Colorado Steamup !

2000-10-25 Thread TWi1396108

Dear Sidestreet Guest,

If you missed the 20th Annual Sidestreet Bannerworks Small Scale Steamup,
we've posted a report on it on our Web site, along with lots of pictures.
Just follow the links at



Check out eBay-AOL item 454442521 (Ends Oct-07-00 11:00:14 PDT) - EARLY STEAM

2000-10-04 Thread TWi1396108

Click here: eBay-AOL item 454442521 (Ends Oct-07-00 11:00:14 PDT) - EARLY 
STEAM ELEC CO "A REAL STEAM LOCOMOTIVE"/A  Howdy al here the locomotive you 
were all talking about OK its the manual for it-- tom :) 

Re: Employment Opportunity

2000-10-03 Thread TWi1396108

  Howdy Walt : hey try this its iron phosphate man those slugs 
and snails love this stuff but kills them the snails and slugs dead on 
contact! also it great fertilizers for your grass and plants, or you may do 
what i do sometimes i grab my  very old and no firing but rusted threw and 
threw WW#1 SPRINGFIELD and with just trace of smelly old cosmolean in the 
rusted barrel note hasn't been fired in 75 years or more years no shells!  i 
dress in orange i smear grease paint on the old face in your case either 
Tampa bay or Miami football colors would work great and march back and fourth 
on your track and stare menacelly at those pests woe! sorry! hold on cowboy! 
that's the cure for pain in the caboose next-door neighbors! heehaw am 
kidding guys   --tom form Elway#7land   

Re: Butane tank

2000-09-07 Thread TWi1396108

 Howdy Bob and all hey guys do you think we as group AKA - small 
scale loco live steamers hobbits, think we will ever use propane instead !of 
butane or the 70 -30 mix ?or have choice to be able to use propane in are 
locomotives?i love meths fired loco too . anyway- just wondering because am 
not to sure if most know or have heard of Cabelas hunting and fishing company 
and their catalog?i saw something kinda cool so please bear with me here 
there also Bass pro shop too anyway note i use to try and hunt the old Elk, 
Mule deer, in ELWAY land OK most of time i just saw the ELK OR MULEY rumps as 
they ran laughing out loud while running threw the woods at the dummy dress 
in orange now i just shoot them with camera cool animals sorry that's why i 
get these catalogs i discress again! here the question i just happened to 
look threw their new fall catalog Cabelas and saw something if somebody could 
build propane fuel tank we would have cheap and plentiful supply of gas this 
little gem its a E-Z-propane filler it easily refills disposable propane 
bottles from a bulk tank attach fitting open vales fills bottle in one minute 
$16.99 EACH EZ- say you can use the old disposable coleman bottles over and 
over again ?  HUM- SORRY GUYS but my newbie small scale live steam English 
cant quite say what am trying to get across here do you think we could use 
this or the old Coleman bottles in someway maybe as easy and cheaper way to 
fire are locomotives my long butane adapter fits on the Coleman treaded top 
so could we use these disposable bottles like we do the butane and mix 
disposable bottles i just try the adapter and it fit so if a propane tank 
could be build for are locos would or could we use propane  thank- 
tom :)- 

Re: code 200 rail

2000-09-05 Thread TWi1396108

In a message dated 9/4/00 12:38:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
my supplier of code 200 nickel silver rail here in Germany
stopped selling this rail and I have to look for other
sources. Please help and tell me where I could ask for this
rail (or similar dimensions).
Howdy: alrighty then you bet Peco makes 200 code rail! Gred its the SL-800 
flex track in 45mm in 200 code rail and the SL-600 32mm O gauge code 200 rail 
they peco also have the 250 code rail and the 332 G gauge track too ! , this 
200 code rail what most Brits use for their small scale live steam locos ,you 
have your choose of gauge and rail code with Peco cool track too its bends 
like the OO or HO flex track no rail benders needed! and its 36 inch long 
each complete section of peco flex  ?just go to the links that guys have sent 
you and order the peco 2000 catalog or if you will shameless plug here for 
myself i have 12 pieces of the peco 45 mm SL-800 code 200 rail its brand new 
for sale or trade also note here guys warning - this not nice! but true true! 
i know of electric train dealer here in Colorado if you tell him the electric 
train dealer!you wont to order peco 32 mm O gauge code 200 rail he be sure to 
order the wrong track so if you wont peco SL-800 45MM 200 code rail just be 
sure to tell this DUH dealer you wont 32 mm O gauge 200 rail peco or if you 
wont 32 mm O gauge peco code 200 rail tell the electric so called dealer you 
need peco 45mm  gauge track he be sure to get it wrong MAN these electric 
train dealers have no ideal what a live steam loco is and don't wont to know 
either! they should have sign in their window saying beware live steamers do 
not shop here because  DUH--is alive and well here in the shop at least 
in Colorado    tom:)- 

Re: politics

2000-08-30 Thread TWi1396108

   To all members of sslivesteam colegroup my sincere Apologia to 
all for my comments here! Walt right this site is for are enjoyment of live 
steam to discuss chat even yell if need be but the content always should be 
about are great hobby live steam small scale locomotives hobby! am sorry Guys 
Walt comments hit to close to home here Sorry to vent steam i must have had 
my head up my caboose last nit, Walt just one more little comment here i do 
have little back ground to having BA in education and former high school 
teacher and football coach moreover my father was employed by the Santa Fe RR 
in Colorado for 28 years! i mean he my Father -started- from -the -bottom- 
sweeping -floors -track- work- mail -baggage grease- monkey -you- name it he 
did it but always got paid fair be because of you know who and what! and 
finally he my Father made station agent so I have seen both sides of the 
coin! Its real shame though-when I can make better living working for grocery 
store than teaching history and PE! but thank you Walt when your right your 
right I was wrong  so = Please keep your steam up and have fun  --sorry dumb 
and why did i write that stuff ---very embarrass---tom :) 

Re: where are the machinists? (was Mike Fix)

2000-08-29 Thread TWi1396108

alt, it's a two-way problem.  I was taking machining courses at the 
community college a few years ago and was sitting around during break with 
some guys who were about to finish the program.  One had just gotten a job 
and was ecstatic -- he was going to be making something like $15000 per 
year.  Even in a largely non-unionized state, that is scandalous.  What kind 
guy with the intelligence to do good machine work would take a job like that 
when the same skills could get him through a computer curriculum that would 
start him at two or three times the salary? -- alrighty then hey 
Walt: maybe you better read what Vance wrote again? because what you just 
wrote is not what Vance said. so number #1 its not the schools fault, number 
#2 two its not that they don't need machinist in New Mexico! - this call the 
so called RIGHT TO WORK STATES or work for less pay  ! -which all that means 
its way to (Break Unions this is Union Busting tactics) which the Republicans 
love to do! i live in Colorado which so far has escaped the wrath here but 
its coming thanks to are moron governor with help from his cronies in 
Washington! there company here in Colorado springs CO -called western forge 
which makes 40% of the craftsman hand tools in fact my neighbor works for 
them he is machinist on a very very large machine which punches cuts with 
help of a computer  -these HAND PARTS OUT! Dave been with the company 19 
years now and is only making 12 dollars hour! a non union job and he Dave has 
look for better paying machinist job but when your in late 50 and most 
companies don't need or wont this kind of expertise what guy to do ?- so 
shame on Sears made in the USA yea right but paid sweat shop wages! i don't 
know who worst Walmart or Sears? and Colorado has long and rich history of 
metal working they use to call Pueblo Colorado little Pittsburgh! because of 
the steal mills there but three years ago the company busted the union and 
fired everyone there and open nonunion! while they were union the pay was 15 
to 25 dollars hour now its 9.50 -10.95 for the scabs,  just my two cents--- 
tom :(- true true ! -- so lets all- not- get -are -steam -up -about this? 
remember its just hobby moreover remember -what- sergeant -Friday -said -on 
=drag -net ?- (note before my time )- just the facts sir :)-   

Re: Ruby Performance

2000-08-15 Thread TWi1396108

 Hi GUYS: Walt - am not sure if this was your question or not 
anyway here some information about the Cricket Loco  Walt are you still 
looking for Cricket  locomotive-that was built by Mike Oroure ? Am sure that 
most know that Mike O -shut down his shop-about this time last year for good? 
Anyway Mike still has enough parts left to build 20 or more complete cricket 
locos? that was the last information I heard from Mike? So am not sure if 
Mike has that many left now? But from what I heard he Mike has not sold much? 
Mike will sell a complete set or sets of the (parts) this enough parts to 
build one or more complete cricket loco! - but the catcher is you have to 
(build the cricket) yourself -so i hope this information still up to date 
because it was last winter i email and call Mike O - about the crickets parts 
- this was after i bought the last model E from Mike! also Tim Wright had 
cricket - for sell? if you check the swap shop at Steam in the Garden you 
find Tim ad- there --tom :)- 

Aster Lion 0-4-2 1834 loco

2000-08-13 Thread TWi1396108

   Hi Guys : i was wondering if you nice folks could help me out on 
some information? its about the New -(Aster Lion 0-4-2 Locomotive 1834)  its 
the new kit  from Aster -for the (Newbie) to get (started in small scale live 
steam Loco?) alrighty then: here the questions! #1-has anyone seen the kit or 
the prototype run?  #2 did you like the way it ( Lion) ran -? #3-does it( 
Lion) Kit look like something that a (beginner)could easy build? #4-did you 
like the looks and construction of the loco kit parts? And did you all like 
it? OK comment here! am (all thumbs )last count I had (ten= thumbs) , so is 
there any hope for us in the blunders and man I cant build 
these-darn-Aster-Locomotive Kits! =club ---thanks --Tombo- 
-president, and vice president, and founder, CO founder,  manager, all 
purpose worker, cleaning crew, and the only member of the blunders- ten- 
thumbs -club :)- 

Re: eye yi yi

2000-08-07 Thread TWi1396108

[Unable to display image]  

Check out Nutty Professor True

2000-07-26 Thread TWi1396108

 A HREF=""Click here: Nutty Professor True/A 
  Who says the (Brits) don't have sense of humor to Funny 
---what up -brought to you 45 mm by the 16 mm egroups and 
believe it or not they the (British )will even answer you If you post 
question or comment unlike Hum well you know !newbie--- tom :)  

Re: Ruby gas jet mod

2000-07-24 Thread TWi1396108

Thanks Vance: for the information on 
old Ruby girl! Man i just thought it was me or I had ill-- manner butane 
drinking Ruby! now i know what up! she Ruby -sucks- water- faster -than than 
the local -CSC- fire -dept.pumper! i took old RUBY (don't take your steam to 
town?)to a train meet (Electric) SORRY GUYS! just show her off to the (DC 
)-crowd kinda funny to see the (all- ways very (nice and friendly) (great 
bunch guys )!- but electric (- + ) guys place- Ruby very carefully -on the 
track and turn on the the power pack and she -Ruby -didn't move? i should 
have said something like guys she live steamer I forgot too -DUH on my part 
heehaa! i know not cool! i guess you had to be there? that when i brought out 
the distilled, water, and butane, steam oil, sewing machine oil, I would have 
said 3-in-one-oil but I know that would start up the oil Vs oil stuff and 
that's no fun? Anyway-back to the story-holly BACHMAN ! well lets just say 
Ruby made fair showing for about ten minutes when she stop dead in her tracks 
it took on the the appearance of Thomas the tank story! Thomas breaks the 
rules! cars-derailed off the track one LGB flat car came to close to old HOT! 
HOT! AM-out of water-Ruby-engine and received alit hot foot can we say lgb 
melt down, So RUBY and myself are barred until she decide to lay off the 
H-2-O, Ruby does have drinking problem Tombo -Newbie 
--Colorado :)-P.S -just remember am newbie so when you folks say gas-jet 
jet-gas -- remind me its not air-force-jet-plane? -ok DUH- 

Re: Mike, the return trip

2000-07-17 Thread TWi1396108

howdy al: Here a shameless plug by yours truly,(Newbie guy ) alrighty 
then I have 12# pieces of Peco SL-800 -Nickel-Silver -rail- code -200- rail 
track ,its standard gauge track Peco , and all this track add up to 432 feet 
of track? this is gauge #1one -- 45MM -TRACK - each section of track is 36 
inch long ,and they call this Peco- flex track its like the old HO track we 
al had as kids !Anyone can bend it to almost any shape by hand !No 
railbenders needed and yes this what they the (Brits) use in England for 
there live steam locos in 45 mm! that what the Peco catalog said? Fellow 
steamers! I need your help! MS Millie-RoundHouse, has informed me if i don't 
find here her -32 mm track soon she we be forced to move back home to 
England?Millie had it with the old Lionel track while her live steam 45 mm 
locomotives friends enjoy the LGB track outside! Guys this what I paid for 
the Peco track ,and I have the receipts if you would like to take a look at 
them I paid #2 two payments of $76.40 one down payment of $76.40 and the 
other $76.40 when the Peco finally arrived here ?and yes I must say it from( 
Electric )train dealer !i have electric sinned! Sorry!OK anyway the old man 
at the train store supposedly!order the SL-600 -32mm -O -gauge peco? but 
guess what he order you got it the SL-800 -45mm -track, Guys I will even take 
payments on the track if anyone would like to buy it .   thanks again--! 
(sorry for messing up the reports from( WALT)- ---tombo- ---newbie-- from 
-Colorado  :) 

Re: Mike Report, the rest of the story.

2000-07-16 Thread TWi1396108

In a message dated 7/15/00 9:11:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

   Great report WALT : but what happened to the Colorado Kool Aid that the 
DRG or what we Coloradoan's like to call the AKA -Dirty -Ragged -and -Greasy- 
RR sent -a Tank Car- this week? this hummm- sound-like- a Carl- Malone Beer 
hold up !to me ?yuie COORS beer --tombo- newbie- from 
Colorado :)  

Re: List

2000-07-07 Thread TWi1396108

 Howdy to all: I hope you guys don't mind a newbie getting on the old 
local express sslivesteam @colegrope .Com RR. Am new here !as well with live 
steam locomotives,? but am learning as I go, with the help of all you nice 
folks aboard here on colegroupe, I may stop burning my figers,As little 
roundhouse Millie is just about had it with me and my blunders! OK here my 
first #1- (question) to all you nice people can anyone tell me where i can 
find or buy Peco flex track SL-600 -code -200- rail- 32 mm -or O gauge,?  as 
I ORDER  Millie  FROM BAYOU LTD-PAUL KENNEY in 32 mm -O -gauge Millie seems 
very put out that she has to run on my old Lionel track,! Sorry Millie! and i 
have heard that Peco very good track its like the old ho flex track we all 
had as kids no railbenders can be bent into almost any shape by hand which 
would be great for me  ---thanks--- tombo :)--AKA Snowball + Tombo 
=Epress---RR , p.s -DUH- -i know the name of RR alittle funny!!! but the 
kids! and the Cat ?out voted me ? --help!- 

Re: Tips page

1999-10-06 Thread TWi1396108

   hi JOE, and thank you for nice email and comments, please keep the good 
work up we need more new people to this hobby, great to see somebody care 
about helping newbie out,I hope you didn't take my comments wrong, also we 
need to tell the live steam folks out there to relax and have fun with theses 
engines ect, this just   hobby, i know when you see some of the(comments 
)from so called (old timers )or as they would like to believe they are the 

Re: Tips page

1999-10-06 Thread TWi1396108

  HEY HARRY , thank you for clarity ? on the external lubrication of Ga one # 
1 for us nuexperienced live steamers or builders, moreover there is another 
gauge its 32mm or 16 you may have heard of this . and some of us are 
experiencd,being POUND FOOLISH AND SKIMP ON A BIT OF OIL , could you please 
tell what your point was here ? was this kind of information somebody new 
could use or was this alittle slap in the newbie face, yes we all know most 
OF the oil now days have additives, detergents, that was BOB answer not mine 
and he is experienced, the question putt VANCE had never heard of someone 
using motor oil and my answer was( ROGER) OK NOW YOU KNOW THAT ! AND ON 3 IN 
ONE OIL , lets see in an introduction to small scale live steam by (MARC 
LIKE principles of how steam locomotive works and the types of miniature 
boilers,dicussed water glasses , and safety valves, moreover (marc) talks 
LOCOMOTIVE ) then we see MARC  using 3 IN 1 OIL on the outside for external 
lubrication! then their your hydraulic oil you claim is machine oil , am not 
to sure about that while in college one of the classes i took was chemistry i 
had to take this to get a engineering degree, so let see what you have said 
here that hydraulic oil is really machine oil that 3 in one oil ,is not to be 
used and not to believe everything you see in the movies, SO ROGER DOING THIS 
   TOM :(