Re: Steamlines partialy assembled SHAY kit on eBay

2002-03-14 Thread T A Gorton

On 14/3/02 at 9:07 pm, Geoff Spenceley said:

 The Matterhorn is a little low on pressure-(I could fix the
>burner--like a radiant one!) , however with RC,  

Ray Smith made some burners that were a big improvement on Merlins
original.  They used three rows of holes rather than the slots and my
mayflower hods pressure alot better nowadays.  One can also modify a
Roundhouse burner to fit

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: Steamlines partialy assembled SHAY kit on eBay

2002-03-14 Thread T A Gorton

On 13/3/02 at 7:37 am, Gary Broeder said:

>Mike, and other inquiring minds of the list,
>Sharp eyes Mike. I noticed that Tom's (or maybe it was Colin's) line drawing
>also shows them the wrong way round too!
>Is Tom still tinkering around over there?
Not really Gary.  he does turn up at the llanfair show but he is really
looking quite ill and uncared for.  I know that many people have strong
ideas about TC but this man introduced me and many others to the joys of
live steam garden railways.  I still think that "Steamlines" was an
excellent and much enjoyed magazine which unfortunately never could
actually get out on time but whiched was full of enthusiasm.  Tom Cooper
kickstarted live steam narrow gauge into the mainstream and in process
provided much pleasure for many people. I know of course that Tom made
many mistakes and some of the locomotives were certainly not "as sure as
sunrise", but it should be remembered that he and the other pioneers of
affordable live steam were going into uncharted waters.

 I don't know what Colin is doing today.

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: A.B.C. Automatic Boiler Control

2002-02-27 Thread T A Gorton

On 27/2/02 at 3:14 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>Cheddar Models have a fascinating electronic system for 
>managing a boiler without operator intervention.  It's 
>designed for boats that may be out of range, but I see 
>no reason why it couldn't be applied to a locomotive.
Nor do Cheddar!  I think this is a case of "watch this space"

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: New Accucraft Locos

2002-02-16 Thread T A Gorton

On 16/2/02 at 1:10 am, Jeffrey Williams said:

>The Accucraft website was just updated and shows the following live
>steam locos "under development"
>Superior 2-6-0 Live Steam (Classic Series, 1:20.3)

I have just completed a review of Superior for publication in 'Railway
Modeller' in the UK.  I ended up purchasing this loco which is an
absolute pleasure to run.  If interested I can send you a draft of this
article  "off list" plus a couple of web type pics of the loco in action.


Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: Porter/Maxwell Hemmens

2002-02-12 Thread T A Gorton

On 12/2/02 at 10:16 pm, Mike Chaney said:

>Tag, are you sure this is what you mean?
>> John Hemmens is now not legally able to run
>> a business in the UK.  
>..or is he barred from being a Company director?
Sorry Mike sloppy writing.  Doing 4 things at once.

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: Porter/Maxwell Hemmens

2002-02-12 Thread T A Gorton

On 11/2/02 at 3:39 am, Harry Wade said:

>At 04:56 PM 2/11/02 -0800, you wrote:
>>Hi Harry and Tag,
>>In defence of the recent comments regarding  the Maxwell Hemmens
>   I have no need to hang John Hemmens "by a sour apple tree"
>necessarily, I have never met the man, and it may very well be that the US
>perception of Hemmens business reliability stems directly from the
>conditions you describe.  But as encouraging as you're experience and
>"facts" are this does not explain away the fact that for whatever reasons
>he has a less than brilliant reputation on both sides of the Atlantic.

Have spoken to a boiler supplier to maxwell hemmens who had to go to the
high court to obtain payment. John Hemmens is now not legally able to run
a business in the UK.  Sons now no longer associated with father. 
Financial affairs are less than savoury.  Purchase at own risk.

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: Porter/Maxwell Hemmens

2002-02-12 Thread T A Gorton

On 11/2/02 at 3:39 am, Harry Wade said:

>At 04:56 PM 2/11/02 -0800, you wrote:
>>Hi Harry and Tag,
>>In defence of the recent comments regarding  the Maxwell Hemmens

This may possibly be correct.  Nevertheless I have known several people
who are very unhappy about their dealings with this organisation.  Rmours
of trouble with VAT payments etc.  Mik Roe from the Isle of Wight never
recieved the locomotive he paid for and received wisdom is that, while
these machines are good quality it is best to purchase from a third party
such as Brandbright and not deal direct.
I would repeat that a vanishingly small number of these locomtives are
purchased in the country of origin but will provide hard information to
this list later tonight.


Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

RE: Porter

2002-02-09 Thread T A Gorton

On 9/2/02 at 10:46 pm, Harry Wade said:

>At 03:56 PM 2/9/02 -0500, you wrote:
>>Do they mean 2002 or did this project never get off the ground?
>>I see a very distinct resemblance to the Hemmens Porter
>This is in every visible way (except the paint) a Maxwell Hemmens
>Porter.  (I have one on my desk in front of me).  It's a well done little
>locomotive.  It's also a shame, as Tag partly says,

It did get through then Harry!!  I sent this post via my current ISP smtp
but an subscribed via my Unisonfree account on this list.  I don't get a
list copy of my own post :-)

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: Porter

2002-02-09 Thread T A Gorton

On 9/2/02 at 9:32 pm, Gary said:


Yes.  this looks like a Maxwell Hemmings locomotive that incorporates a
large well in the tender to put a small commercial butane cylinder in. 
You should know that Maxwell Hemmings (USA) cesed to trade with the
parent Company in the UK and almost certainly with good reason.  I am not
even sure they are still made but certainly they do not sell in the UK..
 The locomotives themselves were actualy quite good but I understand
business ethics were not.  I have no hard information though.


Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: Sludge

2001-06-10 Thread T A Gorton

On 11/6/01 at 10:27 pm, Don Baker said:

>Anybody else get a rather sad sludge posting from a hardcore porn site
>yesterday? I usually get 3 or 4
>spam mails a day and have learnt to live with it, and have got used to
>hitting the Delete button, but this
>one was in a different category. 
Didn't receive it here in UK Don.  I did once click on a link for G-scale
model buildings and found myself in a sad sack site for those of the
onasist persuasion - but don't usually get landed with this sort of
stuff.  File it under s*d it :-)

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: Bear? [was: Re: Sludge]

2001-06-10 Thread T A Gorton

On 10/6/01 at 3:08 am, Ferdinand Mels said:

>The steam whistle is a great idea, except these guys are'nt afraid
>of humans, as our neighbours found out.
>Steam powered gattling gun is sounding better. They were back this

And I complain about my neighbours cat

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

Re: New to the list

2000-02-20 Thread T A Gorton

on 20/2/00 6:11 pm, Charles W. Walters at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  Until today, I have
> been an 'electric fan' but am now purchasing my first 'live steamer'.  I am
> getting a new Roundhouse 'Fowler'.  I joined the list to gather as much info
> as possible, meet you all and mostly to have a lot of fun in a new branch of
> the hobby.  Look forward to corresponding with you fine folks.
Many congratulations on your soon to be acquired Roundhouse Fowler Chuck!  I
had one of these excellent beasts (named Lord Elpus by my wife after she saw
the price) for several years. They are a delight to drive and the only
reason I moved it on is that it (for obvious reasons) did not fit in to my
little Cornish narrow gauge backwater.
Now i know that when one buys a steamer for the first time, the last thing
one wants to do is to start modifying it.  I would like to make the
suggestion however that maybe you would like to fit the drop link,
combination lever and larger crosshead set supplied by Roundhouse - but not
advertised. I obviously don't know about your level of knowlege, so feel
free to swipe me round the head if I am teaching you to suck eggs - but if
you look at the most expensive Roundhouse locos, for instance the Sandy
River and Rangely Lakes loco, you will see that it would appear to have FULL
Walschaerts valve gear rather than the semi version fitted to most locos.
In fact this set fitted to the more expensive locos is actually a dummy, but
it is available from Roundhouse (and should be from your US agent) at only
around 14uk pounds!!  The fitting is simplicity itself.  Remove the hex head
crank pin holding the crosshead in place and discard small crosshead.
Remove hex headed short crank pin from valve rod.  Screw new crosshead and
linkage into place using original crosshead crank pin and hook up linkage to
the valve rod using the new long crank pin supplied.
This job takes less than five minutes for both sides and improves the look
of your running gear no end.  Take a look in the catalogue at the different
locos and you will see what I mean.


Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

iMac + Amiga


Re: New Pearse loco?

2000-02-14 Thread T A Gorton

on 3/4/39 9:55 pm, Gary Broeder at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Group,
> My latest issue of GardenRail mag from the UK shows a photo of a 75% complete
> Consolidation that was
> shown on the Pearse Engineering stand at the annual Live Steam Model Railway
> Show at the Kew Museum in
> London. Perhaps our UK fellows have more information?
This locomotive should be complete 'in-the-brass' at the 16mm AGM Gary.  I
expect to have one for review this summer.  No idea yet on pricing - design
of detail parts is still continuing.  This promises to be a pride of the
line 'Road' locomotive.
Will provide more information as I have it to hand

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

iMac + Amiga


Re: Valve Gear and Bio

2000-02-07 Thread T A Gorton

on 7/2/00 7:43 am, Mike Chaney at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mick Chaney introduced himself with:-
>> Hello,
>> First the bio.  My name is Mick.  ..
> Lest there be any confusion, he is not me.
> Mike Chaney
It certainly had me scratching my head - you mean there is two of 'em :-)

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

iMac + Amiga


Re: Best first live steamer: Opinions solicited

2000-01-22 Thread T A Gorton

on 22/1/00 12:27 am, Carlo Spirito at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Jim - I'd buy a used Cricket in a millisecond, if I could find one for $300
> +/-.  Where did you see that offered?  I can't find ANY for sale at ANY price.
> Carlo
> +++
> Jim Curry wrote:
I think jim slater's cricket may be available.  nothing wrong with it but
Jim's increasing deafness makes it very difficult for him to fire up.  Will
check with him if you like

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

iMac + Amiga


Re: Ruby exhaust pipe mods

2000-01-18 Thread T A Gorton

on 18/1/00 6:40 am, VR Bass at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> BUT it doesn't do anything to help the steam plume.  One of the
> other Ruby owners (sorry, I can't remember which one) used the
> Devine-Gorton method and crimped the end of the tube completely
> shut, then drilled a couple of crosswise holes in the tube to let the
> steam escape and blow around the smokebox a bit before exiting
> the stack.  His plume was thick and gorgeous.
> Now, what we need to try is getting the plume _and_ the loud chuff.
> I think a closed-end tube with holes drilled at exactly the center level
> of the smokebox might do it, and I'll experiment some with that
> when I get time to tweak Ruby next.
> Hi Vance

Try crimping the top of the tube (or even better silver soldering a flat
cap) and instead of sticking a couple of holes in the pipe try filing an
'organ pipe' slot to cut about half way across the diameter.  Allow about
3/4 to an inch of pipe above the slot and make sure the top of the 'chuff
pipe' is almost level with the top of the chimney (stack) :-)
This will give a nice steam plume and, if you file a nice sharp edge (good
qual needle file) on the organ slot you should get a nice fierce 'chuff' as
I have to say that different engines require slightly different pipes for
optimum results and george mckie and myself have a collection of chuff pipes
that we have made to slip over the exhaust pipe stubs to get the best

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

iMac + Amiga


Re: New steam loco - Sammie

1999-12-09 Thread T A Gorton

on 9/12/99 2:09 am, Mike Gray at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Roundhouse has just annouced the second in their "Basic Series" of
> locomotives.
> This one is a 0-4-0 modeled after a U.S. Porter or Baldwin. Two close up
> photos
> now posted at their web site. Chassis is similar to the Millie but the
> wheelbase
> is shorter. Per Roundhouse, Sammie should be available in Jan/Feb 2000. No
> info on
> pricing. Take a look at:
> Mike Gray
The Sammie is slightly different from Millie in as much as this loco has an
internally fired rather than a 'pot' boiler.  Despite Roundhouse engineering
and logistical backup this is still a 'budget' loco, and the price point
will be impressive. I am very much looking forward to getting my mitts on
one soon and will then be able to answer questions and provide more info.
unlike Ruby, Sammie will be also available in the slimmer gauge (or should I
say 'the true path' John!  Heh...heh:-)  )

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

iMac + Amiga


Re: Bantam

1999-11-25 Thread T A Gorton

on 25/11/99 4:03 pm, Z.R. Struzik at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Forgive the ignorance of a novice, but what is a Goodall valve? My bantam
>> arrived 6 days ago, already has had R/C added and a 4-wheel tender to store
>> the radio gear, also i cast a lead front buffer beam to counteract the
>> tail-heaviness. It runs like a clock but not for long enough so I'd love to
>> know of a way to top the boiler whilst under pressure.
> Being another novice I will second this question. Actually, I have
> already heard and read about this valve many times but I have never
> seen it... From what I understood people put it on the steam dome in
> case of Frank S. What does it look like?? I am not sure I want to have
> anything sticking out from the steam dome..
>They ARE tail heavy are they not!  i am glad someone else has noticed!!
A goodall valve is very much like an old fashioned bicycle tire valve in
which air (or in our case water) is forced in against the pressure.  Usual
way of achieving this is to use one of those little garden sprays.  i don't
have a bantam to hand but i don't think they have a spare steamway on the
backhead to fit such an item.  Hopefully someone will tell me I am wrong.
certainly there is not currently one available to fit this loco and one
would have to b e made up!!

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

iMac + Amiga


New Member

1999-11-22 Thread T A Gorton


My name is Tag Gorton and I model to 16mm scale on 32mm track to basic knife
and fork standard.  All but one of my locomotives are live steam and mostly
R/C.  All of them are modified to greater or lesser extent and I enjoy
repairing steam locomotives. This is something that took up rather too much
of my modelling time however and while I have a couple to complete I hope to
go back to just doing my own modelling soon.  i do have a particular
interest in old Merlins and here in Cornwall we can source 'most any part
for these little locos.  These parts are locally made (not by me) and to a
far higher standard than the original.

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office
Cornwall (next to England)

iMac + Amiga
