multibox problem with constantly checked item

2003-03-25 Thread Reid Pinchback
I'm using struts 1.1rc1 with Tomcat 4.0.6.  I've got a logic:iterator on a
list-valued property.  I'm using a multibox 
to produce a bunch of checkboxes.  The first item in the list is always
checked when the page is
rendered.  What the heck could be going on?  I have a reset method, and I've
checked - it is being called.
Removing the extraneous noise, here is what I'm doing.
public class FooForm extends ActionForm {
  public FooBar[] getRowProperty() { ... }
  public String[] getOffsets() { return offsets; }
  public void setOffsets(String[] offsets) { this.offsets=offsets; }
  private String[] offsets;
  public void reset(ActionMapping ..., HttpServletRequest ...) { offsets=new
String[0]; }
and in the JSP:



I have a DisplayFoo action that instantiates the form bean and binds it to
request scope via the attribute 
name "my-form-bean", and then forwards to the JSP (actually, forwards to a
Tiles definition which uses the
JSP).  I have another ProcessFoo action that processes the data on a submit,
and then forwards back 
to DisplayFoo for redisplay.
No matter what I do, the very first item in the list is always displayed as
checked.  Also, no matter what
I do to its state, it is the one item I can't process (I'm producing a list
of things to be selected from for
deletion, and the first item can never be deleted).  I've traced through my
code, and I still have absolutely
no idea what is going on.
Is this some known problem that other people have stumbled over?
Thanks in advance Reid

Newbie question about caching data for forms

2001-12-13 Thread Reid Pinchback

Hi all,

I've been reading through a lot of the Struts info available on
the web in various places, and I have a question I'm hoping
one of you more experienced folks can answer.  There is
something simple that I think I'm still not getting.

How, using the tag libraries of Struts, can I do the following:

1. If this is the first time that a user has visited the page, then
the form isn't pre-populated with any values.  The user just
types in his/her desired form field values and hits submit.

2. If the webapp knows what the values should be, then the
form is first pre-populated with data for the user to edit
   (e.g. if the user was on that page before but validation 
failed, so all the fields are pre-populated with the user's
previously-submitted data).

I think that somehow the html:form and/or bean:parameter
tags are where I need to look.  To make this more concrete,
think of your standard login page.  When the user first hits
the app, they type in their username and password on some
login.jsp page.  If they screw up their password, they'll get
sent back to the login.jsp page, but now to be nice we'll
have the username field pre-populated.  That was a simple
example; extend it to complex forms where there is a lot
of data to keep track of and multiple paths back to the form.  

In other words, what I'm looking for is the best (or at least
typical) idiom for using the struts tag libraries and associated
classes to capture the user data and bundle it not only for 
processing by its action but to also hand that bundle back 
to a JSP page if necessary.

 If somebody could show me a simple example of what the
JSP page and appropriate fragments of some associated form 
and action class, I'd be muchly appreciative.  I'd probably also 
begin to feel a little more clueful than I do at the moment...




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Looking for a clean required-bean handler

2001-12-31 Thread Reid Pinchback

Hi all!

The more I did into Struts the more I like it.  I have noticed
something that has me scratching my head a bit, wondered
if anybody else had come up with a clean solution.

Struts has a nice clean approach to organizing code and
behaviour after you click on something.  In other words, if
I have a form then I have a nice way in Struts to associate
the handler with the form.  If I have a URL then there are
decent ways that I can maintain the destinations in the
controller instead of in the html/jsp pages.  All nice.

What I don't see is a straight-forward way of indicating
what I want *before* going to a JSP page.

Ok, I know... that probably sounds a little odd.  My point
is simply this: my JSP pages are maintainable because
they, as view artifacts, don't know much about each other.
If I want may action classes to be just as maintainable
then they can't know much about each other either.

That is the thing I don't like about actions at the moment.
The action figures out how to process the incoming data
from the request *and* prepare the page/session/whatever
context before going to the next page.  An action can only
do that if it *knows* what the next page will require.  That
 means there is less point in having that transition information
explicitly captured in struts-config.xml because I might have
to know the same information implicitly in the action code.

So, here is what I want, and I'm hoping somebody has
already found a clean approach for it.  Instead of only
writing "process-X" actions, I also want to write some 
"prepare-for-Y" actions.  Then any JSP page has
potentially two actions; one executed as I head
into the page (e.g. to prep dynamic content), the other
executed as I head out of the page (e.g. for user response).
The clean way I can think of is to have some kind of
action that iterates over the beans that will be needed
by the next page, i.e.:

- step 1, if I don't have a UserBean, get me a UserBean
- step 2, if I don't have a UserPrefsBean, get me one

Then, you'd need some way of getting a controller-mediated
way of recognizing that some particular action must be
invoked to get a UserBean, etc., and then returning control
back to the "prep" action.  Once the prep action has
everything it needs, it forwards to the next step.

Is this crazy?  Sane but not done before?  Sane and
done already?  

Inquiring minds want to know!

Thanks Reid



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Re: Looking for a clean required-bean handler

2001-12-31 Thread Reid Pinchback

   Francisco Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
this sounds something like the "Pull" model where the jsps "Pull" the data
they need rather then the "Push" model where the data is "Pushed" into the
jsp.. hrmm..
its "Pull HMVC" its worth a shot if i correctly understand what your trying
to accomplish

 Thanks for the pointer, I'll check it out!  I also had a few thoughts about a
Struts solution on the train home.  See if you think this makes sense.
1. Create "before" and "after" actions.
2. "after" actions look like what people are used to for processing forms
in Struts, only a bit simpler.  The job of an "after" action is to consume
any form beans and generate appropriate side-effects *independent*
of what the next page might be.  So, in an EJB app you would make
state changes, and in a login page you might stuff some kind of User
javabean into the session context because you know all pages would
go looking for it.  Once done, the "after" action would look for a magic
request parameter; if present that would provide the name of the next
action (basically a return path), otherwise transition out in whatever
way(s) would be normal for the action.
3. each "before" action only preps for the display of one particular JSP
page and inherits from a base class that adds a bit of simple
workflow support to the basic Action. All such subclasses provide
lists of bean names to look for and the context in which they should
be found.  The parent class functionality iterates over those lists, 
and if anything is missing then the magic return parameter is set
and an action is invoked to supply the missing bean.  The action
could be derived by applying a naming convention to the bean name
(e.g. "myBean" -> "/before/").  Once you have the required
beans, you do any other setup work required for the page, and then
forward to the JSP page.
Now, there is some complexity to that magic return value that
I'm glossing over, but aside from that I think this would work.  It
results in an extra "K" before action classes, where "K" is the
number of web pages in your application.  It would also end up
with another "K" action mapping entries in struts-config.xml. On
the other hand, all the after action classes would be simpler and
more independent of each other.


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Re: javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE

2002-01-06 Thread Reid Pinchback

   Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
What causes this exception: javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find
message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE?

I ran into this repeatedly trying to get Struts working within JBuilder.
I found two things I had to fix:

1. Never rename 'struts.jar' (otherwise you break the OpenTool for JBuilder
that removes Struts from the classpath before launching Tomcat)

2. Use the load-on-startup tag in web.xml (it shouldn't be necessary, and
isn't if you deploy to a Tomcat server, but for some oddball reason seemed
to sometimes matter when using the Tomcat integrated with JBuilder).




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Re: The encoding "Cp1252" is not supported.

2002-01-06 Thread Reid Pinchback

  Anna Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Any one has idea about this error?

FATAL: configuration error

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The encoding "Cp1252" is not supported.

I don't know why you are getting the error, but Cp1252 is the default character 
encoding for the assorted reader classes on Win32 JVMs.


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checkbox/iterate question

2002-01-09 Thread Reid Pinchback

Ok, I admit to feeling a little thick-headed at the moment,
given all the past traffic on checkboxes and iteration.  I still
am not getting it.  Here is what I'm trying to do; can anybody
give me the step-by-step-idiot-proof-recipe on how to do it?

1. I'm using Struts 1.0 (no patch, no nightly release), although
I can change that if there is a reason to (we tend to use
official releases unless there is a case for something
newer a bloody-around-the-edges).

2. I have two actions; one executed before displaying the
JSP so I can fetch data, one executed after the JSP
so I can process the submitted form.

3. In the "before" action I fetch an unknown number of
data records; could be zero, could be 100, who knows?
Each record will be displayed by one row of an html 
table.  I know how to use iterate to display this data.

4. For each row of that table I want to provide a checkbox.
If the checkbox is checked when the form is submitted,
it means I want the "after" action to keep the corresponding
row, otherwise I don't want to keep the row.

So, how do I do this?


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Re: JDeveloper and Tomcat

2002-01-09 Thread Reid Pinchback

 I"m not a JDeveloper user, but as I recall it is (or at least was)
an IDE based on JBuilder and licensed by Borland/Inprise to
Oracle.  If that is still the case then maybe you need to follow
the same steps to integrated Struts with JDeveloper as you 
would for JBuilder.  That means installing the open tool to
add the *.tld files to the war you build and remove struts.jar
from the Tomcat classpath.  Try looking at:
and ignore the stuff specific to WebLogic.
  "VEDRE, RANAPRATAP REDDY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Has anybody integrated Tomcat 
with JDeveloper.

I want to know if we can run struts application using Tomcat from

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Re: Execute_Struts_in_Netbeans?

2002-01-11 Thread Reid Pinchback

 This sounds a lot like the problems you see in JBuilder with integrated
Tomcat.  If so, then the problem is that your struts library is on the
wrong classpath.  You want it in the war's web-inf/lib directory, and
only in that the classpath build from the war's contents.  
Unfortunately in an IDE you probably place the struts.jar
on your classpath for builds... and (at least in JBuilder) that is the
classpath you have when Tomcat is launched.  The solution for
JBuilder was that one of their developers created two opentool
extensions; one stuffed the *.tld files in the war, the other removed
struts.jar from the classpath before launching Tomcat.  I don't know
what the solution would be for Netbeans.

  AJ Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Has anyone had luck executing struts-based 
applications in the Netbeans
integrated Tomcat? Things are fine with the standalone Tomcat, but not the
internal Tomcat.

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How to do an outcall but return to the session?

2002-01-23 Thread Reid Pinchback

Hi all,

I need to integrate an external web-based service with a 
Struts-based app.  The chain of events are:

1. client invokes URL on my app within their current session.

2. My action class gets hit.  Sometimes it would immediately
forward to a JSP, but sometimes it must first bounce the user 
to the external service before doing the forwarding.

3. When I forward the user to the external service it is by
doing a redirect, and I tell the external service where to send
the user back to by tacking on an appropriately-formatted 
query parameter containing the return URL.  When the
user submits whatever is required by that service, the
service sends them to that URL (i.e. back where they 
came from).

4. When the user gets back, they need to be in the same
http session they were in before being bounced to the
external service.  Lots of stuff is bound to their session,
and it would be a bad thing to have lost that context data.

How do I do this in Struts?  In particular, if I'm in an Action class
and constructing an ActionForward object to toss the user to
the external service, how do I make sure the session is preserved?
Does that happen automatically via cookie magic, or do I need
to extract a session id from somewhere and tack it on to the
URL for the return?  If the latter, how specifically do I do that?




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RE: How to do an outcall but return to the session?

2002-01-23 Thread Reid Pinchback

I figured that was probably what would happen in the case of cookies.
Is there an easy way to deal with the re-written url/disabled cookies case?
I want to be sure the right thing happens whether or not cookies are


  Alex Paransky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Assuming your client is using cookies this should work automatically. If
your client has his/her cookies disabled you must make sure to submit a
"re-written" url as the target for "returnTo" processing in your other

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RE: How to redirect to login page

2002-01-24 Thread Reid Pinchback

  Jeff Oberlander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Set a session variable in first.jsp, then create a custom tag that checks
for that session variable and place the custom tag in second.jsp and
third.jsp. If the session variable isn't there, forward to first.jsp. The
sample app does this exact process with the CheckLogonTag. Go look at how
that works.

Another alternative is used by the workflow extension
listed on the Struts resources page.  You can create
a base action class that does the checking in its
perform method, then calls some other method
provided by the concrete subclass to do the normal
work if the user is already logged in.  In that extension
package the "performAction" method is called.

I like the architecture used by this package, but I don't
like some aspects of the implementation. It invalidates 
the session if the user hasn't yet logged in (which is a 
serious pain if the user had logged in, but the session 
timed out), and it doesn't really have any support for 
looping back to where you started from by saving and 
restoring form data.  The package also doesn't contain
any licensing info, which tends to make the corporate
legal eagles tres nervous.



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