[RCSE] 2000 Snow-Fly

2000-01-25 Thread Jack Iafret

For those of you mid-westerners for whom I do not have an e-mail address,
the 29 annual Snow-Fly will be hosted by the Greater Detroit Soaring and
Hiking Society at the Toledo Weak Signals field on the 20th of February.

If you want any details, let me know and I'll send you a .jpg or .ppt file
of the flyer with a map to the field.

The contest will be UNL, 2M and RES.

Jack Iafret
"Keeper of the Nostalgia Rules"

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[RCSE] AHA! Spectra/Airtronics Not Buried Yet!

2000-01-25 Thread Paul Klissner

I have a flying buddy who is not only a HAM operator,
but a licensed radio technician with a lifetime FCC license
to repair and type-certify radio equipment all the way
up through television broadcast station equipment.

He says I can put a Spectra module in an Aitronics box
and he can type-certify the pair (even on the 72Mhz band) 
so that I can legally use it (as far as the FCC is concerned).
However, it only applies to *that* (particular) Spectra module 
in *that* (particular) Airtronics box, and isn't a standard
type-certification (you know like the $4000+) to get all 
Spectra modules legal for all Airtronics boxes.

That's good enough for me, since I just want to fly, without
breaking the law... But then Bob Dylan sang "I can see the
day coming when even your home garden's gonna be against
the law."  (although knowing Bobby, he could be growing
anything).  But I digress.

So I'm not sure how a per-unit type-certification affects 
insurance, but it seems like it should be okay if it is FCC
legal.  How that affects contests is not a major concern of
mine.  Never been to one.  Visalia this year will be my first,
and only to see some experts, and put some faces to some names.

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[RCSE] RE: Pictures for the Ki61 foamie warbird?

2000-01-25 Thread kogata


Here is not the photo but looks very good 3D images.


Keiichiro Ogata

-Original Message-

I would like to do a real nice finish job on my Ki61 that is in the build.
If anyone knows of any pictures where I can see one (up close, those that I
have seen yet are too small to help) I would greatly appreciate it.  

By the way, after you trim the wings do you sand them to a taper, or just
leave them blunt?

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[RCSE] FLAPS: 783 vs 8103 vs Somthing Really Smart

2000-01-25 Thread Paul Klissner

My current strategy is to upgrade to a Stylus,
as the lesser of many evils, although from what
I understand, the Stylus doesn't handle elevon
mixes with full sailplane mixes at the same time.

Bummer, dude.

Oh, sure, in the back of my mind, I'm wondering if
for the money I shouldn't try to get a MPX 3030
(which isn't out yet, right?) or a 8103, or a Futaba.

But not enough comparative data.

Okay, why did I decide I'd outgrown the 783.
Flaps and Camber.

I get my flaps setup, but then its a drag to set it
up for camber and reflex settings, as I have to use
some sort of trim adjust on my flaps, which blends
and confuses everything.

This is why I want sliders, and more brain power in my
transmitter.  I want assignable switches so I can switch
in more mixes in places that make sense to me for the
plane at the time.

One thing I really don't like about the 783 that I suspect
may still be in the 8103 is that the flap mixes tend to
not give you complete control over the full throw of the
servo in any way that makes sense at all.  There's the
reflex/land switch, the Pot.6 trim dial and the 
spoiler/throttle lever, and they interact hideously.
I know there must be something better.

Yes, I want to buy an Aerofoam 48" flying wing sometime
by summer.  Should I get two memory cards for my Stylus?
One for slopers and one for full house ships?

Right now my two slopers are a Dominator and a Blade,
and they are 'full house' slopers, so no problem there,
but I want it all and I want it now.  Just kidding.
(sort of).

Anything that can clear up these issues about the 8103 and
hopefully the Futaba 8Ch or 10Ch line would be helpful.

I'm really getting mixed messages about the Futaba.
"Its cheap, but it has everything you could want, but
its a drag to program, and everyone's used to something

Does it have sliders?  Assignable switches?
Serious smarts, or is it just pretty good for the money?

We've compared the 8103 to the Stylus.
Can someone compare the 8103 to the Futaba 8UAF?

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Re: [RCSE] Core cutting ( way to long )

2000-01-25 Thread Eddie E.

Ok, I'll bite.
Let's look at these one at a time.
Q.  Cleaning the hot wire in between cuts.
A.  The easy way is to heat up the wire and wipe it down with your wifes
best cotton bath towel (preferably the monogramed ones).

Q. Compufoil or other free ware.
A. Compufoil is the only one that does a perfect 2 piece template set.
Beware of the version lockouts.
These guys are just like microsoft. The feature you want will surely be
locked out in the version of compufoil you buy. An example would be using
the NACA airfoils to build a fun fly.
I had a freeware called Autofoil that was really nice, lost it in a computer
crash though, and the site was down that I got it from. Might have been from
Iceland or Scottland, had a strange address like "Luth.se/jopper" or
something like that. If you find autofoil grab it.

Q. Theory of foam
A. pink is slightly lighter than blue in the same claimed density. both are
great in compression not in tension.
Generic white beaded foam is very weak and carries no loads at all. It is a
little lighter than pink unless you use too much epoxy and then a pink,
completed wing will be lighter.
EPP is almost the same weight as blue but ends up heavy if you don't use
your head when adding spars and covering. Needs more voltage when cutting.
Stinks too, use a fan.

Q. Contemplating templates
A. 1 piece templates for "foamies" and prototypes. 2 piece for carbon/glass
3 meter planes. (it has been proven by scientists that buying a nice 3meter
is cheaper than building one, if you factor in the cost of reject cores and
carbon fiber cloth.) have fun with you foam cutter, but don't get wacky with
the big stuff.

Q. 12 volt "shocks" and how to avoid them
A. why avoid them? they can be fun.
Don't even try AC direct with only a dimmer switch though, it just turns
into a molten fireball, er uh ,so I'm told.

Q. Blue or Pink, which should it be?
A. Would you like us to fly it for you too? OR  I don't know, Go to Home
Depo and ask the guy with the orange apron.

Q. Do you cut the top cut first when South of the
A. yes sometimes, when you want a thinner airfoil and your too damn lazy to
cut new templates, er uh ,so I'm told. Always cutting from LE to TE though.
Cutting back to front is considered an insult to "Trailengedgicus" the Mayan
god of slope lift.

Q. The meaning of EH
A. This is a term used by Canadian flying wing pilots.  Examples:  Check out
my new slope wing, EH? Hardly needs any washout, EH? Wicked neutral pitch
stability, EH?

Q. How to limit scrap and proper disposal of it.
Blue and pink EPS foams are styrene plastics and probably could be recycled
with the other plastics, if you could survive the mob of angry do gooders
yelling at you for putting foam in the plastic recycling bin.
By the way, your town doesn't have a buyer to take all recycled plastics, so
the town dumps it with the other trash when you go home.

Q.  Who cuts the best cores?
A teenager girl in California, I'm not going to name her as that kind of
thing could Boomerang.

Q. Will Brian ever get around to cutting my cores?
A. No, but If your nice he'll bring the bow to you house and teach you to
cut you own damn cores.

Eddie E.
Mad Scientist

 Please feel free to
 post any answers humorous or real to the
 Cliff Lindgren
 PS For the first person who correctly identifys
 the real person who asked the questions,  you will
 br awarded the first core we have rejected as a
 prize.  (It ain't that bad either.)


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[RCSE] incidence meter thanks

2000-01-25 Thread Brookspark

Thanks to all who responding to my most mundane question. People seem to like 
the Robart, only one has the GP laser (maybe because its new?) but hasn't 
used it yet.

Brooks Park
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[RCSE] Concrete Molds

2000-01-25 Thread Silas Collier

I saw someone mention concrete molds last week when providing dimensions for
a plane (Logic, I believe).  I've built concrete canoes (American Society of
Civil Engineers competition) and work with concrete a lot.  I'd like to try
making a concrete mold one of these days and have a few questions.
Is there a website that describes this process?
What mix is used?  ( I assume lots of fines to take detail and maybe latex
or epoxy admixture for workability and strength)
Is reinforcing used/required?  If so, what kind? ( Steel, fibermesh, chopped
glass, etc.)
The post mentioned HDPE coating; how does one coat a concrete mold with
HDPE?  Is epoxy and a lot of wax going to work?
Do you make a stiff mix and lay it on like modeling clay, or a soupy mix and
cast a mold like resin?
Thanks in advance.
Too many ideas, not enough time, money, or experience =(
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Re: [RCSE] First fullhouse sailplane?

2000-01-25 Thread RH1037

Tim Cone...are you out there? Do you have a Victory C for sale?
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Re: [RCSE] watts and amps

2000-01-25 Thread Rick Wardrop

 If you know the watts, how do you figure the amps?
 I know this is very simple "I think" but a friend asked and I told him
 I know a place where that would make quite a few people laugh, but they
 would know the answer.
 Gary Nichols

Watts=Volts x Amps




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Re: [RCSE] Will HMG melt coroplast?

2000-01-25 Thread Noah Hicks

I was thinking of using hot melt glue to attach the tail feathers on my 
Ki61 (still a ways off mind you).  But I am worried that it might melt the 
coroplast.  Any suggestions?


In the days when I was able to build/fly those wonderful EPP planes I used 
hot melt glue on almost everything.  I don't remember using on coroplast 
specifically but I am fairly sure that you shouldn't have any problems.  One 
consideration: hot melt glue dries at the rate that it cools.  Without 
disscussing the thermodynamics, if you are gluing say a coroplast tail to a 
fuselage don't put the glue on the tail really thin it will dry.  I would 
suggest placing the glue on in the tail, using a lot of glue and working 
very fast.  The reason I would put it in the fuse is that the foam will help 
insulate the glue and maintain a hot temp.
Good luck!

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[RCSE] Font question.

2000-01-25 Thread Perry Hudson

Ok, I know a lot of you guys have been around for a long time.
Here is the question.  What is the font that was used for the letters and 
numbers that was on the back side of the monokote trim sheets in the old 
days before they decided it was too expensive to put them there?

Regards, Perry
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[RCSE] Illegal Radios, HELP!

2000-01-25 Thread Wwing

I can only hope this message gets through. Please, do not even think of 
getting a spectra module for your stylus. While driving home to work I 
noticed what appeared to be a roadblock just beyond an overpass. Innocently 
enough, I missed my chance to avail myself of the exit, and went under the 
bridge and was surprised to find myself being waved out of traffic by an 
Officer of the Law. Why me? I rolled down the window, "Good afternoon, 
  "Out of the car, boy. I understand you subscribe to RCSD".
"That's right"
  "Well, we've done a little checkin' and found out that you also got a 
Stylus radio and see that you've been e-mailin' around lookin' for a Spectra."
"Well, I, uh..."
  "I'm sorry, Sonny, but we just can't allow that. I reckon we don't rightly 
take kindly to your type around these here parts."
"But, I never followed through, the order got messed up and..."
  "Yeah, that's what they all say. Don't matter none. You criminal types are 
all alike. You think you can ignore the Feds and the FCC. You probably claim 
your goldfish as a deduction, too. We got you figured as an industrial hemp 
sympathizer, besides. But when we caught you doin' 62 in a 55, that was the 
last straw. We're gonna have to take you downtown. So get outta the car real 
easy, like, and just for your own safety, we're gonna have to cuff you."
   "But, really, Officer, this ain't right. I mean, call Lorenzo, at 
Sailplanes Forever, He'll tell ya! They were gonna ship me the spectra, but 
they never did! Really!"
   "Yeah, we already did. He says he never heard of ya. Besides, he charged 
yer credit card already, and that's all we need. Save yer sob story for the 
judge. Watch yer head here"
 Just then, a chopper swooped down in a low pass and I could see the letters 
"FCC" stenciled on its belly.
  So anyway, I'm using my phone call here just to tell you, don't even THINK 
about it. And Gordy! Can you bail me out?!

Bill Wingstedt
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[RCSE] TESTING 1..2..3 Anyone else having trouble posting?

2000-01-25 Thread Paul Klissner

I'm having trouble posting and receiving messages from RCSE
anyone else

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Re: [RCSE] Travel Cases ANSWER

2000-01-25 Thread Nxtdoor

Another note on Pack-lite boxes: you need to give them the interior
dimensions you want your box. Also tell them if you want a hinged top on a
loose top.

Jeff Naber

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 8:03 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Travel Cases ANSWER

 Contact Jeff N for the Coroplast box I use.  It is professionally made to
 your size.  LIght and tight.


 Plane Boxes
 Jeff Naber
 7619 S. Trenton Ave.
 Tulsa, OK 74136

 Ph: 918.495.1028
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Re: [RCSE] FLAPS: 783 vs 8103 vs Somthing Really Smart

2000-01-25 Thread Ben Diss

Here you go:


 Is there anywhere where I can learn terminology like setting up camber in a
 Tx, "reflex", "Crow" and all that stuff?
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[RCSE] 8103 flaps/camber...

2000-01-25 Thread WildWhl


I believe the Stylus is a VERY nice radio (from what I have seen).

I'm not sure I understand the need for all the programmability or not...but 
at least it is there. The 8103 is intuitive to me, but then again, I've been 
flying JR for a long time and never really anything else...I have owned a 
347, 783 and now an 8103. 

I have always been able to get straight trailing edge camber and reflex (O.K. 
- almost straight a couple of times :-)  I use the 3 position flight switch 
for launch camber and reflex settings - works well for me. The 
"flap(throttle)" stick is adjustable "thermal" camber and after throwing the 
switch is adj. "crow". I can see where someone might forget to throw the 
switch when landing and prang their model.

I, too, have no experience with the Fut. 8U? but can say the 8103 is a very 
competent sailplane TX that will work for 95% of us (but so will the other 
two in question). 

Point of my post?

If you have an 8103 and need help, let me know. I'll stick with it for a 
while. I am curious, however, what all the Stylus is capable of (though I 
doubt I'll ever have any need - using every possible mix I can imagine I need 
- OK - want - the 8103 STILL has open mixes :-)

Of course...I don't yet have the PC card (and need it :-)...and then there is 
the current 6.5M ASW20 on the board that will have 12 servos...and I only 
have 8 channels...and I have to Y-harness..

Thermals (in the rain),

Bill Gillis
Soggy Reno, NV
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[RCSE] How to attach molded servo covers?

2000-01-25 Thread Paul Klissner

I'm new to molded planes.

They come with servo covers.

I taped them on the Stork (carefully), using clear
packing tape which I rubbed down nice and clear and

I'm hoping there's a better way for the Blade.

Glue, perhaps?

Does 3M spray work?  I don't want them falling off.
Or is there some other adhesive that works better?

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Re: [RCSE] Core cutting ( way to long )

2000-01-25 Thread Chuck Anderson

At 09:24 PM 1/24/2000 -0500, you wrote:
Q. Compufoil or other free ware.
A. Compufoil is the only one that does a perfect 2 piece template set.

Have you seen my Airfoil Plot 8.  It will plot a universal template that
can be trimmed to produce two piece templates for cutting foam cores either
in the upright or inverted position,

Beware of the version lockouts.
These guys are just like microsoft. The feature you want will surely be
locked out in the version of compufoil you buy. An example would be using
the NACA airfoils to build a fun fly.
My program comes complete with no lockouts for $35 plus $5 shipping.  It
includes airfoil generators for NACA 4-digit, NACA 5-digit, and 
Quabeck airfoils as well as coordinates for over 400 airfoils.  It can also
plot most of the airfoils in Michael Selig's airfoil data base as well as
airfoils from coordinates in true COR format.  (Some airfoils with a COR
file name extension are not really in COR format.)  

And, unless Eric has changed his policy, Compufoil is not freeware.

Chuck Anderson 
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[RCSE] Proper control surface chord for s4083

2000-01-25 Thread Rcsoar4fun

What is the proper width for a control surface on the S4083 used on a handlaunch?  
These surfaces are flaperons...

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[RCSE] RE: F3J Towing Techniques

2000-01-25 Thread BOBCANMAN

I learned some important F3J towing techniques at the NATS F3J event several 
years ago.  I cannot run so I have a problem getting someone to tow for me 
since I cannot return the favor.  My heat was called and I did not have a tow 
person.  The call went out on the PA system and Joe Wurts towed for me.  So 
at the horn I released my 2 meter Lil Scorpion and it did not launch very 
high.  Joe came back and explained two important things to me.  First let the 
runner build up plenty of line tension before I launch, and second, ping off 
at about 75 percent of launch height while there is still plenty of tension 
to produce a zoom.  The rest of my launches were much better.

Since then I have studied Joe's F3J launches.  He builds up plenty of 
pretension and signals the runner to start at about three seconds before the 
horn.  Joe can just barely avoid being pulled across the starting line before 
the horn sounds.  Joe has optimized tow hook location, trailing edge 
deflection, and model design to give the best launch.  The result is minimum 
launch time and maximum flight time in the window.

Bob Harold   
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Re: [RCSE] How to attach molded servo covers?

2000-01-25 Thread James V. Bacus

At 06:09 PM 1/25/00 -0800, Paul Klissner wrote:
I'm new to molded planes.

I just use clear wing tape.

Downers Grove, IL
ICQ 6997780
Visit my R/C Soaring Page at http://www.mcs.net/~bacuslab/soaring.html

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[RCSE] P-38 3views - THANKS!!

2000-01-25 Thread Tom Hoopes

Hi All,

I just wanted to thank everyone that responded to my request for 3 view
line drawings of the P-38. I received everything from pictures, to DWG
files, to stories, to blueline drawings so detailed that I could build a
full size, assuming that I had a bigger shop of course.

What am I going to do with these drawings you ask? Well it's kind of an
involved project, but to condense it down, imagine a twin boomed Skeeter.
With it, I should be able to make downwind turns while being subject the
Coreolus effect. The results will be something similar to DSing with a
control line model in a thermal. It truly boggles the mind.


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Re: [RCSE] Stylus vs 8103 or how to kill time

2000-01-25 Thread James V. Bacus

At 06:12 PM 1/25/00 -0700, Tom Hoopes wrote:
The Stylus allows 4 different
differential settings based upon the flight mode selected (normal, launch,
reflex, and landing). Although the 8103 can sort of do this, it is highly
likely that there are not enough programmable mixers left to accomplish the
"Stylus" feat.

Dr. JR Boy, please show me (and the rest of the forum) some of your 
magic...  8-)  If you can pull reverse differential off in landing mode, 
and leave my original differential setting in flight mode, I would be 
amazed to see how this is done on a full house sailplane set up on a 8103.

I currently own a couple of Styluses, Vision, JR-347, JR-388, JR XP-8103,
MPX Cockpit MM and I know them all very well.

How does the MPX Cockpit MM compare to the radios we have been discussing 
here?  It sure looks different.

Downers Grove, IL
ICQ 6997780
Visit my R/C Soaring Page at http://www.mcs.net/~bacuslab/soaring.html

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Re: [RCSE] airfoil plotting program

2000-01-25 Thread Robert Nelson

Thanks Mike,

This site provides a little more insight to the SB (Serge Barth)
airfoils I was asking about.


Mike Carris wrote:
 Hi folks,
 Check this shareware plotting program for 45 days.  After that pay $10.95
 US.  http://fly.to/tracfoil
 Also includes free upgrades after purchase.  Does much / costs little.
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[RCSE] Which Airfoil

2000-01-25 Thread Aireze1

Hi All
The dominant TD Airfoil seems to be the SD7037. The SA7035 also seems to 
enjoy a good following, with a few MH and RG's sprinkled in. What about the 
SA7036? I realize that it slots in between the 7035 and the 7037. What I'm 
looking for is a little more reach in search mode and not to give up a whole 
lot of light air workability. Also I would like to fiddle less with camber 
changing. All opinions appreciated. TIA, Rich
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[RCSE] Re: FLAPS: 783 vs 8103 vs Somthing Really Smart

2000-01-25 Thread AMA3655

Jon Stone, intelligent nice guy from NASF, wrote a Great Post about what's 
different between the major radios available here in the US. One thing he 
forgot to mention about the Stylus/glid card setup is what to do with the 
other slider. This is the one that controls camber while in launch mode, if 
you set it up to do so (easily done). This is kind of fun and lets you easily 
fly the camber to optimize launches for varying winches, high starts, air, or 
stubborn old fat guys who will pull monofilament for beer.

Rob Glover - stubborn old fat guy who likes beer ;-)
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Re: [RCSE] R/C Electronic Projects URL's

2000-01-25 Thread Howard Rudy

I have some sites here that have a lot of circuits.
Hope this will be of help.
Howard Rudy
Salt Lake City, UT.

Simon Van Leeuwen wrote:

 Someone recently posted a bunch of URL's pointing to various RC projects
 one can build. Can you please send them to me. Thanks.

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