100, marty wrote:
> >  I am in the process of changing the name server
> > details  at the networksolutions site to point to my
> > Linux box. However, mailing back the confirmation form
> > does not result in a reply. Could anyone on the list
> > shed some light on this, does it take a while (this
> > has happened before)?
> you can take any estimate anyone gives you, add 7, multiply by 13 and
> subtract the uptime of your box in days...   ;)
> seriously though, NSI is hopeless in this regard. if you want a response
> ASAP send them a fax instead...   better still find another registrar that
> has web based forms to update the details yourself...   i went with
> but a google search should turn up heaps of
> alternatives...

Something useful is>


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[SLUG] bpay / online banking / direct debits

2000-10-24 Thread Kevin Waterson

We are currently setting up online payments
with bpay and direct debitting. However the
"module" for this is a dos program and so 
requires some sort of MS technology.
The assumption from the bank was that "of
course you are using windows 95/98 or better".

The bank is the National Australia Bank but
I am willing to change if this can be done
from linux.

Anyone with any knowlege of this, I would
like to hear from you

Kind regards

Kevin Waterson

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] What is SLUG?

2000-10-24 Thread Dan Treacy

That, if you'll pardon my french, is bullshit.

What's at issue here is not the fact that his ISP search may have been in
the Blue Mtns. I've seen people looking for an ISP with no mnetion
whatsoever of linux be flooded with responses all pointing out different
options. What's at issue here is fact that with increasing regularity people
both new and old are having new assholes torn for them because they ask a
question someone deems to be outside the bounds of "our mandate"  All the
discussion seems to be about the S in Slug maybe it should be about the G.
As in group as in bunch of people. And isnt the overall mandate of User
groups to HELP people?? At least that was my impression..  Hands up who's
never asked an inappropriate question???  Great, all of you with your hands
up get a medal. Now instead of being eltist and condescending maybe you
should try to help. If not you risk groups like this and the OS/FS/Linux
community as a whole turning it cliquish boys clubs.

See  for more details


P.S Above rant isn't directed and any specific parties just an overall view.

- Original Message -
To: "Terry Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] What is SLUG?

> On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 10:15:48AM +1100, Terry Collins wrote:
> >
> > > >Please read the following: SLUG 
> > > >
> > > > S - Sydney
> > > > L - Linux
> > > > U - Users
> > > > G - Group
> > > >
> > > >as opposed to 
> >
> > Anyone who takes this attitude is going to open a very big can of worms.
> >
> > Firstly - where is Sydney?
> I think that's irrelevant to what Rick was trying to say. I think he
> was pointing out that this is a linux user group and not an ISP referral
> service. The reference to city locations was probably due to the S in slug
> actually standing for Sydney (AFAIK) and the fact that the original poster
> referred to the blue mountains rather then due to any act of snobbery.
> If we try to be everything to everybody we'll wind up with a noise
> content that'll be absolutely deafening.
> Now if he had asked 'is there an ISP in the blue mountains that support
> s linux' that'd be a different kettle of fish. :)
> Ofcourse, this is all guesswork and Rick can correct me if I'm wrong. :)
> --
> 'We do more then just sing and dance. We've got a brain too.'
> -- The Backstreet Boys
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Re: mirror, mirror was: New User with a few questions.

2000-10-24 Thread Angus Lees

\begin{Peter Rundle}
> Without trying to start a pissing contest, the fastest I have ever 
> downloaded anything came from aarnet at 1300KB/s (RH7 in about 10 min's).
> I just connected to aarnet (midday) and repeated the doanload. I got a 
> peak of 540KB/s. 

hehe, at unsw we found aarnet to be faster than the cdrom drive ;)

(of course the unsw mirror down the hall was faster still)

 - Gus

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Re: remote X and firewalls

2000-10-24 Thread Angus Lees

> The idea is to only let certain users through, not just certain ip addresses.

xauth cookies do this.

in an office/lab environment, the easiest thing to do is use NFS
/home's. then you just make sure DISPLAY is set correctly.

for other places, just setup a simple script that copies the cookie
across, then starts the app. exactly like rstart, except using ssh
rather than rsh/rstartd.

\begin{Ben Leslie}
> > redirecting over ssh - probably the most secure. the encryption slows
> > things down a bit.
> Wouldn't the compression options available in ssh make up any slow down?

yes, if the network is your bottleneck. i was thinking of my office here
at work, where the sparc classics don't really have the cpu grunt to
keep the encrypted throughput anywhere near the 10Mb network speed.

over a modem, i would still expect lbxproxy to give ssh compression a
run for its money. best would be lbx over ssh compression, but thats
just getting silly.

 - Gus

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: mirror, mirror was: [SLUG] New User with a few questions.

2000-10-24 Thread Peter Rundle


> Being always on the lookout for a good fast mirror I decided to compare
> cse.unsw and mirror.aarnet to see how they fair.

Without trying to start a pissing contest, the fastest I have ever 
downloaded anything came from aarnet at 1300KB/s (RH7 in about 10 min's).
I just connected to aarnet (midday) and repeated the doanload. I got a 
peak of 540KB/s. 

So you haven't stressed aarnets servers or their connection.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

RE: [SLUG] What is SLUG?

2000-10-24 Thread John Wiltshire

From: Terry Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >Please read the following: SLUG 
> > >
> > > S - Sydney
> > > L - Linux
> > > U - Users
> > > G - Group
> > >
> > >as opposed to 
> Anyone who takes this attitude is going to open a very big 
> can of worms.
> Firstly - where is Sydney?
> CBD? - Outer Metropolitain Area? - NSW ?
> There isn't an easy answer. Many of our workers are not Sydney people.
> I always remember another organisation where the president 
> stood up and
> said "This is the Sydney blah..blah, not the blah...blah (you get the
> picture) and if you don't like it you can f%$k off" 
> The volunteers who did the work did, massively, including 
> many "Sydney"
> based people.  It isn't a 5,000 member organisation anymore.
> It also raises the question that if SLUG is going to become 
> CBD centric,
> why should the companies continue to support SLUG? 
> People from Gosford, Blue Mountains, Wollongong, 
> Camdem/Campbelltown are
> all slug members.

Silly me.  I just though the 'Sydney' bit was a reference to where the
physical meetings were held.

John Wiltshire

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] What is SLUG?

2000-10-24 Thread CaT

On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 10:15:48AM +1100, Terry Collins wrote:
> > >Please read the following: SLUG 
> > >
> > > S - Sydney
> > > L - Linux
> > > U - Users
> > > G - Group
> > >
> > >as opposed to 
> Anyone who takes this attitude is going to open a very big can of worms.
> Firstly - where is Sydney?

I think that's irrelevant to what Rick was trying to say. I think he
was pointing out that this is a linux user group and not an ISP referral
service. The reference to city locations was probably due to the S in slug
actually standing for Sydney (AFAIK) and the fact that the original poster
referred to the blue mountains rather then due to any act of snobbery.

If we try to be everything to everybody we'll wind up with a noise
content that'll be absolutely deafening.

Now if he had asked 'is there an ISP in the blue mountains that support
s linux' that'd be a different kettle of fish. :)

Ofcourse, this is all guesswork and Rick can correct me if I'm wrong. :)


'We do more then just sing and dance. We've got a brain too.'
-- The Backstreet Boys

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] What is SLUG?

2000-10-24 Thread Aaron Binns

>People from Gosford, Blue Mountains, Wollongong, Camdem/Campbelltown are
>all slug members.

I know people from Newcastle, Narrellan (sp?), Bathurst, Orange, Ipswitch
(Brisbane), Adelaide, Victoria (rural), and even a person from the US (VA
systems) who are interested in joining SLUG as well - if only the list.  Its
superficial to say SLUG is only for people who *LIVE* in Sydney when we are all
part of a worldwide "society".

rhetorical_Q: have you ever looked at the list / webpage for other LUGS round
Sydney, Australia, or the World before?

More to the point Terry was making, you dont really want to open that can of
worms where you have to specify who can join and who cannot. Remember, the LUG
is based on Linux, not Sydney. Sydney is just the location where the meetings
and core membership is.

To quote some old geezer: "Its not *broken*, so don't try to *fix* it"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

RE: [SLUG] What is SLUG?

2000-10-24 Thread Alister Waller

Surely his point was not the fact the person was from the blue mountains but
the fact that he was asking about ISP services without even mentioning the
word linux...

my 20c (inc GST) worth


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Terry Collins
> Sent: Wednesday, 25 October 2000 9:16 AM
> Subject: [SLUG] What is SLUG?
> > >Please read the following: SLUG 
> > >
> > > S - Sydney
> > > L - Linux
> > > U - Users
> > > G - Group
> > >
> > >as opposed to 
> Anyone who takes this attitude is going to open a very big can of worms.
> Firstly - where is Sydney?
> CBD? - Outer Metropolitain Area? - NSW ?
> There isn't an easy answer. Many of our workers are not Sydney people.
> I always remember another organisation where the president stood up and
> said "This is the Sydney blah..blah, not the blah...blah (you get the
> picture) and if you don't like it you can f%$k off"
> The volunteers who did the work did, massively, including many "Sydney"
> based people.  It isn't a 5,000 member organisation anymore.
> It also raises the question that if SLUG is going to become CBD centric,
> why should the companies continue to support SLUG?
> People from Gosford, Blue Mountains, Wollongong, Camdem/Campbelltown are
> all slug members.
> --
>Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861
>email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:
>WOA Computer Services 
>snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.
>  "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] What is SLUG?

2000-10-24 Thread Kevin Waterson

Terry Collins wrote:
> > >Please read the following: SLUG 
> > >
> > > S - Sydney
> > > L - Linux
> > > U - Users
> > > G - Group
> > >
> > >as opposed to 
> Anyone who takes this attitude is going to open a very big can of worms.
> Firstly - where is Sydney?
> CBD? - Outer Metropolitain Area? - NSW ?
> There isn't an easy answer. Many of our workers are not Sydney people.
> I always remember another organisation where the president stood up and
> said "This is the Sydney blah..blah, not the blah...blah (you get the
> picture) and if you don't like it you can f%$k off"
> The volunteers who did the work did, massively, including many "Sydney"
> based people.  It isn't a 5,000 member organisation anymore.
> It also raises the question that if SLUG is going to become CBD centric,
> why should the companies continue to support SLUG?
> People from Gosford, Blue Mountains, Wollongong, Camdem/Campbelltown are
> all slug members.

and Port Macquarie :)

Kind regards

Kevin Waterson

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] Cheap ISPs

2000-10-24 Thread Kevin Waterson

Rick Welykochy wrote:
>  B - Blue Mtns
>  I - ISP
>  R - Referral
>  P - Page

Kind regards

Kevin Waterson
Oceania Computers
Port Macquarie NSW

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] What is SLUG?

2000-10-24 Thread Terry Collins

> >Please read the following: SLUG 
> >
> > S - Sydney
> > L - Linux
> > U - Users
> > G - Group
> >
> >as opposed to 

Anyone who takes this attitude is going to open a very big can of worms.

Firstly - where is Sydney?
CBD? - Outer Metropolitain Area? - NSW ?

There isn't an easy answer. Many of our workers are not Sydney people.

I always remember another organisation where the president stood up and
said "This is the Sydney blah..blah, not the blah...blah (you get the
picture) and if you don't like it you can f%$k off" 

The volunteers who did the work did, massively, including many "Sydney"
based people.  It isn't a 5,000 member organisation anymore.

It also raises the question that if SLUG is going to become CBD centric,
why should the companies continue to support SLUG? 

People from Gosford, Blue Mountains, Wollongong, Camdem/Campbelltown are
all slug members.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 
   snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] Cheap ISPs

2000-10-24 Thread Jobst Schmalenbach

On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 10:28:02AM +1100, Rick Welykochy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Alan L Tyree wrote:
> > As long as the list seems to assume this is on topic: does anyone have
> > a good recommendation for the Blue Mountains area (Katoomba, if it
> > matters)?
> Please read the following: SLUG 
>  S - Sydney
>  L - Linux
>  U - Users
>  G - Group
> as opposed to BIRP
>  B - Blue Mtns
>  I - ISP
>  R - Referral
>  P - Page
> BTW: anyone know of a good hair dresser in Birdsville?
> Also, I'll be travelling to Whoop Whoop next week and need
> the address of a funky brothel there. Anyone known of any?

Considering we (as Linux people) want to make a GOOD cause, ie help
to increase the numbers of people using LINUX I wonder whether you, Rick,
are on the right track 

And, asking for an ISP is MORE on topic than some other topics, and yes
I have posted OT too.

BTW I reckon that 1/3 of the people currently subscribed to this list
aren't living close to the Sydney anyway  and yes, this includes me.
I believe that this list is good, hence I joined it.


Keyboard not found - please clean up desktop!

|__, Jobst Schmalenbach, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Technical Director|
|  _ _.--'-n_/   Barrett Consulting Group P/L & The Meditation Room P/L  |
|-(_)--(_)=  +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia|

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] Reinstalling Lilo on a reiserfs system.

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

Ken Yap wrote:
> >or a way of installing a boot loader without
> >mounting the partition that it will be running.

> could boot a rescue floppy, make a tmproot in ramdisk, say
> /tmp/foo, mount the boot partition under that as /tmp/foo/boot, create a
> /tmp/foo/etc/lilo.conf (hope you remember the items required), then run
> lilo -r /tmp/foo.

I did this, also creating a /foo/dev directory and mknod'ing device
files for the hard-drive partitions.  (Otherwise lilo can't access
/dev/hda after doing a chroot to /tmp/foo)

I made up a lilo.conf file, installed it, and then when rebooting it
starts to work fine untill it goes to mount the root partition.

Kernel Panic: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06.

3 and 6 are the major/minor numbers for hda6, so I assume it's trying to
mount the right partition and failing.  Unless anyone can suggest
something I've missed, I'll assume that *somehow* windows installation
has corrupted the partition itself, and I'll just reinstall.  Luckily
this won't be a mojor problem, as I've got all the patches I've used
burnt to CD as well as 3 day old copies of /etc, /root and /home.

 - Doug
  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Re: [Festies] Network monitoring

2000-10-24 Thread Terry Collins

Ken Foskey wrote:
> Does anyone have any links or thoughts on network monitoring.   I would be really 
>interested in this as I am having a severe performance problem with an network 
>application at work.

I use cheops for up and services checking. 
Discussed recently on the list. Check the archives.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 
   snail:  PO Box 1047, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] IP masq timeouts question

2000-10-24 Thread tom burkart

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, [iso-8859-1] Alex JuniorBurger wrote:

>  Someone mentioned a while back that this could be due
> to IP masq timeout values. The closest thing I found
When you are doing things on the gateway they will not get masqueraded!
Only the ones behind the gateway machine will get masqueraded.  This is
not the problem.
And since the machines behind the gateway work fine I suspect that the
problem is with the gateway machine's browsing setup - possibly DNS,


AUSSECPhone: 61 4 1768 2202
339 Blaxland Rd., Ryde NSW 2112

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] Cheap ISPs

2000-10-24 Thread Ken Yap

>> As long as the list seems to assume this is on topic: does anyone have
>> a good recommendation for the Blue Mountains area (Katoomba, if it
>> matters)?
>Please read the following: SLUG 
> S - Sydney
> L - Linux
> U - Users
> G - Group
>as opposed to BIRP
> B - Blue Mtns
> I - ISP
> R - Referral
> P - Page

That's rather harsh Rick. BM is arguably in the environs of Sydney. Also
there are list subscribers all over Oz. He wasn't asking for a
hairdresser, he was asking for an ISP, and it was Linux related. Let's
not take the S in SLUG that literally.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] Cheap ISPs

2000-10-24 Thread Rick Welykochy

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Alan L Tyree wrote:

> As long as the list seems to assume this is on topic: does anyone have
> a good recommendation for the Blue Mountains area (Katoomba, if it
> matters)?

Please read the following: SLUG 

 S - Sydney
 L - Linux
 U - Users
 G - Group

as opposed to BIRP

 B - Blue Mtns
 I - ISP
 R - Referral
 P - Page

BTW: anyone know of a good hair dresser in Birdsville?

Also, I'll be travelling to Whoop Whoop next week and need
the address of a funky brothel there. Anyone known of any?

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] IP masq timeouts question

2000-10-24 Thread Alex JuniorBurger

 I have a bunch of machines connected to the net
behind my Linux gateway (with optus cable) that all
get fine speeds. The gateway itself however, is
extremely sluggish eg. firing off a http request for a
US site might result in 10Kb/s, then suddenly die off.
Pages will arrive in a few minutes if they are under
 Someone mentioned a while back that this could be due
to IP masq timeout values. The closest thing I found
in the IP masq HOWTO was:

#  10 sec timeout for traffic after the TCP/IP "FIN"
packet is received
/ipchains -M -S 7200 10 60

I'm not sure if this really relates to the problem I
am having (I am not having TCP sessions timeout
 This is a big inconvenience for me, so any help at
all would be appreciated.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Cheap ISPs

2000-10-24 Thread Alan L Tyree

As long as the list seems to assume this is on topic: does anyone have
a good recommendation for the Blue Mountains area (Katoomba, if it


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Mobile: +61 419 638 170
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] Re: Network Security Fest

2000-10-24 Thread Ben Leslie

> redirecting over ssh - probably the most secure. the encryption slows
> things down a bit. automatically running xauth on other machines tends
> to upset the really paranoid, so don't forward X unnecessarily.

Wouldn't the compression options available in ssh make up any slow down?

>From totally non-scientific tests my connections seem to run faster using
ssh with compression than telnet or rsh without.

Though I could be totally wrong and just _thinking_ it is running faster 
because I have compression enabled.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Re: Time drift [SOLVED]

2000-10-24 Thread marty

just a quick note...

i checked out xntp but decided that it was overkill. considering it was my
software clock that was wrong and my hardware clock was fine, a quick:

hwclock --utc --hctosys

set everything right...  :)


"I can't buy what I want because it's free. Can't be what they want
because I'm me." - Corduroy, Pearl Jam

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] on yet?

2000-10-24 Thread MathewDane


$102,350 IN JUST 10 WEEKS!!



This Is A Periodic Telecommunications Update.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread David Creelman

Sounds good to me.

Dave Creelman

Anand Kumria wrote:

> Normally after SLUG meeting we move on to the `House of Guang Zhou'
> restaurant which is near to Chinatown and the City. However we have
> many requests for another restaurant with better service / cheaper
> prices.
> We are yet to find *any* restaurant with cheaper prices ($18/pp) on
> a Friday night but we think we may have found one with better food.
> Mamm's Kitchen is an Italian restaurant which is located near the
> Broadway shopping centre. Its distance from UTS is similiar to
> the HoGZ but it is further from train transport (but corresspondingly
> closer to Glebe).
> We are trying to gauge numbers and interest before Friday so we can
> book at Mamma's Kitchen. Obviously if you'd prefer to remain at the
> HoGZ please also let us know.
> Regards,
> Anand
> --
>I close my eyes, only for a moment and the moment's gone
>All my dreams, pass before my eyes a curiosity
>Dust in the wind, All we are is dust in the wind
>Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
>   Dust in the Wind -- Kansas, Don Kirshner
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets

2000-10-24 Thread Herbert Xu

Marshall, Joshua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> -

Here is your problem.

> Gateway of last resort is to network

> is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks
> C is directly connected, Serial0.1
> S is directly connected, Ethernet0
>   is directly connected

It isn't.  This subnet should be routed through
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home Page:
PGP Key:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] ISP DNS woes

2000-10-24 Thread marty

> Have you tried HunterLink ?  

be prepared to pay thru the nose for it... but, it is good.

we were with them for a few years and i can't recall more then half a
dozen engaged signals or drop-outs. we only left because of how expensive
they are...

we're with dingoblue now, can't beat $25 all you can eat (no limits on
sessions or downloads)... and i am yet to have a problem with them


"I can't buy what I want because it's free. Can't be what they want
because I'm me." - Corduroy, Pearl Jam

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Re: [ANN] Eating with SLUG

2000-10-24 Thread David Hanson

Hi Anand, 

I vote for Mamm's.  Quality wins every time.
See you then!
--- Anand Kumria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Normally after SLUG meeting we move on to the `House of
> Guang Zhou'
> restaurant which is near to Chinatown and the City.
> However we have
> many requests for another restaurant with better service
> / cheaper
> prices.
> We are yet to find *any* restaurant with cheaper prices
> ($18/pp) on
> a Friday night but we think we may have found one with
> better food.
> Mamm's Kitchen is an Italian restaurant which is located
> near the
> Broadway shopping centre. Its distance from UTS is
> similiar to
> the HoGZ but it is further from train transport (but
> corresspondingly
> closer to Glebe).
> We are trying to gauge numbers and interest before Friday
> so we can
> book at Mamma's Kitchen. Obviously if you'd prefer to
> remain at the 
> HoGZ please also let us know.
> Regards,
> Anand
> -- 
>I close my eyes, only for a moment and the moment's
> gone
>All my dreams, pass before my eyes a curiosity
>Dust in the wind, All we are is dust in the wind
>Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and
> sky
>   Dust in the Wind -- Kansas, Don
> Kirshner
> __ 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Announcements List -
> More info:

David Hanson
ec21st Pty. Ltd.
25 Carrington Avenue
Mosman 2088 NSW  Australia
H: 011612-9960-6168
M: 0408-409054

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] ISP DNS woes

2000-10-24 Thread jon

> P.S. If anyone knows a good CHEAP ISP in my area I'd 
love to hear
> from them.

Have you tried HunterLink ?  Drop a line to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and mention my name - Stev4e is a 
Presbyterian Minister (and bloody good programmer, even 
for an EvilWare user !!), and he should know who's good 
up there...

He's based at Bolwarra Heights (near Largs).


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] ISP DNS woes

2000-10-24 Thread Heracles

Gregg wrote:
 Are there any other SLUG people in Gosford who use the
> same ISP who are having similar experiences? Are there other ISPs in
> Gosford that are:
> a. Cheap?
> b. Support Linux?
> I'd be grateful for advice.
> Regards,
> Gregg
When I was in Woy Woy I used Linux with Terrigal.Net and ComCen,
but they are not cheap ($44 per month). I'm in Summerland Point
now and still use Terrigal.Net but use their Newcastle POP
(Nobbys.Net) and it is still expensive. Friends of mine use Terry
Anthony, but I'm not sure of the cost.

Stay well and happy

P.S. If anyone knows a good CHEAP ISP in my area I'd love to hear
from them.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

RE: [SLUG] New User with a few questions.

2000-10-24 Thread Dave Kempe

> Under win98, format the D: drive. It will not be your Linux
> partition. Win98 will not give an unknown system a drive letter. I
> have set up several systems in almost exactly the way you
> described and they all worked fine. The only problem I had was the
> booting, and once I got GAG to look after that There were no
> problems.

Um, before you do, just another opinion.
Windows may give an unknown system a drive letter. Hell I've even seen it
give drive letters to systems that don't exist (2 W: drives - wtf??!)
So yer, I have seen it allocate drive letter to systems that do exist. It
does read the partition table as a starter for this info. So if thats
broken, or the partition table is unrecognisable you can get extra
letters... i have seen it - only when something is broken tho..


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Re: [SLUG] backup using rsync and file permission

2000-10-24 Thread Scott Howard

On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 09:52:00AM +1000, Ian Ward wrote:
> Just an extra to Scotts post
> UNIX keeps UID/GID as numbers.

Unix does, rsync doesn't (unless you tell it to).

By default, rsync will first try to match up usernames, and if that fails
it will only then fallback to UID.

> number, files magically belong to someone else after copying.  As
> administrator, you will need to keep UID/GID consistent between the two
> systems.

For NFS and the like, yes.  For rsync, no need.


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Re: [SLUG] New User with a few questions.

2000-10-24 Thread Heracles

Doug Stalker wrote:
> Graeme Nichols wrote:
> >
> > Hello Folks,
> >
> > Please bear with me if the questions I am about to ask appear to be a
> > bit silly. I am completely new to Linux.
> >
> > I have just installed Red Hat Linux 6.1 onto a 10G HD.
> Welcome!
> [...]
> > Linux still works fine. WIN 98 works just fine and doesn't hang around
> > trying to sort out the HD. It sees C, D & E (the CDRom). I can go to the
> > D drive under Win 98 but again cannot actually do anything such as DIR.
> > A message comes back saying that some thing else has the drive. I am not
> > game to try a format on D in case it may be the Linux partition.

Under win98, format the D: drive. It will not be your Linux
partition. Win98 will not give an unknown system a drive letter. I
have set up several systems in almost exactly the way you
described and they all worked fine. The only problem I had was the
booting, and once I got GAG to look after that There were no

Have fun with it. If you make mistakes you can always reinstall
AND you will have learned something.
Once again, welcome to the Brave New World and remember 7x9 is not

Stay well and happy

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Re: mirror, mirror was: [SLUG] New User with a few questions.

2000-10-24 Thread Rodos

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Patrick Mougin wrote:

> > > As a recent Linux newbie (and also a UNSW student), I have found it a
> > > delight to use . It's really _really_ cool and
> >
> Well, considering that I usually try to do my updates in the off-peak

Being always on the lookout for a good fast mirror I decided to compare
cse.unsw and mirror.aarnet to see how they fair. The time is about 10:00pm
so I expect that they are getting average trafic.

Downloadeding Communicator 4.75 of 17.04Mb

aarnet  unsw
hops9   13
total time  1:16s   1:08
avg speed   224.21 KB/s 250.59 KB/s
max speed   334.2 KB/s  378.2 KB/s

So it looks like unsw is a bit faster. However aarnet has much much more
stuff from what I could see. Think I will stick with aarnet for a while.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] | A complex system that works is invariably found to
Camion Technology | have evolved from a simple system that worked. [John
+61 2 9873 5105   | Gall]

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RE: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets

2000-10-24 Thread George Vieira

I don't think it's a ipchains issue as it drops packets and lets others
through. If it was a IPCHAINS problem then it would either work or not.. not

I had a weird route problem which I never found which route actually caused
it but I ran ARPWATCH and watched the emails come through and it popped up
with messages saying that an IP on one of my NICs was changing MAC addresses
between the two cards (eth0 and eth2) which was causing telnet sessions to
drop off the network.. Could be something similar.. doesn't hurt to run and
try it..

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Bernhard Lüder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 4:35 PM
To: Marshall, Joshua
Cc: SLUG user group
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets

have you done:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

This will enable forwarding in the kernel (Gurus, please correct me, if I am

In addition you might want to try to add this ipchains

/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -s -d -b

not sure about the netmask. Is a class A and therefore needs only

Try also:

/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -s -d -b

That should do it.


-Original Message-
Marshall, Joshua
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 5:15 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets


I'm having weird happenings on my firewall.

I have two ethernet connections, with this setup:

10.10.10.x LAN
 | (eth0)
   Firewall (eth1)
   Firewall 2
10.0.1.x LAN

The problem I'm having is forwarding data between the eth1 to
the 10.10.10.x eth0. Packets are working fine for the rest of the

On the firewall machine, I can successfully ping anything, anywhere.

The 10.10.10.x LAN cannot ping the system past (which is
firewall) - every second packet is being dropped, no matter what the

The 10.0.1.x LAN can ping to also, but cannot ping past it.

The routing tables on the firewall say that the 10.0.5.x subnet is on
eth1, as is the 10.0.1.x subnet. I can ping these from the firewall so
that is working fine.

The routing tables on the firewall say that the 10.10.10.x subnet is on
eth0. I can ping these from the firewall also so that is working fine.

The ipchains rules (in, out, forward) accept the 10.x.x.x subnet on both
eth0 and eth1. These shouldn't be affecting it as half of the packets
get out. At least, the in and out are working fine - the forward one
isn't anything spectacular (accept 10.x.x.x on device eth0 or eth1)

For those interested, I need to have ipchains there as I have other
interfaces on this machine (three PPP dialups) that need firewalling.

Is there anything I've overlooked? This one is getting me beat.


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RE: [SLUG] Visual Age for Java on Linux [Slightly OT]

2000-10-24 Thread George Vieira

The best I can help you with is to check out IBMs news server.. I think they
have a group there for it.
We are using version 3.5 but I'm not game enough to try it under Linux as it
killed my server at home being very resource hungry..

George Vieira
Network Administrator
PGP Fingerprint :   43DC 92AC 1A82 27B2 E97B  52F1 B60F 301A 38A9 A10C
PGP KeyID:  0x38A9A10C

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 6:22 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Visual Age for Java on Linux [Slightly OT]


I am running VAJ on linux, and am having problems exporting progams (ie
I have developed an app in VAJ, but am having problems assembling a
release of the code that will compile on other machines w/ javac (JDK)
or the IBM java VM)

I was wondering if any SLUGers had experience with this.  I have hunted
around the web but come up with precious little.

Thanks in advance


(Apologies for the slightly OT content)

Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it did not help
rabbit much
-- R.E. Shay

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Re: [SLUG] What is the best value modem for linux

2000-10-24 Thread Jon Biddell

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Now that I've got the linux box to run, I'm thinking about upgrading the
> modem to 56k, its currently a lowly 28.8k. Can anyone recommend a good
> internal/external modem. I read that software/win modem is not supported
> under linux.

Indeed, the are not (AFAIK), and are horrible, evil things anyway.

Banksia are good value - I happen to have a Wave Sp V.90 here that
is currently surplus to requirements, and in perfect condition,
should you care to make me a sensible offer.

I have been using this to connect to my ISP for several months now,
and have just gone over to a 3COM Pro Messaging Modem (I need the
off-line FAX capability, which the Banksia doesn't have).



"It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the Internet"
John Wiltshire - SLUG

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Re: [SLUG] Star Office and Printing.

2000-10-24 Thread Heracles

> I've never been able to get this to work. I can get it to print out the
> sample pages from within spadmin, but when I try to print real documents
> they silently fail...
> The printers are setup correctly via lpd because I can print from anywhere
> else.
> Any further hints?
> Ta,
> Mikal
Use the "generic Post Script" printer and have Ghostscript do the
work. It does a good job and can be set to work interactively. I
had it working this way sending the print jobs to an old bj300
until it died.

Stay well and happy

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Re: [SLUG] Redundant Email systems

2000-10-24 Thread Colin Humphreys

I recon you could do it by setting a real big value on the mx record of
the secondary box. Set up the server so that any mail (should be almost
never) it receives are fired off back at your primary as well as being
locally delivered

This way the secondary box grabs mail if the primary is down.

When the primary comes up, the messages are fired off back at the
primary (assuming it hasn't been down for too long).
This means users may get some messages twice.

The record for may have to be changed manually...(or
maybe the same thing as with the mx records could be done) so set time
to live at like 15mins.

Optionally if you wanted mail not downloaded to be on the secondary, a
regular (i.e. every 10mins or so) rsync over ssh of the local mail
directories from the primary to the secondary could be done...

John Ferlito wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 10:07:23AM +1000, Marshall, Joshua wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a good method to make an email system redundant, so
> > that if one server goes down (power loss, network loss etc) the users
> > can still retrieve and send emails ?
> Send emails shouldn't be too much of a problem. You can setup
> something like heartbeat todo ip takeover and pretend to be the outgoing
> mail server for a bit. Recieving is really difficult though. Almost
> impossible because you would end up with mail spools in two different
> places when the other box comes up and you would have to find a pop
> client that would deal with that. Unless you have a third box which NFS
> servers /var/spool/mail then you could setup both boxes as primary MX's
> and allow either of them to deliver. But you need to make sure you get
> locking right.
> --
> John
> The difference between a good man and a bad one is the
> choice of cause - William James
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Redundant Email systems

2000-10-24 Thread Michael Still

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, John Ferlito wrote:

> mail server for a bit. Recieving is really difficult though. Almost

Some sort of fetchmail config?



Michael Still ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 - Panda PDF Generation Library (
 - GPG Public Key at

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RE: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets

2000-10-24 Thread Bernhard Lüder

have you done:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

This will enable forwarding in the kernel (Gurus, please correct me, if I am

In addition you might want to try to add this ipchains

/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -s -d -b

not sure about the netmask. Is a class A and therefore needs only

Try also:

/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j ACCEPT -s -d -b

That should do it.


-Original Message-
Marshall, Joshua
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 5:15 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets


I'm having weird happenings on my firewall.

I have two ethernet connections, with this setup:

10.10.10.x LAN
 | (eth0)
   Firewall (eth1)
   Firewall 2
10.0.1.x LAN

The problem I'm having is forwarding data between the eth1 to
the 10.10.10.x eth0. Packets are working fine for the rest of the

On the firewall machine, I can successfully ping anything, anywhere.

The 10.10.10.x LAN cannot ping the system past (which is
firewall) - every second packet is being dropped, no matter what the

The 10.0.1.x LAN can ping to also, but cannot ping past it.

The routing tables on the firewall say that the 10.0.5.x subnet is on
eth1, as is the 10.0.1.x subnet. I can ping these from the firewall so
that is working fine.

The routing tables on the firewall say that the 10.10.10.x subnet is on
eth0. I can ping these from the firewall also so that is working fine.

The ipchains rules (in, out, forward) accept the 10.x.x.x subnet on both
eth0 and eth1. These shouldn't be affecting it as half of the packets
get out. At least, the in and out are working fine - the forward one
isn't anything spectacular (accept 10.x.x.x on device eth0 or eth1)

For those interested, I need to have ipchains there as I have other
interfaces on this machine (three PPP dialups) that need firewalling.

Is there anything I've overlooked? This one is getting me beat.


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Re: [SLUG] Outgoing port-redirection

2000-10-24 Thread chesty

On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 03:06:33PM +1000, Doug Stalker wrote:
> So:  Is it possible to set up rules with IPchains (or something similar)
> so that all packets to be forwarded to a particular port number (-p TCP
> --dport XXX) get sent using an interface different to the one specified
> in the routing table, while still being masquraded?

Mark the packets you're interested in with ipchains (man ipmasqadm)
and masquerade them.
Use policy based routing to route the marked packets to a different


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[SLUG] Visual Age for Java on Linux [Slightly OT]

2000-10-24 Thread Stephen Graham


I am running VAJ on linux, and am having problems exporting progams (ie
I have developed an app in VAJ, but am having problems assembling a
release of the code that will compile on other machines w/ javac (JDK)
or the IBM java VM)

I was wondering if any SLUGers had experience with this.  I have hunted
around the web but come up with precious little.

Thanks in advance


(Apologies for the slightly OT content)

Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember, it did not help
rabbit much
-- R.E. Shay

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