[RCSE] Re: AMA sent me a DVD

2005-06-08 Thread Jo Grini

What if the DVD was all for free and there was nothing about donating?
We have been thinking of doing that in Norway. (giving it away together with 
the bimonthly magazine)
WIll the crowd understand that it is free and that nobody have earned money 
on it?

Hilsen (Regards) Jojo

Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 23:07:53 EDT
To: Soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] AMA sent me a DVD

Don't assume without proof that AMA sold the list itself to this company.
They are smarter than that. Typically, I think the way it works is the 
merging and labeling and shipping happens at AMA,  it has to, otherwise, 
little to stop the marketing guys with the video from re-selling the list 
others or re-using it themselves, and then AMA would only get to sell or 
the list information once. That would be REALLY stupid, criminally stupid. 

holding the list to themselves, they ensure they retain it's value for
re-selling over and over.  If they ARE just handing over a CD ROM of 
addresses to
anybody who pays for it, the management need to be severely censured for 
management practices. So you don't like the DVD, it's your right not to 
pay for
anything you didn't ask for.  I think if you look thru your membership 
print, you can specify someplace that you opt out of any such lists for 

future projects.

I don't blame the Academy for seeking revenue enhancements other than 
the board dues increases. Those are never popular, yet more than ever 
need the Academy  for it's help in keeping and getting fields and 
in a world where the free space grows tighter every year.  And we need 

good offices lobbying for our interests for spectrum space as well, it's
always under threat from more commercial interests.  All that DOES take 
believe it or not. Voluntary contributions like this DVD idea may help 
costs, if they are executed properly.  Whether that is the case here is 
something I care to debate, not having a dog in that particular fight and 
having seen the video in question.  I will say I have a bunch of their old 

from the 80's and 90's that we used in club outreach and public mall show
efforts and they were quality product for their era.

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Re: [RCSE] AMA sent me a DVD

2005-06-08 Thread miamimike

I don't blame the Academy...

But I thought WE were the Academy.

The AMA represents itself as an association made up of its members. With that
in mind, you are in effect telling us, I don't blame us for sending
ourselves merchandize that we didn't ask for and then pressuring ourselves to
pay for that merchandize in order to raise money for ourselves.

But of course I'm being facetious. Your position makes much more sense if you
view the AMA the way many of us do: It's a business. It's an insurance
company that offers a unique type of insurance that we need, and so we're AMA
customers. And like most companies that have acquired our mailing addresses
for other purposes, they won't hesitate to send us unsolicited junk mail.

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[RCSE] Gateway Open 2005/OVSS #3

2005-06-08 Thread Marc Gellart
Just a reminder for the Gateway Open in Northwest St. Louis on June 17-19.
Friday is a HL contest in the AM and afternoon free flying.  Saturday and
Sunday is Unlimited class, fly what you brung at any time, seeded MOM.
Check the following link for hotels, entry, maps, etc.


This is a great field, actually a sod farm, and a great group of guys.  Noon
meal is supplied for all fliers.  Plan on long flights and many rounds.

Marc Gellart, CD

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[RCSE] Mega 22/30/1 and 22/30/2

2005-06-08 Thread lomcovak
Success on the ESC. Looking for either or both of the above, anyone?

Simon Van Leeuwen
PnP Systems - The E-Harness of Choice
Radius Systems
Cogito Ergo Zoom

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Re: [RCSE] Timing CD

2005-06-08 Thread Steve Meyer

Found two sources for MP3 timing files.
These are mainly practice files. With an MP3 editor you should be
able to make one for 10 minutes.
Our Norwegian friend JoJo has F3J timing. Should be able to be
adapted easily for HL use.
Just have to get used to the accent. :-)

Steve Meyer

At 03:32 PM 6/8/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Last summer I leant my HL timing CD to someone and can't for the
life of me remember who. Anybody know of a source for making
Denny Maize
Polecat Aero

[RCSE] OVSS/rules/pop offs/line breaks

2005-06-08 Thread Brian Smith
I would like the OVSS to consider one pop off per day along with one line
break per day.  Driving 1000 miles and paying hundreds of dollars in travel
and motel fees is a REAL bummer to have ruined the whole weekends score
for one glitch, that is at times out of your control. Throwing a heavy ship
into a cross wind when ordered to launch and can't stand on the pedal for
fear of breaking the line is tuff.
Will this start a war that will sink the exchange? If so forget my
request.  (SMILE)  Brian

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Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread Ben Diss

1005 miles, 17 hours driving for me.


I think Taht ther was a guy from Germany,
Guys from California, As well.

Jack Strother
Granger, IN

LSF 2948
LSF Level V #117
LSF Official 1996 - 2004
CSS Gold


-- Original message --

  Great story Jack.
  I would love to attend one of these events, but from Calgary it
would be days
  of driving one way. Although we are setting up to tow really big
stuff (we
  towed in the mid eighties), hosting an event where there is
myself and a few
  others in the whole of western Canada makes it tough.
  Any idea who was the furthest attendee who flew?
   Its my turn to get a tow. Radio is on, wiggle check, canopy is
closed and
   I pull the 25 pound Ventus 2ax out into position, where Carolyn
hooks the tow
   line to my model.
   Not paying too much attention, I head over to stand next to the
Tow Pilot.
   You want to do this, if for nothing else communications. I
verify that my
   Ailerons and rudder are uncoupled. All I need to do is keep the
wings level,
   and let the tow plane do the work.
   All of a sudden I hear this aussie accent asking, Are you
ready.. Jack? ;
   To my surprise, its our host Peter Goldsmith at the sticks on
the Tow plane.
   My comfort level just went up 300 percent. If you dont know,
be advised that
   Peter is an excellent stick.
   I give him a generous smile and a nod of my head and the Tow
plane throttles
   up. Shortly the Ventus is airborne, and the tow plane comes off
the ground.
   A climbing turn to the south behind the Tow Plane, and Peter
says,  Just
   like a Pro, Jack; I am embarrassedwell maybe a little anyway..
   I am guessing that I got off, with a release and a right turn
around 2000
   agl, there were scud running clouds running thru the area, and
I wanted to
   avoid them.
   I fly for about 30 minutes, and note that 2 tugs outta 4 were
operating, such
   that the sky was getting crowded. I think that if not all,
certainly most
   frequencies were in use.
   After another 45 minutes, of tooling around, its time to come
home, I set
   the Ventus up for landing, announce down wind, base and final
turns to the
   flight line director.
   He directs me to land wide,.
   My approach is stable, and the Ventus 2ax gets into ground
effect and just
   will not land,
   I apply a slight amount of spoiler, the plane drops to Tera firma.
   I put in 6 more flights like this! What fun. In between flights
I am charging
   my batteries, walking around the site meeting new people,
reaffirming older
   There are 60 some pilots on site and I know of 10 people that
came from the
   South Bend and Chicago area just to watch on a day trip.
   What Fun, no contest points, but I think That I can survive the
loss!!. There
   were 5 or 6 Ventus 2ax sailplanes there; 6 meter airplanes, and
a couple of
   8+ Meter aircraft.
   Glass Slippers, and Wooden Airplanes as well. Scratch Builds,
Kit builds and
   composite moldies were abound.
   Endless Mountain Models, Icare, Hobby Lobby, and many other
products were
   represented at this event.
   Jack Strother
   Granger, IN
   LSF 2948
   LSF Level V #117
   LSF Official 1996 - 2004
   CSS Gold
  Simon Van Leeuwen
  PnP Systems - The E-Harness of Choice
  Radius Systems
  Cogito Ergo Zoom

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[RCSE] Monticello, Ill...Typical...(long) [1]

2005-06-08 Thread strotherbj

of most Mid Western Farming communities. Streets lined with older trees and big houses. The Town surrounded by some of the countries best farm land.

Like most County Seats (Piatt County), the town is a little bigger than most, with activities for the Kids and adults alike. Shopping, Museums etc.
We will be heading to the County airport for the JR Aero Tow 2005. 

Karen and I arrived late Thursday evening, to awake and have a cheap but rather large breakfast next door at the Red Wheel Resturant. I think that the hotel rate was a little much, for the area, but the rooms were clean and that is what counts.

After breakfast we are guided with the event maps and signsconviently locatedthru town out to the High School and the left on the way to the Airport. Karen comments on the new wheat growing to our right.

We arrive on sight at the airport, do the check in process. I find that I am sharing my frequency, and at the same time notice a vacant Frequency that I can move to. 
I make the necessary arrangements and change frequencies, so that I could fly anytime that I chose. The move was appreciated by the JR employee doing the check in.
Karen and I put up our EZ-up and unload the truck. The weather is warm, the sky overcast at about 1500 agl, the winds 5 to 8 variable at 8:30 am and most of the day.
I get my Ventus 2Ax assembled, Gonzo the pilot at its side, and decide to relax for a few, in anticipation of the Pilots briefing.

The announcement comes for the briefing, which is full of introductions and common sense requests. The flight line is laid out to the participants, and a short discussion about the full scale glider club giving up the 4 days for the JR event and that full scale glider rides were being raffled. Sweet !!

I Look Around and notice faces present that I have not seen in years. Stan Cotch (sp) comes to mind first, Howard Keller and Bernie Coleman, who actually introduced me to "Scale" Aero Tow.
Skip is there, Jim Frickey and his crew, the boyz from Texas were there , Mark Nackivil is there.
Jim Porter who has been out of the country is recognized immediately and is greeted with a friendly handshake,and there were many others as well.

There is a Japanese filming crew covering the event for a major magazine in Japan, and then there were our hosts; Peter and Carolyn Goldsmith, and the Team JR representatives who will be providing the Tows and any assistance that anyone would need.
After a couple of ceiling checks, by contest bud and Jr Team Member John Dinz
I decide that its time to get my plane.
By the way, this link http://home.comcast.net/~strotherbj/JrAt05Web/index.htm, will direct you to some pix that Karen took.
Skip is up front in the line. He and rusty Rude (sp?) have been flying the Cross country course, Skip ended the day with some 26 miles on the course.

--Jack Strother Granger, IN LSF 2948 LSF Level V #117 LSF Official 1996 - 2004 CSS Gold 

[RCSE] Jr Aero tow PAge 3

2005-06-08 Thread strotherbj

It’s about 4 pm now, the sky is opening up, I am on flight 7 or 8, a voice from behind barks out, “ OK Strother, give up the Pizza Box !!” .
Its my bud Jim McCarthy, who promptly remove the MPX 4000 from my hand, and flies the Ventus which is at about 2200 feet.
Shortly, Tk and Bacus sneak up and the fun begins…McCarthy flies for about 40 minutes, then Bacus for another, then TK for another 40 or so, ach critiquing each others flying ability or the lack of, all in the most serious fun of fun.

They finally toss the box back at me, I cruse the Ventus around for a little while longer, Batteries are not an issue with this plane and its 10 servos, as I have two 3000ma packs in her.
I make the turns to down wind, then base, then final, I am about mid field, the airplane picks up speed …a tail wind gust … I apply a little spoiler, the Ventus Slams onto the ground, the tail continues to elevate, the right tip strikes the ground, the tail flips over, the canopy breaks, and then it all finally stops……..

We go out pick up the big pieces and reassemble on my blanket. There is a whole bunch of analyzing and I am so sorry about your plan floating about.
Yea, My plane is broke, I cannot fly tomorrow, bench fixing is the order, I know this already, but I am not upset.

I look at all the folks standing near, holding Karen’s hand, and I reflect that this has been the best soaring day that I have had in many years. I have met new people, old friends, soared with my Chicago buds (Family), and was part of one of the Nations Premiere Soaring events. I can not feel bad, I can not be upset.

Then John Diniz says it time for brats and beer at my place ! Heck I am up for that !
Karen and I tear down, while others fly hand launch, 

The Diniz Family are great hosts, but McCarthy still cooked….This town has some really good Brats…trust me !!

There is so much more to tell, But I have taken enough of your time.

I want to Thank the Goldsmiths, Horizon, JR, The Diniz Family, the city of Monticello and who ever else I need to for a wonderful weekend.
I will back for the Next JR Aero Tow !!

Respectfully Submitted
Capn Jack

--Jack Strother Granger, IN LSF 2948 LSF Level V #117 LSF Official 1996 - 2004 CSS Gold 

[RCSE] JR Aero tow page 2

2005-06-08 Thread strotherbj

Its my turn to get a tow. Radio is on, wiggle check, canopy is closed and locked.
I pull the 25 pound Ventus 2ax out into position, where Carolyn hooks the tow line to my model.

Not paying too much attention, I head over to stand next to the Tow Pilot. You want to do this, if for nothing else communications. I verify that my Ailerons and rudder are uncoupled. All I need to do is keep the wings level, and let the tow plane do the work.

All of a sudden I hear this aussie accent asking, "Are you ready.. Jack? ";
To my surprise, its our host Peter Goldsmith at the sticks on the Tow plane. My comfort level just went up 300 percent. If you don’t know, be advised that Peter is an excellent stick.
I give him a generous smile and a nod of my head and the Tow plane throttles up. Shortly the Ventus is airborne, and the tow plane comes off the ground.

A climbing turn to the south behind the Tow Plane, and Peter says, “ Just like a Pro, Jack”; I am embarrassed…well maybe a little anyway…..
I am guessing that I got off, with a release and a right turn around 2000 agl, there were scud running clouds running thru the area, and I wanted to avoid them.

I fly for about 30 minutes, and note that 2 tugs outta 4 were operating, such that the sky was getting crowded. I think that if not all, certainly most frequencies were in use.

After another 45 minutes, of tooling around, its time to come home, I set the Ventus up for landing, announce down wind, base and final turns to the flight line director.
He directs me to land wide,.
My approach is stable, and the Ventus 2ax gets into ground effect and just will not land,
I apply a slight amount of spoiler, the plane drops to Tera firma.

I put in 6 more flights like this! What fun. In between flights I am charging my batteries, walking around the site meeting new people, reaffirming older friendships.
There are 60 some pilots on site and I know of 10 people that came from the South Bend and Chicago area just to watch on a day trip.

What Fun, no contest points, but I think That I can survive the loss!!. There were 5 or 6 Ventus 2ax sailplanes there; 6 meter airplanes, and a couple of 8+ Meter aircraft.
Glass Slippers, and Wooden Airplanes as well. Scratch Builds, Kit builds and composite moldies were abound.

Endless Mountain Models, Icare, Hobby Lobby, and many other products were represented at this event.

--Jack Strother Granger, IN LSF 2948 LSF Level V #117 LSF Official 1996 - 2004 CSS Gold 

[RCSE] DP Where Are You

2005-06-08 Thread Marc Gellart
Daryl, ping me, your mail failed...


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Re: [RCSE] RE: JR Aerotow photos

2005-06-08 Thread Jeff Youngblood


That is Victoria.  Bernie Coleman's babe   pics are
here  http://www.mvsaclub.com/octow02t.htm 

I have it from a good source she sends him perfumed

JR Aerotow was fun

--- Nathan Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I didn't realize there was full scale there also,
 until I saw this photo
 of Karen

 Nathan Woods
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[RCSE] Timing CD

2005-06-08 Thread RCsoarnut

 Last summer I leant my HL timing CD to someone and can't for the life of me remember who. Anybody know of a source for making another?

Denny Maize
Polecat Aero

Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow page 2

2005-06-08 Thread lomcovak
Great story Jack.

I would love to attend one of these events, but from Calgary it would be days 
of driving one way. Although we are setting up to tow really big stuff (we 
towed in the mid eighties), hosting an event where there is myself and a few 
others in the whole of western Canada makes it tough.

Any idea who was the furthest attendee who flew?


 Its my turn to get a tow. Radio is on, wiggle check, canopy is closed and
 I pull the 25 pound Ventus 2ax out into position, where Carolyn hooks the tow
 line to my model.
 Not paying too much attention, I head over to stand next to the Tow Pilot.
 You want to do this, if for nothing else communications. I verify that my
 Ailerons and rudder are uncoupled. All I need to do is keep the wings level,
 and let the tow plane do the work. 
 All of a sudden I hear this aussie accent asking, Are you ready.. Jack? ;
 To my surprise, its our host Peter Goldsmith at the sticks on the Tow plane.
 My comfort level just went up 300 percent. If you don’t know, be advised that
 Peter is an excellent stick.
 I give him a generous smile and a nod of my head and the Tow plane throttles
 up. Shortly the Ventus is airborne, and the tow plane comes off the ground.
 A climbing turn to the south behind the Tow Plane, and Peter says,  “ Just
 like a Pro, Jack”; I am embarrassed…well maybe a little anyway…..
  I am guessing that I got off, with a release and a right turn around 2000
 agl, there were scud running clouds running thru the area, and I wanted to
 avoid them.
 I fly for about 30 minutes, and note that 2 tugs outta 4 were operating, such
 that the sky was getting crowded. I think that if not all, certainly most
 frequencies were in use.
 After another 45 minutes, of tooling around, its time to come home,  I set
 the Ventus up for landing, announce down wind, base and final turns to the
 flight line director.
 He directs me to land wide,.
 My approach is stable, and the Ventus 2ax gets into ground effect and just
 will not land,
 I apply a slight amount of spoiler, the plane drops to Tera firma.
 I put in 6 more flights like this! What fun. In between flights I am charging
 my batteries, walking around the site meeting new people, reaffirming older
 There are 60 some pilots on site and I know of 10 people that came from the
 South Bend and Chicago area just to watch on a day trip.
 What Fun, no contest points, but I think That I can survive the loss!!. There
 were 5 or 6 Ventus 2ax sailplanes there; 6 meter airplanes, and a couple of
 8+ Meter aircraft.
 Glass Slippers, and Wooden Airplanes as well. Scratch Builds, Kit builds and
 composite moldies were abound.
 Endless Mountain Models, Icare, Hobby Lobby, and many other products were
 represented at this event.
 Jack Strother 
 Granger, IN 
 LSF 2948 
 LSF Level V #117 
 LSF Official 1996 - 2004 
 CSS Gold 

Simon Van Leeuwen
PnP Systems - The E-Harness of Choice
Radius Systems
Cogito Ergo Zoom

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Re: [RCSE] Jr Aero tow PAge 3

2005-06-08 Thread Jon Stone

Wow Jack,

What a nice write-up. I want to go, 
and I don't even have a scale glider !!


[RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread strotherbj

I think Taht ther was a guy from Germany,
Guys from California, As well.

--Jack Strother Granger, IN LSF 2948 LSF Level V #117 LSF Official 1996 - 2004 CSS Gold 

-- Original message --  Great story Jack.   I would love to attend one of these events, but from Calgary it would be days  of driving one way. Although we are setting up to tow really big stuff (we  towed in the mid eighties), hosting an event where there is myself and a few  others in the whole of western Canada makes it tough.   Any idea who was the furthest attendee who flew?Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Its my turn to get a tow. Radio is on, wiggle check, canopy is closed and   locked.   I pull the 25 pound Ventus 2ax out into position, where Carolyn hooks the tow   line to my model. Not paying too much attention, I head over to stand next to the Tow Pilot.   You want to do this, if for nothing else communications. I verify that my   Ailerons and rudder are uncoupled. All I need to do is keep the wings level,   and let the tow plane do the work. All of a sudden I hear this aussie accent asking, "Are you ready.. Jack? ";   To my surprise, its our host Peter Goldsmith at the sticks on the Tow plane.   My comfort level just went up 300 percent. If you don’t know, be advised that   Peter is an excellent stick.   I give him a generous smile and a nod of my head and the Tow plane throttles   up. Shortly the Ventus is airborne, and the tow plane comes off the ground. A climbing turn to the south behind the Tow Plane, and Peter says, “ Just   like a Pro, Jack”; I am embarrassed…well maybe a little anyway…..   I am guessing that I got off, with a release and a right turn around 2000   agl, there were scud running clouds running thru the area, and I wanted to   avoid them. I fly for about 30 minutes, and note that 2 tugs outta 4 were operating, such   that the sky was getting crowded. I think that if not all, certainly most   frequencies were in use. After another 45 minutes, of tooling around, its time to come home, I set   the Ventus up for landing, announce down wind, base and final turns to the   flight line director.   He directs me to land wide,.   My approach is stable, and the Ventus 2ax gets into ground effect and just   will not land,   I apply a slight amount of spoiler, the plane drops to Tera firma. I put in 6 more flights like this! What fun. In between flights I am charging   my batteries, walking around the site meeting new people, reaffirming older   friendships.   There are 60 some pilots on site and I know of 10 people that came from the   South Bend and Chicago area just to watch on a day trip. What Fun, no contest points, but I think That I can survive the loss!!. There   were 5 or 6 Ventus 2ax sailplanes there; 6 meter airplanes, and a couple of   8+ Meter aircraft.   Glass Slippers, and Wooden Airplanes as well. Scratch Builds, Kit builds and   composite moldies were abound. Endless Mountain Models, Icare, Hobby Lobby, and many other products were   represented at this event. --   Jack Strother   Granger, IN LSF 2948   LSF Level V #117   LSF Official 1996 - 2004   CSS GoldSimon Van Leeuwen  PnP Systems - The E-Harness of Choice  Radius Systems  Cogito Ergo Zoom  

Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread James V. Bacus

Nice write up Jack, there was a guy from Canada as well. And of
course the two guys from Japan doing the video 
I would say it was the most cosmopolitan event I have ever been

At 03:51 PM 6/8/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think Taht ther was a guy from
Guys from California, As well.

Jack Strother 
Granger, IN 
LSF 2948 
LSF Level V #117 
LSF Official 1996 - 2004 
CSS Gold 

-- Original message -- 

 Great story Jack. 
 I would love to attend one of these events, but from Calgary it
would be days 
 of driving one way. Although we are setting up to tow really big
stuff (we 
 towed in the mid eighties), hosting an event where there is
myself and a few 
 others in the whole of western Canada makes it tough. 
 Any idea who was the furthest attendee who flew? 
  Its my turn to get a tow. Radio is on, wiggle check, canopy
is closed and 
  I pull the 25 pound Ventus 2ax out into position, where
Carolyn hooks the tow 
  line to my model. 
  Not paying too much attention, I head over to stand next to
the Tow Pilot. 
  You want to do this, if for nothing else communications. I
verify that my 
  Ailerons and rudder are uncoupled. All I need to do is keep
the wings level, 
  and let the tow plane do the work. 
  All of a sudden I hear this aussie accent asking, Are
you ready.. Jack? ; 
  To my surprise, its our host Peter Goldsmith at the sticks
on the Tow plane. 
  My comfort level just went up 300 percent. If you don’t
know, be advised that 
  Peter is an excellent stick. 
  I give him a generous smile and a nod of my head and the
Tow plane throttles 
  up. Shortly the Ventus is airborne, and the tow plane comes
off the ground. 
  A climbing turn to the south behind the Tow Plane, and
Peter says, “ Just 
  like a Pro, Jack”; I am embarrassed…well maybe a little
  I am guessing that I got off, with a release and a right
turn around 2000 
  agl, there were scud running clouds running thru the area,
and I wanted to 
  avoid them. 
  I fly for about 30 minutes, and note that 2 tugs outta 4
were operating, such 
  that the sky was getting crowded. I think that if not all,
certainly most 
  frequencies were in use. 
  After another 45 minutes, of tooling around, its time to
come home, I set 
  the Ventus up for landing, announce down wind, base and
final turns to the 
  flight line director. 
  He directs me to land wide,. 
  My approach is stable, and the Ventus 2ax gets into ground
effect and just 
  will not land, 
  I apply a slight amount of spoiler, the plane drops to Tera
  I put in 6 more flights like this! What fun. In between
flights I am charging 
  my batteries, walking around the site meeting new people,
reaffirming older 
  There are 60 some pilots on site and I kn 

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR 
AMA 592537 LSF 7560 Level IV R/C Soaring
blog at

[RCSE] NIB Airtronics Legend and Aquila 4 Auction

2005-06-08 Thread Tuan Le
I have an Airtronics Legend and an Airtronics Aquila on EBay for sale.

I'll knock $10 off shipping charges for RCSE community. Thanks



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[RCSE] Phoenix 80

2005-06-08 Thread lomcovak
Anyone have one they wish to part with?

Simon Van Leeuwen
PnP Systems - The E-Harness of Choice
Radius Systems
Cogito Ergo Zoom

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RE: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread Lex Mierop
Shows that you've never been to the IHLGF.  We had Englanders and
Brazilians, Japanese  Kiwis. Also Yankees, Good ol' Southern Boys, Texans,
Midwesterners and them funny guys from north of here that don't seem to know
what that big yellow thing is in the sky...

:-) :-) :-)


-Original Message-
From: James V. Bacus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:57 PM
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

Nice write up Jack, there was a guy from Canada as well.  And of course the
two guys from Japan   doing the video show.

I would say it was the most cosmopolitan event I have ever been to.

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR 
AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that subscribe and 
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Re: [RCSE] OVSS/rules/pop offs/line breaks

2005-06-08 Thread Brian Smith
Or how about the hosting club considering this if it is not an OVSS issue?

Subject: [RCSE] OVSS/rules/pop offs/line breaks

 I would like the OVSS to consider one pop off per day along with one line
 break per day.  Driving 1000 miles and paying hundreds of dollars in
 and motel fees is a REAL bummer to have ruined the whole weekends score
 for one glitch, that is at times out of your control. Throwing a heavy
 into a cross wind when ordered to launch and can't stand on the pedal for
 fear of breaking the line is tuff.
 Will this start a war that will sink the exchange? If so forget my
 request.  (SMILE)  Brian

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RE: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread James V. Bacus
You are right, I have never been...  I have never been to the World 
Championships either, but I hope to some day.  I was only speaking of my 
current experiences.

So where are all the picture galleries and video from this years IHLGF?  8-)

At 05:52 PM 6/8/2005, Lex Mierop wrote:

Shows that you've never been to the IHLGF.  We had Englanders and
Brazilians, Japanese  Kiwis. Also Yankees, Good ol' Southern Boys, Texans,
Midwesterners and them funny guys from north of here that don't seem to know
what that big yellow thing is in the sky...

:-) :-) :-)


-Original Message-
From: James V. Bacus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:57 PM
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

Nice write up Jack, there was a guy from Canada as well.  And of course the
two guys from Japan   doing the video show.

I would say it was the most cosmopolitan event I have ever been to.

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe 
and unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note 
that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format 
with MIME turned off.  Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and 
AOL are generally NOT in text format

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net

RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe 
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Re: [RCSE] Timing CD

2005-06-08 Thread hilaunch

I have the 5.8 and 10 minute files used at the IHLGF. Anyone who needs a copy, let me know.

Don Richmond-Original Message-From: Steve Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; soaring@airage.comSent: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 16:53:59 -0500Subject: Re: [RCSE] Timing CD

Found two sources for MP3 timing files.These are mainly practice files. With an MP3 editor you should be able to make one for 10 minutes.http://www.nonsilence.com/soaring/timer.htmlOur Norwegian friend JoJo has F3J timing. Should be able to be adapted easily for HL use.Just have to get used to the accent. :-)http://www.grini.no/f3jSteve MeyerSOARLSF IVAt 03:32 PM 6/8/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dudes Last summer I leant my HL timing CD to someone and can't for the life of me remember who. Anybody know of a source for making another?Denny MaizePolecat Aero717-789-0146www.polecataero.com 

RE: [RCSE] OVSS/rules/pop offs/line breaks

2005-06-08 Thread John
I'm suppressed that we don't see a suggestion for 1000 lb line and the use
of a captured tow took. That way the line couldn't break and the plane
couldn't pop off. Of course then it would be people that want John Deer
diesel winches.


-Original Message-
From: Brian Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 5:57 PM
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] OVSS/rules/pop offs/line breaks

Or how about the hosting club considering this if it is not an OVSS issue?

Subject: [RCSE] OVSS/rules/pop offs/line breaks

 I would like the OVSS to consider one pop off per day along with one line
 break per day.  Driving 1000 miles and paying hundreds of dollars in
 and motel fees is a REAL bummer to have ruined the whole weekends score
 for one glitch, that is at times out of your control. Throwing a heavy
 into a cross wind when ordered to launch and can't stand on the pedal for
 fear of breaking the line is tuff.
 Will this start a war that will sink the exchange? If so forget my
 request.  (SMILE)  Brian

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Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread John Erickson
Here's a modest start...
There were a lot of guys shooting video and pictures.  I'm sure it will
start to surface soon.  Some of the guys who attended aren't even home yet.

Great contest.  90 pilots.  Each heat had 15 guys going man on man in some
tough conditions.  6 heats per round, 10 rounds, 3 more for the fly off.

Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

 From: James V. Bacus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 17:58:33 -0500
 To: soaring@airage.com
 Subject: RE: [RCSE] JR Aero tow  Reply
 You are right, I have never been...  I have never been to the World
 Championships either, but I hope to some day.  I was only speaking of my
 current experiences.
 So where are all the picture galleries and video from this years IHLGF?  8-)
 At 05:52 PM 6/8/2005, Lex Mierop wrote:
 Shows that you've never been to the IHLGF.  We had Englanders and
 Brazilians, Japanese  Kiwis. Also Yankees, Good ol' Southern Boys, Texans,
 Midwesterners and them funny guys from north of here that don't seem to know
 what that big yellow thing is in the sky...
 :-) :-) :-)
 -Original Message-
 From: James V. Bacus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:57 PM
 To: soaring@airage.com
 Subject: Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply
 Nice write up Jack, there was a guy from Canada as well.  And of course the
 two guys from Japan   doing the video show.
 I would say it was the most cosmopolitan event I have ever been to.
 Downers Grove, IL
 Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
 AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net
 RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe
 and unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note
 that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format
 with MIME turned off.  Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and
 AOL are generally NOT in text format
 Downers Grove, IL
 Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
 AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net
 RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and
 unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that
 subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME
 turned off.  Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are
 generally NOT in text format

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RE: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread Ron Scharck
Lex: You left out a couple of countries that added to the cosmopolitan
atmosphere of the IHLGF; France and Taiwan. Altogether we had 94 registered
pilots at the IHLGF 2005 representing seven countries and 15 states. Not bad
for a hand launch glider contest. We will get ol'  Jim down here one of
these days:)


-Original Message-
From: Lex Mierop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 3:52 PM
To: 'James V. Bacus'; soaring@airage.com
Subject: RE: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

Shows that you've never been to the IHLGF.  We had Englanders and
Brazilians, Japanese  Kiwis. Also Yankees, Good ol' Southern Boys, Texans,
Midwesterners and them funny guys from north of here that don't seem to know
what that big yellow thing is in the sky...

:-) :-) :-)


-Original Message-
From: James V. Bacus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:57 PM
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

Nice write up Jack, there was a guy from Canada as well.  And of course the
two guys from Japan   doing the video show.

I would say it was the most cosmopolitan event I have ever been to.

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that
subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with
MIME turned off.  Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL
are generally NOT in text format

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[RCSE] IHLGF photo gallery

2005-06-08 Thread James V. Bacus

Thanks John, that's what I was looking for!  8-)

At 07:09 PM 6/8/2005, John Erickson wrote:

Here's a modest start...
There were a lot of guys shooting video and pictures.  I'm sure it will
start to surface soon.  Some of the guys who attended aren't even home yet.

Great contest.  90 pilots.  Each heat had 15 guys going man on man in some
tough conditions.  6 heats per round, 10 rounds, 3 more for the fly off.

Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

 From: James V. Bacus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 17:58:33 -0500
 To: soaring@airage.com
 Subject: RE: [RCSE] JR Aero tow  Reply

 You are right, I have never been...  I have never been to the World
 Championships either, but I hope to some day.  I was only speaking of my
 current experiences.

 So where are all the picture galleries and video from this years 
IHLGF?  8-)

 At 05:52 PM 6/8/2005, Lex Mierop wrote:
 Shows that you've never been to the IHLGF.  We had Englanders and
 Brazilians, Japanese  Kiwis. Also Yankees, Good ol' Southern Boys, 
 Midwesterners and them funny guys from north of here that don't seem 
to know

 what that big yellow thing is in the sky...

 :-) :-) :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: James V. Bacus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:57 PM
 To: soaring@airage.com
 Subject: Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

 Nice write up Jack, there was a guy from Canada as well.  And of 
course the

 two guys from Japan   doing the video show.

 I would say it was the most cosmopolitan event I have ever been to.

 Downers Grove, IL
 Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
 AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net
 RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe
 and unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note
 that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format
 with MIME turned off.  Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and
 AOL are generally NOT in text format

 Downers Grove, IL
 Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
 AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net

 RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and
 unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that
 subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format 
with MIME

 turned off.  Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are
 generally NOT in text format

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net

RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe 
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[RCSE] Contest Cosmo WAS: JR Aero tow Reply

2005-06-08 Thread Steve Meyer
The sad part is, the NATS will be lucky to get 22 from not much more than 9 
states for HLG.


At 08:44 PM 6/8/2005, Ron Scharck wrote:

Lex: You left out a couple of countries that added to the cosmopolitan
atmosphere of the IHLGF; France and Taiwan. Altogether we had 94 registered
pilots at the IHLGF 2005 representing seven countries and 15 states. Not bad
for a hand launch glider contest. We will get ol'  Jim down here one of
these days:)


-Original Message-
From: Lex Mierop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 3:52 PM
To: 'James V. Bacus'; soaring@airage.com
Subject: RE: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

Shows that you've never been to the IHLGF.  We had Englanders and
Brazilians, Japanese  Kiwis. Also Yankees, Good ol' Southern Boys, Texans,
Midwesterners and them funny guys from north of here that don't seem to know
what that big yellow thing is in the sky...

:-) :-) :-)


-Original Message-
From: James V. Bacus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:57 PM
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] JR Aero tow Reply

Nice write up Jack, there was a guy from Canada as well.  And of course the
two guys from Japan   doing the video show.

I would say it was the most cosmopolitan event I have ever been to.

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.jimbacus.net

RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe 
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such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format

Re: RE: [RCSE] OVSS/rules/pop offs/line breaks

2005-06-08 Thread Marc Gellart
   All old news, releasable towhook on my first Oly II(1976), maybe not 1000# 
line but I have flown on probably 500# at a contest that wanted gaurenteed no 
line breaks, there were gas winches and even winches with fly wheels.  You are 
way behind the curve with these ideas.  All is fair in love and soaring.

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text format

[RCSE] pop offs...not good, rule worse

2005-06-08 Thread GordySoar

I recently flew the OVSS Cincinatti and managed to take some wood... 
however, another excellent pilot had a freak popoff (probably it was strategic 
instead of an accident, since the pilot is a well know shifty character, which 
means he whips my butt pretty much since I started flying contests :-).

The decision was too bad so sadand I made it known that I believe that 
the rule is abusive, rude, inconsiderate and disrepectful and pretty much think 
its a chicken shit rule...however all that wishy washy indecisionate 
opinionation by me aside, it is up to the CD or the rules.
And it makes sense that rules cannot be overruled by common sense or 
consideration for everyone's fun as a consideration...
If the rules get changed to consider 'fun' chaos would reign and the 
general pilot group would be delayed from getting home or another round being 

Okay so I am pretty much against the no pop off rule, but I'm not CDing and 
I do appreciate all the work and excellent effort by the guys CDing 
events. My travels make it impossible for me to commit to taking on the 
responsibility so what I think is not a criticism of the coordinators and CDs, 
rather it is a belief that it is wrong to kill a pilots contest because of a 
popoff or broken line.
The unnamed, mysterious 'them' (you know those guys who would 
abuse the lack of penalty to use either as a strategic advantage...but I have 
never met in all my travels soaring)who are spoken of when the no popoff 
or line break rule is justified,,,never win anyway. But to protect us poor 
honest guys against the deadly threat of losing a shot at the wood because some 
sneaky smart guy manipulates a delayed launch to see where the air was found by 
us honest guysokay pretty stupid stuff :-)

We all take time from family and responsibilities, spend cash onfood, 
gas, motels and chance the wrath of wives, only to get burned by fate and the no 
pop off or line break rulewell its not fun for anyone when it happens to 
anyone of us.

I have yet to be at a contest with a no pop off, and a guy popped off, 
where if the entire group were polled, all would say no relaunch.

But rule or no rule, the OVSS has likely the most exciting and challenging 
format of all I have been involved in. Seeded Man on Man, both sucks and is 
great. Its format causes every single pilot, flying or in the pits to be 
interested and involved as the rounds develop. It is pro active to the 
ultimate degree and its very exciting. Its the most fair format and the 
most unfairso like having one foot in a fire and the other in ice, mostly 
things are great in the middle of it all :-)except for the no pop off/line 
break rulethat's not goodbecause when it happens to someone of our 
friends, it sucks the fun out of the day and voids the result as being 
a'man on man' result.

I won't ever agree that its justified or good for the hobbybut I'll 
continue to enjoy the events and respect the people doing the work and making 
the decisions.

New Columbia, PA tonite

Re: [RCSE] pop offs...not good, rule worse

2005-06-08 Thread Got2soar
Remember you guys attended a CONTEST and those things tend to reward the best teams (pilot, plane and timer) for that day. The CD went over the rules during the pilots meeting. 

I pity the the fool that don't pay attention at the pilots meeting. 

Sorry you got the fun sucked out of you and your friend.

Bruce Davidson
 Louisville, KY 

[RCSE] Soprano Feedback

2005-06-08 Thread Jim Laurel
Ok, so who's flying a Soprano out there?  Let's hear some feedback!  I 
would like a big RES plane and am trying to decide between Soprano and 

Cheers - Jim Laurel

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