image from database servlet problem -- pooling issue?

2002-03-10 Thread Matthew Kennedy

I am seeing strange behaviour with a servlet I wrote to return an image
from a database table. I'm not sure if it's struts related or not, but I
am relying on a datasource defined in the struts-config.xml. It might be
a silly mistake in the servlet code itself even.

I've attached the struts-config.xml which shows my datasource
definition, the web.xml where I define the servlet and provide an
initialization parameter, the servlet code ( and a
simple test.jsp page.

The code I have seems to work most of the time (about 25/30 requests)
before failing a couple of times. The log.txt attachment shows the
result of doing:

   while true
 lwp-request \
 'http://localhost:8080/shona/servlets/photo?id=1class=thumbnail' \
 | wc -c 

(just sequential requests)

The error.txt attachment shows the exception information generated when
a request fails. Note there seem to be two types of exceptions occuring
here: a low level jdbc error, and a no results returned error.

I've played with the maxCount and minCount parameters in the struts
datasource definition. Same results, except in the case of several
simultaneous requests to the servlet -- in which case raising maxCount
seems to prolong the interval between exceptions.

It's really been baffling me for a while now. What could be going wrong?
Am I seeing a limitation of Struts' connection pool perhaps? Even if
it's not struts related, suggestions would still be very welcome.


 * Created on February 23, 2002, 2:53 AM

package mbkennedy.pshop.servlets;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import java.sql.*;

 * @author  mkennedy
 * @version
public class PhotoServlet extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet {

private static final long DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE =  1024;

 * bufferSize to use when transfering blob to servlet response.
private long bufferSize;

private DataSource dataSource = null;

 * Initializes the servlet.
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
String bufferSizeParam = null;

if ((bufferSizeParam = config.getInitParameter(bufferSize)) != null) {
// Servlet deployer intends to override default bufferSize
this.bufferSize = Long.parseLong(config.getInitParameter(bufferSize));
if (this.bufferSize = 0) {
throw new ServletException(bufferSize must be  0: bufferSize ==  + 
} else {
this.bufferSize = this.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
dataSource = this.findDataSource(default);

 * Processes requests for both HTTP codeGET/code and codePOST/code methods.
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
throws ServletException, IOException {
// Check request parameters
if (request.getParameter(id) == null || request.getParameter(class) == null) {
throw new ServletException(invalid request parameters: id =  + 
request.getParameter(id) + , class =  + request.getParameter(class));
// Validate parameters
int paramId = 0;
try {
paramId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(id));
} catch (NumberFormatException e_nf) {
throw (ServletException) new ServletException(id must be an integer: id =  + 
Connection conn = null;
try {
String paramClass = null;
conn = this.dataSource.getConnection();
PreparedStatement stmt1 = 
conn.prepareStatement(SELECT class FROM image_class WHERE class = ?);
stmt1.setString(1, request.getParameter(class));
if (stmt1.executeQuery().getFetchSize() == 0) {
throw new ServletException(class is invalid: class =  + 
} else {
paramClass = request.getParameter(class);

// At this point parameters have been validated for correctness (it 
// should be safe to process the request)

PreparedStatement stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement(SELECT image, mime_type  + 
FROM item_photos WHERE (item_id = ?) AND (image_class = ?));
stmt2.setInt(1, paramId);
stmt2.setString(2, paramClass);
ResultSet results = stmt2.executeQuery();
ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
if (results.getFetchSize() == 0) {

Refeshing mechanism in Struts

2002-03-10 Thread Steve

Can anyone tell me how I can get my EJB business logic to automatically
update the JSP pages when changes occur within the business logic.

I know how to write a listener interface, but I am not sure what to 
trigger in the struts framwork when an update is required.



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Using Struts to capture form grid info

2002-03-10 Thread Andrew H. Peterson

I have a form that has an HTML table of text inputs.  Each row of inputs has
a unique identifier that I can map to it.  I can also map the column names
to a column name in the db.

I was thinking that I could construct the name of each input in such a way
as to extract the id and column name from each when posting the form to the

For example,

html:form action=myAction.action
tdhtml:text property=week1_monday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week1_tuesday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week1_wednesday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week1_thursday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week1_friday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week2_monday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week2_tuesday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week2_wednesday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week2_thursday_myDailyValue size=20
tdhtml:text property=week2_friday_myDailyValue size=20

My question is... Is there a Struts way of doing this?  How would I
construct the Form object to create a collection of information?

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.


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Re: [Off-Topic ?] Problem with Struts/Tomcat/Jbuilder/ ?

2002-03-10 Thread Slimane

Hi David,

you're probably right, but I tried to look at every reference Jbuilder 
makes about required libraries. And the only one I found was the one in 
Project / Project Properties / Path / Required Libraries
In that tab, there's a reference to the Servlet library of Tomcat (this is 
added by default by JBuilder when you create a new JSP). But I didn't find 
anywhere else a reference to that same library.

If it can help, here's the complete messages I have when I start (web run) 
my project and then stop tomcat:

1/ loading Tomcat
D:\JBuilder6\jdk1.3.1\bin\javaw -classpath 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start -config 
C:\Slimane\TS2\conf\server8080.xml -nonaming
HttpConnector Opening server socket on all host IP addresses
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploying class repositories to work directory 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/SQL.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/Struts-Layout.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections.jar 
to C:\Slimane\TS2\defaultroot\WEB-INF\lib\commons-collections.jar
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-pool.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-services.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar to 
WebappLoader[/TimeSheet]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/tiles.jar to 
StandardManager[/TimeSheet]: Seeding random number generator class
StandardManager[/TimeSheet]: Seeding of random number generator has been 
StandardWrapper[/TimeSheet:default]: Loading container servlet default
StandardWrapper[/TimeSheet:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker
WebappLoader[]: Deploying class repositories to work directory 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/SQL.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/Struts-Layout.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-pool.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-services.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar to 
WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/tiles.jar to 
StandardManager[]: Seeding random number generator 

Re: [Newbie] html:link

2002-03-10 Thread Slimane


Nobody had answered me 'till you did. So, thank you and I will take a look 
at the java.util.Map :)

Friendly Regards,

At 05:05 11/03/2002 +1100, you wrote:
Hi Silmane,

you may have already received a reply regarding this but none the less
this is how I've been doing it.

If you place a java.util.Map into the request the html:link tag will
then build
the parameter list for you where the keys are the parameter names and
values the parameter values (of course).

In your case your iterating over a Collection of beans and from that
you would/could provide a method to return the Map.

In my example I have a Vector of 'foo.Bar' objects where Bar objects
have a getter
method for the map property.  My Vector of foo.Bar objects is an
attribute of the
request stored under the key 'things'.

logic:iterate id=bar name=things type=foo.Bar
linkname The documentation for the link tag is of course located at: There are a couple 
of restrictions I didn't mention documented there. Someone just helped me 
out with this a few days ago so to whomever it was thanks. Rob Slimane 
Zouggari wrote:   Hi,   I have the following piece of code  cod 
 I was wondering if there's a easier way to do that with the 
 html:link tag ?   Thanx in advance,  Slimane   --  To unsubscribe, 
 e-mail:  For additional commands, e-mail: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For 
 additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?

2002-03-10 Thread Slimane

Hi Bin,

I think I wasn't clear enough. Because, that's exactly what I want to do ! :)
I just want to have a session scope Object.

So, let me reformulate my problem:

I have, for example, 3 Strings. The contents of these Strings can 
dynamically change. These Strings contain different values between each 
user. So, normally you'll set that values into a cookie placed at the 
Client's computer. But I don't want to do that, so I was first thinking 
about a session bean. That bean would contain those Strings and will be 
instanciated for each user (am I wrong ?).
So normally, a session bean will be perfect in that case, won't it ?
But, if I understood right, the session bean is placed into the HttpSession 
object. So, why not place those Strings directly into the HttpSession 
object ? (using the getAttribute and the setAttribute methods)

But, after a second thought, as I don't have only 3 (or 5) Strings to share 
(between all my Action classes) during a session of a user. I was thinking 
that maybe, placing those Strings as parameters of my Action classes would 
be sufficient.

So between those 2 solutions, which one is the best ? And is there maybe a 
better solution ?

Voilà, I hope that now I made myself clear (please excuse my poor English :)

I also hope, I didn't tell to much stupidities (I'm just a newbie :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Friendly Regards,

PS: sorry for the long reply...

At 20:31 9/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Neither way will work for you as the session object will be for a single 
user only. Putting things in the URL query string has the same effect. 
What you should be looking for may be Appliation scope object or some 
other ways like persist the data to the database or server file etc.

Hope this helps.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 23:30:24 +0100


I have a set of Objects (mainly Strings) that I would like to share inside
my web application for each user. So I was thinking about setting all these
objects using the HttpSession object. (using the methods getAttribute() and

But in a second thought, as there are only a few String that I need to
share. I could easily pass them as parameters to my Action classes.

So, I was wondering what's the right way ? If there's only a few Strings,
isn't it easier to pass them as parameters instead of using the session
object ?

Thanx in advance for your replys.

Friendly Regards,

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jsp:includes and STRUT - Response has been committed error

2002-03-10 Thread Sam Chia

Hi all,

   Can the following be done using jsp:include and STRUTS? My
aim is to have a jsp page that has 3 jsp:includes. And each includes
links are (*.do). An example is shown below

!-- Section 1 - Load 1st part --
% String path = (String)request.getAttribute(formpath); %
% String userid = (String)request.getAttribute(userid); %
% if (path != null){ try{%
jsp:include page=%=path% flush=true  
jsp:param name=userid value=%=userid% /
!-- Section 2 - Load 2nd part --
another jsp:include
!-- Section 3 - Load 3rd part --
another jsp:include

**Eg: where path = /pages/**

I receive an error - Response has already been committed

I understand that this is a JSP error and it is due to the fact that 
response body output has been flushed to the client.

Is this the right way to go about using includes and STRUT?
Is there a work around for this?

Thank you in advance


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Re: image from database servlet problem -- pooling issue?

2002-03-10 Thread SUPRIYA MISRA

try this on your jsp
%@ page buffer=2000kb /%

From: Matthew Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: image from database servlet problem -- pooling issue?
Date: 10 Mar 2002 02:49:01 -0600

I am seeing strange behaviour with a servlet I wrote to return an image
from a database table. I'm not sure if it's struts related or not, but I
am relying on a datasource defined in the struts-config.xml. It might be
a silly mistake in the servlet code itself even.

I've attached the struts-config.xml which shows my datasource
definition, the web.xml where I define the servlet and provide an
initialization parameter, the servlet code ( and a
simple test.jsp page.

The code I have seems to work most of the time (about 25/30 requests)
before failing a couple of times. The log.txt attachment shows the
result of doing:

while true
  lwp-request \
  'http://localhost:8080/shona/servlets/photo?id=1class=thumbnail' \
  | wc -c

(just sequential requests)

The error.txt attachment shows the exception information generated when
a request fails. Note there seem to be two types of exceptions occuring
here: a low level jdbc error, and a no results returned error.

I've played with the maxCount and minCount parameters in the struts
datasource definition. Same results, except in the case of several
simultaneous requests to the servlet -- in which case raising maxCount
seems to prolong the interval between exceptions.

It's really been baffling me for a while now. What could be going wrong?
Am I seeing a limitation of Struts' connection pool perhaps? Even if
it's not struts related, suggestions would still be very welcome.

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Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?

2002-03-10 Thread Bin Zhou


I think I now understand what you are asking about.

Basically I think your understanding of the session bean is right. In web 
application, we usually put the session bean as an object in the http 
session.  I think the following are what you may think when deciding which 
way to use:

1. Do you have an application supporting EJB? Say you do not have it, then 
you may have to use the http session to achieve this

2. How you want to view those string objects?  Are they coupled with any EJB 
as the bean's internal state? If that is the case, it may be better to go 
into the bean. This is better from the OOD standpoint

3. Is either of them working? Yes. Technically both should be fine.



Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 12:22:10 +0100

Hi Bin,

I think I wasn't clear enough. Because, that's exactly what I want to do ! 
I just want to have a session scope Object.

So, let me reformulate my problem:

I have, for example, 3 Strings. The contents of these Strings can 
dynamically change. These Strings contain different values between each 
user. So, normally you'll set that values into a cookie placed at the 
Client's computer. But I don't want to do that, so I was first thinking 
about a session bean. That bean would contain those Strings and will be 
instanciated for each user (am I wrong ?).
So normally, a session bean will be perfect in that case, won't it ?
But, if I understood right, the session bean is placed into the HttpSession 
object. So, why not place those Strings directly into the HttpSession 
object ? (using the getAttribute and the setAttribute methods)

But, after a second thought, as I don't have only 3 (or 5) Strings to share 
(between all my Action classes) during a session of a user. I was thinking 
that maybe, placing those Strings as parameters of my Action classes would 
be sufficient.

So between those 2 solutions, which one is the best ? And is there maybe a 
better solution ?

Voilà, I hope that now I made myself clear (please excuse my poor English 

I also hope, I didn't tell to much stupidities (I'm just a newbie :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Friendly Regards,

PS: sorry for the long reply...

At 20:31 9/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Neither way will work for you as the session object will be for a single 
user only. Putting things in the URL query string has the same effect. 
What you should be looking for may be Appliation scope object or some 
other ways like persist the data to the database or server file etc.

Hope this helps.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 23:30:24 +0100


I have a set of Objects (mainly Strings) that I would like to share 
my web application for each user. So I was thinking about setting all 
objects using the HttpSession object. (using the methods getAttribute() 

But in a second thought, as there are only a few String that I need to
share. I could easily pass them as parameters to my Action classes.

So, I was wondering what's the right way ? If there's only a few Strings,
isn't it easier to pass them as parameters instead of using the session
object ?

Thanx in advance for your replys.

Friendly Regards,

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RE: CachedRowSet for html:options

2002-03-10 Thread Adam Hardy

* If the labelProperty attribute is not specified, the property named by the 
property attribute will be used to select both the value returned to the server and 
the label displayed to the user for this option.

On Sat, 09 March 2002, Sunder R Somasundaram wrote:

 Thanks for your reply; it is a select box with single or multiple
 options. Do I have to put in both the values and the labels even if both
 are the same?
 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 5:03 AM
 Subject: Re: CachedRowSet for html:options
 You mean you're displaying a list in a table or you are displaying a
 select drop-down box?
 The html:options tag works great with forms, it'll initialize the select
 box to what's in the form object, and it'll display appropriate labels
 and set up the appropriate values on each option.
 You can quite easily use the CachedRowSet.toCollection(column) to return
 any column of the rowset as a collection. Instead of putting the whole
 rowset in the session, you'll have to put a collection for the values
 and a collection for the labels. A few more lines of code, yes, but not
 exactly difficult.
 If your lists are just lists and not select boxes (it's not clear from
 your message), use a logic:iterate tag.
 On Fri, 08 March 2002, Sunder wrote:
  I am currently retrieving a cachedRowSet from a session bean and
  displaying lists using the rowset. I would like to use the struts
  html:options tag to do the same, From the documentation, it looks like
  have to put this rowset into a collection and use the same. Is there a
  better way to do this?
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Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?

2002-03-10 Thread Slimane


Thanks for your answer :)

The fact is I don't have any EJB. So I think I'll just use the HttpSession 
object :)
And about passing the strings as parameters* of my Action classes ? Was it 
a bad idea ? If so, why ?

* What I mean by parameters is for example doing the following:
where param1 and param2 are my actual parameters
and then in the Action classes, I'll use the getParameter() method

Thanks again,

At 10:27 10/03/2002 -0500, Someone poor demented soul by the name of Bin 
Zhou presented us with the following text which may contain useless 

I think I now understand what you are asking about.

Basically I think your understanding of the session bean is right. In web 
application, we usually put the session bean as an object in the http 
session.  I think the following are what you may think when deciding which 
way to use:

1. Do you have an application supporting EJB? Say you do not have it, then 
you may have to use the http session to achieve this

2. How you want to view those string objects?  Are they coupled with any 
EJB as the bean's internal state? If that is the case, it may be better to 
go into the bean. This is better from the OOD standpoint

3. Is either of them working? Yes. Technically both should be fine.



Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 12:22:10 +0100

Hi Bin,

I think I wasn't clear enough. Because, that's exactly what I want to do ! :)
I just want to have a session scope Object.

So, let me reformulate my problem:

I have, for example, 3 Strings. The contents of these Strings can 
dynamically change. These Strings contain different values between each 
user. So, normally you'll set that values into a cookie placed at the 
Client's computer. But I don't want to do that, so I was first thinking 
about a session bean. That bean would contain those Strings and will be 
instanciated for each user (am I wrong ?).
So normally, a session bean will be perfect in that case, won't it ?
But, if I understood right, the session bean is placed into the 
HttpSession object. So, why not place those Strings directly into the 
HttpSession object ? (using the getAttribute and the setAttribute methods)

But, after a second thought, as I don't have only 3 (or 5) Strings to 
share (between all my Action classes) during a session of a user. I was 
thinking that maybe, placing those Strings as parameters of my Action 
classes would be sufficient.

So between those 2 solutions, which one is the best ? And is there maybe 
a better solution ?

Voilà, I hope that now I made myself clear (please excuse my poor English :)

I also hope, I didn't tell to much stupidities (I'm just a newbie :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Friendly Regards,

PS: sorry for the long reply...

At 20:31 9/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Neither way will work for you as the session object will be for a single 
user only. Putting things in the URL query string has the same effect. 
What you should be looking for may be Appliation scope object or some 
other ways like persist the data to the database or server file etc.

Hope this helps.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 23:30:24 +0100


I have a set of Objects (mainly Strings) that I would like to share inside
my web application for each user. So I was thinking about setting all these
objects using the HttpSession object. (using the methods getAttribute() and

But in a second thought, as there are only a few String that I need to
share. I could easily pass them as parameters to my Action classes.

So, I was wondering what's the right way ? If there's only a few Strings,
isn't it easier to pass them as parameters instead of using the session
object ?

Thanx in advance for your replys.

Friendly Regards,

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Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?
Lisa: They must have 

iterate problem

2002-03-10 Thread Oliver Kiessler

my problem:
i have a bean with two ArrayLists. my action class gets the results from
the database and puts them into the appropriate Arraylist. Then the
whole bean is appended to the session.

so in my view page i would like to iterate thru the ArrayLists of my
bean. BUT i need to generate a hyperlink with something like that:

a*in here the value from arraylist1 from the
bean**in here the value from arraylist2 from the bean*/abr
.* next hyperlink*

how do i have to use the logic:iterate tag?

something like that apparently doesn't work

logic:iterate name=bean property=arraylist1 id=a1
logic:iterate name=bean property=arraylist2 id=a2

a name=a1 /bean:write
name=a2 //abr


am i missing something? or do i have to populate my bean differently?
Different collection type maybe?

thanks, oliver

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Re: iterate problem

2002-03-10 Thread David M. Karr

 Oliver == Oliver Kiessler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oliver hi,
Oliver my problem:
Oliver i have a bean with two ArrayLists. my action class gets the results from
Oliver the database and puts them into the appropriate Arraylist. Then the
Oliver whole bean is appended to the session.

Oliver so in my view page i would like to iterate thru the ArrayLists of my
Oliver bean. BUT i need to generate a hyperlink with something like that:

Oliver a*in here the value from arraylist1 from the
Oliver bean**in here the value from arraylist2 from the bean*/abr
Oliver .* next hyperlink*

Oliver how do i have to use the logic:iterate tag?

Oliver something like that apparently doesn't work

Oliver logic:iterate name=bean property=arraylist1 id=a1
Oliver type=java.lang.String
Oliver logic:iterate name=bean property=arraylist2 id=a2
Oliver type=java.lang.String

Oliver a name=a1 /bean:write
Oliver name=a2 //abr

Oliver /logic:iterate
Oliver /logic:iterate

Oliver am i missing something? or do i have to populate my bean differently?
Oliver Different collection type maybe?

So are you saying that your two arraylists have to be iterated in parallel?
They have the same number of items and item N from the first arraylist is
associated with item N from the second arraylist?

If so, I'd recommend you create a new bean class containing the two associated
properties, and build a single arraylist of those beans.

David M. Karr  ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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I'm bagging my head on the keyboard on this one: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

2002-03-10 Thread Kevin J. Turner

I'm getting this error message:

Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

(PlayerMessageForm is a form bean in my project)

Here is that path I am following (struts-config entries to follow:
1) (other actions.. omitted for brevity)
2) /, which forwards to...
3) /messaging/start.jsp, which submits to
4) /, which forwards to...
5) /, which forwards to...
6) /messaging/playerList.jsp, where I get the error message

I know for a fact that the action does complete its
processing. I verified this with the debugger and also with
System.out statements. Its when it tries to load the JSP page,
player_list.jsp. that it craps out. Even with the following bare-
bones version of player_list.jsp:

-- snip --
  html:form action=/

-- snip --

I have the following mappings (among others) in my struts-config.xml

-- snip --
form-beans type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean
  form-bean name=playerMessageForm
 ype=com.dceg.webapps.messaging.PlayerMessageForm /
action path=/messageTypesPOST
  forward name=allPlayers path=/ /
  forward name=playerList path=/ /
  forward name=gameTypes  path=/ /

action path=/playerListPRE
   forward name=next path=/messaging/player_list.jsp/

-- snip --

So what is causing Cannot retrieve definition for form bean
PlayerMessageForm error??? Anyone?

Kevin J. Turner / dot com Entertainment Group
150 Randall Street, Oakville, Ontario L6J 1P4
telephone: 905.337.8524 fax: 905.337.8630

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RE: Problem with Struts, Tiles, getAString, and bean:write

2002-03-10 Thread Molitor, Stephen


Thanks for responding.  It's a random problem; hard to reproduce.  The app
will run fine for a while.  However, once a page starts getting the error,
it consistently gets it.  You can never go back to that page, without
rebooting the servlet container.  To reproduce it, I'll need to write a test
script that looped forever, exercising the app, until the error occured.

I'm using JDK 1.3.0, with WebLogic 5.1, SP8.  We're upgrading to WebLogic
6.1 sometime this week, so I'll see if that fixes the problem.  Upgrading to
WebLogic 5.1, SP10 might also fix it.

Anyway, it's very perplexing!

Steve Molitor

-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 3:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem with Struts, Tiles, getAString, and bean:write

  It's the first report of such problem. Is it a random problem, or can you
reproduce it as you want ?
  Stack trace indicate a runtime failure. Maybe you can try to recompile
with jars and Java set in your environment.
  Do you use java1.3 or 1.4 ? Tiles and Struts are compiled with 1.3.


Molitor, Stephen wrote:

 I'm using Tiles with Struts.  In my tiles layout page, I'm setting the
 for the page using 'getAsString'.  The instantiating page sets the 'title'
 property using Struts' bean:write tag, to get the internationalized title
 string.  Usually this works.  However, sometimes it blows up, with the
 message and stack trace below.  The same page will work for a while, and
 then blow up.  Once you get the error, that page is hosed up, you have to
 reboot the servlet server to get back to it.  Has anyone seen this error?
 Any help would be appreciated.

 Thanks in advance,

 Steve Molitor

 Here's the stack trace:

 javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in custom tag
 at jsp_servlet._jsp._applayout._jspService(
 at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(





 at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(





 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(






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RE: I'm bagging my head on the keyboard on this one: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

2002-03-10 Thread Chris Means

Is this a typo or maybe the problem:

-- snip --
form-beans type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean
  form-bean name=playerMessageForm
 ype=com.dceg.webapps.messaging.PlayerMessageForm /

You'll notice that you have ype not type.

My names' not Syntax Error for nothing!

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin J. Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 12:57 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: I'm bagging my head on the keyboard on this one: Cannot
 retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

 I'm getting this error message:

 Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

 (PlayerMessageForm is a form bean in my project)

 Here is that path I am following (struts-config entries to follow:
 1) (other actions.. omitted for brevity)
 2) /, which forwards to...
 3) /messaging/start.jsp, which submits to
 4) /, which forwards to...
 5) /, which forwards to...
 6) /messaging/playerList.jsp, where I get the error message

 I know for a fact that the action does complete its
 processing. I verified this with the debugger and also with
 System.out statements. Its when it tries to load the JSP page,
 player_list.jsp. that it craps out. Even with the following bare-
 bones version of player_list.jsp:

 -- snip --
   html:form action=/

 -- snip --

 I have the following mappings (among others) in my struts-config.xml

 -- snip --
 form-beans type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean
   form-bean name=playerMessageForm
  ype=com.dceg.webapps.messaging.PlayerMessageForm /
 action path=/messageTypesPOST
   forward name=allPlayers path=/ /
   forward name=playerList path=/ /
   forward name=gameTypes  path=/ /

 action path=/playerListPRE
forward name=next path=/messaging/player_list.jsp/

 -- snip --

 So what is causing Cannot retrieve definition for form bean
 PlayerMessageForm error??? Anyone?

 Kevin J. Turner / dot com Entertainment Group
 150 Randall Street, Oakville, Ontario L6J 1P4
 telephone: 905.337.8524 fax: 905.337.8630

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Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?

2002-03-10 Thread Bin Zhou


Passing parameters using query string is ok. There are some benefits you get 
get like user can book mark it and get back to the page later on easily. The 
problem with the query string is that there is some size limitation there. I 
do not remember the exact size of the string you can pass on. It might be 
something like 8k.

A lot of populate site are using this to do it and some application use URL 
rewriting which basically is passing parameter by query string if the client 
browser disable the cookies.

Hope this help.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 17:25:42 +0100


Thanks for your answer :)

The fact is I don't have any EJB. So I think I'll just use the HttpSession 
object :)
And about passing the strings as parameters* of my Action classes ? Was it 
a bad idea ? If so, why ?

* What I mean by parameters is for example doing the following:
where param1 and param2 are my actual parameters
and then in the Action classes, I'll use the getParameter() method

Thanks again,

At 10:27 10/03/2002 -0500, Someone poor demented soul by the name of Bin 
Zhou presented us with the following text which may contain useless 

I think I now understand what you are asking about.

Basically I think your understanding of the session bean is right. In web 
application, we usually put the session bean as an object in the http 
session.  I think the following are what you may think when deciding which 
way to use:

1. Do you have an application supporting EJB? Say you do not have it, then 
you may have to use the http session to achieve this

2. How you want to view those string objects?  Are they coupled with any 
EJB as the bean's internal state? If that is the case, it may be better to 
go into the bean. This is better from the OOD standpoint

3. Is either of them working? Yes. Technically both should be fine.



Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 12:22:10 +0100

Hi Bin,

I think I wasn't clear enough. Because, that's exactly what I want to do 
! :)
I just want to have a session scope Object.

So, let me reformulate my problem:

I have, for example, 3 Strings. The contents of these Strings can 
dynamically change. These Strings contain different values between each 
user. So, normally you'll set that values into a cookie placed at the 
Client's computer. But I don't want to do that, so I was first thinking 
about a session bean. That bean would contain those Strings and will be 
instanciated for each user (am I wrong ?).
So normally, a session bean will be perfect in that case, won't it ?
But, if I understood right, the session bean is placed into the 
HttpSession object. So, why not place those Strings directly into the 
HttpSession object ? (using the getAttribute and the setAttribute 

But, after a second thought, as I don't have only 3 (or 5) Strings to 
share (between all my Action classes) during a session of a user. I was 
thinking that maybe, placing those Strings as parameters of my Action 
classes would be sufficient.

So between those 2 solutions, which one is the best ? And is there maybe 
a better solution ?

Voilà, I hope that now I made myself clear (please excuse my poor English 

I also hope, I didn't tell to much stupidities (I'm just a newbie :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Friendly Regards,

PS: sorry for the long reply...

At 20:31 9/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Neither way will work for you as the session object will be for a single 
user only. Putting things in the URL query string has the same effect. 
What you should be looking for may be Appliation scope object or some 
other ways like persist the data to the database or server file etc.

Hope this helps.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: What's the rigth way to do it ?
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 23:30:24 +0100


I have a set of Objects (mainly Strings) that I would like to share 
my web application for each user. So I was thinking about setting all 
objects using the HttpSession object. (using the methods getAttribute() 

But in a second thought, as there are only a few String that I need to
share. I could easily pass them as parameters to my Action classes.

So, I was wondering what's the right way ? If there's only a few 
isn't it easier to pass them as parameters instead of using the session
object ?

Thanx in advance for your replys.

Friendly Regards,

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RE: I'm bagging my head on the keyboard on this one: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

2002-03-10 Thread Kevin J. Turner

On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 13:29:01 -0600, Chris Means wrote:
Is this a typo or maybe the problem:

-- snip --
form-beans type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean
form-bean name=playerMessageForm
ype=com.dceg.webapps.messaging.PlayerMessageForm /

You'll notice that you have ype not type.

My names' not Syntax Error for nothing!

No that was just from evidently bad cutting-n-pasting.

It *does* have type


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Re: iterate problem

2002-03-10 Thread Oliver Kiessler

ok. you are right. i created a class class1 with two properties. in
the action class i create a bean with an arraylist of all class1

in my view i then iterate thru the arraylist of the bean and display the
two properties of type class1.


thanks, oliver

Am Son, 2002-03-10 um 19.00 schrieb David M. Karr:
  Oliver == Oliver Kiessler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Oliver hi,
 Oliver my problem:
 Oliver i have a bean with two ArrayLists. my action class gets the results from
 Oliver the database and puts them into the appropriate Arraylist. Then the
 Oliver whole bean is appended to the session.
 Oliver so in my view page i would like to iterate thru the ArrayLists of my
 Oliver bean. BUT i need to generate a hyperlink with something like that:
 Oliver a*in here the value from arraylist1 from the
 Oliver bean**in here the value from arraylist2 from the bean*/abr
 Oliver .* next hyperlink*
 Oliver how do i have to use the logic:iterate tag?
 Oliver something like that apparently doesn't work
 Oliver logic:iterate name=bean property=arraylist1 id=a1
 Oliver type=java.lang.String
 Oliver logic:iterate name=bean property=arraylist2 id=a2
 Oliver type=java.lang.String
 Oliver a name=a1 /bean:write
 Oliver name=a2 //abr
 Oliver   /logic:iterate
 Oliver /logic:iterate
 Oliver am i missing something? or do i have to populate my bean differently?
 Oliver Different collection type maybe?
 So are you saying that your two arraylists have to be iterated in parallel?
 They have the same number of items and item N from the first arraylist is
 associated with item N from the second arraylist?
 If so, I'd recommend you create a new bean class containing the two associated
 properties, and build a single arraylist of those beans.
 David M. Karr  ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++
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gnupg key:

Ubi non accusator, ibi non judex.

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Re: I'm bagging my head on the keyboard on this one: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

2002-03-10 Thread Chuck Cavaness

The exception gets thrown from the FormTag in the following code:

  // Look up the form bean definition
  FormBeanConfig formBeanConfig = 
  if (formBeanConfig == null) {
JspException e = new JspException
 (messages.getMessage(formTag.formBean, mapping.getName()));
e,  PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
   throw e;

If you look at the code, it seems like the only reason this exception is 
thrown is if it can't find a FormBeanConfig with the name returned by 
mapping.getName(). I would suggest that you turn your debugging levels up 
high and look at the log output. It could be something as simple as a 
ClassPath issue or for some reason, the framework is not able to find or 
load the .class file. I'm sure that you have ruled out a typo between the 
form-bean definition and the value used in the action?

You could also put a few print lines in the FormTag class and recompile. 
That would for sure tell you what's going on.

Just a few thoughts,

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RE: design flaw if using a template...

2002-03-10 Thread Keith Chew

Hi Matt

I have done more research over the weekend and this is what I have found:

The multiple *.do only works in Resin, not Tomcat. In Tomcat, this is the

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot forward after response has been

Further investigation shows that Tomcat is calling flushBuffer() after the
first forward. Resin handles this differently, as shown in this post I

-Original Message-
From: Andreas Junghans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 1:09 AM
To: Tomcat Developers List
Subject: Re: HttpServletResponseWrapper error.

Hi Jay,

 This works with Resin. However, in Tomcat, when I wrap the response, I
 commit the original response object and can not forward to a thank you
 page. I catch a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after
 response has been committed. In my debug tests, the response is committed
 during the RequestDispatchers forward method.

I've had a similar case. The problem is that Tomcat calls flushBuffer() on
the response, which seems to be completely legal regarding the Servlet
spec. Calling flushBuffer() commits the response, and after that, no forward
is possible.

If Resin behaves differently, this is probably due to a different buffer
size or different buffer handling. Perhaps Resin doesn't call flushBuffer()
at all, which (in my understanding) is just as spec compliant as Tomcat's

What you have to do is override flushBuffer() in your response wrapper to
prevent HttpServletResponseWrapper from passing the flush to the original
response. In my case, I simply added an empty flushBuffer() method to the
wrapper, and it worked. However, you should note that some containers
_might_ rely on the side effects of the original flushBuffer() (e.g. that
exceptions are raised when calling methods like sendRedirect() afterwards).
Although this is highly unlikely, you have to simulate these effects in
your wrapper if you want to be _absolutely_ sure your application runs in
every container.


  Andreas Junghans

I have tried the latest version of Tomcat 4.0.3, but no joy.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 8 March 2002 11:04 a.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

I'm glad you've found a solution. I'd still say you're misusing
template:insert though, because it's not really a template that you're
inserting but if it works, it works.

-Original Message-
From: Keith Chew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 March 2002 21:15
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

Hi Matt

I am such an idiot.

In my template.jsp, I have:

template:insert template=/

This is equivalent to a jsp include. My mistake was forwards to
new.jsp after getting the data from the database.

However, news.jsp uses template.jsp too!! So it's trying to go into an
infinite loop!

I have changed new.jsp to just return the news. It's going well.

Thank you very much for all you help.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 7 March 2002 3:31 p.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

Keith, they're not the same thing, by any means. As you said, if you use
your method:
template:insert template=/ /
you get a too many servlet includes `/template.jsp' error. This is doesn't
really suprise me at all - you're basically trying to use something which
blatantly isn't a template, as a template.

However if you use the method I outlined in my examples, i.e. you put
content into a template, whether this content is a .jsp or an action mapping
url - it works.

Honestly, just use template:put as it is documented and your problems will
be solved.


-Original Message-
From: Keith Chew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 March 2002 02:18
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

Hi Matt

I will try this again tonight. But I am doing the same as you (well, just
another way):

In template.jsp, you can either go:

template:get name=somecontent/

if you have passed in somecontent to the template, eg in thepage.jsp:

template:insert template=/template.jsp
template:put name=somecontent content=/ /

This is what you have done. Alternatively, in template.jsp, you can go:

template:insert template=/

if you don't pass somecontent to template.jsp. The line above is just like
a jsp:include tag.

Anyway, I will test this again tonight. I hope it's something stupid I have
done. I will also report the exact exception after the test.

Thanks again Matt.


-Original Message-

RE: live progress...

2002-03-10 Thread Keith Chew

Thank you all for your suggestions. I think I'll go for the refresh page


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, 9 March 2002 10:07 a.m.
Subject: Re: live progress...

You could search the archives for dynamic web pages - several helpful
suggestions given when I posed similar question - pushlets seem pretty

Or you can just create the ouput in your action, and stream the info to the
page until it's done.


03/07/2002 09:01:35 PM

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List

To:Struts Users Mailing List
cc: (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:live progress...


I would like to implement a live progress on a JSP, something like:

time = 0s
Synchronizing database...

time = 5s
Synchronizing database... DONE!
Sending mail to keith...

time =10s
Synchronizing database... DONE!
Sending mail to keith... DONE!

Essentially, I need to flush the ouput to the page correct? Can I do this
from the Action class? I doubt this can be achieved because the MVC
architecture forces you to prepare the entire data for view. So, you cannot
flush part of the view from the Action.

Anyone done this kind of thing?


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Server-side Charting libs?

2002-03-10 Thread Bryan Field-Elliot

I was wondering if anyone has any positive experience with open-source
charting libraries, with Struts?

I need to generate a chart on the server (from a Struts action) and send
it back to the client as a Jpeg, PNG, etc.

I have messed with (a tiny bit) JFreeChart and Chart2d. Both appear (at
first glance) to have issues with headless environments, which my
server definitely is (no X server installed). I'm using JDK 1.3. At one
point I read that JDK 1.4 has better support for graphics primitives on
headless environments, but I don't know if the above two libraries can
take advantage of that.

A penny for anyone's thoughts?


Re: image from database servlet problem -- pooling issue?

2002-03-10 Thread Eddie Bush

From what everyone says, the Struts connection pool is not robust enough to
handle much of a load.  I would seriously consider snagging Poolman off of and plugging that into your application to see if you still
have the same behavior.



- Original Message -
From: Matthew Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 2:49 AM
Subject: image from database servlet problem -- pooling issue?

 I am seeing strange behaviour with a servlet I wrote to return an image
 from a database table. I'm not sure if it's struts related or not, but I
 am relying on a datasource defined in the struts-config.xml. It might be
 a silly mistake in the servlet code itself even.

 I've attached the struts-config.xml which shows my datasource
 definition, the web.xml where I define the servlet and provide an
 initialization parameter, the servlet code ( and a
 simple test.jsp page.

 The code I have seems to work most of the time (about 25/30 requests)
 before failing a couple of times. The log.txt attachment shows the
 result of doing:

while true
  lwp-request \
  'http://localhost:8080/shona/servlets/photo?id=1class=thumbnail' \
  | wc -c

 (just sequential requests)

 The error.txt attachment shows the exception information generated when
 a request fails. Note there seem to be two types of exceptions occuring
 here: a low level jdbc error, and a no results returned error.

 I've played with the maxCount and minCount parameters in the struts
 datasource definition. Same results, except in the case of several
 simultaneous requests to the servlet -- in which case raising maxCount
 seems to prolong the interval between exceptions.

 It's really been baffling me for a while now. What could be going wrong?
 Am I seeing a limitation of Struts' connection pool perhaps? Even if
 it's not struts related, suggestions would still be very welcome.


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RE: design flaw if using a template...

2002-03-10 Thread Matt Read

Hmm, that's fairly annoying isn't it. I only use Resin myself which is
lucky, thanks for pointing this out though, good to know that I can just
release my WAR onto tomcat and expect it to work.

-Original Message-
From: Keith Chew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 March 2002 20:26
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

Hi Matt

I have done more research over the weekend and this is what I have found:

The multiple *.do only works in Resin, not Tomcat. In Tomcat, this is the

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot forward after response has been

Further investigation shows that Tomcat is calling flushBuffer() after the
first forward. Resin handles this differently, as shown in this post I

-Original Message-
From: Andreas Junghans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 1:09 AM
To: Tomcat Developers List
Subject: Re: HttpServletResponseWrapper error.

Hi Jay,

 This works with Resin. However, in Tomcat, when I wrap the response, I
 commit the original response object and can not forward to a thank you
 page. I catch a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after
 response has been committed. In my debug tests, the response is committed
 during the RequestDispatchers forward method.

I've had a similar case. The problem is that Tomcat calls flushBuffer() on
the response, which seems to be completely legal regarding the Servlet
spec. Calling flushBuffer() commits the response, and after that, no forward
is possible.

If Resin behaves differently, this is probably due to a different buffer
size or different buffer handling. Perhaps Resin doesn't call flushBuffer()
at all, which (in my understanding) is just as spec compliant as Tomcat's

What you have to do is override flushBuffer() in your response wrapper to
prevent HttpServletResponseWrapper from passing the flush to the original
response. In my case, I simply added an empty flushBuffer() method to the
wrapper, and it worked. However, you should note that some containers
_might_ rely on the side effects of the original flushBuffer() (e.g. that
exceptions are raised when calling methods like sendRedirect() afterwards).
Although this is highly unlikely, you have to simulate these effects in
your wrapper if you want to be _absolutely_ sure your application runs in
every container.


  Andreas Junghans

I have tried the latest version of Tomcat 4.0.3, but no joy.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 8 March 2002 11:04 a.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

I'm glad you've found a solution. I'd still say you're misusing
template:insert though, because it's not really a template that you're
inserting but if it works, it works.

-Original Message-
From: Keith Chew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 March 2002 21:15
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

Hi Matt

I am such an idiot.

In my template.jsp, I have:

template:insert template=/

This is equivalent to a jsp include. My mistake was forwards to
new.jsp after getting the data from the database.

However, news.jsp uses template.jsp too!! So it's trying to go into an
infinite loop!

I have changed new.jsp to just return the news. It's going well.

Thank you very much for all you help.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 7 March 2002 3:31 p.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

Keith, they're not the same thing, by any means. As you said, if you use
your method:
template:insert template=/ /
you get a too many servlet includes `/template.jsp' error. This is doesn't
really suprise me at all - you're basically trying to use something which
blatantly isn't a template, as a template.

However if you use the method I outlined in my examples, i.e. you put
content into a template, whether this content is a .jsp or an action mapping
url - it works.

Honestly, just use template:put as it is documented and your problems will
be solved.


-Original Message-
From: Keith Chew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 March 2002 02:18
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: design flaw if using a template...

Hi Matt

I will try this again tonight. But I am doing the same as you (well, just
another way):

In template.jsp, you can either go:

template:get name=somecontent/

if you have passed in somecontent to the template, eg in thepage.jsp:

template:insert template=/template.jsp
template:put name=somecontent content=/ /

This is what you have 

Re: I'm bagging my head on the keyboard on this one: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

2002-03-10 Thread Mikael Eriksson


  The problem should be in your mapping for the editMessage action, since
that is what the form refers to. Since the error message has 
with a capital 'P' and the name in the struts-config for the bean is
playerMessageForm with a 'p', you might have that misspelling in the
editMessage mapping.


At 13:57 2002-03-10 -0500, you wrote:
I'm getting this error message:

Cannot retrieve definition for form bean PlayerMessageForm

(PlayerMessageForm is a form bean in my project)

Here is that path I am following (struts-config entries to follow:
1) (other actions.. omitted for brevity)
2) /, which forwards to...
3) /messaging/start.jsp, which submits to
4) /, which forwards to...
5) /, which forwards to...
6) /messaging/playerList.jsp, where I get the error message

I know for a fact that the action does complete its
processing. I verified this with the debugger and also with
System.out statements. Its when it tries to load the JSP page,
player_list.jsp. that it craps out. Even with the following bare-
bones version of player_list.jsp:

-- snip --
   html:form action=/

-- snip --

I have the following mappings (among others) in my struts-config.xml

-- snip --
form-beans type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean
   form-bean name=playerMessageForm
  ype=com.dceg.webapps.messaging.PlayerMessageForm /
action path=/messageTypesPOST
   forward name=allPlayers path=/ /
   forward name=playerList path=/ /
   forward name=gameTypes  path=/ /

action path=/playerListPRE
forward name=next path=/messaging/player_list.jsp/

-- snip --

So what is causing Cannot retrieve definition for form bean
PlayerMessageForm error??? Anyone?

Kevin J. Turner / dot com Entertainment Group
150 Randall Street, Oakville, Ontario L6J 1P4
telephone: 905.337.8524 fax: 905.337.8630

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RE: Server-side Charting libs?

2002-03-10 Thread Matt Read

I use jCharts ( which is the best I've found for the
actual chart creation but you still have the same problem with the Java 1.3
AWT libraries needing an X server. I just use Xvfb which seems to work fine,
let me know if you need any help configuring it. Other than that I've also
looked at the Java 1.4, attempted to follow the instructions at
with no luck and went back to Xvfb. Let me know if you get it working.


-Original Message-
From: Bryan Field-Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 March 2002 22:04
Subject: Server-side Charting libs?

I was wondering if anyone has any positive experience with open-source
charting libraries, with Struts?

I need to generate a chart on the server (from a Struts action) and send
it back to the client as a Jpeg, PNG, etc.

I have messed with (a tiny bit) JFreeChart and Chart2d. Both appear (at
first glance) to have issues with headless environments, which my
server definitely is (no X server installed). I'm using JDK 1.3. At one
point I read that JDK 1.4 has better support for graphics primitives on
headless environments, but I don't know if the above two libraries can
take advantage of that.

A penny for anyone's thoughts?


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RE: Server-side Charting libs?

2002-03-10 Thread Bryan Field-Elliot


I don't know what Xvfb is, can you give me a pointer to an explanation?
Is it something that's part of AWT, or part of jCharts, or something



On Sun, 2002-03-10 at 15:12, Matt Read wrote:

I use jCharts ( which is the best I've found for the
actual chart creation but you still have the same problem with the Java 1.3
AWT libraries needing an X server. I just use Xvfb which seems to work fine,
let me know if you need any help configuring it. Other than that I've also
looked at the Java 1.4, attempted to follow the instructions at
with no luck and went back to Xvfb. Let me know if you get it working.


-Original Message-
From: Bryan Field-Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 March 2002 22:04
Subject: Server-side Charting libs?

I was wondering if anyone has any positive experience with open-source
charting libraries, with Struts?

I need to generate a chart on the server (from a Struts action) and send
it back to the client as a Jpeg, PNG, etc.

I have messed with (a tiny bit) JFreeChart and Chart2d. Both appear (at
first glance) to have issues with headless environments, which my
server definitely is (no X server installed). I'm using JDK 1.3. At one
point I read that JDK 1.4 has better support for graphics primitives on
headless environments, but I don't know if the above two libraries can
take advantage of that.

A penny for anyone's thoughts?


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RE: Server-side Charting libs?

2002-03-10 Thread Matt Read

X Virtual Frame Buffer - it's part of xfree86 and stands in for a full
X-server when you don't actually need one, i.e. on a web-server. Have a look
at and search for How can I
setup a virtual framebuffer for Linux?.


-Original Message-
From: Bryan Field-Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 March 2002 22:21
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Server-side Charting libs?


I don't know what Xvfb is, can you give me a pointer to an explanation?
Is it something that's part of AWT, or part of jCharts, or something



On Sun, 2002-03-10 at 15:12, Matt Read wrote:

I use jCharts ( which is the best I've found for
actual chart creation but you still have the same problem with the Java
AWT libraries needing an X server. I just use Xvfb which seems to work
let me know if you need any help configuring it. Other than that I've
looked at the Java 1.4, attempted to follow the instructions at
with no luck and went back to Xvfb. Let me know if you get it working.


-Original Message-
From: Bryan Field-Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 March 2002 22:04
Subject: Server-side Charting libs?

I was wondering if anyone has any positive experience with open-source
charting libraries, with Struts?

I need to generate a chart on the server (from a Struts action) and send
it back to the client as a Jpeg, PNG, etc.

I have messed with (a tiny bit) JFreeChart and Chart2d. Both appear (at
first glance) to have issues with headless environments, which my
server definitely is (no X server installed). I'm using JDK 1.3. At one
point I read that JDK 1.4 has better support for graphics primitives on
headless environments, but I don't know if the above two libraries can
take advantage of that.

A penny for anyone's thoughts?


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RE: Server-side Charting libs?

2002-03-10 Thread Bill Lynch


 I don't know what Xvfb is, can you give me a pointer to an explanation?
 Is it something that's part of AWT, or part of jCharts, or something

An alternative to Xvfb is the PJA Toolkit:


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setting server side parm in Javascript?

2002-03-10 Thread theron . kousek

Hi Folks:

I'm doing a mimic-JTabbedPane approach.   I have a screen with 5 tabs.I
am using 1 form object and 5 action mappings...

On tab 4, I'd like to detect changes made to a field on tab 1. I notice
I can change the field on tab 1 but tab 4 does not know about until the
form is submitted.I can't submit the form...

I'd like to have a Javascript handler that implements the onchange() and
somehow sets a session attribute or some kind of trigger that tells tab 4
to reload itself when this field on tab 1 has changed.I notice if I
change these values, the form object will not get the new values until you
hit submit.Having the javascript function call submit is not an option
either...   Any ideas on how best to do this??

If I could access my form-bean directly within the Javascript method, that
would be an option to (as I could call the set method on the form object)
but I am not sure if the javascript can access the form object directly and
call a set method?


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Re: image from database servlet problem -- pooling issue?

2002-03-10 Thread Adam Skobodzinski - subscriptions

It looks that the problem is in the way you check whether query returned
if (stmt1.executeQuery().getFetchSize() == 0) {
throw new ServletException(class is invalid: class =  +
fetchSize is only a hint for the JDBC driver as to how many records should
it fetch from a database. It does not tell you actual number of records
returned from your query.
You servlet fails when there is no records for a given combination of id
and class parameters

To check if query returned any records simply use:
if ({
  write image to output
//no records found

If there is no image for a given combination id and class you should
probably returne 404 status code to the client instead of throwing an
Check you access logs to see which requests are causing those errors.

- Original Message -
From: Matthew Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 3:49 AM
Subject: image from database servlet problem -- pooling issue?

 I am seeing strange behaviour with a servlet I wrote to return an image
 from a database table. I'm not sure if it's struts related or not, but I
 am relying on a datasource defined in the struts-config.xml. It might be
 a silly mistake in the servlet code itself even.

 I've attached the struts-config.xml which shows my datasource
 definition, the web.xml where I define the servlet and provide an
 initialization parameter, the servlet code ( and a
 simple test.jsp page.

 The code I have seems to work most of the time (about 25/30 requests)
 before failing a couple of times. The log.txt attachment shows the
 result of doing:

while true
  lwp-request \
  'http://localhost:8080/shona/servlets/photo?id=1class=thumbnail' \
  | wc -c

 (just sequential requests)

 The error.txt attachment shows the exception information generated when
 a request fails. Note there seem to be two types of exceptions occuring
 here: a low level jdbc error, and a no results returned error.

 I've played with the maxCount and minCount parameters in the struts
 datasource definition. Same results, except in the case of several
 simultaneous requests to the servlet -- in which case raising maxCount
 seems to prolong the interval between exceptions.

 It's really been baffling me for a while now. What could be going wrong?
 Am I seeing a limitation of Struts' connection pool perhaps? Even if
 it's not struts related, suggestions would still be very welcome.


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nested:iterate - set method not called

2002-03-10 Thread Elijah Jacobs


I am able to list the elements on  my Vector just fine, but I noticed that
when I do a submit the set method is not being called, hence the field is
empty when it gets to the action class.

Can someone suggest to me what the problem might be? my code is below.

- ej

*** code 
public Vector extrainfo;

// call successfully
public Object[] getExtrainfo() {...}

//Not being called on submit
 public void setExtrainfo(Object[] infoList) {...}

*** code 

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RE: nested:iterate - set method not called

2002-03-10 Thread Barr, Scott [IBM GSA]

Could it be that the html field in your jsp is named 'extraInfo' (uppercase
'i'), and the setter is using a lowercase 'i' in the word info?


 -Original Message-
 From: Elijah Jacobs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 10:27 AM
 To:   Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject:  nested:iterate -  set method not called
 I am able to list the elements on  my Vector just fine, but I noticed that
 when I do a submit the set method is not being called, hence the field is
 empty when it gets to the action class.
 Can someone suggest to me what the problem might be? my code is below.
 - ej
 *** code 
 public Vector extrainfo;
 // call successfully
 public Object[] getExtrainfo() {...}
 //Not being called on submit
  public void setExtrainfo(Object[] infoList) {...}
 *** code 
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Re: nested:iterate - set method not called

2002-03-10 Thread Elijah Jacobs

thanks for the reply, Scott

My syntax looks okay on the jsp side and since the getExtrainfo method is
being called it puzzles me that the set method is not being called on
nested:iterate property=extrainfo
  nested:text property=name/

- ej
- Original Message -
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 7:03 PM
Subject: RE: nested:iterate - set method not called

 Could it be that the html field in your jsp is named 'extraInfo'
 'i'), and the setter is using a lowercase 'i' in the word info?


  -Original Message-
  From: Elijah Jacobs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 10:27 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: nested:iterate -  set method not called
  I am able to list the elements on  my Vector just fine, but I noticed
  when I do a submit the set method is not being called, hence the field
  empty when it gets to the action class.
  Can someone suggest to me what the problem might be? my code is below.
  - ej
  *** code 
  public Vector extrainfo;
  // call successfully
  public Object[] getExtrainfo() {...}
  //Not being called on submit
   public void setExtrainfo(Object[] infoList) {...}
  *** code 
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Found Solution to setting server side parm in Javascript BUT....

2002-03-10 Thread theron . kousek

After spending 2 hours trying to find a solution to this, I found one by
trial and error...

Here's what I did but I can't believe it's this difficult to do...

Here's my checkfield property that needs to force a form value to be

 html:select property=psdProductType size=1
  html:options collection=psbusinesstype

Here's the javascript function:

 function setCurrProductType(inProductType) {
  alert(Setting curr product type to:  + inProductType);

and here's the SetProperty.jsp
%@ taglib uri=/struts-bean prefix=bean %

bean:define id=psInfo name=psSession type=express.EBPsSession scope
=session /
bean:define id=psForm name=psForm type=express.psForm scope
=session /

 // If they changed the product type on the first page, set it
 // here in the form object...
 String sCurrProductType=request.getParameter(enteredPt);
 System.out.println(Current Product Type =  +
  +  current page =  + psInfo.getCurrpage());

jsp:forward page=PsPage.jsp/

So in essence, the forward tag simply causes control to come back to the
page I was on...   But in-between, I was able to set a form bean
propertyAgain my problem is the form bean property is not updated
until you hit the submit button...   In this case, I don't want a submit to
occur when you change the contents of the dropdown.   Only the property for
that drop down should change...   After adding this, when I click to go to
the 4th tab, the action now sees the newly changed value

It works BUT I have to believe there's a better way!!!I open to any

theron.kousek   To: Struts Users Mailing List 
03/10/02 cc:   
02:32 PM Subject: setting server side parm in 
respond to 
Struts Users   
Mailing List   

Hi Folks:

I'm doing a mimic-JTabbedPane approach.   I have a screen with 5 tabs.I
am using 1 form object and 5 action mappings...

On tab 4, I'd like to detect changes made to a field on tab 1. I notice
I can change the field on tab 1 but tab 4 does not know about until the
form is submitted.I can't submit the form...

I'd like to have a Javascript handler that implements the onchange() and
somehow sets a session attribute or some kind of trigger that tells tab 4
to reload itself when this field on tab 1 has changed.I notice if I
change these values, the form object will not get the new values until you
hit submit.Having the javascript function call submit is not an option
either...   Any ideas on how best to do this??

If I could access my form-bean directly within the Javascript method, that
would be an option to (as I could call the set method on the form object)
but I am not sure if the javascript can access the form object directly and
call a set method?


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RE: nested:iterate - set method not called

2002-03-10 Thread Barr, Scott [IBM GSA]

Ahhh, sorry! You are passing in an array of objects. I should read before
replying huh?
Check previous posts for this. I seem to remember something about providing
setItemId methods being used for indexed page elements?


 -Original Message-
 From: Elijah Jacobs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 10:43 AM
 To:   Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject:  Re: nested:iterate -  set method not called
 thanks for the reply, Scott
 My syntax looks okay on the jsp side and since the getExtrainfo method is
 being called it puzzles me that the set method is not being called on
 nested:iterate property=extrainfo
   nested:text property=name/
 - ej
 - Original Message -
 From: Barr, Scott [IBM GSA] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 7:03 PM
 Subject: RE: nested:iterate - set method not called
  Could it be that the html field in your jsp is named 'extraInfo'
  'i'), and the setter is using a lowercase 'i' in the word info?
   -Original Message-
   From: Elijah Jacobs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 10:27 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: nested:iterate -  set method not called
   I am able to list the elements on  my Vector just fine, but I noticed
   when I do a submit the set method is not being called, hence the field
   empty when it gets to the action class.
   Can someone suggest to me what the problem might be? my code is below.
   - ej
   *** code 
   public Vector extrainfo;
   // call successfully
   public Object[] getExtrainfo() {...}
   //Not being called on submit
public void setExtrainfo(Object[] infoList) {...}
   *** code 
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modal window to close based on validation

2002-03-10 Thread srinivas

hi all,

I tried to create a modal dialog, and I am faced with some problems.
The modal window submits a form and normally closes. I would like the
behavior of the modal window to be like this. When the user submit a form,
and if there are any validation errors, then they should be displayed in the
same modal window, other wise it should close.
I have a java script function to close the window. I need to call this
function when there are no errors. Should I use onload event or is there any
better solution for it.

another hurdle.. I would like to keep the size of the modal window's
constant, but the contents of the window is displayed in an inconsistent
size across browsers. Should I use browser font detection and stuff like
that to fix the size of window. Any suggestions are welcome.

thanks in advance,


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Re: nested:iterate - set method not called

2002-03-10 Thread Arron Bates

The getter will only ever be called, as it's the middle-man.
The system only wants to set the name property on the nested bean. It 
will call the getter of the extrainfo object to get at the nested 
bean, and then set its property. Never actually calling the setter of 
the parent bean property.


Elijah Jacobs wrote:

thanks for the reply, Scott

My syntax looks okay on the jsp side and since the getExtrainfo method is
being called it puzzles me that the set method is not being called on
nested:iterate property=extrainfo
  nested:text property=name/

- ej
- Original Message -
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 7:03 PM
Subject: RE: nested:iterate - set method not called

Could it be that the html field in your jsp is named 'extraInfo'


'i'), and the setter is using a lowercase 'i' in the word info?


-Original Message-
From: Elijah Jacobs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 10:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: nested:iterate -  set method not called


I am able to list the elements on  my Vector just fine, but I noticed


when I do a submit the set method is not being called, hence the field


empty when it gets to the action class.

Can someone suggest to me what the problem might be? my code is below.

- ej

*** code 
public Vector extrainfo;

// call successfully
public Object[] getExtrainfo() {...}

//Not being called on submit
 public void setExtrainfo(Object[] infoList) {...}

*** code 

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RE: Need help - bean:define - Desparate

2002-03-10 Thread Thinh Doan

I'd try this:
bean:define id=res name=nameofthisbeaninrequestscope
class=SearchBrowseResults scope=request/
bean:define id=brNode name=res property=browseNode

then to get each brNode properties (if I understood correctly is an
ArrayList), you do a logic:iterate id=brNodeObject name=brNode

bean:write name=brNodeObject property=name/   //assuming there is a
getName in the bean in Arraylist


Best wishes,


-Original Message-
From: Nishant Asthana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 3:50 PM
Subject: Need help - bean:define - Desparate

Hi ,
I have tried to search this archive for problems that I am having with
my JSP, but was not able to get much help.
I am a newbie to JSP customs tags. Please if anyone could
help.Situations kinda grave.
Heres a snapshot of my JSP

jsp:useBean id=res class=SearchBrowseResults scope=request/
bean:define id=brNode name=res property=browseNode/
bean:define id=brNodeName name=brNode property=name/
bean:define id=brNodeId name=brNode property=nodeId/
bean:define id=brNodeProdCount name=brNode property=prodCount/
bean:define id=prods name=res property=products/
bean:define id=parNodes name=brNode property=breadCrumbTrail/
Where : browseNode is a container object or SearchBrowseResults
 products is ArrayList in SearchBrowseResults
 breadCrumbTrail is a Vector in browseNode container.

When I run try to run this JSP, I get the following error. Can someone
help ?
- Nishant

internal error: servlet service function had thrown ServletException
javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property
breadCrumbTrail of bean brNode, stack:
javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property
breadCrumbTrail of bean brNode


at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(




at BrowseServlet.doWork(
at BrowseServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(



, root cause: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for
property breadCrumbTrail of bean brNode

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(




Re: What's the rigth way to do it ?

2002-03-10 Thread

Subject: Re: What's the rigth way to do it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hi Slimane,

It seems that you're using the same parameters or combinations from a
parameter set across various pages.  And links like what you've
mentioned are gonna be referred from a couple of pages?

Can these links be factorized into more general actions like mapped tobla/whiteLie.doso
that your users can still bookmark your pages for further reference (if
allowed) and any change in parameter-value mappings could be done in the
controller config in future?(General practice using Struts, please see
Ted's resources for elaborations)

If no, are the parameter values supposed to change after some period of
time?  If so I guess session object may do the job right.

Well... I'm new to struts too, just tell me if my concepts are wrong.

Tea Yu


 Thanks for your answer :)

 The fact is I don't have any EJB. So I think I'll just use the
 object :)
 And about passing the strings as parameters* of my Action classes ? Was
 a bad idea ? If so, why ?

 * What I mean by parameters is for example doing the following:
 where param1 and param2 are my actual parameters
 and then in the Action classes, I'll use the getParameter() method

 Thanks again,

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Re: Struts and encryption

2002-03-10 Thread Hitesh Bagchi

Hi Tim,
We were faced with a similar dilemma in our app. This is finally what we did :
1. We used MD5 hash to encrypt the password and insert it into the DB.
2. On login user entered password is hashed and matched with the password in the
3. If user forgets his/her password and performs a Change Password then his/her
password is reset.
This is what we do to reset password :
1. On performing Change Password a 32 byte hash key is generated using the user's
UserID and the current timestamp. The first 8 characters is sent to the user in a
mail as his new password and those 8 characters are re-hashed into a 32 byte hash
key and the user's password in the DB is updated with that value.
Hope this helps.


Tim Strong wrote:

 I did some quick research on this recently.

 I struggled between choosing any of the following:

 1. encode/decode password using Java
 2. encode/decode password using database specific methods
 3. hashing the password

 After doing quite a bit of research on the 'net ( mostly), I
 decided to use #3, using a message digest and MD5 hashing.  This is a
 one-way hash, almost impossible to decode.  To authenticate the user, I
 hash the password entered from the login form using this same method and
 compare that with the password hash stored in the database.

 Regarding decrypting the password, based on what I have read, I decided
 that no one, not even the database administrator, should be able to
 decrypt the user's password.

 The following is the method that I use to hash the password.

 public static byte[] encodePassword(byte[] unencodedPassword) {
 log.trace(encodePassword() - Entering);

 MessageDigest md = null;
 try {
 // first create an instance, given the provider
 md = MessageDigest.getInstance(MD5);
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error(Exception: , e);


 // call the update method one or more times
 // (useful when you don't know the size of your data, eg.

 // now calculate the hash
 byte[] encodedPassword = md.digest();

 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

 for (int i=0; i  encodedPassword.length; i++) {
 if (((int) encodedPassword[i]  0xff)  0x10) {
 buf.append(Long.toString((int) encodedPassword[i] 
 0xff, 16));
 log.debug(encodePassword() - Encoded Password:\t + buf);

 log.trace(encodePassword() - Exiting);

 If the user forgets the password, I am still struggling with what to do,
 probably one of the following or both:

 1. reset the password and mail the new password to the user
 2. reset the password and present it to them within the browser

 Both methods I will force the user to change their password the next
 time they login

 I'm not an expert in Java security, so I would be interested in any


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew H. Peterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 9:36 PM
 To: Struts User Forum (E-mail)
 Subject: Struts and encryption

 Is there a struts preferred method of handling encryption/decryption?
 I am
 authenticating users via a database lookup.  I want to store the
 encrypted password in the database.

 If struts doesn't have a preferred method of encryption/decryption, can
 someone point me to a good Java API for  encryption/decryption?



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Using struts with UIX and or BC4J

2002-03-10 Thread Gibson Brad - IL

Has anyone used UIX and or BC4J (Oracle 9iAS) with struts? 
Brad Gibson

Struts with JBuilder5

2002-03-10 Thread Steve

Does anyone know how to get JBuilder5 to include the .tld
files in the WAR file?

I am trying to configure a project based on the struts-blank



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Cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans collection

2002-03-10 Thread nsg
Hi all,

Now,I am developing a web application based struts1.20 + Tomcat3.24.
while I run the excexption occured. error message is listed

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find ActionMappings or
ActionFormBeans collection

what reason causes the problem?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Server-side Charting libs?

2002-03-10 Thread Arron Bates

Java 1.2 should be all you'd need for a good charting package. Not that 
I have a particular library in mind. I have seen one on sourceforge 
someplace. They are out there.

When ever I've needed a chart I've luckily had to the time to piss 
around and make it myself. Java2D in 1.2 should be all anyone needs to 
get the job done. Has the ability for some very sexy imagery.

You can use any charting package, as long as it will render to an Image 
object or some sort (Buffered or otherwise) which you can just pump from 
a Struts action using Sun's own JPEG output stream, which you can get a 
hold of in thier Advanced Imaging Toolkit or something ( 
:) . With that you set the quality etc. As far as I know all the JPEG 
stuff etc is now in 1.4


Bryan Field-Elliot wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has any positive experience with open-source
charting libraries, with Struts?

I need to generate a chart on the server (from a Struts action) and send
it back to the client as a Jpeg, PNG, etc.

I have messed with (a tiny bit) JFreeChart and Chart2d. Both appear (at
first glance) to have issues with headless environments, which my
server definitely is (no X server installed). I'm using JDK 1.3. At one
point I read that JDK 1.4 has better support for graphics primitives on
headless environments, but I don't know if the above two libraries can
take advantage of that.

A penny for anyone's thoughts?


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