Re: [SLUG] Wireless PCMCIA and PCI Adapters

2005-05-02 Thread Rocci
I'm posting this via my DLink G650 (Not the G650+) which is an Atheros 
chip based card. (The same one that James has only an older revision)
I'm running Debian + Linux and the MadWifi drivers for this 
card work well.
Support for wpa (TKIP) is done via wpa_supplicant which works well for 
me at home using WPA PSK.
I am having some issues with wpa enterprise mode though with 
certificates + uni network but I did once have this working too. I am in 
the process of resolving that though.

Hope this helps
Shane MacPhillamy wrote:
I'm trying to help a friend set up Ubuntu with 802.11 wireless access. 
I've had a look at a few of the websites regarding chipsets and 
vendors that work with Linux. The  websites I have looked at appear 
not to have been updated much in the past 6 ~ 12 months.

I've had some success with a Belkin PCI wireless adapter on RHEL 3 
using ndiswrapper, however when I tried Fedora Core 2 with 
ndiswrapper, something appeared to be broken (didn't have time to do 
too much investigation).

Of the  more readily available vendors: Belkin, DLink, LinkSys, 
Netgear, Cisco? can anybody offer some suggestions on possible choices 
for both PCMCIA & PCI cards?

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Re: [SLUG] Puppy Linux

2005-03-08 Thread Rocci
john gibbons wrote:
I think I just successfully downloaded the iso for Puppy and I also 
think I have successfully burnt a copy. No guarantees on either score, 
I am still in the early stages of understanding much about Linux.

Can anyone tell me if Puppy can be installed to dual boot with the 
dreaded XP? If so, how might it be done?

It would be appreciated if advice can be expressed in as non technical 
language as possible.

I don't know much about this puppy suffice to say I have not heard of it 
but if it's anything like the other major distro's then it should be 
possible to dual boot it with windose.
Possibly the easiest way for you to do this is to partition your drive 
first, having decided on partition sizes for each OS.
Then install windows onto one of the partitions, then install the puppy 
onto the other.
You may wish to post this question to the puppy forum for a more 
definite answer. Otherwise I say just try it. What's the worst that can 
happen ? Lose windose? meh.

- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] PCMCIA 802.11g recommendations

2005-03-01 Thread Rocci
James Gray wrote:
Hi All,
Yes I've STFW, Googled and checked the archives.  I'm going to be upgrading 
my PCMCIA card on my lappy to support 802.11g (and possibly 802.11a + WPA)

So far my search has yielded to potential candidates:
Linksys WPC55AG [2]
Netgear WG511U [3]
I know to get either of these working I'll probably need to use that (evil) 
ndis wrapper and so gentle coaxing or possibly get them working with 
madwifi drivers.

Does anyone have any specific experiences with either of these cards?  So 
far I've only turned up info about models that are "close" (like the WPC55G 
and WG511T etc).  Can anyone recommend an 802.11a/b/g card that supports 
WPA that DOES work under Linux?

[1] Home is an 11b/g access point, work is 11g only (with WEP), Uni is 11a/b
   with WPA only (ie, no WPA==no link)

I use a DLink DWL-G650 which is an Atheros based chip. Using the MADWiFi 
driver under Linux works. And yes I've even got it to work with WPA at UOW.
However, since I installed the 2.6.8 kernel I had problems. This however 
was many months ago and have not investigated it since.
I will however will be trying again very soon as uni has recommenced and 
I suspect there have been changes to MADWifi with better support under 2.6.x
Anyway, I'll catch up with you at UOW and you can try out my card for 
All findings of course shall be posted to SLUG. :)

- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] samba roaming profiles with windows XP errors plzz help

2005-02-13 Thread Rocci
pesoy misak wrote:
Dear slugger
I am installing my windows XP box that saves the
profiles to my linux server box that running samba.
I changed the setting from console management for the
users to use roaming profiles and set the path to the
\\mandrake\profiles\users. ok all is well. after
relogin to the computer again the error message

âWindows did not load your roaming profile and is
attempting to log you on with your local profile.
Changes to the profile will not be copied to the
server when you logoff. Windows did not load your
profile because a server copy of the profile folder
already exists that does not have the correct
security. Either the current user or the
Administrator's group must be the owner of the folder.
Contact your network administrator. â
it seems like the local computers doesnât want to copy
to samba servers any idea to solve this problem 

many thanks in advance

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

Does your samba share that contains the user profiles have correct 
access privelages ?
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Re: [SLUG] Copying a CD to disk image

2005-01-26 Thread Rocci
Brett Fenton wrote:
sounds like you're out of luck. 

as a last resort, you could try mounting the cd, copying recursivley the 
contents to a temporary directory then using mkisofs to make the iso. 

fwiw. i've only ever had this problem on burnt disks. they appear fine in some 
cd devices and have difficulties in others. 

regards, brett
On Thursday 27 January 2005 08:57, Peter Rundle wrote:

I've always been able to make a copy of a cd or floppy onto the hard disk
by using dd. I.E
  dd if=/dev/cdrom of=myimage.iso
I've been trying to do this with some FC3 cd's but after copying about
630Mb the process starts throwing messages up onto the console about bad
block read's. This goes on for several minutes and trying to kill the dd
process doesn't seem to work, though it eventually dies. When I mount the
resulting .iso images with -o loop they appear ok and I can see all the
directories and file names but if I try to copy an .rpm from the mounted
file system it's no good. So obviously the cd's are dud right!
BUT! I've just done an install of a working system from the very same CD's
and even ran through the little check media utility at the start which said
the CD's were OK.

Did you install this working system using the very same CDROM drive that 
you are using with dd ?
Your problem may be related to media/hardware quality rather than data 
The drive you are using to do the dd with may simply "not like" that cd 
Just last night I was having problems reading my Q3/UrbanTerror CD using 
both a Sony & a Mitsubishi CDROM drive.
However the same disk worked perfectly fine in an Optorite CDROM.
I've since copied that to another brand CD (TDK) and now all my 
workstations & drives are happy and I can play UrT3.1 again :)

- Rocci
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Re: [SLUG] in.ftpd & umask

2005-01-16 Thread Rocci
John Clarke wrote:
On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 12:12:20 +1100, Rocci wrote:

using ftpd (in.ftpd) can someone please tell me how to set the default 
umask ?

If it's wu-ftpd, change "defumask" in /etc/ftpaccess, e.g.:
   defumask 002
If it's vsftpd, change "local_umask" in /etc/vsftpd.conf, e.g:

(whoops, and now to the list instead of just john)
It's neither of those but I think I'll remove ftpd and install wu-ftpd 
as it seems to be very popular.
Hmmm, that's a pity as I just got the chrooted jail configured and 
working for this ftpd.
Any thoughts/comments appreciated.

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[SLUG] in.ftpd & umask

2005-01-16 Thread Rocci
using ftpd (in.ftpd) can someone please tell me how to set the default 
umask ?

I've tried adding the -u "mode" option in inetd.conf but that didn't do it.
- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] installing debian sarge

2005-01-13 Thread Rocci
sam rosenfeld wrote:
I have always used only one partition (and a swap) on my hard drive, and I 
have been using
slackware 10 on partition 1 of my HD.  I want to switch back to Debian, but I
want to retain the work I've already stored in the slackware partition. How do 
ensure that I will be able to write a bootable version of sarge onto a 
free hda3 partition?  I wxpect to switch over completely to Debian but until 
swtch I want to use both slackware and debian.


Not sure if you you've already had a look at this but it should contain 
some valuable info: 
(assuming your using an i386 based system)

I'm no expert but I would expect that installing debian (sarge or 
whatever) onto a completely separate partition ( in your case hda3) 
would not disrupt your existing Slackware partition on hda1.
I believe the only thing common to both partitions ( if you are using 
this method) would be LILO on the MBR. And I believe the debian 
installer will pick up the fact that you already have another OS 
installed on hda1 and so write that to lilo.conf. In which case you 
should be OK to install debian on hda3.
I haven't installed Sarge this way myself but have done similar with 
woody and then upgraded to Sarge.

Hopefully a more experienced debian slugger can confirm whether this is 
correct or not.

- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] exim4 deb pkg not creating conf dirs

2005-01-10 Thread Rocci
David Fisher wrote:
Have you already install exim4 and exim4-base?

Nope, I didn't have either of them there already. However your advice 
gave me an idea.
I've since purged exim4-config seperately and then purged 
exim4-daemon-heavy, then reinstalled exim4-daemon-heavy and that's
fixed it. The config script runs this time during install.
Thanks David.

- Rocci
11/01/2005 12:20 PM
   To: Slug 
   Fax to: 
   Subject:[SLUG] exim4 deb pkg not creating conf dirs

This email message has been processed by MIMEsweeper
Hey sluggers,
Can someone please tell me how to fix up a stuffed up debian package 
situation ?

I'm trying to install exim4-daemon-heavy on a Sarge version of Debian 
but apt-get install exim4-daemon-heavy is not creating
all the directory paths. Eg. /etc/exim4...with related contents in it. 
The exim binary is installed etc..but much other important stuff seems 
to get sucked into some black hole on my drive.
I've removed previous version of exim using apt-get remove. Then tried 
repeatedly to install exim4 without complete success.
Tried dpkg-reconfigure after the install but this doesn't help either.

Any ideas clues would be appreciated.
- Rocci.

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[SLUG] exim4 deb pkg not creating conf dirs

2005-01-10 Thread Rocci
Hey sluggers,
Can someone please tell me how to fix up a stuffed up debian package 
situation ?

I'm trying to install exim4-daemon-heavy on a Sarge version of Debian 
but apt-get install exim4-daemon-heavy is not creating
all the directory paths. Eg. /etc/exim4...with related contents in it. 
The exim binary is installed etc..but much other important stuff seems 
to get sucked into some black hole on my drive.
I've removed previous version of exim using apt-get remove. Then tried 
repeatedly to install exim4 without complete success.
Tried dpkg-reconfigure after the install but this doesn't help either.

Any ideas clues would be appreciated.
- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] updating gaim apt-get

2004-10-05 Thread Rocci
Gareth Smith wrote:
currently my list.source file has sources from
but I can't get the latest gaim.
To use msn I need version 0.69 or greater, the only version of gaim I 
can get is 0.58 and I can't run msn on this version as they say on
Which version of Debian are you using ? Looks like stable from that link.
According to 0.58 is the 
version for Debian Stable.

You may need to dist-upgrade to a later version of Debian or "force" 
your Debian to install a later Gaim package.

I believe there are ways to force Debian to install packages but this 
may have adverse affects on dependencies, hopefully a Slugger with more 
advanced Debian experience than I can offer some advice there (Palmer ? 
, Gray?)

How do you update apt-get to get the lates updates?
I've tryed apt-get update
apt-get update simply updates the index of packages available from the 
sources specified in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. So, if any new 
packages are released and are relevant to your version of Debian or your 
sources.list file, then apt-get update will download those details. It 
doesn't upgrade/install any software or packages as such. It simply 
prepares your Debian for the next "apt-get install" or "apt-get 
dist-upgrade" you do.

Doing "apt-get install gaim" after you do an apt-get update should 
install the latest version of Gaim for your Debian. Again, this will 
depend on your version of Debian or what sources you have listed in 

I updgraded my Debian to Sid and installed Gaim version 0.80
- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] PHP, MySQL book recommendation

2004-09-09 Thread Rocci
Hi everyone,
Does anyone have a recommendation for a book on this subject ?  For someone who 
is new to Linux and knows nothing at all about the subject all Beginners books 
look similar.  Even Amazon has mixed reviews about some books.  

Vlad seems pretty good. I don't have 
it myself but you can download part of it and check it out for yourself.
I'm waiting for the new version that includes PHP5, due out soon.
Unfortunately the current version is sold out.

- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] Wireless PCMCIA cards - recommendations

2004-09-02 Thread Rocci
Simon Wong wrote:
On Wed, 2004-08-25 at 21:16, Simon Males wrote:

Its like looking for the digital holy grail.

Feels like it :-)

Can't wait till WPA support hits the streets, so I can finally WiFi at 
uni in linux.

Yeah, what a drag!

Prism2/2.5/3 cards are the one for that. Using hostap drivers, with the 
hostapd service.

Okay but the thing is working out which damn cards have which chipsets
I feel I'm stuck in a Google whirlpool...

Does anyone have any experience with these cards or another on the list?

Yeah its pretty good, but I keep hitting this bug.

I'm wondering whether to stick with 802.11b for the moment and find a
Prism2/2.5/3 based card.

This might be a bit late now but I thought it might be of use to some.
I've finally got wpa (TKIP+PEAP+MSCHAPv2) happening on my laptop at Uni.
Using a DLink DWL-G650 Atheros based card (RevC) running the MADWiFi 
driver & wpa_supplicant on 2.4.27 (haven't had time to try on 2.6 
kernel) I finally have access to the Uni network with Linux. Ahh 
what a nice relief.
My main prob was due to the lack of support for Linux at UOW. No one 
there could tell me how to get hold of the ca certificate so I just 
logged in using XP , copied and converted that ca certificate on Linux 
and SHAZAAM !! I'm now cruising on 802.11 a & b @ UOW's WiFi network.
Oh yeah and KDE3.2's KWiFiManager works a treat.

So, if ne1's still shopping for a card, you may wish to consider an 
Atheros based card *IF* the others seem a bit tricky. ;)

- Rocci.
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Re: [SLUG] Wireless PCMCIA cards - recommendations

2004-08-25 Thread Rocci
Simon Males wrote:
Simon Wong wrote:
I've decided to upgrade my wireless pcmcia card to something *really*
well supported under Linux.

Its like looking for the digital holy grail.
It seems that the Prism chipsets are very well developed so after
perusing the Prism54 supported cards list
( it seems
that the Netgear Wg511 and the 3com OfficeConnect 11g are the pick of
the bunch.

Got a Netgear WG511, because I basically visited the same page.
I want something that will do 128bit WEP, WPA (for when it's supported
and yes, I will use a *real* VPN later).

Can't wait till WPA support hits the streets, so I can finally WiFi at 
uni in linux.

It would be great to have something that allows you to set it up as an
AP and to sniff air traffic for testing work.

Prism2/2.5/3 cards are the one for that. Using hostap drivers, with 
the hostapd service.

Does anyone have any experience with these cards or another on the list?

Yeah its pretty good, but I keep hitting this bug.
I've just installed a DLink DWL-G650 (Atheros chipset) using the MADWifi 
I've only just managed to compile the WPA support (wpa_supplicant) 
successfully. While the wpa_supplicant binary seems to run ok and look 
for an AP,
I can't be certain it works until I test it on the uni network tomorrow.
I've had to jump through some hoops to get this card to work but I 
REALLY wanted to have network access at uni with Linux.
Hopefully my efforts will bear success.
I will post an update advising of my success or failure.

Having said that, IF you are at all thinking of going with an Atheros 
based card I suggest you visit first.
Then should you require WPA support, take a look at
You may not see fiery hoops as I did, but only a walk in the park. ;)

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Re: [SLUG] ld: cannot find -lssl

2004-08-24 Thread Rocci
Matthew Palmer wrote:
On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 12:45:36AM +1000, Rocci wrote:

Hi folks,
I'm trying to compile source for the wpa supplicant but the linker 
complains about ssl.
I've got openssl installed (deb package) and I'm not sure exactly which 
library it's looking for.
Ideas/suggestions/clues that may point this newb to the right direction 
would be greatly appreciated.

Short answer:
Building programs typically requires the 'dev' version of the necessary
packages to be installed.  In this instance, you need to install libssl-dev.
Long answer:
The -l flag is essentially a shorthand for "look for ||
lib.a in all the configured library directories".  "Configured
library directories" are whatever has been configured in your linker, plus
the arguments to any -L options you might have.
So, putting -lssl on the linker command line will make the linker look for
(for instance) /lib/, /lib/libssl.a, /usr/lib/,
/usr/lib/libssl.a, /usr/lib/i586-linux/,
/usr/lib/i586-linux/libssl.a, /usr/local/lib/,
/usr/local/lib/libssl.a, and so forth.  (The system may start looking for .a
(static libraries) only after it's finished looking for .so's in all places,
I can't really remember).
So, since the linker is looking for a file called in one of the
usual library directories, you can wander over to, scroll to the bottom ("Search the contents of
packages"), type '' in the keyword box, pick your distribution, and
click 'Search'.  That'll tell you that the libssl-dev package contains the
file usr/lib/, which solves your problem and makes everything cool.
Wasn't the short answer easier... 
- Matt

Yep, the short answer was easier, but the Long answer was very helpful 
and informative.
Thanks for that Matt.

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[SLUG] ld: cannot find -lssl

2004-08-24 Thread Rocci
Hi folks,
I'm trying to compile source for the wpa supplicant but the linker 
complains about ssl.
I've got openssl installed (deb package) and I'm not sure exactly which 
library it's looking for.
Ideas/suggestions/clues that may point this newb to the right direction 
would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [SLUG] help with MySQL database to web

2004-08-05 Thread Rocci
Peter Rundle wrote:
G'day Rocci,
I thought I'd throw in my own beginners version of a PHP/mySQL prog.

As you state that your a php beginner I thought that you may not be 
aware that php can be interspersed within html. Your example could 
have been written thus;

House Database
Listing of houses

I'm not claiming this to be any more "right" than the way you've 
written it but you might find this a very useful feature of php. (I've 
heard that there is a perl interpreter that allows perl to be 
"embedded" within html now too).


Yes I was aware of this.
My choice of method was largely due to my php inexperience.
I see now though that in some circumstances it may be more appropriate 
to use an html file with embedded PHP.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention Peter.
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Re: [SLUG] help with MySQL database to web

2004-08-05 Thread Rocci
Michael Lake wrote:
Trevor Tregoweth wrote:
HI All
i was wondering if someone could help me, this is probably a simple 
task, but for someone thats not done any before it seems impossible
I have a mysql database, with data in it, and i would like to be able 
to produce that data on a web page, so would appreciate some 
examples, i don't mind if its simple, just want to be able to view it 
via a web page

This is an example of a perl script that connects to a database of 
Journals on my laptop. The MySQL database is called 'Journal'
Note this is not meant to be secure its just a test I had around.

- perl script --
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $user = 'root';
my $password = 'your_mysql_root_password';
my @row;
my $date = `date '+%a %b %d, %Y'`; chomp $date;
# Connect to the Database
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:Journal', $user, $password,
{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 });
my $query = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM journal");
# Print the HTML header - note the two blank lines \r\n\r\n
print qq{Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n

Test Database Access
# Print the data preformatted.
print "Todays date: $date ";
while ( @row = $query->fetchrow_array ) {
print "@row";
# Print the HTML end.
print qq{

-- end of Perl script --
Here is the output as a HTML page
Its the Journal_id, volume, part, the issue_month, issue_year.
Test Database Connectivity
Todays date: Thu Aug 05, 2004
2 133 3 4 December 2000
3 134 1 2 June 2001
4 134 3 4 December 2001
5 135 1 2 July 2002
6 135 3 4 April 2003
7 136 1 4 December 2003
--- end HTML --
Here is the Journal database table that was queried:
Sorry it wrapped badly so I cut bits out but you get the idea.
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra
| journal_id | int(10) unsigned
| volume
| part
| issue_month | 

| issue_year | year(4)
Hope this helps.
I thought I'd throw in my own beginners version of a PHP/mySQL prog.
I slapped this together quickly as I was after a small web database 
solution in a hurry.


print "House DatabaseListing of houses\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "Results of search: Please note that date is in 
year-month-day format.\n";
//One day I'll do something about the date format
print "IDHouse No.Street 

$user = "username_with_access_to_the_DB/Table";
$pass = "users_password";
$db = "database_name";
$table = "name_of_table";
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE stnumber LIKE '%$stnumber%' AND 
stname LIKE '%$stname%' AND suburb LIKE '%$suburb%'";

//Connect to the database:
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", $user, $pass);
if(! $link)
die("Could not connect to database");
//Select the database to work with:
mysql_select_db( $db, $link)
or die ("Couldn't open $db: ".mysql_error() );
$result = mysql_query($query , $link);
if (! $result)
die("No matches found.");
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
//While there continues to be data in the returned set, we loop and 
print this out in a table.
while ( $a_row = mysql_fetch_row( $result ) )
print "\n";
foreach ( $a_row as $field )
print "\t$field\n";
print "\n";

print "";
print "Number of records found: $num_rows";
print "Search 
print "Return to Home 

- end paste ---
Obviously the variables such as "stnumber", "stname" etc.. are from the 
posted html form and used as part of the SQL search query.
I found PHP works really nicely with mySQL as it has some great support 
for it. I'm sure there's many expert PHP/SQL sluggers out there who 
would agree.
And if you're already familiar with languages such as C/C++, you will 
find picking up PHP even easier.

Hope this helps you out.
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Re: [SLUG] Dell notebook. Any experiences

2004-06-24 Thread Rocci
Ben Donohue wrote:
Hi Slugs,
I'm just about to purchase a Dell Inspiron notebook. (Taxtime)
It comes with XP but Linux will definitely be loaded on as well.
Any experiences, Good, Bad or Ugly with Dell and Linux?

I run Debian on a Dell Latitude C840 (similar to earlier Inspiron models).
I've found my latty is well supported. Basically everything works, 
including the 3Com LAN, PCTel modem and Nvidia video card drivers etc...
Heck, I've even got the ACPI working to some extent, well, I can press 
the power button and it kills X and then shuts down, yay.

These links may help you.
Check out the chipsets your Dell has and confirm driver support.
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