Re: [RCSE] 6 volt battery for retreiver

2008-08-20 Thread JMiller

Jim and Jim,
  Another thing you can do to slow or speed up the retriever is change 
the gearing ratio of the pulleys being used.
The one I built was just fine for speed, it's the same the TPG uses, 
sized from the plans the designer sent me.  Sal Peluseo.

  Jerry Miller

Jim Monaco wrote:
*Hi Jim – what I did for my Rahm retriever is get 2 big honking diodes 
from the surplus store and put them in series with the power line.  This 
cuts the voltage down so the retriever runs nice on 12v.  There are also 
cheaper alternatives, I think on RCGroups there was a discussion about 
using a home made resistor to do the same thing.  All it was was a 
bottle with some lower gauge wire in it filled with water as a heat sink 
run inline with the power line.*

* *

*I hated getting and maintaining a separate 6v battery, plus if you used 
it up, there are generally no spares just laying around…*

* *

*I can give you pics of my setup if you want.*

* *

*FWIW - Jim*

* *

* *

*From:* James MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 20, 2008 7:29 AM
*Subject:* [RCSE] 6 volt battery for retreiver


Hello All from stormy east coast of florida,   I am looking for a model 
number and source for a 6 volt battery for our Rham retreiver.  It 
should have about 50 to 60 amp hours of capacity.  This will be a 
reasonable sized package - not too grunt heavy!  Up to now I have been 
using three Trojan T-105 for the winch and retreiver but they are old 
and tired.  Everyone else around here uses 12 volt winch batteries in 
parallel for various reasons.  Charging is one of them.  So I might 
follow suit but I need a smaller retreiver battery since I don't want to 
lug a T105 if not required!  12 volts makes the retreiver run too fast.  
The new fully automatic retreivers work very well but the club budget 
will not stand that this year.  Any ideas?  Somebody has to make a 
reasonable sized 6 volt battery larger than the 20 AH things for 
motorcycles.  Thanks,   Jim

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Re: [RCSE] Apology to Ben

2008-07-30 Thread JMiller



I have to apologize for my rapid and quite offensive response to your

I believe, as you do, that F3K/DLG is one of the most rapidly expanding
forms of RC soaring, much like what park flyers and EPP did for the RC
arena.  The recognition of F3K and DLG is increasing as larger TD sites
become unavailable in some localities.

  Quite big of you for the apology to Ben, thanks.  But I have another 
bone for you, your statement about the back of the pack group is wrong. 
 I personally believe that if you are not of the top 10 in ANY contest, 
your score/place is not note worthy to anyone other than a close friend 
and yourself, it is just "background noise", to the masses of soaring. 
If you are an LSF member (other than yourself, as you are noted for that 
already-#8) you do collect points for contests as I think in the 
Canadian system, you do also.
  We all have our feelings, I guess yours was just hurt, and spoke out 
without thinking.  And you may do that on RCSE, many do.  Right or wrong.

  Good luck in all your tries in the future.

  Jerry Miller
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Re: [RCSE] Ben Clerx on TV tonight

2008-04-16 Thread JMiller
On the History Channel schedule for 10:00 PM Eastern tonight is UFO 
HUNTERS, that must be the one Larry is talking about.  So for us west 
coasters, with DISH OR the other one, that would be 7:00 PM.

  Jerry Miller
  Medford, OR SOSS

David Webb wrote:
I can't find this content on the history channel web sitesomeone PVR 
this stuff for me!

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Joe Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Now I know why Ben has Tin Foil rolls and a Tin Foil hat  (-:

- Original Message -
*From:* Lex Mierop 

*Sent:* Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:01 AM
*Subject:* RE: [RCSE] Ben Clerx on TV tonight

Larry, wouldn't that be his other, other, other thing?


(World Recognized international F3J pilot, commercial airline
pilot, Air Combat USA pilot and now UFO hunter)


I'll be watching tonight!


*Sent:* Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:00 AM
*To:* ;

*Subject:* [RCSE] Ben Clerx on TV tonight


So, I get home from going to a contest and I am a little tired
because it was way out of town, actually about 8500 miles out of
town. My body isn't sure where it is so I wake up and flip the
TV on. Honestly who is walking straight towards me out of the TV
is my flying buddy Ben Clerx. And I am confused because he
doesn't have a chute in his hand. Apparently Our Friend Ben, is
not only a World Recognized Intentional F3J Pilot, but in his
spare time he is a well known UFO Hunter. Apparently Ben will do
just about anything to raise those funds to go to Istanbul. So
if you want to see Ben doing his other thing, he will be on the
History Channels UFO Hunters tonight Wednesday. Apparently there
is a side of Ben that his friends don't see where he isn't
wearing that Floppy Gardening hat. If everything goes well and
he gets a spin off sitcom, we may all see TV cameras at all of
our large contests. Way to go Ben! LJ

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Re: [RCSE] Re: Masters

2006-09-07 Thread JMiller

Larry, Mike and all,
  Mark Smith is one great guy.  I had a few dealings with him when I 
lived in San Diego and was a member of TPG.  Only thing I never got to 
see was him flying sailplanes, just building kits by the hundreds at his 
factory.  He tried to do me a big favor once, just as I retired from the 
fire service in 1989, I was trying to make a "cover" for a fire truck 
model from a mold I had made, but it was not to be, it was something 
like a [canopy] but was too tall for the stretch in the vac machine at 
his factory.  He tried at least 3 sheets of material and no charge.
  One other thing most of you probably don't know, I'm sure Larry does, 
Mark, many years ago was a member of TPG really promoted it and model 
soaring, when he retired to do business in a big way, he built a trophy 
for the TPG club to be a perpetual event every year for the outstanding 
member of the club for each year, and you can not ever win it more than 
once, that's about the only rule about it.  It's called the "MODELER OF 
THE YEAR AWARD" and is voted on by all members in attendance at the 
annual meeting when officers are voted in.  It is a spectacular trophy 
for anyone who is awarded it at home or at the office.
  I think Larry was awarded it once before I was in the TPG, not sure 
of that.

Mike, I don't know if you ever saw Mark fly at the Anaheim Trade Shows. 
I was in High School at the time, and can remember Mark ending his 
Windfree Demo by diving at high speed, at a spot 4 feet in front of him. 
When the impact with his knees looked imminent, Mark would pull the 
Windfree in to a graceful loop and and finish by catching the model at 
waist height. I watched as many shows as I could, and can remember Mark 
closing the gap to where the aiming point moved to very nearly the tows 
of his sneakers. He would pull up in to a loop  and lean back, one 
handing the Orbit tranny to his right side. One mistake and a certain 
trip to the reconstructive dentist would be a certainty. Mark is clever, 
with a wide range of interests. You don't have to chat with him long to 
realize that Mark is a guy that can really put Toy airplanes in to 
perspective. Thanks for talking him in to the Muncie Deal, I doubt We 
will get much sleep. Larry  Working in Albuquerque this week, having 
dinner with Taylor Collins.
-Original Message-

Sent: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Re: Masters

That's what I'm talking about.  any other memories out there.  Mark did 
comment to me something like "damn, I guess it's gone full circle.  I 
was one of the kids back then, now I'm an old fart"  Of course I 
reassured him that it was ok, since there are going to be a lot of old 
farts out there ;-) BTW, does 42 count as old?  I am sure I could be 
considered by some to be a fart :-)
Mike (wps) Smith, excuse me!

 Original Message 
Subject: [RCSE] Re: Masters
From: David Register <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, September 07, 2006 1:34 pm

that I am not the only Smith on the Roster? Hope you guys remember
Mark Smith. Mark's Models & Dynaflight, previous National Champ, LSF
19.??? Ringing any bells out there? I am sure it is.

Also developer of the 'kiss and click' spot landing. Back some 35 or so
years ago when he was flying the Windfree in SoCal he worked out a way
to get time and spots at landing. Grease that little beauty in a
foot or
so off the deck and at the exact time, kiss the nose off the grass (or
dirt, or whatever), then bounce it back into the air and fly it into a
perfect spot without having to worry about the time. No skids, skegs or
anything. Just amazing coordination, timing and skill. First time I saw
that maneuver I recall a bunch of guys all gaping and muttering 'did
see that...???'.

Awesome list for Masters. Hope you guys have a great time.

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[RCSE] Another death of a soaring buddy

2006-08-21 Thread JMiller
On Sunday Aug. 20, 2006 a well known soaring and flying friend here in 
Southern Oregon died from congestive heart failure, Mike Reed was also 
well known in the Corona area of Southern California.  He was a former 
member of the ISR and ISS of So. Cal and was a member of SOSS in So. Oregon.

  He will be missed.  R.I.P.

  Jerry Miller, Founder
  SOSS - Medford, OR
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Re: [RCSE] Notes on the F3J WC (long and disorganized, part 1)

2006-08-13 Thread JMiller

Joe, and all,
  It came thru here.  Good story so far.

  Jerry Miller - SOSS
  Medford, OR


I'm not sure what the story is.  I've gotten emails from a few that read the 
post, and a few that say the email is empty.  I suspect that I sent out a post 
that might have been too long.

The post does appear on the Yahoo groups list:


PS  I've not written the 2nd part yet.  Most likely will be tomorrow before I get to it.  
BTW, this email address is "dead" and I don't use it except to send email to 
RCSE, I've moved on to:
joewurts at sbcglobal dot net.

"Darrell Zaballos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Joe did you forget to attach something to this email?



Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 4:27 PM

Subject: [RCSE] Notes on the F3J WC (long and disorganized, part 1)

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Re: [RCSE] First RC model

2006-07-04 Thread JMiller
OK, I like the fact that there is a formal way to change the rules now. 
  I did not know this had happened already, probably knew it, just in 
my furthering age, like many of us, forgot it.
  I really like it that the CD can amend the AMA rules for any contest 
he is running.  Course I already knew that too.  Ray Hayes has the right 
idea, and is doing it with the Wood Crafters 07 contest, if all contest 
directors would do this the rule could/might take care of itself.  Come 
on Visalia, SC2, Phoniex, Mid-South, and Chicago land and Cleveland CD's 
amend your rules for these big contests, you have to do it when you 
submit your sanction request or if not a sanctioned contest, publish the 
amended rules anyway, especially if you require AMA member status for a 

  Jerry Miller, CD-LM
  SOSS-Medford, OR

Ray Hayes wrote:

Wood Crafters 07 will include a modified Nostalgia class, see the changes
below.  This has not been posted to the Wood Crafters page yet.Happy and
safe 4th to everyone.

Wood Crafters is dedicated to perpetuating the model builder, not the model

If you didn't build it, you can't fly it, with the following exceptions:

A one off built in the continental USA by a USA citizen you purchased.

Construction rule:

  a.. All flying surfaces are built up from wood.
  b.. No restriction on spar construction or materials.
  c.. No Molded D-Tube leading edge construction.
  d.. Fuselage can be wood, glassed wood or molded Fiberglass.

Wood Crafters 07 Championship Contest will include a modified Nostalgia
and 2M unl, RES 100, RES unl and Unlimited classes.

Changes to the AMA Nostalgia rules include:

*  two size classes, 100 inch or less and unl.
*  Cutoff date moved forward to March 1981.
*  Signed declaration replaces kitted or published rule.

The Wood Crafters Reunion will include:

*  Fun fly.
*  MOM launched by hi start for One of a Kind contest featuring the Gulf
*  Cu Max also known as three for fifteen.
*  Ladder, three minute.


Scale Aerotow all four days, beautiful woody scale at it's best.

Ray Hayes
Home of Wood Crafters
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] First RC model

In a message dated 7/3/2006 7:28:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Keeper  of the (Nostalgia) rules...what is your take on this positive

"Keeper of the rules" is now the AMA Competitions/Technical Department,
since Nostalgia became a rule book event in 2005.  Change proposals may be
submitted just as for any other rule book event for consideration/vote by

the RC

Soaring Contest Board, in accordance with the Contest Board Procedures

found in

the Competitions section of the AMA website (along with THE current


of the rule book - the last one to be printed/mailed out was the


edition).  We are just completing a (revised 2 year - it used to  be 3


rule change cycle for changes to be effective beginning Jan  2007.  No


proposals for the Nostalgia event were submitted this  last cycle.  The


opportunity to submit changes will be 15 Jan - 15 Sep  2007, for possible
implementation in Jan 2009.  If enough people care  enough to

develop/submit desirable

change proposals and more people further  advise their respective AMA
District Contest Board representatives they  want those proposals

favorably voted,

changes will happen.  If not,  it's "same-old, same-old"! (and it's not


fault of AMA Hq, rules and changes  thereto originate with the membership)

The CD of a specific contest event may modify the existing official rules
for that event (if the deviations are clearly spelled out in the sanction
application and in event publicity), likewise for informal club events


deviations must not compromise safety) .  This is a very  good way to test
the merits of potential changes/new rules before  developing formal change
proposals and the supporting rationale.

Good Lift!  Skip Schow AMA 143 (LM, CD), LSF 166 (V #46), Distr IV  Rep. &
Chrmn RC Soaring Contest Board


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Re: [RCSE] First RC model

2006-07-03 Thread JMiller

  I went to the web after reading the story below, but before it loaded 
I had a thought.  I think that rule about nostalgia class having to be a 
model that was either kitted or published is good as far as it goes.  I 
think a clause should be added to that rule, however it has to be done 
that any member of AMA who designed and built a model that won, placed 
or showed in the AMA NATS before the 1980 cutoff date shall be 
grandfathered into the Nostalgia Class for all time.
  Come guys and you too Gordy get on the bandwagon and push to get this 
done.  Keeper of the rules...what is your take on this positive 

  Jerry Miller, Leader Member, CD
  SOSS-Medford, OR

Chuck Anderson wrote:
I learned to fly RC in 1956 flying a Berkeley Bootstraps powered by an 
OK Cub 14 with a Lorenz two tube superregen receiver driving a Southwest 
Magnetic Actuator.  Somehow the model survived until I got out of t he 
Air Force and I still have it.

When I resumed RC modeling in 1963, I became enamored with a gull wing 
power pod sailplane published in Flying Models.  It was an unstable 
beast and frequently fell into an unrecoverable spiral dive.  The club 
expert took the transmitter and said "Let me show you how to fly."  He 
promptly spiraled it into the ground and handed the transmitter back to 
me without saying a word.  I decided that I could design a better one so 
I did.  The result was the Tern published in the May, 1967 RCM.

The Tern used a Controlaire 5 receiver and I retired it to hang from my 
shop ceiling when CB radio made the superregin receiver unusable.  In 
1970, I had replaced my first proportional radio system and was looking 
for something to do with the Microavonics radio. I remembered the fun I 
had searching for thermals with the Tern so I build another one large 
enough to house the giant Orbit servos and called it the Tern II.  It 
originally had a Cox TD 09 in the nose.  When we started using winches, 
the engine was replaced with a nose cone and a lot of lead to become my 
first true sailplane.

By 1974, the Tern had evolved to the Tern IV which won a first place 
trophy in Standard class and placed 8th overall at the SOAR Nats that year.

All of the models described here (except the unstable gull wing monster) 
still exist but not in flyable condition.  The Tern IV could be 
refurbished but the wing spars aren't strong enough for modern winches.  
Ironically, the Tern IV is not eligible to fly in nostalgia even though 
it has a 1974 first place Nats trophy because it was never published or 

Chuck Anderson
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Re: [RCSE] Borrow/Rent/Steal - maybe even purchase

2006-06-29 Thread JMiller

Jim, Jack and Karen,
  The plane stand/holder is outstanding, that of course would only be 
for DP. Notice how she/the holder is fingering the nose of the glider! 
Hi Karen.

  Jerry Miller
  SOSS-Medford, OR

James V. Bacus wrote:
DP is just too lazy to pack the one he brought last time, he thought he 
could leave it in Muncie until the next time...  but the Strothers made 
sure it got back to him safe and sound in AZ.

Here's a picture of it the last time I saw it.


At 05:13 PM 6/29/2006, Daryl Perkins wrote:

Need a real 2M for the Nats. Anyone?

No Ducks
No Monarchs
Nothing that'll blow up

I don't need to fly it until the morning of, so you
could just bring it with ya

Ping me offline



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Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
AMA 592537LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at

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Re: [RCSE] subscribe soaring digest end

2006-02-13 Thread JMiller

  You gotta get up to speed on this!!
  Now that you have the text down, now you have to get the address 
right.  Follow along closely please.
In the To: box type   then add the text that 
Mike instructed you with, which you got right 3 times.

  Can you hand this now??  Good luck.




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Re: [RCSE] Shipping to Canada - WAS: Vender Disappointment

2006-01-09 Thread JMiller

  I feel your pain and auger.  Bye the way, in my previous post, I 
don't know if DHL will ship to foreign countries, but the service is 
very good in the USA.

  Jerry Miller
  Medford, OR

Anker Berg-Sonne wrote:
Here's our latest UPS horror story. My wife had ordered three boxes of 
foam wreath cores. Two of them arrived when expected, and the third 
arrived several days later. Upon opening the box all the cores were 
broken. It turns out UPS crushed the original box, poured the broken 
contents into another box, and then proceeded to deliver the (now 
unblemished exterior) box as if nothing had happened.



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Re: [RCSE] Shipping to Canada - WAS: Vender Disappointment

2006-01-09 Thread JMiller

Hi all,
  If it's available in your area, DHL is the shipper of choice now a 
days.  And more importantly in most cases they will come to your door 
for pick-ups at no cost. I sent a large package weighing 53 lbs. for a 
cost of only $37.00 from OR to Eastern TX.  Ground transport in 4 days.
  You can set up an account and pay by check, cash; CC can only be done 
through the billing process , for all three ways you must know the 
weight, and 3 demeitions, pay the driver at pick-up.  The driver has no 
way to do weight or do measurements at your door.  They will bill you if 
you do not have info, so you must trust them.  I find they are reliable 
in that regard.

  Try them.
  By the way, that 53 pound package if it would have gone UPS would 
have cost me $87.00, Fed/Ex was only $63.00.  The choice is clear in my 

  Jerry Miller
  At home in Medford, OR
  Recuperating from hernia operation this morning at 8:00AM home by 10:00

I am so pissed at UPS (~$750,000/year) I am attempting to have our company 
switch to another carrier. 

Quoting Anker Berg-Sonne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Here's our latest UPS horror story. My wife had ordered three boxes 
of foam wreath cores. Two of them arrived when expected, and the 
third arrived several days later. Upon opening the box all the cores 
were broken. It turns out UPS crushed the original box, poured the 
broken contents into another box, and then proceeded to deliver the 
(now unblemished exterior) box as if nothing had happened.



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Simon Van Leeuwen
PnP Systems - The E-Harness of Choice
Radius Systems
Cogito Ergo Zoom

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Re: [RCSE] New Years Day Soaring - Virginia Style

2006-01-02 Thread JMiller
God almighty Don, you are getting just like Gordy.  Oh that's right you 
are friends.  You been taking lessons, huh.  Wish I could travel like 
you guys do.  Oh and I know part of your lessons is not from Gordy!

  Jerry Miller
  Stuck here in OR

The Tidewater Model Soaring Society (TMSS) held the annual Hardy 
Souls Contest New Year's Day.  About 20 fliers attended this annual 
event which this year did not require much hardiness.  The weather 
cooperated with the temperature in the 50's, gentle breezes and no 
rain.  Thermals were abundant, but not always easy stay in contact 
with.  Of course Luther, Josh and several others had no problem in 
making the 8 minute time required for each round of unlimited flying.
Percy Pierce was the CD and decided that there would not be any 
landing requirement due to field conditions.  The round tasks were set 
at 8 minutes for unlimited and 7 minutes for 2 meter.  Although the 
final scores have not been determined, I am sure there are several ties.
This was my second year of participating in this event and it was 
great to see many old acquaintances and put some faces to Internet 
correspondents.  Nice to see Herk Stokely again after meeting him years 
ago at the NATS.  Always good to see Josh Glaab, Bill Conkling, John 
Moody, Bob Stewart, Reid Roberts, Ed Amaudin, Abram Van Dover (catered 
the lunch),Tom Broeski and many others that I simply cannot recall.  
Missing in action was Doug Barry. I was looking forward to seeing his 
Supra in action.
Great soaring, great fun and great camaraderie.  I look forward to 
more contests this coming year (as my travel permits).
Don Richmond

San Diego, CA (Virginia Beach, VA for the holidays)

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[RCSE] Update on John Derstine

2005-11-21 Thread JMiller

Hi all,
  Got an answer from Melissa Derstine this evening, and there is no 
good news about John.  They have heard nothing and now believe he 
planned this for sometime.  He did exit suddenly from the soaring 
exchange, what they find very hard to understand is leaving his family 
behind also.
  Melissa says the emotions the family are going through right now is 
  She asks that if anyone hears or knows anything about John's 
disappearance to please let them know.
  Please don't bug her, at this sad time for the family, unless you 
have some valuable information.

  I would hope he will turn up soon.

  Jerry Miller, SOSS
  Medford, OR
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Re: [RCSE] WOW-where'd all these posts come from?

2005-11-11 Thread JMiller

  Oh yes, I had 81 just before going to the Dr. at 1:00pM came home at 
3:15 and was loaded.

 Jerry Miller
 SOSS, Medford, OR

Dana Flemming wrote:

All of a sudden, I have 80 postings from OCTOBER on my email list.

This happen to anyone else?


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[RCSE] What happened to the system,

2005-09-28 Thread JMiller
The RCSE worked fine for a week or two, suddenly this past weekend it 
quit again.  How do I know?  I am subscribed for the digest version on, I just read about 30 messages that did not come thru to this 

  I tried re=subscribing no answer yet, 20 minutes or so later.

Jerry Miller
SOSS=Medford, OR
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[RCSE] A320 Landing

2005-09-23 Thread JMiller
Sorry guys, his plane shedd a few parts on landing, so no points can be 
allowed. I don't care if was 6" off the center line, he did keep it 
going straight on the runway.   Flight points are allowed.

  But that pilot did a damn good job, you can't berate that fact.
  Also, he allowed all the passengers to watch the event on live TV as 
it was happening, just as you got to see it.  They mostly had lots of 
praise for him too.

  Jerry Miller - SOSS
  Medford, OR
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RE: [RCSE] LSF minutia part 2

2004-06-08 Thread JMiller
  Section 10 First sentence, explains the answer to the question.  I read it
as yes it can.
  The whole list may not see this as I was writing it I got conformation
that I was unsubscribed from the list, as I am going to change my email

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: John Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 4:05 PM
To: Soaring List
Subject: [RCSE] LSF minutia part 2

Okay, I promise not to ask any more questions after this one.  Can the goal
and return flight and the thermal flight be counted at the same time?

Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

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RE: [RCSE] Club Newsletter Editors/Webmasters Only

2004-03-23 Thread JMiller
  As a former member of the Gulls and a helper putting the newsletter
together, I think I pretty well know what you are going through. An evening
each month with 2 or 3 people meeting at a fast food place downtown to
correlate, staple, place postage and address labels, fold then take to the
  Our club recently, when I was the editor, changed over to PDF format, that
is sent to all members with e-mail addresses.  You can get the converter to
PDF from most any word processor format for free. We are using MS Publisher.
We are using Fine Print PDF Factory and or Fine Print 2000, check their web
site for d/l's at .
  When we started we had one member not with a computer.  Today he has one
available at work, and has one at home, so we saved lots of postage plus the
time to print and stamp, address and mail out.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: tony estep [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:15 AM
To: Ron Scharck; 'RCSE'
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Club Newsletter Editors/Webmasters Only

--- Ron Scharck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Editor and/or Webmaster:
> If your club  publishes an
> electronic version of your newsletter, via e-mail or website...

> Our club is in the process of making this transition. Needless to
> say, there has been a bit of "discussion" regarding the pros and
> cons

Ron, our club (Mississippi Valley Soaring Association) has about 40
members. For many years we sent out printed newsletters, but a couple
of years ago we went to posting them only on the website. This was not
the best decision, but it was made partly to save costs and partly to
accommodate me. I'm the editor. I have time to make a newsletter, but
not to print and mail them. So we put them on the club site
( and I made them nice and pretty.

At the end of last year, we concluded that the lack of hard-copy
letters appearing in members' mailboxes was causing some of our
less-active members to lose interest in the club. We found a volunteer
to print and mail them. I compose and edit, then email to him and he
produces the physical letters. To save costs, we reduced the size of
the letter and simplified the format, so today's letter doesn't look as
spiffy as the older ones (you can see both kinds on the website).
However, it does get mailed out, and people like it.

I believe that the arrival of a hard-copy letter just before a meeting
or a club fly-in increases attendance. Not all of our members are
Internet users, and of those who are, many use dial-up connections.

We have been sending out printed letters again for only 3 months, so I
can't tell you whether or not it has sparked new member interest. But I
believe it will.

Let us hear about your experience as you change over, if that's the
direction you decide to go.

Good luck!
Tony Estep

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.
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RE: [RCSE] Re: 2004 Nats X/C

2003-10-23 Thread JMiller
  You are correct that the event did not have any weight rules, fly what you
brung.  Do to the many forms of aircraft flown, we decided not limit weight
for the scale planes hoping to get more people out to try it out.
  As far as an official event, yes it was, AMA sanctioned, for both the
power and sailplanes.
  I was the CD for it.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: John Derstine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:08 AM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Re: 2004 Nats X/C

Actually the Scale aertow X-C at Montague was not any official event and
was open to all sizes and weight. This wasn't the winch event, but a
separate contest as I understand it. At least that was what I was told
by Dean Gradwell and Mike Gee. Ask Dean about this, he is very excited
about the prospects of giant scale XC.
Regardless, you could easily run side by side events at the NATS and
have the scale aerotow xc be an unofficial NATs event, thereby bypassing
any currents rules. The only downside is there would be no NATS trophies
for this part of the event. I can help out with a trophy or two as long
as it would not be prohibitively expensive. Talk to Steve Kaluf. We did
this very thing the first several years our "new" scale rules were under
review. This allowed a continuation of the event under provisional
Been there done it.
If you want to do it, you would have to most likely clone the rules from
the existing event and make minor changes to allow aerotow and heavier
It is easy to come up with reasons why not to do something, just do it!

Endless Mountain Models

-Original Message-
From: JMiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:04 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Re: 2004 Nats X/C

Rob is right, the temporary test rules limits us to 11 lbs.  We at the
Montague XC Challenge have used this limit all 6 years we have run the
event.  Don't be surprised if you see a couple of entries at the NATS
year from a current world record holder, and the current Event Sponsor
the Montague XC Challenge at Muncie in 2004.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:18 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Re: 2004 Nats X/C

Jack -

Sounds like a fun idea. As I recall the AMA has some rules about max
of the models that has been a stumbling block in the past with large
planes. You might want to check that out.

happy trails - Rob Glover
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RE: [RCSE] LSF non-competition program ideas(expand page to full size please)

2003-10-19 Thread JMiller
Hope you can figure it out, didn't seem to come out the way I typed it.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: JMiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 7:37 PM
Subject: [RCSE] LSF non-competition program ideas(expand page to full
size please)

Don and Jack and others interested,
  I sat around this afternoon making additions to the present LSF Tasks
Summary as listed on the LSF Webpage.
The below listed changes between the underscore lines are my suggestions to
accomplish the task changes for those who want enter the LSF program, but
not fly in competition events.
  You also would not have to make a separate program, just include an *
(II*, III*, IV*, V*) to indicate achievement by non-competition by the
  Section 12 - Summary of
RequirementsPrimary  Intermediate
Level   III  III
Thermal Duration5 min.15 min.30 min
1 hr 2 hrs.
Slope Duration 15 min.*   1 Hr.* 2 hrs.*4
hrs.*8 hrs.
Precision Spot Landing  5 landings 3m10 landings 1.5m None
None  None
(9.84 ft.or less)(4.92ft. or less)
Goal and Return  None  None  1km (0.62 mi.)
2km (1.24 mi.)   10km(6.2 mi)
Competition  None 6 contests**w/   6 contests**w/
6 contests**w/2 pls  6 contests**w/
 1 pl or 3,000 pts 2 pls or
4,500 pts  &l win or6,000pts. 12,000pts incl 3 wins

Non-CompetitionNone   4-12 Min Flts+   4-15 Min
Flts+   4-18 Min Flts+   4-24 Min Flts+
Alternatives  4-16 Min Flts+   4-18 Min
Flts+   4-24 Min Flts+   4-40 Min Flts.+
All Flts. are TD  1-30 Min Flt 1-1 Hr. Flt
2-1 Hour Flts2-1 Hour Flts+

1-2 Hour Flt.

All Flights must land with in 30 Meters (100’) of Launch point to be
any number of Flights per day may be made within each level.
An (*) asterisk shall be added to Level Number for Non-Competition Achievers
No combination of Tasks between Competition and Non-Competition may be used,
it’s one or the other,
through out all Tasks in Intermediate and Advanced Requirements.

*A second thermal flight which meets the basic Thermal Duration requirement
for this Level may be flown in lieu of the Slope Duration requirement.
However, the second thermal flight may not be flown on the same day.
** Section 11 - D (FAI World Records)

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

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RE: [RCSE] LSF Stuff

2003-10-19 Thread JMiller

 I almost agree with your 
message.  Where I do not is the voter qualifications, the By-Laws need to 
be changed on this very subject, to update them for present day, on line voting, 
including those who can't, be allowed to mail in a 
paper ballot.  I have worded my suggested changes for this change in by 
laws and will submit to the new board, whomever that may be.
  Also, we don't need to change any of 
the existing tasks, but we can add to them.  See 
my other email just received.
I do not intend to argue about any of this, 
I will just submit and let the new board haggle it out.
Jerry Miller, CD, LM, LSF III
SOSS-Medford, OR 

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 6:59 
  There's been a whole bunch of traffic on RCSE about the LSF lately. 
  I won't attempt to comment on it all, but as a candidate for the presidency of 
  the LSF there are a few things that I'd like to say. I'll ramble a bit, so if 
  you're in a hurry you may want to dump this message.
  First off, I think that the level of interest is great. I have 
  been a member of the LSF and a participant in RCSE for many years now. This is 
  the most activity regarding the LSF that I can recall, by far. It indicates to 
  me that the LSF members care about their organization and are actively 
  thinking about where they want soaring to go and what they want it to look 
  like when it gets there. I hear that folks are even exercising their right to 
  vote. As my hero Homer says, Yipee!
  On voter qualifications: Anybody is qualified to vote who has achieved 
  Level 1 or higher and corresponded with the LSF within the past 24 months. You 
  don't even have to pay dues. You do have to pay enough attention to remember 
  to send the LSF a note with your name and address on it once every couple 
  years. I personally think that this is liberal enough. If you really wanted to 
  vote and are ineligible I'm sorry, but we gotta draw a line somewhere and this 
  one is drawn pretty loosely. I guess if we charged annual dues we could put an 
  end to the controversy, but I don't really want to go there.
  On changes to the Soaring Accomplishment Program: I do not believe that 
  the current soaring accomplishment program should be changed. The LSF was 
  started with the sole intent of administering this program, and I believe that 
  the program is still valid and challenging. I will agree that it's not 
  something that everybody wants to do. I further believe that not everybody is 
  capable of doing it. That's what makes it special. If the LSF starts to push a 
  different program then they are competing with themselves. Doesn't make 
  much sense to me. What I do see is that the program has grown a set of 
  dedicated people who are competent enough that the rest of the soaring 
  community and the AMA are looking to them for leadership. That's pretty 
  On non competitive events: I agree that there is a lot of room for non 
  competitive or non traditional events. They are a lot of fun, and I enjoy them 
  a great deal myself.  I don't understand why folks don't have more of 
  them. The LSF officers can encourage folks to hold events (traditional or 
  otherwise) but the LSF doesn't actually do anything to make them happen. There 
  is only one event per year that the LSF actually has much of a part in, and 
  that is the soaring Nats. The LSF will sell you some nice mugs that make dandy 
  trophies, but that's about all they do. Anybody who wants to hold a non 
  competitive event just needs to fill out the CD's form and call the event a 
  Fun Fly, and send it through the usual channels. Show up with your buds and 
  fly cross country, duration events, inverted limbo, or whatever you think is 
  fun. All of the events we have, with the exception of the Nats, are locally 
  run by local clubs and local individuals. If I can give anybody a hand I'd 
  love to help, I can shag chutes and drink beer with the best of them. But the 
  simple fact is that the LSF probably won't show up at your field with a 
  truckload of winches and a busload of volunteers and run your event.
  On competitive events: I realize that some folks don't like to compete, 
  or at least think they don't. When I go to a soaring event I compete with 
  exactly one person, and that is me. I compete with the same guy when I fly 
  every time, at a contest or not. Sometimes I whup up on him, sometimes he 
  beats me. If I'm at a contest then I have a bunch of other folks to socialize 
  with and learn something from, which is great. The first year I attended 
  the LSF/AMA Nats I distinguished myself by losing site of my plane and 
  planting it in a bean field. Mike Stump proclaimed me to be the Mayor of the 
  Bean Field. If I'd had thin skin I'd probably have left and never come back. 
  But I figured ou

[RCSE] LSF non-competition program ideas(expand page to full size please)

2003-10-19 Thread JMiller
Don and Jack and others interested,
  I sat around this afternoon making additions to the present LSF Tasks
Summary as listed on the LSF Webpage.
The below listed changes between the underscore lines are my suggestions to
accomplish the task changes for those who want enter the LSF program, but
not fly in competition events.
  You also would not have to make a separate program, just include an *
(II*, III*, IV*, V*) to indicate achievement by non-competition by the
  Section 12 - Summary of
RequirementsPrimary  Intermediate
Level   III  III
Thermal Duration5 min.15 min.30 min
1 hr 2 hrs.
Slope Duration 15 min.*   1 Hr.* 2 hrs.*4
hrs.*8 hrs.
Precision Spot Landing  5 landings 3m10 landings 1.5m None
None  None
(9.84 ft.or less)(4.92ft. or less)
Goal and Return  None  None  1km (0.62 mi.)
2km (1.24 mi.)   10km(6.2 mi)
Competition  None 6 contests**w/   6 contests**w/
6 contests**w/2 pls  6 contests**w/
 1 pl or 3,000 pts 2 pls or
4,500 pts  &l win or6,000pts. 12,000pts incl 3 wins

Non-CompetitionNone   4-12 Min Flts+   4-15 Min
Flts+   4-18 Min Flts+   4-24 Min Flts+
Alternatives  4-16 Min Flts+   4-18 Min
Flts+   4-24 Min Flts+   4-40 Min Flts.+
All Flts. are TD  1-30 Min Flt 1-1 Hr. Flt
2-1 Hour Flts2-1 Hour Flts+

1-2 Hour Flt.

All Flights must land with in 30 Meters (100’) of Launch point to be
any number of Flights per day may be made within each level.
An (*) asterisk shall be added to Level Number for Non-Competition Achievers
No combination of Tasks between Competition and Non-Competition may be used,
it’s one or the other,
through out all Tasks in Intermediate and Advanced Requirements.

*A second thermal flight which meets the basic Thermal Duration requirement
for this Level may be flown in lieu of the Slope Duration requirement.
However, the second thermal flight may not be flown on the same day.
** Section 11 - D (FAI World Records)

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

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RE: [RCSE] LSF non-competition program ideas (long) (part 3 of 3)

2003-10-18 Thread JMiller
I think Don has given this idea a lot of thought.  It has so many valid
points, mainly the infusion of non-contest fliers that are now flying, but
non-fliers as witnesses so as to encourage them to be fliers and LSF
  I would encourage the new (2004) board to give these 3 pages of Don's a
lot of thought for the future of the LSF.
  Just a note to those older guys who have already done it, this would take
nothing away from you.  I congratulate each a everyone of you for your
achievements in the LSF program, and encourage you to continue your
activities in LSF.

Jerry Miller, Level III and counting
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: [RCSE] LSF non-competition program ideas (long) (part 3 of 3)

(continued from part 2)

Of course, while we're coming up with alternatives to the "experience"
requirements, we could also do some adjusting to the one-time tasks. For
example, we could tie them to the wingspan of the model. The existing
thermal tasks for Level V are framed typically around the capabilities of
an open-class model from the era in which the program was started. That
would be about a 10 ft. span model, but with overall capabilities for
launching, ranging and penetrating that are probably somewhat less than
today's typical open class ship. One option might be to use a modern
2-meter model for the baseline standard, and therefore to set the thermal
duration tasks of Level A to 7.5 minutes for each meter of wingspan, 15
minutes per meter of span for Level B, 30 minutes per meter for Level C and
1 hour per meter of wingspan for Level D.

Under this system, if you wanted to get a Level D thermal duration flight
with a 1.5 meter HLG, you would have to fly for 90 minutes. If you wanted
to use your 3-meter open class moldie, you would need to fly for 3 hours.
If you went for it with your 5.5-meter scale ship, better plan to have a
cast-iron bladder surgically installed first.

A similar approach could apply to the one-time distance tasks. If we use a
2-meter model as the baseline for the current distance tasks, that means
that for Level B you would need a 1 kilometer flight, 2 kilometers for
Level C and 10 Kilometers for Level D. However, with a 1.5 meter HLG you
would only need 0.75, 1.5 and 7.5 kilometers, while that 3-meter moldie
would require 1.5, 3 and 15 kilometers respectively. Note, I'm only
referring to the requirements for this new branch of the badge program. If
other folks want to apply this to the existing program of badges to make it
more interesting and more in step with today's technology, that's their

Wingspan seems to be less of an issue for slope models, so perhaps those
tasks should remain the same. I'm open to suggestion on that one. Also, I'd
like to hear feedback from folks in tune with the typical slope-soaring
contest scene regarding what sort of documented non-contest slope soaring
experience would equate to the slope-soaring contest experience and skill
level shown by the contest requirements in the existing LSF badge program.
Remember when you're thinking about those that we're not trying to kill the
new program with excessive requirements, but rather make it just tough
enough that accomplishing it demonstrates at least an equivalent level of
experience and accomplishment, and commands the same respect, as earning
the equivalent "number badge" in the current contest-oriented LSF badge

Ideally, if we've set all this up right, there should be a significant
number of individuals who want to complete BOTH programs. Who will be the
first to have both a Level V and a Level D badge, or even two of each?

As far as submissions and record keeping, I recommend we stay within the
framework of the existing voucher system as much as possible, to make it
easier to fit into the existing LSF program infrastructure. Additional
documentation for the "experience" portions of the requirements would
simply involve legible photocopies of the appropriate pages from the
aspirant's logbook, with the applicable flights highlighted, plus a tally
of the flights involved showing that they add up to the required number of
flights and number of hours. The idea is to keep it as simple as possible
so we don't create problems for Jim Deck. Of course if the participation in
this new program is so great that Jim can't handle it all, the LSF might
need to get him an assistant. As I mentioned at the beginning, this would
be no different than if participation in the existing program had suddenly
increased, and in any case would show that the LSF had become more
successful. This is a GOOD thing, folks!

The other aspect of the existing LSF program that we've touched on briefly,
but needs more elaboration, is the mentoring aspect. Supposedly a holder of
an existing LSF badge has contributed to the history of R/C soaring and to
the soaring community 

RE: [RCSE] FAI Licenses-Eligibility

2003-10-17 Thread JMiller
  Thanks for the info.  I guess Mark will just have to choose.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: [RCSE] FAI Licenses-Eligibility

>From the current FAI sporting code Section 4 (Aeromodeling), Volume ABR,
Subsection 4B.3.2 I paraphrase the following:

The team members (pilots), team manager, and assistant team manager must
valid FAI sporting licenses to participate in International competition.

Since team selection contests are not International contests, technically
licenses should not be required.  It is customary to have them, though.  We
did so for the 2000 F3B Team Selection contest in Sacramento, even though it
was "only" an AMA sanctioned contest.  I don't recall if it was required by
AMA or by our AMA-F3B liason Buzz Averill, or just something we did.  I also
don't know what was done for the 2002 Team Selection contest, I didn't

Jim Thomas, retired 2003 USA F3B Team Manager

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RE: Re: [RCSE] Re: Nomination Help..reply

2003-10-16 Thread JMiller
Pat and all,
  I will back down on my earlier email on RCSE to leave LSF (not LEFT)
alone.  I agree with Pat, just because someone is not advancing after Level
1, should not in any way be not able to cast his vote, and have it counted.
Here we are with the hanging chad syndrome, in the sport of soaring.
  This goes back to the old, pre email voting, to save stamps and money from
mailing out to everyone and no one sending in his ballot.  Let um vote.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:43 PM
To: Brian Smith
Subject: Re: Re: [RCSE] Re: Nomination Help..reply


I have been a member since the late 70's but have not advanced a level in
several years so have not sent in any official correspondence to the LSF in
the last two years.  Does not seem to matter that I have been involved in
many of the LSF conversations on this list with various members and LSF
Officers but I guess I still have not been involved.  I have only been able
to attend the LSF/AMA Nats twice since 93 so I guess that means I have not
been involved.  Does not matter that I spent time at both those Nats as a
worker either so I guess I still was not involved enough.  If the by-laws
say that I am not eligible to vote, then I am not eligible, but I will be
involved in lobbying the new officers once in office to change this dumb

See Ya,

Pat McCleave
Wichita, KS
> From: "Brian Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/10/16 Thu PM 03:32:07 EDT
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re: Nomination Help..reply
> Those "involved" are able to vote.Brian
> > I think anyone who is involved in LSF should have the right to vote!  gv
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RE: [RCSE] LSF II for Life

2003-10-12 Thread JMiller
  For a lawyer, you sure have a poor attitude!!!(Hehe Haha)  Like you I
thought about the same while I was level two, but enjoyed the progress of no
more landings.  Yeah sure, the damn contests require even harder landings
than one and two do.  But I did my contests, and I did have to travel a
couple of hundred miles to get it done, but what fun, I was rubbing
shoulders with all the great ones, Joe, Darryl, the Soaring Junkie, Gordy
and the like.  Then after 3 or 4 tries and failures, I finally made my cross
country with a witness/driver to make my day, the infamous Dean Gradwell,
sponsor of the largest XC event in the USA, well at least-nah in the
USA. I've been the winchmaster for all six of the events. Never have flown
in one of them, couldn't afford all the equipment it takes to do it.  Check
out his webpage .  But, I would encourage you to progress
on for 3-4-5, for what ever it takes, the flying is not the most important
part of the achievement, it's attitude, and how you handled yourself while
doing it.  So come on, catch me.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Tom H. Nagel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 5:24 PM
To: Marc gellart; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech
Cc: Ken Lilja
Subject: Re: [RCSE] LSF II for Life

Agreed!   I enjoyed working my way up to Level II and I still carry the
voucher and work on Level III flights.  I am the LSF Club Coordinator for

 I might  fly in a contest if my car breaks down while I am parked a
field where a contest is about to start.

Once in a while I even enjoy being cannon fodder for contest pilots.

What turns me off about contests is driving a couple of hundred miles
(or even 75 miles) to sit around on a field all day and only fly my plane 6
times all day, and if I am lucky enough to stumble into a thermal, I gotta
leave it and land in 8 minutes.  I enjoy flying too much for that.

If I ever make LSF III I am going to have a ceremony to retire my

- Original Message -
From: "Marc gellart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech"
Cc: "Ken Lilja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] LSF 5 question... give me your verdict!

> Ken,
> You are right, there are many guys who are not contest orientated, but
> have achieved Level 2 of the program so as to assist others that are going
> for higher levels and need level 2 signatures for witnesses.  Level 2
> involves no contests and I would think even if you are not planning to
> contest at all, you could witness and help folks going to thermal, xc, and
> slope flights.  I think that no one will think less of you for not
> contesting, but being supportive of a friend's effort I know would be
> thought of.  I think that Don would back me up on these comments.
> Marc
> - Original Message -
> From: "Don Stackhouse @ DJ Aerotech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Ken Lilja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 4:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] LSF 5 question... give me your verdict!
> > Ken Lilja writes:
> >
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >LSF is a SELF achievement program.
> > >
> > >LSF can't possibly be "self" achievement program since you need to
> > >compete against others to advance (to win others must loose).  I expect
> > >to do an an 8 hour flight some day for the personal challenge.  But
> > >competition interests me very little and thus does the LSF.  Now an
> > >organization that recognizes construction, design and flying of
> > >sailplanes would interest me a great deal.
> >
> > I personally do not enjoy competition flying myself, that's why I always
> > let Joe do the contest flying. That's also why I have never been
> interested
> > in even beginning with the LSF achievement program.
> >
> > A few years ago I had the poor judgement to mention essentially this
> > point as your post on RCSE.  I got thoroughly flamed in public by quite
> > few folks on the list for even suggesting such a thing. I was accused of
> > attempting to destroy LSF, that I had no right to make such comments
> > folks used my sailplane designs in competition, etc., etc., and was
> > essentially threatened with the soaring equivalent of excommunication,
> > including by a number of the officers of LSF at that time. It was almost
> > like being declared "Sal for the day".
> >
> > However, I received over three times as many private responses from
> > who strongly agreed with me. They didn't make their responses public for
> > obvious reasons.
> >
> > Apparently there are a great many folks out there who feel similarly.
> > However, they are subjected to intense "tyranny of the majority"
> > judging from what I've seen and heard, I'm not sure that the "vocal
> > majority" really is truly a majority, rather than just more vocal) 

RE: [RCSE] Bozo has landed...

2003-09-22 Thread JMiller
Bozo, and the X-Baglady,
  You mean very little or no more roaming?  I can't even imagine that!!!  If
the Bozo has a shop to build, will the x-Baglady again sew??  Of course
under a different name.  Al might get upset.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Phil Townsend [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 4:13 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Bozo has landed...

We have done it...Christine and I have settled down and bought a new
house. No more aimless wandering about the country lookin for something
or somewhere. We have been in New Mexico for about a year and it doesnt
Bozo is with shop once again.

And you know, I get the plane I deserve.

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RE: [RCSE] New Aero Tow Photos Posted!

2003-09-09 Thread JMiller
  Nice pictures and well done.  Thanks for posting them.  It turned out to
be a great event.  No real problems except for Mike B. with two down, due to
possible tx problem.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Paul Naton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: [RCSE] New Aero Tow Photos Posted!

I just posted some excellent photos of last weekend's SOSS aero tow
event at Montague.  Super site, lots of cool planes, good pilots.  I
learned more than a few hints on flying the tow!

Shot with a Canon D-30 digital SLR.

Page 1

Page 2

Paul Naton
president-Radio Carbon Art

Producers of High Quality R/C Silent Flight Videos
Tel: 541-752-9661
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[RCSE] Montague Scale Aero Tow and Scale XC Aero Tow Event

2003-08-16 Thread JMiller
The SOUTHERN OREGON SOARING SOCIETY is sponsoring the 1st Montague Scale and
Scale XC Aero Tow Event on Sept. 5 thru Sept. 7th 2003.
  Friday will be set up of course, check in and free field flying.
  Saturday 9:00am Pilots Meeting and XC briefing
   9:20am Field open for Aero Tow and XC
   5:30 Awards BBQ at Montague Hanger 2
   After dinner - Hospitality Room-Amerihost Inn in Yreka - Mr. &
Mrs. Gee hosts
  Sunday   9:00am Pilots Meeting Open Aero Towing

  We have 5 Tow planes scheduled to be available.  If you have scale models
in your hangers, you are invited to attend, all inquiries via email go to:
Mike Gee (Event Director)<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  entry forms are available at then scroll down to September Events,
a Word Doc flyer with entry form is available there. You may call Mike at
541 956-6149 in Grants Pass, OR.
  The main plan for this event will be to have FUN and learn more about Aero
Towing, and for those who have not flown XC, the added excitement of this
fast growing form of flying model aircraft.
  This is an AMA Sanctioned event so make sure to bring your current AMA
pilot's card.  No card; no flying, everyone who fly's will have to sign in
both for event and sanction paperwork.
  To date a couple of names to be in attendance are Wil Byers and Tony
Elliott with his huge SB-10 also, Mike Gervais, Mike Bamberg, Dean Gradwell
and Scott Meador.
  Awards will be for Scale Best Vintage Glider and Modern Sailplane
 Optional: Cross Country longest distance in a closed
 Best Tug and Towline Drop contest
  For all planning to attend we need to know your plans as early as possible
whether you will be entering the XC event.  Cars and trucks will be needed
with seat belts and seats in the pickup beds to comply with CHP requirements
in California.  Jeeps and convertibles work well for this.  We can provide
advisor assistance but do not have equipment available except on a very
limited basis.  Please let Mike know your needs and if you can assist for
this part of the event.  Just so you know, the closed course runs on main
back country roads and thru 3 small towns, crosses Interstate 5, with a
total course length of about 60 miles.  It is a changeling course in the
beautiful Shasta Valley, in the shadow of Mt. Shasta to the south.

Jerry Miller, CD - LM
SOSS-Medford, OR

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RE: [RCSE] Re: (MSN)

2003-07-28 Thread JMiller
I am using filters also with Outlook but for some reason one gets thru every
once in a while.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: John L. Baird [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 2:15 PM
To: soaring
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Re: (MSN)

Used to, now I get one from uol anti spam. I've resigned myself to using
filters that send them directly to the trash.

-Original Message-
From: Brian Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 1:40 PM
To: soaring
Subject: [RCSE] Re: (MSN)

Does anyone else get the MSN Hotmail notice everytime you send
something to RCSE?

Brian Chan,
An Electric Airplane Junkie @ San Mateo.Ca.USA
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RE: [RCSE] Flap anomaly on the 8103.

2003-02-26 Thread JMiller
  You probably on #23 set the flap travel to a -number before setting them
up for full travel, but the radio will only read back to 0 when copied the
transfer.  Check that out , I'm not sure of this, but would be my guess.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Harley Michaelis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:50 PM
To: Soaring
Subject: [RCSE] Flap anomaly on the 8103.

I have two GENIES, a #23 and a new #24. Both have Micro-Maxx's for flaps.
The mechanics are identical. I'm using the left stick for landing flaps,
bypassing the 3 position flap switch.

On #23, I get 90 degrees down flap just fine..

I reset another setup to factory specs and then copied #23's setup to it.
All I did then was rename it #24.

On #23, I get full down flap. On #24 I get about 45 degrees down. Increasing
the SPOI-Flap mix setting doesn't help.

Any ideas?

Harley Michaelis, 26 S. Roosevelt, Walla Walla, WA 99362, ph. (509) 529-2562

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[RCSE] A Sailing Excha nge

2003-02-17 Thread JMiller
Hi to Chris,
  The Auckland guy.  Alinghi is putting it to you.  3 up.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR 
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RE: [RCSE] Help with dead links

2003-02-01 Thread JMiller
  Just checked those you listed, LaserArts, Major Hobbies, and EzCalc are
working the others are not.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Andrew E. Mileski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 4:27 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Help with dead links

Going through my bookmark collection:
and I discovered these links appear dead:
   Laser Arts  (geocities address works)
   Major Hobby
   Sobox Planes
If you know where they have moved, or if they have been removed, please
let me know.  Thanks.

On a happy note, the following link was marked as dead the last time I
checked, but is working again:
An excellent page on V-tail aerodynamics.

Andrew E. Mileski
Ottawa, Canada

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RE: [RCSE] Airport Baggage Inspection

2003-01-07 Thread JMiller
  That is just what they were doing at Medford airport, but were inspecting
all the larger bags in addition.  I think it was the first day they were
doing it and we were second in line to check baggage.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 12:31 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Airport Baggage Inspection

Just went through the airport at Orlando yesterday.  ALL luggage was
screened just before being presented to the airlines at the counter for
check in.  TSA had LOTS of inspection stations and there was no holdup
whatsoever.  Each bag was screened by swabbing a small wipe on the handle
and along the outside of each bag.  The wipe was then immediately analyzed
in the "wiper analysis machine" and baggage was then cleared.  I witnessed
no bags being opened although each passenger was standing by just in case.
They would have allowed you to unlock your bag then relock if necessary.
They seemed well-trained, professional, and courteous.

I'm sure all airports are different but it is an easy matter to clear
baggage at Orlando!

Good luck!
- Original Message -
From: "JMiller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] "IF you travel with Sailplanes, you need a Sportube!"

> Bill,
>   Yes I was with my son when he returned to Texas, even before Jan. 1, on
> the 30th of Dec. all open luggage inspection is done in your presents, at
> least here in Medford.
> Jerry Miller
> SOSS-Medford, OR
> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Johns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 7:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] "IF you travel with Sailplanes, you need a
> Sportube!"
> At 10:45 AM 1/7/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi Guys,
> >Well I have a full travel year in with my Sportube and I have to tell you
> >it has been the best thing for sailplanes I have come across.
> >
> >Mine has been in 16 different US States, a bunch of times, Toronto, a
> >bunch of times and once to Europe!
> >
> >Its wheels and handle really make it work getting thru airports and to
> >rental car locations.
> >The fact that it collapses to fit in a rental car, and still leave space
> >for luggage is just what I had been hoping for.
> >
> >The Airlines never look twice at it and the padlock keeps theives out of
> >the case.
> As of Jan. 1, as I understand it, every piece of luggage will be inspected
> for bombs.  This includes physical searches and, as reported by NPR
> weeks ago, no luggage can be locked as all locks will be removed.  The
> thing I want would be to have some hassled baggage inspector, behind
> schedule, pull all the parts, bits and pieces of two competition
> out of a sport tube and then try to jam them all back in.
> Has anyone had any experience with the new paradigm in baggage inspection?
> Just curious.
> Bill
> --
> Life is complex.  It has both real and imaginary parts.
> Bill Johns
> Pullman, WA
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[RCSE] Wing colorings

2002-12-11 Thread JMiller

Hi all,
  We are in 
need of help and or advice in coloring the bottom half of wings. NO 
parameters are; it must be dark in color, easy to apply, like spraying on and 
the most important need is it must be water soluble, so it can be washed off an 
the end of day or weekend and so that the wing cores won't be damaged during 
  We are in the 
planning stages of a scale aero tow cross 
country event for next year at Montague, CA.  The reason 
for the need is we don't want anyone eliminated from attending this event 
because of the scale guys not wanting to paint the bottom of their wings just 
for this event, thereby causing them to just say "not my scale 
plane".   So if we can get something we can apply at the contest site 
for them, and they can wash it off before they go home or after they get there 
maybe they will make the trip to try it out.
  Anyone have 
any reasonable easy ideas to post?
Of course you 
understand the reasoning behind this, if they get high with white wings them 
might lose it, dark rules.
SOSS - Medford, 

RE: [RCSE] CR Fun-1 For Sale

2002-09-08 Thread JMiller

  Just a thought, has anyone ask if it can be reopened?

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Gregory Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 5:12 PM
Subject: [RCSE] CR Fun-1 For Sale

CR Fun 1 for sale. Airframe only. White fuse, wing top, and Horizontal stab
top. Purple wing and horizontal stab bottom. Red fin and canopy. Set up for
rudder control. The fuse has been broken in the normal Fun-1 spot (under
wing), and has been repaired. The plane is in good shape. I can e-mail
pictures. Selling because our only non-foamie slope has been closed since
9/11, and does not look like it will be reopened.
$75.00 + Shipping.

Greg Morris

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[RCSE] Great day

2002-08-25 Thread JMiller

I finally have finished my Level III with a cross country today, went about
half again as far as I had to, was good lift and no problems, flew at the
field after return for 5-6 minutes before landing.  Thanks Terry Mickle and
Mike Reed for the assistance.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

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RE: [RCSE] filiment tape

2002-08-25 Thread JMiller

  Try a ACE Hardware store.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Randy Bullard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 8:29 AM
Subject: [RCSE] filiment tape

I can't find 3M filament tape used for building foam planes. I've looked in
Office Max, Office Depot and Home Depot. Who carries it?



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RE: [RCSE] XCSoaring web site

2002-08-21 Thread JMiller

  Dean is planning at this time to be back at Visalia again this year.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Jack Strother [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 8:45 AM
To: Tom Broeski; soaring
Subject: Re: [RCSE] XCSoaring web site

After a trip to Visalia last year, and a whole bunch of proding,
I got Dean to sell me one of those custom transport boxes for the SBXC.
Very nice

At 11:10 AM 8/21/2002 -0400, Tom Broeski wrote:
>I just got one of the new SBXC fuses from Dean and it is really nice.
> > Hey you guys,
> > I was just up on the
> > basically looking for information about which GPS to buy, I am still
> > But I found this really neat construction Manual for the Super SB/XC.
> > A couple of the upgrades, I have already built into my SBXC, but of
> > they do not look as nice.
> > The point is, I know that a bunch of you out there have an SBXC, might
> > worth taking a look this manual.
> > Jack
> >
> > Jack Strother   LSF President
> > Loveland, OHLSF 2948
> >
> >
> > RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe"
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> >
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Jack Strother   LSF President
Loveland, OHLSF 2948

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RE: [RCSE] Rahm retriever

2002-07-04 Thread JMiller

  Run it on a 12V battery.  Use double ball bearing swivels, do not use a
parachute on the winch line.  Use a 1" nylon neon colored strap with D
rings on the strap in place of the chute.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Barry Andersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 7:06 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Rahm retriever

CSS has a Rahm retriever that doesn't get much use.  I tried somewhat
successfully to get it going.  It does, however, put a lot of twist
in the line which leads to some problems of snarls.  Swivels are in
place on the harness now.

Does anyone use a Rahm retriever successfully?  If so, what line is
in use, do you use something to work against the twist, eg. prop or
spinner, any recommended techniques?  We're running ours on a 6 volt
battery and it still goes wy fast.

Any help appreciated.

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RE: [RCSE] Vendors again!!!

2002-07-03 Thread JMiller

Just for all to know, CST has always been able to give the service and quick
shipping as the last two testimonials refer too,  I have known them since
before the move to Tehachapi from Lancaster where they started out, while
Mattt was still in the Air Force.

Jerry Miller
SOSS-Medford, OR

-Original Message-
From: Bill & Rose Haymaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 3:25 PM
To: Reese; soar
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Vendors again!!!


I ordered two pieces of High Strength 60 Foam from CST last week and receive
the order this past Monday (two days ago) and they sent me two  pieces of
EPP by mistake. I figured I wasn't going to wire cut anything this week
because of the holiday and guess what I found at my doorstep today? That's

Thanks CST

- Original Message -
From: "Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "soar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Vendors again!!!

> So I call Composite Structures Tech. on Monday and order carbon push rods
> for my Hera. They say sure we can ship them today {Mon. } I walk out to
> the mail today Wen. and there's a box from CST on the porch. WoW!! a
> that  says it's going to do something and then does it.Thanks to
> folkes  at CST...Reece
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Re: [RCSE] safety issue

2002-06-12 Thread JMiller

  On the what's new header on the AMA webpage, there is a proposal for
powered aircraft distance changes to 500' but does not mention that that has
been reported here.  Don't know where it came from, I have just as you
stated emailed my Dist. VP for clarification.  That's all we can do at this
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Stump" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 7:22 AM
Subject: [RCSE] safety issue

> does somebody have a link to the alleged safety proposal?
> a source where the actual proposal may be..
> do we go to our dist. VP saying we heard a rumor? (what a popular way to
> lose attention)..
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Re: [RCSE] Safety Code

2002-06-10 Thread JMiller

  Not.  If the proposal doesn't apply to gliders.  But "oops", sorry I ask
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
From: "Bill Swingle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Erica and or Rob'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Jerry Miller'"
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Safety Code

> So, now we will no longer play "combat". We'll play "oops".
> Meaning: "Oops, sorry I hit your plane."
> "Oops, sorry I hit your plane."
> "Oops, sorry I hit your plane."
> "Oops, sorry I hit your plane."
> Bill Swingle
> Janesville, CA

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Re: [RCSE] Bigger is better.

2002-05-23 Thread JMiller

  My God, Cliff how lucky you are to have a 
wife like that, that can straighten out your "Mr. Smiley", 3 or 4 times a day 
and no glitches.  What am I missing here?
Jerry MillerSOSS, Medford, OR

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 6:23 
  Subject: [RCSE] Bigger is better.
  I wouldn't brag to much if its only 5 inches long.  My 
  "Mr.Smiley" is 13 inches, its ribbed slightly on the shaft and its larger on 
  the tip.  Jealous, aren't you.  It is slightly drooped but I 
  have my wife straighten it out for me and it performs as long as I need it 
  to.  Sometimes up to three or four times a day with no glitches.
  Cliff Lindgren
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 6:00 
Subject: [RCSE] My Duck Doesn't duck, 
and its only 5" long
Got my "Power Stick" from Hobby Lobby, its 5" long, 
doesn't droop, fits any radio (you need to get the adapter for 'inny' type 
antennas).Lets see if any of you have as much time on your 
droopies.I have flown with it in most states of the USA, Toronto, 
Germay, Switzerland, Czech.Slope and TD, on average around twice a 
week.When I first published the review on it in RC Soaring Digest 
"The Journal for RC Soaring Enthusiasts", some guys went out and got them 
too.  Guess what???With mixed results.  Some reported 
glitches!!! Some didn't.Now let's see, the stick is nothing more than 
probably a carbon tube with some wire wrapped in it and some shrink wrap. 
Each one the same as the otherSo how come the mixed 
results?  Lots of reasons, none having to do with the Power Stick 
'working'. By the way I use it both on my 8103 and 
Stylus.Just thought some of you would like to know, that my antenna 
doesn't still doesn't droop after all these years 
:-)GordyLouisville today 

Re: [RCSE] Extra-high shipping costs.

2002-05-13 Thread JMiller

  Wrong You should raise your shipping prices.  But, UPS only charged
$6.66 for the cost of the shipping alone.  Box, time and etc. was extra.
Now, don't get mad Al, but it was for a wing bag, just not yours.  But a
good one too, just like yours.
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
From: "Albert Wedworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tim McCann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Extra-high shipping costs.

> For Sure!
> I charge $10.00 to ship my Wing Bag.  I can't tell you how many times I'll
> get to the post office and get charged $13.00 for shipping.  That still
> doesn't account for the box, time to pack, time at the computer for
> big loss for me!
> Cheers.
> AL
> The Bag Lady
> - Original Message -
> From: "Tim McCann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 11:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Extra-high shipping costs.
> > Ditto to Steve's message.
> > Entering the shipping  and payment information,  processing the payment,
> assembling the order,
> > packing, printing a shipping  label,  calculating postage, buying
> cost of postage, cost of
> > box and packing, delivering to shipper all without errors, (we all know
> what happens if a vendor
> > makes a mistake) 8 bucks seems cheap in fact averaged over several
> they're  probably losing
> > money. Maybe that's why a lot of vendors only last a couple of years.
> > Tim McCann
> > Unbreakable Polyethylene Landing Skegs and Skids
> > Winch Kits and Turnarounds
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Steve Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > > You gotta be kidding!  $8.00 for shipping is reasonable.
> > >
> > > Cost of box, packing material, fill out form, follow through They
> > > are not making money on shipment.
> > >
> > > Try shop for computer parts.  Many companies rely on those charges to
> > > make money. That business is cut-throat, and you won't see shipping
> > > charges less than $8.00
> >
> > > Steve
> >
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Re: [RCSE] CVRC Bent Wing

2002-05-03 Thread JMiller

  You must have the wrong webpage, they have complete details on the
bentwing event at
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
From: "Perry Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 12:27 AM
Subject: [RCSE] CVRC Bent Wing

> Anyone have the particulars on this event??.
> I did not get anything in the mail and their web site seems to be sadly
> in information, or maybe I have the wrong web site??
> Regards,Perry
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Re: [RCSE] Lost & Found

2002-04-22 Thread JMiller

  Who made the grade at California Valley?

Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
From: "Dudley Dufort" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 6:30 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Lost & Found

> Found:
> One unopened bottle of Jagermeister, one L work shirt, a broken set
> of  stabs from one SB/XC and many small pieces from another.  Left in my
> trailer after the California Valley Cross Country Race.  These may
> belong to Carl "The Plane Wrecker".  If anyone knows his whereabouts
> please contact me.  Dudley
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Re: [RCSE] LSF DS TASKS, for your approval

2002-04-22 Thread JMiller

Sorry, I looked at the pictures, it is an Compact and 100".

Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 2:12 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] LSF DS TASKS, for your approval

> Is the Wizard Conquest based off the Wizard Compact?  I saw in a post
> somewhere else that Dave's plane was in the 60"-100" span rather then
> unlimited, which was somewhat suprising.  What span was it?
> At 07:08 PM 4/21/02 -0700, JMiller wrote:
> >   Guys, As is the case with me, but this weekend I  did watch I
> >would venture a wild guess of about 5000, yes thousand loops, done  by
> >best in the world, yes world, Ebsen Torp was there from Norway, it was
> >1st ever DS Slope Fest, sponsored/CD'd by Dieter of Shredair  at  Joe
> > 10 fastest loops in a timed run, 15.6 seconds, big prize money, Barry
> >Baskin  Joe Wurts   Scott Hewett  V-tailed  Stratos,About 30 to 45
> >minutes later Dave Reese of high speed fame, was  flying (testing) a new
> >model, a WIZARD Conquest at 186  MPH the V tail of the plane also ejected
> >from it proper place, the fuse and  wings did some incredible gyrations,
> >flipped upside down, blew downwind, with  Dave doing everything in his
> >power to make it come down, including  flaps, It may fly
> >with new electronics. STRATOS, Joe  summed it up today, an
> >expensive weekend for me, just lucky I won the big  money.   I enjoyed
> >watch and helping, but for me it's not my bag. Jerry Miller SOSS,
Medford, OR
> >- Original Message -From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:

> Brett Jaffee: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Brett's Slope and Power Home Page:
> OnTheWay Quake 3 server utility:
> The Unoffical Extra 300 Home Page:

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Re: [RCSE] Re: Spring Fling...

2002-03-26 Thread JMiller

  Don't know the W/L(what is it?) but that's 
why they have long legs, to extend and catch something to arrest their 
flight.  Like a tow hook on an aircraft.
Jerry MillerSOSS, Medford, OR

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 1:39 
  Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re: Spring 
  Whats the W/L of a grasshopper anyway?  Whats the best 
  way to applyballast?the undersignedMorton " Ron" 

[RCSE] A Great Day

2002-03-24 Thread JMiller

Hi guys,
  Boy, what a great day for thermals here in the Rogue Valley of Oregon.  It
started out a bit iffy, but the clouds opened up, and the air did it's
cooking, thermals were abaundt.
  We were even blessed with what was my first steam thermal.  The
Certain-Teed plant across the road from where we sport fly was testing a new
steam generating plant, made a pass into the steam at about 100 feet high,
rode out the brables and started circling up, to a speck, really neat.
  My Pereigrene is really dailed in, even made 3 landings in 60 + area with
a high one of 71.  Wish I could have done that at Visalia.
  And Oregon almost beat Kansas, my home state.
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR

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[RCSE] Gear sets for JR servos

2002-03-03 Thread JMiller

  Anyone know who has gear sets for JR NES-341 servos?  Need a couple of
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR

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Re: [RCSE] re: wind meters

2002-02-25 Thread JMiller

  FWIW, I have had a "Dwyer liars" for about 15 years now. I have found that
it is fairly accurate, at least for what we have to know at the slope.  Most
of the trick to using it is holding it properly, directly into the wind, and
at a slight angle TOO the wind advancing up the slope.  Has worked for me.
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
From: "Barry Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 4:04 PM
Subject: [RCSE] re: wind meters

> Geez, don't waste your money.  These "wind meters" are often referred
> to as "Dwyer liars".  I have one and found it useless.
> Barry
> >Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 08:52:14 -0500
> >From: Andy Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Soaring (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Wind Meters
> >Message-ID: 
> >
> >Just ran across these cheap wind meters and thought people would want to
> >them
> >
> >I have no experience with this company . ...
> >
> >
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Re: [RCSE] Jerry Slates at Viking?

2002-02-12 Thread JMiller

  That is correct.  He has already sold some of them, before he left Texas.
He didn't want to have to transport them to Calif.
Jerry Miller
SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
From: "Andy Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Jerry Slates at Viking?

> >>Do you know how I can contact Jerry, I'm interested in one of his
> >>fuse's..
> I understand, that he is no longer selling fuselages. Heard his molds were
> forsale.
> Can anyone confirm this?
> Andy
> _
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
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Re: [RCSE] Need canopy for Multiplex DG 600

2002-01-29 Thread JMiller

  Late in answering, computer has been down.  I have one, BUT it is being
used on my Multiplex DG-600, with a full size(scale)guider sitting in it,
holding the stick.
  Sorry, for the humor.
  Jerry Miller
  SOSS, Medford, OR
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 6:57 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Need canopy for Multiplex DG 600

> Mid 80 vintage, 120 span without extensions,
> I know it's a long shot..
> Eric
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