Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Logitech Media Server on Ubuntu 20.04

2020-10-04 Thread fastfwd

TonioRoffo wrote: 
> With this file, and the one before it, I can start logitechmediaserver
> but it shuts down every 5 seconds and spawns a new process.

FWIW, I tried it too -- with basically the same results.  In my case I
got a stable squeezeboxserver_safe, a stable squeezeboxserver, and then
a second instance of squeezeboxserver that would die and be restarted
every 5 seconds.

I don't know exactly how squeezeboxserver_safe works, but I tried for a
little while to debug the problem anyway.  Didn't see anything obvious,
though, and my linux distro includes start-stop-daemon -- so I reverted
to the init script from the .deb package, and everything works fine

*Touch* --> Benchmark DAC3 HGC --> Counterpoint NPS200 MkII + NPS400 -->
Meadowlark Heron
*Touch* --> Schiit Bifrost 2 --> Eddie Current Aficionado --> HD800 SDR,
ZMF Verite Ziricote
and a third *Touch* for remote control, and a *Radio*, and a couple
*SB3*s and a *Transporter* somewhere

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2020-10-04 Thread octavian

MrC wrote: 
> See the conversation above with michael and myself, regarding
> drag-n-drop and perl5.18.  That resolved the issue for me of LMS not
> starting upon reboot.
> I just tested it again, and I no longer have the issue.  My system loads
> a fair number of things upon login, so I had to wait a minute or so
> until LMS loaded before I could start using LMS.
> 31752

Why can't I see bash and sh?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS 8.0 & stream stops

2020-10-04 Thread bpa

philippe_44 wrote: 
> BTW I looked if it could be linked to the various PR I submitted in
> August but they were merged before what you say still works for you
> (version of 24th)

My initial thoughts were your changes as it is a playing stream that
stops but dates didn't match - similar to the podcast issue but much
That's why I next thought of support libraries change which match
version but don't seem likely as streams are connected and playing so
main https negotiation is finished.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS 8.0 & stream stops

2020-10-04 Thread philippe_44

BTW I looked if it could be linked to the various PR I submitted in
August but they were merged before what you say still works for you
(version of 24th)

LMS 7.9  on Pi 3B+ & Odroid-C2 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet,
1xTouch, 1 SB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000,
ShairPortW, JRiver 21, 2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2,
Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5,
Riva 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Albums not sorting the right way

2020-10-04 Thread Huey11

mherger wrote: 
> > Thanks does the NAMESORT thing work and how do i configure
> > it?
> You'll have to tag your files accordingly. See eg. 
> -- 
> Michael

Ok, I have the same issue I think. Some of my artists do not sort
correct. I noticed in the library.db that the namesort field is filled
with "VARIOUS ARTISTS" instead of its artist name in upper case. 
I probably understand your point wrong to use the artistsort and
albumartistsort fields, as a lot of my artists that dó sort correct do
not have the artistsort and albumartistsort fields filled. But for test
I have edited these and filled with artist name. 
Now after a rescan, it still sorts incorrect and when I look in the
library.db the contributors that do not sort, still have "VARIOUS
ARTISTS" in the namesort field. 
Also when I have chosen to do a clean and rescan, still the namesort
field has not changed.

What can be done to modify this specific field? Can I edit it in the db
direct, will it persist, or will a new scan overwrite and revert to old
value (or will something else break)?

Where does it even pick up this value, cause in mp3tag I see it

Regards, Huey

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2020-10-04 Thread MrC

See the conversation above with michael and myself, regarding
drag-n-drop and perl5.18.  That resolved the issue for me of LMS not
starting upon reboot.

I just tested it again, and I no longer have the issue.  My system loads
a fair number of things upon login, so I had to wait a minute or so
until LMS loaded before I could start using LMS.


|Filename: lms-access.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2020-10-04 Thread apassio

I am on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 and use Logitech Media Server Version:
7.9.3 - 1597753178.
I had the same issue as described by many users since on latest Catalina
release: library (which is located on external USB drive) looks empty,
scanning shows 0 files.

I gave full disk access to perl, bash, sh and smbd as described in quote
After that, I restart LMS and I can scan my library and read files, all

The problem is that after rebooting the mac, LMS seems to lose full disk
access again: impossible to read files...
In the security pane, the full disk access seems to be still there...
I have to delete perl,bash, sh and smbd full disk access there and put
it back, then it works... until next reboot.

Any ideas?


MrC wrote: 
> When you go to the web interface, Settings, and on the first page, for
> your Media Folders, click the Browse button, you should see various
> expandable file system locations.  If you cannot expand one of them
> (because there's no + character), this shows you that you don't have
> full disk access for the given area.  This is a quick way for you to
> test as you're working to get permissions to work.
> Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Full Disk Access, and
> unlock the settings.  Click the + button.  Now type Cmd+Shift+G.  This
> will open a dialog where you can type a path.  Enter /usr/bin and then
> select perl to add it.  Do likewise for /bin and select bash.
> I don't recall if I had to start/stop the server after this, but
> certainly needed to hard refresh that LMS server Settings page.  After I
> configured the settings, I was able to then assign my paths and LMS
> worked.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS 8.0 & stream stops

2020-10-04 Thread bpa

tpicq wrote: 
> I've unsync the 2 players I have stopped one and only play the other on
> FIP stream using the plugin provided by Paul (http stream).
> The player is not proxied.
> When I kill the LMS server process than the player stops playing. Is it
> normal or have I missed a configuration somewhere ?

When a stream is being played "direct" by a player - then if LMS is
stopped , the player may continue playing.

A stream will only play direct if it can play the stream natively. 
*For all SB3 and later player - HTTP/MP3
* For radio, Touch = HTTP/MP3 and HTTP/AAC
* Squeezelite (about May 2019) can support HTTP & HTTPS  - MP3 & AAC and
I think other audio formats.

So if a player stops and when LMS is stopped - then stream is probably
not playing directly.  Output from log with player.source will show how
LMS is treating the stream.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS 8.0 & stream stops

2020-10-04 Thread tpicq

bpa wrote: 
> When testing it's best to be explicit about the version being tested and
> NOT to change version until a sequence of tests has been complted.
> Otherwise if the bug is in LMS and ti is a timing one - it may just
> "move"and change and may not be solved 
> Although, problem seems to be associated with newer version of LMS, the
> change in LMS exe for Windows make this seem unlilkely.  
> So need to confirm whether the problem is in LMS or something else. If
> stream breaks down when played directly by player - then problem is not
> LMS. 
> This test mean logging trying to play a FIP http/AAC stream directly on
> a player.  The log is needed to  confirm playing directly.
> The URL (note http not https) to be tested is
> Make sure the selected player is NOT synced and NOT proxied.
> 1. Enable logging player/source to INFO
> 2. Note time
> 3. Start playing the URL
> 4. Wait 30 secs of playing and then stop stream
> 5. Copy ALL log entries from start time to time when stream was stopped.
> Paste the log entries to a forum post - if too many lines, save lines in
> a text file, zip and attach to the post.
> Run test again, this time don't stop after 30 secs and confirm that
> stream does NOT stop/breakdown.
> If stream does not break down  - then we can prepare next test.
> If stream breaks down - then log has to be checked to confirm LMS is
> processing the stream and it is not being played directly..


Thanks bpa for all this instructions.
I'll try to conform the closest I can.

By the way I have a question regarding the stream being played directly
by the player.
I've unsync the 2 players I have stopped one and only play the other on
FIP stream using the plugin provided by Paul (http stream).
The player is not proxied.
When I kill the LMS server process than the player stops playing. Is it
normal or have I missed a configuration somewhere ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2020-10-04 Thread octavian

I think I've tried all the suggestions here other than going into
Terminal which is beyond me. perl is enabled in full disc access but
bash does not appear in bin list. Im running Catlina 10.15.7 and LMS
7.9.3. My music is in a folder on an external hard drive and LMS will
not scan it. Have I missed something?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Logitech Media Server on Ubuntu 20.04

2020-10-04 Thread BosseJ

zordaz wrote: 
> LMS 7.9.3 has been running on Xubuntu 20.04 for a few months now,
> without issues (I still have to test all library scan function however).
> I don't use custom start scripts, only a manually added line to
> /etc/rc.local because LMS is started before the network is up. This has
> been an issue since the day Ubuntu started using Upstart and nowadays
> Systemd instead of classic init-scripts. It might be necessary to first
> enable /etc/rc.local on your system depending on your configuration.
> > 

  >   > 
  > # 07/05/2015: added logitechmediaserver restart due to incompatibilities 
with upstart
  > /etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver restart

> > 

Thanks! Much appreciated.

2 Touch, 2 Picoreplayer  v6.0.0-b9 on RaspBerry 3B, 1 Raspian and
squeezelite 1.8 on PiZero
LMS 8.0.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 on Intel Core2 Duo E4500 @ 2.20GHz, 2GB. All
Main audio system: Magnepan 3.6, amp "Gdis 400", DAC & pre: NAD M51,
streamers: SB Touch // NAD M50

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Very strange scanner bug. Seems to be seeing my Tidal accounts as albums

2020-10-04 Thread gvh

I have actually seen something of this bug since LMS8 and Michael's
first attempts to integrate Tidal's data into the main LMS data.
However I now have Tidal set to debug in the logs so caught a lot more
of it.

I have a Tidal family account and both accounts are configured on
I was on the Tidal app and saw 2 new albums I fancied trying so added
them to favourites.
I then switched to the LMS UI and found all my Tidal albums missing from
the catalogue (it happens sometimes) so ran a scan for changes.

Here's the bizarre bit, it looks like the code or the Tidal API is
listing the email addresses of each account as Albums.
You will see it say "Importing album tracks for 2 albums..."  those two
albums are the email addresses of each Tidal account!
Obviously below I have replaced the email addresses but I hope it's
clear what's going wrong
The scan then successfully picks up Artists and Playlists, it's just
albums going wrong.

Michael, I'm very happy to send you the full logs etc. if it helps

Windows Version: 8.0.0 - 1599750927 @ Thu Sep 10 17:43:09 WEDT 2020

I won't install a newer version just yet



  [20-10-04 08:02:52.4602] main::main (206) Starting Logitech Media Server 
scanner (v8.0.0, 1599750927, Thu Sep 10 17:43:09 WEDT 2020) perl 5.014001
  [20-10-04 08:02:52.6202] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2157) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
  [20-10-04 08:02:53.2679] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (577) Starting 
Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan scan
  [20-10-04 08:02:53.2682] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (179) 
Discovering audio files in D:\Dropbox\music
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.0803] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (191) Start 
processing found tracks
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.0806] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (199) Connect 
do DB
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.0808] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (202) Get 
latest ID
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.0814] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (224) Delete 
temporary table if exists
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.0816] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (227) Re-build 
temporary table
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1107] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (276) Get 
deleted tracks count
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1507] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (283) Get new 
tracks count
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1510] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (288) Get 
changed tracks count
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1667] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::deleteTracks (519) 
Removing deleted audio files (0)
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1670] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (301) Scanning 
new audio files (0)
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1671] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (381) 
Rescanning changed audio files (0)
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1673] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (709) Completed 
Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan Scan in 15 seconds.
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1682] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (577) Starting 
Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan scan
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1685] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (179) 
Discovering audio files in C:\Users\gvh12\Music\Playlists
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1811] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (191) Start 
processing found tracks
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1814] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (199) Connect 
do DB
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1815] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (202) Get 
latest ID
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1819] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (224) Delete 
temporary table if exists
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.1823] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (227) Re-build 
temporary table
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2063] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (276) Get 
deleted tracks count
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2444] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (283) Get new 
tracks count
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2447] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (288) Get 
changed tracks count
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2451] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::deleteTracks (519) 
Removing deleted audio files (0)
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2453] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (301) Scanning 
new audio files (0)
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2456] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (381) 
Rescanning changed audio files (0)
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2460] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (709) Completed 
Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan Scan in 0 seconds.
  [20-10-04 08:03:09.2469] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (577) Starting 
Slim::Plugin::WiMP::Importer scan
  [20-10-04 08:03:10.4229] Slim::Plugin::WiMP::Importer::scanAlbums (89) 
Reading albums for MAIN_TIDAL_ACCOUNT_EMAIL...
  [20-10-04 08:03:35.5031] Slim::Plugin::WiMP::Importer::scanAlbums (99) 
Importing album tracks for 2 albums...
  [20-10-04 08:03:35.5036] Slim::Plugin::WiMP::Importer::scanAlbums (100) 
  [20-10-04 08:03:35.5039] Slim::Plugin::WiMP::Importer::scanAlbums (103) 
  [20-10-04 08:03:35.5042] Slim::Plugin::WiMP::Importer::scanAlbums (103)