Re: colection use in html:options and logic:iterate

2001-06-06 Thread Jim Richards

Or put better from the index of the javadoc

setCollection(Object) - Method in class org.apache.struts.taglib.EnumerateTag
Set the collection over which we will be enumerating. 

setCollection(Object) - Method in class org.apache.struts.taglib.IterateTag 
Set the collection over which we will be iterating. 

setCollection(Object) - Method in class org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.SizeTag 

setCollection(Object) - Method in class 

setCollection(String) - Method in class 
Spot the odd one out.

At 02:55 PM 7/06/01 +1000, you wrote:

Why does logic:iterate/ use a collection as 

   A runtime expression that evaluates to a collection to be iterated over.

and html:options

   Name of the JSP bean (in some scope) which is itself a Collection of other
   beans, each of which has properties named by the property and labelProperty
   attributes that are used to retrieve the value and label for each option,
   respectively. [RT Expr] 

effective, if I use logic:iterate I can do (something like) this

   logic:iterate id=template collection=%= (SortedMap) 
application.getAttribute(\template\)).getEntries() %


which is really handy, but for html:options I have to do

% pageContext.setAttribute(catalog, myCatalogCollection); %
html:select property=catalog_id

html:options collection=catalog 


I'd rather have in the middle

html:options collection=%= catalog % 

or similar, like I can do with iterate.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/action

2001-05-09 Thread Jim Richards

Man I love open source ...

   Allow initDataSources() to throw ServletException like the other
   initialization methods do, to indicate a fatal initialization error.
   PR: Bugzilla #1672
   Submitted by: Jim Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

html:options collection attribute

2001-05-02 Thread Jim Richards

I'm not if this has ben pointed out before (way too much email at the moment)
but I find that the html:options tag has some discrepency in the collection
attribute. At the moment I do this:

% pageContext.setAttribute(catalog, ((SystemManager) 
html:select property=%= \skillTree.skill[\ + ((SkillEntry) ((Map.Entry) 
entry).getValue()).getParentId() + \].entry[\ + ((SkillEntry) ((Map.Entry) 
entry).getValue()).getSkillId() + \].years\ %

html:options collection=catalog 


Sorry about the long property value, I have fairly heavily nested structures at the 
(A subject for a longer email).

I would expect the html:options collection to be more like the logic:iterate 
collection and
take something like

html:options collection=%= some collection here % 

so I didn't have to set a pageContext as I do now before the html:select tag.

Any comments?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Form population

2001-04-17 Thread Jim Richards

I think this is how I might have to treat my code. It's
a shame really because I've got a good connection between
my forms being dynmically built at the data beans
the data comes from.

For something like dates though, I'll use some funky
JavaScript to handle the formating.

Dmitri Plotnikov wrote:
 I don't know if my understanding of the purpose of
 ActionForm is correct, but I have been treating them
 as part of the View. Hence I have been designing the
 APIs of ActionForm with the needs of the JSP(s) in
 mind.  For example, all attributes bound to text
 fields are declared as Strings.  My ActionForms
 function as adapters to the model JavaBeans and EJBs,
 they are responsible for necessary type convertions.
 For example, field "dateOfBirth" is always declared as
 String on the ActionForm, but as Date on the model
 bean.  An action method (e.g. "save()") pushes data
 into the model, converting types as needed. When my
 ActionForm needs nested objects, I create new,
 UI-oriented classes for those as well.
 If my understanding of the role of ActionForms is
 right, no enhancement of the form population mechanism
 is needed.

Re: Form population

2001-04-16 Thread Jim Richards

I'm pretty sure it was all as expected. Although I find it
interesting that it works with "int" rather then "Integer",
from what I saw of the code.

I've changed it all the String and it works now, but I was
poking around in BeanUtils and PropertyUtils and so on (don't have
the reference here) and it seems that for nested properties
it only handles a String (haven't fully checked it yet).

"Natra, Uday" wrote:
 yeah that was a good point from Dmitri. I tried to define two setter methods
 for my date field. one is a String argument and the other one is a date
 argument. When I ran the App, it complained about not able to find the
 setter method. So may be there is some thing like that happening in ur code.

Form population

2001-04-15 Thread Jim Richards

I've been having a dig around, and have found that the BeanUtils.populate doesn't 
handle very many datatypes. Or more specifically, I can't get it to set an integer 
where my bean has

public void setKey(int key);


public void setKey(Integer key);

neither get called. What I am finding is the BeanUtils only finds String values when it
process the results of the form, and so thinks all the setter methods are Strings
as well. There doesn't seem anyway to force the html:text/ tag to be an Integer
value. I can understand why the first won't work (non-object type), but not the 

Any suggestions, or this is a feature/bug?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

RE: Form population

2001-04-15 Thread Jim Richards

What sort of field on the form is it (not that it should matter)? a html:text or 
else. And is it a "Integer" or "int" for the setter?

I'm using it as a nested property as well, so the jsp looks like

html:text property="user.key" size="20" maxlength="80"/

But I couldn't see anything in the code that would cause a problem with this.

At 11:36 AM 15/04/01 -0500, you wrote:
It does work for me. I use a setter method with an integer argument in my
FormBean and FormBean invokes that method to change the data.


-Original Message-
From: Jim Richards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 2:28 AM
Subject: Form population

I've been having a dig around, and have found that the BeanUtils.populate
doesn't really
handle very many datatypes. Or more specifically, I can't get it to set an
integer value,
where my bean has

   public void setKey(int key);


   public void setKey(Integer key);

neither get called. What I am finding is the BeanUtils only finds String
values when it
process the results of the form, and so thinks all the setter methods are
as well. There doesn't seem anyway to force the html:text/ tag to be an
value. I can understand why the first won't work (non-object type), but not
the second. 

Any suggestions, or this is a feature/bug?

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML
Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Window Resize == Form Submit?

2001-04-14 Thread Jim Richards

At 09:46 AM 13/04/01 -0400, you wrote:
I have a general question being new to struts...I am starting on a project that is 
using the struts framework. I have noticed that every JSP page will actually do a 
form submit 
everytime I resize my browser window?? Is this something that is related/known to the 
framework, or is it something in the application itself (jsp pages)?

It depends on the browser. This is not a struts feature but (and I think) a netscape 
Because a page built by a form submit is  usually dynamic, netscape re-requests the 
so it can build it again, whereas IE will cache the output, as it can resize visually 
as you
move the window border.

This can also affect DHTML quite badly.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: development issues

2001-03-27 Thread Jim Richards

In Dec-2000 issue of Javaworld, there was an article by "Thor Kristmundsson"
about enhancing Struts framework with regex validation and automatic
properties. Though the article is outdated due to recent development in
Struts but I liked the idea and spent some time implementing it.

I'm not keen of using regex for the validation of form fields, as I find them too
limiting. There are somethings you just can't do with regex that a general 
bit of coding can handle (eg, credit card validation and good date checking).

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

RE: development issues

2001-03-27 Thread Jim Richards

But its not bad either for basic form validation (null, range checks  like)
and much better than using Javascript. I dont think any backend will rely
upon JSP validation and wont perform its own tests prior to saving the data.

Well, one of the 1.1 discussions is client side validation using JavaScript,
which as of JavaScript1.2 has regext facilties built in, so I'd expect they'd
be used. But that stops older browsers from working. But as you point out,
server side validation should be done as well to correctly check the data
against a greater number of tests.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: Upload Field Repopulation

2001-03-11 Thread Jim Richards

It's a security precaution that browser developers put in. Otherwise
I could have a 1 pixel frame with a file upload field with /etc/password
or c:\windows\*.acl in it that uploads automatically with a 
document.form[1].submit() at the end.

Nick Pellow wrote:
 I am just curious why the html:file /
 field does not get repopulated when the page
 is redisplayed after a validation error?
 Is it to do with the multipart request?

Re: missing onmousexxx attributes of img tag in struts-html.tld

2001-02-19 Thread Jim Richards

At 10:38 AM 19/02/01 +0100, Christophe Thibaud wrote:
  the onmouseover, onmousedown, etc. attributes of the tag
  img, class org.apache.struts.taglib.html.ImgTag, seem to be missing from the
  struts-html.tld file.
 Those particular events are generally handed with an anchor tag around the img tag. 

Thanks for the answer. The anchor will be fine for me.

Internet explorer handles those events for almost any element within a 
page. Netscape Navigator haowever does not. So, yes wrap it with
an anchor tag.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Re: [VOTE] Struts 1.0-beta-1 Release Plan

2001-02-19 Thread Jim Richards

I still have an outstanding issue with database connection with
PostgreSQL that effective cripples the system. I've posted about
it to the users mailing list, and didn't put it into the
bug system (silly me). I won't have time before the vote closes
to log the bug.

Any suggestions?

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
 Now that the TODO list for 1.0 (and the bug reports in Bugzilla) are
 dwindling away, it's time for a 1.0-beta-1 release of Struts!  I just
 checked in an initial draft of a release plan that talks about what will
 happen, and the criteria for release.  Please take a moment to review
 this document:
 and vote on your acceptance of this plan.  Release plans must pass by a
 majority vote of committers on the project, but all other interested
 parties are welcome to cast their votes (and/or make comments or
 suggestions on the plan) as well.
 Craig McClanahan