Re: [SLUG] Firewalls

2002-02-26 Thread Catie Flick

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 10:26:12AM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Linux doesn't have 'firewall products', per se.  You use one of ipfwadm,
> > ipchains, or iptables (depending on kernel version) to set up rules in the
> > kernel which are then used to block/allow/filter/redirect/ traffic
> > between interfaces.
> All of which are crazy-crack and hard to configure (the elitists in the back
> row can kiss my...) -> I believe the poster is looking for firewall
> configuration software, not the chunks of metal shavings that actually do
> the work down at the bottoms levels of Obscurity Central Station.

Doing my usual plug for freshmeat ;) - there are a lot of projects around on
freshmeat - so many they're coming out of my ears! Well, not exactly.
Anyway, have a look around there - a new ratings system has come in recently
that might help you find a good one.

Personally I've only ever used Bastille Linux to 'harden' a box, and have
sat down with the 'Linux Firewalls' book by Ziegler (excellent excellent
reference) and taught myself ip[chains|tables] because I didn't really trust
the script generators myself :-)



More humorous freshmeat contributors:
"How do I get it out of my computer? disconnect does not work, It comes
right back..I dont know how it got there in the first place...Thank you"
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Re: [SLUG] Solaris 8 vs Linux

2002-02-26 Thread Catie Flick

On 26 Feb, Tony Green wrote:

> The security issue you are talking about, in my opinion, is not a real issue
> but a 'management issue'.  They don't understand that the security through
> obscurity which MS is pushing is not the way to go.

But there *are* security issues with Solaris (recently a rather
intriguing exploit for login of all things), and the attitude of hushing
up security issues by Sun is quite silly, and completely
marketing/PR-driven. (A friend works for a large security company in the
US, he's been told by his boss to stop hacking on Solaris because a)
there are just too many exploits, and b) they just Don't Want To Know.)
At least Linux developers, kernel and other, take security problem
reports seriously and deal with them.

Other than these issues, Grant, Solaris is quite a nice stable choice
for production systems - has powerful clustering/database/etc, but
really only suits quite high-end production/development systems. The
nice thing about Solaris is if you pay enough money to Sun, you get
really quite good support (in my experience, YMMV :). And the PHBs get
peace of mind. :)

But for your requirements, I'd go for Linux on x86 too - who needs
platinum Sun support when you have this list? ;)


More humorous freshmeat contributors:
"How do I get it out of my computer? disconnect does not work, It comes
right back..I dont know how it got there in the first place...Thank you"

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2002-02-01 Thread Catie Flick

On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 11:55:09AM +1000, Steven Kerr wrote:
> I am starting a project at my place of employment that requires the
> use of a WebCAM for monitoring Government controlled equipment
> (Gaming)
> Any information regarding the Logitech QuickCAM Express or the
> Creative Video Blaster WebCAM along the following lines would be
> appreciated.

Hi :) I just bought a Creative Video Blaster webcam and it isn't supported yet - it's 
an ov518 which is unsupported unlike the ov511 based cameras. (the other creative 
webcams are supported under that chipset, and it wasn't until I got the thing home 
that I discovered it's an unsupported chipset (dammit, I'm taking the thing back today 
:-) )

The quick cam express is supported, but is a fairly substandard cam IMHO.

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Re: [SLUG] IP Tables Question

2001-12-02 Thread Catie Flick

On  2 Dec, James Newburrie wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a bit of a problem and I am not sure how to go about fixing it.  As it 
> goes Telstra Bigpond Advance cable sends a heart beat on port 5050, it is a 
> UDP packet, and the built in iptables under mandrake don't let this through, 
> so my connection drops in a most regular fashion.  I read the documentation 
> but I still don't know how to open port 5050 in the IP Tables.

Hi! I have this line in my iptables init script (don't know where that
is for you on mandrake but it's in /etc/init.d/ for me on debian).

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i eth1 -p udp --dport 5050 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

where $IPTABLES is the path to iptables, eth1 is my telstra-cable
connected eth card. Just to tell you what it does, it ACCEPTs the input
from eth1 if it's a udp packet on port 5050 with the state of NEW :) 

You'll also want to put this line in your bpalogin.conf (most probably
in /etc ):

localport 5050

(default behaviour for bpalogin is to select a random unprivelaged port
unless you tell it not to)

> Another interesting thing is that ICMP packets are completely blocked from 
> the outside world.  And no matter how many times I go into linuxconf and tell 
> the machine to allow ping and tracert requests, it resets itself back to 
> ignoring them.  This wrecks havock when I try LANing it (Because samba shares 
> are not visable).

Hmm, make sure the lines to let icmp through are in your iptables script
:) I don't use linuxconf but I when I tried it a while ago it didn't do
what I would tell it to... that may have changed but then again maybe
The ways to let in icmp packets are usually in fairly standard iptables
howtos :)

Hope that helps.



So when the Shredder kidnaps sombody because they know the lady who saw the 
turtles who talked to the rat who was owned by the guy who dated the girl 
who lived in the house that was built by the cat who ate the rat who sat on 
the mat that was made out of the same material that the hat that Shredder 
wore way back in the day where he'd spend all night long disco dancing, he's 
either crazy or he's Canadian, he's not Canadian so that narrows it down.


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Re: [SLUG] Filesystem flame^H^H^H^H^H discussion.

2001-10-31 Thread Catie Flick

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > Would it be out of place for someone to explain the differences?
> Between version 3 and 4? How about... 4 doesn't exist yet? ;)
>   Check this out:

I dunno, but a site that has "testimonials" for their fs makes me think of
various "fast-acting fat-sucking weight-loss therapies'" sites. :-)



  ___ ____
  )_   ( '-,) )   _(
)_  \_//_/  _(   Catie Flick
  )___  ___( [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] Microsoft XP Anti-Theft Features Cracked within Hours of Product Launch

2001-10-28 Thread Catie Flick

On 28 Oct, Peter Hardy wrote:
> My money was on it taking at least a couple of days, but there you go:

Yeah, we have the devils0wn release (no activation thingos) on one of
our boxen atm... it's kinda pretty and they've done some nice things
although the UI is much more busy.

I wouldn't upgrade from 2k though, if I were running 2k... it seems to
be pretty similar in performance, although we've not really tested it
fully :)


  )_   ( '-,) )   _(
)_  \_//_/  _(   Catie Flick
  )___  ___( [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] Help *!?

2001-10-26 Thread Catie Flick

Your haiku also,
No seasonal reference,
Cherry blossoms fall.


On 26 Oct, Zhasper wrote:
> Your haiku sufferes
> It lacks of two syllables
> Mystification
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Nick Croft wrote:
>> What on earth!?
>> Victoria Bitter Script?
>> Return to sender?
>> N
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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  )_   ( '-,) )   _(
)_  \_//_/  _(   Catie Flick
  )___  ___( [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Laying Tongue & Groove, was Re: [SLUG] Tracing Network Addresses

2001-10-04 Thread Catie Flick

On  4 Oct, Terry Collins wrote:

I do believe there are additional parts:

> 1. Take one board
> 2. Shave off tongue
  2.5. Groove
> 3. lay first board, nail well.
> 4. lay second board[1], clamp[2], nail,
> 5. repeat 4 until opposite wall reached (don't nail last 1/2 boards[3])
> 6. remove bottom lip of the groove of the second last board
  6.5. Groove
> 7. shave last board to fill space.
> 8. fit last tow boards like so /\.
> 9. step/bash last two board down.
  10.5. Groove

*competes with greeno and peter for a hiding place*


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2001-10-03 Thread Catie Flick

So I was browsing my SMH this morning, and whose bright smile should I see
but K's?!

Quick people! Go out and grab a copy! Frame it! (And congrats, Mr.
Conrad "Rising Star" Parker! :)


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Re: [SLUG] video/audio cards for Linux

2001-10-01 Thread Catie Flick

On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, Crossfire wrote:

> ALSA's Emu10k1 driver (the driver used for the Sound Blaster Live) is
> a bit more mature - it's had fairly good support for the card's
> additional features, such as the card's MIDI interface and the
> wavetable.

Yeah, the SBLive! is a pretty neat sound card. Pretty much no complaints
except that I haven't been able to get cds to play in the cdrom. Though I
hear that's been fixed recently, so I might have a bash at it again :)
Otherwise it's fairly easy to set up and if you're installing from scratch
most distros seem to detect it and put things in the right places for you

Just my (insert obligatory mention of a small amount of money),


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Re: [SLUG] own domainname with non-permanent connection?

2001-06-23 Thread Catie Flick

On 24 Jun, Dave Fitch wrote:

> I haven't managed to find any place that does this, except
> as part of a "web hosting package", ie. for big $$$.
> I don't mind paying but not very much, obviously free would
> be better still.
> Anyone got any recommendations or places to look etc?

There are a couple of places in the US that offer webhosting, for I use . I use their mailservers as
well, so I don't know about the mail issues - they're quite quick at
returning messages, so it might be worth your while asking.
Upsides: Cheap. Fairly reliable. Unlimited mail, ftp, etc accounts.
Shell accounts.
Downsides: a little slow, frequent reboots of their redhat servers. (as
of now, (my server) has an uptime of 3 days.)

Another place is which my boyfriend runs from - seems a lot faster than digitalspace, but
I don't know anything about their mail setup.

Hope this gives you an idea of some options :)



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] Whats the go with this list ?

2001-06-07 Thread Catie Flick

On  8 Jun, Matt Allen wrote:
> Hey all,
> Im guessing the ratio of men to women on this list is like 95:5 at best, but is it 
>just me or have we all got a bad case of PMS ?
> It seems that no-one can ask a question anymore without getting their arse bitten 
>off for some reason or another.
> Lately ive been changing over the the slug mailbox in mutt for a laugh, its like 
>like a friggen year 8 "im better than you" yelling match.
> Anyone else feel like this should be [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

Year 8 girls show a lot more subtlety and a lot less stupidity than you.


 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] Where to get Agenda PDAs ?

2001-06-05 Thread Catie Flick

On  5 Jun, Jon Biddell wrote:

> Not wishing to piss on Anthony's parade, but I had a look at the Agenda 
> developers site today, and they have a "special" white & blue model with 16Mb 
> RAM, 8Mb "flash", and a few utilities that you can get for $179USD.
> Problem is many of the reviews I was able to find on this say that the 
> company has serious problems, should not have released the PDA so soon, etc. 
> etc.
> Maybe Catie Flick can shed some light on what the beast is actually like , 
> being the only person in The Known Universe (i.e. Sydney) that has one that I 
> am aware of.

Yup, if you want to pop along to my site at the slides are linked from
there. If you, or anyone else, has any more questions about the talk,
please feel free to email me (at this address) or if they think everyone
else here would like to know more, to the slug list.

I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge, but remember that I'm in
no way affiliated with Agenda Computing :) so I don't know why their
phones aren't responding, I don't know much about what sorts of payments
they accept, etc.



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: tkRat email client Re: [SLUG] mutt and urls

2001-05-16 Thread Catie Flick

On 16 May, Terry Collins wrote:
> Catie Flick wrote:
>> > Can it pre-sort incoming mail?
>> > Can the mail folders have sub, sub-sub and sud-sub-sub folders?
>> by "pre-sort" do you mean procmail? :p
> If that is the only pre-sorting, then so be it. There is plenty of
> procmail support on the WWW.
>> As I said, it may not have the features *you* want. So stop trolling ;-)
> No trolling, just trying to sort out some basic must haves before I
> would consider it. I currently run netscape and nested folders is a must
> have before I can replace it.

Yup, looks as though nested folders is quite happily supported. *plays*
I used netscape mail before this, and I was very impressed with tkRat
when I first used it :)
The thing I like best about it is that if you're lazy and don't write
procmail rules until after your inbox fills up, you can detach the "move
to folder" option (which displays all your folders), rest your mouse
over the folder you want all the spam to go into and roll your third
mouse button, which it interprets as a mouse click in that case, so all
the spam can go into the folder very easily :) It also has a really nice
set of keyboard shortcuts, which I find fairly necessary in an email
client (even a gui one ;)

Sorry about the ramble, just I think it needs some exposure because it
really is a nifty little app. There's even a howto in the LDP on it (not
that that means it's a great app automatically ;)



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: tkRat email client Re: [SLUG] mutt and urls

2001-05-16 Thread Catie Flick

On 16 May, Terry Collins wrote:
> Catie Flick wrote:
> ..snip...
>> I don't want to start a mail client war, but I've found tkrat to be just
>> that :)
>> I've used it for a good 2 1/2 years now, and no complaints.
>> May not be what you're after, nor have all the features you want, it's
>> tk so it's a little uglier than, say, evolution or whatever, but I'm
>> happy with it.
> Can it pre-sort incoming mail?
> Can the mail folders have sub, sub-sub and sud-sub-sub folders?

by "pre-sort" do you mean procmail? :p

As I said, it may not have the features *you* want. So stop trolling ;-)
As far as I know about folders, there are several different types of
foldering that tkrat can do. I like my file folders, so I leave it that
way. There's also database folders (a tkrat thing to make searching
quick 'n' easy), there is the ability to access remote folders locally,
etc, etc. Have a look, I haven't explored all the options fully :)



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] mutt and urls

2001-05-15 Thread Catie Flick

On 16 May, Dave Fitch wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 04:07:09PM +1000, Mike Lake wrote:
>> How do you guys use mutt and view urls ?
> I copy and paste with the mouse into a netscape window
> (but I am running mutt ssh'd into another machine from
> the one I'm using and running netscape on).
> Oh for a nice gui but simple and 100% reliable mail client.

I don't want to start a mail client war, but I've found tkrat to be just
that :)
I've used it for a good 2 1/2 years now, and no complaints.

May not be what you're after, nor have all the features you want, it's
tk so it's a little uglier than, say, evolution or whatever, but I'm
happy with it.



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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[SLUG] OT - Douglas Adams

2001-05-12 Thread Catie Flick

I'm sorry to announce that many geeks' favourite author, Douglas Adams,
has passed away.
has the announcement
is the h2g2 forum

Many condolences to his family and friends.



 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] Crazy Book Review Action!

2001-05-05 Thread Catie Flick

On  4 May, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> Please email back to the list with:
>   - Your favourite Linux or Free Software related quote.

There are a couple that I love the best:

Just go ahead and write your own multitasking multiuser os!
Worked for me all the times.
-- Linus Torvalds

Oh, and this is another kernel in that great and venerable "BugFree(tm)"
series of kernels.  So be not afraid of bugs, but go out in the streets
and deliver this message of joy to the masses.
-- Linus, in the announcement for 1.3.27

... and the ultimate:

Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.
-- Linus Torvalds


Oh yeah, and I'd like to have a look at the Linux Programming book if I
win, please ;)


 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] erk, fetchmail

2001-05-03 Thread Catie Flick

On Fri, 4 May 2001, John Clarke wrote:

> `fetchall' and `keep' are per-user options, so you could put something
> like this in your .fetchmailrc:
>   poll server1 protocol pop3 username "user1" password "password1" 
> fetchall nokeep
>   poll server2 protocol pop3 username "user2" password "password2" 
> nofetchall keep uidl
> The `uidl' option forces client-side tracking of newness of messages so
> that you download messages that you've not seen, rather then messages
> that no-one has seen.

Thanks, John, I did however notice that fetchmail complains about server
option after user options if I placed 'uidl' where you suggested in that
line... I fixed this by placing it closer to the 'poll' command :-)
(i.e. poll server2 uidl protocol pop3 username)

Thanks a lot for your help!


 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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[SLUG] erk, fetchmail

2001-05-03 Thread Catie Flick

Greetings, sluggy types,

I'm currently playing with fetchmail (curse, boo, hiss etc) and I have a
couple of email addresses that are just mine (so 'fetchall' is fine), but
one that the development team looks at (so it needs to stay on the
server). I can use 'keep' (-k), but it means that each time fetchmail
polls the mailbox, *all* the messages are downloaded again. It seems as
though this isn't the ideal behaviour... does anyone have any ideas as to
how to get it to download only the ones I've already downloaded, but leave
the things on the server?

Thanks in advance,


 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] OT: 2Br Unit for Share

2001-05-02 Thread Catie Flick

On  2 May, Andrew Rembrandt wrote:
>> Bandwidth connection? :)
>> hehe...
> No broadband as yet, but will have soon [ADSL capable, or possibly telstra
> cable].
> [this is the slug list, broadband is a requirement :) ]

You can get broadband into a unit? I was under the impression telstra
had issues with installing it in units... or maybe I'm just delusional


 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] For great victory!

2001-04-30 Thread Catie Flick

On Tue, 1 May 2001, Adam Kennedy wrote:

> Now, I've only done a little bit of PHP, so I think someone else would be
> much better qualified to tout PHPs advantages.

I must say, I quite like PHP for its simplicity and ease of use. I like
knowing the "full picture" of things, and thus can envisage web pages much
easier if I can see the HTML around it too. However, you don't need to
embed as much as you think into the actual HTML, that's what "include" and
"requires" is for. :)

But as to speed of writing, my online journal took about 2 days to
implement ( - it's a mysql (I'd have
postgres but my hosting place didn't have it) db driven journal with full
editing capabilities, etc. I'm planning to niceify it and release it when
I finish some more features (email notification, etc) and make it easy to
edit the default backgounds/settings etc.

I'd love to join in on some webcoding, but I only know PHP (and am
currently learning perl for work, but am still a novice there)... I've
joined the web-devel list anyway :)

If anyone else has some PHP happiness to add here, please do!


 Acephali \A*ceph"a*li\, n. pl. [LL., pl. of acephalus. See Acephal.] 1. A
fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.


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Re: [SLUG] ISP requests IP block back

2001-04-18 Thread Catie Flick

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Dave Fitch wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 09:13:29PM +1000, Alan Lee wrote:
> > The address space is owned by, but my company is listed in the aunic
> > database for that IP address range.
> if it's you're dealing with, it's probably their stuff-up,
> it's a fair bet anyway, i've never heard of them getting anything
> right, especially admin/billing type things.
> (IMO are up there with AAPT as telecomms
> companies that manage to make telstra look good)

*cough* I'd agree with that, I'm currently working on a contract job for
OneTel (through the company I work with (better not mention names
here ;-) ) and I'd have to say their admin
is not the best I've seen. Put it this way, getting useful information out
of them or trying to get them to change their ways is like bashing your
head against a brick wall. They also like "playing" with their firewalls,
a wonderful thing when they block out their own HASs. 
Good luck with the IP block, I don't envy your having to deal with them :)


"When impertinent reporters ask if I'm gay, I say, 'I'm mildly cheerful.'"
- Sir Arthur C. Clarke

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