Re: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Wong Kok Wai

I'm definitely interested but one question: why not use java.util.ResourceBundle as the
base class? It helps as existing ListResourceBundle and PropertyResourceBundle can 
still be

"Schachter, Michael" wrote:


 I'm attempting to develop a fuller form of internationalization for Struts,
 which includes retrieving content from more than something such as a
 ResourceBundle.  The basic idea is that you have a Resource, which is an
 interface that represents anything that has internationalized content.  It
 has a method that looks basically like this:

 public byte[] getData(String key, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone);

 Of course, time zone is optional, it would depend on the implementation
 whether or not to use it.

 You would define these resources in some xml file, like so:

 resource type="org.apache.struts.i18n.FileSystemResource"
 property name="fileBase"/usr/local/content/static/property

 resource type="org.apache.struts.i18n.DatabaseResource"
 !-- possibly specify a bunch of database related properties such
   as username and password, or tie it into data sources specified
   in struts-config.xml.  There would also be something specified to
   where exactly in the data source to pull the content from, this
   is way up in the air right now

 Then, you would use a taglib inside of your jsp page to retrieve the

 %@ page langauge="java" %
 %@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-i18n.tld" prefix="i18n" %

 h3This is static internationalized content:/h3

 i18n:resource key="my.content" name="STATIC_CONTENT" /

 h3This is internationalized content pulled from a database:/h3

 i18n:resource key="my.article" name="DB_CONTENT" /

 Taking this further, you could create a resource implementation that plugs
 into some kind of commercial content managment system, and so on.

 Is there any interest in something like this?  I'm currently in the process
 of developing this idea, and I'd like as much input as possible, not only
 with this, but with internationalization in general.  I attached the
 Resources class, just to illustrate a bit.

Resource.javaType: JAVA File 
 Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Wong Kok Wai wrote:

 I'm definitely interested but one question: why not use java.util.ResourceBundle as 
 base class? It helps as existing ListResourceBundle and PropertyResourceBundle can 
still be

Among other things, ResourceBundle and PropertyResourceBundle are not Serializable.  
causes problems on several application servers that like their servlet context 
attributes, and
not just session attributes, to be Serializable.


Re: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

"Schachter, Michael" wrote:


 I'm attempting to develop a fuller form of internationalization for Struts,
 which includes retrieving content from more than something such as a
 ResourceBundle.  The basic idea is that you have a Resource, which is an
 interface that represents anything that has internationalized content.  It
 has a method that looks basically like this:

 public byte[] getData(String key, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone);

 Of course, time zone is optional, it would depend on the implementation
 whether or not to use it.

It would be interesting if the existing MessageResources mechanisms (and the
bean:message tag) could be layered on top of this abstraction in some
convenient way -- either by creating an implementation of MessageResources or
by extending your Resource abstraction to include a getString() method.


Re: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Jason van Zyl wrote:

  I hate the fact that the word "service" is so overused, but in this context
  it would be an implementation of an interface residing at the request scope
  of an application.
  I'm still pushing for a lightweight, application level service framework
  within Struts, I'm just working on a proof of concept and some real code
  before I go and introduce anything, probably not a great move community-wise
  on my part.
  For people unfamiliar with the service framework I'm talking about,
  basically it's a set of standard interfaces for common application
  functionality such as localization, device detection, object pooling, etc.
  The most common functionality would be included with implementations with
  Struts, more time-intensive implementations could hopefully be represented
  as a set of plugins/adapters for commercial vendor products that provide
  that functionality.

 There is already a functional services framework in Turbine, is
 there anyway we could work together on this?

Ted Husted (a Struts commtter) and several others are trying to put together a
proposal for a code sharing subproject/repository/something on the GENERAL list
right now -- this sounds like another candidate for code that could be shared once
the infrastructure of the sharing is set up.

Jason, does this also relate to the DbResources discussion recently on
VELOCITY-DEV, or is that something different?



Re: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Jason van Zyl

 Ted Husted (a Struts commtter) and several others are trying to put together a
 proposal for a code sharing subproject/repository/something on the GENERAL list
 right now -- this sounds like another candidate for code that could be shared once
 the infrastructure of the sharing is set up.

I've been following it, I've just been quiet :-)
 Jason, does this also relate to the DbResources discussion recently on
 VELOCITY-DEV, or is that something different?

A little different I think: that was more about velocity related
tools, or even webapp related tools, versus general tools
like a services framework or db connection pool.

I guess it's time for me to jump into the discussion of
sharing tools :-) If I can I would like to share an
introspector between struts and velocity. I have a feeling
that the structs introspector is more complete so I
would be all for using the struts introspector and it
can probably be done :-)


RE: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Jason van Zyl

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Schachter, Michael wrote:

 I don't see why not, the general idea is the same.  Maybe there should be an package and a separate repository for this sort of
 thing?  The kind of thing where Turbine and Struts committers can both

There's a discussion on the general list about general tools
and frameworks. I guess we should jump in there as there
is a discussion in progress!
 If there was collaboration, I'd prefer it not to be Struts or Turbine based.
 A framework where the community at large decides on how the interface
 methods are declared would be a powerful thing, and shouldn't be interfered
 with because different design methodologies for web applications cause
 different projects to exist.  I mean, this is open source.

There's a services framework in Avalon and there is one in
Turbine. I'm all for melding them into a single framework.
There's probably good things about both of them, I am 
only familiar with the Turbine service framework, but
I will be looking at the Avalon way soon!


Re: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Jason van Zyl wrote:

  Ted Husted (a Struts commtter) and several others are trying to put together a
  proposal for a code sharing subproject/repository/something on the GENERAL list
  right now -- this sounds like another candidate for code that could be shared once
  the infrastructure of the sharing is set up.

 I've been following it, I've just been quiet :-)

I've been following some of it, and probably spoke a little rashly in some 

  Jason, does this also relate to the DbResources discussion recently on
  VELOCITY-DEV, or is that something different?

 A little different I think: that was more about velocity related
 tools, or even webapp related tools, versus general tools
 like a services framework or db connection pool.

OK ... just wanted to make sure we weren't missing a useful use case.

 I guess it's time for me to jump into the discussion of
 sharing tools :-) If I can I would like to share an
 introspector between struts and velocity. I have a feeling
 that the structs introspector is more complete so I
 would be all for using the struts introspector and it
 can probably be done :-)

It should be feasible to share this.  The needs look to be reasonably similar.

I recently refactored this family of classes to have no dependencies on other Struts
APIs (or even on servlet APIs for that matter).  Future enhancement plans include
support for PropertyEditor classes (to let apps customize the property--String
translations necessary when going to and from an HTML page) and bean properties that 
Collections (treating them sort of like indexed or array-based properties), which would
also benefit both Velocity and Struts.



Re: i18n and Resources

2001-02-19 Thread Jason van Zyl

  I guess it's time for me to jump into the discussion of
  sharing tools :-) If I can I would like to share an
  introspector between struts and velocity. I have a feeling
  that the structs introspector is more complete so I
  would be all for using the struts introspector and it
  can probably be done :-)
 It should be feasible to share this.  The needs look to be reasonably similar.
 I recently refactored this family of classes to have no dependencies on other Struts
 APIs (or even on servlet APIs for that matter).  Future enhancement plans include
 support for PropertyEditor classes (to let apps customize the property--String
 translations necessary when going to and from an HTML page) and bean properties that 
 Collections (treating them sort of like indexed or array-based properties), which 
 also benefit both Velocity and Struts.

I think it's totally feasible. The idea of a pluggable introspector
came up on the vel-dev list a couple weeks ago and that's probably
a good idea and if that were done then we could probably share
the introspector that's in struts. Velocity has some non-standard
behavior like picking values out of Maps, but the introspector
proper could probably be shared without much work.

If I could get the struts introspector working in velocity
maybe we could make that the first tool placed in the
org.apache.util package! :-) We'll show them we
can play nice ;-)
