[sqlalchemy] Re: Tipo Money con Postgres

2008-01-17 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 Hola a todos...
 Estoy intentando utilizar en una bd postgres el tipo Money, debido a
 que estoy haciendo una migracion de una bd vieja y necesito mantener
 ese tipo de datos. Pero veo que SQLAlchemy no lo posee, y no esta
 definido como tipo nativo de Postgres. Entonces, cual seria la mejor
 forma de usarlo? Creando un nuevo tipo de datos? Como seria eso?
 Si no me he expresado bien, me avisan y reformulo mi consulta.
 Cualquier ayuda que reciba, desde ya la agradezco

Maybe is better you answer in English, however I will answer you in

Eu estou utilizando Numeric(18,4) creio que deva ser este o tipo interno
utilizado no money, eu mesmo iria pesquisar ou perguntar aqui no grupo a
respeito disso.


May someone have a best solution to postgresql Money datatype? or I need
to use Numeric?


Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Tipo Money con Postgres

2008-01-17 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Em Qui, 2008-01-17 às 10:40 -0800, Marcos escreveu:
 Thank's Alexandre for the tip, but in my first and only one answer, y
 received a pair of solutions in spanish, so I tried first to ask in my
 language. As you can see, I'm not very good writing in english. But
 you are right. I will try to ask in this language from now.
 And thanks for the solution. That's works for me. ( E graças pela
 solução, isso funcionou para mim ) -- I used a translator for that : )
 Marcos Alcázar
No problems, my English is very bad too, because it's not my fist
language and I learn more from internet and working with it.

about your question, I think numeric will work for you.
more one tip, I've found at postgresql documentation this note:

Note: The money type is deprecated. Use numeric or decimal instead, in
combination with the to_char function.

from 7.3 to 8.2... and maybe others
in http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.3/interactive/datatype-money.html
and http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/datatype-money.html

I suggest, if you can, change the datatype in next versions of your

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] postgresql truncate table

2008-01-16 Thread Alexandre da Silva

someone know why when I execute a 
session.execute(truncate table some_table cascade) in a postgresql
database nothing happens?
I need to put some extra parameter?
Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: postgresql truncate table

2008-01-16 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 you probably need to begin/commit a transaction since the PG dialect  
 doesnt pick up truncate as an autocommit keyword.

thank you for reply

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] parent table

2008-01-15 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Hello all,

Can I get the parent table from an inherited table?

something like:

table_a = Table()
table_b = Table()

mapper(TableA, table_a)

mapper(TableB, table_b, inherits=TableA)


the reason I need it, is that I need to get information about the master
table, because when I get the table from an fk, the table.c atribute get
just columns from that table, and not all columns including the master
tables, in other words, getting table by this way

fk_table = column.foreign_keys[0].column.table

I get a shema.Table object and not the join object that represents the
entire fk table.

any suggestion?

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy and SQLRelay

2008-01-14 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 Is it possible to use SA with SQLRelay?
I Think yes if you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL, they have a Client
Native API Wrapper, so you can try it.

For others, I suggest the SA Core team to write the driver fot that
client API, because it can be very useful in many cases.


Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Get default value

2008-01-11 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Em Sex, 2008-01-11 às 08:54 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 either put  the correct polymorphic_on=resource.c.poly, or remove it 
 it comes from the inherited base-mapper.

Exactly, works fine leaving poly on resource and mapping all  

cookbook helps me to, but just this change make my model working

Thank you a lot, and thank's to all replies.

follow the correct mapping to anyone wants:


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, types, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, backref, create_session
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import outerjoin, join
from sqlalchemy import String, Unicode, Integer, DateTime, Numeric, Boolean, 

db = create_engine('sqlite:///sa.db')

metadata = MetaData()
metadata = MetaData(db)
metadata.bind = db
session = create_session(bind=db)

resource_table = Table('resource', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(30)),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=True)

person_table = Table('person', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),

material_table = Table('material', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),

employee_table = Table('employee', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

technical_table = Table('technical', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

class Resource(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

def __repr__(self):
return Resource  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Person(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Person  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Material(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Material  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Employee(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Employee  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Technical(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Technical  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

mapper(Resource, resource_table,

mapper(Person, person_table, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='person',
polymorphic_on= resource_table.c.poly, 

mapper(Material, material_table, 
inherit_condition= material_table.c.id == resource_table.c.id, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='material'

mapper(Employee, employee_table,
inherit_condition= employee_table.c.id == person_table.c.id, 
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='employee',

mapper(Technical, technical_table,
inherit_condition= technical_table.c.id == person_table.c.id, 
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='technical',


r = Resource('resource name')
p = Person('person name')
m = Material('material name')
e = Employee('employee name')
t = Technical('technical name')




for o in session.query(Resource).all():
print o, o.poly


for o in session.query(Person).all():
print o, o.poly


results are:

Resource  id=1 ,name=resource name  resource
Person  id=2 ,name=person name  person
Material  id=3 ,name=material name  material
Employee  id=4 ,name=employee name  employee
Technical  id=5 ,name=technical name  technical
Person  id=2 ,name=person name  person
Employee  id=4 ,name=employee name  employee
Technical  id=5 ,name=technical name  technical

Thanks again,


Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: filter() on inherited class doesn't point to the correct table

2008-01-11 Thread Alexandre da Silva

I think I understand what you trying to do

in fact polymorphic objects are load correctly in my test, I think it is
an approach to your case.
follow the code I used before to ask about polymorphic inheritance, note
to the Catalog class, this class have a resource list (catalog_id on
Resource), and I am inserting different types of resources, than when
each resource is loaded correctly with their type


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, types,
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, backref, create_session
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import outerjoin, join
from sqlalchemy import String, Unicode, Integer, DateTime, Numeric,
Boolean, UnicodeText

db = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')

metadata = MetaData()
metadata = MetaData(db)
metadata.bind = db
session = create_session(bind=db)

resource_table = Table('resource', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(30)),
Column('catalog_id', Integer, ForeignKey('catalog.id')),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=True)

person_table = Table('person', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),

material_table = Table('material', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),

employee_table = Table('employee', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

technical_table = Table('technical', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

catalog_table = Table('catalog', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),

catalog_resources = Table('catalog_resources', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('resource_id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id')),

class Resource(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

def __repr__(self):
return Resource  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Person(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Person  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Material(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Material  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Employee(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Employee  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Technical(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Technical  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Catalog(object):
def __repr__(self):
return catalog  id=%d resources=%s  %
(self.id,str([str(r)+',' for r in self.resources]))

mapper(Resource, resource_table,

mapper(Person, person_table, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='person',
polymorphic_on= resource_table.c.poly, 

mapper(Material, material_table, 
inherit_condition= material_table.c.id == resource_table.c.id, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='material'

mapper(Employee, employee_table,
inherit_condition= employee_table.c.id == person_table.c.id, 
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='employee',

mapper(Technical, technical_table,
inherit_condition= technical_table.c.id == person_table.c.id, 
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='technical',

mapper(Catalog, catalog_table,


r = Resource('resource name')
p = Person('person name')
m = Material('material name')
e = Employee('employee name')
t = Technical('technical name')
x = Catalog()

x.resources = [p,m,e,t]



for o in session.query(Resource).all():
print o, o.poly


for o in session.query(Person).all():
print o, o.poly

print  Catalog #
y= session.query(Catalog).one()
print y


I Hope it helps you


Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Depreciation warning

2008-01-10 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Sorry previous message, I've pressed a magic combination keys here and
message was sent.


The least problem with the warning is that it not inform what table and
column are wrong the traceback returns:

 SADeprecationWarning: Using String type with no length for CREATE TABLE is 
deprecated; use the Text type explicitly
  colspec = self.preparer.format_column(column) +   +
column.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect, _for_ddl=True).get_col_spec()

my model is divided along many files to modularization, each file have
more than 10 tables, the model seems to have just one wrong column, is
not so dificult to me find the wrong colum, but if model was greater it
could be.

maybe you can include this information at traceback.


Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Get default value

2008-01-10 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Hello all,

is there a way that I can get the default value defined on
Column(default=something) ?

the default I get is a ColumDefault, and I don't know how to get it's

any suggestion?
Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Get default value

2008-01-10 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Em Qui, 2008-01-10 às 17:13 -0800, jason kirtland escreveu:

Yes, exactly this.

another question

How many levels I can inherit classes/tables without get something

let me show a simplest sample hierarchy:

  / \
person   material
 /  \

now, I am creating a type column on resource to map persons and
materials, them I am creating another type column on person, to get
mapped the various types of persons.

by this way, I could get a employee instance, just selecting a resource
but something is going wrong, because the column type on resource is not
filled with correct value, and I am getting NOT NULL CONSTRAINT by
insert an employee.

the tables

resource_table = Table(
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=False)

person_table = Table(
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True, ForeignKey('resource.id'),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=False)

employee_table = Table(
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True, ForeignKey('person.id'),

the classes

class Resource(object):

class Person(Resource):

class Employee(Person):


mapper(Resource, resource_table,

mapper(Person, person_table, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='person'

mapper(Employee employee_table,
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='employee',

is all, now when I create an instance of Employee and try to save, I get
back an integrity error, that resource.poly cannot be null

any suggestion?

thank's for previous replies.

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Get default value

2008-01-10 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Em Qui, 2008-01-10 às 21:20 -0500, Rick Morrison escreveu:
 You're mixing single-table inheritance (using the discriminator
 column), with concrete inheritance (using multiple tables). 
 You have to pick one scheme or the other. Either use a single
 inheritance chain, or separate the two class hierarchies into two
 separate chains that don't inherit from each other. In the separate
 scheme, each chain can use it's own discriminator column, but you
 cannot combine two class hierarchies that each use a different
 discriminator column. 

hum, so something is wrong here, I recreate a simple test case and all
is working properly, using the exactly model suggested on my previous
message. I will debug my application to find where is the error, but for
now, I don't know if this should work, but is working.

here is the test case and results:


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, types,
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, backref, create_session
from sqlalchemy import String, Unicode, Integer, DateTime, Numeric,
Boolean, UnicodeText

db = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')

metadata = MetaData()
metadata = MetaData(db)
metadata.bind = db
session = create_session(bind=db)

resource_table = Table('resource', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(30)),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=True)

person_table = Table('person', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=False)

material_table = Table('material', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),

employee_table = Table('employee', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

technical_table = Table('technical', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

class Resource(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

def __repr__(self):
return Resource  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Person(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Person  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Material(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Material  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Employee(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Employee  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Technical(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Technical  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

mapper(Resource, resource_table,

mapper(Person, person_table, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='person'

mapper(Material, material_table, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='material'

mapper(Employee, employee_table,
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='employee',

mapper(Technical, technical_table,
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='technical',


r = Resource('resource name')
p = Person('person name')
m = Material('material name')
e = Employee('employee name')
t = Technical('technical name')



for o in session.query(Resource).all():
print o


for o in session.query(Person).all():
print o


The results:

Resource  id=1 ,name=resource name 
Person  id=2 ,name=person name 
Material  id=3 ,name=material name 
Employee  id=4 ,name=employee name 
Technical  id=5 ,name=technical name 
Person  id=2 ,name=person name 
Employee  id=4 ,name=employee name 
Technical  id=5 ,name=technical name 

I think it is working properly.

but I will try to remove the type columns

Thank's for help
Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Get default value

2008-01-10 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Em Qui, 2008-01-10 às 21:20 -0500, Rick Morrison escreveu:
 You're mixing single-table inheritance (using the discriminator
 column), with concrete inheritance (using multiple tables). 
 You have to pick one scheme or the other. Either use a single
 inheritance chain, or separate the two class hierarchies into two
 separate chains that don't inherit from each other. In the separate
 scheme, each chain can use it's own discriminator column, but you
 cannot combine two class hierarchies that each use a different
 discriminator column. 

In fact I am doing what is sugested here:
It works fine with one level inheritance  class-subclass
but the third subclassing don't working, it was because objects was in
cache... savint to db and tryin to load again the identity is lost.

how do you suggest to I do this? or I cannot?

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] polymorphic inheritance

2008-01-10 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Hello all,
sa developers, is too dificult try to implement inheritance works by
that form?
I don't know the SA core, so I think is no so difficult to make this
for now, I accept this code changed to work properly, as it works
removing the session.clear()

thank's a lot


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, types,
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, backref, create_session
from sqlalchemy import String, Unicode, Integer, DateTime, Numeric,
Boolean, UnicodeText

db = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')

metadata = MetaData()
metadata = MetaData(db)
metadata.bind = db
session = create_session(bind=db)

resource_table = Table('resource', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(30)),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=True)

person_table = Table('person', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),
Column('poly', String(31), nullable=False)

material_table = Table('material', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('resource.id'), primary_key=True,),

employee_table = Table('employee', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

technical_table = Table('technical', metadata,
Column('id',Integer, ForeignKey('person.id'), primary_key=True),

class Resource(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

def __repr__(self):
return Resource  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Person(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Person  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Material(Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return Material  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Employee(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Employee  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

class Technical(Person):
def __repr__(self):
return Technical  id=%d ,name=%s  % (self.id,self.name)

mapper(Resource, resource_table,

mapper(Person, person_table, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='person'

mapper(Material, material_table, 
inherits=Resource, polymorphic_identity='material'

mapper(Employee, employee_table,
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='employee',

mapper(Technical, technical_table,
inherits=Person, polymorphic_identity='technical',


r = Resource('resource name')
p = Person('person name')
m = Material('material name')
e = Employee('employee name')
t = Technical('technical name')



for o in session.query(Resource).all():
print o, o.poly


for o in session.query(Person).all():
print o


Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: broken relationship

2008-01-07 Thread Alexandre da Silva

I am not sure, but, I think after you save feed, in this case you don't
need to call session.flush() maybe it is clearing the sessionand the
feed object too. try to remove it or test if is none after
 session.save (feed)
 session.flush ()
 post= Post (
Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

Open Sales Force System
opencomanche ([stopped] mail-me to get the latest source code)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Emptying out the session of new objects

2008-01-04 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 Is there an easy way of flushing all objects that are categorised as
 new in the session ??
I think you can use session.clear(), it will remove objects from
session, and persistent objects will stay on database.



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[sqlalchemy] get related table object via mapped class

2008-01-04 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Hello all,

is there any way to access class related by an relationship?


# Table definition ommited

class Person(object):

class Address(object):

mapper(Person, person_table,
address=relation(Address, uselist=False)

now I want to access the Address class (and/or address_table) through a
Person object,

any sugestion?

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

Open Sales Force System
opencomanche ([stopped] mail-me to get the latest source code)
Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

Open Sales Force System
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[sqlalchemy] Re: get related table object via mapped class

2008-01-04 Thread Alexandre da Silva


thank you for reply, it is always more readable that

Thank's for all

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

Open Sales Force System
opencomanche ([stopped] mail-me to get the latest source code)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: get related table object via mapped class

2008-01-04 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 using the Person class directly:

Thank you so much, works like a charm

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

Open Sales Force System
opencomanche ([stopped] mail-me to get the latest source code)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Execute query without a mapper

2008-01-01 Thread Alexandre da Silva


yes, I've already been read that, but I am using TurboGears and using

if you mean that youd like to execute using the Session itself, use
 the execute() method on Session and  you probably want to bind your
 Session to the engine directly:


I see at documentation that Session.execute() is deprecated and now we need
to use
Session.query(Class/Mapper).from_statement(stmt) instead so it requires a
mapper or a
Class as parameter, and I don´t have sucess trying to do it witout a class.

like a flat SQL file ?  just read the file and execute each
 linefor line in file('myfile.txt'):  engine.execute(line)

Yes like a flat SQL file, and for simple inserts and/or updates I do exactly
but it is not so usefull if I need to execure multiline statements, like:

function body

to do it properly I think I need to write all in one line.
otherwise I already no tried to create any database function using this

if that is no way to do similar thigs I will maintain my old flat sql files
and execute direct
to database, I just ask it because if I have this feature, I can do things
like, create a single sql file to each
database object related to one table, like an after insert trigger, or any
other kind of object I need.

for now, to perform default data inserts I will import my model and use
session.query(Class).from_statement(stmt).all(), it is working properly

thank you very much for reply


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[sqlalchemy] Execute query without a mapper

2007-12-31 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Is there any way to execute a database query without a mapper or class?
it would be useful to perform arbitrary inserts on database.

and another question, is there any way to execute a sql file from
sqlalchemy session, the reason is the same as above, make arbitrary
inserts and/or updates on database.

Thanks for any help

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

Open Sales Force System
opencomanche ([stopped] mail-me to get the latest source code)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Session.execute (PostgreSQL) function not doing anything?

2007-12-30 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 What is missing there? Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated!
I not tested here if is solve your problem, but, are you calling the
commit() after execution?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: get mapped class

2007-12-22 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 what u need?
I need the list of mapped Classes, if mapper_registry have all classes I
can use it.
 all tables? see metadata.
 all mappers? see the mapper_registry
 the relations inbetween? u have to dig the individual mappers, walk the 
 polymorphisms and inheritances.

I just want a list containing the relation class-table and
table-class, but I think it's not available, so I will create my own.

 probably no, the relation is directional in the other way,. mapper-table; 
 one may have many mappers linked in a way or another to same table.
 i'm not sure if u can have 2 separate clasess with 2 primary mappers using 
 same table - probably can.

Creating my own mapping list I will get what I need for now.

 and, why u need all this?

At my development scenario I want to create a Form on application just
defining some properties at Mapped Class, and just what I need is a list
with the links table-class, to get one or other depends where am I, 

other thing I need/want is create some database additional objects
(triggers, procedures, etc) just creating a staticmethod at mapped
class, i.e get_addit_metadata()

that's all
for now I will implement my own mapper function, and it will inside add
the class-table to a list to keep tracking and inside call the
sqlalchemy mapper method.

Thank's for all replies

Best Regards,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Default data and table related database objects

2007-12-21 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 database trigger syntax is pretty database specific so we dont have a
 generic DDL construct for that right now.  you can issue the DDL using
 a textual execute like engine.execute(CREATE TRIGGER ...).  for
 inserting of data you usually would use a table.insert() construct.

ok, it helps if I have an after_create event on mapper or mapped
class, than I will able to create all additional objects related with 
table at moment I call metadata.create_all()

 you've lost me here.  I don't see the connection between a trigger in
 your database and a method on one of your mapped classes.

it would be just a Method like after_create_execute(SOME DATABASE
SPECIFIC SQL), and this method should be called after creation of
table, but just on creation... would be usefull have an
before_drop_execute(SOME STATEMENT) to make users able to drop these
related object in case of automatic database recreation

in the same method after_create_execute() users can put insert
statements to insert default data to tables, it can be very usefull in
some cases.

 you'd have to show me what you mean, I don't understand why you need
 to scroll through all your classes just to set up triggers in your
 schema.  The schema exists independently of any ORM configuration
 which uses that schema.

if the feature above is not ready, I will put a staticmethod on each
mapped class to define my default data and related objects, and will
call it for each mapped class.

the methods can contain something like this:

def get_trigger_metadata():

def initialize_table():
return INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME VALUES (1,Lorem Ipsun,foo,bar)

All this to setup initial additional objects to database i.e. on
application setup

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Default data and table related database objects

2007-12-21 Thread Alexandre da Silva

 we have a ticket in the works for this:  
ok, I will look at this ticket.

 note that this feature applies to Table objects, not ORM mapped  
 classes.  A central tenet of SQLAlchemy is that the object relational  
 mapper is an optional package which is completely decoupled from  
 database schema definition.  If you're looking to define mapped  
 classes and schema declaration together theres a tool called Elixir  
 that does that.
Yes, I know Elixir, but I prefer to use sqlalchemy directly to get more

Thank you for reply.


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[sqlalchemy] get mapped class

2007-12-21 Thread Alexandre da Silva

Hello Again,

I am already trying go get the list of mapped tables. I currently got a
list from sqlalchemy.org.mapper from the weakref mapper_registry, but
I don't know if that values are useful for my context.

I also have another question, I have some way to access the mapped class
from the table object?

something like:

user_table = Table(...)

class User(object)

mapper(User, user_table)

I have some method like user_table.getclass? or another way to get it
from orm?

thank's for help

Alexandre da Silva
Analista de Sistemas - Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação (2003-2007)

Open Sales Force System
opencomanche ([stopped] mail-me to get the latest source code)

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