Re: [sqlite] [Query] Sqlite

2012-11-01 Thread Brian Curley
What's your question on SQLite?

(The address is fairly straightforward.  It's sort
of like a forum style of help, where you ask your question via e-mail and
90-95% of the answers come from roughly 10 seemingly never-sleeping experts
from around the English-speaking world. The other 5-10% of the answers come
from dozens of other experts and heavy users, very few of which are
completely off-track.  Beyond that, it's all archived online for future
reference, so you might actually find your question was already posed and
answered in the past.)

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:28 AM, Rajkumar wrote:


 I am preparing to develop two applications using following technologies:

 1. Adobe AIR + Android +Sqlite
 2. QT + Embedded Linux + Sqlite

 Before I start my development, I would like to clarify few things on sqlite
 as I am new to this.

 Kindly acquaint me how getting help works with

 sqlite-users mailing list


Brian P Curley
  home: 845 778-5937
  cell: 845 548-4377
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Export Blob data from sqlite database to html

2011-11-17 Thread Brian Curley
I'd agree with the SQLite Expert option (Windows) ships, or at least
used to ship with sample data that presents a scenario like you're
describing (ie, jpeg and text as BLOB), plus it allows visual assists, such
as BLOB masking over a certain size of data in a column.  Otherwise, you'd
need to roll your own using the command-line tool...and something like awk
or perl.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 5:47 AM, Jean-Christophe Deschamps

 At 10:02 16/11/2011, you wrote:

  Basically my problem is exporting the database so the time stamps appear
 hex the data blobs appear in either text (ascii) or as a jpeg image
 depending on the data in type field.

 I have tried numerous sqlite browsers without success.

 Looks like a job for SQLite Expert.
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Brian P Curley
  home: 845 778-5937
  cell: 845 548-4377
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Using dot commands with the command line binary

2011-08-16 Thread Brian Curley
Use of a heredoc to simulate a session...or staging it all into a file for
use via .read are good too.
On Aug 16, 2011 6:55 AM, Ryan Henrie wrote:
 I finally figured out how to load multiple dot commands or settings
 from the command line tool. (Some users only have the default binary to
 rely on, ya know.) Since I have never found this information on the web
 before, I thought I would post it here to share the information.

 To load options before doing the query, they have to be separated from
 the query by a hard return, in the quoted string itself.


  sqlite3 -header -column tmp.db .width 5 30; select * from data;

 doesn't really change the column widths.

 But, doing this does:

  echo .width 5 30\n select * from data; | sqlite3 -header -column

 To load multiple options, you have to put them on different lines, with
 the query on the last line:

  echo .width 5 30\n.timeout 15000\n select * from data; | sqlite3
 -header -column tmp.db

 Some systems I have tried this on /required /only a single hard return
 after the last option, with a semicolon between the multiple settings.
 Others required the hard returns without any semicolons. Experiment on
 your own platform/binary version.

 I don't know which versions/flavors this works on, but it works for me

 Note: Your version of echo has to support turning '\n' into a hard
 return. Not all do. If not, you can do something like a perl -e to do
 it as well.

 All the examples on websites show applying the dot commands from a
 sqlite prompt. Doing the hard returns within the string makes it look
 like a user typing the commands in, with the hard returns.

 If anyone could fix the parser in the sqlite3 source code, I'm sure many
 novices would greatly appreciate it. The above trick has eluded me for
 several months of working with sqlite3 from the command line, and is
 still cumbersome, although usable now.

 One other trick is to put the options in a .sqliterc file in your home
 directory, one dot command per line. This works, but is not really
 feasible in an environment where it will run on multiple hosts and you
 don't control other accounts that will run it. Also, you can't pick and
 choose which ones are loaded. They are global settings at that point.

 I hope this helps someone out there looking for this, as well as
 possibly getting the parser fixed to make it easier to use in the future.

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Re: [sqlite] Shell doesn't do TABLE/TABLE

2011-08-10 Thread Brian Curley
Depending on your preferred shell...the sqlite CLI is just crazy flexible.
Just pipe your output through sed for upper/lower preferences.
 On Aug 10, 2011 12:18 PM, Kit wrote:
 2011/8/10 Simon Slavin
 I've never tried using this before for some reason but in a recent OS X
version of the command-line shell I tried using
 .mode html
 today.  The content is fine, but it doesn't do TABLE or /TABLE.
 Intentional ?  Bug ?  Oversight ?  Trying hard to believe I'm not the
first person who has tried this.
 If someone feels like fixing this, then it should also include TBODY
and /TBODY as well, but most browsers will infer these.
 If someone claims 'no fix because we have users who rely on this' is
there any chance of another mode, perhaps 'htmlfull' which does this ?

 Much more I dislike that the tags are uppercase on output. I prefer
 lowercase, so this functionality can not be used practically.
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Re: [sqlite] Shell doesn't do TABLE/TABLE

2011-08-10 Thread Brian Curley
Then you'd need your sed regex to handle that mask accordingly. The CLI is
understandably your best friend in this case.

A rogue's gallery just awaiting you to tell it what to do...I prefer to
model my app using views, and feed it .import files. You might even replace
time and date retrieval logic by piping sqlite output into use.  It's much
better than some on this forum give it credit.

But as mentioned elsewhere: you've got the recompile option too...
On Aug 10, 2011 12:58 PM, Kit wrote:
 2011/8/10 Brian Curley
 Depending on your preferred shell...the sqlite CLI is just crazy
 Just pipe your output through sed for upper/lower preferences.

 It is not entirely primitive. It needs only tags in lowercase.

 cite href=;
 The last output mode is html. In this mode, sqlite3 writes the
 results of the query as an XHTML table.

 XHTML tags are in lowercase...
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Re: [sqlite] Shell doesn't do TABLE/TABLE

2011-08-10 Thread Brian Curley
@Simon: I'd disagree, unless you mean to make it less specific, since it's
really an exercise for the reader to infer mark-up...not just HTML over
XHTML.  But that's just me...
On Aug 10, 2011 1:06 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:

 On 10 Aug 2011, at 5:58pm, Kit wrote:

 2011/8/10 Brian Curley
 Depending on your preferred shell...the sqlite CLI is just crazy
 Just pipe your output through sed for upper/lower preferences.

 It is not entirely primitive. It needs only tags in lowercase.

 cite href=;
 The last output mode is html. In this mode, sqlite3 writes the
 results of the query as an XHTML table.

 XHTML tags are in lowercase...

 Actually, Kit's right. If that format is meant to be XHTML (and not HTML,
as the in-app help says) then those tags MUST be lower case. The web page
needs changing.

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[sqlite] Trigger mask entities...

2010-10-01 Thread Brian Curley
Looking for some guidance or enlightenment on the available fields within a
given trigger.

In reading through the code as a non-C kind of guy, it looks like there's an
array of columnar values lumped together as old.* and new.* would need them,
but nothing that contains the individual field or column names.  Am I
missing something or is this deemed too specific/non-generic for the trigger

My business case would be in the realm of logging, for example.  If I'm
using an audit-centric trigger, I'd probably want to store field and value,
as opposed to the entire row as only one or two fields might change and to
conserve space.  I could probably rig a rube goldberg series of triggers to
store and compare old.* and new.* values to reinsert elsewhere but if the
column names are already present it'd be a nice little shortcut.  My primary
use would be via the shell...

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