Re: [SLUG] Wine & setup

2005-04-04 Thread telford
On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 01:09:18PM +1000, Alan L Tyree wrote:
> I have a windows based CD that I would like to install and use with
> Wine. The setup.exe prog crashes.
> What's the best way to proceed? is there anyway to extract and install
> without using the setup.exe program?

If you have a spare Microsoft box which is relatively clean you can
do the setup on that box, then move the files across yourself BUT
don't just go right ahead and do the setup... do it this way:

 * Get a list of all the files on the Microsoft machine (before install)

  DIR /S C:\ > files1.txt

 * Dump out the entire registry as a text file (using regedit, before install)

 * Do the install

 * Get a new list of all the files

  DIR /S C:\ > files2.txt

 * Dump the entire registry as a different text file (again, using regedit)

Now you need to get those dump files onto a linux box and use diff:

 $ diff files1.txt files2.txt | less
 $ diff dump1.reg dump2.reg | less

Hopefully, that tells you what files you need, hopefully they aren't
scattered about the place too much. Note that some registry settings
may be keyed to a particular machine, some may be encrypted or encoded
in some hex encoding. This isn't a guaranteed method but it gives you
a fighting chance.

Also note that if you install the cygwin environment on the Microsoft
machine then you can use "find" to scan out the files which is better
than "DIR /S" also then you get "diff" and "less" without needing to
swap back and forth to Linux.

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Re: [SLUG] running Konqueror as non-root + lan:/ ioslave + "illegal" port assignment for NFS

2005-04-05 Thread telford
On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 12:22:26AM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> You can't talk to an NFS server set up like that with any non-root program
> in a safe and sensible manner. You can, however, set up the server to accept
> connections from unsafe ports. This is pretty reasonable if it's a read-only
> share, or you're in a trustable environment... but it's completely unsafe in
> most circumstances. :-)

Using a "trusted" port as a measure of security is unsafe under almost every
circumstance. In effect you are trusting the physical security of the subnet
plus every machine on that subnet.

Suppose someone clips a laptop (or palm pilot, or wristwatch) to a spare
ethernet outlet or jumps onto your wavelan... suddenly they have acess to
a "trusted" port (and a "trusted" ip too).

> Just add "insecure" to the nfs options list on the server.

If only there was a "secure" option... *sigh*

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Re: [SLUG] dealing with compromised machine ?

2005-04-06 Thread telford
These suggestions are for next time, I suspect it is too late
to take any of these on board in this particular situation.

On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 08:16:14AM +1000, Voytek wrote:
> I have a compromised RH73 machine, until such time as I can pull it down,
> what can I do to identify and shut down any rogue processes/backdoors ?

First thing I would suggest is some network dumping. Consider either
ethereal or tcpdump, get an old, dumb hub and drop it into the ethernet
connection to that machine, be quick so it doesn't lose connectivity for
more than a few seconds. Then put a temporary machine on the same hub,
bring up an interface (but give that interface no IP number) and start
dumping to hard drive. Don't use a switch! Old 10Meg ethernet hubs are
best but you can still get 100Meg hubs if you search.

Save those dumps for when you talk to the police (of course you are
going to do the right thing and report this) they will find the dumps
very useful. Hopefully whoever broke in will make some contact with
the broken box and might reveal something about themselves.

NB: at this stage you do NOT want to do anything abnormal that might
make it clear that you are paying great attention to this machine.
The sniffer machine can be completely self contained with no contact
to the outside world other than silently sniffing. Don't even think
about trying to sniff on the same machine that is broken.

> I've removed all the baddies, but, I expect there will be some open ports ?
> is there a way to shut them in the interim period till I can get to the
> machine ?

There is a big problem with leaving a compromised machine active and
also removing stuff while it is live. It is a much more dangerous
thing than just leaving the compromised machine alone. Whoever has
broken your machine has (approximately) the following priorities:

[1] Remain undetected
[2] Keep the machine active and stable
[3] Collect information
[4] Use the machine to break other machines

Once they know they have been detected the above priorities go out
the window and they really only have one thing that matters anymore
which is destroying evidence and cleaning up their tracks as much
as possible. By poking around and removing this and that you are
spelling it out to whoever is on the other end of the line that they
should think about filling your partitions with random numbers.

So you sort of have to operate in two distinct modes... BEFORE you
let them know they have been detected you are trying to watch from the
sidelines and make notes... when you decide that enough is enough,
then you have to pull the network plug clean, type sync a few times
and just turn it off. There's no half-way.

After you do turn it off, boot off a CDROM and take a full hard drive
image which the police will also find useful. The rootkits are quite
often customised and may contain links to websites, other compromised
machines and bits of forensic evidence that might make it to court.
Some people leave bash history behind, others leave temporary files
and all sorts of stuff. They spend all day filtering through this junk
putting clues together, often from multiple sites. You are paying for
this, might as well keep them busy and get something for your money.

By the way, in NSW the investigation of computer related crimes
is the job of the fraud squad, see

- Tel  ( )
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: FW: [SLUG] Possible hacker Attempt

2005-04-06 Thread telford
On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 09:48:48AM +1000, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> My bad.  Of course Linux apps can be just as badly written as M$ apps 
> and can have buffer overflows.
> What I should have said is that this attempt at a buffer over flow does 
> not affect Apache.

Whilst Linux apps can be badly written, there are a few reasons why
Microsoft apps tend to be worse. Consider that most of the people who
program for Linux have also tried working with Microsoft products and
they chose Linux because they wanted to do things the right way. This
has a filtering effect that pulls the strongest programmers away from
MS and toward either Linux or one of the *BSD variations. People who
care about money first and producing a good product second will tend
to go to the Microsoft camp, people who think that a good product
should be first priority and then look at money as a secondary
consideration usually gravitate in a free-software direction. Its
a difference of emphasis rather than a completely different approach
but it does make a difference.

Then there are the Microsoft customers who have not (until recently)
been willing to get nasty about software quality. With market forces
at work, if there is no demand for high security, high quality software
there will also be no supply. When Microsoft had a total monopoly
they just didn't have to care one way or the other... now that their
monopoly is weakening and some customers are getting aggressive they
are forced to care so they are making more of an effort.

As a practical example to all those C programmers out there, this is
the common idiom (since early K&R days):

int myfunc( char *stuff )
char buf[ 100 ];

sprintf( buf, "My stuff is %s", stuff );
/* do something with buf here */

Of course this is exactly what will sting you if you can't be sure
what "stuff" might contain (in technical terms we say that "stuff"
is tainted so we can't trust it). The trick is that the C compiler
puts the "buf" variable on the stack and also puts the function
return address on the SAME stack AFTER buf when it calls sprintf().
Using the same stack for variables and code pointers is a good
optimisation for speed but it is bad for security because when
the "stuff" is too big it wipes over the return address. With some
care, it can replace the return address with a pointer into itself
which sets to program running onto a completely new chunk of code.

Now redhat (and others) have a few tricks to make that more difficult,
the first is to limit the executable sections of memory and make
it illegal for executable code to exist inside stack buffers. It is
interesting that Microsoft were talking about how important this
feature is and how they would have it real-soon-now at the same time
that Redhat were shipping with it enabled. The second is using a
randomised offset for various memory chunks in the program to make
it much more difficult to figure out what return address to load
into "stuff" to make it do what you want -- then the hacked program
merely crashes rather than opening a back door. Redhat also ships
with that feature.

The easiest source-code fix is to use the snprintf() function so
that the buffer size is known to the formatter like so:

int myfunc( char *stuff )
char buf[ 100 ];

snprintf( buf, 100, "My stuff is %s", stuff );
/* do something with buf here */

But the snprintf() call is not POSIX, it is from BSD (and now adopted
by Linux) and last I looked Microsoft C did NOT provide that function.
Of course there are lots of other ways to protect yourself but the
Microsoft programmers are forced to do it the hard way.

Worse... when porting code from Linux and BSD onto Microsoft, the people
doing the port find there is no snprintf() so they knock up a quick
compatibility library that just ignores the buffer length and calls
sprintf() resulting in a nasty vulnerability but only in the Microsoft
version. Note that early Linux implementations (libc 4) had the same
hasty hack but it got fixed and I doubt that there are too many of
those old Linux boxes running on the Internet these days.

So yes, anyone can write bad code but in practical terms Microsoft
still has a bit of catching up to do.

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] Re: run levels in debian/ubuntu

2005-04-07 Thread telford
On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 02:24:03PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 02:30:21PM +1000, James wrote:
> > when I install something that I may not want to use all the time eg..
> Don't do that.  Leave the symlinks in place, but rename from Snn to Knn. 
> I've also heard that if you leave at least 1 symlink in place update-rc.d
> won't recreate all of them, but I haven't tried that.  But update-rc.d
> *will* respect your changes to ordering or S/K.  If it doesn't, that's a
> bug.
> Apart from being almost impossible to work out whether the symlinks have
> been removed or were never added, it is more correct to change Snn to Knn
> because that says "I do not want that service to be running in this
> runlevel".  No symlink says "Buggered if I know what I want done in this
> runlevel".

For what it's worth... the program "ntsysv" provides an interactive text
mode interface which might be a bit easier to work with than renaming links.
It's standard on RedHat... I'd be stunned if it wasn't widely available
on just about every other distribution too.

The only hard bit is remembering the name "ntsysv" which certainly doesn't
provide any mnemonic in my frame of reference for "that program that renames
the symlinks for you". Maybe debian has the same feature under a different
name (that wouldn't surprise me in the least).

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] Re: [chat] Wireless

2005-04-09 Thread telford
On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 11:34:03AM +1000, Terry Collins wrote:
> Phil Scarratt wrote:

> >I had someone (off-list) suggest install a "matrix" of aerials (eg 4) 
> >and run them all back to a header-amp with one output to the AP. Not 
> >sure that would work, and may be overkill anyway.

> Perhaps someone can correct me, but I understood from my physics that 
> four separate aerials all pumping out the same signal would cause 
> interference with each other.

They would, but the resulting interference pattern would not necessarily
be a bad thing. Figuring out what that pattern would be in a complex
building with reflections, etc is just about impossible but remember that
even one single aerial in a funny-shaped reflective box (i.e. a building)
will also cause an interference pattern with its own reflection.

One problem with the "matrix of aerials" idea is that the coaxial cable
that runs between them has to be low loss at GHz frequencies which is NOT
cheap cable so running cat-5 out to 4 individual base stations is going
to save money if the distances are long. Also, if all 4 base stations
are running different channels, the clients get multiple chances to get
a connection (try each channel and see which is better). I think it's
possible for smart wireless cards to check several channels at once and
hop around (not that I know enough configuration details to be able
to set them up to do that).

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] libcrypto, libssl needed for ProFTPd

2005-04-11 Thread telford
On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 09:23:48PM +1000, Voytek wrote:
> I'm trying to install ProFTPd from an rpm, but getting failed dependencies:
> what do I need to do ?
> # rpm -i proftpd-1.2.9-1.7x.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>   is needed by proftpd-1.2.9-1.7x
>   is needed by proftpd-1.2.9-1.7x
> # openssl version
> OpenSSL 0.9.6b [engine] 9 Jul 2001

I notice there's openssl095a-0.9.5a-11.i386.rpm in the package list,
you might have to install this one to get the older versions of the
libraries. If this works then that's probably the best answer.
Don't uninstall your current version, they should both be able to
be installed at the same time.

Sometimes with these library version problems, symlinks can work:

  ln -s /lib/ /lib/
  ln -s /lib/ /lib/

If that does seem to work then I would suggest you do a bit of
testing because there might be some trivial incompatibility that
causes it to crash. Then again, you probably just want to do
regular ftp which is never going to use the details of the ssl
system anyhow.

> # yum update openssl
> Gathering package information from servers
> Getting headers from: Red Hat Linux 7.3 base
> Getting headers from: Fedora Legacy utilities for Red Hat Linux 7.3
> Getting headers from: Red Hat Linux 7.3 updates
> Finding updated packages
> Downloading needed headers
> No Packages Available for Update

If droids could think, none of us would be here.

Probably misquoted... 

- Tel  ( )
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] libcrypto, libssl needed for ProFTPd

2005-04-11 Thread telford
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 08:20:58AM +1000, O Plameras wrote:
> Ah hah. 
> The procedure is:
> 1. rpm -ql --whatprovides | grep  
> etc.
> 2. If  #1 is TRUE, then fixed /etc/

But if your system is missing the critical package you
won't get an answer. It only works if you have access to a
system with all the right packages installed. For a guy
running 7.3 where everyone else is 4 or 5 versions ahead
that can be kind of difficult.

RedHat dependencies are easy to use when you have a 
reference machine "with the lot" that has been installed
with the "everything" option ticked. This machine will
always help you figure out your dependencies then you can
run your actual production machines with just what they need.

Mind you, these days hard drives are so big, running
machines ultra-lean is pretty much a waste of time.

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] Using software raid0 on 2 sata disks installing gentoo

2005-04-11 Thread telford
On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 11:01:55PM +1000, Chris Portman wrote:
> Hi everyone... im trying to install gentoo on a software raid0 array
> across 2  sata  disks.   the  boot partion is just a normal partition
> though on /dev/sda1.
> Ive read all the howtos i can find... they all go through the same steps
> and the install procedure runs through fine however when i get to the
> end and reboot... it can mount the root partition as /dev/md0 doesnt
> exist basically.

I don't know what gentoo does but on RedHat there is a magic ramdisc
file called /boot/initrd that loads with the kernel and then goes about
constructing the /dev/md0 device. It uses some tricky scripting and
goes and looks at the partition names and stuff like that. Presuming
gentoo works the same way then checking the initrd files is probably 
a place to start. Could be that you have an initrd that is suitable
for SCSI but not for SATA (the ramdisc actually contains kernel modules
and installs just the ones that are needed for your system, evil huh).

- Tel  ( )

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Re: [SLUG] Exhibitors at Education Expo

2005-04-11 Thread telford
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 09:53:56AM +1000, Terry Collins wrote:

> 4) The MS Tax is charged on EVERY computer in the school, hence there is 
> no money saving incentive to replace MS with FOSS/Linux.

I thought that was illegal... do they attempt to enforce this?

> As my wife was a teacher in the NSW Dept of Ed, I've looked at helping 
> introduce FOSS into schools a number of times. Each time I have decided 
> that I have far better things to do.

To be honest I found the same thing with UTS Engineering,
and you would think they are in a better position to understand
these things but their interest in taking risks is about zero.

> Someone who wants to dabble in this area with FOSS might consider making 
> a Live CD, especialy for simulations, demos, etc.

Or possibly start an online service for teachers since one thing
that schools are doing right is providing lots of Internet access.
Then you can use Linux under the hood and maybe encourage them to
download a bit of open-source on the side, gradually get them into
open office and gimp. Maybe get them interested in buying a server
with the same online services for their internal use which will
run faster (less users and over ethernet LAN).

I'd be game to get involved in that one if someone wants to collaborate.

> If you want to offer "certificates", consider setting up a Registered 
> Training Organisation. Then you can offer Cert I, Cert II, etc course, 
> but you do need Cert IV qualified trainers.

You got any links to explanation of how this process works?
How does the first Cert IV get created in a new subject?

- Tel  ( )

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Re: [SLUG] PHP load error

2005-04-12 Thread telford
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 01:25:59PM +1000, Edwin Humphries wrote:
> We were having some errors in execution of a cron-initiated php script. We ran
> it from the console, and got some errors.

If PHP works when accessed through your web server then you can initiate the
script by putting a lynx command into a cron script:

   lynx > /dev/null

I've often noticed anomalies between command line php execution and running
it through a web server (although in theory both should be equivalent).

If your PHP does not run through the web server then, yeah, you really do
have a problem, follow the troubleshooting suggestions elsewhere in this list.

- Tel  ( )

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Re: [SLUG] MS Tax on every computer

2005-04-12 Thread telford
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 07:50:54PM +1000, Simon wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Collins
> > Sent: Tue, 12. April 2005 12:21 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [SLUG] Exhibitors at Education Expo
> > 
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 09:53:56AM +1000, Terry Collins wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > >>4) The MS Tax is charged on EVERY computer in the school, 
> > hence there 
> > >>is
> > >>no money saving incentive to replace MS with FOSS/Linux.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I thought that was illegal...
> > > do they attempt to enforce this?
> > 
> > It was either a flat or stepped fee based on the number of computers 
> > they knew that your school had. NSW Public schools basically get all 
> > their hardware through the department.
> > 
> > So there was no incentive for say "by replacing MS with FOSS on X 
> > computers I can save $Y".
> I thought he was being cynical in the fact that it is difficult to buy a
> PC without Windows - you need to specify that and negotiate the price
> (usually cheaper).
> However this may be a reference to the 'Schools Agreement' which I
> belive DET have signed up to for all their schools - this gives schools
> access to nearly all MS software at NO extra cost - some server based
> stuff still has some cost. You pay a licence for every PC in the school
> regardless of OS or whether it is capable of running the latest MS
> software (which is all the licence covers - you can downgrade by only
> one version) BTW you are helping to pay for this through State taxes.
> While this is good for the DET schools it is a very significant cost in
> the Independent Sector. 

Heres a link from Victoria:

They say "State Wide" licenses but they don't say whether you have to pay per
PC, the implication seems to be that license fees are all paid. There are
certainly some details glossed over.

I found it hard to get details from NSW (brief search only) found this
which says all new computers are to have Microsoft pre-installed but doesn't
actually say it is impossible to get computers on the side:

There was a law passed in 1998 resulting in Section 51AC of the Trade Practices
Act making it unlawful to engage in unconscionable conduct. It goes some way
towards protecting small business against larger, more powerful, companies
treating them harshly or unfairly in a commercial relationship. In some
cases the small business can simply declare a contract void. In this case:

* The DET made the agreement on behalf of the independent schools
  (i.e. they were forced into agreeing)
* The bargaining power was enequal (MS and DET combined vs independent school)
* The schools were deprived of their ability to negotiate terms
* The schools have been deprived of their normal legal right to purchase
  software from alternative suppliers
* The schools are forced to comply with unrealistic conditions that
  are breached by any additional computer purchase (i.e. under normal
  trade conditions MS would get paid for what they deliver, not for what
  someone else delivers).

There's a chance that an independent school could fight it under
these grounds. It may have to go through the ACCC.

I think there's also a few other grounds like monopolistic practices and
Microsoft already got told not to do this sort of thing with PC retailers
(from memory their PC retail agreements were declared void both here and
in the USA). They are just repeating the entire exercise with schools.

You would have to find a proper lawyer to give you real details but if the
independent schools are getting stung by these costs, I suggest they get
together and fight it. Maybe the schools don't see how much they are getting
railroaded so they don't try to fight it, maybe they just don't care...
At least it would be interesting for them to get the full documentation
together and plonk it in front of a good Trade Practices lawyer and see
how much wriggle room they have to work in.

- Tel  ( )

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] MS Tax on every computer

2005-04-13 Thread telford
On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 11:19:38AM +1000, Simon wrote:
> None of this applied to Independent schools in NSW, they are, well,
> independent.

OK, so there is a reasonable avenue promoting the cost-saving
benefits to independent schools. But government schools are
under the thumb of the DET... somehow I got the impression
that the DET had signed a deal for the entire state. As I said,
it's a bit difficult getting published details of how these
deals work.

- Tel  ( )
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[SLUG] SugarCRM not really Open Source at all

2005-04-14 Thread telford
This really annoys me, here is a press release:

So they are having a special Open Source conference and
picking their favourite Open Source products, and there
is SugarCRM listed as an Open Source application.

So what license is SugarCRM really under? Well that depends
on where you care to look. If you look on sourceforge:

You see it listed under the Mozilla Public License 1.1
which is indeed an OSI approved Open Source license.
So now you go and download the code and you get this:

 * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version
 * 1.1.3 ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * All copies of the Covered Code must include on each user interface screen:
 *(i) the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo and
 *(ii) the SugarCRM copyright notice
 * in the same form as they appear in the distribution.  See full license for
 * requirements.
 * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004 SugarCRM, Inc.;
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): __.

Hmmm, seems to mention a "SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.3"
and also seems to mention an ADVERTISING CLAUSE requiring you
to display their logo. That's not part of the OSI definition and
it's not part of the MPL 1.1 either. Seems that their source
code does not agree with their dishonest sourceforge listing.

Then there is this license here:

Which demands not only that you show their logo but that every
single user interface page has to link back to their website.
Has this been OSI approved? Is it likely to get OSI approved?
How is it they can go around call this Open Source?

I've emailed the OSI about this and Sourceforge too and they
have both been quite sluggish doing anything about it.
I'm starting to think that neither of them really care.
I wonder how many other people have been duped by these guys...
It isn't healthy for the community and it's sad to see misinformation
being propagated.

I'm posting this as a public announcement about how difficult
it is to find anyone you can trust.

- Tel  ( )

PS: this is a personal gripe, nothing to do with me being
secretary of Slug, but I'm guessing that other slug members
might also be annoyed at a dishonest vendor.

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Re: [SLUG] GCC question

2005-04-18 Thread telford
On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 08:58:56PM +1000, David Bowskill wrote:
> HI SLUGgers,
>I have this little problem with GCC which I wonder if anyone can 
> enlighten me on.  The little program below has been run on three 
> different machines all with the same result. The program compiles OK  
> under GCC but fails with a segmentation error.  Under Borland 'C for 
> DOS', it compiles and runs correctly.

>From the "info gcc" pages:

 Store string constants in the writable data segment and don't
 uniquize them.  This is for compatibility with old programs which
 assume they can write into string constants.

 Writing into string constants is a very bad idea; "constants"
 should be constant.

 This option is deprecated.

Compiling with the above option will probably make your program work.

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] Failed Boot

2005-04-18 Thread telford
On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 11:05:21PM +1000, Simon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a RH system V9 which is hanging during boot at 'Mounting SMB
> Filesystems' we have left it for over 48 hours and it still does not
> progress. However it still responds to CTRL_ALT_DEL to re-boot, so is
> their another command I can hit on the keyboard to tell it to skip this
> part of the boot and keep going? I don't seem to be able to get the "I"
> for Interactive setup happening either - it just boots normally.

Put the RH9 install boot CDROM into the drive, boot off that and at the
boot prompt type "linux rescue" which should get you to a shell prompt
with your hard drive mounted under /mnt/sysimage (I think that's where
it ends up, find it with "cat /proc/mounts" just to be sure).

Then you can edit the /etc/fstab and put a "#" at the front of the line
containing the troublesome SMB filesystem (that comments out the line).

When you are finished, type "sync" a few times and then type "exit"
and it will reboot.

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] Buying a Printer

2005-04-19 Thread telford
On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 09:23:32PM +1000, Peter Hardy wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 18:53 +1000, Richard Neal wrote:
> > Also while Im here whats a good three in one printer that people have
> > had experience buying and using with Linux lately.
> HP anything.
> Not sure about the cost, but HP have open sourced their drivers.
> Originally on the provision that the code only be used with HP printers,
> but that's since been removed.

I've had excellent performance from the laserjet 1200 with a simple
parallel port and Postscript. It's a really nice printer, pitty they
don't make them anymore.

However, I've also had a terrible time trying to get a laserjet 1100
working on Linux which is almost the same printer... the print engine
and physical shell are identical but the 1100 has a USB interface and
no Postscript support and it uses some sucky bit image-language.
Maybe the newly open sourced HP drivers are OK, I'd say that the standard
parallel port and Postscript style interface are heaps easier.

> I've used a couple of different models, although model numbers slip my
> mind. They both printed and scanned flawlessly, though.

But the numbers are important, HP make a range of totally different
interfaces on otherwise identical printers. I think that the LJ-1300
series are still out there and reasonable value, might be worth looking at.

- Tel  ( )

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Re: [SLUG] GCC question

2005-04-20 Thread telford
On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 11:36:48AM +0300, Amir Binyamini wrote:

> telford noted that info gcc shows that this option is deprecated.
> It could be that in newer versions (gcc 3.4,gcc4)  this flag is built-in,

Quite the opposite, the option is marked as deprecated because the
authors of gcc don't much like the way you write programs and want
you to modify your code so that it will not need writable strings.

Then again, they will never be able to remove the option because
they want gcc to remain compatible with other compilers so what they
are saying is, "sure we will support your program but you are a
naughty boy to write such code."

> I don't know; but in man gcc in gcc 3.3.3 they also say
> that this is a bad idea ;I must find time  to check what implications such 
> a flag have and if
> it can cause any troubles and in which scenarios.

I'm pretty sure it never actually causes trouble, it's more of a
"good programming" argument about whether strings should be regarded
as constant or not. You can spend a lot of time arguing about
what is good programming style and people do. I've been thinking
about writing a book on as much but I'm wondering if anyone would
buy it :-)

- Tel  ( )

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Re: [SLUG] Group Calendaring Application

2005-04-20 Thread telford
On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 01:42:56PM +1000, Edwin Humphries wrote:
> A small customer for whom we're installing a Linux server wants to use
> Outlook for Group Calendaring (only) - for this some other person has
> advised an Exchange server. One alternative we have looked at is Scalix,
> but I think it's overkill for Group Calendaring only - and it's quite
> expensive for 5 - 10 users.

If they are happy to go over to webmail style interface then maybe
TWIG could do the job. It's easy to set up and works with most web
browsers. Have a look at

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] Parking wiki

2005-04-23 Thread telford


OK, I've done a bit, I'll go for a walk tomorrow and check
out the times on various parking signs around the place.

- Tel

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[SLUG] Funny IRC log

2005-04-27 Thread telford
Probably everyone has seen this, but what the hell...
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] [OT] How to write a good IT resume.

2005-04-27 Thread telford
On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 04:27:57PM +1000, Vini wrote:
> If you know about IT resumes I would appreciate if you could share the 
> information.

If only there was a group dedicated to helping their members
manage their resumes and you could look at other people's
resumes to get ideas for your own style. They would have to
be secure, and organised, and not cost too much, and be an
online community but with regular real-world social get-togethers
as well...

Could there be such a group? Would they give a talk at Slug?

- Tel

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[SLUG] Parking at UTS for Slug Meetings

2005-04-28 Thread telford
Well I've done a walk around the block a few times
and updated the Wiki. Haven't been hanging round the
brewery much so there are a few more details to be
added round that area.

Remember that anyone who registers can edit the Wiki.
It started out active but now seems to be just 
sitting around. At very least, when you find a good
News link, add it to here:

- Tel  ( )
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Old 486 DX 66 to give away.

2005-04-29 Thread telford

This is probably another good use for a wiki page...
each person with spare junk lists it on the same wiki page
along with where to pick it up from and then everyone knows
where to grab spares from.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 11:40:21AM +1000, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> Hi all
> I have been given an old 486 DX 66, 516 MB hard drive, sound card, 3.5 
> and 5.25 floppy drives, CD-ROM. Seemed to boot fine, appart from a dead 
> CMOS battery, but wouldn't boot for a second time. Haven't opened it, 
> got about 4MB RAM. I could use it for spare parts, but I have no great 
> need for most of the components in this system. You may be able to make 
> it boot and use it for a firewall.
> if you can pick it up from Croydon, you are welcome to it.
> Feel free to contact me with questions/pickup arrangement.
> -- 
> Luke
> Get my public GPG key here:

> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] wiki

2005-04-30 Thread telford
On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 08:52:04PM +0930, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> 29Apr2005 @ 17:55 [EMAIL PROTECTED] thusly spake
> > This is probably another good use for a wiki page...
> > each person with spare junk lists it on the same wiki page
> > along with where to pick it up from and then everyone knows
> > where to grab spares from.
> If only there was a group dedicated to helping their members 
> manage their resumes and you could look at other people's
> resumes to get ideas for your own style. They would have to 
> be secure, and organised, and not cost too much, and be an
> online community but with regular real-world social get-togethers
> as well... 
> Could there be such a group? Would they give a talk at Slug?

Yes both of the above were said by me but other than that,
they aren't really related. The latter comment was a hint
about Open Skills and about Bruce giving a speech at the 
meeting. I thought it was a good speech by the way.

> you could of course have a wiki page to announce new wikis.

The wiki concept automatically handles the integration of
a new wiki without needing an explicit announce page. You
merely insert a hyperlink to bridge related concept pages.

> seriously though, if I had to traverse 13 wiki pages to get
> all the info I got by just being subscribed to 1 list, I wouldn't bother.

But being subscribed to 1 list isn't really 1 thing, it is many
messages to read every day. I've noticed a few people at Slug
meetings saying, "sure I'm subscribed to the list, but I don't
actually read it".

> I like text based mailing list discussion better than web pages,

Each has advantages and disadvantages. If you want to ask a
question and get some answers or follow an actual discussion
then the mailing list is good for that. On the other hand,
the mailing list doesn't collect knowledge in an organised and
accessible form. Yes you can search the list archives but there
is no logical structure to those archives, the subjects often
don't match the content and single messages may contain multiple
unrelated issues that just happen to have all been interesting
to those people at that time.

The wiki takes longer to build and you probably have to search
a bit for what you want but at least the wiki can be structured
enough to make it easy to search. Once the structure is
established it is good for all time.

> I don't mind the occasional surplus gear posting, or side remark, but I can't
> stand politics, flaming, or persistent off-topic threads.

That is the other advantage of the wiki, nothing is off-topic
provided it goes onto a page with a name that matches that
issue. You don't like politics, I don't much like politics
either but I've been dragged into it because people are trying
to use software patents to take away my right to use free
software. I'm not expecting everyone to be interested enough
to join in with political discussion but at the same time,
we can't start a new mailing list for every new topic that
comes along. On the wiki, you just bookmark the key pages
that relate to your personal interests (or make your own wiki
page that links to stuff that matters to you) and ignore the
stuff that you don't want.

> anyway the real reason I replied to this post,
> they really helped me get a good resume together, one that has landed me 
> several
> interviews, I bought the $11 pdf book (this was several years ago, it's 
> probably
> gone up somewhat) on how to put together a resume. This
> woman has it down pat, I recommend it.

I had a look at the website, seems to have a bunch of interesting
ideas, kind of a course in "2-unit Marketing Hype".
Probably a bit of hype is necessary if you want to get noticed.

It does make me a bit nervous when the last chapter of the 
specialist "IT / Computer Resume Guide" covers the topic:
"If You Are Not A Computer Pro" but then again, I'm an expert

- Tel

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] running X11 app through Apache

2005-05-02 Thread telford
On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 03:57:46PM +1000, Julio Cesar Ody wrote:
> I tried to run a few GUI (X11) applications to run through my
> webserver, but no success so far. They simply don't run, and no error
> appear in any of my logs. Does anybody know how to do it?

X11 apps need a DISPLAY variable set in the environment and it has
to be a valid X11 display and the program (running as apache) needs
suitable permissions. You can probably get something working by getting
the web server to build a DISPLAY environment variable from the client
IP address and then using the "xhost" at the other end to open up
permissions. The result would be kind of ugly, well very ugly
actually, but it could work.

- Tel  ( )
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] running X11 app through Apache

2005-05-02 Thread telford
On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 10:05:12PM +1000, Angus Lees wrote:
> At Mon, 2 May 2005 15:57:46 +1000, Julio Cesar Ody wrote:
> > I tried to run a few GUI (X11) applications to run through my
> > webserver, but no success so far. They simply don't run, and no error
> > appear in any of my logs. Does anybody know how to do it?

> The guys seem to have even updated the Xrx browser plugin to
> work with newer mozillas..

This reminds me, the vncserver program includes a small web server
that sends you a java client and puts an X11 desktop into your browser.
Vncserver exists in various incarnations but RedHat gives
you the version. Please note the lack of
security involved with this method, it does have password protection
but no encryption. I've used it to run stuff over an ADSL line and
it is livable, not fantastic.

If you actually decide you like vnc then there are native clients
for just about every platform that give better performance than the
java client, you might also think about an ssh tunnel.

- Tel  ( )

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Re: [SLUG] ntp client test tool

2005-05-04 Thread telford
On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 12:26:29PM +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Sluggers,
> Is there a tool on Linux that allows you to test if ntp services are 
> available at a particular server?

You can do a fair bit with the "ntpq" program. Unfortunately,
the usage of this program can be a bit complex, you will have
to spend some time studying the man page. Some servers filter
out which ntpq actions they let you do so sometimes you think
you are getting it wrong but in fact you just aren't allowed
to do whatever you are trying.

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] gunzip error: invalid compressed data--format violated

2005-05-04 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, May 05, 2005 at 12:05:56PM +1000, Michael Lake wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm getting errors trying to gunzip some files of xray diffration data.
> I'm unzipping on a Linux box. The data was gziped on an SGI IRIX, stored on 
> a Novel server,
> moved over to a Windows box and eventually to my Linux box.

The most common destruction of gzip files is ftp in ASCII mode
onto the MS-Windows box. If this is the problem then there is
no way that I know of to fix it. Check that the size of the
file is the same under Linux as it was on the original SGI box.

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

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Re: [SLUG] non-interactive password script

2005-05-09 Thread telford
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 12:30:00PM +0930, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This works fine the first time, then times out when running consecutive times.
> Does anyone know what is happening and why it times out if I run it twice or 3
> times in a row?

It may not be cleaning up properly the first time through
(i.e. it does not work fine the first time, it just looks like it does).
I notice that in the smb.conf there is a chat script for samba
to change passwords and they check for:


right at the end. Maybe you have to check that too.
Also, passwd has some locks in it which cause some files
to be locked during password changing operations, I think
that lslk can detect the locks but I can't remember where
they are.

Another place to look is by doing a pstree before the first
run, then another pstree after the first run and then diff
the two, you might see a passwd process hanging around.
Then you have to do lsof on that process and see what files
it might be hanging onto.

- Tel  ( )

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[SLUG] Sebastian Rahtz - UK Open Source policy maker - in Australia!

2005-05-12 Thread telford
** Event at UTS on Wednesday 25th May 2005 **

- Forwarded message from Pia Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 09:29:32 +1000
From: Pia Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CTTE] Sebastian Rahtz - UK Open Source policy maker - in Australia!
Precedence: list

Hi all,

I've the pleasure of announcing that Sebastian Rahtz will be in Australia
and available for a public talk on the 25th May (he is only in town for two
days). Sebastian has a lot of interesting foo to talk about, and was
involved in UK Open Source policy making for Government.

- End forwarded message -

For more details see

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Re: [SLUG] Laptop recommendations?

2005-05-15 Thread telford
I'm just comparing the spec against my Toshiba A10 which is probably
obsolete but no doubt similar models are available. My main criteria
were price and Linux compatibility.

On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 09:46:13PM +1000, Michael (Micksa) Slade wrote:

> - good linux compatibility.  I want to be able to suspend-to-ram/resume.

Overall the Toshiba A10 is pretty good. I was wondering why the wireless
LAN was incompatible until someone from Toshiba who knew these things 
pointed out that the really cheap model (that I bought) comes with the
case switch and lamp for wireless LAN but does not come with any actual
wireless LAN (costs more to make two different cases than it does to
just leave chips off the board).

> - 1600x1200 display.  I've been spoiled.  I'd prefer something with ATI,
> for decent 3D graphics, but it doesn't have to be the very latest radeon
> or whatever.

Bit of a downside here, the A10 is only 1024x768, very clear and crisp,
good wide angle, not so good outside on a sunny day. Better models
are available than mine. I've found that the intel graphics chips are
pretty good, very compatible, play tuxracer and similar things very nicely.

> - at least 512M memory

comes with 256M but all laptops are expandable these days

> - at least 5 hours of battery life (normal use, ie 0 CPU, display on,
> HDD spinning). 6 would be cool.  I don't mind if I have to have 2
> batteries at once in the thing, but would prefer not to have to remove
> the CD/DVD drive to get the 2nd battery in.

That will be very difficult on a modern laptop. My old gateway could
do it no problems, the A10 gets 2 hours. All the CPU clock tweaking
that you hear so much about doesn't actually get you much (maybe another
half hour). From asking around, a lot of other people find battery
life pretty poor on modern laptops. I hate to say it but Apple is
ahead in this area (provided you don't buy the fastest models).
Note that the A10 is a Celleron, not a Pentium-M (which is better),
but the Celleron does have clock adjustment and those advanced features
so I'm not sure what makes it bad. I think that part of the problem
is that the graphic chipset consumes a lot of power even when it
isn't doing anything more than displaying a static picture.

> - at least a DVD-ROM

That's standard on the A10 and just about everything else.

> - decent keyboard and touch pad.  The keyboard and touch pad on the
> inspiron 8000 were fine. fastest keyboard I've ever used.  On the 8200
> they sucked.  The keyboard was too stiff, and the touch pad had this
> neet smoothing feature which delayed its response by about 1/2 a second
> and made it feel awful.

I like the Toshiba keyboard feel and so far I have been unable to destroy
it (which is impressive). Some of the keys have been moved around to make
it all fit, so the "Windows" keys that no one uses are tucked away in the
corner (and one is the ratpoison command key on my box), the tilde, insert
and delete are all down next to the space bar (you get used to it).

> I'd prefer a keyboard that had the cursor keys and the 6 navigation keys
> in proper groups, much like some IBMs and Dells do.  tilde and backslash
> be in sane locations.

That's narrowing the field a bit... the A10 has backslash above the ENTER
which I personally find sane but preferences vary. Putting the tilde next
to the spacebar is obviously a trade-off just to square up the keyboard
module and make packaging easier. The cursor keys are good.

> Yes, I really do want a touch pad.

I don't mind them either, I just hate the "touch to click" feature and 
haven't figured out how to switch it off :-(

> - built-in wireless OR 2 PCMCIA slots

The higher models of Toshiba have built in wireless. Can't say how well
it works with Linux.

- Tel
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2005-05-15 Thread telford
On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 11:34:06PM +1000, Visser, Martin wrote:
> Basically a highly-conductive (read metal) box with no holes (or holes
> smaller than the wavelength of the EMF you want to shield from).

For what it's worth, that's a quarter of the wavelength (for non-round
holes, you measure the longest way).

For some equipment, they spray black, conductive carbon inside the box,
it absorbs more than it reflects because it is NOT highly conductive.
I presume you can buy the paint somewhere. With a shielded box, any
unfiltered wire that goes through from the outside to the inside will
puncture the shield and carry the EMF through.

- Tel  ( )
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Re: [SLUG] Clipboards under X

2005-05-18 Thread telford
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 02:21:38PM +1000, David Gillies wrote:
> I'm currently using Ubuntu Hoary (top distro btw), but I have one minor
> annoyance. Up until I moved to Ubuntu, I'd been using Redhat/Fedora.
> The clipboard, regardless of whether I selected the text or ctrl+c the
> text, it ended up in the same clipboard.

I have exactly the same problem in Fedora Core 3 and I do seem to
remember that it was not like this a few versions back. I'm pretty
sure that fc1 was better. It isn't specifically an Ubuntu problem.

It bites me when I run java in a web browser to access St George
internet banking (which will work from Firefox with the Sun jre provided
you also install the "User Agent Switcher" and set yourself to Opera
-- weird huh). The bank statement won't allow you to "select" it at
all but it does have a button marked "copy" which will copy it to the
clipboard. But you can't paste that into emacs because emacs only
accepts traditional X11 (i.e. the text MUST be selected).

On the other hand, pasting the bank statement into gedit works fine
(and that's about all I ever use gedit for).

How anyone could have ever decided that traditional X11 cut and paste
was difficult to use and needed to be augmented with something copied
from Microsoft is beyond the furthest horizon of my wildest nightmare.
That's the fun of free software, people really are free to do wild,
woolly and sometimes really stupid things with it. They will have all
on single button mice soon.

Believing in freedom requires that you also believe in tolerance.

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] VoIP for home use

2005-05-27 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, May 28, 2005 at 12:49:51AM +1000, Simon Males wrote:
> I need some advise regarding Australian VoIP providers. I've spent a 
> good couple hours researching. Eventually I will go to a hardware 
> solution but I wish to try a software solution first (softphone). So 
> initially I wish only to be able to make outgoing calls, thus incoming 
> calls do no interest me.

I've tried "skype" on my laptop (running Fedora Linux) and it is easy
to install and gives a good clear sound. The lag seems to vary depending 
on who you call (average approx 1 second), if you follow their instructions
and open up some UDP ports on your firewall (forward them to whatever
internal machine is running skype) then you get better performance.

The software costs nothing to download and calls to other skype users
cost nothing. Calls to normal phones require you to register with their
"skype out" service but you will save a lot of money if you call long

Skype is badly behaved with respect to network traffic, it actually
runs a peer-to-peer network in the background and constantly connects
to other skype users. It also probes firewalls (both your own from the
inside and other people's from the outside), presumably all the network
probe results get sent back to "skype central" where they track network
topology and optimise their peer-to-peer routes. This is simultaneously
a good thing (it gives good performance for the user) and a bad thing
(heaps of information about your network is getting sent to a potentially
untrusted third party).

Needless to say, skype is closed source. It certainly would be good to
see the open source world come up with an equivalent, I can suggest
that if you just want to play around with VOIP then download skype
and have a bash about with it... you get an idea of what is possible
to achieve and it is about 100x easier to install and configure
than asterisk (having done both). 

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

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[SLUG] Geographic Information Systems and PostgreSQL

2005-06-02 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

There was a question last meeting with regards to
PostgreSQL and the consensus seemed to be that it wasn't
up to the job of handling GIS. I did a few performance
tests on my laptop and didn't find it all that bad,
I guess it would be interesting to race it off against
other indexing systems on the same hardware but my
results are really just scratching the surface of all
the tests that could usefully be done.

I did notice that the R-Tree performance is somewhat
data dependent although I'd like the chance to go into
that in a bit more detail. I'll add to the page when
I've run a few more tests... I remember someone saying
that they had the loan of a kick-arse server as a test
bench (was it Matt? can't remember) if anyone wants to
lend me an account on a test machine I can chug my 
test scripts across and give it a run to produce some
comparison graphs (current test is only on my laptop
which obviously has its limitations).

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

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Re: [SLUG] Linux System Administrator Wanted

2005-06-02 Thread telford
Not hassling out the job or anything, it seems like a good offer.
Just one thing I can't help commenting on...

On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 11:48:09AM +1000, Steve Waddington wrote:
> Ideal Candidate
> - Is fanatical about system administration

> - Has worked for an ISP in System administration for the last 18 months,
> taking on all work and responsibilities
> - Can demonstrate competence in all 'skills needed' areas
> - Is now looking to take a lead role
> - Is a reasonable person

Why is it that every job description has to have the word
"fanatical" in it somewhere, but at the same time anyone who
is a genuine fanatic is treated like an outcast for being
unreasonable and hard to work with?

Why not just make it clear, "We want exceptional results but
are unwilling to suffer any inconvenience in achieving those

- Tel

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Re: [SLUG] Linux System Administrator Wanted

2005-06-02 Thread telford
On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 02:31:59PM +1000, James Gray wrote:

> I've been called many things where I work:
> Security Nazi
> RFC Zealot
> Unix Pig
> Linux Whore
> Rack Monkey
> Packet Sniffer (I jest you not!)
> Sneaky Little Bastard
> Hey you!
> ...
> Never been called a "fanatic" though...maybe I'm not qualified?

Don't forget you have to also be a "reasonable person" at the same time.
Surely a reasonable person is by definition not a fanatic.

- Tel

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Re: [SLUG] Telephone recording?

2005-06-02 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 09:13:20AM +1000, Angus Lees wrote:
> At Fri, 27 May 2005 13:04:21 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > What's the most sensible and reliable way to record a phone conversation,
> > assuming a standard phone, using Free Software (and probably a bit of
> > hardware)?
> You can get phone audio into a computer by using one of those old
> voice-modems with the right AT commands (often not full-duplex, but
> that isn't a problem here), or a telephony card with an FXO port.
> Whether something like asterisk will make the software side easier or
> not, I'll leave as an exercise for the reader -- but even using
> asterisk for this step wouldn't require anyone to use VoIP, assuming
> you had a PSTN double-adaptor thingy at your end.

I have tested this with the Netcomm "Webmaster" CD1800 56k V90 and
yes it works and the AT commands are moderately well documented 
(not by Netcomm, you need to search around). Roughly it is something

Then modem sends "CONNECT" followed by a stream of 8 bit unsigned
samples. There are some other bits of stuff encoded in the samples
as a DLE (0x10) followed by a single byte so you should strip those
out afterwards.

To hang up, you send:


The exact numbers after the "=" depends on the modem and what sort
of codecs it supports. The CD1800 is about $70 retail and supports
only one codec which is 8 bit unsigned linear PCM at 8kHz.
Voice quality is reasonable, not fantastic but better than most
mobile phones. You need to split your phone line and feed it parallel
into the modem and the handset which seems to make the handset a 
little bit quieter (but maybe I'm going deaf).

This is about the easiest way I can think of for recording a phone
conversation to computer and sox will convert the resulting file
into something more presentable:

  /usr/bin/sox -v2.0 -r8000 -db -fu $infile $outfile lowp 2000

or something similar...

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

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Re: [SLUG] SQL Brain teaser...

2005-06-08 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 10:02:34AM +1000, Grant Parnell - slug wrote:

> Essentially we agree on only looking at times of the day where packing 
> activity is occurring. The jury is out on whether you can assume the 
> orders were processed sequentially based on docketdate.

Due to the nature of SQL not being a turing-complete language
(i.e. you can be SURE that a pure-SQL query will always complete,
possibly after a long time has elapsed) it turns out that it is much
easier to detect the gaps between activity that to detect the
overlap region during activity. 

For example:

junk=> select * from orders;

 ordno |  pickslip_printed   | docketdate  
- ---+-+-
 1 | 2005-06-01 14:32:16 | 2005-06-01 14:34:47
 2 | 2005-06-01 15:12:27 | 2005-06-01 15:27:26
 3 | 2005-06-01 15:12:28 | 2005-06-01 15:30:25
 4 | 2005-06-01 15:12:29 | 2005-06-01 15:21:53
 5 | 2005-06-01 15:41:29 | 2005-06-01 16:12:07
 6 | 2005-06-01 15:41:32 | 2005-06-01 16:11:45
 7 | 2005-06-01 15:41:33 | 2005-06-01 15:52:17
 8 | 2005-06-01 15:41:33 | 2005-06-01 15:49:15
 9 | 2005-06-01 15:41:34 | 2005-06-01 15:48:30
10 | 2005-06-01 15:41:34 | 2005-06-01 15:45:56
11 | 2005-06-01 15:53:00 | 2005-06-01 15:57:57
12 | 2005-06-01 15:53:00 | 2005-06-01 16:01:33
13 | 2005-06-01 15:53:00 | 2005-06-01 16:00:24
14 | 2005-06-01 16:02:25 | 2005-06-01 16:04:00
15 | 2005-06-01 16:02:26 | 2005-06-01 16:08:09
16 | 2005-06-01 16:22:40 | 2005-06-01 16:34:49
17 | 2005-06-01 16:22:41 | 2005-06-01 16:36:26
18 | 2005-06-01 16:22:42 | 2005-06-01 16:37:52
19 | 2005-06-01 16:22:42 | 2005-06-01 16:25:59
(19 rows)

junk=> select o1.ordno, o2.ordno, o2.pickslip_printed - o1.docketdate as gap
   from orders as o1, orders as o2
   where o1.docketdate < o2.pickslip_printed
 and not exists
   select * from orders as o3
   where ( o3.docketdate > o1.docketdate and o3.docketdate < 
o2.pickslip_printed )
  or ( o3.pickslip_printed > o1.docketdate and o3.pickslip_printed 
< o2.pickslip_printed )
  or ( o3.pickslip_printed = o2.pickslip_printed and o3.ordno < 
o2.ordno )

 ordno | ordno |   gap
- ---+---+--
 1 | 2 | 00:37:40
 3 | 5 | 00:11:04
 5 |16 | 00:10:33
 7 |11 | 00:00:43
12 |14 | 00:00:52
(5 rows)

junk=> select max(docketdate) - min(pickslip_printed) as whole_day, count(*) as 
work_done from orders;

 whole_day | work_done 
- ---+---
 02:05:36  |19
(1 row)

junk=> select '02:05:36'::interval - '01:00:52'::interval as neat_time;

- ---
(1 row)

On the basis that the total time less the idle time must be the time spent
working you can say that over the day you got a usable output of 19 orders
processed at an input cost of 1 hour and 5 minutes spent working. That's
an average of 3 minutes and 24 seconds per order.

It's a backwards way of doing things but at least it can be all done in
one single query (give or take a translation from my PostgreSQL code into
your MySQL database). Note that the query that finds the gaps still crosses
the table onto itself and then onto itself again so in the simple case it
processing time will be of cubic order. However, you can safely work with
one day at a time so if you build a view (or temporary table in MySQL) that
has just one days orders then the cubic time probably won't hurt you too 
bad because the entire temp table will fit into memory cache. I'm sure that
some clever index structures will speed it up.

Of course, if SQL supported a "running total" aggregate function then it
could be processed as a sequential event list but then the "order by"
clause would have an effect on the data in the output lines and I think
there is a rule that makes such effects illegal. It just goes to show that
while SQL is a pretty handy database language, it does have its limitations.
Which is another way of saying that procedural languages will never die
because ultimately some problems only solve easily by using a procedural

> We'll never know, based on this data, how long each specific order took 
> but then I don't care - baring exceptional cases (eg 2 hours).

Looking at the average over a day is probably the most meaningful
figure you can get. You can average by number of orders processed or
by number of products picked or by some fugde-factor algorithm that
combines both.

- Tel  ( )

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)


[SLUG] Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

So JJJ is offering an RSS newsfeed for the "Hack" program and
the URL is here:

So here we have data made available to the whole world, put the
data into XML format, perfect for compatibility, interoperability
and etc. etc. So let's look at the practical example of this
stuff really working shall we? If you look at the header of the
file you can see:

So no problem, I should be able to use all the existing technology
to work with this stuff and gain the benefit of code reuse and
all that good stuff. So I use perl and libxml -- proven technology.
I can fetch the file easy enough using wget, no problem so far.
OK, here's my microscopic perl program that reads the file, I'm
including the entire listing just to prove I'm not doing anything
other than the obvious:

- -8<-
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use XML::LibXML;

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_file( "podcast.xml" );
my $root = $doc->documentElement();
- --->8---

You would think it would work real smooth but what result do you get?

podcast.xml:39: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0x92 0x72 0x65 0x20
All this week we re looking at the unofficial mental health system;

Sure enough there is a high-ascii item in there and some Mac user has
no doubt used a proprietary bingle-bongle encoding for a single quote
even though there is a perfectly good ASCII encoding for the same.
Never mind blaming the Mac user... they do that sort of thing, it's a
fact of the universe, nothing will ever change a Mac user. However,
what really shits me is that the XML parser dies totally and completely
when it hits a single high-ascii character. This is with the "recover"
flag set, and both "pedantic" and "validation" switched off. Basically
it is running in the most lenient possible mode that it can possibly
operate in and a single bad character still nails it.

Yes I realise that in an ideal world the  tag would contain
encoding information and yes I realise that in order to be correct UTF-8
it must encode characters above 127 in a special way and this encoding
does not conform. OK, we don't live in an ideal world, the document
has a problem. Having established that, how am I supposed to read it?

man XML::LibXML::Parser

search for "encod" -- nothing.

Looks like the error message wants you to "indicate encoding" but the
man page does not tell you how to achieve that.

It explains that you can catch the errors using an eval block, but having
caught the error there is no way to follow through and finish parsing
the file. So one single byte has rendered an entire file unreadable...
what a fantastic protocol, so good for inter-operability, so widely

And here comes the gist of this rant...

A markup language MUST be robust. Anything that claims to be portable
and all-purpose and the document processing format of the future simply
cannot be destroyed by a single bit-flip on a single character.
The fundamental difference between a programming language and a markup
language is that a programming language can have parser errors and
syntax errors whereas a markup language cannot (by definition) have
any errors at all under any circumstances. The parser for a markup
language must be fully robust to all possible inputs and although it
certainly can result in various severity of WARNINGs but nothing must
stop the parser.

Fundamentally, XML is crap as a markup language because it simply
isn't possible to build a fully robust parser. Worse than that, you
can't recover state (even approximately) in the presence of a damaged
document, XML is brittle, as brittle as any programming language.

Let's make a simple comparison... suppose I do all my data transfer 
by simple tab delimited ASCII files with one record per line.
If a line gets damaged, I might lose that line, I might even lose
the line after the damaged line but at least I have the rest  of the
document. If I jump into a plain ASCII file at a random location then
I can scan around the local area until I find the end of a line and
I can resynchronise to the local records. This technique can be used
to perform a fast binary search directly into an ASCII file that is
sorted by line -- can you do this with XML? Of course not... your
basic parse-state is broken the moment you seek to anywhere at all,
and that state is perpetually unrecoverable because something that
looks like a tag can exist within a string or you can have a CDATA
or some other stupid thing.

There's a philosophical argument about whether brittle languages
or robust languages are more useful for data transfer. Some would
argue that if you are sending commands to a mars

Re: [SLUG] Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 09:13:49PM +1000, Jamie Honan wrote:

> I think the key is 'validating'...

If you checked my perl example, I specifically turn validation off
in an attempt to get the data to load. It didn't help.

> > I've got three answers to the above. Most importantly, you don't
> > use markup language for talking to a mars rover... you use a 
> > programming language and we all agree that programming languages
> > are brittle and always will be. Another (still significant)
> > point is that you can always take a robust language (e.g. simple
> > TAB delimited text file) and make it robust by adding a CRC or
> > some sort of signature system... you cannot take a brittle
> > language and make it robust. 
> I'm having trouble parsing this :) robust and robust?

Sorry about that, should have said that you can take a
robust language and deliberately make it brittle by adding
a CRC. There's nothing you can add to a brittle language
in order to make it robust. Thus a "standard" data transfer
language should be desgined to be robust and then have the
option for users to add a CRC or md5sum if required.

> That's got to be a different issue. You parse after you get
> known correct data ...

How is that possible? You have to parse what you get and
then figure out what it means. Having a program that believes
its inputs must be known correct before it will do anything
seems to contradict the most basic rules of data handling.

Thanks for the links...

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 02:14:05AM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > 
> Keep in mind that all forms of RSS are absolute abominations, most feeds are
> completely broken, and it has not encouraged anyone to use XML properly.

RSS is an example of people trying to make XML work for a real-world
application. No doubt someone read the XML hype and figured that it would
be good for the purpose of data transfer.

> XML is
> quite good in general. RSS and all its related muck (as well as HTML if
> we're being honest) gives it a bad name, given that most people experience
> XML through one of these formats first.

But HTML has been amazingly successful in the "real world" where imperfection
is a way of life. Generally speaking, if you send a browser bad HTML you still
get some sort of rendered output... usually not too far from what you expected.

It seems to me that XML is only useful when the same programmer has control
over the sender and the receiver. For example when a program saves to XML then
loads from XML again (such as gnumeric). This doesn't constitute data transfer,
it is really just a library that makes it easier to save and load
structured data.

> Look at Mark Pilgrim's feedparser (used in Planet) to see just how stupid it
> all is.

But what XML people call "broken" is more accurately described as "normal",
the whole idea of a markup language is to be flexible and to have ways to
cope with minor incompatibility between sender and receiver.

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Re: Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 08:34:53PM +1000, Jan Newmarch wrote:
> Don't confuse the language with the parser. By this criterion even TeX 
> doesn't make it as a markup language - I have had many, many files fail to 
> parse over a single error.

TeX is a programming language, written by an expert programmer
and almost exclusively used by programmers and tech-savvy people.
Don't get me wrong here, I like TeX, it is very powerful, gives
top quality results and handles equations better than anything else
but at the end of the day, it is very brittle, and it is a programming
language pretending to be a markup language.

> One TeX parser I used even had an "extra help" 
> key: when you pressed it, the response was usually "I've given you all the 
> help I can, if you can't understand the error then see a human." The onus 
> is on you to fix the error, not on the parser - automatic error recovery 
> isn't as easy as it seems.

As a particular case in question, TeX is a macro-based programming language
which are the hardest things to debug and as far as I know there is no
macro language that gives even moderately accurate error messages.
In TeX you get errors like, "this token was not the sort of token that
I thought it was going to be" and "something seems to have gone wrong
back there".

Imagine writing C by using #define headers that go 4 or 5 levels deep
and never using any functions. I promise that you won't be able to debug
the result. That's why TeX, powerful though it is, will never move into
general usage other than (maybe) as a back-end processor for some other
typesetting package.

Can you imagine trying to explain to some boofhead warehouse manager
how they should handle an error message from TeX?

> So as a human, I suggest you change the 
> offending char and reparse it - and send a flame email to the originator.

I can do that but I don't want to flame the originator too hard or
they might stop sending me any more data. They aren't under contractual
obligation to send me anything so although what they are sending me
is wrong (in the strict sense), I'm glad to be getting it. Sure I pay
for it out of my tax but since when has that given me any rights?

If I change the character this once then that's fixes the problem once,
since it is a news feed I'll just have to face the problem again which
means what I really have to do is write a program to fix the data.
In effect, I'm writing a pre-processor for the XML parser which makes
me think, "how good is XML when I have to write a pre-processor for it".

- Tel  ( )

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Webcam driver questions

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 07:55:55PM +1000, Leslie Katz wrote:

> The documentation that came with the driver did refer to a program, 
> spcagui, that can be used to test the driver, but I'm told that to install 
> it, I need libjpeg, libsdl and SDL_image and I don't have the confidence to 
> know that I'd be getting the correct required files. Certainly, they didn't 
> seem to be available from the Fedora download site.

Under Fedora-3 you want these packages:


They should be similar for fedora 4 (with different version numbers).
All the SDL stuff is capital in fedora (e.g. libsdl* is libSDL*)
and I don't know how normal that is or whether it is compatible
with other distributions.

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 09:48:12AM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:

> Uhm. Sure. Heres a Gig of download, your 500K of usable detail can be
> found spread throughout it. 

I think that even with perfectly well formed XML you will find that the
ratio of usable data to cruft is worst than 50%.

More importantly, if a crap data feed is the only data you can get
then the choice is deal with it or barf and die. Which is preferable?

> Seriously, XML itself is no more brittle than your ascii file, its what
> you put in it that makes a specific xml environment brittle or not. Its
> just SGML after all - which is precisely what HTML is. The parser you
> are using sucks - sorry, but thats the root of your problem.

I thought that libxml2 was widely accepted, used by gnome, etc.
I checked the manpage and nowhere does it say "this parser sucks",
maybe I should submit a documentation bug?

Hoping for a quick fix, I tried the expat based parser instead
(which also has perl bindings) with the following program:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use XML::Parser;
my $parser = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Debug');
my $doc = $parser->parsefile( "podcast.xml" );

Which gives this result:

Unrecognized character \xE2 at ./ line 4.

Same problem, less detailed error message... at least the manpage
for this parser does explain how to set an encoding so the following
program does work:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use XML::Parser;
my $parser = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Debug',
 ProtocolEncoding => 'ISO-8859-1');
my $doc = $parser->parsefile( "podcast.xml" );

Sadly, this parser gives output in a different format so changing
parser has now broken the rest of my program *SOB*. On the wilde
chance of an undocumented feature I went back to the original libxml2
based parser and tried inserting options from the expat bindings:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use XML::LibXML;

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(ProtocolEncoding => 'ISO-8859-1');
my $doc = $parser->parse_file( "podcast.xml" );
my $root = $doc->documentElement();

Frighteningly enough, this actually works... 

Woo hoo! I got XML to actually work!
> convert the (probably cp-1252) text into utf-8, then parse it. or set a
> encoding in the header, it looks like the perl bindings suck a certain
> amount.

By the looks of it, the bindings are better than the manpage
is willing to admit. I still don't like XML because it is nutty
that it should screw up so easily. My feeling is that if this
sort of technology cannot make things EASIER to deal with then
might as well go with something that does.

My vote still goes to plain ASCII with single character delimiters
(e.g. TAB or one of the DLE/DCn set) because of simplicity.

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Re: Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 11:04:07AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:

> The problem with XML isn't that it's a crap language, it's that people are
> very poor at following instructions.  When a spec says "thou MUST do it this
> way", instead of doing it this way, people think "that's not important" and
> don't do it.

People are the constant part of the equation here. What you say is correct
and also immutable.

People might happen to mostly follow a spec if that spec is dead simple and
following it is also an easy thing to do. The XML specification is overly
complex, difficult to understand and there are lots of subtle ways to get
things wrong... end result is that it is a reasonable expectation that most
of the things you get with a "*.xml" filename will not exactly conform to
specification. If they do conform to specification then most likely at some
random future date someone will press the single tick key and what you
thought was working will fall in a heap.
> I'm not sure whether the problem is basic human nature,

No, the problem is a refusal to work within the confines of basic
human nature.

> or because we've
> been conditioned by so many really bong specs to ignore anything that
> doesn't make immediate sense to us...

And that too.

> As for the comparison with HTML, web browsers have been written to accept
> random garbage and try and make something useful out of it because that's
> what the web consists of.

Correct... and that's what makes HTML successful. The whole "world wide web"
thing simply would not have happened if we started out with something as
strict and breakable as XML.

> While it would be theoretically possible to do a
> similar thing with XML, it's a lot harder because you can "guess" what to do
> with bad HTML because of the limited use-case of HTML -- describing a web
> page.  For XML it's a lot harder, because you can't make any assumptions
> about what the meaning of the data is that you're parsing.

Then we need to accept that XML is not particularly useful and we need to
start looking for something better. I'd like to coin the name "RML" which
stands for "Robust Markup Language" which should have the following
desirable properties:

  * stream-oriented construction

  * byte-oriented construction (no 16 bit encodings at all)

  * supports arbitrary tags

  * supports parametric tags

  * never allow tags inside a tag definition

  * NO guarantee of tags making a perfect tree (but parser can provide
information about tree or partial-tree structures if they exist)

  * when tags are all next to one another, ordering is NOT important
(thus italic/bold is the same as bold/italic)

  * at most one parameter per tag and not named parameters
(because named parameters bend your head and get very complex and
require special syntax and further because it is always better to
introduce a new tag than introduce a new named parameter)

  * supports guarantee of resynchronisation to tag boundary after an
arbitrary seek into the file (scanning forwards or backwards) and
something that "seems to be" a tag boundary always IS a tag boundary

  * case insensitive tag matching (for English at least plus any other
language that sensibly defines mixed case)

  * damaged files can be recovered by an automatic process at least to
the extent that lost data is proportional to the amount of damage

  * don't use closing tags at all, instead use the single parameter of
the parametric tags to "update" that type of tag. e.g.:
 blah  blurg

is not good because knowing the font of "blurg" requires information
going back an arbitrary number of tags earlier.

 blah  blurg

is much better because scanning backwards until you hit a 
tag will guarantee you have a full understanding of this parameter.
In other words, you don't need to parse every document all the way
from the beginning and thus large documents become managable

  * non-ascii encodings are passed cleanly up to the application
level which can apply whatever translation it feels like doing
(transation libraries might be an optional overlay after
parsing is complete)

  * non-ascii encodings can never break the basic tag structure,
so the parser can detect interesting encoding anomalies but can
still continue to scan the file

That's my wishlist... probably won't get done this afternoon but at least
it is down on record so that when everyone is old and grey and some young
guy says "I've invented this new tagging system that fixes the XML 
nightmare that has plagued the world for so long" I can give him a link 
to the Slug archives and say "told you so".

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [SLUG] the parable of the mudpile...

2005-06-09 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 01:56:54PM +1000, Rowling, Jill wrote:
> Systems Engineering used to be a compulsory subject at both UNSW EE/CS and
> UTS EE; clearly it isn't compulsory everywhere!
> Unfortunately most small businesses (includes many telcos, computer game
> developers and some dot-com survivors) are unaware that the cost of a
> project is inversely proportional to the effort put into the initial
> specification, and just cannot understand the leap from small projects to
> large projects.

It isn't necessarily anything to do with the INITIAL specification.
Everything starts life as small (in the commercial world anyhow) and
small projects don't need much initial specification and that is probably
a GOOD thing because otherwise the small projects will not get off the
ground at all.

I've worked at the military side of things and they are the complete
opposite, they believe in MASSIVE specifications. The problem is that
because the massive specification is written up front (before anyone
really knew what they were doing or why) it is guaranteed to be wrong.
Everyone knows that the specification is guaranteed to be wrong so they
try to build contingency into it for expansion and that makes it even
bigger. Later on in the project, the pain of changing anything that
might break the specification is so great that there is no room to
get in there are actually make the stuff work.

Getting back to the point at hand, the real issue is that as a project
gets older, at some stage a specification must get written and the
project architecture (whatever that might be) needs to be documented.
It is probably a great idea NOT to try and do this up-front, or if you
do it up-front then don't try too hard to make it correct and always
be willing to go back and admit you were wrong (because you will be).
On the other hand, it is a terrible idea to try and not do it at all,
and that's where so many people make their mistake. The attitude is,
"I got started without a design document, therefore I never will need one".
When it gets to that stage there is a serious problem. A design document
is part of the overall system documentation and it has to grow along
with the rest of the project.

The other problem (deeper than all the others) is that companies hire
managers based on how they dress, who they drink with, who they sleep
with, who they went to school with and a host of other parameters
up to and totally excluding what they know about the tasks that they
are supposedly managing. There is a belief in a "generic manager" who
can manage any task simply by juggling numbers in a spreadsheet and
does not require any task-specific knowledge whatsoever. Convenient
though this belief is, it is demonstrably wrong. This belief has
probably caused more pain and suffering than all the terrorists
on earth.

> The usual result is they cease to be in business after a while.

Well you only have to look at Microsoft to see where selling high
quality software can get you :-)

- Tel  ( )

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Re: Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-10 Thread telford
On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 08:58:38PM +1000, Ian Wienand wrote:

> XML is so useful because it provides such good abstractions.  You can
> define it with a DTD, whack all your data in it, walk it with XPath
> and display it with XSLT and some CSS.

That's not really an intrinsic property of XML, that is a property
of any nested and tagged data structure. The general idea of data
abstraction goes right back to the first C compiler, probably back
to the first algol compiler, maybe further back.

Certainly having tagged data is a good thing, I just happen to 
believe that XML is a poor quality implementation of that objective.

- Tel
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Re: Why XML bites and why it is NOT a markup language

2005-06-11 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 09:15:27AM +1000, Jamie Honan wrote:
> I can't believe I'm defending xml.

A good mental exercise to remind yourself of why you don't want it
and providing handy straw men for me to knock down.

> > I'd like to coin the name "RML" which
> > stands for "Robust Markup Language" which should have the following
> Don't be bashful here, Telford. I suggest "TOTRML": Telford's One True
> Robust Markup Language.

The acronym has to remain vaguely pronounceable,
RML can be spoken as "rummel" without too much confusion.

> > desirable properties:
> > 
> >   * stream-oriented construction
> Stream is good, yes. PNG, and JPEG are streamable. ASF is streamable
> and AVI suffers cause it isn't. However, not all data is streamable.

You can imprint a record-oriented structure onto a stream format
by using tags in the stream but trying to support a stream by using
a record format is really ugly (not impossible). It is desirable
to have a format that makes it easy to build higher level formats on
top of rather than a format which is already so high level that it
becomes cumbersome for ordinary tasks.

> Thus xml parsers present data as callbacks (kind of streaming),
> or a walkable tree.

Providing you don't want to seek an XML stream...

> >   * byte-oriented construction (no 16 bit encodings at all)
> You mean no unicode? As opposed to no binary mode?

UTF-8 is byte-oriented as far as the parser is concerned,
provided you use 7-bit markers for critical synchronisation
(like start of tag, end of tag, etc).

> >   * supports arbitrary tags
> Ah. You've just lost validation. You now can't prove your data
> conforms to an agreed DTD.

Not at all. Validation is a higher level function and should
be treated as such. Building a layered architecture is far more
reliable, flexible and maintainable than building a monolithic
architecture. Thus the job of the parser is to: read the raw data
stream; identify the tags; identify the data blocks and provide
an API that gives access to these entities (and nothing else).

Any additional data analysis is another layer on top and there
are all sorts of ways to apply data-specific templates over the
top once you have the parser results (not limited by DTD
technology either). This could include testing for particular
sets of tags, particular sequence of tags, maximum data size,
data formats, data checksums and any other sanity check that 
suits the needs of the day. For example, a DTD won't allow you
to test a CRC against the content of a record so you need a
higher level operation to do that sort of checking anyhow;
XML does not remove the requirement to sanity-check the data
you are given.

I have nothing against higher-level libraries providing additional
services providing they don't crash the basic parse layer.

Think about a bison parser with no error-trapping rules,
what do you get when something goes wrong? An error message that
says "parse error" and that's all you get. How useful is this
when you want to know what went wrong? Not very. Not at all really.
I've seen people using Java XML libraries that allow extensive
DTD and XSLT validation so you can define highly complex data
structures very easily. When it tries to read something that might
have a tag in the wrong place it just returns "false"... 
sorry I won't read that because it doesn't validate, and I won't
tell you why so have fun figuring it out yourself.

The yacc developers and users already went through this exercise
about 15 years before XML was even invented and figured out that
just a yes/no answer isn't good enough.

> That's OK, because I suspect Telford is talking Telford protocol
> to Telford at this point.

Maybe yes, but from my point of view XML is a failure, I've tried
it and seen that it is broken and I can explain why it is broken.
I'm just identifying what needs fixing.

> >   * supports parametric tags
> Lot's of people don't like parameters. They think they should be
> in the data part. I don't mind, we are changing the world here.

The parameters are optional.

Data should be in the data part, metadata should be in the tag.
I agree that the boundary is a fuzzy one but in principle...
"if the user of the program can ever see this text under any normal
circumstances then it is data, otherwise it is metadata". You will
note that HTML forms break this rule but I believe the rule is as
solid as any you wil find and easier to express than most.

> >   * never allow tags inside a tag definition
> Hmm. You mean no heirarchical tags? Not sure here. Or you mean
> tags are atomic... Fair enough.

Yes tags are atomic,

Re: [SLUG] Seeking User & Group Management Advice

2005-06-13 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 09:39:16AM +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:

> Perhaps something like login as peter then "su - matlab ; newgrp 
> peter"?  When I do this it prompts for a "group" password, where is this 
> kept and how do I set it?  (man newgrp tells me about the passwd but not 
> how to set it).

You probably want "man gpasswd", the files are /etc/group and /etc/gshadow

I remember that there is some reason why no one uses passwords on groups
but since I never use them either, I can't remember the reason.

> Ideally this would all be done in a "script" so the user 
> clicks on the "matlab" icon on their icewm desktop (served via ltsp or 
> vnc) and then they key in a passwd or two and volia matlab runs but they 
> retain the ability to open/save work in their home directory.

Yes something like that should be possible.
You could always teach them to use ftp.

> Does anyone know of an open source matlab alternate?

Depending on your needs, consider R...

It contains most of the BLASS and LINPACK algorithms and it is good at
manipulating large data blocks in memory. Also R has some nice graphics
and plotting capabilities. R also has rudimentary symbolic algebra
capabilities, it supports expressions and derivatives and substitution
into expressions. Since it is designed for statistics, it also has a
large statistical analysis library and random number generators. That
doesn't mean that it is only good for stats, any time you are manipulating
data sets and matricies you need pretty much the same tools.

On the other hand, R is not even close to matlab compatible. Personally
I think that R has a much nicer high level language interface than what
matlab does but if you have a lot of existing code that you need
compatibility with then this won't help you.

Octave is the best bet if you want close matlab compatibility
(but the octave graphics were not much chop last I looked).

Both octave and R will run on MS-Windows as well as Linux, I'm pretty
sure they both run on Mac OsX too so it should be possible for everyone
to work with their code at home before taking it to a big machine
for running the more intensive jobs. Mind you, dual xeon isn't big
by todays standards anymore, some people probably have bigger machines
at home anyhow.

This reminds me, the matrix alrogithms can be implemented in single
threaded mode or multi-threaded (to take advantage of multiple CPUs).
Some large matrix problems will bottleneck at the memory not the CPU
so there is no advantage in multiple CPUs (other than a bit more cache),
in other cases the multi-CPU is an advantage. Look for a thing called
"atlas" which is here:

As far as I know neither R nor Octave use atlas natively but you 
can patch it in and other people have done it (in order to squeeze a
bit more performance). For atlas to work properly you have to compile
it (and run the self-tuning) on the same hardware as you run it.
It tweaks internal buffer chunk sizes to match your system.

> The Linux server will provide, *nix logins, Imap e-mail, possibly some 
> protected web pages with Apache, and samba shares of their home 
> directory to their desktop PC. I've been considering using LDAP but on 
> past experience found it to be quite a lot to chew, there will only be 
> about 40 users.Any opinions on whether LDAP is worth the effort. I 
> would need users to be able to set their passwords and have that ripple 
> through to each service. Currently PC's are just in a work group, trying 
> to decide whether to use Samba as a domain controller/active directory?  
> (I am not a windows domain/AD expert nor do I much care to become one).

If you set the passwords through Samba then it can automatically update
the unix login passwords. It is also possible to make both Samba and the
unix login authenticate off an existing MS-Windows domain controller
if you already have user accounts set up for MS-Windows users (the Samba
box has to join the domain, their are instructions on how to do it).

- Tel  ( )
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [SLUG] Seeking User & Group Management Advice

2005-06-13 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 01:26:00PM +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Ok so far I've discovered the "gpasswd" command which allows me to set a 
> password for the group and apparently apoint an administrator of the 
> group though my idea is to have the user su to the matlab user then 
> newgrp back to their own group (each user being in a group of one). So 
> perhaps I can appoint the user as the administrator of their own group 
> of one at account creation time.
> So I login as peter, su matlab (without the '-' which means I stay in my 
> directory though my uid/gid is now matlab,matlab) I then $ newgrp peter, 
> which prompts me for the group password and I'm now still in my home 
> directory
> with uid=matlab, gid=peter. I now run matlab able to read/write files in 
> my own account . When matlab finishes I need to undo the newgrp and su 
> commands I just need it all wrapped up in a script, hmmm.

I just tested this on Fedora-3 and noticed that newgrp won't let you
change group even when you do have the correct password. I found that
RedHat have listed a bug that newgrp is broken here:

The nasty thing is that newgrp was never updated to support PAM and
worse than that, PAM doesn't even accept that group passwords exist.
As a result, RedHat have classified this as "CLOSED WONTFIX" so newgrp
is basically broken forever on RedHat. Someone made a comment in the
bug report that it works on Suse Linux. It probably works in RedHat 
if you do NOT use shadow passwords.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

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Re: [SLUG] Call for volunteers for June Slug distribution roundtable

2005-06-15 Thread telford
On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 08:36:43PM +1000, Lindsay Holmwood wrote:
> At the June Slug meeting we're going to have a distribution roundtable!
> We need a representative for distributions to give a breif summary of 
> how their distribution handles package management. Once we're done with 
> the summaries the audience can field questions to the representatives.
> Right now we have a speakers for Gentoo, Arch Linux, and Rubyx.
> A distribution/package management system can't be represented twice, so 
> you'll need to get in early if you want to talk about yours!

I'll talk about CentOS, it should be a short talk if it comes after
the RedHat talk. But who is giving the RedHat talk?

- Tel

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Distributions and Package Managers

2005-06-16 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 09:37:58PM +1000, Ashley wrote:
> I'd offer to talk about YAST but it is so simple and user friendly that 
> it hardly needs more than "Here it is, the most user friendly system of 
> them all!"  ;-p

I think we want each of the talks to be shortish anyhow but there are
a bunch of things about package managers that might be of interest:

* How does it handle dependencies & conflicts?
- --- file level conflicts
- --- file level dependencies
- --- package level dependencies
- --- versioning for dependencies

* Support for alternative packages that do the same job
- --- e.g. postfix and sendmail
- --- how to switch from one to the other without forcing dependencies

* Support for back-compatible code
- --- I have this program xxx that NEEDS some old version of a library
but I want the rest of the system running on the latest libraries.
- --- Can you install two versions of the one package?
- --- Are there "compat" packages available to help you?
- --- The various "libtool" and "automake" scripts are shockingly
version specific, at any time you need at least 5 different versions
of these in order to have the special one that each build needs.

* Querying the system state?
- --- checking where a file comes from
- --- figuring out how to get a library file that you don't have
- --- listing the files that a NOT owned by a package
- --- listing the files that are owned by a package but have been modified

* How does it handle configuration?
- --- ask questions when installing/upgrading?
- --- overwrite of configuration files on upgrade?
- --- attempt to merge configuration files on upgrade?

One excellent example is the X11 system when comparing
debian to RedHat. On RedHat you install all the x11 packages
but that won't give you a working X11 system... you can then
either put in the config files by hand or run:


and then it goes through setting up the display.

On debian, packages get installed and then configured by
the package manager and it asks you questions right after
you install. If you want to go through those questions
again you need to use:

   dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver

(Or something similar, there is also apt-reconfigure which I
found didn't work on ubuntu, there's probably other stuff I
don't know about).

* Methods of upgrading the system?
- --- Put CDROM in and choose "upgrade" (chunkular)
- --- Track latest packages from website or ftp mirror (trickle)

* How to roll your own packages?
- --- source code archives
- --- patch to source
- --- versioning
- --- distribution

* How easy is it to get someone else's source code package
  and make some modifications of your own then use that
- --- making a patch
- --- testing the partly modified article
- --- getting around an annoying dependency
(e.g. I don't want PDF docs and I don't want to install
all these crap tools just to get the thing to build)

* How to include non-packaged code in your system but still
  have a working package manager at the end of the day?

My experience with apt-get is that as soon as you break
some dependency, it will never work properly for you again.
It doesn't matter if you tell it, "don't worry, I have this
under control", it always thinks it knows best. It doesn't
even matter if you want to use apt-get to install something
unrelated to the broken dependency... it still goes nuts.
This might have been fixed in recent years, it was the reason
I finally got the shits with debian (that and lack of CDROM
distributions). Anyhow, the ability to include a hybrid of
packaged and non-packaged code in your system it pretty
much essential.

Another issue to look at is auto-update facilities
(e.g. RedHat network) and how much control the sysadmin
gets over the update (e.g. up2date vs yum vs apt)

* Can you easily check what is out of date?
* Can you hold packages back?
* Will the held-back packages also hold back other things
  based on dependency linkage?
* Can you source from several mirrors and if you do,
  how does it know which version is the "latest"?

To my mind, NONE of the systems have it really under control.

They are all so "user friendly" until you want to actually
do something with the thing and then they drive you nuts.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [SLUG] stolen laptop

2005-06-16 Thread telford
On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 12:23:51PM +1000, DaZZa wrote:

> It also allows you to delete files remotely - not sure about anything
> else. It's useful for tracking stolen laptops etc if whoever steals it is
> stupid enough to connect to the internet.

If he doesn't reinstall first...

I remember talking to a guy who was selling this "phone home" software
and he was saying that it will stay on the system (and stay active)
even after a format and reinstall. He also said that it would keep
working even if someone installed Linux over the top. Needless to say
I didn't believe him but I still wonder if such a thing is possible?

My approach is just to get a Dremmel and carve a phone number into the
case. Makes it difficult to sell down at the pub and sooner or later 
someone will ring the number (maybe not the new owner, maybe one of
their friends) then you have something to give the police to work
with (since every phone call is logged).

- Tel

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] stolen laptop

2005-06-16 Thread telford
On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 01:09:04PM +1000, DaZZa wrote:

> Apparently, this product does just that. Those are the claims, anyway. The
> only way to stop it working is to physically replace the hard drive which
> is in the machine.

Pretty strange when you consider that they say they don't support Linux
but then they also say that if someone installs Linux over the top of
it then it will keep working. Somehow I have trouble reconciling those
two chunks of information. I guess that bluff is half the ballgame in the
security arena, certainly seems that the airports are working on that

- Tel
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] stolen laptop

2005-06-16 Thread telford
On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 01:27:11PM +1000, Michael Lake wrote:

> Yes. There are readable and writable areas on the physical platter that 
> are not normally accessable by the OS or BIOS. They are usually reserved 
> by the hard disk manufacturer for their use. By working with the HD 
> manufacturer and the laptop builder you could get a driver written which 
> will be able to access those regions.

Supposing that you do get access to those regions, that gives some
space for the program... there's still the boot process to consider and
where is this code going to reside in memory? If I'm running some
sort of NAT system (which everyone does), how is it going to know my
local network settings? If I use a pppoe tunnel (typical ADSL user) then
it is even worse. I guess it could try for DHCP but that requires
the resident code to take over from the OS for long enough to get
a reply on the DHCP (i.e. a long time, long enough for the OS to attempt
a context switch or a device driver interrupt). What about network
card buffer space and packet queues? Frankly, I don't see any way it could
work independently of the operating system except for if it can grab
the bootstrap process and get a quick packet out the door just as the
sustem boots up, and then only if DHCP is working, and if there is
no local proxy.

Contrariwise, if it does work with the operating system then it
must be hooked into the OS files somehow (and thus living in regular
IDE disk space where the OS can find those files).

- Tel
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Re: Distributions and Package Managers

2005-06-16 Thread telford
On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 12:02:44PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Another issue is how easy is it to set up multiple sources, so that if
> > one is broken or incomplete another is used, and so on.  Easy with
> > apt, hard (or at least I couldn;t work out how to do it) with yast.
> So you are going to install some random binaries, packaged by some
> random person/s onto your machine because it's often easy and there
> are not lots of war stories  good luck!!

Where I choose to get code from is my decision, not the package
manager's decision. I'm the guy who has hold of the on/off switch.
I'm the guy who is going to reinstall if the distro doesn't do what
I want (and easily). Lots of package managers seem to forget this.

> I built a system, used apt-get to install mythtv and 50M later had it
> working.
> I built a system, downloaded lame-src mythtv-src and the total footprint
> was 10M by the time it worked. Ummm 40M of 'something'!

apt tends to drag in anything that even smells related ("tv" rhymes with
"hippie" so you are going to need some hair-care programs with that).
I've noticed that most debian package authors tend to set dependencies
to be "everything that I have on my box right now" rather than thinking
carefully about what they really need. However, we were commenting 
earlier about human nature and why it never really changes...
if the system makes it easy to just drag in every possible extra
package then thats what everyone is going to do because people always
do what is easy.

I think that the talk on Friday night should have a slot available
for "war stories" because that's where some of the real grist starts
to come out.

- Tel

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Motherboard for software raid

2005-06-21 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 07:41:27PM +1000, Jamie Honan wrote:
> My thinking is that I should use one IDE boot/root non raid
> disk, and three SATA drives for the raid.

Is there a good reason for that?

I would be thinking to make a small boot partition (100M or less)
and use the initrd to establish the drivers and get the RAID running.
Then put a copy of the boot partition onto every drive so that the
partition tables are the same and so you will always be able to
boot (and put grub on every drive too).

Then you can have your entire system running on RAID and use all
4 drives in a symmetric manner.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Call for Speakers: "Email Server Roundup"

2005-06-26 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

In the trend of our square/rectangular/round table discussions,
I'm proposing something like this:

We all know that "there is more than one way to get the job done"
and when it comes to email that most certainly applies.

Describe your favourate clan of email server apps and why
you like them. In particular:

  The "transport" layer, SMTP, local delivery, etc.

  The "distribution" layer, POP3, IMAP, etc

  Webmail... is it worth having?
  Describe your best webmail server, what makes it good?
  does it play nice? Is it hard to install?

  User authentication and access control:
  is it really worth messing around with databases?

  Filtering: especially spam and virus removal... what works?

  Administration tools: how easy is it to create and
  remove users? can users admin their own mailboxes?

Probably elements of this could become talks in themselves
so to start with we will try to keep it quick and just get
each speaker to cover one particular setup
(e.g postfix/cyrus/twig with postgreSQL) and describe
why they use it and what they like about it.

Please send statements of interest to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and if you feel energetic then make notes on the
Wiki page here:

Don't know if this will be next month or some month after,
depends on how much enthusiasm there is and whether the
other talks (like the education stuff and the perl stuff)
are more interesting.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

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[SLUG] Linux storage systems

2005-07-03 Thread telford
Couldn't help noticing the "JeffWaugh - Storage Dream Team"
topic added to the wiki here:

I added a list of everything I could think of just to make for
a bit of a challenge, explaining that lot should be a fun
exercise for any speaker :-)

- Tel

PS: Would be good to see more people whacking their ideas
down on the wiki to build the list of cool talks.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] htdig or other searchers

2005-07-04 Thread telford
On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 04:58:10PM +1000, David wrote:

> Does htdig go to the server (thereby parsing includes?). The site 
> navigates perfectly from a browser.

Yes, in my experience it does, there are entries in the access_log.
Beware if you are running virtual servers because usually it connects
to (but that's configurable). Also it has filters based on
file type, usually it avoids all CGI references.

- Tel
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] E Commerce

2005-07-14 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 12:12:02PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My wife has asked me set up an online shop for her small craft supplies 
> store.

I'm a bit confused about why people are so hung up on internet payment
options. We already have a vast number of payment options which are 
well understood and fully functional. Every shop must already be able
to process a reasonable number of these in order for the shop to work
at all so why should the internet be considered magical?

 * Come into the shop and pay cash
 * Write a cheque (either post or over the counter)
 * Postal money order
 * Come into the shop and pay by credit card
 * Give credit card details over the phone
 * Direct bank deposit at any branch of your bank
 * Direct bank transfer (at branch / phone bank / internet bank)
 * Run an account with the shop and make monthly payments as per above

If you accept some or all of the above already then just make a list
of the ways that people can pay and put the list on your website,
also put contact details so people can discuss options with you.
Thus solveth the internet payment gateway problem.

What remains are three things:

 * Using a web page as advertising for your shop
 * Using a web page as a public catalog of your products with prices
 * Put an ORDER ENTRY system to onto a web page so the customers can
   type in their own orders (and check for correctness).

None of these have anything to do with payments.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Pros & Cons of Unix databases

2005-07-20 Thread telford
On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 12:19:09PM +1000, O Plameras wrote:
> ldbm - uses neutral storage interface which could wrap  Berkeley DB 
> (
>   or  GNU DBM ( Only sleepycat is considered 
> reliable, though.

I've found gdbm very reliable but it has a few limitations.
The most severe is that you can only have one process holding the
datase open at a time, that really limits what you can do with it.
Actually, I think you can have multiple processes reading the database
but only one can write or something like that.

Also, I don't think gdbm has any sorting facilities, if it has then
I haven't used that part of it.

There's also "tdb" which also does not support sorting but does
at least allow multiple processes to read and write the database
simultaneously. Samba uses it and sometimes pppd does too.

- Tel
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Security Video Cameras and Linux

2005-07-20 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

I have yet to find a good website talking about security cameras
and Linux (the hardware side that is). There are lots of software
packages and various odds and ends that work with v4l such as
frame grabbers, etc.

I recently bought a Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 (USB) which is a nice
enough camera that is crippled under Linux because Phillips won't
release their proprietary compression algorithm. It will still give
640x480 resolution but NOT the full 1280x960 that it says on the box.
It seems hard to believe that they really have a cutting edge
compression algorithm that is genuinely valuable, more likely it is
just a matter of corporate disregard of Open Source and/or they have
infringed someone's software patent somewhere and don't want the
infringement to become public information. The other possibility is 
that the camera does NOT actually do any more than 640x480 but
the additional resolution is done by software interpolation (like
many scanners advertise a high "BS" resolution then a lower
"optical" resolution, aka the real resolution). I do notice that the
Logitech website says that the full resolution is only available for
still pictures and on some other cameras it does mention software

Needless to say, it would be good to avoid buying the Logitech
unless you want a crippled camera, but now the question comes up
about what DO you buy?

In the shops, there are no other USB cameras going anywhere near
1280x960 resolution in full colour. I can't understand why because 
USB2 has plenty of bandwidth and is hardly rocket science these
days but yet most of the cameras are around the 320x240 mark.

Another option is to go for a PAL capture card and a brooktree chip.
That works OK with a regular video security camera but the resolution
of regular video is still not much different from 640x480 so you
really aren't much better off. Most of the PAL cameras are from 450
up to 500 lines resolution and I would presume that the horizontal
sampling must be limited to something of the same order of magnitude
(even though analog cameras don't really have a horizontal resolution,
there is a limit to how much real detail is in the scan).

I've also looked at a few IP cameras and they cost a heap extra
for very little return (well, you can have longer cables than with
USB so that is one useful thing). They also have low resolution.

For example, a D-Link wireless camera selling for $500 is here:

Which has s many features -- except for a decent picture,
when you finally scroll down to the bottom of the specifications
it has only 320x240 resolution (which is squint quality).

So is the Logitech 4000 running in crippled mode considered the best
that you can get for a sane price? Is the crippled mode really the
best it can do in honest optical resolution anyhow? I bought the
logitech for $135 and probably would be willing to go to $200 if
I was getting something noticably better.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] USB device mappings

2005-07-30 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Jul 29, 2005 at 12:38:17PM +, Sam Couter wrote:
> Ben Buxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How can one go about ensuring that certain USB mass-storage devices
> > always get linked to the right /dev node, irregardless of the order that
> > they're plugged into?
> Irregardless? Yay for Bushisms!
> > I'd like to have things where by for example, my camera always appears
> > ad /dev/sda, my USB key as /dev/sdb, etc. It seems that they are
> > allocated in the order they're attached, but this makes things rather
> > complicated as I have to keep hunting for which device something's
> > attacehd to.
> Install udev.

I thought the whole idea of the /media directory was to make it look
at the name of the filesystem (as stored in the superblock, or in the
header of the ISO image, or whatever you put in there) and automatically
mount it under that name. Thus, the actual /dev/sda or /dev/sdb should
be irrelevant because your data always turns up under a directory
named by the media.

Think of the situation if you have two flash readers on the one machine
and you pull the flash card out of one and put it into the other,
the result should be that the data is still available in the same place.
The Amiga had this working with floppy discs around 1985. The Amiga
also supported partial unmounts and other cool stuff (where you can actually
unplug the media while it is still mounted and it will safely track
the media state in memory, provided you don't go and modify that media
in another machine).

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] Podcasting

2005-08-03 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 01:26:07PM +1000, purserj wrote:

> >Seems pretty simple, which is good, but considering the size of the
> >book, I thought there was more in it. 
> Nope that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Podcasting is a simple idea whos 
> time has come really. 

I'd say that podcasting is a simple idea to do (in a slightly different way)
what another simple idea was already doing.

After all, it works just as easily on a normal web page with links to MP3
files, and hey there are heaps of those around already and have been for
as long as there have been MP3 files. Right click on the MP3, select
"download to ..." and you have your podcast.

The main "special" thing is the RSS newsfeed which has some ability to
merge and filter streams (which you can't do with normal web pages).
This (by the way) is also an idea which duplicates an older idea in as
much as usenet news feeds already supported everything that RSS supports
but usenet got ground down by spam and cross-posting so people decided that
what they needed was a different technology to do the same thing.

Note that RSS is not actually any better protected from spam and other
such things, except that (so far) no one has mered enough RSS feeds to
actually cause a problem (I give it two years).

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] dual authentification

2005-08-04 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 09:22:24PM +1000, Ken Foskey wrote:
> Got this one today, strange one:
> "Do you know if it is possible to setup a Linux redhat server to require
> two passwords to gain root access? The responsibilities for the server
> are going to be split over two different teams and we don't want either
> to have root access without the other team knowing about it. Please let
> me know if you can come up with something."

If all that matters is the other team "knowing about it" then I would
suggest that you send the syslog messages out to two different
machines on the network and let each team monitor their copy of the logs.
Then they know that if someone logged in as root and it wasn't one
of their guys then they should be checking up with the other guys.

On top of that, you add a polite procedure which says that each team
promises to notify the other team by email before they do a root login
so that if either team sees a login that they don't have notification
for then they know the politeness has been broken. This forces both
groups to prove that they can do simple organisational tasks like
keeping track of notifications and checking them off against observed

Of course, if they ever get hacked, the attacker is unlikely to use
a regular login thus won't leave a regular log entry but they might
leave something in the logs somewhere... and with two teams who are
actually forced (by their day to day procedure) to read the dang logs,
there is just a chance it will get noticed. Also, sending the logs
out across the network makes it harder for the intruder to edit history.

- Tel

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Re: [SLUG] [OT]: Database Design Question

2005-08-13 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 07:35:11PM +1000, Adam W wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone put a name to the following type of design...
> I need to be able to modify the amount/names of data "fields" stored
> for an entity so instead of representing the data stored for an entity
> in fields associated with that entity you would relate it to an
> another entity which would contain a datafield type field and its
> associated value, so different rows in the parent table could possibly
> have different datafields associated with it.

Postgresql supports a sort of "Object-Oriented" table system where
you can have a base table and then make an extended table that adds a few
fields to the base table while "inheriting" all of the existing
items in the base table. This sounds something similar to what you
are looking for.

You still have to spend time thinking out a suitable inheritance
tree and all that design stuff plus this is a postgresql-specific feature
so you sacrifice some portability.

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] Lindows experience.

2005-08-17 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 08:21:27AM +1000, Paul Trevethan wrote:

> > > While I believe that Lindow^H^H^Hspire is a wart on the face of free
> > > software, I was shocked to see Ubuntu seemingly taking the same
> > > path. Am I missing something?
> > 
> > Yep - the difference between running every process as root and secure
> > access to administrative functionality via sudo. :-)

It's still kind of risky to have a normal user running with unrestricted
sudo rights, not as risky as running everything as root. Malicious software
that has taken over the user's account can usually find a way to trick them
into entering their password, especially when they are in the habit of
entering it at various times anyhow. It's nice to have root as a DIFFERENT
password because it provides a warning flag to the user.

> Also, is it not true that Ubuntu's action with regard super user rights
> only applies to the first user created during install. All subsequent
> users created do not display these "sudo" traits and behave as a
> normally restricted user on any other Linux (apart from Lindows).
> So, on install create a user called "lord" or such. Then when
> installed, create all the other "standard" users you require.

Yes, this is a sensible idea, isolate the danger as much as possible.
Probably most ubuntu users don't understand they should do this,
then again, in a desktop-oriented operating system security is typically
going to be a bit more lax than in a server-oriented system.

> My view is that Lindows, in its attempt to be so much like Windows to
> supposedly make it easier for 'crossover', has in fact become so much
> like it to include its security vulnerability. Why not stay with
> Windows?

Price... freedom... attitude...

I think it is an excellent thing to have a Linux distro that has the stated
purpose of being as similar to Microsoft as possible. I wouldn't use it 
myself but I fully encourage anyone else to use it if (and only if) their
main criteria for measuring technological progress is comparing things to
Microsoft. For example, each and every time someone does a review of Debian
or RedHat and comes to the conclusion "It's not like Microsoft", the reply
should always be a resounding, "You should be using Linspire, go review
that instead". This leaves the rest of the Linux community to go and do
things that are not identical to Microsoft.

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] Font Server [Was: Looking for a Linux repair shop]

2005-08-17 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 10:50:17AM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> Font servers are irrelevant these days, as modern tookits use client side
> font selection and rendering (fontconfig and Xft). Once upon a time, it was
> handy to have a font server running on your network so all your X servers
> (hardware terminals) could have access to the same fonts.

Back when discs were small and all fonts were bitmap and compression was
black magic, it seemed a good idea to avoid having many copies of the fonts
spread around the network.

This was probably about the same time that /usr/share was actually shared.

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] turning html mail into text ?

2005-08-17 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 10:04:07AM +1000, Voytek wrote:
> what is the best way to turn html mail into text, preferebaly before it
> ends in my inbox ?

lynx -dump foo.html  > output.text

> if procmail, is there a ready made recipe for that ?

You might need to use munpack followed by a bit of perl that looks
at the unpacked files and makes decisions about what to keep, what
to convert and how to pack it all up again. Someone else may have
a suggestion for a good Open Source MIME translation engine,
certainly procmail doesn't do it natively (yet).

Remember that MIME email can contain a whole tree of mixed bits
possibly including multiple copies of the same message in various
formats. Also, spammers routinely send malformed MIME in an
attempt to sneak past statistical filters (e.g. a large text block
that looks "honest" to the filter, then an HTML block containing a
completely different message that will be viewed in preference to
the text).

Might be a complex job to get it to handle all the variations

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] Gimp v Photoshop

2005-08-31 Thread telford
On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 01:26:06PM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Are you doing 'save' or 'save as'? With 'save as', you will have more
> control over how compressed you want the image to be, etc.

One of the gimps hides some of the JPEG options and you have to click
an "advanced option" button somewhere to find them. I've noticed this
is version dependent.

  Coding coding coding
  Keep them buttons moving

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Re: [SLUG] Aptitude command to TOTALLY remove KDE

2005-09-01 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 08:37:21PM +1000, QuantumG wrote:
> Sam Couter wrote:
> >No, what I said is correct. The kernel is largely irrelevant to the
> >end-user experience.
> > 
> >
> Whether or not the kernel has real time scheduling or not makes one heck 
> of a difference to the end-user experience.  And, (for I think, the 
> third time now?) although you can hack real time scheduling into a 
> monolithic kernel it's not a sane thing to do.

MS-Windows (built on Non Trustworthy technology :-) has a level of priority
called "real time" which happens to make no real time guarantees and for
that matter is merely a "do your best" type of implementation.
On the other hand, so many people rave about how great the MS-Windows
user experience is...  go figure.

Does RT-Linux count as hacking real time scheduling into a monolithic
kernel? Certainly the RT-Linux real time is as much a "hard real-time"
implementation as you can achieve on i386 architectures without using
dedicated I/O processors. I would say that the implementation is quite
sane although not particularly convenient for coding to (but then again,
99% of code doesn't need it and the small amount that does need it
also needs very careful design so the inconvenience of the API is 
probably the least of your problems). In other words, taking regular
user-space bloatware applications and cranking up their priority to
something that happens to be called "real time" is a meaningless gesture.

- Tel
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[SLUG] Re: Aptitude command to TOTALLY remove KDE

2005-09-01 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 08:48:41AM +1000, QuantumG wrote:

> I didn't say it was impossible.  I said it was insane.  Yes, you can 
> hack real time scheduling into Linux.  Yes, we do have a kernel threads 
> and kernel re-entry in Linux.  Does Linux have the best architecture for 
> such features?  Hell no.  The result is a massive blob of complexity 
> running at the highest privilege level on the system.
> As for whether or not a microkernel really made a lot of difference to 
> BeOS.. it contributed a lot to the overall system architecture.  It let 
> the developers compartmentalize concerns into communicating servers more 
> readily than a monolithic kernel does. 

Don't forget that a microkernel introduces communication overhead and
usually some extra scheduling overhead which in turn eats into performance.
I seem to remember there was a big squabble over who had the fastest
webserver until Linux introduced a kernel level http accelerator which
blew everyone else out of the water so badly that they first tried accusing
the kernel developers of cheating and when that didn't work they just
stopped playing that game, took the ball and went home.

That just happens to be one example of a real time task that Linux turns
out to be rather good at. However, other real time tasks (such as queuing
live music streams) have proven a bit more of a challenge and to some
extent the idea that "real time" means anything specific is in itself
quite wrong because there are a great many different tasks that have
special sorts of time constraints (e.g. low average latency, bounded
worst case latency, consistent latency (low jitter), fast resume
from a power-save state (power efficient), accurate and reliable internal
timing sources, etc) and depending on the situation, different
constraints will become critical.

- Tel

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Re: [SLUG] Re: Aptitude command to TOTALLY remove KDE

2005-09-02 Thread telford
On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 10:05:40PM +1000, QuantumG wrote:
> >Don't forget that a microkernel introduces communication overhead and
> >usually some extra scheduling overhead which in turn eats into performance.
> >I seem to remember there was a big squabble over who had the fastest
> >webserver until Linux introduced a kernel level http accelerator which
> >blew everyone else out of the water so badly that they first tried accusing
> >the kernel developers of cheating and when that didn't work they just
> >stopped playing that game, took the ball and went home.
> > 
> >
> That's because it's a stupid idea.  Really, it is.

Really, Linux kicked everyone's backside. Really it did. Runs on the board.

You may argue that the test was unrealistic in the first place, and many
people would agree with you, but FOR BEATING THAT TEST it was a good strategy.

> We can put all the 
> code of the entire system into one process and run it in ring-0 and 
> we'll have the fastest system in the world!

Setting every priority to mostest is a common strategy in Australian
management circles but it doesn't actually make things get done faster.
Again, going back to the webserver test, I'm sure all the other participants
were also trying their hardest to get impressive results and they failed.
Getting high performance out of a system is a bit more complex than you 

> Until it crashes.  Which is 
> what the argument really boils down to.  When something which is part of 
> the "kernel" crashes, do you want it to take down the whole machine or 
> do you want it to be contained and replacable?  A web server should run 
> in user space.  End of story.  Debatably a file system and a network 
> stack should run in user space.. if you can get sufficient performance.  

If you want to trade off performance for the ability to recover from
bugs then you can run "user mode linux" and you have got the whole kernel
running in user space. Mind you, if your UML kernel is crashing regularly
then you are going to have to fix the bug sooner or later, just restarting
the job whenever it crashes is a bit crappy.

If you do not want to go the whole hog and run a fully isolated virtual
machine then you MIGHT be able to recover SOME of the time but think about
a situation where you have swap-to-disk implemented as a user space task
and it crashes. Can you recover the situation? All memory on the entire
system is now in an untrustworthy state so you must find a way of cleanly
restarting every task -- most people call this a reboot.

Same problem if you have a filesystem task in user space and it crashes --
what state did it leave the drive in? Restarting the task might quite
likely create further corruption. Again, if you have bugs at the filesystem
level then there really is no other answer than finding the bugs and fixing
them. Restarting the task won't actually solve anything. Being able to
make an attempt at recovery is a bogus sense of security.

I might also point out that some hardware devices can have nasty effects
on the system when used wrongly (e.g. graphics cards with DMA) so restarting
the task isn't going to help you if your PCI bus is locked solid by a 
bad graphics operation. A microkernel, by its very nature, can't be smart
enough to protect you from these things and as far as I know there is
no architecture where hardware devices can be guaranteed free of side

> For a desktop operating system (which, remember, is what we were talking 
> about) today's hardware is so much overkill that you could run different 
> parts of the kernel on different parts of a local network and still get 
> adequate performance.

In which case, why the earlier comment about the importance of real
time scheduling? I completely agree that a typical 2GHz Celeron can execute
any desktop task (except starting Open Office) in shorter time than I
can react to the results. I don't understand why scheduling is such an
important issue when the system is almost completely unloaded almost all
the time.

The only things that I have noticed killing destop performance are:

  * Swapping. If you are running big-memory jobs and you don't have enough
memory then linux will swap out anything it likes including chunks of
your desktop code. This is not a scheduling issue.

  * Choking the disk bandwidth with a large backup operation or file
transfer and trying to open desktop tasks at the same time. Linux has
no priority system for jobs waiting on I/O bandwidth (and such a system
is hard to implement because of the many layers of abstraction)

  * Intensive graphics that are beyond what your system can actually handle
(in which case you can't win, get a better system)

I would be curious to know exactly what "real time" requirements there
are on desktop systems in terms of something that the user can detect.
For most operations, 1/4 of a second would be the smallest time interval
that a human can recog

Re: [SLUG] Re: Aptitude command to TOTALLY remove KDE

2005-09-05 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 08:28:55PM +1000, Sam Couter wrote:
> telford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you do not want to go the whole hog and run a fully isolated virtual
> > machine then you MIGHT be able to recover SOME of the time but think about
> > a situation where you have swap-to-disk implemented as a user space task
> > and it crashes. Can you recover the situation? All memory on the entire
> > system is now in an untrustworthy state so you must find a way of cleanly
> > restarting every task -- most people call this a reboot.
> The point of a microkernel is that for the swap to become corrupted, the
> swap service must be buggy. It doesn't matter to the swap system how buggy
> the graphics or network drivers are, for example.

So if your graphics drivers crash out with a bad pointer was the error in
the graphics driver or was the memory corrupted by a bug in the swap service?

> Different tasks can even be using different virtual memory systems, so
> if one crashes then processes using the others are completely unaffected.

Except when those tasks interface with hardware and the hardware can do DMA
which includes storage devices, network cards, sound and graphics drivers.
Then there's anything that can access the i2c bus (and thus do things like
reprogram your CPU clock frequency), anything that can reprogram interrupt
delivery... Then there's all the various bridge machinations such as
opening an AGPGART window.

Yes, you do get memory protection and yes memory protection is a good start
but it certainly is no guarantee of safety. What I'm saying here is that
while a microkernel is a bit safer than a monolithic kernel... the microkernel
promises a lot more than it can deliver.

> > And because microkernel designs have been tried (e.g. MS-Windows NT)
> > and so far they have proven both slower and less stable.
> NT was never released as a microkernel, although that was the original
> plan. It has only ever pretended. NT's instability is mostly due to
> shoddy graphics and other drivers being loaded in kernel memory for
> performance reasons. In other words, the instability is due to *failing*
> to really be a microkernel.
> QNX was the first microkernel to demonstrate decent performance, and
> that came at the cost of flexibility and performance. More recent
> research has lead to more portable and flexible microkernels with high
> performace such as L4.

I think that's a bit of an unfair comparison because QNX never had the same
scope of applications that MS-Windows attempted to handle. QNX was written
by a very small team without even attempting to cope with things like
vendor-supplied Direct X drivers and the like.

> When Linux first came into existence,
> microkernels were still just a neat idea with a few big problems and
> were a long way from being proven.

And now microkernels are a little bit closer to being proven with a
long way to go... and still only a small hint that they might be a little
bit better than what we already have.

> The high cost of context switches and switching supervisor mode (ring
> zero) on and off on x86 makes things difficult for any microkernel.

Most of those problems are solved with SPARC machines which are easy
enough to get hold of. I notice that Sun never tried leaving their
basic BSD kernel design even though they designed the SPARC chips with
fast context switch in mind.

Besides all this, the real problem with current Linux kernels is not
that developers have problems tracking down bugs, or that they find the
bugs are difficult to fix. The real problem is that cutting-edge kernels
don't get tested enough to even detect the bugs that do exist. So many
people are perfectly happy with older kernels that even though the
number of Linux users is growing, the number of people testing new
kernels is getting smaller. Changing to a microkernel isn't going to
fix this either.

- Tel

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Re: [SLUG] gzip from perl script

2005-09-22 Thread telford
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 02:50:13PM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> One thing thats been bugging me for a while about Perl is the
> lack of a butfirst keyword. This would be *really* useful for
> constructs like:
> {
># Huge chunk of code
> }
> butfirst
> {
># Second huge chunk of code to be executed
># before the one above.
> } ;

Don't be silly, of course it does:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

print "foo\n";
print "baz\n";
}) if (eval{
print "bar\n";
print "bing\n";
print "bong\n";
} and 1 );

or just define your own syntax:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

sub later (&@)
@_ = reverse @_;
my $x;
while( $x = shift ) { &$x; }
sub butfirst (&@) { @_ }

print "foo\n";
print "baz\n";
print "bar\n";
print "bing\n";
print "bong\n";
print "zap\n";
print "atooey\n";

All of which I'm sure has been demonstrated elsewhere.
But then we all know that if a programming language can define what
is *really* useful then it might as well just define the actual
program (since at the end of the day, a running program that performs
a task is the only thing that is *really* useful). Once we have such
a programming language then we won't need programmers at all.

In the meantime, I'll settle for perl and make my own calls about
which features I find useful and which I don't.

- Tel

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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 10:23:16PM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> QuantumG wrote:
> > Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> > 
> > >You will notice that something like the Array.mapi function is
> > >much less likely to contain errors than the C for loop.
> > 
> > What I noticed is that they invented syntax when they could have just as 
> > easily have used C syntax.  Way to knife your language.
> Nice troll or was it?
> Actually, O'Caml is part of the ML family of languages Which is where
> it gets its syntax. The ML languages date back to the 1970s at which 
> time the C language was not yet even a teenager.

C itself started in 1972 which makes it quite comparable with ML,
however since we are tracing ancestors here:

  Algol 58   (1958)
  Algol 60   (1960)
  CPL(1964 ??)
  BCPL   (1967)
  B  (1970)
  C  (1972)

So the roots of C go back almost as far as electronic computers and
the language evolution was systematic and well considered at every stage.
Well, everything EXCEPT for the operator precedence which remains to
this very day, ALMOST annoying enough to fix.

If the ML designers were going to borrow syntax they only had a few
places to borrow from: FORTRAN, one of the Algol-like languages, LISP
or maybe APL. Borrowing from CPL or BCPL wouldn't have been entirely silly
even back then (although the smart money would have been on FORTRAN).

The thing about syntax is that people just can't be bothered learning
weird-syntax languages. Look at LISP for example, it's another really
old language (in computer terms) and it keeps trying to catch on but 
never will because the syntax annoys people and all the really cool ideas
of LISP have been absorbed into other languages by now. The thing that
LISP got wrong was 5000 years of humans using infix notation.

If you want another example, look at oaklisp (yes, go and search for it).
When you read the design documents you can't help realising, "hey, this is
actually Java," but oaklisp sat on the shelf being a great idea with no one
using it for about 10 years until Sun came along and reworked exactly the
same idea with a C-like syntax and suddenly it got popular.

In many ways, syntax means nothing because it really has nothing to do
with how a language works. On the other hand, syntax means everything
because that's what people first see when they look at the language and
that's what they have to stare at day in and day out. Think of a great
program with a crap user interface, that's what a language is with bad
syntax. Suppose I make a language where all numeric constants have to
be entered in base 9. There's nothing wrong with base 9, it's a 
perfectly valid form of numeric expression... but no one uses it.

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] C-Pointers and Perl ?

2005-09-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 07:59:01PM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> For just about everything you can do with a pointer in C there is
> a better, easier, less error prone way to do the same thing in
> O'caml and write less lines of code to do it.

How about writing a network protocol stack. You get a packet and all
you know about it is that here is a block of memory. You then have
to figure out what sort of packet it is, how long it is and what
structure to give it. C handles this very nicely with pointers to
structures that can be cast into whatever you need.

> The one exception
> I can thing of is writing devices drivers and operating systems
> where you need to direct access to harware.

If you are talking about I/O ports, you can always write a pair
of functions to write and read from I/O and these can be added to
any language (possibly even as inlines if the language supports that).

There is no native I/O port access in C.

Consider how useful functions like memcpy() and memcmp() are for
writing an O/S. Consider also that an O/S is actually a form of self
modifying code which strict type checking is designed to prevent.
I isn't about direct hardware access, it is about having the flexibility
to do what needs to be done. Try the simple exercise of writing an
O'caml program that reads in a chunk of binary code from a file,
and then executes that code to get a result. Less lines of code than C?

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 09:59:26PM +1000, O Plameras wrote:

> I am now not sure because I don't have a 64-bit machine.
> It is easy to check if one has a 64-bit machine.  I'm curious to know.

Actually, just checking one 64 bit machine would not be enough.
If you stick to Linux and gcc then you get fairly consistent results
but C is bigger than gcc (only slightly).

- Tel
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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 10:35:22PM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

> The very existance and popularity of Python is a perfect counter
> example.

Python only got popular because Europe was so very desperate to write
code in something that was not "made in the USA". Most of them don't
realise that Python borrows heavily from "S-plus" which was made in
the USA but better to let the sleeping dog stay sleeping.

- Tel

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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 10:40:47PM +1000, O Plameras wrote:

> This means that there is going to be minimal improvements from
> a 32-bit to 64-bit PCs. 

Since all your pointers are now twice as large, any data structure
that uses linked lists (or trees) is now also twice as large.
Since memory chips are not any faster on 64 bit architectures,
most of your programs will run slower.

Thankfully, AMD supports 32 bit pointers by running in back-compatibility
mode so you can still have fast programs with small data structures.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-09-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 07:44:01AM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

> In addition, C is used for low level programming where the programmer
> needs to be able to address 32 bit hardware registers. If int was 
> 64 bits, what would you use for accessing these registers.
^ (corrected)

You would use int. You would also use a function to access the
hardware register and the function would contain whatever CPU magic
is required to access the register.

The hard problem is when you have a 32 bit number inside a structure
and the structure is packed so you have to access exactly that
particular number with bothering anything on either side. Nothing to
do with hardware registers. The structure could be out of a file,
off the network, or read from any device. O'caml programmers obviously
don't spend much time thinking about binary compatibility of data
transfer to other machines.

Oh yeah, I remember... file I/O is not a "functional" concept.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Output from 64 bit machine

2005-09-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 08:12:53AM +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:

> Compiled on a Dec Alpha running OpenVMS 7.2
> VMS>run test.exe
> size of a char is 1
> size of a short is 2
> size of a int is 4
> size of a long is 4
> size of a float is 4
> size of a double is 8
> Bit surprised, I expected a long to be 8 but there you go.

There may be compiler options involved, check the pointer
size because if that is also 32 bit then your compiler is
trying to be back-compatible. Not that I'm a VMS expert but
I do remember a lot of tricky compiler compatibility thingies.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] C-Pointers and Perl ?

2005-10-01 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 10:10:25AM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 07:58 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > How about writing a network protocol stack. You get a packet and all
> > you know about it is that here is a block of memory. You then have
> > to figure out what sort of packet it is, how long it is and what
> > structure to give it. C handles this very nicely with pointers to
> > structures that can be cast into whatever you need.
> Its straight forward in python and smalltalk. you have an array of
> octets, do what you need. What you don't have is something that can be
> pointed at a random memory region and used to bypass the type system and
> vm ;0

So with an array of octets you need an equation to reconstruct a 32 bit
number from the array and another equation to reconstruct the octets from
a number. Then you write functions something like:

read_u32_from_octet_array( array, index ) --> returns u32
write_u32_into_octet_array( array, index, data )  --> updates the array

...and so on for all the different things that are going to be in the array.

Excellent, you can now work on your network packets... but you have
now reconstructed the entire concept of a "struct" and done it in explicit
functions with explicit equations. Not only do you have the slowest network
stack in the whole world but worse than that, you still have no type
safety because if you write data from an index which is off by one and
then read it back you get completely bogus data. Some of those bogus values
could be packet length so when you get them wrong you read off the end of
the array... Oh, goody, python and smalltalk are protected from reading off
the end of the array but how is that going to help? You won't crash but
will instead throw a runtime exception which is only mildly more useful
than a crash.

Sure, you can't have a bad pointer, and your program won't crash.
On the other hand, you have to carefully juggle the array index values all
the time and one mistake will still leave an unrecoverable situation.
All your high level language with type protection hasn't done a thing
towards improving the correctness of your final program nor has it made
it any more difficult to make an error.

A much better method is to do what perl does which is to treat the network
packet as a binary "blob" and then provide special "pack" and "unpack" commands
that turn a binary blob into local language constructs and then turn local
language constructs back into a blob again. This is still slow, but each packet
only needs to be packed and unpacked a few times. Then all the difficult magic
is tied up in getting the right codes for the pack and unpack, once you get
that right, the rest is reasonably stable. Mind you, if you want to handle
a range of network protocols, you need a whole bunch of different pack/unpack
combos that pop into action.

At the end of the day though, C code to do the same thing using pointers
will be smaller, faster and probably easier to read as well.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] C-Pointers and Perl ?

2005-10-02 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 11:32:36PM -0700, Angus Lees wrote:
> Since you dared me, here's some (untested) perl5 code that will parse
> a TCP header, including network byte order conversions and bitfields:
>  my ($source, $dest, $seq, $ack_seq,
>  $off, undef, undef, $urg, $ack, $psh, $rst, $syn, $fin,
>  $window, $check, $urg_ptr) = unpack 'n2 N2 C B8 n3', $tcpdata;
>  $off &= 0x0F;

Pack is fine for a fixed structure but TCP inside an IP packet does
not have a fixed position (IP options) so you get:

   unpack( '.', substr( $packet, $offset ))

Then you are tracking partial unpack() templates plus offsets and
copying chunks of data back and forth. Consider IP fragments.
Of course it can be done, but making good use of structs and pointers
actually makes it easier (as well as faster).

Keeping track of structured data is just something you have to do
and high level languages only partially shield you from it.
The same problem comes up in binary database records, graphics file
formats and similar places. 

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Keeping passwords safe

2005-10-02 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 11:29:56AM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anybody have any recomendations for a program that can be used
> to store passwords, bank account details etc in an encrypted file?

I've seen "bio-drives" for sale which are USB "thumb drives" that
actually require a thumb print before you can access the data.
Won't protect you against a key-logger though. 

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] C-Pointers and Perl ?

2005-10-02 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 01:50:20AM -0700, Angus Lees wrote:
> At Thu, 29 Sep 2005 18:38:31 +1000, Oscar Plameras wrote:
> > Is their equivalent codes for ff in  perl 6 ?
> Sure, perl6 (just as in perl5) has coderefs.  In fact, these can be
> references to anonymous functions or dynamically created closures,
> which certainly can't be done in C.

Have you looked at how the mathmap plug-in for gimp works?

You type multi-dimensional equations (handling colour vectors,
space vectors, matricies, etc) then it writes out a C program
to a temp directory, compiles the program, and runs your image
through the program. Slightly scary but really no different
than doing an eval() in perl and mathmap handles chunky image
filtering with speed and ease (you don't even notice the compile

Maybe that is a bit of an unfair example, a better question
would be whether the ability to not give a name to a function
is really so amazing or what makes a closure different to
a function pointer plus a data pointer. Certainly a lot of C
code is written as a function pointer plus a GLOBAL data block
(and library routines such as qsort() and bsearch() encourage
this by not providing an extra data pointer for the compar()
function) but any language can be misused.

Is global data really all that bad anyhow? At the end of the
day, something has to be global.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Your top-ten linux desktop apps

2005-10-02 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 10:13:34AM +0800, James wrote:

> tick-tock-tick-tock-bing! 64 bit ints are touted as being an easier fix than 
> re-org'ing the epoch, so 64bit ints WILL happen and 64bit machines are better 
> equipped to handle this
>Explains: in 2039 the clock (32 bit) will overflow. This is Y2K bug with a 
>  vengance and a certainty.

Not everyone codes so that time_t is equivalent to int so there's nothing
wrong with time_t being a long (and fix the code that can't handle it).

Furthermore, most people don't hard-code the epoch calculations anyhow;
they just use a library routine. The epoch could move without much breaking.

Finally, by far the most common usage of the unix clock is to subtract
two time_t in order to get a time delta and this will still work correctly
even when you overflow the register (the magic of 2's compliment).

> Will 64 bit ints waste the cache. This is deep dark art, but I believe NOT:
> cache is for speed. speed = 1 access to get the data so ...
> c...  a char in cache
> ss..  a short in cache
>   a 32int in cache
>   a 64int in cache

I believe that intel already uses larger chunks in cache than that.
The Xeon uses 64 byte chunks for L1 cache and 128 byte chunks for L2 & L3
cache. I'm not an expert on caching algorithms but my understanding
is that reading any part of the chunk will still read from the same
cache entry. Any cache system which forces you to keep multiple copies
of the same data on the same chip is going to be very inefficient.
Cache memory costs a lot in terms of space on the silicon and power
consumption, you really want to make that space count.

Then again, not all programs will have their data conveniently small
so that it fits in cache. Sometimes people want to work with decently
large hash tables.

And to cap off, there are cases where you are going to invalidate your
cache and need a reload... it ain't pretty but it happens sometimes.
Small data is fast data.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] C-Pointers and Perl ?

2005-10-02 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 09:26:45AM +1000, Benno wrote:
> I know, but I don't agree with him. If the language is good, there is no
> reason why it *shouldn't* be used for device driver programming.
> Device drivers are, in general, buggy pieces of crap, so having a higher
> level language to program them in would be a *really* good thing.

Remember that when you are coding to hardware, half the "program" is
invisible and out of your control (out of the compiler's control too).
Half the program that you are building is the hardware itself, 
it is an active component, not a chunk of memory. The hardware does
things and you have to also do things in the right sequence, at the
right time. Often the device driver code is perfectly correct, it just
doesn't perfectly match your particular bit of hardware. Either one
manufacturer has copied another manufacturer and got it wrong or
the driver was written for an older version of the card and the new
cards changed behaviour (but the manufacturer never told anyone) or
the driver was written to reverse engineered specifications and no
one really knows what the hardware is doing anyhow.

> I've written bindings to allow you to program drivers in python
> before, unfortunately the result wastoo slow :(.

Timing is actually part of your program when you write device drivers.

> So a higher level
> compiled language like O'Caml might be kind of cool.

In theory, it sounds good. You hit a big snag when you look at what 
makes "functional" languages work, which is that each whole unit
of code has well defined inputs and outputs and the behaviour of 
that code-unit does not depend on influences outside the scope of
those well defined inputs and outputs. It's a nice mathematical
approach, but once you put a piece of hardware into the mix, half
the program becomes invisible and out of your control (i.e. the
hardware half). The "functional" paradigm starts to break down because
any bit of code that touches a hardware register is now capable of
behaviour that the compiler doesn't understand.

Functional languages are good for transforming a well defined input
into a well defined output. They don't handle "real world" messiness
very well.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Keeping passwords safe

2005-10-04 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 10:57:51PM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Mike MacCana wrote:
> > openssl can do this easily.
> It can? How? Its certainly not obvious from the man page.

Is anything obvious from the man page?

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] returning windows software

2005-10-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 06:42:07PM +1000, Russell Davie wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 08:44:49 +1000
> Michael Lake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > James Purser wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 13:28 +, l cheung wrote:
> > > 
> > >>Get a life, get a power book. :)
> > > 
> > > Yes but can you return OSX?
> > 
> > It's a good idea to keep OSX on it as a small partition that can be booted 
> > by default for the first year.
> > If you have to return the machine under warranty the techos at Broadway 
> > (thats where the 
> > Apple service centre is) will  then be able to boot it and run their 
> > diagnostics. You'll get
> > it back with your Linux untouched. Otherwise they will have to do a new 
> > install and wipe 
> > your Linux.
> o, never thought of that...
> good point

I don't find it a very good point at all...

Hard drives are completely interchangeable and there is absolutely zero excuse
for the official hardware service centre not to have a special hard drive that
they drop into the machine for doing diagnostics. Moreover, they can swap your
hard drive into a different machine that does a sector read/write scan to
prove the hard drive is working correctly and they can do that without damaging
any of your data. They can even boot off a special disgnostic CD or off a USB
device or off a network device. If Apple don't provide such boostrap options
to their service centres then Apple clearly show no commitment to their
customers. If Apple do provide the option and the service centre can't be 
bothered using it then time to look for a better service centre.

I can remember boot floppies for 486 machines that provided extensive 
in just a 1.4M image (including keyboard test). I first saw one about 10 years
ago. The quality of computing services available to the consumer has gone


I recently had to deal with the official Sony service centre in Lane Cove with
regards to getting a warranty repair for a Sony Vaio doorstop, which had some
sort of fault in the keyboard controller. Their first answer to pretty much
anything that they can't obviously diagnose is "software error, probably a 
virus or something, warranty does not cover software". I even got the guy to
shut it down, remove the hard drive and boot it with no hard drive and the
keyboard problem was obviously still present (because the constantly repeating
key was causing a steady beeping noise). Then he starts with "maybe you spilled
something on this" and after that doesn't get a good response he goes back
to the tried-and-true "must be a software problem, probably a virus".

The only option he gave was to completely wipe the drive and reinstall from 
the original CDs before he would even consider taking the machine in for
repair. I'll also point out that this laptop has only ever run MS-Win-XP and
the install was already the standard default Sony install with a bunch of
additional software added afterwards. I tried booting off a Linux CD and found
that exactly the same keyboard fault manifested in Linux as well so I'm 100%
sure it is NOT a software problem and sure enough after a reinstall from the
original Win-XP CDs the fault is exactly the same.

Basically, the reinstall is just their way of inconveniencing you and giving
you a few hoops to jump through. It is utterly unnecessary and smacks of
the unprofessional buffoonery that is typical in the computing industry and
especially typical of anything sold with a Microsoft operating system.

I'll also point out that the typical Apple user doesn't no squat about what
is and is not possible so the probably get fed just the same line of junk
because they don't know any better.

Now I have to wait at least a week to get the machine back and then put in
a good two days work reinstalling all the applications, reconfiguring the
settings, etc, etc. just because Sony don't see a priority in providing
diagnostic tools for their equipment.

Sony do sell some decent equipment now and then but their attitude to the
consumer is, "You pay money now and then #uc% off".


Frankly, I would be very very happy to find a manufacturer selling laptops
WITHOUT any hard drives at all who would take the laptop back for warranty
repair WITHOUT any hard drive and actually do their job and repair the
hardware or give you a replacement machine. I would know I'm not paying any
software tax and I could get a decent machine that does what should do.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [SLUG] Linux friendly flash mp3 players

2005-10-29 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 11:23:06AM +1000, David Gillies wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Does anyone out there have any recommendations for Linux friendly flash
> mp3 players?

I can recommend the omni music-stick which is basically just a USB
pen drive stick with space for a single AAA cell and a headphone socket.
It has a little screen where it tells you the name of the song playing
and it will even scroll the lyrics if you have the right files.

For linux is just looks like a MSDOS partition, you can use the mtools
package to read and write, standard USB mass-storage.

The one thing I will complain about is that my unit wasn't as robust
as I had hoped, a shock or bump can reboot the unit and the headphone
socket isn't a positive lock so you can get some scratch and crackle
from a bad connection if your headphone cord pulls. Also, it does not
have any removable media and has developed a few bad sectors. I'd be
a lot happier with something that uses compact flash or some sort of
removable media. Mind you there have been heaps of reports that Apple
iPods tend to fall apart as soon as you look at them

> And any that have .ogg support would be a major bonus.

ogg support is pretty rare. I'm waiting for the Linux smart phones
to start being available in Australia the I plan to use the phone as an
MP3 player and upload ogg support to the phone if necessary. I'm
carrying too many gadgets around as it is so with a Linux phone I
can roll everything together into a single object -- data storage,
phone, database, organiser, music, communications, etc.

The Motorola A780 looks tempting but I would still expect an expensive
item to have removable flash and as far as I can tell the A780 does not
so backup becomes more tedious and if you get a bad sector the
whole item becomes junk. How hard can it be to design decent gear?

The ideal item for me would be a linux phone with a high quality
stereo headset connection, a black-and-white non-backlit LCD
and a compact flash socket. Using ordinary AAA rechargable cells
would also be an excellent choice. If someone knows a factory in China
then I'll design them the ultimate "volkswagen" phone.

- Tel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: ocaml vs python/ruby/perl etc. was [SLUG] Why not C

2005-11-24 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 11:11:42AM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:

> Well, the only bugs I've found to date that cannot be effectively tested
> for are concurrent operation bugs - threads and co-processes
> specifically.

None of which are detected by compilers, at least not the sort
of compilers we have available. There are code analysis tools that
can prove correct locking behaviour (e.g. prove your code is deadlock
free, prove resources are always locked, etc). I haven't seen one
available as open source.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: ocaml vs python/ruby/perl etc. was [SLUG] Why not C

2005-11-24 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:42:54PM +1100, Del wrote:
> "Less" is a measure of quality not quantity.

If I have "less" money than you do, the quality of my money
is still exactly the same as yours.

>  So by saying there are
> "less bugs" what you are implying is that there are the same number
> of bugs, but the bugs are smaller.

That would be "lesser bugs".

>  What you probably want to say is
> "fewer bugs".

This implies that the functional behaviour of a computer program
can be measured in countable, integer units -- an implication
that I for one would hesitate to make. There is a fundamental
problem with the colloquial usage of the word "bugs" because
insects are countable and and computer misbehavior is not.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: ocaml vs python/ruby/perl etc. was [SLUG] Why not C

2005-11-26 Thread telford
On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 02:21:41PM +1000, QuantumG wrote:
> Dist thou not knoweth how thee shalt speak?!
> Prescriptive grammer is domain of the historically ignorant.
> Language changes, this is a good thing, deal with it.

Spelling is one of those new fangled fads that will
die out before much longer.

- Tel

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Help Me - C codes

2005-11-28 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 05:53:24AM +1100, Tess Snider wrote:

> What's totally crazy is that once you've been programming a while, and
> really understand this recursion stuff well, you have to then learn to
> stop using it.  It's very sad, because recursion is good stuff, but
> the trouble is that, in C, arbitrarily large recursions make your
> stack the size of Godzilla.  This is because every time you make a
> function call, it has to temporarily tuck away all of the local
> information in the last scope out of the way onto the stack, so it can
> go back and retrieve it later, when the function is done.  So, as you
> dive down into your recursion, your stack gets bigger and bigger.  You
> can visualize this by putting a large number into the factorial
> function, and then putting a breakpoint down at your boundary
> condition, and looking at the stack trace in the debugger of your
> choice.  Holy cow!

The stack will grow linearly with the number but the integer will
overflow much sooner than your stack does.

I've NEVER liked the use of factorial as an example of recursion in
books on programming because it is such a bad example that can obviously
be much better implemented iteratively and worse, (perhaps not obviously)
multiplying up integers is a terrible way to calculate factorials (not
much better than doing division by repeated subtraction).

- --

extern double tgamma( double );
double fact( double x ) { return( tgamma( x + 1 )); }


int main()
int i;

for( i = 0; i < 50; i++ )
printf( "fact( %d ) = %g\n", i, fact( i ));
- --

Recursion only gets useful when dealing with tree structures and in
that case ALL languages will grow their stack (because they need to
store the intermediate values). In such a situation the recursive
solution will be much easier to write and usually more efficient to
execute than the non-recursive solution. Certainly it will be 
easier to debug because the stack contents are easy to inspect.

Try writing a qsort() without recursion...

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] January Meeting Friday 27th

2006-01-19 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

Despite the exodus to New Zealand, there will still
be a Slug meeting in Sydney for those who are interested.
See the web page:

We still have no idea about what the Spice Boys are doing,
I'm looking at booking options and it will probably be at:

  House of Guangzhou
  Level 1st Floor, 76 Ultimo Rd
  Haymarket NSW 2000

Could people who are interested in going out for dinner after
the meeting please email either [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a very short email so I can get a 
rough count of the numbers? I'm expecting it to be quite a
bit down on normal nights, if it is under 10 people then it
might not be worth even making a booking.

If people have other suggestions for restaurants that open
late in Sydney city on a Friday night and cost approx $20 to $25
per head then this might be a good time to suggest one.

- Tel

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Fedora vs RH Enterprise - consultants advising to change

2006-01-25 Thread telford
Hash: SHA1

 On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 11:53:01AM +1100, Simon wrote:
> Hi all,
> AT the risk of starting a flamewar.I am being advised by consultants
> that I need to 'upgrade' my Fedora Core servers to RH Enterprise as it
> is 'more robust', 'better supported', 'easier to upgrade' etc etc.

It is `more robust' because the new features go into Fedora first
where they are thrashed around for a while then finally trickle down
to RHEL which is always running 6 to 12 months behind the leading edge.
As an approximate rule of thumb, RHEL is old but stable and predictable
whereas Fedora is new, fast moving and sometimes unpredictable.

At the risk of starting a flamewar Fedora is filling the space
that Mandrake Linux used to occupy.

You should also note that although RedHat back-ports bug fixes and
security updates into RHEL, there can be times where Fedora has bug
fixes sooner simply because it is running newer upstream versions.

> We
> are currently running them as our webserver (informational only - no
> transactions), mailserver and intranet webserver (this one is a bit
> slow, but just needs more RAM).

RHEL won't make your system run any faster than Fedora. It you find
it stable then there is no reason why you can't stick with it.
Basic services like email and web have already been heavily tested
in any Linux variant and your chance of running into an issue with
these is relatively low.

> I am unaware of any major differences in the products that would require
> us to change over and start paying for what we now do for free -
> maintenance has been trivial, yum runs regularly via cron, downtime has
> been non-existent.

There are two main issues to think about...

[1] security: you don't know what's wrong till it goes wrong and
RHEL is better tested. On the other hand, most often configuration errors
are to blame for bad security and no operating system will protect you
from yourself (although some will pretend to be able to). Taking regular
backups is an excellent security measure. Regularly checking logs,
processes, network traffic and the root mail account are also excellent
security measures. You can take these security measures with any
operating system.

[2] bug fixes: RedHat seem to take bug reports seriously when they
come from RHEL users and you get a response (and usually a fix) in
reasonable time (a few days). If you don't mind fixing bugs yourself,
working around them or you just never have encountered any then probably
no need to worry. RHEL is good for the "I demand that someone fix my
problems" type mentality.

Don't forget that RHEL is a support service not a software license,
so you have to pay for the service every year (else your machine
becomes unsupported).

There is also the minor issue that most RedHat consultants train for
RHEL and that's the thing they are most comfortable configuring.
You can always choose different consultants, I'm building a list of
Linux related organisations in Sydney (probably still incomplete):

Feel free to ask around further...

- Tel

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