Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-22 Thread luke

On 18 Apr, Mehmet Ozdemir wrote:
>  Jeff while making sly references may seem all good and well, it does 
>  reflect on the organisations marketing ability. Take me for example I 
>  joined as a paying member last march, and have a membership card to 
>  prove it, member #167, exp 31/3/01 and will renew this month (I missed 
>  last months meeting). Since joining I haven't received any 
>  acknowledgement at all, no reminder to renew my membership. 

I have a feeling that I'm lapsed, simply because I haven't been to a
meeting in a long time.

I'd like to know how to make a payment.  Can credit card payments
across the web be accepted?  Could I find someone willing to carry $25
in cash to a meeting, and get them to pay for me, and pick up a
membership card?

I'm very happy to pay the money.  Is it $25 or $27.50 due to GST, BTW?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: Re: Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Original Message:
From: Anand Kumria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed, 18 Apr 2001 10:43:41 +1000

> > The web page states:
> > "Membership is currently only $25 p.a. (plus GST post June 2000) and entitles you 
>to free or ultra low cost entry to all SLUG activities. "

> > which should probably be changed then.

> --> Jeff

> Actually have you thought about participating with the web-site redesign.


Are you asking me or Jeff ?, anyway I'd be happy to help out. Just let me know.



Mail2Web - Check your email from the web at .

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Anand Kumria

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 06:55:50PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hopefully you were tuned in to the troubles we've had with our business
> > > documents and bank account - if we had had a list of members, we would
> > > certainly have done more with it.
> > 
> > Sorry I can't say that I was. Like I said my new little beastie is
> > taking up a lot of my computing time. Any chance of brief recap, or a
> > pointer to when this was disussed on the list so I can catch up.
> Basically our treasurer disappeared. Thus we were stymied through
> lack of access to our records and funds. Hopefully the problem is
> under control this year and we won't have the same thing happen.
> > > This I accept, and really $25.00 + GST isn't really going to be missed,
> > $25.00 (inc. GST).
> The web page states:
> "Membership is currently only $25 p.a. (plus GST post June 2000) and entitles you to 
>free or ultra low cost entry to all SLUG activities. "
> which should probably be changed then.

--> Jeff

Actually have you thought about participating with the web-site redesign.

> Don't know ??, maybe take a look at what other clubs provide, maybe increase the 
>membership a little and give SLUG limited edition tshirts etc, etc.

Ah, yes, a good point. We are thinking of doing the old SLUG football jersey.

We've already had a few people ask for it, as well as the SLUG cap.

We'll start pursuing this. If anyone who assisted in the last production
knows who the last producers were that'll speed up things.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > Hopefully you were tuned in to the troubles we've had with our business
> > documents and bank account - if we had had a list of members, we would
> > certainly have done more with it.
> Sorry I can't say that I was. Like I said my new little beastie is
> taking up a lot of my computing time. Any chance of brief recap, or a
> pointer to when this was disussed on the list so I can catch up.

Basically our treasurer disappeared. Thus we were stymied through
lack of access to our records and funds. Hopefully the problem is
under control this year and we won't have the same thing happen.

> > This I accept, and really $25.00 + GST isn't really going to be missed,

> $25.00 (inc. GST).

The web page states:
"Membership is currently only $25 p.a. (plus GST post June 2000) and entitles you to 
free or ultra low cost entry to all SLUG activities. "

which should probably be changed then.

> > but one may still ask the question what the $25.00 gets them, other a
> > peice of papaer and voting rights.

> The right to sit on the committee as well.

> What do you expect for your membership? Your (plural) feedback will us
> to decide what our priorities as a committee should be.

Don't know ??, maybe take a look at what other clubs provide, maybe increase the 
membership a little and give SLUG limited edition tshirts etc, etc.


Mehmet Ozdemir

Mail2Web - Check your email from the web at .

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Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Michael Lake

Mehmet wrote
> prove it, member #167, exp 31/3/01 and will renew this month (I missed
> last months meeting). Since joining I haven't received any
> acknowledgement at all, no reminder to renew my membership.

Fine. It takes work to send out reminders. There is a nice job for you t
do a month before the next AGM. Can all be done via email. :-)

> Now contrast this with a car club I joined at the begining of this year
> (thats whats taking most of time and money !!!), sent of the cheque, and
> got my and acknowledgement and pack of goodies pronto, also quaterly
> newsletters etc. While you might this thing a a waste of time and money,
> if they aren't there what incentive is there to be a paying member other
> that warm fuzzy feeling.

Jill and I don't need a showbag :-) Newsletters take a LOT OF WORK. 


> > What do you expect for your membership? Your (plural) feedback will us
> > to decide what our priorities as a committee should be.
> Don't know ??, maybe take a look at what other clubs provide, maybe increase the 
> membership a little and give SLUG limited edition tshirts etc, etc.

I don't want such things ! I'd better speak up now or else you might
think that silence is agreement :-)

It is good though that you are taking an interest in the runnings of
SLUG and keeping the Committee thinking Mehmet. 


Michael Lake, University of Technology, Sydney
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 02 9514 1724 Fx: 02 9514 1628 
Linux enthusiast, active caver and interested in anything technical.

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Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread DaZZa

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> You really should have been to the AGM, for all of this stuff.

Jeff, with respect, that's a fine line, but some people simply _can't_ get
to meetings.

I barely finish work by 6. I've got a new born son, and a wife who likes
to see me somewhat more than the two hours a day between waking up,
leaving for work, coming home and going to sleep.

It's impossible for me to attend slug meetings regularly - hell, of late
it's been impossible period.

Saying "You should have come to the AGM to see reports" just isn't good
enough. Ditto just dropping sideswipes about the number of paid members -
I willingly paid membership last year, and would have done so again this
year had I noticed my membership had expired.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread DaZZa

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > It you want to haul someone over the coals feel free to direct it at
> > me and the other 32 sluggers.
> Anand is making a sly reference to the fact that there are now only 32
> official members of SLUG. (Or is that 33? I thought you were part of the 32,
> Anand.)
> Given that there's now just over 500 people on the list, I don't think this
> is too bad a reflection on our organisation. :)

{checks membership card}

Well I'll be damned. Expired last month.

Reminders would be a good idea, perhaps?

Has Slug got means to renew without attending meetings? I simply can't get
to the meetings these days. Mail/credit card/something else?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Anand Kumria

[ Mehmet, please don't trim attributions. It is hard to discern who
said what now ]

On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 01:28:13AM +1000, Mehmet Ozdemir wrote:
> > > Jeff while making sly references may seem all good and well, it does
> > > reflect on the organisations marketing ability.
> > 
> > Marketing is not really what we do. Things like the SLUG stand at the
> > recent business expo (thank you Chris and others), our regular installfests
> > and the national one we participated in last year represent our... hmm...
> > outreach to people beyond SLUG.
> Then should it be something that is done? 

I don't think so. And since I represent 1/32nd of SLUG I guess my view
counts for something. Those of you interested in making your views known
will probably take the time to email us at least and/or even become a 
member and get (re)involved.

> I mean marketing in a fairly loose sense, after all if the aim is to get
> paid up members then maybe we should go out there looking for them.

Our expenditure is fairly limited. Installfest rooms average around
$200 - $500 (8 x $25 - 20 x $25) so at these rates and at what I
suspect we have in the bank we aren't likely to have financial problems
any time soon.

But perhaps we should be doing more with our money, like, funding
or xine with money to buy TV specification and/or documentation? Or how about
having someone use freetds to write a SQL command wrapper that translates
Sybase and Microsoft SQL into MySQL/Postgresl?

> > Hopefully you were tuned in to the troubles we've had with our business
> > documents and bank account - if we had had a list of members, we would
> > certainly have done more with it.
> Sorry I can't say that I was. Like I said my new little beastie is
> taking up a lot of my computing time. Any chance of brief recap, or a
> pointer to when this was disussed on the list so I can catch up.

Basically our treasurer disappeared. Thus we were stymied through
lack of access to our records and funds. Hopefully the problem is
under control this year and we won't have the same thing happen.

> > > organised do you actually enforce the discounts to only payed up members
> > > (ie proof of membership required) ???
> > 
> > Been to a fest recently?
> > 
> > [ Read: DISCOUNTS?! They're *FREE*! ]
> Great !!!, but round about the time I signed up this was be spruiked as
> one of benefits, Slug members would getting to fests/events half price.

And no doubt a number of things. Hard to go to, say , Hotline books and
say "oh, we have some number of members - care to give us a discount?".

They want numbers so that they can caluclate the marketing money they
are saving by providing said discount.

We would like to pursue som thing that to make membership 'valuable' but
it isn't a primarily goal for us at the moment.

> > 
> > > If these thing are done then why would anyone bother.
> > 
> > I can answer for myself: a) It pleases me to support the continued existence
> > of a great group that has brought me out of the horrid darkness of
> > proprietary software, and b) it allows me to vote, and also have at least
> > some claim to being a "SLUGger".
> This I accept, and really $25.00 + GST isn't really going to be missed,

$25.00 (inc. GST).

> but one may still ask the question what the $25.00 gets them, other a
> peice of papaer and voting rights.

The right to sit on the committee as well.

What do you expect for your membership? Your (plural) feedback will us
to decide what our priorities as a committee should be.

> > 
> > We're doing what we can to patch up a few uglinesses (the constitution), and
> > thankfully we now have all our documents and business in order; hope I've
> > answered all your queries and explained why things have been the way they
> > have.
> > 
> Will these change be put to a vote ?

Naturally, we require 24 members (of the current 32) to either put in an
appearance or a proxy vote; and at least 5 members to show up in person.

> It would also be helpful for this info to be online, the site seems to
> be missing this sort of stuff. Also I remember last year at the AGM that
> a member was asking for financials to be published, and the president
> (Conrad) agreed, this sort of transparency still doesn't exist :(

Indeed we are aware of the problem and hope that publishing our committee
minutes will start to ameliorate that.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Then should it be something that is done? 
> I mean marketing in a fairly loose sense, after all if the aim is to get
> paid up members then maybe we should go out there looking for them.

Having "paid up members" isn't really the purpose of SLUG. Showing people
the benefits of Free Software, sure.

> Sorry I can't say that I was. Like I said my new little beastie is
> taking up a lot of my computing time. Any chance of brief recap, or a
> pointer to when this was disussed on the list so I can catch up.

It was discussed at a number of meetings, and the AGM.

> This I accept, and really $25.00 + GST isn't really going to be missed,
> but one may still ask the question what the $25.00 gets them, other a
> peice of papaer and voting rights.

It gets you SLUG. I think that's a pretty good deal.

[ Yes, we have discussed other stuff for members, and it's something that
Craige and I are particularly vocal about. We have always been open to
suggestions and ideas; post to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or here. ]

> Will these change be put to a vote ?

Changes to the constitution are subject to the current constitution, which
requires a quorum and a special general meeting.

> It would also be helpful for this info to be online, the site seems to
> be missing this sort of stuff.

[ No need to mention that this should be clearer in a new SLUG website. ]

> Also I remember last year at the AGM that
> a member was asking for financials to be published, and the president
> (Conrad) agreed, this sort of transparency still doesn't exist :(

You really should have been to the AGM, for all of this stuff.

Last year, the financial details were published (somewhat unconventionally)
on the front page of the website, and will also be published this year as
soon as the Treasurer submits his final report.

The subject of transparency also came up, and at the last committee meeting,
we agreed that committee meeting summaries would be sent to the mailing list
every month, soon after. [ Gus has not yet posted these however, so i will
check up on that. ]

- Jeff

  You'll see what I mean.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Mehmet Ozdemir

> > Jeff while making sly references may seem all good and well, it does
> > reflect on the organisations marketing ability.
> Marketing is not really what we do. Things like the SLUG stand at the
> recent business expo (thank you Chris and others), our regular installfests
> and the national one we participated in last year represent our... hmm...
> outreach to people beyond SLUG.

Then should it be something that is done? 
I mean marketing in a fairly loose sense, after all if the aim is to get
paid up members then maybe we should go out there looking for them.

> Hopefully you were tuned in to the troubles we've had with our business
> documents and bank account - if we had had a list of members, we would
> certainly have done more with it.

Sorry I can't say that I was. Like I said my new little beastie is
taking up a lot of my computing time. Any chance of brief recap, or a
pointer to when this was disussed on the list so I can catch up.

> > organised do you actually enforce the discounts to only payed up members
> > (ie proof of membership required) ???
> Been to a fest recently?
> [ Read: DISCOUNTS?! They're *FREE*! ]

Great !!!, but round about the time I signed up this was be spruiked as
one of benefits, Slug members would getting to fests/events half price.

> > If these thing are done then why would anyone bother.
> I can answer for myself: a) It pleases me to support the continued existence
> of a great group that has brought me out of the horrid darkness of
> proprietary software, and b) it allows me to vote, and also have at least
> some claim to being a "SLUGger".

This I accept, and really $25.00 + GST isn't really going to be missed,
but one may still ask the question what the $25.00 gets them, other a
peice of papaer and voting rights.

> We're doing what we can to patch up a few uglinesses (the constitution), and
> thankfully we now have all our documents and business in order; hope I've
> answered all your queries and explained why things have been the way they
> have.

Will these change be put to a vote ?
It would also be helpful for this info to be online, the site seems to
be missing this sort of stuff. Also I remember last year at the AGM that
a member was asking for financials to be published, and the president
(Conrad) agreed, this sort of transparency still doesn't exist :(

Kind Regards

Mehmet Ozdemir

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I'm coming in at the tail end of this so I just shoot my mouth off

Ah, rats. I spent all of my niceness on my previous post. ;)

> Jeff while making sly references may seem all good and well, it does
> reflect on the organisations marketing ability.

Marketing is not really what we do. Things like the SLUG stand at the
recent business expo (thank you Chris and others), our regular installfests
and the national one we participated in last year represent our... hmm...
outreach to people beyond SLUG.

> Since joining I haven't received any
> acknowledgement at all, no reminder to renew my membership.

Hopefully you were tuned in to the troubles we've had with our business
documents and bank account - if we had had a list of members, we would
certainly have done more with it.

During the last committee meeting (the first for the new group) we discussed
setting up a private site for the committee to store the member list, etc...
Now that we have one.

> I would also like to ask the of the slug comittee do you actually have a
> list of members and email addresses phone number etc,

We do now; at least a list of names. We will hopefully be modifying the
constitution to pull it out of the dark ages and give us a little more
flexibility in this regard.

> also when fest are
> organised do you actually enforce the discounts to only payed up members
> (ie proof of membership required) ???

Been to a fest recently?

[ Read: DISCOUNTS?! They're *FREE*! ]

> If these thing are done then why would anyone bother.

I can answer for myself: a) It pleases me to support the continued existence
of a great group that has brought me out of the horrid darkness of
proprietary software, and b) it allows me to vote, and also have at least
some claim to being a "SLUGger".

We're doing what we can to patch up a few uglinesses (the constitution), and
thankfully we now have all our documents and business in order; hope I've
answered all your queries and explained why things have been the way they

- Jeff

  You'll see what I mean.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Mehmet Ozdemir

Oh and sorry for all the typo's, I think fast than I can type :(

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Jeff Waugh

> Hell yes. There were signup a plenty at the OGM. It's implied that you
> can sign up at any meeting, really.

OGM? Oblong General Meeting? :)

[ I love that word. ]

The truth is that we had been quite lazy and, ah, disorganised when it
came to taking memberships during meetings this year. For at least the next
couple of months, one of us will definitely be up the front at the start of
the meeting and during breaks, ready to take memberships.

Hurrah. :)

- Jeff

  You'll see what I mean.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

SLUG Membership WAS:[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Mehmet Ozdemir

> > It you want to haul someone over the coals feel free to direct it at
> > me and the other 32 sluggers.
> Anand is making a sly reference to the fact that there are now only 32
> official members of SLUG. (Or is that 33? I thought you were part of the 32,
> Anand.)
> Given that there's now just over 500 people on the list, I don't think this
> is too bad a reflection on our organisation. :)

I'm coming in at the tail end of this so I just shoot my mouth off

Jeff while making sly references may seem all good and well, it does
reflect on the organisations marketing ability. Take me for example I
joined as a paying member last march, and have a membership card to
prove it, member #167, exp 31/3/01 and will renew this month (I missed
last months meeting). Since joining I haven't received any
acknowledgement at all, no reminder to renew my membership.

Now contrast this with a car club I joined at the begining of this year
(thats whats taking most of time and money !!!), sent of the cheque, and
got my and acknowledgement and pack of goodies pronto, also quaterly
newsletters etc. While you might this thing a a waste of time and money,
if they aren't there what incentive is there to be a paying member other
that warm fuzzy feeling.

I would also like to ask the of the slug comittee do you actually have a
list of members and email addresses phone number etc, also when fest are
organised do you actually enforce the discounts to only payed up members
(ie proof of membership required) ??? If these thing are done then why
would anyone bother.

Lastly I hope this doesn't offend anyone on the list, as I don't post
that often, but I think there a some constructive critisisms that the
slug comitee should take on board


Mehmet Ozdemir

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Steve Kowalik

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 10:41:51PM +1000, Marty Richards uttered:
> On Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:51 PM, Jeff Waugh [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> wrote:
> There would be at least one more, but the last few Slug meetings I have
> attended didn't appear to have anyone calling for member apps or
> contributions as they once did...  I have missed the last couple meetings -
> has this changed? 
Hell yes. There were signup a plenty at the OGM. It's implied that you can sign up at 
any meeting, really.

> Cheers,
> Marty
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

  "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding contest."

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Marty Richards

On Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:51 PM, Jeff Waugh [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Anand is making a sly reference to the fact that there are now only 32
> official members of SLUG. (Or is that 33? I thought you were part of the
> Anand.)
> Given that there's now just over 500 people on the list, I don't think
> is too bad a reflection on our organisation. :)
> - Jeff (Now a whole thirty-secondth of SLUG!)

There would be at least one more, but the last few Slug meetings I have
attended didn't appear to have anyone calling for member apps or
contributions as they once did...  I have missed the last couple meetings -
has this changed? 


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Jeff Waugh

> It you want to haul someone over the coals feel free to direct it at
> me and the other 32 sluggers.

Anand is making a sly reference to the fact that there are now only 32
official members of SLUG. (Or is that 33? I thought you were part of the 32,

Given that there's now just over 500 people on the list, I don't think this
is too bad a reflection on our organisation. :)

- Jeff (Now a whole thirty-secondth of SLUG!)

  Keep It Digital, Doofus.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Anand Kumria

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 06:55:15PM +1000, Terry Collins wrote:
> James Wilkinson wrote:
> > A quick search of this lists archives will tell you that job offers are
> > strictly OFF TOPIC here, and our in house flame-bots will grill you
> > mecilessly (cue Terry and Dazza).  You will have better luck posting to
> > an employment website (again, see archives for examples).
> Umm, I would hazard that Fluffyspider is Okay.
> It is Linux based stuff and they are Sydney based. The only question is
> whether they've ever helped at a Slug do and are thus Good Sluggers.
> Personally, I'd like to see Sluggers get first dibs at these jobs.


Another point in Robi's favour is that he actually rang me up to
check that it was okay before he did post.

I applied the same criteria as Terry has above and said `okay'.

It you want to haul someone over the coals feel free to direct it at
me and the other 32 sluggers.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Terry Collins

James Wilkinson wrote:

> A quick search of this lists archives will tell you that job offers are
> strictly OFF TOPIC here, and our in house flame-bots will grill you
> mecilessly (cue Terry and Dazza).  You will have better luck posting to
> an employment website (again, see archives for examples).

Umm, I would hazard that Fluffyspider is Okay.
It is Linux based stuff and they are Sydney based. The only question is
whether they've ever helped at a Slug do and are thus Good Sluggers.

Personally, I'd like to see Sluggers get first dibs at these jobs.

(Slug-chat for replies please) 

Stuff we don't want is;
Agencies (absence of clue stick),
Non-Sydney (NSW?) jobs (try Linux Australia -,
Non-Linux Jobs (e.g. jobs that are not core Linux -
like NT ones on jobnet of which most mention Linux as a

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread DaZZa

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, James Wilkinson wrote:

> A quick search of this lists archives will tell you that job offers are
> strictly OFF TOPIC here, and our in house flame-bots will grill you
> mecilessly (cue Terry and Dazza).  You will have better luck posting to
> an employment website (again, see archives for examples).

Hey! I resemble that remark!

You been reading ATSR or something? :-)


Or p'raps the Monastery - although you wouldn't have gotten the goss on me
from there.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread James Wilkinson

This one time, at band camp, Robi Karp said:
>If you're interested then we'd love to hear from you.

Unless you've got a question or answer regarding Linux specifically,
then we don't want to year from you.

A quick search of this lists archives will tell you that job offers are
strictly OFF TOPIC here, and our in house flame-bots will grill you
mecilessly (cue Terry and Dazza).  You will have better luck posting to
an employment website (again, see archives for examples).



Always two there are; a Bastard, and a PFY.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] JOB: Exciting Development Opportunities

2001-04-17 Thread Robi Karp

Fluffy Spider Technologies is a small software development company
that specialises in the field of mobile telecommunications. We develop
software at the most exciting forefront of technology.

We have need of senior developers for an exciting new project that
will take us into the international spotlight.  This is a Linux based
project for a worldwide audience.

For more information please look at:

If you're interested then we'd love to hear from you.

- Robi Karp

Fluffy Spider Technologies  Linux / Unix / WAP / Real Time Systems Telecomms & Intelligent Networks / Web
phone: (02) 9281 9055   fax: (02) 9281 2944

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