Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-18 Thread E S J
Hi Erick,

This question came to my mind after sometime seen your reply, Why Solr
configurations are kept on ZooKeeper ?
As far as I know, ZooKeeper is generic system can be used for any cross
node configurations,  not only with Solr, Solr configurations are Solr
Specific, How ZooKeeper know/read Solr specific configurations.  Does ZK
has auto detect ZooKeeper plugins ?

Can you help me to understand this ?


On 12 December 2014 at 14:23, Erick Erickson

 bq: 1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
 Looks fine to me.

 bq: 2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because
 the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not an
 active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)

 I think you're a bit confused here. The configuration stuff is NOT
 under collection1/conf as far as SolrCloud is concerned, it's in
 Zookeeper in /configs/default, take a look at the admincloud page,
 click the /configs entry and I think you'll see a defaults node.

 As far as SolrCloud is concerned, that's where your configs live. The
 fact that they exist in solr-home/collection1/conf on your local
 machine is totally irrelevant. Tomorrow, you could issue an upconfig
 and use something like .-confdir mytotallynewdirectory/conf
 -confname default and SolrCloud would happily overwrite your configs
 in the Zookeeper default node with the new ones, _and_ distribute
 them to all the Solr nodes when they were restarted.

 So where your configs should live is in some kind of version


 On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:19 PM, E S J wrote:
  Hello Team,
  I would like to get clarified where to place schema.xml on SolrCloud
  My Solr cloud set-up , 3 nodes, 3 shards and 3 replications, 3 ZooKeeper
  What I have done is,
  1. Taken a solr.war from solr default download (
  solr-4.10.2/example/webapps/solr.war  -  4.10.2) and placed
   tomcat-home/webapps/ folder.
  2. Taken Solr home from solr default download (
  and placed on solr.home
  (Copied Collection folder as well along with solr.xml)
  3. Started 3 solr nodes and zookeepr instances ( after correct
  4. Register solr configurations of ZooKeeper using, -zkhost zoo1.internal:2183,zoo2.internal:2183,zoo3.internal:2183
  -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default
  5. Create 3 Shard's and 3 Replicas :
 After that I can see following folder structure  in Solr node1's
  solr-home directory ( Can see similar structure on my other 2 solr
  -rw-r--r-- solr.xml drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard1_replica1 drwxrwxr-x
  c-ins_shard2_replica1 drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard3_replica1 drwxr-xr-x
  I've done some xml docuemnt indexing and it's working fine, Zoo-keepers
  also working fine, My Questions are,
  1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
  2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because for
  the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not
  active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)
  Appreciate your time on this.
  Thanks - Elike

Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-18 Thread Erick Erickson
Zookeeper knows nothing at all about Solr, it's fully generic. The code
for SolrCloud on each of the Solr instances _does_ know about Zookeeper,
and where to expect certain information, specifically where the configurations
are stored on Zookeeper. So on startup, the Solr instance queries
Zookeeper for, in this case, the config set which is just a path on
Zookeeper. For each collection on the Solr node it pulls the appropriate
configs down, loads and goes. So the path is something like


On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:53 PM, E S J wrote:
 Hi Erick,

 This question came to my mind after sometime seen your reply, Why Solr
 configurations are kept on ZooKeeper ?
 As far as I know, ZooKeeper is generic system can be used for any cross
 node configurations,  not only with Solr, Solr configurations are Solr
 Specific, How ZooKeeper know/read Solr specific configurations.  Does ZK
 has auto detect ZooKeeper plugins ?

 Can you help me to understand this ?


 On 12 December 2014 at 14:23, Erick Erickson

 bq: 1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
 Looks fine to me.

 bq: 2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because
 the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not an
 active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)

 I think you're a bit confused here. The configuration stuff is NOT
 under collection1/conf as far as SolrCloud is concerned, it's in
 Zookeeper in /configs/default, take a look at the admincloud page,
 click the /configs entry and I think you'll see a defaults node.

 As far as SolrCloud is concerned, that's where your configs live. The
 fact that they exist in solr-home/collection1/conf on your local
 machine is totally irrelevant. Tomorrow, you could issue an upconfig
 and use something like .-confdir mytotallynewdirectory/conf
 -confname default and SolrCloud would happily overwrite your configs
 in the Zookeeper default node with the new ones, _and_ distribute
 them to all the Solr nodes when they were restarted.

 So where your configs should live is in some kind of version


 On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:19 PM, E S J wrote:
  Hello Team,
  I would like to get clarified where to place schema.xml on SolrCloud
  My Solr cloud set-up , 3 nodes, 3 shards and 3 replications, 3 ZooKeeper
  What I have done is,
  1. Taken a solr.war from solr default download (
  solr-4.10.2/example/webapps/solr.war  -  4.10.2) and placed
   tomcat-home/webapps/ folder.
  2. Taken Solr home from solr default download (
  and placed on solr.home
  (Copied Collection folder as well along with solr.xml)
  3. Started 3 solr nodes and zookeepr instances ( after correct
  4. Register solr configurations of ZooKeeper using, -zkhost zoo1.internal:2183,zoo2.internal:2183,zoo3.internal:2183
  -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default
  5. Create 3 Shard's and 3 Replicas :
 After that I can see following folder structure  in Solr node1's
  solr-home directory ( Can see similar structure on my other 2 solr
  -rw-r--r-- solr.xml drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard1_replica1 drwxrwxr-x
  c-ins_shard2_replica1 drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard3_replica1 drwxr-xr-x
  I've done some xml docuemnt indexing and it's working fine, Zoo-keepers
  also working fine, My Questions are,
  1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
  2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because for
  the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not
  active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)
  Appreciate your time on this.
  Thanks - Elike

Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-18 Thread E S J
Thanks Lot  and It's clear to me Eric.

On 19 December 2014 at 11:08, Erick Erickson

 Zookeeper knows nothing at all about Solr, it's fully generic. The code
 for SolrCloud on each of the Solr instances _does_ know about Zookeeper,
 and where to expect certain information, specifically where the
 are stored on Zookeeper. So on startup, the Solr instance queries
 Zookeeper for, in this case, the config set which is just a path on
 Zookeeper. For each collection on the Solr node it pulls the appropriate
 configs down, loads and goes. So the path is something like


 On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:53 PM, E S J wrote:
  Hi Erick,
  This question came to my mind after sometime seen your reply, Why Solr
  configurations are kept on ZooKeeper ?
  As far as I know, ZooKeeper is generic system can be used for any cross
  node configurations,  not only with Solr, Solr configurations are Solr
  Specific, How ZooKeeper know/read Solr specific configurations.  Does ZK
  has auto detect ZooKeeper plugins ?
  Can you help me to understand this ?
  On 12 December 2014 at 14:23, Erick Erickson
  bq: 1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
  Looks fine to me.
  bq: 2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because
  the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is
 not an
  active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)
  I think you're a bit confused here. The configuration stuff is NOT
  under collection1/conf as far as SolrCloud is concerned, it's in
  Zookeeper in /configs/default, take a look at the admincloud page,
  click the /configs entry and I think you'll see a defaults node.
  As far as SolrCloud is concerned, that's where your configs live. The
  fact that they exist in solr-home/collection1/conf on your local
  machine is totally irrelevant. Tomorrow, you could issue an upconfig
  and use something like .-confdir mytotallynewdirectory/conf
  -confname default and SolrCloud would happily overwrite your configs
  in the Zookeeper default node with the new ones, _and_ distribute
  them to all the Solr nodes when they were restarted.
  So where your configs should live is in some kind of version
  On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:19 PM, E S J wrote:
   Hello Team,
   I would like to get clarified where to place schema.xml on SolrCloud
   My Solr cloud set-up , 3 nodes, 3 shards and 3 replications, 3
   What I have done is,
   1. Taken a solr.war from solr default download (
   solr-4.10.2/example/webapps/solr.war  -  4.10.2) and placed
tomcat-home/webapps/ folder.
   2. Taken Solr home from solr default download (
   and placed on solr.home
   (Copied Collection folder as well along with solr.xml)
   3. Started 3 solr nodes and zookeepr instances ( after correct
   4. Register solr configurations of ZooKeeper using, -zkhost
   -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default
   5. Create 3 Shard's and 3 Replicas :
  After that I can see following folder structure  in Solr node1's
   solr-home directory ( Can see similar structure on my other 2 solr
   -rw-r--r-- solr.xml drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard1_replica1 drwxrwxr-x
   c-ins_shard2_replica1 drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard3_replica1 drwxr-xr-x
   I've done some xml docuemnt indexing and it's working fine,
   also working fine, My Questions are,
   1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
   2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because
   the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is
   active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)
   Appreciate your time on this.
   Thanks - Elike

Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-15 Thread E S J
HI Shawn,

Thanks, You have answered my question to a certain extend, But I wanted to
Isolate Solr Cloud from application and do some load testing by setting up
Jmeter Script. I could hit Solr instances, but it will not simulate how
Application (Client) will deal with Solr Cloud. Any suggestions for a
better way of achieving this?

I want to do this, Solr keeps failing when we index large data and can't
find anything in the logs as well, I wanted to identify where it's failing,
I thought of using the above approach to make sure Solr and zookeeper setup
is correct ,
Also, I would like to know a better way to debug Zookeeper and Solr, What I
have done so far is,

1. Make sure Zookeeper picking a Solr leader when the existing sun goes
2. Setup is working when one (lead) ZooKeeper is down etc ...
3. Access Server runtime and see the data


On 15 December 2014 at 19:22, Shawn Heisey wrote:

 On 12/14/2014 12:41 PM, E S J wrote:
  This question is related to the same configurations I've posted. How
  I manually test indexing via Zookeeper, I mean not directly accessing
  nodes like,
  curl http://solr1.internal:7083/solr/c-ins/update?commit=true -H
  Content-Type: text/xml -d @mem.xml
  I have a solr client which uses CloudSolrServer to send request to
  SolrCloud, But my intention is to isolate my SolrCloud and send index 
  search requests to make sure Solr Cloud setup is working fine. Later I
  do Solrclient integration testing. How should I send index requests
  manually ( like curl) to index data to solrcloud such a way
  use ZooKeeper to LB/Pick Solr instance ?

 If you have either single-shard collections or multi-shard collections
 with automatic routing, SolrCloud is designed so that you can send any
 kind of request to any machine in the entire cloud, and it will be sent
 where it needs to go.  If the collection uses manual (implicit) routing,
 then queries can go anywhere, but updates must be directed to the
 correct shard.

 If you are not using CloudSolrServer, then you must either set up a load
 balancer in front of SolrCloud, or your application will need to know
 where your Solr servers are.  Curl cannot talk to zookeeper, because
 zookeeper does not speak HTTP.

 CloudSolrServer allows your application to specify only the zookeeper
 hosts, it doesn't need to know where the Solr servers are.  This is
 because it includes a full zookeeper client.

 There is an API in Solr at /solr/zookeeper that can, with appropriate
 parameters, return various pieces of information from zookeeper in JSON
 format.  This is the place where the admin UI gathers the information
 necessary to create the various options on the Cloud tab.  Once your
 application has that information, it can use it to find out the Solr
 URLs to use.

 If this doesn't answer your question, please clarify it.


RE: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-15 Thread steve

 Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:44:44 +1300
 Subject: Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations
 HI Shawn,
 Thanks, You have answered my question to a certain extend, But I wanted to
 Isolate Solr Cloud from application and do some load testing by setting up
 Jmeter Script. I could hit Solr instances, but it will not simulate how
 Application (Client) will deal with Solr Cloud. Any suggestions for a
 better way of achieving this?
 I want to do this, Solr keeps failing when we index large data and can't
 find anything in the logs as well, I wanted to identify where it's failing,
 I thought of using the above approach to make sure Solr and zookeeper setup
 is correct ,
 Also, I would like to know a better way to debug Zookeeper and Solr, What I
 have done so far is,
 1. Make sure Zookeeper picking a Solr leader when the existing sun goes
 2. Setup is working when one (lead) ZooKeeper is down etc ...
 3. Access Server runtime and see the data
 On 15 December 2014 at 19:22, Shawn Heisey wrote:
  On 12/14/2014 12:41 PM, E S J wrote:
   This question is related to the same configurations I've posted. How
   I manually test indexing via Zookeeper, I mean not directly accessing
   nodes like,
   curl http://solr1.internal:7083/solr/c-ins/update?commit=true -H
   Content-Type: text/xml -d @mem.xml
   I have a solr client which uses CloudSolrServer to send request to
   SolrCloud, But my intention is to isolate my SolrCloud and send index 
   search requests to make sure Solr Cloud setup is working fine. Later I
   do Solrclient integration testing. How should I send index requests
   manually ( like curl) to index data to solrcloud such a way
   use ZooKeeper to LB/Pick Solr instance ?
  If you have either single-shard collections or multi-shard collections
  with automatic routing, SolrCloud is designed so that you can send any
  kind of request to any machine in the entire cloud, and it will be sent
  where it needs to go.  If the collection uses manual (implicit) routing,
  then queries can go anywhere, but updates must be directed to the
  correct shard.
  If you are not using CloudSolrServer, then you must either set up a load
  balancer in front of SolrCloud, or your application will need to know
  where your Solr servers are.  Curl cannot talk to zookeeper, because
  zookeeper does not speak HTTP.
  CloudSolrServer allows your application to specify only the zookeeper
  hosts, it doesn't need to know where the Solr servers are.  This is
  because it includes a full zookeeper client.
  There is an API in Solr at /solr/zookeeper that can, with appropriate
  parameters, return various pieces of information from zookeeper in JSON
  format.  This is the place where the admin UI gathers the information
  necessary to create the various options on the Cloud tab.  Once your
  application has that information, it can use it to find out the Solr
  URLs to use.
  If this doesn't answer your question, please clarify it.

Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-14 Thread E S J
Hi All,
This question is related to the same configurations I've posted. How should
I manually test indexing via Zookeeper, I mean not directly accessing solr
nodes like,
curl http://solr1.internal:7083/solr/c-ins/update?commit=true -H
Content-Type: text/xml -d @mem.xml

I have a solr client which uses CloudSolrServer to send request to
SolrCloud, But my intention is to isolate my SolrCloud and send index 
search requests to make sure Solr Cloud setup is working fine. Later I can
do Solrclient integration testing. How should I send index requests
manually ( like curl) to index data to solrcloud such a way CloudSolrServer
use ZooKeeper to LB/Pick Solr instance ?


On 12 December 2014 at 16:09, E S J wrote:

 Thanks, I thought only option is default or schemaless because , When we
 run bin/solr -e cloud you will get prompt like ,

 To begin, how many Solr nodes would you like to run in your local cluster?
 (specify 1-4 nodes) [2] 3
 Ok, let's start up 3 Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster.

 Please enter the port for node1 [8983]
 Please enter the port for node2 [7574]
 Please enter the port for node3 [8984]
 Cloning /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/example into /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/node1
 Cloning /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/example into /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/node2
 Cloning /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/example into /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/node3

 Starting up SolrCloud node1 on port 8983 using command:

 solr start -cloud -d node1 -p 8983

 Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8983 [\]
 Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=29712). Happy searching!

 Starting node2 on port 7574 using command:

 solr start -cloud -d node2 -p 7574 -z localhost:9983

 Waiting to see Solr listening on port 7574 [\]
 Started Solr server on port 7574 (pid=29935). Happy searching!

 Starting node3 on port 8984 using command:

 solr start -cloud -d node3 -p 8984 -z localhost:9983

 Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8984 [\]
 Started Solr server on port 8984 (pid=30559). Happy searching!

 Now let's create a new collection for indexing documents in your 3-node

 Please provide a name for your new collection: [gettingstarted]
 How many shards would you like to split gettingstarted into? [2] 3
 How many replicas per shard would you like to create? [2] 3
 *Please choose a configuration for the gettingstarted collection,
 available options are: default or schemaless [default]*

 On 12 December 2014 at 16:03, Shawn Heisey wrote:

 On 12/11/2014 6:31 PM, E S J wrote:
  Thanks Eric, I understand your explanation.
  Quick question, Are configurations sits under /configs/defaults because
  -configname specified as default when I execute the following command?
  I specify -configname as /c-ins/ -zkhost
  -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default
  Also I noticed that available options for -configname is default or
  schemaless, that is why I specified as default.

 The confname can be anything you want it to be.  You should not include
 any slash characters in it, though ... make it c-ins, not /c-ins/.

 Where do you see information telling you it can be default or
 schemaless?  That sounds completely wrong to me, so I'd like to know
 what needs to be fixed.

 Here's part of what zkcli itself says if you run it with no options:

  -n,--confname arg for upconfig, linkconfig: name of the config set


Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-14 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 12/14/2014 12:41 PM, E S J wrote:
 This question is related to the same configurations I've posted. How should
 I manually test indexing via Zookeeper, I mean not directly accessing solr
 nodes like,
 curl http://solr1.internal:7083/solr/c-ins/update?commit=true -H
 Content-Type: text/xml -d @mem.xml
 I have a solr client which uses CloudSolrServer to send request to
 SolrCloud, But my intention is to isolate my SolrCloud and send index 
 search requests to make sure Solr Cloud setup is working fine. Later I can
 do Solrclient integration testing. How should I send index requests
 manually ( like curl) to index data to solrcloud such a way CloudSolrServer
 use ZooKeeper to LB/Pick Solr instance ?

If you have either single-shard collections or multi-shard collections
with automatic routing, SolrCloud is designed so that you can send any
kind of request to any machine in the entire cloud, and it will be sent
where it needs to go.  If the collection uses manual (implicit) routing,
then queries can go anywhere, but updates must be directed to the
correct shard.

If you are not using CloudSolrServer, then you must either set up a load
balancer in front of SolrCloud, or your application will need to know
where your Solr servers are.  Curl cannot talk to zookeeper, because
zookeeper does not speak HTTP.

CloudSolrServer allows your application to specify only the zookeeper
hosts, it doesn't need to know where the Solr servers are.  This is
because it includes a full zookeeper client.

There is an API in Solr at /solr/zookeeper that can, with appropriate
parameters, return various pieces of information from zookeeper in JSON
format.  This is the place where the admin UI gathers the information
necessary to create the various options on the Cloud tab.  Once your
application has that information, it can use it to find out the Solr
URLs to use.

If this doesn't answer your question, please clarify it.


Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-11 Thread Erick Erickson
bq: 1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
Looks fine to me.

bq: 2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because for
the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not an
active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)

I think you're a bit confused here. The configuration stuff is NOT
under collection1/conf as far as SolrCloud is concerned, it's in
Zookeeper in /configs/default, take a look at the admincloud page,
click the /configs entry and I think you'll see a defaults node.

As far as SolrCloud is concerned, that's where your configs live. The
fact that they exist in solr-home/collection1/conf on your local
machine is totally irrelevant. Tomorrow, you could issue an upconfig
and use something like .-confdir mytotallynewdirectory/conf
-confname default and SolrCloud would happily overwrite your configs
in the Zookeeper default node with the new ones, _and_ distribute
them to all the Solr nodes when they were restarted.

So where your configs should live is in some kind of version control..


On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:19 PM, E S J wrote:
 Hello Team,

 I would like to get clarified where to place schema.xml on SolrCloud set-up.

 My Solr cloud set-up , 3 nodes, 3 shards and 3 replications, 3 ZooKeeper

 What I have done is,
 1. Taken a solr.war from solr default download (
 solr-4.10.2/example/webapps/solr.war  -  4.10.2) and placed
  tomcat-home/webapps/ folder.

 2. Taken Solr home from solr default download ( solr-4.10.2/example/solr/)
 and placed on solr.home
 (Copied Collection folder as well along with solr.xml)

 3. Started 3 solr nodes and zookeepr instances ( after correct

 4. Register solr configurations of ZooKeeper using, -zkhost zoo1.internal:2183,zoo2.internal:2183,zoo3.internal:2183
 -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default

 5. Create 3 Shard's and 3 Replicas :

After that I can see following folder structure  in Solr node1's
 solr-home directory ( Can see similar structure on my other 2 solr nodes)
 -rw-r--r-- solr.xml drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard1_replica1 drwxrwxr-x
 c-ins_shard2_replica1 drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard3_replica1 drwxr-xr-x

 I've done some xml docuemnt indexing and it's working fine, Zoo-keepers are
 also working fine, My Questions are,

 1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
 2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because for
 the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not an
 active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)

 Appreciate your time on this.

 Thanks - Elike

Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-11 Thread E S J
Thanks Eric, I understand your explanation.
Quick question, Are configurations sits under /configs/defaults because
-configname specified as default when I execute the following command? Can
I specify -configname as /c-ins/ -zkhost zoo1.internal:2183,zoo2.internal:2183,zoo3.internal:2183
-cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default

Also I noticed that available options for -configname is default or
schemaless, that is why I specified as default.


On 12 December 2014 at 14:23, Erick Erickson

 bq: 1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
 Looks fine to me.

 bq: 2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because
 the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not an
 active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)

 I think you're a bit confused here. The configuration stuff is NOT
 under collection1/conf as far as SolrCloud is concerned, it's in
 Zookeeper in /configs/default, take a look at the admincloud page,
 click the /configs entry and I think you'll see a defaults node.

 As far as SolrCloud is concerned, that's where your configs live. The
 fact that they exist in solr-home/collection1/conf on your local
 machine is totally irrelevant. Tomorrow, you could issue an upconfig
 and use something like .-confdir mytotallynewdirectory/conf
 -confname default and SolrCloud would happily overwrite your configs
 in the Zookeeper default node with the new ones, _and_ distribute
 them to all the Solr nodes when they were restarted.

 So where your configs should live is in some kind of version


 On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:19 PM, E S J wrote:
  Hello Team,
  I would like to get clarified where to place schema.xml on SolrCloud
  My Solr cloud set-up , 3 nodes, 3 shards and 3 replications, 3 ZooKeeper
  What I have done is,
  1. Taken a solr.war from solr default download (
  solr-4.10.2/example/webapps/solr.war  -  4.10.2) and placed
   tomcat-home/webapps/ folder.
  2. Taken Solr home from solr default download (
  and placed on solr.home
  (Copied Collection folder as well along with solr.xml)
  3. Started 3 solr nodes and zookeepr instances ( after correct
  4. Register solr configurations of ZooKeeper using, -zkhost zoo1.internal:2183,zoo2.internal:2183,zoo3.internal:2183
  -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default
  5. Create 3 Shard's and 3 Replicas :
 After that I can see following folder structure  in Solr node1's
  solr-home directory ( Can see similar structure on my other 2 solr
  -rw-r--r-- solr.xml drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard1_replica1 drwxrwxr-x
  c-ins_shard2_replica1 drwxrwxr-x c-ins_shard3_replica1 drwxr-xr-x
  I've done some xml docuemnt indexing and it's working fine, Zoo-keepers
  also working fine, My Questions are,
  1. Like to know what I have done is correct ?
  2. Where to place the schema.xml's and other configurations. Because for
  the moment it's are under collection1/conf folder and collection1 is not
  active collection for me. ( i'm using only c-ins core)
  Appreciate your time on this.
  Thanks - Elike

Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-11 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 12/11/2014 6:31 PM, E S J wrote:
 Thanks Eric, I understand your explanation.
 Quick question, Are configurations sits under /configs/defaults because
 -configname specified as default when I execute the following command? Can
 I specify -configname as /c-ins/ -zkhost zoo1.internal:2183,zoo2.internal:2183,zoo3.internal:2183
 -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default
 Also I noticed that available options for -configname is default or
 schemaless, that is why I specified as default.

The confname can be anything you want it to be.  You should not include
any slash characters in it, though ... make it c-ins, not /c-ins/.

Where do you see information telling you it can be default or
schemaless?  That sounds completely wrong to me, so I'd like to know
what needs to be fixed.

Here's part of what zkcli itself says if you run it with no options:

 -n,--confname arg for upconfig, linkconfig: name of the config set


Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-11 Thread E S J
Thanks, I thought only option is default or schemaless because , When we
run bin/solr -e cloud you will get prompt like ,

To begin, how many Solr nodes would you like to run in your local cluster?
(specify 1-4 nodes) [2] 3
Ok, let's start up 3 Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster.

Please enter the port for node1 [8983]
Please enter the port for node2 [7574]
Please enter the port for node3 [8984]
Cloning /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/example into /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/node1
Cloning /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/example into /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/node2
Cloning /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/example into /home/j2ee/solr-4.10.2/node3

Starting up SolrCloud node1 on port 8983 using command:

solr start -cloud -d node1 -p 8983

Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8983 [\]
Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=29712). Happy searching!

Starting node2 on port 7574 using command:

solr start -cloud -d node2 -p 7574 -z localhost:9983

Waiting to see Solr listening on port 7574 [\]
Started Solr server on port 7574 (pid=29935). Happy searching!

Starting node3 on port 8984 using command:

solr start -cloud -d node3 -p 8984 -z localhost:9983

Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8984 [\]
Started Solr server on port 8984 (pid=30559). Happy searching!

Now let's create a new collection for indexing documents in your 3-node

Please provide a name for your new collection: [gettingstarted]
How many shards would you like to split gettingstarted into? [2] 3
How many replicas per shard would you like to create? [2] 3
*Please choose a configuration for the gettingstarted collection, available
options are: default or schemaless [default]*

On 12 December 2014 at 16:03, Shawn Heisey wrote:

 On 12/11/2014 6:31 PM, E S J wrote:
  Thanks Eric, I understand your explanation.
  Quick question, Are configurations sits under /configs/defaults because
  -configname specified as default when I execute the following command?
  I specify -configname as /c-ins/ -zkhost zoo1.internal:2183,zoo2.internal:2183,zoo3.internal:2183
  -cmd upconfig -confdir solr-home/collection1/conf -confname default
  Also I noticed that available options for -configname is default or
  schemaless, that is why I specified as default.

 The confname can be anything you want it to be.  You should not include
 any slash characters in it, though ... make it c-ins, not /c-ins/.

 Where do you see information telling you it can be default or
 schemaless?  That sounds completely wrong to me, so I'd like to know
 what needs to be fixed.

 Here's part of what zkcli itself says if you run it with no options:

  -n,--confname arg for upconfig, linkconfig: name of the config set


Re: To understand SolrCloud configurations

2014-12-11 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 12/11/2014 8:09 PM, E S J wrote:
 Thanks, I thought only option is default or schemaless because , When we
 run bin/solr -e cloud you will get prompt like ,


 *Please choose a configuration for the gettingstarted collection, available
 options are: default or schemaless [default]*

I have almost zero experience with the bin/solr script. It's very very
new and has undergone quite a lot of change in the upcoming 5.0 version
... so I'm waiting for the dust to settle before I try to understand it
and make suggestions about how to improve it.  It doesn't even exist in
the Solr versions that I use.

The cloud example for the bin/solr script puts everything on one
phsyical node.  When you do this for real, you are going to want each of
those nodes to be physically separate machines ... hopefully the
bin/solr script will be able to easily accommodate a production
SolrCloud installation.
