[OT] Session Timeout Logged-in-ness

2002-11-06 Thread Ian Tomey
Hi all,
Have an interesting issue here and just wondering if any of you have the same kind of
problem on other containers, or even whether you think this is working correctly. The
servlet spec (2.3) it seems does not cover this. We are running Jboss 2.4 with Jetty 4
I have an object that is placed in the HttpSession that implements
HttpSessionBindingListener. What I would like is when this object is being removed from
the session (which would only be by an explict logout or session timeout) then it goes 
does some tidyup on the system - which includes calling remove() on some stateful EJBs
On an explicit logout everything works fine. However during the session timeout i get
authentication errors - the principle is null. I don't know if it the container is
designed to be either not 'logged in' or to be explicitly 'logged out' when the 
session is
being emptied or whether this is an oversight.
Or do you think it should work like this? Or are other containers 'logged in' at this

Re: [OT] Session Timeout Logged-in-ness

2002-11-06 Thread Ian Tomey
Unfortunately we need this functionality as all the ejb interfaces are secure and need 
remove beans when the session ends... should really be in the spec i think as otherwise
there is no way to support this kind of environment (its fine if all your interfaces 
anyway this is of course the beauty of open source you can dig in and find a 
which for the record is:
keep a copy of the UserPrincipal object when your object is created... get it from:
org.mortbay.http.UserPrincipal userPrincipal = (UserPrincipal)
request.getSession().getAttribute( org.mortbay.jetty.Auth );
and when you need to be authenticated during object removal call:

you can't look that object up at the call to valueUnbound() as it may have been unbound

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/06/02 12:32pm 

IT Have an interesting issue here and just wondering if any of you have
IT the same kind of problem on other containers, or even whether you
IT think this is working correctly. The servlet spec (2.3) it seems does
IT not cover this.

IT On an explicit logout everything works fine. However during the
IT session timeout i get authentication errors - the principle is null. I
IT don't know if it the container is designed to be either not 'logged
IT in' or to be explicitly 'logged out' when the session is being emptied
IT or whether this is an oversight.

IT Or do you think it should work like this?

Since it's not covered by the spec it should work in unpredictable way. You
may faced with a situation when the next version of Jetty return you null
even in case of explicit logout. You should not rely on this behavior since
it's not portable.

Max Kutny

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Re: Tiles and subapps in Struts 1.1

2002-07-17 Thread Ian Tomey

my advice to you is dont bother with subapps with tiles unless you have a lot of time 
invest in working on it. a lot would need to be changed to make it work properly.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 09:32am 

Does anyone have tiles working in a subapp under Struts 1.1?  Our working
app seems to have stopped working once we divided the app into subapps with
separate struts config files.  Is ActionComponentServlet not compatible with
subapplications?  We do have ActionComponentServlet specified in the web.xml
and have the Tiles RequestProcessor specified in each of the subapp's struts
config files.  Is there another piece of the puzzle we are missing for using
Tiles with subapps?


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RE: Include-problem with .do

2002-05-22 Thread Ian Tomey

I saw no other way around it. Can anyone else suggest a way to include
jsp:include page=/PanelDisplay.do/?

can't be that difficult, it works in Tiles. some tiles are actions that forward onto

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/21/02 07:05pm 
I also had this problem.
The error message given was to the effect that the
page had already been committed.

It seems that once one action has started writing to the output stream
the ActionServlet denies another action from processing that request.
Once can bypass the ActionServlet however.

I ended up using a new processAction method in my ActionServlet subclass. 
It is invoked from the action which produces the parent page,
processes the action that produces the nested page, fixes the returned 
jsp forward as a request attribute called 'panel'. Then the JSP is 
retrieved in the main JSP and a template is used to include it.
bean:define id=_page name=panel/
temp:insert template=%=_page%/

This works fine, allowing the nested action to preload whatever form data 
required by its JSP, except it does involve processing the 
action manually rather than allowing the struts framework to do it.
[I used a Ted Husted method called invokeAction from one of his examples
as a starting point. I can post the code if you like but I think this
solution is a bit half-baked.]

I saw no other way around it. Can anyone else suggest a way to include
jsp:include page=/PanelDisplay.do/?

Toby Steel

-Original Message-
From: Stian Skjævesland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 12:46 PM
Subject: Include-problem with .do

I have recently started using struts and I have encountered a problem.
I want to include with a statement like this:
jsp:include page=%= _page % /
where an example of a page might be loginform.do .
I get an exception when I try to do this, and I am wondering if there is
a special include-tag to be used with .do tags or if it is not possible
to include such pages.
Thanks for Your help!

Stian Skjævesland
Nettredaksjonen, Mandalskamerater på nett
Mandalskamerater på nett
918 24 339

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Re: Small Complaint - Struts Impl.

2002-05-20 Thread Ian Tomey

Not strictly true, we use the form reset method to prepare complex forms from an xml
description, although it is a bit messy as reset is called too often. we end up looking
for size properties from the request and if we don't find the attributes then just
continue, we will eventually be called with the right information.

What we need on forms I believe is some other functions on form ...

void prepare( ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest )

- called before the form is populated from the request. Allows the form to create any
data structures required to allow population to take place.

void fill( ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest )

- Allow a form to load any lookup information. Called automatically if form validation
fails, before forwarding the form back to the input jsp. Useful when you say have an 
id of
something on the form which is from a dropdown selection objects. Would be called 
from the code that sets up the form.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/20/02 12:43pm 
The only time reset() is of direct value to the framework is when

* the form is being maintained in session scope, AND
* there are boolean properties on the ActionForm

In practice, using reset() to return all values to their initial state
is usually either futile or problematic. 

It's futile when the bean is in request scope since a new bean's
properties will be at their initial state. 

It's problematic for non-boolean properties since they may have values
you'd like to retain. 

In most cases, developers probably want to include a mutable and a page
property on their ActionForms. Mutable can be used to tell the property
mutators NOT to access any new values (mutable=false). This is very
useful when forwarding ActionForms between Actions in the same request.
The reset()/automatic-population guantlet takes place on every trip
through the ActionServlet which can happens more than once in a request.

A page property (like the one provided by ValidatorForm) can be very
useful in wizard forms. The various properties can be reset according to
what page they are on. If page=0 then all values can be reset().
Otherwise, you can reset values (including the booleans) according to
what page of the wizard they are on. (Not an ideal wizard-solution, but
I don't know if we have an ideal solution yet.) 

A WORM ActionForm, like Craig mentioned, can also be useful. Here the
mutator checks to see if its value is NULL before setting it again. This
is much like having a mutator switch but without the bother of turning
it on and off.

Regarding how ActionForms behave in different scopes, it's important to
remember is that whether clients share a session is really up to the
clients. The sessions are usually determined by cookies, and the clients
determine whether the cookies (and ergo the session) are stored. If two
clients manage to share a cookie (or page with a rewritten URL), they
will share whatever is in the session. Struts has no say in the matter.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
-- Web: http://husted.com/about/services 

Galbreath, Mark wrote:
 Speaking of states (like the insane one I find myself in, being in the
 office on yet another Saturday :-( ), the spec allows the specification of
 scope for an ActionForm in struts-config.xml but I've found it has no
 effect.  For example, I specify an form bean in session scope, but all the
 properties get reset to defaults after every pass through by the Action.
 The only way I've found to maintain the bean's state is removing the body of
 reset() in the bean and providing only a call to super.reset( mapping,
 request ).
 I'll be testing my app with multiple clients soon, but what I'm not clear on
 now is how Struts handles beans in session scope with respect to different
 simultaneous clients.  Does ActionServlet create a pool of stateless beans
 to serve each client, or are multiple clients going to see the state of the
 bean previously set by a separate client?  My understanding is that the
 Action uses one instance of a bean like a singleton, resetting its
 properties before releasing it to service another thread.  If this is
 correct, what exactly is happening if the bean is declared in session scope
 and/or the reset() is stripped?

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Re: any way of making tiles display the stack trace onexception

2002-05-16 Thread Ian Tomey

  Have you check the servlet log to see if the stack trace is reported ?

yep, nothing there

  I suspect Struts to catch the exception and only displaying the message, not
 the stack. In this case, the exception must be stored in an attribute in the
 request scope.

Well this is a JspException throw from a struts tag - which sets that property.

  You can also try to associate an error page to your tile. Use the appropriate
 jsp directive (% page errorPage=... %).
  In your error page, retrieve the exception if it exist, and show it.

its not getting that far i believe - its being caught inside tiles. the rest of the 
continues processing as my footer comes up ok

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Re: Sub-application motel -- pages check in but they don'tcheck out

2002-05-14 Thread Ian Tomey

Hi Steve

I registered an enhancement in bugzilla months ago... to get around
this the easiest way is to subclass the tags and add some extensions.
here is an example from the form tag. the function called lookup, first
block of code deals with determining appConfig. replace it with:

if ( action.substring(0,2).equals(//) ) {
int actionSlash = action.indexOf('/',2);
if (actionSlash==-1)
   throw new JspException(multi-app action name is in incorrect
String app=action.substring(1,actionSlash);
action=action.substring( action.length()-actionSlash );

if (app.equals(/))

appConfig = (ApplicationConfig)
if (appConfig==null)
   throw new JspException(could not find the sub
appConfig = (ApplicationConfig)

then in your form tag you can use //subapp/action.do   or even

this (or something like it) really needs to be applied to every tag
that uses uris in a sub-app aware way


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/13/02 06:42pm 
In reading the somewhat as-yet scanty documentation about what
subapplications are, and how to use them, I was unable to find any
description of how to express in a forward that I wanted to leave one
subapplication and transition to another one (or possibly up to the
default one).  

Of course I could use an absolute URL, but that means that I have to
embed hard knowledge of the URL that I'm deployed at into the
struts-config.xml file.  Or, I could some up with some scriptlet that
computes this value at runtime, and use that value as the target for
HTML form action attribute -- again, somewhat suboptimal.

What is the correct way to express using struts a transition out of
subapplication and into another?


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Re: struts sub application selection issue? - was Tiles subapplications

2002-05-03 Thread Ian Tomey

Hey Cedric.

Right, as of 30 mins ago I got tiles  sub apps to work together
grudingly :-) 

That patch to RequestUtils.selectApplication fixes the problems I
thought it would and does not seem to have any side effects (i.e. the
old frames based version continues to work fine). I will submit this as
a bug (as I believe that it affects any include of action, not
specifially tiles related)

Anyway, that worked fine for a bit, right up until I redirected to a
jsp from the definition and tried to use a sub application form on the
page. If the definition went to an action, and that action redirected to
a jsp, it worked fine. Otherwise I get an unable to find mapping error
for my sub app action.

Same kind of problem again, no sub application is selected. So to get
around this problem I built a tag called selectApplication which simply
calls RequestUtils.selectApplication and placed this on the page... and
it works. Now that one im not sure about - you can't jump on all jsp
includes from struts, and say placing the call to selectApplication
inside perhaps html:base isn't going to help a tiles application.

But for the time being it is working so I'm happy :-)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/03/02 09:25am 


 One goals of Tiles is to enable reuse and to avoid copy/paste. So,
having to
copy same layouts in all sub-applications is not what we expect.
 Consequently, the actual behavior that you describe sound like a bug
;-). I
have to dig a little bit to see what can be done. If you have more
info, let me


Ian Tomey wrote:

 Hi again,

 Been tracing through the code to see what the issue is (and if I can
 fix it quickly) and spotted the problem. I'm not sure if this is
 to be problem anywhere else.
 quick recap of what is going on:

 call action in the /refdata sub app
 that returns a tiles-def reference, which points to a page
 the layout has reference to /refdata/showAllSchemes.do
 the tiles insert tag (supposedly) gets the value and inserts it into
 the layout page (by using pageContext.include in the tag )
 - boom - invalid action mapping.

 The reason this is failing is that struts is not picking up the sub
 application during the include. we are doing include on
 /refdata/showAllSchemes.do. We hit the ActionServlet, which goes
 through to RequestUtils.selectApplication to determine the app. *this
 where it goes horribly wrong*

 // Acquire the path used to compute the sub-application
 String matchPath = request.getServletPath();

 This gets however not /refdata/showAllSchemes.do but
 /standardLayout.jsp, so the selected application for mapping
 is the root application! (it then looks for the action named
 /refdata/showAllSchemes inside the default application config)

 Is this the expected behaviour when doing an include?. Later on in
 RequestProcessor the correct uri is got from

 path = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH);
 if (path == null) {
 path = request.getServletPath();

 The first call gets the correct path (/refdata/showAllSchemes.do) in
 this case. Should this be done in RequestUtils.selectApplication as

 an obvious way to get around these problems in tiles is to refer to
 layout page in the sub application. unfortunately this means copying
 layout page into every sub application. Then as well we loose access
 the root application and have to copy the pages/action mappings into
 every sub app as well... GRRR!


 Hi all,

 Got a problem trying to move our app over to using tiles and its
 probably specifically related to sub applications.

 In this simple case, we have the default app and a sub app called
 refdata. In the refdata config we have something along these lines:

action path=/showAScheme type=.
forward name=success redirect=false path=refdata.refdata /

action path=/showAllSchemes type=.
forward name=success redirect=false path=/tree.jsp /

 and the tile def:

definition name=refdata.refdata extends=site.mainLayout
put name=body value=/refdata/showScheme.jsp /
put name=left value=/refdata/showAllSchemes.do /

 Now, when we do http://localhost/testapp/refdata/showAScheme.do the
 showScheme.jsp displays, but the /refdata/showAllSchemes.do fails
 an invalid request. However, if I place

put name=left value=/applicationList.do /

 in the tiledef then the application list action in the default app
 works fine.

 Obviously tiles is working in default app space. Anybody got a patch
 workaround for this problem?

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Re: Iterating two lists

2002-05-02 Thread Ian Tomey

Yeah there are times when I could have done with this as well. What's
required really is a flag on the iterate tag named something like
loop=false where the end tag code will move to the next item in the
iterator/array/whatever but just drop out of the end of the tag, not
repeat it. then you could do something like

logic:iterate name=list1 id=item1
   logic:iterate name=list2 id=item2 loop=false
   Struts list member bean:write name=item1/ thinks bean:write
name=item2/ sucks

no, hold on that looks confusing. probably a better idea is to subclass
the iterate tag and set the flag in the constructor/reset and call it
something different, say nextitem...

logic:iterate name=list1 id=item1
   logic:nextitem name=list2 id=item2
   Struts list member bean:write name=item1/ thinks bean:write
name=item2/ sucks

either way, its not going to take a lot of work... 


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/01/02 09:10pm 
Say I have two lists, which are (in Java terms) independent.  Is it 
possible, using the Struts tags, to iterate and use nested properties
iterate over them in parallel, so the that I can refer to the the nth

item in both lists as the same time, or do I have to build a custom 
class that holds one item from each and combine the two lists into

David Corbin

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Tiles sub applications

2002-05-02 Thread Ian Tomey

Hi all,

Got a problem trying to move our app over to using tiles and its
probably specifically related to sub applications.

In this simple case, we have the default app and a sub app called
refdata. In the refdata config we have something along these lines:

action path=/showAScheme type=.
  forward name=success redirect=false path=refdata.refdata /

action path=/showAllSchemes type=.
  forward name=success redirect=false path=/tree.jsp /

and the tile def:

definition name=refdata.refdata extends=site.mainLayout
  put name=body   value=/refdata/showScheme.jsp /
  put name=left   value=/refdata/showAllSchemes.do /

Now, when we do http://localhost/testapp/refdata/showAScheme.do the
showScheme.jsp displays, but the /refdata/showAllSchemes.do fails with
an invalid request. However, if I place

  put name=left   value=/applicationList.do /

in the tiledef then the application list action in the default app
works fine.

Obviously tiles is working in default app space. Anybody got a patch or
workaround for this problem?

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struts sub application selection issue? - was Tiles subapplications

2002-05-02 Thread Ian Tomey

Hi again,

Been tracing through the code to see what the issue is (and if I can
fix it quickly) and spotted the problem. I'm not sure if this is going
to be problem anywhere else.
quick recap of what is going on:

call action in the /refdata sub app
that returns a tiles-def reference, which points to a page
the layout has reference to /refdata/showAllSchemes.do
the tiles insert tag (supposedly) gets the value and inserts it into
the layout page (by using pageContext.include in the tag )
- boom - invalid action mapping.

The reason this is failing is that struts is not picking up the sub
application during the include. we are doing include on
/refdata/showAllSchemes.do. We hit the ActionServlet, which goes
through to RequestUtils.selectApplication to determine the app. *this is
where it goes horribly wrong*

// Acquire the path used to compute the sub-application
String matchPath = request.getServletPath();

This gets however not  /refdata/showAllSchemes.do but
/standardLayout.jsp, so the selected application for mapping actions
is the root application! (it then looks for the action named
/refdata/showAllSchemes inside the default application config)

Is this the expected behaviour when doing an include?. Later on in the
RequestProcessor the correct uri is got from

path = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH);
if (path == null) {
path = request.getServletPath();

The first call gets the correct path (/refdata/showAllSchemes.do) in
this case. Should this be done in RequestUtils.selectApplication as

an obvious way to get around these problems in tiles is to refer to a
layout page in the sub application. unfortunately this means copying the
layout page into every sub application. Then as well we loose access to
the root application and have to copy the pages/action mappings into
every sub app as well... GRRR!


Hi all,

Got a problem trying to move our app over to using tiles and its
probably specifically related to sub applications.

In this simple case, we have the default app and a sub app called
refdata. In the refdata config we have something along these lines:

action path=/showAScheme type=.
  forward name=success redirect=false path=refdata.refdata /

action path=/showAllSchemes type=.
  forward name=success redirect=false path=/tree.jsp /

and the tile def:

definition name=refdata.refdata extends=site.mainLayout
  put name=body   value=/refdata/showScheme.jsp /
  put name=left   value=/refdata/showAllSchemes.do /

Now, when we do http://localhost/testapp/refdata/showAScheme.do the
showScheme.jsp displays, but the /refdata/showAllSchemes.do fails with
an invalid request. However, if I place

  put name=left   value=/applicationList.do /

in the tiledef then the application list action in the default app
works fine.

Obviously tiles is working in default app space. Anybody got a patch
workaround for this problem?

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Re: I killed the (tom)cat

2002-04-24 Thread Ian Tomey

if you click on a console window with it selected you start to select
text to copy to the clipboard. press enter to clear 'select' mode. apps
will be blocked until you exit that mode

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/24/02 04:28pm 
Im still new to struts so Ive yet to encounter most of the 'gotchas'
involved, but this problem seems a bit 'unusual'.
Ive got a custom tag (intended to be similar to the html:text field tag
with some options to make my life easier generating my html forms)
which is
trying to obtain the action form bean from the request scope (with the
intent of obtaining a field property to populate an html input
Its failing on the call to get the bean and throwing an exception in
method that does this. I catch this exception inside the method and
it, but somewhere after this point tomcat (4.0.3, running standalone
win2k) is dying (but not always. (such as right now when im trying to
more info to add to my post. sigh...)). The batch file window changes
read Select Tomcat and attempts to load pages in the browser just
hang. No
exceptions are reported in the log, or the batch file window (other
than my
nobean line).
Im probably just doing something stupid somewhere , however my brain is
at peak efficiency right now (Ive done 110 hours in the last 10 days.
much for XPs 40hr week!) so I figured Id ask if anyone here has any
idea why
it might do this?

BeanName is Constants.BEAN_KEY
getName() returns the name of the property in the action form bean

private String getValue()
String bN = getBeanName();
if(bN == null) return ;
Object bean = pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(bN);
  String value = (String)PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(bean,
  if(value != null)
return value;
return ;
catch(Exception e)
  return ;
//somewhere after here tomcat is tomcatatonic...

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Re: Jetty, Struts, and the html:base tag

2002-04-12 Thread Ian Tomey


We are using Jetty 3.1.3 (I think) with Jboss and don't see this issue.
However, an attempted upgrade to the latest jboss  Jetty 4.0 has thrown
up this problem. There are other problems with the jboss so we are not
actually upgrading for the time being, but it would be nice to see a
resolution for this for when we do.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/11/02 04:52pm 
I apologize if this is a repeat question, but I couldn't locate an
answer to this mailing list archive, nor via google to any of your
or other FAQs. 
I'm using JBoss 3.0.0 with embedded Jetty. Just about everything works
with our web application since we ported it to JBoss from Weblogic.
only problem is with the html:base tag - for some reason, the tag
renders base
instead of base
Since its doing this, our relative URLs are off. Again, weblogic 6.1
Tomcat 4.0 seem to be fine. 
When looking at the source for the tag (both in 1.0.2 and 1.1), it
to be using the getRequestURI() from the request. I guess Jetty
adjust this value if you do a server-side redirect? Has anyone else
this problem? Is there a workaround? If this is something broken with
Jetty, then I could write a similiar tag that uses the mapping to
the proper page, rather than the request. I'd prefer not to do this,
however, and was hoping someone else has a workaround for this problem.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Link in iterate

2002-04-11 Thread Ian Tomey

this is a JSP limitation, not a struts limitation.

Hopefully Struts will soon be integrated with the upcoming standard tag
library which will give us a powerful expression evaluator to use in tag

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/11/02 09:14am 

You can not nest tags in Struts. What you can do is do something like

html:link page=/select.do paramId=species paramName=myForm 

Another note, using page is not recomended, it is better to define a
in your Struts-config.xml and use forward instead of page.



On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:52, you wrote:
 can anyone show me how to manage that
 I can do the following: under out_put there is an
 ArrayList of OutDataForms that take the records of
 a ResultSet.

 logic:interate id=myForm
 bean:write name=myForm property=spec/

 html:link page=/select.do?species=bean:write name=myForm

 bean:write name=myForm property=name/

 In my SelectAction (/select.do) I would like to access the species
 and query the database again to edit or delete this row.

 Everything works fine except that the ?species=.. parameter to the
 link-Tag seems to be forbidden.
 But I need the link to expedite the value to the action.
 What can I do?


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Re: Form Beans - Vector

2002-03-28 Thread Ian Tomey

This will work if the form is in session scope, but NOT if it is in request scope. the 
reason being is that the form is recreated every time, and the parameterList will be 

what is needed is some kind of creation description in the config file - which I built 
a quick version of yesterday. I don't know if the dynamic form beans are supposed to 
fix this kind of issue... does anybody know? (aka when is that going to get 
documented? lol)

if not I should be able tidy this stuff up a bit and submit it to somebody who can do 
the proper integration.

my config xml stuff looks like this:

form-creation-definition name=aForm
form-creation-property name=someProperties


only aggravating thing is placing the size of collections into the form, so they can 
(have) to be written out by nested:hiddens. Would be easier if either the collection 
interfaces could be accessed as a bean properly (ie. getSize() instead of size() ) or 
the commons output code could handle it.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/27/02 07:54pm 
Hi, Perpetua
The attachement is  the example,  I tested it, it is OK.
It is not my work. A kind person.send me.
Hope it is useful for you.


- Original Message -
From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: Form Beans - Vector

 Generally, specifying the type seems to help.

 .. type=java.util.Vector ...

 I don't use Vectors myself, since the synchronized aspect is not useful
 in the kind of applications I tend to work on, but using them with the
 iterate tags does seem to generate a lot of messages.

 If you continue to have problems, and if it's possible to use another
 collection class, like ArrayList, I'd do that. If not, I'd add a helper
 method that returned the Vector as an array.

 -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
 -- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
 -- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
 -- Web: http://husted.com/about/services 

 Perpetua Cysne wrote:
  Could someone please provide me with an example of Form Beans using a
  of objects? How do display it in a iterate tag?
  The object is Passenger(firstName, lastName).
  Thank you!
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Tiles sub-applications?

2002-03-21 Thread Ian Tomey

Hi all,

been reading about tiles in struts 1.1-b1 and just wondering if it supports sub 
applications when using definitions? we would need it to support a number of 
definitons files , one for each sub application


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Re: how to edit an array of records with action forms?

2002-03-07 Thread Ian Tomey

Hi Arron,

Had a quick look at it, seems like what I need. One gotcha though is that the number 
of records is not fixed, so the creation of the array of row objects in the form 
constructor has to be bigger than the max size expected. I'm hoping that 
actionForm.reset is called before bean population then I can init the size of the 
array from looking up the param. ugh, an ugly kludge.

good work BTW.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/06/02 05:24pm 
If you're on a nightly build, you'll have the nested extension already 
there. It will help you make light work of iterating objects.

For a pimer and tutorial, go here...

And for mor implementation detail for each of the tags, the Struts site 
has the most complete info.


Ian Tomey wrote:

Hi all,

Got an array of records and I want to put them onto the screen to edit. What is the 
technique to go about this? (i am using the nightly 1.1 at the moment)

is it create an action form that maps a single record and create a load of them? or 
create an action form with the properties being arrays of the information?

one form in total or one form per record?

i take it the indexed= attribute for the html tags is going to be useful?

It's not obvious how to do this and I just dont have time to expriement (deadline to 
meet). Any help appreciated


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how to edit an array of records with action forms?

2002-03-06 Thread Ian Tomey

Hi all,

Got an array of records and I want to put them onto the screen to edit. What is the 
technique to go about this? (i am using the nightly 1.1 at the moment)

is it create an action form that maps a single record and create a load of them? or 
create an action form with the properties being arrays of the information?

one form in total or one form per record?

i take it the indexed= attribute for the html tags is going to be useful?

It's not obvious how to do this and I just dont have time to expriement (deadline to 
meet). Any help appreciated


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Annoyance with html:form name=xxxx/

2002-02-28 Thread Ian Tomey

Hi all,

Using Struts 1.02. I am placing multiple forms on the screen which I have populated 
from an action and pushed into request scope.

When I use the html:form tag and specify name, then it barfs if I don't specify the 
type property (to create new bean if it doesnt exist). Don't really want to specify 
the full class of the form, especially as they are set up in struts-config. shouldn't 
this tag at least check for a form name in struts-config?


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Re: Annoyance with html:form name=xxxx/

2002-02-28 Thread Ian Tomey

oh yeah, those ones are fine, just got a page with multiple forms on which have 
different values as specified by an action, and are written into the request 
attributes. need to name each one.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/28/02 01:44pm 
try html:form action= where  is the path of the action defined
in the struts-config.xml file

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 4:53 AM
Subject: Annoyance with html:form name=/

Hi all,

Using Struts 1.02. I am placing multiple forms on the screen which I have
populated from an action and pushed into request scope.

When I use the html:form tag and specify name, then it barfs if I don't
specify the type property (to create new bean if it doesnt exist). Don't
really want to specify the full class of the form, especially as they are
set up in struts-config. shouldn't this tag at least check for a form name
in struts-config?


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