Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I think you also unwittingly misled us in the first post when you said
> you were adding new music folders to LMS. I am pretty sure a lot of
> people thought you were trying to add more top level folders not album
> folders inside the existing Music folder [emoji3] 
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Please accept my apologies. Most of the the things I have been advised
to do, are way past my knowledge level. I obviously complicated things
for everyone and myself, but I've learnt a lot

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> I did say more than once before that you needed to compare working to
> non working and you said you had!
> The remaining issue Tony is that when you create new music folders in
> the future the same problem will probably persist.
> When you sent the screenshot of the access rights on Qmultimedia it
> showed both "everyone" and "administrators" as valid groups. That is
> illogical as all of the users within the group administrators is by
> definition a member of the everyone group. Normally you might have both
> but administrators with "read/write" and everyone with just "read"
> access.
> You should NOT change these settings without first finding out what
> caused the change and why the user "squeezeboxserver" can no longer read
> a file that has "administrators" as its group.

Apologies for misleading you Jim - when I said I had compared working to
non working files, that was within the QNAP NAS and not via WinSCP. I
won't make that mistake again!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

tonymac wrote: 
> Apologies Jim, last screenshots may not of been useful. Please see
> attached

Jim, you are an absolute STAR! Followed your advice and marked folder,
album and then  individual files as 'everyone'. Currently rescanning and
missing files are appearing and playable in LMS!
I have no idea why recently added files and albums wre not marked in
this way, but I know the answer now.

I would just like to thank you and everyone who contributed to solving
my problem.

Very much appreciated

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> There is one possible anomaly there but can you repeat the entire WinSCP
> exercise but this time starting at a file LMS CAN see

Apologies Jim, last screenshots may not of been useful. Please see

|Filename: clapton2.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> There is one possible anomaly there but can you repeat the entire WinSCP
> exercise but this time starting at a file LMS CAN see

Hope this helps you

|Filename: screenshot 8.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> Those screenshots look correct.
> Now fire up WinSCP and navigate to a file that you know LMS CAN'T see.
> Right click and do Properties. What user and group names do you see?
> Post a screenshot.
> Move back up the tree one step at a time towards Qmultimedia and repeat
> looking at Properties at folder level. 
> Post screenshot of each each level.


|Filename: screenshot 4.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

tonymac wrote: 
> Hope this helps Jim

This one?

|Filename: screenshot 3.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> It isn't coincidence.
> Post a screenshot of the shared folder settings for Qmultimedia (your
> equivalent to this)
> 39055
> And the group settings for "administrators"
> SSODS was the user on my system that used to run LMS
> 39056

Hope this helps Jim

|Filename: screenshot2.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-09 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> Tony said that the user / group and permissions on a non working folder
> are identical to a working folder when looked at with WinSCP.  If that
> is really correct from top level down then LMS should be able to see
> them but apparently it can’t.
> Although Tony doesn’t say so explicitly the QNAP must be fairly old -
> top level being called Qmultimedia not Multimedia as it is on latest
> models - but in order to run LMS must be using digimaster’s package and
> must be fairly powerful. One thing that has changed in recent firmware
> is a nag that tells you when you are using the default admin account and
> suggests you change it. Tony - did you follow that advice?
> I don’t use LMS directly on my QNAP and haven’t done for years largely
> for this sort of reason. I can’t run digimaster’s package as my QNAP
> isn’t powerful enough but it is perfectly good as a file store. Hence I
> run LMS on another machine and point it at the files on the NAS. I also
> have a Pi4 running pCP as a dev server pointed at the QNAP so I would
> totally endorse the suggestion that Jim makes in this regard.
> However as you say it was working ok so something has changed and it
> probably is really simple. It may be a good idea to seek advice in
> digimaster’s QNAP thread. My money is still on a subtle change on the
> QNAP in relation to user or group rights and how the files have been
> written from Windows to the QNAP.
> Nevertheless It is possible that the files themselves have been created
> differently and aren’t valid in Linux terms but are to Windows.
> To upload a couple put them in a Zip file.
> Just to recap. 
> 1. If you run a clear and rescan you get exactly the same results? Yes,
> have cleared and rescanned several times without success
> 2. If you place a non working file into a working folder can LMS see and
> play the file? No it cannot be seen
> 3. What is your folder path structure - Qmultimedia/Music/Artist/Album -
> or are there sub folders between Music and Artist? My original file structure 
> was Qrecordings/MUSIC/FLAC and
Qrecordings/MUSIC/MP3. When new files were missing I consolidated all
MUSIC files into one folder, Qmultimedia/MUSIC. All files visible and
playable except for newly added files.
Coincidentally,when trying to fallback to my original file path
Qrecordings/ MUSIC/ , it now appears that MUSIC in Qrecordings is
not selectable in LMS?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-08 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> in post 26 -
> - you posted a screenshot of some of your Qmultimedia/MUSIC library -
> are there any folders shown in that screenshot that don't play?

Desperately trying to follow all your advice! I will be out for most of
the day, but have taken your advice again and have added 2 files to zip
folder but they will still not upload to forum. Any further advice
posted in my absence will be appreciated

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-08 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> Yes if switched on then ssh is available and I think it will be here as
> WinSCP uses it and Tony has said he has used that.
> The default super user on a QNAP is "admin" which is a member of the
> group "administrators" - so "admin.administrators" is the same as
> "root.root" (UID 0, GID 0).
> From memory when I did run LMS on a QNAP the user was "squeezeboxserver"
> but a member of "administrators"
> In Samba you created a user "jim" and made that a member of
> "administrators" then everything you wrote from Windows got the correct
> GID for LMS to see.
> I do remember an upgrade breaking something where I had to chmod on a
> lot of files but I don't remember the specifics.
> Here I am wondering whether Tony has repsonded to the QNAP firmware nag
> about default admin user and switched it off - which was the
> recommendation - and perhaps this has caused a change to the group
> structure?

Sorry gents, this is a little beyond my understanding really - could you
please elaborate, so I'm not chasing my tail please?Squeezeboxserver is
a member of admin. Chmod is beyond me sorry

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-08 Thread tonymac

Redrum wrote: 
> I'll have to defer to others to help you with uninstall on your NAS, I
> have zero knowledge/experience.
> If it were me, I would hate to give up as it is bound to be something
> little, right? But, if you do decide you want to stop beating your head
> against the wall, I would suggest getting a raspberry pi (if you can
> find one, or second hand) and run picoreplayer (pcp) as a LMS server
> only (which is what I do). Then you can point the pcp to the NAS
> (similar to what your PC is doing). Run the pcp 24/7 (like your NAS)
> it's low power consumption, and fits your desire to not have the PC on
> to listen.
> Most would suggest that you get a pi4, but I have both a 4 and the 3b+
> and the 3b+ runs fine. <$100 USD (on ebay, less if you can find one
> through an auth reseller) and your problem is solved. Plus, if you want,
> you can use the pi as another squeezelite player.
> The one other option that I know nothing about, is running LMS in a
> docker. I am wondering if this would inadvertently solve your problem.
> Finally, I had suggested a while back - can you insert a USB stick of
> music in your NAS and see if NAS LMS finds it? If it does, it's
> something specific to how your NAS sees your drive vs the stick
> (permissions, etc)
> Jim


Don't weant to give up yet! I have taken on board your suggestion of a
Raspberry unit if all else fails. Also tried your USB suggestion with
some files. Although the folder on USB can be seen and selected by LMS a
scan does not make them availabe to see or play? When it comes to
allocating user access to the sub folders within the MUSIC folder on the
USB , my NAS does not allow sub folder permissions on external drives

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-08 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> Forget Revo Uninstaller - that's for Windows software.
> Can you upload a couple of example files that the NAS can't see so that
> we can look to see if there is anything weird about them

Jim just tried - .flac and .mp3 do not appear to be valid file
extensions on the forum, cannot upload

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-08 Thread tonymac

Redrum wrote: 
> Tony;
> I am wondering if you have thought of uninstalling LMS from your NAS,
> and reinstalling? It shouldn't be that hard, and the biggest time
> consumer will be the initial scan. I think the key will be to get a
> complete uninstall, maybe use something like revo uninstaller.
> I am thinking that you installed LMS on your NAS initially, and
> everything worked (as far as you know). Perhaps it will again. You never
> know.
> Jim

I have uninstalled/reinstalled LMS from my NAS a few times since the
problem began without any joy. Admittedly the uninstalls took place
using 'Applications' built into the NAs and not Revo Uninstaller. Would
be prepared to try that route if someone can tell me how?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-07 Thread tonymac

Redrum wrote: 
> Hi Tony;
> Obviously, you don't want to have to run LMS on windows. I was only
> suggesting to try this to perhaps narrow down the issue. Maybe it has.
> But, as I mentioned, I am not familiar with how LMS runs on a QNAP NAS,
> so I would just be guessing at this point. Many others on this thread
> are very knowledgeable, so perhaps this would give them an "ah-ha"
> moment.
> I like to try different combinations (swap, etc) to isolate the culprit.
> I have fixed allot of things I know nothing about that way :). It seems
> to me that the NAS is allowing an outside service (LMS on a PC) to
> access files on it (which is it's function), but stumbling when an
> internal application (LMS) tries to do the same.
> You also said it worked fine for a while. I'm not a believer in
> coincidences. Try to think back as to what has changed since you believe
> it was working on the NAS (NAS update, LNMS update, hardware change, new
> network equipment, etc) and perhaps change back (if possible) one at a
> time.
> Jim

Jim, I really appreciate your attention to my problem. Believe me, I
have really racked my brains to try and establish what could have
changed in the recent past that could be causing my problem! All to no
avail unfortunately. The saga continues

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-06 Thread tonymac

tonymac wrote: 
> Thanks for the tip Jim, will try that now

Hello again Jim,
My Logitech Server on my QNAP is Version: 8.3.1.

Lots of distractions today (vistors) but I finally got LMS on Windows to
scan my QNAP Music folder and ALL my albums are visible and playable!!

I think it's a step forward in some way? However to play the files, I
still obviously need to have Windows LMS available and to do that my PC
needs to be running.

Does that shed any light on my situation?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-06 Thread tonymac

Redrum wrote: 
> Back to your first post
> First, probably not relevant, but what version of LMS are you running? I
> didn't see it mentioned.
> So, LMS on NAS, worked for some time, added new folders, LMS can't find
> them. Then you installed LMS on a PC, transferred Music to the PC, LMS
> finds them.
> Did you try (as an experiment) using the LMS on the PC, point LMS to the
> music on the NAS, scan, what happens? Or, just use browse and see if the
> folders on the NAS are discovered by LMS on the PC
> Jim

Thanks for the tip Jim, will try that now

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-06 Thread tonymac

tonymac wrote: 
> Not sure whats going on now - booted everything up this morning to try
> again and squeezeboxserver is showing as Disabled in User privileges.
> Don't know how to re-enable?

Have re-enabled now, but dont know why or how it disabled?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-06 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> Thought. You haven’t switched on BitLocker or anything like that have
> you?

Not sure whats going on now - booted everything up this morning to try
again and squeezeboxserver is showing as Disabled in User privileges.
Don't know how to re-enable?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-05 Thread tonymac

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Maybe time for the silly suggestions…
> Do you have 2 NAS ?
> How about a reboot ?

Unfortunately only one NAS I'm afraid - rebooted, rescanned several
times. At a complete loss despite everyones suggestions. Fairly
comprehensive library and all albums accessible and playable except
several new albums added over recent weeks. I'm loathe to rely Windows
10 version of LMS(which accesses and plays everything), as copying
folders from NAS to Windows PC has reduced my storage space dramatically
and means my PC has to run to listen to my music. From my perspective,
it almost makes my QNAP redundant and reduces it to a back up drive.

Something has obviously changed on the NAS, but I don't know what or
when, despite following everyone's suggestions. It's driving me to

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> Compare the user/group and permissions again from the top folder down -
> Linux is case sensitive so Tony is not the same as tony

Taken your advice and checked - all user/group and permissions are the

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> As Slartibartfast says if you can’t browse to the folder via Music
> Folders then LMS can’t see them.
> Post the exact path of a set of rogue files

Appreciate all your replies gents! The exact path is Qmultimedia/

The folder contains my rogue files which LMS cannot see and many others
that are visible and accessible

|Filename: Untitled3.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

or this

|Filename: Untitled2.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

Here we go

|Filename: Untitled.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> Are you able to screenshot your QNAP Shared Folders page?

Could you give me some guidance pleas, if the attachment is not

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

Redrum wrote: 
> this is a good point (offered twice :)). By browsing and selecting, you
> eliminate the possibility of syntax errors, and also expose if LMS can't
> access your folder (for whatever reason).
> Jim

I could not see the folder by browsing - I had to enter the path

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

tonymac wrote: 
> I cannot see any of the folders in my my music since the problem began.
> All the folders prior to the problem are there and accessible. The
> missing folders/albums are visible and playable if I access my NAS
> through Windows file explorer?

I have even copied my albums to another default folder in the NAS all to
no avail

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Did you browse to the folders when you added them?
> Can you see all the folders in 
> My Music/Music Folder ?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I cannot see any of the folders in my my music since the problem began.
All the folders prior to the problem are there and accessible. The
missing folders/albums are visible and playable if I access my NAS
through Windows file explorer?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

slartibartfast wrote: 
> This might be a stupid question but are all your music folders listed
> and ticked in basic settings? In my example one folder is unticked so it
> doesn't get picked up by a scan but does appear under 
> My Music/Music Folder39024
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Yes, all folders selected.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

Paul Webster wrote: 
> The logs are “live” … you can watch view them from LMS web interface
> and, by default, the display updates automatically

Several Errors found in scan log - e.g. [22-11-04 12:03:47.5875]
Slim::Formats::Playlists::CUE::parse (445) Error: Couldn't find
referenced FILE: [/share/Qmultimedia/MUSIC/Eric Clapton/Eric Clapton -
Money And Cigarettes - FLAC/Eric Clapton - Money And Cigarettes/10 -
Crazy Country Hop.wav] on disk! Skipping!

However, when selecting all errors such as above, all these files are
accessible and playable?

There are no logs that apply to the inaccessible folders and files. I'm

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

Redrum wrote: 
> @tonymac, since you are rather new to this, perhaps a little more detail
> as to what Paul is suggesting:
> You can get to the standard LMS UI: :9000/?, then in
> the lower right hand corner, click "settings" See my screenshot, where
> the red line masks my ip.  in the numerical
> format.
> 39023
> Then choose the "advanced" tab, then the "logging" from the pull down.
> You can see the scanner log (highlighted) and the server log as well
> Jim

Thanks for that!. LMS currently scanning, I'll keep my fingers crossed
that something shows up in the log after completion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

Thanks for your reply - I have compared settings, ownership etc between
album folders in WINscp as you suggested - Missing Files/Folders have
exactly thec 
same owner, group and access permission. However I note that you
mention '774'. My files state '0770 ?. Not understanding Winscp that
well, should I change the octal number?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

d6jg wrote: 
> When you say permissions are identical are you looking at the files in a
> Linux terminal window / WinSCP or similar or just from Windows
> perspective?

I have tried several ways - Windows, WinSCP and Qnap File Station. All
show me as the owner. Something must have changed recently, but I know
not what!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

Paul Webster wrote: 
> From LMS Default web interface
> Settings/Information/
> at the bottom - look for the scanner log and perhaps increase logging
> level if nothing interesting and then rescan
> Settings/Advanced/Logging
> and look for things starting with scanner

Thanks for your reply Paul. Could you please elaborate? I am not
familair with the complexities of LMS, as I've never had a problem with
it before

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

mherger wrote: 
> > Relatively inexperienced with digging into LMS  - I have a QNAP NAS,
> > which has been working very well for quite some time. Just recently I
> > have noticed when adding new Music Folders to my NAS, they are not
> > appearing in the LMS. Permissions for all my music folders are
> > identical, so I have ruled that problem out?
> Did you rescan the library? Settings/Basic/Rescan

Yes, tried scanning(several times) without any difference

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Missing Music

2022-11-04 Thread tonymac

Relatively inexperienced with digging into LMS  - I have a QNAP NAS,
which has been working very well for quite some time. Just recently I
have noticed when adding new Music Folders to my NAS, they are not
appearing in the LMS. Permissions for all my music folders are
identical, so I have ruled that problem out?

As an experiment, I installed LMS on my Windows 10 PC and discovered
that all the 'missing' folders are there and accessible.

I do not want to run my PC 24/7 to enable me to listen to music on my
Squeezebox, when my Qnap NAS is available in the background. Could
someone please offer an expalnation to why these  new folders are not
accessible on my NAS? To the best of my knowledge, nothing has changed
on my NAS, but I will appreciate anyone telling me what could possibly
be wrong.



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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-11-13 Thread tonymac

digimaster wrote: 
> *
> For those of you, having trouble. And dont know what to do.
> I try to explain them here !;)
> Next time, will gone try and explain the .QLMS.conf file and options !
> ===
> The big messages explanation.
> On installation ;
> ( is not supported on this QNap system, because is missing chroot to
> run !)
> [ Means the chroot command can be found, which is needed to run LMS !
> (You're trying to install the wrong version for QLogitechMediaServer, it
> needs the ??? version! )
> [ Means or you trying to install the wrong arch version, or you're
> archs/cpu is not support ! ]
> { logon to you're QNap nas-system by ssh shell, the do uname -m and look
> at the output.
> With arm5tej or arm5tejl, try the TS-ARM-X09/TS-ARM-X19 version.
> armv7/armhf you should try the TS-X41 version.
> arm_64/aarch64 you should try the TS-X28A version. ( you could also try
> the TS-X41 version lower memory uses )
> i*86 uses the TS-NASX86 version.
> x86_64 uses the TS-NASX86 64BITS version. ( you could also try the
> TS-NASX86 version. ( lower memory uses )
> }
> * You're cpu/arch not available, send me pm with the outcome of uname
> -m. Then i will look if it can be made !
> ( QLogitechMediaServer is missing, the file-system root ! ) or ( The
> source is not complet or corrupted, can use this copie of
> QLogitechMediaServer !)
> [ The chroot/file-system is missing in the installation file. Try
> downloading a new copy, and install that one! ] 
> * remember only download from the Qnap club store, to be sure you got a
> proper installation file.
> On running/startup of the Services ;
> ( Important files are missing, please reinstall QLogitechMediaServer !
> )
> [ Very important files are missing, or the directory .config/ is
> missing/deleted ! ]
> Those are needed to run the LMS services, please try to reinstall
> QLogitechMediaServer !.
> ( QLogietchMediaServer is already running on [] ! )
> [ You try to start LMS, but its already running ! ]
> Check the webgui, otherwise try ./QLogitechMediaServer restart !
> ( The QLogitechMediaServersource, not connected ! )
> [ The preparation to run LMS in chroot, are not handled proper ! ]
> Before LMS can run in chroot, there are several directory's mounted in
> the chroot file-system. This tells you thats not done proper.
> Try ./QLogitechMediaServer restart, otherwise have a good look, on the
> layout of the directories under ./share !
> ( QLogitechMediaServer is disabled in the appstore, or is not installed
> ! )
> [ Check in QNap app center, if QLogitechMediaServer is there, and
> enabled ! ]
> ( Missing the QLogitechMediaServer LMSROOT source, can't run the
> service's ! )
> [ The chroot/file-system is missing, check if the directory
> .config/LMSROOT. If its there, try restart. otherwise reinstall qpkg
> file ! ]
> ( is missing or corrupted, check if it's present in the
> ${QPKG_ROOT}/SlimServer directory! )
> [ As messages says, missing SlimServer/ or corrupted. Try
> restart, otherwise do rm SlimServer/.INSTALLED in
> .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer directory ! ]
> ( Something went wrong, check the QLogitechMediaServer.log and the
> QLogitechMediaServer.log.err to find the error )
> [ Both logs can be found in .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer. Read them
> carefully, they show a lot on info, why LMS can't be started !]
> If you can't solve it, send them to me with info like what model from
> QNap, which version of QTS and the outcome of uname -m
> ( Can't find /var/run/dbus, please fix error and restart ! )
> [ As stated please restart you're QNap nas-system, and try again ]
> The avahi services is not available, or not started needed by LMS to
> work !
> ( Fixed Ownership after crashes of LMS! )
> [ There was a crash when LMS was started, due to a ownership issue from
> something in the SlimServer/ directory, but has been fixed and LMS
> started !]
> This mostly comes when one copies old settings from other LMS
> installation !
> ( Failsafe mode active there will be no plugins load ! )
> [ The failsafe modes is actieve, plugins are not loaded !]
> Was started with failsafe, or in the .QLMS.conf file failsafe was set or
> in the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer directory there is the file .FAILSAFE
> !
> Please remember any control file like, .FAILSAFE .UPDATE .NIGHTLY a.m
> override the option set in .QLMS.conf or on cli !
> ( No good release found on the website, you will have to supply one
> manually! )
> [ Could not find a proper lms.tar file on the website, or there is no
> Internet connection ]
> Download latest version, and put it in the download share of you're
> QNap. ( always download the  Tarball (i386, x86_64, i386 FreeBSD, ARM
> EABI, PowerPC).
> Them do a restart, so QLogitechMediaServer can find and install it.
> If will then also fix the auto update, if version numbers are changed. (
> like 7.9.2 to 7.9.6 )
> ( There wa

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help, LMS does not work anymore on Qnap

2020-11-12 Thread tonymac

rienm wrote: 
> IT did work out perfectly ! ! 
> Thank you all

I have the exact same problem on a Qnap TS 239 PRO. Been perfectly ok
for years and suddenly Logitech server has disappeared. Wherever I try
to down lod new installation it will not reinstall. ANy help appreciated

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