Tiles configuration question!

2002-10-29 Thread Roland Carlsson
I have tested some examples with Tiles but encounters some problem when
trying to use a configuration file with my definitions.

As far as I see from the logs it loads the defintions from the
tiles-defs.xml but it doesn't add it to I can reach it.

I post my setup below.

Thanks in advance
Roland Carlsson

My setup:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?

 !DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration//EN

!-- Definitions for Tiles documentation   --

  definition name=123 page=/layout3/page.jsp
put name=header value=/layout3/header.jsp /
put name=footer value=/layout3/footer.jsp /
put name=menu value=/layout3/menu.jsp /
put name=body value=/layout3/body.jsp /

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?

!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
  -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN

  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
set-property property=definitions-config
  value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
set-property property=definitions-debug value=2 /
set-property property=definitions-parser-details value=1 /
set-property property=definitions-parser-validate value=true /

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN

  !-- Action Servlet Configuration --




  !-- Action Servlet Mapping --

  !-- The Welcome File List --

  !-- Struts Tag Library Descriptor --


%page contentType=text/html%
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert beanName=123 flush=true /

Starting service Tomcat-Netbeans
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
2002-okt-29 09:12:30 org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources init
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.util.LocalStrings',
2002-okt-29 09:12:30 org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources init
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.action.ActionResources',
factory loaded : {123={name=123, path=/layout3/page.jsp, role=null,
controller=null, controllerType=null, controllerInstance=null,
attributes={footer=/layout3/footer.jsp, header=/layout3/header.jsp,
menu=/layout3/menu.jsp, body=/layout3/body.jsp}}
Factory initialized from file '/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml'.
MonitorFilter::A web application object caused an exception
MonitorFilter::javax.servlet.ServletException: Error - Tag Insert : No value
defined for bean '123' with property 'null' in scope 'null'.
at org.apache.jsp.page$jsp._jspService(page$jsp.java:88)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)

how to use tokens?

2002-10-29 Thread Gemes Tibor
Is there out on the web some description, howto or manual about how to use 
tokens in struts, and what are they good for? I searched a while, and did not 
find any resource. 



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Resource temporarily unavailable

2002-10-29 Thread Vikram Goyal

This is probably off topic and if so I apologize.

I shifted my hosts from a non JSP one to a JSP one short time ago.  The deal
was 500 MB disk space, 15GB transfer, and private JVM and Resin for 235 USD
a year. Too good to be true? Probably is??

Anyways, this is the problem:

I deployed my Struts specific test war file ( which opens up 10 connections
to the database ) on the server and as soon as I restarted Resin, I started
getting these messages on the screen whenever I tried running a command:

[: =: unary operator expected
bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

Tech support tells me that it is because I have over stepped my allocated
processes (30). Now my question is, would Struts start something behind the
scenes that could make these processes? I have been taking the high stand
and saying that it is not possible that Struts would do such a thing but I
dont know for sure. Tech support just refuses to believe that and think that
is my code.

On a side note, does anybody know of a decent host that would give you a
private JVM for a decent price and good tech support and runs Struts without

Thanks for any help on this.


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Select html tag and it's property

2002-10-29 Thread Rajesh Kanade
Hi All

I am using html:select tag which needs to be multi - select.

DO I need to define properties( getter/setter ) to return/set arrays or
can write ( getter/setter ) which return/set ArrayList instead of Array.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Rajesh Kanade

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Re: Tiles configuration question!

2002-10-29 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Roland Carlsson wrote:

I have tested some examples with Tiles but encounters some problem when
trying to use a configuration file with my definitions.

As far as I see from the logs it loads the defintions from the
tiles-defs.xml but it doesn't add it to I can reach it.

I post my setup below.

Thanks in advance
Roland Carlsson

My setup:


%page contentType=text/html%
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert beanName=123 flush=true /


 You try to access a definition store as a bean in a jsp scope. As you 
haven't defined one, an error is reported:

MonitorFilter::javax.servlet.ServletException: Error - Tag Insert : No value
defined for bean '123' with property 'null' in scope 'null'.

 To access definition from the definition config file, use the 
attribute 'name':

tiles:insert name=123 flush=true /

 This should work.




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RE: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

2002-10-29 Thread flare
  JSTL supports dynabeans transparently
 Could you please supply a scenario and sample code that proves this?

well.. I thought dynabeans were supported cause I'm using them without problem, since 
the JSTL ML told me the full support will be added in the 2.x release I can at least 
say the 
OUT and various FMT tags work fine with them  

% page language=java import=org.apache.commons.beanutils.* %
% taglib prefix=c uri=http://java.sun.com/jstl/core; %

  DynaProperty[] props = new DynaProperty[2];
  BasicDynaClass dClass = null;

  props[0] = new DynaProperty(ciccio);
  props[1] = new DynaProperty(pippo);

  try {dClass = new BasicDynaClass(flare, 
Class.forName(org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaBean), props);
  } catch (Exception e) {  e.printStackTrace(); }

  DynaBean dbean = dClass.newInstance();

 c:out value=${flare.ciccio}/


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Re: Tiles configuration question!

2002-10-29 Thread Roland Carlsson
Hi Cedric!

Thanks for the help. You made me look in the right direction. Name didn't
work though. Definition works.

My page.jsp looks like this and now it works.
%@page contentType=text/html%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
tiles:insert definition=123 /

Thanks again

- Original Message -
From: Cedric Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Tiles configuration question!

 Roland Carlsson wrote:

 I have tested some examples with Tiles but encounters some problem when
 trying to use a configuration file with my definitions.
 As far as I see from the logs it loads the defintions from the
 tiles-defs.xml but it doesn't add it to I can reach it.
 I post my setup below.
 Thanks in advance
 Roland Carlsson
 My setup:

 %@page contentType=text/html%
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
 tiles:insert beanName=123 flush=true /
   You try to access a definition store as a bean in a jsp scope. As you
 haven't defined one, an error is reported:

 MonitorFilter::javax.servlet.ServletException: Error - Tag Insert : No
 defined for bean '123' with property 'null' in scope 'null'.
   To access definition from the definition config file, use the
 attribute 'name':

 tiles:insert name=123 flush=true /

   This should work.




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Re: VerifyError creating action bean in tomcat4 (not tomcat 3.3)

2002-10-29 Thread Steinar Bang
 Steinar Bang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Platform: Intel PIII, RedHat 7.2, apache 1.3.20, ajp1.3
 tomcat 4.1.12, BlackDown Java SDK 1.3.1,
 Struts 1.1-b2, xerces-j 1.4.4

 When I run with tomcat 3.3 my webapp run as expected, but when I try
 it with tomcat 4.1.12, I get a VerifyError when creating one of the
 webapp's Action beans.  The error output is attached to the end of
 this message.
 The action definition from struts-config.xml, is:

   forward name=success  path=/stb/main.jsp/
 [ERROR] RequestProcessor - -No action instance for path /main could be created 
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: no/dod/TPS/corba/stb/WelcomeAction, method: doPerform 

The problem is releated to the use of org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
in the Action bean it can't create.

A call to SAXParser.setContentHandler(), can be left in place, but
when I remove the calls to SAXParser.reset() and SAXParser.parse(), (I
have to remove both) the VerifyError problem goes away.

But of course the Action bean isn't very functional.

I thought this might have something to do with colliding versions of
xerces.jar, so I've replaced
 pathelement location=${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/lib/xerces.jar/
 pathelement location=/usr/share/java/xerces.jar/
,removed xerces.jar from the WEB-INF/lib directory of the compiled
webapp, and done a complete rebuild of the webapp, but I still get the

I belive /usr/share/java/xerces.jar, which is the the version
installed by the xerces-j 1.4.4 RPM, is the version used by tomcat
4.1.12 (is there a way to find out what xerces.jar file it loads?).

Any hints and guesses that might shed some light on this problem, are


- Steinar

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Help needed with Indexed Tags, Contributor taglib by Dave Hays

2002-10-29 Thread Linnea Ahlbeck

I'm using the indexed tag lib written by Dave Hays.

On my jsp page I have the following code:

logic:iterate id=mondayEvent name=calendarForm
   td class=input width=30%html:text name=mondayEvent
property=subject indexed=true//td

In my formbean I have a the following getters:

   public List getMondayEventList() {
  return mondayEventList;

   public CalendarEvent getMondayEvent(int index) {
  return (CalendarEvent) mondayEventList.get(index);

In my CalendarEvent class I have the following getter:

public String getSubject() {
 return subject;

Still, I get the following error message:

javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property subject of
bean mondayEvent

The 'mondayEvent' is found correctly I guess but the subject getter can't be
Have anyone experienced the same problem?? Thankful for help!!


Linnéa Ahlbeck - Software Engineer
phone +46 40 664 29 70
fax +46 40 30 32 62
mobile +46 708 96 14 56

Appium AB - Adelgatan 5, SE-211 22 Malmö, Sweden

defining style class with the iterate tag

2002-10-29 Thread meissa . Sakho
hi all,

I'm using the iterate tag to display my arrayList element like this.

logic:iterate name=mailFilterForm property=registredList id=mailView

  tr class=paire
   td align=centerbean:write name=mailView
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=sender//td
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=dateStart//td
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=dateEnd//td
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=targetDir//td


and it works fine.

But I would like to define row style class in bold according to the index value
of the iterated element.

without using the tag is looked like this
tr class=%= (index%2 == 0)?paire:impaire%
 where index is the index value of the iterated element.
But I don't know how to perform this inside the iterate tag.
The mailView object has a property named index could be used
to perform some comparison. But I don't know how to use it.

Can some one helps ?



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package not found Error

2002-10-29 Thread Affan Qureshi
A strange error keeps persisting when I am using any layout:X tag in
my JSP running in Tomcat 4.1. It doesnt seem to be ableto find the
Struts-Layout classes although I have placed the Struts-Layout.jar in the
lib directory and defined and placed the TLDs at the proper places.

 It says:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
package fr.improve.struts.taglib.layout.treeview does not exist
_jspx_th_layout_treeview_0 =
package fr.improve.struts.taglib.layout.treeview does not exist
_jspx_th_layout_treeview_0 =

package fr.improve.struts.taglib.layout.treeview does not exist
_jspx_th_layout_treeview_0 =

3 errors

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.


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Re: defining style class with the iterate tag

2002-10-29 Thread deepak
You can do it this way

logic:iterate name=mailFilterForm property=registredList id=mailView
  bean:define id=index name=mailView property=index/
 td class=%= (Integer.parseInt(index)%2 == 0)?paire:impaire%
bean:write name=mailView property=sender/

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 4:02 PM
Subject: defining style class with the iterate tag

 hi all,

 I'm using the iterate tag to display my arrayList element like this.

 logic:iterate name=mailFilterForm property=registredList

   tr class=paire
td align=centerbean:write name=mailView
tdbean:write name=mailView property=sender//td
tdbean:write name=mailView property=dateStart//td
tdbean:write name=mailView property=dateEnd//td
tdbean:write name=mailView property=targetDir//td


 and it works fine.

 But I would like to define row style class in bold according to the index
 of the iterated element.

 without using the tag is looked like this
 tr class=%= (index%2 == 0)?paire:impaire%
  where index is the index value of the iterated element.
 But I don't know how to perform this inside the iterate tag.
 The mailView object has a property named index could be used
 to perform some comparison. But I don't know how to use it.

 Can some one helps ?



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Re: package not found Error

2002-10-29 Thread Jean-Noel Ribette

This is very strange, could you double check that Struts-Layout.jar is in 
the lib directory, that it contains the required classes, and that the jar 
is added to the classpath ?

Are you trying to precompile the jsp ? In this case do you need to do some 
extra configuration to add the jar to the classpath ?



At 11:38 29/10/2002, Affan Qureshi wrote:
A strange error keeps persisting when I am using any layout:X tag in
my JSP running in Tomcat 4.1. It doesnt seem to be ableto find the
Struts-Layout classes although I have placed the Struts-Layout.jar in the
lib directory and defined and placed the TLDs at the proper places.

 It says:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
package fr.improve.struts.taglib.layout.treeview does not exist
_jspx_th_layout_treeview_0 =
package fr.improve.struts.taglib.layout.treeview does not exist
_jspx_th_layout_treeview_0 =

package fr.improve.struts.taglib.layout.treeview does not exist
_jspx_th_layout_treeview_0 =

3 errors

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.


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--__/ \__-
  improve   Jean-Noël Ribette
Ingénieur études et développement

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How to use Templates efficently ?

2002-10-29 Thread Marcus Biel
Sorry this might be a dumb question,
but I can't really figure out how to use struts templates efficently.

I already had a look at Struts-Docu:

If i figured it out correctly,

You got for example

a header file
a content file
a footer file
a template file:
trtdtemplate:get name='header'//td/tr
trtdtemplate:get name='content'//td/tr
 trtdtemplate:get name='footer'//td/tr

a jsp that uses those templates:
template:put name='title' content='Templates' direct='true'/
template:put name='header' content='/header.html' /
template:put name='sidebar' content='/sidebar.jsp' /
template:put name='content' content='/introduction.html'/
template:put name='footer' content='/footer.html' /

Asuming I would have 100 different jsp content files,
I would have:
1 header file
1 footer file
1 template file
100 content files
100 jsp files that are using the other files.

so I would have 203 files instead of 100 !!!

For this example: wouldn't it make more sense, 
to have one introduction.jsp file, and at the begining you insert your
header file,
at the end you insert your footer file.
1 header file
1 footer file
100 Content files.
102 Files (not 203!)

Am I correct ? Is this possible ?


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Problem with action messages....

2002-10-29 Thread Michael Delamere

I´ve read just about everything I could find, unfortunately I still haven´t
managed to get this to work.

In my action I define an ActionMessage as follows:

   ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
   ActionMessage message = new ActionMessage(shop.cart.isempty);
   messages.add(shop.cart.message, message);
   saveMessages(request, messages);

When trying to output the message shop.cart.message using:

   bean:message key=shop.cart.message/

I get the following output:


What could be the reason for this?  Is there something that I am missing

Any help would be very appreciated.



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Re: Help needed with Indexed Tags, Contributor taglib by Dave Hays

2002-10-29 Thread deepak
Try doing this

logic:iterate id=mondayEvent name=calendarForm
bean:define id=txtSubject name=mondayEvent property=subject/
td class=input width=30%
  html:text property=txtSubject indexed=true/

- Original Message -
From: Linnea Ahlbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:55 PM
Subject: Help needed with Indexed Tags, Contributor taglib by Dave Hays


 I'm using the indexed tag lib written by Dave Hays.

 On my jsp page I have the following code:

 logic:iterate id=mondayEvent name=calendarForm
td class=input width=30%html:text name=mondayEvent
 property=subject indexed=true//td

 In my formbean I have a the following getters:

public List getMondayEventList() {
   return mondayEventList;

public CalendarEvent getMondayEvent(int index) {
   return (CalendarEvent) mondayEventList.get(index);

 In my CalendarEvent class I have the following getter:

 public String getSubject() {
  return subject;

 Still, I get the following error message:

 javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property subject of
 bean mondayEvent

 The 'mondayEvent' is found correctly I guess but the subject getter can't
 Have anyone experienced the same problem?? Thankful for help!!


 Linnéa Ahlbeck - Software Engineer
 phone +46 40 664 29 70
 fax +46 40 30 32 62
 mobile +46 708 96 14 56

 Appium AB - Adelgatan 5, SE-211 22 Malmö, Sweden

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RE: How to use Templates efficently ?

2002-10-29 Thread Holman, Cal
Take a look at Tiles - you can avoid the second page by defining the page
definition in the struts config or if the pages do not need their own Action
you can use one Action to resolve the definitions using a parameter.



-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 06:11
Subject: How to use Templates efficently ?

Sorry this might be a dumb question,
but I can't really figure out how to use struts templates efficently.

I already had a look at Struts-Docu:

If i figured it out correctly,

You got for example

a header file
a content file
a footer file
a template file:
trtdtemplate:get name='header'//td/tr
trtdtemplate:get name='content'//td/tr
 trtdtemplate:get name='footer'//td/tr

a jsp that uses those templates:
template:put name='title' content='Templates' direct='true'/
template:put name='header' content='/header.html' /
template:put name='sidebar' content='/sidebar.jsp' /
template:put name='content' content='/introduction.html'/
template:put name='footer' content='/footer.html' /

Asuming I would have 100 different jsp content files,
I would have:
1 header file
1 footer file
1 template file
100 content files
100 jsp files that are using the other files.

so I would have 203 files instead of 100 !!!

For this example: wouldn't it make more sense,
to have one introduction.jsp file, and at the begining you insert your
header file,
at the end you insert your footer file.
1 header file
1 footer file
100 Content files.
102 Files (not 203!)

Am I correct ? Is this possible ?


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Re: How to use Templates efficently ?

2002-10-29 Thread Marcus Biel
Hi Cal,

as far as I know tiles are only supported since 1.1,
but I am strictly forced to use 1.02 at work.

Any other suggestions ?
E.g. how to simple import other jsp's ?


 Take a look at Tiles - you can avoid the second page by defining the page
 definition in the struts config or if the pages do not need their own Action
 you can use one Action to resolve the definitions using a parameter.

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Struts parameters and JavaScript

2002-10-29 Thread pk
Hi all,

I have a little problem and a question. Here is a piece of code:

xmlop:renderSelect collectionName=tableNames selectName=table 
actionType=onchange= actionName=JavaScript:xmlopSQLForm.submit(); /
xmlop:renderSelect collectionName=field selectName=field /
xmlop:renderTextbox collectionName=tableNames textBox=text 
actionType=onfocus= actionName=JavaScript:checkSelect(name of the 
select to be checked );/

What I need to do is the check if user has selected some value in these 
2 select elements. If yes then he shouldn't be allowed to enter any 
values in text box and given an alert window saying that. So I wanted to 
write a javascript function doing that... but how do I pass dynamically 
generated elements (select) names to the function as a parameters? 
Something like:
and so on... for each text box that's being generated by jsp.


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Re: VerifyError creating action bean in tomcat4 (not tomcat 3.3)

2002-10-29 Thread Steinar Bang
 Steinar Bang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Platform: Intel PIII, RedHat 7.2, apache 1.3.20, ajp1.3
   tomcat 4.1.12, BlackDown Java SDK 1.3.1,
   Struts 1.1-b2, xerces-j 1.4.4

 When I run with tomcat 3.3 my webapp run as expected, but when I try
 it with tomcat 4.1.12, I get a VerifyError when creating one of the
 webapp's Action beans. 
 [ERROR] RequestProcessor - -No action instance for path /main could be created 
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: no/dod/TPS/corba/stb/WelcomeAction, method: doPerform 

When I replaced
 pathelement location=${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/lib/xerces.jar/
 pathelement location=/var/tomcat4/common/endorsed/jaxp_parser_impl.jar/
in the classpath element in the javac task of the ant build file,
the problem went away.

This is replacing (an unknown version of) xerces.jar in our CVS, with
the version 2-something of xerces distributed with tomcat 4.1.12.

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How can I use Token !!!!

2002-10-29 Thread Ricardo de Souza Moura
Can I save Token using org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction ?

I wouldn't like  to make a Action only to saveAction and forward to a page 

There are another way ?

MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail do Brasil. http://www.hotmail.com

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RE: Struts parameters and JavaScript

2002-10-29 Thread Buchwald, Dave (PLC, IT, Tri-Com Consulting)
My example is with struts tags, but I had a similar problem when trying
to use dynamic JSP expressions in the tag attributes.  I created one
string and passed that:

  String onClickFunction = javascript:setValue( + strVehIndex + );
html:radio name=SomeForm property=someProp
onclick='%=onClickFunction%' value=true/Yes
html:radio name=SomeForm property=SomeProp
onclick='%=onClickFunction%' value=false/No

Hope that helps

-Original Message-
From: pk [mailto:pkreglicki;wp.pl]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 7:08 AM
Subject: Struts parameters and JavaScript

Hi all,

I have a little problem and a question. Here is a piece of code:

xmlop:renderSelect collectionName=tableNames selectName=table 
actionType=onchange= actionName=JavaScript:xmlopSQLForm.submit(); /
xmlop:renderSelect collectionName=field selectName=field /
xmlop:renderTextbox collectionName=tableNames textBox=text 
actionType=onfocus= actionName=JavaScript:checkSelect(name of the 
select to be checked );/

What I need to do is the check if user has selected some value in these 
2 select elements. If yes then he shouldn't be allowed to enter any 
values in text box and given an alert window saying that. So I wanted to 
write a javascript function doing that... but how do I pass dynamically 
generated elements (select) names to the function as a parameters? 
Something like:
and so on... for each text box that's being generated by jsp.


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RE: defining style class with the iterate tag

2002-10-29 Thread Madel,Kurt
If you are using 1.1b2 then the iterate tag has an indexed attribute.  For
you example below:

logic:iterate name=mailFilterForm property=registredList id=mailView

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:meissa.Sakho;bpam.fr] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 5:32 AM
Subject: defining style class with the iterate tag

hi all,

I'm using the iterate tag to display my arrayList element like this.

logic:iterate name=mailFilterForm property=registredList id=mailView

  tr class=paire
   td align=centerbean:write name=mailView
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=sender//td
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=dateStart//td
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=dateEnd//td
   tdbean:write name=mailView property=targetDir//td


and it works fine.

But I would like to define row style class in bold according to the index
of the iterated element.

without using the tag is looked like this
tr class=%= (index%2 == 0)?paire:impaire%
 where index is the index value of the iterated element.
But I don't know how to perform this inside the iterate tag.
The mailView object has a property named index could be used
to perform some comparison. But I don't know how to use it.

Can some one helps ?



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A newbie question.

2002-10-29 Thread Josh Berry
I have just recently begun using Struts for a job at work.  This is my first
JSP project, so if I ask something that is more appropriately learned in the
basics of JSP let me know.

I saw the hint about linking to actions, but have one slight gripe.  I made
all of my actions end in .do, as per the original examples I saw.  Ordinarily,
this would cause no problem; however, whenever I create a link or forward I
have to end them in .do.  Big deal, I realize, but it gets a little
inconsistant when I do NOT have to include the .do in the action parameter of
a form.  Is there a way to make these more consistant?  I would prefer if a
link goes to an action, that it would look the same as the name of the action.
 Perhaps add an action attribute to the link tag?  Would that be all that is
needed? Is this old news?

My other stumbling block was in using a DataSource.  I was able to setup the
DataSource using Struts, but was not happy with the way that it required doing
the database access actually in the Action classes.  Instead, I was wanting
the action class to be a checklist.  Basically, I try to keep my actions as a
simple series of calls into some business classes I wrote.  In order to do
this, I went through the extra effort of setting up a JNDI dataSource in
Tomcat so that my business classes could all get to it.  Was there another way
I should have done this? Does what I am saying make sense? 

And, finally, I know this is offtopic but does anyone have a good
recommendation for a free email client for windows that would allow me to view
threaded messages?  As it is right now, I just get a long list of these
emails everytime I log in.  In fact, this is one of the reasons I used to
avoid mailing lists, as it is less the comfortable to read.  I believe mutt
would do what I want, but I can't use that during the day as I don't believe
it is available for windows.

Thanks for any help, and I do apologize for the incredibly long email.


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RE: Select html tag and it's property

2002-10-29 Thread Madel,Kurt
A String[] will work.  We use a string array to represent the id's of some
objects and then in our model assign the objects according to the ids in the

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-Original Message-
From: Rajesh Kanade [mailto:rkanade;bigates.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 4:24 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Select html tag and it's property

Hi All

I am using html:select tag which needs to be multi - select.

DO I need to define properties( getter/setter ) to return/set arrays or
can write ( getter/setter ) which return/set ArrayList instead of Array.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Rajesh Kanade

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RE: Struts Validator for multiple Selects

2002-10-29 Thread Madel,Kurt
Anyone use multi-selects with Struts Validation?

Oh yeah, the jsp is:

html:javascript formName=milestoneDetailForm dynamicJavascript=true/
html:form action=/addmilestone onsubmit=return
table  class=form
html:hidden property=mrevdate/
td align=left valign=center
FONT class=labelBMilestone Description:/B/FONT
td align=left valign=center
html:textarea property=description rows=3
cols=80/html:errors property=description /
td align=left valign=center
FONT class=labelBDOE Manager(s):/B/FONT
td align=left valign=center
html:select property=mspersonsIds size=4 multiple=true
html:options collection=managerList property=id
labelProperty=name /
/html:selecthtml:errors property=mspersonsIds /

html:link href=# onclick=javascript:if

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-Original Message-
From: Madel,Kurt [mailto:kmadel;csmi.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 4:24 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Struts Validator for multiple Selects

We have a multiple select that is required. The following works on server
side, but not client side:

form name=milestoneDetailForm
arg0 key=label.milestone.mspersonsIds/ 

If changed to the following, it is caught on the server side, but no message
is printed:
form name=milestoneDetailForm
arg0 key=label.milestone.mspersonsIds/ 

Any ideas? Thanks

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

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RE: Struts 1.0.2, Tomcat 4.1.12 Web-App start-up funny

2002-10-29 Thread Axtell, Neil
Thanks for the answer. 

I've checked the contents of the HTTP Request and, the first time I attempt
to display the Form the Request is empty (as I would expect). There is no
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN object that I can see using the
request.getAttributes() method.

I appear to be having different behaviour entering the same JSP page with
the same Request contents (i.e. nothing) depending upon whether or not the
WAR file was unpacked when Tomcat was started.

I've tried explicitly creating an instance of the Form Bean in the JSP page
using jsp:useBean. If I create it in the Request then I get this exception
every time I visit the page regardless of whether the WAR file was unpacked
or not. If I put it in the Session I get the initial behaviour.

I'm sure that there must be Struts pages using FormBeans running under
Tomcat 4.1.12 out there so what am I doing wrong? One route would be to
upgrade to Struts 1.1b2 but I'm a bit reluctant to deploy an application
using Beta version software.

Any suggestions anyone?

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980;hotmail.com]
Sent: 28 October 2002 17:28
Subject: Re: Struts 1.0.2, Tomcat 4.1.12 Web-App start-up funny

I suggest you develop with tomcat 4.1.12 since you're deploying on that 
version.  It will make your life easier with less surprises.  You should 
check what object is stored under org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN in the 
request.  It may not be the bean you think it is.


From: Axtell, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Struts 1.0.2, Tomcat 4.1.12 Web-App start-up funny
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 17:23:21 -

A plea for help to the great Struts User community.

I'm in the process of deploying our first Struts-enabled Web-App onto a
separate Staging Server. This is running Win 2K SP3, JDK 1.4.1  Tomcat

Everything works fine when I first deploy my WAR file and start Tomcat. It
is unpacked correctly and the Web-App runs fine. If I stop and re-start
Tomcat I get the following error message when I attempt to access an Admin
Page using an HTML form with an associated Struts Form Bean :-

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method available for property
archiveServer for bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

The relevant part of my Struts-config.xml is :-

 form-bean  name=ResultArchiveAdminFormBean



 !-- Add Result Archive --
   forward name=success path=/ResultArchiveAdmin.jsp/

I think that this exception is telling me that the Struts TagLib could not
find a matching getArchiveServer() method in the Form Bean. But why did 
work the first time I ran up Tomcat? I have checked that the Bean does have
a matching method. Is it significant that the exception does not mention 
ResultArchiveAdminFormBean by name?

This is a bit frustrating as the same WAR file runs fine on my development
machine, but this is using JBuilder 6  Tomcat 4.0.1. I would prefer to use
a later version of Tomcat for deployment.

Obviously I must have missed something out from either the
Struts-config.xml, web.xml or in the JSP for this page. As this happens the
first time I attempt to access this page could it be a problem with an
instance of the FormBean being created? I've not explicitly added a
jsp:useBean ... statement into the JSP page as I thought that Struts 
sort this all out for me. Do I need one?

Any ideas would be gratefully received.

Many thanks.


Neil Axtell
Principal Engineer (MMI/Web Technologies)
European Measurement Division - Engineering
200 Capability Green
Luton, UK
Tel:  +44 (0) 1582 433347
Fax: +44 (0) 1582 433276
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RE: Help needed with Indexed Tags, Contributor taglib by Dave Hays

2002-10-29 Thread Linnea Ahlbeck

Thanks for your tip! Unfortunaltey it did not solve my problem.
The line:

bean:define id=txtSubject name=mondayEvent property=subject/

causes the same error as before:

javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property subject of
 bean mondayEvent

In the class the mondayEvent is an instance of - should there be anything
else than a setter and a getter for the value I want to show on my jsp page?



-Original Message-
From: deepak [mailto:deepak;ltp.soft.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 12:48 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Help needed with Indexed Tags, Contributor taglib by Dave

Try doing this

logic:iterate id=mondayEvent name=calendarForm
bean:define id=txtSubject name=mondayEvent property=subject/
td class=input width=30%
  html:text property=txtSubject indexed=true/

- Original Message -
From: Linnea Ahlbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:55 PM
Subject: Help needed with Indexed Tags, Contributor taglib by Dave Hays


 I'm using the indexed tag lib written by Dave Hays.

 On my jsp page I have the following code:

 logic:iterate id=mondayEvent name=calendarForm
td class=input width=30%html:text name=mondayEvent
 property=subject indexed=true//td

 In my formbean I have a the following getters:

public List getMondayEventList() {
   return mondayEventList;

public CalendarEvent getMondayEvent(int index) {
   return (CalendarEvent) mondayEventList.get(index);

 In my CalendarEvent class I have the following getter:

 public String getSubject() {
  return subject;

 Still, I get the following error message:

 javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property subject of
 bean mondayEvent

 The 'mondayEvent' is found correctly I guess but the subject getter can't
 Have anyone experienced the same problem?? Thankful for help!!


 Linnéa Ahlbeck - Software Engineer
 phone +46 40 664 29 70
 fax +46 40 30 32 62
 mobile +46 708 96 14 56

 Appium AB - Adelgatan 5, SE-211 22 Malmö, Sweden

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Re: How to use Templates efficently ?

2002-10-29 Thread Cedric Dumoulin


 You can use tiles in 1.02. You need to use the separate 
tilesForStruts1-0.jar file. You can find it in the distrib from the 
original tiles site. Then check under lib/tiles1.0.


Marcus Biel wrote:

Hi Cal,

as far as I know tiles are only supported since 1.1,
but I am strictly forced to use 1.02 at work.

Any other suggestions ?
E.g. how to simple import other jsp's ?



Take a look at Tiles - you can avoid the second page by defining the page
definition in the struts config or if the pages do not need their own Action
you can use one Action to resolve the definitions using a parameter.



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2002-10-29 Thread Alok Garg
Hello All,
I am facing problem in using javascript.
The cases:
1) I have a select box.
2) OnChange a javascript method is called.
3) In this method a Form is submitted and an action class is called.
4) on finishing with the action class same jsp is called.


5) if now again step 2 is repeated I am getting the error object not found??

On seeing the URL of the page before submitting it was a jsp page and after submitting 
it is a .do page.

Please help me with it.

Re: A newbie question.

2002-10-29 Thread V. Cekvenich

Josh Berry wrote:

I have just recently begun using Struts for a job at work.  This is my first
JSP project, so if I ask something that is more appropriately learned in the
basics of JSP let me know.

I saw the hint about linking to actions, but have one slight gripe.  I made
all of my actions end in .do, as per the original examples I saw.  Ordinarily,
this would cause no problem; however, whenever I create a link or forward I
have to end them in .do.  Big deal, I realize, but it gets a little
inconsistant when I do NOT have to include the .do in the action parameter of
a form.  Is there a way to make these more consistant?  I would prefer if a
link goes to an action, that it would look the same as the name of the action.
 Perhaps add an action attribute to the link tag?  Would that be all that is
needed? Is this old news?

My other stumbling block was in using a DataSource.  I was able to setup the
DataSource using Struts, but was not happy with the way that it required doing
the database access actually in the Action classes.  Instead, I was wanting
the action class to be a checklist.  Basically, I try to keep my actions as a
simple series of calls into some business classes I wrote.  In order to do
this, I went through the extra effort of setting up a JNDI dataSource in
Tomcat so that my business classes could all get to it.  Was there another way
I should have done this? Does what I am saying make sense? 

I think so. By having a data source available to your BO you can now 
unit test those outside of web app and they are available to other apps.

And, finally, I know this is offtopic but does anyone have a good
recommendation for a free email client for windows that would allow me to view
threaded messages?  As it is right now, I just get a long list of these
emails everytime I log in.  In fact, this is one of the reasons I used to
avoid mailing lists, as it is less the comfortable to read.  I believe mutt
would do what I want, but I can't use that during the day as I don't believe
it is available for windows.

news.basebeans.com has Struts and other good mail lists available to a 
news reader like Outlook or NetScape.

hth, .V

Thanks for any help, and I do apologize for the incredibly long email.


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Re: How to use Templates efficently ?

2002-10-29 Thread Jeff_Mychasiw

I found this helpful as well

Sample chapter on tiles  from Ted's up coming book


Marcus Biel [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/29/2002 05:11:26 AM

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List


Subject:How to use Templates efficently ?

Sorry this might be a dumb question,
but I can't really figure out how to use struts templates efficently.

I already had a look at Struts-Docu:

If i figured it out correctly,

You got for example

a header file
a content file
a footer file
a template file:
trtdtemplate:get name='header'//td/tr
trtdtemplate:get name='content'//td/tr
 trtdtemplate:get name='footer'//td/tr

a jsp that uses those templates:
template:put name='title' content='Templates' direct='true'/
template:put name='header' content='/header.html' /
template:put name='sidebar' content='/sidebar.jsp' /
template:put name='content' content='/introduction.html'/
template:put name='footer' content='/footer.html' /

Asuming I would have 100 different jsp content files,
I would have:
1 header file
1 footer file
1 template file
100 content files
100 jsp files that are using the other files.

so I would have 203 files instead of 100 !!!

For this example: wouldn't it make more sense,
to have one introduction.jsp file, and at the begining you insert your
header file,
at the end you insert your footer file.
1 header file
1 footer file
100 Content files.
102 Files (not 203!)

Am I correct ? Is this possible ?


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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Vankineni, Naga X
I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code..
form-bean name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm /
action name=cultureForm 
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I
submit my jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls...
I know I am missing something very silly but can't figure it out...
Any idea ...


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName
name=yourFormMappingName scope=session validate=true
forward name=yourLocalForwardName path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp /

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config.
(search google)

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml..
 Now in my jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the
 value in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the form
 and they my form just has the reset values defined initally.
 Can someone explain this to me..

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Populate bean values to my form

2002-10-29 Thread Konstantina Stamopoulou

I know that my question might sound naive but I realy need your help.
Unfortunately I couldn't  find out from the archieves what I'm doing wrong.
So here I go.
I need to submit a form (SearchForm) retrieve some data from the database depending on 
the values entered in the SearchForm
(SearchFormAction)and then edit the data returned by the query in the 
database(userform.jsp). This is how I have implemented the previous.


 !-- Edit mail subscription --
  forward name=success  path=/editUser/
action   path=/editUser
 forward name=successpath=/userform.jsp/

 data.open(SELECT * FROM +role+ WHERE username='+id+'); //get the data form 
 servlet.getServletContext().setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY,usef); //set the bean to 
the values returned by the query
 return (mapping.findForward(/editUser)); //call the EditUserAction befor displaying 
the userform.jsp  

 UserBean user=(UserBean) servlet.getServletContext().getAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY);
 HttpSession session = request.getSession();
 // Populate the user registration form
 if (form == null) {

 form = new UserForm();
if (request.equals(mapping.getScope()))
request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), form);
session.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), form);
 UserForm userform = (UserForm) form;
try {
 PropertyUtils.copyProperties(userform, user); // Shouldn't this populate the 
user to the form?

} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {//Handle the exception   }

  return (new ActionForward(/userform.jsp));


 tdhtml:text  property=fname value=//td
 tdhtml:text  property=sname value=//td
 tdhtml:text  property=bdate value=/ /td


  public void setFname(String name){

   public String getFname(){
return this.fname;
   public void setSname(String myname){
 public class UserBean {
 String fname;
 String sname;
 String bdate; 
 String address;
 String region;
 String post;
 String phone;
 String faculty;
 String dregister;
 String email;
 String username;
 String password; 
 public void setFname(String first){
 public String getFname(){
  return this.fname;
   After doing all the above I get an empty userform.jsp. Can someome please tell me 
what I'm missing?
   Thank you in advance,

Re: A newbie question.

2002-10-29 Thread Melissa L Kelley
On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Josh Berry wrote:

 My other stumbling block was in using a DataSource.  I was able to setup the
 DataSource using Struts, but was not happy with the way that it required doing
 the database access actually in the Action classes.  Instead, I was wanting
 the action class to be a checklist.  Basically, I try to keep my actions as a
 simple series of calls into some business classes I wrote.  In order to do
 this, I went through the extra effort of setting up a JNDI dataSource in
 Tomcat so that my business classes could all get to it.  Was there another way
 I should have done this? Does what I am saying make sense?

This is how I go about it as well. I have a datasource set up in my
container. I access that datasource using jndi, and do no do that in my
Actions. This topic cycles through here every now and again.

Try a search  for DAO in the archives at

I'm sure some useful threads on other people's approach will turn up.

 And, finally, I know this is offtopic but does anyone have a good
 recommendation for a free email client for windows that would allow me to view
 threaded messages?  As it is right now, I just get a long list of these
 emails everytime I log in.  In fact, this is one of the reasons I used to
 avoid mailing lists, as it is less the comfortable to read.  I believe mutt
 would do what I want, but I can't use that during the day as I don't believe
 it is available for windows.

I haven't used Eudora (www.qualcomm.com) in awhile, but there is a free
version available if you want to deal with advertisements. I use pine, and
there is a Windows version for that (http://www.washington.edu/pine/). I
use FreeBSD, so I can only attest that the Unix version does threading
and filtering just fine. I haven't tried the Windows version.

-- stu: www.stuology.net
It just no longer is plain simple safe fun
when it's the psycho chimp that has the ray gun

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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Sri Sankaran
A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'cultureForm.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean 
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action 
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I submit my 
jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I know I am 
missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea ...


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName name=yourFormMappingName 
scope=session validate=true input=/yourJSP.jsp forward 
name=yourLocalForwardName path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search google)

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml.. Now in my 
 jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the value 
 in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the 
 form and they my form just has the reset values defined initally. Can 
 someone explain this to me..

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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Sri Sankaran
Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'test.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'cultureForm.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean 
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action 
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I submit my 
jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I know I am 
missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea ...


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName name=yourFormMappingName 
scope=session validate=true input=/yourJSP.jsp forward 
name=yourLocalForwardName path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search google)

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml.. Now in my
 jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the value 
 in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the
 form and they my form just has the reset values defined initally. Can 
 someone explain this to me..

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form:text property

2002-10-29 Thread Raj Yadav
Hi All,
I have this in a jsp

form:text property=phonenumber /

Now, what does this property corresponds to ?

I am getting the exeception saying no getter method available for property 


- raj

RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Vankineni, Naga X
I have been using the other action attribute convention i.e path '/test' and
also the other action-mappings were working fine with this declaration.But
anyway I will try this too and let u know..
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'test.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'cultureForm.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I
submit my jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I
know I am missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName
name=yourFormMappingName scope=session validate=true
input=/yourJSP.jsp forward name=yourLocalForwardName
path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml.. Now in my
 jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the value 
 in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the
 form and they my form just has the reset values defined initally. Can 
 someone explain this to me..

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Re: [Re: A newbie question.]

2002-10-29 Thread Josh Berry
 This is how I go about it as well. I have a datasource set up in 
 my container. I access that datasource using jndi, and do no do
 that in my Actions. This topic cycles through here every now and 

Try a search  for DAO in the archives at

I'm sure some useful threads on other people's approach will turn up.

I'll definitely check that out.  Thanks.

 I haven't used Eudora (www.qualcomm.com) in awhile, but there is
 a free version available if you want to deal with advertisements.
 I use pine, and there is a Windows version for that
 (http://www.washington.edu/pine/). I use FreeBSD, so I can only 
 attest that the Unix version does threading and filtering just 
 fine. I haven't tried the Windows version.

I actually have FreeBSD on my laptop at home.  Though, I do not have email
setup on it correctly.  (It has never been an issue, as it is FAR from a
primary machine.)  I used to use mutt, however, and know that it has options
for threading.  I was hoping I could get something like that for windows. 
Thanks for the heads up on pine.

Also, thank you V for the heads up on basebeans.  That looks to be a very good
solution for viewing these posts at work.  I'm assuming I still have to post
through email, though?


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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Sri Sankaran
OK, so you have:

form-bean name=cultureForm 
   type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / 

action name=cultureForm 
path=/test /

What does your jsp look like?  Just send a snippet with the form tag and some 
representative field(s).  While you are at it, send a sample demonstrating how you are 
trying to extract user-entered data from the form.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

The third suggestion too did not work ..
Any more suggestions..

Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'test.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'cultureForm.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean 
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action 
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I submit my 
jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I know I am 
missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea ...


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName name=yourFormMappingName 
scope=session validate=true input=/yourJSP.jsp forward 
name=yourLocalForwardName path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml.. Now in my 
 jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the value 
 in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the 
 form and they my form just has the reset values defined initally. Can 
 someone explain this to me..

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Advantages of other frameworks

2002-10-29 Thread John Nicholas
This was at the end of another thread and didn't get any response so I'm 
moving it into a new thread.

John Nicholas

 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:jmitchtx;telocity.com] I'm not here to
 argue about Struts' performance.  Anyone who chooses another
 framework over Struts either doesn't need Struts or they don't know
 what it
 has to offer.  I have yet to meet anything that comes close to what
 this framework can do

Andrew Hill wrote:


John Nicholas wrote: 
Maybe this should be in it's own thread but I would be interested in 
advantages that other frameworks may offer. I hate seeing people get too 
much in the 'home team' mentality rather than the 'best tool for the 
job' mentality. I like struts and am in the middle of my 3rd project 
with it but I can't believe it's the best tool for every possible web 
publishing job.

Struts seems very focused on form handling and is perfect for web 
applications but what about a large brochure site? I would think another 
framework (like cocoon) might work better for a site that needs to 
manage 100s or 1000s of detailed pages but has little user input.I could 
see how tapestry or xmlc might work better where html designers are 
going to be working on the site more than programmers.

I'd like to see comments like Framework X is better than Struts where 
you have situations Y and Z.

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RE: Maxlength validation returns null in error message

2002-10-29 Thread Nekkalapudi, Viplava
I think, arg2 is only required for the range validation error message not
for minlength/maxlength.
please check for the error messages declared in the validator-rules.xml.
But in the struts-example application in validation.xml, arg2 is declared
for maxlength,
field property=username
   arg0   key=prompt.username/
   arg1   key=${var:minlength} name=minlength
   arg2   key=${var:maxlength} name=maxlength

Make arg2 to arg1 for the maxlength and it should work.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Born [mailto:jborn;gr.com]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: Maxlength validation returns null in error message

Hi all,
I've looking at the struts-example.war in 1.1b2 and when running through the
login.jsp page I keep getting the following username can not be greater
null characters.  This happens via the JavaScript validation.  I thought
maybe it might be JavaScript related, but when I remove the onsubmit and let
the server validate I end up with the same message.
I think I found somewhere that this is an open error, but not sure where to
check.  Any direction here?
Is there a simple fix?
Is a fix in the works?

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Re: How to use Templates efficently ?

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
Definitely use Tiles as Cedric suggested.  The template taglib is deprecated 
in 1.1 in favor of Tiles so when you eventually migrate to 1.1 you'll 
already have Tiles in place.


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Differentiating Option boxs in action class

2002-10-29 Thread Vijay Kumar
  I have two option boxes called group and attribute, which are loaded in 
preaction. And i am using javascript  onchange='document.forms[0].submit()' 
 to kick of an action in option box. As there are two option boxes on 
screen is there any way distinguish between them say which option box is 
changed. So i can call related action in my action class. Any examples and 
code is helpful.


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[OT] Re: Javascripting

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
Make sure you're submitting to .do not .jsp.  Also, it's usually a bad idea 
to rely on js to submit forms.  What happens when javascript is turned off?


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Javascripting
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 19:09:26 +0530

Hello All,
I am facing problem in using javascript.
The cases:
1) I have a select box.
2) OnChange a javascript method is called.
3) In this method a Form is submitted and an action class is called.
4) on finishing with the action class same jsp is called.


5) if now again step 2 is repeated I am getting the error object not 

On seeing the URL of the page before submitting it was a jsp page and after 
submitting it is a .do page.

Please help me with it.

Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband.  

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Re: form:text property

2002-10-29 Thread Raj Yadav
Thanks for your reply.
I have a getPhoneNumber() method instead of getPhonenumber() ?
But how does it matter ?

- raj

- Original Message -
From: Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 8:33 PM
Subject: RE: form:text property

  I have this in a jsp
  form:text property=phonenumber /
  Now, what does this property corresponds to ?
  I am getting the exeception saying no getter method available for
 property phonenumber

 I don't recognize the 'form' prefix.  Are you using the struts-html.tld
 that prefix?

 Assuming you're within an html:form tag [possibly form:form with your
 usage], then the property should belong to your form bean.  Does your form
 have a getPhonenumber() method?  (Are you sure it's not getPhoneNumber()?)

 Wendy Smoak
 Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
 Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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RE: [OT] Re: Javascripting

2002-10-29 Thread Madel,Kurt
Some people are creating apps for controlled environments.

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980;hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:24 AM
Subject: [OT] Re: Javascripting

Make sure you're submitting to .do not .jsp.  Also, it's usually a bad idea 
to rely on js to submit forms.  What happens when javascript is turned off?


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Javascripting
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 19:09:26 +0530

Hello All,
I am facing problem in using javascript.
The cases:
1) I have a select box.
2) OnChange a javascript method is called.
3) In this method a Form is submitted and an action class is called.
4) on finishing with the action class same jsp is called.


5) if now again step 2 is repeated I am getting the error object not 

On seeing the URL of the page before submitting it was a jsp page and after

submitting it is a .do page.

Please help me with it.

Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband.  

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tiles:put / in ActionForward.perform()

2002-10-29 Thread Roland Carlsson
I'm trying to expand my tiles with a dynamic body. I want to control this
body with a simple parameter in the url eg
http://localhost:8081/myPage?body=aTile.jsp . Does anyone have an example of
how to do this?

Thanks in advance
Roland Carlsson

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Struts in a war inside a ear file in WL6.1

2002-10-29 Thread Gus Delgado
I'm getting this error in the browser when I try to deploy an ear that 
has two EJBs and a war with struts in it. When I click on the button 
that has the action:

No action instance for path /amortization could be created

action: Error creating ActionForm instance of class '
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mypcka.ipi.webcontrol
   at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:19
   at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native M
   at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.jav
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:294
   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:250
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.
   at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:115)

The struts.jar is inside the WAR file under web-inf/lib/struts.jar

any  ideas?


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RE: form:text property

2002-10-29 Thread Wendy Smoak
 I have a getPhoneNumber() method instead of getPhonenumber() ?
 But how does it matter ?

Then change your tag to 
form:text property=phoneNumber /

Java is case sensitive-- phoneNumber isn't the same as phonenumber.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

Re: form:text property

2002-10-29 Thread Raj Yadav
Yes, got it.

Thanks a lot.. spent an hour on this...

- Raj

- Original Message - 
From: Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:03 PM
Subject: RE: form:text property

  I have a getPhoneNumber() method instead of getPhonenumber() ?
  But how does it matter ?
 Then change your tag to 
 form:text property=phoneNumber /
 Java is case sensitive-- phoneNumber isn't the same as phonenumber.
 Wendy Smoak
 Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
 Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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RE: [OT] Re: Javascripting

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
I understand that; however, if you're not then using js in this way is a 
very bad idea.


From: Madel,Kurt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [OT] Re: Javascripting
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:28:07 -0500

Some people are creating apps for controlled environments.

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980;hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:24 AM
Subject: [OT] Re: Javascripting

Make sure you're submitting to .do not .jsp.  Also, it's usually a bad idea
to rely on js to submit forms.  What happens when javascript is turned off?


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Javascripting
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 19:09:26 +0530

Hello All,
I am facing problem in using javascript.
The cases:
1) I have a select box.
2) OnChange a javascript method is called.
3) In this method a Form is submitted and an action class is called.
4) on finishing with the action class same jsp is called.


5) if now again step 2 is repeated I am getting the error object not

On seeing the URL of the page before submitting it was a jsp page and 

submitting it is a .do page.

Please help me with it.

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RE: Struts in a war inside a ear file in WL6.1

2002-10-29 Thread Wendy Smoak
 The struts.jar is inside the WAR file under web-inf/lib/struts.jar
 any  ideas?

Try capitalizing WEB-INF?  If you're running on Windows it might not matter,
but I've never seen it in lower case. 

Wendy Smoak

RE: Maxlength validation returns null in error message

2002-10-29 Thread Nekkalapudi, Viplava
I think, arg2 is only required for the range validation error message not
for minlength/maxlength.
please check for the error messages declared in the validator-rules.xml.
But in the struts-example application in validation.xml, arg2 is declared
for maxlength,
field property=username
   arg0   key=prompt.username/
   arg1   key=${var:minlength} name=minlength
   arg2   key=${var:maxlength} name=maxlength

Make arg2 to arg1 for the maxlength and it should work.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Born [mailto:jborn;gr.com]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: Maxlength validation returns null in error message

Hi all,
I've looking at the struts-example.war in 1.1b2 and when running through the
login.jsp page I keep getting the following username can not be greater
null characters.  This happens via the JavaScript validation.  I thought
maybe it might be JavaScript related, but when I remove the onsubmit and let
the server validate I end up with the same message.
I think I found somewhere that this is an open error, but not sure where to
check.  Any direction here?
Is there a simple fix?
Is a fix in the works?

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Validator lazy validation

2002-10-29 Thread Bas Passon
In using the validator I noticed that the validator will run every
validator specified in the depends attribute of the field element in the
validator.xml. I would like the validator to stop running checks at the
first check that fails for a particular field element. You could call it
lazy validation.

Is there a way to achieve this?



Bas Passon
First8 - http://www.first8.nl
Phone: +31 (0)24 348 38 77
Fax:   +31 (0)24 348 35 71

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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Vankineni, Naga X
Here is the snippet of form class too.Plz take a look at this one too..
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

OK, so you have:

form-bean name=cultureForm 
   type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / 

action name=cultureForm 
path=/test /

What does your jsp look like?  Just send a snippet with the form tag and
some representative field(s).  While you are at it, send a sample
demonstrating how you are trying to extract user-entered data from the form.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

The third suggestion too did not work ..
Any more suggestions..

Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'test.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'cultureForm.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I
submit my jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I
know I am missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName
name=yourFormMappingName scope=session validate=true
input=/yourJSP.jsp forward name=yourLocalForwardName
path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml.. Now in my 
 jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the value 
 in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the 
 form and they my form just has the reset values defined initally. Can 
 someone explain this to me..

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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Sri Sankaran
You cannot nest form tags.  That isn't valid HTML.  That probably explains why your 
field values aren't getting submitted.

You can accomplish what you are attempting with simply your current outer form tag 
with one hidden 'target' field.  Set the target accordingly using JavaScript based on 
the button the user selects and then submit.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:36 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Here are the attchmnts of action class and jsp.

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

OK, so you have:

form-bean name=cultureForm 
   type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / 

action name=cultureForm 
path=/test /

What does your jsp look like?  Just send a snippet with the form tag and some 
representative field(s).  While you are at it, send a sample demonstrating how you are 
trying to extract user-entered data from the form.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

The third suggestion too did not work ..
Any more suggestions..

Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'test.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'cultureForm.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean 
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action 
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I submit my 
jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I know I am 
missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea ...


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName name=yourFormMappingName 
scope=session validate=true input=/yourJSP.jsp forward 
name=yourLocalForwardName path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml.. Now in my
 jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the value 
 in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the
 form and they my form just has the reset values defined initally. Can 
 someone explain this to me..

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Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message is confidential and may be privileged. 
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RE: Struts in a war inside a ear file in WL6.1

2002-10-29 Thread Wendy Smoak
 I'm getting this error in the browser when I try to deploy an ear that 
 has two EJBs and a war with struts in it. When I click on the button 
 that has the action:
 No action instance for path /amortization could be created
 action: Error creating ActionForm instance of class '
 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mypcka.ipi.webcontrol
 The struts.jar is inside the WAR file under web-inf/lib/struts.jar

First let me say I don't do EJB's or .ear files, but that error message
doesn't appear to have anything to do with struts.jar.  It's complaining
that it can't find your AmortizationForm class.

Can you post the action tag from struts-config.xml?  Was part of the error
message cut off?  (Do you really have a package named
i.webcontrol.monthlyprocess?)  Do you have an AmortizationForm class in two
*different* packages?  The error message refers to both
i.webcontrol.monthlyprocess (which I assume is really
com.mypcka.ipi.webcontrol.monthlyprocess) and also
com.mypcka.ipi.webcontrol.  (Again, could just have been cut off.)

Wendy Smoak

how many form for update and create action ?

2002-10-29 Thread Xavier Combelle
I have a conceptual problem in my struts application

I am programming an application which give the possibility
to create, update and delete several information, for exemple 
the name and the price of an item.

So I need to give to the user two possibilities :
 1- the possibility to create an item
 2- the possibility to update an item
so i use two action, one for each possibility

Should I use the same form bean to update and create or
should I use different form bean, one for update and one for create ?
and if I should use different form bean, should they have the same type ?



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Action class called multiple times

2002-10-29 Thread Zaleski, Kirk I.
I'm running a Web Application on WebLogic 6.1sp3 with Struts 1.0.

A user request triggers an Action class to generate a report from an Oracle
Reports Server.  I've found that if the ORS takes longer than 5 minutes to
process, the Action class is called again, and then every 5 minutes from
then on.
Has anyone seen this behavior before when using Struts?
Kirk Zaleski

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Re: how many form for update and create action ?

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
You have one form bean, one jsp, and 2 actions.

ProductForm - form bean holds data and has action attribute to determine 
if this is an add or edit form

productForm.jsp - displays data to user

GetProductFormAction - if this will be an edit form, get data from db and 
pre-populate the form bean, forward to productForm.jsp

SaveProductFormAction - called when user submits the form, if this is an 
edit form, update record in db, if it's an add form, insert record in db.


From: Xavier Combelle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: how many form for update and create action ?
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 17:25:34 +0100

I have a conceptual problem in my struts application

I am programming an application which give the possibility
to create, update and delete several information, for exemple
the name and the price of an item.

So I need to give to the user two possibilities :
 1- the possibility to create an item
 2- the possibility to update an item
so i use two action, one for each possibility

Should I use the same form bean to update and create or
should I use different form bean, one for update and one for create ?
and if I should use different form bean, should they have the same type ?



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Nested levels within tiles?

2002-10-29 Thread ajTreece
How many levels of extends can you have within tiles? I've attached  a 
tiles def file (that works), but I would like to see if it is possible 
to do it differently so that I don't duplicate code in the xml file. 
Here is the scenario...

site.mainLayout defines the overall page. The mainbody portion will 
vary depending on the page called. As in the xml file, mainbody will 
display a group of portals on the left and right side of the screen with 
a larger html section in the middle addressed by bodycontent. The 
problem (as I see it) is that to get this to work I need to duplicate 
code in both home.page.layout and logon.page.layout.  Is it possible 
to do an additional extends somewhere so that will eliminate the 
duplication of code so that a scope change (what the users want to see) 
can be addressed in a single location of the xml file?

Later, aj

 !DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration//EN

!-- Definitions for Tiles documentation   --


!-- ===  --
!-- Master definition(s)			--
!-- ===  --

  !-- Main page layout used as a root for other pages defintion.  --
  definition name=site.mainLayout path=/layout/mainPageLayout.jsp
	  put name=header	value=/layout/mainPageHeader.jsp /
	  put name=titlebar	value=/layout/mainPageTitleBar.jsp /
	  put name=rowlinks	value=/layout/mainPageRowLinks.jsp /
	  put name=spacerbar	value=/layout/mainPageSpacerBar.jsp /
	  put name=mainbody	value= /
	  put name=footer	value=/layout/mainPageFooter.jsp /

!-- ===  --
!-- Index page definition		--
!-- ===  --

  definition name=home.page extends=site.mainLayout 
	  put name=mainbody	value=home.page.layout /
  definition name=home.page.layout path=/layout/homePageBodyLayout.jsp 
	  put name=leftportals	value=/leftPortals/index.jsp /
	  put name=bodycontent	value=/home/index.jsp /
	  put name=rightportals	value=/rightPortals/index.jsp /

  definition name=logon.page extends=site.mainLayout 
put name=mainbody value=logon.page.layout /
  definition name=logon.page.layout path=/layout/homePageBodyLayout.jsp 
	  put name=leftportals	value=/leftPortals/index.jsp /
	  put name=bodycontent	value=/logon/index.jsp /
	  put name=rightportals	value=/rightPortals/index.jsp /



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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Vankineni, Naga X
I used the nested tags previously for other similiar pages and they all
worked fine..
Also I can try it out like you said,but my point is how did the other page
which had the similar functionality like this page 
work well and why is the problem only with this one. 

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:11 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

You cannot nest form tags.  That isn't valid HTML.  That probably explains
why your field values aren't getting submitted.

You can accomplish what you are attempting with simply your current outer
form tag with one hidden 'target' field.  Set the target accordingly using
JavaScript based on the button the user selects and then submit.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:36 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Here are the attchmnts of action class and jsp.

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

OK, so you have:

form-bean name=cultureForm 
   type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / 

action name=cultureForm 
path=/test /

What does your jsp look like?  Just send a snippet with the form tag and
some representative field(s).  While you are at it, send a sample
demonstrating how you are trying to extract user-entered data from the form.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

The third suggestion too did not work ..
Any more suggestions..

Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'test.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'cultureForm.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I
submit my jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I
know I am missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName
name=yourFormMappingName scope=session validate=true
input=/yourJSP.jsp forward name=yourLocalForwardName
path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and form defined in the struts-config.xml.. Now in my
 jsp page when I enter a value in the text-box and try to see the value 
 in my action using debugger, I don't see that value in my form and
 i see is the reset value defined in the form bean.
 Somehow anyvalues I enter in my jsp pages aren't getting moved to the
 form and they my form just has the 

Re: how many form for update and create action ?

2002-10-29 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Xavier Combelle wrote:

 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 17:25:34 +0100
 From: Xavier Combelle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: how many form for update and create action ?

 I have a conceptual problem in my struts application

 I am programming an application which give the possibility
 to create, update and delete several information, for exemple
 the name and the price of an item.

 So I need to give to the user two possibilities :
  1- the possibility to create an item
  2- the possibility to update an item
 so i use two action, one for each possibility

 Should I use the same form bean to update and create or
 should I use different form bean, one for update and one for create ?
 and if I should use different form bean, should they have the same type ?

The struts-example application (that ships with Struts) illustrates one
approach to this problem.  It uses the same form bean for both create and
edit (SubscriptionForm), and the same setup action
(SetupSubscriptionAction) and save-to-database action
(SaveSubscriptionAction) for both create and edit functions.  I chose to
use an action property, included in the form bean and the various URLs,
to indicate which type of transaction was to be performed.




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Re: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on action

2002-10-29 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC wrote:

 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:25:40 -0600
 From: Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on action

 I love the fact that when using (as we are) container managed
 authentication, I can specify roles on a per action basis in
 struts-config.xml.  My problem is that when a user is not authorized, I get
 a 400 Bad Request response to the browser.  Is it possible to configure a
 [page/action/forward] that would be invoked instead?

In your web.xml file, you can define the page that is used for any
particular status code (including 400).  Check out the error-page

 I hope what I'm after is clear - I just want a custom page to inform the
 user that they've overstepped their bounds.

 Voytek Jarnot


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RE: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

2002-10-29 Thread Parmar, Dipakkumar
Hi flare,

It doesn't work for me. I'm getting error

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An error occurred while evaluating custom
action attribute value with value ${flare.ciccio}: Unable to find a
value for ciccio in object of class
org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaBean using operator . (null).

My environment:
Tomcat 4.1.12
Jakarta JSTL:  Nightly build.


-Original Message-
From: flare [mailto:flare;flare.it]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 4:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

  JSTL supports dynabeans transparently

 Could you please supply a scenario and sample code that proves this?

well.. I thought dynabeans were supported cause I'm using them without
problem, since in
the JSTL ML told me the full support will be added in the 2.x release I can
at least say the
OUT and various FMT tags work fine with them

% page language=java import=org.apache.commons.beanutils.* %
% taglib prefix=c uri=http://java.sun.com/jstl/core; %

  DynaProperty[] props = new DynaProperty[2];
  BasicDynaClass dClass = null;

  props[0] = new DynaProperty(ciccio);
  props[1] = new DynaProperty(pippo);

  try {dClass = new BasicDynaClass(flare,
Class.forName(org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaBean), props);
  } catch (Exception e) {  e.printStackTrace(); }

  DynaBean dbean = dClass.newInstance();

 c:out value=${flare.ciccio}/

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Suggested Change in ActionForwards

2002-10-29 Thread Ken Riley
Hi all,

Recently I've had a good deal of trouble with templates after upgrading my
servlet container. It seems my container vendor has revisited their 
interpretation of forwards in the JSP spec which broke my application 
horribly.  Several people on this list ( thanks Cedric and others ) gave me
good suggestions about how to get my app up and going again. Unfortunately, 
my servlet container made it very difficult for any quick-fix solution 
that I tried. The solution that finally solved my problem involved adding
a new 'feature' to the ActionForward and a slight addition to 
the struts-config.dtd. I wanted to share the idea with the group to see 
if these additions might be helpful to the rest of the community.

What I've done is add an include parameter for the forward tag in the 
struts-config.xml file. This tells the ActionServlet (I'm currently working 
with 1.02) to do an include instead of a forward after processing the 
action. This is similar to the redirect parameter that already exists.
What this allows me to do is explicitly declare that the target
of the forward is in fact not a complete page but is a fragment meant
to be included in a template (or tile). This also allows me to have each
element of the template (or tile) be an action.

The TilesRequestProcessor currently will do an include instead of a forward
if the request.isCommitted() is true. This is nice (except it doesn't work
with my #% servlet container) but I would like to be able to explicitly
declare this behavior in the base struts package so that the developer has
control of the way forwards operate.

So, a forward that needs to be an include looks like
forward name=success path=/jsp/myPage.jsp include=true/
where include is an optional parameter that defaults to false.

I've made the few code changes in my local version of 1.02. I would be willing
to submit the changes to the current tree if the powers that be think that 
this would be good for the package.

Thanks for any feedback or ulconstructive/ul criticism :).


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a complex solution for a simple problem

2002-10-29 Thread Vincent Stoessel
Here is my situation. I need to copy information from
one database (da_A)  and insert it into another (db_B).I get the
id for the from an ActionForm. I guess the easiest thing to do would
be to write code in my acton class that basically makes jdbc calls
to both databases and do a jdbc get -set between them. I would not need 
any model beans in this case.
Till now I've been kind of proud of the fact that I have not put any 
jdbc code or any real business logic in any of my action classes.
But in this situation every other way I know seems like overkill.

Scenario 1 : jdbc is done in the model classes that contain methods
that can do everything from manipulating jdbc to storing value. In this 
scenario the ActionClass is just a staging area for the transfer.

ActionClass + (db_A_ModelBean -  db_B_ModelBean )

Scenario 2 : jdbc is done in the  ActionClass and the
ModelBeans are really only value beans copyProperties()
comes to mind in this situation

ActionClass + (db_A_ValueBean -  db_B_ValueBean )

Scenario 3 : Break everything out to granular compoments.
Action class does nothing but calls and passes data between
utility beans that do the jdbc work and value beans that
just hold values via get/set.

ActionClass +
((db_A_UtilityBean - db_A_ValueBean )
(db_B_ValueBean - db_B_UtilityBean  ))

Which is the best method, are there better suggestions?

Vincent Stoessel
Linux Systems Developer
vincent xaymaca.com

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Re: a complex solution for a simple problem

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
I would break this into a value bean for the info and a DAO for the jdbc.

ValueBean value = dao.getSomeValue();

getSomeValue retrieves data from dbA and insertSomeValue inserts it into 
dbB.  Of course, there are many variations of this that you can try.

I don't think this is overkill and it allows you to reuse the jdbc logic.


From: Vincent Stoessel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: a complex solution for a simple problem
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 12:26:22 -0500

Here is my situation. I need to copy information from
one database (da_A)  and insert it into another (db_B).I get the
id for the from an ActionForm. I guess the easiest thing to do would
be to write code in my acton class that basically makes jdbc calls
to both databases and do a jdbc get -set between them. I would not need 
any model beans in this case.
Till now I've been kind of proud of the fact that I have not put any jdbc 
code or any real business logic in any of my action classes.
But in this situation every other way I know seems like overkill.

Scenario 1 : jdbc is done in the model classes that contain methods
that can do everything from manipulating jdbc to storing value. In this 
scenario the ActionClass is just a staging area for the transfer.

ActionClass + (db_A_ModelBean -  db_B_ModelBean )

Scenario 2 : jdbc is done in the  ActionClass and the
ModelBeans are really only value beans copyProperties()
comes to mind in this situation

ActionClass + (db_A_ValueBean -  db_B_ValueBean )

Scenario 3 : Break everything out to granular compoments.
Action class does nothing but calls and passes data between
utility beans that do the jdbc work and value beans that
just hold values via get/set.

ActionClass +
((db_A_UtilityBean - db_A_ValueBean )
(db_B_ValueBean - db_B_UtilityBean  ))

Which is the best method, are there better suggestions?

Vincent Stoessel
Linux Systems Developer
vincent xaymaca.com

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Re: Suggested Change in ActionForwards

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
This sounds very similar to the 1.1 feature of putting tiles in the forward 

forward name=success path=account.form.myFormTile /

This tells Tiles to process the account.form.myFormTile definition and 
construct the response.  Does that meet your needs?


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Suggested Change in ActionForwards
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 12:23:52 -0500

Hi all,

Recently I've had a good deal of trouble with templates after upgrading my
servlet container. It seems my container vendor has revisited their
interpretation of forwards in the JSP spec which broke my application
horribly.  Several people on this list ( thanks Cedric and others ) gave me
good suggestions about how to get my app up and going again. Unfortunately,
my servlet container made it very difficult for any quick-fix solution
that I tried. The solution that finally solved my problem involved adding
a new 'feature' to the ActionForward and a slight addition to
the struts-config.dtd. I wanted to share the idea with the group to see
if these additions might be helpful to the rest of the community.

What I've done is add an include parameter for the forward tag in the
struts-config.xml file. This tells the ActionServlet (I'm currently working
with 1.02) to do an include instead of a forward after processing the
action. This is similar to the redirect parameter that already exists.
What this allows me to do is explicitly declare that the target
of the forward is in fact not a complete page but is a fragment meant
to be included in a template (or tile). This also allows me to have each
element of the template (or tile) be an action.

The TilesRequestProcessor currently will do an include instead of a forward
if the request.isCommitted() is true. This is nice (except it doesn't work
with my #@% servlet container) but I would like to be able to explicitly
declare this behavior in the base struts package so that the developer has
control of the way forwards operate.

So, a forward that needs to be an include looks like
forward name=success path=/jsp/myPage.jsp include=true/
where include is an optional parameter that defaults to false.

I've made the few code changes in my local version of 1.02. I would be 
to submit the changes to the current tree if the powers that be think that
this would be good for the package.

Thanks for any feedback or ulconstructive/ul criticism :).


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RE: Maxlength validation returns null in error message

2002-10-29 Thread Jeff Born
Thanks for the info, that fixed it for me.  Also cleared up the arg0, arg1,
arg2 confusion.


-Original Message-
From: Nekkalapudi, Viplava [mailto:VNekkalapudi;erac.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Maxlength validation returns null in error message

I think, arg2 is only required for the range validation error message not
for minlength/maxlength.
please check for the error messages declared in the validator-rules.xml.
But in the struts-example application in validation.xml, arg2 is declared
for maxlength,
field property=username
   arg0   key=prompt.username/
   arg1   key=${var:minlength} name=minlength
   arg2   key=${var:maxlength} name=maxlength

Make arg2 to arg1 for the maxlength and it should work.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Born [mailto:jborn;gr.com]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: Maxlength validation returns null in error message

Hi all,
I've looking at the struts-example.war in 1.1b2 and when running through the
login.jsp page I keep getting the following username can not be greater
null characters.  This happens via the JavaScript validation.  I thought
maybe it might be JavaScript related, but when I remove the onsubmit and let
the server validate I end up with the same message.
I think I found somewhere that this is an open error, but not sure where to
check.  Any direction here?
Is there a simple fix?
Is a fix in the works?

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struts-validator.war doesn't work

2002-10-29 Thread JuanPedro . DeAndres
I'm using jakarta-struts-20021029, and trying 
struts-validator.war, it doesn,t works. 
I'm using Tomcat 4.1.10

Thanks for all
 Juan Pedro.

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RE: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

2002-10-29 Thread flare
 Hi flare,
 It doesn't work for me. I'm getting error
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An error occurred while evaluating
 custom action attribute value with value ${flare.ciccio}: Unable
 to find a value for ciccio in object of class
 org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaBean using operator .

I got this error trying to render a url with a dynabean param

c:url value=/showAllegati.do var=show
c:param name=id value=${requestScope.id}/
c:param name=tipo value=${requestScope.tipo} /
c:param name=key value=${item.a_nomefile} /
  ^^ dynabean 

With out and ftm tags  works for me 

 My environment:
 Tomcat 4.1.12
 Jakarta JSTL:  Nightly build.

I'm using Resin 2.1.5
JSTL latest stable (1.02 I think) 

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html:select tag question

2002-10-29 Thread Axtell, Neil

This may be a question for the Struts Developers, but here goes.

I've been investigating the following JSP error (thrown by a JSP page
attempting to use a FormBean) :-

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method available for property
archiveServer for bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SelectTag.doStartTag(SelectTag.java:304)

Having looked at the Struts source code it would appear that the
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN string should be the Class of the
FormBean I've associated with my JSP page - but it isn't. This is the
default value that the name var is initialised to. It would appear that
the SelectTag.setName() method is not being called and hence the tag does
not know the FormBean it should be looking for.

Has anyone any ideas when/how the SelectTag should be told the Class of the
FormBean it should be looking for so that it can populate the HTML OPTION
tag? BTW I'm referencing the JSP page directly via a link, should I go via
an Action? It wouldn't do anything as this initial reference simply displays
an empty Form for the user to complete.

Many thanks.


Neil Axtell
Principal Engineer (MMI/Web Technologies)
European Measurement Division - Engineering
200 Capability Green
Luton, UK
Tel:  +44 (0) 1582 433347
Fax: +44 (0) 1582 433276
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Re: form:text property

2002-10-29 Thread Peter A. J. Pilgrim
Raj Yadav wrote:

Yes, got it.

Thanks a lot.. spent an hour on this...

Can you turn off the EMAIL NOTIFICATION in your outgoing messages? Sheesh!
Peter Pilgrim
ServerSide Java Specialist

My on-line resume and for interview videos about myself, J2EE
Open Source, Struts and Expresso.
   \\===  `` http://www.xenonsoft.demon.co.uk/no-it-striker.html ''

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RE: error checking in Action

2002-10-29 Thread Mark Silva
yes i agree.  

my error checking is going into a buisness level helper class (instead of the form) 
because it is so complex.  it onvolves going into the database, and making sure there 
are a minimum number of an item left, before a user can make changes to it.  it also 
needs to check various other attributes from the db.  i thought that this was too 
cumbersome to be in the form.

andrew mentioned some ways to forward back to the form with an error in 1.1.  i am 
using 1.0, will these techniques still work?  are there any other suggestions on how 
to do this in 1.0?  unfortunately i need to stick to 1.0, so suggestion to upgrade are 
not going to help much :-)


-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980;hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: error checking in Action

Nice restatement Rob.  That's exactly how I see the validation working.  I 
know I'm in trouble when my action class gets too big :-).


From: Rob Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: error checking in Action
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 00:14:55 -0500

David Graham wrote:

Why do you need to move error checking into an action?  Why not just
let the form bean do it's job and validate itself?  Have you looked at
using the validator?  Validation belongs in the form bean; actions' main
job is to direct traffic and execute business layer methods.


For Generic type of validation the ActionForm is an appropiate
place to do validation. To restate what David said, the ActionForm
is designed to be passive, and have values info it needs passed
to it. It should definately not make method calls to other Business Logic.

To add to that,Any complex validation would take place in the Business 
Logic, with the Action being the go between loading and unloading the
ActionForm and calling validation methods in the Business Logic.


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RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Sri Sankaran
Don't know.  All I can say is that nesting forms is incorrect usage of HTML and will 
lead to unpredictable results.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I used the nested tags previously for other similiar pages and they all worked fine.. 
Also I can try it out like you said,but my point is how did the other page which had 
the similar functionality like this page 
work well and why is the problem only with this one. 

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:11 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

You cannot nest form tags.  That isn't valid HTML.  That probably explains why your 
field values aren't getting submitted.

You can accomplish what you are attempting with simply your current outer form tag 
with one hidden 'target' field.  Set the target accordingly using JavaScript based on 
the button the user selects and then submit.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:36 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Here are the attchmnts of action class and jsp.

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

OK, so you have:

form-bean name=cultureForm 
   type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / 

action name=cultureForm 
path=/test /

What does your jsp look like?  Just send a snippet with the form tag and some 
representative field(s).  While you are at it, send a sample demonstrating how you are 
trying to extract user-entered data from the form.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

The third suggestion too did not work ..
Any more suggestions..

Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'test.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is 'cultureForm.do' 
(assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean 
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action 
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I submit my 
jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I know I am 
missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea ...


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName name=yourFormMappingName 
scope=session validate=true input=/yourJSP.jsp forward 
name=yourLocalForwardName path=/yourSecondJSP.jsp / /action

Or even better:
Download James Holmes Struts Console to edit your struts-config. (search

hope this helps,


 Can anyone explain me why I get this problem...
 I have my action and 

Re: [how many form for update and create action ?]

2002-10-29 Thread Josh Berry
Xavier Combelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a conceptual problem in my struts application

I am programming an application which give the possibility
to create, update and delete several information, for exemple 
the name and the price of an item.

So I need to give to the user two possibilities :
 1- the possibility to create an item
 2- the possibility to update an item
so i use two action, one for each possibility

Should I use the same form bean to update and create or
should I use different form bean, one for update and one for create ?
and if I should use different form bean, should they have the same type ?

I can only explain my approach.  For simplicity, I will change it to a User

I have one form for all user related information.  However, there are three
places that this information will be used, specifically, there is a search
page, an add page, and an edit page.  So, I created a pre-action that handles
each of these pages.  (note, they all use the same preaction)

The pre-action simply makes sure that the form is initialized correctly.  In
the case of the edit page, it loads the user to be edited.

The search page submits to a particular action for searching, though the add
and edit page both submit to an action for saving.  I was able to distinguish
which page linked to the action based upon the parameter.

So... for at least three input pages, I have one form and a total of three
actions.  Of course, saying it like that sounds like I simply wanted to
minimize the number of files to create.  Possibly, but it really does feel
simpler this way.

That is the way I would recommend it, one form.  Some pages are just subsets
of the form, but you still just need the one form.  Afterall, the whole point
of the form class is simply a buffer between the presentation and the business
logic.  It should reflect more of what the user is going to experience then
what the backend knows.

Now, before you take my word, I would at defer to others here.  If people
would chime in on my approach I would greatly appreciate it.


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RE: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

2002-10-29 Thread Parmar, Dipakkumar
Hi flare,

I don't know how you got c:out working with DynaBean but seems like that
JSTL doesn't support DynaBean. Here is the link

I also looked at the source code and couldn't find anything related to


-Original Message-
From: flare [mailto:flare;flare.it]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 12:43 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

 Hi flare,

 It doesn't work for me. I'm getting error

 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An error occurred while evaluating
 custom action attribute value with value ${flare.ciccio}: Unable
 to find a value for ciccio in object of class
 org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaBean using operator .

I got this error trying to render a url with a dynabean param

c:url value=/showAllegati.do var=show
c:param name=id value=${requestScope.id}/
c:param name=tipo value=${requestScope.tipo} /
c:param name=key value=${item.a_nomefile} /
  ^^ dynabean

With out and ftm tags  works for me

 My environment:
 Tomcat 4.1.12
 Jakarta JSTL:  Nightly build.

I'm using Resin 2.1.5
JSTL latest stable (1.02 I think)

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Re: [how many form for update and create action ?]

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
I think your approach is fairly standard and is also what I recommended :-).


From: Josh Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [how many form for update and create action ?]
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 13:33:40 -0500

Xavier Combelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a conceptual problem in my struts application

I am programming an application which give the possibility
to create, update and delete several information, for exemple
the name and the price of an item.

So I need to give to the user two possibilities :
 1- the possibility to create an item
 2- the possibility to update an item
so i use two action, one for each possibility

Should I use the same form bean to update and create or
should I use different form bean, one for update and one for create ?
and if I should use different form bean, should they have the same type ?

I can only explain my approach.  For simplicity, I will change it to a User

I have one form for all user related information.  However, there are three
places that this information will be used, specifically, there is a search
page, an add page, and an edit page.  So, I created a pre-action that 
each of these pages.  (note, they all use the same preaction)

The pre-action simply makes sure that the form is initialized correctly.  
the case of the edit page, it loads the user to be edited.

The search page submits to a particular action for searching, though the 
and edit page both submit to an action for saving.  I was able to 
which page linked to the action based upon the parameter.

So... for at least three input pages, I have one form and a total of three
actions.  Of course, saying it like that sounds like I simply wanted to
minimize the number of files to create.  Possibly, but it really does feel
simpler this way.

That is the way I would recommend it, one form.  Some pages are just 
of the form, but you still just need the one form.  Afterall, the whole 
of the form class is simply a buffer between the presentation and the 
logic.  It should reflect more of what the user is going to experience then
what the backend knows.

Now, before you take my word, I would at defer to others here.  If people
would chime in on my approach I would greatly appreciate it.


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Advice needed on dynamic list forms.

2002-10-29 Thread Jeff_Mychasiw
I know this is done many times before.
My requirement is to display a list of records where one of the columns is
text box.

The actual datastructure is  a list of dual lists..

I have a List of wrapper objects that each contains two Lists.
The internal list are value objects with non String values.
All columns are readonly data except for one editable currency field.



So far I have all of this working and auto populating at request time. The
problem is validation.

What I have done so far is:
1 - The two wrapper objects use the commons ListUtils.lazyList()
2 - The page is rendered with nested tags (very easy!)
3 - upon submit, the datastructure gets repopulated and the amount field
gets converted to a Float, all automatically.

I was quite happy how clean this all was until I realized that I still want
to validate the  text value and redisplay the bad input in the list.

By the time the validate method in the form is called, the list is already
repopulated. If the Amount field is Bad input it would be converted to 0.0.
So I need access to the field before is get converted.

I should mention that  I have no ability alter the data structure form the
backend, so I can only wrap or convert...

 Has anyone got any advice?  

In an effort to get this going..
I am in the proccess if wrapping each value object inside another value
object that contains a single String property and the vo.
I will iterate throught each of the lists and validate each entry, then
when sending to the back end, also iterate and convert  each value.

I am using 1.1b2 but am not using the validator.

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Form Validation Errors in ONE line?

2002-10-29 Thread Dan Tran

Hi I used struts declarative validation, which works quite well for me, but the all 
errors are concatenated in one line.  Is there a way to break them into multiple line 
on my web page?


RE: form and action in struts-config

2002-10-29 Thread Vankineni, Naga X
I fixed the problem and found out that the problem was in my jsp page at
defining forms.
Thank you very much and really appreciate it ..

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 1:16 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Don't know.  All I can say is that nesting forms is incorrect usage of HTML
and will lead to unpredictable results.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I used the nested tags previously for other similiar pages and they all
worked fine.. Also I can try it out like you said,but my point is how did
the other page which had the similar functionality like this page 
work well and why is the problem only with this one. 

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:11 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

You cannot nest form tags.  That isn't valid HTML.  That probably explains
why your field values aren't getting submitted.

You can accomplish what you are attempting with simply your current outer
form tag with one hidden 'target' field.  Set the target accordingly using
JavaScript based on the button the user selects and then submit.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:36 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Here are the attchmnts of action class and jsp.

Naga Vankineni
Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

OK, so you have:

form-bean name=cultureForm 
   type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / 

action name=cultureForm 
path=/test /

What does your jsp look like?  Just send a snippet with the form tag and
some representative field(s).  While you are at it, send a sample
demonstrating how you are trying to extract user-entered data from the form.


-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

The third suggestion too did not work ..
Any more suggestions..

Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:Sri.Sankaran;sas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:27 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

Oops! Major brain fart. Change the suggestions:

Ignore the first suggestion.

The third suggestion should read:

* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'test.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Sri Sankaran 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:22 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

A few suggestions:

* Try setting the 'name' attribute in the action mapping to '/cultureForm'
* Make sure you using a html:form in your culture.jsp file.
* Make sure that the 'action' attribute value of the html:form is
'cultureForm.do' (assuming you are using the usual Struts convention)

-Original Message-
From: Vankineni, Naga X [mailto:naga_x_vankineni;groton.pfizer.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:08 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: form and action in struts-config

I checked the struts-config.xml and here is the piece of code.. form-bean
name=cultureForm type=com.pfizer.caa.culture.CultureForm / action
input=/test/culture.jsp scope=session validate=false path=/test /

The issue I am facing is I don't see the values in my ACTION class after I
submit my jsp page and go to action class and retreive them by saying
cultureform.get(xxx) and all I see in the formbean values are nulls... I
know I am missing something very silly but can't figure it out... Any idea


Phone: 860-686-1643

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Biel [mailto:Marcus.Biel;bmw.de]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: form and action in struts-config

Would need to see some of your code...

The only idea I got without seeing your code:
check your struts-config.xml
form-bean name=yourFormMappingName type=YourFormClass/

action path=/doAction type=YourActionClassName

Re: [Re: [how many form for update and create action ?]]

2002-10-29 Thread Josh Berry
David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think your approach is fairly standard and is also what I
 recommended :-).

The only thing I wasn't sure of was using the same action for saving and
creating.  I feel that is easiest, but I can see how some people might

Also, two general questions to the forum.  First, I've noticed a lot of people
top post.  Is that the standard in a mailing list?  I am more used to news
groups.  If I am annoying anyone by having the quotes above, please let me

Second, It gets to be difficult to see if a question has already been answered
before I post.  Do we typically defer to certain members to answer, or should
I just use common sense?  (That is, if a message was posted within the past
couple of hours, feel free to answer; check for someone else having answered,


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Re: [Re: [how many form for update and create action ?]]

2002-10-29 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
A couple of embedded comments.

On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Josh Berry wrote:

 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 14:16:54 -0500
 From: Josh Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Re: [how many form for update and create action ?]]

 David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think your approach is fairly standard and is also what I
  recommended :-).

 The only thing I wasn't sure of was using the same action for saving and
 creating.  I feel that is easiest, but I can see how some people might

I tend to prefer the one-Action solution for this, primarily because the
only functional difference tends to be using an INSERT or an UPDATE.  If
you use the typical DAO pattern, that's usually just a simpmle if-else
statement in your Action to call the insert() or update() method of your

 Also, two general questions to the forum.  First, I've noticed a lot of people
 top post.  Is that the standard in a mailing list?  I am more used to news
 groups.  If I am annoying anyone by having the quotes above, please let me

I don't think we'll have a lot of influence on human nature or laziness
:-) ... but I prefer intermixing responses (as I'm doing here).  Even more
importantly, you should trim down the message you are quoting to just the
part you are addressing, if it's not the whole message.

 Second, It gets to be difficult to see if a question has already been answered
 before I post.  Do we typically defer to certain members to answer, or should
 I just use common sense?  (That is, if a message was posted within the past
 couple of hours, feel free to answer; check for someone else having answered,

Multiple answers are a Good Thing (tm) :-), because there are often
different perspectives and experiences that can be very useful.  You
probably should not assume that any particular person will always answer
questions in a particular topic area -- they might be busy or offline, or
just not in a mood to answer questions on that particular day :-).

In terms of mechanics, I always read mailing lists with the message sort
set to threaded -- then, it's trivially simple to see if there have been
responses yet (and even look at them to confirm), in an attempt to avoid
completely redundant responses.  Of course, there are still the inevitable
race conditions (multiple people composing and sending answers at the same



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RE: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

2002-10-29 Thread flare
 Hi flare,
 I don't know how you got c:out working with DynaBean but seems like
 that JSTL doesn't support DynaBean. 

You're right, It seems Resin has a JSTL implementation built-in so I was using the 
implementation not the Apache one. I really didn't know about that sorry...



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Can format strings be used with html:text input fields

2002-10-29 Thread Norman Klein

Currently we use format strings to control the display output of our
financial fields for bean:write output statements.

bean:write name=overviewForm property=LHO_AppraisedPrice
format=$###,###,###.00 /

This format string ensures that thousands and hundred thousands values
automatically have the appropriate number of commas inserted and that the
value ends with .00. Is there a similiar clean way to do this with
html:text fields. It won't recognize a format attribute and I would
prefer to keep all formatting in the JSP file and out of the corresponding
html:text property=LHO_AppraisedPrice /

Thanks, Norman

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Re: Form Validation Errors in ONE line?

2002-10-29 Thread David Graham
I assume you're using html:errors to display the messages.  Add this to 
your message resources file


I believe this requires version 1.1.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Form Validation Errors in ONE line?
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 11:00:01 -0800

Hi I used struts declarative validation, which works quite well for me, but 
the all errors are concatenated in one line.  Is there a way to break them 
into multiple line on my web page?


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RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on action

2002-10-29 Thread Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC
In your web.xml file, you can define the page that is used for any
particular status code (including 400).  Check out the error-page

That's a workable solution, but a bit of kludge - assuming that the user can
get a error-code of 400 for other reasons than not being authorized.  I
guess I was hoping for a way to trap the response before it left the struts
code, perform some logic, and forward to another page (maybe the one they
just came from).

Voytek Jarnot

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RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on actio n

2002-10-29 Thread Madel,Kurt
Another way is to check the role from the action:


On false, forward to your error page.  Not as convenient as using the Struts
config, but much more definitive. 

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-Original Message-
From: Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC [mailto:Voytek.Jarnot;MAXWELL.AF.MIL] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:33 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on actio n

In your web.xml file, you can define the page that is used for any
particular status code (including 400).  Check out the error-page

That's a workable solution, but a bit of kludge - assuming that the user can
get a error-code of 400 for other reasons than not being authorized.  I
guess I was hoping for a way to trap the response before it left the struts
code, perform some logic, and forward to another page (maybe the one they
just came from).

Voytek Jarnot

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Re: Struts in a war inside a ear file in WL6.1

2002-10-29 Thread Kevin . Bedell

I belive you need a copy of the struts.jar file inside the ear file as well
- plus the manifest should have a line such as:

classpath: struts.jar

This is classic Weblogic classloader stuff - check their docs.


Gus Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/29/2002 10:24:21 AM

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List

To:Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc: (bcc: Kevin Bedell/Systems/USHO/SunLife)
Subject:Struts in a war inside a ear file in WL6.1

I'm getting this error in the browser when I try to deploy an ear that
has two EJBs and a war with struts in it. When I click on the button
that has the action:

No action instance for path /amortization could be created

action: Error creating ActionForm instance of class '
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mypcka.ipi.webcontrol
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:19
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native M
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.jav
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:294
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:250
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:115)

The struts.jar is inside the WAR file under web-inf/lib/struts.jar

any  ideas?


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Re: [RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on action]

2002-10-29 Thread Josh Berry
my response below...

Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's a workable solution, but a bit of kludge - assuming that 
 the user can get a error-code of 400 for other reasons than not
 being authorized.  I guess I was hoping for a way to trap the
 response before it left the struts code, perform some logic,
 and forward to another page (maybe the one they just came from).

This is more of a question then answer, but I thought the whole point of
container managed security was that if they are not allowed on a resource the
resource is not aware of this fact.

That is, if the web.xml file has a resource as being restricted and the user
is not allowed, then they NEVER touch the struts code.  The web server does
the redirecting of the user to the appropriate spot.  

Now, from what I know of this stuff.  What you are describing sounds more
likely to be accomplished using filters.

Am I completely off on this?


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RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on action

2002-10-29 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC wrote:

 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 14:33:04 -0600
 From: Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on
 actio n

 In your web.xml file, you can define the page that is used for any
 particular status code (including 400).  Check out the error-page

 That's a workable solution, but a bit of kludge - assuming that the user can
 get a error-code of 400 for other reasons than not being authorized.  I
 guess I was hoping for a way to trap the response before it left the struts
 code, perform some logic, and forward to another page (maybe the one they
 just came from).

A different approach would be to subclass RequetProcessor and override the
processRoles() method to do something differnt.

 Voytek Jarnot


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RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on actio n

2002-10-29 Thread Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC
I plan to use that method when necessary, but hope to accomplish a large
chunk of the security requirements declaratively.

-Original Message-
From: Madel,Kurt [mailto:kmadel;csmi.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:39 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on
actio n

Another way is to check the role from the action:


On false, forward to your error page.  Not as convenient as using the Struts
config, but much more definitive. 

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-Original Message-
From: Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC [mailto:Voytek.Jarnot;MAXWELL.AF.MIL] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:33 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on actio n

In your web.xml file, you can define the page that is used for any
particular status code (including 400).  Check out the error-page

That's a workable solution, but a bit of kludge - assuming that the user can
get a error-code of 400 for other reasons than not being authorized.  I
guess I was hoping for a way to trap the response before it left the struts
code, perform some logic, and forward to another page (maybe the one they
just came from).

Voytek Jarnot

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RE: [RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on actio n]

2002-10-29 Thread Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC
Your assumption is correct, I can restrict url-patterns in web.xml, but for
finer-grained control, I _may_ wish to utilize struts-config.xml to restrict
at the action level.

-Original Message-
From: Josh Berry [mailto:josh.berry;usa.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:03 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute
on actio n]

my response below...

Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's a workable solution, but a bit of kludge - assuming that 
 the user can get a error-code of 400 for other reasons than not
 being authorized.  I guess I was hoping for a way to trap the
 response before it left the struts code, perform some logic,
 and forward to another page (maybe the one they just came from).

This is more of a question then answer, but I thought the whole point of
container managed security was that if they are not allowed on a resource
resource is not aware of this fact.

That is, if the web.xml file has a resource as being restricted and the user
is not allowed, then they NEVER touch the struts code.  The web server does
the redirecting of the user to the appropriate spot.  

Now, from what I know of this stuff.  What you are describing sounds more
likely to be accomplished using filters.

Am I completely off on this?


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RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on actio n

2002-10-29 Thread Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC
Thank you, I should've known to look in RequestProcessor...

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:craigmcc;apache.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:05 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on
actio n

On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC wrote:

 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 14:33:04 -0600
 From: Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Container Managed Authentication and roles attribute on
 actio n

 In your web.xml file, you can define the page that is used for any
 particular status code (including 400).  Check out the error-page

 That's a workable solution, but a bit of kludge - assuming that the user
 get a error-code of 400 for other reasons than not being authorized.  I
 guess I was hoping for a way to trap the response before it left the
 code, perform some logic, and forward to another page (maybe the one they
 just came from).

A different approach would be to subclass RequetProcessor and override the
processRoles() method to do something differnt.

 Voytek Jarnot


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Nice labels for inputs.

2002-10-29 Thread Josh Berry
I am not real sure of what to call what I am trying to do, so nice labels will
have to work.

Due to my amazing irritation with having to check a tiny little box for a
radio/checkbox select when there is a large label I could be checking, I used
to use the label tag quite extensively.  I am not sure that this had any
benefit in Netscape, but it did have the benefit of allowing a user to click
on a label and having the input element associated update.

Now, unfortunately, the time I tried to do this with struts, I ran into the
problem of id not being allowed in any of the html: input tags.  So, while
I can still use the label tag all day, there is no way for me to associate
it with the correct input element.  That is, a typical input (again, radio and
checkbox receive the most benefit) should look something like this:

label for=maleMale/labelinput type=radio id=male value=male

Is there any reason that id is not allowed on the struts input tags?  Does
anyone else see the benefit?  I know it sounds asinine, but that is one the
often unused standard tags that I wish received more use.


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RE: Nice labels for inputs.

2002-10-29 Thread Karr, David
Use the styleId attribute.  That's exactly what it does.

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Berry [mailto:josh.berry;usa.net]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 1:32 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Nice labels for inputs.
 I am not real sure of what to call what I am trying to do, so 
 nice labels will
 have to work.
 Due to my amazing irritation with having to check a tiny 
 little box for a
 radio/checkbox select when there is a large label I could be 
 checking, I used
 to use the label tag quite extensively.  I am not sure that 
 this had any
 benefit in Netscape, but it did have the benefit of allowing 
 a user to click
 on a label and having the input element associated update.
 Now, unfortunately, the time I tried to do this with struts, 
 I ran into the
 problem of id not being allowed in any of the html: input 
 tags.  So, while
 I can still use the label tag all day, there is no way for 
 me to associate
 it with the correct input element.  That is, a typical input 
 (again, radio and
 checkbox receive the most benefit) should look something like this:
 label for=maleMale/labelinput type=radio id=male 
 Is there any reason that id is not allowed on the struts 
 input tags?  Does
 anyone else see the benefit?  I know it sounds asinine, but 
 that is one the
 often unused standard tags that I wish received more use.
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To unsubscribe, e-mail:   mailto:struts-user-unsubscribe;jakarta.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:struts-user-help;jakarta.apache.org

Re: Nice labels for inputs.

2002-10-29 Thread Antoni Reus

The struts-html tags have the styleId attribute, that will output and id 


-- Antoni Reus

A Dimarts 29 Octubre 2002 22:31, Josh Berry va escriure:
 I am not real sure of what to call what I am trying to do, so nice labels
 will have to work.

 Due to my amazing irritation with having to check a tiny little box for a
 radio/checkbox select when there is a large label I could be checking, I
 used to use the label tag quite extensively.  I am not sure that this had
 any benefit in Netscape, but it did have the benefit of allowing a user to
 click on a label and having the input element associated update.

 Now, unfortunately, the time I tried to do this with struts, I ran into the
 problem of id not being allowed in any of the html: input tags.  So,
 while I can still use the label tag all day, there is no way for me to
 associate it with the correct input element.  That is, a typical input
 (again, radio and checkbox receive the most benefit) should look something
 like this:

 label for=maleMale/labelinput type=radio id=male value=male

 Is there any reason that id is not allowed on the struts input tags? 
 Does anyone else see the benefit?  I know it sounds asinine, but that is
 one the often unused standard tags that I wish received more use.


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