SV: How to create an include which calls an action: jsp:include page=some action Really need help : The Answer!

2004-02-26 Thread Tommy Holm - TELMORE
What I did is the following. I have a master jsp and in this jsp I
inserted the following page.
tile:insert controllerUrl=/
Now there are two important things to consider. First in your action
mapping definition in this case you must add the
redirect=true to the foward attribute. If you do this, your navigation
action does not need to return null, if you don't add this attribute,
then your action must return null. The problem with the latter, is that
you can't call this action ( in any other way than
using the tile tag, because it will jus be a blank page.
Here is my action mapping!

action path=/viewNavigation scope=session name=someForm
  forward name=success path=/jsp/myJspPage.jsp
redirect=true /

On my jsp page it looks like this

Jsp start ***
Bla bla 
Bla bla 
tile:insert controllerUrl=/
Bla bla 
Bla bla 
Jsp end 

My action does not return null because of the redirect=true forward
name=success path=/jsp/myJspPage.jsp redirect=true /

Hope this helps

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Sendt: 25. februar 2004 21:31
Til: Tommy Holm - TELMORE
Emne: SV: How to create an include which calls an action

I'm getting the following error. Can you send me an usage example. I
wonder if controller action returns jsp to include why should we give
page attribute again?

tiles:insert page=/cap/capGeneralInfoAction.ecims flush=true

Old message from Tommy 
No currently none of the proposed solutions worked. I am currently
looking into the Tiles:insert tag Attributes are page = the jsp page to
insert And most importantly there is an controller attribute which
should be an action that perhaps prepares the jsp page. Just testing it
now  - HOLD ON - it works ... Check the tiles:insert tag

Alternatively I figured another way to do it, it's very ugly though, you
can jsp:include an action that just returns null.It does however set up
the bean. Then right after this include on your master jsp, you call
another jsp include that just includes a regular jsp, on this jsp you
can reference The bean that the first include prepared and work as
usual. I admitt the latter solution is very ugly, the tiles way seems to
be the  way to go! Cheers

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Re: Subclassing DynaValidatorForm

2004-02-26 Thread Arne Brutschy
Paul-J Woodward wrote:
Hmm nasty, thinking quickly, I'd guess you have three options:
1. pass the username to the form (dangerous as it's easy to hack)
2. don't display fields the user can't set (again easy to hack)
3. have two copies of the form, one in a session, one in the request. On 
submission, copy the fields from the request form to the session form if 
the user has permission to set them, otherwise ignore any changes to the 

Better still, do 2 and 3.

I finally managed to address that problem - I didn't had time the last 
few days.. All solutions I thought about before were quite unsatisfying. 
I resolved the issue by applying a additional filter on each action. It 
wraps the request in a new RequestWrapper, which filters all parameters 
based on a xml-based access list as the example below.

  form-bean name=editUserForm
form-property name=uid  read=self,admin
form-property name=password read=self,admin
I'm using the same structure to display/disable the apropriate formfield 
(read only means = form will be disabled). If the user doesn't have 
access to a formfield, the parameter gets replaced by it's original 
value (taken from a copy of the bean in the session). That added another 
line of defense to my app.. :)

Arne Brutschy
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Re: How to use html:link... with JSTL?

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
html-el:link page=${mylink}

a href=c:url value=${mylink} /

or if you're running tc5 then just use the expression language in 
html:link .. (i think it should work).

On 26 Feb 2004, at 08:37, Zsolt Koppany wrote:


how can (should) I use html:link... with JSTL?


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DynaValidatorForm loses property value

2004-02-26 Thread RALPH ROPER

I have changed a DynaActionForm to a DynaValidatorForm. The DynaActionForm
email property (the only property on the form) was being displayed in a new
popup window. Since I changed to a DynaValidator form it shows the value as
blank. I have the Javascript validation working OK. 

The flow of events is as follows
1. User clicks on Request Email button on main window
2. ShowEmailAction is called that populates emailAddress property. (I have
confirmed value is put into form).
3. Pops up new window and shows show_email.jsp. The emailAddress property is

form-bean name=EmailForm
form-property name=emailAddress type=java.lang.String /

action path=/enquiry/showEmail
type=com.cuscal.mmdd.action.cuenquiry.ShowEmailAction name=EmailForm
scope=session input=/enquiry/ validate=false
forward name=success

public class ShowEmailAction extends MMDDirectBaseAction {

public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {

// logger.debug(Entered ShowEmailAction method);
System.out.println(Entered ShowEmailAction method);

UserView user = getUserContainer(request).getUserView();
String email = user.getEmail();
DynaValidatorForm emailForm = (DynaValidatorForm) form;
//  DynaActionForm emailForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

emailForm.set(emailAddress, email);
System.out.println(@@@email= +
emailForm.get(emailAddress)); // This bit works
return mapping.findForward(success);



 .. tags, validator javascript, etc ... 
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
META name=GENERATOR content=IBM WebSphere Studio
META http-equiv=Content-Style-Type content=text/css

link href=html:rewrite
href='/MMDDirectWeb/com/cuscal/mmdd/jsp/cu_enquiry/styles/styles00.css' /
rel=stylesheet type=text/css / 
PstrongVerify Email Address/strong/P

html:javascript formName=EmailForm /

pPlease check/correct/add the email address below where the member's list
will be sent/p
html:form action=/enquiry/ onsubmit=return
!--bean:define name=EmailForm property=emailAddress
id=ea type=java.lang.String / --
html:text property=emailAddress size=35/br/
div align=rightp/p
a href=# class=button1
!--html:link href=../enquiry/
styleClass=button1Submit link/html:link  --
!--html:link action=/enquiry/
styleClass=button1Submit/html:link --

So close yet so far. Thanks for any assistance.


Ralph Roper
Business Technology Services (BTS)
Credit Union Services

The information in this email and or any of the attachments may contain;
a. Confidential information of Credit Union Services Corporation (Australia) Limited 
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If you are not an authorised recipient of this email, please contact CUSCAL 
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Re: DynaValidatorForm loses property value

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
Perhaps validate=true..

Another point is you don't need to cast DynaValidatorForm in your  
action, DynaActionForm will do or even DynaBean.

When the action servlet see's that validate = true the validate()  
method is called and errors returned to the view before the action is  
run. If you have a look at some of the struts 1.0 examples with  
validation methods in them and then see when validator came onto the  
screen it starts making sense. On explanation of action forms was that  
they act like a fire wall  between the view and the action, whether  
fire wall was the best description is debatable but it worked for me  
at the time.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 09:59, RALPH ROPER wrote:


I have changed a DynaActionForm to a DynaValidatorForm. The  
email property (the only property on the form) was being displayed in  
a new
popup window. Since I changed to a DynaValidator form it shows the  
value as
blank. I have the Javascript validation working OK.

The flow of events is as follows
1. User clicks on Request Email button on main window
2. ShowEmailAction is called that populates emailAddress property. (I  
confirmed value is put into form).
3. Pops up new window and shows show_email.jsp. The emailAddress  
property is

form-bean name=EmailForm
form-property name=emailAddress type=java.lang.String /
		action path=/enquiry/showEmail
scope=session input=/enquiry/ validate=false
			forward name=success

public class ShowEmailAction extends MMDDirectBaseAction {
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
// logger.debug(Entered ShowEmailAction method);
System.out.println(Entered ShowEmailAction method);
UserView user = getUserContainer(request).getUserView();
String email = user.getEmail();
DynaValidatorForm emailForm = (DynaValidatorForm) form;
//  DynaActionForm emailForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

emailForm.set(emailAddress, email);
System.out.println(@@@email= +
emailForm.get(emailAddress)); // This bit works
return mapping.findForward(success);


 .. tags, validator javascript, etc ... 
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;  
META name=GENERATOR content=IBM WebSphere Studio
META http-equiv=Content-Style-Type content=text/css

link href=html:rewrite
styles00.css' /
rel=stylesheet type=text/css /	
PstrongVerify Email Address/strong/P

html:javascript formName=EmailForm /

pPlease check/correct/add the email address below where the member's  
will be sent/p
	html:form action=/enquiry/ onsubmit=return
	!--	bean:define name=EmailForm property=emailAddress
id=ea type=java.lang.String / --
		html:text property=emailAddress size=35/br/
		div align=rightp/p
			a href=# class=button1
!--			html:link href=../enquiry/
styleClass=button1Submit link/html:link  --
!--			html:link action=/enquiry/
styleClass=button1Submit/html:link --

So close yet so far. Thanks for any assistance.


Ralph Roper
Business Technology Services (BTS)
Credit Union Services

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Re: DynaValidatorForm loses property value

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Try adding 'name' attribute to the html:text tag

   html:text name=EmailForm property=emailAddress size=35/

The html:form tag will expose (or create a new) the ActionForm associated
with the mapping with a value of 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN'. This
is the default 'name' for html tags if you don't specify one (which you
arnt). The action mapping on your form is /enquiry/ - not the
/enquiry/showEmail that you are showing us in your struts-config.

My bet is the mapping for /enquiry/ is still in your
struts-config.xml associated with a different form - so the html:form tag
is creating a new 'empty' form, with no email address and thats what your
html:text tag is picking up - not your new form.


- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:59 AM
Subject: DynaValidatorForm loses property value


 I have changed a DynaActionForm to a DynaValidatorForm. The DynaActionForm
 email property (the only property on the form) was being displayed in a
 popup window. Since I changed to a DynaValidator form it shows the value
 blank. I have the Javascript validation working OK.

 The flow of events is as follows
 1. User clicks on Request Email button on main window
 2. ShowEmailAction is called that populates emailAddress property. (I have
 confirmed value is put into form).
 3. Pops up new window and shows show_email.jsp. The emailAddress property

 form-bean name=EmailForm
 form-property name=emailAddress type=java.lang.String /

 action path=/enquiry/showEmail
 type=com.cuscal.mmdd.action.cuenquiry.ShowEmailAction name=EmailForm
 scope=session input=/enquiry/ validate=false
 forward name=success

 public class ShowEmailAction extends MMDDirectBaseAction {

 public ActionForward execute(
 ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
 throws Exception {

 // logger.debug(Entered ShowEmailAction method);
 System.out.println(Entered ShowEmailAction method);

 UserView user = getUserContainer(request).getUserView();
 String email = user.getEmail();
 DynaValidatorForm emailForm = (DynaValidatorForm) form;
 // DynaActionForm emailForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

 emailForm.set(emailAddress, email);
 System.out.println(@@@email= +
 emailForm.get(emailAddress)); // This bit works
 return mapping.findForward(success);



  .. tags, validator javascript, etc ... 
 META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
 META name=GENERATOR content=IBM WebSphere Studio
 META http-equiv=Content-Style-Type content=text/css

 link href=html:rewrite
 href='/MMDDirectWeb/com/cuscal/mmdd/jsp/cu_enquiry/styles/styles00.css' /
 rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
 PstrongVerify Email Address/strong/P

 html:javascript formName=EmailForm /

 pPlease check/correct/add the email address below where the member's
 will be sent/p
 html:form action=/enquiry/ onsubmit=return
 !-- bean:define name=EmailForm property=emailAddress
 id=ea type=java.lang.String / --
 html:text property=emailAddress size=35/br/
 div align=rightp/p
 a href=# class=button1
 !-- html:link href=../enquiry/
 styleClass=button1Submit link/html:link  --
 !-- html:link action=/enquiry/
 styleClass=button1Submit/html:link --

 So close yet so far. Thanks for any assistance.


 Ralph Roper
 Business Technology Services (BTS)
 Credit Union Services

 The information in this email and or any of the attachments may contain;
 a. Confidential information of Credit Union Services Corporation
(Australia) Limited (CUSCAL) or third parties; and or
 b. Legally privileged information of CUSCAL or third parties; and or
 c. Copyright material of CUSCAL or third parties.
 If you are not an authorised recipient of this email, please contact
CUSCAL immediately by return email or by telephone on 61-2-8299 9000 and
delete the email from your system.
 We do not accept any liability in connection with computer virus, data
corruption, interruption or any damage generally as a result of transmission
of this email.

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using ActionForm for transfeering result set data

2004-02-26 Thread Pradeep, PK
Thank you the detailed reply.

Can we populate ActionForm to populate result set data..How? and then
how one can retrieve it in JSP page html table.

If anybody has already done it ..I will appreciate if they can send me
sample code...else even hint/refrences will do

Pradeep Kumar

Digital Globalsoft Ltd.
(A subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard)

-Original Message-
From: Khalid K. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: data transfer from Action class to jsp page

Just to expand on what Max said,

1. create a ActionForm
  i.e. class MyForm extends ActionForm
2. define attributes that you want to show on the jsp
   i.e. name, street, city, zip
3. you can optionally define validate() and reset() methods

4. define your form bean in struts-config.xml

5. associate the form bean with your action in struts-config.xml

6. in your action read data from database populate form

7. in jsp access form attributes to display values and if needed
   let client change it.


Quoting Max Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Put it in the ActionForm.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Pradeep, PK [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 6:51 AM
 Subject: data transfer from Action class to jsp page
 I have this basic question.
 Suppose action class calls some business object and fetches some data
 (say employee detail). How to transfer this data to jsp page which is
 reached through ActionForward?
 One way I know is storing the data in session there any
 better/different way
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Khalid K.

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Xhtml tag usage question

2004-02-26 Thread Renato Romano
I tried to insert the xhtml tag in my pages, but the only way I found is
to insert it in each tile that composes my page. It seems it is not
sufficient to put it in the template file, or in the page using the
template. Is there a better approach ?
Any help is appreciated

Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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Re: Tomcat 4 Compression Filter

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Thanks Navjot.

Thats another option I hadn't thought of.


- Original Message - 
From: Navjot Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 5:10 AM
Subject: RE: Tomcat 4 Compression Filter

 put apache in front of tomcat and install mod_gzip with apache.
 it will do almost everything you can wish for?
 -Original Message-
 From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 5:43 PM
 To: Struts User Jakarta
 Subject: Tomcat 4 Compression Filter
 There is a CompressionFilter class shipped with with Tomcat which 
 compresses the ServletResponse that I'm considering using (we have 
 some remote offices which have slow links):
 It looks OK to me and seems to work fine when I plug it into my app.
 I'm a bit concerned that its only an example class rather than 
 standard feature of Tomcat. 
 Has anyone used this in a 'live' environment and if so are there 
 any issues or with it or recommendations?
 Does anyone have any alternatives that they have deployed?
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Re: JavaScript Parameter

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
First when debuging javascript alert boxes are handy.

alert(this.form,'%= val %')


alert(this.form,'c:out value=${val} /')

or on tc 5


if that does what you want start debuging the functions by using alert 

function myfunction(form,val) {
onclick=myfunction(this.form,'%= val %')

if you use double quotes like you seem to be you may have to escape 
them, generally easier to use ' rather than  when calling functions in 
the html (in the actual script I prefer to stick to  as more 

and so on. You should get to the bottom of your problem soon enough.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 05:32, Anirudh Jayanth wrote:

I have a scriptlet
% String val=obj.getValue(Key); %
I need to use this value to be passed as a javascript parameter inorder
to set a property value.
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
The parameter value is not being passed to jsFunction
This works when I use a hardcoded value
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..  onclick=jsFunction(form,1234)
I have tried these variations aswell
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
onclick=jsFunction(form,'%=val%') /
Cud somebody please tell me the correct way to do this.

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Re: Xhtml tag usage question

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Unfortunately it saves the xhtml 'flag' in page scope so there isn't much
you can do about it.

Background: BaseHandlerTag has an isXhtml() method which calls the
TagUtils.isXhtml() method which checks the xhtml 'flag' in page scope.

I did think a solution would be to override the TagUtils.isXhtml() method to
either always return 'true' or check a flag in request scope (which you
would have to set some way) - but unfortunately the instance variable for
TagUtils is both private and final - so theres no way to extend and
implement your own custom TagUtils version in 'vanilla' struts. If you build
your own version of struts, you could change TagUtils itself, so maybe thats
an option for you - but then every time you take a new struts version you
have to re-implement your change.

Another alternative is to extend the struts tags to create 'xhtml'
versions - all you would have to do is override the isXhtml() method there.
For example

public class XhtmlTextTag extends TextTag
   public XhtmlTextTag () {
  protected boolean isXhtml() {
  return true;

So I think you have a few options:
   - put the html:xhtml tag in every jsp
   - build your own version of struts and change TagUtils
   - extend the struts tags to create xhtml versions

Personally, I would go with html:xhtml for now and try to get struts
changed so that either the scope of the xhtml flag can be customized or
TagUtils can be extended and overriden.


- Original Message - 
From: Renato Romano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: Xhtml tag usage question

 I tried to insert the xhtml tag in my pages, but the only way I found is
 to insert it in each tile that composes my page. It seems it is not
 sufficient to put it in the template file, or in the page using the
 template. Is there a better approach ?
 Any help is appreciated

 Renato Romano
 Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
 Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
 16127 - GENOVA

 Tel.:   010 2712603

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Re: FormBeans: A question of Style

2004-02-26 Thread Max Cooper
I consider the ActionForms to be part of the view primarily. They should
both collect submitted data and provide the JSP (or other view
components) with most or all the data they need to render the page (camp
2). I say 'most' only because sometimes custom tags can be useful for
getting data for list boxes, etc. All the data that the Action collects,
however, should be carried to the JSP in the ActionForm.

The alternatives for carrying data from Actions to JSPs for the camp 1
gang are not attractive, in my opinion. Having an Action put a bunch of
stuff into the request or session scope creates a lot of coupling
between the Action and JSP. The Action must know where to put it and the
JSP must know where to find it with that scenario. I prefer to keep the
Actions and JSPs loosely coupled by having them both depend on the
ActionForm, rather than depending on each other. The Action populates
the ActionForm, and the JSP renders it.

For complex pages, the ActionForm can be the root of an object graph
that contains all the data you need to render the page. Stashing
additional info all over the session and request is sloppy by
comparison, in my opinion. I think the ActionForm is the root of all
view data approach promotes more concentrated thought about the
structure of the data, which is a good thing. It provides a more
concrete interface between the controller (Action) and view (JSP)
components. Maintaining JSPs that get their data from one place is much
easier than maintaining JSPs that have to collect, organize, and display
data from multiple sources. JSPs that pull data from the ActionForm,
stuff stashed in the session, and/or stuff stashed in the request are
harder to maintain. Where do I find it? How does it all relate? Yuk!


On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 17:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We have 2 camps of thought on the subject of the appropriate use of Struts
 form beans.  Here are the thoughts:
 Camp 1:  Form beans are controller components and should be used only to
 transport user input data between JSP forms (or across JSP forms) and
 Action classes.
 Camp 2: Form beans should be use for what Camp 1 thinks, plus they should
 also contain all the data a JSP uses to render a page (i.e. All the model
 data is inserted into the form bean as well as the form data.)
 Any thoughts?
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RE: Problem with tags and overloaded methods

2004-02-26 Thread Slattery, Tim - BLS
 Just so it's clear, I'm assuming that you have the get 
 method overloaded, with the same method name being used for 
 two different properties (even if you consider them the same 
 conceptual property).

 I would guess that's always a bad idea. 

Huh? I thought that's what we were supposed to do for indexed properties.

 I'm somewhat 
 surprised that it works on one platform with the same 
 appserver, and doesn't on the other. Are they using the same 
 WLS version and JDK version?

Hmm..the local server is using JDK  1.3.1_06, and the dev server is using
1.3.1_10. I don't know what WLS is.

Hmm...we were warned that 1.3.1_10 was more picky that what we had been
using on the dev server in parsing properties. I'll have to look closely at
the page that works in both environments with no changes, I thought it was
doing the same thing in a couple of places.

Tim Slattery

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Re: (Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton

Because ctr is an Integer object - not a int primitive.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 5:13 PM
Subject: (Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...

 Sorry, my mailer messed up the last one, so here again...
 newbie question: 
 I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also 
 using the indexId-tag. 
 logic:iterate name=dateForm property=raw id=foo 
 I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 0-
 based, and I would like to present 1 as the first number to my 
 Now, this should work, isn't it??
 td%= ctr + 1 %/td 
 I would guess: ctr and 1 are added, and is then cast to a string, and
 then printed in my table column. 
 Then why do i get this error?
 operator + cannot be applied to java.lang.Integer, int [javac] 
 out.print( ctr + 1 ); 
 It also does not work when I create a new variable with %! int i=0; 
 % , and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error. 
 So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the 
 jsp, as ctr + 1???
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servlet filters and authentication

2004-02-26 Thread David Evans

I'm configuring the skeleton of a multi module struts application, and i
would like use a filter for the authentication. 

here is psuedojava (for easier reading) of the filter:

public final class AuthFilter implements Filter {

 public void doFilter(request, response, chain)

 session = request.getSession();
 auth = session.getAttribute(authenticated);
if (auth == true) {
chain.doFilter(request,  response);
else {
dispatcher = 
dispatcher.forward (request, response);

I've seen this skeleton suggested in several places on the web. 
The question i have is this: After the user submits the login form, 
the request will come through the filter, and since it has not yet 
been authenticated,  it will again forward to the login.jsp. 
I've thought of a couple of ways to deal with this and 
would like to get input on these and any other approaches. 

1) set the mapping of the filter in web.xml in such a way that it
allows the login action through. maybe set all actions to have an
extension of .do except the login action, which has an extension of
.auth.  I don't think this will work for me, because the multi module 
support of Struts requires extension mapping. I guess i could write a
small serlvet that is not in the struts mapping but is in the same context
and have it mapped to *.auth

2) check within the above filter to see if the request is for the login
action, and if so allow it through. so the if statement above would be: 
if (auth == true || req.getPath().equals(  

Any comments on these ideas or approaches i haven't listed would be 
greatly appreciated.


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Re: need help converting from session to request scope

2004-02-26 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
Quoting Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 sure i agree .. but I've been wanting to dick around with alternatives 
 to storing in the session for a while (since the request vs session 
 debate). and just wondered if anyone had tried read/writing to a flat 
 file as an alternative.

Just remember that it's needless extra work and overhead unless the memory
occupancy actually matters.  The number of actually matters applications is
likely to be a fairly small percentage of the total.

 Additionally I think that sessions are stored in this way anyway so 
 might be a waste of time.

That depends on your container, and how you have it configured.  Tomcat, for
example, by default only puts sessions in memory unless you're shutting down
the app (or the server), in which case it serializes all the session objects to
disk.  However, you can configure the PersistentManager if you wish, which
includes the ability to swap active but idle sessions out to disk (either flat
files or to a database) in a manner similar to what operating systems do with
active but idle processes.  From the developer perspective, the nice thing
about this is it's zero extra code -- other than the need to make your session
objects Serializable, which is not typically very difficult.

 But then I imagine that session objects are 
 loaded into memory where using an old school read-write to a flat file 
 might be less greedy.

Doing any I-O at all has overhead costs ... if memory is not an issue any such
approach is *guaranteed* to make your application slower than leaving the
objects in memory.

 guess its dog food time.

Buying RAM is cheaper than paying for developer and testing time :-).  So is
configuring servers if they support the feature already.

Craig McClanahan

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:42, Paul McCulloch wrote:
  My intuitive response would be that I'd use ram freely and let the O/S 
  about paging stuff to disk if it runs out of physical memory. I'd 
  that the O/S can use disk for paging significantly faster than a Java
  programmer can via the JVM  the O/S.
  I think that you'd have to run some pretty exhaustive tests in an
  environment close to your production one to determine which method is 
  Personally I'd just spend the money on a bit more ram instead of 
  -Original Message-
  From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 26 February 2004 13:24
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: need help converting from session to request scope
  Any opinions on read and writing to flat files to avoid
  additional ram
  use? Or you reckon that the reading and writing would consume similar
  amounts of ram? I'll get around to trying it when i get a moment.
  On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:04, Niall Pemberton wrote:
  Given your scenario, it sounds like a good candidate for a session
  I agree with what Mark Lowe said - usually/often ...theres no more
  invloved scoping to request - thats been the case for my
  app. I would
  do what you said in a previous post - which is clean up
  the session
  when they navigate away to another part of the app.
  I'm in the do it in request unless you have good reason(s)
  to use the
  session camp - rather than the anti-session camp as it may have
  in previous threads.
  - Original Message -
  From: Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:13 PM
  Subject: RE: need help converting from session to request scope
  My application has an Asset search form. The user can enter many
  search on.
  Most of these criteria themselves are looked up from the database
  (e.g the
  Person associated with the Asset search). When the user selects a
  criteria (e.g. the Person) I store the DTO for that person on my
  form. The view element displays details about that Person on the
  until the search form is cleared.
  Many requests will be made to find the criteria before the Asset
  itself is performed.
  To do this using a request scope form would require that I
  all of
  the details I want to display about that person in hidden
  inputs on
  form. If the details I want to display about a Person
  change then I'd
  need to change the hidden fields. In addition once I ship the
  my customers they may have their own JSP developer show extra
  the selected Person.
  So, that's my justification for using session scoped form
  beans. Any
  comments gratefully recieved.
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RE: JavaScript Parameter

2004-02-26 Thread Andrew Hill
Mozilla has a JavaScript debugger that is very very useful for stepping
through the code to see where the error crops up. Worth downloading and
learning to use. Has saved many hours time for me I can say!

(alerts() are still very useful though. Espcially for bugs that only come up
in IE!)

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 26 February 2004 18:58
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JavaScript Parameter

First when debuging javascript alert boxes are handy.

alert(this.form,'%= val %')


alert(this.form,'c:out value=${val} /')

or on tc 5


if that does what you want start debuging the functions by using alert

function myfunction(form,val) {

onclick=myfunction(this.form,'%= val %')

if you use double quotes like you seem to be you may have to escape
them, generally easier to use ' rather than  when calling functions in
the html (in the actual script I prefer to stick to  as more

and so on. You should get to the bottom of your problem soon enough.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 05:32, Anirudh Jayanth wrote:

 I have a scriptlet
 % String val=obj.getValue(Key); %
 I need to use this value to be passed as a javascript parameter inorder
 to set a property value.

 html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
 onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
 The parameter value is not being passed to jsFunction

 This works when I use a hardcoded value
 html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..  onclick=jsFunction(form,1234)

 I have tried these variations aswell
 html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
 onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
 html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
 onclick=jsFunction(form,'%=val%') /

 Cud somebody please tell me the correct way to do this.

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Re: need help converting from session to request scope

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Given your scenario, it sounds like a good candidate for a session scoped

I agree with what Mark Lowe said - usually/often ...theres no more work
invloved scoping to request - thats been the case for my app. I would also
do what you said in a previous post - which is clean up the session stuff
when they navigate away to another part of the app.

I'm in the do it in request unless you have good reason(s) to use the
session camp - rather than the anti-session camp as it may have appeared
in previous threads.


- Original Message - 
From: Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: need help converting from session to request scope

 My application has an Asset search form. The user can enter many criteria
 search on.

 Most of these criteria themselves are looked up from the database (e.g the
 Person associated with the Asset search). When the user selects a search
 criteria (e.g. the Person) I store the DTO for that person on my search
 form. The view element displays details about that Person on the search
 until the search form is cleared.

 Many requests will be made to find the criteria before the Asset search
 itself is performed.

 To do this using a request scope form would require that I transfer all of
 the details I want to display about that person in hidden inputs on the
 form. If the details I want to display about a Person change then I'd also
 need to change the hidden fields. In addition once I ship the application
 my customers they may have their own JSP developer show extra prpoerties
 the selected Person.

 So, that's my justification for using session scoped form beans. Any
 comments gratefully recieved.


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RE: [OT]jsp and version control

2004-02-26 Thread Jay Glanville
 We are developing a web project which incudes jsp
 ,struts etc. we are using VSS for source control, 
 we are sending jar files to the client and each jar
 file we have a manifest file which has the version
 number,build number and date, so if there is any error
 we just ask the version, build and date to track down
 the source and fix it,
 But since we cannot bundle all the jsp in jar file,
 how do we know what source the client have, do we have
 to include build number etc in each and every jsp we
 send, or include a jsp with build number,
 any ideas, how do people keep track of what jsp code
 is running on client machine.
 we have different clients running different versions
 and build

We version control our JSPs through the keyword substitution
functionality provided by our source code repository.  Every one of our
JSPs contain a comment at the top, containing versioning information.
For example:
%-- $Id:$  --%
Is the simplest version.

CVS has a keyword ($Name:$ I believe) that inserts the checkout
label/tag, if a checkout is performed by label.  For example, if you
label the current development tree as revision_1_1, and then perform a
checkout based on that revision tag (something like cvs checkout -r
revision_1_1, then $Name:$ will be replaced with $Name: revision_1_1$.

However, I'm not very familiar with VSS (other then the fact that it
doesn't scale very well), therefore, I can't tell you how to do this in
your environment.

Hope this helps


Jay Glanville

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Removing business logic from Actions

2004-02-26 Thread Irving, Dave
Hi all,

Ive seen quite a few web applications employing Struts where business logic
is bolted straight in to Action classes. While not-so-bad for small
projects, this obviously can 'get out of hand' for large applications -
leading to poor maintainability, dependency on the web tier etc etc.
So, I got to thinking, what should an application specific struts Action
really be doing?
My interpretation of a 'standard case' boiled down to the following:

* Interpret an ActionForm to produce (a) business value object(s)
* Delegate to the 'business' layer to perform some functionality
* (Optionally) Interpret result and add elements to request / session to
facilitate view (optionally creating a view model from a returned business
* (Optionall) Interpret result to find an appropriate forward

In my (limited) experience, it seems all too easy to extend the actions
responsibilities to cover things which should really be accomplished by the
business tier.
So I got to thinking about ways to 'channel' action development the right
way, and thought about a 'MediatorAction'.
MediatorAction accomplish the above 4 tasks in a declarative manner
(probably using an xml configuration file), and would rely heaviliy on the
use of Java Beans - in the same way as the struts custom tags.
As a quick example, lets suppose we have this rough action:

public class OrderAction extends Action {
  public ActionForward execute(...) {

// Stage 1 - create business VO from form and potentially request
ProductVO product = createProductRequest(form, request);

// Stage 2 - invoke business layer
OrderResult result = shop.orderProduct(product);

// Interpret result
if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
  // Stage 3 - create view model from result (optional, could just use
  OrderDetails orderDetails = result.getDetails();
  request.setAttribute(ORDER_VIEW, orderDetails);
  // Stage 4 - we now know our mapping
  return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
else {
  // Stage 4 - we now know our mapping
  return mapping.findForward(FAILURE);
Lets assume MediatorAction exists. Here is partial configuration to show how
the same result could be acheived declaratively:

mediatorAction path=/orders/PlaceOrder
  result property=status.success value=true forward=showOrderDetails

export id=orderView property=details scope=request
  result property=status.success value=false forward=failedOrder /

It can be seen that we can query the result of a business operation in an
'nested bean' manner to match a 'result', which in turn defines a forward,
and can optionall 'export' (or even remove) objects in a defined scope.

This is a simplified example. It may be that we wish to map a business
object in to a view model object before exporting it to a scope. E.g, we may
have an OrderViewModel which we wish to populate from the result. We would
have the ability to specifiy a 'ViewMapper' in the export element which
would enable custom conversion from a business object to the exported (view)
Obviously, a 'BusinessMapper' would be installed to map from the Form /
Request to a business object to be provided to the configured business

I think such a combination would enable 'typical' app specific struts
actions to be declared easily, and would reduce the chances of business
logic creeping in.
The 'mappers' would provide the targeted parametization to enable the action
to be used in a wide variety of contexts.

I would be really grateful for any feedback on this approach. I'd happily
develop it further / make it available if people think it would be useful.

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RE: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Paul, R. Chip
Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

shirish posted this a few times.

if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your  
getFoo(int index)  method

public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {

private List addressList = new ArrayList();

public Address getAddress(int index) {

while(index = addressList.size() ) {
this.addressList.add( new Address() );

return (Address) addressList.get(index);

bla bla.


look like it could be your problem.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:

 I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.

 The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.

 I am using nested tags like this.

 nested:nest property = orgVO

   nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
 styleClass=inputmandtabindex= /
   nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses indexId=index

 nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30 
 styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /


 while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.

 2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache. 
 commons.beanutils.BeanUtils - 
 setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a 
 ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
 Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017 
 xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException. 
 at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

 2004-02-26 18:18:40,616 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache. struts.util.RequestUtils 
 - Get module name for path
 2004-02-26 18:18:40,616 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
 struts.util.RequestUtils - Module name found: /uma
 2004-02-26 18:18:40,616 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
 struts.action.RequestProcessor - Processing a 'POST' for path

 My OrgVO is like this.

 public class OrgVO  {

   private ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList();//collection of 

* Gets ArrayList of AddressVOs
* @return addrVOAL ArrayList  a list  of Address VO

Re: [ot]Re: JavaScript Parameter

2004-02-26 Thread Jim Theodoridis
Another solution is to to see the source of the page 

- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:22 PM
Subject: [ot]Re: JavaScript Parameter

 IE on PC (when i have to test) seems to also like complaining about 
 javascript where it says it doesn't find object but then the script 
 proceed to work anyway. And I thought id'ed document objects were 
 loaded into an array when the page loads to.
 I seem to recall that you can install a script debugger on windoze but 
 i never really played with it long enough to see if it was useful or 
 I haven't played with mozilla js debugger I'll have to give it a go. 
 But the only one available when i used to do a lot of dhtml development 
 was in the old ns4 vs ie4 days and the two doms were too far apart for 
 them to be useful.
 On 26 Feb 2004, at 13:18, Andrew Hill wrote:
  Mozilla has a JavaScript debugger that is very very useful for stepping
  through the code to see where the error crops up. Worth downloading and
  learning to use. Has saved many hours time for me I can say!
  (alerts() are still very useful though. Espcially for bugs that only 
  come up
  in IE!)
  -Original Message-
  From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, 26 February 2004 18:58
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: JavaScript Parameter
  First when debuging javascript alert boxes are handy.
  alert(this.form,'%= val %')
  alert(this.form,'c:out value=${val} /')
  or on tc 5
  if that does what you want start debuging the functions by using alert
  function myfunction(form,val) {
  onclick=myfunction(this.form,'%= val %')
  if you use double quotes like you seem to be you may have to escape
  them, generally easier to use ' rather than  when calling functions in
  the html (in the actual script I prefer to stick to  as more
  and so on. You should get to the bottom of your problem soon enough.
  On 26 Feb 2004, at 05:32, Anirudh Jayanth wrote:
  I have a scriptlet
  % String val=obj.getValue(Key); %
  I need to use this value to be passed as a javascript parameter 
  to set a property value.
  html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
  onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
  The parameter value is not being passed to jsFunction
  This works when I use a hardcoded value
  html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..  
  I have tried these variations aswell
  html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
  onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
  html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
  onclick=jsFunction(form,'%=val%') /
  Cud somebody please tell me the correct way to do this.
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Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
wouldn't mind an example of how to use lazy list if you have one.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem
-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help
shirish posted this a few times.

if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your
getFoo(int index)  method
public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {

private List addressList = new ArrayList();

public Address getAddress(int index) {

while(index = addressList.size() ) {
this.addressList.add( new Address() );
return (Address) addressList.get(index);
bla bla.


look like it could be your problem.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:

I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.

The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.

I am using nested tags like this.

nested:nest property = orgVO

nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
styleClass=inputmandtabindex= /

nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses indexId=index

nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30
styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /


while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.

2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
commons.beanutils.BeanUtils -
setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a
ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017
xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException.
at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)

2004-02-26 18:18:40,616 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache. struts.util.RequestUtils
- Get module name for path
2004-02-26 18:18:40,616 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
struts.util.RequestUtils - Module name found: /uma
2004-02-26 18:18:40,616 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
struts.action.RequestProcessor - Processing a 'POST' for path

My OrgVO is like this.

public class OrgVO  {

private ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList();//collection of
 * Gets ArrayList of AddressVOs
 * @return addrVOAL ArrayList  a list  of Address VO

Re: [ot]Re: JavaScript Parameter

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
yeah thanks..

you know, i'd never thought of that..

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:39, Jim Theodoridis wrote:

Another solution is to to see the source of the page
- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:22 PM
Subject: [ot]Re: JavaScript Parameter

IE on PC (when i have to test) seems to also like complaining about
javascript where it says it doesn't find object but then the script
proceed to work anyway. And I thought id'ed document objects were
loaded into an array when the page loads to.
I seem to recall that you can install a script debugger on windoze but
i never really played with it long enough to see if it was useful or
I haven't played with mozilla js debugger I'll have to give it a go.
But the only one available when i used to do a lot of dhtml  
was in the old ns4 vs ie4 days and the two doms were too far apart for
them to be useful.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 13:18, Andrew Hill wrote:

Mozilla has a JavaScript debugger that is very very useful for  
through the code to see where the error crops up. Worth downloading  
learning to use. Has saved many hours time for me I can say!

(alerts() are still very useful though. Espcially for bugs that only
come up
in IE!)
-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 26 February 2004 18:58
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JavaScript Parameter

First when debuging javascript alert boxes are handy.

alert(this.form,'%= val %')


alert(this.form,'c:out value=${val} /')

or on tc 5


if that does what you want start debuging the functions by using  

function myfunction(form,val) {
onclick=myfunction(this.form,'%= val %')

if you use double quotes like you seem to be you may have to escape
them, generally easier to use ' rather than  when calling functions  
the html (in the actual script I prefer to stick to  as more

and so on. You should get to the bottom of your problem soon enough.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 05:32, Anirudh Jayanth wrote:

I have a scriptlet
% String val=obj.getValue(Key); %
I need to use this value to be passed as a javascript parameter
to set a property value.
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
The parameter value is not being passed to jsFunction
This works when I use a hardcoded value
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
I have tried these variations aswell
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
onclick=jsFunction(form,'%=val%') /
Cud somebody please tell me the correct way to do this.

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RE: using ActionForm for transfeering result set data

2004-02-26 Thread Pradeep, PK
Can we populate ActionForm to populate result set data..How? and then
how one can retrieve it in JSP page html table.

If anybody has already done it ..I will appreciate if they can send me
sample code...else even hint/refrences will do

Pradeep Kumar

Digital Globalsoft Ltd.
(A subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard)

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custom validator question

2004-02-26 Thread Anderson, James H [IT]
I'm creating a custom validator to enforce a = relationship between 2 date fields and 
am having a problem.

A validator method gets a Field arg for the field with which it's associated in 
validation.xml, but I need to also get the Field object for the other date field. I 
need this so that I can get its property name for display in an error message. (I'd 
also like to be able to get the field's datePattern.) I can't figure out how to do 

Any help would be much appreciated!


Here's the relevant part of my validation.xml file:

  form name=ActivityViewForm
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.starting.displayname/
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.ending.displayname/

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RE: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Paul, R. Chip
Note: I think this is likely different in current versions of the commons
collections lib, but this works for the version we are dependent on.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Factory;
import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
// Nonrelevant imports ommitted

public class LazyListExampleForm extends ActionForm {
private List actionList;

public LazyListExampleForm ()
Factory factory = new Factory() {
 public Object create() {
 return new ActionListBean();
 this.actionList = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(),

// Getter/setters for list omitted

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

wouldn't mind an example of how to use lazy list if you have one.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

 Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem 

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

 shirish posted this a few times.

 if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your 
 getFoo(int index)  method

 public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {

 private List addressList = new ArrayList();

 public Address getAddress(int index) {
   while(index = addressList.size() ) {
   this.addressList.add( new Address() );

   return (Address) addressList.get(index);

 bla bla.


 look like it could be your problem.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:

 I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.

 The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.

 I am using nested tags like this.

 nested:nest property = orgVO

  nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
 styleClass=inputmand   tabindex= /
  nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses indexId=index

 nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30 
 styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /


 while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.

 2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache. 
 commons.beanutils.BeanUtils - 
 setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a 
 ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
 Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017 
 xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException. 
 at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)

RE: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Hubert Rabago
IIRC, you also need it in reset():

public class LazyListExampleForm extends ActionForm {
private List actionList;
public LazyListExampleForm () {

public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, 
  HttpServletRequest request) {
super.reset(mapping, request);
private void initLists() {
Factory factory = new Factory() {
public Object create() {
return new ActionListBean();
this.actionList = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(), factory);

// Getter/setters for list omitted

- Hubert

--- Paul, R. Chip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note: I think this is likely different in current versions of the commons
 collections lib, but this works for the version we are dependent on.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.Factory;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
 // Nonrelevant imports ommitted
 public class LazyListExampleForm extends ActionForm {
   private List actionList;
   public LazyListExampleForm ()
   Factory factory = new Factory() {
public Object create() {
return new ActionListBean();
this.actionList = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(),
   // Getter/setters for list omitted
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help
 wouldn't mind an example of how to use lazy list if you have one.
 On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Paul, R. Chip wrote:
  Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem 
  -Original Message-
  From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help
  shirish posted this a few times.
  if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your 
  getFoo(int index)  method
  public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {
  private List addressList = new ArrayList();
  public Address getAddress(int index) {
  while(index = addressList.size() ) {
  this.addressList.add( new Address() );
  return (Address) addressList.get(index);
  bla bla.
  look like it could be your problem.
  On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:
  I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.
  The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.
  I am using nested tags like this.
  nested:nest property = orgVO
 nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
  styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /
 nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses indexId=index
  nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30 
  styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /
  while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.
  2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 
  'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache. 
  commons.beanutils.BeanUtils - 
  setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a 
  ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
  Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017 
  xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException. 
  at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)

RE: Java source out of memory

2004-02-26 Thread Gandle, Panchasheel
We have enough memory, If I remove some code from JSP 
Weblogic 8 creates a java source which is 600 to 800 KB, which is too
Obiviously its trying to create more that one meg when I have the full
jsp source.

The jsp is as below, its small but has many nested tags and static

Would like ot know the reason how weblogic tries to create such a big
file and how to avoid it?
And of course with full jsp src should not give out of memory error
while creating java source...

%@ page import=org.apache.struts.util.*%
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/pims-bean prefix=pbean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/pims-logic prefix=plogic %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/pims-html prefix=phtml   %

script language=JavaScript src=/js/pimsScript.js/script
script language=JavaScript src=/js/validation.js/script
script language=JavaScript src=/js/util.js/script
%@ include file=../css/style1.jsp %

plogic:notSecured itemId=0 logic:forward name=notAllowed
pbean:define id=localObject name=currentObject
type=org.rms.pims.presentation.person.JPerson  /pbean:define
bean:define id=ignoreSec value=true/

div class=detailTitle
  div class=subTitle style=Person Update:/div
  bean:write name=localObject property=firstName/nbsp;bean:write
name=localObject property=lastName/

html:form action=personEditAction styleId=bodyForm target=_top
html:hidden property=prsnId
value=%=String.valueOf(localObject.getPrsnId())%  /html:hidden
html:hidden property=actionParam value=/
html:hidden property=createByPrsnId
html:hidden property=createDate name=localObject/html:hidden
html:hidden property=lastChgByPrsnId
html:hidden property=lastChgDate

DIV class=detailOutput 
table width=90%
!-- Summary Info --
%-- Note: imgName = sectionName + Img --%
trtd class=sectionTitle valign=middle
img id=summaryImg src=/image/tree/minusbox.gif
class=linkedImg onClick='toggle(this);' 
div id=summary   !-- sectionName--
!-- lastName --
bean:define id=editItem value=false/
objectId=form.person.label.lastName ignoreSec=%=ignoreSec%
bean:define id=editItem value=true/
div class=detailRowdiv
class=labelpbean:message key=form.person.label.lastName//div
keyItemValue=%=localObject.getPrsnId()% /plogic:stageInd
div class=valuehtml:text size=20
styleClass=pimsText property=lastName name=localObject
logic:equal name=editItem value=false 
  html:hidden property=lastName

!-- firstName --
bean:define id=editItem value=false/
objectId=form.person.label.firstName ignoreSec=%=ignoreSec%
bean:define id=editItem value=true/
div class=detailRowdiv
class=labelpbean:message key=form.person.label.firstName//div
keyItemValue=%=localObject.getPrsnId()% /plogic:stageInd
div class=valuehtml:text size=20
styleClass=pimsText property=firstName name=localObject
logic:equal name=editItem value=false 
  html:hidden property=firstName

!-- middleName --
bean:define id=editItem value=false/
objectId=form.person.label.middleName ignoreSec=%=ignoreSec%
bean:define id=editItem value=true/
div class=detailRowdiv
class=labelpbean:message key=form.person.label.middleName//div
keyItemValue=%=localObject.getPrsnId()% /plogic:stageInd

Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
Nice one..

For some reason i thought the Factory would involve more than it does,  
so i shied away from it.

Cheers Mark

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:57, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

Note: I think this is likely different in current versions of the  
collections lib, but this works for the version we are dependent on.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Factory;
import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
// Nonrelevant imports ommitted
public class LazyListExampleForm extends ActionForm {
private List actionList;
public LazyListExampleForm ()
Factory factory = new Factory() {
 public Object create() {
 return new ActionListBean();
 this.actionList = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(),
// Getter/setters for list omitted
-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help
wouldn't mind an example of how to use lazy list if you have one.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem
-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help
shirish posted this a few times.

if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your
getFoo(int index)  method
public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {

private List addressList = new ArrayList();

public Address getAddress(int index) {

while(index = addressList.size() ) {
this.addressList.add( new Address() );
return (Address) addressList.get(index);
bla bla.


look like it could be your problem.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:

I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.

The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.

I am using nested tags like this.

nested:nest property = orgVO

nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
styleClass=inputmandtabindex= /

nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses indexId=index

nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30
styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /


while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.

2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
commons.beanutils.BeanUtils -
setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a
ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017
xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException.
at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)

ValidatorActionForm cannot generate javascript validation code

2004-02-26 Thread Julio Cesar De Salvo
It Works great with ValidatorForm but with ValidatorActionForm I can't
make it work, this is my code:
action path=/saveProyectoVersiones
  forward name=success
  forward name=proyecto_versiones
form name=/saveProyectoVersiones
 arg0 key=prompt.descripcion/
and the class
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
public final class ProyectoForm extends ValidatorActionForm {
// --- Instance
 * The maintenance action we are performing (Create or Edit).
private String action = Create;
private String index = null;
and the .jsp file
html:form action=/saveProyectoVersiones onsubmit=return
html:hidden property=action/
table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0
html:javascript formName=proyectoForm
script language=Javascript1.1 src=staticJavascript.jsp/script

RE: custom validator question

2004-02-26 Thread Anderson, James H [IT]
I guess I wasn't clear (also, I was a bit confused :)

My validator is already working, and what you suggest below will get me the
property name I need for display in an error msg. But how can I get the
datePattern from mySecondDate? At the moment I'm assuming it'll be the same
as for myFirstDate, but that's just an assumption...

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:18 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: custom validator question

Specify the second field as var

field property=myFirstDate depends=date,dateCompare

Then in your custom validation method:

String datePattern = field.getVarValue(datePattern);
String compareDateProperty = field.getVarValue(compareDate);

String compareDate = ValidatorUtils.getValueAsString(bean,


- Original Message - 
From: Anderson, James H [IT] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: custom validator question

I'm creating a custom validator to enforce a = relationship between 2 date
fields and am having a problem.

A validator method gets a Field arg for the field with which it's associated
in validation.xml, but I need to also get the Field object for the other
date field. I need this so that I can get its property name for display in
an error message. (I'd also like to be able to get the field's datePattern.)
I can't figure out how to do this.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Here's the relevant part of my validation.xml file:

  form name=ActivityViewForm
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.starting.displayname/
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.ending.displayname/

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RE: custom validator question

2004-02-26 Thread Anderson, James H [IT]
I wasn't aware of it--I'm using Struts 1.1. I'll check it out.


-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:20 AM
To: Struts User Jakarta
Subject: Re: custom validator question

Also, what about using the existing ValidWhen validation

- Original Message - 
From: Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: custom validator question

 Specify the second field as var

 field property=myFirstDate depends=date,dateCompare

 Then in your custom validation method:

 String datePattern = field.getVarValue(datePattern);
 String compareDateProperty = field.getVarValue(compareDate);

 String compareDate = ValidatorUtils.getValueAsString(bean,


 - Original Message - 
 From: Anderson, James H [IT] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:54 PM
 Subject: custom validator question

 I'm creating a custom validator to enforce a = relationship between 2
 fields and am having a problem.

 A validator method gets a Field arg for the field with which it's
 in validation.xml, but I need to also get the Field object for the other
 date field. I need this so that I can get its property name for display in
 an error message. (I'd also like to be able to get the field's
 I can't figure out how to do this.

 Any help would be much appreciated!


 Here's the relevant part of my validation.xml file:

   form name=ActivityViewForm
   arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.starting.displayname/
   arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.ending.displayname/

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Re: need help converting from session to request scope

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
PersistentManager was the keyword i needed..

Nice one

On 26 Feb 2004, at 17:27, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Quoting Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

sure i agree .. but I've been wanting to dick around with alternatives
to storing in the session for a while (since the request vs session
debate). and just wondered if anyone had tried read/writing to a flat
file as an alternative.
Just remember that it's needless extra work and overhead unless the  
occupancy actually matters.  The number of actually matters  
applications is
likely to be a fairly small percentage of the total.

Additionally I think that sessions are stored in this way anyway so
might be a waste of time.
That depends on your container, and how you have it configured.   
Tomcat, for
example, by default only puts sessions in memory unless you're  
shutting down
the app (or the server), in which case it serializes all the session  
objects to
disk.  However, you can configure the PersistentManager if you wish,  
includes the ability to swap active but idle sessions out to disk  
(either flat
files or to a database) in a manner similar to what operating systems  
do with
active but idle processes.  From the developer perspective, the nice  
about this is it's zero extra code -- other than the need to make your  
objects Serializable, which is not typically very difficult.

But then I imagine that session objects are
loaded into memory where using an old school read-write to a flat file
might be less greedy.
Doing any I-O at all has overhead costs ... if memory is not an issue  
any such
approach is *guaranteed* to make your application slower than leaving  
objects in memory.

guess its dog food time.

Buying RAM is cheaper than paying for developer and testing time :-).   
So is
configuring servers if they support the feature already.

Craig McClanahan

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:42, Paul McCulloch wrote:

My intuitive response would be that I'd use ram freely and let the  
about paging stuff to disk if it runs out of physical memory. I'd
that the O/S can use disk for paging significantly faster than a Java
programmer can via the JVM  the O/S.

I think that you'd have to run some pretty exhaustive tests in an
environment close to your production one to determine which method is
Personally I'd just spend the money on a bit more ram instead of

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 February 2004 13:24
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: need help converting from session to request scope

Any opinions on read and writing to flat files to avoid
additional ram
use? Or you reckon that the reading and writing would consume  
amounts of ram? I'll get around to trying it when i get a moment.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:04, Niall Pemberton wrote:

Given your scenario, it sounds like a good candidate for a session
I agree with what Mark Lowe said - usually/often ...theres no more
invloved scoping to request - thats been the case for my
app. I would
do what you said in a previous post - which is clean up
the session
when they navigate away to another part of the app.
I'm in the do it in request unless you have good reason(s)
to use the
session camp - rather than the anti-session camp as it may have
in previous threads.

- Original Message -
From: Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: need help converting from session to request scope

My application has an Asset search form. The user can enter many
search on.

Most of these criteria themselves are looked up from the database
(e.g the
Person associated with the Asset search). When the user selects a
criteria (e.g. the Person) I store the DTO for that person on my
form. The view element displays details about that Person on the
until the search form is cleared.

Many requests will be made to find the criteria before the Asset
itself is performed.
To do this using a request scope form would require that I
all of
the details I want to display about that person in hidden
inputs on
form. If the details I want to display about a Person
change then I'd
need to change the hidden fields. In addition once I ship the
my customers they may have their own JSP developer show extra
the selected Person.

So, that's my justification for using session scoped form
beans. Any
comments gratefully recieved.


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row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramnewbie question: 

I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also 
using the  indexId-tag. 


I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 0-
based, and I  would like to present 1 as the first number to my 

Now, this should work, isn't it?? 


/bold/colorFontFamilyparamARIAL/paramI would guess: ctr and 1 are added, and 
is then cast to a string, 
and then print  it in my table column. 

Then why do i get this error? 

colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramFontFamilyparamTimes New 
Roman/parambiggeroperator + cannot be applied to java.lang.Integer,int [javac]  

out.print( ctr + 1 );  


It also does not work when I create a new variabel with %! int 
i=0; %,  and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error. 

So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the 


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Re: (Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Geeta Ramani

Your ctr seems to be an *Integer* object and you are using it as an
int. So simply say: ctr.intValue() + 1 and you should be ok.



 Then why do i get this error?

 operator + cannot be applied to java.lang.Integer, int [javac]
 out.print( ctr + 1 );


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RE: (Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Jarnot Voytek Contr AU/SC
You get the error because, apparently, ctr is an Integer - not an int.  Try 
%= ctr.intValue() + 1 %, if you want to display it using JSTL EL, you'd
probably be better off using c:forEach to iterate.

Voytek Jarnot
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:13 AM
 Subject: (Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...
 Sorry, my mailer messed up the last one, so here again...
 newbie question: 
 I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also 
 using the indexId-tag. 
 logic:iterate name=dateForm property=raw id=foo 
 I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the 
 ctr-variable is 0-
 based, and I would like to present 1 as the first number to my 
 Now, this should work, isn't it??
 td%= ctr + 1 %/td 
 I would guess: ctr and 1 are added, and is then cast to a string, and
 then printed in my table column. 
 Then why do i get this error?
 operator + cannot be applied to java.lang.Integer, int [javac] 
 out.print( ctr + 1 ); 
 It also does not work when I create a new variable with %! int i=0; 
 % , and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error. 
 So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the 
 jsp, as ctr + 1???
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RE: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Parthasarathy Kesavaraj
Thanks for ur replies. But i could not understand what actually is the

and how lazy list will solve it. This is the first time i am coming across
lazy list.

can u explain what actually is the problem and how lazy list wil handle the

With Regards


-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

Nice one..

For some reason i thought the Factory would involve more than it does,  
so i shied away from it.

Cheers Mark

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:57, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

 Note: I think this is likely different in current versions of the  
 collections lib, but this works for the version we are dependent on.

 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.Factory;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
 // Nonrelevant imports ommitted

 public class LazyListExampleForm extends ActionForm {
   private List actionList;

   public LazyListExampleForm ()
   Factory factory = new Factory() {
public Object create() {
return new ActionListBean();
this.actionList = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(),

   // Getter/setters for list omitted

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

 wouldn't mind an example of how to use lazy list if you have one.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

 Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

 shirish posted this a few times.

 if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your
 getFoo(int index)  method

 public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {

 private List addressList = new ArrayList();

 public Address getAddress(int index) {
  while(index = addressList.size() ) {
  this.addressList.add( new Address() );

  return (Address) addressList.get(index);

 bla bla.


 look like it could be your problem.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:

 I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.

 The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.

 I am using nested tags like this.

 nested:nest property = orgVO

 nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
 styleClass=inputmand  tabindex= /
 nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses indexId=index

 nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30
 styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /


 while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.

 2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
 commons.beanutils.BeanUtils -
 setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a
 ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
 Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017
 xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException.
 at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)

RE: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Paul, R. Chip
This is a common problem when you have a dynamic number of inputs.  The core
problem is that nothing in your form that doesn't directly map to an input
field in the form will carry on between requests - this is why you often
have to include hidden fields to hold data.  While there are inputs for the
data, there are not for the collections themselves, and thus when you go to
set the values of indexed properties, you are trying to get/set records of
an empty collection.  The LazyList solves this by (I think, haven't checked
implementation) creating enough records in the List to make you able to
get/set the appropriate record, instead of throwing
IndexOutOfBoundsException like most collections will.

Basically if you call get(5) on a Lazy List, it will create 6 of your empty
objects (using the factory you provide) and return the 6th one, or set them
if you had called set(5, obj) instead.

Note, this problem does not exist with session scoped forms, so in some
cases they are a better solution to using LazyLists or handling the empty
collections yourself.

-Original Message-
From: Parthasarathy Kesavaraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:24 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

Thanks for ur replies. But i could not understand what actually is the

and how lazy list will solve it. This is the first time i am coming across
lazy list.

can u explain what actually is the problem and how lazy list wil handle the

With Regards


-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

Nice one..

For some reason i thought the Factory would involve more than it does,  
so i shied away from it.

Cheers Mark

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:57, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

 Note: I think this is likely different in current versions of the
 collections lib, but this works for the version we are dependent on.

 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.Factory;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
 // Nonrelevant imports ommitted

 public class LazyListExampleForm extends ActionForm {
   private List actionList;

   public LazyListExampleForm ()
   Factory factory = new Factory() {
public Object create() {
return new ActionListBean();
this.actionList = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(),

   // Getter/setters for list omitted

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

 wouldn't mind an example of how to use lazy list if you have one.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

 Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem 

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

 shirish posted this a few times.

 if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your 
 getFoo(int index)  method

 public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {

 private List addressList = new ArrayList();

 public Address getAddress(int index) {
  while(index = addressList.size() ) {
  this.addressList.add( new Address() );

  return (Address) addressList.get(index);

 bla bla.


 look like it could be your problem.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:

 I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.

 The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.

 I am using nested tags like this.

 nested:nest property = orgVO

 nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
 styleClass=inputmand  tabindex= /
 nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses 

 nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30 
 styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /


 while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.

 2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache. 
 commons.beanutils.BeanUtils - 
 setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a 
 ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
 Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017 
 xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException. 
 at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)

Dynamic number of paramters

2004-02-26 Thread Julio Cesar De Salvo
I have a List of objects and for every one of them have its properties
in a text field. The size of the List may vary so I don't know how to
set the parameters in the ActionForm to use it with the Action class.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Julio

RE: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

2004-02-26 Thread Parthasarathy Kesavaraj
Thanks Paul and Mark.. But my arraylist of AddrressVOs is not directly
inside my form bean.

Its inside my OrgVO which is inturn inside my form bean. Can this scenario
can be handled by the example u have mentioned below..

With Regards


-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

Nice one..

For some reason i thought the Factory would involve more than it does,  
so i shied away from it.

Cheers Mark

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:57, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

 Note: I think this is likely different in current versions of the  
 collections lib, but this works for the version we are dependent on.

 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.Factory;
 import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
 // Nonrelevant imports ommitted

 public class LazyListExampleForm extends ActionForm {
   private List actionList;

   public LazyListExampleForm ()
   Factory factory = new Factory() {
public Object create() {
return new ActionListBean();
this.actionList = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(),

   // Getter/setters for list omitted

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

 wouldn't mind an example of how to use lazy list if you have one.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Paul, R. Chip wrote:

 Or use the Commons Collections LazyList which handles this problem

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:09 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Problem in nested tags- Very Urgent - Please Help

 shirish posted this a few times.

 if you're scoping to request you'll need a while loop in your
 getFoo(int index)  method

 public class OrgManagementForm extends ActionForm {

 private List addressList = new ArrayList();

 public Address getAddress(int index) {
  while(index = addressList.size() ) {
  this.addressList.add( new Address() );

  return (Address) addressList.get(index);

 bla bla.


 look like it could be your problem.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:57, Parthasarathy Kesavaraj wrote:

 I am having an OrganzationVO inside my form-bean.

 The OrganzationVO has a collection of AddressVOs.

 I am using nested tags like this.

 nested:nest property = orgVO

 nested:text property=orgID  size=10 maxlength=10
 styleClass=inputmand  tabindex= /
 nested:iterate id=addressid property=addresses indexId=index

 nested:text property=company1 size=30 maxlength=30
 styleClass=inputmand tabindex= /


 while submitting the form I am getting an exception like this.

 2004-02-26 18:17:08,133 [ExecuteThread: '12' for queue:
 'weblogic.kernel.Default'] DEBUG org.apache.
 commons.beanutils.BeanUtils -
 setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED], orgVO.a
 ddresses[0].company1, [get populated])
 Feb 26, 2004 6:17:08 PM IST Error HTTP BEA-101017
 xt-path=/gbs)] Root cause of ServletException.
 at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)

Struts Workflow

2004-02-26 Thread Mike Duffy
Does anyone have any great ideas on creating customizable workflows in Struts?

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Re: Struts Workflow

2004-02-26 Thread Geeta Ramani
Mike, search this list's archives. This was discussed a few days ago..


Mike Duffy wrote:

 Does anyone have any great ideas on creating customizable workflows in Struts?

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Re: Struts Workflow

2004-02-26 Thread Alvaro Martinez
You can visit this web:


- Original Message - 
From: Mike Duffy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:08 PM
Subject: Struts Workflow

Does anyone have any great ideas on creating customizable workflows in

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Re: (Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Michael McGrady
The + operator is an overloaded operator in Java.  Here, within %= % it 
thinks it is supposed to be concatenating and not adding.  So, it cannot be 
applied to an integer in this case because that operator is being used to 
concatenate strings.  I am going to assume that ctr is an integer.  If so, 
the try the following:

%=  + (ctr + 1) %

This will add the integers first with the second + operator, and then tell 
the first + operator for concatenation that you are dealing with strings by 
putting the  first.  You can also try:

%= (ctr + 1) %

But my suspicion is that the %= % stuff will have the same problem even 
without the operator, because the %= % will expect a string.  The use of 
 before the (ctr + 1) will signal the applicaiton to change the result of 
(ctr + 1) to a string for purposes of concatenation.

Anyway, something like that, I think.

Michael McGrady

At 09:13 AM 2/26/2004, you wrote:
Sorry, my mailer messed up the last one, so here again...

newbie question:

I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also
using the indexId-tag.
logic:iterate name=dateForm property=raw id=foo
I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 0-
based, and I would like to present 1 as the first number to my
Now, this should work, isn't it??

td%= ctr + 1 %/td

I would guess: ctr and 1 are added, and is then cast to a string, and
then printed in my table column.
Then why do i get this error?

operator + cannot be applied to java.lang.Integer, int [javac]
out.print( ctr + 1 );
It also does not work when I create a new variable with %! int i=0;
% , and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error.
So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the
jsp, as ctr + 1???

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Re: Struts Workflow

2004-02-26 Thread Michael McGrady
My suggestion is to build your own.  This is fairly simple stuff that must 
be wedded to your own way of coding your site or application that will fit 
your business requirements.  Make it general for use in other 
places.  Create, for example, you own do/undo/redo to work with but 
independent of the workflow.  Also create some token application or use the 
one that comes with struts.

At 10:08 AM 2/26/2004, you wrote:
Does anyone have any great ideas on creating customizable workflows in Struts?

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RE: row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Robert Taylor
First: Please do not send HTML emails to the list.

Now to address your question:

JSTL makes this easy.
c:forEach var=item items=${form.items} varStatus=status
tdc:out value=${status.count}//td
tdc:out value=${item.someValue}//td

Using Struts tags:

logic:iterate id=item name=form property=items indexId=index
td%=indexId.intValue() + 1%/td
tdbean:write name=item property=someValue//td


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:05 PM
 Subject: row counts in logic:iterate...
 colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramnewbie question: 
 I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also 
 using the  indexId-tag. 
 I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 0-
 based, and I  would like to present 1 as the first number to my 
 Now, this should work, isn't it?? 
 /bold/colorFontFamilyparamARIAL/paramI would guess: ctr and 1 are added, 
 and is then cast to a string, 
 and then print  it in my table column. 
 Then why do i get this error? 
 colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramFontFamilyparamTimes New 
 Roman/parambiggeroperator + cannot be applied to 
 java.lang.Integer,int [javac]  
 out.print( ctr + 1 );  
 It also does not work when I create a new variabel with %! int 
 i=0; %,  and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error. 
 So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the 
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Problem with tags and overloaded methods

2004-02-26 Thread Slattery, Tim - BLS
I've got a FormBean that includes a collection of beans. I have two getters
for this collection: one indexed, and one not indexed. The non-indexed one
returns the entire collection, the indexed one returns a single member of
the collection. The normal arrangement.

I use JSTL tags to refer to the unindexed getter: a c:choose ...c:when
.. set that tests whether the collection is empty, then a c:forEach...
tag that puts the contents on the page.

I have a copy of BEA Weblogic on my local machine, for development. In that
environment everything works perfectly. Then there's another copy of BEA
Weblogic on a Unix box that's available to everybody. That's where I put my
WAR file when I've got it working, so others can use it, and find bugs, etc.

But the application fails on that public server. It tells me that it is
unable to find a value for allItems in object of class
..ItemBeanList. Changing the name of the unindexed getter, so that
it's no longer an overloaded function, makes it work.

I can't figure out why this works on my desktop and fails on the server. All
tld and jar files for the tags are included in the WAR file.

Tim Slattery

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Access message Resource outside web

2004-02-26 Thread Gandle, Panchasheel
How to easily access message Resource from a normal java class
Which is not a tag or a subclass of any Action 
And without passing any pageContext...

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RE: Struts Workflow

2004-02-26 Thread Hookom, Jacob
No matter what, I would recommend turning off caching on the struts
controller, otherwise you will get anomalies with the back button and
workflows.  Do this early in your development and testing with QA.

-Original Message-
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts Workflow

My suggestion is to build your own.  This is fairly simple stuff that must 
be wedded to your own way of coding your site or application that will fit 
your business requirements.  Make it general for use in other 
places.  Create, for example, you own do/undo/redo to work with but 
independent of the workflow.  Also create some token application or use the 
one that comes with struts.

At 10:08 AM 2/26/2004, you wrote:
Does anyone have any great ideas on creating customizable workflows in

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Re: (Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Michael McGrady
NEVER MIND.  I was wrong about how %= % reads the + operator in this 
case.  The problem is that the value is an Integer rather than an int.  I 
learn something everyday.

At 10:38 AM 2/26/2004, you wrote:
The + operator is an overloaded operator in Java.  Here, within %= % 
it thinks it is supposed to be concatenating and not adding.  So, it 
cannot be applied to an integer in this case because that operator is 
being used to concatenate strings.  I am going to assume that ctr is an 
integer.  If so, the try the following:

%=  + (ctr + 1) %

This will add the integers first with the second + operator, and then tell 
the first + operator for concatenation that you are dealing with strings 
by putting the  first.  You can also try:

%= (ctr + 1) %

But my suspicion is that the %= % stuff will have the same problem even 
without the operator, because the %= % will expect a string.  The use of 
 before the (ctr + 1) will signal the applicaiton to change the result 
of (ctr + 1) to a string for purposes of concatenation.

Anyway, something like that, I think.

Michael McGrady

At 09:13 AM 2/26/2004, you wrote:
Sorry, my mailer messed up the last one, so here again...

newbie question:

I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also
using the indexId-tag.
logic:iterate name=dateForm property=raw id=foo
I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 0-
based, and I would like to present 1 as the first number to my
Now, this should work, isn't it??

td%= ctr + 1 %/td

I would guess: ctr and 1 are added, and is then cast to a string, and
then printed in my table column.
Then why do i get this error?

operator + cannot be applied to java.lang.Integer, int [javac]
out.print( ctr + 1 );
It also does not work when I create a new variable with %! int i=0;
% , and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error.
So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the
jsp, as ctr + 1???

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RE: row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Paul, R. Chip
Shouldn't that be %= index.intValue() + 1 % instead of using indexId,
since you set the index variable to be called index in the iterate tag?

-Original Message-
From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:15 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: row counts in logic:iterate...

First: Please do not send HTML emails to the list.

Now to address your question:

JSTL makes this easy.
c:forEach var=item items=${form.items} varStatus=status tr
tdc:out value=${status.count}//td tdc:out
value=${item.someValue}//td /tr /c:forEach

Using Struts tags:

logic:iterate id=item name=form property=items indexId=index tr
td%=indexId.intValue() + 1%/td
tdbean:write name=item property=someValue//td


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:05 PM
 Subject: row counts in logic:iterate...
 colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramnewbie question:
 I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also
 using the  indexId-tag. 




 I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 
 0- based, and I  would like to present 1 as the first number to my 
 Now, this should work, isn't it??

 /bold/colorFontFamilyparamARIAL/paramI would guess: ctr and 
 1 are added, and is then cast to a string,
 and then print  it in my table column. 
 Then why do i get this error?
 colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramFontFamilyparamTimes New 
 Roman/parambiggeroperator + cannot be applied to
 java.lang.Integer,int [javac]  
 out.print( ctr + 1 );
 It also does not work when I create a new variabel with %! int
 i=0; %,  and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error. 
 So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the
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[OT] RE: Memory usage

2004-02-26 Thread Dhaliwal, Pritpal (HQP)
Viru Bhai,

You code is not good or optimized. You have problems follwing instructions.
Your question is not related to struts and you didn't put OT in the subject.
Even if you put OT in subject, It would still be a bad question because
that's not what this list is discussing. 

Primary reason I believe your code is not good and optimized is because you
don't have enough knowledge about how to prove it. Most likely your code is
as good as the question you asked. 

You probably want to look at profilers and code coverage tools do you

If I was you, I would seriously read a Java book. Maybe a Java optimization
book too.

Hope This Helps,
Pritpal Dhaliwal

P.s.  Is it Friday yet?

-Original Message-
From: virupaksha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:46 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Memory usage

Dear All,

I have a requirement, where i need to stop garbage collection, is there any
way to implement? Because, I need to  judge our code is good and optimized,

I need some ray of hope

Thanks in advance,


Re: [OT] RE: Memory usage

2004-02-26 Thread Christian Bollmeyer
On Thursday 26 February 2004 20:12, Dhaliwal, Pritpal (HQP) wrote:

Now. Still remember when you wrote your first crappy lines
you proudly called a 'program'? *That* exactly is what we
all started from, considering me: nearly 23 years ago
on a little ZX81 box, doing my first steps in Assembler.
YMMV. And how I was proud. A long time has passed
since then, and I have seens lots of crappy code in-
between, but whenever I get proud again about what
I've done or achieved since then, one millisecond
before I remember how lousy I started once and
keep my mouth shut in humility, just in time. This,
obviously, is still a lesson you have to learn, but
I can tell you: one of many things that separates
the good from the possibly-not-so-good is a certain
difference in attitude. So it would have sufficed
to politely mention that there are tools for testing
code efficiency (nowadays) and that this forum
may not be the best place to ask for answers.
All the rest is rather irrelevant, including your
insulting assumptions about code you never
saw or the people behind it. You think you're
good or better? I tell you: from this mail alone
I can tell you have still a long way to go to be
regarded as a member of the 'Black Team',
and in your obviously long professional career,
you certainly have read 'Peopleware' once and
know what I'm talking about here. 

-- Chris.

And never say HTH if you intentionally
provide a snake when someone asks
you for a fish.

 Viru Bhai,

 You code is not good or optimized. You have problems follwing
 instructions. Your question is not related to struts and you didn't
 put OT in the subject. Even if you put OT in subject, It would still
 be a bad question because that's not what this list is discussing.

 Primary reason I believe your code is not good and optimized is
 because you don't have enough knowledge about how to prove it. Most
 likely your code is as good as the question you asked.

 You probably want to look at profilers and code coverage tools do you

 If I was you, I would seriously read a Java book. Maybe a Java
 optimization book too.

 Hope This Helps,
 Pritpal Dhaliwal

 P.s.  Is it Friday yet?

 -Original Message-
 From: virupaksha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:46 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Memory usage

 Dear All,

 I have a requirement, where i need to stop garbage collection, is
 there any way to implement? Because, I need to  judge our code is
 good and optimized,

 I need some ray of hope

 Thanks in advance,


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Re: servlet filters and authentication

2004-02-26 Thread rick
Forward to, and have the Action check for four cases:
1. no request parameters, display logon form
2. invalid request parameters, display errors
3. unable to authenticate with valid parameters, display error
4. parameters authenticate, forward to home page

Rick DeBay

On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:06 , David Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:


I'm configuring the skeleton of a multi module struts application, and i
would like use a filter for the authentication. 

here is psuedojava (for easier reading) of the filter:

public final class AuthFilter implements Filter {

 public void doFilter(request, response, chain)
 session = request.getSession();
 auth = session.getAttribute(authenticated);
   if (auth == true) {
   chain.doFilter(request,  response);
   else {
   dispatcher = 
   dispatcher.forward (request, response);

I've seen this skeleton suggested in several places on the web. 
The question i have is this: After the user submits the login form, 
the request will come through the filter, and since it has not yet 
been authenticated,  it will again forward to the login.jsp. 
I've thought of a couple of ways to deal with this and 
would like to get input on these and any other approaches. 

1) set the mapping of the filter in web.xml in such a way that it
allows the login action through. maybe set all actions to have an
extension of .do except the login action, which has an extension of
.auth.  I don't think this will work for me, because the multi module 
support of Struts requires extension mapping. I guess i could write a
small serlvet that is not in the struts mapping but is in the same context
and have it mapped to *.auth

2) check within the above filter to see if the request is for the login
action, and if so allow it through. so the if statement above would be: 
if (auth == true || req.getPath().equals(  

Any comments on these ideas or approaches i haven't listed would be 
greatly appreciated.


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Re: [OT] RE: Memory usage

2004-02-26 Thread atta-ur rehman


- Original Message - 
From: Christian Bollmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] RE: Memory usage

 On Thursday 26 February 2004 20:12, Dhaliwal, Pritpal (HQP) wrote:
 Now. Still remember when you wrote your first crappy lines
 you proudly called a 'program'? *That* exactly is what we
 all started from, considering me: nearly 23 years ago
 on a little ZX81 box, doing my first steps in Assembler.
 YMMV. And how I was proud. A long time has passed
 since then, and I have seens lots of crappy code in-
 between, but whenever I get proud again about what
 I've done or achieved since then, one millisecond
 before I remember how lousy I started once and
 keep my mouth shut in humility, just in time. This,
 obviously, is still a lesson you have to learn, but
 I can tell you: one of many things that separates
 the good from the possibly-not-so-good is a certain
 difference in attitude. So it would have sufficed
 to politely mention that there are tools for testing
 code efficiency (nowadays) and that this forum
 may not be the best place to ask for answers.
 All the rest is rather irrelevant, including your
 insulting assumptions about code you never
 saw or the people behind it. You think you're
 good or better? I tell you: from this mail alone
 I can tell you have still a long way to go to be
 regarded as a member of the 'Black Team',
 and in your obviously long professional career,
 you certainly have read 'Peopleware' once and
 know what I'm talking about here. 
 -- Chris.
 And never say HTH if you intentionally
 provide a snake when someone asks
 you for a fish.
  Viru Bhai,
  You code is not good or optimized. You have problems follwing
  instructions. Your question is not related to struts and you didn't
  put OT in the subject. Even if you put OT in subject, It would still
  be a bad question because that's not what this list is discussing.
  Primary reason I believe your code is not good and optimized is
  because you don't have enough knowledge about how to prove it. Most
  likely your code is as good as the question you asked.
  You probably want to look at profilers and code coverage tools do you
  If I was you, I would seriously read a Java book. Maybe a Java
  optimization book too.
  Hope This Helps,
  Pritpal Dhaliwal
  P.s.  Is it Friday yet?
  -Original Message-
  From: virupaksha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:46 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Memory usage
  Dear All,
  I have a requirement, where i need to stop garbage collection, is
  there any way to implement? Because, I need to  judge our code is
  good and optimized,
  I need some ray of hope
  Thanks in advance,
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RE: Problem with tags and overloaded methods

2004-02-26 Thread Karr, David
Just so it's clear, I'm assuming that you have the get method
overloaded, with the same method name being used for two different
properties (even if you consider them the same conceptual property).

I would guess that's always a bad idea.  I'm somewhat surprised that it
works on one platform with the same appserver, and doesn't on the other.
Are they using the same WLS version and JDK version?

-Original Message-
From: Slattery, Tim - BLS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:47 AM
To: Struts User List ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Problem with tags and overloaded methods

I've got a FormBean that includes a collection of beans. I have two
getters for this collection: one indexed, and one not indexed. The
non-indexed one returns the entire collection, the indexed one returns a
single member of the collection. The normal arrangement.

I use JSTL tags to refer to the unindexed getter: a c:choose
...c:when .. set that tests whether the collection is empty, then a
c:forEach... tag that puts the contents on the page.

I have a copy of BEA Weblogic on my local machine, for development. In
that environment everything works perfectly. Then there's another copy
of BEA Weblogic on a Unix box that's available to everybody. That's
where I put my WAR file when I've got it working, so others can use it,
and find bugs, etc.

But the application fails on that public server. It tells me that it
is unable to find a value for allItems in object of class
..ItemBeanList. Changing the name of the unindexed getter, so that
it's no longer an overloaded function, makes it work.

I can't figure out why this works on my desktop and fails on the server.
All tld and jar files for the tags are included in the WAR file.

Tim Slattery

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Re: servlet filters and authentication

2004-02-26 Thread David Evans
Thank you. I knew i was overlooking something simple.

On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 15:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Forward to, and have the Action check for four cases:
 1. no request parameters, display logon form
 2. invalid request parameters, display errors
 3. unable to authenticate with valid parameters, display error
 4. parameters authenticate, forward to home page
 Rick DeBay
 On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:06 , David Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
 I'm configuring the skeleton of a multi module struts application, and i
 would like use a filter for the authentication. 
 here is psuedojava (for easier reading) of the filter:
 public final class AuthFilter implements Filter {
  public void doFilter(request, response, chain)
  session = request.getSession();
  auth = session.getAttribute(authenticated);
  if (auth == true) {
  chain.doFilter(request,  response);
  else {
  dispatcher = 
  dispatcher.forward (request, response);
 I've seen this skeleton suggested in several places on the web. 
 The question i have is this: After the user submits the login form, 
 the request will come through the filter, and since it has not yet 
 been authenticated,  it will again forward to the login.jsp. 
 I've thought of a couple of ways to deal with this and 
 would like to get input on these and any other approaches. 
 1) set the mapping of the filter in web.xml in such a way that it
 allows the login action through. maybe set all actions to have an
 extension of .do except the login action, which has an extension of
 .auth.  I don't think this will work for me, because the multi module 
 support of Struts requires extension mapping. I guess i could write a
 small serlvet that is not in the struts mapping but is in the same context
 and have it mapped to *.auth
 2) check within the above filter to see if the request is for the login
 action, and if so allow it through. so the if statement above would be: 
 if (auth == true || req.getPath().equals(  
 Any comments on these ideas or approaches i haven't listed would be 
 greatly appreciated.
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RE: Problem with tags and overloaded methods

2004-02-26 Thread Karr, David
I reiterate, I believe it's a bad idea to use the same method name for
two different property mappings.  If you can find some documentation
that recommends you do that, I'd like to see it.

WLS = WebLogic Server.

-Original Message-
From: Slattery, Tim - BLS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:35 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Problem with tags and overloaded methods

 Just so it's clear, I'm assuming that you have the get
 method overloaded, with the same method name being used for 
 two different properties (even if you consider them the same 
 conceptual property).

 I would guess that's always a bad idea.

Huh? I thought that's what we were supposed to do for indexed

 I'm somewhat
 surprised that it works on one platform with the same 
 appserver, and doesn't on the other. Are they using the same 
 WLS version and JDK version?

Hmm..the local server is using JDK  1.3.1_06, and the dev server is
using 1.3.1_10. I don't know what WLS is.

Hmm...we were warned that 1.3.1_10 was more picky that what we had been
using on the dev server in parsing properties. I'll have to look closely
at the page that works in both environments with no changes, I thought
it was doing the same thing in a couple of places.

Tim Slattery

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mapping an error-page to a Struts Action

2004-02-26 Thread Andrew Freeman
I would like to be able to map my 404 errors to a specific Struts Action
versus mapping the error directly to a JSP page.  However, unless I
configure my Struts Action to forward to a Tiles definition I can't seem to
get this to work.  I am working with Tomcat 5.0.19 on Windows XP.

My config files:

!-- web.xml --

!-- struts-config.xml mapping that works --
action path=/404 forward=.error.404 /

!-- struts-config.xml mapping that fails --
action path=/404 forward=/404.jsp /

If I call the directly, the page comes up correctly with with either
struts-config configuration.  If I use the first struts-config
configuration, the 404 page is displayed correctly.  However, if I use the
second struts-config configuration, I get a blank page when a 404 occurs.  I
give... Please tell me what I am doing wrong.


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Re: Problem with tags and overloaded methods

2004-02-26 Thread Martin Cooper

Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I reiterate, I believe it's a bad idea to use the same method name for
 two different property mappings.  If you can find some documentation
 that recommends you do that, I'd like to see it.

I believe Tim is referring to what is defined in section 8.3.3 of the
JavaBeans spec, Indexed properties, which states:

Thus an indexed property foo might be represented by four accessor

public Bah[] getFoo();
public void setFoo(Bah a[]);
public Bah getFoo(int a);
public void setFoo(int a, Bah b);

IMO, what Tim is trying should work. I'd put the failure down to a buggy
introspection implementation, although it's possible that dropping in a
later version of Commons BeanUtils might work around it.

Martin Cooper

 WLS = WebLogic Server.

 -Original Message-
 From: Slattery, Tim - BLS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:35 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: Problem with tags and overloaded methods

  Just so it's clear, I'm assuming that you have the get
  method overloaded, with the same method name being used for
  two different properties (even if you consider them the same
  conceptual property).

  I would guess that's always a bad idea.

 Huh? I thought that's what we were supposed to do for indexed

  I'm somewhat
  surprised that it works on one platform with the same
  appserver, and doesn't on the other. Are they using the same
  WLS version and JDK version?

 Hmm..the local server is using JDK  1.3.1_06, and the dev server is
 using 1.3.1_10. I don't know what WLS is.

 Hmm...we were warned that 1.3.1_10 was more picky that what we had been
 using on the dev server in parsing properties. I'll have to look closely
 at the page that works in both environments with no changes, I thought
 it was doing the same thing in a couple of places.

 Tim Slattery

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Best Place To Check Session Timeout

2004-02-26 Thread Mike Millson
In the O'Reilly book, Programming Jakarta Struts, it mentions 2 places
to check for session timeout:
(1) In a base Action class that all of your other Action classes extend
(pg. 45)
(2) Extend processPreprocess and over-ride the processPreprocess method.

It seems to me that processPreprocess is better than using a base Action
because it is further upstream, so needless processing can be avoided.
Or is there a situation where doing it in a base Action class is better
than in processPreprocess?

Thank you,

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RE: servlet filters and authentication

2004-02-26 Thread Max Cooper
I'm the primary author of the SecurityFilter project, and the filter
logic is a bit more complicated than the code that was posted. Even if
you decide not to use SecurityFilter, it is probably worth a look at the
doFilter() method.

Some issues that you will/may have to deal with:
1. Filter getting executed on forwards (depends on your container).
2. Sending the user back to the page they requested when the login
sequence was initiated (a key feature, IMO).
3. Keeping request parameters (both GET and POST) across the login
4. Sending the user to an error page when the login fails.
5. Allowing login form and error page requests to be processed without
invoking the login sequence.
6. Knowing what to do / where to send the user if they authenticate
spontaneously (i.e. when they weren't sent to the login form by your

Basically, there's a lot of stuff to deal with even though it seems
simple at first. :-) If you can use container-managed security or
SecurityFilter, you'll probably save yourself some time that would
otherwise be spent dealing with these issues. It is worth investigating
the existing solutions before rolling your own.


On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 09:20, Robert Taylor wrote:
 You may want to see if this supports your requirements:
  -Original Message-
  From: David Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:07 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: servlet filters and authentication
  I'm configuring the skeleton of a multi module struts application, and i
  would like use a filter for the authentication. 
  here is psuedojava (for easier reading) of the filter:
  public final class AuthFilter implements Filter {
   public void doFilter(request, response, chain)
   session = request.getSession();
   auth = session.getAttribute(authenticated);
  if (auth == true) {
  chain.doFilter(request,  response);
  else {
  dispatcher = 
  dispatcher.forward (request, response);
  I've seen this skeleton suggested in several places on the web. 
  The question i have is this: After the user submits the login form, 
  the request will come through the filter, and since it has not yet 
  been authenticated,  it will again forward to the login.jsp. 
  I've thought of a couple of ways to deal with this and 
  would like to get input on these and any other approaches. 
  1) set the mapping of the filter in web.xml in such a way that it
  allows the login action through. maybe set all actions to have an
  extension of .do except the login action, which has an extension of
  .auth.  I don't think this will work for me, because the multi module 
  support of Struts requires extension mapping. I guess i could write a
  small serlvet that is not in the struts mapping but is in the same context
  and have it mapped to *.auth
  2) check within the above filter to see if the request is for the login
  action, and if so allow it through. so the if statement above would be: 
  if (auth == true || req.getPath().equals(  
  Any comments on these ideas or approaches i haven't listed would be 
  greatly appreciated.
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RE: html:text works, bean:write fails

2004-02-26 Thread Gopalakrishnan, Jayesh
html:text works differently I think. It looks up the bean on the enclosing
html:form tag from the action mapping. So in all possiblity your
html:text  bean:write are fetching from different scopes.

also try 

bean:write name='total' scope='session' property='totalInventory' /

and this probably is the default 
bean:write name='total' scope='request' property='totalInventory' /

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: html:text works, bean:write fails

Tried both cases - no joy. 

Also tried wrapping the bean:write...  tag
in logic:present tag:

logic:present name='total' property='totalInventory'
    bean:write name='total' property='totalInventory' ignore='false'/

while setting the ignore to 'false'. The page renders, but apparently the
bean is not visible in the scope. But, if that is the case, why does it
work with the html:text taglib?

On Thursday 26 February 2004 14:56, you wrote:
 The problem loos strange. The only diff i can find is name attribute. try

 putting name attribute in both cases. also try removing it. may work...

 With Regards


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Re: html:text works, bean:write fails

2004-02-26 Thread rcdunn
I added the following tag:

logic:notPresent name='total' property='totalInventory'
Not present

And I DO get the 'Not present' text. I am still confused; why then does the
html:text tag work?

Sorry for the posting to myself, but I am hoping for someone to pick up the
thread and tell me what a Doofus I am and point me the right way. That may
have already happened, but I get the list e-mails in batches and I haven't
even seen my own posts yet (just one response that was sent directly to

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Struts menu Question

2004-02-26 Thread Daniel
I know, this list is not struts-menu list, but ..

at the struts menu example (permissions menu) at there is 
this line:  
String[] menus = request.getParameterValues(menus);

I'd like to know just where they put the menus attribute in a session ??


Daniel S.

Re: html:text works, bean:write fails

2004-02-26 Thread Martin Cooper

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a situation where I have not found a solution in the archives (I'm
 sure it is there, just don't know the right search), the documents (I have
 half dozen Struts books, plus the tomcat docs), and Google has not been my

 I have a simple struts application where if I put the following in the JSP
 page, it works just fine (other than I don't want a text input field):

 html:text property='totalInventory' size='20'/

This means Go find the form bean associated with the enclosing HTML form,
then look up the property named 'totalInventory' on that form bean, and
render the value.

 but if I put the following:

 bean:write name='total' property='totalInventory'/

This means Go find the bean (form bean or otherwise) named 'total', then
look up the property named 'totalInventory' on that form bean, and render
the value.

The difference is in the bean that is being referenced. Unless your form
bean happens to be named 'total', these two statements are referencing
completely different beans. If there is no bean named 'total' in scope, then
you would see exactly what you are seeing.

Martin Cooper

 it won't render the JSP page (just blank), unless I put ignore='true', in
 which case the page renders, but I also don't get the output.

 The taglibs are all referenced for both the struts-html and struts-bean
 taglibs. I have tried putting different scope references in the bean tag.
 have looked at the generated java code and they both appear to show up

 I am running Tomcat 5.0.19 with a jk2 connector to Apache2 2.0.48, Sun sdk
 1.4.2_03, running on a PIII 866 Mhz, 256MB. Struts 1.1 (downloaded today,
 release binary).

 I look in my logs and I can see the bean being properly set (and it does
 properly display when using the html taglib). I am sure this is
 outrageously simple, but I spent over a solid day (and night) fighting
 and am getting nowhere.

 Any suggestions/questions welcome (yes, I already considered taking up
 driving instead).

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[ANNOUNCE] Struts Console support for IDEA 4.0

2004-02-26 Thread James Holmes
I've uploaded a new Struts Console build specifically for IntelliJ IDEA 4.0.
You can download it from the download page on my website:



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FormBeans: A question of Style

2004-02-26 Thread Scott_Schenkein

We have 2 camps of thought on the subject of the appropriate use of Struts
form beans.  Here are the thoughts:

Camp 1:  Form beans are controller components and should be used only to
transport user input data between JSP forms (or across JSP forms) and
Action classes.

Camp 2: Form beans should be use for what Camp 1 thinks, plus they should
also contain all the data a JSP uses to render a page (i.e. All the model
data is inserted into the form bean as well as the form data.)

Any thoughts?


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Problem with loss form (session scope)

2004-02-26 Thread Betty Koon
Anyone has experience lost of form that are scoped in session?  Thanks


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RE: Problem with loss form (session scope)

2004-02-26 Thread Betty Koon
Well, sorry for being vague.  It's a very vague problem, that's why it's
very difficult to explain the details.  This only happen to one of my
action.  I had a list inside a form.  And one of the column render a link to
the detail page.  But I need to do some processing before I redirect to the
detail.  So I wrote the link to do a form post it back to the caller action.
In that case, I can collect some information, at this point, I set up this
form bean as session scope.  But everytime the post happened, it seems like
the form content got wiped out.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:31 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Problem with loss form (session scope)

Yeh. I like had one, and like I went out to lunch, and it was like a long
lunch, and like when I came back my form was like you know totally like
gone. In fact like, I couldnt even like you know find my whole session, and
I was like whoa! dude - wheres my session?. /friday


Perhaps you could be a bit more specific about the problem you encountered?

-Original Message-
From: Betty Koon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 10:09
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Problem with loss form (session scope)

Anyone has experience lost of form that are scoped in session?  Thanks


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Re: FormBeans: A question of Style

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Dam - I was in Camp 3: Form beans are View components...but looking in the
user guide...

Note: While ActionForm beans often have properties that correspond to
properties in your Model beans, the form beans themselves should be
considered a Controller component. As such, they are able to transfer data
between the Model and View layers.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:57 AM
Subject: FormBeans: A question of Style

 We have 2 camps of thought on the subject of the appropriate use of Struts
 form beans.  Here are the thoughts:

 Camp 1:  Form beans are controller components and should be used only to
 transport user input data between JSP forms (or across JSP forms) and
 Action classes.

 Camp 2: Form beans should be use for what Camp 1 thinks, plus they
 also contain all the data a JSP uses to render a page (i.e. All the model
 data is inserted into the form bean as well as the form data.)

 Any thoughts?


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Re: Problem with loss form (session scope)

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Thats the problem with sessions, now if you'd done it in request you'd never
really have it to loose. If it has to be sessions though either increase the
timeout or shorten your lunch break.

- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 3:30 AM
Subject: RE: Problem with loss form (session scope)

 Yeh. I like had one, and like I went out to lunch, and it was like a long
 lunch, and like when I came back my form was like you know totally like
 gone. In fact like, I couldnt even like you know find my whole session,
 I was like whoa! dude - wheres my session?.


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RE: FormBeans: A question of Style

2004-02-26 Thread Andrew Hill
Im with camp 3 then I guess.

Way I see it , forms are view components, there to provide an object for
both action and JSP to be able to access the state of the screen. (Fields
values and other bits of information that are needed to recreate the html,
and a place to hold the state of the view (ie: submitted field values) on
the server side for the controller (action) to read from)

Maybe we should raise an issue in bugzilla against the userguide? Forms have
no business transfering stuff from view to model. The model should never
have to see an actionForm and should be blissfuly unaware of their very
existence. Thats the job of an action to do, taking data from the form, and
providing it to the model and vice versa (preferably with some kind of
helper classes and perhaps also non-form DTOs involved)

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 12:12
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: FormBeans: A question of Style

Dam - I was in Camp 3: Form beans are View components...but looking in the
user guide...

Note: While ActionForm beans often have properties that correspond to
properties in your Model beans, the form beans themselves should be
considered a Controller component. As such, they are able to transfer data
between the Model and View layers.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:57 AM
Subject: FormBeans: A question of Style

 We have 2 camps of thought on the subject of the appropriate use of Struts
 form beans.  Here are the thoughts:

 Camp 1:  Form beans are controller components and should be used only to
 transport user input data between JSP forms (or across JSP forms) and
 Action classes.

 Camp 2: Form beans should be use for what Camp 1 thinks, plus they
 also contain all the data a JSP uses to render a page (i.e. All the model
 data is inserted into the form bean as well as the form data.)

 Any thoughts?


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RE: FormBeans: A question of Style

2004-02-26 Thread cnd
I agree Camp 3. All the text I have read on MVC advise that the business
logic should be performed by calling service modules out of the action

On Fri, 27 Feb 2004, Andrew Hill wrote:

 Im with camp 3 then I guess.

 Way I see it , forms are view components, there to provide an object for
 both action and JSP to be able to access the state of the screen. (Fields
 values and other bits of information that are needed to recreate the html,
 and a place to hold the state of the view (ie: submitted field values) on
 the server side for the controller (action) to read from)

 Maybe we should raise an issue in bugzilla against the userguide? Forms have
 no business transfering stuff from view to model. The model should never
 have to see an actionForm and should be blissfuly unaware of their very
 existence. Thats the job of an action to do, taking data from the form, and
 providing it to the model and vice versa (preferably with some kind of
 helper classes and perhaps also non-form DTOs involved)

 -Original Message-
 From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 12:12
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: FormBeans: A question of Style

 Dam - I was in Camp 3: Form beans are View components...but looking in the
 user guide...

 Note: While ActionForm beans often have properties that correspond to
 properties in your Model beans, the form beans themselves should be
 considered a Controller component. As such, they are able to transfer data
 between the Model and View layers.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:57 AM
 Subject: FormBeans: A question of Style

  We have 2 camps of thought on the subject of the appropriate use of Struts
  form beans.  Here are the thoughts:
  Camp 1:  Form beans are controller components and should be used only to
  transport user input data between JSP forms (or across JSP forms) and
  Action classes.
  Camp 2: Form beans should be use for what Camp 1 thinks, plus they
  also contain all the data a JSP uses to render a page (i.e. All the model
  data is inserted into the form bean as well as the form data.)
  Any thoughts?
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Re: Problem with loss form (session scope)

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Without seeing your jsp/struts-config.xml/action its a bit of a guessing

I'm a bit confused by you saying this point, I set up this form bean
as session scope. To me this implies your getting a form not in session
scope (i.e. request) and saving it yourself in session scope. If that is the
case - then maybe thats your problem - if the struts-config.xml says its
request, thats where struts will look for it and, if it doesn't exist, it'll
set a new one up in  request scope (even if you already have one under the
same name in session).

If I've got it wrong, then maybe you could explain further. I'm also not
clear whether your finding out your form has been 'wiped' as soon as you get
into your action and before you set it up as session scope or after that
when you get to your detail screen. Could you clarify that as well please.

- Original Message - 
From: Betty Koon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 3:41 AM
Subject: RE: Problem with loss form (session scope)

 Well, sorry for being vague.  It's a very vague problem, that's why it's
 very difficult to explain the details.  This only happen to one of my
 action.  I had a list inside a form.  And one of the column render a link
 the detail page.  But I need to do some processing before I redirect to
 detail.  So I wrote the link to do a form post it back to the caller
 In that case, I can collect some information, at this point, I set up this
 form bean as session scope.  But everytime the post happened, it seems
 the form content got wiped out.


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts 1.2.0 Test Build available

2004-02-26 Thread Oswald Campesato

Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The Struts 1.2.0 Test Build is now available here:

This is the first Struts build being made available following the same
test-and-release process that has been used successfully by the Tomcat
team for some time. It is *not* an official Apache release.

Once feedback has been collected on the stability and general quality of
this build, a determination will be made as to whether it should be
promoted to Alpha status.

Is there a web page that describes the process by which feedback

is collected? 



Martin Cooper

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RE: [ANNOUNCE] Struts 1.2.0 Test Build available

2004-02-26 Thread Andrew Hill
Ah I see.
Its just the jars, tlds, dtds necessary for a struts app, sans docs.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 13:52
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [ANNOUNCE] Struts 1.2.0 Test Build available

Cool bananas!

Many thanks to the struts team for all the work they have put into this
build. :-)

Whats the lib archive for?

-Original Message-
From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 13:48
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Struts 1.2.0 Test Build available

The Struts 1.2.0 Test Build is now available here:

This is the first Struts build being made available following the same
test-and-release process that has been used successfully by the Tomcat
team for some time. It is *not* an official Apache release.

Once feedback has been collected on the stability and general quality of
this build, a determination will be made as to whether it should be
promoted to Alpha status.

Martin Cooper

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RE: [ANNOUNCE] Struts 1.2.0 Test Build available

2004-02-26 Thread Andrew Hill
Cool bananas!

Many thanks to the struts team for all the work they have put into this
build. :-)

Whats the lib archive for?

-Original Message-
From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 13:48
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Struts 1.2.0 Test Build available

The Struts 1.2.0 Test Build is now available here:

This is the first Struts build being made available following the same
test-and-release process that has been used successfully by the Tomcat
team for some time. It is *not* an official Apache release.

Once feedback has been collected on the stability and general quality of
this build, a determination will be made as to whether it should be
promoted to Alpha status.

Martin Cooper

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RE: Problem with loss form (session scope)

2004-02-26 Thread Andrew Hill
Yeh. I like had one, and like I went out to lunch, and it was like a long
lunch, and like when I came back my form was like you know totally like
gone. In fact like, I couldnt even like you know find my whole session, and
I was like whoa! dude - wheres my session?.


Perhaps you could be a bit more specific about the problem you encountered?

-Original Message-
From: Betty Koon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 10:09
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Problem with loss form (session scope)

Anyone has experience lost of form that are scoped in session?  Thanks


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Re: html:text works, bean:write fails

2004-02-26 Thread rcdunn

Tried both cases - no joy. 

Also tried wrapping the bean:write...  tag
in logic:present tag:

logic:present name='total' property='totalInventory'
    bean:write name='total' property='totalInventory' ignore='false'/

while setting the ignore to 'false'. The page renders, but apparently the
bean is not visible in the scope. But, if that is the case, why does it
work with the html:text taglib?

On Thursday 26 February 2004 14:56, you wrote:
 The problem loos strange. The only diff i can find is name attribute. try

 putting name attribute in both cases. also try removing it. may work...

 With Regards


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RE: html:text works, bean:write fails

2004-02-26 Thread Gopalakrishnan, Jayesh
html:text works, indicating the value is present in the formbean.

Is your form name total.  If so whats the scope of this bean?

You could also try 
Object total = pageContext.getAttribute(total);
// debug statementsto print the value/object type etc.


just to make sure both these tags are accessing the same bean.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 1:53 PM
Subject: html:text works, bean:write fails

I have a situation where I have not found a solution in the archives (I'm
sure it is there, just don't know the right search), the documents (I have
half dozen Struts books, plus the tomcat docs), and Google has not been my

I have a simple struts application where if I put the following in the JSP
page, it works just fine (other than I don't want a text input field):

html:text property='totalInventory' size='20'/

but if I put the following:

bean:write name='total' property='totalInventory'/

it won't render the JSP page (just blank), unless I put ignore='true', in
which case the page renders, but I also don't get the output.

The taglibs are all referenced for both the struts-html and struts-bean
taglibs. I have tried putting different scope references in the bean tag. I
have looked at the generated java code and they both appear to show up

I am running Tomcat 5.0.19 with a jk2 connector to Apache2 2.0.48, Sun sdk
1.4.2_03, running on a PIII 866 Mhz, 256MB. Struts 1.1 (downloaded today,
release binary).

I look in my logs and I can see the bean being properly set (and it does
properly display when using the html taglib). I am sure this is
outrageously simple, but I spent over a solid day (and night) fighting this
and am getting nowhere.

Any suggestions/questions welcome (yes, I already considered taking up truck
driving instead).

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Access message Resource outside web

2004-02-26 Thread Lee_Dickenson

Return Receipt
Your  Access message Resource outside web  
was   Lee Dickenson/VIC/NAB/NAG_AP 
at:   27/02/2004 09:19:11 AM   

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RE: DynaValidatorForm loses property value

2004-02-26 Thread RALPH ROPER

I gave that a shot but still no good. I do think you are on the right track
though. In my main window I have my form action associated to the
CUEnquiryQueryForm. I pop up the window using a html:link tag that calls
the ShowEmailAction that populates the EmailForm form. I would think that if
the EmailForm was then displayed in my pop-up show_email.jsp page everything
would be OK.

I was fiddling around with struts-config.xml and changed the input property
to the JSP page show_email.jsp instead of the Action .do path. Now looks

action path=/enquiry/showEmail
type=com.cuscal.mmdd.action.cuenquiry.ShowEmailAction name=EmailForm
scope=request input=com/cuscal/mmdd/jsp/cu_enquiry/show_email.jsp
forward name=success

This change was done in conjunction with your idea to add the name property
to my html:text tag.

I thought the input property would only be activated upon the validation
failing but there you go.

Looks like I owe you another beer ;)

Thanks to Mark for his insight as well.


-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 26 February 2004 9:09 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: DynaValidatorForm loses property value

Try adding 'name' attribute to the html:text tag

   html:text name=EmailForm property=emailAddress size=35/

The html:form tag will expose (or create a new) the ActionForm associated
with the mapping with a value of 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN'. This
is the default 'name' for html tags if you don't specify one (which you
arnt). The action mapping on your form is /enquiry/ - not the
/enquiry/showEmail that you are showing us in your struts-config.

My bet is the mapping for /enquiry/ is still in your
struts-config.xml associated with a different form - so the html:form tag
is creating a new 'empty' form, with no email address and thats what your
html:text tag is picking up - not your new form.


- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:59 AM
Subject: DynaValidatorForm loses property value


 I have changed a DynaActionForm to a DynaValidatorForm. The DynaActionForm
 email property (the only property on the form) was being displayed in a
 popup window. Since I changed to a DynaValidator form it shows the value
 blank. I have the Javascript validation working OK.

 The flow of events is as follows
 1. User clicks on Request Email button on main window
 2. ShowEmailAction is called that populates emailAddress property. (I have
 confirmed value is put into form).
 3. Pops up new window and shows show_email.jsp. The emailAddress property

 form-bean name=EmailForm
 form-property name=emailAddress type=java.lang.String /

 action path=/enquiry/showEmail
 type=com.cuscal.mmdd.action.cuenquiry.ShowEmailAction name=EmailForm
 scope=session input=/enquiry/ validate=false
 forward name=success

 public class ShowEmailAction extends MMDDirectBaseAction {

 public ActionForward execute(
 ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
 throws Exception {

 // logger.debug(Entered ShowEmailAction method);
 System.out.println(Entered ShowEmailAction method);

 UserView user = getUserContainer(request).getUserView();
 String email = user.getEmail();
 DynaValidatorForm emailForm = (DynaValidatorForm) form;
 // DynaActionForm emailForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

 emailForm.set(emailAddress, email);
 System.out.println(@@@email= +
 emailForm.get(emailAddress)); // This bit works
 return mapping.findForward(success);



  .. tags, validator javascript, etc ... 
 META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
 META name=GENERATOR content=IBM WebSphere Studio
 META http-equiv=Content-Style-Type content=text/css

 link href=html:rewrite
 href='/MMDDirectWeb/com/cuscal/mmdd/jsp/cu_enquiry/styles/styles00.css' /
 rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
 PstrongVerify Email Address/strong/P

 html:javascript formName=EmailForm /

 pPlease check/correct/add the email address below where the member's
 will be sent/p
 html:form action=/enquiry/ onsubmit=return
 !-- bean:define name=EmailForm property=emailAddress
 id=ea type=java.lang.String / --
 html:text property=emailAddress size=35/br/
 div align=rightp/p
 a href=# class=button1
 !-- html:link href=../enquiry/
 styleClass=button1Submit link/html:link  --
 !-- html:link action=/enquiry/
 styleClass=button1Submit/html:link --

html:text works, bean:write fails

2004-02-26 Thread rcdunn
I have a situation where I have not found a solution in the archives (I'm
sure it is there, just don't know the right search), the documents (I have
half dozen Struts books, plus the tomcat docs), and Google has not been my

I have a simple struts application where if I put the following in the JSP
page, it works just fine (other than I don't want a text input field):

html:text property='totalInventory' size='20'/

but if I put the following:

bean:write name='total' property='totalInventory'/

it won't render the JSP page (just blank), unless I put ignore='true', in
which case the page renders, but I also don't get the output.

The taglibs are all referenced for both the struts-html and struts-bean
taglibs. I have tried putting different scope references in the bean tag. I
have looked at the generated java code and they both appear to show up

I am running Tomcat 5.0.19 with a jk2 connector to Apache2 2.0.48, Sun sdk
1.4.2_03, running on a PIII 866 Mhz, 256MB. Struts 1.1 (downloaded today,
release binary).

I look in my logs and I can see the bean being properly set (and it does
properly display when using the html taglib). I am sure this is
outrageously simple, but I spent over a solid day (and night) fighting this
and am getting nowhere.

Any suggestions/questions welcome (yes, I already considered taking up truck
driving instead).

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Re: Memory usage

2004-02-26 Thread Christian Bollmeyer
On Wednesday 25 February 2004 11:45, virupaksha wrote:
 Dear All,

 I have a requirement, where i need to stop garbage collection, is
 there any way to implement? Because, I need to  judge our code is
 good and optimized,

 I need some ray of hope

The thing you're asking for is possibly a Profiler which gathers
statistics about which parts of your code might be performance
bottlenecks and should be optimized first. There are numerous
solutions for this task available today, so better ask Google.
Then, - just to note - one of the premier influences on perfor-
mance is the overall application design. If you have databases
or other kinds of backends included, which I presume, one
of the typical performance bottlenecks is a suboptimal way
to access them. A single query that doesn't perform right
can well keep your entire application hanging for an indeter-
minable amount of time. Generally: if you experience per-
formance problems of some kind, the strategy should be
to find out *what exactly is slow* first. If you get hold of
the possible weak points, optimize these first. In a
larger-scaled application, there are always parts that
are coded suboptimal, but without a noticeable impact
on overall performance. Then, there are some critical
'hotspots' which get executed numerous times (a
suboptimally coded loop, for example) or functions
that are heavily used. Such are the spots you have
to look for. Telling from experience, most applications
are quite forgiving when it comes to 'slow' code
that could be done better, but there are always
'critical' parts where optimization really pays off.
So in the end, it's usually kind of a mix. If you can't
tell the hotspots 'manually' by knowing them from
your application design, you can fall back to 'Tools'.
Tools, though, are just tools and don't spare you
from the arduous task of analyzing your app's
performance. It's always you who has to do the
real work. That said, there are different possible
strategies to address performance problems.
One of the most important is to 'dumbly' log
execution times at certain stages in your code.
If your Java code might be a culprit in the
end, use a profiler to determine what's
causing delays there. Focus on the
'hotspots' then. But remember: there was a
time when there were no such 'tools', so
people had to live without them. And did.
If you use Oracle JDeveloper 9i/10g, there's a built-in profiler
in this IDE plus a feature named 'Code Coach' which helps
avoiding the most common mistakes. Note that both require
the Oracle VM and therefore run only under Windows. 

 Thanks in advance,



-- Chris.

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Re: treeview

2004-02-26 Thread Christian Bollmeyer
On Wednesday 25 February 2004 18:31, Daniel wrote:
 I need make a treeview of some information retrived from database and
 make a dual list with this treeview, someone knows where there is
 some example or something like this.

This has been discussed before, and IIRC I've posted
a longer article on this matter some time ago. Your
options are to 1. use the nested tags (check out
the tutorials at 2. use
a tag library that provides a TreeView tag 3. use a
JavaScript implementation populated by Java
code. For the details, I better refer to the list
archives here for sake of brevity.

-- Chris.

 Daniel S.

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Re: Default locale gets intermixed with other locales

2004-02-26 Thread Torsten Römer
Hi Paul,

I'm sorry, I must have overlooked your reply. I'll give your suggestion 
a try, but unfortunately it will take a few weeks until I can say if it 
works or not :-)

I just wonder what will happen with other locales than en, de and 
sv, they will still get the default locale and probably get mixed with 
another locale as well.

I never understood that it was always only the de locale that was 
polluting the default one. It always starts with only one of the pages 
, and over time it becomes more and more until the whole site is in 
German eventhough the browser sends another locale than de.

Anyway, I have decided to ask my provider to switch from Tomcat 4 to 5, 
and then I want to use JSTL as it has been suggested in this 
mailinglist. Maybe it's a Tomcat bug, could that be? It's version 4.1.10 
I think.

Best Regards
Paul McCulloch wrote:
I think I found the same problem some time ago.

I can't remember what the underlying issue was (maybe mixing the struts 
jstl ii18n tags?), but the solution was to create an explicit bundle for 
default locale - I have my build scripts copy to



  -Original Message-
  From: Torsten Römer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 13 February 2004 20:57
  Subject: Default locale gets intermixed with other locales
  I have made a quite simple web application using Struts 1.1 and Tiles,
  running on Tomcat 4.1.10. I have internationalized it using the
  html:html locale=true and the bean:message key=/ tags. I have
  created three message bundles, one default (English), one
  German and one
  It works as expected. German visitors get German pages, Swedish users
  Swedish pages and everybody else English pages.
  But after some weeks uptime there is a strange effect: When
  the default
  locale is used where all pages should be English, some pages
  show up in
  German. Often it's only the jsp placed in one tile which
  shows the wrong
  language, sometimes the whole page.
  After a restart of Tomcat the problem is solved.
  Has anybody ever experienced something similar? What could be wrong?
  Thanks in advance!
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RE: servlet filters and authentication

2004-02-26 Thread Hookom, Jacob
We overrode the execute method on our BaseAction to call a protected 
executeSessionAuthorization  which by default just checks for user to be
logged in.  Results of the executeSessionAuthorization are thrown as
exceptions (if okay, no exception).

To determine if the executeSessionValidation gets called, our
BaseActionMapping has a property called secure which defaults to true.

public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception
// if we are using a SmoActionMapping
if (mapping instanceof SmoActionMapping)
SmoActionMapping sam = (SmoActionMapping) mapping;

// should we validate the session?
if (sam.isSecure())

if (sam.isBoxStatus())

// see if we know what method to call
String execute = (sam.getExecute() == null) ?
executeInternal : sam.getExecute();

return this.dispatchMethod(mapping, form, request,
response, execute);

// if we get here, then let the super take control
return super.execute(mapping, form, request, response);

Child actions, based on modules can override the
executeSessionAuthorization to do additional checking for specific user
permissions flags, etc.  Some of our logic got pretty complex for
permissions and this worked extremely well for what we were trying to


-Original Message-
Sent: None
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: servlet filters and authentication

Forward to, and have the Action check for four cases:
1. no request parameters, display logon form
2. invalid request parameters, display errors
3. unable to authenticate with valid parameters, display error
4. parameters authenticate, forward to home page

Rick DeBay

On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:06 , David Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:


I'm configuring the skeleton of a multi module struts application, and i
would like use a filter for the authentication. 

here is psuedojava (for easier reading) of the filter:

public final class AuthFilter implements Filter {

 public void doFilter(request, response, chain)
 session = request.getSession();
 auth = session.getAttribute(authenticated);
   if (auth == true) {
   chain.doFilter(request,  response);
   else {
   dispatcher =
   dispatcher.forward (request, response);

I've seen this skeleton suggested in several places on the web. 
The question i have is this: After the user submits the login form, 
the request will come through the filter, and since it has not yet 
been authenticated,  it will again forward to the login.jsp. 
I've thought of a couple of ways to deal with this and 
would like to get input on these and any other approaches. 

1) set the mapping of the filter in web.xml in such a way that it
allows the login action through. maybe set all actions to have an
extension of .do except the login action, which has an extension of
.auth.  I don't think this will work for me, because the multi module 
support of Struts requires extension mapping. I guess i could write a
small serlvet that is not in the struts mapping but is in the same context
and have it mapped to *.auth

2) check within the above filter to see if the request is for the login
action, and if so allow it through. so the if statement above would be: 
if (auth == true || req.getPath().equals(  

Any comments on these ideas or approaches i haven't listed would be 
greatly appreciated.


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RE: row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread Robert Taylor
Dohhh! You are correct. I mistyped :)


 -Original Message-
 From: Paul, R. Chip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:11 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: row counts in logic:iterate...
 Shouldn't that be %= index.intValue() + 1 % instead of using indexId,
 since you set the index variable to be called index in the iterate tag?
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:15 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: row counts in logic:iterate...
 First: Please do not send HTML emails to the list.
 Now to address your question:
 JSTL makes this easy.
 c:forEach var=item items=${form.items} varStatus=status tr
 tdc:out value=${status.count}//td tdc:out
 value=${item.someValue}//td /tr /c:forEach
 Using Struts tags:
 logic:iterate id=item name=form property=items indexId=index tr
 td%=indexId.intValue() + 1%/td
 tdbean:write name=item property=someValue//td
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:05 PM
  Subject: row counts in logic:iterate...
  colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramnewbie question:
  I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also
  using the  indexId-tag. 
  I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 
  0- based, and I  would like to present 1 as the first number to my 
  Now, this should work, isn't it??
  /bold/colorFontFamilyparamARIAL/paramI would guess: ctr and 
  1 are added, and is then cast to a string,
  and then print  it in my table column. 
  Then why do i get this error?
  colorparam0100,0100,0100/paramFontFamilyparamTimes New 
  Roman/parambiggeroperator + cannot be applied to
  java.lang.Integer,int [javac]  
  out.print( ctr + 1 );
  It also does not work when I create a new variabel with %! int
  i=0; %,  and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error. 
  So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the
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RE: servlet filters and authentication

2004-02-26 Thread Robert Taylor
You may want to see if this supports your requirements:


 -Original Message-
 From: David Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:07 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: servlet filters and authentication
 I'm configuring the skeleton of a multi module struts application, and i
 would like use a filter for the authentication. 
 here is psuedojava (for easier reading) of the filter:
 public final class AuthFilter implements Filter {
  public void doFilter(request, response, chain)
  session = request.getSession();
  auth = session.getAttribute(authenticated);
   if (auth == true) {
   chain.doFilter(request,  response);
   else {
   dispatcher = 
   dispatcher.forward (request, response);
 I've seen this skeleton suggested in several places on the web. 
 The question i have is this: After the user submits the login form, 
 the request will come through the filter, and since it has not yet 
 been authenticated,  it will again forward to the login.jsp. 
 I've thought of a couple of ways to deal with this and 
 would like to get input on these and any other approaches. 
 1) set the mapping of the filter in web.xml in such a way that it
 allows the login action through. maybe set all actions to have an
 extension of .do except the login action, which has an extension of
 .auth.  I don't think this will work for me, because the multi module 
 support of Struts requires extension mapping. I guess i could write a
 small serlvet that is not in the struts mapping but is in the same context
 and have it mapped to *.auth
 2) check within the above filter to see if the request is for the login
 action, and if so allow it through. so the if statement above would be: 
 if (auth == true || req.getPath().equals(  
 Any comments on these ideas or approaches i haven't listed would be 
 greatly appreciated.
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(Fwd) row counts in logic:iterate...

2004-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry, my mailer messed up the last one, so here again...

newbie question: 

I have a jsp which displays several rows with a logic:iterate, also 
using the indexId-tag. 

logic:iterate name=dateForm property=raw id=foo 

I'd like to display row numbers in my table. But the ctr-variable is 0-
based, and I would like to present 1 as the first number to my 

Now, this should work, isn't it??

td%= ctr + 1 %/td 

I would guess: ctr and 1 are added, and is then cast to a string, and
then printed in my table column. 

Then why do i get this error?

operator + cannot be applied to java.lang.Integer, int [javac] 
out.print( ctr + 1 ); 

It also does not work when I create a new variable with %! int i=0; 
% , and then try to set this i as i = ctr + 1, same error. 

So how can I get this row number printed in my table, inside the 
jsp, as ctr + 1???


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RE: JavaScript Parameter

2004-02-26 Thread Anirudh Jayanth
The solution that Randy suggested works perfectly. Another possible
solution is to use the scriptlet as a declaration. ie
%! String val=obj.getValue(Key); %
Then val can be used within the javascript function directly without
have to pass it as a parameter. Ie
Function jsFunction() 
 alert(%= val%);

Thanks n Regards.

Anirudh Jayanth
SysArris Software 
120A, Elephant Rock Road, 
3rd Block, Jayanagar, 
Bangalore - 560011 
Tel: 6655165 / 052 [ ext - 244 ] 

-Original Message-
From: Randy Dillon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:27 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: JavaScript Parameter

Have you tried:

input type=hidden value=%=val% name=htmlVal / html:image
pageKey=.. altKey=.. onclick=jsFunction(form,htmlVal) /

:- -Original Message-
:- From: Anirudh Jayanth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
:- Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:32 PM
:- To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
:- Subject: JavaScript Parameter
:- Hi,
:- I have a scriptlet
:- % String val=obj.getValue(Key); %
:- I need to use this value to be passed as a javascript 
:- parameter inorder
:- to set a property value.
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
:- The parameter value is not being passed to jsFunction
:- This works when I use a hardcoded value
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..  
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,1234)
:- /
:- I have tried these variations aswell
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,'%=val%') /
:- Cud somebody please tell me the correct way to do this.
:- Regards,
:- Anirudh
:- -
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RE: custom validator question

2004-02-26 Thread claire knowles
I had a custom validator 'futureDate' for which I needed to pass in a
date and time which were 2 different form fields, to check that the date
was in the future.

I passed 2 different values into a custom parameter using two args and

form name=form
field property=emailDate depends=required, mask, futureDate
msg name=mask key=errors.invalid/
  arg0 key=form.emailDate/
  arg1 key=form.emailTime/

In the custom validator I retrieved the two values using:

public static boolean validateDate(Object bean, ValidatorAction va,
Field field, ActionErrors errors, HttpServletRequest request)
String value;

if (isString(bean))
value = (String) bean;
value = ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(bean,

String propertyTime = field.getVarValue(time);
String valueTime = ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(bean,

. . . . .

Hope this helps


-Original Message-
From: Anderson, James H [IT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 February 2004 14:54
Subject: custom validator question

I'm creating a custom validator to enforce a = relationship between 2
date fields and am having a problem.

A validator method gets a Field arg for the field with which it's
associated in validation.xml, but I need to also get the Field object
for the other date field. I need this so that I can get its property
name for display in an error message. (I'd also like to be able to get
the field's datePattern.) I can't figure out how to do this.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Here's the relevant part of my validation.xml file:

  form name=ActivityViewForm
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.starting.displayname/
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.ending.displayname/

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Re: custom validator question

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Also, what about using the existing ValidWhen validation

- Original Message - 
From: Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: custom validator question

 Specify the second field as var

 field property=myFirstDate depends=date,dateCompare

 Then in your custom validation method:

 String datePattern = field.getVarValue(datePattern);
 String compareDateProperty = field.getVarValue(compareDate);

 String compareDate = ValidatorUtils.getValueAsString(bean,


 - Original Message - 
 From: Anderson, James H [IT] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:54 PM
 Subject: custom validator question

 I'm creating a custom validator to enforce a = relationship between 2
 fields and am having a problem.

 A validator method gets a Field arg for the field with which it's
 in validation.xml, but I need to also get the Field object for the other
 date field. I need this so that I can get its property name for display in
 an error message. (I'd also like to be able to get the field's
 I can't figure out how to do this.

 Any help would be much appreciated!


 Here's the relevant part of my validation.xml file:

   form name=ActivityViewForm
   arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.starting.displayname/
   arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.ending.displayname/

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Re: custom validator question

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Specify the second field as var

field property=myFirstDate depends=date,dateCompare

Then in your custom validation method:

String datePattern = field.getVarValue(datePattern);
String compareDateProperty = field.getVarValue(compareDate);

String compareDate = ValidatorUtils.getValueAsString(bean,


- Original Message - 
From: Anderson, James H [IT] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: custom validator question

I'm creating a custom validator to enforce a = relationship between 2 date
fields and am having a problem.

A validator method gets a Field arg for the field with which it's associated
in validation.xml, but I need to also get the Field object for the other
date field. I need this so that I can get its property name for display in
an error message. (I'd also like to be able to get the field's datePattern.)
I can't figure out how to do this.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Here's the relevant part of my validation.xml file:

  form name=ActivityViewForm
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.starting.displayname/
  arg0 key=ActivityViewForm.ending.displayname/

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RE: JavaScript Parameter

2004-02-26 Thread Randy Dillon
Have you tried:

input type=hidden value=%=val% name=htmlVal /
html:image pageKey=.. altKey=.. onclick=jsFunction(form,htmlVal) /

:- -Original Message-
:- From: Anirudh Jayanth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
:- Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:32 PM
:- To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
:- Subject: JavaScript Parameter
:- Hi,
:- I have a scriptlet
:- % String val=obj.getValue(Key); %
:- I need to use this value to be passed as a javascript 
:- parameter inorder
:- to set a property value.
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
:- The parameter value is not being passed to jsFunction
:- This works when I use a hardcoded value
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..  
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,1234)
:- /
:- I have tried these variations aswell
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,%=val%) /
:- html:image pageKey=.. altKey=..
:- onclick=jsFunction(form,'%=val%') /
:- Cud somebody please tell me the correct way to do this.
:- Regards,
:- Anirudh
:- -
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Re: need help converting from session to request scope

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Lowe
sure i agree .. but I've been wanting to dick around with alternatives 
to storing in the session for a while (since the request vs session 
debate). and just wondered if anyone had tried read/writing to a flat 
file as an alternative.

Additionally I think that sessions are stored in this way anyway so 
might be a waste of time. But then I imagine that session objects are 
loaded into memory where using an old school read-write to a flat file 
might be less greedy.

guess its dog food time.

On 26 Feb 2004, at 15:42, Paul McCulloch wrote:

My intuitive response would be that I'd use ram freely and let the O/S 
about paging stuff to disk if it runs out of physical memory. I'd 
that the O/S can use disk for paging significantly faster than a Java
programmer can via the JVM  the O/S.

I think that you'd have to run some pretty exhaustive tests in an
environment close to your production one to determine which method is 

Personally I'd just spend the money on a bit more ram instead of 


-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 February 2004 13:24
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: need help converting from session to request scope

Any opinions on read and writing to flat files to avoid
additional ram
use? Or you reckon that the reading and writing would consume similar
amounts of ram? I'll get around to trying it when i get a moment.
On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:04, Niall Pemberton wrote:

Given your scenario, it sounds like a good candidate for a session
I agree with what Mark Lowe said - usually/often ...theres no more
invloved scoping to request - thats been the case for my
app. I would
do what you said in a previous post - which is clean up
the session
when they navigate away to another part of the app.
I'm in the do it in request unless you have good reason(s)
to use the
session camp - rather than the anti-session camp as it may have
in previous threads.

- Original Message -
From: Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: need help converting from session to request scope

My application has an Asset search form. The user can enter many
search on.

Most of these criteria themselves are looked up from the database
(e.g the
Person associated with the Asset search). When the user selects a
criteria (e.g. the Person) I store the DTO for that person on my
form. The view element displays details about that Person on the
until the search form is cleared.

Many requests will be made to find the criteria before the Asset
itself is performed.
To do this using a request scope form would require that I
all of
the details I want to display about that person in hidden
inputs on
form. If the details I want to display about a Person
change then I'd
need to change the hidden fields. In addition once I ship the
my customers they may have their own JSP developer show extra
the selected Person.

So, that's my justification for using session scoped form
beans. Any
comments gratefully recieved.


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RE: need help converting from session to request scope

2004-02-26 Thread Paul McCulloch
My intuitive response would be that I'd use ram freely and let the O/S worry
about paging stuff to disk if it runs out of physical memory. I'd *guess*
that the O/S can use disk for paging significantly faster than a Java
programmer can via the JVM  the O/S.

I think that you'd have to run some pretty exhaustive tests in an
environment close to your production one to determine which method is more

Personally I'd just spend the money on a bit more ram instead of developer


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 26 February 2004 13:24
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: need help converting from session to request scope
 Any opinions on read and writing to flat files to avoid 
 additional ram 
 use? Or you reckon that the reading and writing would consume similar 
 amounts of ram? I'll get around to trying it when i get a moment.
 On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:04, Niall Pemberton wrote:
  Given your scenario, it sounds like a good candidate for a session 
  I agree with what Mark Lowe said - usually/often ...theres no more 
  invloved scoping to request - thats been the case for my 
 app. I would 
  do what you said in a previous post - which is clean up 
 the session 
  when they navigate away to another part of the app.
  I'm in the do it in request unless you have good reason(s) 
 to use the
  session camp - rather than the anti-session camp as it may have 
  in previous threads.
  - Original Message -
  From: Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:13 PM
  Subject: RE: need help converting from session to request scope
  My application has an Asset search form. The user can enter many 
  search on.
  Most of these criteria themselves are looked up from the database 
  (e.g the
  Person associated with the Asset search). When the user selects a 
  criteria (e.g. the Person) I store the DTO for that person on my 
  form. The view element displays details about that Person on the 
  until the search form is cleared.
  Many requests will be made to find the criteria before the Asset 
  itself is performed.
  To do this using a request scope form would require that I 
  all of
  the details I want to display about that person in hidden 
 inputs on 
  form. If the details I want to display about a Person 
 change then I'd 
  need to change the hidden fields. In addition once I ship the 
  my customers they may have their own JSP developer show extra 
  the selected Person.
  So, that's my justification for using session scoped form 
 beans. Any
  comments gratefully recieved.
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Re: need help converting from session to request scope

2004-02-26 Thread Niall Pemberton
Sorry, not had to do it in a web app, and where I have done it - memory
wasn't an issue. I don't know any more than using the buffered input/output
streams performance wise.

I'm still on java 1.3.1, but they have done quite a bit on IO in 1.4, maybe
theres help there

Also there is an IO package in commons - doesn't seem to have anything
performance wise for reading - but there is a DeferredFileOutputStream which
stores in memory until a specified threshold is reached - how that differs
from a BufferedOutputStream I can't really see.

Anyway, this might be an issue for me soon, so I hope someone else jumps in
that has experience.


- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: need help converting from session to request scope


 Any opinions on read and writing to flat files to avoid additional ram
 use? Or you reckon that the reading and writing would consume similar
 amounts of ram? I'll get around to trying it when i get a moment.

 On 26 Feb 2004, at 14:04, Niall Pemberton wrote:

  Given your scenario, it sounds like a good candidate for a session
  I agree with what Mark Lowe said - usually/often ...theres no more
  invloved scoping to request - thats been the case for my app. I would
  do what you said in a previous post - which is clean up the session
  when they navigate away to another part of the app.
  I'm in the do it in request unless you have good reason(s) to use the
  session camp - rather than the anti-session camp as it may have
  in previous threads.
  - Original Message -
  From: Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:13 PM
  Subject: RE: need help converting from session to request scope
  My application has an Asset search form. The user can enter many
  search on.
  Most of these criteria themselves are looked up from the database
  (e.g the
  Person associated with the Asset search). When the user selects a
  criteria (e.g. the Person) I store the DTO for that person on my
  form. The view element displays details about that Person on the
  until the search form is cleared.
  Many requests will be made to find the criteria before the Asset
  itself is performed.
  To do this using a request scope form would require that I transfer
  all of
  the details I want to display about that person in hidden inputs on
  form. If the details I want to display about a Person change then I'd
  need to change the hidden fields. In addition once I ship the
  my customers they may have their own JSP developer show extra
  the selected Person.
  So, that's my justification for using session scoped form beans. Any
  comments gratefully recieved.
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