[sqlalchemy] Re: 'lazy=False' with polymorphic joined tables

2007-12-17 Thread Alexandre Conrad

Michael Bayer wrote:

 i havent looked yet but this is likely a bug in eager loading when it  
 interacts with polymorphic.  are you on trunk ?

Nope. I just installed SQLAlchemy-0.4.2dev_r3952. And it's now working.

SA 0.4.1:
FROM companies JOIN suppliers ON companies.id = suppliers.id JOIN 
addresses ON addresses.id = companies.id_address, companies JOIN 
suppliers ON companies.id = suppliers.id LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS 
addresses_1 ON addresses_1.id = companies.id_address

SA 0.4.2dev_r3952:
FROM companies INNER JOIN suppliers ON companies.id = suppliers.id INNER 
JOIN addresses ON addresses.id = companies.id_address LEFT OUTER JOIN 
addresses AS addresses_1 ON addresses_1.id = companies.id_address

Sorry, I forgot to check the trunk before sending to the list...

Research  Development

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[sqlalchemy] Firebird status and some testsuite issues

2007-12-17 Thread Lele Gaifax

Hi all,

I was finally able to spend a little time on the Firebird backend, and
I'm glad to say that I'm currently down to this test summary:

Ran 1030 tests in 63.169s

FAILED (failures=7, errors=187)

There are still some real issue, but most of the failures and errors
come from a few common patterns:

 A. some tests do a textual comparison against an expected
statement; this breaks on FB, because the dialect inserts an
explicit PK field::

  AssertionError: Testing for query 'INSERT INTO users (user_name)
  VALUES (?)' params [{'user_name': 'thesub'}], received
  'INSERT INTO users (user_id, user_name) VALUES (?, ?)'
   with params [{'user_name': 'thesub', 'user_id': 1}]

five of the above seven failures are of this kind :)

 B. many other tests insert an explicit NULL in a PK field, not
allowed under Firebird (because PK fields *must* be NOT NULL)

most of the above 187 errors fall in this category.

 C. a few tests don't use an explicit ordering, and assume that the
result of a select without an ORDER BY matches the insert order;
under Firebird I notice an intermittent behaviour, and in some
cases (expecially under load) this is not true. The following
fixes one of those points to explain::
  Index: test/engine/execute.py
  --- test/engine/execute.py  (revisione 3952)
  +++ test/engine/execute.py  (copia locale)
  @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   conn.execute(insert into users (user_id, user_name) values 
(?, ?), [3,ed], [4,horse])
   conn.execute(insert into users (user_id, user_name) values 
(?, ?), (5,barney), (6,donkey))
   conn.execute(insert into users (user_id, user_name) values 
(?, ?), 7, 'sally')
  -res = conn.execute(select * from users)
  +res = conn.execute(select * from users order by user_id)
   assert res.fetchall() == [(1, jack), (2, fred), (3, 
ed), (4, horse), (5, barney), (6, donkey), (7, 'sally')]
   conn.execute(delete from users)

 D. to my surprise, a self-reference foreign key on a table needs
testsuite to delete its content in the tearDown step with a simple
DELETE FROM table statement; one spot of this is fixed by the

  Index: test/orm/eager_relations.py
  --- test/orm/eager_relations.py (revisione 3952)
  +++ test/orm/eager_relations.py (copia locale)
  @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
   global nodes
   nodes = Table('nodes', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, Sequence('node_id_seq', 
optional=True), primary_key=True),
  -Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('nodes.id')),
  +Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('nodes.id', 
onupdate=CASCADE, ondelete=CASCADE)),
   Column('data', String(30)))


I don't care so much about As because it's clearly an annoying
problem to cure: hopefully those stmts are going to be exercised for

Bs annoy too, and void the effectiveness of several tests.

I'd like to correct the last two points, because otherwise important
tests fail for different reasons than the test expects to trigger,
masquerading real issues. For Ds, I understand that not all DBs handle
that kind of FK so maybe those backend could ignore

What do you think?

Thank you,
ciao, lele.
nickname: Lele Gaifax| Quando vivrò di quello che ho pensato ieri
real: Emanuele Gaifas| comincerò ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- Fortunato Depero, 1929.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using ORM Object as an intermadiate holder

2007-12-17 Thread Utku Altinkaya

On 16 Aralık, 22:22, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 15, 11:02 pm, Utku Altinkaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I do not want to lose invalid values, becouse I want to send them to
  the user again, so while using object as intermediate holder I have to
  set attributes invalid values... So Autoflush = False, and if
  invalid values are existed the object is reloaded from DB before
  commit step of web request cycle.

  But while using SQLAlchemy I had the impression that it is not
  designed to to that, It designers thought objects are direct
  representation of the data in the database.  I can do this ofcouse
  some kind of holder class copies attributes from data objects etc, but
  it is cumbersome, and will force me to write longer code.

  I am expecting someone to tell me the way I am doing is perfectly
  valid, or another advice

 the usual way people handle form validation is using a package like
 FormEncode:  http://formencode.org/Validator.html

OK, I have started implementing widgets to do this, I would do things
like that some place anyway, I will not use data objects for self
validation etc anymore.

 i.e. you wouldn't have the invalid data on your ORM object at any
 point. theres nothing wrong with how you're doing it, it just has
 disadvantages.  namely, that your ORM objects have to look just like
 your web forms (such as, a web form with three dropdowns, month, day
 and year...

Actullay, I was using mako templates, and setting a context variable
to the model(single thread for a single template instance ofcourse),
and using some of my helper components to write the html, so
converting data to the representable form to the user via html form
had been done there. It was short and simple, I liked it.

 but your ORM object only has date on it), and you also
 have to ensure the ORM objects dont get flushed with the invalid data
 (easily breakable).

And looks bad, expriding the object I mean, thanks for the advice.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Fwd: [elixir] warnings on exit

2007-12-17 Thread Ryszard Szopa

On Dec 13, 5:49 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 these are some cleanup messages which occur during the final gc of
 objects in the session.  ive tried to work around them a bit but they
 still persist for some applications ( i havent yet been able to
 reproduce them and im hesitatnt to just squash all the exceptions
 entirely).  they are harmless, but also can be prevented if you
 close() the session explicily before the app completes.

No, it does not: closing the session was the first thing I tried. In
my particular case the warnings *are* somewhat harmful: they make it a
lot more difficult to read the effects of running the unit tests for
my program. Of course, I can workaround it by sending stderror to
stdoutput and piping it to less, but I am not completely happy about
this solution.

(Right now I am out of my office and I don't have access to my code or
sqlalchemy version I am using... When I get there on Tuesday I will
double check if closing the session doesn't help.)

Best regards,

-- Richard

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[sqlalchemy] Problem with Relashionship

2007-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please people help me

My Simple Model

class Record:

class Person:

Use this:

But now a i need access the special_number attribute in Record
starting at Person

I try this and don't work:
print Person.query(Record).one().special_number

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[sqlalchemy] Hi to ALL. I just join this group.

2007-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Greetings to all http://milearmida.tripod.com/widescreen-wallpapers-naruto.html
widescreen wallpapers naruto
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akatsuki wallpapers
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movie 1 wallpapers
black and white naruto wallpapers

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Many-To-One...What I'm doing wrong?

2007-12-17 Thread Marcos

That works. Thank's a lot.


I will continue asking. Soon...

On Dec 14, 7:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 your 'iva' table-column AND 'iva' attribute/relation/property have same
 name, Thats what the error says. either rename one of them (e.g. the column
 to become iva_id), or use that allow_column_override=True flag to the
 producto mapper.

 Marcos wrote:
  Hello, first at all, sorry about my english... I'm from Mendoza,
  Argentina, and I'm starting with this. Because I can't describe my
  problem, I will show the next:

  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import *

  class Producto(object):

  class Iva(object):

  metadata = MetaData()
  engine = create_engine('postgres://postgres:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5432/
  connection = engine.connect()
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=connection, autoflush=True,
  session = Session()

  iva_tabla = Table( 'iva' , metadata ,
 Column('id' , Integer , primary_key =
  True) ,
 Column('valor', Float)

  productos_tabla = Table ( 'productos' , metadata ,
Column('id', Integer ,
  primary_key = True ) ,
Column('nro' , Integer ) ,
Column('descripcion' ,
  String(100) ) ,
Column('iva' , Integer ,
  ForeignKey('iva.id')) ,
Column('precioUnitario' ,
  Float )

  mapper(Producto, productos_tabla , properties={'iva':relation(Iva)})

  - And when i run it:
  raceback (most recent call last):
File /home/instancia_webware/MyContext/Pruebas/sql.py, line 29,
  in ?
  mapper(Producto, productos_tabla ,
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
  sqlalchemy/orm/__init__.py, line 518, in mapper
  return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
  sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 154, in __init__
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
  sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 612, in _compile_properties
  self._compile_property(column_key, column, init=False,
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
  sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 654, in _compile_property
  raise exceptions.ArgumentError(WARNING: column '%s' not being
  added due to property '%s'.  Specify 'allow_column_override=True' to
  mapper() to ignore this condition. % (column.key, repr(prop)))
  sqlalchemy.exceptions.ArgumentError: WARNING: column 'iva' not being
  added due to property 'sqlalchemy.orm.properties.PropertyLoader
  object at 0xb7aba1cc'.  Specify 'allow_column_override=True' to
  mapper() to ignore this condition.

  I've read a lot, and I can't or I'm incapable to resolve this by
  myself. Can anybody help me?

  Sorry again, Marcos

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Python in instead of list of or_ values.

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 17, 2007, at 11:32 AM, Justin wrote:

 Using the Django ORM you can write:

 MyModel.objects.filter(property__in=['list', 'of', 'values'])

 ...and It will OR those values for you. Does SQLAlchemy have a similar

table.c.somecol.in_([list of values])

MyClass.someattribute.in_([list of values])

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Fwd: [elixir] warnings on exit

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 16, 2007, at 7:29 PM, Ryszard Szopa wrote:

 On Dec 13, 5:49 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 these are some cleanup messages which occur during the final gc of
 objects in the session.  ive tried to work around them a bit but they
 still persist for some applications ( i havent yet been able to
 reproduce them and im hesitatnt to just squash all the exceptions
 entirely).  they are harmless, but also can be prevented if you
 close() the session explicily before the app completes.

 No, it does not: closing the session was the first thing I tried. In
 my particular case the warnings *are* somewhat harmful: they make it a
 lot more difficult to read the effects of running the unit tests for
 my program.

Make sure you are closing all sessions that are created.   Also, its  
important that you show us what the exact warnings youre getting  
are.   Please send along a reproducing test case illustrating the full  

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Firebird status and some testsuite issues

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 17, 2007, at 8:59 AM, Lele Gaifax wrote:

 A. some tests do a textual comparison against an expected
statement; this breaks on FB, because the dialect inserts an
explicit PK field::

  AssertionError: Testing for query 'INSERT INTO users (user_name)
  VALUES (?)' params [{'user_name': 'thesub'}], received
  'INSERT INTO users (user_id, user_name) VALUES (?, ?)'
   with params [{'user_name': 'thesub', 'user_id': 1}]

five of the above seven failures are of this kind :)

there are two varieties to those types of test, one with sequence and  
one without.   you shuld change line 433 of test/testlib/testing.py to  
include firebird in the list of dbs that use sequences.

 B. many other tests insert an explicit NULL in a PK field, not
allowed under Firebird (because PK fields *must* be NOT NULL)

most of the above 187 errors fall in this category.

all those tests must be given a Sequence object with the  
optional=True flag on the first integer primary key column, and  
Firebird must use sequences that are marked as optional (since they  
arent optional with FB).  One way we can do this in an automated  
fashion would be to complete the Column implementation in test/testlib/ 
schema.py to automatically gen a Sequence for primary-key integer cols  
that do not already have a sequence (though this might have side  
effects for some tests).

 C. a few tests don't use an explicit ordering, and assume that the
result of a select without an ORDER BY matches the insert order;
under Firebird I notice an intermittent behaviour, and in some
cases (expecially under load) this is not true. The following
fixes one of those points to explain::

  Index: test/engine/execute.py
  --- test/engine/execute.py  (revisione 3952)
  +++ test/engine/execute.py  (copia locale)
  @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   conn.execute(insert into users (user_id,  
 user_name) values (?, ?), [3,ed], [4,horse])
   conn.execute(insert into users (user_id,  
 user_name) values (?, ?), (5,barney), (6,donkey))
   conn.execute(insert into users (user_id,  
 user_name) values (?, ?), 7, 'sally')
  -res = conn.execute(select * from users)
  +res = conn.execute(select * from users order by  
   assert res.fetchall() == [(1, jack), (2,  
 fred), (3, ed), (4, horse), (5, barney), (6, donkey), (7,  
   conn.execute(delete from users)

explicit orderings can be added as needed to suit result set  
comparisons; we have to add these all the time for postgres.

 D. to my surprise, a self-reference foreign key on a table needs
testsuite to delete its content in the tearDown step with a simple
DELETE FROM table statement; one spot of this is fixed by the

  Index: test/orm/eager_relations.py
  --- test/orm/eager_relations.py (revisione 3952)
  +++ test/orm/eager_relations.py (copia locale)
  @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
   global nodes
   nodes = Table('nodes', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, Sequence('node_id_seq',  
 optional=True), primary_key=True),
  -Column('parent_id', Integer,  
  +Column('parent_id', Integer,  
 ForeignKey('nodes.id', onupdate=CASCADE, ondelete=CASCADE)),
   Column('data', String(30)))

I was wondering the other day if any DB's would have this issue.  Im  
not comfortable adding CASCADE rules in every case, although in  
eager_relations is probably OK, since sometimes we are testing that  
SQLA explicitly deletes things properly.  I think for this we might  
look at adding a ForeignKey construct to test/testlib/schema.py which  
adds the CASCADE rules for the firebird dialect only.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Python in instead of list of or_ values.

2007-12-17 Thread Justin Driscoll

- Justin

On Dec 17, 2007 11:44 AM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 17, 2007, at 11:32 AM, Justin wrote:

  Using the Django ORM you can write:
  MyModel.objects.filter(property__in=['list', 'of', 'values'])
  ...and It will OR those values for you. Does SQLAlchemy have a similar

 table.c.somecol.in_([list of values])

 MyClass.someattribute.in_([list of values])


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[sqlalchemy] Re: obtaining previous value in mapper.extension.after_*

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 16, 2007, at 3:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 and another issue around attribute.get_history...
 i have a descriptor that is autosetting some defaultvalue at first  

a descriptor on top of the InstrumentedAttribute itself ?  id wonder  
how you are configuring that.

 ScalarObjectAttributeImpl never knows that the attribute has been  
 missing at
 start - dict.get(key,NOVALUE) will never return NOVALUE, as
 the descriptor machinery is called instead of __dict__[key] / haskey  

if you really want a default on first get value, and youre riding  
directly on top of the IA instead of using a differently-named  
attribute for your own descriptor like all the docs say to do, you  
should use the callable mechanisms built into the attributes package,  
although the new value created becomes the committed state so maybe  
thats not what you want.  im confused, someone issues print  
object.foo, then it inserts some new data instead of not doing  
anything ?  what if nobody gets the attribute ?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: obtaining previous value in mapper.extension.after_*

2007-12-17 Thread sdobrev

Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Dec 16, 2007, at 3:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and another issue around attribute.get_history...
 i have a descriptor that is autosetting some defaultvalue at first  
 a descriptor on top of the InstrumentedAttribute itself ?  id wonder  
 how you are configuring that.
under IA. in the __dict__ (which is not a dict at all).

 ScalarObjectAttributeImpl never knows that the attribute has been  
 missing at
 start - dict.get(key,NOVALUE) will never return NOVALUE, as
 the descriptor machinery is called instead of __dict__[key] / haskey  
 if you really want a default on first get value, and youre riding  
 directly on top of the IA instead of using a differently-named  
 attribute for your own descriptor like all the docs say to do, 
yes and no, as i said i'm replacing the __dict__ with something special; so 
its IA riding on top of me (;-) but otherwise its that. no renaming, i dont 
want someone (thats can be me, later) to be able to workaround either me or SA.

 should use the callable mechanisms built into the attributes package,  
 although the new value created becomes the committed state so maybe  
 thats not what you want.  im confused, someone issues print  
 object.foo, then it inserts some new data instead of not doing  
 anything ?  what if nobody gets the attribute ?
then it remains unset (None, null, whatever).
and i have a.b.c.d = 3 where b and c are auto-created (if declared so of course)
as for autoinsert -- what people write is what people get.

i know it may be confusing; its a sort of declarative attribute-type 
metainfo, with validation, conversion, readonly, autoset, default-value, 
optional'ism, hints about UI/str/whatever representation, comment etc etc). 
And static-typing/static-attribute-set of course. db-business objects should 
not have any random stuff hanging on them.
trouble is it partialy duplicates some SA features so there is a conflict of 
interests, since day one of their meeting.
i was thinking about splitting it into two and putting one part above IA 
using those renamed columns approach and the rest underneath but that would 
be lots of work.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: obtaining previous value in mapper.extension.after_*

2007-12-17 Thread sdobrev

 yes and no, as i said i'm replacing the __dict__ with something  
 special; so
 its IA riding on top of me (;-) but otherwise its that. no renaming,  
 i dont
 want someone (thats can be me, later) to be able to workaround  
 either me or SA.
 then have your magic __dict__ implement the same save committed on  
 change behavior as the attributes package.  and of course test on  
 every SA release 
(i know, it broke only 6 times this year ;-)
since youre welded to internal behavior:
 def my_magic_dict_set_something(dict, key, value):
  if key not in dict['_state'].committed_state:
  dict['_state'].committed_state[key]  = _the_old_value
  dict[key] = value
thanks, thats different idea to what i had in mind... i'll try..

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[sqlalchemy] traversal order of ClauseVistor

2007-12-17 Thread Esceo


I am just wondering about the traversal order of ClauseVistor, does it
have to be in a set order?

I am eagerloading lots (1000s) of relations, and query compilation
take a long time, a profiling revealed that most of the time was spent
in traverse. So, I am just wondering if the performance will bump up
if we do not have to use intermediate lists (or use one less list) to
maintain the traversal order.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: traversal order of ClauseVistor

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 17, 2007, at 10:38 PM, Esceo wrote:


 I am just wondering about the traversal order of ClauseVistor, does it
 have to be in a set order?

 I am eagerloading lots (1000s) of relations, and query compilation
 take a long time, a profiling revealed that most of the time was spent
 in traverse.

it sounds like you are on an old version of SQLAlchemy as the compiler  
does not use any method called traverse anymore.  If you are on any  
0.4 version, our statement compilation is quite fast; as of 0.4.1  
INSERTs and UPDATEs take around 40-50 function calls and a SELECT  
about 120-150 (the callcount goes up with complexity obviously).  Also  
if you can clarify what eagerloading 1000s of relations means, since  
i doubt you are issuing a JOIN of 1000 tables, that would be helpful.   
If youre on an 0.3 version and switch to 0.4.1 youll see a significant  
decrease in processing time for just about everything, and 0.4.2 is  
going to improve an average of about 20% over 0.4.1 (available in  
trunk if you feel like trying it).

 So, I am just wondering if the performance will bump up
 if we do not have to use intermediate lists (or use one less list) to
 maintain the traversal order.

Again assuming 0.4, there's no lists of traversal order used in  
statement compilation, it calls each function as needed in order to  
render each component of the select, using regular recursive  
generation, and the order of function calls is exactly the order of  
each component in the final string output.  We profile all the time,  
in fact on a daily basis, and we are quite fast;  if you've seen those  
infamous Robert Brewer tests, we actually beat out at least one of the  
competitors when the tests are made fair by removing the hundreds of  
transaction commits that only the SQLAlchemy test, but not the others,  
is made to do.  I'm debating doing some more blog posts about that.

If youre talking about the visitiors.py traversal, thats not used  
right now in statement compilation, and the 0.4 version is also an  
inlined, non-recursive version which is generally faster than a  
recursive algorithm since it incurs very little method call overhead,  
which tends to be one of the most expensive things in Python.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: traversal order of ClauseVistor

2007-12-17 Thread Esceo

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick reply.

What I am in fact doing is undefer all fields, eagerload all relations
(and undefer the corresponding fields) for a corresponding model.
(ended up being 9xx options altogether)

And yes, I am on 0.3.11 (and probably is unable to move onto a 0.4  as
I am relying on an old and custom version of elixir and some custom
sqlalchemy fixes),

I guess the question is whether it is possible (easy) to rip the
benefit of those improvements by merging the 0.4 code into my current


I guess the question now is,
On Dec 18, 4:25 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 17, 2007, at 10:38 PM, Esceo wrote:


  I am just wondering about the traversal order of ClauseVistor, does it
  have to be in a set order?

  I am eagerloading lots (1000s) of relations, and query compilation
  take a long time, a profiling revealed that most of the time was spent
  in traverse.

 it sounds like you are on an old version of SQLAlchemy as the compiler  
 does not use any method called traverse anymore.  If you are on any  
 0.4 version, our statement compilation is quite fast; as of 0.4.1  
 INSERTs and UPDATEs take around 40-50 function calls and a SELECT  
 about 120-150 (the callcount goes up with complexity obviously).  Also  
 if you can clarify what eagerloading 1000s of relations means, since  
 i doubt you are issuing a JOIN of 1000 tables, that would be helpful.  
 If youre on an 0.3 version and switch to 0.4.1 youll see a significant  
 decrease in processing time for just about everything, and 0.4.2 is  
 going to improve an average of about 20% over 0.4.1 (available in  
 trunk if you feel like trying it).

  So, I am just wondering if the performance will bump up
  if we do not have to use intermediate lists (or use one less list) to
  maintain the traversal order.

 Again assuming 0.4, there's no lists of traversal order used in  
 statement compilation, it calls each function as needed in order to  
 render each component of the select, using regular recursive  
 generation, and the order of function calls is exactly the order of  
 each component in the final string output.  We profile all the time,  
 in fact on a daily basis, and we are quite fast;  if you've seen those  
 infamous Robert Brewer tests, we actually beat out at least one of the  
 competitors when the tests are made fair by removing the hundreds of  
 transaction commits that only the SQLAlchemy test, but not the others,  
 is made to do.  I'm debating doing some more blog posts about that.

 If youre talking about the visitiors.py traversal, thats not used  
 right now in statement compilation, and the 0.4 version is also an  
 inlined, non-recursive version which is generally faster than a  
 recursive algorithm since it incurs very little method call overhead,  
 which tends to be one of the most expensive things in Python.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: traversal order of ClauseVistor

2007-12-17 Thread Esceo


Seeing so many improvements and benefits, I might as well migrate to
Just few things I wanted to make sure before I start on that.

Inside the 0.4 branch,
1) are we still generating anonymous labels with a width of 4 char
('anon_0fda') etc?

2) there is a bug inside 0.3's strategies deferred column loader (in
maintenance branch as well), basically, when the parent's primary key
happens to be 0, deferred loading is faulty (if not attr: should have
been if not attr == None: around line 94 in strategies.py), has this
been fixed?

3) another bug in 0.3's InstrumentedAttribute system where if we set
the same value to an instrumented attribute twice, the value's parent
will be reset (to no parent)
(in resetting old's parent, we didn't check if old == value, around
line 269 in attributes.py)

4) the other thing is, property loader is ignoring it's own attribute
extensions when there is a backref, and will use the backref's
attribute extensions instead, is that meant to be the case? (same
thing in 0.4?)

Thanks in Advance


On Dec 18, 4:57 pm, Esceo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Michael,

 Thanks for the quick reply.

 What I am in fact doing is undefer all fields, eagerload all relations
 (and undefer the corresponding fields) for a corresponding model.
 (ended up being 9xx options altogether)

 And yes, I am on 0.3.11 (and probably is unable to move onto a 0.4  as
 I am relying on an old and custom version of elixir and some custom
 sqlalchemy fixes),

 I guess the question is whether it is possible (easy) to rip the
 benefit of those improvements by merging the 0.4 code into my current


 I guess the question now is,
 On Dec 18, 4:25 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Dec 17, 2007, at 10:38 PM, Esceo wrote:


   I am just wondering about the traversal order of ClauseVistor, does it
   have to be in a set order?

   I am eagerloading lots (1000s) of relations, and query compilation
   take a long time, a profiling revealed that most of the time was spent
   in traverse.

  it sounds like you are on an old version of SQLAlchemy as the compiler  
  does not use any method called traverse anymore.  If you are on any  
  0.4 version, our statement compilation is quite fast; as of 0.4.1  
  INSERTs and UPDATEs take around 40-50 function calls and a SELECT  
  about 120-150 (the callcount goes up with complexity obviously).  Also  
  if you can clarify what eagerloading 1000s of relations means, since  
  i doubt you are issuing a JOIN of 1000 tables, that would be helpful.  
  If youre on an 0.3 version and switch to 0.4.1 youll see a significant  
  decrease in processing time for just about everything, and 0.4.2 is  
  going to improve an average of about 20% over 0.4.1 (available in  
  trunk if you feel like trying it).

   So, I am just wondering if the performance will bump up
   if we do not have to use intermediate lists (or use one less list) to
   maintain the traversal order.

  Again assuming 0.4, there's no lists of traversal order used in  
  statement compilation, it calls each function as needed in order to  
  render each component of the select, using regular recursive  
  generation, and the order of function calls is exactly the order of  
  each component in the final string output.  We profile all the time,  
  in fact on a daily basis, and we are quite fast;  if you've seen those  
  infamous Robert Brewer tests, we actually beat out at least one of the  
  competitors when the tests are made fair by removing the hundreds of  
  transaction commits that only the SQLAlchemy test, but not the others,  
  is made to do.  I'm debating doing some more blog posts about that.

  If youre talking about the visitiors.py traversal, thats not used  
  right now in statement compilation, and the 0.4 version is also an  
  inlined, non-recursive version which is generally faster than a  
  recursive algorithm since it incurs very little method call overhead,  
  which tends to be one of the most expensive things in Python.- Hide quoted 
  text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[sqlalchemy] Re: traversal order of ClauseVistor

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 18, 2007, at 12:57 AM, Esceo wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 Thanks for the quick reply.

 What I am in fact doing is undefer all fields, eagerload all relations
 (and undefer the corresponding fields) for a corresponding model.
 (ended up being 9xx options altogether)

 And yes, I am on 0.3.11 (and probably is unable to move onto a 0.4  as
 I am relying on an old and custom version of elixir and some custom
 sqlalchemy fixes),

 I guess the question is whether it is possible (easy) to rip the
 benefit of those improvements by merging the 0.4 code into my current

no, 0.4 is almost a total rewrite of 0.3's internals.Of course its  
possible since its been done, but then youd just be left with... 
0.4!  Which you can just download.  I'm not sure how extensive your  
elixir/SA hacks are but the Elixir project has also been improving and  
updating, so if your application is reasonable you should be able to  
upgrade and do away with the hacks.   And if youve fixed SQLAlchemy  
bugs I would certainiy hope that you've posted trac tickets so they've  
been fixed here as well.   This is all release early, release often  
open source software, all in relatively low version numbers, so coding  
to a private fork is not generally not a good idea.

If 9xx means900, im not exactly sure what you hope to accomplish  
thereeagerloads shouldnt be used across more than half a dozen  
tables or so, else the efficiency of the database's optimizer, not to  
mention the enormous explosion of rows youd get back, will grind any  
system to a halt.  So a number of like 10 eagerloading attributes is  
already counterproductive.For a number in the hundreds I'd think  
your system would run out of RAM just trying to generate the query,  
not to mention passing it to the database's query parser, so that  
sounds a little strange.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: traversal order of ClauseVistor

2007-12-17 Thread Esceo

 no, 0.4 is almost a total rewrite of 0.3's internals.Of course its  
 possible since its been done, but then youd just be left with...
 0.4!  Which you can just download.  I'm not sure how extensive your  
 elixir/SA hacks are but the Elixir project has also been improving and  
 updating, so if your application is reasonable you should be able to  
 upgrade and do away with the hacks.   And if youve fixed SQLAlchemy  
 bugs I would certainiy hope that you've posted trac tickets so they've  
 been fixed here as well.   This is all release early, release often  
 open source software, all in relatively low version numbers, so coding  
 to a private fork is not generally not a good idea.

yep, has decided to do that, and I will post tickets regarding those
bugs. (just have to merge my elixir with the new elixir as well...)

 If 9xx means900, im not exactly sure what you hope to accomplish  
 thereeagerloads shouldnt be used across more than half a dozen  
 tables or so, else the efficiency of the database's optimizer, not to  
 mention the enormous explosion of rows youd get back, will grind any  
 system to a halt.  So a number of like 10 eagerloading attributes is  
 already counterproductive.For a number in the hundreds I'd think  
 your system would run out of RAM just trying to generate the query,  
 not to mention passing it to the database's query parser, so that  
 sounds a little strange.- Hide quoted text -

I am actually pulling back 900 or so fields at the same time, but it's
still way faster than having to dig through the hierarchy of
information and issuing separate select statement for each new aspect
(perhaps because of network configuration)

Anyhow, thanks very much again for the good work :)

 - Show quoted text -
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[sqlalchemy] Re: traversal order of ClauseVistor

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 18, 2007, at 1:34 AM, Esceo wrote:


 Seeing so many improvements and benefits, I might as well migrate to
 Just few things I wanted to make sure before I start on that.

 Inside the 0.4 branch,
 1) are we still generating anonymous labels with a width of 4 char
 ('anon_0fda') etc?

we generate anonymous labels with a name, underscore, and an integer  
counter now.  the random hex strings are gone and the label names are  
deterministic for a particular SQL expression (i.e. the same construct  
produces the same string every time).

 2) there is a bug inside 0.3's strategies deferred column loader (in
 maintenance branch as well), basically, when the parent's primary key
 happens to be 0, deferred loading is faulty (if not attr: should have
 been if not attr == None: around line 94 in strategies.py), has this
 been fixed?

I doubt that issue exists, but if it does its not very hard to  
change.  The auto PK gen of mysql and sqlite is 1-based as well as the  
behavior of postgres and oracle sequences so im not sure how youre  
getting zeros in the first place.

 3) another bug in 0.3's InstrumentedAttribute system where if we set
 the same value to an instrumented attribute twice, the value's parent
 will be reset (to no parent)
 (in resetting old's parent, we didn't check if old == value, around
 line 269 in attributes.py)

ive never heard of that issue, and also im not really sure what you  
mean by parent, are you referring to the has_parents flag ?  a  
short test case illustrating the behavior would be of use all around  

 4) the other thing is, property loader is ignoring it's own attribute
 extensions when there is a backref, and will use the backref's
 attribute extensions instead, is that meant to be the case? (same
 thing in 0.4?)

Also not sure what you mean here; the attribute extensions themselves  
don't know anything about the backref concept, and PropertyLoaders  
dont ignore extensions or use any of them, they just configure  
them at init time and send them off to the attributes package, where  
they fire off for all events for which they listen.  When a backref is  
used, additional extensions are added to manage the bidirectional  
relationship but that has no effect on the cascade event handlers.  If  
you're referring to the interaction between two properties on a many- 
to-many relation, its necessary that only one dependency processor  
handle the updates to the association table, but outside of that,  
bidirectional relations have no explicit interaction with each other  
after initialization.  Again, a short test script illustrating the end  
behavior youre observing would be helpful here.

If you were actually building your own structures using  
AttributeExtensions, I can guess that they may have behaviors not  
suited to your specific use cases, but they are also not really a  
public API  - if you want to instrument the getting/setting of  
attributes, the established way to do that is to use regular Python  
properties.  in 0.4.2 we have a more abbreviated syntax for creating  
properties that proxy to column attributes.  But if you were using AEs  
for something, you'd certainly need to talk to us so that we can make  
sure that they are the appropriate thing to use, or if we need to give  
you some other way to support the use case you're trying to accomplish.

Also I would encourage you to get into the habit of posting bugs and  
undesired behaviors as trac tickets and/or mailing list emails...this  
helps both you and the project in myriad ways, by allowing us to fix  
things, clarify things, identify desired use cases that should be  
supported, and also to better define how we'd like the library to be  
used and how we wouldn't (for example, if some part of SA which we had  
intended to be private starts getting used by the public, thats a  
heads up to us that we need to establish more clearly the public/ 
privateness of certain areas, and possibly provide a public interface  
to that functionality).  The SQLAlchemy software itself is worth very  
little without the community effort behind it, and SA is in particular  
an extremely community-built project, formed almost entirely as a  
result of an ongoing dialogue with users.  I think everyone knows we  
respond extremely quickly to most issues so theres really no reason to  
keep bugs a secret.

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