RE: [SLUG] freeswan

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] freeswan

It's on my home machine.  I will send it to you over the weekend.

P.S.  Still having some trouble with it.  Have decided to go back to 2.2.19 as they suggest to see if it's me or the kernel that's causing the problem.  As it compiles perfectly, I am suggesting it's more my lack of iptables knowledge that's causing most of my problems.

-Original Message-
From: Ken Foskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2001 12:54
To: slug
Subject: Re: [SLUG] freeswan

This is for me to work from home so no time limit and no quotes.  They 
handed me a windows client on a disk, useful as tits on a bull.

The other side is Raptor client,  I had a look with Google and there 
were some old mailnotes but nothing very specific.  It appears that 
Freeswan works with it.

Adam,  being very lasy is it possible to send me the prepatched kernel.
Is there any issue with compiling the kernel on my debian laptop and 
installing on a P100?

I thought this was a matter of adding a client and all would be rosie. 
  I was a little wrong on that,  I hope that freeswan goes mainline into 
the kernel or a module at some stage.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] freeswan

2001-06-14 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] freeswan

I am starting to (after 3 weeks) have some success with the June 11th Snapshot on 2.4.5 kernel.

My advice with freeswan is:-

(1)  Read EVERYTHING first
(2)  Get yourself a faster processor.  You may have to compile your kernel more than once as you get used to how it works (the first time I compiled it I forgot to add in ppp, for example).  Compiling the kernel on a P100 will take a considerable amount of time.

(3)  When you test the first time, test from the far left subnet to the far right subnet.  Don't test from the gateway machines.

It's a challenge.  Satisfying when it works, though.

-Original Message-
From: Ken Foskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2001 1:47
Subject: [SLUG] freeswan

I want to run a debian firewall with freeswan for internet and a VPN 
tunnel.  IPSEC with IKE and a shared secret.

This box will be built from scratch on a minimal harddisk, P100 
processor.  It must redirect my internal network to the internet.  It 
will redirect specific IP addresses through freeswan VPN  (10.x.x.x 
series and other).

OK how do I configure a freeswan firewall deb package the easy way?
Any hints or pointers?
Any apt-get configurations?

My starting point will be 2.2 debian disks, but I have a cable modem now 
:-) so internet installs not a problem.

There is a lot of discussion about not 2.4 kernels,  is this still current?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Controlling RH7.1 from command line

2001-06-03 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] Controlling RH7.1 from command line

Sorry, I think you have misread me.

I need to create a printer on the machine which points to an SMB printer on an NT box, and then share it as below.


-Original Message-
From: Matthew Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2001 11:37
To: Adam Armstrong
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Controlling RH7.1 from command line

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, Adam Armstrong wrote:

> I have taught myself how to do most stuff under RH7.1 by editing files from
> the command line, including ppp connections.  It is imperative to allow
> remote ssh support of my client's networks.
> However, any suggestions on how to set up a SMB based printer from the
> command line without using RedHat's Xwindow printconf tool?

Edit smb.conf to add the printer?  It's all fully documented in the man
pages, and there are a multitude of examples on the web and in the Samba

Matthew Palmer

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Controlling RH7.1 from command line

2001-06-03 Thread Adam Armstrong

I notice that more 
and more configuration of RH7.1 needs to be done from XWindows.  For 
example, Setting up a Dial up connection is done by a XWindow program Red Hat 
I have taught myself 
how to do most stuff under RH7.1 by editing files from the command line, 
including ppp connections.  It is imperative to allow remote ssh support of 
my client's networks.
However, any 
suggestions on how to set up a SMB based printer from the command line 
without using RedHat's Xwindow printconf tool?
Adam Armstrong 
BES Information Technology 
Systems 80 Albert 
Street Brisbane QLD 
4000 Australia Phone 
61 7 3221 7599 Fax 61 7 
3221 7657 email:  

RE: [SLUG] outlook calender contacts substitute

2001-05-09 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] outlook calender contacts substitute

HP Openmail has all Exchange Server functionality including Contacts, Calendars, Group scheduling, web access, etc.  

go to

Adam Armstrong
BES Information Technology Systems
80 Albert Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone 61 7 3221 7599
Fax 61 7 3221 7657

-Original Message-
From: Alister Waller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 May 2001 16:34
To: Slug
Subject: [SLUG] outlook calender contacts substitute


Is there a substitute for using outlooks email, calender and contacts etc
that would run on a windows PC but use a central linux server to hold the
shared data?

In other words a nice (windows) client and linux server email/calender and
contacts solution.

We cannot change the workstations over to Linux.


Alister Waller (B. Comp)
Technical Consultant - Roadtech Systems Ltd
Phone: 02 98073516 Fax: 02 98085294

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Virus Scanner

2001-05-03 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] Virus Scanner


This was about 2 months ago:

Runs on Redhat 6.0 - 6.2.  You need a special version from Trend to run on 7.0 which is hidden on their ftp site.  Contact them and they will tell you how to get it.

Had all sorts of problems configuring it for no open relay with sendmail. 

If you want to run the http scanner, go and buy a lot of memory.

And I found it quite expensive.

But, it works well, it was the only one that got Anna when it came out, it updates well, management is good (web based).


-Original Message-
From: Tony Green [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 2:39 PM
To: Penguinillas
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Virus Scanner

* This one time, at band camp, Jeff Waugh said:
> Hi all,
> I'm quite comfortable with Amavis and its other mail exploder friends, but
> have been kicked in the pants with yet another proprietary software product
> implosion... (AVP no longer being sold in .au)
> What's the happiest scanning product that runs under Linux? Must be able to
> handle file system scanning and stdin scanning nicely. :)

As discussed on #slug, I use Trend for ISP class antivirus on Solaris
('cause the sendmail solution only runs on Sol).  The demo of the linux
stuff which we used looked pretty good - online updates etc etc.

I'd recommend it.

GnuPG Key :  1024D/B5657C8B 
Key fingerprint = 9ED8 59CC C161 B857 462E  51E6 7DFB 465B B565 7C8B

Imagine working in a secure environment and finding the string 
_NSAKEY in the OS binaries without a good explanation
    -Alan Cox 04/05/2001

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] Fix for ADSL Problem

2001-04-18 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] Fix for ADSL Problem

This problem cost me 20 hours of my life.  But I solved it with no help from Telstra

I rang them on Monday and asked if they could give me a hand.  The guy, while helpful, had absolutely no idea what to do. 

The funny thing is I had a problem with a Cisco router not talking to a ISDN connection correctly a couple of weeks ago.  I rang Telstra, and a guy there was giving me IOS commands from the top of his head over the phone to try to ascertain what the problem was.  He didn't fix the problem (it was a physical ISDN problem), but he certainly impressed me with his knowledge and the simple fact that he didn't treat me like a home user.

Now, wouldn't it be good if Telstra employed a Linux Guru to make our life a little easier?

-Original Message-
From: Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2001 12:33
To: Rebecca Richards
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Fix for ADSL Problem

> I sometimes wonder why Telstra will not support linux for ADSL, as it clearly
> works quite well.  As you have found out (and I noticed as well), getting the
> ADSL connection going under linux took _far_ less time than it did for the
> techie to configure it under Windows (and ultimately stuff it up completely).


i managed to stuff up my interfaces setup sufficiently that after
installing the second nic the box failed to boot... i had to boot from
rescue, mount the right partition, edit the interfaces config and bring
the box back up...  and that was included in the half an hour it took to
install it!!  :)

> It's _very_ hard to diagnose installation issues when Win98 does not have logs
> available.  That scenario comes down to the skills of the techie (and the
> customer sometimes).

it is the techie's skills that prevent them from doing linux... can you
imagine if they got something like the problem recently mentioned here
(caused by the redhat dialler), the techie would be a babe in the

combine that with the owner of the box being a newbie and they would
have a hell of a time... cutting us off from support is a way to save
themselves time/money/headaches...

> Thanks Marty.

that's cool... credit where credit is due... ;)

> I get lots of hits on the page but very little email with suggestions, comments,
> corrections, criticism, or praise.

maybe the lack of corrections/criticism is because there isn't much to
write about... :)

the only thing i could suggest would be indicating that when setting up
the nic, after ensuring it has no config anywhere in the system, the
command to use is:

ifconfig ethN up

simple i know, but it would save a ton of possible questions from
newbies trying to use "ifup ethN" or the like...

you could also point people at firewall assistance... the tool i use
(pmfirewall, is a fantastic tool, just answer a bunch
of questions and it writes the ipchains scripts for you... maybe you
could link to a site or page that covers those kinds of tools

the lack of praise really is a sad sign of the gimme, gimme, gimme
attitude a lot of people have these days... :(

> I'm hoping to get my ADSL reconnected soon (as I've just moved residence).
> Updating distros through a 33.6k line is rather _slow_ (12 months ago I thought
> it was quite fast).


progeny 1.0 is the first to benefit... it was getting 30kb/s from
planetmirror when i left home this morning...

to those who can't get broadband, if you have large files or ISOs that
you want to get your hands on, just let me know and i am happy to oblige
with the download and CDR...


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Fix for ADSL Problem

2001-04-17 Thread Adam Armstrong

You guys might like 
to know that I fixed my problem with my ADSL connection not 
I installed RH7.0 
for the fourth time on another machine, this time with no network card.  I 
decided to add components until it didn't work.
It browsed first 
time.  I added another ethernet card, squid, squidGuard, IP Masquerade, 
firewalling, everything and it still worked.
The thing that 
stopped it was when I went to the RH Dialler to set up my other ISP modem 
connection.  Killed the ADSL connection.
Removed the new 
connection, put everything back - still doesn't work.  Checked routing 
tables, everything -  no luck.
I had a backup of it 
just befire this so I got it going.  I will work on the Dialler problem and 
let you know what it is.
Adam Armstrong 
BES Information Technology 
Systems 80 Albert 
Street Brisbane QLD 
4000 Australia Phone 
61 7 3221 7599 Fax 61 7 
3221 7657 email:  

RE: [SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

2001-04-16 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

Strange isn't it.

The results come back from the Web Servers as you can see.  But, Lynx (for example) just sits there and does nothing.

I have tried three boxes - one on RH 6.1, and two on RH 7.0 (one as a virgin install from scratch).  All three do the same thing.

It's probably something really simple I have missed.  Any suggestions are now welcome.


-Original Message-
From: Crossfire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 April 2001 16:56
To: Adam Armstrong
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

Adam Armstrong was once rumoured to have said:
> Just letting you know that I still haven't got this connection working.  I
> will be spending a fair bit of time on it tomorrow morning.  

Actually, given your last posting with the result from your telnet
attempt, it was working.

  Crossfire  | This email was brought to you
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | on 100% Recycled Electrons

[SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

2001-04-16 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

letting you know that I still haven't got this connection working.  I will 
be spending a fair bit of time on it tomorrow 
anybody know of someone in Telstra support who is quite happy to talk 
Linux? Adam 
On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 04:47:35PM +1000, Adam Armstrong 
wrote: > I have now spent 17 hours on a problem, and 
decided I may need some help. >  
> I have tried to get a Redhat 7.0 box to attach to 
Bigpond ADSL.  I had it > connected, pinging and 
ftp'ing 16 hours and 55 mins ago.  It can also smtp, > pop3, telnet, everything. >  
> But I still cannot browse a web site.  

what happens if you telnet to the following places and hit enter 
a few times 
telnet 80 telnet 3128 telnet 8080 
does it just hang, do you get a reponse back or conection 
refused? -- John Ferlito 
Senior Engineer - Bulletproof Networks ph: +61 (0) 410 519 382 

-- SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group 
Mailing List - More 

RE: [SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

2001-04-12 Thread Adam Armstrong
Title: RE: [SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

Thanks - didn't think of that test.

If I press enter, nothing happens.  However, I get a response using a get:-

telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.


501 Method Not Implemented

Method Not Implemented
get to /index.shtml not supported.
Invalid method in request get

Connection closed by foreign host.

I'll keep on testing this and tcpdump.  Any other ideas would be most welcome.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 04:47:35PM +1000, Adam Armstrong wrote:
> I have now spent 17 hours on a problem, and decided I may need some help.
> I have tried to get a Redhat 7.0 box to attach to Bigpond ADSL.  I had it
> connected, pinging and ftp'ing 16 hours and 55 mins ago.  It can also smtp,
> pop3, telnet, everything.
> But I still cannot browse a web site.  

what happens if you telnet to the following places and hit enter a few

telnet 80
telnet 3128
telnet 8080

does it just hang, do you get a reponse back or conection refused?
John Ferlito
Senior Engineer - Bulletproof Networks
ph: +61 (0) 410 519 382

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Problem with Bigpond ADSL

2001-04-11 Thread Adam Armstrong

I have now spent 17 
hours on a problem, and decided I may need some help.
I have tried to get 
a Redhat 7.0 box to attach to Bigpond ADSL.  I had it connected, pinging 
and ftp'ing 16 hours and 55 mins ago.  It can also smtp, pop3, telnet, 
But I still cannot 
browse a web site.  
When I go into 
Netscape or Lynx, type in a web site, it just sits there and hangs.  If I 
connect the box to another ISP via modem, it browses OK.
I am using RP, and 
have tried everything I can find in mailling lists 
(1)  Manually 
lowing MTU on network card and ppp connection, all the way down below 
1000.  Editing adsl-connect to ensure this is done.
(2)  Got my 
browser to try to use on ports 80, 3128 and 8080 
(and all other Telstra caches I could find).
(3)  Disabled 
all IP Masquerading (eventually it will be a gateway), all other ethernet cards, 
IP routing.
Any suggestions 
would be welcome.  Although I am connecting in Brisbane, everything on port 
80 is going through a transparant proxy in Melbourne.
Could it be a 
Brisbane problem?
Adam Armstrong 
BES Information Technology 
Systems 80 Albert 
Street Brisbane QLD 
4000 Australia Phone 
61 7 3221 7599 Fax 61 7 
3221 7657 email: