[sniffer] O365

2018-02-06 Thread Spam-Filter (Support)
This is not SNF specific, just a commentary:


I've noticed an uptick in "user stolen" passwords from domains hosted at

At first I thought these O365 users were simply infected with botNet malware
and spewing out spam to their contact lists, but I've become suspicious
after working with several of these cases.  The attacks are extremely
targeted spearhead's (not list spews), using the users account


An end user stolen password is nothing new, but the influx increase rate is
alarming.  My concern (suspicion) is that blackhats have exploited the
intel/AMD chip memory flaw, and now potentially have the password of every
O365 user (OMG!).  While this keeps most of us here busy and in business,
the herd migration mentality to cloud hosting may end very badly for those
who choose that path.


Just in my opinion.


[sniffer] Message size alert

2017-11-06 Thread Spam-Filter (Support)
Pete - and all,


Just a general observation.  We've noticed a large amount of spam messages
over the past week that exceed 2MB in size (several thousand messages).

Our filtering engines were set to skip messages over 2MB since we all knew
that spammers would rarely waste their resources pumping large amounts of

This is no longer the case (at least for us).


Looks like the game has changed.  Just a heads up!




[sniffer] Re: Bad Matrix errors

2011-08-22 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Yes, the errors have now stopped with the new update.  The issue ran across
all servers so I must have corrupted the last update at some point.

Thanks for the speedy response!

  -Original Message-
  From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:sniffer@sortmonster.com]On Behalf
Of Pete McNeil
  Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 4:32 PM
  To: Message Sniffer Community
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: Bad Matrix errors

  On 8/22/2011 4:04 PM, Peer-to-Peer (Support) wrote:
Hello SNF,

I think something broke.  I'm seeing a lot of Bad Matrix! warnings in
my logs.   Likely started about an hour ago.
Running MDaemon mailserver.

  I note in your telemetry that you have a new rulebase since then. Have the
errors stopped?


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist
ARM Research Labs, LLC

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[sniffer] IPv6

2011-03-11 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Hi everyone,

I've been thinking about the potential risk of IPv6 will have on filtering
spam.  I suspect RBL's (real time blacklists) may become obsolete once IPv6

From what I've learned, IPv6 has 340 undecillion (1 followed by 36 zeros) IP
addresses.  And devices can refresh every 24 hours.  IPv4 only has 4.3
billion IP addresses.

Pete: Grab a cup of coffee.  The botNet's are coming...


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[sniffer] Volume spike Mon 9AM EST

2010-05-10 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Just checking to see if anyone else is seeing a massive spike in volume.
Something started occurring around 9AM EST.  Not yet sure what's happening.

Wondering if this is global attack or simply local on our system?

Anyone seeing unusual activity - high volume?

--Paul R.

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[sniffer] Re: Rulebase updates increased by 25%!!!

2010-03-22 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Thanks Pete,

That would explain it.  Maybe just my eyes playing tricks, but I swear my
clock jumped ahead 1 hour as I was looking at the screen.  Win2000 server.
I re-installed some SNF files, using the current time-stamps.

I'll report back if the issue persists.  And/or at least we have something
solid to work with if it continues.

Thanks for your fast assistance.


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:snif...@sortmonster.com]on
Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 6:29 PM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: Rulebase updates increased by 25%!!!

On 3/22/2010 4:59 PM, Peer-to-Peer (Support) wrote:

 We're only seeing an about 1 update every hour (or so) as well.

I did some checking and sent you an email off list.
It looks like the UTC clock on your server is about an hour in the
future (compared to worldtimeserver.com) -- That's a guess, but based on
the telemetry I see in your rulebase file timestamps it seems about right.

If your update script isn't preserving the file timestamp from the
delivery server and is pushing it into the future by an hour then your
SNF node will not see the file on our server as newer until that hour
has expired (at least).

Two things...
* The update script _should_ preserve the timestamp provided by the
delivery server.
* Even if that's not the case, if your UTC clock is correct then the
timestamp of the new rulebase file would not be in the future.

Please let us know the resolution on this.
Please let us know if there is more we can do.



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[sniffer] Updates down?

2010-01-17 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Our updates stopped around 4:45AM EST this morning (Sun 01-17-10)

We see an error 'unable to connect' (using Curl).  Continuing to

Anyone else experiencing the same?


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[sniffer] Bad Matrix!

2009-07-18 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
We saw the following error for about one hour this morning (6:30AM - 7:20AM
EST).  Assume it was a bad update, and once a new update arrived all corrected

Could this be a local issue, something that we may have been able to prevent, or
something beyond our control.

Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:19: SNF MessageScan:
c:\mdaemon\queues\local\md50144568162.msg, Bad Matrix!
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:19: SNF Debug: EvaluationMatrix::OutOfRange
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:19: SNF MessageScan:
c:\mdaemon\queues\local\md50144568163.msg, Bad Matrix!
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:19: SNF Debug: EvaluationMatrix::OutOfRange
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:19: SNF MessageScan:
c:\mdaemon\queues\local\md50144568164.msg, Bad Matrix!
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:19: SNF Debug: EvaluationMatrix::OutOfRange
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:20: SNF MessageScan:
c:\mdaemon\queues\local\md50144568165.msg, Bad Matrix!
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:20: SNF Debug: EvaluationMatrix::OutOfRange
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:20: SNF MessageScan:
c:\mdaemon\queues\local\md50144568166.msg, Bad Matrix!
Sat 2009-07-18 07:10:20: SNF Debug: EvaluationMatrix::OutOfRange


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[sniffer] Re: Stampede - amazing!

2008-08-28 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Not the same as you're describing below, but I can confirm we were slammed
with NDR's last night.  Classic joe-job (i.e. millions of messages sent out
to unknown users using your return address).


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 5:13 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Stampede - amazing!

Hello Sniffer Folks,

I had been wondering why the blackhats had been pushing so hard for
new bots these last few weeks.

Then the other day I saw something very strange in the SNF telemetry.
A storm came in that seemed to stop all other traffic. For more than
an hour I really thought something was broken -- but I wasn't sure I'd
really seen it.

Just a short time ago our SortMonster on duty (Mitchell Skull)
called all-hands for a new spam storm. This was another of the new
penis spams.

We coded the rules quickly and as they went out I saw it again:

T rates fell to zero on many systems and close to that on all of the
others. This means that virtually all of the IPs were brand-new. At
the same time traffic spiked on all systems and capture rates went
off-scale high as the new rules tagged virtually every message.

This is not an entirely new tactic by the blackhats-- I've talked
about it before. It is essentially a high-amplitude burst - where a
new campaign is pre-tested against all known filters and then launched
on a large number of new bots that are unknown to IP reputation

What is new is the purity of these recent events. When we've seen them
before they were mixed in with a lot of other traffic from other bot
nets and even other campaigns from the same bot net. While there was
still a trickle of this activity, the purity of this burst was

This was a stampede where essentially all visible bots started running
in a single new direction.

T rates have recovered now by and large -- so the new bots are already
largely recognized by GBUdb, but the wild swing in telemetry across
the network was amazing to watch -- as is the new telemetry showing
dramatically increased traffic and capture rates indicating a nearly
pure stream of spam from this new herd.

Theories, comments, and observations welcome.



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: FW: Memory Usage of MessageSniffer 3

2008-08-20 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Just following-up:  We've been running the upper limit at 100mb for 3 weeks
now and have not seen any further St9bad_alloc errors.  At 150mb we were
seeing the St9bad_alloc error daily.


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 12:40 PM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: FW: Memory Usage of MessageSniffer 3

Hello Peer-to-Peer,

Friday, August 1, 2008, 10:49:52 AM, you wrote:


 I also have a scheduled reboot every night since we did
 confirm w/ Arvel at MDaemon there is a memory leak in MDaemon.exe (if
 heavily utilizing their Gateway feature).  Have yet to hear anything from
 AltN regarding a fix on the MDaemon.exe leak.

 In any case, do you think lowering the upper limit will help the
 St9bad_alloc error, or am I fishing in the wrong area.

That will help your memory leak issue because it will leave more room
for the leak to expand before causing allocation failures.

You shouldn't see a significant drop-off in GBUdb performance after
you reduce your upper RAM limit because your message rates are low
enough that GBUdb should be able to function quite well with fewer
entries-- Also there is a shared memory effect that emerges from the
interaction of GBUdb nodes and the cloud... When records are condensed
they are more likely to be bounced off the cloud and get new data so
what you might loose in fewer records you will gain in more frequent

Hope this helps,


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: FW: Memory Usage of MessageSniffer 3

2008-08-01 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
H sorry, just before posting my question last night I lowered the upper
limit to 100MB which is why you're now seeing more normal numbers on your
end.  Six servers were at 150MB last night and today the numbers are 1/2 of
the size.

Here's an example from server#1 (LAST NIGHT)
size bytes=159383552/
records count=781184/
utilization percent=97.3916/

Here's an example from server#1 (TODAY)
size bytes=75497472/
records count=300560/
utilization percent=91.2028/

I lowered the upper limit because since installing 3.0, I'm now seeing a
dramatic increase of the St9bad_alloc (out of memory error) on a daily basis
again.  As you know when that error occurs, all mail is allowed to pass 
none filtered, so my server reboots automatically when the St9bad_alloc
error occurs.  I also have a scheduled reboot every night since we did
confirm w/ Arvel at MDaemon there is a memory leak in MDaemon.exe (if
heavily utilizing their Gateway feature).  Have yet to hear anything from
AltN regarding a fix on the MDaemon.exe leak.

In any case, do you think lowering the upper limit will help the
St9bad_alloc error, or am I fishing in the wrong area.


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 10:04 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: FW: Memory Usage of MessageSniffer 3

Hello Peer-to-Peer,

Thursday, July 31, 2008, 10:05:15 PM, you wrote:

 Would it be correct to say the higher we can increase the size-trigger
 'megabytes' value, the better filtering results (accuracy) we will
 In other words, would it be beneficial for us to purchase more memory on
 server (say an additional 2GB), then increase the 'megabytes' value to 400
 or 800?

 Several of our servers are hitting the upper limit (159,383,552) 150 MB

I don't think so. A quick look at your telemetry indicates that your
systems are typically rebooted once per day. This is actually
preempting your daily condensation.

One result of this is that many of your GBUdb nodes only condense when
they reach their size limit. From what I can see, when this happens a
significant portion of your GBUdb data is dropped. For example,
several of the systems I looked at have not condensed in months. Here
is some data from one of them:

run started=20080801081753 elapsed=19637/
sync latest=20080801134415 elapsed=55/
save latest=20080801131823 elapsed=1607/
condense latest=20080406160144 elapsed=10100606/

size bytes=50331648/
records count=214313/
utilization percent=91.1357/

This one has not condensed since 200804 most likely due to restarts
that prevented the daily condensation timer from expiring.

If this is the case with your other systems as well, it is likely that
they are occasionally condensing when they reach their size threshold,
but if they were allowed to condense daily they would never reach that

In that case, adding additional memory for GBUdb would probably not
improve performance significantly.

The default settings are conservative even for very large message
loads. for example our spamtrap processing systems typically handle
3000-4000 msg/minute continuously and typically have timer  GBUdb
telemetry like this:

run started=20080717205939 elapsed=1270156/
sync latest=20080801134844 elapsed=11/
save latest=20080801134721 elapsed=94/
condense latest=20080801132958 elapsed=1137/

size bytes=117440512/
records count=568867/
utilization percent=99.6626/

Note that this SNF node has not been restarted since 20080717 and that
it's last condensation was in the early hours today-- most likely due
to it's daily timer.

Note also that it's GBUdb size is only 117 MBytes. It is unlikely that
this system will reach 150Mbytes before the day is finished.

Since most systems we see are handling traffic rates significantly
smaller than 4.75M/day it is safe to assume that most systems would
also be unlikely to reach their default GBUdb size limit during any
single day... So, the default of 150 MBytes is likely more than
sufficient for most production systems.


All that said, if you want to intentionally run larger GBUdb data sets
on your systems there is no harm in that. Your system will be more
aware of habitual bot IPs etc at the expense of memory. Since all
GBUdb nodes receive reflections on IP encounters within one minute, it
is likely that the benefit would be the ability to reject the first
message from a bad IP more frequently... Subsequent messages from bad
IPs would likely be rejected by all GBUdb nodes based on reflected

It is likely that increasing the amount of RAM you assign to your
GBUdb nodes will have diminishing returns past the defaults currently
set... but it might be fun to try it and see :-)


If you are looking for better capture rates you may be able to achieve
those more readily by adjusting your GBUdb envelopes. 

[sniffer] Re: FW: Memory Usage of MessageSniffer 3

2008-07-31 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Would it be correct to say the higher we can increase the size-trigger
'megabytes' value, the better filtering results (accuracy) we will achieve?
In other words, would it be beneficial for us to purchase more memory on our
server (say an additional 2GB), then increase the 'megabytes' value to 400
or 800?

Several of our servers are hitting the upper limit (159,383,552) 150 MB


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 8:23 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: FW: Memory Usage of MessageSniffer 3

Hello Ian,

The new (V3) SNF does use more ram than the old SNF (V2).

GBUdb adds records over time as it learns new IP data.

The amount of RAM that will be used by GBUdb depends on how quickly it
is learning new IPs and how frequently the database is condensed.

You can set an upper limit on the size of GBUdb in the configuration

condense minimum-seconds-between='600'
time-trigger on-off='on' seconds='86400'/
posts-trigger on-off='off' posts='120'/
records-trigger on-off='off' records='60'/
size-trigger on-off='on' megabytes='150'/

By default GBUdb will condense once per day or when it reaches
150 MBytes. Roughly twice as much RAM is needed for the condensing
process since the GBUdb data must be copied to a new location.
Condensing the GBUdb data is relatively expensive, so if sufficient
RAM is not released by the first pass GBUdb will condense again every
10 minutes (600 seconds above) until GBUdb is below the size limit you
have set.

I recommend you determine how much ram you want to make available for
SNF and then set your size-trigger/ to 40% of that size. This should
leave room for GBUdb to condense and for the rest of SNF to fit
inside your memory limit.

You can monitor your GBUdb status in your status.minute or
status.second reports. Here is some sample data from one of our
spamtrap processors. It has been stable for months so this should
be indicative of what you would see on a busy machine that's been up
for a while:

size bytes=142606336/
records count=650314/
utilization percent=95.8431/

For information on reading your status reports:


Hope this helps,


Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 10:31:23 PM, you wrote:

 This is from one of our engineers.  Anybody else had this sort of issue?


 -Original Message-
 Does the new sniffer stuff have a higher memory requirement than
 the old?  Sebastian pointed out to me today that a number of our
 gate servers were using a ton of swap space.  Restarting snfctrl frees up
a few hundred megs.

 Our newer gate servers (all with 2 or more GB of RAM) seem to be
 doing alright, but we have 16 gates at IAD with 1 GB of RAM that are
 being affected by this.  It looks like the memory usage increases
 progressively over the course of a couple days, so I don't know if
 it's a memory leak or what.  Is there anything we should do or add a
 snfctrl restart to our nightly cron jobs and just live with it for now?

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Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] MD - Headers in body

2008-07-17 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)

Is there any common cause for the SNF headers to appear in the body of an
We're running MDaemon.

We have a customer using a webform to receive their sales-orders via email.
When the message arrives in the customers mailbox the SNF headers appear at
the top of the message body, and the webform itself shows-up as webcode in
the body.

I assume it's the way the webform was created or being sent.

Sorry I have limited details, but any suggestions?



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[sniffer] Re: Upgraded Rulebase Delivery System

2008-07-12 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
All appears to be working correctly here :-)


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 4:34 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Upgraded Rulebase Delivery System

Hello Sniffer Folks,

Early this morning we completed significant upgrades to our rulebase
delivery system yielding a 10 fold increase in available bandwidth and
a 5 fold increase in delivery transaction rates.

Please let us know if you observe any negative or positive effects.

From observations and theory rulebases should be delivered more
quickly and more frequently.

I will continue to monitor the system closely for any aberrations.



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Slow economy - More Spam

2008-07-12 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)

We're predicating an up-tick in spam over the coming months due to the
(Global) economy which is dramatically slowing.  Small businesses are
feeling the pinch and business owners are beginning to panic (as you would
naturally expect).  So to make up for lost revenue they will advertise,
heavily (just like chasing your money at the casino).  An attractive way to
advertise would be email (or so they think).

Batten down the hatches.


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[sniffer] Re: Source distribution corrected re: snf2check utility

2008-04-24 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Check to be certain your .snf rulebase is in the Mdaemon\SNF folder


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of David Pearson
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:47 PM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: Source distribution corrected re: snf2check

Sorry - meant this version: SNFv2-9rc5.23.6

-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of David Pearson
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:43 PM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: Source distribution corrected re: snf2check utility


I'm using Mdaemon and my plugin is messing up today. I went ahead and
installed the new v2.9rc. I made sure to put my licenseid and auth number in
the identity.xml file. Nothing changed because I did a copy and paste.

Now when I start MDaemon I receive an error that says: Unable to
authenticate rulebase

Here's what the plug-ins section tells me:

Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: Attempting to load 'SNF' plugin
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  ConfigFunc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ok, ready to use)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  StartupFunc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ok, ready to use)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  ShutdownFunc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ok, ready to use)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  PreMessageFunc:  (NULL)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  PostMessageFunc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ok, ready to
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  SMTPMessageFunc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ok, ready to
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  SMTPMessageFunc2:  (NULL)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  SMTPMessageFunc3:  (NULL)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  DomainPOPMessageFunc:  (NULL)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  MultiPOPMessageFunc:  (NULL)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: *  Result: success (plugin DLL loaded in slot 0)
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: --
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:24: SNF plugin is starting up
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:26: --
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:44: SNF IPScan: c:\mdaemon\temp\md506.tmp,
Engine Not Ready!
Thu 2008-04-24 14:35:46: SNF MessageScan:
c:\mdaemon\remoteq\md50001065387.msg, Engine Not Ready!
Thu 2008-04-24 14:36:04: SNF IPScan: c:\mdaemon\temp\md508.tmp,
Engine Not Ready!
Thu 2008-04-24 14:36:05: SNF IPScan: c:\mdaemon\temp\md509.tmp,
Engine Not Ready!

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 6:37 PM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Source distribution corrected re: snf2check utility

Hello Sniffer Folks,

The source distribution of the SNF2-9 beta/rc has been corrected. The
previous build of the source distribution was missing a compile

The new build -- just uploaded -- contains a compile script and some
minor modifications to the source code so that it can be built in the
SNF2Check directory.




Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: .pdf Attachments

2007-06-28 Thread Computer House Support
Yes, we're getting tons of these too.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
From: Greg Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Message Sniffer Community sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 10:20 AM
Subject: [sniffer] .pdf Attachments

What is with all the .pdf attachments in spam?  I haven't noticed 
this trend previously.  Are they infected or what is the scheme?  

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[sniffer] Re: Appriver issue

2007-05-18 Thread Computer House Support
For those of us in the dark about this, can someone explain who Appriver is, 
and what is has to do with Message Sniffer?

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Message Sniffer Community sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 6:45 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Re: Downloads are not working

I sent a message earlier to this list but I'm not sure if it went
through.  We've been hit by this Appriver issue and it is still going on
as far as I can tell.  One of our users, call him [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sent a message to about 70 people.  And this message has been bounced 20
or 30,000 times and counting.  At first I thought it was this Exchange
issue we experienced last year where a single message was sent over and
over.  But then I saw that all the headers of the bounced emails
contained calls to appriver.com and when I checked here I found this thread.

In the end, the only thing I could do was completely remove that user's
account and it appears to be OK.  But who knows?  Things appeared to be
OK from 7pm until 1am PST when it all started up again.

Anyone have any information on this?



Pete McNeil wrote:
 Hello Matt,

 Thursday, May 17, 2007, 2:22:56 PM, you wrote:

 Appriver, who is somehow involved with Sniffer, is having a ridicolous
 problem with sending messages over and over again (once every few
 seconds).  They pulled their contact information from their site but
 didn't take down their servers.  I suspect this is putting strain on
 them and if Sniffer uses their bandwidth for downloads, that could
 explain things.

 I'm not sure what the actual issue is (I will get that data later),
 however I've just been informed that it should be resolved in the next
 20 minutes or so.

 Our rulebase server is on the same network so it is effected.

 BTW - they did not take down their contact information. It is right
 where it always has been.


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[sniffer] Re: Best renewal price and service on Sniffer?

2007-05-18 Thread Computer House Support
Dear Steve,

I have replied to you off-list regarding our discounted renewal services for 
Mesage Sniffer.

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House
609 652-5100

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve Guluk 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:26 AM
  Subject: [sniffer] Best renewal price and service on Sniffer?

  I was informed some time back that I needed to renew my subscription to 
Sniffer soon. I sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on May 3rd and never got a 
response back.

  Today is the last day on my subscription. Does anyone have any suggestions on 
where to renew, at the best price?


  Steve Guluk


  (949) 661-9333

  ICQ: 7230769

[sniffer] Re: SPAM Storm?

2007-03-19 Thread Computer House Support
Is it me, or is there an unbelievable spam storm going on this 

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[sniffer] Re: DNSBL

2007-02-28 Thread Computer House Support
Dear Alberto,

Have you run your task manager to see what service is using the CPU?

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
From: Alberto Santoni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Message Sniffer Community sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 1:19 PM
Subject: [sniffer] DNSBL


does someone have heavy problems with the DNSBLs? 

I have Imail server 2006.1 + mxguard + messagesniffer and it is since
about a week that my server has almost always the CPU at 100%.

I have stopped the check for all DNSBL but nothing has changed!

Any idea?

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[sniffer] ORDB.org shutting down

2006-12-18 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
ORDB.org announced today (12/18/06) they will be shutting down (12/31/06).

The folks at AltN.com (MDaemon) sent out announcements to all their
customers and would like to pass this along to anyone who checks that RBL.
The site will disappear in 13 days.
You can visit ordb.org for details.


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[sniffer] Re: Blocking emails with Cyrillic characters

2006-12-13 Thread Computer House Support
Here Here!  I second the motion.  It would be great to be able to block these.

We use the Declude Country Filter which does a good job, but these Russian or 
Arabic E-mails don't always originate in the subject country.

Thanks Steve for the good suggestion.

Michael Stein
Computer House 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve Guluk 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:42 PM
  Subject: [sniffer] Blocking emails with Cyrillic characters

  Hello Comrades, 
  Could we get a rule that looks for various common Russian words (or Cyrillic 
characters) and then gives them a spam value?

  Do you sell much Sniffer Product to Russia? If not, rules that focus on 
common russian words would be great for blocking much of the spam that makes 
it's way past Sniffer. You could always create a way for people that want 
Russian emails to exclude this rule. No?

  Not that I know all the details of how you guys create your rules but a rule 
looking for common Cyrillic  characters could catch all spam formatted in 
Russian as well as other languages that use similar characters. Otherwise you 
should hire some coders that understand these languages as I get a heap of spam 
that passes Sniffer by using what looks like Russian or Cyrillic  characters.

  I run iMail 8.22 so if anyone has any other ideas that could block these 
please post your suggestions, I guess we could create a phrase list from some 
of the Cyrillic  spams..?


  Steve Guluk


  (949) 661-9333

  ICQ: 7230769

[sniffer] MDaemon 9.5 Gateways

2006-11-15 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
MDaemon 9.5 hidden warning:

If anyone is using the 'Gateway' features in MDaemon and plan to upgrade to
9.5, be aware you will now be required to purchase a user license equal to
the number of Gateways.

9.5 no longer offers unlimited gateways :(

--Paul R.

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[sniffer] Re: Yahoo! Email Delivery

2006-10-30 Thread Technical Support

It looks like they are grey listing you. 

That's the return code our grey listing system uses. On our 
servers that grey list, the first time you try to deliver email from a new 
address we return the 451 code. You must retry again after 60 seconds, within 24 
hours, and your mail will be accepted. Then that email address is white listed 
for 24hours.

I don't recommend grey listing, it will delay email 
delivery for hours, and some servers will not try back. We use it in particular 

Paul Fuhrmeister

From: Message Sniffer Community 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan 
HickmanSent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:20 AMTo: Message 
Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Yahoo! Email 

We are still getting this error from Yahoo! 
servers when attempting to send email to people on their domain:

Reason: Remote host said: 451 Message temporarily deferred - 
I recall others encountering this 
difficulty. What did you do or what did Yahoo! tell you was the 
cause? It seems like every message sent to yahoo.com is being bounced with 
that message. I cannot contact their abuse or support departments because 
those emails bounce with the same error.

Jonathan HickmanCape Lookout Internet 

[sniffer] high spam

2006-10-30 Thread Tech Support

we seem to be having a drastic increase the last 
couple of hours or so - it's now 12:30 EST - anyone else seeing the same 

[sniffer] Re: Declude header not modified correctly

2006-10-25 Thread Computer House Support
David Waller wrote:  they don't respond to support emails from this 
registered user...

Dear David,

I am curious to know if you have an active Service Agreement with Declude? 
Among the hundreds of vendors that I deal with, I found their support to be 
one of the best.  I seldom wait more than an hour for a response.

Michael Stein
Computer House 

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[sniffer] Re: Declude header not modified correctly

2006-10-25 Thread Computer House Support

Dear Sniffer Folks,

As I mentioned in a previous post, we have been very happy 
with the response from Declude Tech Support.

Feel free to use this E-mail address if you need 

Linda has been very good at responding, and she has given 
permission for me to post her address here.

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  Herb Guenther 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:06 
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: Declude header not 
  modified correctly
  I have an active SA, I 
  sent in some service requests and got a ticket number by return email, never a 
  follow up. Then called in and a chap named Chris Asaro fixed the 
  settings on our account so that I could download the correct version and was 
  quite helpful with that. However, that does not solve the problem and 
  all emails of examples and requests for status since 10/18/06 have gone 
  unanswered.So, basically their answer was install the latest version, 
  and beyond that nothing, not even a reply or a we are working on it and will 
  have something to try on X. Out users are seeing hundreds of spam 
  messages unmarked in their email boxes a day, and of course want to know why 
  when it is identified as spam they are still getting it. I personally 
  know that this has been an issue for at least a year. If I were a 
  spammer I would sure code my emails to exploit this.Anyway, have used 
  Declude for about 5 years as I recall and getting kind of to the end of the 
  line.I also spent some time yet again on their web site, and do not 
  see a discussion board or anything to discuss this issue there vs 
  Cox wrote: 
  I have an active SA.  I've sent support requests twice in the past few
months to support@ and have gotten no response.


- Original Message - 
From: "Computer House Support" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Message Sniffer Community" sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:11 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Re: Declude header not modified correctly

David Waller wrote:  they don't respond to support emails from this
registered user...

Dear David,

I am curious to know if you have an active Service Agreement with Declude?
Among the hundreds of vendors that I deal with, I found their support to be
one of the best.  I seldom wait more than an hour for a response.

Michael Stein
Computer House

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Herb Guenther
Lanex, LLC
(262)789-0966x102 Office
(262)780-0424 Direct

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[sniffer] Re: SPAM Problems

2006-10-23 Thread Technical Support


What sort of database does OFR use adn do you know if the expiration of 
address's can be edited?



- Original Message - 
From: David Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Message Sniffer Community sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 6:14 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Re: SPAM Problems


We had a similar problem. Due to the huge volumes of spam we found our 

server becoming less able to deal with email. Imail/Declude/Sniffer is
expensive in processor terms when processing email and we found the best 
to pre-process mail filtering using Greylisting (we used Vamsoft in IIS 
but others exist). This has dramatically reduced the load on our server 

seems to stop the bulk of spammers and mail harvesters

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Filippo Palmili
Sent: 23 October 2006 10:18
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] SPAM Problems

Hello Pete, since friday our mail server is overwhelmed by a very lot of
spam messages. Because of this the spool of my IMail Server gets full and 

actually get stuck.

Do you have any hint that can help me to fix this problem?

Filippo Palmili

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[sniffer] Re: SPAM Problems

2006-10-23 Thread Technical Support
We also use ORF by VamSoft on IIS to pre-process. 

We do not use the grey listing. We tried it, and it is great at eliminating
spam, but it can delay mail for hours, which is a problems for most email

Instead of grey listing, we have found ORF's tar-pitting very effective. 

We set some tests at the ORF level, but don't block on them (because there
is no weighting). We also have some spam trap email addresses. Fail a test
or hit a spam trap and we tar-pit. Instead of sending us 100 spams a minute
they can only send one per minute. 

We can pick up x-records with Declude and not have to re-run the tests on
the iMail server, still using Declude to score the messages based on the
prior tests. 

ORF even has a built-in interface for sniffer. 

It is simpler and preferable to process everything on the iMail server, but
when you want to off-load processing to stretch your iMail / Declude
investment, this arrangement can do the trick. 

Paul Fuhrmeister

-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of David Waller
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 5:15 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: SPAM Problems


We had a similar problem. Due to the huge volumes of spam we found our mail
server becoming less able to deal with email. Imail/Declude/Sniffer is
expensive in processor terms when processing email and we found the best was
to pre-process mail filtering using Greylisting (we used Vamsoft in IIS SMTP
but others exist). This has dramatically reduced the load on our server and
seems to stop the bulk of spammers and mail harvesters

Hope this helps.


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[sniffer] Re: Version 2-3.5 Release -- Faster Engine

2006-10-23 Thread Computer House Support
Thank you Pete,

We have successfully upgraded to version 2-3.5

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
To: Message Sniffer Community sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: [sniffer] Version 2-3.5 Release -- Faster Engine

Hello SNF Folks,

The plan was to hold off until the next major release, however in
light of recent increases in spam traffic we are pushing out a new
version with our faster engine included. All other upgrades are will
wait for the major release ;-)

The scanning engine upgrade results in a 2x speed increase that
hopefully will help with the higher volumes we are seeing now.

Version 2-3.5 also rolls up 2-3.2i1 which included the timing and file
locking upgrades.

You can find version 2-3.5 here:




Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-18 Thread Computer House Support

Hosting wrote: anyone getting 
mailthrough yet?

It was suggested that we try this command: telenet 
mx1.mail.yahoo.com 25

I have found that this fails about 4 out of 5 times. 
If you keep trying it, it will eventually connect. I would sure like to 
know what this is.

Anyone know?

Michael SteinComputer House

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-18 Thread Computer House Support

oops I spelled Telnet wrong. 

  - Original Message - 
  Computer House Support 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:50 
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Hosting wrote: anyone getting 
  mailthrough yet?
  It was suggested that we try this command: telenet 
  mx1.mail.yahoo.com 25
  I have found that this fails about 4 out of 5 
  times. If you keep trying it, it will eventually connect. I would 
  sure like to know what this is.
  Anyone know?
  Michael SteinComputer House

[sniffer] Re: FW: Retest (KMM38446283V14479L0KM)

2006-10-18 Thread Tech Support

The time and resources spent dealing with this add up to serious cash

I'm thinking class action lawsuit :)

- Original Message - 
From: Matrosity Hosting [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Message Sniffer Community sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 8:36 PM
Subject: [sniffer] FW: Retest (KMM38446283V14479L0KM)

Whatever, yahoo.

You can't just admit your system was hosed and actually still is.

Bill Foresman
Matrosity Hosting

-Original Message-
From: Yahoo! Customer Support [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: Retest (KMM38446283V14479L0KM)


Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

We have investigated the issue described in your report and believe the
problem has been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Emails from the mail server(s) you are using have recently become
deprioritized due to potential issues with its mailings.

These deprioritizations were temporary but may be re-triggered if the
sending IP profile continues to be poor. Typically, deprioritizations are
triggered by bad individual sender or MAIL FROM profiles.

To continue to receive prioritized delivery or if your servers are being
delivered to Yahoo! Mail's Bulk Mail folder, please visit the following
URL's for more information:



If you are not the administrator for the mail server(s) affected, we
encourage you to contact the administrator so they can address the 

issues regarding mailings from the mail server.

If you notice any further difficulties with delivering to Yahoo! Mail
accounts after this time, please let us know by replying to this email.
Please provide the text of any error messages you may have received and a
copy of the email (with the full headers). Also, by providing the specific
IP address of the mail server that experienced the delivery issue, it will
help us to troubleshoot the issue efficiently.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.



Yahoo! Customer Care


Original Message Follows:

Mail-Id: 1161088172-2180
Name: Bill Foresman

IPs in the form (separate multiple IP submissions by new

Indicate the error message(s) you have received.
10:17 00:24 SMTP-(373302740f62)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(278301774a27)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(3b5b01fb0583)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(31dc0257057c)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(306301c6026c)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(27c101704a84)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(370f01ce0f1b)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(367c02540dfe)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(3215025705df)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(37f301fe10c1)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(2d3e016f53e1)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(37e5027410aa)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(39ad01de02b3)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(2ea30212569a)
Trying yahoo.com (0)

10:17 00:24 SMTP-(373302740f62)
451 Message temporarily deferred -

Optionally, add a comment to your submission.
No clue why this is happening to us!
I've checked multiple poen relay test
and all come back negative.

While Viewing: http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-02.html

Form Name: http://add2.dir.scd.yahoo.com/fast/help/us/mail/cgi_retest

This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to
 the mailing list sniffer@sortmonster.com.
To unsubscribe, E-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Send administrative queries to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to
 the mailing list sniffer@sortmonster.com.
To unsubscribe, E-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Send administrative queries to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[sniffer] yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I could
not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Computer House Support

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a 
more detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a 
DNS or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com is a good 

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:50 
  Subject: [sniffer] yahoo mail 
  IÂ’m sorry to post this here but we 
  are desperately looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue 
  to us and I could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail 
  server folks J
  We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple 
  networks having issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours 
  nowthese are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 
  telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 451 Message 
  temporarily deferred - 4.16.50keep in mind that some of our servers 
  are having no issues sending mail any one else having this 

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

Thanks, but were not blacklisted and there
are no entries other than message has been deferred L

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:54 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a more
detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a DNS
or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com
is a good resource.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 10:50 AM

Subject: [sniffer] yahoo
mail problems

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I
could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Support
We have had this issue intermittently for the last 2 days only on one 
mail server.

Tech Support wrote:

I’m sorry to post this here but we are desperately looking for 
opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I could 
not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having 
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail

any one else having this issue

This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to
 the mailing list sniffer@sortmonster.com.
To unsubscribe, E-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To switch to the INDEX mode, E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send administrative queries to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Computer House Support

Now that I've looked into it further,yes! Our 
E-mails to Yahoo have also been bouncing back as undeliverable with the same 

I have sent out a few test messages and will report back 
when I have some more info.

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:52 
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Thanks, but were not 
  blacklisted and there are no entries other than message has been deferred 
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
  Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:54 
  AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  I would recommend checking your 
  mail server logs for a more detailed description of the bounce error. 
  You may find that it is a DNS or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com is a good 
  Michael SteinComputer 

- Original Message - 

From: Tech 

To: Message 
Sniffer Community 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:50 AM

[sniffer] yahoo mail problems

IÂ’m sorry to post this here but 
we are desperately looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real 
issue to us and I could not think of any better place to find truly 
technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on 
multiple networks having issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 
hours nowthese are a variety of server types on a variety of 
networks telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 451 
Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50keep in mind that some of our 
servers are having no issues sending mail any one else having this 

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

Heres what we have found so far

Yahoo is grey listing but instead of
running a centralized GL database each of their servers has its own

A lookup for their MX shows




So your server grabs one of these and does
a lookup which returns a round robin response for mx1.mail.yahoo.com of

Each of which has a TTL of 1800

So your server tries one of these and gets
deferred to try again. It waits and tries again  but depending on
your retry frequency TTL may have expired

And so the process starts over with a new
MX1.mail.yahoo.com server

Not sure if this is all correct but it is
the best we can figure out as of yet

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:11 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Now that I've looked into it further,yes! Our E-mails
to Yahoo have also been bouncing back as undeliverable with the same error.

I have sent out a few test messages and will report back
when I have some more info.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 11:52 AM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

Thanks, but were not blacklisted and there
are no entries other than message has been deferred L

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:54 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a more
detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a DNS
or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com
is a good resource.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 10:50 AM

Subject: [sniffer] yahoo
mail problems

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I
could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

This issue is occurring for us with the
following platforms

Windows with Imail, smartermail  Mail

Linux  about ½ our cpanel servers

Exchange servers  at least 1/3 of

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:27 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Are those of us having this problem all running an Imail

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Matrosity

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:08 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

same here


From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tech Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:52 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Thanks, but were not blacklisted and there
are no entries other than message has been deferred L

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:54 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a more
detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a DNS
or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com
is a good resource.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 10:50 AM

Subject: [sniffer] yahoo
mail problems

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I
could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Computer House Support

Weird. I found that only certain domains on our 
server are having the problem. One domain can successfully send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]but when I try 
mail to this addressfrom my domain, it fails.

The other error we are seeing is: rl-recv: 
connection reset

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:18 
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  This issue is 
  occurring for us with the following platforms
  Windows with Imail, 
  smartermail  Mail enable
  Linux – about ½ our 
  cpanel servers
  Exchange servers – at 
  least 1/3 of them
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
  Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:27 
  PMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Are those of us having this 
  problem all running an Imail server?
  Michael SteinComputer 

- Original Message - 

From: Matrosity 

To: Message 
Sniffer Community 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:08 PM

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems


Bill Foresman 
Matrosity Hosting 

Message Sniffer Community 
Behalf Of Tech SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:52 
AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
Thanks, but were 
not blacklisted and there are no entries other than message has been 
deferred L

Message Sniffer Community 
Behalf Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:54 
AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 

I would recommend checking your 
mail server logs for a more detailed description of the bounce error. 
You may find that it is a DNS or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com is a good 

Michael SteinComputer 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tech 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:50 AM
  [sniffer] yahoo mail problems
  IÂ’m sorry to post this here 
  but we are desperately looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a 
  real issue to us and I could not think of any better place to find truly 
  technical mail server folks J
  We seem to be having multiple mail servers on 
  multiple networks having issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 
  hours nowthese are a variety of server types on a variety of 
  networks telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 451 
  Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50keep in mind that some of 
  our servers are having no issues sending mail any one else having 
  this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

Telnet to mx1.mail.yahoo.com on port 25 
likewise try mx2  3

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:44 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Weird. I found that only certain domains on our server
are having the problem. One domain can successfully send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]but when I try
mail to this addressfrom my domain, it fails.

The other error we are seeing is: rl-recv: connection

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:18 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

This issue is occurring for us with the
following platforms

Windows with Imail, smartermail  Mail

Linux  about ½ our cpanel servers

Exchange servers  at least 1/3 of

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:27 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Are those of us having this problem all running an Imail

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Matrosity Hosting

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:08 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

same here


From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tech Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:52 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Thanks, but were not blacklisted and there
are no entries other than message has been deferred L

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:54 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a more
detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a DNS
or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com
is a good resource.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 10:50 AM

Subject: [sniffer] yahoo
mail problems

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I
could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

We were thinking of that approach but we
run dedicated dns servers that are extremely high traffic so we would have to
setup dns on each server as adding the zone to our true dns would cause lookup
issues for other yahoo services

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Colbeck, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:38 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

I had a similar problem with Hotmail once
upon a time; the details were different, but the remedy was the same.

I run a caching DNS server on my outbound
DNS host, so I simply addeda DNS zone forYahoo.com on it, and
populated only enough MX record information so that I could reliably get
tojust a few hosts.

The same dummy zone technique could be
used here to consistently deliver mail to the same Yahoo! mail hosts and
therefore their greylisting will work as they expect.

If you try it and it works, please let us

Andrew 8)

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tech Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
9:12 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Heres what we have found so far

Yahoo is grey listing but instead of
running a centralized GL database each of their servers has its own

A lookup for their MX shows




So your server grabs one of these and does
a lookup which returns a round robin response for mx1.mail.yahoo.com of

Each of which has a TTL of 1800

So your server tries one of these and gets
deferred to try again. It waits and tries again  but depending on
your retry frequency TTL may have expired

And so the process starts over with a new
MX1.mail.yahoo.com server

Not sure if this is all correct but it is
the best we can figure out as of yet

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:11 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Now that I've looked into it further,yes! Our E-mails
to Yahoo have also been bouncing back as undeliverable with the same error.

I have sent out a few test messages and will report back
when I have some more info.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 11:52 AM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

Thanks, but were not blacklisted and there
are no entries other than message has been deferred L

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:54 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a more
detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a DNS
or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com
is a good resource.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 10:50 AM

Subject: [sniffer] yahoo
mail problems

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I
could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Computer House Support

Thanks for the suggestion. I did the Telnet test to 
MX1 and it fails from the mail server, but connects ok from my web 

Any ideas?

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:34 
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Telnet to 
  mx1.mail.yahoo.com on port 25 – likewise try mx2  
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
  Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:44 
  PMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Weird. I found that only 
  certain domains on our server are having the problem. One domain can 
  successfully send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]but when I try 
  mail to this addressfrom my domain, it 
  The other error we are seeing 
  is: rl-recv: connection reset
  Michael SteinComputer 

- Original Message - 

From: Tech 

To: Message 
Sniffer Community 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:18 PM

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

This issue is 
occurring for us with the following platforms

Windows with Imail, 
smartermail  Mail enable
Linux – about ½ our 
cpanel servers

Exchange servers – 
at least 1/3 of them

Message Sniffer Community 
Behalf Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:27 
PMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 

Are those of us having this 
problem all running an Imail server?

Michael SteinComputer 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Matrosity 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:08 PM
  [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems
  Bill Foresman 
  Hosting www.matrosity.com 
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
  Behalf Of Tech SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:52 
  AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Thanks, but were 
  not blacklisted and there are no entries other than message has been 
  deferred L
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
  Behalf Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:54 
  AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  I would recommend checking 
  your mail server logs for a more detailed description of the bounce 
  error. You may find that it is a DNS or spam blacklist issue. 
  www.dnsstuff.com is a good 
  Michael SteinComputer 

- Original Message - 

From: Tech Support 

To: Message Sniffer Community 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:50 AM

[sniffer] yahoo mail problems

IÂ’m sorry to post this here 
but we are desperately looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming 
a real issue to us and I could not think of any better place to find 
truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on 
multiple networks having issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 
hours nowthese are a variety of server types on a variety of 
networks telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 451 
Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50keep in mind that some of 
our servers are having no issues sending mail any one else 
having this issue

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Computer House Support

Here is the error we are getting now on any mail to 
Yahoo: Unexpected connection response 
from server:

Out of curiosity, I ran "yahoo.com" through DNSREPORT.COM 
and it said:

ERROR: I could not complete a connection to any of your mailservers!

So I guess I'll stop worrying about it and wait for them 
to fix their problem. Agree?

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 1:47 
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  ItÂ’s a variety 
  And bind on linux I 
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
  Of Jim Matuska Jr.Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 1:49 
  PMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Would you happen to 
  be running Microsoft DNS server? I ran into something similar a while 
  back with certain dns queries were corrupted for domains that used certain 
  extended dns queries. It turned out in our case that our firewalls were 
  removing the ends of the extended dns packets because they were over 
  limit. Have you made any firewall changes recently? 
  Jim Matuska 
  Jr.Computer Tech2, CCNANez Perce TribeInformation Systems[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
  Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:44 
  AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Weird. I found that only 
  certain domains on our server are having the problem. One domain can 
  successfully send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]but when I try 
  mail to this addressfrom my domain, it 
  The other error we are seeing 
  is: rl-recv: connection reset
  Michael SteinComputer 

- Original Message - 

From: Tech 

To: Message 
Sniffer Community 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:18 PM

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

This issue is 
occurring for us with the following platforms

Windows with Imail, 
smartermail  Mail enable
Linux – about ½ our 
cpanel servers

Exchange servers – 
at least 1/3 of them

Message Sniffer Community 
Behalf Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:27 
PMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 

Are those of us having this 
problem all running an Imail server?

Michael SteinComputer 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Matrosity 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:08 PM
  [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems
  Bill Foresman 
  Hosting www.matrosity.com 
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
  Behalf Of Tech SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:52 
  AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  Thanks, but were 
  not blacklisted and there are no entries other than message has been 
  deferred L
  Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
  Behalf Of Computer House SupportSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:54 
  AMTo: Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail 
  I would recommend checking 
  your mail server logs for a more detailed description of the bounce 
  error. You may find that it is a DNS or spam blacklist issue. 
  www.dnsstuff.com is a good 
  Michael SteinComputer 

- Original Message - 

From: Tech Support 

To: Message Sniffer Community 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:50 AM

[sniffer] yahoo mail problems

IÂ’m sorry to post this here 
but we are desperately looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming 
a real issue to us and I could not think of any better place to find 
truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on 
multiple networks having issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 

[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

Not really much any of us can do unless
someone has a friend who has a friend  but its a problem
none the less as yahoo also sells their services to host email commercially for
any domain that will pay them

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
2:44 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Here is the error we are getting now on any mail to
Yahoo: Unexpected connection response from server:

Out of curiosity, I ran yahoo.com through
DNSREPORT.COM and it said:

ERROR: I could not complete a connection to any of your mailservers!

So I guess I'll stop worrying about it and wait for them to
fix their problem. Agree?

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 1:47 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

Its a variety actually



And bind on linux I believe

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Jim Matuska Jr.
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
1:49 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Would you happen to be running Microsoft
DNS server? I ran into something similar a while back with certain dns
queries were corrupted for domains that used certain extended dns
queries. It turned out in our case that our firewalls were removing the
ends of the extended dns packets because they were over limit. Have you
made any firewall changes recently? 

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
9:44 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Weird. I found that only certain domains on our server
are having the problem. One domain can successfully send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]but when I try
mail to this addressfrom my domain, it fails.

The other error we are seeing is: rl-recv: connection

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:18 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

This issue is occurring for us with the
following platforms

Windows with Imail, smartermail  Mail

Linux  about ½ our cpanel servers

Exchange servers  at least 1/3 of

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:27 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Are those of us having this problem all running an Imail

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Matrosity

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:08 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

same here


From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tech Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:52 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Thanks, but were not blacklisted and there
are no entries other than message has been deferred L

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:54 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a more
detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a DNS
or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com
is a good resource.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 10:50 AM

Subject: [sniffer] yahoo
mail problems

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I
could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: email

2006-10-17 Thread Computer House Support
Dear Pete,

I sent an E-mail to the Sniffer Community over an hour ago, and it has not 
yet been received by anyone.  I noticed that 2pm was the last sniffer mail 
I got.  Are these being held up for some reason?

Michael Stein
Computer House 

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[sniffer] Re: yahoo mail problems

2006-10-17 Thread Tech Support

Not really chances are a few tries several
seconds apart will yield the reverse on both servers

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
3:00 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Thanks for the suggestion. I did the Telnet test to
MX1 and it fails from the mail server, but connects ok from my web server.

Any ideas?

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:34 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

Telnet to mx1.mail.yahoo.com on port 25
 likewise try mx2  3

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:44 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Weird. I found that only certain domains on our server
are having the problem. One domain can successfully send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]but when I try
mail to this addressfrom my domain, it fails.

The other error we are seeing is: rl-recv: connection

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:18 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

This issue is occurring for us with the
following platforms

Windows with Imail, smartermail  Mail

Linux  about ½ our cpanel servers

Exchange servers  at least 1/3 of

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
12:27 PM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Are those of us having this problem all running an Imail

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Matrosity

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 12:08 PM

Subject: [sniffer] Re:
yahoo mail problems

same here


From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tech Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:52 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

Thanks, but were not blacklisted and there
are no entries other than message has been deferred L

From: Message Sniffer Community
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Computer House Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006
11:54 AM
To: Message
 Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: yahoo mail

I would recommend checking your mail server logs for a more
detailed description of the bounce error. You may find that it is a DNS
or spam blacklist issue. www.dnsstuff.com
is a good resource.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 

From: Tech

To: Message
Sniffer Community 

Sent: Tuesday, October
17, 2006 10:50 AM

Subject: [sniffer] yahoo
mail problems

Im sorry to post this here but we are desperately
looking for opinions quickly as this has becoming a real issue to us and I
could not think of any better place to find truly technical mail server folks J

We seem to be having multiple mail servers on multiple networks having
issues sending to yahoo servers for going on 36 hours now

these are a variety of server types on a variety of networks 

telnet on port 25 is usually getting this 

451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50

keep in mind that some of our servers are having no issues sending mail 

any one else having this issue

[sniffer] Re: Mdaemon plugin 'sleeping'

2006-09-21 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Hi Sven,

My guess is that the plug-in is actually working but just not being logged
when MD is minimized (or Windows logged-off).
Check the MD Log Settings and enable Always log to screen.

Setup|Logging|Options - Enable Always log to screen


-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Sven De Troch
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:15 PM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Mdaemon plugin 'sleeping'

Dear all,

Configuration: mdaemon 9.0.6 / included spamassasin (from mdaemon) /
mdaemon plug-in (latest version)
Trial account.

We configured the plugin (scanning of emails and add 5 extra score point
to Mdaemon's Spam Assasin in case of spam) and it's working fine most of
the time, but:

The plugin is working fine when we are logged on on the server (Windows
2003 Server). But as soon as we logoff, the plugin stops working.
Apparently the plugin falls into sleep (mdaemon plugin tab indicates
no activity during these periods). When we (interactively via RDP) logon
to the server again, the plugin starts working again (without
intervention from us) ... And the 'mdaemon plugin' tabpage is showing
activity again.

FYI: The mailserver is receiving thousands of mail/hour, so it's sure
that there was mail coming in at those moments.
Any idea how to solve this problem?

(I just changed the ACL's on the files to everyone/full access and will
check if this changes anything)

kind regards,

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[sniffer] Re: Another example of an empty email but looking at the source.

2006-08-23 Thread Support

Hi David:

There has been a rise in spam again and we just added some new rules to 
our system. Lets give it a few days to see if they stop.

Have a great day.


David Moore wrote:

*Received: from PC05.4ueleoz.org [] by romtech.com.au 
with ESMTP*

*  (SMTPD-8.22) id A7AC0224; Thu, 24 Aug 2006 08:33:16 +1000*


*X-mxGuard-Info: Processed by romtech.com.au using mxGuard v2.4*

*X-mxGuard-SpoolID: d7ab017912af*

*X-mxGuard-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*X-mxGuard-Virus-Info: No viruses detected*

*X-mxGuard-Spam-Score: 0*

*X-mxGuard-Spam-Probability: CLEAN*

*X-Note: This message has been scanned for spam and viruses by mxGuard 
for IMail (www.mxguard.com)*

*Subject: *


*Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 08:33:20 +1000*


*Status: U*

*X-UIDL: 454950044*

*X-IMail-ThreadID: d7ab017912af*

* *

* *

*Body contents below*


!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN


META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; 



End of email



Is there a rule to filter out empty emails ?


Regards David Moore

www.adsldirect.com.au for ADSL and Internet www.romtech.com.au for PC 

Office Phone: (+612) 9453 1990
Fax Phone: (+612) 9453 1880
Mobile Phone: +614 18 282 648

PO BOX 190



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[sniffer] help needed

2006-08-09 Thread Technical Support

Hi All,

We are migrating off of: 

iMail with MXguard 


Smarter Mail with 

Needless to say we run sniffer and 
will continue to, but we are having issues getting our filtering to work the way 
we want it to and would like to find someone to help out as a consultant on the 
setup to fine tune things


Re: [sniffer]A design question - how many DNS based tests?

2006-06-06 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Hi _M,

Do you mean like reverse PTR records, or HELO lookups, etc..?

--Paul R.

-Original Message-
From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:26 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer]A design question - how many DNS based tests?

Hello Sniffer Folks,

I have a design question for you...

How many DNS based tests do you use in your filter system?

How many of them really matter?



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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Re: [sniffer]Numeric spam

2006-06-06 Thread Computer House Support

I thought that having an SPF record would prevent a 
spammer from forging your domain name, but our SPF record did not seem to help 
with these odd numeric E-mails which appear to be coming from our 

Does anyone have any info about SPF records and if they 
really work to combat this type of junkmail?

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 7:37 
  Subject: Re: [sniffer]Numeric spam
  Both of which are reasonable, particularly given the 
  recent Blue Security debacle that showed that it was possible for the spammers 
  as well as the spammees to coordinate their information. It might be in 
  a spammer's best interest to pursue either of your 
  However, I still think it is more credible to assume that 
  this is a case of the spammer being simple-stupid instead of 
  Andrew 8)

From: Message Sniffer Community 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John T 
(Lists)Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:26 PMTo: Message 
Sniffer CommunitySubject: Re: [sniffer]Numeric 

My thought is 
they are either building a db of valid names or testing delivery 

eServices For 

"Seek, and ye 
shall find!"

Message-From: Message 
Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve GulukSent: Tuesday, June 06, 
2006 3:46 
PMTo: Message Sniffer 
CommunitySubject: Re: 
[sniffer]Numeric spam

On Jun 6, 2006, at 7:51 AM, Steve 
Guluk wrote:

getting the same and today it started hitting a different account 

What are these 
things? I thought exploratory, maybe looking for replies to build a DB for a 
later spam wave? Their not malicious in content and look likesomeone's 
virus working incorrectly. But, I doubt they are really so 

Any understand 
their purpose?

Jun 6, 
2006, at 
AM, Goran Jovanovic 

I started seeing 
these messages Monday (yesterday) morning EDT. The 
and to are the 
same (ie you sent it to yourself). I am tagging it 
there is not 
enough stuff to push it into DELETE 

So no one has 
any idea what the purpose of these emails are?
Random numbers 
for no apparent reason...?



Re: [sniffer]Numeric spam

2006-06-06 Thread Computer House Support

Hi Darin,

Thanks for your reply. Sure wish I understood what 
you're saying

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  Darin Cox 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 8:10 
  Subject: Re: [sniffer]Numeric spam
  They do, but you have to both specify that email 
  for your domains only comes from your mail servers AND use a test in your spam 
  filtering that checks SPF and pushes fails over your hold limit.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Computer House Support 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 8:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [sniffer]Numeric spam
  I thought that having an SPF record would prevent a 
  spammer from forging your domain name, but our SPF record did not seem to help 
  with these odd numeric E-mails which appear to be coming from our 
  Does anyone have any info about SPF records and if they 
  really work to combat this type of junkmail?
  Michael SteinComputer House
- Original Message - 
To: Message Sniffer Community 
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 7:37 
Subject: Re: [sniffer]Numeric 

Both of which are reasonable, particularly given the 
recent Blue Security debacle that showed that it was possible for the 
spammers as well as the spammees to coordinate their information. It 
might be in a spammer's best interest to pursue either of your 

However, I still think it is more credible to assume 
that this is a case of the spammer being simple-stupid instead of 

Andrew 8)

  From: Message Sniffer Community 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John T 
  (Lists)Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:26 PMTo: 
  Message Sniffer CommunitySubject: Re: [sniffer]Numeric 
  My thought is 
  they are either building a db of valid names or testing delivery 
  eServices For 
  "Seek, and ye 
  shall find!"
  Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve GulukSent: Tuesday, June 
  06, 2006 3:46 
  PMTo: Message Sniffer 
  CommunitySubject: Re: 
  [sniffer]Numeric spam
  On Jun 6, 2006, at 7:51 AM, Steve 
  Guluk wrote:
  getting the same and today it started hitting a different account 
  What are these 
  things? I thought exploratory, maybe looking for replies to build a DB for 
  a later spam wave? Their not malicious in content and look 
  likesomeone's virus working incorrectly. But, I doubt they are 
  really so benign.
  Any understand 
  their purpose?
  Jun 6, 
  2006, at 
  AM, Goran Jovanovic 
  I started 
  seeing these messages Monday (yesterday) morning EDT. The 
  and to are the 
  same (ie you sent it to yourself). I am tagging it 
  there is not 
  enough stuff to push it into DELETE 
  So no one has 
  any idea what the purpose of these emails are?
  numbers for no apparent reason...?

Re: [sniffer]Ebay Phishing Emails getting through

2006-05-17 Thread Computer House Support
We have not noticed any today.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Matuska Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Message Sniffer Community sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:46 PM
Subject: [sniffer]Ebay Phishing Emails getting through

Has anyone else been getting an excess amount of ebay phishing emails making
it through sniffer today?  I have personally received a couple of them and
have multiple users reporting the same.  I have forwarded them to the
sniffer spam@ address if you can take a look Pete it would be much

Thank You,

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems

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RE: Re[2]: [sniffer] New Rulebot F001

2006-03-08 Thread Support Traction IT

I also have got a lot of false positives with code 063 which are HOLD now.
Ik know it's not very nice to set email on HOLD when failing sniffer but
I've got a major problem with spam and until a few days ago this was going
well, at least a few false positives in a week. 

03/07/2006 20:12:44.628 qdb2402d03b56.smd Msg failed SNIFFER (Message
failed SNIFFER: 63.). Action=HOLD.
l6l0ow6m20060307191244  Ddb2402d03b56.smd   31  31
Match   672578  63  142 176 65
l6l0ow6m20060307191244  Ddb2402d03b56.smd   31  31
Final   672578  63  0   281965

Could this please stop, sniffer was pretty reliable for us, but not at the


Marcel Sangers
Traction IT

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: dinsdag 7 maart 2006 0:18
To: Darin Cox
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] New Rulebot F001

On Monday, March 6, 2006, 3:42:50 PM, Darin wrote:

DC We just reviewed this morning's logs and had a few false positives.  
DC Not sure if these are due to the new rulebot, but it's more than 
DC we've had for the entire day for the past month.

DC Rules
DC --
DC 873261
DC 866398
DC 856734
DC 284831
DC 865663

Three of these are from F001 and have been removed.

865663 - http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ip4r.ch?ip=

856734 - http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ip4r.ch?ip=

873261 - http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ip4r.ch?ip=

I haven't yet processed the fps, only looked up the rules.

There are currently 32820 rules authored by the F001 bot.

Hope this helps,


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] False Positives

2006-02-15 Thread Computer House Support
I second the motion.  We have been submitting spam for over a year and I 
don't know if a single one was received.

Thank you Jim, for the suggestion.

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Matuska Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: [sniffer] False Positives

Is there anyway to get an automatic response similar to the one listed below
for the FP address, but for submissions to your spam@ address?  It would be
nice to get some feedback when submitting spam.

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:28 PM
To: Kevin Rogers
Subject: Re: [sniffer] False Positives

On Wednesday, February 15, 2006, 3:54:50 PM, Kevin wrote:

KR My users have been getting a lot of FPs by Sniffer lately.  They send me
KR the email with the FULL HEADERS displayed and I forward this email on to
KR SortMonster.  The program they use to analyze incoming submissions check
KR MY email headers, determine that SNIFFER was not at fault and sends me
KR back an email saying it didn't find any flags.

Just to clarify a bit, here is the standard response you're probably
talking about:


The message did not match any active black rules as submitted. The rules
may have been modified or removed. If you provide matching log entries
from your system then we can research this further.

Note that sometimes our false processing system may not identify the
rules that matched this message on your system due to changes in the
submitted content that might occur during the forwarding process.

Please also be sure you are running the latest version, that your
rulebase file is up to date, and that you do not have any unresolved
errors in your Sniffer log file. Bug fixes in newer versions may resolve
false positive issues or reduce the risk of false positives through
enhanced features and new technologies. Certain errors in your log file
may indicate a corrupted rulebase.


The software we use to scan false positive submissions is a version of
SNF that includes every rule we have in our system. If the messages
does not match any of these rules, MOST of the time it means that the
rule has been removed already.

If that is not the case, then the next step is to provide matching log
entries. On some systems this is not necessary because the headers may
already contain SNF x-header data that shows the rules involved.

This process is not intended to make things difficult, but to save
time. The majority of the time, our local scanner will identify the
rule or rules in question and we will respond accordingly.

When that is not the case we simply need more data to move forward
with the investigation.

Usually, when a rule is still in the system and it does not match a
false positive submission it is because the original message was
altered during the forwarding process or that some condition of being
attached has prevented the scanner on this end from reproducing the
result you had on your system.

Hope this helps,


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] Bad Rule - 828931

2006-02-07 Thread Computer House Support
Dear Pete,

In the future, please let us know immediately when you become aware of this. 
As it is, I will spend the next 3 hours picking out the fales positives from 
the mailbox and forwarding them to the clients.  If I could have put the 
rulepanic in place an hour ago it would have saved me a lot of work and 
confused customers.

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
To: sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 4:07 PM
Subject: [sniffer] Bad Rule - 828931

Hello Sniffer folks,

  I'm sorry to report that another bad rule got past us today. The
  rule has been removed (was in from about 1200-1500), but it may be
  in some of your rulebases.

  To avoid a problem with this rule you can enter a rule-panic entry
  in your .cfg file for rule id: 828931

  If it is not already, the rule will be gone from your rulebase after
  your next update.


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)
Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Bad Rule - 828931

2006-02-07 Thread Computer House Support
Dear Pete,

Please excuse my previous E-mail if it seemed a bit harsh.  I guess I am so 
used to your great service, that on the rare occasion when this happens, I 

Thanks for being there to walk me through the procedure.


Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
To: Computer House Support sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 4:24 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Bad Rule - 828931

I do most humbly apologize,

It was my intention to do it immediately, however I became embroiled
in related support issues and was delayed.

I don't expect more of these, but I will make announcing their
discovery the next event after removing them from the system.



On Tuesday, February 7, 2006, 4:19:24 PM, Computer wrote:

CHS Dear Pete,

CHS In the future, please let us know immediately when you become aware of 
CHS As it is, I will spend the next 3 hours picking out the fales positives 
CHS the mailbox and forwarding them to the clients.  If I could have put 
CHS rulepanic in place an hour ago it would have saved me a lot of work and
CHS confused customers.

CHS Thank you,

CHS Michael Stein
CHS Computer House

CHS - Original Message - 
CHS To: sniffer@sortmonster.com
CHS Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 4:07 PM
CHS Subject: [sniffer] Bad Rule - 828931

CHS Hello Sniffer folks,

CHS   I'm sorry to report that another bad rule got past us today. The
CHS   rule has been removed (was in from about 1200-1500), but it may be
CHS   in some of your rulebases.

CHS   To avoid a problem with this rule you can enter a rule-panic entry
CHS   in your .cfg file for rule id: 828931

CHS   If it is not already, the rule will be gone from your rulebase after
CHS   your next update.

CHS Thanks,

CHS Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
CHS President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
CHS Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)
CHS Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)

CHS This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information 
CHS (un)subscription instructions go to
CHS http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

CHS This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For
CHS information and (un)subscription instructions go to
CHS http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

RE: Re[2]: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!

2005-12-28 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)

certainlycrossed a line of ethical integrity at the very 

If you don't already have a 'non-compete' agreement in your reseller agreement 
its time.
would never have believed someone would actually try to sell your reseller rates 
to your customer base.

simply appalling. And should be grounds for 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of John T (Lists)Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:46 
  PMTo: sniffer@SortMonster.comSubject: RE: Re[2]: 
  [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!
  Absolutely not. In 
  fact, if you read my post after this, I am questioning whether or not it can 
  be sold for a lower price.
  I am not here to 
  undermine any one, as after all where do you think the license that I sell 
  comes from?
  After all, we are 
  all here to help one another.
  eServices For 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peer-to-Peer 
  Wednesday, December 28, 
  2005 5:41 
  PMTo: sniffer@SortMonster.comSubject: RE: Re[2]: [sniffer] Last chance 
  to renew at the old price!
  T:Did you just solicit the ENTIRE sniffer community with pricing 
  that will undermine Pete?
  Never bit the hand 
  that feeds you my friend.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of John T (Lists)Sent: Wednesday, 
December 28, 2005 8:17 
PMTo: sniffer@SortMonster.comSubject: RE: Re[2]: [sniffer] Last 
chance to renew at the old price!
Although I am a 
registered reseller, I normally only sell hardware and software to clients 
as part of my services.

However, if any 
one is interested in a price, contact me off list.

eServices For 

On Behalf Of KevinSent: Wednesday, 
December 28, 2005 5:00 
PMTo: sniffer@SortMonster.comSubject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Last 
chance to renew at the old price!

After posting this, another reseller pm 
me their renewal rate of $269. I didn't know Sniffer had another reseller 
besides Declude.Anyways, for those who are interested and want to 
save money, it's https://www.computerhouse.com/ccsecure.html 
At 01:21 PM 12/28/2005, you wrote:
Can we renew at declude.com since their pricing is 
$292.50? I assume their prices will increase on Jan 1, 2006 
too.This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. 
For information and (un)subscription instructions go to http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

RE: [sniffer] About Resellers, and the best laid plans of mice men...

2005-12-28 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Sorry papa _M
Sorry John T

Just want to see sniffer around in the future and got a little excited.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:51 PM
To: sniffer@sortmonster.com
Subject: [sniffer] About Resellers, and the best laid plans of mice 

Hello Sniffer Folks,

  Before things get too out of hand I thought I'd post a few remarks
  just to make sure there are no misunderstandings.

  First of all, the price on the ComputerHouse site was an error and
  it has already been corrected. (That's the mice and men part... a
  simple mistake, now all taken care of.)

  Next, while it would bad form for one of our resellers to advertise
  directly on our list, THAT DID NOT HAPPEN here. Someone else pointed
  out the discount, and that's ok.

  Regarding our reseller programs in general and where we stand on
  this. As Mike is fond of saying, We like customers All
  customers :-) It's perfectly ok to us for you to buy from one of our
  resellers or from us directly.

  Pick the relationship that fits you best. -- Technically, our
  resellers are really considered VARs, and they all have special
  things to offer that you may need. Purchasing from us directly also
  has some benefits (the additional funds help speed up RD), but
  ultimately, if you use and support SNF, through us or through one of
  our partners, you are still supporting SNF and that's a good thing!

  Our goal is to foster a broad, vibrant community of consultants, end
  users, VARs, OEMs, service providers, and even plain old interested
  parties that use and support SNF. After all, email security is a big
  concern for everyone and the best thing we can do is work together.

  Hope this helps,


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)
Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!

2005-12-27 Thread Tech Support
We've already renewed this morning.  

From our point of view even at the $170 per year more would still be far
less costly than the cost of finding, evaluating and implementing another
solution.  Not to mention the potential loss of business if our customers
were not happy with the replacements results. 

Just 2 cents from a guy that rarely says anything :)

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Michael Murdoch
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:14 PM
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Cc: Pete McNeil
Subject: RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!
Importance: High

Hi Folks,

Actually, here is some more detail as to the reasons for the price
increase.  In addition, please bear in mind that that prices haven't
been raised in approximately 2 years and even with this increase we are
priced very competitively. 

The new feature/benefits and more to come are as follows:

* In the past 6 months we have more than doubled the number of updates
per day and we will continue to increase our bandwidth and the speed of
our updates.  

* We have more than tripled our staff to improve our monitoring,
support, and rule generation capabilities.  Come January, we are again
doubling this staff as the black-hats have gotten much more
sophisticated and this has become a 24x7 battle.  Even Pete needs to
sleep sometimes. :-)

* We are adding new RD programs for AFF/419 spam and Malware mitigation
(many of the results from these projects have already been implemented).

* During this next year as part of our continuous improvement policy we
will continue to roll out new features and enhancements such as fully
automated reporting, in-band real-time updates, an optimized message
processing pipeline, image and file attachment tagging, advanced header
structure analysis, enhanced adaptive heuristics, improved machine
learning systems, real-time wave-front threat detection, and many

It's important to recognize that many of our improvements don't require
new software to be installed on the client side since they are delivered
through rulebase enhancements. Though this often causes our work to go
unnoticed, it is actually a design feature since it means that your
installation requires very little maintenance. This translates to
lowered administration costs and higher reliability.

As a result of this reliability-first design strategy, it may not
always be obvious that our service is constantly being improved and
enhanced - we never stand still ;-)

We'd hate to see any of you go, but please do compare us with other
I'm sure that you'll find we're well worth the money, but it's always
good to keep your options open. In fact, best practice these days for
spam filtering is to use a blended approach that leverages many
services. We personally encourage that for best results.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your
feedback and business!


Michael Murdoch
The Sniffer Team 
ARM Research Labs, LLC
Tel. 850-932-5338 x303 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fox, Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:03 PM
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Subject: RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!

I said the same thing, and the response was, basically,
We haven't raised the price in a long time, we need
the money, like it or lump it. 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Koontz
 Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:57 PM
 To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
 Subject: RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!
 Pete, why over a 50% increase?  That seems rather drastic
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
 Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:42 PM
 To: sniffer@sortmonster.com
 Subject: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!
 Hello Sniffer folks,
   This is just a friendly reminder that prices will be going up
   January 1.
   You can add a year to your SNF subscription at the current price if
   you renew before January 1.
   Details are here:
 Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
 President, MicroNeil Research Corporation Chief SortMonster
 (www.sortmonster.com) Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)
 This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For 
 information and
 (un)subscription instructions go to
 This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For 
 information and (un)subscription instructions go to 
 [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list

[sniffer] Organized Blackhats Imail Question

2005-12-01 Thread Computer House Support
Dear Pete,

Thank you for the beautifully-written and very informative treatise on how 
the spammers operate.  The time you put into the writing is greatly 
appreciated.  We also appreciate the work and research you are doing to 
combat the Blackhats!

On another subject, this weekend we are planning to upgrade to the new Imail 
Server 2006 version. (released yesterday)

Can you think of any reason why we might run into compatibility issues with 
Sniffer or Declude?

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
To: sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:18 PM
Subject: [sniffer] Organized Blackhats

Hello Sniffer Folks,

  Just before Thanksgiving, I was responding to a question about
  increased spam leakage and as Murphy would have it, my email client
  ate my homework. That is, most of the response didn't make it.

  The information was interesting enough that I have gone back and
  rewritten the missing pieces.

  The blackhats have made some substantial changes recently and I'm
  pretty sure I've spotted a bunch of the important ones.

  Please follow this link and tell me what you think.


  Have a great day. Now back to work with me...


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)
Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 


2005-11-22 Thread Tech Support


What do we need to do up increase our rulebase strength 

I dont know if its just a larger amount of
spam messages in general or a larger % of them getting through but I have
customers complaining



RE: Re[2]: [sniffer]

2005-11-10 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)

_M said will create a default installation that emits headers and puts
a .cf file in place for SA to interpret them.

Not sure if this is relevant to your thought process, but we feel that SA
(SpamAssassin) does more harm than good.  Under moderate loads it bogs-down
MDaemon so we always have SA disabled.  Sniffer is by far superior in every
category, (accuracy, speed, dependability etc...) so there's no need to use

My point: Keep in mind that some of us use sniffer independently (not tied
to SA).  We're using sniffers .cfg plug-in for MD ver 8.
I assume you will, and I probably misunderstood your post, but just wanted
to mention this out-loud.


Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:43 AM
To: Daniel Bayerdorffer
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer]

On Thursday, November 10, 2005, 9:40:42 AM, Daniel wrote:

DB Hi Pete,

DB Thanks for the info. I actually already have the current version
DB I'm very happy with it's performance. I just did not have a clear
DB understanding on those issues.

DB On another note, when you have the new version install, will it
overwrite my
DB current settings? And will it also install scripts for updating the rule
DB base, and sending logs? Because I already have that setup now.

In theory the installer will know if there is a previous version and
will not adjust any of the config data.

It's a bit of a complicated problem because there are so many way to
configure the software.. so the installation process can be complex.

I'd like to know how you have your updates set up - perhaps I can use
that as a model for the installer.

The basic idea is that the installer will create a default
installation that emits headers and puts a .cf file in place for SA to
interpret them. After that, the technically minded can manually adjust
the installation.

If the installer finds an installation in place then it will likely
update the .DLL and leave everything else alone.

Comments about these concepts are welcome, of course.

The goal is to make a plug-and-play installation possible while
leaving the more sophisticated options open to the technically minded.



This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] Rash of false positives

2005-11-08 Thread Computer House Support

Dear Darin,

Thanks for the heads up. It's going to take me about 
45 minutes to check the 9000 messages that were blocked by Sniffer last night, 
but I'll let you know if we experienced the same thing.

Michael SteinComputer House

  - Original Message - 
  Darin Cox 
  To: sniffer@SortMonster.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 8:45 
  Subject: [sniffer] Rash of false 
  Hi Pete,
  What's going on over there? We had 
  somewhere between 5 and 10 times the usual number of Sniffer false positives 
  this morning. They are across the board, so it's not just one rule 
  that's catching them, or a particular set of senders or 
  Hopefully you can get it under control 
  It would also be extremely helpful if you could 
  speed up the false positive processing. Lately it seems to take 2-4 days 
  for the rules to be adjusted, which usually means more of the same are caught 
  and submitted over that time. I believe speeding up that process would 
  result in fewer to process all around.

Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Large amounts of spam still getting through

2005-10-15 Thread Computer House Support
For what it's worth, we have not see a major increase in spam this week 
either.  Things seem pretty normal.

We did recently upgrade to the Pro version of Declude Junkmail, and now it 
is much easier to block mail from certain countries (like .cz .ru etc.)  as 
well as header and subject content, etc.

By the way, has anyone seen the spam that gets through that has the header 
info in the body of the mail message instead of where it's supposed to be? 
How is that possible?

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Hogue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 12:33 PM
Subject: RE: Re[2]: [sniffer] Large amounts of spam still getting through

My only concern is that all of this was being caught by Sniffer before and
all of a sudden very little of it is being caught. We are told that they are
working on it to get it fixed but we are getting slammed by customers
telling us we are not catching any spam.

Any help in a solution other than greylisting would be really appreciated.

Or is this a declude problem?

Rick Hogue

Intent.Net - Web Hosting

3802 Handley Avenue

Louisville, KY 40218


1-800-866-2983 Toll Free

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude on http://www.intent.net hosted 

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This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
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Re: [sniffer] POP

2005-10-13 Thread Computer House Support
Hi Pete,

I don't believe that I received an answer to my question (below)

Thank you.

Dear Pete,

Are we ready to switch to the POP method of submitting spam, or are we 
waiting for an official announcement/instructions from you?

Mike Stein
Computer House

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

[sniffer] POP Approach

2005-10-12 Thread support
Dear Pete,

Are we ready to switch to the POP method of submitting spam, or are we 
waiting for an official announcement/instructions from you?

Mike Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
To: Darin Cox sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:16 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Spam keeps getting through...

For spam submissions, we are moving to a POP approach because it is
more secure and more scalable. In general, spam can be redirected or
forwarded to an account on your system and we can pop those messages
from there. If you have any clean spamtraps that you would like to
share with us then we would pull those messages from a different pop
account. (We treat clean spamtraps differently than user submitted

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] Sniffer TMP files

2005-10-10 Thread support
Dear Pete,

We had to reinstall Imail, and now I am not seeing any more TMP files in the 
spool folder.  Everything seems to be working OK, but I miss those sweet 
little TMP files.  Should I be concerned?  What may have changed?

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] Sniffer and SmarterMail?

2005-06-05 Thread Smart Business Support

Saturday, June 4, 2005 you wrote:
The SquirrelMail web interface is not bad although it is PHP 4.
The web admin interface is pretty good, too, and can be php 5.

SK Does this really matter for us non programmers?

It does actually.  Just make sure to install the PHP 4 version
that works with both SquirrelMail and the web admin interface if
you intend to use either or both of them.

SquirrelMail works with IMAP too so if it is on a different server
then you have to enable IMAP.

Terry Fritts

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer and SmarterMail?

2005-06-01 Thread support
Hi Joe,

Yeah,  we  had  talked  about  buying  the  low  cost Declude Virus/JM
versions  and  then  letting  Sniffer  hook into those as well as then
hooking with SmarterMail...

That's an option for you too.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Wednesday, June 1, 2005, 7:02:30 PM, you wrote:

JW Mdaemon may be great, but it's out of my budget.  I can't afford $2500 for
JW the mail server and then another $1600 for the anti-virus.  Especially when
JW I compare it to SmarterMail at $600.

JW I would love to continue to use Sniffer...  I respect it more than Imail and
JW Declude combined!  But the fact is that it's time to move on. Ipswitch has
JW completely lost their mind and just doesn't give a damn about their
JW customers, failed to fix major problems, and raised their prices thru the
JW roof.

JW It may be very simple to plug in Sniffer to SmarterMail, but I'm not a
JW developer.  I don't really want to run a non-supported implementation.

JW If there's a better option than SmarterMail I'd love to hear it, but I can't
JW compare a $4000+ server to a $600 one.

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] Sniffer and SmarterMail?

2005-06-01 Thread Smart Business Support

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 you wrote:
JW If there's a better option than SmarterMail I'd love to hear it,
JW but I can't compare a $4000+ server to a $600 one.

hMailServer is free and open source.

Once I finish the script work for calling Sniffer and the
work-around for ClamDscan and FPROT I'll post it. Clamdscan is the
service (daemon) for ClamAV. No reason that the daemon version of
Sniffer couldn't be used as well.

The SquirrelMail web interface is not bad although it is PHP 4.
The web admin interface is pretty good, too, and can be php 5.

Terry Fritts

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

[sniffer] Spam Question

2005-05-15 Thread Computer House Support

Dear Pete,

Does anyone look atthe mail that is forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or is it a 100% 
automatic process?

Thank you,

Michael SteinComputer House[EMAIL PROTECTED]


[sniffer] FTP and web down?

2005-05-13 Thread Hosting Support

What's going on over there?

Our FTP process has been failing since yesterday 
afternoon, and when I go to the main website it prompts me for an ID and 

Re: [sniffer] FTP and web down?

2005-05-13 Thread Hosting Support
Looks fine now.  I couldn't get there earlier this morning through two
different ISPs, though, and updates from 7pm last night through this morning
failed.  Maybe a temporary routing or DNS issue.


- Original Message - 
To: Hosting Support sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] FTP and web down?

On Friday, May 13, 2005, 9:11:15 AM, Hosting wrote:

HS What's going on over there?
HS Our FTP process has been failing since yesterday  afternoon,
HS and when I go to the main website it prompts me for an ID and  PW.

I'm not seeing a problem - I'm on the site right now in fact, and the
crew is doing work on new rules --- logs show normal activity --- I'll
look closer, but it seems that everything is ok from here.


This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
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This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
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Re: [sniffer] Rule 353039 - .comcast.net

2005-05-10 Thread Computer House Support
Whew!  Just got done forwarding 90 false positives to mail clients.  Sure 
glad you caught it!

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
To: sniffer@sortmonster.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:27 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Rule 353039 - .comcast.net

Hello Sniffer Folks,

  A rule was created today by one of the robots which targets
  .comcast.net -- This happened when a number of blacklists including
  SBL listed comcast IPs causing the robot to be convinced that a
  message in the spamtrap warranted tagging the domain.

  The rule has been removed and I am pushing out new rulebase
  compilation as quickly as possible. Please do not rush to download
  your rulebase file in response to this --- wait for the update
  notification or else your file is not updated.

  I believe we've caught this quickly enough that most of you will not
  be effected. However, if you suspect that you do have the bad rule
  in your rulebase you can temporarily eliminate the rule by adding
  353039 to your Rule-panic entries in your configuration file.

  The rule cannot be recreated once removed.

  We are very sorry for the confusion.


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
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Re: [sniffer] Rule 353039 - .comcast.net

2005-05-10 Thread Computer House Support
Mail from Comcast is still getting caught, even with the panic rule in 
place.  Any suggestions?

Mike Stein

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] Rule 353039 - .comcast.net

2005-05-10 Thread Computer House Support

Restarting the sniffer service seems to have done the trick.  Thank you for 
the suggestion!

Michael Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Rule 353039 - .comcast.net

See my message below...restart your Sniffer service and it should work.


Computer House Support wrote:

Mail from Comcast is still getting caught, even with the panic rule in
place.  Any suggestions?

Mike Stein

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(un)subscription instructions go to 

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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(un)subscription instructions go to 

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Re: [sniffer] Fw: Undeliverable Mail

2005-04-28 Thread Hosting Support
Shame on you for being on the road... you should know better than to leave
your machines alone...you never know what trouble they might get into while
you're gone grin.

I was out for 2 hours over lunch today, and sure enough, IIS stops
responding on one of our hosting servers right after I leave.

Ah, the joy of being in IT...


- Original Message - 
To: Frederick Samarelli sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Fw: Undeliverable Mail

On Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 6:25:38 PM, Frederick wrote:

FS Look what I got.

There has been some trouble with my mail server --- attacks and other
technical issues while I was on the road. I'm back now and I'm working
through it. Things _appear_ to be settling down.

Sorry for any confusion.


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This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
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RE: Re[4]: [sniffer] Message Sniffer Plugin for MDaemon Wide Beta Promo

2005-04-20 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
Tip for MDaemon plug-in users.

Sniffers .cfg file has an option 'not' to scan files larger than 'X'.  If
this option is set than no sniffer headers will be placed into the message
(if the message is larger than 'X').

Beware, if you use MD's Content Filter to instruct where to send messages
based on sniffer's 'results' as there will be no results if the file is
never scanned ;)

Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:30 PM
To: Jim Matuska
Subject: Re[4]: [sniffer] Message Sniffer Plugin for MDaemon Wide Beta 

On Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 2:30:25 PM, Jim wrote:

JM Pete,
JM Is there a difference between the normal .snf files I have been
JM and the one for the plugin?  I have setup my script to download the .snf
JM file and noticed it is a couple mb's smaller than the included demo .snf
JM file.

There is no significant difference. The mdaemon1 file contains some
extra rules, but these are not normally needed in production. During
the test we wanted to make sure we used the largest valid rulebase
file we generate. After the test it will be best to use normal
rulebase files.


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RE:Re: Re[4]: [sniffer] Message Sniffer Plugin for MDaemon Wide Beta Promo

2005-04-20 Thread Peer-to-Peer (Support)
_M i'll try this one,

Jim, you will keep all of your Content Filter rules the same 'except' you
will disable (or delete) the two Sniffer entries 'Run Message Sniffer'  Add
Headers'.  Those two functions will be generated from the plug-in.

Also,  if you are using the results codes (in the Content Filter) you will
need to change any instance of X-SPAM-Msg-Sniffer-Result TO
X-SortMonster-MessageSniffer-Result as indicated in the readme.txt file.

Paul R

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jim Matuska
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:01 PM
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Subject: (DUMP)Re: Re[4]: [sniffer] Message Sniffer Plugin for MDaemon
Wide Beta  Promo

I meant do I configure actions based on the headers that sniffer returns
like in the non plug in version, or does the plugin do this automatically,
the documentation for the plug in is kind of vague in comparison to the
older version.

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems
- Original Message -
To: Jim Matuska sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:51 PM
Subject: Re[4]: [sniffer] Message Sniffer Plugin for MDaemon Wide Beta 

 On Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 4:19:48 PM, Jim wrote:

 JM Do you configure rules similar to in the previous versions, or by
 using this
 JM as a plug in is there a GUI for configuration.

 We configure the rulebase the same way we have in the past. Using the
 plugin is not different from using the command line utility except
 that the performance is better (faster) and the installation and
 operation is simpler. The service/subscription part of Message
 Sniffer has not changed.


 We have a GUI web app for the rulebase (we use it every day), however
 we have discovered through trial and error that a lot of specialized
 training is required to keep the rulebase working correctly and that
 one GUI does not suit many users... each group seems to need their

 We are working on plans for some simpler web apps in the future to
 handle specialized tasks, however that too seems best handled in other
 ways for the time being. For example, every system that provides
 automation to their users for false positive handling and custom
 black-rules seems to do it in their own special way --- so rather than
 build a web app that doesn't really suit anyone we have adopted the
 strategy of providing automation tools (such as our XML based REmost
 SCripted Updater [RESCU] utility) and consulting to integrate each
 customer's existing or planned automation efforts with their back-end
 rulebase configuration. These efforts are usually reserved for larger
 systems such as small ISPs and filtering service providers.

 As always we want to support any third party efforts to provide
 automation tools also. So far we haven't seen much in the way of GUI
 automation, probably for the same reasons we haven't tackled it yet.

 I think I may have answered more than the base question here - but I'm
 hoping I've addressed some of the underlying questions.


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Re: [sniffer] Smartermail

2005-03-15 Thread Computer House Support
Hi Steve,

You wrote:
We are going to be moving to another mail package (you know why)...

I would very much like to hear your comments about Imail and any 
difficulties you've encountered and why you feel the need to switch.  You 
can write to me offline if you'd prefer.

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House


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[sniffer] RuleBase ktk82hrr

2005-01-04 Thread Computer House Support
Dear Pete,

Our rulebase file grew from 11 meg to 17.5 meg since the last download a few 
hours ago.  Is this right?

Michael Stein
Computer House

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(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] RuleBase ktk82hrr

2005-01-04 Thread Computer House Support
Correction, make that 23 meg!


- Original Message - 
From: Computer House Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 12:33 AM
Subject: [sniffer] RuleBase ktk82hrr

Dear Pete,

Our rulebase file grew from 11 meg to 17.5 meg since the last download a few
hours ago.  Is this right?

Michael Stein
Computer House

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Re: [sniffer][sniffer]

2004-12-10 Thread DLAnalyzer Support

Take a copy of the failed message and submit it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
with your lcinese base ID and they will tell you why it failed and setup a 
whiterule to prevent it from being tagged in the future. 


Check out http://www.invariantsystems.com for utilities for Declude And 
Imail.  IMail/Declude Overflow Queue Monitoring, MRTG Integration, and Log 

Katie LaSalle-Lowery writes: 

Would anyone be able to help me determine why a message is caught by
sniffer?  Sniffer is catching mail from our sister company.  I could send a
test from that server... 


Katie LaSalle-Lowery
Centric Internet Services
1410 Reserve St.
Missoula, MT 59801
Local Phone 549-3337 ext. 21
Toll Free (888)593-2776 ext. 21
Fax (406)721-3438


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This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

Re: [sniffer] MDaemon Opinion OT

2004-11-11 Thread Tech Support

We're testing mailEnable later this week for this 
very reason. They claim to have a utility to migrate from iMail, boxes 



  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 3:38 
  Subject: Re: [sniffer] MDaemon Opinion 
  One thing to consider before making the Imail 
  - MDaemon jump (or similar mailservers)... When I evaluated 
  MDaemon, I noticed that messages are stored in individual .msg files inside 
  the user's mailbox directory. Imail stores the mail in a common 
  mailbox.mbx file. If your users store their mail on the server 
  (webmail/imap/pop3 on server), you would have to migrate these messages 
  over.I've yet to see a utility 
  built for parsing a mailbox.mbx file into multiple mail.txt files, 
  thoughI'm sure one could be made relatively easily in 
  I asked MDaemon support about possible import 
  tools, and they suggested using a pop retrieval program on the individual 
  mailboxes. Unfortunately that solution falls short in a few areas for 
  1. For a large number of mailboxes, that 
  can become time consuming. 
  2.It's limited to only being able to 
  download a user's inbox.mbx, leaving their sent items, drafts, and 
  otherimap folders behind.
  3. MDaemon does not support direct mail to 
  a user's submailbox (Imail's equivalent of a mailbox delimiter). I was 
  hoping that I could directly query [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which I 
  can) and have Bob's Sent.mbx redirected automatically to a Sent folder on the 
  MDaemon server ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 
  No such luck.
  Please understand that this was something that we 
  anticipated would cause issues withour migration. All of this may 
  be a nonissue for you if your users are emptying their mailboxes 
  regularly. This behavior was noted on General Download/Release 
  7.20. I've got no clue what later/beta versions can or cannot 
  Good luck!
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:57 
Subject: Re: [sniffer] MDaemon Opinion 

  Also does anyone know if MDaemon has a way 
  users can modify their spam settings independent of a global policy or 
  administrator set rules. It would be nice to let our users that 
  complain about false positive lower their spam setting and those that 
  complain about anything getting through the spam 
filters.Not at the moment. This is on the Wishlist 
(per-user settings), and hopefully we will see it next year.The 
plugins is available as we speak, I've been using it for 16 hours with 
minimal problems (an inconsistency with the headers). Pete posted the link 
on the md-beta forum last night and asked for feedback. If you don't 
have access to the md-beta mailing list, then Pete might publish the link 
here as well later (he is working on some fixes right now). Be aware that 
you need to run the latest MD beta to run the plugin (7.50d). If you're not 
comfortable running beta software, the release date for MD 7.50 (final) is 
on February 1st, 2005. Until then, using the MD beta release is the only way 
to use the plugin.-- 
Jorge Asch Revilla

[sniffer] Imail

2004-10-28 Thread Computer House Support
Hello Sniffer folks,

Want to know why I have not renewed my Ipswitch Support Agreement?

Here is their response to a serious bug that I reported. (Which has yet to 
be fixed).

Our Development Team has looked into this issue and has verified it as a 
defect that was introduced in Imail v8.1.  Changes to this functionality 
would take an extended period of time; this is the reason we do not have any 
current plans to address this.

Best Regards,
Daniel J Whitaker
Messaging Support Team
Ipswitch, Inc.

Michael Stein
Computer House
(609) 652-3222

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Re: [sniffer] Imail

2004-10-28 Thread Computer House Support
John Tolmachoff wrote:  What is the bug?

The bug in Imail was that the Control Panel for the Mail-to-Fax feature 
stopped functioning properly.

We are heavy users of Mail-to-Fax, and the loss of the ability to work with 
the fax spool files has made things difficult for us.

Mike Stein

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

Re: [sniffer] spam leakage up

2004-06-24 Thread Computer House Support

Yes, I would also like to know how you generated that nice 
spam report.

Michael SteinComputer Housewww.computerhouse.com

- Original Message - 

  Herb Guenther 
  Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:46 
  Subject: Re: [sniffer] spam leakage 
  wow, that is even worse than we are seeing, we are at about 
  80%, but should really be at about 85% if all were tagged. Here 
  is our last weeks stats, we did not see an increase in volume, so much as the 
  amount gettig thru in the last couple days and continuing 




Statistics are based on the last 6,150,612 email messages received. You 
are viewing Server 1 Stats View Server 2 stats 

Weekly Total
Daily Avg.
Delivered Messages
Good Messages
Spam Messages
Spam Percent
Mal Formed Headers
Spam Headers
Spam Routing
No Reverse DNS
White Listed
General Spam
Grey Hosts
Business opportunities
Ink and toner cartridges
Send money scams
Online pharmacies
Cable/Satellite descramblers

Re: [sniffer] Message Sniffer Version 2-3 Official Release!

2004-05-09 Thread Computer House Support
Are there step-by-step upgrade instructions posted anywhere?  Our
configuration is Windows 2000 server with Declude.  I don't quite understand
what needs to be done to enable the Persistent Instance option.

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House
609 652-3222

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

RE: [sniffer] Scheduled Updates

2004-04-20 Thread EI8HT LEGS Technical Support
I am not sure that I have received any emails today about any updates
either.  Is there something wrong with the emailing out of updates?

Grant Griffith
EI8HT LEGS Enhanced Web Management

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:23 PM
Subject: RE: [sniffer] Scheduled Updates

I show the latest compile time as 20040420.1644 GMT.
I'll check the logs to see if there has been trouble with your update email.
Then I will follow up off list.


At 12:11 PM 4/20/2004, you wrote:
Not sure if this is a specific issue but the Sniffer update hasn't updated
since Monday at 02:1 BST (British Summer time GMT+1). Are there any issues
at the moment? We have this triggered by an email normally.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
Sent: 19 April 2004 14:24
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Scheduled Updates

At 03:33 AM 4/19/2004, you wrote:
   The following schedule is based on the first letter of your license
   Schedules are separated by even and odd hours, and are further
   separated by 4 minutes for each letter within a given hour.
 Should we use this system also for uploading the log files?

We do not appear to have a problem with uploads at this time, but in any
case it would be a good idea to organize scheduled tasks in this way to
minimize the possibility of a problem.


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This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information
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This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and
(un)subscription instructions go to

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

RE: [sniffer] Spam storm?

2004-03-26 Thread EI8HT LEGS Technical Support
We have also seen some slow downloads here, but we are currently on a 256k
connection from CoreComm/Voyager, but we are updating to a full T1 in the
next couple of weeks thru someone different.

03/26/04 10:20:37 Fast traceroute sortmonster.com
Trace sortmonster.com ( ...
 1 0ms0ms0ms  TTL:  0  (No rDNS)
 2   210ms   80ms  150ms  TTL:  0
(se1-3-17.rtr0.wb2023.smor.in.voyager.net bogus rDNS: host not found
 3  50ms  190ms  150ms  TTL:  0
(se3-1-0.rtr0.clmb.in.voyager.net ok)
 4  421ms  180ms   91ms  TTL:  0
(s60.rtr0.ipls.in.voyager.net bogus rDNS: host not found [authoritative])
 5  441ms   80ms  130ms  TTL:  0
(483.at-0-1-0.rtr0.chcg1.il.voyager.net ok)
 6  431ms  331ms  290ms  TTL:  0
(ge-8-0-513.ipcolo1.Chicago1.Level3.net ok)
 7  231ms  210ms  TTL:  0
(so-7-0-0.bbr1.Chicago1.Level3.net ok)
 8 90ms  130ms  110ms  TTL:  0
(so-8-0.core1.Chicago1.Level3.net ok)
 9  60ms   50ms  221ms  TTL:  0  (uschcg-j20c.savvis.net
bogus rDNS: host not found [authoritative])
10   111ms  310ms  281ms  TTL:  0
(at-1-2-802.uswash2-01.j20c.savvis.net bogus rDNS: host not found
11  260ms  471ms  TTL:  0
(microneil-1.uswash.savvis.net fraudulent rDNS)
12   No Response  *  *  *
13   No Response  *  *  *
14   No Response  *  *  *
15   No Response  *  *  *
16   No Response  *  *  *
17   No Response  *  *  *
18   No Response  *  *  *
19   No Response  *  *  *
20   No Response  *  *  *
21   No Response  *  *  *
22   No Response  *  *  *
23   No Response  *  *  *
24   No Response  *  *  *
25   No Response  *  *  *
26   No Response  *  *  *
27   No Response  *  *  *
28   No Response  *  *  *
29   No Response  *  *  *

Grant Griffith, Vice President
EI8HT LEGS Web Management Co., Inc.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin Stanford
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Spam storm?

I have notices this week that the download is also slow over here. I am
getting around 2.8 to 3 K/s. We also use Wget, and have with no
problems,...just slow download speed.

Here is my tracert if it helps...

U:\tracert www.sortmonster.net

Tracing route to www.sortmonster.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

   1 3 ms 2 ms 2 ms
   2 5 ms 3 ms 2 ms
   3 7 ms 8 ms 9 ms  dal-edge-08.inet.qwest.net []
   4 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms  dal-core-01.inet.qwest.net []
   517 ms 9 ms 8 ms  dal-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net []
   6 9 ms 8 ms 8 ms  POS5-2.BR2.DFW9.ALTER.NET []
   710 ms 8 ms 8 ms  0.so-1-3-0.xl2.dfw9.alter.net
   8 8 ms11 ms11 ms  0.so-0-0-0.tl2.dfw9.alter.net
   950 ms51 ms52 ms  0.so-5-0-0.tl2.nyc9.alter.net
  1053 ms50 ms51 ms  0.so-3-0-0.xl2.nyc1.alter.net
  1151 ms51 ms51 ms  0.so-0-0-0.xr2.nyc1.alter.net
  1252 ms51 ms51 ms  508.atm7-0.gw8.nyc1.alter.net []
  1351 ms50 ms51 ms  savvis-ny-gw.customer.ALTER.NET
  1450 ms51 ms51 ms  so-2-0-0.usnycm2-02.j20c.savvis.net
  1557 ms56 ms56 ms  fe2-3-2.uswash2-01.j20c.savvis.net
  1673 ms80 ms70 ms  microneil-1.uswash.savvis.net
  17 *** Request timed out.
  18 *** Request timed out.
  19 *** Request timed out.
  20 *** Request timed out.
  21 *** Request timed out.
  22 *** Request timed out.
  23 *** Request timed out.
  24 *** Request timed out.
  25 *** Request timed out.
  26 *** Request timed out.
  27 *** Request timed out.
  28 *** Request timed out.
  29 *** Request timed out.
  30 *** Request timed out.

Trace complete.

At 08:04 AM 03/26/2004, you wrote:
At 08:13 AM 3/26/2004, you wrote:

   I have a Sprint T as well, and have had no download problems using wget
on Win2000 aside from periodic slowdowns. Just ran a download this morning
and speed never went over 5K. I also have had no bad_matrix instances.

I am consistently getting 45K/sec or better 

Re: [sniffer] Spam storm?

2004-03-25 Thread Computer House Support
We've found that when we do a manual download, everything works fine.  It's
the automatic download on the Windows 2000 server that seems to corrupt

M. Stein
Computer House

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Spam storm?

This helps narrow things down. Specifically we know that the rulebase files
are not corrupted on the server but during the download. That explains why
I haven't been able to recreate a problem in the lab.

I have a suspicion that wget may be failing intermittently.
Another customer recently had unexplainable, intermittent issues with wget.
They replaced wget with code of their own and have had no further problems.

Can we narrow this down to wget under heavy traffic conditions perhaps?


At 10:08 PM 3/24/2004, you wrote:
I've noticed that if I do a manual download of the rule base file, it works
well, but if it is downloaded automatically via the Windows Task CMD, then
sniffer fails and the log fills up with the BAD_MATRIX errors.

Anyone else seeing this?


- Original Message -
From: Landry William [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:43 PM
Subject: RE: [sniffer] Spam storm?

  I see over a 1000 of these ERROR_BAD_MATRIX entries in my Sniffer log
  today, as well.  Is this due to the ruleset issue from earlier today?
  -Original Message-
  From: Sheldon Koehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 3:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [sniffer] Spam storm?
  Well it may not be a spam storm. Log file shows:
  nsx4b3eh 20040324200108 De90392330028271a.SMD 421 0 ERROR_BAD_MATRIX 71
  2 5
  nsx4b3eh 20040324200117 De90c923a00284b5b.SMD 422 0 ERROR_BAD_MATRIX 71
  What is a Bad Matrix?
  Sheldon Koehler, Owner/Partnerhttp://www.tenforward.com
  Ten Forward Communications   360-457-9023
  Nationwide access, neighborhood support!
  Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time
  to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
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  This message and any included attachments are from Siemens Medical
  USA, Inc. and are intended only for the addressee(s).
  The information contained herein may include trade secrets or privileged
  otherwise confidential information.  Unauthorized review, forwarding,
  copying, distributing, or using such information is strictly prohibited
and may
  be unlawful.  If you received this message in error, or have reason to
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  Thank you
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[sniffer] Config When Using Sniffer With Declude...

2004-03-09 Thread EI8HT LEGS Technical Support
Hello All,

I am running Sniffer with Declude and was wanting to get some ideas on how
everyone has Declude setup.  Currently I just have the basic setup as

SNIFFER external nonzero d:\imail\declude\sniffer2_2\winx\snifferprog.exe
sniffer auth 10 0

I hold anything with a weight of 10m therefore anything failing sniffer gets
held and reviewed.  I was thinking that sniffer had a way to check and see
why it failed, but I have not found much on that.  I guess I am just not
looking in the right place...  Anyone give me some hints?


Grant Griffith, Vice President
EI8HT LEGS Web Management Co., Inc.

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