[RCSE] What Time Is It in Muncie?

2008-07-30 Thread Tom Nagel


   I gotta drive over to Muncie on Saturday morning.

What time zone is Muncie using this year?  Eastern Standard Daylight 
Savings, or Central Daylight Savings or Local Option Crapshoot Indiana Time 
Zone Roulette Time?

   I gotta adjust my sundial before leaving home!

Tom H. Nagel
Judicium Procurator Recuperatio 

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[RCSE] On-board digital video equipment--source?

2008-07-03 Thread Tom Nagel


   One of our (off line) club members is interested in acquiring one of 
those small Bic-lighter sized digital video cameras to put on a sailplane or 
an electric.  Can anyone give me some references to sources for those 

Thanks, and a happy 4th to you all.

Tom H. Nagel
Judicium Procurator Recuperatio 

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[RCSE] The Flamingoid Lives!

2008-06-22 Thread Tom Nagel
  Friday night was our local club's annual Summer Solstice Jim Clark 
Memorial After 6 thermal contest.  Best total of three flights after 6 p.m. 
wins.We had a large turnout, and did a special flyover in honor of our 
recently deceased president emeritus Hugh Rogers.  We got as many of Hugh's 
planes in the air as possible, including one he had just finished a few days 
before going into the hospital.  Hugh's daughters and extended family were 
on hand.

   The Infamous Flamingoid had a bad night, though.  It took a perch in the 
very top of a 45 foot tall maple back in the brambles and thorn bushes 
between the field and Walnut Street.   I shouldn't have been surprised. 
Flamingoids are known to nest at this time of year.

We know for a fact that it was a 45 foot tall tree because Jay Watkins 
has a 40 foot collapsable pole, and when we full extended it and reached up 
as high as possible, we were just able to touch the underside of the 
flamingoid.  That bird was not coming down, and I couldn't get up into the 
tree to convince it otherwise.

   I limped home Friday night, disappointed in my own loss of depth 
perception and suffering from the slings and arrows of outrageous Sovereign 
landing patterns.

   Saturday morning Don Herbert and I returned to the scene of the crime, 
with a stepladder, climbing pegs, a throw rope, pruners, a bush saw and 
implements of destruction.  I climbed about half way up the tree and used 
half the pole to gently poke the Flamingo out of its nest.   In a remarkably 
short time it started to slide down the outside of the tree---Tail First!

   "Oh no!" I thought---"Fractured tail feathers!  Fissures of the 
fuselage."  Then at the last second the hooked Flamingo neck and beak 
snagged a low hanging branch.

   The Flamingoid wound up hanging by its beak just above the bushes.  The 
pole pruner nudged it down to a safe landing.  No damage!

   Overnight in a tree top, a 45 foot slide back to the bushes and it is as 
good as new.  I realize, that isn't all that good to start with, but it is a 
happy ending to the tale nevertheless.

   And as always, there is a moral to the story-
as a famous German Bauhaus industrial designer once said:  :Form Follows 
Funky."   Or something like that.

Tom H. Nagel
Judicium Procurator Recuperatio 

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[RCSE] Bill Bryson with FAA Clearance

2008-06-02 Thread Tom Nagel
Guys:  I picked up a book that would probably appeal to most of you:  Hard 
Air by W. Scott Olsen.

   Olsen writes like Bill Bryson with a private pilot's license.  He writes 
about hard air flying, hurricane hunters, forest fire tanker pilots, 
medi-vac helicopter flights, bush pilots in the far northern arctic reaches 
flying rescue missions out on the ice.   Maybe he should cover some of the 
OVSS contest weekends, too.

   Give it a look:  ISBN 978-8032-1144-4

Tom H. Nagel
Judicium Procurator Recuperatio 

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[RCSE] I've Built 18 planes so far this year

2008-02-18 Thread Tom Nagel


   I have put together 18 planes so far this year, and I'm still behind. 
No, I have not changed professions.  Here's the deal.

   A buddy gave me a 2008 One Paper Airplane Per Day Calendar for a late 
Christmas present, and I'm falling behind.

   So far I have done an  F4F and an SR-71 and a Wildcat and an FA-18, and 
a Kite Plane, and a Stunt Plane and Gordy-knows all what.   I am losing 

   The kitchen table is getting cluttered.   The dogs suspect I am nuts.  I 
am up to my ears in paper airplanes, and already I'm a month behind.  Does 
Muncie accept donations of unbuilt paper airplanes?

Tom H. Nagel
Judicium Procurator Recuperatio 

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[RCSE] Tree Stories

2008-02-01 Thread Tom Nagel


   I have really enjoyed the Tree Stories.  First, they remind me of the 
incredible variety of ways that we as a group have found to screw up process 
of launching and flying RC sailplanes.

   And secondly, the stories all make me feel a whole lot less stupid than 
I normally appear.  (Did I word that correctly?   I think not.  Never mind.)

Tom H. Nagel
Judicium Procurator Recuperatio 

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[RCSE] Contest Format

2008-01-11 Thread Tom Nagel
So far I have deleted approximately 793 RCSE messages on the topic of 
"Contest Format," without reading any of them after the first one or two.

How about a new thread?  How many RCSE readers out there are deleting all 
the RCSE messages captioned "Contest Format" without reading them.

Oh.   Wait a minute.   Those folks won't be seeing this messge.

Never mind.

Tom H. Nagel
Judicatum Procurator Recuperatio

[RCSE] Seasons GPS Greetings

2007-12-21 Thread Tom Nagel
Gentlemen, and Gordy:

At this auspicious time of year, the Winter Solstice, may I extend seasons 
greetings and warmest wishes for the gradual lessening of all of your GPS 
symptoms, as the sunlight gradually extends to those of us in the northern 
reaches of the planet.

And, if you find yourself in the depths of GPS this winter, please remember 
in the immortal words of Buzz Aldrin:

"The sun is always shining, if you have sufficient altitude."

(Or maybe that was Buzz Lightyear, I forget.)

Tom H. Nagel
Columbus, OH

[RCSE] Good Guy Alert

2007-12-14 Thread Tom Nagel

I bounced my Sirius Pro charger off the concrete floor; it still worked, 
sort of, but was a little flakey.  It had definitely slid down the scale a bit 
from "JR Spektrum" toward "Used Air Hog" in terms of reliability.

So I emailed George Joy at Peak Electronics, and he said ship it on out.  
He had it back in a week or 10 days all fixed up at a minimal cost.  Thanks 

Tom H. Nagel
Columbus, OH

[RCSE] Similes, not Landmarks

2007-12-02 Thread Tom Nagel

I think what the group has been groping for is what English Majors call 
"similes."   Not landmarks, similies.   As in:
Floats like a butterfly

Stings like a bee.

Sucks like a 2 meter Klingberg Wing.

Folds like a Bird of Time ARF


Invisible like the Duck I won at the NATS volunteer raffle.

Tom H. Nagel
Columbus, Ohio

[RCSE] "Elemental" problem

2006-10-21 Thread Tom Nagel

Bill Grenoble, please ping me.  I have an 
"Elemental" problem that is soaring related.
Tom H. NagelJudicatum Procurator 

[RCSE] Getting Bombed at MOSS Field

2006-10-08 Thread Tom Nagel

    It was a beautiful early October 
day at MOSS field, the little berry patch out northeast of Columbus that our new 
member Gil Perez calls "The Tree Farm"
    We had clear blue skies, light 
winds, lgreat thermal lift,  a handful of club members, a few visitors to 
the field and spiders.  Lots and lots of SPIDERS!
    I think these things are called 
parachute spiders.   They sit in the bushes and tree tops and spin out 
long lengths of spider silk, and when a thermal comes through they go sailing 
off across the sky.   Our planes were coming back with hundreds of 
strands of spider silk (and presumably some pretty pissed of spiders) draped 
across the wings.
    One of the families that 
strolled by on their way to hike down by the lake had two sons; so we broke out 
the Air Hogs and did some recruiting.  Dad and the older boy both flew air 
hogs successfully and I have a feeling we may see them again.
    And we got bombed.   I 
have been wanting to experiment with "bomb drop" as an event for our electric 
flying.  I had made up some fiber board disks about 2 1/2" in diameter, 
painted white with a big red X and a hole drilled in the midde.   We 
strapped light dowel rods  to the fuselage of some planes just aft of 
the wings (vertically, like little antennae) and dropped a bomb disk onto the 
    The idea was to fly over the 
target, loop or roll or whatever, and let the disk fall off the dowel onto the 
    The best Bill Hoelcher or I 
could do was about 25 yards from the target.  I am sure Gordy will have 
plenty advice for us about getting bombed.  Practice practice 
    I hope you all had a good 
afternoon, too.
Tom H. NagelJudicatum Procurator 

[RCSE] Good news and Bad news

2006-01-28 Thread Tom Nagel

We had a beautiful day here in Central Ohio, for 
January or just about any other month:   55 degrees, sunny, SSW 
winds.   There were 9 cars at the little Linnville slope, as many as I 
have ever seen there.
    A new club member got his first 
slope flights in, and I think he's hooked.
    And nobody broke much of 
    The bad news is that when I 
arrived, the surveyors were just finishing up.   The land owner has 
sold off some lots, and building will start in a few months.   I hope 
the new owners like RC sailplanes and will want to fly with us.
Tom H. NagelJudicatum Procurator 

[RCSE] Almost Sailplane Related

2006-01-08 Thread Tom Nagel

    Browsing the new books at the 
local library I came across a novel with a title that called out to 
    "The Art of Uncontrolled 
Flight"  by Kim Ponders (2005)
    Kim is one of the first female 
 USAF pilots to fly in a war zone.  This is her first novel.  It 
has nothing to do with sailplanes, but the uncontrolled flight part sounded 
familiar to me.  Worth a read.
Tom H. NagelJudicatum Procurator 

[RCSE] Soaring at the Blimp Dome

2006-01-08 Thread Tom Nagel

    This is a report on the 
bi-weekly indoor flying events in Columbus, Ohio.  We fly 9 to 12 pm in an 
inflated golf dome on the east side of town every other 
    And yes, this story is soaring 
    First of all, indoor flying is a 
helpful treatment for those of us suffering from GPS during the dark, grey 
Columbus winter.
    Secondly, it is a chance for us 
to see the marvelously inventive models of guys from all over the state.  
One fellow has a "Tri-Rotor" thingy that he designed himself, a sort of mutant 
helicopter device with three motors and three props on the corners of a carbon 
fiber triangle.  It will roll and loop, and fly out and away like a real 
airplane, and unlike most model helicopters I see.  It navigates through a 
combination of gimbaled motors and differential thrust.
    Another fellow has one of those 
toy airplanes that flies by differential thrust from two motors and recharges by 
sitting on its transmitter.  He has re-fitted it with two brushless motors, 
a lipoly single cell and a real receiver.   He has programmed the heck 
out of his JR transmitter and the little plane flies just like it had ailerons 
and elevator and rudder.
    Jet Jockey Terry Nitsch was 
flying a 3 mph electric with a 5" wingspan, which was a treat to 
    And one of the guys was flying a 
DLG Alula indoors, easily launching it to the ceiling of the 
blimp dome and then flying aerobatics and circuits of the dome amidst a cloud of 
park fliers, 3-D foamies, ducted fan electrics and high speed flying 
    A major improvement in the 
Columbus indoor fly is that it is now organized into a series of half hour 
sessions:  a half hour of 3-D free for all; then a half hour of "racetrack 
pattern"; and so forth.  Much less carnage that way.
    OK Columbus sailplane guys: It's 
safe to go back into the dome.

[RCSE] Plastic Scale Models--a little off topic

2006-01-01 Thread Tom Nagel

Happy new year guys.   What better way to 
start the new year than with a question that is a little off topic.
I'm handling a probate estate that has in it a 
collection of plastic scale models, mostly of interesting miltary jets and WWII 
fighters.  They are fairly well built, probably better than I ever did as a 
kid, but not museum quality by a long shot.
Vulcan, Hustler, SR-71, Pogo, U-2, Mitchell, Jug, 
P-51, etc.  Maybe a couple of dozen models.  Do these things have any 
value?  Any market is built plastic scale models?  Anybody 
interested?  (also some flat top and sub and naval surface craft that I 
can't identify).
    On topic:   I almost 
went flying today.  I went and watched the Westerville guys motor around, 
but the advertized SE winds never materialized, so we didn't slope.
Tom H. NagelJudicatum Prucurator 

[RCSE] One Design Contests

2005-08-13 Thread Tom Nagel

    The central ohio MOSS club used 
to do an annual Gnome contest.   Most of the members had at least one 
2 meter Gnome.  I have built three of them and still have two, including 
the infamous Flamingoid.
    The Gnome is still kitted I 
believe.   It is a little heavier and stronger than a GL and has a 
somewhat more advanced airfoil.   I think of the Gnome as a wood and 
monokote Duck.
    For some reason MOSS has stopped 
running our Gnome contests over the last few years.  I guess people got 
tired of standing in the landing circle and yelling 

[RCSE] [RCSE]Seeking Charlie Kendall

2005-07-30 Thread Tom Nagel

Anuybody know where Charlie Kendall is?  He 
was the MOSS club contact in eastern Ohio.  Email bouncing now.  Did 
he move?  Yo, Charlie!

Re: [RCSE] AMA's position with regard to soaring

2005-07-30 Thread Tom Nagel

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Mid-air.

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] AMA's position with regard to soaring

Martin really has this one absolutely right!


I like the present situation because there's a sort of gentlemen's 
agreement with the FAA -- we don't interfere with full-size traffic and 
they leave us alone.  It works well for both parties. The FAA assumes 
that we're responsible people but reserves the right to wield a big stick 
if we're not. All Dave Brown can do is disturb a stable situation. He 
can't request exclusive use of airspace up to 700' without seriously 
restricting the number of places we can fly.

Full size pilots have to share the air. They just have to look where 
they're going, especially near the ground. There are birds up there. 
There are other people blundering around in planes and ultralights. 
There's parafoils, balloons -- all sorts of things. Our models add just a 
tiny bit extra to the mix -- there's not a lot of us, we're predictable, 
we avoid areas where planes fly and we can get out the way quickly if we 
have to. So if we're not being a problem then why try to find a solution?

My hope is the FAA is more pragmatic than the AMA. So far, so good.

Martin Usher
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