[sqlalchemy] Setting up indexes in __table_args__ that depend on columns created in __declare_first__

2021-12-14 Thread 'Randy Syring' via sqlalchemy
I'm trying to create a mixin that will setup FK columns that are 
dynamically named based on the name of the parent as opposed to a static 
name like `parent_id`.  If was going to do the latter, I could easily use 
`declarted_attr` but since I want the former, I thought I could use 
`__declare_first__()`.  It works except that I also need to setup an index 
on the FK column.  When trying to do that with `__table_args__()`, I get an 
exception b/c, `__table_args__()` gets called before `__declare_first__()`.

class FlawMixin:

def __tablename__(cls):
return f'{cls.__flaw_ident__}_flaws'

def __table_args__(cls):
return (

def __declare_first__(cls):
setattr(cls, f'{cls.__flaw_ident__}_id', sa.Column(
sa.ForeignKey(cls.__flaw_parent__.id, ondelete='cascade'),
setattr(cls, cls.__flaw_ident__,
sa.orm.relationship(cls.__flaw_parent__, lazy='raise_on_sql'))

I realize I have an event ordering issue with the way this is setup.  Just 
not sure what the correct way is to solve it.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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[sqlalchemy] Can I get joined loading on a relationship to work from child to parent?

2017-05-02 Thread Randy Syring
Is there any way to get relationship joined loading to work from child back 
up to the parent?

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
Base = declarative_base()

class GrandParent(Base):
__tablename__ = 'grands'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String())

class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = 'parents'

gp_id = Column(ForeignKey(GrandParent.id, ondelete='cascade'), nullable=
gp = relationship(GrandParent, lazy='joined', innerjoin=True)

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String())

class Child(Base):
__tablename__ = 'childs'

parent_id = Column(ForeignKey(Parent.id, ondelete='cascade'), nullable=
parent = relationship(Parent, lazy='joined', innerjoin=True)

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String())

engine.echo = True

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

gp = GrandParent(name='foo')
p = Parent(name='bar', gp=gp)
c = Child(name='baz', parent=p)


# How many SQL statements?  Why not 1 that would load Child, it's parent, 
and it's grand parent?
assert c.parent.gp.id

As the last comment says, any way to get that last statement to issue one 
join with all the inner joins to load the parent objects?

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Proposal to discontinue pymssql in favor of pyodbc

2017-01-25 Thread Randy Syring


While I have not done work recently committing to the project, I am one 
of the maintainers.  I'm an owner of the pymssql Github organization, 
pay for the pymssql.org domain, and try to generally keep up with things 
as time permits.

Regarding being an "active" project, that is debatable.  Ramiro has done 
great work over the past year, but we have generally been unable to 
maintain the project as it should be maintained.  We have important 
issues out there, like a request for a new release for code that is 
already in GitHub, but just don't have the manpower to make the 
release.  These issues could easily be addressed if we had someone who 
could devote their effort in that direction, but we don't and have 
historically struggled to have anything like consistent effort put 
towards maintaining/improving pymssql.  That's not a complaint, the work 
that has been done is appreciated, it's just what we face.

I'm not proposing that pymssql be discontinued _simply_ because another 
project exists.  I'm proposing that it be discontinued because:

 * Microsoft has come out in-favor of ODBC and pyodbc and, with their
   support, pyodbc could be a technically superior product.
 * If Microsoft is supporting pyodbc, many new users will start there
   and probably not even look for another solution (like pymssql).
 * pymssql has struggled to find maintainers who can devote time to it
   and it is starting to languish.

So, my thought is, if we don't bring anything to the table that pyodbc 
doesn't bring, then why shouldn't we point people in that direction instead.

However, I appreciate your input here and on the GH issue that pymssql 
is more stable than pyodbc.  That is exactly the kind of information I'm 
looking for.

*Randy Syring*
Chief Executive Developer
Direct: 502.276.0459
Office: 812.285.8766
Level 12 <https://www.level12.io/>

On 01/25/2017 10:47 AM, mike bayer wrote:
I don't see how it's appropriate to even suggest that an open source 
project close its doors simply because another project exists.If 
you were the maintainer of pymssql, that would be one thing, but 
looking at the commits it seems to continue to be an active project.

pymssql handles our tests more cleanly than pyodbc which has constant 
datatype issues,  and I have had several non-response-situations from 
the maintainer on the pyodbc side in the somewhat distant past 
(whereas I've had great response with pymssql issues), so unless the 
situation has vastly changed I'd prefer pymssql continue its excellent 

On 01/25/2017 10:24 AM, Randy Syring wrote:

There is a proposal open to discontinue pymssql development and point
people towards pyodbc.  Since pymssql is a documented backend for SA, I
figured there might be some people here who are interested.

If you have any skin in that game and want to comment, please visit the
issue: https://github.com/pymssql/pymssql/issues/477


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[sqlalchemy] Proposal to discontinue pymssql in favor of pyodbc

2017-01-25 Thread Randy Syring
There is a proposal open to discontinue pymssql development and point 
people towards pyodbc.  Since pymssql is a documented backend for SA, I 
figured there might be some people here who are interested.

If you have any skin in that game and want to comment, please visit the 
issue: https://github.com/pymssql/pymssql/issues/477


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Memory leak? with connection & insert

2016-02-25 Thread Randy Syring


Just to be clear, I'm not doing any kind of selects.  I'm only inserting 
records.  And these aren't large binary blobs of any kind, they are 
rather small strings and ints.

I apologize in advance if I misunderstood your answer.

*Randy Syring*
Chief Executive Developer
Direct: 502.276.0459
Office: 812.285.8766
Level 12 <https://www.level12.io/>

On 02/25/2016 07:46 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:

On 02/25/2016 06:31 PM, Randy Syring wrote:

I'm working on a project to parse through a large text file (1GB) of
records.  Once parsed, each record gets sent to the DB.  Due to the size
of the file, I've been working on a streaming/functional approach that
will keep my memory usage constant.

I've been able to simply take the DB out of the equation and parse
through all of the records and memory usage stays constant. But, as
soon as I bring SA into the picture, memory usage continues to climb
through the lifetime of the program.

Well as soon as you bring psycopg2, or really any DBAPI, into the 
picture.   DBAPI drivers fully buffer both rows and columns. However, 
this wouldn't lead to unbounded growth, only that memory would grow as 
big as the biggest single result set you've fetched.

I originally started using the ORM, and thought the Session would be the
culprit, but have now drilled down deep enough into the problem that it
appears to be an issue even when using simple connections.

*using psycopg:

 connection =db.engine.connect().connection
forcount,statement inenumerate(MEXChunker(mex_file).yield_merchants()):
forpc_data instatement.program_charges:
 insert_sql ="INSERT INTO stage.tsys_program_charges
"reporting_year, charge_amount, merchant_number, officer_code) "\
"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"

I see you aren't using server side cursors, which is the minimum 
required to not get psycopg2 to buffer rows as they are sent. But even 
then, server side cursors don't have any impact on individual column 
values being buffered - I'm not sure if these text fields are large 
binary objects themselves, but the only DBAPI right now that supports 
streaming of BLOB objects is cx_Oracle and SQLAlchemy also hides this 
API.   For streaming of large objects in psycopg2, you have to use 
this obscure Postgresql feature nobody uses called "large objects" 
that requires use of a special table, that's described at 


The above, when ran, shows memory ("RES" in `top`) quickly climb and
then hold around 183K.  The resources module reports "max rss" at 182268
at the end of running the script.  Those memory numbers are just about
the same if I simply run the loop and keep the DB out of it.

*using SA

forcount,statement inenumerate(MEXChunker(mex_file).yield_merchants()):
forpc_data instatement.program_charges:
 insert_sql ="INSERT INTO stage.tsys_program_charges
"reporting_year, charge_amount, merchant_number, officer_code) "\
"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"

The above, when ran, shows memory usage climbing through the life of the
script.  "max rss" tops out at 323984.

I'd like to ultimately be able to use the ORM for this project, but if
even the simple inserts using SA don't result in constant memory, I
can't really more forward with that plan.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Basically, people use server side cursors for this, but I find those 
to be troubling since they are temperamental and aren't platform 
dependent.  If the size of your data is based on that there's a lot of 
rows, I'd fetch it using windows at a time, e.g. an approach similar 
to that described at 

I've written routines that generalize this such that I can even pass 
different chunks of data as I fetch them into individual worker 
processes using a multiprocessing.Pool and I've written routines that 
write data out to files and use heapq to sort them back (that job in 
particular we had to read/write out a 4G XML file, where a DOM tree of 
such would run out of memory immediately, so we used all SAX 
parsing/streaming and heapq). IMO once you have things chunked, you 
can do anything with it.

*system info

*Python 2.7.6
SA 1.0.10 & SA 1.0.12
Ubuntu Linux 14.04

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[sqlalchemy] Memory leak? with connection & insert

2016-02-25 Thread Randy Syring
I'm working on a project to parse through a large text file (1GB) of 
records.  Once parsed, each record gets sent to the DB.  Due to the size of 
the file, I've been working on a streaming/functional approach that will 
keep my memory usage constant.  

I've been able to simply take the DB out of the equation and parse through 
all of the records and memory usage stays constant.  But, as soon as I 
bring SA into the picture, memory usage continues to climb through the 
lifetime of the program.

I originally started using the ORM, and thought the Session would be the 
culprit, but have now drilled down deep enough into the problem that it 
appears to be an issue even when using simple connections.

*using psycopg:*
connection = db.engine.connect().connection
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
for count, statement in enumerate(MEXChunker(mex_file).
for pc_data in statement.program_charges:
insert_sql = "INSERT INTO stage.tsys_program_charges 
(reporting_month," \
 "reporting_year, charge_amount, 
merchant_number, officer_code) " \
 "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
cursor.execute(insert_sql, pc_data)

The above, when ran, shows memory ("RES" in `top`) quickly climb and then 
hold around 183K.  The resources module reports "max rss" at 182268 at the 
end of running the script.  Those memory numbers are just about the same if 
I simply run the loop and keep the DB out of it.

*using SA*
with db.engine.begin() as connection:
for count, statement in enumerate(MEXChunker(mex_file).
for pc_data in statement.program_charges:
insert_sql = "INSERT INTO stage.tsys_program_charges 
(reporting_month," \
 "reporting_year, charge_amount, 
merchant_number, officer_code) " \
 "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
connection.execute(insert_sql, pc_data)

The above, when ran, shows memory usage climbing through the life of the 
script.  "max rss" tops out at 323984.

I'd like to ultimately be able to use the ORM for this project, but if even 
the simple inserts using SA don't result in constant memory, I can't really 
more forward with that plan.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

*system info*Python 2.7.6
SA 1.0.10 & SA 1.0.12
Ubuntu Linux 14.04

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Re: [sqlalchemy] UTC timestamps for Column's server_default?

2015-07-24 Thread Randy Syring

So helpful!  Thanks.

*Randy Syring*
Chief Executive Developer
Direct: 502.276.0459
Office: 812.285.8766
Level 12 https://www.level12.io/

On 07/24/2015 03:45 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:

On 7/24/15 3:17 PM, Randy Syring wrote:
I have some generic timestamp columns as part of a mixin.  I'd like 
for these columns to have server defaults of the current UTC time.  
If I wanted local time, I could just do:

created_ts = Column(DateTime, ..., 

The problem I'm running into is that the DB servers all have a 
different way of getting UTC time:

Microsoft SQL: select GETUTCDATE()
PostgreSQL: select (now() at time zone 'utc')

So how do I set the server default in a db specific way when I want 
to be able to define the columns in a library that will be used on 
different DB servers?
yup this is a common one, so much that here it is right here: 

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[sqlalchemy] UTC timestamps for Column's server_default?

2015-07-24 Thread Randy Syring
I have some generic timestamp columns as part of a mixin.  I'd like for 
these columns to have server defaults of the current UTC time.  If I wanted 
local time, I could just do:

created_ts = Column(DateTime, ..., 

The problem I'm running into is that the DB servers all have a different 
way of getting UTC time:

Microsoft SQL: select GETUTCDATE()
PostgreSQL: select (now() at time zone 'utc')

So how do I set the server default in a db specific way when I want to be 
able to define the columns in a library that will be used on different DB 

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[sqlalchemy] Do passive deletes apply to many to many relationships?

2014-05-14 Thread Randy Syring
I am trying to get SQLAlchemy to let my database's foreign keys on delete 
cascade do the cleanup on the association table between two objects. I 
have setup the cascade and passive_delete options on the relationship as 
seems appropriate from the docs. However, when a related object is loaded 
into the collection of a primary object and the primary object is deleted 
from the session, then SQLAlchemy issues a delete statement for the related 

I have a code example to reproduce the problem at stackoverflow: 

Is there a way to configure SQLAlchemy to never emit a DELETE for a related 
object even when that object is loaded in a collection of an entity that is 
deleted from the session?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Turning a Query instance into SQL (with parameters), need help w/ LIMIT/OFFSET in 0.7.x

2012-03-12 Thread Randy Syring

I added the new recipe to the wiki.

Randy Syring
Development  Executive Director
Level 12 Technologies  https://www.lev12.com/  (formerly Intelicom)
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

Intelicom is now Level 12 Technologies,learn more about our name change  
Please update your address book with my new email address.

Principled People, Technology that Works

On 03/09/2012 09:24 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
i haven't followed this closely, worth updating the recipe on the SQLA 
wiki ?

On Mar 9, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Randy Syring wrote:

I checked out that function and it turns out that I actually do have 
problems with:

q = db.sess.query(Blog).filter(Blog.title == u'foo').limit(10).offset(5)

results in:

SELECT blogs.id, blogs.createdts, blogs.updatedts, blogs.title, 

FROM blogs
WHERE blogs.title = ?

However, I was mistaken in my original post.  The problem was not 
with the helper function but with the way I was doing my testing.  
The full implementation of the helper function is here:


Randy Syring
Development  Executive Director
Level 12 Technologies  https://www.lev12.com/  (formerly Intelicom)
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

Intelicom is now Level 12 Technologies,learn more about our name change  
Please update your address book with my new email address.

Principled People, Technology that Works

On 03/09/2012 03:25 AM, Alex K wrote:

We use this recipe and in 0.7.5 it works ok with limit and offset.


On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Randy Syring rsyr...@gmail.com 
mailto:rsyr...@gmail.com wrote:

I found a recipe on stackoverflow for turning a query instance
into a string, including parameters.  I only do this for testing
purposes and the implementation is here:


However, I just upgraded to 0.7.5 and it would appear this
recipe does not handle LIMIT/OFFSET becoming parameterized.  I
get the following when using the function:

...persons.last_name AS persons_last_name FROM persons LIMIT
:param_1 OFFSET :param_2

I'm in over my head on SA internals on this one and would
appreciate suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Turning a Query instance into SQL (with parameters), need help w/ LIMIT/OFFSET in 0.7.x

2012-03-09 Thread Randy Syring

Excellent, thank you!

Randy Syring
Development  Executive Director
Level 12 Technologies  https://www.lev12.com/  (formerly Intelicom)
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

Intelicom is now Level 12 Technologies,learn more about our name change  
Please update your address book with my new email address.

Principled People, Technology that Works

On 03/09/2012 03:25 AM, Alex K wrote:

We use this recipe and in 0.7.5 it works ok with limit and offset.


On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Randy Syring rsyr...@gmail.com 
mailto:rsyr...@gmail.com wrote:

I found a recipe on stackoverflow for turning a query instance
into a string, including parameters.  I only do this for testing
purposes and the implementation is here:


However, I just upgraded to 0.7.5 and it would appear this recipe
does not handle LIMIT/OFFSET becoming parameterized.  I get the
following when using the function:

...persons.last_name AS persons_last_name FROM persons LIMIT
:param_1 OFFSET :param_2

I'm in over my head on SA internals on this one and would
appreciate suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Turning a Query instance into SQL (with parameters), need help w/ LIMIT/OFFSET in 0.7.x

2012-03-09 Thread Randy Syring
I checked out that function and it turns out that I actually do have 
problems with:

q = db.sess.query(Blog).filter(Blog.title == u'foo').limit(10).offset(5)

results in:

SELECT blogs.id, blogs.createdts, blogs.updatedts, blogs.title, blogs.ident
FROM blogs
WHERE blogs.title = ?

However, I was mistaken in my original post.  The problem was not with 
the helper function but with the way I was doing my testing.  The full 
implementation of the helper function is here:


Randy Syring
Development  Executive Director
Level 12 Technologies  https://www.lev12.com/  (formerly Intelicom)
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

Intelicom is now Level 12 Technologies,learn more about our name change  
Please update your address book with my new email address.

Principled People, Technology that Works

On 03/09/2012 03:25 AM, Alex K wrote:

We use this recipe and in 0.7.5 it works ok with limit and offset.


On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Randy Syring rsyr...@gmail.com 
mailto:rsyr...@gmail.com wrote:

I found a recipe on stackoverflow for turning a query instance
into a string, including parameters.  I only do this for testing
purposes and the implementation is here:


However, I just upgraded to 0.7.5 and it would appear this recipe
does not handle LIMIT/OFFSET becoming parameterized.  I get the
following when using the function:

...persons.last_name AS persons_last_name FROM persons LIMIT
:param_1 OFFSET :param_2

I'm in over my head on SA internals on this one and would
appreciate suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
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[sqlalchemy] Turning a Query instance into SQL (with parameters), need help w/ LIMIT/OFFSET in 0.7.x

2012-03-08 Thread Randy Syring
I found a recipe on stackoverflow for turning a query instance into a 
string, including parameters.  I only do this for testing purposes and the 
implementation is here:


However, I just upgraded to 0.7.5 and it would appear this recipe does not 
handle LIMIT/OFFSET becoming parameterized.  I get the following when using 
the function:

...persons.last_name AS persons_last_name FROM persons LIMIT :param_1 
OFFSET :param_2

I'm in over my head on SA internals on this one and would appreciate 

Thanks in advance.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Help using SqlSoup with database views

2011-08-04 Thread Randy Syring
FWIW, I tried the map_to() method but still received the PK error.
The following method, however, worked fine:

ss = SqlSoup(db.engine)
meta = ss._metadata
tbl_vrmf = sa.Table(vRMF, meta, autoload=True)
vrmf_pks = [tbl_vrmf.c.dateId, tbl_vrmf.c.ident, tbl_vrmf.c.mnum]
vrmf = ss.map(tbl_vrmf, primary_key=vrmf_pks)

On Jun 10, 8:18 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Jun 9, 2011, at 12:41 AM, Reece Hart wrote:

  I'd like to use SqlSoup with an existing database that contains views.
  Accessing a table goes swimmingly, but accessing a view results in
  PKNotFoundError: table '[viewname]' does not have a primary key

  Do I correctly infer that SqlSoup does not work with database views (by
  default, at least)? I've been unable to find anything directly relevant
  on Google, SO, or the SqlAlchemy mailing list. If you were faced with
  this, how would you proceed if you wanted to access non-updatable views?
  I'm new to SQLAlchemy and SQLSoup.

  Here's a specific example:

         from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup
         u = SqlSoup('postgresql+psycopg2://pub...@unison-db.org:5432/unison')
         seq = u.pseq.filter(u.pseq.pseq_id==76).all() # okay
         aliases = u.pseqalias.filter(u.pseqalias.pseq_id==76).all()
         PKNotFoundError: table 'pseqalias' does not have a primary key 

 You would need to pass the columns to be considered part of the primary key 
 to the underlying mapper, using sqlsoup.map_to(), but unfortunately there is 
 not a simple interface for that at the moment, since you need the Table 
 object as well to get at the columns.   So until this interface could be 
 improved, for now it would look like:

 metadata = u._metadata
 t = Table(pseqaliases, metadata, autoload=True)

 u.map_to(pseqaliases, selectable=t, mapper_args={primary_key:[t.c.col1, 

 This is just the primary_key argument to mapper, there are some examples 
 athttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/mapper_config.htmlnear the top.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: can I use SA to dump a table's DDL to a file?

2011-06-03 Thread Randy Syring
If anyone is interested, I have some code that writes basic details for 
tables, constraints, indexes, and triggers out to files.  Code is here:


Randy Syring
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

For the wages of sin is death, but the
free gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23)

On 06/02/2011 11:03 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Jun 2, 2011, at 3:14 AM, Randy Syring wrote:

Looks like I beat you to the answer by about 3 mins, thanks for
answering though. :)

I have a follow-up though.  The foreign key constraints are not
getting created with ON DELETE CASCADE as expected.  I tried this in
both MSSQL and Postgres.  Is this expected behavior?

yeah I don't think this aspect of the FK is reflected right now.Plenty of 
room for that as a new feature of course

If so, is it possible to modify the FKs after they are reflected to
set ondelete and onupdate as appropriate?  My test code:


And my output:

CREATE TABLE blog_comments (
blog_id INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT blog_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT blog_comments_blog_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY(blog_id) REFERENCES
blog (id)

It would seem to be a reflection issue though, b/c if I create a table
manually, the ON DELETE CASCADE is added correctly.

I think if you went through the Table object's .constraints collection and looked for 
ForeignKeyConstraint objects you could set up the onupdate and ondelete 
attributes on them, sure.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: can I use SA to dump a table's DDL to a file?

2011-06-02 Thread Randy Syring
Looks like I beat you to the answer by about 3 mins, thanks for
answering though. :)

I have a follow-up though.  The foreign key constraints are not
getting created with ON DELETE CASCADE as expected.  I tried this in
both MSSQL and Postgres.  Is this expected behavior?

If so, is it possible to modify the FKs after they are reflected to
set ondelete and onupdate as appropriate?  My test code:


And my output:

CREATE TABLE blog_comments (
blog_id INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT blog_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT blog_comments_blog_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY(blog_id) REFERENCES
blog (id)

It would seem to be a reflection issue though, b/c if I create a table
manually, the ON DELETE CASCADE is added correctly.

On Jun 1, 8:36 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 sure, you'd use the mock executor as in the second example 

 On Jun 1, 2011, at 8:01 PM, Randy Syring wrote:

  I'd like to be able to dump an MS SQL server's objects to text on the
  local file system.  I have a working solution for views, stored
  procedures, and functions, but tables are a different story.  Can i
  use SA's reflection and table creation abilities to write create table
  DDL to a text file?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: can I use SA to dump a table's DDL to a file?

2011-06-02 Thread Randy Syring
That was it, thanks.  I was trying to go through the column and looking 
at it's foreign_keys collection.  When I set those values, it didn't 
affect the output.  Reflects my ignorance of SA, obviously.

Thanks again.

Randy Syring
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

For the wages of sin is death, but the
free gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23)

On 06/02/2011 11:03 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

I think if you went through the Table object's .constraints collection and looked for 
ForeignKeyConstraint objects you could set up the onupdate and ondelete 
attributes on them, sure.

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[sqlalchemy] can I use SA to dump a table's DDL to a file?

2011-06-01 Thread Randy Syring
I'd like to be able to dump an MS SQL server's objects to text on the
local file system.  I have a working solution for views, stored
procedures, and functions, but tables are a different story.  Can i
use SA's reflection and table creation abilities to write create table
DDL to a text file?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: can I use SA to dump a table's DDL to a file?

2011-06-01 Thread Randy Syring
In the FAQ...sorry:


On Jun 1, 8:01 pm, Randy Syring ra...@rcs-comp.com wrote:
 I'd like to be able to dump an MS SQL server's objects to text on the
 local file system.  I have a working solution for views, stored
 procedures, and functions, but tables are a different story.  Can i
 use SA's reflection and table creation abilities to write create table
 DDL to a text file?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: pyodbc + FreeTDS segfault?? on linux

2011-04-07 Thread Randy Syring
Seems to be a unicode conversion problem, if you are interested in
following, the pyodbc issue with very small test case is here:


On Apr 7, 9:37 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:46 AM, Randy Syring wrote:

  I am running Ubuntu 10.04, python 2.6.5, SA 0.6.6, latest pyodbc
  release.  I have tried FreeTDS that ships with the distro (0.82) as
  well as current CVS.  I can make a connection and issue a basic SQL
  statement.  However, when I try to run my unit tests, I get the
  following error:

  *** glibc detected *** /path/to/venv/bin/python: free(): invalid next
  size (fast): 0x02527bf0 ***

 nothing ive seen before with freetds (and I use freetds a lot) - so your 
 steps would be to isolate the problem into something reproducible, then ask 
 on the FreeTDS or possibly pyodbc lists, possibly first converting it into a 
 straight pyodbc script so there are at least fewer layers of abstraction at 

  The SQL issued just before that error is:

  2011-04-07 00:26:39,257 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...0350
  INSERT INTO corporate_sessions (createdts, updatedts, id, hits,
  relatedip, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  2011-04-07 00:26:39,257 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...0350
  (datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 7, 0, 26, 39, 257073), None,
  u'e1457896AdZgRjqg8CD8', 0, '', 1)

  and then the process just hangs and I have to kill the process.

  My unit tests run successfully against sqlite, postgresql, and MSSQL
  on Windows.  I have successfully ran the following test script on with
  the same libraries and virtualenv:

  import datetime
  import sqlalchemy as sa
  eng = sa.create_engine(mssql://user:pass@server/temp?
  res = eng.execute('select 1+1 as foo')
  for row in res:
   print 'answer=',row['foo']

  #eng.execute('DROP TABLE satest')
  #eng.execute('CREATE TABLE satest(id INT, name VARCHAR(300), ts

  res = eng.execute('INSERT INTO satest(id, name, ts) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
                   (10, u'foobar', datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 7, 0, 26,
  39, 257073)))

  One last thing, when I first tested this, I got an error related to
  using an ORM instance when it had already been deleted (or something
  like that, I can't remember exactly).  But I haven't seen that error
  for a long time and don't remember doing anything in particular to
  change it.

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[sqlalchemy] pyodbc + FreeTDS segfault?? on linux

2011-04-06 Thread Randy Syring
I am running Ubuntu 10.04, python 2.6.5, SA 0.6.6, latest pyodbc
release.  I have tried FreeTDS that ships with the distro (0.82) as
well as current CVS.  I can make a connection and issue a basic SQL
statement.  However, when I try to run my unit tests, I get the
following error:

*** glibc detected *** /path/to/venv/bin/python: free(): invalid next
size (fast): 0x02527bf0 ***

The SQL issued just before that error is:

2011-04-07 00:26:39,257 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...0350
INSERT INTO corporate_sessions (createdts, updatedts, id, hits,
relatedip, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2011-04-07 00:26:39,257 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...0350
(datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 7, 0, 26, 39, 257073), None,
u'e1457896AdZgRjqg8CD8', 0, '', 1)

and then the process just hangs and I have to kill the process.

My unit tests run successfully against sqlite, postgresql, and MSSQL
on Windows.  I have successfully ran the following test script on with
the same libraries and virtualenv:

import datetime
import sqlalchemy as sa
eng = sa.create_engine(mssql://user:pass@server/temp?
res = eng.execute('select 1+1 as foo')
for row in res:
  print 'answer=',row['foo']

#eng.execute('DROP TABLE satest')
#eng.execute('CREATE TABLE satest(id INT, name VARCHAR(300), ts

res = eng.execute('INSERT INTO satest(id, name, ts) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
  (10, u'foobar', datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 7, 0, 26,
39, 257073)))

One last thing, when I first tested this, I got an error related to
using an ORM instance when it had already been deleted (or something
like that, I can't remember exactly).  But I haven't seen that error
for a long time and don't remember doing anything in particular to
change it.

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[sqlalchemy] MSSQL: OUTPUT clause is throwing an error on a table with an INSERT trigger

2010-12-06 Thread Randy Syring
I am executing a bulk insert which is resulting in SQL like:

INSERT INTO equipment (equipment_type_id, number, mark, inactive)
OUTPUT inserted.id VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' (6, u'1', None, 0)

But I have a trigger on equipment that does some validity checking.
When executing, I get an exception which relays the following info
from SQL server:

DML statement cannot have any enabled triggers if the statement
contains an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause.

I am not sure what to do about this and would appreciate suggestions/


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL: OUTPUT clause is throwing an error on a table with an INSERT trigger

2010-12-06 Thread Randy Syring
Thank you!  Ticket for doc addition: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/1994

On Dec 6, 6:10 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 specify implicit_returning = False as part of the Table arguments.   Should 
 probably add a note to the MSSQL docs on this.

 On Dec 6, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Randy Syring wrote:

  I am executing a bulk insert which is resulting in SQL like:

  INSERT INTO equipment (equipment_type_id, number, mark, inactive)
  OUTPUT inserted.id VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' (6, u'1', None, 0)

  But I have a trigger on equipment that does some validity checking.
  When executing, I get an exception which relays the following info
  from SQL server:

  DML statement cannot have any enabled triggers if the statement
  contains an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause.

  I am not sure what to do about this and would appreciate suggestions/


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[sqlalchemy] SAValidation: class-level validation for Declarative objects

2010-11-24 Thread Randy Syring
I wanted to let others know about a project I am working on to give
active record style validations to declarative SA classes.  The idea
is that you can declare validation on individual fields or the whole
class and have those validators fire when the session is flushed.

I am not an SA guru by any means and I feel like this is a bit hacked
together, but I wanted to get it out there and see if there is
interest and feedback.

One of the nicest parts about this package, IMO, is that it has the
ability to automatically validate some constraints like length of
strings and nullability.  We set up our web-form validation to map the
validation errors to the form fields and it saves us from having to do
manual validation at the form level and duplicate meta-data about
fields that the declarative classes already know about.

PYPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/SAValidation
bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/rsyring/sqlalchemy-validation/src

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[sqlalchemy] documentation correction on declarative mixin

2010-07-09 Thread Randy Syring

In the second example, Engineer has __tablename__ = None
But, I think the point of that section, is that it wouldn't be
needed.  __tablename__ in Tablename should assign None anyway,
shouldn't it?

laggo on IRC confirmed and said I should post to the mailing list.

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[sqlalchemy] negative implications of using multiple declarative Base classes

2010-07-08 Thread Randy Syring
I have been, naively it seems, using multiple declarative Base classes
in my webapp.  They all share the same metadata object.

I have found one negative ramification of this, which is that string
references (like what can be used in relation()) won't find the object
if they are not using the same Base.  Are there others?

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[sqlalchemy] model validation library, need help with extension sequencing

2010-04-19 Thread Randy Syring
I am developing a library to do Active Record style validations on SA
declarative instances:


I know there are differences of opinion on the value of doing
validation like this, but I am really hoping to avoid that discussion
as I think it will be a valuable addition if I can get it implemented

I am running into an issue with getting my hooks in the right place.
I would like to be able to do the following:

* I would like default values to have been applied to the instance if
applicable before validation, i.e. i want to see the instance as a
mirror of what the flushed SQL will look like
* I would like to be able to have multiple models fail validation i.e.
I want to get details on as many errors as possible before raising an

I was initially using before_insert and before_update on the mapper
extension and trying to catch the errors on those instances in the
session extension.  However, before_flush() gets called before the
mapper extension's before_insert/update, so that didn't work.

So, Ideally, my work flow would look something like:

- before_insert/before_update called on each instance
-- instance.do_validation() called; any errors are stored on the
instance and the process continues
- I loop through the session looking for instances with validation
-- if I find any, I throw a ValidationError exception
- SQL is actually flushed to the DB

I really am in over my head a bit in SA internals though, so feel free
to let me know if I am missing the big picture.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: model validation library, need help with extension sequencing

2010-04-19 Thread Randy Syring
Ok, so I thought I might sacrifice getting all errors at once fore being 
able to validate default values, by using the mapper extension's 
before_update() and before_insert().  However, that also does not seem 
to work as the Column's default values are not applied at that point either.

Randy Syring

Whether, then, you eat or drink or 
whatever you do, do all to the glory

of God. 1 Cor 10:31

Randy Syring wrote:


Thank you for your quick reply.

If I understand correctly, after_flush() will get called after the SQL
is actually sent to the db server.  If that is the case, then it is
too late for this validation as I would want the ability to test for
validation issues that would cause DB errors (i.e. NULL in non-NULL
fields, string lengths greater than the column size).

However, I can do some testing with it.

On Apr 19, 3:31 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

On Apr 19, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Randy Syring wrote:

* I would like default values to have been applied to the instance if
applicable before validation, i.e. i want to see the instance as a
mirror of what the flushed SQL will look like
* I would like to be able to have multiple models fail validation i.e.
I want to get details on as many errors as possible before raising an
I was initially using before_insert and before_update on the mapper

extension and trying to catch the errors on those instances in the
session extension.  However, before_flush() gets called before the
mapper extension's before_insert/update, so that didn't work.
So, Ideally, my work flow would look something like:
- before_insert/before_update called on each instance

-- instance.do_validation() called; any errors are stored on the
instance and the process continues
- I loop through the session looking for instances with validation
-- if I find any, I throw a ValidationError exception
- SQL is actually flushed to the DB
I really am in over my head a bit in SA internals though, so feel free

to let me know if I am missing the big picture.

did you try after_flush() ?   the transaction hasn't been committed yet at 
that point.  then you could whiz through the whole session and each object has everything 
fully, including DB-generated state.

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[sqlalchemy] Any libraries or examples of how to let users define custom fields on SA tables/objects

2010-04-18 Thread Randy Syring
I am creating a web application that has the concept of organizations
and people.  I would like the end users to be able to define custom
fields on those objects as needed.  So,

User A (only default fields):

- Name
- Zip

- Name
- Phone Number

User B (has a few custom fields):

- Name
- Zip
- Main Contact
- Phone

- Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address

Obviously, customer B's customizations shouldn't affect User A's

So, this seems like a relatively common paradigm and I was hoping
someone might already know of a library or example application for
using SA to accomplish this.  I am looking for something akin to
Rail's acts_as_cutomizable plugin (http://github.com/trappist/
acts_as_customizable) for SA.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get SA column object from table.col, declarative attribute, or elixir entity attribute

2009-10-07 Thread Randy Syring

Can anyone give me an idea of what I need to do here?  If I can just
get a high level overview of what I need to do, I am happy to read the
documentation and source to fill in the details.


On Oct 1, 1:56 pm, Randy Syring ra...@rcs-comp.com wrote:

 Thank you for the prompt reply:

 On Oct 1, 1:11 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

 RandySyring wrote:

  I'm not sure of the context here.  are you generating code or just
  executing SQL ?  

 Ok, maybe a small example.  Here is a declarative object and the how
 the datagrid gets defined:


 Note that the datagrid currently accepts the column from the table or
 the declarative attribute.  It would also accept an elixir attribute.

 Then, inside the datagrid library, I have references to those objects
 that were passed in.  Use them to construct SQL based on options
 selected by the user.  So, a user might request something like:


 and we would generate something like:

 SELECT persons.id AS persons_id, persons.firstname AS
 persons_firstname, persons.last_name AS persons_last_name
 FROM persons
 WHERE persons.firstname NOT LIKE 'test'

 run that against the DB and then return the results in an HTML table.

 The way we generate the SQL is by using the SA/Elixir column/
 attributes in a query, here is a small snippet of that:


 So, my problem currently is that in the above snippet, ffor might be
 an empty string.  That's fine if the column is a text type, but I have
 to handle it differently if the column is a time stamp.  I am also
 assuming I will run into other problems related to the type of column
 being used that I will need to handle.  But, I can't currently handle
 those situations b/c I don't know enough about the SA objects to
 figure what type they are.

  if the latter wouldn't you be using TypeEngine subclasses
  to handle coersion of type values ?

 And that's where you lose me, sorry.  All I know is that I have an SA
 table column, SA declarative attribute, or elixir entity attribute and
 I need to figure out what type of SA column they represent (i.e.
 DateTime, Time, Date, etc.).  I really have no idea what it will take
 to bridge the gap, hence this post.  :)
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[sqlalchemy] How to get SA column object from table.col, declarative attribute, or elixir entity attribute

2009-10-01 Thread Randy Syring

I am trying to write a datagrid library for sqlalchemy which will
allow easy generation of tables from SA objects.  I would like the
datagrid to be able to accept a table column, declarative attribute,
or elixir entity attribute interchangeably.  Since I am building the
SQL with queries, this has worked well so far, I just use the objects
and SA takes care of the rest.

However, I have recently run into a problem that requires the datagrid
to be a little smarter.  If someone wants to filter on a date, but
leaves the value as None, then I need to convert the empty string to a
None.  However, I only want to do that for Date/Time SA columns.

So, how can I extract the SA column object from a declarative
attribute or elixir entity?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Proper way to use case() in a filter()?

2009-08-12 Thread Randy Syring

Thank you for the reply.  That looks very close to what I have.  At the very
least, my understanding about what I should be able to do looks correct.  I
will do some further testing and examination and post back with details.

Thanks again.

Randy Syring
RCS Computers  Web Solutions

Whether, then, you eat or drink or
whatever you do, do all to the glory
of God. 1 Cor 10:31

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Not much detail to tell what is wrong. Here is a contrived but working
 example based on one of my examples:

 ut = Table('user',meta,

 kt = Table('keywords',meta,

 ukt = Table('userkeywords',meta,

 class User(Base):
 __table__ = ut
 keywords = relation('Keyword',
 def __repr__(s): return User %s:%s % (s.uid,s.name)

 class Keyword(Base):
 __table__ = kt
 def __repr__(s): return Keyword %s % s.keyword

 q = session.query(User).\
 else_='X') == 'M')

 Mike Conley


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[sqlalchemy] Proper way to use case() in a filter()?

2009-08-11 Thread Randy Syring

I have a case(...) that looks right when I print it and am now trying
to use it in a filter, something like:

sess.query(User).select_from(join(...)).filter(case(...) == 1)

But I get an error.  When dissecting the parts, the problem is coming
from the case(...) == 1 part.  Can someone tell me how to do this

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[sqlalchemy] Re: autoload of db view treating columns as Decimal

2009-07-23 Thread Randy Syring

On Jul 22, 9:02 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Jul 22, 2009, at 8:48 PM, Randy Syring wrote:

 well this is really easy to analyze, turn on echo=debug and see what
 SQLite is returning.  The mapping of SQLite names to SQLA column types
 in the 0.5 series is in sqlalchemy/databases/sqlite.py in a dictionary
 called ischema_names.  its a straight dictionary lookup.   in fact
 here it is:

Well, I am not really sure what the problem is, but it looks like it
might not have anything to do with the autoload.  I tried just using a
select statement with a from_obj parameter and it looks to me like SA
is getting things wrong when it looks for the field name.  Here is the
script i used:


Here is the key:value pairs for each row/column when trying to select
from an sqlite view that uses a case statement:
row 0
id: 1
name: jack
'something': something
when name == 'jack' then 1
else 0
end: 1
row 1
id: 2
name: sam
'something': something
when name == 'jack' then 1
else 0
end: 0

The same test running against Postgres is:

row 0
id: 1
name: jack
staticfield: something
isjack: 1
row 1
id: 2
name: sam
staticfield: something
isjack: 0

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[sqlalchemy] Re: autoload of db view treating columns as Decimal

2009-07-22 Thread Randy Syring

I work with the OP.  The columns are correctly typed and the
reflection code seems to work correctly with views that are directly
selecting from tables.  Its when a view selects from another view that
we have problems with the type being lost.

Can anyone else say for sure whether it is supported to autoload a
table object from an SQLite view?  If it is, this would seem to be a
bug.  If not, I guess were are lucky it works in the first place.  New
feature maybe?


On Jul 21, 7:09 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 it is news to me that SQLAlchemy's table reflection code would even read a
 SQLite view (and that sqlite had views, actually).    Make sure your
 view defines character based fields as VARCHAR, CHAR or similar.  
 note that SQLite has a very casual notion of types so you can make up any
 type names that you want.  NUMERIC, DECIMAL, and REAL will reflect as a
 SQLAlchemy Numeric, a type that by default returns python decimal values.

 guruofgentoo wrote:

  In SQLite, I have a db view which selects from a second db view.  When
  accessing this view as a sqlalchemy Table with autoload, the fields
  are being treated as Decimal.  This raises an InvalidOperation
  exception when I attempt to access a varchar value.
  When I have a view selecting from table fields (tables created with
  sqlalchemy) instead of another view, this problem does not occur.  Why
  is the type information being lost in multiple layers of views?
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[sqlalchemy] Missing Post: mssql and pyodbc weirdness

2009-06-01 Thread Randy Syring

I made a post on Friday about some issues I was having with pyodbc and
mssql.  Now I can't find it.  I feel like I am losing my mind.  Does
anyone remember seeing that post?  I have tried just about every
search combination I can think of and can't find the post anywhere.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Missing Post: mssql and pyodbc weirdness

2009-06-01 Thread Randy Syring

Someone just replied to the post, so thankfully, I was able to figure
out where it was:


Sorry for the list SPAM.  I swear though, its not coming up in the
search, at least, not when sorted by date.

On Jun 1, 3:46 pm, Randy Syring ra...@rcs-comp.com wrote:
 I made a post on Friday about some issues I was having with pyodbc and
 mssql.  Now I can't find it.  I feel like I am losing my mind.  Does
 anyone remember seeing that post?  I have tried just about every
 search combination I can think of and can't find the post anywhere.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql and pyodbc weirdness with data not saving

2009-06-01 Thread Randy Syring

Darn!  I thought I checked that.  But you are right.  Thank you for
the post!

On Jun 1, 3:55 pm, mtrier mtr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Looks like you're using 0.5.3 I believe which had problems with this.
 Upgrade to a later release.


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[sqlalchemy] mssql and pyodbc weirdness with data not saving

2009-05-29 Thread Randy Syring

I have been having a weird thing happen when using pyodbc with mssql.
The create table statements work, but none of the INSERT statements
do.  For example, when I run code and echo, I get this:

(TCSData) F:\Inetpub\TCSData\src\tcsdata-dist\tcsdatapysmvt broadcast
calling: action_pysapp_initapp
2009-05-29 02:22:17,194 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350
2009-05-29 02:22:17,210 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350
 users_permission (name) VALUES (?); select scope_identity()
2009-05-29 02:22:17,210 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350
2009-05-29 02:22:17,210 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350

But there is nothing in that table when I am done committing.  I
profiled the server, and here is the code sequence that it shows:

set implicit_transactions on
exec sp_datatype_info 93, @ODBCVer = 3
declare @P1 int
set @P1=1
exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, N'@P1 nvarchar(19)', N'INSERT INTO
users_permission (name) VALUES (@P1); select scope_identity()',
select @P1
exec sp_unprepare 1

If is switch to adodbapi, then the insert works just fine.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query.delete() doesn't cascade on Sqlite

2009-05-29 Thread Randy Syring

Another solution is to use triggers in SQLite to enforce FK


On May 29, 6:59 am, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:
 One solution is to change the commit strategy; issue commits periodically
 during the loop.

 parentlist = session.query(Parent).all()
 count = 0
 for parent in parentlist:
    count += 1
    if count % 100 == 0  # use whatever frequency is needed
       count = 0
 if count  0:
    session.commit()  # this gets the last group of deletes

 The disadvantage of this approach is that you lose the ability to rollback
 the entire delete process, and now must handle that problem with application

 Mike Conley

 On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Harish Vishwanath harish.shas...@gmail.com


  I am running Sqlite/SQLA/Elixir on an embedded system. I have different
  classes with OneToMany relationships and I have configured cascade = all,
  delete, delete-orphan correctly on them. However, for this to work, I
  should do something like :

  parentlist = session.query(Parent).all()
  for parent in parentlist:
     session.delete(parent)    #

  The above chokes the system since it has limited memory.

  The statement below :

  session.query(Parent).delete(), issues DELETE FROM PARENT;

  This is memory efficient, but it doesn't delete the child objects since
  Sqlite doesn't impose FK constraints.

  Is there any way to solve this problem?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query.delete() doesn't cascade on Sqlite

2009-05-29 Thread Randy Syring


Well...I am not sure.  I thought SQLite held transaction details in
a .journal file and not in memory.  I thought that the memory use
might actually be a Python problem and not a result of SQLite.  If my
thoughts are correct, using the FK approach should keep deleting the
children in SQLite, which should use a journal file, which should
reduce memory usage.

But I could be wrong.  :)

On May 29, 9:28 am, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Interesting approach to foreign key management. Harish indicates he is
 having a problem with restricted memory. Won't that still be true with
 triggers? After all, if the problem is that the transaction is too big, it
 will still be too big with all the pending deletes executed in a trigger.

 Mike Conley

 On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Randy Syring ra...@rcs-comp.com wrote:

  Another solution is to use triggers in SQLite to enforce FK


  On May 29, 6:59 am, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:
   One solution is to change the commit strategy; issue commits periodically
   during the loop.

   parentlist = session.query(Parent).all()
   count = 0
   for parent in parentlist:
      count += 1
      if count % 100 == 0  # use whatever frequency is needed
         count = 0
   if count  0:
      session.commit()  # this gets the last group of deletes

   The disadvantage of this approach is that you lose the ability to
   the entire delete process, and now must handle that problem with

   Mike Conley

   On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Harish Vishwanath 


I am running Sqlite/SQLA/Elixir on an embedded system. I have different
classes with OneToMany relationships and I have configured cascade =
delete, delete-orphan correctly on them. However, for this to work, I
should do something like :

parentlist = session.query(Parent).all()
for parent in parentlist:
   session.delete(parent)    #

The above chokes the system since it has limited memory.

The statement below :

session.query(Parent).delete(), issues DELETE FROM PARENT;

This is memory efficient, but it doesn't delete the child objects since
Sqlite doesn't impose FK constraints.

Is there any way to solve this problem?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query.delete() doesn't cascade on Sqlite

2009-05-29 Thread Randy Syring

Ah...missed that part.  Well, the triggers are fired per-row I
believe.  So, if you don't use a transaction explicitly, and just let
SQLite run without one, it will be slower, but the resource usage
should be much less.

On May 29, 10:31 am, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Harish said it was an embedded system, probably all resources are pretty
 severely restricted.
 Mike Conley

 On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Randy Syring ra...@rcs-comp.com wrote:


  Well...I am not sure.  I thought SQLite held transaction details in
  a .journal file and not in memory.  I thought that the memory use
  might actually be a Python problem and not a result of SQLite.  If my
  thoughts are correct, using the FK approach should keep deleting the
  children in SQLite, which should use a journal file, which should
  reduce memory usage.

  But I could be wrong.  :)

  On May 29, 9:28 am, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:

   Interesting approach to foreign key management. Harish indicates he is
   having a problem with restricted memory. Won't that still be true with
   triggers? After all, if the problem is that the transaction is too big,
   will still be too big with all the pending deletes executed in a trigger.

   Mike Conley

   On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Randy Syring ra...@rcs-comp.com

Another solution is to use triggers in SQLite to enforce FK


On May 29, 6:59 am, Mike Conley mconl...@gmail.com wrote:
 One solution is to change the commit strategy; issue commits
 during the loop.

 parentlist = session.query(Parent).all()
 count = 0
 for parent in parentlist:
    count += 1
    if count % 100 == 0  # use whatever frequency is needed
       count = 0
 if count  0:
    session.commit()  # this gets the last group of deletes

 The disadvantage of this approach is that you lose the ability to
 the entire delete process, and now must handle that problem with

 Mike Conley

 On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Harish Vishwanath 


  I am running Sqlite/SQLA/Elixir on an embedded system. I have
  classes with OneToMany relationships and I have configured cascade
  delete, delete-orphan correctly on them. However, for this to
  work, I
  should do something like :

  parentlist = session.query(Parent).all()
  for parent in parentlist:
     session.delete(parent)    #

  The above chokes the system since it has limited memory.

  The statement below :

  session.query(Parent).delete(), issues DELETE FROM PARENT;

  This is memory efficient, but it doesn't delete the child objects
  Sqlite doesn't impose FK constraints.

  Is there any way to solve this problem?

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[sqlalchemy] MSSQL Stored Procedures with output (OUT) parameters

2009-05-20 Thread Randy Syring

I have searched the list and have seen some examples with Oracle and I
have seen some examples with MSSQL using 'exec' but without
parameters.  So, I was hoping that someone could give me or point me
to an example of using a MSSQL stored procedure with both input and
output parameters as well as the stored procedure returning a result
set (or two).

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[sqlalchemy] Stale ORM Objects Locking Best Practice (for nested sets)

2009-04-01 Thread Randy Syring

I have a nested set implementation that I am working on.  Currently,
the steps involved to make a change to the table are:

1) Retrieve parent node (ORM Object)
2) Create new node (same ORM object as #1)
3) Calculate UPDATE boundaries, etc. from anchor node
4) Create UPDATE SQL based on #3
5) Execute #4 using session.execute()
6) Set corrected nested set related values on new node
7) issue session.flush() to INSERT new node
8) set treeid of new node to node.id if node is root node
9) session.commit() (or rollback if needed)

This works so far, but I have two issues I would appreciate your help
with.  First, when I do multiple inserts in a row, I have problems
unless I put commits() between each insert:

http://paste.pocoo.org/show/110607/ (code example)

If I don't put commits, then the ORM objects are stale (presumably b/c
my UPDATE statement are affecting the underlying data) and subsequent
inserts have the wrong values.  So, ASSUMING my current thread is the
only thing updating the table, it seems all I would need to do is
somehow flag the session to make all ORM objects update from the DB
before an attribute it used from that object.

But, the assumption I just made isn't really valid.  I would like this
nested sets table/implementation to be able to be used by more than
one thread, multiple processes, or even a different application
altogether.  How would I go about making the above method safe in a
multi thread/process/application environment.  Basically, worst case
scenario would be that the node table is updated by a different
application between steps #1 and #2 above.  If that happens, when step
#5 is executed, the node structure in the table would be hosed.  The
same could happen with a different thread or processes.

I was thinking that I could lock the table before step #1 and unlock
after step #9, but was wondering if that would work and also if there
was a better option.

I am currently testing this with SQLite, but would like it to work on
mysql, postgres, or MSSQL as well.

I *really appreciate* any input you can give.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Stale ORM Objects Locking Best Practice (for nested sets)

2009-04-01 Thread Randy Syring


Thanks for your reply.

On Apr 1, 11:46 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 there's a nested set demo in the examples/ folder of the distribution,
 which uses MapperExtension as well as a little-used flag on the mapper
 called batch=False.   are you building off of that ?  

No, I had wrote my own solution b/c I wanted to be able to support
having multiple trees in the same table, but the solution in the
example looked a little cleaner, so I switched to it.

 as far as
 multithread/process, the UPDATE statements which nested sets requires
 would result in a lock of most of the table, thus protecting it from
 concurrent updates.

Yes, but I don't think that solves the problem.  The problem isn't
concurrent updates.  The problem is that the update itself is built on
stale data.  Take code from the example:


Note my comments.  It seems to me that it is possible, although
unlikely, that your entire tree structure will get corrupted unless
you can assure that no other tree update process works between the the
connection.scalar() and connection.execute().  Otherwise, if the tree
is updated between those two calls, in a way that the affects the
value returned from connection.scalar(), then the node structure in
the table gets corrupt.

 nested sets is extremely inefficient in a
 concurrent write environment.

Agreed.  The environment probably won't be that concurrent that I am
concerned about efficiency.  What I am concerned about is trying to
prevent the node structure from getting corrupted.  If there is even a
remote possibility of the node structure getting corrupt, I would like
to prevent it.

 just that operator alone may render nested sets largely

I will be happy when there is some kind of backend agnostic way to
accomplish hierarchies.  I can guarantee I won't miss nested sets.

Thank you.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite connections shared across threads (test case and logs)

2008-11-16 Thread Randy Syring

On Nov 16, 11:30 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've looked into PyISAPIe.    Suffice to say this seems to be an  
 extremely new project.  Their homepage is blank:

It has been around for a couple years:


But I agree there isn't much of a user base.  I have been in contact
with the author of the software and he has been great to work with.  I
hope more people will begin to use the software so it can get tested.

 It would be worthwhile to ask about threading.local() there, but it  
 seems very possible that some interaction on their end is incompatible  
 with threading.local().   I certainly wouldn't trust native python-
 embedded code with that low of a user base on a production site.

I went ahead and wrote a test and I do think something in PyISAPIe's
thread local model is broken:


I ran that same test with a Python WSGI server and with isapi-wsgi and
I didn't get any id clashes.  In addition, I ran the DB test we
referenced in previous posts with the singleton pool against isapi-
wsgi and didn't have any problems there either.  The evidence is
pointing at PyISAPIe at this point.

But its really a shame, as PyISAPIe has isapi-wsgi beat pretty bad on
speed.  I have emailed Phillip and hopefully he will have some time to
look into the problem.

I agree that running something without much of a user base on a
production system is not a good idea.  But as far as I am aware, there
are only two WSGI projects that interface with IIS: PyISAPIe and isapi-
wsgi.  Both are relatively new and untested products, but I am stuck
with IIS at this point.  If PyISPIe's thread model doesn't get fixed,
I will have to stick with isapi-wsgi.

Thank you so much for all your help on this problem, especially since
it turns out not to have had anything to do with sqlalchemy.  I am
truly grateful.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Should create_engine() be called per-process or per-request in threaded wsgi environment?

2008-11-16 Thread Randy Syring

Problem turns out to have been with my ISAPI WSGI interface, it looks
like it has a broken thread local model.  More details here if anyone
is interested:


On Nov 6, 5:19 pm, Randy Syring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it!

 On Nov 6, 2:46 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  you should definitely create the engine and metadata on a per-process  
  basis.   When using SQLite, the engine automatically chooses the  
  SingletonThreadPool connection pool, which will maintain a single  
  SQLite connection per application thread, which is never moved across  
  threads (unless you did so explicitly).  

 Ah, well there is something I have overlooked.  I have been forgetting
 that there is a connection object since I never use it directly.  I
 was actually thinking that the engine was the connection, but I see
 now that is not accurate.  But would I need to close the connection
 explicitly after each request?

  The error you're getting  
  would only occur if you are sharing the connection returned by the  
  engine across threads, which can also occur if you're using a single  
  Session that's bound to a connection across threads.  When using the  
  scoped_session() manager, this also should not occur - some  
  description of this lifecycle is 

 I do not believe that I am sharing the connection object across
 threads, at least not deliberately.  The only sqlalchemy objects I am
 working with are an engine (which is stored at the process level), the
 metadata (which is unbound and stored at the process level), and a
 scoped session.  At the end of each request, I call remove() on the
 scoped session class, which I assumed was enough.  Would there be
 anything else I should do at the end of a request in order to clean

 Also, I am using Elixir.  Is it possible that Elixir is holding on to
 a connection object I don't know about?  It uses scoped sessions by
 default as well.

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[sqlalchemy] SQLite connections shared across threads (test case and logs)

2008-11-15 Thread Randy Syring

As noted here, I have been having some problems with SQLite


I went ahead and produced what I hope is a very narrow test case to
show that I am not explicitly holding onto connections (unless I
completely misunderstand, which is possible).  Here is my test code:


When I run this through a native Python wsgi server, I get the
following log:


Which has some ProgrammingErrors related to SQLite connections, but
they are caught and don't propagate to my application and don't
interfere with anything (as far as I can tell).

When I run the exact same code using PyISAPIe, I get the following log
file, which shows many exceptions all propagating up to my application
and hosing it:


The log files show 100 requests using apache benchmark tool.  In the
logs, the number in parentheses just before the message is the thread

Please help me with this.  I have a web application that I have spent
~150 hours on that I need to get working for a customer.  Everything
was ready to go, and I move it to the production box and start getting
these errors.

Thank you!
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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite connections shared across threads (test case and logs)

2008-11-15 Thread Randy Syring

On Nov 15, 6:39 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you so much for your response, I am extremely grateful.
However, I am still getting exceptions thrown from SQLite for sharing
connections across threads.

 The explicit connection as well as the threadlocal strategy are all
 unnecessary here.   Configuring the sessionmaker() with a bind to a
 plain engine i.e. create_engine('sqlite:///mydb.sql'), and making sure
 sess.close() is called within the WSGI method are all that's needed.

 Pattern here is:

 Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
 sess = Session()
  work with session

 Alternatively, as I noted previously 
 , using scoped_session in conjunction with Session.remove() at the end
 of the request works here as well, as I mentioned this is the practice
 that is standard among popular web frameworks such as Pylons.

 Pattern here is :

 Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
 sess = Session()
  work with session

I have updated my code per your directions, I believe:


I wasn't 100% sure where Session should be instantiated.  At the
module level or at the request level.  Look at the docs and also at
how Pylons does it, it seems that it should be instantiated at the
module/application level.  My example above shows it that way, but I
tried it the other way as well, with similar results.

I also tried using a non-contextual session and ended up with the same

Note in the code above that I have added some exception logging to
tell where the exceptions are being generated.

 Session is then garbage collected via asynchronous gc, the connection  
 is returned to the pool, and the pool's attempt to rollback() the  
 connection before returning to the pool raises the exception.  The  
 exception does not propagate outwards since it is during garbage  
 collection.  This is why the program keeps running without overall  
 issue (except for your ISAPI plugin which probably cannot handle that  
 kind of thing gracefully).

Well, I am not sure about the details, but the log messages say that
the exceptions are being thrown by my query() call, not during garbage
collection.  Out of 100 requests, 14 ended in failures, and all of
them were from my query() call.  The log files also give some more
information which I hope will be helpful:

2008-11-15 21:53:51,015 INFO (5548) Connection sqlite3.Connection
object at 0x01F41AA0 checked out from pool
2008-11-15 21:53:51,015 INFO (5548) Connection sqlite3.Connection
object at 0x01F41AA0 being returned to pool


2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) start response
2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) Connection sqlite3.Connection
object at 0x01F41AA0 checked out from pool

Ok, note above that thread 5548 checks out a connection object.  Then
a little while later, thread 5412 also checks out the *same*
connection object (technically, the connection object at that memory
location could have been closed and replaced by a new one, but the
logs don't show the connection being closed and the errors below would
seem to confirm its the same object).  My understanding of what you
have said about the SingletonThreadPool is that that should not
happen.  Once 5412 checks out the connection object created in 5548,
the following log output is generated:

2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) Invalidate connection
sqlite3.Connection object at 0x01F41AA0 (reason:
ProgrammingError:SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used
in that same thread.The object was created in thread id 5548 and this
is thread id 5412)
2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) Closing connection
sqlite3.Connection object at 0x01F41AA0
2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) Connection sqlite3.Connection
object at 0x01F41AA0 threw an error on close: SQLite objects created
in a thread can only be used in that same thread.The object was
created in thread id 5548 and this is thread id 5412
2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) Connection None being returned to
2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) query exception:
(ProgrammingError) SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used
in that same thread.The object was created in thread id 5548 and this
is thread id 5412 None [{}]
2008-11-15 21:53:51,515 INFO (5412) end response

Are you sure this isn't a problem with pulling the wrong connection
from the pool?

 Still another way to do this is to eliminate the source of the error  
 at the pool level - ultimately, the SingletonThreadPool is attempting  
 to return the connection to the pool and call rollback() on it, which  
 is why the threaded access fails.  If you use NullPool, the connection  
 is thrown away entirely when closed and nothing is done to it.   Any  
 version of your program will run without errors if NullPool is used -  
 you'll just get a little 

[sqlalchemy] Should create_engine() be called per-process or per-request in threaded wsgi environment?

2008-11-06 Thread Randy Syring

I am developing a WSGI based web framework with sqlalchemy.  I am
unclear about when create_engine() should be called.  I initially
thought that engine creation and metadata would be initialized per
process and each thread/request would just get a new session.
However, I have recently run into error messages when using sqlite
with the framework in a threaded WSGI server:

SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same

That lead me to this thread:


Can someone weigh in on this issue?  What are the performance
ramifications of needing to create an engine on each request as
opposed to each process?  Do I also need to load my meta data on each
request or could I just re-bind the engine to the metadata on each
request?  Should I not bind the engine to the metadata at all but just
bind it to the session?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Should create_engine() be called per-process or per-request in threaded wsgi environment?

2008-11-06 Thread Randy Syring

Thank you for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it!

On Nov 6, 2:46 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you should definitely create the engine and metadata on a per-process  
 basis.   When using SQLite, the engine automatically chooses the  
 SingletonThreadPool connection pool, which will maintain a single  
 SQLite connection per application thread, which is never moved across  
 threads (unless you did so explicitly).  

Ah, well there is something I have overlooked.  I have been forgetting
that there is a connection object since I never use it directly.  I
was actually thinking that the engine was the connection, but I see
now that is not accurate.  But would I need to close the connection
explicitly after each request?

 The error you're getting  
 would only occur if you are sharing the connection returned by the  
 engine across threads, which can also occur if you're using a single  
 Session that's bound to a connection across threads.  When using the  
 scoped_session() manager, this also should not occur - some  
 description of this lifecycle is 

I do not believe that I am sharing the connection object across
threads, at least not deliberately.  The only sqlalchemy objects I am
working with are an engine (which is stored at the process level), the
metadata (which is unbound and stored at the process level), and a
scoped session.  At the end of each request, I call remove() on the
scoped session class, which I assumed was enough.  Would there be
anything else I should do at the end of a request in order to clean

Also, I am using Elixir.  Is it possible that Elixir is holding on to
a connection object I don't know about?  It uses scoped sessions by
default as well.

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[sqlalchemy] adding children to ORM object using property causes problems, maybe a bug?

2008-10-02 Thread Randy Syring

After some work with Gedd on #sqlalchemy, it seems that adding
children to a parent object using a custom property() doesn't work as
we expected it would.  A test case is here:


The error is triggered by line #53.

Are we doing something wrong or is this a bug in SA?

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[sqlalchemy] How to turn off UPDATE on child objects when deleting parent object

2008-09-30 Thread Randy Syring

More details are here: 

But basically, I have a relationship between a parent (Item) table and
child (Link) table.  When I try to delete an Item, an SQL statement is
generated by SQLAlchemy that tries to set Link.item_id = NULL.  That
is invalid, because Link.item_id is a NOT NULL column and also because
I have a FK on the column.  I have tried adjusting the cascade options
to no avail.

I would *really* appreciate some help on this, it is caused me to come
to a grinding hault on a project I am working on that needs to be done
by the end of the week.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to turn off UPDATE on child objects when deleting parent object

2008-09-30 Thread Randy Syring

Sorry, one follow-up.  I can actually get this to work by setting
cascade='all, delete-orphan'.  But since the FK will do a cascading
delete, it is slower for SQLAlchemy to have to issue the statements.
Can I just make SQLAlchemy not issue anything when deleting the

On Sep 30, 2:14 am, Randy Syring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 More details are 

 But basically, I have a relationship between a parent (Item) table and
 child (Link) table.  When I try to delete an Item, an SQL statement is
 generated by SQLAlchemy that tries to set Link.item_id = NULL.  That
 is invalid, because Link.item_id is a NOT NULL column and also because
 I have a FK on the column.  I have tried adjusting the cascade options
 to no avail.

 I would *really* appreciate some help on this, it is caused me to come
 to a grinding hault on a project I am working on that needs to be done
 by the end of the week.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to turn off UPDATE on child objects when deleting parent object

2008-09-30 Thread Randy Syring


THANK YOU!!  Yes, I believe that will do it.

On Sep 30, 5:12 am, King Simon-NFHD78 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Original Message-
  From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Randy Syring
  Sent: 30 September 2008 07:17
  To: sqlalchemy
  Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: How to turn off UPDATE on child
  objects when deleting parent object

  On Sep 30, 2:14 am, Randy Syring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   More details are

   But basically, I have a relationship between a parent
  (Item) table and
   child (Link) table.  When I try to delete an Item, an SQL
  statement is
   generated by SQLAlchemy that tries to set Link.item_id = NULL.  That
   is invalid, because Link.item_id is a NOT NULL column and
  also because
   I have a FK on the column.  I have tried adjusting the
  cascade options
   to no avail.

  Sorry, one follow-up.  I can actually get this to work by setting
  cascade='all, delete-orphan'.  But since the FK will do a cascading
  delete, it is slower for SQLAlchemy to have to issue the statements.
  Can I just make SQLAlchemy not issue anything when deleting the

 I think you need the 'passive_deletes' flag to tell SQLAlchemy that the 
 database will delete child objects for you. It is described here:


 Hope that helps,

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[sqlalchemy] Looking for HTML table generator based on SQLAlchemy query

2008-09-05 Thread Randy Syring

Has anyone written or seen something that would take an SQLAlchemy
query, any query, and turn the resulting recordset into an HTML
table?  Bonus points for providing a sort, filter, and paging feature.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-27 Thread Randy Syring

Here is my initial stab at this:


Code plus tests.

I welcome your feedback.

On Aug 22, 1:48 pm, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yep, though possibly you'd want it on before-drop.  You can actually
 handle both tasks in the same function if you like- the event name will
 be passed in as the first argument.

 Randy Syring wrote:

  Thank you for the response.  Using the method you suggest, am I
  understanding correctly that fks_for_sqlite() would only be run when a
  create() was processed for that table?  Also, I am assuming I would
  need to create a complimentary function for handling the 'after-drop'

  On Aug 22, 1:25 pm, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  DDL() has some simple templating capabilities that can help out a bit
  here, but I'd suggest taking the ForeignKey code Mike provided as a
  start and putting together an after-create listener using
  Table.append_ddl_listener directly:


  It would look something like:

     def fks_for_sqlite(event, table, bind):
         for c in table.c:
             for fk in c.foreign_keys:
                sql = your_code_to_make_trigger_for_fk(fk)

     tbl.append_ddl_listener('after-create', fks_for_sqlite)

  Michael Bayer wrote:
  you can build this functionality using the DDL() construct provided by  
  the ForeignKey objects on the table can be pulled out using:
  for c in table.c:
     for fk in c.foreign_keys:
  On Aug 22, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Randy Syring wrote:
  I would like sqlalchemy to generate triggers on an SQLite database to
  enforce foreign key relationships.  The method is documented here:
  and I have written a foreign key trigger generator here:
  Although it does not recognize the kind of references sqlalchemy
  generates in the CREATE TABLE statements.
  Anyway, the point of this post is that I would like to know how I
  should go about extending sqlalchemy so that when I use ForeignKey
  constructs in the metadata, create statements on the tables would also
  create the triggers and drop statements on the tables would drop the
  said triggers to enforce the Foreign Key relationship.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-27 Thread Randy Syring


Thank you.

On Aug 27, 5:23 am, Gaetan de Menten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 3:21 AM, Randy Syring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ok, so I was going to try and implement a solution using the method
  discussed here, but ran into a problem b/c I am using Elixir objects
  and not declaring the tables directly.  Can I still use this method?
  How do I get the table references from the Elixir objects?


 After running setup_all(), and obviously before running create_all()
 or similar (metadata.create_all(), etc...).

 Gaëtan de Mentenhttp://openhex.org
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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-26 Thread Randy Syring

Ok, so I was going to try and implement a solution using the method
discussed here, but ran into a problem b/c I am using Elixir objects
and not declaring the tables directly.  Can I still use this method?
How do I get the table references from the Elixir objects?


On Aug 22, 1:48 pm, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yep, though possibly you'd want it on before-drop.  You can actually
 handle both tasks in the same function if you like- the event name will
 be passed in as the first argument.

 Randy Syring wrote:

  Thank you for the response.  Using the method you suggest, am I
  understanding correctly that fks_for_sqlite() would only be run when a
  create() was processed for that table?  Also, I am assuming I would
  need to create a complimentary function for handling the 'after-drop'

  On Aug 22, 1:25 pm, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  DDL() has some simple templating capabilities that can help out a bit
  here, but I'd suggest taking the ForeignKey code Mike provided as a
  start and putting together an after-create listener using
  Table.append_ddl_listener directly:


  It would look something like:

     def fks_for_sqlite(event, table, bind):
         for c in table.c:
             for fk in c.foreign_keys:
                sql = your_code_to_make_trigger_for_fk(fk)

     tbl.append_ddl_listener('after-create', fks_for_sqlite)

  Michael Bayer wrote:
  you can build this functionality using the DDL() construct provided by  
  the ForeignKey objects on the table can be pulled out using:
  for c in table.c:
     for fk in c.foreign_keys:
  On Aug 22, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Randy Syring wrote:
  I would like sqlalchemy to generate triggers on an SQLite database to
  enforce foreign key relationships.  The method is documented here:
  and I have written a foreign key trigger generator here:
  Although it does not recognize the kind of references sqlalchemy
  generates in the CREATE TABLE statements.
  Anyway, the point of this post is that I would like to know how I
  should go about extending sqlalchemy so that when I use ForeignKey
  constructs in the metadata, create statements on the tables would also
  create the triggers and drop statements on the tables would drop the
  said triggers to enforce the Foreign Key relationship.
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[sqlalchemy] SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-22 Thread Randy Syring

I would like sqlalchemy to generate triggers on an SQLite database to
enforce foreign key relationships.  The method is documented here:


and I have written a foreign key trigger generator here:


Although it does not recognize the kind of references sqlalchemy
generates in the CREATE TABLE statements.

Anyway, the point of this post is that I would like to know how I
should go about extending sqlalchemy so that when I use ForeignKey
constructs in the metadata, create statements on the tables would also
create the triggers and drop statements on the tables would drop the
said triggers to enforce the Foreign Key relationship.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-22 Thread Randy Syring

Thank you, I will look into this.

On Aug 22, 12:44 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you can build this functionality using the DDL() construct provided by  


 the ForeignKey objects on the table can be pulled out using:

 for c in table.c:
         for fk in c.foreign_keys:

 On Aug 22, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Randy Syring wrote:

  I would like sqlalchemy to generate triggers on an SQLite database to
  enforce foreign key relationships.  The method is documented here:


  and I have written a foreign key trigger generator here:


  Although it does not recognize the kind of references sqlalchemy
  generates in the CREATE TABLE statements.

  Anyway, the point of this post is that I would like to know how I
  should go about extending sqlalchemy so that when I use ForeignKey
  constructs in the metadata, create statements on the tables would also
  create the triggers and drop statements on the tables would drop the
  said triggers to enforce the Foreign Key relationship.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-22 Thread Randy Syring


Thank you for the response.  Using the method you suggest, am I
understanding correctly that fks_for_sqlite() would only be run when a
create() was processed for that table?  Also, I am assuming I would
need to create a complimentary function for handling the 'after-drop'

On Aug 22, 1:25 pm, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 DDL() has some simple templating capabilities that can help out a bit
 here, but I'd suggest taking the ForeignKey code Mike provided as a
 start and putting together an after-create listener using
 Table.append_ddl_listener directly:


 It would look something like:

    def fks_for_sqlite(event, table, bind):
        for c in table.c:
            for fk in c.foreign_keys:
               sql = your_code_to_make_trigger_for_fk(fk)

    tbl.append_ddl_listener('after-create', fks_for_sqlite)

 Michael Bayer wrote:
  you can build this functionality using the DDL() construct provided by  


  the ForeignKey objects on the table can be pulled out using:

  for c in table.c:
     for fk in c.foreign_keys:

  On Aug 22, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Randy Syring wrote:

  I would like sqlalchemy to generate triggers on an SQLite database to
  enforce foreign key relationships.  The method is documented here:


  and I have written a foreign key trigger generator here:


  Although it does not recognize the kind of references sqlalchemy
  generates in the CREATE TABLE statements.

  Anyway, the point of this post is that I would like to know how I
  should go about extending sqlalchemy so that when I use ForeignKey
  constructs in the metadata, create statements on the tables would also
  create the triggers and drop statements on the tables would drop the
  said triggers to enforce the Foreign Key relationship.

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