[sqlalchemy] Question on the precedence of insert and delete in session flush

2011-07-27 Thread ammar azif

I am using SQLAlchemy 0.6.4 with postgres db. I have two tables - users and
addresses tables with addresses table having a foreign key constraint
referencing the users table. Each address record is identified by a unique
constraint key 'email_address'.
In my test case, each user instance have a collection of addresses. For each
user instance, I want to delete every address instance in the addresses
collection that the user instance has and then add new address instances
(they may have the same unique key that the previously deleted address
instance had). The problem I am having now is that at the end of the flush
call, unique constraint error for 'email_address' from addresses table is
thrown even though delete operation is done earlier than insert. Looking at
the echo output, INSERTs are indeed done first than DELETEs. The work around
that I have now is to call flush() right after the deletion of address
instances in each user.

My question is - what is the precedence of insert, delete and update in
session flush? It would also be helpful if someone can explain the overview
of the mechanics of flushing in SQLAlchemy.
Attached is the python script that I wrote to understand why this problem
mentioned above happens.


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from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, UniqueConstraint, ForeignKeyConstraint
from sqlalchemy.types import String, Integer
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine('postgres://postgres:data01@localhost:5432/flush_test')

Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'
__table_args__ = (
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(20), nullable=False)

def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

def __repr__(self):
return User('%s') % self.name

class Address(Base):
__tablename__ = 'addresses'
__table_args__ = (
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
email_address = Column(String(20), nullable=False)
username = Column(String(20), nullable=False)
user = relationship(User, backref=backref('addresses', cascade='all, delete-orphan'))

def __init__(self, email_address):
self.email_address = email_address
def __repr__(self):
return Address('%s') % self.email_address

metadata = Base.metadata
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False)

session = Session()

# begin init code that puts the persisted instance into the database
if session.query(User).filter_by(name='user1').count()==0:
user1 = User('user1')

if len(user1.addresses)==0:
# end init code

engine.echo = True

for address in user1.addresses:


# After the flush line below unique constraint error for address table is thrown,
# echo output shows that insertion of child item was done first before delete, although we call delete first.
# This does not happen if we flush after delete.

RE: [sqlalchemy] Updating records in table not working

2011-07-27 Thread King Simon-NFHD78
 -Original Message-
 From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
 On Behalf Of jos.carpente...@yahoo.com
 Sent: 26 July 2011 18:27
 To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [sqlalchemy] Updating records in table not working
  I'm using Postgres as a database. I try to create new records or
 update existing records with data. The data is parsed from a csv file.
 Creating new records works fine. But when a record already exists,
 the update fails with:
  IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique
 constraint stock_item_pkey
 I've looked at the SA documentation and as far as I can see the 'add'
 does an insert or an update.

I think this is incorrect - 'add' always corresponds to 'INSERT'

 I've also tried updata, but that fails
 too and als mentions a depreciated statement.
 The new data is going to a single table. The PrimaryKey is the item
 number (item with value itemno in snippet below). Since the item is
 unique, I don't let Postgres create an id.
 new = Item(item=itemno, ...)
 I'm pretty new with SA and I might overlook something. How can I
 solve this?

I *think* you should be able to use session.merge instead:


temp = Item(item=itemno, ...)
new = db.session.merge(temp)

(note that 'merge' returns a new object attached to the session)

Hope that helps,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unable to update Postgres because of natural primary key

2011-07-27 Thread Gunnlaugur Briem

instead of db.session.add, what you want is:

import = db.session.merge(import)

See http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/session.html#merging : It examines 
the primary key of the instance. If it’s present, it attempts to load an 
instance with that primary key (or pulls from the local identity map

Maybe you were confused by the heading Adding New *or Existing* Items 
in http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/session.html#adding-new-or-existing-items 
... here the existing part only applies to *detached* instances (ones that 
were previously associated with a session but have been removed), not to 
*transient* ones (new instances that SQLAlchemy hasn't already seen). 
Transient instances are assumed new by session.add, it doesn't query the 
database to check if the primary key exists.

See Quickie Intro to Object States 
and then the rest of the Session tutorial; that should get you going.


- Gulli

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Re: RE: [sqlalchemy] Updating records in table not working

2011-07-27 Thread Gunnlaugur Briem
On Wednesday, 27 July 2011 08:23:14 UTC, Simon King wrote:

  I've looked at the SA documentation and as far as I can see the 'add'
  does an insert or an update.

 I think this is incorrect - 'add' always corresponds to 'INSERT'

Only for brand new instances, not associated with a session. For *detached* 
instances the identity is known and the instances will be in session but not 
in session.new, so an UPDATE will be issued.


- Gulli

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RE: RE: [sqlalchemy] Updating records in table not working

2011-07-27 Thread King Simon-NFHD78
 -Original Message-
 From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Gunnlaugur Briem
 Sent: 27 July 2011 10:36
 To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
 Subject: Re: RE: [sqlalchemy] Updating records in table not working
 On Wednesday, 27 July 2011 08:23:14 UTC, Simon King wrote:
I've looked at the SA documentation and as far as I can see
 the 'add'
does an insert or an update.
   I think this is incorrect - 'add' always corresponds to
 Only for brand new instances, not associated with a session. For
 *detached* instances the identity is known and the instances will be
 in session but not in session.new, so an UPDATE will be issued.
 - Gulli

Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: order_by with property of related table

2011-07-27 Thread Gunnlaugur Briem

you need to join explicitly on A.b:


Full example: http://pastebin.com/uMqEa6Cr


- Gulli

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[sqlalchemy] session query against more databases

2011-07-27 Thread Alessandro
Hi all,
  I'm trying to use session to execute a query against two databases;
is it possibile?

Ex. sql:
 select db1.table1.col1,  db2.table2.col2
   from db1.table1 inner join db2.table2 on db1.table1.key =

With sessions:
  session.query(Table1).join(Table2, Table1.key==Table2.key).all()

On internet I found old answers that say it is not possible, but it
was the far 2007.. :-)


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[sqlalchemy] Automatic generation of id columns

2011-07-27 Thread Matthias

I'm currently writing my own version of the magic orm. I'd like it
to generate id columns automatically. I tried it like shown below.

When using the code I get an exception:

ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper|Version|version could not assemble any
primary key columns for mapped table 'Join object on content(55261328)
and version(64443600)'

The problem seems to be in the WithId metaclass. When I put an id =
Column(... primary = true) by hand on the Version class everything
works. I was expecting the metaclass to do the same, but apparently
there must be some difference,

Any idea how I can make the Base/Content/Version classes have id
columns (which work with polymorphism) automatically? I'd like to stay
away from mixin class all over the place.



class WithId(DeclarativeMeta):
def __init__(cls,classname, bases, dict_):
if 'id' not in dict_:
dict_['id'] = Column('id', Integer,
ForeignKey('content.id'), primary_key=True)
DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=WithId)

class Content(db.Base):
id = db.Column('id', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
type = db.Column(db.String(250))

def get_class_name(cls):
'''Convert CamelCase class name to underscores_between_words
table name.'''
name = cls.__name__
return (
name[0].lower() +
re.sub(r'([A-Z])', lambda m:_ + m.group(0).lower(),

def __tablename__(cls):
return cls.get_class_name()

def __mapper_args__(cls):
args = { 'polymorphic_identity' : cls.get_class_name() }
ContentClass = cls.__bases__[-1]
if ContentClass is db.Base:
args['polymorphic_on'] = cls.type
args['inherit_condition'] = (cls.id == ContentClass.id)
return args

class Version(Content):
timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now)
message = Column(UnicodeText)
#author = attribute(User, backref =

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Automatic generation of id columns

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 27, 2011, at 2:12 AM, Matthias wrote:

 I'm currently writing my own version of the magic orm. I'd like it
 to generate id columns automatically. I tried it like shown below.
 When using the code I get an exception:
 ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper|Version|version could not assemble any
 primary key columns for mapped table 'Join object on content(55261328)
 and version(64443600)'
 The problem seems to be in the WithId metaclass. When I put an id =
 Column(... primary = true) by hand on the Version class everything
 works. I was expecting the metaclass to do the same, but apparently
 there must be some difference,
 Any idea how I can make the Base/Content/Version classes have id
 columns (which work with polymorphism) automatically? I'd like to stay
 away from mixin class all over the place.

Without looking closely, just the usage of a metaclass is frequently very 
difficult.  I know that you don't want to use a mixin, but why not specify your 
class as part of the declarative base ?

Base = declarative_base(cls=WithIdBase)

This question has come up at least twice, maybe three times, in the last few 
weeks, so it seems as though the mixin section should get an explicit section 
about you can use them as the Base also - right now its only in the docstring.

Another use case that was identified was that of base classes that are not the 
Base, but are in the middle of things.We might add a function to 
declarative_base to build such a base, something like   mybase = 
declarative_base(cls=WithIdBase, derive_from_base=Base).   It would be a small 

 class WithId(DeclarativeMeta):
def __init__(cls,classname, bases, dict_):
if 'id' not in dict_:
dict_['id'] = Column('id', Integer,
 ForeignKey('content.id'), primary_key=True)
DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)
 Base = declarative_base(metaclass=WithId)
 class Content(db.Base):
id = db.Column('id', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
type = db.Column(db.String(250))
def get_class_name(cls):
'''Convert CamelCase class name to underscores_between_words
table name.'''
name = cls.__name__
return (
name[0].lower() +
re.sub(r'([A-Z])', lambda m:_ + m.group(0).lower(),
def __tablename__(cls):
return cls.get_class_name()
def __mapper_args__(cls):
args = { 'polymorphic_identity' : cls.get_class_name() }
ContentClass = cls.__bases__[-1]
if ContentClass is db.Base:
args['polymorphic_on'] = cls.type
args['inherit_condition'] = (cls.id == ContentClass.id)
return args
 class Version(Content):
timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now)
message = Column(UnicodeText)
#author = attribute(User, backref =
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Updating records in table not working

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 27, 2011, at 5:52 AM, King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Gunnlaugur Briem
 Sent: 27 July 2011 10:36
 To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
 Subject: Re: RE: [sqlalchemy] Updating records in table not working
 On Wednesday, 27 July 2011 08:23:14 UTC, Simon King wrote:
   I've looked at the SA documentation and as far as I can see
 the 'add'
   does an insert or an update.
  I think this is incorrect - 'add' always corresponds to
 Only for brand new instances, not associated with a session. For
 *detached* instances the identity is known and the instances will be
 in session but not in session.new, so an UPDATE will be issued.
 - Gulli
 Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.

Whether the object has a key or not is what decides between it being 
transient-pending or detached-persistent once add()-ed back to the 

from sqlalchemy.orm import attributes

attributes.instance_state(myobject).key is not None

where instance_state() is going to give you the ._sa_instance_state attribute 
we stick on there, but we keep access through the public function.

The .key is stuck on the object after it gets through a flush(), or when we 
construct it from an incoming row.   Otherwise there is not a .key and the 
object is transient-pending.

We originally had save() and update() because we copied Hibernate's scheme 
exactly, as well as save_or_update() which in Hibernate's case does a guess.  
 In SQLAlchemy we have it much easier due to Python's open ended nature, we 
just check if we put a key or not.So we just made it add() to simplify.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Question on the precedence of insert and delete in session flush

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 27, 2011, at 3:34 AM, ammar azif wrote:

 I am using SQLAlchemy 0.6.4 with postgres db. I have two tables - users and 
 addresses tables with addresses table having a foreign key constraint 
 referencing the users table. Each address record is identified by a unique 
 constraint key 'email_address'.
 In my test case, each user instance have a collection of addresses. For each 
 user instance, I want to delete every address instance in the addresses 
 collection that the user instance has and then add new address instances 
 (they may have the same unique key that the previously deleted address 
 instance had). The problem I am having now is that at the end of the flush 
 call, unique constraint error for 'email_address' from addresses table is 
 thrown even though delete operation is done earlier than insert. Looking at 
 the echo output, INSERTs are indeed done first than DELETEs. The work around 
 that I have now is to call flush() right after the deletion of address 
 instances in each user.
 My question is - what is the precedence of insert, delete and update in 
 session flush? It would also be helpful if someone can explain the overview 
 of the mechanics of flushing in SQLAlchemy.
 Attached is the python script that I wrote to understand why this problem 
 mentioned above happens.

Right so, the unit of work was rewritten in version 0.6, because it was 
desperately needed, but also one issue I wanted to see if it could be solved 
was the one case that the UOW can't handle currently without direct 
intervention, that of the unique constraint that needs to be deleted before a 
new one is inserted.   

It should be noted that for an object where the primary key itself is the thing 
that might conflict for an outgoing / incoming situation, the UOW turns that 
operation into an UPDATE.But for an arbitrary column with a unique on it we 
don't have the mechanics in place to do it that way, nor would I want to .
Id much rather have a delete + insert be a DELETE + INSERT in all cases.

So with the UOW rewrite, its very clear cut how the order of steps is 
determined, and the architecture is fairly amenable to a strategy that would 
freely mix DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE.

However, I didn't go this far with the rewrite.   I tried a bit, trying to have 
the topological sort also take into account individual INSERTS that need to 
come before DELETES, instead of it being an overarching two step process,  
but there seemed to be a lot of really mindbendy types of cases where the fact 
that DELETES are unconditionally after the INSERT/UPDATEs makes things work out 
really well.The 0.6 rewrite had the highest priority on not introducing any 
new bugs vs. the previous version, which had been very stable for a long time 
(although impossible to work with) so I didn't go further with that idea, at 
that time.  (There of course is no reason someone can't try to work with it 
some more)

The current scheme is INSERT/UPDATES first, DELETES second, and the original 
idea is mostly from Hibernate's procedure 
 which I seem to recall was not as verbose as that particular description is 

I have an architectural document I can send you under separate cover (it is not 
public yet).

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[sqlalchemy] writing a (sub)query

2011-07-27 Thread Eduardo
I have the following statement :

SELECT name, id, division, value,
SELECT name, id, division,value, max(value) over
(partition by division) as max_val
 FROM tab1
WHERE value = max_val

I try to turn this sql statement into a Query object
I tried this


sqlquery.statement= SQL QUERY GIVEN ABOVE

but it does not work because statement cannot be set directly.
What is get-around for this?
Can this statement be written as a subquery? If yes, how? I saw
several example of subqueries on the internet but none of these seem
to be suitable for this statement.
Thanking in advance

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Re: [sqlalchemy] writing a (sub)query

2011-07-27 Thread Mike Conley
0.7 has support for window functions. I haven't tried it in a subquery.


Mike Conley

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Eduardo ruche...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I have the following statement :

 SELECT name, id, division, value,
SELECT name, id, division,value, max(value) over
 (partition by division) as max_val
 FROM tab1
 WHERE value = max_val

 I try to turn this sql statement into a Query object
 I tried this


 sqlquery.statement= SQL QUERY GIVEN ABOVE

 but it does not work because statement cannot be set directly.
 What is get-around for this?
 Can this statement be written as a subquery? If yes, how? I saw
 several example of subqueries on the internet but none of these seem
 to be suitable for this statement.
 Thanking in advance

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[sqlalchemy] storedprocedure with input parameter

2011-07-27 Thread werner
I like to use a stored procure which needs a input parameter in 
something like this:

seltest = db.sa.select([id, 

seltestm = db.sao.mapper(ATest, seltest, primary_key=[seltest.c.id])
result = session.query(seltestm).get(73)

above works, but I would really need to replace the hardcoded 2 with a 
function, i.e.:

seltest = db.sa.select([id, 

seltestm = db.sao.mapper(ATest, seltest, primary_key=[seltest.c.id])

# set the SomeUserValue here and then do
result = session.query(seltestm).get(73)

tried using functools.partial but I get a InterfaceError exception.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Question on the precedence of insert and delete in session flush

2011-07-27 Thread Mike Conley
And the recipe I have used is to issue a flush() after the deletes and
before the inserts. In most cases this is sufficient to get things to work
in the right order. I can imagine that there are some complex data
management use cases where that is not sufficient. It works for your sample
as the comment in your code indicates. This should not change the
performance of the app since we are only changing the sequence of
statements, not introducing additional transaction overhead.

When I run into scenarios where the sequence of issuing SQL is significant,
I'm not sure how much control I want to give up to the UOW code. After all
if sequence is important this could very well be application dependent and
the UOW might have to get really sophisticated to guess right. That
increases the risk of taking a performance hit in the 90+% of cases where it
doesn't matter.

Mike Conley

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Re: [sqlalchemy] storedprocedure with input parameter

2011-07-27 Thread Conor
On 07/27/2011 10:42 AM, werner wrote:
 I like to use a stored procure which needs a input parameter in
 something like this:

 seltest = db.sa.select([id,
 seltestm = db.sao.mapper(ATest, seltest, primary_key=[seltest.c.id])
 result = session.query(seltestm).get(73)

 above works, but I would really need to replace the hardcoded 2 with
 a function, i.e.:

 seltest = db.sa.select([id,
 seltestm = db.sao.mapper(ATest, seltest, primary_key=[seltest.c.id])

 # set the SomeUserValue here and then do
 result = session.query(seltestm).get(73)

 tried using functools.partial but I get a InterfaceError exception.


I believe you want to replace getSomeUserValue() with
sa.bindparam(callable_=getSomeUserValue). See the docs at

As an aside, do you really want to map a class against a dynamic query?
I'm not sure how well the ORM deals with that. At the very least, I
think you need to ensure that SomeUserValue does not change while using
the session.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Automatic generation of id columns

2011-07-27 Thread Matthias
Thanks for your help!

I found the solution :) Instead of doing

dict_['id'] = Column(...)

I just do

cls.id = Column(...)

and it works. Kudos to the writer of this wiki entry
. The comments in there led me to the solution finally.


On 27 Jul., 15:38, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Jul 27, 2011, at 2:12 AM, Matthias wrote:


  I'm currently writing my own version of the magic orm. I'd like it
  to generate id columns automatically. I tried it like shown below.

  When using the code I get an exception:

  ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper|Version|version could not assemble any
  primary key columns for mapped table 'Join object on content(55261328)
  and version(64443600)'

  The problem seems to be in the WithId metaclass. When I put an id =
  Column(... primary = true) by hand on the Version class everything
  works. I was expecting the metaclass to do the same, but apparently
  there must be some difference,

  Any idea how I can make the Base/Content/Version classes have id
  columns (which work with polymorphism) automatically? I'd like to stay
  away from mixin class all over the place.

 Without looking closely, just the usage of a metaclass is frequently very 
 difficult.  I know that you don't want to use a mixin, but why not specify 
 your class as part of the declarative base ?    

 Base = declarative_base(cls=WithIdBase)

 This question has come up at least twice, maybe three times, in the last few 
 weeks, so it seems as though the mixin section should get an explicit 
 section about you can use them as the Base also - right now its only in the 

 Another use case that was identified was that of base classes that are not 
 the Base, but are in the middle of things.    We might add a function to 
 declarative_base to build such a base, something like   mybase = 
 declarative_base(cls=WithIdBase, derive_from_base=Base).   It would be a 
 small patch.



  class WithId(DeclarativeMeta):
     def __init__(cls,classname, bases, dict_):
         if 'id' not in dict_:
             dict_['id'] = Column('id', Integer,
  ForeignKey('content.id'), primary_key=True)
         DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)

  Base = declarative_base(metaclass=WithId)

  class Content(db.Base):
     id = db.Column('id', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
     type = db.Column(db.String(250))

     def get_class_name(cls):
         '''Convert CamelCase class name to underscores_between_words
         table name.'''
         name = cls.__name__
         return (
             name[0].lower() +
             re.sub(r'([A-Z])', lambda m:_ + m.group(0).lower(),

     def __tablename__(cls):
         return cls.get_class_name()

     def __mapper_args__(cls):
         args = { 'polymorphic_identity' : cls.get_class_name() }
         ContentClass = cls.__bases__[-1]
         if ContentClass is db.Base:
             args['polymorphic_on'] = cls.type
             args['inherit_condition'] = (cls.id == ContentClass.id)
         return args

  class Version(Content):
     timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now)
     message = Column(UnicodeText)
     #author = attribute(User, backref =

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[sqlalchemy] engine.echo not working as expected

2011-07-27 Thread Mike Conley
Under 0.5 I was able to turn echo on and off as desired to support
debugging; it doesn't seem to work now.

Python version: 2.7.1
SQLAlchemy version: 0.7.1

Here's the code:

from sqlalchemy import *
eng1 = create_engine('sqlite:///')
meta1 = MetaData(bind=eng1)
tab_a = Table('x', meta1,
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True))
conn = eng1.connect()

Under 0.5.8 The SQL for the delete is echoed, under 0.7 (and I think 0.6) it
is not.
If I move the echo=True before the select, both the select and delete are
It looks like there might be a subtle difference since 0.5 that keeps the
logging from taking effect immediately when echo is changed.

P.S. Now as I try to reverify it, I have to move the echo=True all the way
before the connect() to get it to echo.

Mike Conley

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[sqlalchemy] Selecting the right table instance in a self referential join

2011-07-27 Thread Moshe C.
I have the following mapper:
orm.mapper(Xxx,xxx_table, inherits=Resource, 
  properties={'children' : orm.relation(Xxx,

backref=orm.backref('parent', remote_side=[Xxx.c.id]),


When I issue the following join, I get as the selected entity the parent 
side rather than the child side of the join.
query = sqlalchemy.orm.query(Xxx)
query = query.join('parent', aliased=True)
query = query.filter(some criterion)

The SQL that is generated is as follows:
SELECT anon_1.resource_id AS anon_1_resource_id
FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = xxx.id INNER JOIN (SELECT 
resource.id AS resource_id
  FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = 
xxx.id) AS anon_1 ON anon_1.xxx_id = xxx.parent_id
WHERE anon_1.resource_name  .

What I really want is 
SELECT resource_id AS resource_id
FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = xxx.id INNER JOIN (SELECT 
resource.id AS resource_id
  FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = 
xxx.id) AS anon_1 ON anon_1.xxx_id = xxx.parent_id
WHERE anon_1.resource_name  .

Any help is appreciated.

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RE: [sqlalchemy] engine.echo not working as expected

2011-07-27 Thread King Simon-NFHD78
 -Original Message-
 From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Mike Conley
 Sent: 27 July 2011 17:43
 To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [sqlalchemy] engine.echo not working as expected
 Under 0.5 I was able to turn echo on and off as desired to support
 debugging; it doesn't seem to work now.
 Python version: 2.7.1
 SQLAlchemy version: 0.7.1
 Here's the code:
 from sqlalchemy import *
 eng1 = create_engine('sqlite:///')
 meta1 = MetaData(bind=eng1)
 tab_a = Table('x', meta1,
 Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True))
 conn = eng1.connect()
 Under 0.5.8 The SQL for the delete is echoed, under 0.7 (and I think
 0.6) it is not.
 If I move the echo=True before the select, both the select and delete
 are echoed.
 It looks like there might be a subtle difference since 0.5 that keeps
 the logging from taking effect immediately when echo is changed.
 P.S. Now as I try to reverify it, I have to move the echo=True all
 the way before the connect() to get it to echo.

This is explained in the note at the bottom of

(not that that necessarily helps you, but it does at least say that it
is expected behaviour)


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Re: [sqlalchemy] engine.echo not working as expected

2011-07-27 Thread Mike Conley
I saw that, but unless setting echo actually changes the Python logger
configuration I don't see how it applies here.

Mike Conley

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:31 PM, King Simon-NFHD78 
simon.k...@motorolasolutions.com wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
  On Behalf Of Mike Conley
  Sent: 27 July 2011 17:43
  To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [sqlalchemy] engine.echo not working as expected
  Under 0.5 I was able to turn echo on and off as desired to support
  debugging; it doesn't seem to work now.
  Python version: 2.7.1
  SQLAlchemy version: 0.7.1
  Here's the code:
  from sqlalchemy import *
  eng1 = create_engine('sqlite:///')
  meta1 = MetaData(bind=eng1)
  tab_a = Table('x', meta1,
  Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True))
  conn = eng1.connect()
  Under 0.5.8 The SQL for the delete is echoed, under 0.7 (and I think
  0.6) it is not.
  If I move the echo=True before the select, both the select and delete
  are echoed.
  It looks like there might be a subtle difference since 0.5 that keeps
  the logging from taking effect immediately when echo is changed.
  P.S. Now as I try to reverify it, I have to move the echo=True all
  the way before the connect() to get it to echo.

 This is explained in the note at the bottom of

 (not that that necessarily helps you, but it does at least say that it
 is expected behaviour)


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Re: [sqlalchemy] engine.echo not working as expected

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer
No Python logging calls are emitted, which means, log.info() and log.debug() 
*are not called at all*,  if logging.isEnabledFor() returns False, which itself 
is only checked upon Connection construction.   These calls are all 
unreasonably expensive so they aren't used if not necessary.

That's what the paragraph means when it says only emitting log statements when 
the current logging level.

On Jul 27, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Mike Conley wrote:

 I saw that, but unless setting echo actually changes the Python logger 
 configuration I don't see how it applies here.
 Mike Conley
 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:31 PM, King Simon-NFHD78 
 simon.k...@motorolasolutions.com wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
  On Behalf Of Mike Conley
  Sent: 27 July 2011 17:43
  To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [sqlalchemy] engine.echo not working as expected
  Under 0.5 I was able to turn echo on and off as desired to support
  debugging; it doesn't seem to work now.
  Python version: 2.7.1
  SQLAlchemy version: 0.7.1
  Here's the code:
  from sqlalchemy import *
  eng1 = create_engine('sqlite:///')
  meta1 = MetaData(bind=eng1)
  tab_a = Table('x', meta1,
  Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True))
  conn = eng1.connect()
  Under 0.5.8 The SQL for the delete is echoed, under 0.7 (and I think
  0.6) it is not.
  If I move the echo=True before the select, both the select and delete
  are echoed.
  It looks like there might be a subtle difference since 0.5 that keeps
  the logging from taking effect immediately when echo is changed.
  P.S. Now as I try to reverify it, I have to move the echo=True all
  the way before the connect() to get it to echo.
 This is explained in the note at the bottom of
 (not that that necessarily helps you, but it does at least say that it
 is expected behaviour)
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 sqlalchemy group.
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Re: [sqlalchemy] session query against more databases

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer
A single SQL statement cannot emit a query against two distinct database 
connections.There are ways to get a single database connection to access 
two databases behind the scenes using a technology like Oracle's DBLINK.  I'm 
not sure what other vendors provide for this.

This all assumes by database you mean, two different database servers.   If 
you mean different databases or schemas within the same server, that involves 
vendor-specific configurations; check the docs for the database you're using.

On Jul 27, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Alessandro wrote:

 Hi all,
  I'm trying to use session to execute a query against two databases;
 is it possibile?
 Ex. sql:
 select db1.table1.col1,  db2.table2.col2
   from db1.table1 inner join db2.table2 on db1.table1.key =
 With sessions:
  session.query(Table1).join(Table2, Table1.key==Table2.key).all()
 On internet I found old answers that say it is not possible, but it
 was the far 2007.. :-)
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Cascade Deletes

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 25, 2011, at 9:47 AM, Aviv Giladi wrote:

 I can't seem to make cascade deletes work in sqlalchemy.
 I have a parent class (called Rating), a sub class (Subrating) and a
 third class called SubRatingProperty.
 There is a one-to-one relationship between Rating and SubRating - each
 Rating can only have one specific SubRating object. Next, the
 SubRatingProperty refers to a row in a table with fixed values. There
 are 3 SubRatingProperty entries - property1, property2 and property3.
 The SubRating class can have one or more of either property1,
 property2 and property3, therefore the relationship is many-to-many (a
 SubRatingProperty can have more than one properties, and for example
 property1 can be assigned to more than one SubRatingProperty's).
 Here is the code that defines all of this:
 subrating_subratingproperty_association =
 Table('subrating_subratingproperty_association', Base.metadata,
Column('subrating_id', Integer,
 Integer, ForeignKey('subrating_properties.id')))
 class SubRatingProperty(Base):
__tablename__ = 'subrating_properties'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Unicode(32), unique=True)
subratings = relationship(SubRating,
 class SubRating(Base):
__tablename__ = 'subratings'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Unicode(32), unique=True)
 class Rating(Base):
__tablename__ = 'ratings'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Unicode(32), unique=True)
subrating_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('subratings.id'))
subrating = relationship(SubRating, backref=backref(rating,
 Everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to do cascade
 deletes. I am deleting Rating objects, and when I do, I would like the
 according SubRating object to be deleted, as well as all the entries
 in the association table. So deleting Rating1 would delete its
 SubRating, as well as all the connection between the SubRating and
 I have tried adding cascade=all to the relationship call,

you have two relationships() here to build the full chain so you'd need 
cascade='all, delete-orphan' on both Rating.subrating as well as 
SubRating.subrating_properties (use the backref() function instead of a string 
to establish the cascade rule on that end.

 and I also
 tried adding ondelete=cascade) to the ForeignKey call.

if all the involved FOREIGN KEYs are generated with ON DELETE CASCADE as this 
would accomplish, as long as you are not on SQLIte or MySQL MyISAM the deletes 
will be unconditional.

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[sqlalchemy] Newbie question

2011-07-27 Thread Kent Tenney

I'm aggregating data from several Sqlite files into a Postgres db.
The sqlite files are storage for several apps I use: Shotwell,
Firefox, Zotero, Banshee ... I just watch and pull from them.

I've been using import sqlite3 so far, dumping sql from sqlite,
using it to create the Postgres tables. I then add columns to meet
my own needs. I now can diff 2 sqlite files, so I know what rows
need updating and adding in the Postgres tables.

I feel I should be using Sqlalchemy, but have been intimidated by
the wealth of choices SA offers. I don't want to start down the
wrong road.

However, as I look towards coding change merging, and
the new level of complexity it presents, I think it's time to
take the plunge.

Data specs:

- source data lives in other-owned files
- replicate source data tables in Postgres
- add columns to Postgres tables
- keep Postgres synced with sqlite sources

My proclivities:

- comfortable in Python, SQL not so much
- roadmap
  - pull into the Postgres db from other sources
- file system content
- email
- other db's: Mysql, rdf, ...
  - feed Sphinxsearch from the Postgres db

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions
on how to proceed.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Newbie question

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 27, 2011, at 3:21 PM, Kent Tenney wrote:

 I'm aggregating data from several Sqlite files into a Postgres db.
 The sqlite files are storage for several apps I use: Shotwell,
 Firefox, Zotero, Banshee ... I just watch and pull from them.
 I've been using import sqlite3 so far, dumping sql from sqlite,
 using it to create the Postgres tables. I then add columns to meet
 my own needs. I now can diff 2 sqlite files, so I know what rows
 need updating and adding in the Postgres tables.
 I feel I should be using Sqlalchemy,

ok well what problems do you have currently that you'd like to solve ?

 but have been intimidated by
 the wealth of choices SA offers.

It offers choices in that you can A. use core only or B. the ORM, as well as 
choices in that it works with whatever kind of schema you'd like, which is 
the same choice you have anyway, and in this case it seems you have already 
made. Your app sounds like kind of a nuts and bolts table-to-table thing, 
i.e. is SQL centric, so using constructs like table.select() and table.insert() 
could perhaps reduce the verbosity of generating those statements by hand, the 
Table construct itself can turn the equation of what columns am i dealing with 
here? into a data driven one (the Table is a datastructure, which stores a 
list of Column objects - a data driven description of a schema).

 - comfortable in Python, SQL not so much

dont sell yourself short, you're moving rows and adding columns and that's a 
fair degree of knowledge right there.

  - pull into the Postgres db from other sources
- file system content
- email
- other db's: Mysql, rdf, ...
  - feed Sphinxsearch from the Postgres db

for all of these you'd probably want to figure out some intermediary format 
that everything goes into, then goes to the database.  Depending on how much 
this format is hardwired to the SQL schema or not, as well as if you're 
generally dealing with one big table to store a format versus many tables 
storing a more normalized structure, would determine how well the ORM may or 
may not be useful. The ORM is good when you have multiple tables in some 
hierarchical structure that is to be related to an object hierarchy.   For a 
straight up I'd like the columns in this Excel spreadsheet to become columns 
in a new database table, it might be overkill.

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[sqlalchemy] sqlalchemy + beaker cache

2011-07-27 Thread espresso maker
Hi there,

I am trying to follow the setup in this example
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/browser/examples/beaker_caching to
enable beaker caching in sqlalchemy. However, I ran into an issue.

#1. When I try to cache a relation that happens to be an association
proxy I get the following error:

AttributeError: 'AssociationProxy' object has no attribute 'property'

This is how my query looks like:

def get_user(user_id):
return Session.query(User).\
   options(FromCache('default', 'user')).\
   options(RelationshipCache('default', 'user_groups',

Anyone ran into this problem?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Selecting the right table instance in a self referential join

2011-07-27 Thread Moshe C.
I seem to have solved it by aliasing the first instance too
query = sqlalchemy.orm.query(Xxx)
*alias = SA.orm.aliased(Xxx)*
query = query.join(*(alias,'parent')*, aliased=True)
query = query.filter(some criterion)  

But this basically succeeded by magic when I just tried all sorts of 
I can't really understand why an addition of an alias caused the SQL not 
have an additional alias.

Is there a place in the doc that explains this?
I don't feel safe with these magical solutions, they tend to break on SA 

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[sqlalchemy] Order by ordinal position

2011-07-27 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
Most databases allow ordinal numbers as expressions in order by clauses, 
some even in group by clauses. And in earlier versions of SQLAlchemy it 
had in fact been possible to express these as integers, e.g. 
query.order_by(1, 3, desc(2)).

However, in version 0.7.1 this yields an SQL expression object or 
string expected error. To make use of this feature you now need to 
write query.order_by('1', '3', desc('2')) which is not so readable and 
convenient as the above. Has this been changed by intent?

I know, using ordinals has some drawbacks and may be considered a bad 
habit, but they can still be useful in some situations. E.g. it makes it 
possible to decorate arbitrary queries of the same structure for use in 
an autosuggest AJAX controller with an order_by(1).

-- Christoph

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy + beaker cache

2011-07-27 Thread espresso maker
Another issue  I run into intermittently is the following:

TypeError: can't pickle function objects

Module myproject.lib.account_api:98 in get_user  view
Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:637 in get  view
  return self._get(key, ident)
Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1968 in _get  view
  return q.one()
Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1656 in one  view
  ret = list(self)
Module myproject.model.caching:75 in __iter__  view
  return self.get_value(createfunc=lambda: list(Query.__iter__(self)))
Module myproject.model.caching:93 in get_value  view
  ret = cache.get_value(cache_key, createfunc=createfunc)
Module beaker.cache:214 in get  view
  return self._get_value(key, **kw).get_value()
Module beaker.container:299 in get_value  view
Module beaker.container:332 in set_value  view
  self.namespace.set_value(self.key, (storedtime, self.expire_argument, 
Module beaker.ext.memcached:67 in set_value  view
  self.mc.set(self._format_key(key), value)
Module memcache:515 in set  view
  return self._set(set, key, val, time, min_compress_len)
Module memcache:725 in _set  view
  store_info = self._val_to_store_info(val, min_compress_len)
Module memcache:697 in _val_to_store_info  view
Module copy_reg:70 in _reduce_ex  view
  raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
TypeError: can't pickle function objects

On Jul 27, 2:05 pm, espresso maker espressso.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi there,

 I am trying to follow the setup in this 
 enable beaker caching in sqlalchemy. However, I ran into an issue.

 #1. When I try to cache a relation that happens to be an association
 proxy I get the following error:

 AttributeError: 'AssociationProxy' object has no attribute 'property'

 This is how my query looks like:

 def get_user(user_id):
     return Session.query(User).\
        options(FromCache('default', 'user')).\
        options(RelationshipCache('default', 'user_groups',

 Anyone ran into this problem?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Selecting the right table instance in a self referential join

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 27, 2011, at 1:14 PM, Moshe C. wrote:

 I have the following mapper:
 orm.mapper(Xxx,xxx_table, inherits=Resource, 
   properties={'children' : orm.relation(Xxx,
 backref=orm.backref('parent', remote_side=[Xxx.c.id]),
 When I issue the following join, I get as the selected entity the parent side 
 rather than the child side of the join.
 query = sqlalchemy.orm.query(Xxx)
 query = query.join('parent', aliased=True)
 query = query.filter(some criterion)
 The SQL that is generated is as follows:
 SELECT anon_1.resource_id AS anon_1_resource_id
 FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = xxx.id INNER JOIN (SELECT 
 resource.id AS resource_id
   FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = 
 xxx.id) AS anon_1 ON anon_1.xxx_id = xxx.parent_id
 WHERE anon_1.resource_name  .
 What I really want is 
 SELECT resource_id AS resource_id
 FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = xxx.id INNER JOIN (SELECT 
 resource.id AS resource_id
   FROM resource INNER JOIN xxx ON resource.id = 
 xxx.id) AS anon_1 ON anon_1.xxx_id = xxx.parent_id
 WHERE anon_1.resource_name  .
 Any help is appreciated.

Let me note the mailing list posting guidelines at 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/support.html#mailinglist .   The above snippets are 
out of context, incomplete and inaccurate, forcing me to guess and spend time 
reproducing a test, which in this case is a SQLAlchemy bug - a self-referential 
join between the child table of a joined-table inheriting mapper to itself is 
an extremely complicated scenario.   The project moves forward with user input 
of course so your cooperation is appreciated !

Your issue is #2234 at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2234 and a one 
line patch is attached to it.  It may go to 0.7.3 because 0.7.2 is very delayed 
and backlogged with a lot of small issues that need tests completed.

aliased=True applies an adapter to the query which is being inappropriately 
extrapolated to the lead entity here - it is ordinarily applied to all 
occurrences of the target class subsequent to the join(), but in the case of a 
join to a joined table inh, its getting stuck in the polymorphic on list as 
well which is inappropriate.

Usage of the alias() function here excludes the target of the join from the 
polymorphic on list so the adaptation of the parent is not applied in that 

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Order by ordinal position

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 27, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Christoph Zwerschke wrote:

 Most databases allow ordinal numbers as expressions in order by clauses, some 
 even in group by clauses. And in earlier versions of SQLAlchemy it had in 
 fact been possible to express these as integers, e.g. query.order_by(1, 3, 
 However, in version 0.7.1 this yields an SQL expression object or string 
 expected error. To make use of this feature you now need to write 
 query.order_by('1', '3', desc('2')) which is not so readable and convenient 
 as the above. Has this been changed by intent?

Well of course its going through the literal_as_text() function which ensures 
what's given can be rendered as SQL.   The function was sloppier in 0.6 and we 
had user confusion when clearly non-complaint objects were passed through to 
various places (such as and_((a, ), (b,)), etc.).  order_by() is 
accepting SQL expressions, not values, so it is consistent that values should 
be coerced to SQL first in this case literal_column(1), etc.   

If you want uber-readable, I'd do this:

def ordinal(n):
return literal_column(str(n))

ordinal(1), ordinal(2).desc(), etc.

I'm not actually understanding what ORDER BY 1 is getting you here in any 
case or how this relates to AJAX.

 I know, using ordinals has some drawbacks and may be considered a bad habit, 
 but they can still be useful in some situations. E.g. it makes it possible to 
 decorate arbitrary queries of the same structure for use in an autosuggest 
 AJAX controller with an order_by(1).
 -- Christoph
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Cascade Deletes

2011-07-27 Thread Aviv Giladi

I am actually using both MySQL and SQLite (one on the dev machine, one
on the server).
Does that make a difference?

On Jul 27, 12:26 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Jul 25, 2011, at 9:47 AM, Aviv Giladi wrote:

  I can't seem to make cascade deletes work in sqlalchemy.

  I have a parent class (called Rating), a sub class (Subrating) and a
  third class called SubRatingProperty.

  There is a one-to-one relationship between Rating and SubRating - each
  Rating can only have one specific SubRating object. Next, the
  SubRatingProperty refers to a row in a table with fixed values. There
  are 3 SubRatingProperty entries - property1, property2 and property3.
  The SubRating class can have one or more of either property1,
  property2 and property3, therefore the relationship is many-to-many (a
  SubRatingProperty can have more than one properties, and for example
  property1 can be assigned to more than one SubRatingProperty's).

  Here is the code that defines all of this:

  subrating_subratingproperty_association =
  Table('subrating_subratingproperty_association', Base.metadata,
                                 Column('subrating_id', Integer,
  Integer, ForeignKey('subrating_properties.id')))

  class SubRatingProperty(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'subrating_properties'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
     name = Column(Unicode(32), unique=True)
     subratings = relationship(SubRating,


  class SubRating(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'subratings'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
     name = Column(Unicode(32), unique=True)

  class Rating(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'ratings'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
     name = Column(Unicode(32), unique=True)
     subrating_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('subratings.id'))
     subrating = relationship(SubRating, backref=backref(rating,
  Everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to do cascade
  deletes. I am deleting Rating objects, and when I do, I would like the
  according SubRating object to be deleted, as well as all the entries
  in the association table. So deleting Rating1 would delete its
  SubRating, as well as all the connection between the SubRating and

  I have tried adding cascade=all to the relationship call,

 you have two relationships() here to build the full chain so you'd need 
 cascade='all, delete-orphan' on both Rating.subrating as well as 
 SubRating.subrating_properties (use the backref() function instead of a 
 string to establish the cascade rule on that end.

  and I also
  tried adding ondelete=cascade) to the ForeignKey call.

 if all the involved FOREIGN KEYs are generated with ON DELETE CASCADE as this 
 would accomplish, as long as you are not on SQLIte or MySQL MyISAM the 
 deletes will be unconditional.

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[sqlalchemy] Database-side data mangling

2011-07-27 Thread Sergey V.
Good day,

I'm trying to figure out how to do something similar to the Symmetric
Encryption recipe (http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/
SymmetricEncryption), only on the database side, not in Python.

I have a suspicion that @compiles decorator may provide a solution,
but having trouble understaning how to apply it to my case.

For simplicity, let's imagine a field which stores data in upper case
but always returns it in lower case... so it needs to generate SQL
similar to

INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (..., upper(...), ...)

on insert and

SELECT ..., lower(fieldname) as fieldname, ... FROM tablename

on select.

I'm using orm and I imagine the final result would look like

class MyModel(Base):
myfield = AlwaysLowercaseColumn(sqlalchemy.String)


class MyModel(Base):
myfield = sqlalchemy.Column(AlwaysLowercaseString)


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Database-side data mangling

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 27, 2011, at 8:56 PM, Sergey V. wrote:

 Good day,
 I'm trying to figure out how to do something similar to the Symmetric
 Encryption recipe (http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/
 SymmetricEncryption), only on the database side, not in Python.
 I have a suspicion that @compiles decorator may provide a solution,
 but having trouble understaning how to apply it to my case.
 For simplicity, let's imagine a field which stores data in upper case
 but always returns it in lower case... so it needs to generate SQL
 similar to
 INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (..., upper(...), ...)

this can be assigned, (1) i.e.

myobject.fieldname = func.upper(somename)

which you can apply with a @validates decorator  (2)

 on insert and
 SELECT ..., lower(fieldname) as fieldname, ... FROM tablename

for this you'd use column_property().  (3)

for the SQL functions themselves we're using func (4)

2: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/mapper_config.html#simple-validators

For a slightly old example of some of this kind of thing (probably more 
complicated than you'd need here), see the PostGIS example under 

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