[sqlalchemy] how to make unique constrain within ORM

2009-08-28 Thread vkuznet

I created ORM classes and can't find out a way to make an
UniqueConstraint for two columns. Do we have an example elsewhere?
When I used UniqueConstraint from sqlachemy.schema inside of ORM class
it does nothing, so it's not defined in a table. In particular here is
my class

class DASMap(Base):
__tablename__ = 'dasmaps'
__table_args__ = {'mysql_engine':'InnoDB'}

id  = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
system_id   = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('systems.id'))
api_id  = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('apis.id'))
daskey_id   = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('daskeys.id'))
primary_key = Column(String(30), nullable=False, unique=True)
system  = relation(System, order_by=System.id)
api = relation(Api, order_by=Api.id)
daskey  = relation(DASKey, order_by=DASKey.id)
UniqueConstraint('api_id', 'daskey_id', name='uix_1')

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[sqlalchemy] Re: loading tables is very slow

2008-08-28 Thread vkuznet
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00.000 0.000  profile:0(profiler)

On Aug 27, 5:16 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have never observed 5 seconds to reflect a single table even with  
 Oracle which tends to be the slowest for schema-level operations.    
 The numbers you posted are too coarse grained to indicate where the  
 time is being spent, and if it were within SA reflection code then  
 these kinds of speed issues would be apparent across all dialects.  
 Can you post some profile results for your tests ?

 On Aug 27, 2008, at 3:57 PM, vkuznet wrote:

  I've been trying to profile why loading a single table from remote
  ORACLE DB takes more then 5 seconds.
  Here is some numbers:

  create engine 0.0740728378296
  engine.connect 2.05604815483
  SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='ZZZ'
  get tables 0.18466091156
  Loading 'triggerpathdescription' table
  Load tables manually ['triggerpathdescription']
  load table 5.85950708389

  It looks like SQLAlchemy takes 25 fetchone calls in order to autoload
  table, but I tweak a code for ORACLE engine to use fetchmany and just
  slighly reduced the total time. To me it's WAY to long and as far as I
  can tell it internals of building foreign-key relationships. So I
  wonder if there is a way to speed up such auto load.

  I'm attaching a simple test code below.

  #!/usr/bin/env python

  import sqlalchemy,types,sys,os,time

  def loadTables(tableNames):
     for tName in tableNames:
         t = tName[0].lower().split(.)[-1]
         print Loading '%s' table%t

         print time.time()-t1

     print Load tables manually,tables.keys()

  schema = 'ZZZ'
  t1 = time.time()
  engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('oracle://
  XXX:[EMAIL PROTECTED]',strategy='threadlocal',threaded=True)
  print create engine,time.time()-t1
  t1 = time.time()

  con = engine.connect()

  print engine.connect,time.time()-t1
  t1 = time.time()
  dbMeta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
  dbMeta.bind = engine

  idx = 0
  query=SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='%s'%schema
  print query
  print get tables,time.time()-t1
  t1 = time.time()


  print load table,time.time()-t1
  t1 = time.time

[sqlalchemy] loading tables is very slow

2008-08-27 Thread vkuznet

I've been trying to profile why loading a single table from remote
ORACLE DB takes more then 5 seconds.
Here is some numbers:

create engine 0.0740728378296
engine.connect 2.05604815483
SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='ZZZ'
get tables 0.18466091156
Loading 'triggerpathdescription' table
Load tables manually ['triggerpathdescription']
load table 5.85950708389

It looks like SQLAlchemy takes 25 fetchone calls in order to autoload
table, but I tweak a code for ORACLE engine to use fetchmany and just
slighly reduced the total time. To me it's WAY to long and as far as I
can tell it internals of building foreign-key relationships. So I
wonder if there is a way to speed up such auto load.

I'm attaching a simple test code below.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sqlalchemy,types,sys,os,time

def loadTables(tableNames):
for tName in tableNames:
t = tName[0].lower().split(.)[-1]
print Loading '%s' table%t
print time.time()-t1

print Load tables manually,tables.keys()

schema = 'ZZZ'
t1 = time.time()
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('oracle://
XXX:[EMAIL PROTECTED]',strategy='threadlocal',threaded=True)
print create engine,time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()

con = engine.connect()

print engine.connect,time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()
dbMeta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
dbMeta.bind = engine

idx = 0
query=SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='%s'%schema
print query
print get tables,time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()


print load table,time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()

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[sqlalchemy] method to retrieve selectable columns

2008-05-21 Thread vkuznet

is there any way to ask select object what is suppose to select? There
is a method locate_all_froms which return FROM part of select, but I'm
interesting in select part of SQL statement.

So, something like:

s = select([table1.c.a,table2.c.b])
listOfSelectedColumns = s.get_selectable_columns()

which will return set or list of [table1.c.a,table2.c.b].


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[sqlalchemy] Re: method to retrieve selectable columns

2008-05-21 Thread vkuznet

it doesn't seem to work for me, I just did two print statements
print type(query)
print query.inner_columns()

and got the following traceback

class 'sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select'
Traceback (most recent call last):
print query.inner_columns()
TypeError: 'generator' object is not callable

On May 21, 12:21 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 calling inner_columns() on the select() returns what actually gets  
 rendered.  The exported columns, i.e. those which you'd use when  
 using the select() as a subquery, are accessible via the .c. attribute  
 on the select() which has a dictionary interface.

 On May 21, 2008, at 12:01 PM, vkuznet wrote:

  is there any way to ask select object what is suppose to select? There
  is a method locate_all_froms which return FROM part of select, but I'm
  interesting in select part of SQL statement.

  So, something like:

  s = select([table1.c.a,table2.c.b])
  listOfSelectedColumns = s.get_selectable_columns()

  which will return set or list of [table1.c.a,table2.c.b].

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[sqlalchemy] query on stdout

2008-03-28 Thread vkuznet

I just noticed that both 0.3.x and 0.4.x versions of SQLAlchemy print
compiled query for MySQL without binded parameters, so typical
printout for MySQL looks like

SELECT DISTINCT block.`Path` AS `block_Path` FROM tier0.block WHERE
block.`Path` LIKE %s

while doing the same with ORACLE

SELECT DISTINCT block.path AS block_path
FROM block
WHERE block.path LIKE :block_path

Is there are any reason not to print binded parameters for MySQL or it
is a bug?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to specify owner.table.column

2008-03-25 Thread vkuznet

Great, I was just wondering. But glad to see confirmation. Yes we do
have a use case when the same tablenames cause weird behavior in
ORACLE. Below is a message from our DBA in response to hick-up when we
occasionally got:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist error.


Unfortunately it seems that your application is affected by the bug
described in the note 5686711.8 on Metalink:

Bug 5686711  Wrong cursor may be executed if schemas have objects with
   A session may use the wrong copy of a shared cursor and
   hence access / update data in the wrong schema if objects
   have the same names in different schemas and users have
   permissions on the other schemas objects.
 To avoid the problem always prefix objects with the
 schema name.
 If this should be seen then flush the shared pool
 so that cursors get rebuilt from scratch.

What happens in your case is the following:
1. you have many copies of your schema inside the CMSR database
2. you use different reader, writer and admin accounts to access
3. you use synonyms in your queries so the text of SQL statements
from different accounts is exactly the same.
4. Oracle confuses cashed cursors created by different users and
tries to execute a wrong one
5. since you grant select privileges on your tables only to relevant
reader, writer and admin accounts, Oracle returns ORA-00942 during an
attempt to execute this erroneously picked up cursor.

The fix for the bug is included in the patchset which
will be applied on CMSR before data challenges in May. The problem
disappeared several minutes ago because I have flushed the shared pool
advised in the workaround section of the Metalink ink note.
As it is not for the first time that Oracle has bugs leading to cursor
confusion I would strongly recommend that you modify your queries to
fully qualified names (schema name prefixes) instead of using

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[sqlalchemy] Re: using limit w/ distinct on ORACLE (revise bug #536)

2008-03-25 Thread vkuznet

Ok, here is an example in ORACLE.
Table schema (for simplicity I removed unnecessary columns):

Name  varchar(500)  unique not null,
Path  varchar(500)  not null,
primary key(ID)
So the path column can contains repeated values. Here is the code
using limit/offset:
  t = self.getTable(dbAlias,'Block','tblk')
  sel =
  print sel
  res = con.execute(sel)
  for item in res:
  print result from Block,item

and here is result:

tblk.id) AS ora_rn
FROM cms_dbs_int_global.block tblk)
WHERE ora_rn0 AND ora_rn=10
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-

It does not select 10 different distinct paths.

While if I'll do
  sel = sqlalchemy.select([t.c.path],from_obj=[t],distinct=True)
  tmp = sel.alias('tmp')
  q   = sqlalchemy.select(['tmp.*','rownum as
  sel = sqlalchemy.select(['*'],from_obj=[q])
  sel.append_whereclause( 'rnum between %s and %s'%(0,10) )
  print sel
  res = con.execute(sel)
  for item in res:
  print result from Block,item

I'll get 10 different distinct paths:

FROM (SELECT tmp.*, rownum as rnum
FROM cms_dbs_int_global.block tblk) tmp)
WHERE rnum between 0 and 10
result from Block ('/CSA07AllEvents/CMSSW_1_6_6-HLTSplit-A3-Stew/GEN-
result from Block ('/GammaJetIsoPi0_Pt55to65_ptHat60/CMSSW_1_6_7-
CSA07-4067/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW', 2)
result from Block ('/LM3_isasdkpyt/CMSSW_1_6_5-FastSim-SUSYBSM-1234/
result from Block ('/LM7_isasdkpyt/CMSSW_1_6_5-FastSim-SUSYBSM-1234/
result from Block ('/LM6_isasdkpyt/CMSSW_1_6_5-FastSim-SUSYBSM-1234/
result from Block ('/RS1GravitonZZ4Mu_1500GeV_01/CMSSW_1_6_7-
CSA07-3199/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW', 6)
result from Block ('/SingleMuPlusPt100To400/CMSSW_1_6_7-HLT-1193394942/
result from Block ('/LM2_isasdkpyt/CMSSW_1_6_5-FastSim-SUSYBSM-1234/
result from Block ('/LM8_isasdkpyt/CMSSW_1_6_5-FastSim-SUSYBSM-1234/
result from Block ('/RS1GravitonZZ4Mu_1500GeV_01/CMSSW_1_4_6-
CSA07-2644/GEN-SIM', 10)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: using limit w/ distinct on ORACLE (revise bug #536)

2008-03-25 Thread vkuznet

Yes this works too. So you'll accept/fix the bug :)?
Thanks a lot

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[sqlalchemy] how to add whereclause string

2007-04-19 Thread vkuznet

I'm developing a web application where users are allowed to specify
where statement. So I can capture it as a string, e.g.
( T1.C1=1 OR T1.C1=5) AND T3.C3 like 'test%'

where T1 is table 1 and C1 is column 1, and so on. Now the hard
question is how to add such string to sqlalchemy query? I've look at a
code and one possible way I see is to created a TextClause with binded
parameters. But even if I can, the hard part would be to preserve
brackets and AND/OR between different conditions. So, it should be a
way to substitue Table.Column with sqlalchemy.Column (which I can do),
and rvalues with binded names, and create a dict of binded parameters,
and just pass a string like

( T1.C1 = :param1 OR T1.C1 = :param2 ) AND T3.C3 like :param3
{'param1':1, 'param2':5,'param3':'test%'}

to given query

Is there any way to address this issue. I'll be glad if someone will
give me some guidelines.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to add whereclause string

2007-04-19 Thread vkuznet

Regarding attack,
I'm doing read-only application using read-only account, so insert/
updates are forbidden to users, as well as I'm not passing blindly
such query. As I said only where clause is exposed to the user not
query itself. And such where clause in my hand before I'm passing it
underneath query, so whereclause validation is in place.
Thanks for reference.

On Apr 19, 1:20 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 19, 2007, at 12:37 PM, vkuznet wrote:

  I'm developing a web application where users are allowed to specify
  where statement. So I can capture it as a string, e.g.
  ( T1.C1=1 OR T1.C1=5) AND T3.C3 like 'test%'

  where T1 is table 1 and C1 is column 1, and so on. Now the hard
  question is how to add such string to sqlalchemy query? I've look at a
  code and one possible way I see is to created a TextClause with binded
  parameters. But even if I can, the hard part would be to preserve
  brackets and AND/OR between different conditions.

 wouldnt they be typing the brackets?  those can be in the text()
 clause too.  but just FYI, this database will be 1000% wide open for
 SQL injection attacks.  i would even call it an injection, just an
 anyone can type anything attack... :)

  So, it should be a
  way to substitue Table.Column with sqlalchemy.Column (which I can do),
  and rvalues with binded names, and create a dict of binded parameters,
  and just pass a string like

  ( T1.C1 = :param1 OR T1.C1 = :param2 ) AND T3.C3 like :param3
  {'param1':1, 'param2':5,'param3':'test%'}

  to given query

  Is there any way to address this issue. I'll be glad if someone will
  give me some guidelines.

 if I were building this application, id parse the string into an
 expression tree and have the tree generate a ClauseElement from
 that.  looks likehttp://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/even includes a
 SQL parsing example, so there you go.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: AS for Oracle

2007-04-14 Thread vkuznet

Thank you Mike,
but I'm out of ideas with my problem, the resulting query return non-
zero result in sqlplus prompt, but SQLAlchemy
return me 0. So, what I'm looking for is number of found rows.
SELECT count(DISTINCT tad.name)
FROM analysisdataset tad LEFT OUTER JOIN processeddataset tprd ON
tad.processedds = tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN procdstier tpds ON
tpds.dataset = tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN primarydataset tpm ON
tprd.primarydataset = tpm.id LEFT OUTER JOIN block tblk ON
tblk.dataset = tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN analysisdstype tadt ON tad.type
= tadt.id LEFT OUTER JOIN analysisdsstatus tads ON tad.status =
tads.id LEFT OUTER JOIN analysisdsdef tadd ON tad.definition = tadd.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN physicsgroup tpg ON tad.physicsgroup = tpg.id LEFT
OUTER JOIN person tp1 ON tad.createdby = tp1.id LEFT OUTER JOIN person
tp2 ON tad.lastmodifiedby = tp2.id
WHERE tad.name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY tp2.lastmodifiedby DESC

and my result=select().execute()
looks like this

{'engine': sqlalchemy.engine.threadlocal.TLEngine object at
0xb6e1698c, 'dialect': sqlalchemy.databases.oracle.OracleDialect
object at 0xb6e166cc, '_ResultProxy__echo': False,
'_ResultProxy__key_cache': {}, 'keys': ['name)'],
sqlalchemy.databases.oracle.OracleExecutionContext object at
0xb6ab398c, 'cursor': sqlalchemy.pool._CursorFairy object at
0xb6ab39cc, 'rowcount': 0, 'connection':
sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection object at 0xb6a9324c, 'closed':
False, 'props': {0: (NullTypeEngine(), 0), 'name)': (NullTypeEngine(),
0)}, 'columns': {'name':

Any ideas, what's wrong?


On Apr 14, 5:25 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 14, 2007, at 3:14 PM, vkuznet wrote:

  I'm trying to debug what's going on with ORACLE queries and found the
  following. The SQLAlchemy constructs queries in a form:

  select tad.name from Table AS tad;

  but if I'll place this query directly into sqlplus it complains with
  the following error:
  ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended (complain exactly on
  keywords AS)

 from sqlalchemy.databases import oracle


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[sqlalchemy] Re: AS for Oracle

2007-04-14 Thread vkuznet

Sorry for spam,
it's a bug in my program.
Thanks for your support and prompt responses.

On Apr 14, 8:46 pm, vkuznet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you Mike,
 but I'm out of ideas with my problem, the resulting query return non-
 zero result in sqlplus prompt, but SQLAlchemy
 return me 0. So, what I'm looking for is number of found rows.
 SELECT count(DISTINCT tad.name)
 FROM analysisdataset tad LEFT OUTER JOIN processeddataset tprd ON
 tad.processedds = tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN procdstier tpds ON
 tpds.dataset = tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN primarydataset tpm ON
 tprd.primarydataset = tpm.id LEFT OUTER JOIN block tblk ON
 tblk.dataset = tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN analysisdstype tadt ON tad.type
 = tadt.id LEFT OUTER JOIN analysisdsstatus tads ON tad.status =
 tads.id LEFT OUTER JOIN analysisdsdef tadd ON tad.definition = tadd.id
 LEFT OUTER JOIN physicsgroup tpg ON tad.physicsgroup = tpg.id LEFT
 OUTER JOIN person tp1 ON tad.createdby = tp1.id LEFT OUTER JOIN person
 tp2 ON tad.lastmodifiedby = tp2.id
 WHERE tad.name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY tp2.lastmodifiedby DESC

 and my result=select().execute()
 looks like this

 {'engine': sqlalchemy.engine.threadlocal.TLEngine object at
 0xb6e1698c, 'dialect': sqlalchemy.databases.oracle.OracleDialect
 object at 0xb6e166cc, '_ResultProxy__echo': False,
 '_ResultProxy__key_cache': {}, 'keys': ['name)'],
 sqlalchemy.databases.oracle.OracleExecutionContext object at
 0xb6ab398c, 'cursor': sqlalchemy.pool._CursorFairy object at
 0xb6ab39cc, 'rowcount': 0, 'connection':
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection object at 0xb6a9324c, 'closed':
 False, 'props': {0: (NullTypeEngine(), 0), 'name)': (NullTypeEngine(),
 0)}, 'columns': {'name':

 Any ideas, what's wrong?


 On Apr 14, 5:25 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Apr 14, 2007, at 3:14 PM, vkuznet wrote:

   I'm trying to debug what's going on with ORACLE queries and found the
   following. The SQLAlchemy constructs queries in a form:

   select tad.name from Table AS tad;

   but if I'll place this query directly into sqlplus it complains with
   the following error:
   ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended (complain exactly on
   keywords AS)

  from sqlalchemy.databases import oracle


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[sqlalchemy] count and distinct

2007-04-13 Thread vkuznet

I found that if I do

the resulting query is
select distinct count(column) from table

but it's not what I wanted. If my column has duplicates you got
counting them, rather then count unique names. The proper SQL query
would be

select count(distinct column) from table

How I can make it with SQLAlchemy syntax?


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[sqlalchemy] weird ORACLE behaviour with limit/offset

2007-04-13 Thread vkuznet

I added to my query the limit and offset (using ORACLE). To my
surprise results ARE varying if I'll print my select or not before
executing query. What I mean is the following

sel = select ()
#print sel

so, if I will not print my select, I'll get *smaller* number of
results wrt if I'll uncomment my print statement.
As I said this behaviour only appears if I add limit/offset to my
select query using ORACLE. The query is quite complex, but here is
what I see when I enable print statement:

SELECT tblk_path FROM (SELECT DISTINCT tblk.path AS tblk_path,
processeddataset tprd LEFT OUTER JOIN block tblk ON tblk.dataset =
tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN procdstier tpds ON tpds.dataset = tprd.id LEFT
OUTER JOIN primarydataset tpm ON tprd.primarydataset = tpm.id LEFT
OUTER JOIN seblock tseb ON tseb.blockid = tblk.id LEFT OUTER JOIN
storageelement tse ON tseb.seid = tse.id LEFT OUTER JOIN procalgo tpal
ON tpal.dataset = tprd.id LEFT OUTER JOIN algorithmconfig talc ON
tpal.algorithm = talc.id LEFT OUTER JOIN appexecutable tape ON
talc.executablename = tape.id LEFT OUTER JOIN appversion tapv ON
talc.applicationversion = tapv.id LEFT OUTER JOIN appfamily tapf ON
talc.applicationfamily = tapf.id LEFT OUTER JOIN physicsgroup tpg ON
tprd.physicsgroup = tpg.id WHERE tpg.physicsgroupname = 0) WHERE
ora_rn0 AND ora_rn=25

Any ideas???

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[sqlalchemy] adding joins to existing select

2007-04-06 Thread vkuznet

is there are any way to add additional joins to a given select object?

My problem is the following, I need to join the same table multiple
times. How many times I don't know in advance and in addition I need
to apply where clause while adding this join.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to display all the tables of my DB

2007-03-23 Thread vkuznet

I've used slightly different approach:

sel=SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='XXX' #
sel=show tables # MySQL
sel=SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER WHERE type='table' # SQLite

tList = con.execute(sel)
for t in tList:
tables.append(Table(t[0], metadata, autoload=True))

that will give you a list of auto-loaded Table objects.

On Mar 22, 3:59 pm, Mando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I launched it, but I receive this error message:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File autocode.py, line 20, in module
 tbl = Table(tname, metadata, schema=schema, autoload=True);
   File build/bdist.macosx-10.3-fat/egg/sqlalchemy/schema.py, line
 143, in __call__
   File build/bdist.macosx-10.3-fat/egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py,
 line 505, in reflecttable
   File build/bdist.macosx-10.3-fat/egg/sqlalchemy/databases/
 postgres.py, line 385, in reflecttable
 KeyError: 'information_schema.cardinal_number'

 Somes ideas?

 thanks again!

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[sqlalchemy] Re: ORACLE db name in table definitions

2007-03-23 Thread vkuznet

it works.

On Mar 23, 10:56 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 dont stick foo.bar in your table name.  use the schema=DBNAME
 parameter on your Table.

 On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:41 AM, vkuznet wrote:

  I've got a new DB to handle and the account is setup in a way that I
  need to specify dbname for selects, e.g. select * from DBNAME.T

  So, I created a table

  and once I used it
  the sqlalchemy constructed the following query with *quotes*

  select DBNAME.T.id from DBNAME.T

  the problem is that ORACLE doesn't accept it, but if I manually drop
  *quotes* from this select and pass it to sqlplus everything works,

  select DBNAME.T.id from DBNAME.T

  How to disable *quoting* for SQLAlchemy?


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[sqlalchemy] table name/Foreign key

2007-03-20 Thread vkuznet

I have a dump question about naming conventions for foreign keys.

Using ORACLE as back-end all table names are in capital letters. So
Table object looks like:
default=PassiveDefault(sqlalchemy.sql._TextClause object at
default=PassiveDefault(sqlalchemy.sql._TextClause object at

The question is why Foreign key is in lower case, since the table
person name is actually in capital


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[sqlalchemy] connection pool

2007-03-14 Thread vkuznet

I just came across Documentation and it's not clear to me how to use
connection pooling.
When invoked
the pool parameter is set to None by default, right?

In Connection pooling section of docs, it's said
For most cases, explicit access to the pool module is not required

So that's why I'm confused. Does the pooling is turn on by default or
not. If it is not, does the following example is the right default
approach to use:

def getconn():
return MySQLdb.connect(user='ed', dbname='mydb')

engine = create_engine('mysql://', pool=pool.QueuePool(getconn,
pool_size=20, max_overflow=40))

con = engine.connect()

In this case when I invoke multiple times con=engine.connect(), does
the connection will be take from pool? If connection will timeout,
does pool guarantee to make a new one?

P.S. Even Documentation is very well written and very comprehensive,
it provides so many options and examples, that it's not clear what
average user should use for most common cases.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: connection pool

2007-03-14 Thread vkuznet

it's not obvious, nothing said in a docs about default pool setup and
The Database options section has:
pool=None - an actual pool instance.
that's why I conclude that pool is NOT setup by default. I just want
to confirm that.


On Mar 14, 1:34 pm, Sébastien LELONG [EMAIL PROTECTED]
securities.fr wrote:
  So that's why I'm confused. Does the pooling is turn on by default or
  not ?

 IIRC, a default pool is set according to the type of engine (eg.
 SingletonThreadPool for sqlite, QueuePool for MySQL, or the like...). So it's
 set by default, but you can of course override this with your own pool,   
 you described.

  In this case when I invoke multiple times con=engine.connect(), does
  the connection will be take from pool? If connection will timeout,
  does pool guarantee to make a new one?

 Use pool_recycle parameter so prevent any timeout.

 Hope it helps.


 Sébastien LELONG

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[sqlalchemy] how to get column names in result

2007-02-24 Thread vkuznet

a very simple question which I cannot find in documentation. How to
get column names together with result. This is useful for web
presentation of results using templates. I used use_labels=True,
indeed it construct query with names, but my final result contains
only column values. What I wanted is to get
as a first row the column names.


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[sqlalchemy] cross DB development, columns lower/upper case letters

2007-02-12 Thread vkuznet

I'm trying to develop a cross-DB application which works with ORACLE
and MySQL back-ends.
Both DBs has the same schema, but of course there is a caveat. ORACLE
has Tables and Columns in upper case and MySQL does not. That leads to
the following problem. When I construct
I face out with problem that I need to specify lower case for column
in MySQL and upper case letters for ORACLE. With table names it's easy
I can use table aliases. But how to avoid problem with columns names.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: arbitrary join/select from a given list

2007-02-05 Thread vkuznet

SQLAlchemy rocks!!!

P.S. Even though it can't figure out relationship if one table is
missing in a chain of relationship, I think I can do some tricks about
it. FYI, I just did a test between 4 tables

tableA id
tableB id, tableA_id
tableC id, tableB_id, tableD_id
tableD id

and did

If I'll find any api to tell me about relationship of table I'm done,
I can figure out missing relationship and add tables to the join.
It would be nice to cover this case as well (or may be I'm still
missing something).

On Feb 5, 3:22 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 select([x.c.col1, y.c.col2, z.c.col3, ...],

 On Feb 5, 2:27 pm, vkuznet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've trying to solve the following problem. I've given a list of
  tables and list of columns to look at.
  All tables are auto-loaded from DB. So, I don't know a priory (I don't
  want to know) the relationships and table schema. Now, how to build a
  general join among tables and retrieve only the list of given columns
  names. As an example, there is an explicit join call and I can do

  join(tableObj1, tableObj2).select()

  but selection will be done for all columns and as of my understanding
  join can do only 2 tables.

  Can it be generalized to a list of tables and can selection be done
  only on given column names?


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