Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-20 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> I've you go back in this thread, and other I several times explained how
> it works.
> The file you have to uses is Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386,
> x86_64, i386 FreeBSD, ARM EABI, PowerPC), which is the only which will
> be found and handled. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

OK, thanks for pointing this out. So, if I understood right I´ll have
the possibility to rollback with the backed up files or - if I move one
of the backed up files or download the newest nightly from slimdevices
and put it in the standard download share - I can "force" a installation
of that exact version.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-18 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> All QNap nas-systems got a download directory, which if enabled can be
> reached with samba. Look in file-station of the Qnap webgui. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Thanks, but this is clear. The question was: where is the process of
up-/downgrade via file in download share explained? It is not in the
README_ON_TROUBLE file. What kind of file has to be placed there? File
extension .tgz? Is it the normal download file from the
slimdevices/nightly page?
In my case for example

But I think, I can answer myself and perhaps a few others the question
I found something in the "QLogitechMediaServer version 2.x Help-file".
Perhaps Digimaster can place the actual one as a text file into the
installation root like the README_ON_TROUBLE file.

Here is a part of the answer:

QLogitechMediaServer version 2.x Help-file

[ command line options ]

./ upgrade

When there is a upgrade file available, will do a upgrade.
( Will handle a upgraded, and if LMS is running will stop if first )

./ rollback

Lets you rollback, to earlier installed release of LMS if they have been
Will show a menu, where you can choice a older version. ( Only if that
version was installed earlier )
( Very usfull if a new release is causing trouble, don't forget to
disable updates with NOUPDATE=0 to stop updating/upgrading ! )

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-11 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> If you read the READ_ME_TROUBLE, there it's also explained how one can
> do a manual up- downgraded by placing the file in the download share of
> you're Qnap system. Then start or stop/start QLogitechMediaServer
> through the app center will install and start lms with that version. And
> as long you don't stop/start QLogitechMediaServer it won't upgraded to a
> newer version. Or edit. QLMS.conf the line #NOUPDATE=0 to NOUPDATE=1, to
> prevent it from updating. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Hi Digimaster,
just because I´m interested in your hint. I searched the file
README_ON_TROUBLE but couldn´t find anything about the up-/downgrade
with files in the download share. Could you please tell me, where this
is explained?

Thank U

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

Stone Free wrote: 
> Thanks blackbite, its downloading now hopefully it will work.
> Unfortunately I am a total Linux newbie, so have no idea how to check
> for the correct permissions.  What doesn't help is that the ouput from
> ./ keeps outputing weird characters which I think
> are meant to produce either colors or move text around inside the
> terminal.  I am getting the colors from standard commands so I don't
> know why this script is having trouble.
> I am connecting to my NAS via windows, and neither telnet or putty seem
> to help with these weird codes.  I don't really know anything about
> xterm, xterm-256color etc. But from googling, there was a ls... command
> to show me what terminal configurations where present and only xterm was
> there.

Tell me if it's runnimg afterwards. 
You need 3 things to do some console stuff

1. Putty (telnet client) 
2. WinSCP (view & transfer files) 
3. Notepad++ (for editing files)


NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

Just to be mentioned...
the new nightly build is available. Michael uploaded it an hour ago. 
So, just reinstall your QLMS 2.21

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

Stone Free wrote: 
> Also I'm not sure whether the rollback command is meant to show any
> particular output as I seem to get this:
> > 

  >   > /bin/grep: invalid option -- w
  > /bin/grep: invalid option -- w
  > BusyBox v1.01 (2020.08.20-19:25+) multi-call binary
  > Usage: grep [-ihHnqvs] PATTERN [FILEs...]
  > Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.
  > Options:
  > -H  prefix output lines with filename where match was found
  > -h  suppress the prefixing filename on output
  > -i  ignore case distinctions
  > -l  list names of files that match
  > -n  print line number with output lines
  > -q  be quiet. Returns 0 if result was found, 1 otherwise
  > -v  select non-matching lines
  > -s  suppress file open/read error messages
  > BusyBox v1.01 (2020.08.20-19:25+) multi-call binary
  > Usage: grep [-ihHnqvs] PATTERN [FILEs...]
  > Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.
  > Options:
  > -H  prefix output lines with filename where match was found
  > -h  suppress the prefixing filename on output
  > -i  ignore case distinctions
  > -l  list names of files that match
  > -n  print line number with output lines
  > -q  be quiet. Returns 0 if result was found, 1 otherwise
  > -v  select non-matching lines
  > -s  suppress file open/read error messages
  > /bin/grep: invalid option -- w
  > BusyBox v1.01 (2020.08.20-19:25+) multi-call binary
  > Usage: grep [-ihHnqvs] PATTERN [FILEs...]
  > Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.
  > Options:
  > -H  prefix output lines with filename where match was found
  > -h  suppress the prefixing filename on output
  > -i  ignore case distinctions
  > -l  list names of files that match
  > -n  print line number with output lines
  > -q  be quiet. Returns 0 if result was found, 1 otherwise
  > -v  select non-matching lines
  > -s  suppress file open/read error messages
  > does not exist on PetersNAS !

> > 
> The help seems to indicate some sort of menu should be shown
> > 

  >   > 
  > ./ rollback
  > Lets you rollback, to earlier installed release of LMS if they have been 
  > Will show a menu, where you can choice a older version. ( Only if that 
version was installed earlier )
  > ( Very useful if a new release is causing trouble, don't forget to disable 
updates with NOUPDATE=0 to stop updating/upgrading ! )

> > however as you can see from my output no menu appears

Check rights/attributes of backup files
and check the .QLMS.conf for setting

For me the rollback did exactly what I wanted. 

Perhaps Digimaster himself can further assist you. Otherwise I would
wait for the next nightly and install QLMS again. It will then check for
the latest nightly and install it.

Another try is to download the fixed from the repo and replace
this in your existing installation. Phillipe44 has written some infos on
that in the commit changes. 
Search under the nightly build pages. 

Good luck

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

Stone Free wrote: 
> What format should the backup be in?  I uploaded
> logitechmediaserver-8.0.0-1598791476-arm-linux.tgz as I have a 219P, but
> maybe it needs to be extracted?
> Peter

Mine is named:

[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup] # ls
[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup] #

no need to extract.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

Stone Free wrote: 
> Does anyone know where the folder that the rollback command looks for
> is?
> I have downloaded the version I had that was working from the nightly
> directory but don't know where to put it for the command to find it

Read my post above yours...

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] 09/04 nightly

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

Zombie wrote: 
> They have, us. Which is obvious now.
> I never asked to be a beta tester.

...and for everyone screaming out loud like this... 
Were talking about nightly. So stay away from it and rest with stable
releases. Some of the update settings in digimasters QLMS were a bit
tricky to set them correctly. I guess, that is the reason why some of
the guys were still updating every nightly build, without knowing it.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] 09/04 nightly

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

There´s an error in the 

Wait for the next nightly build or - if you have QLMS installed see:

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-09-05 Thread blackbite

slartibartfast wrote: 
> There is an issue with the latest nightly for LMS 8.0.0
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Yes, the actual nightly is faulty. I did a ssh into my nas and ran

./ rollback

and downgraded to the last nightly build. For this you have to have a
backup of the last builds in
And take care of you settings in the .QLMS.conf file. See here:

./ rollback
Lets you rollback, to earlier installed release of LMS if they have been
Will show a menu, where you can choice a older version. ( Only if that
version was installed earlier )
( Very usfull if a new release is causing trouble, don't forget to
disable updates with NOUPDATE=0 to stop updating/upgrading ! )

LMS is running and the next nightly will soon be fixed, so you can
reenable the update settings.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.21.00

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-29 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Oké at the moment work on a major update. Where the support system will
> be update to the latest, which also will have perl 5.30.
> But that gone take a while, as it's much preparation to do. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Just wanted to commit that the 2.10.06 works for me too. I came from
2.10.02 and did a backup, uninstall, fresh install, restore. The restore
was a little buggy, because it failed first as the backup file was named
QLMS_BCKUP_7.9.tgz. I renamed it to QLMS_BCKUP_8.0.tgz and the restore
did it´s job. I think you already found that little mistake by
Thanks again for continuing the work on QLMS and good luck for the major

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.10.06

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-01-30 Thread blackbite

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I updated to the latest QLMS version hoping it would update LMS to
> 8.0.0. It did, but it brought along problems.
> For whatever reason, it's now running on Perl 5.24.4 and Audio::Scan:
> 0.95 (instead of 5.28 and 1.02). Anyone else seeing this?
> I completely reinstalled QLMS, now it's back to Perl 5.28 and
> Audio::Scan 1.02. And back to 7.9.3. I don't know why yesterday it
> updated to 8.0.0 and now it's not.

Mine doesn´t update to 8.0 either. No matter what settings i chose for
the .QLMS.conf.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.10.02

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-05 Thread blackbite

Hi Digimaster,

just wanted to inform you, that 2.10.01 unfortunately crashes on my NAS.
I went back to 2.08 and everything is fine again.
The error is: 


|Filename: lms_crash.PNG|

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.03.21

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-31 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> The audio scan, is some thing for LMS itself. So some thing Michael
> programs, include in the updates.
> Send from my mobile Phone

Okay, thanks. Understood

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.03.21

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-29 Thread blackbite

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I cannot confirm this (for this version. But I remember seeing this a
> while ago.) But there's an excessive use of space instead of tab between
> digit and #. :p

Hi dolodobendan,

thanks for your input. I´ve checked my file and replaced the spaces into
the correct amount of tabs. That doesn´t change the behaviour. Perhaps I
have to replace the whole file as I have mostly upgraded and haven´t
done a fresh install for a while. In notepad++ I can´t see any
specialities. Do you have .UPDATE or .NIGHTLY Files in the LMS-Root?
What happens, when you delete them an do the settings in the .QLMS.conf
file. No matter what my settings are, a ./ config
always shows me both settings "enabled". Perhaps you can send me your
.QLMS.conf file?


NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.03.21

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-28 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Oké strange on the update, could check if maybe .UPDATE exist as a file
> in the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer directory? As I check if with several
> options enabled/disabled.
> Sure it run nice now, more then happy with the result. For me works like
> a charm, and react fast. Also in the android app.
> But still when adding a new architecture, it takes some new programming.
> But I believe have supported for most Qnap models. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Hi digimaster,

look at the image.


There´s no .UPDATE file. 

And yes, indeed. QLMS runs / reacts very fast now. I am very happy with
the responsiveness. Great job. :D

|Filename: QLMS_Root.JPG|

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.03.21

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-28 Thread blackbite

And one more for the cosmetics...

the parameter config states:

Auto update offical releases enabled!
Nightly Releases Auto Update enabled!

But this is not true, as my QLMS.conf is actually set to:


UPDATE=0# (1)   [ 0/1 Where on 1 it 
will check on officiel update on every startup, 0 will disable it. ]
  NIGHTLY=1   # (0) [ 0/1 Where on 1 it will check 
on NIGHTLY update on every startup, 0 will disable it. ]


By the way. The backup parameter is great and works perfectly. QLMS is
getting better and better :cool:

digimaster wrote: 
> Oké a good thing, you showed me this. That are those small cosmetic
> things. Gone have a look on that, to make it be a bit nicer. [emoji106]
> Send from my mobile Phone

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.03.21

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-28 Thread blackbite

Hi digimaster,

just one small thing - minor cosmetics...

The QNAS states a malformed status info in the log. See the image


|Filename: QNAS_Status_LMS.JPG  |

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS (4x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.03.21

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-28 Thread blackbite

Just to be sure... a ./ config gave me:


./ config
  The system mounts:
  /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on 
 type none (rw,bind)
  /proc on /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc 
type none (rw,bind)
  /sys on /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/sys 
type none (rw,bind)
  /tmp on /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp 
type none (rw,bind)
  /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on 
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus type 
none (ro,bind)
  Network check :
  Error [AVAHI] in QTS!
  Network check in chroot :
  Error [AVAHI] in chroot!
  Perl check :
  QNAP info :
  QNap Model: TS-451
  QNap Nas-system Platform: x86_64
  System: x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu
  QTS Version: 436
  The bash shell :
  GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
  Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  The configuration:]
  [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
  [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
  [Chroot Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT
  [Chroot cmd] /usr/sbin/chroot
  LogitechMediaServer services found on :
  [6784 17257 17354]
  The /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer is properly Mounted!
  The LMS used options on startup :
  [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile 
 --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
  Auto update offical releases enabled!
  Nightly Releases Auto Update enabled!
  The installed LMS Release 7.9.2 Version 1548605546!
  Default Website!
  [8.8.8] is used to find latest Release!
  QLogitechMediaServer runs with renice value [-10]
  LMS start's with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value
  LMS start's reniced!
  At Start up, PlayListDirectory will be set to read and write by 
  Gone clean up Cache/template before LMS is started!
  Clean up Memory, after QLogitechMediaServer has been excuted! OK
  .config/.QLMS.func: OK
  .config/.QLMS.default: OK
  .config/ OK
  All Files OKE
  QLogitechMediaServer [2.03.21]

Do I have to take care of the 2 AVAHI errors? The rest looks good.
Thanks again

digimaster wrote: 
> Hi blackbite,
> thanks for letting me know.
> Sure some times updates are fast.
> In the middle of cleanup some codes and routines.
> The LMSROOT directory, is very important.
> It contains all the needed programs and libraries, which are used/needed
> by LMS to run.
> The
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA,
> is a kind of symlink ( actually is a binded directory with mount ).
> Thats also something very important, otherwise LMS can't find you're
> music files, or can not run LMS.
> But don't bother about something in there, its all handled by the
> script.
> So as long as you don't alter anything there, it wont give any
> problems.
> No the config file, is in .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer, and named
> .QLMS.conf.
> There you can chance or adjust things.
> The ./ config is just a command, giving you
> information.
> And on error or trouble, could be very helpful for you but also for me.
> Would suggested run ./ config, and have a look !
> Or maybe share the output with me, as the more info i get the better i
> can make the script!
> The better i can make the script fit all the different flavors of the
> models.
> That what i'm working on, set it up, in a way it work out of the box on
> all of them.
> Keep in mind, at the are small update.
> When you uses ./ backup, it will write a file in
> the public share.
> This way will survive a uninstall, so one can restore them after a
> reinstall.
> But can also be helpful, if after a update of a plugin, LMS crashes on
> startup.
> So would suggested to run the command , backup,
> just to have a backup handy.
> Due to the trouble with 2.03.20, learned that one can downgrad to a
> older version.
> You have to download the older version from QNap club store, go to the
> app center, choice QNap Club.
> Then follow the Manuel installation, and install it from the file.
> This will set it back to the older version, and still if a newer version
> is available, one can upgraded.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.00.02

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-28 Thread blackbite

Hi digimaster,

thank you for this detailed information. Very helpful to understand.
Will do a backup with your script and see what´s in there. Before I
always backed up the prefs and Cache folders manually.

digimaster wrote: 
> Hi blackbite,
> thanks for letting me know.
> Sure some times updates are fast.
> In the middle of cleanup some codes and routines.
> The LMSROOT directory, is very important.
> It contains all the needed programs and libraries, which are used/needed
> by LMS to run.
> The
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA,
> is a kind of symlink ( actually is a binded directory with mount ).
> Thats also something very important, otherwise LMS can't find you're
> music files, or can not run LMS.
> But don't bother about something in there, its all handled by the
> script.
> So as long as you don't alter anything there, it wont give any
> problems.
> No the config file, is in .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer, and named
> .QLMS.conf.
> There you can chance or adjust things.
> The ./ config is just a command, giving you
> information.
> And on error or trouble, could be very helpful for you but also for me.
> Would suggested run ./ config, and have a look !
> Or maybe share the output with me, as the more info i get the better i
> can make the script!
> The better i can make the script fit all the different flavors of the
> models.
> That what i'm working on, set it up, in a way it work out of the box on
> all of them.
> Keep in mind, at the are small update.
> When you uses ./ backup, it will write a file in
> the public share.
> This way will survive a uninstall, so one can restore them after a
> reinstall.
> But can also be helpful, if after a update of a plugin, LMS crashes on
> startup.
> So would suggested to run the command , backup,
> just to have a backup handy.
> Due to the trouble with 2.03.20, learned that one can downgrad to a
> older version.
> You have to download the older version from QNap club store, go to the
> app center, choice QNap Club.
> Then follow the Manuel installation, and install it from the file.
> This will set it back to the older version, and still if a newer version
> is available, one can upgraded.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.00.02

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-01-27 Thread blackbite

Hi digimaster,

just wantet to commit, that Version 2.03.20 didn´t start on my nas
(avahi daemon & chroot error) and Version 2.03.21 fixed that issue.
Thanks for the fast fix.

Another question: Under
"/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/" i see a
folder named LMSROOT. What is this? Is this the prepared folder for the
configuration backup?

As i see the path
i was hoping that this is just a symlink to the root share and not a

As always... thanks for your work!

Chers, Blackbite

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.00.02

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-11-14 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> *
> No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
> can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.
> = QlogitechMediaServer version 2.02.01
> = 14-11-2018  :D
> * Bugfixs release regarding time on some LogitechMedia devices, still
> where not getting right time !
> Should be fixed now. ( Localtime is no correctly taken from host
> system, Logitech BOOM )
> + Add support for x09/x19. IMPORTANT still in beta, using perl 5.20,
> because higher is not supported in LMS.
> Due to this limitation, includes programs, are not the latest !
> IMPORTANT arm-x09/arm-x19 is still beta/EXPERIMENTAL !.( Would be nice
> i've you rapport i've it works ? ) :o
> * Some finetuning and small correction.
> 'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'
> (
> 'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'
> (
> Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
> SlimDevices forum website. 
> More information on MusicIP, go to or
> *

Hi Digimaster,
the x64 package is not installable / gives error on manual install. Went
back to 2.02.00

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 2.00.02

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-10-28 Thread blackbite

Hi digimaster,

download links are still old 2.00.01

digimaster wrote: 
> *
> 'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'
> (
> 'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'
> (
> Version 2.00.02 28-10-2018
> = QlogitechMediaServer version 2.00.02
> =28-10-2018
> * bugfixs release, now al the found mounting points under /share will be
> found in LMS. ( thanks to Don ) :-)
> ( Curious about the speed on the several Qnap systems ? )
> ( My LMS is faster then it ever was before ! )
> *

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.07

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Nightly Build Servers down since

2018-05-19 Thread blackbite

mherger wrote: 
> > The nightly builds haven't been updated since 3rd of May. You
> probably
> > already know this but... just in case.
> I've stopped doing nightly builds when there are no changes. I should 
> probably stop the download page from going red about it.
> -- 
> Michael

Oh, sorry, didn´t know nor read anything about it. Make it sticky before
something explodes ;-)

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.07

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Nightly Build Servers down since

2018-05-17 Thread blackbite

Hi Michael,

The nightly builds haven't been updated since 3rd of May. You probably
already know this but... just in case.
Maybe I just hit you on holiday :)


NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.07

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2018-03-01 Thread blackbite

Hi Digimaster, 

First I have updated to 1.07.2 via appstore. But after having the start
problems I returned to the manual clean install. The QNapClub appstore
also shows some updates that are at least not compatible with my nas. I
will keep doing future updates the manual way. 

With MusicIP I am totally not common. I have over 200.000 tracks in my
library and have heard that scanning will last forever. So sorry that I
can't help on that part, but I will test the 1.08. 
Thanks for all the hard work your doing here. 

digimaster wrote: 
> Yes a strange thing, because from command line it works good.
> Question do you install it now from the QNapClub appstore or manuelly ?
> New release coming up this weekend, with MusicIPServer included.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.07

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-02-27 Thread blackbite

Hi Digimaster, 

from here it looks good. Did all the tests (restart, stop, start,
reboot) without any problems. LMS is up and running. 

digimaster wrote: 
> Bad Boy, peaking inside my script, to revial it already v1.08.
> Ha ha ha yes, there it already says v1.08, because i in the
> middle of preparing v1.08
> But now i need some testing from you both, because up till now, you two
> are the only ones with the issue.
> Here i set a link to a zip file, in it there is only the
> Unpack it and copy to the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer directory, over the
> existing one.
> Then do chown admin and chmod 0755
> Then do ./ restart, and look what it does ?
> 'LogitechMediaServer v1.07.3 test script' (
> If that works try if it start from a reboot off the QNap,.
> Please let me know if thats work on youe system ?

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.07

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-02-27 Thread blackbite

Hi yeomanspc,

just have a look here:!=907699=1#post907699

I have the same problem with 1.07.2. It is a problem within the file and digimaster is working on it.
Install 1.07.2 and replace the file with the one from version 1.07 or
do a fresh install of 1.07, or
wait for the next release where it hopefully will be fixed. 
Just to be sure: what´s your qnap model? Mine is QNAP TS-451 on QTS

yeomanspc wrote: 
> I just had another go.
> Removed LMS using app store remove, and restarted NAS.
> Re-installed LMS from app store.  It installs and runs.  I configured
> LMS and did a media scan to build the indexes.  All OK.
> Stopped LMS.  Restart.  FAULT.
> Delete it all again, and re-install, rebuild indexes but this time,
> before i stop the server, 
> I SSL'd into NAS and did the CHOWN etc. on slimserver directory to make
> squeezeboxserver the owner (presumably)
> Stopped LMS
> restart.  Fault.  
> I can restart in failsafe.  I see this error in the LMS log
> > 

  >   > [18-02-27 09:17:50.4873] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media 
Server (v7.9.1, 1519287262, Thu Feb 22 09:27:46 CET 2018) perl 5.024000 - 
  > [18-02-27 09:17:50.4873] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.1, 1519287262, Thu Feb 22 09:27:46 CET 2018) perl 5.024000 - 
  > [18-02-27 09:17:50.5136] Carp::croak (167) Warning: write_file 
 - sysopen: Permission denied at 
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/ line 
  > [18-02-27 09:18:02.0982] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.1, 1519287262, Thu Feb 22 09:27:46 CET 2018) perl 5.024000 - 

> > 
> is in the cache diirectory and is owned by
> squeezeboxserver with attributes 644.
> The logitechmediaserver.log.err file does not show any errors - it
> just lists the plugins loaded - no errors.
> I found this in the logitechmediaserver.log file..
> > 

  >   > [14:56:33 26-02-2018] Please wait a few minuts, have to build LMS from 
scratch !
  > [14:56:59 26-02-2018] Upgrading LogitechMediaServer to 7.9.1-1519287262, 
please wait !
  > [14:57:08 26-02-2018] Starting LogitechMediaServer in Background.
  > shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access 
parent directories: No such file or directory
  > shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access 
parent directories: No such file or directory
  > [22:05:17 26-02-2018] Stopping LogitechMediaServer [16713] in the 
  > [22:05:44 26-02-2018] CMDLINE --daemon --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile 
 --httpport 9001 --priority -10 --charset=utf8 --quiet
  > [22:05:45 26-02-2018] Something went wrong, check the 
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/LogitechMediaServer.log.err and 
you're configuration! You could Try ./ failsafe, or 
reinstall QPKG!

> > 
> I cannot now start even in failsafe mode - it will require a remove
> and re-install again.  Will keep investigating

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.07

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2018-02-25 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> That's a odd problem, as there is not mutch changed in 1.07.2. 
> And more that failsafe works fine. 
> The only thing could be the owner right settings on the directory.
> And i think its something in the Cache directory.
> Another thing i read, you do a fresh install, so makes it stranger.
> Send from my mobile Phone

Hi Digimaster,

the problem ist the use of /bin/pidof in the
/bin/pidof ist symlinked to busybox (not only) on my NAS. Or there is a
typo in the else, where you do "ARGS=$(_PGREP ${QPKG_NAME}/SlimServer)".
Please have a look.
Here´s the actual code for the start / restart section of version


# Start LogitechMediaServer, QTS 4.3 and higher with sudo and renice, for 
faster and more secure preformance.
  [[ -e /usr/bin/sudo ]] && (( SUDO )) && /usr/bin/sudo -Ebu ${USER} 
${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/ $(_CONFIG) 2>> ${LOGFILE} 1>/dev/null || 
${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/ $(_CONFIG) 2>> ${LOGFILE} 1>/dev/null && 
wait $!

  # Check if Services is running and set prio if set, otherwise show error and 
exit !
  if (( ARGS )) ;then
  [[ -f ${LOGFILE}.err ]] && /bin/rm ${LOGFILE}.err
  [[ -e /bin/renice ]] && (( RENICE )) && /bin/renice $RENICE -p ${ARGS} 
  ${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/ $(_CONFIG) -d_startup &>${LOGFILE}.err 
&& wait $!
  ARGS=$(_PGREP ${QPKG_NAME}/SlimServer) && /bin/kill -9 ${ARGS} &>/dev/null && 
wait $!
  _EXIT 1 "Something went wrong, check the ${LOGFILE}.err and you're 
configuration! You could Try $0 failsafe, or reinstall QPKG! "

And here´s the working version of 1.07 (with the use of _PGREP):


# Start LogitechMediaServer, QTS 4.3 and higher with sudo and renice, for 
faster and more secure preformance.
  [[ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]] && (( SUDO )) && /usr/bin/sudo -Ebu ${USER} 
${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/ $(_CONFIG) 2>> ${LOGFILE} 1>/dev/null || \
  ${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/ $(_CONFIG) 2>> ${LOGFILE} 1>/dev/null 
&& wait $!
  # Check if Services is running and set prio if set, otherwise show error and 
exit !
  if (( ARGS )) ;then
  [[ -f ${LOGFILE}.err ]] && /bin/rm ${LOGFILE}.err
  [[ -x /bin/renice ]] && (( RENICE )) && /bin/renice $RENICE -p ${ARGS} 
  ${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/ $(_CONFIG) -d_startup &>${LOGFILE}.err 
&& wait $!
  ARGS=$(_PGREP ${QPKG_NAME}/SlimServer) && /bin/kill -9 ${ARGS} &>/dev/null && 
wait $!
  _EXIT 1 "Something went wrong, check the ${LOGFILE}.err and you're 
configuration! You could Try $0 failsafe, or reinstall QPKG! "

So, if is install 1.07.2 and replace the with the
one from 1.07 everything is fine.
For further troubleshooting I have tried a complete fresh install of
1.07.2 for at least ten times. After the successfull install, i directly
stopped LMS and tried to restart it, and the error came back. So with
the naked install (without my restored Cache / prefs), I could force
this behaviour.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.07

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2018-02-24 Thread blackbite

Hi Digimaster,

With 1.07.2 I can no longer get QLMS to work. 1.07 and 1.07.1 did fine.
I did a fresh install (like always). It installs ok but it doesn´t start
the LMS. Something went wrong...
But the Error-File shows no error. It just states that many modules were
loaded at first and second try. A start with failsafe was ok.
I returned to Version 1.07 now and everything is fine again.

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.06f

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-02-16 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Oké depends on what you wants. Best most simplest way. Copy the prefs
> and Cache directories to a save place. Remove, Uninstall the old version
> through the Qnap appcenter. Then install from the qnapclub appstore
> through the Qnap appcenter. Then when installed and running, stop it and
> copy back the prefs and Cache directories and start it again. From then
> on you got a nice clean installation, and upgrades go through the
> appcenter.
> And from now on, that's where new releases will be found. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

When you're already on your qpkg v 1.02 or like me 1.06f, Is it safe to
just upgrade to final 1.07? 

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.06f

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-02-16 Thread blackbite

yeomanspc wrote: 
> What is the best way to upgrade this as new releases come out.?  Do I
> have to do a complete remove, and re-install?
> Any idea when it will be in the QNAP app store.?

I think he ment remove and re-install or install over the existing
version of the qpkg...

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.06f

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-02-09 Thread blackbite

Hi there,
any news about the planned release of the qpkg? It´s very silent here


NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.06f

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-30 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Well here it's the latest beta, with the fix for NIGHTLY updating.
> 'QLogitechMediaServer_V1.06.f for Qnap x86_64/x86/i686 with QTS 4.2 or
> higher !' (
> === QLogitechMediaSever version 1.06.f beta
> ===
> + Add support for x86/i686 and mixed x86_64 nas systems.
> ( there must be and or avaible )
> ( The i686 Perl is made by Qnapfan, many thanks for the support and hard
> work )
> + Fixed the auto update function, now nightly and update can separably
> set.
> + Change some minor things in the installation script, for better error
> check !
> + Change some minor thing in the init-script, so it will check errors on
> startup.
> + Now user of V1.05, can use this version to.
> * This is the release candidate for V1.07, if no errors are report will
> be released soon!
> (PLEASE check if you're Qnap is supported, it relays on the file
> /lib/ of One or both must be on
> you're QNap system 
> And also do uname -m to check if the right architecture is available !.
> The installation will do, and if it wont meet the requirements will stop
> the installation ! )
> ===
> 'QLogitechMediaServer_V1.06.f for Qnap x86_64/x86/i686 with QTS 4.2 or
> higher !' (

Everything fine now for "nightly only updates" setting. Was upgraded
today to 7.9.1 - 1517314665 automatically. :D

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.06d

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-28 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Yes both can be done, for several commands, but not all.
> It in there, because for me it easier, while testing and
> programming the script.
> And regarding the update/nightly update, yes there is a error which
> prevent the nightly updating.
> Working on it at the moment, to fix it.

Ok, will try out & give feedback when your fix + the next nightly have

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.05a

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-27 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Oke thanks for the help, change the websie to website.
> But the 
> (( UPDATE )) || (( NIGTHLY )) && _GETUPGRADE
> if correct, it's not and and, but if one of them is 1.
> But the

Hi digimaster,

sorry but nope... :p
look at the word NIG*TH*LY in your code. Just another typo. Should be
NIG*HT*LY. So the condition will never be true if only NIGHTLY is set to

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.05a

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-27 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> The user squeezeboxserver is made by the script it self. In the beta
> there some smalle adjudtment regarding auto update. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Hi digimaster,

I think I found the update problem:

In the the update is only done, when both
parameters UPDATE & NIGHTLY were set to "1" in the .QLMS.conf file. I
had only NIGHTLY set to "1" as you said in a previous post prevent
from upgrading to a new official release (eg. and just getting
nightly updates. But that is in fact not working as described. By
deleting the .INSTALLED the update routine downloaded and installed the
nightly. But only when both parameters were set to "1". Can U please
check this.


# Check if enabled, if a upgraded can be done.  
  (( UPDATE )) || (( NIGTHLY )) && _GETUPGRADE

By checking the .QLMS.func I found another little typo at the end of the

the log "Website not responding on request" has to be ${WEBSITE} not
I changed it already in the code.


_GETUPGRADE(){  # Get the latstet officiel and nighlty LMS build
  [[ -z ${WEBSITE} ]] && local WEBSITE=";
  local SOURCE_DIR=${QPKG_ROOT}/.source/
  [[ -d ${SOURCE_DIR} ]] || /bin/mkdir -p -m 0700 ${SOURCE_DIR}
  /usr/bin/wget -q --spider ${WEBSITE}
  if test $? ;then
  local INDEXFILE=/tmp/lms-upgrade.html
  if [ -f ${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/.INSTALLED ] ;then
  local ARGS1=$(/bin/cat ${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/.INSTALLED)
  local VERSION=${ARGS1##*-} && local RELEASE=${ARGS1%%-*}
  local RELEASE=$(/bin/cat ${QPKG_ROOT}/.config/.RELEASE.conf ) || local 
  local VERSION=0
  until [ ${RELEASE} = 7.0.0 ] ;do
  /usr/bin/wget -q --spider ${WEBSITE}LogitechMediaServer_v${RELEASE} && break
  [[ ${RELEASE} == 7.0.0 ]] && _LOG 1 "No good release found on the website, 
you will have to supply one manuelly !" && return 0
  if ((NIGHTLY)) ;then # Get Nightly builds if enabled by config
  /usr/bin/wget -q --spider ${WEBSITE}nightly/ || return 1
  /usr/bin/wget -q -t 5  --connect-timeout=20 --dns-timeout=20 -O ${INDEXFILE} 
"${WEBSITE}nightly/?ver=${RELEASE%.*}" || return 1
  local ARGS1=$(/bin/grep -A 2 "Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, 
x86_64, i386 FreeBSD, ARM EABI, PowerPC)" ${INDEXFILE} | /bin/grep 
logitechmediaserver )
  [[ ${INDEXFILE} ]] && /bin/rm ${INDEXFILE}
  local SOURCE_FILE=${ARGS1%'"'*} && SOURCE_FILE=${SOURCE_FILE#*.} && 
  local F_VERSION=${ARGS1##*-} && F_VERSION=${F_VERSION%.*}
  if [ ${F_RELEASE} == $(_RELPLUS ${RELEASE}) ] && [ ${F_VERSION} -gt 
${VERSION} ] ; then
  /usr/bin/wget -q -nc --show-progress -t 5  --connect-timeout=20 
--dns-timeout=20 -P ${SOURCE_DIR} "${SOURCE_FILE}"
  [[ -e ${SOURCE_DIR}${SOURCE_FILE##*/} ]] && return 0 
  _LOG 1 "There was a error, could not download ${SOURCE_FILE} !"
  if (( UPDATE )) || [ ! -d ${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer/ ] ; then # Get officiel 
build if enabled by config
  /usr/bin/wget -q -t 5  --connect-timeout=20 --dns-timeout=20 -O ${INDEXFILE} 
  if [ $? = 0 ] ;then
  [[ -n $(/bin/grep "logitechmediaserver-${RELEASE}.tgz" ${INDEXFILE} | 
/bin/grep logitechmediaserver ) ]] && \
  /usr/bin/wget -q -nc --show-progress -t 5  --connect-timeout=20 
--dns-timeout=20 -P ${SOURCE_DIR} 
  [[ -e ${SOURCE_DIR}logitechmediaserver-${RELEASE}.tgz ]] && return 0
  _LOG 1 "There was a error, could not download 
  _LOG 1 "${WEBSITE} not responding on request !"
  return 1

Thanks again for all your work here! Will try to help a little

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.05a

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-26 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Sure you can install it as a upgrade. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Thanks, but no change with 1.06d.
Then I did a fresh install again, which built LMS from scratch. Indeed
What about the users on qnap. I saw, that only admin and root existed. I
created user squeezeboxserver. May that be the problem?

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.05a

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-26 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Very strange, here it did the update.
> You could try to install the beta version V1.06.d

Should I install over existing 1.05a? 
Is there something special for the default download share? I didn't
change rights there. Could the new "run as sudo" change the behavior?

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.05a

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-26 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Oké do (cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitehMediaServer) and then (rm
> SlimServer/.INSTALLED). And (./ restart). 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Hi digimaster,
Unfortunately still no working update function.
logitechmediaserver-7.9.1-1516947667 is out and I'm still on 7.9.1 -
1516565589. Manual update search also say that there's no updated
version available.
What can I try next?

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.05a

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-23 Thread blackbite

digimaster wrote: 
> Oké do (cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitehMediaServer) and then (rm
> SlimServer/.INSTALLED). And (./ restart). 
> Send from my mobile Phone

Ok, thanks. We give feedback when next nightly is released. 
But isn't the still only looking for the "touch
UPDATE / NIGHTLY" files to start the update routine? I don't see where
the. conf File is interpreted.

Sent from mobile phone

NAS: QNAP TS-451 QTS 4.3.4 (3x 4TB, RAID5)
Services: QLogitechMediaServer 1.05a

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-23 Thread blackbite


Update function is no longer working for me, since I'm on 1.05a.
With 1.03 there was no problem. Did fresh install and set the .QLMS.conf

What else can I check or try?

P.S. I'm on TS-451, FW 4.3.4

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-20 Thread blackbite

do I still need the touch UPDATE to enable automatic updates or is it
now all included in the .QLMS.conf?

I'm asking, because on 1.03 the nightly updates worked well. But since
1.05a I'm not getting the lastest nightly updates anymore.
My settings are:

Please can anyone check, if the automatic update to the recent nightly
(7.9.1-1516346293) worked?
Thanks in advance

P.S. I'm on TS-451, FW 4.3.4

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2018-01-09 Thread blackbite

Hi digimaster,

just want to say thank you very much for your fantastic work. After many
years of qpkg-use for LMS-Installation the shutdown of the original
spotify and the security issues was a pain in the a... So I switched to
a docker image which also worked quite well with the new spotty Plugin.
Thanks to you for the updated perl and all the stuff behind and for
making the installation of LMS via qpkg very straight forward again.
Perl & CPAN & LMS & QNAP isn't just fun - you know what I mean...

Thumbs Up! for you and Michael Herger and all the others that help
keeping a great System alive.

P.S. Bought some Sonos Play:1 from an attractive offer... Nice hardware,
but the rest... I will never understand, why Logitech quit the
Squeezeboxes. Perhaps they were too much of an early bird. I'm sure they
would have had their break even of costs, if they would have stayed one
more year with the product line of Squeezeboxes. Very, very sad.

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