[sqlalchemy] Using a non-string in sqlalchemy

2007-08-06 Thread malkarouri

Hi everyone,

I am a newbie and I must be overlooking a simple thing here. But how
do I typecast a string to the type needed by a mapped class, which is
identified at run time?

I have a class,

class Record(object):

which I map to one of different tables identified at run time. I get
strings like this

col, val = raw_input(), raw_input()

(my actual application uses HTML form, but this was for testing) which
I try to use to insert a new record, like:

rec = Record()
setattr(rec, col, val)

This works if col is a string (the column subclassing SQLAlchemy's
String) but not otherwise. I can identify the type of the column as

coltype = rec.c[col].type

I probably can write a big if elif else to identify the type and do
the typecasting. e.g.:

if isinstance(coltype, Integer):
val = int(val)

but is there a canonical solution already there?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using a non-string in sqlalchemy

2007-08-06 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 8/6/07, malkarouri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 rec = Record()
 setattr(rec, col, val)

 This works if col is a string (the column subclassing SQLAlchemy's
 String) but not otherwise. I can identify the type of the column as

I think most people just use a higher-level forms api.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using a non-string in sqlalchemy

2007-08-06 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 6, 2007, at 8:29 AM, malkarouri wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am a newbie and I must be overlooking a simple thing here. But how
 do I typecast a string to the type needed by a mapped class, which is
 identified at run time?

 I have a class,

 class Record(object):

 which I map to one of different tables identified at run time. I get
 strings like this

 col, val = raw_input(), raw_input()

 (my actual application uses HTML form, but this was for testing) which
 I try to use to insert a new record, like:

 rec = Record()
 setattr(rec, col, val)

 This works if col is a string (the column subclassing SQLAlchemy's
 String) but not otherwise. I can identify the type of the column as

 coltype = rec.c[col].type

 I probably can write a big if elif else to identify the type and do
 the typecasting. e.g.:

 if isinstance(coltype, Integer):
 val = int(val)

 but is there a canonical solution already there?

for parsing HTML form data into Python objects most people use  
FormEncode:  http://formencode.org/

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[sqlalchemy] Reverse Foreign Key

2007-08-06 Thread Dave Marsh


  I have a medium sized python project that deals with SQLalchemy
to talk to a database.  The thing about this project is that it
doesn't define a database layout itself.  It is a project that you
include in other projects to provide additional database
functionality.  One of the more important features is creating data
entry forms for your tables (using Toscawidgets).

  Toscawidgets forms are expensive to create over and over, so we
use a caching system to save execution time.  This works great unless
there is a foreign key in the table.  Because the widget is cached, it
is not privy to the new information unless it is reformed or
explicitly told there is new information.

  Currently, the solution is to query the database every time the
page is reloaded so that the widget stays current.  I would like to
convert to an event driven system (re-populate the widgets only when
necessary) but have hit a snag.  In order to update the correct
widgets, I would need to create a list of tables that rely on the
table being added to/updated/deleted from.  I played around with the
column objects but was unable to find a way to do what I needed.

 I thought about using the backref mapper-property system but not
everybody defines them so I might miss a few fields doing it that way.

 if anybody has done something like this before or has any
insight, I would appreciate it.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Migrate: want to take over the project ?

2007-08-06 Thread Allen

I am very interested in this, but I don't have time to take over the
project. I would be willing to work with other people to help get it
working with the latest version of SA. This project is very important
to the codebase I am working on right now and IMHO this is a feature
that SA needs to compete with other database tools.

Has anyone taken a look at Evan's branch to see how close to complete
it is?  He said that it should remove all the monkey patching and
doesn't require any changes to SA.  If that is true it may not require
too much work to finish it off.

Where is the latest version of the code?

It seems that: http://erosson.com/migrate/trac/

is down right now.


PS. I cc'ed the SA group in case there are migrate users that are not
on the new migrate mailing list.

On Aug 3, 11:31 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If someone is willing to step up and take over the project in earnest,
 producing a polished version either of Evan's branch or a new version,
 with plenty of unittests and documentation, as well as providing
 ongoing support, fixes, enhancements, I will integrate Migrate into
 SQLAlchemy itself where it will be available as part of the
 distribution, including whatever reasonable hooks are required within
 schema.py etc. to make it work the most smoothly.

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[sqlalchemy] Atomic update error

2007-08-06 Thread Paul Colomiets


Can somebody point me why this fails?

 meta = MetaData(bind=sqlite:///:memory:)
 blocks = Table('blocks', meta,
... Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),
... Column('lines', Integer),
... Column('lastline', Integer),
... )
 blocks.update().execute(lines = blocks.c.lines + 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module

line 1207, in execute
return self.compile(bind=self.bind,
parameters=compile_params).execute(*multiparams, **params)

line 1097, in execute
return e.execute_compiled(self, *multiparams, **params)

line 780, in execute_compiled
return connection.execute_compiled(compiled, *multiparams, **params)

line 568, in execute_compiled

line 581, in _execute_raw

line 599, in _execute
raise exceptions.SQLError(context.statement, context.parameters, e)
sqlalchemy.exceptions.SQLError: (InterfaceError) Error binding parameter
0 - probably unsupported type. u'UPDATE blocks SET lines=blocks.lines +
?' [sqlalchemy.sql._BinaryExpression object at 0x847e20c]

Seems like a bug, but may be I'm doing something wrong?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Atomic update error

2007-08-06 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 6, 2007, at 3:22 PM, Paul Colomiets wrote:


 Can somebody point me why this fails?

 meta = MetaData(bind=sqlite:///:memory:)
 blocks = Table('blocks', meta,
 ... Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),
 ... Column('lines', Integer),
 ... Column('lastline', Integer),
 ... )
 blocks.update().execute(lines = blocks.c.lines + 1)

cant put SQL expressions inside of execute(); those are literal bind  
params only.  put them in values:




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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using a non-string in sqlalchemy

2007-08-06 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 6, 5:35 pm, malkarouri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 6, 4:36 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  for parsing HTML form data into Python objects most people use
  FormEncode:  http://formencode.org/

 Thanks a lot for the suggestion. FormEncode looks great and I will
 definitely be using it. Still, as I identify my object (column)
 classes at run-time, I need to find a mapping between sqlalchemy types
 and python types. I guess I will build a dictionary with the types I

we do have a trac ticket for this idea, associating python types with
SQL types, which we havent yet decided how we'd like to do.  theres a
bigger ticket for a rewrite of the types system which would probably
address this issue.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Reverse Foreign Key

2007-08-06 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 6, 1:38 pm, Dave Marsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Currently, the solution is to query the database every time the
 page is reloaded so that the widget stays current.  I would like to
 convert to an event driven system (re-populate the widgets only when
 necessary) but have hit a snag.  In order to update the correct
 widgets, I would need to create a list of tables that rely on the
 table being added to/updated/deleted from.  I played around with the
 column objects but was unable to find a way to do what I needed.

hi dave -

its a little unclear to me what you're looking for exactly.  Is it
that you'd like to determine, given a Table, what other Tables are
dependent on it via foreign keys ?   An iterative approach through the
MetaData object can be used to work up a dictionary of this
information, if that's what you're looking for.

- mike

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[sqlalchemy] *all* *new* *tutorials* !!!!

2007-08-06 Thread Michael Bayer

Hi gang -

The documentation for 0.4 is undergoing tremendous changes, and is now
released, in its almost-there format, at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/
.  The goal with these docs is not just to update to new 0.4
paradigms, but to also raise the bar for accuracy and clarity.

Of major note is that the datamapping and sql construction sections,
as well as the old tutorial, have been entirely replaced by two new
and very comprehensive tutorials, one targeted at ORM and the other at
SQL Expression Language.  Both have no prerequisites to start, they
each can be the first thing you ever read about SQLAlchemy.  Both are
also fully executable doctest format, so they are guaranteed not to
have my usual array of mistakes.

Also here is a rewritten mapper configuration document to replace
advanced datamapping.  It includes clearer, up-to-date, and more
correct examples of virtually every major mapper pattern we have,
including all the new stuff like dynamic relations.

With recently updated engine and metadata sections, the only major
section left is sessions, which already includes information about
the new autoflush and transactional sessions, as well as two-phase
and SAVEPOINT recipes...I hope to simplify some of the older content
here as well as standardize on the new sessionmaker function and its
cousin, scoped_session, which replaces SessionContext as well as
assignmapper (both are deprecated in 0.4).

I hope everyone can check out the docs, come back with feedback/
corrections/questions, and start getting ready for 0.4 !

- mike

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[sqlalchemy] Query and efficient on-demand loading of all rows

2007-08-06 Thread Boris Dušek


I am using sqlalchemy like this:

entries = session.query(User)
for entry in entries:
entry.check_it_is_all_right() # includes changing values of
columns if necessary

As you might have noticed, I am iterating over all rows in the
database. Since there are like thousands rows, each containing like
10kB of data (and I _do_ need all of the data for each entry), it is
unconvenient for me how sqlalchemy treats this:

it loads _all_ objects into memory - this takes approx. 30 seconds on
a dedicated machine with 100% CPU usage, taking away tens of MB of
RAM. (it is my virtual testing machine, it's fine there (although who
wants to wait 30 seconds to only realize that the processing fails
with exception on first entry :-)), but I most probably can't use such
a resource-eater on a production server).

It would however suffice that sqlalchemy made the access to the result
sequentially, without loading more than is really needed at the
moment. I thought the Python iterator protocol (__iter__ and next
methods) are exactly tailored for this efficient access (e.g.
iterating over lines of file objects (for line in open(file.txt,
r)) works exactly efficiently how I would want sqlalchemy to in my
case :-) -

Is there a way for efficient on-demand iteration over all rows when
using orm object mapping, or do I have to use a more low-level
protocol (like sqlalchemy without orm (fetchone()), or even Python DB
API itself?)

Thanks for your suggestions,
Boris Dušek

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query and efficient on-demand loading of all rows

2007-08-06 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 6, 2007, at 10:42 PM, Boris Dušek wrote:


 I am using sqlalchemy like this:

 entries = session.query(User)
 for entry in entries:
 entry.check_it_is_all_right() # includes changing values of
 columns if necessary

 It would however suffice that sqlalchemy made the access to the result
 sequentially, without loading more than is really needed at the
 moment. I thought the Python iterator protocol (__iter__ and next
 methods) are exactly tailored for this efficient access (e.g.
 iterating over lines of file objects (for line in open(file.txt,
 r)) works exactly efficiently how I would want sqlalchemy to in my
 case :-) -

I will show you some ways to do it; however, yes, I think you should  
consider using SQL-level instead of ORM level results to do what you  
want.  The 30 seconds of overhead youre experiencing is probably not  
due to memory consumption as it is due to the overhead ORM loads  
require in order to instantiate objects, initialize and populate  
their attributes, and also perform various decision-making with  
regards to extension hooks and the like.   Additionally, SQLAlchemy  
does place some overhead on SQL-level results as well since we do  
things like decode utf-8 into unicode and similar result processing  
but this overhead is much smaller (but still not as fast as raw DBAPI).

So first, my thoughts on a streaming Query object.  When looking to  
stream results from a Query (which ultimately comes from its  
instances() method),  you need to consider the ORM's behavior and  
design regarding sessions and units of work; when you load objects,  
the full result is stored within a session, with the assumption that  
youre going to manipulate and work with these objects.  To iterate  
through pieces of data and not hold onto it means youd want to  
expunge as you load.  There is no functionality built directly into  
query.instances() to achieve this right now - a major reason its  
difficult is because its not very easy to tell when an individual  
instance is fully loaded; many subsequent rows may apply to a  
single result instance as it loads related collections in due to a  
join.  Also its problematic to ensure the uniqueness of instances for  
some kinds of queries, particularly those which eagerly load related  
items (object # 1 references object A, then is returned and  
expunged.  object # 2 also references object A..but now you get a  
*different* instance of A since the previous copy of it was  
expunged.  surprises ensue).

So embedding this feature directly into Query I fear would lead to  
many confused users, who are trying to get a quick way to be more  
efficient without really understanding the consequences...and as I  
mentioned, i think the overhead is primarily just populating the  
objects themselves, not the memory allocation part of it, so this  
feature would probably not solve too many problems (not to mention  
the increased complexity would slow it down even more).

Externally, the most straightforward way to achieve this with Query  
would be by using LIMIT and OFFSET (typically by applying array  
slices to a Query) such that you query only some results at a time:

query = session.query(MyObject).filter(whatever)

start = 0
while True:
result = query[start:start + 100]
process result
session.clear()  # or session.expunge() each member in 'result'
if len(result)  100:
start += 100

The above approach would also be compatible with queries which uses  
eager loading, since the LIMIT/OFFSET is applied inside of a subquery  
(in the case of eager loads being present) so that eager LEFT OUTER  
JOINS are tacked onto the correct core rowset.

But, the above approach issues many queries, namely number of rows /  
clump size.  To work around issuing clumped queries with LIMIT/ 
OFFSET, here is a variant on that idea (not tested, may need  
adjusting), which uses just one SQL statement issued but is not  
compatible with eager loading (unless you really tweaked it):

class FakeResult(object):
def __init__(self, result):
self.result = result

def fetchall(self):
 Query.instances() calls fetchall() to retrieve  
results.  return only a 'slice' of results.

return result.fetchmany(100)

q = session.query(MyObject).filter(whatever)

result = FakeResult(engine.execute(q.compile()))

while True:
results = q.instances(result)
process result
session.clear()  # or session.expunge() each member in 'result'
if len(result)  100:

 Is there a way for efficient on-demand iteration over all rows when
 using orm object mapping, or do I have to use a more low-level
 protocol (like sqlalchemy without orm (fetchone()), or even Python DB
 API itself?)

So onto the raw SQL idea.  So yes, if you can adjust your processing  
functions in 

[sqlalchemy] Re: *all* *new* *tutorials* !!!!

2007-08-06 Thread Arun Kumar PG
Cool. thx Michael!

On 8/7/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi gang -

 The documentation for 0.4 is undergoing tremendous changes, and is now
 released, in its almost-there format, at
 .  The goal with these docs is not just to update to new 0.4
 paradigms, but to also raise the bar for accuracy and clarity.

 Of major note is that the datamapping and sql construction sections,
 as well as the old tutorial, have been entirely replaced by two new
 and very comprehensive tutorials, one targeted at ORM and the other at
 SQL Expression Language.  Both have no prerequisites to start, they
 each can be the first thing you ever read about SQLAlchemy.  Both are
 also fully executable doctest format, so they are guaranteed not to
 have my usual array of mistakes.

 Also here is a rewritten mapper configuration document to replace
 advanced datamapping.  It includes clearer, up-to-date, and more
 correct examples of virtually every major mapper pattern we have,
 including all the new stuff like dynamic relations.

 With recently updated engine and metadata sections, the only major
 section left is sessions, which already includes information about
 the new autoflush and transactional sessions, as well as two-phase
 and SAVEPOINT recipes...I hope to simplify some of the older content
 here as well as standardize on the new sessionmaker function and its
 cousin, scoped_session, which replaces SessionContext as well as
 assignmapper (both are deprecated in 0.4).

 I hope everyone can check out the docs, come back with feedback/
 corrections/questions, and start getting ready for 0.4 !

 - mike



- A

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