Re: WSDL , Apache Soap question

2002-01-14 Thread greyson . smith

This is what is working for me...

  xsd:element name=table
  name=count type=xsd:int/
  name=threshold type=xsd:int/
  name=loadFactor type=xsd:float/
  name=modCount type=xsd:int/
  name=serialVersionUID type=xsd:long/
  name=keySet type=xsd:java.util.Set/
  name=entrySet type=xsd:java.util.Set/
  name=KEYS type=xsd:int/
  xsd:element name=VALUES
  xsd:element name=ENTRIES
  xsd:element name=emptyEnumerator

In the declaration of the method:

In the deployment descriptor:

  isd:map encodingStyle=;
xmlns:x= qname=x:meth5_outType javaType=java.util.Map
xml2JavaClassName=org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.HashtableSerializer /

Srinivasan  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
anet.comSubject: WSDL , Apache Soap question  
07:04 PM   
respond to 

I have a Apache Web service one of whose methods  takes in
java.util.Hashtable as a parameter . I understand that the Apache
Toolkit supports Hashtable encoding . But i want to write a WSDL
interface to this service that toolkits from other languages could use
to generate stubs .

I could'nt find the right schema element to represent a structure
similar to Map / Hashtable .

I used the Idoox java2wsdl utility to see what the utility generates and
it came up with ns0:Hashtable
where ns0 = .

This is obviously Apache specific and I dont know how compilers from
other languages will interpret it .

 Has anyone else faced a similar issue ?

Thanks -


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RE: Re: MS Soap Toolkit Question

2001-11-28 Thread greyson . smith

Nice post.  Has anyone verified that these tweeks make any difference?
I've had interop success without making the changes noted in the google

Chuck.King@ub   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
28-11-01 Subject: RE: Re: MS Soap Toolkit Question 
12:11 PM   
respond to 

Regarding the original question regarding Apache and MS SOAP
interoperability, there are differences that are currently being
worked out between Apache and MS.

One 'tweek' is with the WSDL generated by the IBM WSTK and what is
needed by a MS client.  Check out


-Original Message-
From: carlos
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 12:46 PM
To: soap-user
Cc: carlos
Subject: Re: MS Soap Toolkit Question

Check this sample, is really useful:
We implement a solution which uses MS Toolkit  in VBA code for an
worksheet, this one sends data to an Apache SOAP service. It works


Jared Peterson wrote:

 I am curious as to whether people have had success with
 between Apache SOAP and the MS SOAP toolkit.  I have a service that
 written using Apache SOAP and I would like to access it from a C++
 client using the MS SOAP toolkit.  Is this possible and are there
 little tricks or hidden traps that I need to know about?  Any info
 be great.


Carlos Vinueza M.
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VIMEWorks Cia. Ltda.
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RE: no signature match

2001-11-12 Thread greyson . smith

Does your class exist in multiple spots on your box, and are both
referenced in your cp?

Gus Delgado  
gus.delgado@netquoTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: 
   Subject: RE: no signature match 
12-11-01 12:52 PM  
Please respond to  


-Original Message-
From: Brian Abbott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 12:33 PM
Subject: RE: no signature match

Do you receive similar errors on Tomcat 3.3?


-Original Message-
From: Gus Delgado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:22 AM
Subject: no signature match

I upgraded to tomcat 4.0 and when I deploy my soap service I get a
SOAP-ENV:Server error  saying no signature match on the method I'm
calling. Here is the signature

public request(Element root)

I can see in the source that the signature is right! Has anyone run into
this problem before? is tomcat 4.0 not looking at my classpath and finding
some other jar file that contains the Element object? how can I fix this?
Thanks in advance for your help!



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Re: Problems with Upgrade from SOAP 2.1 to 2.2: strange error

2001-10-30 Thread greyson . smith

The last time I had this problem, it was because of a classpath problem
with Tomcat.  In my case, Xerces wasn't listed as the first class in the

Hope it is that easy for you.

et  cc:   
 Subject: Problems with Upgrade from SOAP 
2.1 to 2.2:   
30-10-01 strange error 
01:57 PM   
respond to 

I installed SOAP 2.2 using Apache Tomcat 3

then I tried to list and deploy services as I did it using soap 2.1:

java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient
http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter list

to list or

java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient
http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter deploy swpadmin-soapdeploy.xml

but I always receive the error:

  Fault Code   = SOAP-ENV:Server.Exception:
  Fault String = java.lang.AbstractMethodError

what should this mean??

I would appreciate any help! thank you!



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Re: Can I retuen a Vector of objects?

2001-10-01 Thread greyson . smith

I was able to return a hash of beans, which sounds like it's similar to
what you're trying to do.  The most difficult part for me was defining the
wsdl file so that the client knew how to serialize the object.  I
eventually stumbled upon the ibm wsdl generator, and things went better
after that.

If you haven't used the wsdl generator, I would give that a shot first.

Søren Neigaard 
neigaard@mobilTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: 
   Subject: Can I retuen a Vector of 
01-10-01 03:39 
Please respond 
to soap-user   

I want my SOAP method to return a Vector of a given class. Can this be
And if so, how, and how do I read those objects out of the Vector?

I know that I can return a Vector of String, so this must be possible too.
What if the object I want to return, is a simple data bean?

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Søren Neigaard
Mobilethink A/S
Åboulevarden 23, 5.sal
DK - 8000 Århus C
Telefon: +45 86207800
Direct: +45 86207810
Fax: +45 86207801


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Re: SOAP for non Java Client

2001-07-16 Thread greyson . smith

Someone sent me a sample of Soap - VB if you'd like a copy of it, I'd be
happy to forward it on.

16-07-01 Subject: SOAP for non Java Client 
01:07 PM   
respond to 


How to make use of Apache SOAP, if my client is a non Java client. All the
SOAP samples contain a Java client which makes use SOAP Call obejct to
communicate to the SOAP server(RPCRouterServlet).

What if, I don't have access to any SOAP API at my client side, since it is
a non Java client. How do I communicate to SOAP server without using Call



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RE: Begging for Hash

2001-07-13 Thread greyson . smith

James -- thanks for the reply.  I'll just give a brief explanation of what
I'm trying to do, and if you have something that comes anywhere near what
I'm trying to accomplish, please send it on.

I am going to have a server that returns a hierarchy of items; basically a
node that can contain other nodes.  My intent was to use a hastable to
store the nodes, and return them to the client, but I have had difficulties
as to how to define them in the wsdl file.


Abbott, James 
James.L.Abbott@s[EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:   
 Subject: RE: Begging for Hash 
13-07-01 05:03 AM  
Please respond to  

What is the client U R returning the hash table to?
I have numerous java tests with hash tables, and objects extending the hash

-Original Message-
Sent: 12 July 2001 23:46
Subject: Begging for Hash

Does anyone have an example of returning a Hashtable with soap that they
would be willing to direct me to, or perhaps send?  I would be most


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Begging for Hash

2001-07-12 Thread greyson . smith

Does anyone have an example of returning a Hashtable with soap that they
would be willing to direct me to, or perhaps send?  I would be most


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repost: Re-entrancy problems using java server and vb client

2001-07-11 Thread greyson . smith

Apologies for the repost, but I am having a difficult time figuring this
one out, and I hope that someone can offer a bit of advice.  Perhaps the
previous questions were too detailed...

If possible, is there anyone out there who has a java server that is being
accessed by a VB client using the MS soap sdk?  If so, what is the expected
behaviour with respect to client processing?  The problem that I have is
that a command button that does some action can be clicked repetedly before
the response from the server comes back.  Is it just me, or is that how it
always works?  If so, is it the MS sdk, or something else?

I could put a hack in the event -- some boolean flag that says Processing,
and exit the routine if it's true, but I hate doing stuff like that, it's
so cheezy.

Thanks again..

Old post

I have a relatively simple soap server that I've written in Java.  It takes
the call, hits a database, and returns a result -- it takes a couple of
seconds to execute.  The client is written in VB, and it calls the server
with a command click event.

I've noticed that as soon as the soap call takes place, I can click the
command button again and again even though the first call hasn't come back.
This is very odd for vb, which is thread retarded, so I'm a bit confused.

I'm not sure where my problem lies.  I don't know if the problem is a
result of the ms soap transport, the vb code that I've written, or the way
the soap/tomcat server works.  Note, I have not used doEvents in my code,
the re-entrancy issue (I'm quite sure, anyway) is a result of soap.

/Old post


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Re-entrancy problems using java server and vb client

2001-07-10 Thread greyson . smith

This may be better posted to a ms group, but I thought I'd try here, first
to see if anyone has noticed the same behaviour.

I have a relatively simple soap server that I've written in Java.  It takes
the call, hits a database, and returns a result -- it takes a couple of
seconds to execute.  The client is written in VB, and it calls the server
with a command click event.

I've noticed that as soon as the soap call takes place, I can click the
command button again and again even though the first call hasn't come back.
This is very odd for vb, which is thread retarded, so I'm a bit confused.

I'm not sure where my problem lies.  I don't know if the problem is a
result of the ms soap transport, the vb code that I've written, or the way
the soap/tomcat server works.  Note, I have not used doEvents in my code,
the re-entrancy issue (I'm quite sure, anyway) is a result of soap.

Thanks for the consideration.


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Re: SOAP 2.2 Tomcat Error: 404 Not found

2001-07-03 Thread greyson . smith

Is mypackage.myClient in the Tomcat classpath?

Ralf Bierig
soap_news@yaTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 Subject: SOAP 2.2  Tomcat Error: 404 
Not found   
07:44 AM   
respond to 

I use Apache SOAP 2.2 and Tomcat 3.2.2. I have
deployed a Webservice via the Webinterface.
I start my java Programm, which make the SOAP call:

java mypackage.myClient

and get the following error:

What is wrong. Must I register the service somewhere
else additionally or do I have to set another path
within Tomcat. Tomcat should look at the
DeployedServices.ds file to find the service...

- Error Message of Tomcat --
Unsupported response content type text/html, must
be: text/xml. Response was
headtitleNot Found (404)/title/head
bodyh1Not Found (404)/h1
bOriginal request:/b /rpcrouterbrbr
bNot found request:/b /rpcrouter/body
- End of Error Message --

Can somebody help???


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RE: Having problems getting started....

2001-06-29 Thread greyson . smith

What are your client and server classpaths?

Eamon Oneill   
29-06-01 Subject: RE: Having problems getting 
10:51 AM   
respond to 

I can get started with ServiceManagerClient either.  No matter what call I
give it, deploy or list, I get a FactoryConfigurationError.  However, I can
do both deploy and list using the graphical admin client.

C:\WIN2KS\system32java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient
host:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter list
Exception in thread main javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError:
at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.init(
at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.init(
at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.init(

Eamon G. O Neill (Direct:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or 650-486-6413),
(Mobile:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or 415-595-6002),
Development Manager, PowerMarket, Inc.,

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 7:54 AM
Subject: Having problems getting started

Hi All.

I am using Tomcat/Apache SOAP.  Having a hard time getting the addressbook
sample to work.  I have followed the install instructions explicitly.  When
I enter the command java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient
http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter deploy

I get a NoClassDefFoundError:  org/w3c/dom/Node.  I know that class is part
of the Xerces.jar but I have that in my system classpath as well as the
classpath of Tomcat.  Any ideas?




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