Re: 8.0 upgrade issue

2019-07-10 Thread Scott Yeadon
Hi Shawn,

The GC seems to be the issue, changing back to CMS worked and I see in the G1 
docs it states it really doesn’t work well for small heap sizes. We’ll be 
changing to a better resourced 64-bit VM with more memory later next year with 
the next Ubuntu LTS release, so it should cease to be a problem after that. 
Thanks for the help.


> On 11 Jul 2019, at 12:20 pm, Shawn Heisey  wrote:
> On 6/19/2019 7:15 PM, Scott Yeadon wrote:
>> I’m running Solr on Ubuntu 18.04 (32-bit) using OpenJDK 10.0.2. Up until now 
>> I have had no problem with Solr (started running it since 4.x), however 
>> after upgrading from 7.x to 8.x I am getting serious memory issues.
>> I have a small repository of 30,000 documents currently using Solr 7.1 for 
>> the search function (for the last two years without issue). I attempted an 
>> upgrade to 8.1.1 and tried to perform a full reindex however, it manages 
>> about 1000 documents and then dies from lack of memory (or so it says). I 
>> tried 8.1.0 with the same result. I then tried 8.0.0 which did successfully 
>> manage a full reindex but then after performing a couple of search queries 
>> died from lack of memory. I then tried 7.7.2 which worked fine. I have now 
>> gone back to my original 7.1 as I can’t risk 8.x in my production system. 
>> Has anyone else had these issues with 8.x?
>> Note that I did increase Xmx to 1024m (previously 512m) but that made no 
>> difference, it may be some other resource than memory, but if it is, it 
>> isn’t saying so, and it’s such a small repository it doesn’t seem to make 
>> sense to be running out of memory.
> Solr 8 has switched the garbage collector from CMS to G1, because CMS is 
> deprecated in newer versions of Java, and will be removed in the near future.
> G1 is a more efficient collector, but it does require somewhat more memory 
> beyond the heap than CMS does.  For most users, this is not a problem, but 
> for the small heap values and total system memory you're using, it might be 
> enough to go over the threshold.
> You could try setting the old 7.x GC_TUNE settings in your include file, 
> normally named on non-windows platforms.
>  GC_TUNE=('-XX:NewRatio=3' \
>'-XX:SurvivorRatio=4' \
>'-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90' \
>'-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8' \
>'-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC' \
>'-XX:ConcGCThreads=4' '-XX:ParallelGCThreads=4' \
>'-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark' \
>'-XX:PretenureSizeThreshold=64m' \
>'-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly' \
>'-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50' \
>'-XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime=6000' \
>'-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled' \
>'-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled' \
> I would probably also use Java 8 rather than Java 10.  Java 10 is not an LTS 
> version, and the older version might require a little bit less memory, which 
> is a premium resource on your setup.  Upgrading to Java 11, the next LTS 
> version, would likely require even more memory.
> Why are you running a 32-bit OS with such a small memory size?  It's not 
> possible to use heap sizes much larger than 1.5 GB on a 32-bit OS. There are 
> also some known bugs with running Lucene-based software on 32-bit Java -- and 
> one of them is specifically related to the G1 collector.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

8.0 upgrade issue

2019-06-19 Thread Scott Yeadon

I’m running Solr on Ubuntu 18.04 (32-bit) using OpenJDK 10.0.2. Up until now I 
have had no problem with Solr (started running it since 4.x), however after 
upgrading from 7.x to 8.x I am getting serious memory issues.

I have a small repository of 30,000 documents currently using Solr 7.1 for the 
search function (for the last two years without issue). I attempted an upgrade 
to 8.1.1 and tried to perform a full reindex however, it manages about 1000 
documents and then dies from lack of memory (or so it says). I tried 8.1.0 with 
the same result. I then tried 8.0.0 which did successfully manage a full 
reindex but then after performing a couple of search queries died from lack of 
memory. I then tried 7.7.2 which worked fine. I have now gone back to my 
original 7.1 as I can’t risk 8.x in my production system. Has anyone else had 
these issues with 8.x?

Note that I did increase Xmx to 1024m (previously 512m) but that made no 
difference, it may be some other resource than memory, but if it is, it isn’t 
saying so, and it’s such a small repository it doesn’t seem to make sense to be 
running out of memory.


Re: Query on multivalue field

2011-03-01 Thread Scott Yeadon

Thanks, but just to confirm the way multiValued fields work:

In a multiValued field, call it field1, if I have two values indexed to 
this field, say value 1 = some text...termA...more text and value 2 = 
some text...termB...more text and do a search such as field1:(termA termB)
(where solrQueryParser defaultOperator=AND/) I'm getting a hit 
returned even though both terms don't occur within a single value in the 
multiValued field.

What I'm wondering is if there is a way of applying the query against 
each value of the field rather than against the field in its entirety. 
The reason being is the number of values I want to store is variable and 
I'd like to avoid the use of dynamic fields or restructuring the index 
if possible.


On 2/03/11 12:35 AM, Steven A Rowe wrote:

Hi Scott,

Querying against a multi-valued field just works - no special incantation 


-Original Message-
From: Scott Yeadon []
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 11:50 PM
Subject: Query on multivalue field


I have a variable number of text-based fields associated with each
primary record which I wanted to apply a search across. I wanted to
avoid the use of dynamic fields if possible or having to create a
different document type in the index (as the app is based around the
primary record and different views mean a lot of work to revamp
pagination etc).

So, is there a way to apply a query to each value of a multivalued field
or is it always treated as a single field from a query perspective?



Re: Query on multivalue field

2011-03-01 Thread Scott Yeadon
The only trick with this is ensuring the searches return the right 
results and don't go across value boundaries. If I set the gap to the 
largest text size we expect (approx 5000 chars) what impact does such a 
large value have (i.e. does Solr physically separate these fragments in 
the index or just apply the figure as part of any query?


On 2/03/11 9:01 AM, Ahmet Arslan wrote:

In a multiValued field, call it field1, if I have two
values indexed to
this field, say value 1 = some text...termA...more text
and value 2 =
some text...termB...more text and do a search such as
field1:(termA termB)
(wheresolrQueryParser defaultOperator=AND/) I'm
getting a hit
returned even though both terms don't occur within a single
value in the
multiValued field.

What I'm wondering is if there is a way of applying the
query against
each value of the field rather than against the field in
its entirety.
The reason being is the number of values I want to store is
variable and
I'd like to avoid the use of dynamic fields or
restructuring the index
if possible.

Your best bet can be using positionIncrementGap and to issue a phrase query 
(implicit AND) with the appropriate slop value.

Ff you have positionIncrementGap=100, you can simulate this with using
q=field1:termA termB~100

Re: Query on multivalue field

2011-03-01 Thread Scott Yeadon
Tested it out and seems to work well as long as I set the gap to a value 
much longer than the text - 1 appear to work fine for our current 
data. Thanks heaps for all the help guys!


On 2/03/11 11:13 AM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
Each token has a position set on it. So if you index the value alpha 
beta gamma, it winds up stored in Solr as (sort of, for the way we 
want to look at it)

alpha:position 1
beta:position 2
gamma: postition 3

 If you set the position increment gap large, then after one value in 
a multi-valued field ends, the position increment gap will be added to 
the positions for the next value. Solr doesn't actually internally 
have much of any idea of a multi-valued field, ALL a multi-valued 
indexed field is, is a position increment gap seperating tokens from 
different 'values'.

So index in a multi-valued field, with position increment gap 1,  
the values:  [alpha beta gamma, aleph bet], you get kind of like:

alpha: 1
beta: 2
gamma: 3
aleph: 10004
bet: 10005

A large position increment gap, as far as I know and can tell (please 
someone correct me if I'm wrong, I am not a Solr developer) has no 
effect on the size or efficiency of your index on disk.

I am not sure why positionIncrementGap doesn't just default to a very 
large number, to provide behavior that more matches what people expect 
from the idea of a multi-valued field. So maybe there is some flaw 
in my understanding, that justifies some reason for it not to be this 

But I set my positionIncrementGap very large, and haven't seen any 

On 3/1/2011 5:46 PM, Scott Yeadon wrote:

The only trick with this is ensuring the searches return the right
results and don't go across value boundaries. If I set the gap to the
largest text size we expect (approx 5000 chars) what impact does such a
large value have (i.e. does Solr physically separate these fragments in
the index or just apply the figure as part of any query?


On 2/03/11 9:01 AM, Ahmet Arslan wrote:

In a multiValued field, call it field1, if I have two
values indexed to
this field, say value 1 = some text...termA...more text
and value 2 =
some text...termB...more text and do a search such as
field1:(termA termB)
(wheresolrQueryParser defaultOperator=AND/) I'm
getting a hit
returned even though both terms don't occur within a single
value in the
multiValued field.

What I'm wondering is if there is a way of applying the
query against
each value of the field rather than against the field in
its entirety.
The reason being is the number of values I want to store is
variable and
I'd like to avoid the use of dynamic fields or
restructuring the index
if possible.
Your best bet can be using positionIncrementGap and to issue a 
phrase query (implicit AND) with the appropriate slop value.

Ff you have positionIncrementGap=100, you can simulate this with 

q=field1:termA termB~100

Query on multivalue field

2011-02-28 Thread Scott Yeadon


I have a variable number of text-based fields associated with each 
primary record which I wanted to apply a search across. I wanted to 
avoid the use of dynamic fields if possible or having to create a 
different document type in the index (as the app is based around the 
primary record and different views mean a lot of work to revamp 
pagination etc).

So, is there a way to apply a query to each value of a multivalued field 
or is it always treated as a single field from a query perspective?



relational db mapping for advanced search

2011-02-08 Thread Scott Yeadon


I was just after some advice on how to map some relational metadata to a 
solr index. The web application I'm working on is based around people 
and the searching based around properties of these people. Several 
properties are more complex - for example, a person's occupations have 
place, from/to dates and other descriptive text; texts about a person 
have authors, sources and publication dates. Despite the usefulness of 
facets and the search-based navigation, an advanced search feature is a 
non-negotiable required feature of the application.

An advanced search needs to be able to query a person on any set of 
attributes (e.g. gender, birth date, death date, place of birth) etc 
including the more complex search criteron as described above 
(occupation, texts). Taking occupation as an example, because occupation 
has its own metadata and a person could have worked an arbitrary number 
of occupations throughout their lifetime, I was wondering how/if this 
information can be denormalised into a single person index document to 
support such a search. I can't use text concatenation in a multivalued 
field as I need to be able to run date-based range queries (e.g. 
publication dates, occupation dates). And I'm not sure that resorting to 
multiple repeated fields based on the current limits (e.g. occ1, 
occ1startdate, occ1enddate, occ1place, occ2, etc) is a good approach 
(although that would work).

If there isn't a sensible way to denormalise this, what is the best 
approach? For example, should I have an occupation document type, a 
person document type, a text/source document type and (in an advanced 
search context) each containing the relevant person id and (in the 
advanced search context) run a query against each document type and then 
use the intersecting set of person ids as the result used by the 
application for its display/pagination? And if so, how do I ensure I 
capture all records - for example if there are 100,000 hits on someone 
having worked in Australia in 1956, is there any way to ensure all 
100,000 are returned in a query (similar to the facet.limit = -1) other 
than specifying an arbitrary high number in the rows parameter and 
hoping a query doesn't hit more than 100,000 and thus exclude those 
above the limit from the intersect processing?

Or is there a single query solution?

Any advice/hints welcome.


Re: relational db mapping for advanced search

2011-02-08 Thread Scott Yeadon
Yes, I saw something in the dev stream about compound types as well 
which would also be useful (so in my example an occupation field could 
comprise of multiple fields of different types) but these are up and 
coming features. I suspect using multiple document types is probably the 
best way for now, but thanks for the heads up on the join - looks like 
these issues will be better addressed in the future. RDBMS in my context 
won't work well as requires lots of joins (and self-joins) for complex 
searches and in the old system these tend to lock up the DB as the temp 
table size grows exponentially.


On 9/02/11 8:57 AM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

I have no great answer for you, this is to me a generally unanswered question, 
hard to do Solr with this sort of thing, I think you seem to understand it 

There ARE some interesting new features in trunk (not 1.4) that may be 
relevant, although to my perspective none of them provide magic bullet 
solutions. But there is a 'join' feature which could be awfully useful with the 
setup you suggest of having different 'types' of documents all together in the 
same index.

From: Scott Yeadon []
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 4:41 PM
Subject: relational db mapping for advanced search


I was just after some advice on how to map some relational metadata to a
solr index. The web application I'm working on is based around people
and the searching based around properties of these people. Several
properties are more complex - for example, a person's occupations have
place, from/to dates and other descriptive text; texts about a person
have authors, sources and publication dates. Despite the usefulness of
facets and the search-based navigation, an advanced search feature is a
non-negotiable required feature of the application.

An advanced search needs to be able to query a person on any set of
attributes (e.g. gender, birth date, death date, place of birth) etc
including the more complex search criteron as described above
(occupation, texts). Taking occupation as an example, because occupation
has its own metadata and a person could have worked an arbitrary number
of occupations throughout their lifetime, I was wondering how/if this
information can be denormalised into a single person index document to
support such a search. I can't use text concatenation in a multivalued
field as I need to be able to run date-based range queries (e.g.
publication dates, occupation dates). And I'm not sure that resorting to
multiple repeated fields based on the current limits (e.g. occ1,
occ1startdate, occ1enddate, occ1place, occ2, etc) is a good approach
(although that would work).

If there isn't a sensible way to denormalise this, what is the best
approach? For example, should I have an occupation document type, a
person document type, a text/source document type and (in an advanced
search context) each containing the relevant person id and (in the
advanced search context) run a query against each document type and then
use the intersecting set of person ids as the result used by the
application for its display/pagination? And if so, how do I ensure I
capture all records - for example if there are 100,000 hits on someone
having worked in Australia in 1956, is there any way to ensure all
100,000 are returned in a query (similar to the facet.limit = -1) other
than specifying an arbitrary high number in the rows parameter and
hoping a query doesn't hit more than 100,000 and thus exclude those
above the limit from the intersect processing?

Or is there a single query solution?

Any advice/hints welcome.


case insensitive sort and LowerCaseFilterFactory

2010-11-17 Thread Scott Yeadon


I'm running solr-tomcat 1.4.0 on Ubuntu and have an issue with the 
sorting of results. According to this page I should be 
able to configure the LowerCaseFilterFactory to ensure results will be 
indexed and returned in a case insensitive means, however this does not 
appear to be working for me. Is someone able to check my field config to 
confirm it is ok (and if anyone has any advice on making this work it 
would be appreciated - my issue is the same as that in the provided link 
(that is, upper case and lower case are being ordered separately instead 
of being interspersed). The sort field I'm using is of type text as 
defined below.

The text field type is configured as follows:

fieldType name=text class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100
analyzer type=index
tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory generateWordParts=1 
generateNumberParts=1 catenateWords=1 catenateNumbers=1 
catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=1/

filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory language=English 

analyzer type=query
tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt 
ignoreCase=true expand=true/

filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory generateWordParts=1 
generateNumberParts=1 catenateWords=0 catenateNumbers=0 
catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=1/

filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory language=English 


When I sort on a primaryName field (which is a text field as define 
above) for example, I get records listed out of order as in the 
following example:

- Withers, Alfred Robert (1863–1956)
- Young, Charles (1838–1916)
- de Little, Ernest (1868–1926)
- de Pledge, Thomas Frederick (1867–1954)
- von Bibra, William (1876–1926)

I imagine I'm missing something obvious, the obvious workaround is a 
namesort field however from the above post it looks like this can be 


Re: case insensitive sort and LowerCaseFilterFactory

2010-11-17 Thread Scott Yeadon
Sorry, looks like it was a data-related issue, apologies for the noise 
(although if anyone spots anything dodgy in the config feel free to let 
me know).


On 18/11/10 2:21 PM, Scott Yeadon wrote:


I'm running solr-tomcat 1.4.0 on Ubuntu and have an issue with the 
sorting of results. According to this page I should 
be able to configure the LowerCaseFilterFactory to ensure results will 
be indexed and returned in a case insensitive means, however this does 
not appear to be working for me. Is someone able to check my field 
config to confirm it is ok (and if anyone has any advice on making 
this work it would be appreciated - my issue is the same as that in 
the provided link (that is, upper case and lower case are being 
ordered separately instead of being interspersed). The sort field I'm 
using is of type text as defined below.

The text field type is configured as follows:

fieldType name=text class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100
analyzer type=index
tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory generateWordParts=1 
generateNumberParts=1 catenateWords=1 catenateNumbers=1 
catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=1/

filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory language=English 

analyzer type=query
tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt 
ignoreCase=true expand=true/

filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory generateWordParts=1 
generateNumberParts=1 catenateWords=0 catenateNumbers=0 
catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=1/

filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory language=English 


When I sort on a primaryName field (which is a text field as define 
above) for example, I get records listed out of order as in the 
following example:

- Withers, Alfred Robert (1863–1956)
- Young, Charles (1838–1916)
- de Little, Ernest (1868–1926)
- de Pledge, Thomas Frederick (1867–1954)
- von Bibra, William (1876–1926)

I imagine I'm missing something obvious, the obvious workaround is a 
namesort field however from the above post it looks like this can be 



2010-10-07 Thread Scott Yeadon
 Thanks. Not sure what the value should be (assume it is the servlet 
name, but is there a default servlet name for term vectors? - the docs 
don't really say much, so any guidance useful).  It also looks like 
using the ModifiableParams returns only a single offset for each term 
i.e. if tf  1 there still only looks to be a single offset is returned 
rather than details of all three occurrences. I logged some output to 
see all the properties returned and the snippet showing offsets is:

[01-Oct-2010 15:42:30] class is SolrObject name is sit
[01-Oct-2010 15:42:30]   value=6   propname=tf
[01-Oct-2010 15:42:30] class is SolrObject name is offsets
[01-Oct-2010 15:42:30]   value=1171   propname=start
[01-Oct-2010 15:42:30]   value=1174   propname=end

So in the above example tf=6 but only a single start and end property is 
returned in the sit SolrObject. Note that I haven't looked any further 
into this at this stage and I may be missing something obvious.


On 1/10/10 9:43 PM, Israel Ekpo wrote:


You can also use the SolrClient::setServlet() method with 
SolrClient::TERMS_SERVLET_TYPE as the type

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:57 AM, Scott Yeadon wrote:


Sorry, scrap that, just found that SolrQuery is a subclass of
ModifiableParams so can do this via add method and seems to work ok.

Apologies for the noise.


On 1/10/10 2:35 PM, Scott Yeadon wrote:


Just wondering if there is a way of setting the qt parameter
in the Solr PHP API. I want to use the Term Vector Component
but not sure this is supported in the API?



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2010-09-30 Thread Scott Yeadon


I have inherited an application which uses Solr search and the PHP Solr 
API ( While the list of search results 
with appropriate highlighting is all good, when selecting a result that 
navigates to an individual article the users want to have all the hits 
highlighted in the full text.

The problem is that the article text is HTML and Solr appears to strip 
the HTML by default. The highlight snippets contain no formatting and 
neither does the stored version of the text. This means that using a 
large snippet size and using the returned text as the article text is 
not satisfactory, nor is using the stored version returned by the return 

Obtaining offset information from the search and applying the 
highlighting myself within the webapp using the HTML version would be 
fine, but the offsets will be wrong due to the stripping of the tags. 
Does anyone have any advice on how I might get this to work, it doesn't 
seem to be a particularly unusual use case yet I could not find 
information on how to achieve it. It's likely I'm overlooking something 
simple. Anyone have any advice?



Re: PHP Solr API

2010-09-30 Thread Scott Yeadon
 Thanks, but I still need to store text at any rate in order to get 
the highlighted snippets for the search results list. This isn't a 
problem. The issue is how to obtain correct offsets or other mechanisms 
for being able to display the original HTML text plus term highlighting 
when navigating to an individual search result.


On 1/10/10 12:53 PM, Neil Lunn wrote:

On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 12:00 +1000, Scott Yeadon wrote:


The problem is that the article text is HTML and Solr appears to strip
the HTML by default.

I think what you need to look at is how the fields are defined by
default in your schema. If Data sent as HTML is being added to the
standard html-text type and stored then the html is stripped and words
indexed by default. If you want to store the raw html then maybe you
should be doing that and not storing the stripped version, just indexing

Re: Highlighting match term in bold rather than italic

2010-09-30 Thread Scott Yeadon

 Check out
and the hl.simple.pre/ options

You may be also able to control the display of the default em/ via CSS 
but will depend on your rendering context as to whether this is feasible.


On 1/10/10 7:54 AM, wrote:

Hi all -

Does anyone know how to produce solr results where the match term is
highlighted in bold rather than italic?

thanks in advance,
