[sqlalchemy] Re: Full connection pool close

2009-01-27 Thread Smoke

On 24 Gen, 23:31, Rick Morrison rickmorri...@gmail.com wrote:
  Oh... i didn't explain myself... I mean that it's already empty at the
  first cycle of the loop...

 It would be normal to not enter the loop if you haven't yet opened any
 connections, as connections are opened on demand. Make sure your program
 issues at least one query during this test. If you are already issuing
 queries, then bundle up this as a simple test case as you can make, and
 we'll have a look at it.

I was already issuing some queries... ( that's why sql server profiler
tells me that there's an opened connection ). Here's a more complete

import pyodbc
pyodbc.pooling = False
import sqlalchemy as sa
sa_engine=sa.create_engine(dbUri, echo=False, strategy='threadlocal')
sa_Session = sa.orm.scoped_session( sessionmaker( bind=sa_engine ) )
metadata = sa.MetaData(sa_engine)
sa_session = sa_Session()

# The table definition... could be any table anyway..
#stations = sa.Table(Stations, metadata,
#sa.Column(name, sa.VARCHAR(20), primary_key=True),
#sa.Column(description, sa.String(200)),
#sa.Column(priority, sa.SmallInteger()),


#Sql Server Profilers tells me that a connection is opened
del sa_session
del sa_Session
del sa_engine

PS: Is there any method, function, class or whatever in sqlalchemy to
get all opened connection pool to the DB ? In this case my sqlalchemy
connection is closed but che conn pool il still alive at the db
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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQL Expressions as Mapped Attributes

2009-01-27 Thread Nathan Harmston
Thanks for that, I think I should have made my question a little clearer,
(it works for what I was asking but not what I want it to do).

spec_names = join(species_table, species_names_table,
mapper(Species, spec_names, properties={'names':column_property(

So far I have done this gives me kind of the correct result, except I get
multiple instances of a Species object back because it has multiple names.
Instead what I what to do is just create a single instance of the Species
object with a list of names in an attribute called names. How do I
accomplish this?

Also what do you mean by the correlated criterion of the column_property I
have looked for this and have been unable to find it.

Many thanks in advance,


2009/1/26 Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com

 On Jan 26, 2009, at 12:50 PM, Nathan Harmston wrote:


 I am currently trying to use an SQL expression as a mapped attribute. I
 have a table called species_table and a species_names_tables, there is a one
 to many relationship between them on species_table.c.taxa_id and
 species_names_table.c.taxa. So one species can have multiple names. I am
 currently trying to make it so that a Species object has an attribute called
 names which is a list of the names held in the species_table (there are
 other attributes in this table, but I don't want any of them). So this is
 what I ve tried to do:

 mapper(Species, select([species_table],

 session = Session()
 s  =session.query(Species).filter(Species.taxa_id==7).one()
 this is the problem, because now it says that
 raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError('No rows returned for one()')
 sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError: No rows returned for one()

 however if I just do it using a simple mapper with no column_property:
 mapper(Species, select([species_table],

 I get the correct output. I am using SQLAlchemy 0.4.8

 I am pretty confused by this. Any help is very much appreciated.

 your column_property() must be expressed in terms of the mapped selectable.
  Therefore assign your select([species_table]) to a variable, map to that,
 and also reference it in the correlated criterion of your column_property().

 in this case, since you are mapping to a select anyway, its probably easier
 and more efficient to map to a simple join of species_table and
 species_names_table, including species_names_table.c.name in the list of
 columns so that it is mapped directly, and forego the usage of the separate


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[sqlalchemy] find only loaded objects in relation collections

2009-01-27 Thread GHZ


I have a Subscriber and an Address table.  Subscriber can have many

mapper(Subscriber, subscriber_table, properties={
'addresses' : relation(Address, collection_class=Addresses,

From the a Subscriber object, I want to inspect all loaded objects in
any collections, but do it quietly - without causing any more to load.

class MyBase(object):

def __my_init__(self):
self.rules = []

def get_all_rules_on_all_loaded_related_objects(self):
for collection in (p for p in object_mapper
(self).iterate_properties if type(p) is RelationProperty):
# How to access this collection without causing it to
# I want to look at the 'rules' property on all loaded


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[sqlalchemy] get a SQL Query out of my SA mappings, possible?

2009-01-27 Thread Nahuel Defossé

I'm developing a small twisted/pyqt/sqlalchemy application (data acquisition 
soft and control). I have a GUI where I have to show some data from my 
beautiful SA model. This gui is built on PyQt. PyQt has a nice set of data 
access classes, but they use _raw_ SQL, that's OK for most people using Qt, 
since it's originally targeted for C++ developers but I'm not :(
Some of my quieries have two or three inner joins, some ordering and some data 
formating (i.e. I have no DATETIME with microsecond precision in MySQL, so I 
have to store microseconds in a SmallInt, and some fields have to be shown in 
certain way, where I use FORMAT, RPAD, and some other SQL sting formating 
This thing results in ten to fifteen lines of SQL between my GUI code...
I don't want to have my project like this, where everything but the GUI uses 
SQLAlchemy for the data access, so I wonder if I could generate the SQL 
sentences for my table views.
I'm not a SA expert, but I've found it very intuitive.
What do you suggest?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Mixing synonyms and properties with reflected tables..

2009-01-27 Thread Toby Bradshaw

Thanks very much for that detailed explanation which has proved very 

In the end it turns out that the particular construct I need is the simple:

mapper(MyClass, table, properties={
 timeunits: synonym(time_units)

coupled with a data-descriptor for 'timeunits' on the object class which 
translates to and from the database-backed attribute.

Careful reading of the docs here: 
sheds further light. I'd like to suggest that the first and fourth 
paragraph of that entry infer exactly the opposite meaning.

Paragraph 1: Set up name as a synonym to another mapped property.
Paragraph 4: name refers to the name of the existing mapped property, 
which can be any other MapperProperty including column-based properties 
and relations.

Paragraph 1 implies that the name passed to synonym is the name of the 
synonym. This is not actually the case. It is the entity to which the 
synonym refers.

Anyway.. thanks very much for your help on this. Problem solved and I'm 
very grateful for the time and trouble you took, Micheal. Look forward 
to another happy installation of SQLAlchemy here in London.


Toby Bradshaw
Senior Networking Engineer,
Ideawork 3d, London, UK.

Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Jan 26, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Toby Bradshaw wrote:

 Michael Bayer wrote:
 also your example should read like this:

 a = session.query(A).all()[0]
 print a.time_units
 a.time_units = 1
 print a.time_units
 #print A.timeunits
 #print A.time_units

 Huh ? time_units is the column name in the database. I want to refer  
 that column through the attribute 'timeunits'. I also want to use
 descriptors to do extra work when setting that attribute. The synonym
 api docs say:

 *def synonym(/name/, /map_column=False/, /descriptor=None/, / 
 Set up name as a synonym to another mapped property.

 So when I say:

 mapper(A, table_A, properties = {
 time_units : synonym(timeunits, map_column = True)

 Am I not saying 'create an alias to column 'time_units' in table_A and
 call it 'timeunits' ??

 I think your confusion is focused on the concept of SQLAlchemy  
 instrumented descriptors, as it seems you're expecting the SQLAlchemy  
 column-mapped descriptor to wrap an existing descriptor.   This is  
 not how it works. SQLAlchemy does not populate instance state  
 using getattr()/setattr(), in the default case it populates __dict__  
 directly. The dictionary which it uses can be wrapped with a user- 
 defined proxying dictionary but that's not an API you need to get  
 involved with.By moving all low-level operations to __dict__ and  
 all in-python operations to instrumented descriptors, the separation  
 of event-producing attribute access and direct en-masse state access  
 is clear, and the very high-volume activity of populating object state  
 is performed without the overhead of setattr() or event production.

 The synonym model is provided so that a user-defined descriptor and  
 a SQLAlchemy-column mapped descriptor can co-exist, but instead of  
 being wrapped, they use different names.   So usage of the model  
 means:  one descriptor maps to the column and is entirely generated by  
 SQLAlchemy, the other is your custom descriptor and SQLAlchemy places  
 a proxy around it to provide class-level behavior like Foo.bar ==  
 somevalue (which you also might want to customize, but that's a  
 different issue).   Your custom descriptor is the public face of the  
 attribute, and communicates with the value that exists in the database  
 using the column-mapped descriptor, which is usually treated as  
 private.   Symmetric set/get behavior is provided by the user-defined  
 descriptor as the sole public interface.

 So since you'd like to refer to the *translated* attribute as  
 timeunits, i think you'd want to configure this way:
 mapper(MyClass, table, properties={
  timeunits: synonym(time_units)

 class MyClass(object):
  timeunits = property(_get, _set)

 mapper(MyClass, table, properties={
  timeunits: synonym(_timeunits)

 which will map the original time_units column to the mapped  
 attribute _timeunits, and the timeunits descriptor will provide  
 class-level comparison behavior (i.e. MyClass.timeunits == 5).   the  
 map_column flag does not apply here since you are naming your  
 descriptor something different than the original mapped column.  The  
 column-mapped attribute _timeunits  is generally treated as  
 private within the application space since it represents directly  
 the raw data that is populated/retrieved to/from the database.

 you can also leave time_units mapped under its own name:

 mapper(MyClass, table, properties={
 mapper(MyClass, table, properties={
  timeunits: synonym(time_units)
  timeunits: synonym(time_units)

 in which case your 

[sqlalchemy] implicit vs explicit join

2009-01-27 Thread Jon Nelson

I have a question about implicit vs explicit joins in SA.
I have three tables with an odd relationship (legacy DB issues).
Assume tables 'accounts' and 'account_config' and a secondary table
'account_to_config'. The true nature of the relation is 1:1, however
(again, it's an inherited schema...)

I've defined the relationship thusly:

On the Account object mapper:

'config': relation(

When I access the 'config' attribute of a loaded Account instance, the
SQL takes the following approximate form:

SELECT bunch of stuff
FROM account_config, account_to_config
%(param_1)s = account_to_config.account_id
account_config.id = account_to_config.account_config_id

This is an implicit join, and is equivalent to:

SELECT bunch of stuff
FROM account_config
JOIN account_to_config
  ON account_config.id = account_to_config.account_config_id
%(param_1)s = account_to_config.account_id

My understanding is that some databases prefer the explicit JOIN
syntax from an optimization POV, and of course the explicit JOIN
syntax is ANSI SQL. Googlin' suggests that the ANSI syntax is
preferred (perhaps even required) by some engines, but of course
that's an unreliable source.

I am curious why SA chooses to do it this way instead of with a JOIN.
I don't think it is /WRONG/, I'm merely curious.


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[sqlalchemy] Creating Tables From Selects

2009-01-27 Thread andrew cooke

(I thought this might be a FAQ, but I can't find it, and searching
isn't turning up anything either...).

Am I right n thinking it is not possible to do CREATE TABLE  AS
in SQLAlchemy?  In other words, creating a table from a select

I'm using 0.4 and Oracle.  If it is possible I would love to know how.

I understand insert from select is a TODO (found in a recent post).
So I guess my best bet is to just enter the entire SQL command to
create the table literally?!

(I am trying to duplicate some SQL that is currently run as a script;
I tried replacing the table with an embedded select, which works, but
is slower than expected.  So I need to do this both for efficiency on
one query and also because later queries are going to use the same
table, so I don't want to duplicate work).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Creating Tables From Selects

2009-01-27 Thread Michael Bayer

there's nothing stopping you from just executing the SQL directly.  
I've never actually heard of CREATE TABLE AS before, but I just  
checked it out and you can certainly generate the SQL programmatically  
from a select, by inspecting each column in the select statement's c  
collection.It appears to be part of the SQL standard so is a  
syntax we would accept (it would be appropriate for the 0.6 series  
where we have CreateTable structures available).   But SQLA is a  
toolkit and the tools are there already to automate this process  
without a pre-made feature.

On Jan 27, 2009, at 11:17 AM, andrew cooke wrote:

 (I thought this might be a FAQ, but I can't find it, and searching
 isn't turning up anything either...).

 Am I right n thinking it is not possible to do CREATE TABLE  AS
 in SQLAlchemy?  In other words, creating a table from a select

 I'm using 0.4 and Oracle.  If it is possible I would love to know how.

 I understand insert from select is a TODO (found in a recent post).
 So I guess my best bet is to just enter the entire SQL command to
 create the table literally?!

 (I am trying to duplicate some SQL that is currently run as a script;
 I tried replacing the table with an embedded select, which works, but
 is slower than expected.  So I need to do this both for efficiency on
 one query and also because later queries are going to use the same
 table, so I don't want to duplicate work).



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[sqlalchemy] Re: implicit vs explicit join

2009-01-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jan 27, 2009, at 10:14 AM, Jon Nelson wrote:

 My understanding is that some databases prefer the explicit JOIN
 syntax from an optimization POV, and of course the explicit JOIN
 syntax is ANSI SQL. Googlin' suggests that the ANSI syntax is
 preferred (perhaps even required) by some engines, but of course
 that's an unreliable source.

 I am curious why SA chooses to do it this way instead of with a JOIN.
 I don't think it is /WRONG/, I'm merely curious.

an implicit join is certainly also ANSI SQL compliant.   the JOIN  
keyword could be used here too but in fact historically, the JOIN  
keyword is the one with issues - its not supported on Oracle 8 and  
earlier, MySQL wants you to say INNER JOIN, etc.From a SQL  
rendering point of view the implicit join is easier to work with here  
since it is just an extension to the WHERE criterion, meaning a join  
on a secondary table works in various thorny situations such as EXISTS  
subqueries, etc.   SQLA certainly has enough capability to support  
rendering it the other way but that explicit JOIN is preferred from an  
optimization pov seems like something I'd want more concrete  
confirmation on.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Creating Tables From Selects

2009-01-27 Thread Roger Demetrescu

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 14:31, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

 there's nothing stopping you from just executing the SQL directly.
 I've never actually heard of CREATE TABLE AS before, but I just
 checked it out and you can certainly generate the SQL programmatically
 from a select, by inspecting each column in the select statement's c
 collection.It appears to be part of the SQL standard so is a
 syntax we would accept (it would be appropriate for the 0.6 series
 where we have CreateTable structures available).   But SQLA is a
 toolkit and the tools are there already to automate this process
 without a pre-made feature.

I recently had to code something like that in a stored procedure
(postgresql database):

   create TEMP table temp_boleto_guia as
 select   (huge select);

Does this CreateTable support temporary table syntax ?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Creating Tables From Selects

2009-01-27 Thread MikeCo

I found this to be an interesting little problem. The task can be
accomplished by using the text of a statement to construct a new
string then executing.

Here is a simple recipe using SQLite. I'm sure it can be extended
fairly easily, and should work in any standard SQL environment

import sqlalchemy
print 'SQLAlchemy version',sqlalchemy.__version__
from sqlalchemy import *

print '# set up some data'
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///', echo=False)
meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
t1 = Table('t1', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('data1', String),
Column('data2', String)
conn = engine.connect()
conn.execute(t1.insert(), [

print '# create new table with select'
# you could automate creating this select
stmt = select([t1.c.data1.label('data1')])
# Note: the label is important otherwise column is named t1.data1
from cStringIO import StringIO
buffer = StringIO()
print buffer, 'CREATE TABLE t2 AS'
print buffer, stmt
sql = buffer.getvalue()
print 'SQL statement is:\n',sql

print '# autoload the new table into SQLAlchemy metadata'
t2 = Table('t2', meta, autoload=True)
print '# show it is in metadata structure'
for tbl in meta.sorted_tables:
print tbl
for col in tbl.c:
print '   ',col

print '# look inside SQLite to verify table looks good'
for col in conn.execute(text('pragma table_info(t2)')):
print col

print '# select data via SQLAlchemy'
for row in conn.execute(select([t2])):
print row

On Jan 27, 12:59 pm, Roger Demetrescu roger.demetre...@gmail.com
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 14:31, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

  there's nothing stopping you from just executing the SQL directly.
  I've never actually heard of CREATE TABLE AS before, but I just
  checked it out and you can certainly generate the SQL programmatically
  from a select, by inspecting each column in the select statement's c
  collection.    It appears to be part of the SQL standard so is a
  syntax we would accept (it would be appropriate for the 0.6 series
  where we have CreateTable structures available).   But SQLA is a
  toolkit and the tools are there already to automate this process
  without a pre-made feature.

 I recently had to code something like that in a stored procedure
 (postgresql database):

        create TEMP table temp_boleto_guia as
              select   (huge select);

 Does this CreateTable support temporary table syntax ?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Best way to count( some_relation )

2009-01-27 Thread Jon Nelson

 im committing something that will make that exact phrase work (its in
 rev 5734).   using a released version of SQLA, for now say

I took at look at those changes and they look awesome! If I understand
the changes correctly, however, then I wonder what purpose subquery()


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[sqlalchemy] the return type of conn.execute(text())

2009-01-27 Thread Faheem Mitha


Today I attempted to serialize the return value of the form

result = conn.execute(text())

Till now I thought that the return type was a list of tuples, while in 
fact it is a list of objects of type class 
'sqlalchemy.engine.base.RowProxy'. Hence cPickle refused to serialize 
till I did some conversion.

Just wondering what the reason for this is.

Regards, Faheem.

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[sqlalchemy] and_ and or_ precedence

2009-01-27 Thread Jon Nelson

I recently ran into an issue. Is it a bug? No. However, it made my
brain hurt for a little bit until I remembered the SQL precedence
rules for AND and OR.

The operator precedence of AND and OR is known (AND takes precedence).
However, it can make humans hurt their brains a bit to see SQL without
(perhaps unnecessary) parens, explicitly noting the desired order of
operation. Perhaps a suggestion might be to always use parens?

Approx. line 2168 of sql/expression.py:

if self.group and self.operator is not against and
operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against):

What would the harm be in removing the final test (and
operators.is_predecent...) ?

It seems to me that SQLAlchemy might group things a bit more
explicitly instead of relying on the precedence rules. Are there
database which have precedence rules that are not the same as others
(or are buggy)?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: the return type of conn.execute(text())

2009-01-27 Thread az

i have recently stumbled on similar - the rowproxy's __hash__ was 
missing. so i have to tuple() them before usage.
Then there was Mike's question, what should the RowProxy emulate?
the tuple of the row, or something else?

 Today I attempted to serialize the return value of the form

 result = conn.execute(text())

 Till now I thought that the return type was a list of tuples, while
 in fact it is a list of objects of type class
 'sqlalchemy.engine.base.RowProxy'. Hence cPickle refused to
 serialize till I did some conversion.

 Just wondering what the reason for this is.

 Regards, Faheem.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Best way to count( some_relation )

2009-01-27 Thread Michael Bayer

it still is needed if you explicitly need an alias() of your SELECT  
statement.  joining to it, embedding it within aliased().haven't  
figured out yet if there's some way to make it automatic in all  
cases or if thats appropriate.

also more controverially im thinking of adding a .c. to Query.   but  
we'll see if that use case arises first.

On Jan 27, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Jon Nelson wrote:

 im committing something that will make that exact phrase work (its in
 rev 5734).   using a released version of SQLA, for now say

 I took at look at those changes and they look awesome! If I understand
 the changes correctly, however, then I wonder what purpose subquery()



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[sqlalchemy] Re: and_ and or_ precedence

2009-01-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jan 27, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Jon Nelson wrote:

 I recently ran into an issue. Is it a bug? No. However, it made my
 brain hurt for a little bit until I remembered the SQL precedence
 rules for AND and OR.

 The operator precedence of AND and OR is known (AND takes precedence).
 However, it can make humans hurt their brains a bit to see SQL without
 (perhaps unnecessary) parens, explicitly noting the desired order of
 operation. Perhaps a suggestion might be to always use parens?

 Approx. line 2168 of sql/expression.py:

if self.group and self.operator is not against and
 operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against):

 What would the harm be in removing the final test (and
 operators.is_predecent...) ?

 It seems to me that SQLAlchemy might group things a bit more
 explicitly instead of relying on the precedence rules. Are there
 database which have precedence rules that are not the same as others
 (or are buggy)?

well some databases react poorly to excessive parenthesis.  Sqlite  
can't handle a phrase like select * from x join (y join z) for  
example, lots of DB's don't like to see ((a and b)) types of  
expressions either.

if it makes you feel any better, I didn't write the full precedence  
code myself, came across an expression that was just  A AND B OR C and  
i thought it was a bug for awhile.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: and_ and or_ precedence

2009-01-27 Thread az

theoretically - this might make a+b+c+d look like a+(b+(c+d)). Which 
isn't that bad, except that SA does not level-indent parenthesised 
expressions, and the sql is going to look like lisp program... but 
yes, u're right, SA relies on some python precedence and 
associativity being same as SQL ones. which may or may not be ok.
as one can put brackets (a+b)+(c+d) where one needs explicitly, maybe 
this would only be applicable to SA-generated things, like implicit 
But then again, if just for readability, indenting by level the 
parenthesises and subqueries helps much much much more. i had patch 
about this long ago but it doesnot work anymore... sigh.

On Wednesday 28 January 2009 01:14:16 Jon Nelson wrote:
 I recently ran into an issue. Is it a bug? No. However, it made my
 brain hurt for a little bit until I remembered the SQL precedence
 rules for AND and OR.

 The operator precedence of AND and OR is known (AND takes
 precedence). However, it can make humans hurt their brains a bit to
 see SQL without (perhaps unnecessary) parens, explicitly noting the
 desired order of operation. Perhaps a suggestion might be to always
 use parens?

 Approx. line 2168 of sql/expression.py:

 if self.group and self.operator is not against and
 operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against):

 What would the harm be in removing the final test (and
 operators.is_predecent...) ?

 It seems to me that SQLAlchemy might group things a bit more
 explicitly instead of relying on the precedence rules. Are there
 database which have precedence rules that are not the same as
 others (or are buggy)?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: the return type of conn.execute(text())

2009-01-27 Thread az

On Wednesday 28 January 2009 01:34:30 Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Jan 27, 2009, at 6:28 PM, a...@svilendobrev.com wrote:
  i have recently stumbled on similar - the rowproxy's __hash__ was
  missing. so i have to tuple() them before usage.

 that doesnt strike me as a similar issue.   we should apply that
 patch someone had to detect python  2.6 and place some kind of
 callable for __hash__.

  Then there was Mike's question, what should the RowProxy emulate?
  the tuple of the row, or something else?

 RowProxy is not a buffered object in the general sense so im not
 thrilled making it evaluate itself for every tuple() type of

ah, similar in the sense of some missing implicit protocol. in this 
case - __getstate__.
nevermind, maybe document it that it's not a good thing to play 
with ...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: the return type of conn.execute(text())

2009-01-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jan 27, 2009, at 6:28 PM, a...@svilendobrev.com wrote:

 i have recently stumbled on similar - the rowproxy's __hash__ was
 missing. so i have to tuple() them before usage.

that doesnt strike me as a similar issue.   we should apply that patch  
someone had to detect python  2.6 and place some kind of callable for  

 Then there was Mike's question, what should the RowProxy emulate?
 the tuple of the row, or something else?

RowProxy is not a buffered object in the general sense so im not  
thrilled making it evaluate itself for every tuple() type of access.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: the return type of conn.execute(text())

2009-01-27 Thread Faheem Mitha

[This message has also been posted.]
On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 01:28:31 +0200, a...@svilendobrev.com
a...@svilendobrev.com wrote:

 i have recently stumbled on similar - the rowproxy's __hash__ was
 missing. so i have to tuple() them before usage.  Then there was
 Mike's question, what should the RowProxy emulate?  the tuple of the
 row, or something else?

Er, what question was that? Did I miss something?

I'd like to add to my original question a request to make these
objects pickleable as tuples. My understanding is that it just
involves adding some method to the class.

Regards, Faheem.

 Today I attempted to serialize the return value of the form

 result = conn.execute(text())

 Till now I thought that the return type was a list of tuples, while
 in fact it is a list of objects of type class
 'sqlalchemy.engine.base.RowProxy'. Hence cPickle refused to
 serialize till I did some conversion.

 Just wondering what the reason for this is.

 Regards, Faheem.

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