Re: [Standards] XEP-0398: Avatar Conversion, resend presence

2018-09-02 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sun, 2 Sep 2018 10:22:40 +0200
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot  wrote:

> This is wrong, XEP-0045 notes that RFC6121 mandates that a server
> would broadcast an unavailable presence to all previous directed
> presence targets, this means the server MUST track them

Well now this is wrong :) The server only tracks presence's recipient
JID, it doesn't store full presence stanza, because this is not cheap.
This is enough to send presence-unavailable, but it's not enough for
stanza resending (for example, caps information will be lost).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] field report on authentication methods

2018-08-09 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 9 Aug 2018 10:54:17 -0600
Peter Saint-Andre  wrote:

> hereas 4% for XEP-0078 is a fairly large percentage. I'd want to
> do further investigation regarding client versions before shutting off
> 4% of our users...

I'm 99% confident that those 4% are in fact bots using abandonware
(most likely some monitoring tools). Strictly speaking you don't cut off
users, but only automated software.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XMPP Council Minutes 2018-06-20

2018-06-27 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 27 Jun 2018 09:34:02 +0200
Goffi  wrote:

> It would be even better to be able to list existing files and delete
> them on request, but this can be done in a separated XEP.

As someone already mentions here (or in another list/chat), a user may
not want a server to keep tracking their files, especially when e2ee is
used and the file is encrypted. So, yes, listing expiration date is
great, but also a server should notify a client whether it's possible
to upload files anonymously (without tracking) or not, and a client
should set this flag when requesting a slot.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Update to MIX 0.9.7

2018-05-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 10 May 2018 12:39:54 +0100
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> XEP-0060 takes a message protocol and builds a pubsub service on top.

I don't want to run into terminology debates, but XMPP strictly
speaking is not a "message protocol", but a protocol for XML routing.

> You're suggesting that MIX should build a message service on top of
> this?

Yes. MIX should build a message service on top of XML packets.

> The problem, in my eyes, is that we have existing, well-defined,
> handling for the concepts of "messages" and "presence", and I would
> hate to have to deal with these entirely differently for group chat
> compared to for 1:1 chat.

There is probably no need to say for the 1000 time that the conception
of "presence" is outdated. I also doubt messages by itself is a good
concept. Yes, they are easy to understand for sure, but seems like in
modern IM we are talking about replicas exchange between endpoints.
The simple concept of a message carrying human readable text 1:1 is
somewhat outdated too. Sorry for the "moot statements", but you started
this discussion in the first place. Frankly, I would rather discuss
technical aspects instead of this philosophic bullshit.

> There are always going to be differences, of course (short of forcing
> every 1:1 conversation into a  2-person groupchat, which has its own
> unique problems), but it makes sense to me to minimize these, and
> reuse existing handling wherever possible.

Well, I actually suggest to reuse existing specification and, what's
more important, existing code. Pubsub is something we have more or less
implemented, and can reuse it, despite it doesn't fit ideology of some
people. Your vision of Pubsub as a "building block" is wrong in my
opinion, because this doesn't help me at all, I need to reimplement
*all* pubsub code to handle MIX, because now Pubsub is not a protocol
between a client and a disc storage, but rather some abstract stuff
used by ad-hoc services which translate Pubsub requests in their
internal state.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Update to MIX 0.9.7

2018-05-10 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 10 May 2018 12:14:12 +0100
"Steve Kille"  wrote:

> I'm not sure that I understand your question here.   MIX does use a
> PubSub node for message distribution.

Great. So this use case should be described in the core: i.e.
pubsub without ad-hoc services. Other stuff (like presence, anonymous
messaging and so on) should go into separate documents (which will
require some additional services as I understand).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Update to MIX 0.9.7

2018-05-10 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 10 May 2018 11:46:10 +0100
"Steve Kille"  wrote:

> Sometimes the nature of problems does not lend itself to short
> specification.The basic PubSub and MIX concepts are simple.
> However, there is a lot of devil in a lot of details that needs to be
> addressed. Ending large is not a goal, but is often a consequence
> of addressing real world problems.

Philosophic discussions aside, can you please tell what we're missing
from the use case mentioned by Jonas:

> essentially Joining, Leaving and Messaging, without any presence things

Why we cannot use a pubsub node for this? The main argument I
recall is that you cannot identify a sender, but this is not true,
because we have a 'publisher' attribute. Another argument is that we
cannot make it anonymous, but I think anonymous publishing should be a
separate extension in the first place. We have some ability to set
metadata, we have simple ACL configuration. So what details do we need
to address?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Thoughts on MIX adoption (and will MIX ever happen?)

2018-05-10 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 10 May 2018 11:21:43 +0200
Daniel Gultsch  wrote:

> What worries me about MIX is that it looks like such a big spec that
> no body is going to implement fully that years from now we are still
> going to find 'bugs' in the XEP. Like we recently found 'bugs' (under
> specified things) in PubSub and that XEP is 15+ years old.

I agree with this (as I said many times). And I of course disagree with
the XEP author: comparing MIX with other poorly implemented monster
specs assuming that this is "normal" is beyond me.

I'm for sure vetoing MIX implementation in ejabberd in the form it's
presented currently. As I said: we just have to use pubsub and improve
pubsub spec if we miss some really basic functionality. And I agree
with Holger: if we cannot reuse pubsub for such simple functionality as
group messaging then why we need pubsub at all?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0363 (HTTP Upload): Privacy Considerations & Deletion

2018-05-01 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 1 May 2018 09:28:39 +0100
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> That said, I don't think that saying that operators should be able to
> delete files is a political statement - it's just that it's
> potentially naïve, and does not have an impact on Security or
> Interoperability (which is what RFC 2119 language is for).
> I'd be happier with a section in the document (or another document)
> that pointed out legal compliance issues we are aware of,
> irrespective of the regime they're affected by.

I'm fine with having a separate GDPR-related document where you can
accumulate all the caveats (although I have no idea how you will do it
correctly without consulting a lawyer). But spreading the GDPR
across several _technical_ papers is not the right way to go, IMO.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0363 (HTTP Upload): Privacy Considerations & Deletion

2018-05-01 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 1 May 2018 09:33:54 +0100
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> I appreciate the sentiment, but as an implementer I'd want to know
> about potential legal requirements of software I'm writing, so I can
> then gain some more confidence about offering that software to
> various jurisdictions, and can take these requirements into
> consideration when designing the software.

You should consult lawyers then. Relying on a technical document
written by engineers shouldn't make you more confident in the questions
of law.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0363 (HTTP Upload): Privacy Considerations & Deletion

2018-05-01 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 13:20:38 +0200
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> I agree with your stance about deletion. Which is why I made it a
> separate PR.
> What do you think about the independent extension to the text I
> proposed in ?

While I'm fine with having a separate extension, I'm against the PR
itself. I think the behaviour is up to a local policy. We shouldn't make
default recommendations based on some local laws (GDPR). Because if we
do that, we can easily add "NOT" to all "SHOULD"s, and in this case we
will describe the local law of Russia (where it is required to keep all
users data for at least 6 months). I would really advise XSF to avoid
making political statements. Not to mention that the text brings
nothing to the document and only increases its size: it doesn't
describe any protocol, it doesn't describe security considerations, it
doesn't describe UX, so what does it do? Can we replace the text with
"People SHOULD live in peace?" Because the meaning of the statement
doesn't change a lot and a reader can easily ignore it.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0357 (push) needs options

2018-04-13 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 13 Apr 2018 13:15:03 +0500
Ненахов Андрей  wrote:

> The only correct way to send pushes is when user should recieve some
> new content (messages).

What about Jingle calls? Do we support them in the XEP? How a server
knows what to send?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XMPP Council Minutes 2018-04-11

2018-04-13 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:47:09 +
Tedd Sterr  wrote:

> Isn't this the point of the CFE - to find out?
> There is always the *possibility* that somebody somewhere could
> possibly maybe have implemented a given feature, but if nobody knows
> about it, do we just assume it does anyway? In which case, we can
> always assume there are enough implementations because there *might*
> be.

That's why back in the days I suggested to keep track of
XEP implementations. However, I was told the information there would be
inaccurate. But I fail to see how polling a few users in rare meetings
is going to be more accurate. Another objection is that XSF needs a lot
of efforts to keep this table up to date. And this might be true, of
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: IM Routing-NG

2018-03-28 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 28 Mar 2018 23:12:03 +0200
Manuel Rubio  wrote:

> I was reading XEP-0344 (Impact of TLS and DNSSEC on Dialback). I 
> understand that's for security connection between two XMPP servers 
> (S2S).

I meant XEP-0334 (Message Processing Hints) of course, sorry.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: IM Routing-NG

2018-03-28 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 28 Mar 2018 17:18:36 -
Jonas Wielicki (XSF Editor)  wrote:

> The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.
> Title: IM Routing-NG
> Abstract:
> This specification provides a new set of routing rules for modern
> instant messaging.

Not sure why XEP-0344 can't be used for this. We just need to set
 in Example 6 and for other cases we need to introduce new
 element and a server's disco feature (I would rather use stream
feature, but one can argue it should be negotiated blah-blah-blah).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Review of XEP-0369: Mediated Information Exchange (MIX) v0.9.5

2018-03-23 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 23 Mar 2018 20:57:41 +
Kevin Smith  wrote:

> Thanks for the review, comments follow (I’ve elided trivial points).
> On 20 Mar 2018, at 16:34, Florian Schmaus  wrote:
> > As of now MIX is bloated and got way out of hand.  
> I’m not sure to what extent this is true, but I’m going to go through
> and see what can be simplified.

I think the core of the XEP should not rely on ad-hoc services: the
whole protocol should re-use existing pubsub spec. For relaying
messages this would be enough. Other stuff like presence management,
jid proxy, access rules and other nerdy features should go into an
ad-hoc service and should be described in a separate document.

> MIX is a very simple core concept

XEP-0136 had also a very simple concept.

> and I’m not entirely sure how we’ve got to the current situation
> where it’s viewed as complex

The XEP is 91 pages long. Even reading it will take a day.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Bookmarks 2 (This Time it's Serious)

2018-03-18 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sun, 18 Mar 2018 21:17:16 +0100
Philipp Hörist  wrote:

> If you want to work on MUC, there are a hundred threads about the
> upcoming MIX standard.

I hope this will never become an adopted standard.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Bookmarks 2 (This Time it's Serious)

2018-03-18 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sun, 18 Mar 2018 18:56:48 +0100
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> Two or more clients updating different bookmarks at the same time (or
> maybe at different times, but one had a network outage inbetween and
> can only actually perform the update at a later time). Currently, it
> requires a nasty loop [1] until convergence to make that work.

You need this loop too if you want to modify the same item (i.e. the
bookmark of the same conference).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] [STANDARDS] XEP-0394: too weak to replace XEP-0071

2018-03-16 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 16 Mar 2018 20:11:19 +
Tedd Sterr  wrote:

> > This is true, however mostly these are quite coarse-grained.
> > Extensions with lots of optional  
> > parts inside - I'm thinking about XEP-0060 for example - tend to
> > end up with various interop issues.  
> I don't disagree with that, and I'm not suggesting 0394 turns into a
> mass of optional parts.

So you only want to add a single part? But then comes another person
with another feature request, then yet another one and eventually we
have a mess of optional parts :)
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] [STANDARDS] XEP-0394: too weak to replace XEP-0071

2018-03-15 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:31:37 +0100
"W. Martin Borgert"  wrote:

> Many people know Markdown syntax nowadays, there are parsers for
> it in many different programming languages, and we already know
> how ugly and illogical it is. Just needs a new XEP :~)

>From what I understand you can use markdown with that another XEP: e.g.
you can use `foobar` in the text and the client software will add
corresponding markup elements from that another XEP.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] OBSOLETED: XEP-0071 (XHTML-IM)

2018-03-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 08 Mar 2018 08:51:26 +0100
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> How many XMPP clients have you seen which were owned by Billion
> Laughs (which uses entities which are explicitly forbidden in RFC6120
> and trivial to turn off in all XML parsers I’ve seen so far) compared
> to the amount of XMPP clients Sam has found which were vulnerable to
> XHTML-IM XSS attacks? I think the comparison might not hold up, but
> I’m open for data. (Likewise for any other XML vulnerability.)

I don't know, I didn't count and not going to count them for you. Kids
these days might not remember, but Billion Laughs was pretty serious
vulnerability despite being well known with several implementations
affected. So new XMPP implementations might be vulnerable just easily.

> Also, XML vulnerabilities are both well-known and easy to test
> against (in the sense: it is easy to write an automated test which
> ensures that code is not vulnerable).

And where are those tests?

> I don’t think that’s so trivial with XSS attacks. During the
> XHTML-IM debate I learnt that even CSS can be an XSS vector (in some
> really broken implementations

Sure, and were there debates of possible XML security holes? So the
comparison is not quite fair. Not to mention that it's a logical
fallacy to speculate about possible vulnerabilities: one can say
everything might have security issues.

> In contrast to XML, XHTML-IM is a custom thing which needs to be re-
> implemented in ~every client. Well-known XML libraries exist for most 
> languages (even if they only FFI to libxml2 or libexpat).

Well-known XML libraries didn't protect from Billion Laughs attack. Not
sure what this argument is for.

TL;DR: I conclude that the only argument is that XML is a bit more
secure (with possibly less possible holes, lol). So, as I thought, this
is purely a matter of personal choice and not a technical decision,
that's why we debated about it so much.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] OBSOLETED: XEP-0071 (XHTML-IM)

2018-03-07 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 21:33:13 +0300
Kozlov Konstantin  wrote:

> So, the only reason to obsolete the XEP is not the XEP itself, but
> bad implementations?

Yes. This is kinda religion among some Council members that if a
technology can be misused then it should be deprecated. Their religion
is, however, quite picky: there is a well-known list of security
problems in XML (including the famous billion laughs attack), but they
don't consider to get rid of XML.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XMPP Council Agenda 2014-02-28

2018-02-28 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 15:05:32 +
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> 2014-02-28

Time machine?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] [XEP-0264] thumbnails: we should be able to transmit them with XEP-0234

2018-02-24 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sat, 24 Feb 2018 11:24:39 -0500
Travis Burtrum  wrote:

> Unfortunately you also can't reasonably expect P2P to work today in
> most cases because everyone is behind a NAT including most mobile
> phone networks. So https is still your best bet, and since most
> servers support http upload it's already done for you.

This problem is solved already by TURN servers.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Council Agenda 2018-02-14

2018-02-15 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:18:24 +0100
Daniel Gultsch  wrote:

> I want to put the current MAM preferences into the a disco features
> form on the account.

Ah, ok then.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Council Agenda 2018-02-14

2018-02-14 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:01:31 -0600
Sam Whited  wrote:

> I'm sure we'll discuss this is the council meeting, but to my
> knowledge this is the only part of the spec that anything implements
> now (please correct me if there is significant adoption of the other
> parts of the spec).

Well, as Daniel noted, blindly purging all offline nodes is risky in a
general case because you don't know if MAM is enabled in user's
preferences. As a work-around you can first request the number of
messages (before sending an initial presence), this, according to the
spec, will automatically disable offline messages flood. In a later
stage you can check if MAM is enabled and if it is, you purge, if it's
not, you retrieve offline messages via any mechanism described in
XEP-0013. Thus, other parts of specs can also be utilized. I know, this
is ugly, but at least doable. For sure, new mechanism is needed in this
situation (such as MAM interface to offline storage, dunno).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Council Agenda 2018-02-14

2018-02-13 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:04:36 +
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> 4) Deprecate XEP-0013 Flexible Offline Message Retrieval

Just my 3 cents: this XEP is, from what I know, the only way to disable
offline messages on a client, so we need a similar mechanism if the XEP
is going to be deprecated.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Entity Capabilities 2.0

2018-02-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 12 Feb 2018 09:12:02 +0100
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> Could you please be specific which cache you’d like to see properly 
> invalidated? Do you mean the (hash -> disco#info) cache or the
> (entity JID -> hash / disco#info) cache?

A server can change configuration in runtime at any time, potentially
changing its disco#info. How to notify local clients about that? How to
notify clients from remote servers? How to notify connected servers after all?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Entity Capabilities 2.0

2018-02-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 12 Feb 2018 00:41:54 +0100
Christian Schudt  wrote:

> - I am also missing a cache which maps entities to capabilities, i.e.
> JIDs to disco#info objects. This is the whole point of the XEP (to be
> able to know an entity’s abilities without service discovery). This
> cache should be probably be non-persistent. The "Capability Hash
> Cache“ (hash -> disco#info) is actually only the
> intermediate/auxiliary cache.

I think the XEP doesn't solve the main problem of cache invalidation
and that's why I think it's pointless and I'm not going to implement it
until the invalidating rules are described. And for those who think
cache polution is a problem can request/store features per JID: there
is absolutely no need to introduce yet another incompatibility just for
a very tiny problem which can be solved in the other way.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Adding logo to MUC and PubSub node

2018-02-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 8 Feb 2018 14:21:49 +0100
Daniel Gultsch  wrote:

> 2018-02-08 13:43 GMT+01:00 Evgeny Khramtsov :
> > Thu, 8 Feb 2018 13:17:14 +0100
> > Daniel Gultsch  wrote:
> >  
> >> at least for MUC I would prefer vCard + hash in presence from the
> >> bare muc jid. (as discussed in our 34C3 meeting and/or various
> >> discussions we had prior to this)  
> >
> > What was the conclusion? (If any)  
> The question I had for the room was basically if any client would
> break on receiving presence from the bare jid and everyone (in the
> room) agreed that *their* client wouldn't break.
> On whether or not this is a good idea; I can't remember anyone voice
> strong objections.

Good. Then I will implement this in ejabberd.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Adding logo to MUC and PubSub node

2018-02-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 8 Feb 2018 13:17:14 +0100
Daniel Gultsch  wrote:

> I don't have an opinion on pubsub.

I guess that's not a problem for PubSub service to send
notifications? :) A dedicated and well-known node should be enough for
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Adding logo to MUC and PubSub node

2018-02-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 8 Feb 2018 13:17:14 +0100
Daniel Gultsch  wrote:

> at least for MUC I would prefer vCard + hash in presence from the bare
> muc jid. (as discussed in our 34C3 meeting and/or various discussions
> we had prior to this)

What was the conclusion? (If any)
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Adding logo to MUC and PubSub node

2018-02-07 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 7 Feb 2018 22:16:30 +0100
"W. Martin Borgert"  wrote:

> Hi,
> this is an idea mainly for the "social network" aspect of XMPP:
> A logo for a MUC or for a PubSub node, similar to a user avatar.
> Such a logo, emblem, or symbol can be a good indicator for users
> to find the right MUC or PubSub node in a social network
> application or graphical XMPP client.
> How about introducing two configuration variables, one in
> var='muc#muc_logo'
> And the second one in
> var='pubsub#node_logo'
> The value should be a  element from
> IMHO, the value should be restricted to
>  1. images, or would a sound make sense? Maybe...
>  2. inline data, so that a link to a web resource cannot be
> abused for snitching IP addresses
> What do you think?

This is the same as to provide vCards by the service (which is
implemented in ejabberd for MUCs for example), and has the same
drawback: there is no way to tell clients that your logo has updated.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] NEW: XEP-0397 (Instant Stream Resumption)

2018-01-22 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:42:59 +
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> I don't think RTTs should block UI either, but startup RTTs mean we
> cannot send or receive messages for several RTTs, and that's a very
> real problem over slower networks.

What problem? If you're on slow network, expect everything to be
slow, because, well, the network is slow.

> From a more cynical standpoint, it also addresses a commonly held
> belief about XMPP (startup is really slow and it's really chatty!)
> without causing harm.

I don't see this as a "commonly held belief". If you know how Web works,
you would never assume XMPP is slow. I don't remember anyone
complaining in my bugtracker about slow RTT.

To put it simply: I agree there can be use cases when you absolutely
need to work in a slow network (sending stanzas to the Moon and back,
as an example), and maybe there are indeed some problems with RTTs. But
I see this as a very narrow use case. So I would agree that the XEP will
be used by *some* software, and I'm fine with that. What bothers me is
that this may become a trend, seeing the XEP as a successor to the
"standard" approach, and even be put into "compliance suite".
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] NEW: XEP-0397 (Instant Stream Resumption)

2018-01-22 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 22 Jan 2018 11:16:40 -
Jonas Wielicki (XSF Editor)  wrote:

> Version 0.1.0 of XEP-0397 (Instant Stream Resumption) has been
> released.

Previous discussion has faded away, so I will be ranting here again: I
don't see excessive RTT as a problem. I'm not convinced that excessive
RTTs block UI, I think that's a problem of bad UX design, and should be
fixed by the application author. Also, the traffic is negligible
during the RTTs anyway (compared to HTML pages). So the XEP is
attempting to solve non-existing problem.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] LAST CALL: XEP-0387 (XMPP Compliance Suites 2017)

2018-01-13 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sat, 13 Jan 2018 10:35:21 +0100
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> Can PEP-only clients somehow obtain avatars in MUCs?
> If not, we need read-only 153 support in clients and servers no
> matter what.

You're right here. Seems like we need clients to be able to read
vCards. However, for Private XML this is not needed at all.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] LAST CALL: XEP-0387 (XMPP Compliance Suites 2017)

2018-01-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 12 Jan 2018 22:28:19 +
Kevin Smith  wrote:

> I would almost certainly implement -49, in order to have interop with
> the vast majority of currently deployed stuff, and as a server dev I
> would absolutely certainly implement 49 - probably as one of the
> first things I did.

I disagree about clients. Conversion between PEP and Private XML is
even easier to implement in servers (than PEP and vCard avatars). And
we need a XEP for it as well, btw :) So, I think this should be a
MUST for modern servers to support all these XEP + conversion, when
clients may only support PEP ones. Note that this approach also
resolves the current situation with clients as long as servers get
updated. IMHO.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proper SRV Record Fallback

2018-01-09 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 10 Jan 2018 01:47:46 -0500
Travis Burtrum  wrote:

> Which question have I not addressed?

Rephrasing, the question about what to consider a success connection.
We have several phases of stream negotiation (not to mention mam or
roster queries).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proper SRV Record Fallback

2018-01-09 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 9 Jan 2018 21:28:55 -0500
Travis Burtrum  wrote:

> Is there any reason why any client would rather fail and show a
> 'cannot connect' to a user rather than actually allowing them to
> connect?  I can't actually think of one.

You continue ignoring the question about all possible such scenarios.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proper SRV Record Fallback

2018-01-09 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 9 Jan 2018 11:55:15 +0100
Florian Schmaus  wrote:

> A client supporting xep368 but not ALPN would

This sounds like asking for troubles ;) Since one of the use case of
XEP-0368 is multiplexing and you cannot do this easily without ALPN.

> 2. xep368 makes ALPN mandatory

^^^ This. Not sure why it's not mandatory though.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proper SRV Record Fallback

2018-01-09 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 09 Jan 2018 11:30:25 +0100
Marcel Waldvogel  wrote:

> So, a connection runs into a timeout: Why not try the fallback?

Runs into a timeout in what state? TCP? TLS? SASL? Roster-get?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proper SRV Record Fallback

2018-01-09 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 9 Jan 2018 10:03:24 +
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> What's the distinction between invalid TLS certificates and
> authentication failure?

Another question is what if I get an error response on, let's say,
roster get? I bet there are situations where I benefit from reconnecting
to other SRV record, but should we put this into the RFC (or any other
standard document)? I really don't understand how far we should go in
defining cases for reconnect.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proper SRV Record Fallback

2018-01-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 8 Jan 2018 23:19:36 -0500
Travis Burtrum  wrote:

> In my opinion, at least all of cannot-connect-to-port, non-XML,
> not-proper-stream and invalid TLS cert should trigger a fallback to
> the next highest priority SRV record.

I disagree. In the most cases the same result will be for other SRV
records and you just waste resources and introduce delays. It
seems like you have a particular problem (misconfigured software, or
what? I'm not sure), you generalize it and now try to solve this
generalized non-existing problem. Initially, from what I understand,
the RFC has the exact problem to solve: dead network links or
halted/overloaded hardware/software, now you're adding a
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] UPDATED: XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload)

2017-12-05 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 05 Dec 2017 12:28:01 +0100
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> 3. What happens now if ejabberd doesn’t know the  element?
> Who gets the error? Does the client receive an error for their upload
> request, or will they time out while waiting for their reply?

Well, yes, it will be timed out. I also don't think this is a
violation, because in this case we cannot block IQ from flooders for
example, as this is also a violation.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] UPDATED: XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload)

2017-12-05 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 05 Dec 2017 10:31:36 +0100
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> I don’t think that’s ok. ejabberd would violate the expectation of
> the user that either a type="result" or type="error" is returned, if
> they simply filter out the "erroneous" stanza.

Obviously ejabberd replies with a correct error message, currently it
will send an error stanza with diagnostic text, e.g.: "Unknown tag
 qualified by namespace 'urn:xmpp:http:upload:0'"

> Also, I still don’t believe that intermediate servers should validate
> content which doesn’t concern them.

I disagree. The feature is useful for client developers for example, so
they get validation errors when sending garbage and, thus, can fix
the code easily. For example, some of our customers just add new
elements within existing namespace (such as 'jabber:client'), and this
will be easily rejected by the validator.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] UPDATED: XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload)

2017-12-05 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 5 Dec 2017 08:30:38 +
Kevin Smith  wrote:

> 2) New namespace: previous version payloads are allowed through, new
> versions won’t be allowed through until the validator is updated

No, new namespaces are treated as unknown and are routed untouched.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] UPDATED: XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload)

2017-12-04 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 4 Dec 2017 11:18:27 +0100
Florian Schmaus  wrote:

> For changes that are are not backwards compatible.

You can set  then and this will
also be "backwards compatible". Also, as I said, I can use 
within the same HTTP-Upload namespace, but with other semantics.
Because why not? It's backward compatible for me.

> While I am a fan of validation, for the reasons mentioned, I don't
> think that the approach you are going with the server side validator,
> as far as I understand it, is possible, needed nor a good idea.

Well, I think the idea is good under some circumstances. If you don't
like the idea, don't enable validation.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] UPDATED: XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload)

2017-12-04 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 4 Dec 2017 09:29:41 +0100
Florian Schmaus  wrote:

> That is what we always did when extending XMPP in a backwards
> compatible way. I'm not aware of a case where we did something
> different. And given that we want to avoid namespace bumps whenever
> possible, I'm happy with that. Even if it means that live schema
> validation is not feasible.

Well this approach is wrong. Why would we need other namespaces then?
We can put everything inside 'jabber:client'. Or, otherwise, what stops
me from putting my own invented elements (and attributes) inside
existing registered namespaces? Do we really need this mess?

> Serous question: I wonder where do you see the benefit in schema
> validation? You (always) need a parser which ensures that protocol
> requirements like "this attribute must exist", or "this attribute must
> be a uint32_t" are fulfilled.

I have this validator in ejabberd, yes. And if it's enabled, the stanza
with  element will be rejected. And I consider this as a correct

> And you want to enforce a maximum top-level stream element size early
> in the processing chain.

I didn't understand the stuff about top-level stream element size,
how this relates to validation?

> But if you have that, what is the gain in validating against a schema?

Have what? Again, in my case server validation is needed to avoid
sending garbage to clients (i.e. x='abc' when it should be an integer).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] UPDATED: XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload)

2017-12-03 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sun, 03 Dec 2017 19:01:58 -
Jonas Wielicki (XSF Editor)  wrote:

> Version 0.4.0 of XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload) has been released.

The new element  is added within *existing* namespace.
Now we have two different schemas with the same namespace. In the case
you don't care: why didn't you add it inside 'jabber:client' namespace,
then? Why do we need namespaces at all? Let's put any new elements
inside 'jabber:client'. Also, I remind, that RFC6120 Section 11.4 says:

> An implementation MAY choose to accept or send only data that has been
> explicitly validated against the schemas provided in this document,
> but such behavior is OPTIONAL

So, this rule doesn't apply to XEPs schemas? In the case it does, what
schema version should a server use to validate the content? In the case
it doesn't, what a server should do with unknown element within
*known* namespace (sic): dropping element? remain it untouched? The
latter case is meaningless, because the idea of server-side validation
is to prevent sending garbage to clients.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0313: Treatment of type=groupchat in user archive with or without hint

2017-11-23 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 23 Nov 2017 19:19:38 +0100
Kim Alvefur  wrote:

> It does make some sense to allow a for a future where MIX is common
> and the problems with storing MUC messages in personal archives has
> gone away.

How will it be gone away? MIX still suggests using MUC archives
directly when you're joining a room first time. Also, messages could be
lost (due to server outage for example). So eventually we will end up
with inconsistent archives (i.e. local archive differs from MUC
archive). I tend to think using local archives for MUC is a terrible
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] 2017-11-08 XSF Council Minutes

2017-11-20 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 20 Nov 2017 21:34:52 +0500
Konstantin Kozlov  wrote:

> It's too bad you didn't use your veto against that awful proto.

Which proto do you mean?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0136: Message Archiving moved to Deprecated

2017-11-16 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:50:55 +0300
Kozlov Konstantin  wrote:

> It's a nice idea to recommend experimental XEP's.

I agree with your irony, but this is the case where formal rules don't
work as planned.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0136: Message Archiving moved to Deprecated

2017-11-16 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:42:58 +0300
Kozlov Konstantin  wrote:

> Bad thing is that developers of new clents don't know which XEP to
> implement. XEP-0136 (which is deprecated) or XEP-0313 (which is still
> experimental and may be deferred, retracted and so on).

MAM is recommended by the compliance suite.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Message Markup

2017-11-15 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 07 Nov 2017 20:34:04 -
Jonas Wielicki (XSF Editor)  wrote:

> The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.
> Title: Message Markup
> Abstract:
> This specification provides an alternative to XHTML-IM with rigid
> separation of content and markup information, improving the resilience
> against spoofing and injection attacks.
> URL:

Decent XEP. It doesn't require external parsers and is hard to screw
up. I wish XSF will advance it.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Styling

2017-11-15 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 15 Nov 2017 08:54:07 +
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> Conversations is following an existing trend. Sam has merely
> documented it, and we're trying to ensure that the downsides of this
> approach - and I don't think anyone pretends there aren't any - are
> mitigated.

Fine. Then, according to XSF policy, you should mark this XEP as
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Styling

2017-11-14 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 15 Nov 2017 08:48:42 +0100
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> That is in fact incorrect. The whole council needs to be convinced,
> since voting is veto-based. A single "-1" counters a proposal.

Oh, we have a hope
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Styling

2017-11-14 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 15 Nov 2017 09:21:22 +0300
Kozlov Konstantin  wrote:

> I hope the Council will never accept such inconsistent thing as an
> official XEP.

Too late, it's already implemented in Conversations and, since it's
kinda a trend maker, this stuff will stick around. Which is sad,
1) no matter what arguments you bring if a Council member wants
it, it will be merged making all XSF discussions pointless
2) a trend making app is a bad thing: all IT is suffering because of
this and the consequence is hyped adopted technologies (like
Markdown and the whole HTML5 pile of shit) which sucks in technical
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Styling

2017-11-07 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 7 Nov 2017 20:10:19 +
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> * The format is quite small, so a parser - while still a parser, with
> all that that entails - is about as simple as one could imagine.

Really? Can I use LALR parser for this? If yes, there should be a
YACC-like grammar I can use in my language, I don't want to spend time
on this.
Otherwise I will just take existing implementation and patch it.
Not everybody likes writing parsers.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Styling

2017-11-06 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 6 Nov 2017 13:07:02 -0700
Peter Saint-Andre  wrote:

> Why not just use Markdown (or a subset thereof)?

By whom? By Sam? From what I understand the intention to be
markdown incompatible is a fool protection. But I think this will not
work for the reason I just described.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Styling

2017-11-06 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 06 Nov 2017 13:31:32 -0600
Sam Whited  wrote:

> This spec does not use Markdown, nor is it compatible with markdown,
> so if people use a Markdown library they won't get the same formatting
> described in this spec.

But they can easily fork existing md-to-js engines like [1] and patch
it. So we still need to rely on reliability of those engines.

Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] IM Message Routing 2: Device Identity

2017-10-24 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 24 Oct 2017 08:28:00 +0100
Kevin Smith  wrote:

> You’re describing exactly the problem that the split-resource
> approach we’re talking about avoids. If you have nodes choose
> node-specific resources for the clients, it’s not possible for there
> to be a collision when the cluster merges after a partition.

I also don't see how this is superior to just having resource -> node
mapping in your table, e.g.: -> [(resource1, node1), (resource2, node2)].

and generate resources for clients by yourself.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] IM Message Routing 2: Device Identity

2017-10-24 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:41:06 +0300
Evgeny Khramtsov  wrote:

> same user's resource

I wanted to say "same user's application".
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] IM Message Routing 2: Device Identity

2017-10-24 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 24 Oct 2017 08:28:00 +0100
Kevin Smith  wrote:

> If you have nodes choose node-specific resources for the clients,
> it’s not possible for there to be a collision when the cluster merges
> after a partition.

Technically yes, but you will end up with 2 sessions of the same user's
resource (it's pretty much real situation). You will have problems in
this state, for example, with IQ routing.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] IM Message Routing 2: Device Identity

2017-10-24 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 23 Oct 2017 10:11:54 +0100
Kevin Smith  wrote:

> bin it and trust the new value

No. Let's imagine a situation: a cluster with 2 nodes, there is a
transient partition between them. During this partition period, a client
connects to different nodes with the *same* resource. When the cluster
gets connected again you cannot just simply replace local session-id
with remote session-id in your session table, you most likely need to
apply last-write-wins strategy (or similar) and then kick the older
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Time-bound unsubscription from presence info of particular users

2017-10-20 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 20 Oct 2017 16:01:31 +0530
vaibhav singh  wrote:

> Is there provision in presence protocol for this?

You can block incoming presences using Privacy Lists (XEP-0016).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Security issues with XHTML-IM (again)

2017-10-18 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 18 Oct 2017 21:43:22 +0100
Maxime Buquet  wrote:

> I don't want to shut all doors, but I have a hard time seeing what
> benefit this will bring. I only see wasted time and effort, and years
> of incompatibilities and tensions between clients. All of this to
> bring more or less the same product on the table, in a slightly
> modified way.
> We have one XEP that allows embedding rich content in messages, and
> that is XHTML-IM. I do agree that the XEP is not perfect, and that we
> can garnish it a bit more with security recommendations, etc., but in
> general it does the job.
> Replacing it with JSON or another specified format will certainly lead
> to the same kind of issues that start this thread.
> Yes, developers have to be careful, and no, not everybody is. Once
> we've reached this stage I don't think there is any point in
> discussing if it's going to be more or less prone to vulnerabilities.

Agreed. I also don't see how using another format guarantees absence of
security issues. OK, with XHTML-IM we know some sort of attacks (XSS
mostly), and we can consider this. Also, there might be other attacks
we don't know about yet. But with other formats the situation is the
same: there are some known vulnerabilities (bare minimum: failure to
escape HTML tags correctly), and there are some unknown attacks. What is
the difference? If we say that we cannot implement securely any XML
markup, it doesn't magically mean we can implement securely other
markups. Fine, we can assume that the amount of existing+potential bugs
in XHTML is greater than in other proposed markup, but is it worth
putting effort into writing a new XEP, breaking compatibility, requiring
developers to re-implement the same in a different way only because
it's less bug prone? Using the same logic we should rewrite XMPP in
something more secure than XML, because it also has lots of security
issues (see [1] for example).

Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] IM Message Routing 2: Device Identity

2017-10-18 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 18 Oct 2017 16:43:54 +0100
Kevin Smith  wrote:

> It’s much easier to keep a global lookup table if you don’t have to
> deal with conflicts because the identifiers are node-specific -
> that’s where the gain in not needing the (effective) lock comes in
> here.

You still need to resolve conflicts for any global table if you want to
be partition tolerant. I really see no benefits. Also sometimes you
need to fetch some info about a connection (like an IP address), but if
you keep only {jid -> resources} global mapping you need to perform RPC
calls to other nodes which is expensive as hell (in terms of latency).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] IM Message Routing 2: Device Identity

2017-10-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:14:31 +0200
Georg Lukas  wrote:

> Contra: not cloud-scale, because it requires a global lock when a
> client reconnects. However, a global lookup table is needed anyway to
> enumerate all resource of a client for presence / bare-JID routing.

I already replied in xsf@ chatroom, I'd like to clarify here why I
think per-resource inter-node routing doesn't work as expected (at
least in my practice):
You need to know all user's connected resources in a lot of places:
routing messages to bare jids, routing subscriptions, routing roster
pushes, routing blocking commands, admin commands, etc. One may argue
that you can just broadcast (or use gossip/epidemic routing) to all
nodes, but in fact it's much more efficient to broadcast a c2s session
pointer/record at all nodes only once (on login) or twice (on logout) in
order to keep the "c2s" table replicated on all nodes instead of doing
this indefinite amount of times (this will depend on use case). Or you
can use internal cache in front of the global table in a database such
as SQL/Redis/etc. This will still be more efficient in my opinion. For
example, ejabberd uses both approaches depending on a database you
choose to store sessions. Another issue with broadcasting is offline
messages (we need to eliminate them to make it work) and per-priority
routing (no idea how to solve this with broadcasting). Of course, it's
possible to use broadcasting if the underlying XMPP routing protocol is
changed, but I'm not sure we want to go this route because some
complexity will be put on clients.

Hope I was clear ;)
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0045 MUC: am I still there?

2017-10-07 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sat, 7 Oct 2017 16:11:49 +0200
Georg Lukas  wrote:

> What about RFC 6120, §8.2.3?

I know about this rule, but it doesn't make sense for self-IQs, because
it breaks no compatibility.

> Also, one of the proposals actually was an IQ sent to the MUC JID
> instead of the self-JID, which would be a better way than this.

Fine, I'm just saying.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0045 MUC: am I still there?

2017-10-07 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sat, 7 Oct 2017 09:56:38 +0200
Florian Schmaus  wrote:

> Would that require a namespace bump?

What Georg said.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0045 MUC: am I still there?

2017-10-07 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Sat, 7 Oct 2017 10:12:14 +0200
Georg Lukas  wrote:

> Even if we mandate that self-IQs have to be reflected to the sender,
> it's still two round-trips just to figure out if we are still joined:
> c->s: ping
> c<-s: ping reflection
> c->s: pong
> c<-s: pong reflection

No, you can filter out incoming self-IQs, nobody requires you to reply.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] XEP-0045 MUC: am I still there?

2017-10-06 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 4 Oct 2017 10:19:47 +0200
Georg Lukas  wrote:

> (*) poezio and yaxim solve that by sending a 0199 ping to your own
> participant JID. However, in Multi-Session Nick scenarios, the ping IQ
> will be routed to a "random" client of yours, and if that client is
> currently suffering from a bad connection, your desktop client will
> run into a ping timeout and erroneously think it got disconnected
> from the MUC.

Can be fixed by specifying the server rules for such self-IQs, i.e.
resources in 'from' and 'to' should match. MSNs anyway should be
described in the XEP.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Call for Experience for XEP-0368: SRV records for XMPP over TLS

2017-09-27 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 27 Sep 2017 14:33:07 +0100
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> But in any case, I think we can declare victory.

Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Call for Experience for XEP-0368: SRV records for XMPP over TLS

2017-09-27 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 27 Sep 2017 13:10:58 +0300
Evgeny Khramtsov  wrote:

> Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:17:14 +0100
> Dave Cridland  wrote:
> > I believe I have the right records and code running at
> > if you'd like to try.  
> Yes, it works (connected to 5270 port and TLS auth is accepted), but
> your server then connected on my _xmpp-server port, despite I have
> _xmpps-server defined:
> $ host -t srv
> has SRV record 0 0 5270

Ah, this is probably because of priority. I fixed that, but it will
take time for DNS zone update.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Call for Experience for XEP-0368: SRV records for XMPP over TLS

2017-09-27 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:17:14 +0100
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> I believe I have the right records and code running at
> if you'd like to try.

Yes, it works (connected to 5270 port and TLS auth is accepted), but
your server then connected on my _xmpp-server port, despite I have
_xmpps-server defined:

$ host -t srv has SRV record 0 0 5270
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Call for Experience for XEP-0368: SRV records for XMPP over TLS

2017-09-27 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 27 Sep 2017 08:51:48 +0100
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> * We have one S2S implementation, supporting SNI.
> On that basis, I don't *think* we can include S2S in Final, which is
> frustrating. We probably can include C2S, but with only one
> client-side implementation it's playing a little fast and loose, I
> think, and I'd much rather see SNI support server-side to feel
> satisfied that SNI is actually covered.

I just added partial support to ejabberd:

Not sure if this is counted as THE IMPLEMENTATION, because incoming SNI
is not processed (not a big deal if you have only a single virtual
host, but a problem with multi-hosting deployments).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Rename XEP status identifiers

2017-09-26 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 26 Sep 2017 14:22:17 +0200
Goffi  wrote:

> I've seen that there was a need 
> to get disco items in XEP-0355. I've tried to update my Prosody
> implementation and Pubsub component to test it, and now that I see
> it's working, I want to update the XEP.

I actually found the disco part the most irritable. There is a state
where a component is connected, a server sent a disco request and no
disco response is received yet. In this state it's hard to say anything
about correctness of work of a component: this can be use case
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 09:21:00 -0500
Sam Whited  wrote:

> Would not making it a dependency and merging it into the Blocking XEP
> solve this for you as well?

And say bye-bye to namespace delegation? At the moment we
don't have any plans to add XEP-0377 functionality (largely because we
don't know what to do with the collected reports yet), but ejabberd
supports namespace delegation and anyone can add spam reporting support
to ejabberd using this delegation.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 13:10:54 +0200
Guus der Kinderen  wrote:

> By not tying this XEP to Blocking, the XEP becomes even easier to
> implement, but also more versatile. As a slightly embarrassing, but
> truthful, illustration: if this XEP would not have been dependent on
> Blocking, it would now already be in Openfire (I tried, but failed,
> as the privacy list implementation in Openfire is too complex to
> easily integrate this).

That's what I'm trying to say here. This is clearly a problem of
software dependencies. Reducing them resolves the problem.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 12:11:45 +0200
Daniel Gultsch  wrote:

> By bundling it with blocking we 'force' a consistent UI among
> clients.

And on the other hand 'forces' server devs to put all functionality
into a single module or building modules dependencies. In the case of
clients you can add "UI Consideration" section, but what can you do in
the case of servers?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 12:25:55 +0200
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> Nobody said that the element necessarily has the same namespace as
> currently used by other XEP-0191 elements.

So I can easily add elements such as  inside a 
because why not? There is only SHOULD and also guys from XSF do this.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 11:34:26 +0200
Jonas Wielicki  wrote:

> You are wrong, I think. RFC 6120, Section 11.4 Validation:

The section says nothing about servers. And the receiving entity is a
server in our case.

> That is the whole point of extensibility.

No, as I see it, the point of extensibility is to add elements within
another namespaces instead of injecting elements into existing ones.

> Also, XML Schemas in XEPs are non-normative anyways

Yes, and that's pity.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 10:02:26 +0100
Dave Cridland  wrote:

> I don't think so. We're just adding an element, so it could be done
> with just a new disco feature, I think.

Hum, am I missed something? Strict xmpp entities could not allow
elements not defined in schema, no?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-12 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 18:14:38 -0500
Sam Whited  wrote:

> That sounds good to me, I'll see if I can't prepare an update to do
> that. Since the blocking command is draft I'm not sure that it's
> possible.

There is a problem, because we need to bump XEP-0191's namespace
(there is no  element defined within current namespace).

Ah, and another issue against wrapping:  could be handled
separately by an external entity, see XEP-0355.

Having all that, given that some folks also suggest handling it
separately I think we shouldn't wrap.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 00:05:07 +0200
Philipp Hörist  wrote:

> It just makes me sad, that not even about something basic and easy
> like reporting a jid for spam, we can find to an agreement.

Well, actually I'm open to find a compromise. If the author insists on
wrapping it into  element and says that this is a "blocking
reason", then I'm fine with defining this in XEP-0191. This should not
be a problem, right? Because it's assumed that spam reporting is
unusable outside XEP-0191 anyway.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 22:28:29 +
Sam Whited  wrote:

> XEP-0016 is deprecated so I am not interested in making this more
> complicated to support it.

Deprecating something doesn't magically solve the problem and force
operators/users to update software (remember vcard avatars or private
storage, though, they are not formally deprecated, but deprecation will
not change anything). So we *must* be interested. And yes, this is
complicated to support, we should deal with this.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 23:52:46 +0200
Philipp Hörist  wrote:

> Afterwards we could do the addition to blocking command for the report
> function, as long as there is discovery for this additional feature to
> blocking command

I'm curious what problem does this solve? Is there a problem for a
client to send two stanzas instead of one?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 16:32:23 -0500
Sam Whited  wrote:

> but if it is a spam report you probably always want it to result in a
> block.

So, probably? Or are you absolutely sure?
Another question is what if the server doesn't have XEP-0191 module
running, but, instead, have XEP-0016 running? Ah, I forgot, we don't
care about backward compatibility anymore.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 23:07:57 +0200
Holger Weiß  wrote:

> I think it's obvious that you're not responding to the actual question
> here, and I wonder why :-)

Let me answer. Because he thinks that those two actions should be
always performed together. But in this case why do we need to have a
spam reporting mechanism? Let's assume that the blocked person is
always a spammer.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 15:54:33 -0500
Sam Whited  wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 15:39, Evgeny Khramtsov wrote:
> > What if we decide to report SPAM to a separate entities?  
> That is out of the scope of this spec; that's more complicated, and is
> not something that is allowed by this specification.
> > Really, we're now creating problems out of nothing.  
> I don't understand how this creates any problems; it is an XEP that
> lets you provide a reason when you block something.
> > Let's just use a separate query.  
> I don't think this is any better.
> > What is the problem with this??? The software should be modular
> > and, if possible, there should be as less dependencies between
> > modules as possible.   
> I agree with this. Why does this imply you need two modules? Build it
> into the blocking command module.

OK, I'm done. Do whatever you want.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 15:24:13 -0500
Sam Whited  wrote:

> In retrospect this flexibility feels poor to me; let's just have one
> way to do things (which should be an extension of the blocking
> command, IMO).

What if we decide to report SPAM to a separate entities? Really, we're
now creating problems out of nothing. Let's just use a separate query.
What is the problem with this??? The software should be modular and, if
possible, there should be as less dependencies between modules as
possible. I don't see any problems with a separate request. Or are you
trying to optimize traffic here again? :)
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 22:21:17 +0200
Guus der Kinderen  wrote:

> spam can be reported to any entity that advertises support,
> and could be inlined with Block if/when desired.

So a server should support both methods? This is even worse.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] DEFERRED: XEP-0377 (Spam Reporting)

2017-09-11 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 12:32:09 -0500
Sam Whited  wrote:

> Is there anything missing you think a spam reporting XEP must do? Was
> your implementation experience (clients and servers) smooth? Did you
> find any part of using it especially painful? How are you using it and
> is the data it provides you useful or should more information be
> attatched? etc.

I actually reported the issue here:

TL;DR: I don't like the inclusion of  element inside 
element and, thus, will not implement it in such form. There should be
a separate request for blocking.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Permanent slots for HTTP Upload

2017-09-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 8 Sep 2017 10:30:11 -0400
Denver Gingerich  wrote:


Nice service, thanks for sharing :)
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Permanent slots for HTTP Upload

2017-09-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 08 Sep 2017 14:36:47 +0200
Goffi  wrote:

> Also HTTP upload means that server must handle a totally different
> protocol/ server with all the security considerations that this
> imply

I really don't see a problem here. I think we should reuse technologies
which are proven to work and have tons of libs (like SIP for A/V and
HTTP for bulk data). Why do we always want to use XMPP everywhere
no matter what is beyond me.

> I'm also thinking about serverless.

You can always use IPFS on desktop (there is a problem with it on
mobile though).
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Permanent slots for HTTP Upload

2017-09-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 8 Sep 2017 14:11:06 +0200
Philipp Hörist  wrote:

> This does not mean a Jingle Server component wouldnt be usefull in
> other circumstances.

I thought Jingle is supposed to work e2e. Not this time? :)
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Permanent slots for HTTP Upload

2017-09-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 08 Sep 2017 12:28:56 +0200
Goffi  wrote:

> It's not poorly adopted at all

None of my clients use it. And I use well-maintained clients
(Dino+Conversations). Where is it adopted? How can I make an
A/V-call to Gajim or Xabber or whatever?

> it's well designed, support range, hash, metadata, NAT transversal,
> alternative methods/fallbacks and various transports

How is this superior to HTTP get/put? How hashes and metadata will help
you exchanging avatars with mutually unsupported formats? In practice,
clients never check caps of their peers, otherwise we would have
avatars working. Also, we used to have avatars working, but after some
clever improvements we have even this broken.

> It's only missing part is an URI scheme to retrieve the data, it was
> supposed to be done for a while, I'm not sure what happened there.

Happened what always happens with Jingle: nobody wants to implement it,
so no need to bother improving specs. Also, if there is an HTTP for file
exchange which covers all the cases (offline/muc), why would client
devs mess with Jingle which is much more complex?

> Actually using HTTP upload would not be a problem for me if XEP-0084
> or anything adopted would accept files sent by jingle.

How is this supposed to interact with old clients?
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Permanent slots for HTTP Upload

2017-09-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 08 Sep 2017 11:12:00 +0200
Goffi  wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> while I'm all in favor of using a way to request permanent storage,
> I'm don't think using HTTP for avatars is a good idea at all.

I'm with Daniel here. I'm strongly against sending media data via
signaling channel.

> Avatar handling is not good at the moment (too many ways to do it,
> specifications not restrictive enough specially on format), and I
> think we need a way to get several formats with one mandatory (so
> everybody can get it), but with the ability to provide several sizes,
> and vectorial format, which can't be provided by HTTP upload (or at
> least not in the current state).

We can write a brief XEP on how servers should "convert" between
PEP/vCard/http avatars anyway, because seems like adoption of PEP-based
avatars is failing. I'm personally ready to implement such XEP in

> Also while HTTP upload is handy, I still think that we have far
> better tools with Jingle, I only see HTTP upload as an ad-hoc quick
> and dirty solution, not as something we should use to build more
> elaborate things.

No way Jingle is a better tool, really. It's complex and poorly
adopted despite years have passed.
Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Permanent slots for HTTP Upload

2017-09-08 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Fri, 8 Sep 2017 10:58:46 +0200
Daniel Gultsch  wrote:

> However most servers currently have rather low retention periods of 10
> days or 30 days (which is fair).

They should consider using IPFS [1] or something, instead of making
such draconian restrictions.

Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Reputation system for XMPP

2017-09-06 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 6 Sep 2017 10:18:09 +0200
Georg Lukas  wrote:

> a) Throttle per-IP IBR attempts

How? By restricting a period a single IP can register an account?
Doesn't work: spammers walk through the huge list of servers,
effectively bypassing the restriction.

> b) Throttle outgoing presence/messages from "new" clients

Spammers use tons of JIDs. I collected some statistics from
during a day a single SPAM jid only sends ~50 messages in general, it's
about the amount of these jids, which is huge.

> c) Improve methods for automatic s2s reporting:
>- mandatory server operator JID publishing
>- automatic way to report and handle spammer IBR accounts
> d) Improve ingress s2s spam detection / blocking (I'm currently
> throttling s2s connections, but that's not ideal).
> e) Have a public shame list of servers where the admins don't do
> anything about spam, and use that to degrade their experience in the
> federated Jabber network. Maybe they don't care now, but they will
> notice if their users complain - or migrate to other servers.

Not sure how this will work when we have 30% of abandoned servers :-/

> c) Implement spam reporting (XEP-0377) - that only makes sense if
> there is some action mechanism behind, so that the reports don't just
> vanish in the server logs.

There is a problem with spam reporting. Research shows that there
should be an incentive for a user to report it and, if there is no
incentives, the more the number of peers in the system, the less likely
that anyone will report about a malicious peer [1]. So we should
*force* users to report. Subscriptions are very good in this regard:
you either accept or deny it.

Standards mailing list

Re: [Standards] Reputation system for XMPP

2017-09-06 Thread Evgeny Khramtsov
Wed, 6 Sep 2017 08:44:22 +0200
Remko Tronçon  wrote:

> I was sort of hoping that you would come up with a magic trick after
> getting through your reading list.

Hehe, most of the problems in that list is about how to authenticate
remote servers in SMTP (like SPF, DKIM and so on). I didn't find lots of
new information from that list, frankly, and that's why I started
investigating p2p literature.

> I don't see an easy solution. Looking at my account, my guess is
> badly setup servers are the biggest problem today. Servers probably
> need to tighten their registration (e.g. no IBR, harder proof of
> validity), server vendors might
> take steps to discourage bad setups (e.g. make it hard to enable
> IBR), but you'll always
> have to deal with the case of badly setup servers (and eventually
> malicious servers) on
> a federated network, so you'll need to have S2S checks.

The problem is, last time I checked[1], one third of ejabberd servers
were running ancient versions, like 5 years old or more. There are also
lots of jabberd servers, not sure they have any registration protection
at all. Seems like we need to punish a lot of servers in order to
tighten things up.

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