Re: struts 1.1 validation problem / question

2003-11-16 Thread Andreas Wuest
Hi Victor,

thanks for you reply.  the lookupdispatchaction does not really solve
my problem, since handling the different actions is not the problem.
the problems is the validation of the input fields for the different 
action. i need different validations depending on the value of the
userAction html form value.



On Sunday 16 November 2003 10:51, Victor wrote:
 Oi Andre,

 Tries to verify the LookupDispatchAction class, this
 class allows to manage diverse actions in simple
 Action and in this way you can better manage its
 validations with the Validator.

 Good code.
 Victor Amano Izawa


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Re: struts 1.1 validation problem / question

2003-11-16 Thread Phil
Hi Andreas,

i think the best way is to write your own
validate() method in your action form. There you
can easily check the value of the userAction attribute
and depending on that the other attributes.


public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest
request) {
  ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

  if (getName().length()  1) {
   errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new

  return errors;



- Original Message -
From: Andreas Wuest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 2:36 PM
Subject: struts 1.1 validation problem / question


 i have a small problem / question concerning the struts 1.1 validation.
 i have a jsp form that has the following input fields :


 Depending on the userAction value (can be 'show' or 'save') i need to
 validate only the id (when userAction is 'show') or the name, password
 and id (when the userAction is 'save').
 i have one form that contains the 4 properties (with getters and setters)
 and an action class that handles the show and the save action.

 the problem that i have is the validation. as far as i understand the
 docuemtneation it is not possible to validate a property only when
 another property has a certain value. in other words it is not possible
 to tell the validator to skip validation of a property when another
 has a certain value.
 or am i mistaken ?

 how can i solve this problem ? do i need 2 forms and action to handle the
 different userActions or is there another way ??

 Thanks in advance,


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Re: file upload

2003-11-16 Thread Caoilte O'Connor
i've not used dynaforms with fileupload so if that is the 
problem I couldn't say. you could try it with a normal 

However as the problem is trying to set  a formfile using a 
string it looks like the problem could be in your jsp.

have you set the enctype like below,
html:form action=/blah enctype=multipart/form-data

and the form property using html:file rather than html:text
html:file property=pb_file/



On Friday 14 November 2003 13:38, sairam manda wrote:
 Hello Sir,

 I am new to sturts . I want to upload a file . I am using
 dynaform .

 these are snippets
 in the dynaform I used

  form-property name=pb_file

 and in my action class
 I used the following code

  FormFile file = (FormFile) form.get(pb_file);

 I get the following error

 org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException: Cannot
 assign value of type 'java.lang.String' to property
 'pb_file' of type 'org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile'

 can somebody make me waware of the problem.

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RE: NoClassDefFoundError in custom validator

2003-11-16 Thread Rob van Oostrum
Ok I figured out a way to make it all work ...

The solution ended up being to put all the commons jar files in the root of
the ear, and add them to application.xml as java modules. Looks like it was
indeed a classloader issue then ... which would lead me to think that this
is a bug. No reason why Struts shouldn't be able to do all of the
reflection, especially since this is hardly pushing the envelope. Any


 -Original Message-
 From: Rob van Oostrum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: November 14, 2003 6:11 PM
 Subject: NoClassDefFoundError in custom validator

 I added the commons validator to my Struts implementation. The
 out-of-the-box stuff is working just fine. However, I added the following
 custom validator:

 public class BarnmanValidator implements Serializable {
 public static boolean validateEmailAddress(Object bean, Field field) {

 [etc, etc, etc]

 When this one is about to be invoked, I get this exception (as
 root cause of
 a servlet exception):

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/validator/Field
   at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
   at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(
   at java.lang.Class.getMethod(

 the validator def:

 validator name=email.unique


 the form def:

 form name=register 
   field property=emailAddress
 depends=required,email,email.unique /
   field property=password1 depends=required /
   field property=password2 depends=required /
   field property=firstName depends=required /
   field property=lastName depends=required /

 If I omit my custom validator everything works fine.

 the commons-validator.jar is in my war file's WEB-INF/lib, and there seems
 to be no problem locating org.apache.commons.validator.Validator
 (as you can
 tell from the stacktrace). Only thing I can think of is that it's a
 different classloader trying to load the Field class through
 reflection? Any
 known solutions to known problems?

 thanks in advance,

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Iterate problem

2003-11-16 Thread ZYD

I hava a userForm that has a ArrayList of User objects, each User object has several 
properties: fistname, lastname, age.

How can I get all User's firstname, lastname, age in an iterate?



Re: Problem of nested logic:iterate

2003-11-16 Thread ZYD
I have a similiar problem. 

I hava a userForm that has a ArrayList of User objects, each User object has several 
properties: fistname, lastname, age.

How can I get all User's firstname, lastname, age in an iterate?

- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 6:35 PM
Subject: RE: Problem of nested logic:iterate

Here u go...I have a userForm that has a list of users. Each User further has a list 
of's the logic:iterate code to do what u want to do ...

 logic:iterate name=userForm property=users id=user
  bean:write name=user property=firstname/  
logic:iterate name=user property=orders id=order
  bean:write name=order property=orderdesc/


-Original Message-
From: Raman Garg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 2:46 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Problem of nested logic:iterate


I have a problem regarding struts logic:iterate

I need to show  category wise listing of products. so can anybody advice me how to 
create nested logic iterate loops to accomplish this.

what i need is  there will be two nested logic iterates 

!--this is for listing of catergory--
!--this is for products under a catergory--

How can populate the inner loop variable???

Thanks in advance,
Raman Garg

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Re: Where to get the latest Scaffold jar and documentation?

2003-11-16 Thread ZYD
Thanks Caoilte.

- Original Message - 
From: Caoilte O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: Where to get the latest Scaffold jar and documentation?

 The Scaffold in Struts in Action book is very different from 
 the version included with the Artimus example app in Struts 
 1.1 contrib.
 I wouldn't advise using those chapters as anything more than 
 a general introduction to the framework.
 and AFAIK ted considers the framework finished.
 On Saturday 15 November 2003 09:20, ZYD wrote:
   I downloaded a file called,
  there are two jar files inside: commons-scaffold.jar and
   In Struts in Action, page 434,
  org.apache.scaffold.text.MessageUtils is metioned. Does
  anybody knows where is it?
   It's not in the two jar files above. I cannot find it
  anywhere. Even .
   I also searched the net using google, still no answer.
   If you are using Scaffold, please give me some help,
  thanks in advance.
   BTW: Is Scaffold still being actively maintained and
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Redirecting after logon...

2003-11-16 Thread Craig Edwards
Some of my pages need the user to be logged on before they can be 
viewed, so I have cobbled together some simple behaviour in my Action 
superclass that forwards them to a logon page.  Now, I need to send them 
back to where they were originally trying to go before I redirected them 
to logon.  I have a couple of questions banging around in my head:

1. Should this redirection be performed by my RequestProcessor class or 
by my Action superclass?

2. After they have logged on (in LogonAction), I need to return an 
ActionForward object that takes them back to where they were trying to 
go originally before I forced them to logon.  However, I don't know how 
to construct an ActionForward that contains everything it needs (for 
example, what if their original request was a POST containing FORM data, 
or was a URL like /action/blah?id=123a=bc=d...  I want to preserve 
and forward this info.)

3. I would have thought that nearly every web app would need this 
behaviour, but both my struts textbooks give mickey-mouse examples, and 
I can't find anything on the web that looks remotely like a real-world 
example.  Does anyone know of any real examples or advice that they 
would care to share? 

Many thanks...

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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How to forward without redirect from action?

2003-11-16 Thread Bessette
I have an action that does the following:

public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {

request.setAttribute( testing, This is a test );

return new ActionForward( mapping.getInput(), false );

And I have a jsp page that has the following:

%= pageContext.findAttribute( testing ) %

The problem is the jsp page always prints null and the url is never that of
the action, always that of the page.  This means the action is always
redirecting to the input page no matter what I set the redirect variable in
the ActionForward to be.  How do I forward to the input page without

Here's my action mapping:

If you have any ideas or need more info to help out, please let me know.


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2003-11-16 Thread Felipe Nascimento

I am trying to use the exception handling from default struts
I declared this inside a action tag in struts config.xml :

key=tatilJ.exception.faseJaExisteException path=tiles.erro /

1- I was always getting the white screen. So I put the input property in
the action tag. It started going to the input I declared, but what I wanted
was to go to the path declared above (tiles one).
2- Beside, I get: [ServletException in:/componentes/mensagens.jsp] Cannot
find bean error in any scope' .

Any clue???

Tks a lot,

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Re: Redirecting after logon...

2003-11-16 Thread Craig Edwards
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 You could do that... or you could do it the J2EE way, decleratively 
 without any coding, letting container do it that way:

Thanks for the reply Vic.  I can see how that would be the way to go if 
I were starting from scratch.  Unfortunately, I am using a framework 
that has its own repository for users/roles and I don't think I will be 
able to coerce it into operating within the J2EE Realm/LoginConfig 

Assuming that I have to build my own infrastructure to handle this, do 
you have any more thoughts?  I already have code that recognizes the 
user isn't logged on and redirects them to logon... I am just missing 
the step that sends back to where they were originally going.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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Re: ExceptionHandler

2003-11-16 Thread Felipe Nascimento
Yes it is. I am from Brazil. It is in portuguese.
- Original Message - 
From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: ExceptionHandler

 Felipe Nascimento wrote:

  key=tatilJ.exception.faseJaExisteException path=tiles.erro /

 Is the tiles definition really called tiles.erro and not tiles.error ?


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ProcessBeanBase subclass

2003-11-16 Thread Felipe Nascimento

I have a ProcessBeanBase subclass that is my business object.
I implemented a JUnit test to see why I was getting the final Response  Cannot create 
iterator for this collection' in my browser screen, 
and I always fall in that ClassCastException. 
Need help to understand why. Tks!
Here is my business object, that extends Empresa that extends ProcessBeanBase :

public class BuscaEmpresasComProjeto extends Empresa{
 public final String LEGENDA = Empresas com Projetos.;
 public Object execute(Object parametros) throws Exception{
  ResultList list = new ResultListBase( 
TatilFacade.getInstance().getEmpresasComProjeto(this) );
  return new ProcessResultBase(list);


Here is the test:

 * Test for Object execute(Object)
final public void testExecuteObject() {
  * Subclass of ProcessBeanBase.
  * Implements execute(Object) method;
 BuscaEmpresasComProjeto busca = new BuscaEmpresasComProjeto();
 ArrayList c = null;
 try {
  c = (ArrayList) busca.execute(null);
 catch (ClassCastException ex){ conseguiu fazer o cast de Object para ArrayList, vinda de 
BuscaEmpresasComProjeto.execute() );
 catch (Exception e) {
 Assert.assertTrue( c.size()  0);
 Iterator i = c.iterator();
