[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy - Problem with an association table and dates in primary join

2010-03-04 Thread Richard Lopes

I am working on defining my mapping with SQLAlchemy and I am pretty
much done except one thing. I have a 'resource' object and an
association table 'relation' with several properties and a
relationship between 2 resources. What I have been trying to do almost
successfully so far, is to provide on the resource object 2
properties: parent and children to traverse the tree stored by the
association table. A relation between 2 properties only last for a
while, so there is a start and end date. Only one resource can be the
parent of another resource at a time.

My problem is that if I expire one relation and create a new one, the
parent property is not refreshed. I am thinking maybe there an issue
with the primaryjoin for the parent property of resource.

Here is some code:

resource_table = model.tables['resource']
relation_table = model.tables['resource_relation']

mapper(Resource, resource_table,properties = {'type' :
relation(ResourceType,lazy = False), 'groups' : relation(Group,
secondary = model.tables['resource_group'], backref = 'resources'),
'parent' : relation(Relation, uselist=False, primaryjoin =
and_(relation_table.c.res_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  func.now())),
'children' : relation(Relation, primaryjoin =
and_(relation_table.c.parent_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  func.now()))})

mapper(Relation, relation_table, properties = {'resource' :
relation(Resource, primaryjoin = (relation_table.c.res_id ==
resource_table.c.res_id)), 'parent' : relation(Resource, primaryjoin =
(relation_table.c.parent_id == resource_table.c.res_id))})

oldrelation = resource.parent
oldrelation.end_date = datetime.today()
relation = self.createRelation(parent, resource)
# Here the relation object has not replaced oldrelation in the
resource object


I am working on defining my mapping with SQLAlchemy and I am pretty
much done except one thing. I have a 'resource' object and an
association table 'relation' with several properties and a
relationship between 2 resources. What I have been trying to do almost
successfully so far, is to provide on the resource object 2
properties: parent and children to traverse the tree stored by the
association table. A relation between 2 properties only last for a
while, so there is a start and end date. Only one resource can be the
parent of another resource at a time.

My problem is that if I expire one relation and create a new one, the
parent property is not refreshed. I am thinking maybe there an issue
with the primaryjoin for the parent property of resource.

Here is some code:

resource_table = model.tables['resource']
relation_table = model.tables['resource_relation']

mapper(Resource, resource_table,properties = {'type' :
relation(ResourceType,lazy = False), 'groups' : relation(Group,
secondary = model.tables['resource_group'], backref = 'resources'),
'parent' : relation(Relation, uselist=False, primaryjoin =
and_(relation_table.c.res_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  func.now())),
'children' : relation(Relation, primaryjoin =
and_(relation_table.c.parent_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  func.now()))})

mapper(Relation, relation_table, properties = {'resource' :
relation(Resource, primaryjoin = (relation_table.c.res_id ==
resource_table.c.res_id)), 'parent' : relation(Resource, primaryjoin =
(relation_table.c.parent_id == resource_table.c.res_id))})

oldrelation = resource.parent
oldrelation.end_date = datetime.today()
relation = self.createRelation(parent, resource)
# Here the relation object has not replaced oldrelation in the
resource object

Any idea ?


Richard Lopes

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Re: [sqlalchemy] [PROPOSE] Integrate migration support in SQLAlchemy

2010-03-04 Thread Manlio Perillo
Hash: SHA1

Michael Bayer ha scritto:
 I'm pretty much -1 on this since I think migrations need to have absolute
 flexibility - the listener system within create_all() is not at all
 designed to be used to that degree.  

Another solution is to add a completely new interface.

The engine will have new `upgrade` and `downgrade` methods, and
SQLAlchemy will have a new engine.migrate module, with custom Visitors
for migration events.

You can migrate a MetaData or single Tables.

 For starters, its an entirely
 in-memory system - if you have hundreds of migration scripts its quite
 cumbersome to read them all into memory for a single migration.

The idea was to use functions, and not scripts.
I would add the migration functions in the same module where the
metadata is defined.

I don't see problems with this.
Only a single function is called at one time.

 Similarly, the concept of a version as an integer number is not really
 flexible enough - 

The idea was to keep it simple.

 I would like to investigate the creation of migration
 scripts between branches as well.

The version can then be a string, but it needs to sortable (see
setuptool as an example).

 The mechanism of schema versioning is
 not at all something that belongs in SQLAlchemy core.


But it is a simple metadata.
It can also be stored in the `info` dictionary (and this is what I plan
to do if I have to write the support by myself).

 I would like to implement an alternate version of Migrate at some point
 as an example or recipe - the ALTER constructs themselves could eventually
 live within SQLAlchemy.schema, since those are non-controversial atomic
 units of functionality.


 The versioning would be a simple script system that starts with the
 integer version but could later work off of md5 hashes perhaps - but
 this would just be a usage recipe, that like the PostGIS example would
 launch into a real product.   the main point would be that the scripting
 system would be cleanly separated from the system of interaction with the
 The existing Migrate project is burdened by three things - the
 monkeypatching legacy of older SQLA versions, an overly rigid and complex
 system of creating engines that makes it almost impossible to control
 the transactional scope of a migration, and its superfluous features,
 namely the whole schema comparison system that I could do without.

Another problem, for me, is that migration scripts apply to the whole
database (unless I'm missing something - I have only read the
documentation and some of the code).

However in my projects I have several metadata objects.
Some of these metadata objects are defined in external packages.

This is the reason why I think that migration should be implemented as
normal callback functions.

And it should possible to register several event listeners on the same
event, so that an application can add its own behaviour when a schema in
an external package is upgraded/downgraded.


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[sqlalchemy] case sensitive Unicode and String columns

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Withers

Hi All,

I'm looking to create a model with a unicode or string column type that 
is case sensitive.

I'm looking to do this in the model in such a way that the code in the 
model doesn't know or care about what backend database is used, but that 
barfs if it's ever used with a backend that doesn't actually support 
case-sensitive strings or unicodes.

The current set of back ends we're targeting is (MySQL,sqlite)...

How do I do this?


Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
- http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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Re: [sqlalchemy] bug in sqllite dialect?

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Withers

Hi Michael,

Thanks for this, I thought I asked this separately but I can't find the 
mail now...

How would you recommend I work this now in 0.5.8 until I can move to 
0.6.0? (which will take some months :-S)

I seem to remember you suggesting a custom type. Where can I find 
examples of those to work against?

Has anyone (hi, list, talking to you too!) already done a custom type 
for this specific problem?



Michael Bayer wrote:

fixed in r6859.  please don't use those crappy pysqlite converters.

On Feb 26, 2010, at 8:50 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.types import String, Numeric, Integer

import unittest
from decimal import Decimal

class Test(unittest.TestCase):

   def test_truncate(self):
   # setup
   engine = create_engine(sqlite://)
   self.Session = sessionmaker(
   Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
   class MyModel(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'test'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   value = Column(Numeric(precision=36,scale=12))
   session = self.Session()

   # precision=36 scale=12 should mean this can handle 12 decimal places
   # and this has 12 decimal places.

   obj = session.query(MyModel).one()

   # this will fail with the output, it shouldn't
   # Decimal(152.737826715) != Decimal(152.737826714556)
   self.assertEqual(obj.value, Decimal(152.737826714556))

Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
- http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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Re: [sqlalchemy] case sensitive Unicode and String columns

2010-03-04 Thread Daniel Robbins
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Chris Withers ch...@simplistix.co.uk wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm looking to create a model with a unicode or string column type that is
 case sensitive.

 I'm looking to do this in the model in such a way that the code in the model
 doesn't know or care about what backend database is used, but that barfs if
 it's ever used with a backend that doesn't actually support case-sensitive
 strings or unicodes.

 The current set of back ends we're targeting is (MySQL,sqlite)...

 How do I do this?

I think all databases that SQLAlchemy supports (in fact, likely all
databases in use today) support case-sensitive strings by default, so
I don't know if this something you'll need to worry about in your
code. Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to do?


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[sqlalchemy] preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Kent
If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
*refreshed* if they already exist.

Suppose department has a list of employees:

suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
instead of replaced?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] [PROPOSE] Integrate migration support in SQLAlchemy

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
Manlio Perillo wrote:

 But it is a simple metadata.
 It can also be stored in the `info` dictionary (and this is what I plan
 to do if I have to write the support by myself).

yeah I dont really want any migration aware in core.   I don't consider
create_all() to be broken.   So you are free to use info for your own

 Another problem, for me, is that migration scripts apply to the whole
 database (unless I'm missing something - I have only read the
 documentation and some of the code).

if it were more configurable, it could track versioning in any number of
version tables or columns.

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[sqlalchemy] insert defaults

2010-03-04 Thread patrick
  I'm trying to create dynamic defaults for columns ala http://
MySQL has COMPRESS and UNCOMPRESS functions that I'm trying to
leverage.  I don't want to compress with python's zlib because I have
legacy tables that were compressed using MySQL (which has a weird non-
standard zip header and body), and I need to interface with them.
Anyway, during an insert or update, I want to grab the 'text' variable
from the instance object and insert it into the database like:
COMPRESS(the text value).  Obviously context.current_parameters is
not the appropriate object, but I can't figure out if it's possible to
access the instance being inserted/updated.

def compress_text(context):
return COMPRESS('%s') % context.current_parameters['text']

class Tree(BaseStruct, Base):
__tablename__ = 'tree'
__table_args__ = (

compressed =
text =

Is this possible with 0.5.7?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
Kent wrote:
 If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
 relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
 *refreshed* if they already exist.

 Suppose department has a list of employees:

 suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


 the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
 instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

 Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
 instead of replaced?

you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will prohibit the
operation from traveling into the child objects.  the collection is still
refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your mapped

To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as its
second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be reloaded
completely (in this case the scalars).   Then for each uselist attribute,
iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
session.refresh() for those.

This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way by
inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] case sensitive Unicode and String columns

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
Daniel Robbins wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Chris Withers ch...@simplistix.co.uk
 Hi All,

 I'm looking to create a model with a unicode or string column type that
 case sensitive.

 I'm looking to do this in the model in such a way that the code in the
 doesn't know or care about what backend database is used, but that barfs
 it's ever used with a backend that doesn't actually support
 strings or unicodes.

 The current set of back ends we're targeting is (MySQL,sqlite)...

 How do I do this?

 I think all databases that SQLAlchemy supports (in fact, likely all
 databases in use today) support case-sensitive strings by default, so
 I don't know if this something you'll need to worry about in your
 code. Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to do?

hes likely referring to case-sensitive collation support.

Build a TypeDecorator and intercept the dialect in the
process_bind_param() method.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] bug in sqllite dialect?

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
Chris Withers wrote:
 Hi Michael,

 Thanks for this, I thought I asked this separately but I can't find the
 mail now...

 How would you recommend I work this now in 0.5.8 until I can move to
 0.6.0? (which will take some months :-S)

 I seem to remember you suggesting a custom type. Where can I find
 examples of those to work against?

 Has anyone (hi, list, talking to you too!) already done a custom type
 for this specific problem?

people do custom types for all sorts of things.  In the case of the
Decimal here I'd likely subclass sqlalchemy.databases.sqlite.SLNumeric
which should ensure that your own bind_processor() and result_processor()
methods can be called.  Or as in the doc below you can subclass TypeEngine




 Michael Bayer wrote:
 fixed in r6859.  please don't use those crappy pysqlite converters.

 On Feb 26, 2010, at 8:50 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
 from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
 from sqlalchemy.types import String, Numeric, Integer

 import unittest
 from decimal import Decimal

 class Test(unittest.TestCase):

def test_truncate(self):
# setup
engine = create_engine(sqlite://)
self.Session = sessionmaker(
Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
class MyModel(Base):
__tablename__ = 'test'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
value = Column(Numeric(precision=36,scale=12))
session = self.Session()

# precision=36 scale=12 should mean this can handle 12 decimal
# and this has 12 decimal places.

obj = session.query(MyModel).one()

# this will fail with the output, it shouldn't
# Decimal(152.737826715) != Decimal(152.737826714556)
self.assertEqual(obj.value, Decimal(152.737826714556))

 Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
  - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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Re: [sqlalchemy] insert defaults

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
patrick wrote:
   I'm trying to create dynamic defaults for columns ala http://
 MySQL has COMPRESS and UNCOMPRESS functions that I'm trying to
 leverage.  I don't want to compress with python's zlib because I have
 legacy tables that were compressed using MySQL (which has a weird non-
 standard zip header and body), and I need to interface with them.
 Anyway, during an insert or update, I want to grab the 'text' variable
 from the instance object and insert it into the database like:
 COMPRESS(the text value).  Obviously context.current_parameters is
 not the appropriate object, but I can't figure out if it's possible to
 access the instance being inserted/updated.

are you trying to create a *default* value for an INSERT/UPDATE when NULL
would otherwise be passed, or are you trying to run all incoming/outgoing
data through a SQL function ?  those are two completely separate topics.

 def compress_text(context):
 return COMPRESS('%s') % context.current_parameters['text']

 class Tree(BaseStruct, Base):
 __tablename__ = 'tree'
 __table_args__ = (

 compressed =
 text =

 Is this possible with 0.5.7?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Kent
What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
stage.  Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list objects
remain the same.  In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope it
to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
throws them out and creates new ones.  The mystery to me is what
determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
existing ones?

On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Kent wrote:
  If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
  relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
  *refreshed* if they already exist.

  Suppose department has a list of employees:

  suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


  the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
  instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

  Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
  instead of replaced?

 you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will prohibit the
 operation from traveling into the child objects.  the collection is still
 refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your mapped

 To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as its
 second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be reloaded
 completely (in this case the scalars).   Then for each uselist attribute,
 iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
 session.refresh() for those.

 This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way by
 inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
refresh doesn't remove any objects from the session so its a matter of
what is present in the session, not marked as dirty, and strongly
referenced on the outside.   if you're using refresh you shouldn't care
about how it gets data back into the collection.

Kent wrote:
 What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
 stage.  Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list objects
 remain the same.  In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope it
 to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
 throws them out and creates new ones.  The mystery to me is what
 determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
 existing ones?

 On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Kent wrote:
  If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
  relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
  *refreshed* if they already exist.

  Suppose department has a list of employees:

  suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


  the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
  instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

  Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
  instead of replaced?

 you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will prohibit the
 operation from traveling into the child objects.  the collection is
 refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your mapped

 To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as its
 second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be reloaded
 completely (in this case the scalars).   Then for each uselist
 iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
 session.refresh() for those.

 This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way by
 inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Kent
I agree I shouldn't care, so maybe there is another way to attack my
problem.  The reason I care is because I've extended the python object
with some auxiliary information that I need.  After the refresh() in
this case, I still need access to that data that is tied to the
object, but not present in the database (it is transient data).  If
sqla creates a new instance, I loose that data.

Is there a better mechanism for doing that?

On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 refresh doesn't remove any objects from the session so its a matter of
 what is present in the session, not marked as dirty, and strongly
 referenced on the outside.   if you're using refresh you shouldn't care
 about how it gets data back into the collection.

 Kent wrote:
  What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
  stage.  Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list objects
  remain the same.  In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope it
  to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
  throws them out and creates new ones.  The mystery to me is what
  determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
  existing ones?

  On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
  Kent wrote:
   If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
   relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
   *refreshed* if they already exist.

   Suppose department has a list of employees:

   suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


   the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
   instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

   Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
   instead of replaced?

  you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will prohibit the
  operation from traveling into the child objects. the collection is
  refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your mapped

  To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as its
  second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be reloaded
  completely (in this case the scalars). Then for each uselist
  iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
  session.refresh() for those.

  This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way by
  inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   sqlalchemy group.
   To post to this group, send email to sqlalch...@googlegroups.com.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
  sqlalchemy group.
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Conor
Kent wrote:
 I agree I shouldn't care, so maybe there is another way to attack my
 problem.  The reason I care is because I've extended the python object
 with some auxiliary information that I need.  After the refresh() in
 this case, I still need access to that data that is tied to the
 object, but not present in the database (it is transient data).  If
 sqla creates a new instance, I loose that data.

 Is there a better mechanism for doing that?


You need to either manually keep strong references to each object that
has the auxiliary information or disable the weak identity map. See
for more information.


 On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 refresh doesn't remove any objects from the session so its a matter of
 what is present in the session, not marked as dirty, and strongly
 referenced on the outside.   if you're using refresh you shouldn't care
 about how it gets data back into the collection.

 Kent wrote:
 What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
 stage.  Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list objects
 remain the same.  In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope it
 to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
 throws them out and creates new ones.  The mystery to me is what
 determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
 existing ones?
 On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Kent wrote:
 If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
 relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
 *refreshed* if they already exist.
 Suppose department has a list of employees:
 suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]
 the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
 instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.
 Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
 instead of replaced?
 you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will prohibit the
 operation from traveling into the child objects. the collection is
 refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your mapped
 To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as its
 second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be reloaded
 completely (in this case the scalars). Then for each uselist
 iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
 session.refresh() for those.
 This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way by
 inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

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sqlalchemy group.
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Conor
Conor wrote:
 Kent wrote:
 I agree I shouldn't care, so maybe there is another way to attack my
 problem.  The reason I care is because I've extended the python object
 with some auxiliary information that I need.  After the refresh() in
 this case, I still need access to that data that is tied to the
 object, but not present in the database (it is transient data).  If
 sqla creates a new instance, I loose that data.

 Is there a better mechanism for doing that?


 You need to either manually keep strong references to each object that
 has the auxiliary information or disable the weak identity map. See
 for more information.

That second link should be
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/session.html#session-attributes. Oops.

 On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 refresh doesn't remove any objects from the session so its a matter of
 what is present in the session, not marked as dirty, and strongly
 referenced on the outside.   if you're using refresh you shouldn't care
 about how it gets data back into the collection.

 Kent wrote:
 What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
 stage.  Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list objects
 remain the same.  In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope it
 to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
 throws them out and creates new ones.  The mystery to me is what
 determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
 existing ones?
 On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Kent wrote:
 If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
 relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
 *refreshed* if they already exist.
 Suppose department has a list of employees:
 suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]
 the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
 instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.
 Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
 instead of replaced?
 you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will prohibit the
 operation from traveling into the child objects. the collection is
 refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your mapped
 To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as its
 second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be reloaded
 completely (in this case the scalars). Then for each uselist
 iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
 session.refresh() for those.
 This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way by
 inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Kent
Thanks... that is very helpful.  I could keep references to these.  If
I choose the apparently lazier route and set weak_identity_map=False,
then does any other action besides explicitly expunging free this
memory, such as when the session goes out of scope, I assume?
Or do I need to carefully expunge them?

On Mar 4, 4:09 pm, Conor conor.edward.da...@gmail.com wrote:
 Conor wrote:
  Kent wrote:

  I agree I shouldn't care, so maybe there is another way to attack my
  problem.  The reason I care is because I've extended the python object
  with some auxiliary information that I need.  After the refresh() in
  this case, I still need access to that data that is tied to the
  object, but not present in the database (it is transient data).  If
  sqla creates a new instance, I loose that data.

  Is there a better mechanism for doing that?

  You need to either manually keep strong references to each object that
  has the auxiliary information or disable the weak identity map. See
  for more information.

 That second link should 
 behttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/session.html#session-attributes. Oops.

  On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

  refresh doesn't remove any objects from the session so its a matter of
  what is present in the session, not marked as dirty, and strongly
  referenced on the outside.   if you're using refresh you shouldn't care
  about how it gets data back into the collection.

  Kent wrote:

  What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
  stage.  Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list objects
  remain the same.  In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope it
  to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
  throws them out and creates new ones.  The mystery to me is what
  determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
  existing ones?

  On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

  Kent wrote:

  If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a one-to-many
  relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced* instead of
  *refreshed* if they already exist.

  Suppose department has a list of employees:

  suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


  the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new objects
  instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

  Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply refreshed
  instead of replaced?

  you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will prohibit the
  operation from traveling into the child objects. the collection is
  refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your mapped

  To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as its
  second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be reloaded
  completely (in this case the scalars). Then for each uselist
  iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
  session.refresh() for those.

  This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way by
  inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
Kent wrote:
 Thanks... that is very helpful.  I could keep references to these.  If
 I choose the apparently lazier route and set weak_identity_map=False,
 then does any other action besides explicitly expunging free this
 memory, such as when the session goes out of scope, I assume?
 Or do I need to carefully expunge them?

don't disable the weak identity map.   just maintain your own collection
of all the objects you care about.

 On Mar 4, 4:09 pm, Conor conor.edward.da...@gmail.com wrote:
 Conor wrote:
  Kent wrote:

  I agree I shouldn't care, so maybe there is another way to attack my
  problem.  The reason I care is because I've extended the python
  with some auxiliary information that I need.  After the refresh() in
  this case, I still need access to that data that is tied to the
  object, but not present in the database (it is transient data).  If
  sqla creates a new instance, I loose that data.

  Is there a better mechanism for doing that?

  You need to either manually keep strong references to each object that
  has the auxiliary information or disable the weak identity map. See
  for more information.

 That second link should

  On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

  refresh doesn't remove any objects from the session so its a matter
  what is present in the session, not marked as dirty, and strongly
  referenced on the outside.   if you're using refresh you shouldn't
  about how it gets data back into the collection.

  Kent wrote:

  What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
  stage.  Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list
  remain the same.  In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope
  to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
  throws them out and creates new ones.  The mystery to me is what
  determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
  existing ones?

  On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com

  Kent wrote:

  If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a
  relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced*
 instead of
  *refreshed* if they already exist.

  Suppose department has a list of employees:

  suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


  the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new
  instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

  Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply
  instead of replaced?

  you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will
 prohibit the
  operation from traveling into the child objects. the collection is
  refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your

  To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as
  second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be
  completely (in this case the scalars). Then for each uselist
  iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
  session.refresh() for those.

  This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way
  inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

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 sqlalchemy group.
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 For more options, visit this group at

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[sqlalchemy] Base class with primary key and sequence (Mix-in?)

2010-03-04 Thread Daniel Robbins
Hi All,

I have created a base declarative object that has a pre-made primary
key, so I don't have to add it to all my child tables:

class ClassDefaults(DeclarativeMeta):
def __init__(cls,classname, bases, dict_):
dict_['id'] = Column(Integer, Sequence(id_seq,
optional=True), primary_key=True)
return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=ClassDefaults)

This allows me to create a table as follows, and have an implicit
primary key named id:

class UserGroup(Base):
__tablename__ = 'usergroup'
name = Column(String(80), nullable=False, unique=True, index=True)

However, my base class currently uses the *same* sequence for all
primary keys. I would like to create a new sequence for each primary
key. I was thinking of naming the sequence based on the name of the
table, so that UserGroup's sequence would be called
usergroup_id_seq, etc.

I am wondering how this is possible, using the above approach, or
using Mix-ins, as documented here (Michael Bayer pointed me in this
direction) --


While mix-ins look cool, I am not sure how I would reference the
__tablename__ of the child class from the Mixin.

I can probably work around this by *not* naming the sequences after
the table name, but instead use an incrementing global variable to
create the unique sequence names, but it seems like a better practice
to base the sequence name on the name of the table itself.

Michael says that Chris Withers may know how to do this with Mix-ins.
Chris, you out there? :)



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[sqlalchemy] Re: preserving uselist relation instances in a session.refresh()

2010-03-04 Thread Kent
Ok, I wonder the reasons, but I trust your answer completely, so I
won't disable it.  Thanks for your help again.

On Mar 4, 4:26 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Kent wrote:
  Thanks... that is very helpful.  I could keep references to these.  If
  I choose the apparently lazier route and set weak_identity_map=False,
  then does any other action besides explicitly expunging free this
  memory, such as when the session goes out of scope, I assume?
  Or do I need to carefully expunge them?

 don't disable the weak identity map.   just maintain your own collection
 of all the objects you care about.

  On Mar 4, 4:09 pm, Conor conor.edward.da...@gmail.com wrote:
  Conor wrote:
   Kent wrote:

   I agree I shouldn't care, so maybe there is another way to attack my
   problem. The reason I care is because I've extended the python
   with some auxiliary information that I need. After the refresh() in
   this case, I still need access to that data that is tied to the
   object, but not present in the database (it is transient data). If
   sqla creates a new instance, I loose that data.

   Is there a better mechanism for doing that?

   You need to either manually keep strong references to each object that
   has the auxiliary information or disable the weak identity map. See
   for more information.

  That second link should

   On Mar 4, 3:38 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

   refresh doesn't remove any objects from the session so its a matter
   what is present in the session, not marked as dirty, and strongly
   referenced on the outside. if you're using refresh you shouldn't
   about how it gets data back into the collection.

   Kent wrote:

   What's strange is that I can't recreate the problem on more simple
   stage. Every time I refresh() on the parent object, the list
   remain the same. In other words, *sometimes* it behaves as I hope
   to (by apparently refreshing the list's objects) and *sometimes* if
   throws them out and creates new ones. The mystery to me is what
   determines when it will create new instances vs. refreshing the
   existing ones?

   On Mar 4, 3:24 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com

   Kent wrote:

   If I use session.refresh(obj) to re-load an obj that has a
   relational property, the objects in the list are *replaced*
  instead of
   *refreshed* if they already exist.

   Suppose department has a list of employees:

   suppose dept.employees = [ emp1, emp2 ]


   the dept.employees list's elements are replaced with new
   instead of reusing those that existed and refreshing them.

   Is it possible to have those same objects re-used and simply
   instead of replaced?

   you can only turn off refresh-expire cascade, which will
  prohibit the
   operation from traveling into the child objects. the collection is
   refreshed for obvious reasons, its one of the attributes on your

   To achieve your specified behavior, use session.refresh() given as
   second argument the set of attribute names which are safe to be
   completely (in this case the scalars). Then for each uselist
   iterate the collection of each and call the desired version of
   session.refresh() for those.

   This is an easy refresh() function to create in a generalized way
   inspecting the class-level attributes of the incoming object.

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  sqlalchemy group.
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  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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[sqlalchemy] Re: oracle insert problem

2010-03-04 Thread celord
Thanks a lot Michael, now it works! this is my final script, maybe it
could help others:

engine = create_engine('oracle://user:passw...@host:1521/dbname',
metadata = MetaData()

pushmail_table = Table('pushmail', metadata,
Column('telefono', String, primary_key=True),
Column('fecha', DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now ),
Column('correo', String),


On 2 mar, 16:34, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 additionally don't shove a schema/owner name into your table's name field.  
 Use the schema kw arg for that.

 On Mar 2, 2010, at 4:23 PM, celord wrote:

  Thanks Michael, I have changed all UPERCASE to lowercase
 http://www.pastebin.org/100149, the output has changed a bit but the
  table name is still quoted and the insert does not work

  sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00942: table or view
  does not exist
  'INSERT INTO manpushmail.pushmail (telefono, fecha, correo) VALUES
  (:telefono, :fecha, :correo)' {'correo': 'cgar...@ice.co.cr', 'fecha':
  ' ', 'telefono': '87445511'}

  On 2 mar, 12:39, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
  read the note about case sensitivity in


  celord wrote:
  Hello guys, I have the table on an oracle db:

   Nombre                                     Nulo?  Tipo
   TELEFONO                             NOT NULL VARCHAR2(12)
   FECHA                                                 DATE
   CORREO                                        VARCHAR2(40)
   ESTADO                                        NUMBER(1)
   FECHA_EJECUCION                               DATE
   FECHA_EJECUTADO                               DATE
   RESPUESTA                                     VARCHAR2(500)

  I can insert data succesfully  via sqlplus like this:

  insert into MANPUSHMAIL.PUSHMAIL values

  but using this scripthttp://www.pastebin.org/100014viasqlalchemy I
  get this:

  sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00942: table or view
  does not exist
  INTO :ret_0' {'CORREO': None, 'FECHA': None, 'ret_0':
  cx_Oracle.STRING with value None}

  I do not know if the error could be here: 'INSERT INTO
  MANPUSHMAIL.PUSHMAIL, because when I try to do the insert with the
  table name between quotes I get the same error:

  insert into MANPUSHMAIL.PUSHMAIL values
  ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

  I am using sqlalchemy version: 0.6beta1 , Python 2.6 on a Solaris 10
  box, and Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release

  Thanks a lot!!!

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[sqlalchemy] Primary key Mix-in not working with adjacency list

2010-03-04 Thread Daniel Robbins
Hi all,

I tried to convert some existing code containing an adjacency list to
mix-ins, and the mix-in version doesn't seem to be liked by SQLAlchemy

Original code that works:

class ClassDefaults(DeclarativeMeta):
   def __init__(cls,classname, bases, dict_):
   dict_['id'] = Column(Integer, Sequence(id_seq,
optional=True), primary_key=True)
   return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=ClassDefaults)

class Location(Base):
__tablename__ = 'location'
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('location.id'))
parent = relation('Location', backref=backref('children'),
name = UniqueString(25)
desc = Column(String(80))

New Mix-In code that doesn't work:

Base = declarative_base()

class Common(object):
id = Column(Integer, Sequence('id_seq', optional=True),

class Location(Base,Common):
__tablename__ = 'location'
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('location.id'))
parent = relation('Location', backref=backref('children'),
name = UniqueString(25)
desc = Column(String(80))

SQLAlchemy complains:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File base.py, line 60, in module
class Location(Base,Common):
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative.py,
line 561, in __init__
_as_declarative(cls, classname, dict_)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative.py,
line 554, in _as_declarative
cls.__mapper__ = mapper_cls(cls, table, properties=our_stuff, **mapper_args)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__init__.py,
line 778, in mapper
return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py,
line 189, in __init__
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py,
line 435, in _configure_pks
key columns for mapped table '%s' % (self, self.mapped_table.description))
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper|Location|location could
not assemble any primary key columns for mapped table 'location'

Question: do Mix-ins complicate the mechanism by which adjacency lists
are defined? If so, how does one work around this (and maybe update
the Mix-in docs to show an example of how to work around this issue?)



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Base class with primary key and sequence (Mix-in?)

2010-03-04 Thread Daniel Robbins
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Daniel Robbins drobb...@funtoo.org wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have created a base declarative object that has a pre-made primary
 key, so I don't have to add it to all my child tables:

I figured out how to do this, using the following code:

def PrimaryKey(seqprefix=None):
global seqnum
if not seqprefix:
seqnum += 1
seqname = id_seq_%s % seqnum
seqname = %s_id_seq % seqprefix
return Column(Integer, Sequence(seqname, optional=True),

class ClassDefaults(DeclarativeMeta):
def __init__(cls,classname, bases, dict_):
if not ( dict_.has_key('__mapper_args__') and
dict_['__mapper_args__'].has_key('polymorphic_identity') ):
# Only add the key if we are not creating a
polymorphic SQLAlchemy object, because SQLAlchemy
# does not want a separate 'id' key added in that case.
# seqprefix can be None
seqprefix = getattr(cls,'__tablename__',None)
dict_['id'] = PrimaryKey(seqprefix=seqprefix)
return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=ClassDefaults)

class Location(Base):
__tablename__ = 'location'
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('location.id'))
parent = relation('Location', backref=backref('children'),
name = UniqueString(25)
desc = Column(String(80))

This code above allows my adjacency list table Location to be handled
correctly, and also allows my Single Table inheritance (not included
in the above code) to work too. The PrimaryKey() function will
generate numerically increasing sequence names with no argument, or a
specific sequence name if supplied with an argument. ClassDefaults
calls it with the __tablename__ if one is available to create a
sequence that has a name similar to the underlying table (with a
_seq suffix.)



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[sqlalchemy] mapping to existing table with no primary key

2010-03-04 Thread robneville73
here's my issue...I have to map to an existing Oracle db table with
33million rows (yeah, I know). This table has no primary key and
worse, nothing, and I mean nothing to uniquely identify a row

as a backup, I realize that I can manually issue statements to this
thing via SA, but I'd really like to use it through the ORM like I am
everything else.

this table is a transaction table, so 99% of the time, it's only
inserts. However, there is a flag on the table to indicate that it's
been processed by a batch process so that flag does get updated.

Is there some way I can map rowid or something as the primary key? I
think it's mostly safe since we aren't using partitioned tables and
since these records are effectively never deleted while the system is
running, I don't have to worry about the rowid getting reassigned on
me mid-transaciton.

My issue is that on insert or update, I don't want SA trying to
generate and/or insert into rowid for obvious reasons

Am I on the right track, any other ideas??

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Re: [sqlalchemy] mapping to existing table with no primary key

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Bayer
robneville73 wrote:
 here's my issue...I have to map to an existing Oracle db table with
 33million rows (yeah, I know). This table has no primary key and
 worse, nothing, and I mean nothing to uniquely identify a row

 as a backup, I realize that I can manually issue statements to this
 thing via SA, but I'd really like to use it through the ORM like I am
 everything else.

 this table is a transaction table, so 99% of the time, it's only
 inserts. However, there is a flag on the table to indicate that it's
 been processed by a batch process so that flag does get updated.

 Is there some way I can map rowid or something as the primary key? I
 think it's mostly safe since we aren't using partitioned tables and
 since these records are effectively never deleted while the system is
 running, I don't have to worry about the rowid getting reassigned on
 me mid-transaciton.

 My issue is that on insert or update, I don't want SA trying to
 generate and/or insert into rowid for obvious reasons

 Am I on the right track, any other ideas??

perhaps map to a view that adds in rowid as a surrogate primary key.  
The ORM can't do writes on this table, however.   It needs to issue an
UPDATE or a DELETE, for example, therefore needs a pk.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mapping to existing table with no primary key

2010-03-04 Thread robneville73
Ahhh! Perhaps such a view coupled with an instead of trigger might
work...I'd need to think about that, but that might work. Thanks

On Mar 4, 6:12 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 robneville73 wrote:
  here's my issue...I have to map to an existing Oracle db table with
  33million rows (yeah, I know). This table has no primary key and
  worse, nothing, and I mean nothing to uniquely identify a row

  as a backup, I realize that I can manually issue statements to this
  thing via SA, but I'd really like to use it through the ORM like I am
  everything else.

  this table is a transaction table, so 99% of the time, it's only
  inserts. However, there is a flag on the table to indicate that it's
  been processed by a batch process so that flag does get updated.

  Is there some way I can map rowid or something as the primary key? I
  think it's mostly safe since we aren't using partitioned tables and
  since these records are effectively never deleted while the system is
  running, I don't have to worry about the rowid getting reassigned on
  me mid-transaciton.

  My issue is that on insert or update, I don't want SA trying to
  generate and/or insert into rowid for obvious reasons

  Am I on the right track, any other ideas??

 perhaps map to a view that adds in rowid as a surrogate primary key.  
 The ORM can't do writes on this table, however.   It needs to issue an
 UPDATE or a DELETE, for example, therefore needs a pk.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: [PROPOSE] Integrate migration support in SQLAlchemy

2010-03-04 Thread Lele Gaifax
Manlio Perillo manlio.peri...@gmail.com writes:

 Michael Bayer ha scritto:
 Similarly, the concept of a version as an integer number is not really
 flexible enough - 

 The idea was to keep it simple.

IMHE, there's no such a beast!

 I would like to investigate the creation of migration
 scripts between branches as well.

 The version can then be a string, but it needs to sortable (see
 setuptool as an example).

 The mechanism of schema versioning is
 not at all something that belongs in SQLAlchemy core.

I'm all with Michael here. Sure, for *very* simple projects, it'd be
nice to have a mechanism that spits out the needed statements, but at
least in my experience (going from very little to moderately big and
complex schemas), maintaining an upgradable path is something better
done at another level. Some steps needs an hand-crafted solution, that
maybe involve dropping/recreating dependencies, temporary data-space to
upgrade existing contents and so on.

I'm an SQL man when it comes to maintaining the schema, so my bias
brought me to write a docutils based solution, so my databases are built
by a tool that extract the various pieces, reorder them resolving
dependencies (a DAG, introduced by script's metadata) (thanks to
Michael's topological sort, btw!) and execute the missing one on a
target database. Double value: good documentation, and automatic upgrade
of custom's databases.

It's GPL, just ask if interested!

ciao, lele.
nickname: Lele Gaifax| Quando vivrò di quello che ho pensato ieri
real: Emanuele Gaifas| comincerò ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
l...@nautilus.homeip.net | -- Fortunato Depero, 1929.

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[sqlalchemy] Can we use dates to define a relation with the mapper ?

2010-03-04 Thread Richard Lopes

I have this mapper defined:

mapper(Resource, resource_table,
properties = {'type' : relation(ResourceType,lazy = False),
'groups' : relation(Group, secondary =
model.tables['resource_group'], backref = 'resources'),
'parent' : relation(Relation, uselist=False, primaryjoin =
and_(relation_table.c.res_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  datetime.now())),
'children' : relation(Relation, primaryjoin =
and_(relation_table.c.parent_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  func.now()))})

But for some reason, if I create a new row in the relation table and
change the end_date of the old row in the relation to an old date, the
property parent is not updated.
Also if a reload the resource row, the old relation with the old date
is displayed, so I am pretty sure it has to do with the date
comparison in the mapper.

If I replace the end_date by a flag column string or integer and do a
comparison on the flag I get the proper behaviour, but I do want to
use dates.

Any help is welcome.


Richard Lopes

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Can we use dates to define a relation with the mapper ?

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Trier

On Mar 4, 2010, at 10:50 PM, Richard Lopes wrote:

 I have this mapper defined:
 mapper(Resource, resource_table,
properties = {'type' : relation(ResourceType,lazy = False),
'groups' : relation(Group, secondary =
 model.tables['resource_group'], backref = 'resources'),
'parent' : relation(Relation, uselist=False, primaryjoin =
 and_(relation_table.c.res_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  datetime.now())),
'children' : relation(Relation, primaryjoin =
 and_(relation_table.c.parent_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
relation_table.c.end_date  func.now()))})
 But for some reason, if I create a new row in the relation table and
 change the end_date of the old row in the relation to an old date, the
 property parent is not updated.
 Also if a reload the resource row, the old relation with the old date
 is displayed, so I am pretty sure it has to do with the date
 comparison in the mapper.
 If I replace the end_date by a flag column string or integer and do a
 comparison on the flag I get the proper behaviour, but I do want to
 use dates.

I imagine you're getting bitten because your datetime.now() is getting 
evaluated at compile time. You might need to make it a callable. That said I'm 
unsure about whether or not a callable will work with SQLAlchemy. I might be 
able to write a test case tomorrow.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Can we use dates to define a relation with the mapper ?

2010-03-04 Thread Richard Lopes

Thanks for the help but I think I got it working.
Look here:



2010/3/5 Michael Trier mtr...@gmail.com


 On Mar 4, 2010, at 10:50 PM, Richard Lopes wrote:

  I have this mapper defined:
  mapper(Resource, resource_table,
 properties = {'type' : relation(ResourceType,lazy = False),
 'groups' : relation(Group, secondary =
  model.tables['resource_group'], backref = 'resources'),
 'parent' : relation(Relation, uselist=False, primaryjoin =
  and_(relation_table.c.res_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
 relation_table.c.end_date  datetime.now())),
 'children' : relation(Relation, primaryjoin =
  and_(relation_table.c.parent_id == resource_table.c.res_id,
 relation_table.c.end_date  func.now()))})
  But for some reason, if I create a new row in the relation table and
  change the end_date of the old row in the relation to an old date, the
  property parent is not updated.
  Also if a reload the resource row, the old relation with the old date
  is displayed, so I am pretty sure it has to do with the date
  comparison in the mapper.
  If I replace the end_date by a flag column string or integer and do a
  comparison on the flag I get the proper behaviour, but I do want to
  use dates.

 I imagine you're getting bitten because your datetime.now() is getting
 evaluated at compile time. You might need to make it a callable. That said
 I'm unsure about whether or not a callable will work with SQLAlchemy. I
 might be able to write a test case tomorrow.


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